Connectors & Fasteners for Modular Building C-C-MODULAR18 | (800) 999-5099 |

Smart Solutions for Modular Building

Simpson Strong-® connectors and fasteners offer improved speed, strength and versatility for modular building. These products save time in manufacturing and provide ease of installation on the jobsite.

This catalog is designed to help you easily locate the right connector or fastener to meet your modular building construction needs. Our products come with the quality, value, service and on-time delivery that we have built our reputation on for the past 60 years.

If you need help finding the right product for your job, give us a call at (800) 999-5099. 4 Introduction Table of Contents • • • • • • you promptly andefficiently: the followinginformationonhandwillhelpustoserve When youcallforengineeringtechnicalsupport,having Technical Support Getting Fast • • • • • • • • • The Simpson Strong-Tie CompanyInc.“NoEqual”pledgeincludes: For more information,visitthecompany’s websiteat and trainingisevidentintheconsistentqualitydeliveryofitsproducts andservices. in theworld.TheSimpson Strong-Tie commitment toproduct development,engineering,testing and technology, isoneofthelargestsuppliers ofstructuralbuildingproducts SimpsonStrong Tie help peoplebuildsaferandstronger homesandbuildings.Aleaderinstructuralsystemsresearch For more than60years,Simpson Strong-Tie hasfocusedoncreating structural products that LTS Twist Strap RST-3 RoofTiedown MMH8 RoofTiedown H10A RoofTiedown H2.5T RoofTiedown H2.5A RoofTiedown MMLU Face-MountHangers Connectors Important InformationandGeneralNotes Corrosion Information Code Reports Simpson Strong-Tie • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • material andapplication? What isthecarried andsupportingmembers’ What isthesupporting member’s widthandheight? What isthecarriedmember’s widthandheight? What isyourloadrequirement? product are Strong-Tie youusing? Which Simpson (See thefrontcoverforcatalog number.) Strong-Tie Which Simpson engineering groups local and NFBA, TPI,WDSC,WIJMA,WTCA SETMA, SFA, SFIA,STAFDA, SREA, NBMDA, NLBMDA,SDI, AISC, CSI,CFSEI,ICFA, ASCE, AWC, AWPA, ACI, including AISI,AITC,ASTM, Support ofindustrygroups and qualitycontrol engineers In-house product testing and dieprofessionals andtool In-house R&D salesteam international Global locationswithan connectors intheindustry The largestnumberofpatented National codeagencylistings warehouse facilities Strategically locatedmanufacturingand products intheindustry The mostthoroughly testedandevaluated installed costatthehighest-ratedperformancelevels Quality products value-engineered forthelowest ...... ® ...... Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding ......


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Kent, WA Riverside, CA Maple Ridge,BC Chandler, AZ 18–19 18–19 18–19 18–19 18–19 11–15 Northwest 7–10 20 17 McKinney, TX Kansas City, KS 6 . Houston, TX

Eagan, MN W. All rightsreserved. Thiscatalogmaynotbereproduced in whole orinpartwithout

Chicago, IL Northeast Columbus, OH ( 800 Quik Drive Strong-Drive SDSHeavy-DutyConnectorScrew Strong-Drive SDWS Timber-HexTimber/SDWH SSScrews HexScrewStrong-Drive SDWHTimber Strong-Drive SDWTruss-Ply andEWP-PlyScrews Strong-Drive Fasteners CS/CMST CoiledStraps LSTA/MSTA StrapTies BC PostBase MMHC HingedRoofConnector Gallatin, TN the priorwrittenapproval CompanyInc. ofSimpsonStrong-Tie Brampton, ON Southwest Jacksonville, FL ) 999-5099 High Point,NC Jessup, MD and services. the consistentqualityofSimpsonStrong-Tie customersknowthat theycancountinternational on quality assurancesystemwhichletsourdomesticand company. ISO9001-2008 isaninternationally-recognized Simpson Strong-Tie isanISO 9001-2008registered Registered 9001-2008 ISO We Are ® Enfield, CT Auto-FeedCollatedScrews ®

SDWCTruss Screw ...... Southeast

...... | structures economically. We do We helppeoplebuildsafer Policy Quality Strong-Tie Simpson The Management System. the effectiveness oftheQuality and iscommittedtoensuring responsible forproduct quality and expectations.Everyoneis needs exceed ourcustomers’ products thatmeetor related structural connectorsandother and manufacturing“NoEqual” this bydesigning,engineering ...... Chief ExecutiveOfficer Karen Colonias ......

...... ® products

... 48–51 46–47 41–45 37–40 29–36 27–28 24–25

23 22 21

C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. How To Catalog This Use Load Table Explanation How We DetermineAllowableLoads • • Simpson Strong-Tie and woodassemblytests. calculation limits.Staticloadtestsincludeholdowntestingonsteeljigs static loadtestswithasafetyfactor, deflectionlimitsorNDSfastener to Members.Allowableloadsare based onthelowerofthree Attached AC155 –AcceptanceCriteriaforHold-Downs(Tie-Downs) Holdowns andtensiontiesare testedinaccordance withICC-ES factor of3,loadat published allowableloadistheloweroftestedultimatewithasafety based onaminimumofthree staticloadtestsinwoodassemblies.The Acceptance CriteriaforJoistHangersandSimilarDevices.Evaluationis Connectors are typically evaluatedinaccordance withICC-ESAC13– IAPMO UESEvaluationCriteriaandASTMteststandards. criteria establishedbyindustry, suchasICC-ESAcceptanceCriteria, Allowable loadsinthiscatalogare determinedbycalculationsandtest product name. Simpson Strong-Tie This isthe Model No.: indicated inred. last year’s catalogare Significant changesfrom Changes In model series. new sizeswithinexisting There are alsomany with thesymbol. New products are shown New Products MMLU26-2 MMLU28-2 MMLU26 MMLU28 Model

referenced intheproduct drawing. (width andheightin thiscase) This showstheproduct dimensions Dimensions W, H: Red 1 1 1⁄8 3 3 W

9/16 9/16

1/8 1/8 Dimensions " deflectionortheNDSfastenercalculationlimits. ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding


power-driven nails. that accommodate have nailinggrids modular products If applicable,some No. ofNailGrids:

6 7 4 5


3/16 1/16

3/8 3/4

Header Nailing Grids No. of of No. Grids 6 6 4 4

SD Connectorscrew. See This iconidentifiesproducts approved forinstallationwiththe Simpson Strong-Tie Strong-Drive corrosion, andvisitourwebsite Stainless products mayneedtobemanufactured uponordering. Seepp.7–10forinformationon extra corrosion protection isprovided (Z=ZMAX,HDGhot-dip galvanizedorSS=stainlesssteel). contact Simpson Strong-Tie foroptions.Theendoftheproduct namewillindicatewhattypeof also availableinstainlesssteel.Otherproducts mayalsobeavailablewithadditionalprotection; (ZMAX The tealarrow iconidentifiesproducts thatare availablewithadditionalcorrosion protection Extra Corrosion Protection Each Grid Nails in in Nails 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 ® , hot-dipgalvanizedordouble-barriercoating).TheSStealarrow iconidentifiesproducts nailing grid. required ineach number ofnails Indicates the Per Grid: No. ofNails

Header required ateachmember. Total numberofnails Nail Quantity: ® 18 12 12 12 12 SDConnectorScrew Compatible

6 6 8 4 8 4 Nail Quantity

Joist 2 2 2 2

such aspurlinanchortests,wherein onlytheembeddedhookistested, engineering principles.Sometestsincludeonlyportionsofaproduct, Where ateststandard isunavailable,testing isconductedpersound are Dowel-Type evaluatedperAC233–Alternate Threaded Fasteners. Bolts inConcrete forLight-FrameConstruction.Threaded fasteners for Light-frameConstructionorAC399–Cast-in-PlaceProprietary AC398 –Cast-in-Place,Cold-FormedSteelConnectorsinConcrete Cast-in-place concrete products are testedinaccordance withICC-ES specific products, contact Simpson Strong-Tie. For detailedinformationregarding howSimpson Strong-Tie tests an independentlaboratory. systems inbuildings.Testing isconductedunderthesupervisionof to determineallowableloadsinthiscatalogisnotdoneonconnection not thenailedorboltedsectionofstrap,whichiscalculated.Testing imposed onaconnection. down, lateral,perpendicular, etc.) acting indifferent directions (up, may bemultipledesignloads is designedtoprovide. There maximum loadthataconnection Allowable DesignLoads: Uplift Uplift 95 95 95 95 Allowable Loads Loads Allowable formore information. (lb.) Download Down 1,340 formore technicalinformationonthistopic. 500 655 330 555 955 955 395 870 870 240 The Provides agraphicpresentation Equal number cross-referenced tothetable). dimensional information(often Provides agraphicpresentation each header nailing grid of nailsin

spacing ½" min. vertical of theproduct installation. Installation Drawing: Product Drawing: of theproduct with ®



nailing Header


5 6 (IR) addresses andclarifiesissues relating toPre-fabricated Wood issued arevised IR23-1.Therevised Interpretation ofRegulation DivisionoftheStateArchitect,In November2010,theCalifornia Service at for thelatestinformationorcontact IAPMOUniformEvaluation frequently asproducts are added toERs.Pleasevisit obtained IAPMOUESER-102index report, whichwillbeupdated welded connectorproducts are listedinERreports, wehave quality reviews. To quicklydeterminewhichofourstampedand products in2004,utilizinglicensedstructuralengineerstoperform the buildingcodes.IAPMOUESbeganevaluatingstructural ICC EvaluationServiceforevaluatingstructuralbuildingproducts to for more than75yearsandhasthesameANSIaccreditation as IAPMO UniformEvaluationServicehasbeenevaluatingproducts for thelatestinformationorcontactICCEvaluationServiceat evaluation servicesreports are issued.Pleasevisit frequently byICC-ESasnewstampedandweldedconnector other ESRreports heldbySimpson Strong-Tie andwillbeupdated ESR-2523 indexreport. Thisreport isareference documentto products are listedinESRreports, wehaveobtainedtheICC-ES To quicklydeterminewhich ofourstampedandweldedconnector in compliancewiththelatestcodes. in order toupdatereports orreceive additionalreports forproducts IBC andIRC.We continuetosubmitproduct informationtoICC-ES and IAPMOUESERreports evaluatedtothe2006/2009/2012/2015 Simpson Strong-Tie currently maintainsmore than60ICC-ESESR State ofFlorida. andthe IAPMO UES;UL;FM;theCityofLosAngeles,California; evaluation agencies.Agenciesthatlistourproducts includeICC-ES; Simpson Strong-Tie evaluation reports. or visittheproduct evaluationagencies’websitesforthecurrent by otherproduct evaluation agencies.Visit report andspecific reductions and restrictions maybe required Some loadsandapplicationsmaynotbecovered inthecode building code. MethodsandMaterialssectionoftheapplicable the Alternate (800) 999-5099.Product acceptancemaybeobtainedthrough contact usforacopyofourproduct testdocumentationat supply completetestdatatosupportourpublishedloads.Please have anevaluationreport listing(170),Simpson Strong-Tie can Where amodelhasbeensubmittedforlisting(160)ordoesnot The reference numbersalsoclearlyidentify: with thechartatright,indicateswhichcodelistingappliestoaproduct. report wasobtained.TheCodeReference column,usedinconjunction them. Theletterdesignatestheevaluationagencyfrom whichthe typically called“codereports,” andthespecific reports thatcover intended toidentifyproducts listedinevaluationagencyreports, “Code Reference” columninloadtablesthroughout thiscatalogare The alpha-numeric“CodeReference numbers”thatappearinthe Code Reference ColumninLoadTables Reports Code Simpson Strong-Tie • • • • • • • • • • Product iscalculatedpercode;testingnotrequired (200) construction coderequirements (190) Products thatmeetprescriptive orconventional and anevaluationreport listingisnotnecessary(180) Products notsubmittedbecausetheyhavenoloadrating Products withnoevaluationreport listing(170) Products submittedforevaluationreport listing(160) . ® products are listedbyseveralproduct ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding . products, youcanaccessourCodeReportFinderSoftware at To accesspertinentcode reports related toSimpson Strong-Tie and isinstalledinaccordance withitsconditionsofuse. approval thatisapplicableintheHighVelocity HurricaneZone(HVHZ) Acceptance isnolongernecessarywhere aproduct hasastatewide that theproduct approval systemistoapplystatewide,Noticeof Statutes, Chapter553,Section553.842.Sincethislawspecifies product evaluationandapproval byFlorida system isgoverned to operateincoordination withtheFloridaBuildingCode.This single product evaluationandapproval systemthatappliesstatewide System becameeffective. Thepurposeofthissystemistoprovide a On October1,2003,theStateofFlorida’s StatewideProduct Approval product andevaluationreport acceptance. testing requirements. AlsoIRA-5,updatedinOctober2012,addresses (which addresses corrosion-resistant materialand/orcoatings) and Design Requirements, InstallationRequirements ConnectorFabrication and clarifiesListingRequirements, AcceptableLoadCapacities, Construction Connectors.IR23-1definesthePurposeandScope Code Reference KeyChart *

at (800)999-5099,orcontactthecode agencydirectly. the usertovisit Because codereports canbeissuedthroughout theyear, weencourage Los Angeles, Angeles, Los IAPMO UES California No Code Code No State of of State Agency ICC-ES Florida Listing City of of City For the most current information, call Simpson Simpson Strong-Tie Forthemostcurrentcall information, Approval Product Product Florida

, Call us for Test Data for us Call Code Listing Code Visit Visit ESR-3096 ESR-2236 RR 25803 ESR-2105 RR 25910 RR RR 25713 RR RR 25711 RR RR25906 or or accurate and up-to-date up-to-date and accurate ER-262 code evaluation reports. evaluation code ER-192 product approvalproduct and , , for for

Code Ref.Code , and , and L23 170 L14 IP5 I27 IP4 L5 L3 FL ® L1 I5 I4

C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. Corrosion Information • galvanic corrosion offasteners: Good detailingpractice,includingthefollowing,canhelpreduce thepossibilityof corrosion willoccur. Corrosion alsoincreases withincreasing conductivityoftheelectrolyte. the table,greater thedifference inelectrochemical potential,andthemore rapidlygalvanic group (seetable)havesimilarelectrochemical potentials.Thefartherthemetalsare aparton qualitative guidetothepotentialfortwometalsinteractgalvanically. Metalsinthesame anodic metalwillcorrode preferentially. TheGalvanicSeriesofMetalstableprovides a to movefrom themore anodictothemore cathodicmetal.Inthegalvaniccouple,more in thepresence ofanelectrolyte (suchaswater)thatactsaconductivepathformetalions Galvanic corrosion occurswhentwoelectrochemically dissimilarmetalscontacteachother Galvanic Corrosion members, fastenersandconnectorsshouldbeinspectedbyaqualified If significantcorrosion isapparent orsuspected,thentheframing mean thatloadcapacityhasbeenaffected orthatfailure isimminent. stainless steelcancorrode. Thepresence ofsomecorrosion doesnot It iscommontoseesomecorrosion inoutdoorapplications.Even inspections are performed,especiallyforoutdoorapplications. the intendeduse.Itisalsoprudentthatregular maintenanceandperiodic are knowledgeableofthepotentialrisksandselectaproduct suitablefor level. Thisrelative uncertaintymakesitcrucialthatspecifiersandusers to accuratelypredict if,orwhen,corrosion willbeginorreach acritical The manyvariablespresent inabuildingenvironment makeitimpossible corrosive materials. installed incorrosive environments orwheninstalledincontactwith and anchorscouldcorrode andloseload-carryingcapacitywhen de-icing salts,dissimilarmetalsandmore. Metalconnectors,fasteners salt air, fire retardants, fumes,fertilizers,preservative-treated wood, Many environments andmaterialscancausecorrosion, includingocean Understanding theCorrosion Issue steel, orequivalent. require aminimumofASTMA653, Type G185zinc-coated galvanized of exposure. Connectorsincontact withpreservative-treated wood base metal,suchasstainlesssteel, siliconbronze orcopper, regardless applied followingASTMA153,Class D,orbyacorrosion-resistant fastener corrosion resistance isprovided byhot-dipgalvanization basis oftheAWPA UseCategories.From thebuildingcodeperspective, independent oftheserviceenvironments and treatments that are the with chemically-treated wood,andthecorrosion resistance is corrosion resistance forconnectorsandfastenersthatare incontact deterioration. Atthesametime,buildingcodesrequire specific based onserviceconditionsandenvironments andagentsof based onprotection ofthewoodmaterial;UseCategoriesare Category designations(UC)forwoodtreatment chemicalsthatare The AmericanWood Protection Association(AWPA) identifies12Use Treatment UseCategoriesandExposure Conditions stress-corrosion cracking.Thesefastenersare recommended specificallyforuseindry, interiorlocations. Some hardened fastenersmayexperiencepremature failure ifexposedtomoisture as aresult ofhydrogen-assisted Hydrogen-Assisted Stress-Corrosion Cracking • • • Simpson Strong-Tie • • • • Use fastenersandmetalswithsimilarelectrochemical properties Prevent exposure toandpoolingofelectrolytes Ensure thatthefasteneriscathodewhendissimilarmetalsare present Separate dissimilarmetalswithinsulatingmaterials ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding

information, literature andevaluationreports publishedbyothers. bulletins onthetopic( but itisimportanttofullyeducateyourselfbyreviewing ourtechnical have attemptedtoprovide basicknowledgeonthesubjecthere, variants, selectionoffastenershasbecomeacomplextask.We retention levels,moisture conditionsandregional formulation Due tothemanydifferent chemicaltreatment formulations,chemical chemicals, specificallySBX-DOT, are less corrosive thanCCA-C. same time,othershaveshownthattheinorganicboron treatment Copper AzoleType C,Micronized Copper AzoleandCCA-C.Atthe Strong-Tie hasshownthatACQ-Type Dismore corrosive than to steelconnectorsandfastenersthanothers.Testing bySimpson retentions poseincreased corrosion potentialandare more corrosive Some wood-preservative chemicalsandfire-retardant chemicalsand may beappropriate. engineer orqualifiedinspector. Replacementofaffected components with nolimitations. wet-service condition withnosaltexposure; and(4)general use wood inasaltair dry-serviceenvironment; (3)treated woodina with nosaltexposure: (1)treated woodindryservice;(2)clean resistance isqualifiedforoneormore offourexposure conditions the benchmarkperformance.Under AC257,fastenercorrosion where hot-dipgalvanization(ASTMA153,ClassD)isusedas resistance mechanismsforfastenersusedinwoodconstruction corrosionimplemented AC257asamethod toevaluatealternate CodeCouncil–EvaluationService(ICC-ES) The International zinc boratepreservative-treated woodininterior, dryenvironments. for plaincarbonsteelfasteners,nutsandwashersinSBX/DOT applied toscrews.BuildingCode(IBC)hasexceptions TheInternational ResidentialCode (IRC)formechanicalgalvanization (ICC) International Some exceptionsare provided CodeCouncil’s intheInternational

Galvanic SeriesofMetals Silver, Titanium, Graphite, Gold, Platinum Gold, Graphite, Silver, Titanium, C(passive) alloy Hasteloy (passive), steel 316 stainless (passive), steel stainless 304 (passive) Nickel Monel alloys, Cu-Ni Copper, Brasses, C(active) alloy Hastelloy (active), alloy Ni-Cr Inconel (active), Nickel Tin, Lead, Steel and 2024-T4, Iron Aluminum 1100,Aluminum Cadmium, Zinc alloys, Magnesium Magnesium, Protected End (Cathode) Corroded End (Anode) End Corroded ) andalsobyreviewing

7 8 Corrosion Information risk, where Type 316isthebestchoiceforsaltmarine andchloride- galvanized (Class-C)are themosteffective protection againstcorrosion Types 316/305/304stainless steel,copper, siliconbronze andhot-dip (interior dry)toUC4A(exteriorground contact,generaluse). The AC257Exposure Condition3includesAWPA UseCategoriesUC1 testing andwhethertheexposure includessaltexposure. Ingeneral, of chemicalsandretention levelofthechemicalsinqualification (A-C). ICC-ESconsiderstheexteriorexposure tobelimitedbythetype for ground-contact levelsofprotection, ithasUseCategoriesUC4 Use CategoriesUC3(AandB)dependingonmoisture run-off; and service. TheAWPA classifiesexteriorabove-ground treatments as the treatment chemical-retention levelishigher thanforinterior because themoisture exposure is elevated (greater than19%) and/or Outdoor environments are generallymore corrosive tosteeleither effects oftreatment chemicals. and corrosion hazard toexposedmetalsurfaces;itdoesnotinclude 2 reflects thepresence ofair-borne saltinadry-serviceenvironment corrosion needsintheseconditions.TheAC257Exposure Condition assessmentofClassification Strong-Tie Simpson Table forthe and AC257Exposure Condition1.SeetheCorrosion Resistance conditions are typicalofAWPA UC1andUC2for wood treatment in chemically-treated wood,isreduced intheseconditions.These contents lessthanorequalto19%.Thecorrosion potential,even Dry-service (ordamp-service)environments leadtowoodmoisture for connectorandfastenerproducts. Strong-Tie address thecoatingsystemsandmaterialsusedbySimpson Corrosion ResistanceRecommendations.Theserecommendations Exposure Conditionsanddevelopedfrom thatevaluationasetof Association) UseCategories(AWPA U1-16)andtheICC-ES,AC257 hasevaluatedtheAWPA Strong-Tie (AmericanWood Protection Simpson Simpson Strong-Tie GeneralRecommendations Simpson Strong-Tie • • • • • • conditions: Consider thesemoisture andtreatment chemicalexposure Evaluate theExposure Consider theimportanceofconnection. Evaluate theApplication Connectors andFasteners Guidelines forSelectingCorrosion-Resistant • • • • • • information should include Use Category Designation, wood information should includeUseCategoryDesignation, wood the pertinentinformation aboutthewoodbeingused. The The preservative-treated woodsuppliershouldprovide allof Treatment Chemicals: are included. chlorides andsomesplash.Environments withde-icingsalts Ocean/Water Front: Uncertain: zones, acidrainandothercorrosive elements. preservative-treated wood(AWPA UC4BandUC4C),industrial Elevated Service: the AWPA UC4A. Exposed andGeneralUseGround Contactasdescribedby than ElevatedService.TheseincludeExteriorProtected and Wet Service: a Wet ServiceorElevatedCondition. construction shouldalsobeconsidered, asthismayconstitute to othersources ofmoisture. Prolonged exposure during that havebeendesignedtoprevent condensationandexposure and ceilingcavities,raisedfloorapplicationsinenclosedbuildings Dry Service: Unknownexposure, materialsortreatment chemicals. Generally interior applications and includes Generallyinteriorapplicationsandincludeswall Generally exterior construction in conditions other Generallyexteriorconstructioninconditionsother ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding Includes fumes, fertilizers, soil, some Includesfumes,fertilizers,soil,some Marine environments that include airborne Marineenvironments thatincludeairborne SeeAWPA UseCategoryDesignations.

steel surfacemaybeimperfectoritcaninjured duringservice, surface bypassiveoxidationwithair. Thepaintfilmonthestainless “stainless” becauseitformsaprotective chromium oxidefilmonthe that sometimespaintingcanfacilitatecorrosion. Stainlesssteelis fasteners orhardware. Thereason behindthisrecommendation is doesnotrecommend paintingstainless-steel Strong-Tie Simpson standard warrantyapplies(p. 14). Simpson Strong-Tie standsbehinditsproduct performance andour used. AslongasSimpson Strong-Tie recommendations are followed, corrosion from thetreated woodsupplierorforthetypeof suggest thatallusersandspecifiersobtain recommendations on provide estimatesofservicelifeconnectorsandfasteners.We cannot Strong-Tie Due tothemanyvariablesinvolved,Simpson resistance forvariousenvironments. with materialsandcoatingsanappropriate levelofcorrosion assessmentofthecorrosion resistanceStrong-Tie associated See theCorrosion ResistanceClassifications Simpson Table forthe inspection performed,andregular maintenanceisagoodpractice. you shouldperiodicallyinspectthefastenersorhaveaprofessional or QuikGuard mechanically-galvanized (C3,N2000,orClass55),double-barrier wood species.Ifyouchoosetousehot-dipgalvanized(Class-D), containing environments regardless oftreatment chemicalsor regarding suchinformation. expressesinformation; Simpson Strong noopinion ‑Tie may independentlyprovide testresults ofotherproduct of coatingsandmaterialsintheSevere category. Manufacturers it andcannotmakeanyrecommendations otherthan theuse Classification hasnotevaluated Table, thenSimpson Strong‑Tie product. Ifthetreatment chemicalisnotshownintheCorrosion recommendsStrong theuseofa300-seriesstainless-steel ‑Tie If thetreatment chemicalinformationisincomplete, Simpson Classification Table Use theSimpson Strong‑Tie • usually doesnotimprove corrosion resistance ofstainlesssteel. as abrown stainorasred rust.Thisisthereason thatpainting corrosion caninitiate.Crevice corrosion eventuallybecomesvisible of theprotective chromium oxidefilm.When thishappens,crevice that canbestagnantanddegradeorblockthepassiveformation film imperfectionsandscratchesfacilitatecollectionofdirtwater and ineithercasethemetalmaybeexposed.Microscopic-sized • evaluation report forreduction factors. . FRT in manufacturer’sRefer totheFRT reduced shear andwithdrawalallowableloadsmaybe Fastener hot-dip galvanized,stainlesssteel,siliconbronze orcopper. from themanufacturer, thecoderequires fastenerstobe corrosion requirements. Intheabsenceofrecommendations refer tothemanufacturer’s recommendations forfastener IBC Section2304.10.5.4and2015IRCR317.3.4 for fastenerandconnectorprotection requirements. The2015 woodmanufacturer’ssteel. RefertotheFRT recommendations generally beuncoated,paintedorgalvanizedG90zinc-coated woodindryserviceapplicationsmay in contactwithFRT Fire-Retardant-Treated (FRT) Wood: recommendations. effects oftreatment chemicalsandfastenercorrosion resistance retention. Seeappropriate evaluationreports forcorrosion species group, woodtreatment chemicaland ® coatedfastenersonoutdoorprojects (e.g.,adeck), ® Corrosion

Metal connectors Metal

C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. Corrosion Information Dry Service 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Corrosion ResistanceRecommendations Corrosion ResistanceClassifications Simpson Strong-Tie use Types 316/305/304stainlesssteel,siliconbronze orcopper. If uncertainaboutUseCategory, treatment chemicalorenvironment, rapid waterrunoff). that wouldbemore corrosive thanAWPA UC3A(exterior, aboveground, Mechanical galvanizationsC3andN2000shouldnotbeusedinconditions and periodicinspection. Conditions 1and3)willperformadequatelysubjecttoregular maintenance and wet-serviceexposures (AWPA UC1-UC4A,ICC-ESAC257Exposure (ASTM A153,ClassD)incontactwithchemically-treated woodindry-service coating willprovide corrosion resistance equivalent tohot-dipgalvanization galvanization (ASTMB695,Class55),QuikGuard Testing followingICC-ESAC257showedthatmechanical bySimpson Strong‑Tie 0.14 pcf;micronized CA-B, 0.15pcf;ACQ-Type D(orC),0.40pcf. than thoseforAWPA UC4A;CA-C,0.15pcf;CA-B,0.21micronized CA-C, treated woodusedinground contacthasachemicalretention levelgreater Type 316/305/304stainless-steelproducts are recommended where preservative- Refer toproduct-specific informationforadditionalguidance. These are generalguidelines thatmaynotconsiderallapplicationcriteria. Ocean/Water Front Ocean/Water Elevated Service Elevated Clear (bright) zinc (ASTM F1941), (ASTM zinc (bright) Clear Environment Simpson Strong-Tie Wet Service Wet Dry Service Uncertain Yellow zinc (ASTM F1941), (ASTM Yellow zinc Standard G90 zinc coating zinc G90 Standard Heavy electro-galvanized electro-galvanized Heavy (ASTM A641 – Class 1), –Class A641 (ASTM Type 410 stainless steel Type 410 stainless Phosphate (gray, black), (gray, black), Phosphate Electrocoat (E-Coat Powder coating, Low ® ® gray paint, gray Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding Other Material Other ™ ), ), Untreated Wood or or Wood


High High Med


Type 410 stainless steel with with steel Type 410 stainless Zinc Borate ASTM B695 – Class 55), 55), –Class B695 ASTM (AS 3566.2-C3, N2000, N2000, 3566.2-C3, (AS SBX-DOT ® (ASTM A153 D), –Class (ASTM Mechanically galvanized Mechanically Double-barrier coating, Double-barrier coatingandDoubleBarrier Quik Guard Quik High Low N/A N/A N/A protective top coat Hot-dip galvanized Hot-dip galvanized Hot-dip ZMAX (ASTM A123) (ASTM Wet Service Medium ® (G185) ® coating, coating,

Retention ≤ AWPA, ≤AWPA, Retention

Chemical Chemical

Severe Severe


High Med


Connectors Fasteners

Preservative-Treated Wood Material to Be Fastened Be to Material 9. 8. 7. 6. FRT lumber.FRT manufacturer’s RefertotheFRT codereport forreduction factors. dry conditions.Fastenershearandwithdrawalcapacitiesmaybereduced in manufacturer. manufacturers SomeFRT permitlow-resistant finishesforinterior steel, siliconbronze orcopperunlessrecommended otherwisebytheFRT lumbershallbehot-dipgalvanized,stainless Fasteners incontactwithFRT example, iscausedbysurfacetanninsleachingoutduringrains. to installationcanhelpreduce theamountofstaining,whichinredwood, for ( connectors andfasteners.According RedwoodAssociation totheCalifornia andare more susceptibletostainingwhenincontactwithmetal Some ,suchascedars,redwood andoak,containwater-soluble air and/orelevatedwoodmoisture content. forsomeapplicationsinenvironmentscan alsobeanalternative withocean Hot-dip galvanizedfastenerswithatleastASTMA153,ClassCprotection recommendation forocean-salt airandotherchloride-containingenvironments. Type 316stainless-steel,siliconbronze andcopperfastenersare thebest use Type 316/305/304stainlesssteel,siliconbronze orcopperfasteners. more corrosive thanwoodwithlowerretentions. Ifthisconditionissuspected, Some treated woodmayhave excesssurfacechemicalsmakingitpotentially Retention > AWPA, >AWPA, Retention Type 316L stainless steel Type stainless 316L Type 304 stainless steel, steel, stainless Type 304 Type 305 stainless steel stainless Type 305 Chemical Chemical Severe Severe Severe UC4A High High High ), applyingaqualityfinishtoallsurfacesofthewoodprior


Severe ACZA High High High Med Type 316L stainless steel Type stainless 316L Type 316 stainless steel, Type 316 stainless Uncertain (ASTM A153 C), –Class (ASTM Other or or Other Severe Severe Severe High High Hot-dip galvanized Hot-dip Silicon bronze, Silicon Severe Copper

FRT Wood Severe

High Med N/A N/A


9 10 See CorrosionInformation formorespecificperformance andapplicationinformation onthesefinishes. Corrosion Information Coatings Available Simpson Strong-Tie Not allproducts are availableinallfinishes.Contact Simpson Strong-Tie forproduct availability, ordering informationandleadtimes. Type 316LStainlessSteel Gray PhosphateCoating with Protective Top Coat Mechanically Galvanized Type 410StainlessSteel Type 316StainlessSteel Double-Barrier Coating ASTM A153,Class C Quik Guard Yellow ZincCoating Coating, Class55 Powder Coating Electrocoating Finish/Material Galvanized Gray Paint (E-Coat ® Coating ™ ) ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding

and IBC. of zinccoating.Hot-dipgalvanized fastenersare compliantwiththe2012and2015IRC(R317.3) ASTM A153,ClassC.Hot-dipgalvanized fastenershaveaminimumaverageof1.25oz./ft. Simpson Strong-Tie Strong-Drive Timber-Hex screws are hot-dipgalvanizedinaccordance with 2012 and2015IBCIRC. especially environments withchlorides.Type 316stainlesssteelfasteners are compliantwiththe nonmagnetic. Itprovides alevelofcorrosion protection suitableforsevere environments, molybdenum. Type 316stainlesssteelisnothardened byheattreatment andisinherently Type 316stainlesssteelisanickel-chromium austeniticgradeofstainlesssteelwith2–3% the previous HDGcoating. different finishesthattogetherprovide alevelofcorrosion protection thatequalsprovided by Simpson Strong-Tie Strong-Drive SDSHeavy-DutyConnectorscrews are manufactured withtwo These fastenersare compatiblewithpaintedandzinc-coated(G90ZMAX)connectors. applied zinccoatinginaccordance withASTMB695,Class55asupplementalovercoat. Simpson Strong-Tie top coat.Thismaterialcanbeusedinmildatmospheres andmany mild chemicalenvironments. Carbon martensiticgradeofstainlesssteelwhichisinherently magnetic, withanaddedprotective exposure, fasteners withtheQuikGuard coatinghaveaveragered rustlessthan2%. (ASTM A153,ClassD)insomeexposures. InASTMB117saltspraytestingat1,000hoursof system oforganictopcoats.Itprovides corrosion resistance equivalenttohot-dipgalvanization Quik Guard isaproprietary coatingthatconsists ofanelectroplated zincbaselayeranda yellow zincprovides atleast24hoursofcorrosion protection before thefirstappearanceof red rust. Electroplated zincappliedinaccordance withASTMF1941.IntheB117saltspraytest, low-corrosion applications. Gray phosphateprovides aminimumlevelofcorrosion resistance andisintendedfordry, corrosion protection andisrecommended fordry, non-corrosive applicationsonly. application, thecoatingiscured inanoven.Electrocoating provides aminimumamountof Electrocoating utilizeselectricalcurrent todepositthecoatingmaterialonfastener. After the 2012and2015IBCIRC. especially environments withchlorides.Type 316Lstainless-steelfastenersare compliantwith nonmagnetic. Itprovides alevelofcorrosion protection suitableforsevere environments, molybdenum. Type 316Lstainlesssteelisnothardened byheattreatment andisinherently Type 316Lstainlesssteel isanickel-chromium austeniticgradeofstainlesssteelwith2–3% the specificationsofASTMA153).Anchorboltsare hot-dipgalvanizedperASTMF2329. A123 totalbothsides).Theseproducts require hot-dipgalvanizedfasteners(fastenerswhichmeet increases withmaterialthickness.Theminimumaveragecoatingweightis2.0oz./ft. Products are hot-dipgalvanizedafterfabrication (14ga.andthicker).Thecoatingweight base havethesamelevelofcorrosion resistance. which meetthespecificationsofASTMA153).Products withapowder-coat finishoveraZMAX ASTM A653totalbothsides).Theseproducts require hot-dipgalvanizedfasteners(fasteners Galvanized (G185)1.85oz.ofzincpersquare footofsurfacearea (hot-dipgalvanizedper area (totalbothsides). Standard (G90)zinc-galvanizedcoatingcontaining0.90oz.ofzincpersquare footofsurface finished product. Baked-on paintfinishthatismore durablethanourstandard paintandproduces abetter-looking Water-based paintintendedtoprotect theproduct whileitiswarehoused andintransittothejobsite. ® Strong-Drive ® Connectors SDConnectorscrews are manufactured withamechanically- Fasteners Description 2 (perASTM


Resistance Corrosion Corrosion Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Level of of Level Severe Severe Severe High/ High/ High/ Low Low Low Low Low Low

C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. h. g. Parallam f. e. d. c. b. a. These generalnotesare provided toensure proper installationofSimpson Strong-Tie CompanyInc.products andmustbefollowedfully. General Notes i. Important Information and General Notes General and Information Important Simpson Strong-Tie are 33ksiand52ksi,respectively. (0.239"), respectively. Theminimumyieldandtensilestrengths as drawing isincludedwiththeorder. Steelspecified onthedrawings products provided priorapproval isobtainedandanengineering Simpson Strong-Tie CompanyInc.willmanufacture non-catalog lumber, applya0.87 factortotheallowableloadslistedforSPF. When usingconnectorsinthiscatalogwithSPF(South)species wood species: perpendicular-to-grain compression capacitiesforthedifferent accordance withtheNDS.Thischartshowsspecificgravityand have aspecificgravitynotgreater than0.55asdeterminedin gravity reads asfollows:3.2.3Thespeciesoflumberusedshall The sectionfrom theAC13criteriaindicatingrangeofspecific species orconditionsmustbeadjustedaccording tothecode. under continuouslydryconditions.Allowableloadsforother Unless otherwisenoted,allowableloadsare forDouglasFir-Larch would jeopardize theconnection. Do notoverload.exceedcatalogallowableloads,which more nailinfo. and ASTMF1667(AmericanSocietyofTesting andMaterials)for Strong-Tie Nailing Guide, NDS(NationalDesignSpecification) specified, itwillbenoted(forexample8dx1 that meettherequirements ofASTMF1667.Whenashorternailis 10d (0.148"x3")and16d(0.162"3 be combinedtoachievehighestloadvalue.8d(0.131"x2 Unless otherwisenoted,welds,screws, boltsandnailsmaynot pounds. Unless otherwisenoted,dimensionsare ininches,loadsare in Simpson Strong-Tie forsteelinformationonspecificproducts. strength, thickness,formability, finishandweldability. Contact selected basedontheproduct’s steelspecifications,including Steel usedforeachSimpson Strong-Tie such changes. specifications, designsandmodelswithoutnoticeorliabilityfor Simpson Strong-Tie CompanyInc.reserves therighttochange or betterthanASTMStandard A307,GradeA. quality through bolts(notlagscrews orcarriagebolts)equalto All references tobolts ormachinebolts(MBs)are forstructural LSL (E≥ 1.5LSL x 10 (E= 1.3LSL x 10 LVL (DF/SP) Glulam Hem Fir(HF) SPF (South) Spruce-Pine-Fir (SPF) Pine(SP) Southern Douglas Fir-Larch (DF) Species 1⁄8 ", 3⁄16 " and ® PSL 1⁄4 " will be 11 ga. (0.120"), 7 ga. (0.179") and 3 ga. " willbe11ga.(0.120"),7(0.179")and3 6 6 ® ) ) Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding 750 psi 650 psi 405 psi 335 psi 425 psi 565 psi 625 psi Fc 680 psi 880 psi 750 psi ⊥ SpecificGravity

1⁄2 ") specify common nails ") specifycommonnails ® product isindividually

1⁄2 "). RefertoSimpson 0.50 0.50 0.43 0.36 0.42 0.55 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50

1⁄2 "), "),

l. k. j. t. s. r. q. p. o. n. m.

connector dimensions;contactSimpson Strong-Tie. Theeffects those listedinthiscatalog,Simpson Strong-Tie maybeabletovary dimensions. Ifyouneedaconnectorwithdimensionsotherthan Strong-Tie manufactures products tofitcommondrylumber account whendesigningandinstallingconnections.Simpson particularly perpendiculartoitsgrain.Take woodshrinkageinto Wood shrinksandexpandsasitlosesgainsmoisture, Connector screws. Connector screws anda NDS with diametersnotexceeding0.75ofthenaildiameter(2015 as required. Ifwoodtendstosplit,considerpre-boring holes required. Drywoodmaysplitmore easilyandshouldbeevaluated Evaluate splitstodetermineiftheconnectionwillperformas A fastenerthatsplitsthewoodwillnottakedesignload. must bereplaced. fractures atthebendline.Fractured steelwillnotcarryloadand Unless otherwisenoted,bendingsteelinthefieldmaycause be installedsofastenerlocationsdo notoverlap. tabulated load.Whenmultipleconnectors are required, theymust Some applicationsrequire multipleconnectorstoachievethe whether mountedtotheformprior tothepourorwetset. products, fullconsolidationofconcrete orgrout isrequired To achievetabulatedvaluesforembeddedconcrete/masonry accordingly. SAE narrow washers(N)tofitinatightspaceandare noted accordance with2012NDSAppendixL.Someproducts require shown inASMEB18.22.1fortheappropriate rod sizein refer toType Aplainwashers(W)conformingtothedimensions Unless notedotherwise,allreferences tostandard-cut washers Connectors be replaced. SeetheSimpson Strong-Tie crack whenwelded.Crackedsteelwillnotcarryloadandmust Strong-Tie. Somesteels havepoorweldabilityandatendencyto specific approval forweldingisprovided inwritingbySimpson specifically identifiesa product asacceptableforwelding,orunless Do notweldproducts listedinthiscatalogunlesspublication platesshownare theresponsibility oftheTruss Designer. catalog. ContactSimpson Strong-Tie fordetails. Some modelconfigurationsmaydiffer from thoseshowninthis catalog, allothersectionsmustbedeterminedbytheDesigner. connector fasteners).Exceptforthebuilt-upcolumnslistedinthis to actasoneunitresist theappliedload(excluding Built-up lumber(multiplemembers)mustbefastenedtogether subfloor toaccommodatethetopflangethickness. face-mount hanger, androutering thebeamorcutting should beevaluatedbyaprofessional andincludeusinga Top flangehangersmay cause unevenness.Possible remedies (Contact Simpson Strong-Tie forinformationonTakeup Devices.) rod nutsbecomingloose,requiring -installationtightening. such asfloor-to-floor installations.Thismay resultinthevertical of woodshrinkageare increased inmultiplelumberconnections, catalogforhangersthatmaybewelded. 5⁄32 " bitforStrong-Drive 3/32 " bitforStrong-Drive SD9/SD10 Wood Construction ® SDS Heavy-Duty SDSHeavy-Duty

11 12 j. i. h. g. f. e. d. c. b. a. for eachparticularproduct, allofwhichshouldbeconsultedpriortoandduringinstallationSimpson Strong-Tie CompanyInc.products. products andmustbefollowedcarefully. Thesegeneralinstructionsare inadditiontothespecificinstallationinstructionsandnotesprovided These generalinstructionsfortheinstallerare provided toensure proper selectionandinstallationofSimpson Strong-Tie CompanyInc. General InstructionsfortheInstaller Notes General and Information Important Simpson Strong-Tie Install allspecifiedfastenersbefore loadingtheconnection. Section,Table E3aifapplicable). maximum of Bolt holesshallbeatleastaminimumof more thanonetime(onefullcycle). bent. Forthoseproducts, installersmustnotbendtheproduct The proper useofcertainproducts requires thattheproduct be this catalog. Do notalterinstallationprocedures from thosesetforthin Install products in thepositionspecifiedincatalog. guarantee theperformanceofsuchmodifiedproducts. substantially weakened.Simpson Strong-Tie willnotwarrantor products. Theperformanceofmodifiedproducts maybe holes orotherwisemodifySimpson Strong-Tie CompanyInc. fasteners thatdon’t haveprepunched holes,donotaddfastener Unless aconnectorisspecificallydesignedforpower-driven the connectiontofail. Substitution oforfailure tousespecifiedmaterialsmaycause Use thematerialsspecifiedininstallationinstructions. Do notoverdrive nails.Overdriven nailsreduce shearcapacity. for thatproduct. Fill allfastenerholesasspecifiedintheinstallationinstructions • • • to fail. placement, type,material,orfinishmaycausetheconnection instructions inthiscatalog.Incorrect fastenerquantity, size, All specifiedfastenersmustbeinstalledaccording tothe • • • ASTM A153orotherfastenersallowedinthiscatalog. use fastenersthatmeetthezinccoatingspecificationsof fasteners. WhenusingZMAX When usingstainless-steelconnectors,use capacities ofconnectorswithscrews replacing nails. representations regarding thesuitabilityofuseorload-carrying Simpson Strong-Tie cannotanddoesnotmakeany the Designer/EngineerofRecord. Unlessstatedotherwise, nails inconnectorsunlessapproved andrecommended by Unless otherwisenotedscrews maynotbeusedtoreplace 10d are commonnails(0.148"dia.x3"long). 10d x2 10d x1 8d are commonnails(0.131"dia.x2 8d x1


1/2 1/2 " are commonnails(0.131"dia.x1 " are commonnails(0.148"dia.x2 " are commonnails(0.148"dia.x1 1⁄16 " larger than the bolt diameter (per the 2015 NDS, " largerthantheboltdiameter(per2015NDS, ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding ® /HDG galvanized connectors, /HDG galvanizedconnectors,

1/2 1⁄32 " long); " andnomore thana


1/2 1⁄2 " long);

" long); " long);

n. m. l. k. s. r. q. p. o.

equipment. Overdriving nailsmayreduce allowableloads.Contact the manufacturer’s instructionsandusetheappropriate safety Tools withnailhole-locating mechanismsshouldbeused.Follow nails (lengthanddiameter)are properly installedinthenailholes. install connectors,provided thecorrect quantityandtypeof the operatororothers.Pneumaticnailtoolsmaybeusedto Pneumatic orpowder-actuated fastenersmaydeflectandinjure connectors cannotbewelded. Society) standards. UnlessotherwisenotedSimpson Strong-Tie should beinaccordance withA.W.S. (AmericanWelding proper weldingprocedures andsafetyprecautions. Welding Welding galvanizedsteelmayproduce harmfulfumes;follow Use proper safetyequipment. dry interiorapplications. to moisture. Thesefastenersare recommended tobeusedin Some hardened fastenersmayhavepremature failure ifexposed with thehangeroptionssectionofthiscatalog. specific connectorsincludingthosemanufactured inaccordance are installed.ContactSimpson Strong-Tie forretrofit suitabilityof been designedtobeinstalledatthetimeframingmembers Unless otherwisenoted,connectorsshowninthiscataloghave inside ofthecompletedstructure incoldclimates. considerations mustbetakentoprevent condensationonthe When installinghurricanetiesontheinsideofwallspecial bolt isatleastflushwiththetopofnut. Nuts shallbeinstalledsuchthattheendofthreaded rod or which couldforce theplateoff thetruss. through thetrussplateonoppositesideofsingle-plytrusses, be predrilled usingamaximumof screws through metalconnectorplatesrequires theplatesto Simpson Strong-TieStrong-Drive with ANSI/TPI1-2014,Section7.5.3.4and8.9.2.Installationof plates whenapproved bytheTruss Designerinaccordance Fasteners are permittedtobeinstalledthrough metaltruss (unless specificallynotedotherwise). ICC-ES AC261,ASTMD1761andD7147teststandards between thejoistendandheadershallnotexceed shallbearcompletelyontheconnectorseat,andgap hanger installationwithpowder-actuated fasteners. Simpson Strong-Tie used toinstallconnectors,unlessnotedotherwise.Reference the Simpson Strong-Tie. Powder-actuated fastenersshouldnotbe Wood ConstructionConnectors ® SDS Heavy-Duty Connector SDSHeavy-DutyConnector 5⁄32 " bit. Do not drive nails " bit.Donotdrivenails catalog for catalogfor 1⁄8 " per " per


C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. g. f. e. otherwise. d. c. b. a. and notesprovided foreachparticularproduct, allofwhichshouldbeconsultedpriortoandduringthedesignprocess. products andmustbefollowedcarefully. Thesegeneralinstructionsare inadditiontothespecificdesignandinstallationinstructions These generalinstructionsfortheDesignerare provided toensure proper selectionandinstallationofSimpson Strong-Tie CompanyInc. General InstructionsfortheDesigner Important Information and General Notes General and Information Important Simpson Strong-Tie Unless otherwisenoted,woodshear isnotconsidered inthe for earthquake/windloading. /WIND”(160)—160%ofdesignload “EARTHQUAKE seven-day durationofload. “ROOF LOAD”(125)—125%ofdesignloadfor duration ofload. “SNOW” (115)—115%ofdesignloadfortwo-month duration ofload. “FLOOR” and“DOWN”(100)—noincrease for “PERMANENT” —90%ofthedesignload. are asfollows: Designer. Durationof loadadjustmentsasspecifiedbythecode application ofadditionaladjustmentfactorsshallbebythe Action andToe-Nail factors from theNDSasapplicable. The Other codeagenciesmayusedifferent allowableloads. (NDS) andAISIS100-12ifapplicable,unlessotherwisespecified. Loads are basedonthe2015NationalDesignSpecifications to thelowestspecificgravityinconnection,unlessnoted different specificgravities,usetheallowableloadcorresponding multiplied by0.75.Forconnectionsinvolvingmemberswith shall notexceedthepublishedallowableloadinthatdirection be evaluatedusingthefollowing:Thedesignloadineachdirection onpp.18–19can SeismicandHurricaneTies As analternative, Option 2: the connectorwithinstructuralsystem. on theirmethodofcalculatingwindforces andtheutilizationof loading isatthesolediscretion oftheDesignerandisdependent number oftermsthatmustbeconsidered forsimultaneous directions thatexisttogenerateforce onaconnector. The The three termsintheunityequationare duetothepossible Option 1: option 1or2. direction, theallowableloadmustbeevaluatedasgivenin When aconnectorisloadedsimultaneouslyinmore thanone allowable loadvaluessetforthinthiscatalog. All installationsshouldbedesignedonlyinaccordance withthe by theDesigner. All connectedmembersandrelated elementsshallbedesigned professional engineer, oralicensedarchitect. mean alicensed/certifiedbuildingdesignprofessional, alicensed The term“Designer”usedthroughout thiscatalogisintendedto loads given;reduce allowableloadswhenwoodshearislimiting. Unless otherwisenoted,loadsincludeLoadDuration,Group to Plate/AllowableLateralPerpendicular<1.0. Allowable LateralParalleltoPlate+DesignPerpendicular Design Uplift/AllowableUplift+LateralParalleltoPlate/

® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding

k. j. i. h. p. o. n. m. l. on allproducts thathavebeencodetested. Simpson Strong-Tie willprovide uponrequest codetestingdata should beconsidered. sufficiently reinforced. Inthiscase,mechanical reinforcement cross-grain tensionorbendingofthewoodduringloadingifnot Some catalogillustrationsshowconnectionsthatcouldcause bearing length. to receive thespecifiedfasteners,anddeveloptopflange Verify thatthedimensionsofsupportingmemberare sufficient and givewrittenapproval forsubstitutionpriortoinstallation.” calculations. TheEngineer/DesignerofRecord shouldevaluate load capacitybasedonreliable publishedtestingdataor calculations ofplan.Before substitutinganotherbrand,confirm connectors are specifically required tomeetthestructural to constructiondrawingsandspecifications:“SimpsonStrong-Tie Simpson Strong-Tie strongly recommends thefollowingaddition information. technical bulletinT-C-MPLYHEADER at comprised ofmultiplepliesdimensionedlumberorSCL.See solidheaders.Loadreductions mayapplywhenusingheaders with Top flangehangerallowableloadsare typicallybasedontesting load pathisprovided asrequired bythebuildingcode. and detailallnecessaryconnectionstoensure thatacontinuous through thestructure. ItistheDesigner’s responsibility tospecify Additional connectionsmayberequired tosafelytransfertheloads the loadtransferfrom oneelementinthestructure toanother. Throughout thecatalogthere are installationdrawingsshowing Simpson Strong-Tie products donotrequire specialinspection. or regional buildingauthority. Exceptwhere mandatedbycode, these requirements, itisnecessarytocontactthelocaland/ anchors installedinconcrete andmasonry. Forcompliancewith conditions. Buildingcodesoftenrequire specialinspectionof Local and/orregional buildingcodesmayrequire meetingspecial rotation whileunderconstructionpriortosheathinginstall. height shallbeatleast60%ofjoistforstabilityagainst For joisthangers,Simpson Strong-Tie recommends thehanger used toderiveLRFDcapacities. Appendix N,whichcontainsaconversionprocedure thatcanbe listed inthiscatalog.Formore information,refer tothe2015NDS Simpson Strong-Tie forreference lateralresistances ofproducts with LRFD,reference lateralresistances mustbeused.Contact for woodhasbeenpublishedinASTMD5457.Whendesigning method forusingLoadandResistanceFactorDesign(LRFD) utilizing thetraditionalAllowableStress Designmethodology. A The allowableloadspublishedinthiscatalogare forusewhen



13 14 Important Information and General Notes General and Information Important Simpson Strong-Tie Limited Warranty the specificdesignandlocationofstructure, thebuilding Due totheparticularcharacteristicsofpotentialimpactevents, applicable catalogpages. performance limitationsforspecificproducts maybelistedonthe forth intheapplicableSimpson Strong-Tie catalog.Additional products willperforminaccordance withthespecificationsset Strong-Tie and useslistedinthiscatalog.Properly-installed Simpson Simpson Strong-Tie products are designedtotheloadcapacities impact eventssuchasearthquakesandhigh-velocitywinds.Other to resist themovement,stress and loadingthatresults from Simpson Strong-Tie products, ortodeteriorationdueenvironmental conditions. installations setforthinthiscatalog,ortonon-catalogmodified not applytousesincompliancewithspecificapplicationsand properly specified,installedandmaintained.Thiswarrantydoes when usedinaccordance withdesignlimitsinthiscatalogandwhen Company Inc.products are furtherwarrantedforadequacyofdesign free from defectsinmaterialormanufacturing.Simpson Strong-Tie Simpson Strong-Tie CompanyInc.warrantscatalogproducts tobe Terms andConditionsofSale Products inthiscatalogare designedandmanufactured forthespecific Product Use in partbynon-catalogormodifiedproducts. Inc. foranyandallclaimedlossordamageoccasionedinwhole indemnify, defendandholdharmlessSimpson Strong-Tie Company Company Inc.shall,regardless ofspecificinstructions totheuser, designing non-catalogproducts forfabricationbySimpson Strong-Tie Customers orDesignersmodifyingproducts orinstallations, Indemnity sole responsibility oftheDesigner. performance ofsuchmodifiedproducts oraltered installationsisthe in installationsshouldonlybemadebyaqualifiedDesigner. The approved byaqualifiedDesigner. Modificationsto products orchanges purposes shown,andshouldnotbeusedwithotherconnectors ® connectorsare designedtoenablestructures ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding

consult forcurrent information. expressly excluded.Thiswarrantymaychangeperiodically— for aparticularpurpose,allsuchotherwarrantiesbeinghereby or implied,includingwarrantiesofmerchantability orfitness This warrantyisexpressly inlieuofallotherwarranties,expressed loss ordamage,howevercaused. Company Inc.beresponsible forincidental,consequential,orspecial of purchaser underthiswarranty. InnoeventwillSimpson Strong-Tie Simpson Strong-Tie CompanyInc.’s soleobligationandremedy or replacement ofthedefectivepart.Theseremedies shallconstitute limited, atthediscretion ofSimpson Strong-Tie CompanyInc., torepair All warrantyobligationsofSimpson Strong-Tie CompanyInc.shallbe building codes. connectors are properly installedinaccordance withapplicable Simpson Strong-Tie catalogspecificationsand Simpson Strong-Tie contents eveniftheloadsresulting from theimpacteventdonotexceed soils involved,damagemaynonethelessresult toastructure andits materials used,thequalityofconstruction,andcondition unless otherwisespecified. express orimplied,onnon-catalogproducts. F.O.B. ShippingPoint non-catalog products. Simpson Strong-Tie provides nowarranty, regarding thesuitabilityofuseorload-carryingcapacities Simpson Strong-Tie cannotanddoesnotmakeanyrepresentations specifications. be fabricatedbySimpson Strong-Tie in accordance withcustomer Non-catalog products mustbedesignedbythecustomerandwill abnormal loadingorerection requirements. hostile environments, withexcessivewoodshrinkage,or which there isno catalog product, orforconnectors forusein Consult Simpson Strong-Tie CompanyInc. forapplications Non-Catalog andModifiedProducts

C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. Important Information and General Notes General and Information Important Conversion Charts Metric Conversion Simpson Strong-Tie Steel thicknessmayvaryaccording toindustrymillstandards. US Standard SteelGauge Equivalents inNominalDimensions Imperial Ga. 1 psi 1 Kip lb. 1 1 ft. 1 in. 22 20 16 10 18 14 12 11 7 3 Thickness Minimum (mil) 229 171 118 111 43 54 33 68 27 97 6,895 Pa 6,895 kN 4.448 N 4.448 m 0.3048 mm 25.40 Metric ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding Roof Pitchconversiontablesonlyforhip/ valley raftersthatare skewed45°rightor Use theseRoofPitchtoHip/Valley left. Allotherskewswillcausetheslope 1/32 1/32 5/64 9/64 3/64 3/16 in. 7/64 1/16 1/8 1/4 Approximate Dimensions Bolt Diameter to changefrom that listed. in. 7⁄8 3⁄4 5⁄8 1⁄2 3⁄8 1 mm 3.5 6.0 4.5 2.0 2.7 1.3 1.6 1.0 1.0 3.1 22.2 25.4 15.9 12.7 19.1 mm 9.5 Uncoated 0.048 0.060 0.239 0.036 0.030 0.075 0.105 0.134 0.120 0.179 Steel Roof Pitchis... If CommonRafter Thickness of Steel Sheets Sheets Steel of Thickness Rise/Run Steel (G90) Steel Galvanized 12/12 10/12 11/12 2/12 8/12 6/12 3/12 4/12 5/12 9/12 1/12 7/12 0.063 0.040 0.033 0.052 0.078 0.108 0.186 0.138 0.123 (in.) — ZMAX (G185) Slope 0.065 0.054 0.035 0.080 0.042 0.140 0.125 0.110 40° 30° 45° 23° 27° 34° 42° 37° 10° 18° 14° — — 5°

® Roof Pitchbecomes... Then Hip/Valley Rafter Rise/Run 12/17 10/17 11/17 2/17 8/17 6/17 3/17 4/17 5/17 9/17 1/17 7/17 Slope 22° 30° 33° 35° 28° 25° 16° 10° 19° 13° 7° 3° 15 Connectors C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. Face-Mount HangersforFactory-BuiltStructures MMLU MMLU InstallationandLoadTable Codes: • • • • • • • Installation: Finish: all others—20gauge Material: value engineeringfordifferent loads. Each hangerprovides optionstoenable multiplenailingpattern nail holes,allowingforfasterinstallationofpower-driven nails. structures. NailinggridsintheMMLUhangersreplace traditional The MMLUseriesprovides installationversatilityforfactory-built Simpson Strong-Tie • • • • • • • do notsupporttheI-joisttopflangeorfloortrusschord. installed inthecarriedmemberwhenhangersideflanges I-joist webstiffeners orfloortrussendverticalwebsmustbe Simpson Strong-Tie the joistbyothermeans,suchasblocking,endnailingor 60% ofthejoistheight,provide lateralrestraint tothetopof height toprovide joistrotation resistance. IfHislessthan The MMLUheight(H)mustequalorexceed60%ofthejoist same nailinggridis½"andmustnotsplitthewoodheader. The minimumverticalcenter-to-center spacingofnailsinthe grid mustcontainthesamequantityofnails. and LoadTable forincreased capacity. Eachheadernailing Install additionalnailsinaccordance withtheMMLUInstallation nailing grid. Install atleastone8dx1½"or10dnailintoeach to dimple. the hangerandare notoverdriven causingtheMMLUsteel Adjust thenailtoolpressure sonail headsare flushwith nailing grid.Followallsafetyinstructionsforthenailtool. is required. To reduce ricochet,installnailsstraightthrough the Nails must be installed with apowered nail tool.Faceprotection MMLU26-2 MMLU28-2 MMLUI211 MMLUI311 MMLU210 MMLUI39 MMLU26 MMLU28 Model Galvanized Testing performedinaccordance withICC-ESAC-13. MMLU26-2,MMLU28-2—18gauge, 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 W

9/16 9/16 9/16 9/16 9/16 9/16

1/8 1/8 Dimensions ® ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding A34framinganglesabovethehanger. (in.) 7 11 11 6 7 9 5 4



3/16 1/16

1/8 3/8 3/4

5/8 5/8 Header Nailing Grids No. of of No. Grids 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4

8d x1 8d Each Grid Nails in in Nails 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 3 2

1/2 " or 10d x1 10d " or


20 20 16 16 10 10 18 12 12 12 12 8 8 6 6 8 4 8 4 Nail Quantity

1/2 " Joist 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 with anOpenWeb Joist MMLUI39 Installation (others similar) MMLU210 Uplift 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 Allowable Loads Loads Allowable 4 4 4 (lb.) Download 1,340 1,295 1,295 1,215 1,215

500 655 330 555 955 955 395 705 705 870 870 240 510 510


nailing Header 4. 3. 2. 1. Equal number and MMLUI311. for theMMLUI211, MMLUI39 (C allowable upliftload of330lb. triangle holesforanincreased Install twonailsintheoptional with nofurtherincrease allowed. load durationfactor(C Tabulated valuesare basedona SPF lumberspecies. Loads applytoDF, SP, HFand 10d x1½"(0.148"1 with 8dx1½"(0.131"1 Connectors mustbeinstalled each header laterally supportedbyMMLU when joisttopflangeisnot Web stiffenersrequired nailing grid D of nailsin

spacing ½" min. =1.0)or445lb.(C vertical MMLU210 Installation Typical MMLU26 with anI-Joist Installation

1/2 D D ) of1.0 ") nails. =1.6)

1/2 ") or

17 18 H2.5A/H2.5T/H10A/MMH8/RST-3 Roof Tiedowns load levels.Connectorshavebeenevaluatedwithandwithout optionstoenablevalueengineeringfordifferentalso permitmultiplenailingpattern nail holesallowingforfasterinstallationofpower-driven nails.TheMMH8nailinggrids forfactory-builtstructures. ThenailinggridsintheMMH8replace traditional The versatileMMH8lineofconnectorsprovides upliftresistance forroof trussesand for thelatestloadvaluesandtestinginformation. Codes: • • • • • • Installation: Finish: Material: Simpson Strong-Tie • • • • • • four corners ofthegrid,withfifthfour corners nailpositionedinthecenterofgrid. to bemetwithfivenailsinthesquare nailinggrid,nailsshallbepositionedatthe three nails,andamaximumoffivenails.Inorder forthe½"spacing requirement grid andnotsplitthewood.Thesquare nailinggridmustcontainaminimumof MMH8 nailsmusthaveaminimum½"center-to-center spacinginthesamenailing the topsurfaceofmetalconnector. over-drive nails,whichare indicatedbythetopsofnailheadsdrivenbelow the nailertoolsothatnailheadsare drivenintocontactwiththehanger. Donot instructions forthenailtool.Adjustdrivebysettingdepth-of-driveon To prevent ricochet,drivenailsstraightthrough thenailinggrid. Followallsafety is required. Extreme cautionisrequired whendrivingnailsthrough theMMH8. MMH8 nailsmustbeinstalledwithapowernailer. Fullfaceand eyeprotection plate off ofthetrussandcompromise trussperformance. do notfastenthrough thetrussplatefrom behind.Thiscanforce thetruss When installingtiesonplatedtrusses(onthesideoppositetrussplate) Hurricane tiesdonotreplace solidblocking. perforated strapportionoftheconnector. Bendonlyonce. For connectionstothewidefaceofstud,RST-3 tiescanbebentatthe H2.5T tiesare shippedinequalquantitiesofrightandleftversions. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Roof UpliftConnectorInstallationandAllowableLoadTable These products are availablewithadditionalcorrosion protection. Formore information,seep. 10. See These products are approved forinstallationwiththeStrong-Drive into narrow face of stud of face narrow into RST-3 stud of face wide into RST-3 MMH8 H10A H2.5T H2.5A

Galvanized other loads govern. govern. loads other where reduce allowed; increase further no with loading earthquake or wind for increased been have Loads Allowable loads in the F the in loads Allowable lb. 65 is strip bearing F allowable The lb. 60 is strip bearing no with stud of face narrow F Allowable species. to DF, SP, apply lumber SPF Loads and HF interfere) not do side opposite on fasteners that such plate the of side same the on and rafter the of side each on used are connectors when used 2½" be of must thickness rafter Allowable loads are for one connector. A minimum Testing performedinaccordance withICC-ESAC-13.Visit 18gauge • Useallspecifiedfasteners;seeGeneralNotes. Model 1 load for the RST-3 installed into the the into RST-3 installed the for load 2 (exception: connectors installed ® load for the H2.5T with or without a a without or with H2.5T the for load Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding formore information. To Rafters/Truss 1 (5) SD #9x1 SD (5) (5) SD #9 x1 #9 SD (5) (6) SD #9 x1 #9 SD (6) x1 #9 SD (6) direction are not intended to intended not are direction (5) 8d x1 8d (5) x1 8d (5) (5) 8d x1 8d (5) (6) 8d x1 8d (6) (6) 8d x1 8d (6) x1 8d (6) (9) 8d x1 8d (9) (3) 8d x1 8d (3) x1 8d (3) (3) 8d x1 8d (3)

1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2

1/2 1/2 1/2

" " " " " " " " " " 1/2 " " " " (5) SD #9 x1 #9 SD (5) (5) SD #9 x1 #9 SD (5) (5) 8d x1 8d (5) x1 8d (5) (5) 8d x1 8d (5) (6) 8d x1 8d (6) (9) 8d x1 8d (9) (3) 8d x1 8d (3) x1 8d (3) (3) 8d x1 8d (3) Fasteners To Plates To

— — — — .

1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2

1/2 1/2 " " " " " " " "

" " 10. 9. 8. 7.


(6) SD #9 x1 #9 SD (6) x1 #9 SD (6) ®

SDConnectorscrew. 0.131" x1½" dia. long. loads. 0.148" table at x1½" used be dia. may long wall. the of side same the on be must connector) area (i.e., truss-to-plate connector and plate-to-stud Continuous Load Uplift Path, connections in the same a For 3½" overhang. aminimum provided acceptable, is wall the of outside the on Installation clarity. for wall the of inside the on shown are Connectors required. be may forces such to resist reinforcement mechanical members, the in avoided be cannot When cross-grain bending or cross-grain tension members. rafter or truss the of bending replace diaphragm members or boundary cross-grain Screws: Nails: (6) 8d x1 8d (6) (6) 8d x1 8d (6) " bearingstrips. To Studs — — — — — — — — — — 8d x1½" 8d =0.131" x1½" dia. 10d x1½" long. = Strong-Drive

1/2 1/2

1/2 1/2 " " " "

No Bearing Strip Allowable Uplift Loads (160) (lb.) (160) Loads Uplift Allowable


435 435 450 330 590 495 520 525 425 910 175 175 175 SD #9 x1½" #9 SD SD9112) (model = 410



3 ⁄




" ⁄

" Bearing Strip " Bearing

2 " 400 435 450 385 330 390 550 380 320 140 155 175 410 —



1 H2.5A

9 13










" ¼

2" ⁄



" ⁄ 1 H2.5T "

1⁄ MMH8


" 2

" 5 ⅛

2 ⁄ " 8"

C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. Roof Tiedowns (cont.) Roof Tiedowns H2.5A/H2.5T/H10A/MMH8/RST-3 Simpson Strong-Tie the publishedallowableloadinthat direction multipliedby0.75. using thefollowing:Thedesignload ineachdirection shallnotexceed roof-to-wallAs analternative, connectorsonpp. 18–19 can beevaluated Option 2:75%Rule and theutilizationofconnector withinthestructuralsystem. the Designer and is dependent on theirmethodofcalculatingwindforces consideredloadingbe simultaneous must for is at the sole discretion of that existtogenerateforce onaconnector. Thenumberoftermsthat The three termsintheunityequationare duetothepossibledirections Allowable LateralPerpendiculartoPlate<1.0. Allowable LateralParalleltoPlate+DesignPerpendicular / Design Uplift/AllowableUplift+LateralParalleltoPlate/ For allconnectorsusethefollowingequation: Option 1:UnityEquation the allowableloadmustbeevaluatedasoption1or2. When aconnectorisloadedsimultaneouslyinmore thanonedirection, MMH8 Installation MMH8 Knee-Wall Installation ( above topplate) 5/8 " bearingstrip ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding



F 1 Narrow FaceofStud RST-3 Installationto ( above topplate) 5/8 " bearingstrip MMH8 Installation bearing strip) (without

5/8 "

F 2


F H10A 1 (no bearingstrip abovetopplates) RST-3 Installation Stud (without to WideFaceof H2.5A Installation bearing strip) MMH8 Bent-Over-Top

F Installation (without 2 5/8 " bearingstrip)





F 1 19 20 Codes: • • Installation: stainless steel;seeCorrosion Information,pp. 7–10. Finish: Material: between thetwomembers. that eliminatesinterference atthetransitionpoints truss economically. LTS strapshavea2"bendsection two woodmembers.Theyresist upliftattheheelofa Twist strapsprovide atensionconnectionbetween LTS Twist Strap Simpson Strong-Tie • • LTS16-REV. Specify "-REV"afterthemodelnumber, suchas LTS strapsare availablewiththebendreversed. Use allspecifiedfasteners;seeGeneralNotes. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. protection. Formore information,seep. 10. These products are availablewithadditionalcorrosion All additionalfastenersmaybeinstalledinanyremaining strapholes. The firstsevennailholeseachsideofthebendmustbefilledwith10dx1 Allowable lateralloadsare F May beinstalledontheinsidefaceofstud. Twist strapsdonothavetobewrappedoverthetrussachieveload. All strapshavethetwistincenterofstrap. Install halfofthefastenersoneachendstraptoachievefullloads. LTS12 thruLTS20 haveadditionalnailholes. reduce where otherloadsgovern. Loads havebeenincreased forwindorearthquakeloadingwithnofurtherincrease allowed; Nails: Galvanized.Someproducts availablein LTS20 LTS18 LTS16 LTS12 Model Seep. 6 forCodeReference KeyChart No. 18gauge 10d=0.148"dia.x3"long,1

20 16 18 12 L ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding (12) 10d (12) 10d (12) 10d (12) 10d (12) 1 =75lb.andF Fasteners (12) 10d x1 (12) 10d x1 (12) 10d x1 (12) 10d x1 1⁄2 2 " =0.148"dia.x1 =125lb.whenthefollowinginstallationrequirements are met.

1⁄2 1⁄2 1⁄2 1⁄2 " " " " 1⁄2 " long. (160) 775 775 775 775 10d DF/SP Allowable DF/SP Uplift Loads Uplift 1⁄2 LTS12 " minimumnails. 10d x1 10d


1 (160) SIMPSON ⁄ 720 720 720 720 ® 4 Strong-Tie "

1⁄2 " L

1" typ.

(160) 665 665 665 665 10d SPF/HF Allowable SPF/HF Uplift Loads Uplift 10d x1 10d (160)

620 620 620 620

1⁄2 " Truss-to-Top PlateTie LTS Installationasa L6, FL L6, Code Ref. I17, I17,

C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. Hinged RoofConnector MMHC Simpson Strong-Tie Codes: • • • • • • • Installation: Finish: Material: • • • • Features: sides oftheroof rafterassembly. tested andloadratedinmultipledirections. Itcanbeinstalledononeorboth roof inthefactorythatcanfoldflatduringshipping.Thisconnectorhasbeen The innovativeMMHChingedroof connectormakesiteasytobuildastick-frame 3. 2. 1. Allowable LoadsforSingle-PlyRaftertoCeilingJoist Allowable LoadsforKneewallApplication • • • • • • • • • • • 3:12 and12:12. is allowedforroof pitchesbetween Linear interpolationoftheloads one-sided installation. twice thepublishedloadfor two-sided installationwillachieve Double-ply applicationswith single-ply 2xmember. All installationsassumeatminimuma MMHC doesnotreplace solidblocking Adjust membersforshippingpurposes,thenreopen atjobsite Install withspecifiednails Place onwoodmembersusingtabsasaguide Open connectortosameposition Arrange membersininstalledposition Minimum 2x6roof rafterandceilingjoist;minimum2x4kneewallstud (No measuringorpredrilling savesinstallerstime.) Nails inplaceforeasyinstallation.Noboltsrequired. Connector tabsmakeitintuitivetopositionbefore nailing. The offsetallowsforinstallationonbothsides. nailpattern Innovative hingerotates easilyfrom openpositiontofolded. MMHC MMHC Model Model Model No. No. G90 Seep. 6 forCodeReference KeyChart 18gauge 3:12 – 12:12 – 3:12 12:12 Pitch Roof Roof Roof 3:12 ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding Connector Connector Connector Quantity Quantity

2 1 2 1 1

10d x1 10d x1 10d Fasteners per Fasteners per Fasteners Member Member 10 10

5 5 5 1/2 1/2 " Nails " Nails (115/125/160)

Download (160) 140 215 65 95 F 1,145 1 DF 1,215 485 560 955 Knee Wall Installed at MMHC F (115/125/160) 2 Uplift (160) 385 upright position. leg rotates tothe After shipping, DF 845 485 455 955 F

3 (115/125/160) Download 1,010 Uplift (160) 940 480 525 870 SPF/HF Uplift (160) 330 (160) 140 215 65 95 F 1


1 1,150 530 825 415 Patent Pending F


2 3


1 1


F 1 6

at Heel Installed MMHC 2 " F 3 400 825 725 415 F




4 " 5 Uplift (160) ⁄ 480 855 770 470 8 " 21 22 BC Post Base Codes: • • • • Installation: stainless steel. Finish: Material: base connectors. The BCseriesoffers dual-purposepostcap/baseforlightcapor Simpson Strong-Tie • • • • one unitwithoutsplittingthewood determine thefastenersrequired to joinmemberstoactas To tiemultiple2xmemberstogether, theDesignermust fences orunbracedcarports) recommended fornon-top-supportedinstallations(suchas members from rotating aboutthebaseandtherefore are not Post basesdonotprovide adequateresistance toprevent Do notinstallboltsintopilotholes Use allspecifiedfasteners 2. 1. 5. 4. 3. These products are availablewithadditionalcorrosion protection. Formore information,seep. 10. into thewideface.SeetechnicalbulletinT-C-SCLCLM at or theedgesoflumberstrands/veneers.Values inthetablesreflect installation Structural compositelumbercolumnshavesidesthatshoweitherthewideface increase allowed;reduce where otherloadsgovern. Allowable loadshavebeenincreased forwindorearthquakewithnofurther 8d x1½"nailsmaybeusedinsteadofthespecified10d1 Loads donotapplytoendgrainpostinstallations. Base allowableloadsassumesnailshavefullpenetrationintosupportingmember. values onthenarrow face(edge). Nails: Galvanized.Someproducts availableinZMAX Seep. 6 forCodeReference KeyChart BC40R BC40 BC80R BC80 BC60R BC60 BC460 Model 18gauge 10dx1½"=0.148"dia.long;8d0.131"long. 3 7 5 5 ® W

8 6 4 9/16

1/2 1/2 1/2 Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding Dimensions (in.) 7 5 3 3 8 6 4 L

1/2 1/2 3/8 1/4 2 H 4 4 3 3 3 3

1/4 (6) 10d x1 (6) 10d x1 (6) 10d x1 (6) 10d x1 (6) 10d x1 (6) 10d x1 (6) 10d x1 (6) Post Flange ® coatingand

1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 " nailsat0.83ofthetableload. " " " " " " "



(4) 10d x1 (4) 10d x1 (4) 10d x1 (4) 10d x1 (4) 10d x1 (4) 10d x1 (4) 10d x1 (4) Base Bottom

1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 " " " " " " " Uplift Allowable Loads (160) Loads Allowable 450 450 450 450 450 510 510 Typical BC60Installation bottom (DF/SP) Base BC60 HalfBase (others similar) Lateral 735 735 735 735 735 735 735 manufacturing purposes (Do notinstallbolts) Post flanges Pilot holesfor (typ.) I27, L5 I27, L5 I27, Code Code Ref. 170 170

C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. Strap Ties /MSTA LSTA Simpson Strong-Tie Codes: • Installation: pp.Information, 7–10. in stainlesssteelorZMAX Finish: that reduces thepotentialforsplitting. the edgeof2xmembers,andhaveanailingpattern tension loadsinawidevarietyofapplicationson LSTA andMSTA strapsare designedtotransfer • Use allspecifiedfasteners;seeGeneralNotes 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 6. protection. Formore information,seep. 10. These products are availablewithadditionalcorrosion the Strong-Drive These products are approved forinstallationwith MSTA49 MSTA36 MSTA30 MSTA24 MSTA21 MSTA18 MSTA15 MSTA12 MSTA9 LSTA36 LSTA30 LSTA24 LSTA21 LSTA18 LSTA15 LSTA12 LSTA9 Tension loadsapplyforupliftwheninstalledvertically. Use halfofthenailsineachmemberbeingconnectedtoachievelistedloads. When nailingstrapoverwoodstructuralpanels,use2 10d x1 increase allowed;reduce where otherloadsgovern. Allowable loadshavebeenincreased forwindorseismicloadingwithnofurther 10d x1 Screws: Nails: Model Galvanized. Some products are available No. Seep. 6 forCodeReference KeyChart 10d=0.148"dia.x3"long,2

1/2 1/2

SD#10x1½"=0.161"dia.1 " fastenersachievefullloadswheninstalleddirectly toframing. " =0.148"dia.x1 Ga. 20 16 18 ® SDConnectorscrew. See formore information. ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Dimensions W 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 ® coating;seeCorrosion (in.)

1/2 " long. 36 36 30 30 49 21 21 24 24 18 18 15 15 12 12 9 9 L (22) 10d x2 (22) (22) 10d x2 (22) (26) 10d x2 (26) 10d x2 (26) (24) 10d x2 (24) (16) 10d x2 (16) 10d x2 (16) (10) 10d x2 (10) 10d x2 (10) (18) 10d x2 (18) 10d x2 (14) 10d x2 (14) 10d x2 (12) 10d x2 (12) 10d x2 (8) 10d x2 (8) 10d x2 (8) Fasteners

1/2 (Total)

", SD#10x2 1/2

" =0.148"dia.x2

1/2 1/2

1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

1/2 "-long fastenerminimum.

1/2 Tension Loads " =0.161"dia.x2 Allowable (DF/SP) 2,050 2,050 2,020 1,640 1,640 1,640 1,235 1,235 1,235 1,505 1,315 1,130 (160) 1,110

940 925 750 1/2 740 " long, end distance


3 ⁄ 8 " Tension Loads

1/2 Allowable ". Typical LSTA Installation (SPF/HF) Bend straponetimeonly, 2,050 2,020

1,640 1,640 1,295 1,235 1,235 1,460 1,825 1,135 (160) 1,110 max. 12 /12 joistpitch. 635 650 955 795 970 810 (hanger notshown) andstrap

I4, L3, L5, FL L5, L3, I4, FL, L3, L5 L3, FL, Code Ref.

(pilot holesnot LSTA andMSTA shown)

MSTA - 49 23 24 CS/CMST Codes: • • • • • • • • Installation: see Corrosion Information,pp.7–10. Finish: jobsite. Packagedinlightweight(about40lb.)cartons. CS are continuousutilitystrapswhichcanbecuttolengthonthe CMSTC provides nailslotsforeasyinstallation;itcanbecuttolength. Coiled Straps Simpson Strong-Tie • • • • • • • • CS18-R, CS20-RorCS22-R. CS strapsare available in25'lengths;order CS14-R,CS16-R, bulletin T-CMST at nailinginformation,referFor lapsliceandalternate totechnical wood doesnottendtosplit. Use round andtriangleholesforcomparableMSTloads,providing CMST only—Useeveryotherround holeifthewoodtendstosplit. noted inthetableplusclearspandimension. The cutlengthofthestrapshallbeequaltotwice“EndLength” allowable loadasshowninfootnote#3. required toobtainthem.Fewernailsmaybeused;reduce the The tableshowsthemaximumallowableloadsandnails minimum woodedgeandenddistances. Refer totheapplicablecodeforminimumnailpenetrationand members maycausestraptobuckleoutward. Wood shrinkageafterstrapinstallationacross horizontalwood Use allspecifiedfasteners;seeGeneralNotes. protection. Formore information,seep. 10. These products are availablewithadditionalcorrosion CS22 CS20 CS18 CS16 CS14 CMSTC16 CMST14 CMST12 Model Galvanized.Someproducts availableinZMAX Seep. 6 forCodeReference KeyChart No.

52 Total Total 300' 200' 250' 100' 150' 40' 54' L 1⁄2 ' Ga. ® 22 20 16 16 18 14 14 12 Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding (66) 10d x2 (66) 16d x2 (56) (86) 10d x2 (86) (26) 10d x2 (26) (20) 10d x2 (20) (16) 10d x2 (16) (10) 10d x2 (10) (74) 16d x2 (74) (12) 10d x2 Fasteners 16d sinker 16d (30) 8d (22) 8d (22) (18) 8d (18) (14) 8d (14) (12) 8d (12) (50) (50) DF/SP

1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 . 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 " " " " " " " " " Length End End 33" 30" 39" 20" 26" 16" 13" 15" 11" 11" 9" 9" 7" 7" 6" (76) 10d x2 (76) (66) 16d x2 (66) (30) 10d x2 (30) (84) 16d x2 (84) (22) 10d x2 (22) (98) 10d x2 (98) (18) 10d x2 (14) 10d x2 (12) 10d x2 Fasteners 16d sinker 16d (36) 8d (22) 8d (22) (26) 8d (16) 8d (14) 8d (14) (58) (58) ® coating; SPF/HF

1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 " " " " " " " " " Length SD Connectorscrew. See These products are approved forinstallationwiththeStrong-Drive

End End 38" 30" 44" 34" 25" 19" 16" 12" 13" 14" 11" 9" 9" 7" 8" Tension Loads Allowable Allowable 4,690 2,490 2,490 1,030 1,030 6,475 6,475 9,215 9,215 1,370 1,370 1,705 1,705 (160) 845 845 Code Code Ref. L3, L3, I4, FL

8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. SD #10x2 10d x1 10d x2 16d x2 10d =0.148"dia.x3"long, 16d sinker=0.148"dia.x3 fasteners minimum. over woodstructuralpanelsheathing,use 2 when installeddirectly overframing.Forinstallations used for 16d sinkeror10dx2 8d x1 table load. 10d x2 Tension loadsapplyforupliftwheninstalledvertically. (Half ofthenailsineachmemberbeingconnected) Example: of nailsasfollows: Calculate theconnectorvalueforareduced number connected toachievethelistedloads. Use halfoftherequired nailsineachmemberbeing using anincrease forwindorseismicloading. Fastener quantitiesandendlengthsare calculated Screws: Nails: Allowable Load= Allowable Load= (All otherCSstrapssimilar)

3" 3 ∕ CMST14 HolePattern Gauge stampedonpartfor CMSTC16 HolePattern CS16 HolePattern typ. 16d=0.162"dia.x3 (CMST12 similar)

1/2 formore information.

1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 " maybeusedfor8dand10dx1 easy identification SD#10x1½"=0.161" dia.x1 " =0.148"dia.x1 " =0.148"dia.x2 " =0.162"dia.x2 " maybeusedfor16dsinkersatfull CMSTC16inDF/SPwith40nailstotal.

1/2 " =0.161"dia.x2

No. ofNailsinTable 40 Nails(Used) No. ofNailsUsed 50 Nails(Table) 2 ∕ 1 

1⁄4 1/2 1/2 1/2 1⁄2 ® typ.


½ " long, " long. " long, " long,

" long, 1/2 typ. "

1/2 " withnoloadreduction typ. ".

x 4,585lb.=3,668

x Table Load 1 ½



∕" 1/2

typ. " ", 1 ∕ typ.

" maybe 1/2


3 "-long

" 1 typ. typ ∕ 




C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. Coiled Straps(cont.) CS/CMST Simpson Strong-Tie (CMST requiresminimum(2)2xstuds) as aFloor-to-Floor Tie Typical CSInstallation ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding For more informationortoaccess,go total amountofcoilstrapneededforeachapplicationonaproject. which canhelpyouquicklydeterminethecutlengthofeachstrapand Simpson Strong-Tie hasaweb-basedapp,theCoilStrapLengthCalculator, Not Sure HowMuchCoilStrapYou Need?

CMST requires3xor Sub-/stiffener (2) 2xminimum End length Subfloor Strap clearspan CS/CMST Installation Typical Horizontal Cut length . Hanger Girder orbeam (typ.) is 10xdiameterofnail Minimum enddistance End length 25 Fasteners C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. Strong 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Product Information 8. 7. Visit Visit Codes: Installation: Finish: Material: This connectionhasbeenevaluatedwitha The Strong-Drive SDWCscrew provides afastandeconomicalupliftconnectionforroof raftersandtrusses. Simpson Strong-Tie Top plate,studandtopplatesplicefastenedperapplicableBuildingCode. Table loadsdonotapplytotrusseswithend-grainbearing. see flierF-F-SDWCat For UpliftContinuousLoadPath,topplatetostudconnectionsmustbelocatedonthe exteriorsideofthewallor SDWC mustbeinstalledatananglebetween10°and22½°.Guideprovided withscrews isat 22½°. SDWC mustbeinstalledontheexteriorsideofwall. Overhang”installationdetailsonp.28. Overhang”or“Without Allowable loadsare foranSDWCinstalledperthe“With Allowable loadsapplytoSpruce-Pine-Fir, Hem-Fir, DouglasFir-Larch, Pine. andSouthern Loads havebeenincreased 60%forwindorearthquakeloadingwithnofurtherincrease allowed;reduce where otherloadsgovern. SDWC15600 6 Model Zinccoating(withorangeindicator) Seep. 6 forCodeReference KeyChart. Carbonsteel - SeeGeneralNotes Drive forthelatestloadvaluesandtestinginformation. ® Diameter Diameter ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding

Minor 0.152 (in.) SDWC . Length Length TRUSS TRUSS Strong-Drive SDWCTRUSSScrew (in.) 6 5/8 " bearingstripthatiscommonforfactory-builtstructures.

Thread Thread Length Length (in.) 5

3/4 Screw 6" • • • contains: Strong-Drive SDWC15450B-KTandSDWC15600B-KT • • • Strong-Drive SDWC15600-KTcontains: With Overhang With — SDWC-GUIDE (2) Metalinstallationguidetools (Part no.BIT30T-2-RC3; alsosoldseparately) (2) Matched-tolerancedriverbits (500) Strong-Drive SDWCTruss screws — SDWC-GUIDE (1) Metalinstallationguidetool (Part no.BIT30T-2-RC3; alsosoldseparately) (1) Matched-tolerancedriverbit (50) Strong-Drive SDWCTruss screws (for SDWC15600only;alsosoldseparately) (for SDWC15600only;alsosoldseparately) 415 Allowable Uplift (160) (160) Uplift Allowable SPF/HF/DF/SP SPF/HF/DF/SP (lb.) (lb.)

Without Overhang Without 370

IP5, FL, L25 FL, IP5, Code Code Ref.

27 28 Strong Simpson Strong-Tie 3½" min. ½" max. -

Drive typ. SDWC Installation ® ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding with Overhang 0°

SDWC 10° TRUSS TRUSS 22° Minimum EdgeDistanceforTop PlateSplice (with orwithout edge distance a plate splice) a plate ½" minimum for fullvalues top platesplice Offset ¼"from for fullvalues A A Screw (cont.) Section A-A bearing strip ⅝" OSB 2" min. typ. typ. lower plate lower in upperor Splice maybe SDWC Installation without Overhang 0° 10° 22° typ. top plate Double 2x chord typ. truss bottom Min. 2x4


C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. Strong • • • Installation: and EWP-Plyscrews shouldonlybeusedindry, interiorandnon-corrosive environments. problems inwetorcorrosive environments. Accordingly, theStrong-Drive SDWTruss-Ply Warning: Codes: Finish: Material: • • • • • Features: to thefullallowableheadorpoint-sideloadoffastener. single-side fastening,whilestillallowingconcurrent loadingonbothsidesoftheassembly (SCL).TheStrong-Drive SDWTruss-Ply andEWP-Plyscrews enable lengths forfastening2-,3-and4-plytrussesor1 Truss-Ply andEWP-Plyscrews installswithnopredrilling andare availableinoptimized , engineered-lumber products andsolidsawnlumber. TheStrong-Drive SDW structural screws specificallydesignedforfasteningmulti-plymemberssuchasplated The Strong-Drive SDWTruss-Ply andEWP-Plyscrews are a0.22"-diameter, high-strength Simpson Strong-Tie 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Notes totheDesigner: • • • • • • • • • • • • (predrilling required through theplateusingamaximumof Designer, provided therequirements ofANSI/TPI1-2014Section8.9.2are met screws maybeinstalledthrough metaltruss platesasapproved bytheTruss Predrilling istypicallynotrequired. Strong-Drive SDWTruss-Ply andEWP-Ply recommended forbestresults. 1⁄2 Strong-Drive SDWTruss-Ply andEWP-Plyscrews installbestwithalow-speed Use allspecifiedfasteners;seeGeneralNotes. Optimal screw lengthsprovide maximumpenetration in multi-plyassemblies Bold thread designfirmlycinchespliestogethertoclosegaps High shearvaluesenablewiderscrew spacing and eliminatestheneedforpredrilling inmostapplications Patented Sawtooth installation ofhardware ontheassembly Low-profile headfor reduced interference duringhandlingor other hardware ortoavoidlumberdefects. Individual screw locations maybeadjustedupto3"avoidconflictswith if thescrew hasnot spunout. Screw headsthatare countersunkflushto the woodsurfaceare acceptable for upto 18"deepmembers andthree rows formembersdeeper than18". recommended spacingbetweenSDWscrews inarow is24"o.c.;usetworows multi-ply assembly thatisevenlyloadedacross theentire assemblywidth,the where the spacingbetweenfastenersinarow is32". Foratop-loaded,SCL(1 entire assemblywidth,therecommended fastenerdetailistworows ofSDWscrews For atop-loaded,solidsawn2x,multi-ply assemblythatisevenlyloadedacross the assembly mustbecheckedbyaqualified Designer. Strong-Drive SDWTruss-Ply andEWP-Plyscrews. Thecapacityofthemulti-ply Tabular loadsinthisdocumentare basedonthecapacityofSimpson Strong-Tie otherwise noted). Specific Gravityof0.50orhigherforfastenershearinthewideface (unless Structural compositelumber(SCL=LVL, PSLorLSL)loadsassumeanequivalent approved byaqualifiedDesigner. Maximum fastenerspacingisrecommended nottoexceed24"on-centerexcept as and 6"betweenfastenersinarow. 5⁄8 Minimum fastenerspacingrequirements: 6"enddistance,1 increased forloaddurationperthebuildingcodeuptoaC shall bemultipliedbyallapplicableadjustmentfactorspertheNDS. Loads maybe Allowable loadsintablesare shownattheloaddurationfactorofC the mainmember. member. Total allowablewithdrawalloadisbased onactualthread penetrationinto and forSPF/HFwithdrawalis150lb./in.ofthread lengthpenetrationintothemain testing perICC-ESAC233.AllowablewithdrawalloadforDF/SP/SCLis200lb./in. Single-fastener shearloadsandwithdrawalinthissection,are basedon " drillmotorandaT-40 6-lobebit.Thematchedbitincludedwiththescrews is " betweenstaggered rows offasteners,4"betweennon-staggered rows offasteners BlackE-coat IAPMO-UESER-192;CityofL.A.RR25906 Heat-treated carbonsteel Industrystudiesshowthathardened fastenerscanexperienceperformance - Drive ™ ™ ® ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding pointensures faststarts,reduces installationtorque


TRUSS-PLY 3⁄4 "-engineered lumbersuchasstructural 5⁄32 D 7⁄16 of1.6.

" bit).


" edgedistance, D =1.00and




Screws 2 ⁄"– 3⅜"– TRUSS-PLY Strong-Drive SDW Strong-Drive SDW 6¾" U.S. Patent9,523,383 U.S. Patent9,523,383 EWP- 6⅜" T-40 DriverBit BIT40-R1 (included) PLY Screw Screw 29 30 Strong Simpson Strong-Tie 1. DF, SP, SPF, HFLumberand2xTruss Loaded onHeadSide and EWP-PlyScrews Allowable ShearLoads— Table 1—Strong-Drive SDWTruss-Ply Product Information 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 1. DF, SP, SPF, HFLumberand2xTruss LoadedonPointSide and EWP-PlyScrews AllowableShearLoads— Table 2—Strong-Drive SDWTruss-Ply For minimumpenetrationintomainmemberof1 If assemblyislessthanorequalto6 If assemblyislessthanorequalto4 To order retail packboxesadd“-R50”tothemodelnumber, e.g.SDW22458-R50. To order mini-bulkbucketsaddthelettersMBtomodelnumber, e.g.SDW22458MB. SCL/4x2PCT =1 SCL/3x2PCT =1 SCL =1 2x/Truss Desert=Solidsawndimensionallumberandplatedwoodtrussesindesertenvironments (scantlumber). 2x/Truss =Solidsawndimensionallumberandplatedwoodtrusses. Typical screw applicationkey: 4-ply 2x/Truss 4-ply desert 2x/Truss 4-ply 2x/Truss 3-ply desert 2x/Truss 3-ply 2-ply 2x/Truss SDW22338 SDW22300 SDW22638 SDW22600 SDW22500 SDW22458 SDW22438 SDW22634 For minimumpenetrationintomainmember of1 4-ply 2x/Truss 4-ply desert 2x/Truss 4-ply 2x/Truss 3-ply desert 2x/Truss 3-ply 2-ply 2x/Truss No. Model Model Assembly Assembly 2,3 3⁄4 " pliesofstructural-compositelumber. 4 4 5 5 - Drive Length Stamp 3⁄4 3⁄4 Head Head 3.00 6.00 5.00 3.37 6.37 4.62 4.37 6.75 " or3 " pliesofstructural-compositelumberordouble3x2parallel-chord trusses. ® ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding

1⁄2 SDW22600 SDW22638 SDW22300 SDW22438 SDW22458 SDW22600 SDW22638 SDW22300 SDW22438 SDW22458 SDW " pliesofstructural-compositelumberordouble4x2parallel-chord trusses. Nominal Length Length Screw Screw Model Model Model Model 2 (in.) No.

6 4 4 3 6 No. (L) (L) 15 6 5 3⁄8 3⁄4 3⁄8 5⁄8 3⁄8 ⁄16 3⁄16 9⁄16

" thick,usetheSDW22600. " thick,usetheSDW22438. TRUSS-PLY Screw Length Length Screw 2x/Truss Desert 2x/Truss Desert 2x/Truss Nominal Nominal SCL/3x2PCT Application SCL/4x2PCT Length Length Screw Screw Nominal Nominal 2 2x/Truss 2x/Truss 2x/Truss (in.) 6 4 4 Typical 15 2 6 (in.) 3⁄8 5⁄8 3⁄8 6 4 4 SCL ⁄16 15 6 3⁄8 5⁄8 3⁄8 ⁄16

1⁄8 1⁄8 ", use235lb.forDF/SPand210SPF/HF. ", use235lb.forDF/SPand210 SPF/HF. 1 Thread Thread Length Length (in.) 1 1 1 1 1 Thread Thread Length 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 16 16 16 16 16 (in.) 1 1 1 1 1 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 16 16 16 16 16 Thread Thread Length Length (TL) (TL) (in.) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Thickness 9 9 9 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ 7⁄ ⁄16 ⁄16 ⁄16 Member Nominal Nominal 16 16 16 16 16 Side Member Member Side Thickness Thickness Side (in.) 1 1 1 1 1 Nominal Nominal

1⁄2 1⁄2 1⁄2 1⁄2 1⁄2

(in.) 4 4 1


3 3 1⁄2 1⁄2 1⁄2 Retail Box Retail Quantity (1 Bit) (1 Penetration Penetration 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Member

Penetration Penetration Main 1 (in.) 4 4 2 2 EWP-PLY Member 3⁄8 1⁄2 1⁄2 7⁄8 7⁄8 Main

3 (in.) 1 1 1 1 1 1

3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8 3⁄8

1 1 1 1 1

Boxes/ Carton Retail Retail 4 4 4 4 6 6 4 4 Allowable Allowable

Allowable Allowable DF/SP Shear 400 400 400 400 325 DF/SP Shear 325 275 275 275 275 Mini-Bulk Mini-Bulk Quantity

Bucket Bucket Screws (cont.) (1 Bit) (1 200 200 200 200 200 200 250 250 Allowable Allowable Allowable SPF/HF SPF/HF Shear Shear 2 340 340 255 325 325

255 255 255 255 255

Bulk Bucket Bucket Bulk Quantity (2 Bits) (2

900 600 600 600 500 500 500 950 IP4, FL IP4, Code Code Ref. L23 Ref. IP4, 170 FL, FL, Load other configurationssimilar) other configurationssimilar) (3-ply assemblyshown– (3-ply assemblyshown– Loaded onHeadSide Loaded onPointSide Side member member Side member Main Main member Load

C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. Strong Simpson Strong-Tie 1. Allowable ShearLoads—LVL, PSLandLSLLoadedonPointSide Table 4—Strong-Drive SDWTruss-Ply andEWP-PlyScrews 1. Allowable ShearLoads—LVL, PSLandLSLLoadedonHeadSide Table 3—Strong-Drive SDWTruss-Ply andEWP-PlyScrews 4-ply 1 4-ply 1 4-ply 3-ply 1 3-ply 1 3-ply 2-ply 1 2-ply 1 2-ply 2-ply 3 2-ply 2-ply 3 2-ply For minimumpenetrationintomainmemberof1 For minimumpenetrationintomainoutermostmemberof1 Assembly Assembly 3⁄4 3⁄4 1⁄2 1⁄2 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 " SCL " SCL " SCL " SCL " SCL " SCL " SCL " SCL - Drive SDW22634 SDW22634 SDW22634 SDW22634 SDW22338 SDW22338 SDW22500 SDW22500 Model Model Model No. No. ® ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding

SDW Nominal Nominal Nominal Length Length Screw Screw Screw Screw (in.) (in.) 6 6 3 6 6 3 5 5 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄8 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄8

TRUSS-PLY Thread Thread Thread Length Length (in.) (in.) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ⁄16 ⁄16 ⁄16 ⁄16 ⁄16 ⁄16 ⁄16 ⁄16 1⁄2 ", use300lb.

Side Member Member Side Member Side Thickness Thickness Thickness Thickness Nominal Nominal Nominal (in.) (in.) 3 5 3 1 1 1 3 1 1⁄2 1⁄2 1⁄4 1⁄2 3⁄4 1⁄2 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 ", use300lb. (See tablesandfootnotesforminimumrequired penetration.) the appropriate fastenerlengthforanygivenapplication. Truss Manufacturer orcontractor/installertodetermine climates (seetableabove).Itistheresponsibility ofthe for thethinnermemberscommoninthese“desert” the 4 without excessiveprotrusion, Simpson Strong-Tie offers optimum thread penetrationintothemainoutermostmember (scant lumber)duetowoodshrinkage.To helpensure conditions whichcanresult inreduced lumberthickness The highlightedregions onthismapmayexperiencedrier Lumber FasteninginDryClimates 3⁄8

Penetration Penetration Penetration and " and6"lengthsoftheSDWscrew, whichare sized Member Member Main Main 1 1 (in.) (in.) 3 1 1 3 3 5 5⁄8 5⁄8 1⁄4 1⁄2 1⁄2 1⁄4 1⁄4

1 1

EWP-PLY Allowable Shear Allowable Shear Gravity 0.50 Gravity 0.50 Gravity Equivalent Equivalent Specific Specific 400 400 400 400 400 400 300 300 Screws (cont.) Allowable Shear Allowable Shear Gravity 0.42 Gravity 0.42 Gravity Equivalent Equivalent Specific Specific

385 255 255 255 255 325 — — IP4, FL IP4, FL IP4, Code Code Ref. Ref. 170 IP4, IP4, FL

other configurations similar) other configurations similar) Load (3-ply assemblyshown– (3-ply assemblyshown–

Loaded onPointSide Loaded onHeadSide Side member

member Side member Main Main member Load 31 32 Strong 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Two-Ply 3x2 / 4x2 Parallel-Chord Trusses LoadedonEitherSide and EWP-PlyScrews AllowableShearLoads— Table 5—Strong-Drive SDWTruss-Ply Simpson Strong-Tie Other configurationsacceptableaslongapproved by Truss Designer. loadsattheapplicablelocations. b) Forgirders withhanger load spacinginexcessof34"o.c.theloadsshallbeconsidered asconcentrated maybeconvertedtoauniformload. a) Hangerloadsnotexceeding34"o.c.onaskewedgirder (resulting from uniformlyspacedjoistsupto24"o.c.) Hangers onskewedgirders: Strong-Drive SDWscrews shallnotbeinstalledinareas where lumberwaneexceeds (Fastener spacingpertheapplicableCoderequirements, or12"o.c.) Floor sheathingshallbescrewed ornailedtoeachtop-chord ply. Gap betweenthetrussesshallnotexceed b) Screws tobeinstalledwithin 12"oftheconcentratedloadontop-chord assembly a) Concentratedloadsmustbeappliedatapanelpoint. To transferconcentratedloadsappliedtosimplysupportedspansonanassemblytop chord orverticalweb: b) Minimumscrew spacingshallbe4"o.c. a) Spacescrews asrequired totransferhalftheloadintosupportingtruss. To transferuniformorconcentratedloadsappliedtosimplysupportedspansonassembly topchord: 2-ply 3x2 PCT 3x2 2-ply 2-ply 4x2 PCT 4x2 2-ply Assembly - Drive Concentrated Load 12" max. " ® ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding


SDW22634 SDW22638 SDW22500 SDS25600 Model Model No. SDW screw(typ.) Strong-Drive 12" max.

TRUSS-PLY 1⁄8 3" Strong-Drive SDWScrew Position ". SDW in2-ply3x2trusssimilar) (SDS in2-ply4x2trussand Screw Length Nominal Nominal in 2-Ply4x2Truss (in.)

6 6 6 5 3⁄8 3⁄4 T

and Allowable Shear


280 280 EWP-PLY

3" 1⁄4

". Allowable Shear Uniform Load SDW screw(typ.)

Strong-Drive SPF/HF SPF/HF 200 200 Screws (cont.) 1


Code Ref. 170

C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. Strong Simpson Strong-Tie 2. 1. 2. 1. Applied toEitherOutsideMember—Side-LoadedMulti-PlyAssemblies Table 6—Strong-Drive SDWTruss-Ply Screws AllowableUniformLoad to EitherOutsideMember— Side-Loaded Multi-PlyLVL, PSLandLSLAssemblies Table 7— Strong-Drive SDWEWP-PlyScrews AllowableUniformLoadApplied Assembly Assembly three rows ofSDW@16"o.c.between fastenersinarow.) load of1,300plfand pointsideloadof1,000plfmaybefastened togetherwith published allowable loadisexceeded.(Example:a3-plyassembly withaheadside Loads maybeappliedtotheheadside andpointsideconcurrently provided neither Each plyisassumedtocarrysameproportion ofload. 16" o.c.betweenfastenersinarow.) load of900plfmaybefastenedtogetherwiththree rows ofSDW@ a 3-plyDFassemblywithheadsideloadof1,300plfandpoint provided neitherpublishedallowableloadisexceeded.(Example: Loads maybeappliedtotheheadsideandpointconcurrently Each plyisassumedtocarrysameproportion ofload. C-W B-W A-W Multiple Members Multiple C B A F

Multiple Members Multiple Head side Assembly A-W Assembly C-W 4-ply 2x/Truss 4-ply 3-ply 2x/Truss 3-ply 2-ply 2x/Truss - Components Drive 2-ply 3 2-ply Components 4-ply LVL 4-ply 3-ply LVL 3-ply 2-ply LVL 2-ply 1⁄2 ® " SCL ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding

SDW 4 Nominal 6 or 6 6 or 3⁄8 Length Length Screw Screw 2 (in.) or 4 or Point side 15 Screw Length Length Screw ⁄16 3⁄8 5⁄8 Nominal (in.) 6 6 3


3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄8 Head side Loaded TRUSS-PLY Either Either Head Head Head Point Point Side

Assembly B-W Head side Assembly F-W 2 Rows 2 Rows 1,200 1,300 1,065 735 825 Loaded Either Either Head Head Head Side 12" o.c. 12" Tip Tip 3 Rows 1,800 1,600 1,950 1,240 1,100 Point side Point side

2 Rows 2 Rows

per Screw Screw per 900 800 550 620 975 and Shear 400 400 400 400 (lb.) (lb.) 300 300 16" o.c. 16" DF/SP

3 Rows 5. 4. 3.

1,200 1,350 1,465 930 825

EWP-PLY uniformlyspacedupto24"o.c.)maybeconvertedauniformload. Exception: Onaskewedgirder, hangerloadsupto34"o.c.(resulting from Hanger loadspacingonthemulti-plyassemblyshouldnotexceed24"o.c. Tables are basedonMainMemberPenetrationasnotedinTables 1and2. be aminimumof3"long. When hangersare installedonpointside,hangerfacefastenersmust 6" min.enddistance 2 Rows 2 Rows 2 Rows 2 Rows 1,200 1,600 1,600 1,065 900 800 600 535 365 650 415 4. 3. 24" o.c. 24" in single-fastenerload tables3and4. Tables are based onMainMemberPenetrationas noted fasteners mustbeaminimumof3"long. When hangersare installedonpoint side, hangerface 12" o.c. 12" 5 stagger ⁄ 3 Rows 8 " min. 900 800 550 620 975 Spacing Requirements 3 Rows 2,400 2,400 1,200 1,350 1,800 1,600

Screws (cont.)



. .


X X 2

2 2

X X 2 Rows 1,020

905 680 765 975 X

W 6" min.betweenfasteners .

X 2 2 X o.c. 12" 2 Rows 2 Rows 1,200 1,200 non-staggered 900 600 800 675 edge distance 3 Rows 1,360 1,530 1,465 1,020 1,150 1 16" o.c. 16" 7 between ⁄ 16 4" min. " min. rows 2 Rows 2 Rows 3 Rows 1,200 1,350 1,800 1,800 680 1,015 730 765 575

510 900 16" o.c. 16" SPF/HF 5 way rows each staggered between ⁄

8 3 Rows

X " min. X 1,095 1,020

W W 1,150

. .

X 2 2 860

X 765

2 2 X X

2 Rows 2 Rows X

400 600 450 800 800 535 W .

X 2 2 X

2 Rows 2 Rows 24" o.c. 24" 340 455 385 490 510

24" o.c. 24" 3 Rows 1,200 1,200 900 600 800 675 3 Rows 680 730 765 575 510 33 34 Strong length • • • • • • • • Design ParametersforBuilt-UpColumnsusingSDWTruss-Ply screws: Truss-Ply screw substitutioninformationtoreplace nailsorboltsinbuilt-upcolumnsperSection15.3.3and15.3.4 ofNDS. screws. ForusewithSection15.3.2ofthe2012and2015NationalDesignSpecification(NDS),tableprovides Strong-Drive SDW Built-up columnassembliesshowninthissectiondeterminethe SDW-Built-Up ColumnAssemblies SDW Truss-Ply Screw SubstitutionTable forNDSSpecifications 2. 1. Simpson Strong-Tie • • • • • • • •

Bolts: Nails: Unbraced Number oflaminations:2to4 All laminationsare fulllength Faces ofadjacentlaminationsare incontact All laminationshavesamefacewidth,d Each lamination(ply)hasarectangular cross-section andisatleast1 l K K No. of of No. e column Plies , f f l /d ≤50 =0.70forSDWinstalledonbothsides =0.60forSDWinstalledononeside 3 2 4 e = l distance see table 1 Spacing: distance

=l 10d =0.148"dia.x3"long,30d0.207"4

1/2 3½" end edge 1½" " bolts= typ. 2 - Lumber Size Lumber Drive Minimum Nominal Nominal One Side Compression 2 x6 2 x4 2 x4 2 x6


22 22 22

300 300 300 load,


22 22 22

300 300 300 1/2 " boltswithawasherbetweenthewoodandboltheadnut. Fc ®

2 ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding

SDW 2x4 Built-UpColumn typ. distance edge 1½" 4⅜" for3- 3" for2-ply SDW screw Fastener 1/2 " bolts 30d 10d ply

TRUSS-PLY 1 Unbraced length, column 1 NDS Reference NDS l distance see table Spacing: e distance Figure 15DFigure Figure 15CFigure 15CFigure 3½" end edge 1½" typ. NDS Specification Both Sides Compression

1/2 load, " long.


22 22 22

300 300 300 Fc 2 Installation Both sides Both sides Both One side One 4⅜" for3- 3" for2-ply SDW screw opposite side installed from SDW screw typ. distance edge 1½"

and Column StabilityCoefficient ply


EWP-PLY " thick Spacing Unbraced length, column (in.) 8 6 8 l distance see table e Spacing: distance

3½" edge end 1½" typ. SDW22600 SDW22300 SDW22438 Model No. One Side


22 22 22 22 22 22

300 300 300 300 300 300 load, , K 1

Screws (cont.)

22 22 22 22 22 22

300 300 300 300 300 300 Fc f , whenfastenedusingSDWTruss-Ply

2 SDW Truss-Ply Screw Substitution 0.22" dia. x4 dia. 0.22" 2x6 Built-UpColumn 0.22" dia. x 3" x3" dia. 0.22" 0.22" dia. x 6" x6" dia. 0.22" 6" for4-ply 4⅜" for3- 3" for2-ply SDW screw typ. distance edge 1½" Description long screw long screw long screw ply

3/8 " Unbraced length,

column distance l see table Spacing: distance e Installation Both sides Both sides Both sides Both Both sides Both 3½" One side One side One side One side One edge end 1½" typ. Both Sides


22 22 22 22

300 300 300 300 load,


22 22 22 22

300 300 300 300 Fc Spacing

2 (in.) 10 9 9 8 8 6 8 7 6" for4-ply 4⅜" for3- 3" for2-ply SDW screw SDW screw opposite side installed from typ. distance edge 1½"


C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. Strong Allowable Compression CapacityforBuilt-UpColumns Simpson Strong-Tie 4. 3. 2. 1. Size 2x6 2x6 2x8 2x8 2x4 2x4 Lumber equivalent tohot-dip galvanized(HDG)coating. per AcceptanceCriteria AC257,showingindryconditions E-coatperforms All SDWscrews haveanE-coat Compression perpendiculartograinhasnotbeen evaluated. For LRFD,seeNDS,Section4.3. Adjustment factors:[C Plies No. No. of of 4 3 2 4 3 2 4 3 2 4 3 2 4 3 2 4 3 2

SDW22600 SDW22600 SDW22600 SDW22600 SDW22600 SDW22600 SDW22300 SDW22300 SDW22300 SDW22300 SDW22300 SDW22300 SDW22438 SDW22438 SDW22438 SDW22438 SDW22438 SDW22438 Number Model Model - Drive Fastener Spacing ® M ® 6 8 6 8 6 8 8 6 8 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 8 6 8 8 Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding , C

SDW t , C Installation Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both One side One side One side One side One side One side One side One side One side One side One side One side One side One side One side One side One side One side One i ] =1.0.ForC ® . Simpson Strong-Tie hasconductedtesting

26,540 30,965 22,555 28,850 20,575 10,445 10,445 19,335 24,005 16,920 13,980 14,505 10,575 10,575 TRUSS-PLY 12,575 10,780 24,725 12,975 16,310 11,120 2,385 4,900 6,955 4,360 4,955 4,400 2,405 3,735 3,770 2,785 5,780 2,810 7,830 7,930 5,715 7,145 8 Unbraced Length, ℓ Length, Unbraced F refer toNDS,Table 4A. 26,265 23,825 20,420 18,380 10,850 13,835 14,200 21,445 22,510 11,860 10,615 27,795 17,500 12,170 3,540 3,990 5,960 5,850 9,300 3,955 2,255 3,035 6,430 4,655 8,495 8,495 8,575 8,575 2,245 6,375 1,935 1,925 3,010 4,615 3,515 9,100 9 Floor (100) Floor 23,540 16,200 18,200 24,590 15,600 18,895 10,050 21,080 10,245 11,950 20,175 11,730 2,900 5,260 5,295 2,885 3,250 2,485 4,995 4,930 3,270 3,790 8,970 1,840 1,585 1,850 2,470 3,815 1,575 7,065 7,065 7,690 7,815 7,015 7,015 9,115 10 20,885 16,545 21,595 16,075 13,780 17,900 18,510 10,135 14,180 8,565 6,535 9,990 8,685 5,905 5,905 2,060 4,225 2,405 4,430 4,405 1,540 5,875 5,875 1,535 2,070 2,725 1,320 6,615 2,715 7,625 3,165 2,415 3,180 1,315 4,185 7,720 11 e (ft.) 18,445 16,225 18,930 12,400 14,470 15,810 14,155 12,130 6,535 3,580 6,600 2,295 2,040 2,305 5,655 2,680 2,690 5,605 5,005 5,005 4,985 4,985 2,035 8,575 3,735 8,670 3,755 1,300 1,295 3,610 7,350 1,750 7,430 1,745 1,110 1,115 12 Spruce-Pine-Fir No. 1/No. 2 1/No. No. Spruce-Pine-Fir

and 26,990 33,520 24,540 28,735 10,640 10,640 13,450 22,215 21,035 31,490 25,915 14,625 10,750 10,750 15,070 11,530 17,580 17,060 11,240 13,115 2,840 8,060 5,850 4,965 2,435 4,450 2,820 3,785 5,795 3,815 7,235 5,015 7,980 7,395 2,415 4,415 Southern Pine No. 2 No. Pine Southern 8 Allowable Compression Capacity Parallel to Grain, F Grain, to Parallel Capacity Compression Allowable Unbraced Length, ℓ Length, Unbraced 29,550 25,325 22,735 10,935 12,500 14,585 14,280 19,490 18,700 12,240 28,165 21,815 24,140 11,130 3,545 3,565 9,540 2,265 3,040 3,995 6,505 6,460 4,660 3,055 4,690 4,020 2,275 8,675 8,675 1,940 9,370 1,950 8,610 8,610 6,015 6,105

9 EWP-PLY Snow (115) Snow *E-coat isaregisteredtrademarkofPPGIndustries. 6. 5. 24,840 21,290 22,070 10,445 25,750 10,285 16,920 12,000 16,410 19,740 19,140 12,185 3,290 5,345 3,840 2,500 2,905 9,285 5,085 2,920 5,030 3,820 2,490 3,275 1,590 1,860 1,850 1,595 5,315 7,960 7,855 7,085 7,085 9,165 both strong andweak axis.l The columncapacitiesare evalutaed forcolumnbeingcompletelyunbracedin be appliedbasedonthemanufacturer’s recommendations. For fire-retardant-treated wood,additional (FRT) reduction factorsmayneed to 7,125 7,125 10 22,360 18,650 10,285 14,655 14,320 16,705 21,760 10,165 19,165 17,100 6,645 5,945 5,945 4,440 2,430 5,920 5,920 4,285 2,080 4,250 4,460 1,545 1,540 2,420 2,730 2,075 1,320 1,325 8,815 7,830 6,710 8,715 2,740 3,185 3,195 7,750 11 e (ft.) 16,665 14,840 19,445 19,040 16,320 14,580 12,495 12,720 3,650 2,045 2,305 2,690 8,695 5,030 5,030 2,050 6,620 3,625 6,675 5,675 3,775 8,775 2,700 3,760 5,720 1,305 1,305 2,315 5,015 5,015 1,755 1,760 7,450 7,520 1,120 1,115 12 26,990 28,300 33,020 34,970 29,970 10,840 10,840 25,675 15,360 14,960 13,395 22,010 13,700 11,480 23,130 10,740 10,740 17,455 17,920 11,745 3,835 5,835 2,835 5,885 5,000 5,045 2,445 2,855 4,445 8,055 2,430 3,810 4,475 7,380 7,525 8,130 Screws (cont.) 8 Unbraced Length, ℓ Length, Unbraced 22,580 23,430 25,040 20,080 30,495 19,355 12,440 29,210 12,670 14,780 26,140 11,275 14,510 11,100 6,545 6,500 3,565 3,580 2,285 9,665 6,095 3,055 4,040 4,685 2,275 8,670 8,670 3,070 8,725 8,725 1,955 1,950 4,015 9,510 4,715 6,180 9 e Roof (125) Roof =l 26,360 22,595 25,530 16,835 10,550 19,640 21,885 20,185 12,310 17,300 10,410 12,145 3,290 5,340 2,500 3,835 3,855 3,305 9,265 8,035 5,080 2,925 5,370 9,375 1,865 1,860 1,600 1,595 2,915 7,945 2,510 5,130 7,160 7,160 7,120 7,120 10 1 =l 2 22,755 10,260 10,365 14,900 19,045 19,505 14,600 22,215 17,385 17,030 5,945 5,945 8,885 3,205 2,435 2,085 2,080 4,280 4,460 8,790 1,545 6,700 2,735 5,970 5,970 6,760 2,750 1,330 2,425 1,550 1,325 4,475 4,315 7,885 3,195 7,815 . 11 c e ' (lb.) ' (ft.) 16,585 19,350 16,895 12,885 12,685 15,035 14,795 19,710 3,645 6,665 5,045 5,045 5,030 5,030 2,055 2,050 2,320 8,825 3,670 3,785 3,775 8,755 2,700 5,750 2,705 1,305 2,315 7,565 7,505 1,755 1,760 6,710 5,710 1,310 1,120 1,120 12 38,750 28,700 24,600 16,065 29,765 14,290 10,980 10,980 33,215 12,060 31,835 18,405 12,250 15,775 25,515 14,070 11,055 11,055 18,740 37,140 8,290 8,235 3,890 2,890 5,935 2,880 4,535 2,465 5,085 2,480 3,870 5,970 7,835 4,515 7,730 5,115 8 Unbraced Length, ℓ Length, Unbraced Wind/Seismic (160) Wind/Seismic 32,845 20,995 21,545 15,060 15,255 31,865 24,495 13,075 12,910 28,155 25,140 11,490 27,315 11,615 6,640 6,300 6,360 2,300 8,855 8,855 3,090 2,305 3,605 9,850 4,065 9,955 3,620 4,085 4,765 6,610 8,810 8,810 1,975 1,970 4,745 3,100 9 23,335 23,855 20,850 10,800 12,600 21,250 10,695 12,480 27,830 27,225 18,215 17,875 3,330 2,940 3,885 2,530 9,585 5,205 2,950 9,505 5,430 3,320 5,405 2,520 5,240 3,870 1,880 1,605 8,215 7,235 7,235 1,875 1,610 8,150 7,210 7,210 10 23,705 10,550 19,985 15,490 23,315 20,315 15,270 18,070 10,475 17,815 6,835 3,220 6,000 6,000 8,980 2,445 4,500 3,225 4,360 4,385 9,045 2,450 2,095 6,020 6,020 8,025 6,875 1,335 1,335 1,560 2,760 2,765 1,555 4,515 2,100 7,970 11 e (ft.) 20,340 20,080 15,320 15,490 13,275 17,435 13,130 17,210 8,900 2,330 5,800 5,830 8,955 2,060 2,065 3,805 6,805 5,080 5,080 2,325 3,700 6,770 2,720 5,070 5,070 3,810 1,770 7,630 1,765 3,715 2,715 7,675 1,315 1,315 1,125 1,125 12 35 36 Strong Allowable Compression CapacityforBuilt-UpColumns Simpson Strong-Tie 4. 3. 2. 1. Size 2x6 2x6 2x8 2x8 2x4 2x4 Lumber equivalent tohot-dip galvanized(HDG)coating. per AcceptanceCriteria AC257,showingindryconditions E-coatperforms All SDWscrews haveanE-coat Compression perpendiculartograinhasnotbeenevaluated. For LRFD,seeNDS,Section4.3. Adjustment factors:[C Plies No. No. of of 4 3 2 4 3 2 4 3 2 4 3 2 4 3 2 4 3 2

SDW22600 SDW22600 SDW22600 SDW22600 SDW22600 SDW22600 SDW22300 SDW22300 SDW22300 SDW22300 SDW22300 SDW22300 SDW22438 SDW22438 SDW22438 SDW22438 SDW22438 SDW22438 Number Model Model - Drive Fastener Spacing ® M ® 8 8 6 8 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 8 6 8 8 6 8 6 8 6 Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding , C

SDW t , C Installation Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both sides Both One side One side One side One side One side One side One side One side One side One side One side One side One side One One side One side One side One side One side One i ] =1.0.ForC ® . Simpson Strong-Tie hasconductedtesting

22,435 23,430 20,080 33,495 10,535 12,290 16,005 12,385 14,450 25,810 18,755 16,075 13,720 28,710 TRUSS-PLY 11,930 11,930 26,170 30,115 2,235 3,505 5,590 8,950 4,260 4,090 4,605 6,525 5,370 6,775 9,875 9,875 4,970 2,725 2,610 7,990 3,175 7,410 8 Unbraced Length, ℓ Length, Unbraced F refer toNDS,Table 4A. 22,890 23,595 26,035 20,655 20,225 30,375 26,705 13,590 15,855 13,325 10,425 11,425 10,195 12,160 17,705 5,260 2,555 5,600 5,985 3,280 3,435 3,695 6,695 2,095 4,005 9,695 9,695 2,810 4,315 1,795 4,510 8,740 7,270 2,190 7,975 7,975 9 Floor (100) Floor 23,390 20,955 20,050 23,245 18,000 10,255 15,430 17,960 11,495 13,415 27,120 11,160 3,530 6,555 6,555 2,300 6,000 3,285 5,635 2,685 2,095 8,520 3,025 4,320 8,790 9,570 3,705 4,670 1,465 2,815 4,915 7,300 1,795 7,995 7,995 1,710 10 23,990 20,565 20,385 15,630 18,455 13,400 15,820 17,470 11,410 3,940 2,940 2,235 2,350 3,090 3,605 8,085 6,695 6,695 9,435 5,020 2,520 1,220 9,780 4,775 5,475 5,475 1,495 1,425 7,465 8,710 2,740 6,165 1,915 4,105 1,745 7,190 11 e (ft.) 15,230 13,595 13,895 16,215 11,650 21,145 17,770 18,125 8,385 3,355 6,390 6,905 5,255 4,635 4,635 3,050 8,055 2,485 4,255 4,085 2,320 5,675 5,675 1,265 9,785 1,890 1,205 1,985 1,030 3,475 1,620 2,615 7,455 1,475 6,135 2,130 12

Douglas-Fir Larch No. 2 No. Larch Douglas-Fir and 36,480 28,405 25,095 24,350 16,550 32,370 10,865 19,580 15,040 12,890 16,780 31,270 12,675 10,015 10,015 21,510 12,145 12,145 14,185 27,745 3,540 8,295 2,260 5,665 2,635 5,035 4,650 6,975 2,755 5,425 3,215 6,610 4,315 4,130 7,510 9,110 8 Allowable Compression Capacity Parallel to Grain, F Grain, to Parallel Capacity Compression Allowable Unbraced Length, ℓ Length, Unbraced Hem-Fir No. 2 No. Hem-Fir 32,490 16,345 13,640 18,630 21,555 10,420 21,735 10,720 27,850 11,695 25,145 28,195 14,010 12,510 24,170 4,345 6,045 8,060 8,060 2,580 3,305 8,930 2,830 3,465 4,555 4,040 9,820 9,820 6,875 3,725 1,805 2,210 5,310 7,365 5,715 2,105

9 EWP-PLY Snow (115) Snow *E-coat isaregisteredtrademarkofPPGIndustries. 6. 5. 28,555 20,875 24,350 18,850 21,990 18,690 16,020 24,475 11,355 10,470 13,710 11,755 3,550 3,045 2,835 8,655 6,605 6,605 4,350 6,055 4,955 3,730 8,975 2,700 9,735 8,075 8,075 3,310 2,315 1,720 5,745 4,745 1,475 1,810 7,420 both strong andweak axis.l The columncapacitiesare evalutaed forcolumnbeingcompletelyunbracedin be appliedbasedonthemanufacturer’s recommendations. For fire-retardant-treated wood,additional (FRT) reduction factorsmayneed to 2,110 10 24,950 21,385 16,080 13,780 11,605 18,010 21,010 16,410 19,145 8,845 2,535 2,360 9,945 3,985 4,845 9,560 5,505 5,505 2,955 5,055 3,625 6,240 2,245 2,755 1,505 1,225 1,430 1,925 7,580 1,755 7,280 6,745 6,745 3,105 8,195 4,130 11 e (ft.) 18,680 15,590 13,890 14,295 16,675 21,795 11,905 18,190 3,385 3,065 2,330 4,655 4,655 4,280 3,490 8,495 2,495 2,625 6,975 1,205 1,995 1,485 1,035 1,895 6,470 5,310 1,625 1,270 9,915 7,550 5,710 5,710 8,140 6,195 2,140 4,130 12 22,295 33,620 25,440 28,820 29,675 15,345 16,830 10,085 10,085 12,255 12,255 26,010 20,010 12,875 14,425 32,740 38,195 11,035 13,155 17,150 3,235 2,645 3,555 4,340 6,655 5,065 8,455 5,455 2,270 2,770 4,675 5,705 7,565 9,190 4,150 7,075 Screws (cont.) 8 Unbraced Length, ℓ Length, Unbraced 33,650 28,845 28,990 22,305 25,990 22,280 24,850 10,535 16,595 13,805 12,685 14,225 10,875 11,830 19,120 5,340 2,840 2,590 2,220 4,365 3,480 9,880 9,880 4,060 9,030 6,970 4,575 5,775 6,075 3,315 3,740 8,100 8,100 1,810 7,410 2,115 9 e Roof (125) Roof =l 22,540 24,850 10,580 21,300 13,865 16,325 19,050 19,320 29,315 11,885 11,455 25,130 2,845 3,565 5,800 6,630 6,630 6,085 9,065 3,055 3,320 2,320 8,730 4,370 4,975 2,705 4,780 1,480 9,815 7,480 3,745 1,725 1,815 8,115 8,115 2,115 10 1 =l 2 25,450 19,500 21,335 18,285 13,980 10,030 16,310 21,815 16,715 11,700 2,540 2,960 3,635 8,250 6,280 2,250 4,880 5,525 5,525 9,625 2,370 6,770 6,770 2,765 1,230 5,075 1,930 1,435 8,915 7,640 4,010 1,760 7,325 4,140 1,510 3,115 . 11 c e ' (lb.) ' (ft.) 18,965 14,500 12,040 14,045 18,405 15,775 16,915 22,125 3,500 2,500 8,555 5,335 2,335 2,000 2,635 6,225 4,295 4,665 4,665 9,980 3,405 1,900 3,070 5,725 5,725 1,485 1,035 1,625 1,275 6,510 7,595 1,210 8,180 2,145 4,155 7,015 12 33,035 36,820 28,320 36,670 10,260 10,260 13,350 16,085 42,780 21,045 18,035 31,560 14,995 24,275 12,520 12,520 28,315 13,790 11,445 17,495 8,835 3,600 2,295 4,200 3,280 9,390 4,405 5,525 2,675 6,760 5,795 4,735 2,810 7,695 7,320 5,140 8 Unbraced Length, ℓ Length, Unbraced Wind/Seismic (160) Wind/Seismic 30,930 23,695 28,095 36,575 24,085 10,035 10,035 31,350 20,310 26,510 10,810 11,240 14,740 12,160 14,190 13,115 17,195 3,345 8,200 8,200 9,265 5,400 5,920 4,630 3,520 4,405 2,245 3,775 2,870 1,830 2,615 7,530 6,150 4,105 2,130 7,185 9 22,330 23,860 26,055 20,455 10,840 12,200 19,905 14,235 10,020 26,715 11,690 17,060 31,165 9,290 3,350 3,590 2,335 5,935 8,895 4,865 6,695 6,695 5,020 3,780 2,870 3,075 1,830 2,725 8,210 8,210 1,490 1,735 7,625 6,160 4,410 2,135 10 22,840 26,645 20,355 18,945 16,860 10,235 14,450 11,940 22,105 17,445 6,835 6,835 8,380 5,565 5,565 2,265 2,385 3,660 2,555 2,980 4,065 9,085 6,375 1,940 2,780 1,235 4,970 9,775 1,440 1,520 1,770 7,435 3,140 7,785 5,125 4,175 11 e (ft.) 22,925 12,355 18,920 19,650 14,985 16,215 17,485 10,140 14,415 2,345 6,300 3,440 3,090 8,285 8,690 2,650 4,330 5,400 3,520 4,695 4,695 5,770 5,770 1,905 1,635 1,040 1,280 6,610 1,495 4,215 2,010 2,510 1,215 2,155 7,710 7,100 12

C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. Strong Retail andmini-bulkpacksincludeone Product Information Codes: report. preservative-treated woodapplications,asdescribed intheevaluation to hot-dipgalvanization,makingitsuitableforcertainexteriorand Finish: Material: • • • • • • Features: code requirements forseveralcommonwoodframingapplications. under IAPMO-UESER-192andmeets20122015IRC is idealforthecontractoranddo-it-yourselferalike.Itcodelisted hex-head driveispreferred. TheStrong-Drive SDWHTimber-Hex screw Ideal forstructuralandgeneral-purposefasteningapplicationswhere a Simpson Strong-Tie 0.195 x10 0.195 x8 0.195 x6 0.195 x4 0.195 x3 • • • • • • Dia. xL Dia. 5/16 Size identificationonallSDWHscrew heads (0.64" washerheaddiameter) Large washerheadprovides maximumbearingarea Underhead nibsoffer greater control whenseatingthehead torque andeliminatestheneedforpredrilling inmostapplications Patented Sawtooth Bold thread designprovides superiorholdingpower Size (in.) " hexdrive(replacement driverbit—BITHEXR516-134)

Double-barriercoatingprovides corrosion resistance equivalent IAPMO-UESER-192,StateofFloridaFL13975 Heat-treated carbonsteel Thread Length (in.) 2 2 2 2 1 -

Drive 1⁄2 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄8

Fasteners Pack Per Per 12 12 12 12 12 ™ ® ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding pointensures faststarts,reduces installation


Master Master Carton Packs Per Per 10 10 10 10 10 Retail Clam 5/16 SDWH191000DBRC12 SDWH19800DB-RC12 SDWH19600DB-RC12 SDWH19400DB-RC12 SDWH19300DB-RC12 " hexdriverbit;bulkpacksincludetwobits. Model No. TIMBER-HEX Fasteners Fasteners

Pack Per Per 50 50 50 50 50 ® andIBC

Master Master Carton Packs Per Per 6 6 6 6 6 Retail Pack ® Screw

SDWH19600DB-R50 SDWH191000DB-R50 SDWH19800DB-R50 SDWH19400DB-R50 SDWH19300DB-R50 Model No. Fasteners Fasteners Pack 250 250 250 250 Per Per — 3"–10"

Mini-Bulk SDWH19800DBMB SDWH19600DBMB SDWH19400DBMB SDWH19300DBMB Model No. — TIMBER-HEX Strong-Drive SDWH U.S. Patent9,523,383 Fasteners Fasteners 1,000 Pack 600 500 800 250 Per Per

SDWH191000DB Bulk SDWH19800DB SDWH19600DB SDWH19400DB SDWH19300DB Screw Model No. 37 38 Strong 3. 2. 1. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Simpson Strong-Tie See footnotesbelow. Douglas Fir–Larch,Pine,Spruce-Pine-Fir andHem-FirLumber Southern Loads— SDWH —AllowableWithdrawal SDWH —AllowableShearLoadsSpruce-Pine-FirandHem-FirLumber SDWH —AllowableShearLoadsDouglasFir–LarchPineLumber andSouthern (dia. x length) xlength) (dia. xlength) (dia. (dia. x length) xlength) (dia. adjustment factorsfrom the NDSasreferenced intheIBCorIRC. code uptoaC at aC Tabulated reference withdrawaldesignvalues,Wand entire thread length mustpenetrateintothesidegrainofmainmember. The tabulatedreference withdrawaldesignvalue,W the thread penetrationintothesidegrain ofthemainmember. The tabulatedreference withdrawaldesignvalue,W, isinpoundsperinchof of themember. the woodwithscrew axisperpendiculartotheface Loads are basedoninstallation intothesidegrainof use C For in-servicemoisture contentgreater than19%, rows offastenersand8"between fastenersinarow. staggered rows offasteners,4"betweennon-staggered loads: 6"enddistance,1 Minimum fastenerspacingrequirements toachievetable adjustment factorspertheNDS. Tabulated valuesmustbemultipliedbyallapplicable duration perthebuildingcodeuptoaC factor ofC Allowable loadsare shownatthewoodloadduration side memberthickness. member. Fullpenetrationisthescrew lengthminusthe All applicationsare basedonfullpenetrationintothemain 0.195 x10 0.195 x10 0.195 x10 0.195 x8 0.195 x6 0.195 x4 0.195 x3 0.195 x8 0.195 x6 0.195 x4 0.195 x3 0.195 x8 0.195 x6 0.195 x4 0.195 x3 Size Size Size (in.) (in.) (in.) M D =1.0.Loadsmaybe increased forloaddurationperthe building =0.7.

D - =1.0.Loadsmaybeincreased forload Drive D =1.6.Tabulated values must bemultipliedbyallapplicable SDWH191000DB SDWH191000DB SDWH191000DB SDWH19800DB SDWH19600DB SDWH19400DB SDWH19300DB SDWH19800DB SDWH19600DB SDWH19400DB SDWH19300DB SDWH19800DB SDWH19600DB SDWH19400DB SDWH19300DB ® ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding Model Model Model Model Model

No. No. No. 7⁄16 SDWH SDWH " edgedistance,

D =1.6. Thread Thread Length Thread Thread Fastener Fastener Length TIMBER-HEX Length Length (in.) (in.) 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 5⁄8 (in.)

3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄8 1⁄2 10 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄8 1⁄2 8 6 4 3 " between


, is in pounds where the , isinpoundswhere the

Max 285 370 370 370 370 350 350 350 330 230 1.5 1.5 Thread Thread Length Length (in.) , are shown 2 2 2 2 1

3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄8 1⁄2

300 265 265 265 265 265 265 235 — — 2 2 6" min. enddistance Main Member DF and SP and DF

Screw (cont.) 192 177 197 197 197 Design Value, W(lb./in.) Value, Design 300 265 265 265 265 265 265 Reference Withdrawal 195 2.5 2.5 — — SDWH SpacingRequirements 6. 5. 4.

For in-servicemoisture contentgreater than19%,useC or pull-through ofa1 Values are based onthelesserofwithdrawalfrom themainmember including thescrew point. Embedded thread lengthisthatportion heldinthemainmember SPF/HF Allowable Shear Loads (lb.) Loads Shear Allowable SPF/HF Wood Side Member (in.) Thickness Wood Side Member (in.) Thickness DF/SP Allowable Shear Loads (lb.) Loads Shear Allowable DF/SP 5 stagger 265 265 265 265 265 265 ⁄ — — — — 8 XXX XXX 3 3 " min. Main Member 8" min. betweenfasteners XXX HF and SPF SPF and HF 164 164 164 120 147

265 265 265 265 265 265 3.5 3.5 — — — —


" sidemember. 265 265 245 265 265 215 — — — — 4 4 Main Member XXX XXX DF and SP and DF XXX Max. Reference Withdrawal Max. 545 545 545 455 265 Design Value, W Value, Design 260 260 245 250 180 215 4.5 4.5 — — — —

260 245 250 215 5 rows staggered between — — — — — — ⁄ Max 6 6 8 Main Member " M distance min. edge 1 HF and SPF and HF min. 7 =0.7. (lb.) ⁄ 16 " 445 445 445 350 180 rows staggered non- between 4" min.

245 215 — — — — — — — — 8 8

C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. Strong Simpson Strong-Tie 3. 2. 1. for aSawnLumberDeckLedgertoRimBoard SDWH —2012and2015IRCCompliantSpacing Spacing includesNDSwetservicefactoradjustment. of 5.0orICC-ESAC13assemblytestingwithafactorsafety5.0. AC233 testingoftheStrong-Drive SDWHscrew withasafetyfactor Fastener spacingsare basedonthelesserofsinglefastenerICC-ES Douglas Fir–Larch, Pinespecies. orSouthern Fir–Larch, Pinespecies.LedgershallbeHem-Fir, orSouthern Solid sawnrimboard shallbeSpruce-Pine-Fir, Hem-Fir, Douglas loadingconditionasrequiredalternative bysomejurisdictions. a widerrangeofmaterialscommonlyusedforrimboard, andan R507.2. Thetableabovealsoprovides SDWHscrew spacingfor SDWH screw spacingvalues are equivalentto2012 10 psf Dead 10 psf Dead 10 psf 40 psf Live Live psf 40 60 psf Live Live psf 60 Ledger-to-Rim Board Assembly Condition Loading Loading acceptable, concretewallshown Exterior cladding shown forclarity and flashingnot (wood-framed lowerfloor for illustrationpurposes)

- Drive blocking joist or Floor Nominal Nominal Ledger Size 2x 2x ® ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding

SDWH SDWH SDWH19400DB SDWH19400DB Model No. No. Model

fastened percode ledger similar) (double 2" ledger shown 2" nominaldeck with table space inaccordance stagger vertically; SDWH woodscrews per table Band joist 1 panel sheathing Wood structural ⁄ 2 TIMBER-HEX " max.thickness 2x SP, DFL – 2x SPF, HF SP, –2x 2x DFL SPF, HF SP, –2x 2x DFL /2015 IRCtable Minimum Size Minimum Material and Rim Board Board Rim 1 1 1 1 1 1 1" OSB 1" OSB 1"

1" LVL 1" LVL 1" 1⁄8 1⁄8 5 5

1⁄4 1⁄4 ⁄16 ⁄16 " OSB " OSB " LSL " LSL " LVL " " LVL "

end ofledger Screw (cont.) 6" from top ofledgerandbandjoist 1 Up to to Up 6 ft. 5. 4. 1 18 15 13 13 11 ⁄ 9 2 " to2"minimumfrom maximum of Structural sheathingbetweentheledgerandrimboard shallbea located between2"and4"from theend,predrill usinga1.8"drill. spacing betweentheendscrew andtheadjacentscrew, andforscrews 6" from theend,use50% of theloadperscrew and50%ofthetable from thebottomofledger. Forscrews locatedatleast2"butlessthan the table.Endscrews shallbelocated6"from theendandat1 board with3"minimumand 6"maximumbetweenrows andspacedper shall beplaced1 Rows ofscrews shallbeverticallyoffset andevenlystaggered. Screws

Up to to Up

8 ft. 10 13 12 7 9 8 Maximum On-Center Spacing (in.) of On-Center Fasteners Maximum SDWH Screw SpacingDetail 1⁄2

" thickandfastenedpercode.

1/2 screws SDWH wood spacing of On-center " to2"from thetopandbottom oftheledgerorrim 10 ft. 10 Up to to Up 11 Maximum Deck Joist Span Joist Deck Maximum 5 9 8 7 8

12 ft. 12 Up to to Up offset upto3"avoidinterference 5 8 9 6 6 6 Ledger fastenerspacingmaybe

with joistattachment 1 1 ⁄ 2 14 ft. 14 Up to to Up " minimumfrom bottom ofledger 4 7 8 5 5 5 and bandjoist

16 ft. 16 Up to to Up — 6 7 5 4 5

1/2 " to2" row spacing 6" max. 3" min.and 18 ft. 18 Up to to Up — 4 4 5 6 4

39 40 Strong 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. SDWH —AllowableShearLoadsforSole-to-RimConnections Simpson Strong-Tie penetration perthetableismet. A double2xsoleplateispermittedprovided itisindependentlyfastenedperthecodeandminimumscrew to therimboard percodeandtheminimumpenetrationofscrew intotherimboard ismet. Wood structuralpanelupto1 Minimum spacingoftheSDWHis6"o.c.,minimumenddistance6",andedge load durationbythebuildingcodeuptoaC Allowable loadsare shownatthewoodloaddurationfactorofC Allowable loadsare basedontestingperICC-ESAC233andare limitedtoparallel-to-grainloading. 0.195 x6 0.195 x4 Size (in.)

- Drive SDWH19600DB SDWH19400DB Model No. ® ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding


1⁄8 " thickispermittedbetweenthesoleplateandrimboard provided itisfastened Thickness Sole Plate Plate Sole Nominal Nominal 2x or3x (in.) 2x TIMBER-HEX

D =1.60. Penetration Penetration Rim Board Board Rim Minimum Screw pertable 1.75 (in.) into into 2 Sole-to-Rim Board Assembly

Sole Plate Sole DF/SP DF/SP D 315 315 =1.00.Loadsmaybeincreased for Rim Board 2x DF/SP 2x Sole Plate Sole SPF/HF SPF/HF Screw (cont.) 295 295 Sole Plate Sole DF/SP DF/SP 295 295 Rim Board 2x SPF/HF SPF/HF 2x per table Rim board penetration Minimum per code sheathing fastened Wood structural Sole platepertable middle ofrimboard Center screwin Sole Plate Sole Allowable Loads (lb.) Loads Allowable SPF/HF SPF/HF 295 295 5⁄8


Sole Plate Sole

DF/SP DF/SP 255 255 1

1/4 Rim Board " Min. LVL LVL " Min. Sole Plate Sole SPF/HF SPF/HF 255 255 Sole Plate Sole DF/SP DF/SP 275 275 1

1/4 Rim Board " Min. LSL LSL " Min. Sole Plate Sole SPF/HF SPF/HF 275 275

C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. Strong Strong Codes: • • • • • Installation: Finish: Material: • • • • Features: install, high-strength tothrough-bolting alternative andtraditionallagscrews. screwThe Strong-Drive isdesignedtoprovide SDWSTimber aneasy-to- Simpson Strong-Tie Codes: • • • • Installation: Finish: Material: • • • • Features: corrosion protection. fastener, theStrong-Drive SDWHTimber-Hex SSscrew offers maximum to-wood connection,includingforledgers.AsaType 316stainless-steel The Strong-Drive SDWHTimber-Hex SSscrew provides astructuralwood- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • For additionalinformation,visit has notspunout. countersunk flushtothewoodsurfaceare acceptableifthescrew use a Predrilling istypicallynotrequired. Where predrilling isnecessary, screws isrecommended forbestresults. 1⁄2 screwsStrong-Drive installbestwithalow-speed SDWSTimber See GeneralNotes. Large low-profile washerheadprovides maximumbearingarea Underhead nibsoffer greater control whenseatingthehead torque andeliminatestheneedforpredrilling inmostapplications Patented Sawtooth Bold thread designprovides superiorholdingpower For additionalinformation,visit a 5⁄32 Predrilling istypicallynotrequired. Where predrilling isnecessary, a use screws isrecommended forbestresults. 1⁄2 Strong-Drive SDWHTimber-Hex SSscrews installbestwithalow-speed See GeneralNotes. Hex washerheadprovides largebearingarea Unique boxthread designsignificantly reduces drivingtorque in mostapplications installation torque andeliminatestheneedforpredrilling Patented Sawtooth Bold thread design provides superiorholding power SDWS Timber screws areSDWS Timber drivensuchthatscrew heads thatare " drillanda " drillandaT-40 6-lobebit.Thematchedbitincludedwiththe 7⁄32 " drillbitfor0.188"Strong-Drive SDWHTimber-Hex SSscrews. Use " drillbitfor0.276"Strong-Drive SDWHTimber-Hex SSscrews. Stainless steel Double-barrier coating Seep. 6 forCodeReference KeyChart IAPMO-UESER-192,StateofFloridaFL13975 5⁄32 Type 316stainlesssteel Heat-treated carbonsteel

" drill bit for Strong-Drive SDWS Timber screws." drillbitforStrong-Drive SDWSTimber - -

Drive Drive 5⁄16 " or ™ ™ ® 1/2 ® ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding pointensures fast starts,reduces pointensures faststarts,reduces installation

" hex driver bit. The matched bit included with the " hexdriverbit.Thematchedbitincludedwiththe SDWS SDWS SDWH SDWH TIMBER TIMBER-HEX SS Screw

. .

Screw L T "–1 " –12 4" TL U.S. Patent Screw SDWS Strong-Drive screw heads SDWS Timber all Identification on Screw TIMBER-HEX SDWH Strong-Drive Strong-Drive TIMBER



SS 41 42 Strong SDWH Timber-Hex SSScrew Product Information 1. Screw ProductSDWS Timber Information Simpson Strong-Tie 0.220 x10 0.220 0.220 x8 0.220 x6 0.220 x5 0.220 x4 0.220 x3 0.220 Retail andmini-bulkpacksincludeonedeep,6-lobe,T-40 driverbit;bulkpacksincludetwobits. Dia. xL Dia. Size 0.188 x4.5 (in.) 0.276 x10 0.276 0.276 x12 0.276 0.276 x8 0.276 x6 0.276 x5 0.276 x4 0.276 x3 0.276 0.188 x8 0.188 x6 0.188 x5 0.188 x4 Size (in.)

- Thread Length Length Drive (in.) 2 2 2 2 2 1 TL 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄8 1⁄2 Hex Drive Hex ® Fasteners (in.) per Pack ® 5 5 5 5 5 Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding 1⁄2 1⁄2 1⁄2 1⁄2 1⁄2 1⁄2 1⁄2 ⁄16 ⁄16 ⁄16 ⁄16 ⁄16

SDWS SDWS 12 12 12 12 12 12

Master Carton Packs per Thread Thread Length TIMBER 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.75 10 10 10 10 10 10 (in.) Retail Pack

SDWS221000DB-RC12 SDWS22600DB-RC12 SDWS22300DB-RC12 SDWS22500DB-RC12 SDWS22800DB-RC12 SDWS22400DB-RC12 1 Fasteners per Pack Fasteners /SDWH Model No. 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 TIMBER-HEX SS Package Fasteners per Pack 50 50 50 50 50 50 SDWH19400SS-R20 SDWH271000SS-R5 SDWH27300SS-R10 SDWH27800SS-R10 SDWH27500SS-R10 SDWH27600SS-R10 SDWH271200SS-R5 SDWH19600SS-R10 SDWH19450SS-R10 SDWH19800SS-R10 SDWH19500SS-R10 SDWH27400SS-R10 Model No. Master Carton Packs per Mini-Bulk Bucket 6 6 6 6 6 6 SDWS221000DB-R50 SDWS22600DB-R50 SDWS22300DB-R50 SDWS22500DB-R50 SDWS22800DB-R50 SDWS22400DB-R50 Screws (cont.) Fasteners per Bucket Fasteners 1 Model No. 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 25 25 25 Fasteners Bucket per Pack 400 600 600 500 950 250 SDWH271000SS-R25 SDWH27300SS-R100 SDWH271200SS-R25 SDWH19400SS-R100 SDWH19600SS-R100 SDWH19450SS-R100 SDWH19500SS-R100 SDWH27400SS-R100 SDWH27800SS-R25 SDWH27500SS-R50 SDWH27600SS-R50 SDWH19800SS-R50 Model No. Bulk SDWS221000DB SDWS22600DB SDWS22300DB SDWS22500DB SDWS22800DB SDWS22400DB 1 Model No.

C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. Strong 4. 3. 2. 1. Spruce-Pine-Fir andHem-Fir Screw AllowableShearLoads— SDWS Timber See footnotesbelow. Douglas Fir–LarchPine andSouthern Allowable Shear Screw Loads — Timber SDWS Simpson Strong-Tie 0.220 x10 0.220 0.220 x10 0.220 For in-servicemoisture contentgreater than19%,useC 8" betweenfastenersinarow. 5⁄8 Minimum fastenerspacingrequirements toachievetableloads:6"enddistance,1 all applicableadjustmentfactorspertheNDS. for loaddurationperthebuildingcodeuptoaC Allowable loadsare shownatthewoodloaddurationfactorofC minus thesidememberthickness. All applicationsare basedonfullpenetrationintothemainmember. Fullpenetrationisthescrew length 0.220 x8 0.220 x6 0.220 x5 0.220 x4 0.220 0.220 x3 0.220 0.220 x8 0.220 x6 0.220 x5 0.220 x4 0.220 0.220 x3 0.220 Dia. xL Dia. Dia. xL Dia. " betweenstaggered rows offasteners,4"betweennon-staggered rows offastenersand Size Size (in.) (in.) - Drive SDWS221000DB SDWS221000DB SDWS22600DB SDWS22600DB SDWS22300DB SDWS22300DB SDWS22500DB SDWS22800DB SDWS22500DB SDWS22800DB SDWS22400DB SDWS22400DB Model Model Model Model No. No. ® ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding

6" min. enddistance SDWS SDWS Thread Thread Thread Thread Length Length (in.) (in.) 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 TL TL Strong-Drive 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄8 1⁄2 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄8 1⁄2 TIMBER D =1.6.Tabulated valuesmustbemultipliedby 385 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 405 255 190 1.5 1.5 5 stagger

⁄ 8 SDWS TimberSpacing Requirements " M min. =0.7. 8" min. betweenfasteners 290 365 365 365 405 405 405 405 405 285 — — 2 2 Screw (cont.) D =1.0.Loadsmaybeincreased 290 365 365 365 360 405 405 405 305 215 2.5 2.5 — — 7⁄16 Wood Side Member (in.) Thickness Wood Side Member (in.) Thickness " edgedistance, 290 365 365 365 360 405 405 405

— — — —

3 3 SPF/HF Allowable Loads Allowable SPF/HF DF/SP Allowable Loads Allowable DF/SP

Shear (100) Shear (100)

365 395 395 325 195 310 310 310 3.5 3.5 — — — —

365 395 395 310 310 310 — — — — — — 4 4 5 rows staggered between ⁄ 8 " 355 395 395 280 280 210 4.5 4.5 — — — — — — distance min. edge 1 min. 7 ⁄ 16 " rows staggered non- between 4" min. 395 395 280 280 — — — — — — — — 6 6 395 280 — — — — — — — — — — 8 8 FL, L23 FL, L23 Code Code Ref. Ref. IP4, IP4, IP4, IP4, 43 44 Strong distance min. edge 1 Simpson Strong-Tie Southern Pine,Spruce-Pine-FirandHem-Fir Southern Allowable ShearLoads—DouglasFir–Larch, SDWH Timber-Hex SSScrew 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Loads Spruce-Pine-Fir andHem-FirLumberAllowable Withdrawal Screw —DouglasFir–Larch,Pine, SDWS Timber Southern 7 ⁄ 16 For in-servicemoisture contentgreater than19%,use C Values are basedonthelesserofwithdrawal from the mainmemberorpull-through ofa1 Embedded thread lengthisthatportionheldinthemain memberincludingthescrew tip. by allapplicableadjustmentfactorsfrom theNDSasreferenced intheIBCorIRC. increased forloaddurationperthebuildingcodeuptoaC Tabulated reference withdrawaldesignvalues,Wand must penetrateintothesidegrainof mainmember. The tabulatedreference withdrawaldesignvalue,W into thesidegrainofmainmember. The tabulatedreference withdrawaldesignvalue,W, isinpoundsperinchofthethread penetration SDWS221000DB SDWS22800DB SDWS22600DB SDWS22500DB SDWS22400DB SDWS22300DB 0.188 x4 0.276 x10 0.276 0.276 x12 0.276 " 0.276 x8 0.276 x6 0.276 x5 0.276 x4 0.276 0.188 x8 0.188 x6 0.188 x5 0.188 x4 Size (in.) Model Model No.

1⁄2 - Drive end distance SDWH271200SS-R25 SDWH271000SS-R25 SDWH27800SS-R25 SDWH27600SS-R50 SDWH27500SS-R50 SDWH27400SS-R100 SDWH19800SS-R50 SDWH19600SS-R100 SDWH19500SS-R100 SDWH19450SS-R100 SDWH19400SS-R100 3" min. ® Fastener Fastener ® Length, Length, Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding

Model Model (in.) 10 SDWS SDWS No. 8 6 5 4 3 L Strong-Drive SDWHTimber-Hex SSScrew

1 stagger 1 ⁄ 2 " min. Length, Length, Thread Thread (in.) TIMBER 2 2 2 2 2 1 Spacing Requirements TL 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄8 1⁄2 Thread Thread Length Length between fasteners 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.75 (in.) 1 staggered rows staggered between 1 ⁄ 2 " 3" min. min. Max.

Main Member

DF and SP SP and DF , isinpoundswhere theentire thread length Max. M /SDWH =0.7. 164 214 214 214 214 179 D Design Value, W(lb./in.) Value, Design Reference Withdrawal , are shownataC =1.6.Tabulated valuesmustbemultiplied Wood Side Member (in.) Thickness 235 235 235 235 235 235 177 177 177 177 177 1 1⁄2 Allowable Shear Loads Main Member TIMBER-HEX SS HF and SPF SPF and HF 235 235 235 235 235 177 177 177 177 — — 3 D 160 187 187 187 187 151 =1.0.Loadsmaybe

1⁄2 235 235 235 235 235 " sidemember. 177 177 177 3 — — — 1⁄2 Main Member DF and SP SP and DF

Max. Reference Withdrawal Max.

590 590 590 590 425 245

rows staggered non- between 3" min.

Design Value, W Value, Design FL, L23 Code Ref. IP4, IP4,

Screws (cont.) 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 10. 9. 8. Main Member

HF and SPF SPF and HF Max.

Installs best with 18V high-torque cordless or parallel-to-grain loading. Allowable loads apply to perpendicular- 19%. than greater content moisture factor; no adjustment required for in-service service wet NDS include values Design row. a in fasteners between 3" and fasteners of rows non-staggered between 3" 1 1 distance, end 3" Minimum fastener spacing requirements: lumber. SPF in testing on based Table values adjustment factors per the NDS. values must be multiplied by all applicable to aC up code building the per duration load for increased be duration factor of C load the at shown are loads Allowable thickness. the screw length minus the side member is penetration Full member. main the into penetration full on based are applications All (NDS-15, Section 11.3). 10.3 NDS-12, with section accordance design values shall be adjusted in connection reference the values, LRFD For member. main the into penetration thread of inches on based is load Allowable 160 is lb./in. SPF/HF for and lb./in. 260 is DF/SP for screw 0.276" the for load withdrawal Allowable member. main the into penetration thread of inches on based is load Allowable 108 lb./in. is SPF/HF for and 155 is DF/SP lb./in. for screw 0.188" the for load withdrawal Allowable and predrill with or 1⁄2 380 495 495 495 495 225 1⁄2 " between staggered rows of fasteners, fasteners, of rows staggered " between " low speed drill. If splitting occurs occurs splitting If drill. speed " low 7⁄ 32 " drill bit for 0.276" screws. for bit " drill 5 ⁄32 " drill bit for 0.188" for bit screws " drill 7⁄ FL, L23 16 D Code Ref. IP4, IP4, " edge distance, distance, " edge = 1.0. Loads may =1.0. may Loads D =1.6. Tabulated

C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. Strong Simpson Strong-Tie 4. 3. 2. 1. Connections Equivalent SDWSScrews toReplaceBoltsforCollarTie HC/HR = Table 3.9,includinganadjustmentfactorof1.50for live loadatamaximumroof spanof36ft.from WFCM exceed therequired heeljointcapacitiesfor20psfroof Capacities fortabulatedSDWSscrew quantitiesmeetor tie itselfistheresponsibility oftheDesigner. required fortheSDWSconnectiononly;designof thecollar distances showninFigure 2.Collartiesizeistheminimum SDWS screws shallmaintainminimumspacing,edgeandend Pine framingmembers(t Calculated capacityofboltedconnectionsare basedon2xSouthern Design Specificationfor Wood Construction(NDS) and enddistancerequirements establishedin Bolted connectionsare assumedtomeettheminimumspacing,edge 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. SDWS —AllowableShearValues forSole-to-RimConnections These products are availablewithadditionalcorrosion protection. Formore information,seep. 10. Rafter Rafter ≥ 5:12 Slope 0.220 x6 0.220 x5 0.220 x4 0.220 L-F-SOLRMSCRW at L-F-SOLRMSCRW Additional sole-to-rimfastenersare available.See engineeringletter per thecodeandminimumscrew penetration perthetableismet. A double2xsoleplateispermittedprovided itis independentlyfastened into therimboard ismet. to therimboard percodeandtheminimumpenetrationofscrew permitted betweenthesoleplateandrimboard provided itisfastened Wood structuralpanelupto1 and minimumedgedistanceis Minimum spacingoftheSDWSis6"o.c.,minimumenddistance6", code uptoaC C Allowable loadsare shownatthewoodloaddurationfactorof limited toparallel-to-grainloading. Allowable loadsare basedontestingperICC-ESAC233andare D Size (in.) =1.00.Loadsmaybeincreased forloaddurationbythebuilding 1/3 - perfootnote5. Drive ≤ 16" o.c. SDWS22600DB SDWS22500DB SDWS22400DB Spacing Rafter Rafter D =1.60. Model Model ® ® No. Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding m

SDWS SDWS =t s =1½"). Diameter Quantity Quantity

1/8 (2) (2) (2) (2) 5/8 Bolt Bolt and " thick( ". Nominal Nominal 2x or 3x or 2x 1/2 5/8 Plate Plate Sole Sole Size " " 2x 2x . TIMBER 23/32 ANSI/AWC National " forSDWS22400DB)is Collar Tie Tie Collar Minimum Penetration Penetration . Rim Board Board Rim Minimum Size 2x6 2x8

(in.) into 1 2 2


Screw (cont.)

Sole Plate Sole Quantity

DF/SP 345 345 345 5 4

Rim Board

2x DF/SP 2x

by Designer Roof rafter Sole Plate Sole SPF/HF 295 295 295


Model Equivalent SDWS Screws SDWS Equivalent Sole Plate Sole ≥ DF/SP 5 1 ⁄" 295 295 295 Rim Board Sole-to-Rim 2x SPF/HF 2x Connection

12 ⅝" (typ.) SDWS Screw pertable Sole Plate Sole Diameter xLength Diameter Allowable Loads (lb.) Loads Allowable SPF/HF SDWS SpacingandEdge 295 295 295 1 ⁄" (typ.)

0.220" x3" 0.220" Distance forCollarTies

⅝" (typ.) Sole Plate Sole (if required) for 2x8tie Additional SDWS DF/SP 275 275 275 1

(if required) 1⁄4 Rim Board 2x8 tie "

2x6 tie Min. LVL Min. Thread Length Thread Sole Plate Sole SPF/HF 1 275 275 275



per code sheathing fastened Wood structural Sole platepertable per table Rim board penetration Minimum middle ofrimboard Center screwin Sole Plate Sole DF/SP 275 275 275 1

1⁄4 Rim Board "

Min. LSL Min. Sole Plate Sole SPF/HF 275 275 275

45 46 Strong Simpson Strong-Tie Codes: (1 Finish: Material: • • • • Features: and acorrosion resistant double-barriercoating. screw isimproved withapatentedeasy-drivingType-17 point tested invariousapplications.TheSDSHeavy-DutyConnector applications. Itinstallswithnopredrilling andhasbeenextensively for variousconnectorinstallationsaswellwood-to-wood Connector screw isa Simpson Strong-TieThe • • • • 1⁄2 For the and fastenerlengthforeasyidentificationafterinstallation. 3⁄8 stainless-steel models. stainless steel.Carbonsteelloadsapplytocorresponding Available withadouble-barriercoatingorinType 316 driving easierwithnopredrilling andminimalwoodsplitting. The Type-17 pointreduces installationtorque andmakes " through 3 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. SDS Heavy-DutyConnectorScrew " hex washer head is stamped with the No-Equal sign " hexwasherheadisstampedwiththeNo-Equalsign These products are availablewithadditionalcorrosion protection. Formore information,seep. 10. 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 see thread penetrationintothemainmember. Forotherwoodsideplatevalues, Shear valuesare validforconnectionsbetweentwomemberswithfull low-speed Strong-Drive SDSHeavy-DutyConnectorscrews installbestwitha Screws maybeprovided withtheType-17 point. Use 121lb./in.forSPF/HF. DF/SP, reduce allowableload by172lb./in.ofthread notinmainmember. the mainmemberislessthanThread Lengthasshowninthetablefor threaded sectioninstalledintothemainmember. Ifthread penetrationinto loadsshownare inpounds(lb.)andareWithdrawal basedontheentire a C Loads maybeincreased forloadduration perthebuildingcodeupto Allowable loadsare shownatthewood loaddurationfactorofC 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 Size (in.) x4 x3 x2 x1 Doublebarrier(alllengths);Type 316stainlesssteel x8 x6 x5 x3 x2 Seep. 6 forCodeReference KeyChart D Heat-treated carbonsteel,Type 316stainlesssteel Fastening Systems 1⁄2 1⁄2 1⁄2 1⁄2 3/8 =1.60.

" hex-headdriverbit,order modelno.BITHEXR38-14. - Drive SDS25600 SDS25300 SDS25500 SDS25800 SDS25200 SDS25312 SDS25212 SDS25412 SDS25112 1⁄2 Model Model 1⁄2 No. " lengths) " drillwitha

® 1⁄4 ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding

"-diameter structuralwoodscrew ideal ® Thread Thread Length Length SDS SDS Strong-Drive SDSHeavy-Duty (in.) 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 catalog(C-F-2017)at 2 1 1⁄4 1⁄4 3⁄4 3⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄2 1⁄4 3⁄8 " hex-headdriver. Fasteners Fasteners Carton 1,500 1,300 1,100 900 400 600 500 800 950 per per HEAVY-DUTY CONNECTOR


Wood Side Plate 1 340 350 350 350 350 280 190 — — 1⁄2 " 1 SCL 340 340 340 340 340 — — — — 3⁄4 " Shear (100)

DF/SP Allowable Loads Allowable DF/SP

3 16 ga. 16

250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 .

Steel Side Plate Steel D =1.00. 14 ga. 14 ga. 12 ga. 12 1 290 390 250 420 420 420 420 420 420 and

Greater 10 ga. 10 ga.

290 250 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 or or 4 9. 8. 7. 6. Simpson Strong-TieEngineering. listed inICC-ESESR-2236.Forsmaller spacing,pleasecontact Minimum spacing,edgeandendspacing distancerequirements are screws, predrill diameteris Where predrilling isrequired forStrong-Drive SDSHeavy-DutyConnector Heavy-Duty Connectorscrews are limitedtointerior-dry useonly. LSL wood-to-woodapplicationsthatrequire 4 at Refer toSimpson Strong-Tie in bulkpackaging.Screws are alsoavailableinminibulkandretail packs. Fasteners perCartonrepresent thequantityofscrews thatare available Withdrawal Side Plate L Wood or or Wood Steel Steel (100) 345 560 560 385 255 475 475 215 170 T


Wood Side Plate 1 200 250 250 250 250 245 135 — — . 1⁄2 " Screw SPF LVL SPF 1 245 245 245 245 245 — — — — 3⁄4 5⁄32 ® "

". Fastening Systems Shear (100)

SPF/HF Allowable Loads Allowable SPF/HF 1⁄4 3 16 ga. 16 " x6"SDS 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 CONNECTOR 6 Patent 9,523,383 U.S. Patent Steel Side Plate Steel Strong-Drive 14 ga. 14 ga. 12 ga. 12 300 300 300 300 300 300 280 and 180 210 (¼" x6"SDSshown) SDS screwheads Identification onall 1⁄2

", 5",6"or8"SDS HEAVY-DUTY catalog(C-F-2017) Greater 10 ga. 10 ga. 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 180 210 or or Screw 4

driving easier torque andmakes reduces installation Type-17 point

Withdrawal Side Plate Wood or or Wood Steel Steel (100) 330 330 395 395 270 240 180 150 120


Code Code

Ref. L1, I5, FL

C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. Strong Simpson Strong-Tie 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Allowable ShearValues forSole-to-RimConnections SDS Heavy-DutyConnectorScrew — Additional sole-to-rimfastenersare at available.SeeengineeringletterL-F-SOLRMSCRW A double2xsoleplateispermittedprovided itisindependentlyfastenedperthecodeandminimumscrew penetrationperthetableismet. Minimum spacingoftheSDSforLVL andLSLapplicationsis6"o.c.,minimumenddistanceedge Minimum spacingoftheSDSforsolidsawnapplicationsis3"o.c.,minimumenddistance is3",andminimumedgedistance building codeuptoaC Allowable loadsare shownatthewoodloaddurationfactorofC Allowable loadsare basedontestingperICC-ESAC233andare limitedtoparallel-to-grainloading. 1⁄4 1⁄4 1⁄4 Size (in.) x4 x6 x5

1⁄2 - Drive SDS25600 SDS25500 SDS25412 ® Model Model ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding No.

SDS SDS D =1.60. Nominal Nominal HEAVY-DUTY CONNECTOR 2x or 3x or 2x Plate Plate Sole Sole Size 2x 2x per table Penetration Penetration Rim Board Board Rim Screw Minimum Heavy-Duty ConnectorScrew (in.) into 2 2 2 Sole-to-Rim Connection

Strong-Drive SDS Sole Plate Sole DF/SP 250 250 250 D =1.00.Loadsmaybeincreased forloaddurationbythe Rim Board 2x DF/SP 2x

Sole Plate Sole SPF/HF 190 190 190

per table Rim board penetration Minimum rim board in middleof Center screw per code sheathing fastened Wood structural Sole platepertable

Sole Plate Sole DF/SP 190 190 190 Rim Board 2x SPF/HF 2x

Sole Plate Sole Allowable Loads (lb.) Loads Allowable SPF/HF 190 190 190

Screw (cont.) .

Sole Plate Sole DF/SP 190 190 190 1

1⁄4 Rim Board "

Min. LVL Min. Sole Plate Sole

SPF/HF 190 190 190 5/8


5/8 Sole Plate Sole ". DF/SP 220 220 220 1

1⁄4 Rim Board "

Min. LSL Min. Sole Plate Sole SPF/HF 190 190 190

47 48 Subfloor/Sheathing Applications Subfloor/Sheathing • • research goesintothedesignofeachsystem,resulting inprofessional, qualityauto-feedsolutionsthattrulymakeworkeasier. Quik Driveauto-feedscrew repetitive drivingsystemsturn fasteningintoopportunitiestoincrease efficiency andsavetime.Extensive Drive Quik Simpson Strong-Tie PROSDD ComboSystem that causefloorsqueaks. Screws are superiortonailsinthisapplicationbecausetheyreduce the gaps combining theefficiency ofstand-updrivingwiththeholdingpowerscrews. Quik Driveauto-feedscrew drivingsystemsare idealforsubfloorinstallation, PRO250 System • • Extensions allowstand-updrivingforappropriate applications,makingworklessofastrainontheback,shouldersandknees individual screws —theresult: fasterinstallationsandlesswaste Patented QuikDriveauto-feedattachmentsandcollatedfastenerseliminatetheneedtohandle(andfumble) ® Auto-Feed Screw Driving Systems ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding • • • • • • • • • • • • • • range ofscrews Sure-grip guidetubeincreases stabilityforabroad Reversible andreplaceable non-skidteeth for addedversatility Includes bothPRO300SAttachment andPRO200Attachment a varietyofapplications Expanded depthsettingsforappropriate countersinkin Reversible andreplaceable non-skidteeth slick surfaces Uniform toenailingandcountersinkon Expanded depthsettingsforhigh-densityflooringmaterials 1" –3" 1

1⁄2 " –2

1⁄2 "

C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. Subfloor/Sheathing Applications Subfloor/Sheathing Simpson Strong-Tie PROCCS+ ComboSystem Collated Screws fortheQuik Drive coarse thread Wood-to-wood applications,yellowzinccoating, WSC Wood Screw Wood-to-wood applications,grayphosphatecoating WSHL SubfloorScrew and yellowzinccoating Wood-to-steel applications,#2drillpointQuikGuard PPSD Strong-Drive sharp point Wood-to-wood applications,yellowzinccoating, WSV Strong-Drive sharp point Wood-to-wood applications,yellowzinccoating, WSNTL Strong-Drive Model Fastener SUBFLOOR SHEATHING-TO-CFS SUBFLOOR ®

® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding Screw Screw Screw

® System ®

1 #10 x1

#8 x1 #8 3⁄4 PRO250 ", 2", 2 2", ", 1 1 1 • • • •

3⁄4 3⁄4 1⁄2 • • • •

15 " " " range ofscrews Sure-grip guidetubeincreases stabilityforabroad Reversible andreplaceable non-skidteeth Expanded depthsettingsforhigh-densityflooringmaterials for addedversatility Includes bothPRO300SAttachmentandPRO200S

3⁄4 ⁄16

1⁄2 ", ", " "

1" –3" #8 x1 #8 1 PROSDD/CCS+

3⁄4 #10 x1 ", 2", 2 2", ",

15 ⁄16 1 1 1

3⁄4 3⁄4 1⁄2 ", #10 x3" " " "

3⁄4 1⁄2 ", ", ", 3" ",

#8 x1 #8 1

3⁄4 #10 x1 ", 2", 2 2", ", PRO300s

15 ⁄16 1 1 1

3⁄4 3⁄4 1⁄2 ", #10 x3"

" " "

3⁄4 1⁄2 ", ", ", 3" ",

49 50 PRO250DW Attachment Drywall Applications Drywall PRO200 System adjustment thatproduces consistentdimples. They provide afast,efficient solutionwithaprecision countersink Quik Drive Simpson Strong-Tie ® auto-feedscrew drivingsystemsare idealforfasteningdrywall. ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding • • • • • • • • • • • • Slim profile allowsdrivingincorners Smooth nosewillnotmardrywallsurface Compact bodyforreduced weightandeasyhandling Slim profile allowsdrivingincorners Smooth nosewillnotmardrywallsurface Compact bodyforreduced weightandeasyhandling 1

7⁄8 1" –2" " –2

1⁄2 "

C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. C-C-MODULAR18 © 2018 SIMPSON STRONG-TIE COMPANY INC. Drywall Applications Drywall Simpson Strong-Tie Collated Screws fortheQuikDrive (54, 43mil/16,18ga.) Drywall tosteel,#2point,QuikGuard DWFSD Drywall-to-CFSScrew (54, 43mil/16,18ga.) Drywall tosteel,#2point,yellowzinccoating DWFSD Drywall-to-CFSScrew (33, 27,18mil/20,22,25ga.) Drywall tosteel,grayphosphatecoating DWF Drywall-to-CFSScrew zinc coatingsavailable Drywall towood,grayphosphateandyellow DWC DrywallScrew High-low threads, grayphosphatecoating DWHL DrywallScrew Model Fastener ® Connectors&FastenersforModularBuilding ® coating

® System 1", 1 1", 1

1⁄4 1 ", 1 ", PRO200

1⁄4 1⁄4 1 1 ", 1 ", ", 1 ",

1⁄4 7⁄8 5⁄8 " " 1 ",

5⁄8 5⁄8 ", 2" ", "

7/8 " PRO250DW 1 2", 2 2",

7⁄8 1 1 N/A ", 2 ",

1⁄4 7⁄8

1⁄2 " "

3⁄8 " " 51 Raising the roof on modular building

Custom versatility. Off-the-shelf convenience.

The innovative MMHC hinged roof connector makes it easy to build a stick-frame roof in the modular factory that can fold flat during shipping. It’s been tested and load rated in multiple directions. The MMHC can be installed on one or both sides of the roof-rafter assembly.

Contact your local Simpson Strong-Tie representative for more information.

C-C-MODULAR18 Effective 1/1/2018 Expires 12/31/2020 © 2018 Simpson Strong-Tie Company Inc.