Agricultural and Live Stock
1859-60. VICTORIA. AGRICULTURAL AND LIVE STOCK STATlSTICS OF VICTORIA, FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31sT MARCH, 1859; WITH PRELIMINARY STATISTICAL NOTES, ILLUSTRATIVE Ole THE PROGRESS OF V:ICTOlUA FROM THE YEAR 1835 TO 1860. ~!2 tbe l!legt~ttat:::@1ienet'a( of lJirtotia. PRESENTED TO BOTH HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT BY HIS EXCELLENCY'S COMMAND. tsl? i!utljOtrt»: JOHN :FERRES, GOVERNMENT PRI~TER, MELBOURNE. No, 10. , .,y';- v " ~-". ~ , '. '.\. .~.-... ' V-" 7··"1 '''"1 , " " " " ,;'j. :) tY .. ., ,,' r l' ;, 'I I, f· • ," ) ..., 'i f~·i , . " REPORT. : ' To the Honorable the Cltiif Secretary, g·e., gc., gc. , Registrar-General's Office, SIR, t'h Melbourne, 31st December, 1859.. , In presentino- the AO'ricultural Statistics 'in'detail -for the year 'ending , -:Agricultural Statistics for • 0 • 0 '. .', the year ending lUst 31st March, 1859, (of wIuch a· General ,Summary' was Issued by ,me on the ~ MArch. 1859. 31st May last, and published in'the Government Gazette}, J take ,the oppor tunity of making a few preliminary note8 on"the progress of Victoria in relation~ . to the increase of its populationi the settlement, an,dcultivation ofahe' land, andn other matters indicative of the social and material growth of the colony from the date of its' foundation in 1835 to the preserit time. ' " ,:" 2. The numerical results arrived at by 'successive ,enumerations of ,the' Existing numerical results • of permanent value; but eople and other statistical inq'Ulries are 'of permanent· utility' and when further broad points of P • • ' • .' • ' • comparison may prove
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