Newsletter of Arizona Pathfinders, Inc. A Volunteer Support Organization for the Southern Division of the Arizona Historical Society, founded 1976 December 2015 W.D. Kalt III, President
[email protected] BROWN BAG AND SILENT AUctION ARIZONA PATHFINDERS’ JANUARY 21, 2016 DECEMBER 10TH POT LUCK HIGH IN THE DESERT SKIES: TUCSON’S RED- MASSACRE AT POINT OF ROCKS: LETTER DAY In 1849 a band of Jicarilla Apache kidnapped a woman Join Pathfinders January 21, 2016 at 6:00PM at the and her child after killing her husband and traveling Auditorium of the Arizona History Museum, 949 East companions. Kidnapping Mexican and Pueblo women Second Street. was commonplace, but Mrs. White was an Anglo and a lady, almost the only one in New Mexico. Pursuit Just six months after the world’s first grand came from all directions but only Kit Carson could aviation meet in Reims, France during 1909, find and follow a Arizona saw airplanes soaring in its skies. month-old trail. This is Although remote, the Territory hosted barn- the history behind the storming aerobats who proved flight possible historical novel Massacre even in the most in rickety of contraptions. at Point of Rocks, the real The country’s first two pilots to complete story. transcontinental flights choose Tucson as the only Join Pathfinders on location where both landed at the same time. December 10, 2015 at 6:00PM at the Auditorium of the Arizona History Museum, 949 East Second Street. Our speaker will be Doug Hocking. He is an independent scholar continued on page 2 It was seven years before aircraft again flew into Arizona.