Best About Sports

Sports Comic Book

Top 25 FREE Series

Copyright 2013 | 2nd Edition 2015 By Jim Sweeney The subject of sports always triggers debate.

Pick a player, celebrate a team or remember a championship moment, regardless of the sport, and I guarantee that a lively discussion will quickly follow.

Animated, verbal altercations about any athlete and team embroil sports fans everywhere and foster what I believe is Best About Sports.

In a relative’s living room, at a neighborhood bar or around the office water cooler, the mere mention of a certain player or team will instantaneously ignite colorful conversation and more than likely ruffle some one’s feathers.

Reference the & impassioned Boston Red Sox fans will be eager to engage in an animated verbal altercation.

Criticize Kobe and Los Angeles Lakers lovers will immediately compare the Black Mamba to MJ as well as list Bryant along with Magic, Wilt, Kareem, Shaq and even Mikan in their long line of NBA titles.

Praise the Pack and surely Steelers, Saints and Patriots faithful will some how seek to metaphorically kick you right in your Cheesehead.

Wear a FC Barcelona jersey in public and you’ll quickly feel the glaring eyes of Manchester United hooligans lurking ominously nearby. Sports chatter stirs the embers of conversations from yesterday’s big game as well as from championship games played decades ago.

Fans who can’t remember what they ate for lunch have amazing recollection of events on the ice, hardwood, pitch, end zone or home plate from decades back and always seek outlets to share their passion, opinions and angst.

Plus, the fact that sports are universal is one of the things I truly find what’s best about sports!

Sports transcends religion, cuts through cultural ties, eludes ethnicity, ignores bank account balances and fails to distinguish between sex, weight, age and even familial allegiance. Your team is your team. Not your dad’s, your sister’s or even that of your spouse. Your inalienable right as a sports fan is to root for whomever you want.

Your choice may defy logic, strain family ties, break stereotypes and shatter urban myths, but it’s your choice, never to be forced upon you.

The right to root for your team and your favorite player is buried deep down in your DNA. It’s your privilege and your prerogative in spite of what others think. That’s why this book is so important to me. It’s the culmination of the top 25 things I like, no love, about sports.

My top 25 in Best About Sports includes names and teams, stadiums and sports, plus sights, sounds and even a little trash talk.

Remember, it’s my book! My opinion. My prerogative. My top 25.

MIKE – thee ultimate talking head on sports! Best About Sports is fun, witty and informative. Fans not will only enjoy the humor, but also learn something new about sports history.

Plus, the unique sports comics that accompany each chapter cleverly capture the essence of the featured player, team, coach, play, sports expression, or in this case, what I find best about sports.

As an added bonus, I always offer something for FREE in each of my sports comic books. See the back of this book for details.

Check out my author profile on, follow me on Twitter, fan me on Facebook and subscribe to my podcast – MIKE on Sports!

MIKE – thee ultimate talking head on sports! Chapter 25: Improbable Upsets Chapter 24: Undersized Athletes Chapter 23: Favorite Football Cliches Chapter 22: Favorite Baseball Cliches Chapter 21: Favorite Basketball Cliches

Chapter 20: Iconic Sports Venues Chapter 19: Trash Talk Chapter 18: Top Sounds in Sports Chapter 17: Top Sights in Sports Chapter 16: Amen Corner

Chapter 15: Penalty Box Chapter 14: Signature Shots Chapter 13: Heisman Trophy Chapter 12: In-Game Entertainment Chapter 11: Cameron Crazies

Chapter 10: Epic Performances Chapter 9: Yogi-isms Chapter 8: Overcoming Stories Chapter 7: Sports Mascots Chapter 6: Zamboni Driver Chapter 5: Single Named Athletes Chapter 4: Anybody, but….. Chapter 3: Sports Nicknames Chapter 2: Who’s The Greatest? Chapter 1: March Madness

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Centuries ago a physically overmatched shepherd boy named David squared off as an unlikely combatant on the battlefield against the feared, mighty Philistine warrior Goliath.

Ever since David’s fateful encounter, people have rooted for implausible winners and yearned to see the improbable happen.

Since that defining day in Israel, sports fans have also witnessed that inferior athleticism, undersized lineups or lack of star players have never daunted highly purposed teams, much like young David, with eyes fixed on making history.

In spite of incredible odds stacked against them, teams of destiny have overcome immense obstacles, thus capturing the hearts of sports fans for generations.

That’s why this chapter on improbable upsets is a fantastic way to kick off my FREE sports comic book Best About Sports. In this chapter, I feature three teams of destiny. Certainly, there are many more. But, these squads are my favorites. They won championships when no one gave them a chance. And, they etched their place in sports lore for their courageous, yet unexpected success.

Here are my three favorite improbable upsets in sports.

1969 New York Jets Super Bowl III Victory – Broadway’s neon lights were never brighter than when New York Jets QB Joe Namath stole the spotlight during the team’s epic 1968 - 69 NFL season.

Legendary QB Broadway Joe Namath talked big, played bigger and lived life even larger. He brazenly “guaranteed” a Super Bowl victory for his underdog New York Jets team against the vaunted and heavily favored Baltimore Colts.

Amazingly, Namath led his highly motivated team to a stunning Super Bowl III upset victory in 1969 over the NFL’s best team, the Baltimore Colts, in Miami's famed Orange Bowl.

The upset shocked football fans because many believed that no team from the former AFL could ever compete against any team from the NFL – until the Jets pulled off their improbable upset.

1985 Villanova NCAA Title Game - College basketball fans have called it the closest a team has ever come to playing a perfect game. Others have named it the greatest upset victory in the history of NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament Championship Games.

I’ve chosen that classic 1985 Villanova Wildcats improbable 66 – 64 NCAA title game victory over the deep and talented Georgetown Hoyas because the iconic win captivated college basketball fans.

At #8, Villanova remains the lowest ranked seed to ever win an NCAA title. The team bested #9 seed Dayton Flyers, #7 seed UNC Tar Heels, #5 seed Memphis State Tigers and #2 seed Michigan Wolverines to advance to the Big Dance’s biggest party.

On that special Monday night on April 1, 1985, Villanova played brilliantly against the previous year’s defending NCAA champion and dominating #1 overall seed in the field, allowing the Wildcats to come away with an improbable victory.

Miracle on Ice in 1980 Winter Olympics - February 22, 1980 marked a national day of pride for Americans as it brought forth a miracle in the highly competitive arena of international sports.

Known as the Miracle on Ice, an unlikely hockey victory took place at the 1980 Winter Olympics in Lake Placid, NY and lifted America out of its funk. The event birthed one of the most amazing upsets in sports. Team USA’s stunning upset over the heavily favored Soviet Union National Hockey Team still stands as one of the greatest victories in the history of team sports. This USA win also remains an unforgettable highlight of the 1980 Winter Olympic Games.

Improbable upsets – without doubt, a great way to start a book named Best About Sports – because there are not too many things better in sports than highly unlikely victories by underdog teams.

MIKE – thee ultimate talking head on sports!

At #24 in my book Best About Sports is the subject that’s near and dear to my heart - successful undersized athletes.

I’ve felt so strongly about the indomitable spirit of little guys and gals in sports that I penned a book entirely devoted to them.

It’s simply called Favorite Undersized Athletes.

The sports comic book allows me to refute a common misperception that “bigger is always better.”

That’s because it’s NOT always true – especially in sports.

If we used the same logic that “bigger is always better,” then we’d want bigger headaches, bigger holes in our pockets and even bigger cases of jock rash. Always a fan of the little guy, I can relate to shorter, smaller athletes. These mighty mites were probably overlooked as kids every time teams were picked on the asphalt, soccer pitch or football field. Being spurned when you know you can play becomes a tremendous impetus to improve and play really big - in spite of your shorter stature.

As a little guy myself, I’ve personally been called a pipsqueak, a squirt and an ankle biter. But, I never allowed those names to squash my drive. They only propelled me to excel and prove others wrong.

My book Favorite Undersized Athletes features a collection of stories chronicling my all-time 10 best little tikes whom others may have once overlooked because of their size.

While reading it, you’ll admire the strength of a pocket-sized weightlifter with Herculean strength and marvel at the speed, quickness and basketball skills of the NBA’s shortest player ever.

You’ll get a kick out of the “dwarfish” size soccer player’s magical skills and respect the brilliant career of an undrafted, undersized slot receiver who’s become a huge NFL star.

You’ll be awed by the dangerous acrobatic move of a barely five foot tall Russian gymnast and smile at the hitting mastery of Major League Baseball’s tiniest player ever.

You’ll enjoy Heisman Trophy success stories of two outstanding, but undersized, college football players who stood only 5’9” tall.

Finally, you’ll applaud the sterling careers of two smallish athletes who’ve dominated their respective sports inside the ropes and outside on the soccer pitch.

The stories in the book confirm that you can never measure the heart, will or desire of the vertically challenged - because “bigger is NOT always better.”

Champions come in all sizes, shapes and colors and these Favorite Undersized Athletes prove they stand very tall in a class all their own - no matter what physical size they are.

That’s why a book about successful undersized athletes deserves the #24 spot in this FREE book Best About Sports. MIKE – thee ultimate talking head on sports!

Without a fleet of blockers in front of it, this chapter on Favorite Football Clichés easily rushes into the #23 spot in Best About Sports.

These ridiculous and sometimes exaggerated expressions capture the way we like to describe teams, plays and games.

They’re all couched in the language of metaphors and hyperbole, but sports fans easily relate. How funny would it be if these figurative football clichés were actually taken literally!

In addition to “taking what the defense gives you,” check out ten other familiar clichés on my coveted top 10 list:

10. The quarterback’s pass was a wounded duck – Much to the dismay of animal rights activists everywhere, this football cliché offers fans a perfect word picture of a quarterback under throwing an open receiver with a wobbly, barely flight ready pass that resembles an injured duck. Quack!

9. The other team is icing the kicker – It would definitely be a hoot watching a bunch of defenders dipping the other team’s kicker into a frozen pond?

8. The quarterback has a rifle for an arm – Anti-gun lobbyists wouldn’t be too happy about this one. Imagine seeing a player load a rifle or in this case his “arm” as he drops back to pass during a nationally televised game.

7. The quarterback has happy feet – I’d love to see athletically gifted quarterbacks like Johnny Manziel, Russell Wilson and RGIII dancing around the pocket while musical notes, rather than pieces of grass and dirt, form a wake behind their feet.

5. The team has shown blanket coverage in the secondary – This would be a comical sight. Imagine a bunch of large fleece winter blankets strewn over the football field and frustrated wide receivers buried beneath them.

4. The fullback is pushing the pile – Instead of diving head first like a battering ram into a pile of linemen, imagine a 6’2” and 250 lb. blocking fullback actually pushing a gigantic pile of dirt and stones with helpless defenders atop it into the end zone. Priceless!

3. The running back coughed up the football – What a sight this one would be. Picture a fast and quick running back, crouched down on his hands and knees. A series of retching up chucks a slimy football onto the grass. Yuck!

2. The defense flushed the quarterback out of the pocket – I’d love to see a bunch of linebackers and defensive backs handling giant fire hoses pointed at the opposing team’s quarterback. Their objective is met as he’s washed away on his butt farther down the football field.

1. The defense just buried the quarterback – As players from both teams stand somberly around the gravesite holding shovels, can you imagine a group of big, burly defensive linemen lowering a casket with the opposing team’s quarterback in it?

Write me at [email protected] if you have a few of your own Favorite Football Cliches for my list. You might see your picks in my next sports comic book on what’s Best About Sports.

MIKE – thee ultimate talking head on sports!

The following list of my top 10 favorite Favorite Baseball Clichés bats its way into the #22 spot in Best About Sports.

Like the previous chapter on Favorite Football Clichés, this list captures the ridiculous, inventive and, at times, exaggerated way we report on America’s favorite pastime.

Baseball fans immediately get these sayings. They’re spoken in the familiar lingos of metaphors and hyperboles that all sports fans understand. In addition to the over-used, but instantly recognizable expression “the team is knocking at the door,” here’s my top 10 list:

10. Stranded three ducks on a pond – What a sight it would be to actually watch three mallards quacking away on the bases in frustration as a batter takes a third called strike to end the inning.

9. The batter hit a frozen rope – Be pretty neat to see an icicle encrusted 350’ rope extend from the batter’s box to the left field wall. 8. The pitcher handcuffed the batter – Too bad we’ll never actually witness a pitcher leave the mound with a set of cuffs in his hand and head toward home plate to shackle the batter.

7. The infielders are throwing the ball around the horn – It would be a literal blast to see four infielders sitting around the pitcher’s mound, playfully tossing a baseball around a giant trumpet?

6. The outfielder got on his horse to chase down the fly ball – This would never happen, but it would be hysterical to see a centerfielder catch a long fly ball with his glove in one hand, while his other hand holds the reins of the horse he’s riding?

5. The pitcher took something off the ball – One day, I’d love to see this: a pitcher standing on the mound after a pitch holding a frayed baseball cover in his throwing hand.

4. The batter reached for the fences – How ridiculous a sight this would be watching a batter at home plate extend his arms like a transformer robot and actually touch the right field wall.

3. This team is manufacturing runs – Just imagine a team turning its dugout into a manufacturing plant’s assembly line.

2. It’s a pitcher’s duel – Duels don’t happen anymore, but it would be a blast to witness two saber wielding pitchers squaring off around the pitcher’s mound.

1. The base runner got caught napping – The word picture associated with this comic probably says it all. It’s a great way to end this featured list on Favorite Baseball Cliches.

MIKE – thee ultimate talking head on sports!

A slam dunk at #21 in Best About Sports is my top 10 list of Favorite Basketball Cliches.

It would be crazy if the metaphoric ways we describe the sport, whether in the NBA or at the NCAA level, actually came true.

Somehow these clichés have smoothly transitioned into our popular sports psyche and given all fans something to laugh about.

Besides the all-too-infrequently employed term “the team is running the table,” check out this list of my favorite basketball clichés:

10. The guard has a really hot hand – Imagine game officials having to call the fire marshal to extinguish the hot hands of a terrific shooting guard. 9. The big guys are camping in the lane – What a hoot it would be to watch a bunch of near 7-foot guys setting up a tent inside the free throw line.

8. The other team is burying 3’s – Kinda like the quarterback in chapter #23, it would be funny to witness sharp shooting guards using shovels to dig big holes outside the three point arc - literally burying their 3 point shots.

7. The other team is raining 3’s –A sports comic featuring poorly defending basketball players taking cover under umbrellas would perfectly bring this cliché to life.

6. The game clock is our biggest enemy – When your team is far behind and time is perilously ticking down, the clock seems to snarl and hiss - as if it were a real living, breathing enemy.

5. There’s a lid on the basket – This metaphor would be a riot if fans could actually observe poor shooting players equipped with tools attempting to pry an actual lid off the basketball rim.

4. The big guy owns the paint – Like chiseled muscle heads standing outside a night club, imagine some very tall, muscular player standing under the basket protecting the large cans of paint he just purchased.

3. The losing team can’t throw the ball in the ocean – How pathetic a sight this would be to witness an entire dismayed basketball team standing on the beach. They’re helplessly shooting basketballs at the water beneath their feet, but the wind immediately blows their shots back into their hands.

2. The star player is carrying his team on his shoulders – Gotta have broad shoulders to do this one. The cliche paints a pretty good word picture of what’s happening here.

1. The team got invited to the Big Dance – In this cliche, every NCAA basketball team would need to don bow ties and tuxedos to travel to March Madness’ annual Big Dance.

Let me know at [email protected] if you have a few favorite basketball clichés for my list of Favorite Basketball Cliches. You might see your basketball picks in my next sports comic book on what’s Best About Sports.

MIKE – thee ultimate talking head on sports!

Attending a big sporting event at a popular arena, ballpark or stadium is always exciting.

However, watching your favorite team play, while actually sitting in a seat at an iconic sports venue, constitutes a “cross-it-off-your-bucket- list-with-an-exclamation-point” type of experience.

As a group, these five legendary sports venues comprise my #20 pick in Best About Sports.

In no sequential order, here are my five revered choices for favorite places to watch a game.

Yankee Stadium - Overlooking the Harlem River in the South Bronx, the new Yankee Stadium sits as a more modern version of its older, legendary predecessor.

Built in 1923, the original “House that Ruth Built” or the Big Ballpark in the Bronx has literally moved directly across the street from the original structure. Today, the bigger and splashier $1.5B stadium sits proudly on East 161st Street.

The gleaming new structure still evokes awesome memories of the New York Yankees’ glory years. Winners of 27 World Series Championships, the Bronx Bombers are the most winning franchise in Major League Baseball history.

The new Yankee Stadium proves that copying, in this case, is the highest form of flattery.

The Palestra - Perhaps Philadelphia’s most revered sports venue, the Palestra is appropriately called the Cathedral of College Basketball.

Recognized as the birthplace of college basketball, this hallowed arena opened its doors on the University of Pennsylvania campus on January 1, 1927. On that seminal day, Ivy League hoops rivals Penn and Yale tipped off in what would become the first of thousands of games held in this building.

Named after an ancient Greek rectangular enclosure, the sparkling new facility was designed to house 8,722 spectators. However, more than 10,000 excited fans crammed into the Palestra to witness Penn beat Yale 26 – 15 on its opening day.

Since then, the Palestra has hosted more NCAA college basketball games than any other arena in the country.

Fenway Park - Built in 1912, Boston’s Fenway Park is more than just Major League Baseball’s oldest and most revered stadium.

The historic structure, which was rebuilt in 1934, has been continuously upgraded and improved over the years and is likely America’s most beloved sports venue.

Regardless of age, sport or team affiliation, most fans will agree that Fenway Park is a sports gem. Plus, with its recently snapped record of 500+ consecutive sell-outs, few fans can argue to the contrary.

At over 100 years old, much of Fenway Park still resembles what it looked like when its gates first opened on April 20, 1912.

Without doubt, Fenway Park is most celebrated in baseball circles for its unique characteristics. The park’s design includes an asymmetrical field (consider the odd center field wall formation known as The Triangle), shorter distances to knock the ball out of the park (like Pesky’s Pole in the 302’ left field corner) and the legendary 37’ 2” tall left field wall affectionately called The Green Monster - Major League Baseball’s most beloved landmark.

Wrigley Field – Mr. Cub Ernie Banks dubbed this beloved baseball park “The Friendly Combines.” Situated in a Chicago north side neighborhood appropriately nicknamed “Wrigleyville,” Wrigley Field is widely recognized for its super friendly environment to watch a baseball game.

Built in 1914, Wrigley Park is the second oldest ball park in America and is famous for its hand spun scoreboard, red marquee hanging over its stands and the iconic ivy growing on its outfield walls.

Though the stadium has become a hallowed home for the Chicago Cubs, the revered ball park has never hosted a World Series in which its beloved Cubbies have won.

But, as loyal Chicago Cubs fans have grown accustomed to say for the past 100 years, “Wait until next year!”

Madison Square Garden - Billed as the world’s most famous arena, Madison Square Garden is an easy pick for this chapter.

The multi-purpose facility in midtown Manhattan sits strategically above Penn Station, a vibrant transportation hub with rail access to Amtrak, L.I.R.R. and New Jersey Transit.

Few would know that the current Madison Square Garden, which opened on February 11, 1968, is actually the fourth Madison Square Garden in New York City history.

Today’s Madison Square Garden has flourished as the premier sports and entertainment destination in the world. Madison Square Garden’s continuous use prompted a $200 million upgrade in 1991 and a whopping $1 billion complete renovation between 2011 and 2013.

With state-of-the-art features like an in-house broadcast studio, massive LED video displays, plus wider concourses, better lighting and a bevy of food options, today’s newly renovated Garden is poised to carry on its unparalleled tradition. Watching a big game in any sport is always good.

Rooting on your favorite team in person is even better.

But, sitting in a seat in one of these hallowed venues is what I find best about sports.

MIKE – thee ultimate talking head on sports!

Tough athletes play hard and talk just as tough.

Their brazen, tough talking is what I find best about sports.

My favorite tough talking athletes are legends Michael Jordan, Muhammad Ali, Joe Namath, Larry Bird and Babe Ruth.

These iconic jocks used their own smattering of smack to gain a psychological edge over opponents. Their brash babble gave them a distinct athletic advantage over rivals and added to their lore as tough, confident competitors.

Because these Hall of Famers backed up their bark, I've included them in the general category of Trash Talk and made it #19 in this FREE book Best About Sports.

Like the hodgepodge of litter that fills public garbage dumpsters, Trash Talk in sports is equally as diverse. From prideful proclamations to inventive insults and from timely taunts to endless yakking, Trash Talk has emerged as an acceptable and expected element in sports.

The jabbering of junk can be found in any sport and at any level. Yet, this verbal sparring is most entertaining when uttered on television by multi-millionaire athletes behaving like 11-year-olds squabbling and squawking in the schoolyard.

Sure, the childish chatter of some of today’s athletes like Draymon Green, Dwight Howard and Floyd Mayweather, Jr. is as wasteful as the garbage they speak.

But, take MJ, Ali, Bird, Broadway Joe, Babe and a few others. These retired superstars' bold slams backed up their bark with bite. They performed their best when under pressure. Their silver tongues buttoned down Trash Talk into a category all of its own.

That's why Trash Talk ranks #19 all-time favorite in my sports comic book Best About Sports.

MIKE - thee ultimate talking head on sports!

Watching a big game, in any sport, exposes us to a smorgasbord of sights. Big games don’t merely satisfy our visual appetites because we also eagerly drink in the alluring sounds that add to the experience.

Like the expertly arranged sounds of a college marching band, in the #18 spot in Best About Sports is my list of my top 20 sounds in sports.

Here are my favorites:

20. Swish of the net in basketball – This is not only a beautiful sight. The sudden rippling sound that accompanies the splashing basketball net also indicates that a sweet stroking shooter has just buried a jumper.

19. Eruption of the home team crowd – A home court or home field advantage is never more evident than when diehard fans simultaneously erupt in boisterous applause. This thunderous din is a welcome sound whenever a touchdown in football, a basket in basketball or goal in hockey gives the locals a lead. 18. British soccer announcer Ian Darke expressions – Few Americans know of this silky smooth British broadcaster. However, Ian Darke’s World Cup coverage for ESPN showcased an unparalleled skill that expertly, efficiently and poetically broadcasts soccer on the sports world’s highest level.

17. Crack of the bat in baseball – The crack of the bat is undeniably one of the most beautiful sounds in all of sports. Whenever fans hear this sound, especially at an MLB game, they turn in unison to see where the belted ball is headed.

16. Tee shot off a Big Bertha driver in golf – With an impact as potent as the name implies, the punctuating sound of a great tee shot is familiar to all golfers. After-shocks of its reverberating sound seem like they can be heard miles away from the course.

15. National Anthem at Super Bowl – This melody always gives me goose bumps. Listening to this ballad makes me, and so many others, proud to be an American.

14. Crushing hit in football – The powerful collision of shoulders pads and helmets may sound like a car wreck (ouch!). But, no one can deny that the palpable sound nearly always leads to a replay and easily makes another ESPN Sports Center Top 10 list.

13. Starter's gun in any sport – Whether in the pool or on the track, the bang of the starter’s pistol clearly signals that the action has officially begun. Sounds of deafening cheers, plus a fair amount of nail biting, are sure to follow.

12. Shushing sound a hockey player makes when he stops suddenly and sprays ice shavings off his skates – No need to elaborate about the obvious here. The description speaks for itself.

11. Singing at an English Premier League game – Even when performed by drunken, unruly and off-key hooligans, this is a wonderful British soccer tradition. Despite its popularity overseas, I can’t imagine Cheeseheads in Green Bay, Hogs in DC, Terrible Towel fans in or any other NFL team fans adopting this uniquely British tradition in their cities anytime soon.

10. Gentlemen, start your engines! – You’d be lying to say you never used this legendary Indianapolis 500 starter’s saying before backing out of your garage. What speed crazed sports fan can’t relate to this famous expression?

9. Knock out punch in boxing – Ouch! It’s an immediately identifiable sound that always comes with a listener’s personalized grimace. We don’t like it, but at the same time we all somehow love it!

8. Pop of the catcher's mitt – You can hear and almost feel this beautiful baseball sound and see the little puff of smoke wafting out of the catcher’s mitt, even if your seat is the most distant from the plate in Pigeon Heaven in a packed 50,000 fan stadium.

7. Silence when watching an ESPN college basketball game with announcer Dickie V – Dick Vitale is totally passionate about NCAA college basketball. However, his incessant screaming, Pollyanna platitudes and corny expressions often leave us overwhelmed and wanting to mute the game.

6. Puck clanging off the post in hockey – This distinctive sound is nearly always accompanied by a hush. Fans in the arena know that the scoring of a goal was just narrowly missed.

5. Marching bands at a NCAA BCS Game – Who doesn’t love the classic sounds of powerful college bands blasting tubas, clarinets, trumpets, xylophones and drums as they march in unison across an 80,000 seat stadium’s football field?

4. "Gooooooooooooooooooooooooal!" – We’ve all burst out in unison with this celebration. We’ve also borrowed this infectious expression while scoring our own goal in a recreation league game or even playing fuse ball at a local bar.

3. Hammond B3 organ – The epic sounds of the Hammond B3 organ at a hockey, baseball or basketball game is nothing short of a religious experience. Every sports fan relates to hearing a Hammond B3 pipe out Take Me Out to the Ball Game at an MLB game or to the pounding of the ivories with an energetic tune to get the crowd revved up.

2. Hockey horn – This is the perfect sound for a rough and tumble sport. The deafening blow of the famed hockey horn sounds like a cruise ship is ready to dock in your living room.

1. ESPN's da da da! Da da da! – Without doubt this is the siren song of sports that’s guaranteed, when heard, to interrupt dinner or any conversation anytime and anywhere. This is such a universal sports sound that it had to cap off my chapter for Top Sounds in Sports.

Write me at [email protected] if you have a few favorite sounds of your own for my list.

MIKE – thee ultimate talking head on sports!

In the previous chapter, I wrote about the best things we love to hear whenever we attend a big game in person.

In this chapter, check out my list of my top 20 sights in sports which effortlessly and efficiently finds their way into Best About Sports.

Here’s my list:

20. Lighting the flame in the Olympic stadium – Gotta love the awesome tradition of the tireless journey of the Olympic torch. After an arduous trip of being passed from torch bearer to torch bearer across many continents, the flame finally lights the bowl prominently positioned in the Olympic Stadium and officially marks the beginning of the games.

19. Capacity crowds – Cheering fans all clad in team colors and packing out a 100,000+ seat stadium or filling a rickety old high school gym is always a wonderful sight.

18. Not having to see these guys in uniform anymore – In spite of their skill and athletic excellence when they played, I love NOT having to see the likes of Brett Favre, Terrell Owens, Manny Ramirez, Jose Canseco and Chad Ochocinco in uniform anymore. It’s very doubtful anyone would disagree.

17. Fly-overs at big games – USA fighter jets buzzing a capacity filled stadium immediately after hearing the National Anthem may now be a thing of the past. But, what a thrill it was to witness these fly- overs in person.

16. Expertly groomed field for baseball game – I love gorgeously manicured grounds! Think of all the suburbanites who would give anything to have their front lawns look as pristine and expertly mowed as your favorite baseball infield or outfield at Yankee Stadium or Fenway Park.

15. Crunching hit on the boards in hockey – This bone rattling play on the ice looks and sounds like a train wreck coming right at you if you’re seated anywhere near the glass in the rink.

14. Soccer goal celebrations – You may have to wait endlessly for them during a nil – nil match, but inventive and exuberant post goal parties on the field are always worth the wait.

13. Dimming the lights for introductions – Gotta love the darkening of arenas, anticipating the choreographed starting line-up introductions accompanied by strobe lights, pulsating music and maybe even smoke and pyrotechnics.

12. 4th and inches in a tied 4th quarter game – If you’re watching at home, this sight will force you to put down the chips, place conversations on hold and move to the edge of your seat. If you’re watching at the game from the bleachers, this sight will always bring you to your feet.

11. 5-4-3 double play in baseball – In spite of the brief moments it takes to complete this complex task, turning a double play in baseball is a smooth, quick and efficient sight made to look extraordinarily easy. It immediately excites one set of fans, while totally deflating another.

10. Marching bands – We all love to watch perfectly aligned students wearing swanky costumes and plumed hats while they march in unison. This sight reaches a whole new level as gleaming tubas, clarinets, trumpets, xylophones and drums complete this beautifully choreographed picture.

9. Punt return in football for TD – Sports fans love watching this for two reasons. One is to anticipate a thrilling return and the second is to witness the possible figurative decapitation of the punt returner that will be replayed endlessly on ESPN Sports Center.

8. Championship celebrations – Balloons, bear hugs and falling confetti are accompanied by grateful thanks, bumbled (yet easily forgiven) comments, champagne baths, tears of joy, proud boasts and the raising of expensive trophies. The entire spectacle makes staying up past midnight - if you live on the East Coast – worth the wait.

7. Technology like the FOX box, yellow 1st down line and ESPN scrolling squeeze box at bottom of the screen – How did sports fans ever survive without them in the days before our multi-media, multi-tasking world?

6. Home run robbing catch – The sight of an athletic outfielder climbing a 12 foot fence to extract a baseball out of mid air that’s about to leave the ball park is both heart stopping and priceless.

5. Perfectly executed screen play in football – With a simple flick from the quarterback and several pulling 300 lb. linemen, successful screen passes will always make the sports highlight reels on ESPN Sports Center’s plays of the day.

4. Perfectly executed pick and roll in basketball – Especially if they’re run as effortlessly and efficiently as those we see executed on John Stockton and Karl Malone highlights, no basketball fan would want to miss this sight.

3. Perfectly executed squeeze play in baseball – Even when you instinctively know this risky and lightning quick play is about to happen, it always seems to catch everyone by surprise.

2. Alley oop pass – There’s a reason why the beautiful and exciting sight of high flying flushes off precise alley oop passes always make ESPN Sports Centers’ plays of the day. They’re poetry in motion.

1. March Madness upset – Skipping work on a Thursday afternoon to watch a Cinderella #15 seed upset a heavily favored #2 seed is exactly why we all readily embrace the spring sickness known as March Madness. Kids of any age will find every excuse under the sun to play hooky from work, school and family commitment.

Contact me at [email protected] if you have a few favorite sights of your own for my list.

MIKE – thee ultimate talking head on sports!

In addition to unwavering nerve and exceptional skill, golfers also grumble that prayers, fasting and even divine intervention are needed to master these three holes. They’re located at Augusta National Golf Club, home of the Masters Tournament, one of golf’s top four major events, since 1934.

Recognized as both the toughest and most revered sequence of holes in golf, Augusta National’s second shot on the 11th, all of the 12th and the tee shot on the 13th combine to form the game of golf’s most venerated Amen Corner.

It chips its way onto my list in the #16 spot in Best About Sports.

Six-time Masters champion Jack Nicklaus called the par three, 155 yard 12th hole the toughest short hole in golf. Plus, the unpredictable swirling winds, Rae’s Creek and the overall length of the par four 505 yard 11th hole and par five 510 yard 13th hole contribute to the enormous difficulty of this gorgeous piece of golfing real estate.

In a 1958 Sports Illustrated article, golf writer Herman Warren Wind coined the name of this signature stretch of tough play. He wanted to create a catchy nickname for this glorious combination of beautifully designed, yet extremely challenging holes. Much like baseball’s Hot Corner and football’s Coffin Corner, golf’s Amen Corner was born.

When founded by golfing great Bobby Jones in 1933, all of the course’s holes were named after Georgia’s local shrubs and trees like Azalea on the 13th, Golden Bell on the12th and White Dogwood on the 11th. Professional golfers who have succumbed to these harrowing holes of Amen Corner have ironically renamed them more appropriate plant names like Poison Ivy, Hemlock Dropwort and Venus Fly Trap.

Since 1958 the aura of Amen Corner has intensified. Golf’s most alluring, yet tormenting three hole challenge has historically decided the outcome of the Masters. Golfing legends like Byron Nelson in 1937, Sam Snead in 1949 and Arnold Palmer in 1958 all played heavenly through this troublesome stretch of Augusta. Each golfer arose to wear the iconic Green Jacket given to the Masters Tournament champion.

Though beloved, admired and perhaps even cursed by professional golfers, this prized piece of Augusta National Golf Club known as Amen Corner remains the holiest three holes in golf and one of my favorite things I like best about sports.


MIKE – thee ultimate talking head on sports!

In all of sports, this 10' by 4' glass enclosed structure stands alone as a unique piece of real estate.

That's why it checks into the #15 spot in Best About Sports.

Hockey is the only sport that boasts a physical cell of sorts with a wooden door and reinforced plexi-glass walls. This is where players are temporarily banished from the ice for their bratty behavior - like tripping, slashing, cross checking and excessively rough play.

Rugby, handball, field hockey, lacrosse and water polo may refer to their physical places of time out punishment as penalty boxes.

However, only the sport of hockey's Penalty Box resembles an aquarium that could conceivably house your favorite giant fish. In hockey's unique temporary accommodation, punished players serve out their penalties like little kids in a kindergarten time-out. Sitting strategically at center ice between the red and blue lines, hockey's small, isolated glass wall enclosure is visible to everyone in the arena.

Fans instantly know who's been naughty simply by checking out who's in hockey's "sin bin." Otherwise, they can read the arena's score board where a player's violation is cited and their penance time is actually counted down.

Depending on the violation, visitors can spend anywhere from two to five minutes in the Penalty Box, often looking like caged sharks caught in an aquarium or large fish tank.

Too bad the NFL, MLB, NBA or FIFA don't construct similar structures for their respective sports.

Being a spectator would be a lot more interesting watching players serve time in an actual time-out. Pass interference, fouling a three point shooter, booting a baseball or committing a hand ball violation would all qualify as reasons for “doing time.”

The lives of umpires, officials, referees and judges could be a lot easier if other sports, like hockey, adopted the physical Penalty Box.

MIKE - thee ultimate talking head on sports!

No other team sport celebrates an unparalleled combination of individual creativity and athletic excellence like NBA basketball.

Signature shots and moves, developed, honed and made famous by accomplished NBA basketball players, memorialize their impact on the sport. They leave a lasting legacy of fun, excitement and enviable skill for basketball fans to enjoy.

This collection of shots swishes into the #14 spot in Best About Sports.

In this chapter, I’ve focused on what I believe are the game of basketball’s 10 greatest signature shots and moves. They’re all instantly identifiable because they were birthed by perennial All-Stars and NBA Hall of Famers.

These highly skilled athletes transformed the pro game into a fast- paced, high-flying and super-entertaining sport. Here’s my list:

10. Cross-over Dribble – Initially admired when Boston Celtics legend Bob Cousy crossed over opponents in the 1950s, this signature move soon catapulted to an entirely new level. Tim Hardaway shaked and baked his way past would-be defenders in the 1980s. Then, Allen Iverson froze and flummoxed opposing guards in the 1990s. Now, Kyrie Irving carries on the “ankle breaking” tradition of the cross-over move as a modern day NBA star.

9. Pick ‘n Roll – The standard for the pick and roll has been, and will probably always be, John Stockton and Karl Malone. Better than any other combo in the history of the sport, these two NBA Hall of Famers effortlessly, efficiently and successfully executed the pick and roll in all their years together in Utah.

8. Tear Drop – Many shorter guards have tried this soft shot close to the basket while longer, athletic shot blockers have attempted to swat it away. However, speedy NBA All-Star Tony Parker of the San Antonio Spurs has perfected his gentle flick of the basketball. It descends from its highest point of release like a tear gently dropping from an eye and tickles the twine as it passes through the cylinder.

7. Step Back Jumper – Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors and Reggie Miller, formerly of the Indiana Pacers, are to be praised for the picture perfect form of their step-back jumpers. However, no one in NBA history shot it as often and on the biggest stages of the NBA Playoffs as 3-time NBA MVP and 3-time NBA Champion Larry Bird.

6. Fade Away Jumper – Only one NBA player should come to mind when referencing the best fade away jumper of all time - and that’s Michael Jordan. MJ perfected this un-guardable shot which he used brilliantly in winning six NBA titles during an illustrious career that will never fade away.

5. Windmill Dunk – The windmill dunk was only one of an assortment of exciting, gravity-defying flushes popularized by one of the greatest NBA leapers of all-time, Dominique Wilkins. This former Atlanta Hawks all-star’s dunking ability was so prolific that his dunks and overall athletic play led to Wilkins’ clever nickname The Human Highlight Reel.

4. Sky Hook – The NBA's greatest scorer ever birthed the nickname of this shot by perfecting an unstoppable move. Kareem Abdul Jabbar of the LA Lakers effortlessly released the ball high over helpless defenders who appeared glued to the hardwood, unable to block his shot attempt. ESPN boldly called the sky hook the deadliest shot the NBA has ever seen. #33 could unleash his un-guardable shot whenever, wherever, however and on whomever he faced on basketball courts across America.

3. Finger Roll - One of the most prolific scorers in NBA history, George Gervin, or The Ice Man’s brilliant stroke and dizzying array of shots made him impossible to guard. At 6’7” Gervin was too long for shorter guards to cover as he easily shot over them. At 185 lbs. Gervin was also too quick and athletic for taller players to guard. Gervin easily drove by bigger opponents and finished his drives with a stop-on-a- dime pull-up jumper, a fluid reverse lay-up or his famous finger-roll signature shot from just about anywhere in the lane.

2. No Look Pass – This patented pass play will always be associated with the over-sized point guard known as Magic. At 6’9”, Earvin Magic Johnson’s brilliant court vision, athleticism and exceptional ball- handling ability made him one of the most prolific passers in NBA history. Skilled at running the fast break for the fast-paced LA Lakers Showtime attack, Magic’s no look passes regularly found fellow NBA All-Stars as they finished the Showtime break before celebrity fans in the old Forum with a dunk or easy lay-up.

1. Dream Shake - Hakeem Olajuwon used a string of spins, fakes and twists that became known as the Dream Shake. Hakeem’s unstoppable move resulted in either an unguarded fade away jump shot or a fast, explosive move to the basket. "Un-guardable," claimed rival big man and two-time NBA champion David Robinson of the San Antonio Spurs when referencing Olajuwon.

Olajuwon credits the great footwork he learned as a youth playing soccer in Nigeria. This childhood skill added to the amazing success of his Dream Shake move during his decorated 18 year NBA career.

No other sport like basketball has given rise to such incredible individuality in a team sport.

That why these signature shots deserve to be included in this sports comic book Best About Sports.

Email me at [email protected] if there’s a signature shot or move that you feel should be on this list too. MIKE – thee ultimate talking head on sports!

Standing 13.5” tall and weighing in at a hefty 25 lbs., the Heisman Trophy is unquestionably the most prestigious award in all of college sports. The bronze trophy easily stiff-arms all other potential choices to be the #13 pick in Best About Sports.

Every December since 1935, the Heisman Trust in New York City awards the beautiful bronze trophy to the nation’s most outstanding football player whose college play represents excellence and integrity.

Votes from 870 sports journalists, geographically located in six sections across the United States, plus previous Heisman Trophy winners and one collective vote from ESPN sports fans, are submitted to the Deloitte accounting firm where the ballots are tabulated and governed by the Heisman Trust.

Since 2005 the annual winner has been selected at the Best Buy Theater in the New York Hilton in Times Square, New York City, before a national television audience on ESPN. Quarterbacks and running backs have dominated the Heisman selection process over the years. No primary defensive player has ever won the coveted trophy, although Michigan’s multi-talented Charles Woodson won the prize in 1997 as a game-changing defensive back, kick returner and punt returner.

Texas A&M’s Johnny Manziel and Baylor’s Robert Griffin III, both exciting, dual threat quarterbacks, have been the most recent recipients of the venerated award.

Current NFL stars Cam Newton (Carolina Panthers QB), Mark Ingram, Jr. ( RB) and Sam Bradford (St. Louis Rams QB) received the honor in 2010, 2009 and 2008 respectively.

Ohio State University’s Archie Griffin is the only two time winner (1974 and 1975) of the Heisman Trophy. Florida’s Tim Tebow became the first sophomore winner back in 2007, and in 2012 Manziel emerged as the first freshman recipient. In addition, Ohio State and Notre Dame have witnessed seven winners each from their universities, while USC is the only NCAA school to have its Heisman winner, Reggie Bush in 2005, vacated for accepting improper benefits. Despite its rich football history, Alabama’s only Heisman winner has been Ingram.

What originally began as a great idea by former Auburn, Clemson and UPenn Coach John W. Heisman in 1935 has transformed into college athletics’ most celebrated acknowledgement.

Heisman winners form college football’s most famous and well- respected fraternity. These players will always be recognized for their extraordinary accomplishment.

Just like the famed Heisman Trophy pose, every college football player would stiff-arm and side-step all would-be competitors to carry home college football’s most prestigious annual award.

That’s why the Heisman ranks as my #13 pick in Best About Sports.

MIKE – thee ultimate talking head on sports!

Attending a big game is always exciting.

Feeling the excitement of the action or experiencing the pulsating pressure only steps away from the court, field, pitch or ice are definitely reasons to celebrate.

Professional sports teams and big-time college athletic programs are rapidly evolving into modern day versions of the famed Barnum and Bailey Circus. These pro teams and college programs eagerly compete for sports fans’ entertainment dollars.

Lots of time, talent, creativity and money are invested to ensure fans at the big game enjoy the experience and feel compelled to return to these modern sports world’s big top known as arenas and stadiums.

This chapter highlights my top choices for In-Game Entertainment.

Although entertainment styles may vary by venue and sport, similar fun and exciting elements seem to be used in stadiums and arenas across the globe. This collection of In-game Entertainment jumps into my #12 spot in Best About Sports.

10. The nutty, crazy and zany - In addition to perky cheerleaders, I love all the other nutty, crazy, zany, creative things sports fans do at games to support their teams. That means jugglers, dancers, twirlers, tuba players, shirtless guys with painted faces in frigid weather, streamer shakers and the holders of big head cardboard signs.

9. The food – That means all-you-can-eat $1 hot dogs or famous taco nights where only a few bucks can buy you a hefty meal at a park or an arena. You can chow down all you want without ever having to do the dishes!

8. The tee shirt canon – Who can resist the excitement of watching an arena employee standing at courtside holding a mini rocket launcher to propel a $2 tee shirt about a mile away into the upper deck? And, what fan doesn’t love seeing guys in the upper deck risk their lives leaning over the rail to catch that free shirt that might not even fit. But who really cares?

7. Any inventive trick involving dogs – I’m a dog lover, and I absolutely love watching the amazing things our four legged friends can do. So, whether it’s a Frisbee catching dog on a basketball court, or a dog pulling a miniature wagon with a monkey in it on a football field, sports fans are always root for rover!

6. Team mascots and more – In-game promotions involving team mascots are always fun and bring out the best in local sentiment. If you’ve never been to Nationals Park in Washington, DC, you’ve joined the patriotic thrill of cheering for Tom (Jefferson), Abe (Lincoln), Teddy (Roosevelt) and George (Washington) in the Presidential Races.

Another one of my regional stadium favorites is the famous sausage races held at Miller Park in Milwaukee. It’s here that fans can cheer for their favorite Italian sausage, German bratwurst, Polish kielbasa or American hot dog. Everyone has fun backing their favorite racing wiener, I mean, winner.

5. Dunking gorillas – Sure they use a trampoline, but these fearless, acrobatic little guys clad in monkey suits always seem to wow the crowds by rapidly dunking basketballs in inconceivable ways. 4. The kiss cam –This roving lens always captures both tender moments and awkward interludes and blasts them across the big screen. Sports fans either are madly in love or in desperate need of counseling can relate to the startled looks of couples whose candid moments just got caught on the kiss cam.

3. Indoor pyrotechnics – The inflammatory dangers this form of in- game entertainment has been banned from just about every arena I’m aware of. But, few can argue that fireworks, smoke and lightning strobes in an arena during a big game is anything short of fabulous.

2. The Hammond B3 organ – You’ll never find organ music on my iPod’s playlist, but listening to the beats belted out by a Hammond B3 will always give me a rise during a big name. Sports fans will agree that a Hammond’s piping sound is beautiful music to our ears as well as our sports souls.

1. Jumbotrons – If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably found yourself in a trance during games gazing up at the Jumbotron in the arena or stadium instead of watching the actual game you already paid $75 to see in person. In-game entertainment on Jumbotrons is just that good!

Email me at [email protected] if there’s an In-game Entertainment favorite of yours that you feel should be on this list too.

MIKE – thee ultimate talking head on sports!

The student section at Duke University’s Cameron Indoor Stadium has every right to go crazy. These college kids get to cheer on top national recruiting classes each year as well as the most successful head coach in college basketball history,

The energetic and creative students, cleverly named Cameron Crazies, have helped provide a huge home-court advantage for the Duke Blue Devils during the school’s games in Durham, NC.

It’s no surprise these rabid fans are #11 in Best About Sports.

Since joining the program in 1980, Coach Mike Krzyzewski has developed the Duke Basketball program into one of the nation’s elite.

Coach K has led the Blue Devils to four NCAA Titles in 1991, 1992, 2001, 2010 and 2015, while coaching scores of future NBA players.

Coach K attributes the Duke Basketball program’s success not only to the five star recruits who have played for him. But, the noisy Cameron Crazies who have rooted for his squad at Cameron Indoor have made it a nearly impossible place for opposing teams to play and win.

Before students enter Cameron Indoor Stadium, they gather in the makeshift city of Krzyzewski-ville outside of the arena. There, clever chants are made up before the games begin inside the stadium.

During the late fall and winter many Cameron Crazies brave the harsh weather. They pitch tents to secure tickets to sold-out games against in-state ACC rivals such as University of North Carolina, Wake Forest and NC State.

Covered in blue body paint or dressed in funny outfits, Cameron Crazies fill the lower bowl of the stadium. With their creative chants, intimidating tactics and constant jumping, the student section creates an awesome atmosphere for the Blue Devils basketball team just inches away from the hardwood and the visiting team.

Whether you’re a Duke Blue Devil fan or you’re not the least bit crazy, it’s not too difficult to draw the conclusion that these Cameron Crazies are the best fans in college basketball and an easy choice for this book Best About Sports.

MIKE – thee ultimate talking head on sports!

Few things fuel the fire for barstool banter like the subject of extraordinary feats in sports.

Regardless of the sport, sports fans of every age and background have sparred with relatives, friends and colleagues about their unforgettable individual performances and favorite classic games.

When it comes to Epic Sports Performances, all sports fans wish they could have been there.

Whether sitting in a front row seat or standing in the upper deck, they would have loved to witness the memorable achievements of legendary athletes who, for one glorious night, were truly “unconscious” or literally had “stepped into that magical zone.” Holding firmly to the #10 spot in Best About Sports is my personal collection of Epic Sports Performances.

Here’s my top 10 list:

10. In 1998, Kerry Wood of the Chicago Cubs struck out an amazing 20 Houston Astros batters. Only 20 years-old at the time, Wood totally dominated the Astros in what many consider the greatest MLB game ever pitched. Wood walked no batters and allowed only one infield hit.

9. In 1993, Darryl Sittler of the Toronto Maple Leafs accumulated 10 points in a game against the Boston Bruins. Sittler scored six goals on 10 shots while assisting on four others. It was a feat that no other NHL player has yet to duplicate.

8. In 1993, little known Mark Whiten of the St. Louis Cardinals tied two Major League Baseball records in the second game of a doubleheader versus the Cincinnati Reds.

In MLB history, 15 players have hit four homers in a game. Only one had driven in 12 runs in a game. However, no one in MLB history managed what Whiten did on his magical night by hitting hit four dingers and driving in 12 runners in the same game.

7. In 2010, John Isner made epic sports history in both endurance and performance. He recorded an astonishing 113 aces in his seemingly endless (11 hours and 5 minutes in length) first round Wimbledon match against Nicolas Mahut.

6. In 1956, while playing against the Brooklyn Dodgers, Don Larsen of the New York Yankees pitched the only perfect game ever in a World Series Game. Larsen’s remarkable performance enabled the Yanks to win Game 5 and, subsequently, the World Series in which he was also named MVP.

5. In 1951, Norm Van Brocklin of the then Los Angeles Rams set an NFL record by passing for an incomprehensible 554 yards. With NFL record books showing 11 quarterbacks passing for more than 500 yards in a game, not even Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, Joe Montana, Drew Brees or Peyton Manning have yet come close to surpassing Van Brocklin’s record.

4. In 1990, the late Derrick Thomas of the Kansas City Chiefs recorded an amazing 7 sacks in one game against the Seattle Seahawks. By today’s NFL standards recording 7 sacks in a season will probably secure a defensive player a pretty sweet contract extension. Imagine accomplishing that in a single game.

3. In 2007, Adrian Peterson of the Minnesota Vikings set an NFL record by rushing for an incredible 296 yards against the San Diego Chargers. A rookie at the time, Peterson ran for a staggering 253 yards in the second half of the game. A truly epic performance.

2. In 1962, Wilt Chamberlain of the then Philadelphia Warriors scored 100 points in a sparsely attended NBA game against the New York Knicks in Hershey, Pennsylvania. 100 points!

Like Joe DiMaggio’s 56 game hitting streak; Wayne Gretzky’s 9 NHL MVP Trophies; Usain Bolt’s back-to-back gold medals in the 2008 and 2012 Olympics; Lionel Messi’s 91 total goals in all competitions in 2012; and Derrick Thomas’ 7 sacks in a game; Wilt’s historic night is a sports milestone which will never be broken.

1. In 2008, USA swimmer Michael Phelps’ performance in the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing, China stands as arguably the greatest personal achievement in all of sports. The most honored Olympian ever with 22 total Olympic medals, Phelps collected 8 gold medals in Beijing, 5 of which were in individual races. Now that’s epic!

Email me at [email protected] if you’d like to share your favorite epic performance in sports.

MIKE – thee ultimate talking head on sports!

A childhood friend in St. Louis, MO originally named baseball great Lawrence Peter Berra Yogi. He said Berra looked like an Eastern Indian snake charmer.

Later, during his career in Major League Baseball as both player and manager, New York Yankees great Yogi Berra regularly charmed American baseball fans.

The 15-time Major League Baseball all-star's performance on the baseball field has always marveled baseball fans. From his rookie season in 1949 until today, more than forty years after his retirement, baseball fans love Yogi.

Inducted into Cooperstown in 1972, Berra may be the game's greatest catcher. A member of baseball's All-Century Team, Berra racked up career totals of 385 home runs, 1,430 runs batted in and a .285 batting average. A three-time American League Most Valuable Player, Yogi Berra also won thirteen World Series Championships with the NY Yankees. Between 1947 and 1978, he won eleven as a player and two as a coach.

One of baseball's most colorful and irritating trash talkers, Berra was also equally famous for his funny expressions. Yogi butchered the English language by misusing similar sounding words. He also said some things that didn’t really make sense.

Berra’s expressions or Yogi-isms like, "it ain't over 'til it's over,” “a nickle ain't worth a dime anymore,” “ I really didn't say everything I said," and “baseball is 90% mental and the other half is physical,” made him one of the sport’s most endearing players.

That’s why his expressions form a category all their own.

Guarding the plate in the #9 spot in Best About Sports is my personal collection of this former New York Yankees catcher’s famous Yogi-isms.

Berra coined some of the funniest and head scratching sports quotes of all-time, leading many sports fans to question if he ever really said all that was attributed to him.

“Pair up in threes.”

“The other team could make trouble for us if they win.”

It’s déjà vu all over again.” (said after Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris batted consecutive home runs again)

If you come to a fork in a road, take it.”

“I usually take a two hour nap from one to four.”

If people don’t want to come to the ballpark, how are you going to stop them?”

“You can observe a lot by watching.”

“Always go to other people’s funerals, otherwise, they won’t go to yours.” One of Berra’s most memorable Yogi-isms, "the future ain't what it used to be," is partially correct.

Because, when fans look back on #8's career, Yogi Berra's remarkable playing past and playful nature may never be duplicated by any future Major Leaguer. That’s why Berra’s colorful expressions slide into the #9 spot in my book Best About Sports.

MIKE - thee ultimate talking head on sports!

"Sports have the power to change the world."

1993 Nobel Peace Prize recipient and former South African President Nelson Mandela uttered these words that many have lauded as the most poignant sports quote ever.

But the famous quote, intended to hold up the virtues of sports as an agent for moral integrity and positive social change, has come under attack here in America.

Unfortunately, reports of sordid behavior from star athletes, sports icons, trusted coaches and storied institutions have sullied the public's perception. They’ve caused many to mutter that athletes also possess the power to change the world.....for the worse. However, I’ve written the book Favorite Overcoming Athletes that doesn’t dwell on negative sports news.

The book aligns nicely with Nelson Mandela’s famous quote and earns the #8 slot here in Best About Sports.

Favorite Overcoming Athletes shares how underdogs overcame obstacles to emerge victorious.

In it, you’ll read about a guard who couldn’t shoot straight, but then became one of the best long-range sharpshooters in NBA history.

You’ll admire how a troubled, incarcerated teen transformed his life while in prison and became a world boxing champion and successful businessman.

You’ll learn about how a woefully bad NFL team overcame the franchise’s history of ineptitude. And, you’ll also read about a very light hitting MLB team that defied statistical improbability. Both overcame and won world championships in their respective sports.

You’ll appreciate the untold pressure of a son who chose to follow the footsteps of an iconic father in the very same sport.

Also, you’ll become familiar with the inspiring stories of a swimmer, an impaired pitcher and an NBA Hall of Fame basketball player. These famous athletes either overcame allergies, physical deformity or life threatening disease and social stigma to emerge as legends in their respective sports.

Finally, you’ll be inspired by the remarkable personal struggles of my top picks. One rose above racial animosity to become one of the most influential athletes ever. The other defeated cancer and returned to his sport and ultimately bought the professional sports franchise which drafted him and employed him his entire career.

Sadly, negative sports news can sometimes dampen a sports fan’s belief in the inspiring words of Nelson Mandela that sports have the power to change the world.

So, in keeping with Mandela’s social ideal, welcome to the good news stories that I chronicle in my all-time 10 best Favorite Overcoming Athletes – which comes in at #8 in Best About Sports. May the overcoming sports stories in this book be the spark that helps inspire and change the world for good.

MIKE – thee ultimate talking head on sports!

Nicknames are especially defining in sports, and there’s certainly no shortage of them.

300+ NCAA Division I and hundreds of Division II and III athletic programs all have their own nickname and mascot.

Clever nicknames and mascots capture the essence of a team and they also personify a school’s history, geography, tradition or playing style or, in this case, its religious affiliation.

This unique group of divinely inspired college sports nicknames flies in to the #7 spot in Best About Sports.

This spiritually themed assortment of nicknames covers everything from spirits in the sky to demonic entities of the underworld. Perhaps the greatest singular spiritual college nickname of all-time belongs to the University of Illinois’ legendary Galloping Ghost, a phantom-like figure on the football field.

ESPN selected Red Grange as its greatest football player ever because of his incredible speed and ghostly elusiveness in the open field. Would-be tacklers nearly always missed when attempting to tackle this vaporous tailback known as the Galloping Ghost.

In addition to Red Grange, college sports boast a much broader collection of team oriented spiritual nicknames, covering the gamut from heavenly emissaries to dastardly hellions from the underworld.

The Friars (Dominican order of Catholic priests) from Providence College, the Battlin’ Bishops (honored leaders in the United Methodist Church) from Ohio Wesleyan University and the Dons (esteemed nobles in church hierarchy) from the University of San Francisco serve as both ambassadors of their faiths and noble nicknames for their respective schools.

Spiritual protectors also figure prominently in my collection. The Maccabees (Old Testament Jewish rebels) from Yeshiva University, the Griffins (Biblical winged lions) from Canisius College, the Threshers (Old Testament temple laborers) from Bethel College and the Crusaders from Holy Cross College and Valparaiso University all preside vigilantly over their respective campuses.

The spiritual references don’t stop at the campus gates.

The Quakers from the University of Pennsylvania, the Fighting Saints from St. Lawrence University and the Angels from Meredith College add to the spiritual collegiate atmosphere, making proud biblical scholars and church historians alike.

Because we’re talking college sports here, godly emissaries and fighters for their faith need to be particularly strong every time they suit up for their college or university.

These spiritual mascots do figurative battle against more than just fleshly competitors. As the Bible suggests, they war against principalities with equally strong and talented teams sporting different kinds of spiritual nicknames. The university landscape is littered not merely with heavenly representation, but with demonic entities that challenge their authority.

For example, demons and devils of every color, size and shape line up on the other side of the ball against righteous Friars, Dons, Bishops, Crusaders and Saints.

In addition, demons of the underworld try their talons against one another. Blue Devils from both Duke University and DePaul University may be the most famous nicknamed scoundrels in college sports.

However, scores of other imps and villains ply their devilish trade in college sports.

Sun Devils from Arizona State University, Dust Devils from Texas A & M International, Sea Devils from Cape Fear College, Red Devils from Dickinson College and Devils and Devilettes from Mississippi Valley State University wreak their havoc on the hardwood, track, football field and baseball diamond.

Regardless of your religious beliefs, you’ve got to love the diversity of spiritual nicknames that pervade the landscape of college sports.

That’s why as a group, they rank as my #7 pick in Best About Sports.

MIKE – thee ultimate talking head on sports!

Driving this clunky ice resurfacing vehicle would satisfy nearly every hockey fan's fantasy.

Who hasn't yearned to climb behind the wheel of this giant tractor and take charge on the ice.

Perhaps the baddest maintenance vehicle in all of sports, whose top speed runs at just a mere 9 miles per hour, the Zamboni cruises in at #6 in Best About Sports.

The boxy Zamboni tractor scrapes, collects, washes, resurfaces and smooths the ice for hockey games and skating competitions.

In addition, the monster machine sprays and then squeegees 140 degree water and transforms once rutted and scarred ice into a shimmering surface that mirrors polished glass. Founded by Frank J. Zamboni in Southern California in 1949, the Zamboni ice resurfacing machine has become the standard throughout arenas around the world. Approximately 200 custom made machines, at a price of $75,000 each, are manufactured each year.

The Zamboni’s iconic fame has extended beyond the boards of the hockey rinks it resurfaces. In the classic sitcom Cheers, Carla's husband Eddie supposedly got run over by a Zamboni.

And, in a Peanuts comic strip, a fictional miniature Zamboni once cleaned the ice in a birdbath for Snoopi's pal Woodstock

This heavy duty "bad to the boni" machine is dear to all who have watched it perfectly restore chunks and grooves in previously pock marked ice.

All the while these same hockey fans were dreaming they were ones behind the wheel of the Zamboni chugging down the ice at a speed most people walk...backward.

Now what fan could possibly argue that the Zamboni ranks as one of the best things about sports?

MIKE - thee ultimate talking head on sports!

Throughout history singers, politicians, philosophers and spiritual leaders so impacted the societies of their day that a single name signaled their fame.

These single named icons were instantly known by a reference to their first or last name because a full name became unnecessary.

Down through the ages, spiritual leaders like Jesus and Mohammad never required a last name. Neither did famous philosophers like Plato and Aristotle or a pacifist like Gandhi.

Similarly, political dictators like Stalin and Hitler never needed a first name since last names were all we needed to identify them with the atrocities they committed.

Modern day entertainers reach the pinnacle of success when only one name is necessary for fans to equate them with their signature talent. For example, hardly anyone can recite their last names, but everyone knows Shakira can make you dance and Seinfeld can make you laugh.

And when it comes to Elvis, Madonna, Beyonce or Bono, all we need is one name to instantaneously identify these entertainers and belt out a few bars of one of their musical hits.

The world of sports is no different. As you can see from the comic that starts this chapter, I’ve even written a book about famous Single Named Athletes.

A simple name, whether first or last, constitutes celebrity and signals to sports fans everywhere that an athlete has arrived.

Mention his or her single name and someone, somewhere will start to rattle off statistics, count off career highlights and recall favorite all- time performances of the lone named individual.

For example, say Serena or Marta, and talk of women’s tennis and soccer will surface.

Every sports fan knows who Tiger is. Or, reference last names Tebow and Bolt, and fans will more than likely break out into a Lighting Bolt pose or a Tebowing stance.

Conversely, sports fans know that Sweetness is not a candy bar, Magic is not a trick, Babe’s not a cute girl, Bird’s not an winged or feathered creature and Kobe’s not Japanese beef.

So, you don’t need to audible like Peyton or get locked in a double- choke hold by Hulk to enjoy this book. We all know that like the previous athletes mentioned, there is only one Shaq, LeBron, Kareem, Wilt, Yogi, Messi, Tiger and Pele and there stories and comics can be found in this book for sports fans of all ages.

And, that’s why single named athletes come in at #5 spot in my sports comic book Best About Sports.

MIKE – thee ultimate talking head on sports!

As I stated in the book’s intro, sports is a universal phenomena.

Sports transcends religion, cuts through cultural ties, eludes ethnicity, ignores bank accounts and fails to distinguish between sex, weight, age and even familial bonds.

Your favorite team is your favorite team - not your dad’s, your sister’s or even that of your spouse. Your inalienable right as a sports fan is to root for whomever you want.

Sure, your choice may defy logic, strain family ties, break stereotypes and shatter urban myths. But it’s still your choice, one that should never be forced upon you at any time.

The right to root for your team and your favorite player is buried deep down in your DNA. It’s your privilege, your prerogative in spite of what others think or say. Not only is it your right to choose your favorite team, but I propose it’s also a God-given sports right to cheer against another team. It’s healthy and even cathartic to vent your sports fan frustration toward bitter rivals who have beat up on your boys too often in the past or carry themselves in a far too confident manner. Articulating your angst by deciding “Anybody, but…” is what’s Best About Sports.

For example, it’s OK if the continued, unabated success of college programs like Duke and Kentucky basketball or Alabama and USC football ruffle your feathers.

It’s understandable if the 27 World Series Championships that New York Yankees fans routinely bring up in baseball conversation makes your blood start to boil. Plus, Bronx Bomber fans always seem to reference baseball’s purported greatest team ever – the 1927 Yanks.

It’s alright if the preponderance of championship banners hanging over the courts at Staples Center in Los Angeles or TD Bank North Garden in Boston cause you to grind your teeth.

It’s a part of the game when storied soccer teams like Manchester United, FC Barcelona and Real Madrid spend boat loads of cash to consistently attract the top talent in the world and make you want to scream as your local club wallows in mediocrity.

Hey, maybe the original America’s Team (the ), the wanna-be America’s Team (the ) or the most likely choice from Titletown for what should be America’s Team (the Green Bay Packers) give you indigestion at the sound of their names.

No worries, man! Just ease up. Flip on ESPN Sports Center and relax.

It’s OK to blow off some steam. Remember that you’re just fine. Allow that cup of angst to spill over as much and as long as you want.

Remember, it’s your Constitutional sports right to root for - or against - any team from any town at anytime. That’s why this chapter belongs in Best About Sports.

In my house, the sports motto has always been, “Anybody but…”

Write me at [email protected] and tell me yours.

MIKE – thee ultimate talking head on sports!

I’m absolutely crazy about clever nicknames! Who isn’t?

I grew up with Tiny - ironically the biggest kid in class.

I sought help on my math home work from Digits - who was great with numbers.

I could never muster the courage to kiss Cali, short for Caliente, the hottest girl in school.

And, I refused to allow Booger, for obvious reasons, to ever touch me.

Clever, unique nicknames say so much about people. They capture the essence of a person, a moment, a movement or even a city.

Nicknames can defy logic or make no sense at all, except when placed in context. For example, no one ever really saw the former Soviet Union’s feared Iron Curtain and no one I know actually heard the sound of the original Big Bang. But, we all understand what the names mean.

Reference places like Little Havana, The Big Easy or The Windy City and our mental GPS coordinates are set. Mention the Brits, Aussies and Yanks, and different English accents come to mind.

Here in the United States, Americans reference former presidents by numbers like 42 and 44 or by initials like F.D.R., J.F.K. and L.B.J. If Presidents misbehave, they’re assigned cheeky monikers like Tricky Dicky and Slick Willie, and everyone knows who and what we’re talking about.

In the world of entertainment, pop icons like Madonna and Gaga will more than likely get your groove on, while other curious cultural luminaries like Snooki and Snoop might turn it right off.

Nicknames are especially defining in sports.

There’s no shortage of them. I even penned an entire book on my top 25 all-time nicknames in sports. That’s why the topic of nicknames takes the #3 spot in my book Best About Sports.

In the book I spotlight the storied careers of a Helicopter and a Thorpedo and cater to food fans with unique sports connections to chocolate, spices and cheese.

I entertain with recollections about basketball’s Human Highlight Reel and baseball’s Wizard of Oz.

In addition, I delve into size differences and contrast a Big Unit in baseball with a Pocket Hercules in Olympic weightlifting.

I appeal to those “spiritual” sports fans among you by recalling the prowess of the Minister of Defense.

And, I write about our favorite appliances like a refrigerator, a vacuum cleaner and a microwave.

Plus, I cover some not-so-well-behaved basketball players as well as hockey’s undisputed Great One, whose unfathomable resume on the ice trumps all other great ones in all other sports. Remember, these are my top 25 all-time nicknames in sports. Enjoy them. The book about nicknames belongs at #3 in Best About Sports.

Yes, it’s my list with my opinions and my personal picks.

If you disagree and want to share your favorite nickname in sports, then email me at [email protected].

MIKE - thee ultimate talking head on sports!

Heated debates instantly inflame impassioned fans as soon as the subject is broached.

Unwavering loyalty to worthy choices is offered only to be immediately rebuffed by others armed with compelling arguments.

Championship trophies, MVP awards, all-star appearances, career statistics and epic performances in important games are all equally weighed and expertly dissected.

Animated discussion involving who fans think is the “best athlete ever” has captivated fans for decades.

The subject of who’s the greatest and all the brouhaha it brings deserves the #3 spot in Best About Sports. That’s because sports fans have and will feud endlessly over who they believe is the greatest athlete ever.

Is it LeBron James or Michael Jordan from the NBA, Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo from FIFA, Tom Brady or from the NFL or maybe Babe Ruth or Hank Aaron from Major League Baseball?

Non-team athletes like swimmer Michael Phelps, sprinter Usain Bolt, tennis star Serena Williams, golfer Tiger Woods and a bunch of Olympic gold medal winning decathletes also figure prominently in the conversation.

These arguments may roar, but they’re quickly mitigated when hockey fans throw their ace out of their pocket into the mix. They pick instantly trumps all other arguments.

That’s because there’s never been any athlete in any sport at any time who’s accomplished what he did in the NHL.

Regardless of the sport, no one should ever dispute that only one great athlete could lay claim to this title - The Great One.

Wayne Gretzky’s amazing NHL success may never be duplicated. His Great One nickname may never be challenged by any player in any sport at any time. Never!

Legendary NHL players like Mario Lemieux, Bobby Orr, Gordy Howe and Phil Esposito may have excelled and even dominated during their careers. But, their hockey achievements pale in comparison to those of Wayne Gretzky’s.

The Great One’s hockey dominance dwarfs not just NHL Hall of Famers, but celebrated athletes in other professional sports as well.

The 6’ tall and 185 lb. Canadian won the Hart Memorial Trophy as the NHL’s Most Valuable Player an unbelievable nine times.

Gretzky completed his career as the all-time leader in nearly every statistical and awards category.

This is an accomplishment that gods of other sports - Michael Jordan, Derek Jeter, Lionel Messi, Peyton Manning, LeBron James and Tom Brady - will never come close to achieving. The Great One shattered Phil Esposito’s record 76 goals in a season by putting the puck in the net an unheard of 92 times.

Gretzky also totaled 212 total points in a single season, one of four times he surpassed the remarkable 200 point mark.

No athlete in any professional league has ever dominated his sport like Wayne Gretzky reigned over hockey.

Gretzky’s career leaves no sports fan to doubt that this amazing hockey player will always be the only athlete known by the deserved lofty label - The Great One.

Case closed!

Keep arguing, fans. That’s what makes the debate about who’s the best athlete ever a perfect fit for a book entitled Best About Sports.

MIKE – thee ultimate talking head on sports!

March Madness, the “indescribably wonderful illness” that attacks college basketball fans every spring and renders them powerless, easily claims the top spot in Best About Sports.

Far worse than any cold, virus or flu, this early spring sickness devours energy and cripples logical thinking. It even steals away any thought of living a normal existence for the next 30 days of your life.

Yes, the wonderful craziness that CBS Sports calls March Madness for its NCAA College Basketball Tournament coverage is arguably the most popular event in all of sports.

March Madness appears every year at the same time and strikes millions of college basketball fans. It then disappears around midnight every first Monday in April. With its vice like grip, March Madness runs uncontrollably through your veins. Symptoms like sleep loss, emotion instability and erratic behavior immediately overtake victims. Those struck with this famous sickness find themselves mumbling scores, stats, pre-game analysis and RPI ratings. They debate conference strength of schedule and boldly predicting regional brackets.

Like zombies, victims of March Madness barely get through mid-March and into early April without nibbling on nails and suffering some sort of indigestion. They never part with their remotes. They divide their time between watching ESPN on their big LCD TV screens, on smaller LCDs on WiFi notebooks and ESPN Mobile on even tinier LCD screens on pocket-sized iPhones.

Forget about regular or normal relationships too. Those struck by March Madness usually communicate most with others sharing the same physical condition. Sweating profusely and fidgeting incessantly, they text and mumble phrases like Sweet 16; another Cinderella advances; buzzer beater; raining 3’s; diaper dandies, shooting out the lights; and double overtime barn burner.

Wow! What a sickness!

Bring it on and slay me every March. Give me a double dose and don’t ever try to cure me. Please don’t stop the Madness. Don’t ever stop March Madness.

I just love this disease, and probably like you, I don’t ever want to be cured of it.

Without doubt Best About Sports claims the #1 spot in my book.

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The podcast is for every American sports fan - especially those who like to laugh or learn something unique about sports. It's loaded with clever quips and fun sports stuff fans should know that ESPN and other sports networks fail to report.

MIKE on Sports! offers great sports humor, short sports stories and interesting sports history that never really grab the headlines. Meet the MIKE Makers, Jim and Maura Sweeney, as well as the other contributors to this exciting sports property. Jim Sweeney – Author

Born and raised in Trenton, New Jersey, Jim grew up with a passion for sports and fun. Participating in baseball, basketball, swimming, soccer and street hockey as a kid, Jim wound up playing basketball at Boston College where he captained the Eagles from 1977 – 1980 and received the Frances Pomeroy Naismith Award as the nation’s top NCAA basketball under six feet tall.

After a 20-year-career in sales, Jim closed the computer agency he founded to pursue a fun career in sports entertainment. Jim developed MIKE as an alter-ego sports personality and has penned dozens of sports comic books under the MIKE name.

Jim also blogs regularly on national sports sites under the MIKE name and has launched the popular podcast - MIKE on Sports!

Now in his fifties and living on the West Coast of Florida, Jim continues to play basketball regularly and always finds time for fun. Jim is a three time World Masters Basketball Champion and a six time USA Masters Basketball Champion in the 45+, 50+ and 55+ age groups.

For more on Jim - Maura Sweeney – Publisher

A successful podcaster, Huffington Post contributor and public speaker, Maura became the driving force in encouraging her husband out of a highly successful business and into the pursuit of his dream – to create MIKE into the sports world’s ultimate talking head.

Maura is MIKE’s co-creator and publisher.

For more on Maura –

Primary Illustrator - Alex Salsberg

Cartoonist Alex Salsberg is the man behind Poke Gravy Studios in Boston. An ardent New England Patriots fan, Alex has created animation and illustration for many clients including Nickelodeon and National Lampoon.

Alex has drawn the cover and most of the artwork in the book. His work can be seen at Kaley Sweeney – Editor

As editor, Kaley infuses youthful enthusiasm and insight into the MIKE project. At 23 years old, Kaley holds a Bachelor’s in Journalism from Boston University and is finalizing her Master’s at Harvard University.

Currently a free lance journalist living in Brooklyn, Kaley acquired extensive writing and editing experience as Content Manager for the World Photography Organization in London.

Kaley co-founded Empowered Voices, a non-profit that works to catalyze economic and social development in Mubende, Uganda. In addition to books, blogs and a popular podcast, the MIKE sports property is expected to be seen and heard on television & Jumbotrons.

MIKE is a registered Trademark. MIKE and all the images in this book are the property of New Vision Entertainment LLC.

Special thanks to these MIKE contributors :

Kevin Riley – Animator

Greg Stauffer – Studio Production

Dave Rittenhouse – Studio Production

Amy O’Hara-Cusick – Legal