

Cambridge University Press

Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 28 Sep 2021 at 03:06:27, subject to the Cambridge terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0266267100002698 ECONOMICS AND PHILOSOPHY Editors Daniel M. Hausman Michael S. McPherson Carnegie-Mellon University Williams College Editorial Board , Stanford University; Mark Blaug, Institute of Education; Robert Cooter, University of , Berkeley; Neil de Marchi, Duke University; Ronald Dworkin, Oxford University and New York University Law School; , University of Oslo and University of Chicago; , Cambridge University; Albert Hirschman, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton; Sidney Morgenbesser, ; Donald McCIoskey, University of Iowa; , All Souls College, Oxford University; John Roemer, University of California, Davis; Alexander Rosenberg, Syra- cuse University; , ; Amartya , All Souls College, Oxford Univer- sity; Christopher Sims, University of Minnesota; Hal Varian, University of Michigan

Aims and Scope Economics and Philosophy is a semi-annual history, while and journal designed to foster collaboration be- must depend on what we know about human tween and philosophers and to aims and and about the principles, bridge the increasingly artificial disciplinary benefits, and drawbacks of different forms of boundaries that divide them. Economists more social organization and more acknowledge that their work in both Papers in Economics and Philosophy will positive and depends on explore the foundations of economics as both methodological and ethical commitments that a predictive/explanatory enterprise and a nor- demand philosophical study and justification. mative one and will examine the relevance of Philosophers increasingly insist that philoso- economic techniques, methods and conclu- phy of science must be informed by and tested sions to philosophical questions in ethics and against studies of current science and of its social theory.

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