By His Excellency SIR CHARLES HOTHAM, Knight Commander of the Most Honorable Military Order of the Bath, Lieutenant Governor

of the Colony of Victoria, $c.} $c, tyc.

No. XXXIV. An Act to further alter " The Victoria Electoral Act of 1851" and to increase the Number of Mem­ bers of the Legislative Council of Victoria. [Assented to 22nd May, 1855.] w HEREAS by an Act of the Imperial Parliament of Great Britain Preamble, and Ireland passed in the thirteenth and fourteenth years of the Reign of 13»u Vic* * S9» Her Majesty Queen Victoria intituled " An Actjor the better Govern­ ment of Her Majesty's Australian Colonies** it was amongst other things enacted that there should be within and for the Colony of Victoria a separate Legislative Council to consist of such number of Members as should be determined by the Governor and Council of New South Wales in such manner as is therein directed and it was further enacted that it should be lawful for the Governor and Council of the said Colony of Victoria after the establishment of a Legislative Council therein under the said Act from time to time by any Act or Acts to establish new Electoral Districts in any part of the said Colony and to alter the divisions and extent of the Electoral Districts of the said Colony and to alter and appoint the number of Members of Council to be chosen by the said Districts and to increase the whole number of Members of such Legislative Council And whereas by an Act of the said Governor and Legislative Council of the 14 Vic No; 47» Colony of New South Wales passed in the fourteenth year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria being " The Victoria Electoral Act of 1851" it was amongst other things enacted that the Legislative Council of the said Colony of Victoria should consist of thirty Members ten of whom should be appointed by Her Majesty according to the provisions in the said recited Act of Parliament contained and twenty of whom should from time to time be elected by the inhabitants of the said Colony in manner thereinafter mentioned and it was thereby also enacted that the said Colony should be divided into certain Electoral Districts for the purpose of returning Members to serve in the said Legislative Council in manner thereinafter mentioned and by the said Act it was also enacted that the boundaries of the several Electoral Districts therein mentioned should for the purpose of the said Act be deemed and taken to be the boundaries set forth in the Schedule to the said Act annexed marked A And whereas by an Act is Vic. No. 29. of the Lieutenant Governor and Legislative Council of Victoria passed in the sixteenth year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria intituled "An ' Act Published as a Supplement to the ( Victoria Government Gazette, of Friday, May 25, 1S55.—iVb. 47. 160 1855.] 1* VICTOULS. [Xo. U. Electoral Act.

Act to alter 'The Victoria Electoral Act of IS5 ].' and to increase the number of Members of the Legislative Council of the Colony of Victoria" it was amongst other things enacted that the whole number of Members of the said Legislative Council of the said Colony of Victoria should be increased by the additional number of twenty-four Members and that the said Council should thenceforth consist of the said thirty members and the said twenty-four additional members amounting in all to fifty-four Members And whereas it is expedient to establish new Electoral Districts in certain parts of the said Colony and for that purpose to alter " The Victoria Electoral Act of 1851" and the divisions and extent of certain of the Electoral Districts as mentioned in and defined by that Act and to appoint the number of Members to be chosen respectively by the Districts thus created and to increase the whole number of Members of the said Legislative Council Be it therefore enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Victoria by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof as follows— Boundaries of certain I. From and after the commencement of this Act the boundaries of tne Electoral SIJESC^^ Districts of the County or reputed County of Grant the tricts created. United Counties or reputed Counties of Ripon Hampden Grenville and Polwarth the United Counties or reputed Counties of Talbot Dalhousie and Anglesey the Pastoral District of Murray with the exception of such part thereof as is comprised within the County or reputed County of Anglesey the Pastoral District of the Loddon (heretofore known as Western Port) with the exception of such parts thereof as are comprised within the Counties or reputed Counties of Dalhousie Bourke Anglesey Evelyn Mornington and Talbot and the Pastoral District of the Wimmera as described in the said schedule to " The Victoria Electoral Act of1851" annexed marked A. shall be altered and the boundaries of the said Elec­ toral Districts shall instead of those in the said schedule described be those described in the schedule to this Act annexed marked A and there shall be created and erected five new Electoral Districts to be called respectively the Electoral Districts of Castlemaine Sandhurst Ballaarat Avoca and the Ovens and the boundaries of such new Electoral Districts set forth in the schedule to this Act annexed marked B shall for the purposes of this and the said recited Acts be deemed and taken to be the boundaries of such new Electoral Districts accord­ ingly and the first mentioned Electoral Districts as altered by this Act and set forth in the said schedule to this Act annexed marked A shall be deemed and taken to be the same Electoral Districts named in " The Victoria Electoral Act of 1851" as fully and effectually for all purposes as if such altered boundaries had been inserted in the said schedule to " The Victoria Electoral Act of 1851" marked A and such alteration shall not affect either the number of members elected or to be elected for such Electoral Districts or the places for taking the poll at elections for such Electoral Districts respectively as set forth in the schedule to the said Act annexed marked B or any other provision in the said Act contained except the boundaries of the said Districts. Number of members II. The whole number of members of the said Legislative Council of Victoria shall be increased by twelve additional members and the said Council shall thenceforth consist of the said fifty-four members and the said twelve additional members amounting in all to sixty-six memoers of which additional members four shall be appointed by Her Majesty according to the provisions of the said recited Act of the Imperial Parliament and eight shall be elected as hereinafter mentioned. Number of members III. Of the said newly created Electoral Districts the Districts of to be returned by Castlemaine Sandhurst and Ballaarat shall each return two members and each new District. i 1855.] IS VICTORIA. [Kb. 34. 161 Electoral Act. the Districts of Avoca and the Ovens shall each return one member to serve in the said Legislative Council respectively and all such members shall be chosen and returned according to the provisions of " The Victoria 'Electoral Act of 1851" and of this Act and the places for taking the Polling places named. poll at elections in respect of the said newly created Electoral Districts shall be those set forth in connection with each district in the Schedule hereunto annexed marked C Provided that such other places shall be polling places for the said Electoral Districts respectively as shall be appointed for that purpose by the Governor by any proclamation to be issued by him in that behalf and published in the Government Gazette. IV. It shall be lawful for the Governor of Victoria after Governor to issue the passing • of this Act to issue writs for the election of members Kiembe^fo? to serve in the Legislative Council of Victoria for the said newly new Districts. created Electoral Districts of Castlemaine Sandhurst Ballaarat Avoca and the Ovens as he is now by law empowered to do in case of a General Election. V. The dates and times prescribed in the eleventh fourteenth Times specified in fifteenth eighteenth and twenty-fourth sections of " The Victoria Electoral J|{£ J^^^. Act of1851" shall not apply to the making out the lists of Electors the tions of««The re­ m publication of suck lists the correction of errors or omissions in such ^ 18Jf» Altered lists the pubkeation of such errors or omissions the holding of the Court for the year i860, for revising such lists the delivery of such lists to the Beturning Officer and the period when such lists shall come into force or to the perform­ ance of any other acts specified in the said sections for any of the said newly created Electoral Districts during the year One thousand eight hundred and fifty-five only But the lists of all persons qualified to vote in the said newly created electoral districts shall be made out as in the said eleventh section mentioned between the first clay of August and the twenty-eighth day of August in the year One thousand eight hundred and fifty-five in lieu and instead of between the first day of June and the twenty-eighth day of June being the period mentioned in the said section And the said electoral fists for the said newly created districts shall be printed or fairly and legibly transcribed and published as in the said fourteenth section mentioned for the period of fourteen days ending on the fifteenth day of September in the year One thousand eight hundred and fifty-five in lieu and instead of for the period of fourteen days ending on the fifteenth day of July being the period mentioned in the said section And the time within whick any person whose name shall have been omitted in any suck electoral list for any of the said newly created electoral districts and who skall claim to have his name inserted therein shall give notice thereof to the clerk of petty sessions and within which any person whose name may be inserted in any such electoral list objecting to any other person as not entitled to have his name retained in the said electoral list shall give notice to the clerk of petty sessions and also to the person objected to of such objection having been taken as in the said fifteenth section mentioned shall be on or before the fifteenth day of September in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five in lieu and instead of on or before the fifteenth day of July being the period mentioned in the said section And the time during which the Clerk of Petty Sessions shall publish and keep and allow to be inspected a list of all persons claiming as aforesaid to be included in any electoral list for any such newly created ^strict and a list of all persons objected to as aforesaid included in a»y such Electoral List as in the said fifteenth section mentioned shall be 162 1855.] IS VIOTOKLE. [No. 34. Electoral Act.

be the period of fourteen days ending on the thirtieth day of September in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five in lieu and instead of fifteen days ending the thirty-first day of July being the period mentioned in the said section And the time for the assembling of Justices in Petty Sessions to hold and for holding Courts of Revision for the purpose of revising the lists of electors for the said newly created Electoral Districts as in the said eighteenth section mentioned shall be between the first day of October and the twenty-first day of October in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five in lieu and instead of between the first day of August and twenty-first day of August both inclusive being the period mentioned in the said section And the time before which the Clerks of Petty Sessions shall deliver the revised electoral lists of the said newly created Electoral Districts to the Returning Officer of the District to which such lists shall respectively refer as in the said twenty-fourth section mentioned shall be the thirty-first day of October in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five in lieu and instead of the thirty-first day of August the period mentioned in the said section And the general list of electors in the said twenty-fourth section mentioned fairly transcribed or printed from the said revised electoral lists respectively as in the said section directed shall be the electoral list or roll of electors entitled to vote in each of the said newly created Electoral Districts respectively at all elections that may take place of Members of the Legislative Council between the first day of November in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty- five inclusive and the first day of September in the succeeding year. Repeal of section 53 VI. The clause of " The Victoria Electoral Act of 1851" ^EUdarai ^iTo/ Demg numbered LHI relating to the quorum of Council shall be and the "1651." same is hereby repealed and no omission or failure to elect a member or members as or for any of the Electoral Districts mentioned in " The Victoria Electoral Act of 1851" or this Act whether existing or altered or newly created nor the vacating the seat nor the avoiding the election of any such member or members shall be deemed to make the Legislative Council incomplete or to prevent such Council from meeting and dis­ patching business so long as there shall be a quorum of members present. I Former Acts not ai- VII. Nothing herein contained shall be taken to repeal or alter any herein ^expressly °f tne provisions of the said recited Acts except as in this Act especially 8tated. enacted and all the provisions enactments and proceedings contained or enjoined in or by the said recited Acts shall be applicable and applied to all persons matters or things whereunto this Act shall refer as fully as if this Act were incorporated with the said Acts. Dissolution of present VIII. Nothing in this Act contained shall be taken to imply the Council not im- dissolution of the now existing Legislative Council of the said Colony of Victoria or to abridge extend or interfere with the period of the lawful determination thereof. Commencement of IX. This Act shall commence and take effect from and after the first day of June in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five.

SCHEDULES 1855.] 18 VICTORIA. [NO. 34. Electoral Act,




THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OP THE COUNTY OP GRANT. Rounded on the east by the western boundary of the County of Bourke, being the Werribee River from its mouth to its source in the Great Dividing Range ; on the north by the Great Dividing Range extending from the source of the Werribee River to that of the Yarrowee River; on the west and south-west by the Yarrowee River to its confluence with the ; thence by the Barwon River upwards to a creek in H. Hopkin's purchased land, and by this creek upwards and a line bearing south-east • across the Dividing Range to the head of the Salt Creek two miles forty-eight chains; thence by the Salt Creek to the Sea Coast north of Point Roadknight; on the south by the Sea Coast; and on the remainder of the east by the waters of Port Phillip to the mouth of the Werribee River, including the small islands near the channels at the mouth of Port Phillip and those of Geelong Bay, except the Country included in the electoral district of Ballaarat.

THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OP THE UNITED COUNTIES OP RIPON, HAMPDEN, GRENVILLE, AND POLWARTH. RIPON :—Bounded on the west by the Grampian Range, which divides the waters of the Wimmera and Glenelg Rivers from those of the River Hopkins, to the rocky extremity near Mount Abrupt; on the south by a line easterly to the source of the first creek, which joins the River Hopkins above Wiselaskie's Station on the western side, and by that creek to the River Hopkins; thence by a line east to Lake Boloke; thence by the southern shores of Lake Boloke to the mouth of the Prackninjerrin Creek, and by that creek upwards to a point where a great bend of the creek turns northward; thence by a line to a point in Emu Creek, about one mile below, and to the west of the confluence of Broken Creek ; on the south-east and east by Emu Creek to the confluence with Baillie's Creek, by Baillie's Creek to Lake Burrambeet, the southern shores of Lake Burrambeet and Burrambeet Creek to its source in the Great Dividing Range ; and on the north by the Great Dividing Range to the western boundary aforesaid, excepting the country included in the Electoral Districts of Ballaarat and Avoca. HAMPDEN.—Bounded on the west by the River Hopkins upwards, from the confluence of the Emu Creek to the point opposite the mouth of the small creek above Wiselaskie's Station, dividing it from the ; on the north by the southern boundary of the , being a line east from the confluence of the creek near Wiselaskie's Station already mentioned to Lake Boloke; thence by the southern shore of Lake Boloke to the mouth of the Prackninjerrin Creek; thence by that creek upwards until it reaches the spot where it forms a great bend to the north­ ward, from that point by a line in a south easterly direction to Emu Creek about one mile below, and westward of the mouth of Broken Creek; thence by Emu Creek to the point north of the source*of Gnarkeet Ponds; thence on the east by the west boun­ dary of the County of Grenville, viz.:—by a line southerly to the source of the Gnarkeet Ponds; thence by Gnarkeet Ponds to Lake Korangamite; and thence by the west shore of Lake Korangamite to a point east of Lake Pormbeet, and on the south by a direct line to the north end of Lake Pormbeet, and from the north end of Lake Pormbeet to the nearest part of Emu Creek; and thence by Emu Creek to its confluence with the River Hopkins. GRENVILLE :—Bounded on the west by the eastern boundary of the County of Hampden, namely, a line southerly from Emu Creek to Gnarkeet Ponds; thence by the Gnarkeet Ponds to Lake Korangamite; thence by the western shore of that Lake to a point east of Lake Pormbeet; on the south by part of the northern boundary of the and the northern boundary of the County of Polwarth, namely, the southern shore of Lake Korangamite; thence an east lino from Lake Korangamite to the north end of Lake Colac; thence by the north shore of Lake Colac to the point due west from 1855.] 18 VICTOMJE. [No. 34. Electoral Act.

the source of the Birregurra Creek, and from that point by a line east to the source of Birregurra Creek; thence by that Creek downwards to its confluence with the Barwon • on the east by the River Barwon, to its confluence with the Yarrowee River; thence by the Yarrowee River up to its source in the great dividing range ; and on the north by part of the great dividing range to the source of the Burrambeet Creek ; thence by that Creek and the southern shores of Lake Burrambeet to the point where Baillie's Creek leaves the Lake; by Baillie's Creek to its confluence with Emu Creek ; thence by the Emu Creek down to the point north of the source of the G-narkeet Ponds aforesaid, excepting the Country included in the Electoral District of Ballaarat. POLWARTH :—Bounded on the west by the eastern boundary of the County of Heytesbury, namely, the Gellibrand River upwards to its source; thence by the Range to the head of the Pirron Yalloak Creek; by this Creek to Lake Korangamite; on the north by the south-eastern shore of Lake Korangamite, and an east line from Lake Koran ga- mite to the north end of Lake Colac; thence by the north shore of Lake Colac to the point due west from the source of the Birregurra Creek j from that point by a line east to the source of the Birregurra Creek; thence by the Birregurra Creek to its confluence with the River Barwon; thence following the course of the River Barwon to a Creek in H. Hopkins' purchased land \ on the north-east by this Creek upwards and a line across the Dividing Range to the head of the Salt Creek, bearing south-east two miles forty-eight chains \ thence by the Salt Creek to the sea coast north of Point Roadknight; and on the south-east and south by the sea coast to the mouth of the Gellibrand River.

THE ELECTOEAL DISTRICT OP THE UNITED COUNTIES OP TALBOT, DALHOUSIE, AND ANGLESEY. TALBOT :—Bounded on the north-west and north by the south-western branch of the Loddon River, from its source near Mount Cole to its confluence with the main stream; thence by the Loddon River upwards to the confluence of Mount Alexander Creek, by this creek to its source under Mount Alexander ; thence by Mount Alexander Range to the head of Myrtle Creek, and by this creek to its confluence with the Coliban River; on the east by the Coliban River upwards to its source, being part of the western boundary of the county of Dalhousie \ and on the south by the Great Dividing Range to the source of the south-western branch of the Loddon River near Mount Cole, excepting the country included in the Electoral Districts of Ballaarat Castlemaine and Avoca. DALHOUSIE :—Bounded on the west by the River Coliban, from its source in the Great Dividing Range to its confluence with the Campaspie River, and by the Campaspie River down to the confluence of Mount Ida Creek; on the north by Slount Ida Creek to its source near Mount Ida, by the Dividing Range to the source of Sandy Creek, and by Sandy Creek to the Goulburn River; on the east by the Goulburn River upwards until it joins the Dabyminga Creek, and by that creek to its source in the Dividing Range; on the south by the Great Dividing Range, excepting the country included in the Electoral District of Sandhurst. ANGLESEY :—Bounded on the west by part of the eastern boundary of the County of Dalhousie, namely from the River Goulburn upwards from the confluence of Hughes' Creek to the confluence of Dabyminga Creek j thence by Dabyminga Creek upwards to its source in the great Dividing Range) on the south by the great Dividing Range to the main source of the River Goulburn; on the east by the Range dividing the waters of the main source of the River Goulburn and Big River from those of the Rubicon and Snodpoor Dock Creek; northward to Mount Torbrick; thence by Jerusalem Creek to its confluence with the River Goulburn; thence by the River Goulburn downwards to the confluence with the Devil's River; thence by the Devil's River and its north-west arm to the Dividing Range between the last named arm and Septimus Creek j and on the north by that Range to the source of Hughes' Creek j thence by Hughes' Creek down to its confluence with the River Goulburn.

THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF MURRAY. Bounded on the south and west by the Counties of Evelyn and Anglesey, and the River Goulburn to its junction with the Murray; on the north and north-east by the River Murray; and on the south-east by the dividing range (Alps) excepting the Country included in the Electoral District of the Ovens.

THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OP LODDON. (FORMERLY WESTERN PORT.)—Bounded on the south by the Counties of Dalhousie, Talbot, and Ripon, from the Goulburn River to the source of the Avoca River ; on the west by the Avoca River to Lake Bael Bael; and thence by a line due north to the River Murray; on the north and north-east by the River Murray and the Goulburn River; and on the east by the Goulburn River excepting the Country included in the Electoral Districts of Sandhurst, Castlemaine, and Avoca. 1855.] 18 VICTORIA. [NO. 34. 165 Electoral Act.

THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF WIMMERA. Bounded on the east by the Avoca River to Lake Bael Bael, and thence by a line due north to the River Murray; on the north by the River Murray, to the South Australian frontier; on the west by the South Australian frontier; and on the south by the Counties of Follett, Dundas and Ripon, excepting the Country included in the Electoral District of the Avoca.




Including the Parishes of Castlemaine, Muckleford, Harcourt, Guildford, Fry erSf Number of Strangeways, Tarrengower, Maldon, Yandoit, Franklyn, Wombat, Walmer, and JSSBtLJSi o j District. banaon. -Commencing at a point on the River Loddon intersected by the southern boundary of the parish of Fryers; thence by the southern, eastern, and northern boundary lines of the said parish of Fryers to the parish of Castlemaine ; thence by the eastern boundary line of the said parish of Castlemaine to the southern boundary line of the parish of Harcourt; thence by the southern, eastern, northern, and western boundary lines of the said parish of Harcourt to the parish of Walmer; thence by the northern and western boundary lines of the said parish of Walmer to the parish of Maldon; thence by the northern and western boundary lines of the said parish of Maldon to the parish of Tarrengower; thence by the northern, western, and southern boundary lines of the said parish of Tarrengower to the parish of Sandon; thence by the western and southern boundary lines of the said parish of Sandon to the parish of Yandoit; thence by the western and southern boundary lines of the said parish of Yandoit to the parish of Franklyn; thence by the western and southern boundary lines of the said parish of Franklyn to the parish of Wombat; thence by the western, southern, eastern, and northern boundary lines of the said parish of Wombat to the aforesaid parish of Franklyn; thence by the eastern and northern boundary lines of the aforesaid parish of Franklyn to the aforesaid parish of Yandoit; thence by the eastern boundary line of the aforesaid parish of Yandoit to the parish of Guildford; thence by the southern boundary line of the said parish of Guildford to the parish of Fryers aforesaid; thence by the southern boundary line of that parish to the commencing point. ••• ••• in • • • •• ••• ••• ••• ••• Two*

THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF SANDHURST. Including the Parishes of Sandhurst, Lockwood, Strathfieldsaye, Sedgwick, Mandurang, ' Huntley, Nerving, Marong, Ravenswood, and Heathcote. -Commencing at the north-western angle of the parish of Harcourt; thence by the eastern boundary line of the parish of Ravenswood to the. parish of Mandurang; thence by the southern boundary line of the said parish of Mandurang to the parish of Sedgwick; thence by the western, southern, and eastern boundary lines of the said parish of Sedgwick to the parish of Strathfieldsaye; thence by the eastern, northern, and western boundary lines of the said parish of Strathfieldsaye to the aforesaid parish of Mandurang; thence by the northern boundary line of the aforesaid parish of Mandurang to the parish of Sandhurst; thence by the eastern boundary line of the said parish of Sandhurst to the parish of Huntley; thence by the eastern, northern, and western boundary lines of the said parish of Huntley to the parish of Nerring; thence by the northern and western boundary lines of the said parish of Nerring to the parish of Marong; thence by the northern, western, and southern boundary lines of the said parish of Marong to the parish of Lockwood; thence by the western and southern boundary lines of the said parish of Lockwood to the parish of Ravenswood; thence by the western, southern, and eastern boundary lines of the said parish of Ravenswood to the. north-western angle of the afore­ mentioned parish of Harcourt, the commencing point, together with the Parish of Heathcote, at Mclvor Creek...... Two. 1855.] 18 VICTORIA. [NO. 34.

«• • " t •* • —•— Electoral Act.

THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF BALLAARAT. Kmnl)Cr Members to W returned for Including the Parishes of Ballaarat, Dowling Forest, Burrumbeet, Ascot, Glendarvel, Distri«1CCt°ril1 Cresioiclc, and Spring Hill. Commencing at a point on the northern shores of Lake Burrumbeet, being the south­ western angle of the parish of Burrumbeet; thence by the -western and northern boundary lines of the parish of Burrumbeet to the parish of Glendaruel; thence by the western and northern boundary lines of the said parish of Glendaruel to the parish of Ascot; thence by the northern boundary line of the said parish of Ascot and the northern and eastern boundary lines of the parish of Spring Hill to the parish of Creswick ; thence by the eastern and southern boundary lines of the said parish of Creswick, and the eastern, southern, and western boundary lines of the parish of Ballaarat, to the parish of Bowling Forest ; thence by the southern and western boundary lines of the said parish of Dowling Forest to the aforesaid parish of Bur­ rumbeet ; and thence by the southern boundary line of the parish of Burrumbeet to the commencing point ...... jvo


Including the Parishes of Amherst, Carisbrook, Maryborough, Avoca, Tarnagulla, and Burrembeep.

AMHERST :—Commencing at a point bearing north one mile and ten chains from the north-western angle of the Town Reserve of Amherst ; thence east four miles; thence south four miles; thence west five miles; thence north four miles; and thence east one mile to the commencing point. CARISBROOK :—Commencing at a point distant one mile, bearing east from the north-east angle of portion 33, parish of Carisbrook ; thence south six miles; thence west six miles; thence north six miles; and thence east six miles to the commencing point. MARYBOROUGH.—Commencing at the north-western angle of the parish of Carisbrook; thence west six miles; thence south six miles; thence east six miles; and thence north six miles to the commencing point. AVOCA :—Commencing at a point bearing south two miles from the south-eastern angle of the Town Reserve of Avoca; thence east three miles; thence north five miles; thence west seven miles; thence south five miles; and thence east four miles to the commencing point. TARNAGULLA :—Commencing at a point bearing east one mile and ten chains from the north-eastern angle of the Cemetery Reserve, parish of Tarnagulla; thence south three miles; thence west six miles ; thence north six miles ; thence east six miles; and thence south three miles to the commencing point. BURREMBEEP :—Commencing on the Hopkins River at a point about eighty-five chains below the junction of the Deenicul Creek, and bounded by lines bearing west ninety- five chains j north three hundred and twenty chains; east one hundred and seventy chains, to the Kangaroo or Chalamber Range; by that range south-easterly to the south­ east angle of allotment 2 of section 5 of the surveyed lands in the parish of Bur­ rembeep ; thence by a line south one hundred and thirty-five chains; west eighty chains ; south eighty chains ; and west sixty-five chains to the River Hopkins, being the commencing point aforesaid...... ••• ...... ••• One


Commencing at the junction of the Whorouly Creek with the River Ovens; thence by a line bearing north twenty miles; thence by a line bearing east to the Little River; thence southwards by the Little River to its source in the Dividing Range; thence by the Dividing Range and a line south to a point on the River Ovens nine miles above its junction with the river Buckland; thence by a line from the last mentioned point to the source of the River Buckland; thence by the Dividing Range to the source of the River Buffalo; and thence by the Buffalo and Ovens Rivers to the commencing point ...... ^ L' 1855.J 18 VICTORIA. [No. 34. 10 Electoral Act.



OastJemaine ... Castlemaine, Maldon, and Hepburn.

Sandhurst. Sandhurst and Heathcote.

Ballaarat Ballaarat and Creswick.

Avoca ... Avoca, Tarrengower, Burrembeep, Carisbrook { and Amherst. Ovens ... Beechworth, Yachandanda aad The Buckland.

Br Authority: JOHN FERBES, Government Printer, Melbourne.