Village & Townwise Primary Census Abstract, Jullundur, Part X-A & B
,CENSUS 1971 PARTS X-A" II VILLAGE & TOWN SERIES 17 DIRECTORY PUNJAB VILLAGE & TOWN WISE PRIMARY CENS'US ABSTRACT DISTRICT JULLUN'DUR CENSUS DISTRICT HANDBOOK P. L. SONDHI H. S. KWATRA ". OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE OF THE PfJ'NJAB CIVIL SERVIce Ex-officio Director of Census OperatiONl Deputy Director (~l Cpnsus Operations ', .. PUNJAB PUNJAB' Modf:- Julluodur - made Sports Goods For 01 ympics ·-1976 llvckey al fhe Montreal Olympics. 1976, will be played with halls manufactured in at Jullundur. Jullundur has nearly 350 sports goods 111l1nl~ractur;l1g units of various sizes. These small units eXJlort tennis and badminton rackets, shuttlecocks and several types of balls including cricket balls. Tlte nucleu.s (~( this industry was formed h,J/ skilled and semi-skilled workers who came to 1ndia a/It?r Partition. Since they could not afford 10 go far away and were lodged in the two refugee can'lps located on the outskirts of .IuJ/undur city in an underdeveloped area, the availabi lity of the sk illed work crs attracted the sport,\' goods I1zCllllljacturers especiallY.from Sialkot which ,was the centre (~f sports hJdustry heji,)re Partition. Over 2,000 people are tU preSt'nt employed in this industry. Started /roln scratch after ,Partilion, the indLlstry now exports goods worth nearly Rs. 5 crore per year to tire Asian and European ("'omnu)fzwealth countril's, the lasl being our higgest ilnporters. Alot(( by :-- 1. S. Gin 1 PUNJAB DISTRICT JULLUNDUR kflOMlTR£S 5 0 5 12_ Ie 20 , .. ,::::::;=::::::::;::::_:::.:::~r::::_ 4SN .- .., I ... 0 ~ 8 12 MtLEI "'5 H s / I 30 3~, c ! I I I I ! JULLUNOUR I (t CITY '" I :lI:'" I ,~ VI .1 ..,[-<1 j ~l~ ~, oj .'1 i ;;1 ~ "(,.
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