WAG.GA TRUCK CENTRE New And.Used Trucks, Trailers · and Accessories Tj
WAG.GA TRUCK CENTRE New and.Used Trucks, Trailers · and Accessories tJ < I Ford LTL 9000, 350HP-Cat Motor, 15 speed R/ Atkinson F4870,406HP, 8V92, 15 speed Road• ·Ranger.. 44's on Hendric_kson, Hi-Rise walk thru ranqer, DS400 Eatans, 3.5 ratio on 4 spring, alloy sleeper, aluminium B/Bar and tanks, air cond, hyd: bar and tanks, tubeless, jake_s. $69,500 raulics. $89,500 · · Fonl LNT 9000, 350 Cummins big cam, 12515 K_enworth Kigid Ti~per, 6V92GM; 15- speed. R/ Aoadranger transmission, SP40 an Hendrickson Ranger trar.s, Eaton Dills, 1o metre Hi Tansile Tip• suspension, hi _rise sleeper, aluminium luel tanks,·. p)ng body. B/,ijar. alumi~ium t_anks. $39,500 and B/Bar, priced ta sell. $69,990 International T2670, 230 Cummins, 9 speed, alloy Hino Tipper, 1983 build, drapsides,160hp diesel, 5 B/Bar. air cond, single drive prime rnover. speed 2 speed• ex-Government, low . kms unit. $36,500 ' S26;500 STURT HIGHWAY, WAGGA WAGGA PHONE (069) 216777 Atte< Hours· Peter Crea.gh 225451 or 8ern•e 01l!on 254748 Vol. 9 No.17 REGISTERED 8Y AUSTRALIA POST PU8LICATl!)N No. NBP0250 2 - ATCO HOMES RFL ATCO HOMES RFL 3 Graham & Judy Willis 96 Gurwood Street, Wagga ·ATCOHomes Phone(069)217384 PROFESSIONAL WEDDING & PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHERS PROUD SPONSOR OF THE RIVERINA FOOTBALL LEAGUE LEAGUE INC 1991 ATCO HOMES R.F.L LADDERS Display Centre: Servicing Transportable Sturt Highway, W agga Wagga Homes throughout the FIRST GRADE SECOND GRADE Phone(069)214988 Riverina and M.l.A. Round 14 w L D For Ag % Pts Round 14 For Ag % Pis GRIFFITH ....
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