
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Photographs August 16, 1974

This database was created by Library staff and indexes all photographs taken by the Ford White House photographers on this date. Use the search capabilities in your PDF reader to locate key words within this index. Please note that clicking on the link in the “Roll #” field will display a 200 dpi JPEG image of the contact sheet (1:1 images of the 35 mm negatives). is always abbreviated “GRF” in the "Names" field. If the "Geographic" field is blank, the photo was taken within the White House complex. The date on the contact sheet image is the date the roll of film was processed, not the date the photographs were taken. All photographs taken by the White House photographers are in the public domain and reproductions (600 dpi scans or photographic prints) of individual images may be purchased and used without copyright restriction. Please include the roll and frame numbers when contacting the Library staff about a specific photo (e.g., A1422-10).

To view photo listings for other dates, to learn more about this project or other Library holdings, or to contact an archivist, please visit the White House Photographic Collection page

View President Ford's Daily Diary (activities log) for this day

Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer

A0151 2A-7A BW Cyprus Situation seated around GRF, Kissinger Kennerly

A0151 8A-9A BW Cyprus Situation seated around desk GRF, Kissinger, White House Oval Office Kennerly Steward

A0151 10A BW Cyprus Situation O'Donnell walking GRF, Kissinger, O'Donnell Oval Office Kennerly

A0151 11A-15A BW Cyprus Situation seated around desk, looking GRF, Kissinger, Scowcroft Oval Office Kennerly at charts on easel

A0151 16A-20A BW Cyprus Situation standing, walking towards GRF, Kissinger, Scowcroft Oval Office Kennerly door with charts

A0151 21A BW seated around desk, GRF, Hartmann Oval Office Kennerly Hartmann leaning

A0151 22A-23A BW President, International Brotherhood of standing, greeting GRF, Frank E. Fitzsimmons Oval Office Kennerly Teamsters

A0151 24A-31A BW President, International Brotherhood of seated near fireplace GRF, Frank E. Fitzsimmons Oval Office Kennerly Teamsters

A0152 3-25 Color posing Three Press Girls Rose Garden Schumacher

A0153 2-14 Color King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan meeting, seated near GRF, King Hussein, Foreign Oval Office Schumacher fireplace, horizontal and Minister Zaid Rifai, Ambassador vertical Thomas Pickering, Media

Monday, July 26, 2010 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 1 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer

A0154 3-5 Color King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan waiting for GRF and Hussein Kennerly, Media Driveway and Schumacher to leave Oval Office Lawn outside Oval Office

A0154 6-15 Color King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan walking to limousine, posing GRF, King Hussein, Foreign Driveway and Schumacher Minister Zaid Rifai, Ambassador Lawn outside Thomas Pickering, Media Oval Office

A0155 3A-15A BW standing, talking - various GRF, Kissinger Oval Office Kennerly angels and distances

A0155 16A-21A BW King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan standing, talking, greeting GRF, Kissinger, King Hussein, Oval Office Kennerly Zaid Rifai, Ambassador Thomas Pickering, Chief of Protocol Henry Catto

A0155 22A-25A BW King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan seated near fireplace GRF, Kissinger, King Hussein, Oval Office Kennerly Zaid Rifai, Ambassador Thomas Pickering

A0155 26A-27A BW King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan walking, talking, going out GRF, King Hussein Outside Oval Kennerly door Office - exterior

A0155 28A BW heads only, behind GRF, Kissinger Kennerly shrubbery

A0155 29A-30A BW talking, walking through GRF, Kissinger Outside Oval Kennerly door Office - exterior

A0155 31A-37A BW standing, talking - various GRF, Kissinger Oval Office Kennerly angels and distances

A0156 2A BW King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan walking to limousine GRF, Kissinger, King Hussein Walkway Kennerly between Oval Office and driveway

A0156 3A BW King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan saying goodbye, embracing GRF, King Hussein, Chief of White House Kennerly Protocol Henry Catto, Others Driveway

A0156 4A BW King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan saying goodbye Kissinger, King Hussein, Chief of White House Kennerly Protocol Henry Catto, Others Driveway

A0156 5A-9A BW Following Departure of King Hussein of the walking, talking GRF, Kissinger Walkway Kennerly Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan between Oval Office and driveway

A0156 10A BW Following Departure of King Hussein of the partially obscured by GRF Walkway Kennerly Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan shrubbery between Oval Office and driveway

Monday, July 26, 2010 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 2 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer

A0157 2A-5A Color President's Transition Team seated near fireplace GRF, Rumsfeld, William Oval Office Fitz-Patrick Scranton, Marsh

A0157 6A Color Fitz-Patrick

A0157 7A-19A Color President, International Brotherhood of seated near fireplace GRF, Frank Fitzsimmons Oval Office Fitz-Patrick Teamsters

A0158 1 BW Kennerly

A0158 2-3 BW Counsellor for Economic Policy standing, greeting GRF, Kenneth Rush Oval Office Kennerly

A0158 4-6 BW Counsellor for Economic Policy seated around desk GRF, Kenneth Rush Oval Office Kennerly

A0158 7 BW Counsellor to the President standing around desk GRF, Marsh Oval Office Kennerly

A0158 8 BW Counsellor to the President GRF seated at desk GRF, Marsh Oval Office Kennerly

A0158 9-10 BW Senator (SC) standing, greeting GRF, Sen. Strom Thurmond, Oval Office Kennerly Tom Korologos

A0158 11-12 BW United States Senator (SC) seated around desk GRF, Sen. Strom Thurmond Oval Office Kennerly

A0158 13 BW standing, talking GRF, Haig Oval Office Kennerly

A0158 14-17 BW Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation greeting, walking GRF, Clarence Kelley Oval Office Kennerly

A0158 18 BW Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation seated around desk GRF, Clarence Kelley Oval Office Kennerly

A0158 19-23 BW Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation seated around desk GRF, Clarence Kelley, Haig Oval Office Kennerly

A0158 24 BW Director, Office of Management and Budget standing near desk GRF, Roy Ash Oval Office Kennerly

A0158 25-29 BW Director, Office of Management and Budget seated around desk GRF, Roy Ash Oval Office Kennerly

A0162 2A-4A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking - close-up; GRF, King Hussein, Guests Yellow Oval Kennerly Jordan formal wear Room

A0162 5A-7A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking; formal , Kissinger, Queen Yellow Oval Kennerly Jordan wear Alia of Jordan Room

A0162 8A-10A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking; formal Betty Ford, Kissinger, Guests Yellow Oval Kennerly Jordan wear Room

A0162 11A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking; formal GRF, King Hussein Yellow Oval Kennerly Jordan wear Room

A0162 12A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking; formal Betty Ford, Kissinger, Queen Yellow Oval Kennerly Jordan wear Alia of Jordan, Guests Room

A0162 13A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking, long shot; GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & Yellow Oval Kennerly Jordan formal wear Queen Alia of Jordan Room

A0162 14A-15A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of group portrait(s); formal GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & Yellow Oval Kennerly Jordan wear Queen Alia of Jordan Room

Monday, July 26, 2010 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 3 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer

A0162 16A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of backs of heads Military Honor Guard Second Floor - Kennerly Jordan Center Hall

A0162 17A-18A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of walking down steps; formal GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & Grand Stairway Kennerly Jordan wear Queen Alia of Jordan

A0162 19A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of posing at base of steps - GRF, King Hussein Grand Stairway Kennerly Jordan long shot; formal wear

A0162 20A-21A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of walking towards State GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & Kennerly Jordan Dining Room; formal wear Queen Alia of Jordan

A0162 22A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of entering; formal wear GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & State Dining Kennerly Jordan Queen Alia of Jordan Room

A0162 23A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of walking towards State General & Mrs. Haig Cross Hall Kennerly Jordan Dining Room; formal wear

A0162 24A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing near dinner ; Kissinger, Queen Alia of Jordan, State Dining Kennerly Jordan formal wear White House waitstaff Room

A0162 25A-26A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of walking to ; GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & Cross Hall Kennerly Jordan formal wear Queen Alia of Jordan

A0163 3A-7A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated at dinner table; GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & State Dining Kennerly Jordan formal wear Queen Alia of Jordan, Guests, Room Strolling Musicians

A0163 8A-11A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated at dinner table; GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & State Dining Kennerly Jordan formal wear Queen Alia of Jordan, White Room House waitstaff, Guests

A0163 12A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated at dinner table; , Gardner Britt, State Dining Kennerly Jordan formal wear Guests Room

A0163 13A-19A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of GRF offers toast; formal GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & State Dining Kennerly Jordan wear Queen Alia of Jordan, Kissinger Room

A0163 20A-24A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of King Hussein offers toast; GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & State Dining Kennerly Jordan formal wear Queen Alia of Jordan Room

A0163 25A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking; formal Betty Ford, King Hussein State Dining Kennerly Jordan wear Room

A0163 26A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of walking; GRF and Queen GRF, Queen Alia; Betty Ford, Cross Hall Kennerly Jordan Alia in foreground; formal King Hussein wear

A0163 27A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of waving, walking; formal Betty Ford, King Hussein Cross Hall Kennerly Jordan wear

A0163 28A-34A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking; formal GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & Blue Room Kennerly Jordan wear Queen Alia of Jordan, Jack Ford

Monday, July 26, 2010 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 4 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer

A0164 3-5 BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking; formal GRF, Military Aides Yellow Oval Kennerly Jordan wear Room

A0164 6-34 BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking; formal GRF, Betty Ford, Kissinger, Yellow Oval Kennerly Jordan wear Nancy Kissinger, Guests Room

A0165 5A-6A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking; formal GRF, Betty Ford, Kissinger, Yellow Oval Kennerly Jordan wear Nancy Kissinger, Guests Room

A0165 7A-8A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking; formal GRF, Betty Ford North Kennerly Jordan wear

A0165 9A-18A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of stepping from limousine, GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & North Portico Kennerly Jordan greeting, walking to door; Queen Alia of Jordan, Military formal wear Aides, Media

A0165 19A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of stepping into Center Hall; GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & First Family Kennerly Jordan formal wear Queen Alia of Jordan Elevator, Second Floor

A0165 20A-22A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of walking toward Yellow Oval GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & Second Floor - Kennerly Jordan Room; formal wear Queen Alia of Jordan Center Hall

A0165 23A-24A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking; formal Dr. Lukash, Two Guests Yellow Oval Kennerly Jordan wear Room

A0165 25A-26A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking; formal GRF, King Hussein Yellow Oval Kennerly Jordan wear Room

A0165 27A-29A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of entering room Military Honor Guard Yellow Oval Kennerly Jordan Room

A0165 30A-31A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of walking to Grand Staircase; GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & Second Floor - Kennerly Jordan formal wear Queen Alia of Jordan, Military Center Hall Honor Guard

A0166 3A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking; formal GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & Yellow Oval Kennerly Jordan wear Queen Alia of Jordan, Nancy Room Kissinger

A0166 4A-5A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking; formal GRF, King Hussein Yellow Oval Kennerly Jordan wear Room

A0166 6A-7A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of walking into State Dining GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & Cross Hall Kennerly Jordan Room; formal wear Queen Alia of Jordan

A0166 8A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated at dinner table; GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & State Dining Kennerly Jordan formal wear Queen Alia of Jordan, Kissinger Room

A0166 9A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated at dinner table; GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & State Dining Kennerly Jordan formal wear Queen Alia of Jordan Room

Monday, July 26, 2010 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 5 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer

A0166 10A-12A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of talking on telephone terHorst White House Kennerly Jordan Office

A0166 13A-15A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated at dinner table; GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & State Dining Kennerly Jordan formal wear Queen Alia of Jordan, Kissinger Room

A0166 16A-17A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of Guests, Strolling Musicians State Dining Kennerly Jordan Room

A0166 18A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated at dinner table, GRF, Betty Ford State Dining Kennerly Jordan applauding; formal wear Room

A0166 19A-20A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated at dinner table; Queen Alia, Kissinger State Dining Kennerly Jordan formal wear Room

A0166 21A-23A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated at dinner table; Queen Alia State Dining Kennerly Jordan formal wear Room

A0166 24A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated at dinner table; King Hussein State Dining Kennerly Jordan formal wear Room

A0166 25A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated at dinner table; Betty Ford State Dining Kennerly Jordan formal wear Room

A0166 26A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated at dinner table; Kissinger State Dining Kennerly Jordan formal wear Room

A0166 27A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated at dinner table; GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & State Dining Kennerly Jordan formal wear Queen Alia of Jordan Room

A0166 28A-37A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing; formal wear GRF, Betty Ford, Jack Ford, Kennerly Jordan Guests

A0167 3-9 BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of receiving line; formal wear GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & East Room Kennerly Jordan Queen Alia of Jordan, Robert McNamara, Henry Catto

A0167 10 BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of entering State Dining Room; GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & Cross Hall Kennerly Jordan formal wear Queen Alia of Jordan

A0167 11 BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of walking to table; formal GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & State Dining Kennerly Jordan wear Queen Alia of Jordan, Guests Room

A0167 12-33 BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated at dinner tables; GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & State Dining Kennerly Jordan musicians playing; formal Queen Alia of Jordan, Guests, Room wear Strolling Musicians

A0168 2A-12A BW Receiving Line for State Dinner - King of receiving line; formal wear GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & East Room Kennerly Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Queen Alia of Jordan, Guests

A0168 13A-15A BW Receiving Line for State Dinner - King of receiving line; formal wear Jack Ford, date, Susan Ford, East Room Kennerly Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Gardner Britt, Guests

Monday, July 26, 2010 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 6 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer

A0168 16A BW Receiving Line for State Dinner - King of receiving line; formal wear GRF, King Hussein, Henry Catto, East Room Kennerly Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Guests

A0168 17A-19A BW Receiving Line for State Dinner - King of receiving line; formal wear GRF, King Hussein, Henry Catto, East Room Kennerly Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Mr. & Mrs. George Bush, Guests

A0168 20A-22A BW Receiving Line for State Dinner - King of receiving line; formal wear GRF, King Hussein, Henry Catto, East Room Kennerly Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Susan Ford, Gardner Britt, Guests

A0168 23A-24A BW Receiving Line for State Dinner - King of receiving line; formal wear GRF, King Hussein, Henry Catto, East Room Kennerly Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Ron Nessen, Guests A0168 25A BW Receiving Line for State Dinner - King of receiving line; formal wear Betty Ford, Queen Alia, Susan East Room Kennerly Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Ford, Guests

A0168 26A BW Receiving Line for State Dinner - King of receiving line; formal wear Betty Ford, Queen Alia, Ron East Room Kennerly Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Nessen, Guests

A0168 27A BW Receiving Line for State Dinner - King of receiving line; formal wear Betty Ford, Queen Alia of East Room Kennerly Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Jordan, Unidentified Man and Woman

A0168 28A-29A BW Receiving Line for State Dinner - King of receiving line; formal wear GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & East Room Kennerly Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Queen Alia of Jordan, ; Guests

A0168 30A BW Receiving Line for State Dinner - King of receiving line; formal wear GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & East Room Kennerly Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Queen Alia of Jordan, Guests

A0169 2A-8A BW Receiving Line for State Dinner - King of receiving line; formal wear GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein & East Room Kennerly Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Queen Alia of Jordan, Guests

A0169 9A-19A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing; formal wear GRF, Queen Alia; Betty Ford, East Room Kennerly Jordan King Hussein; Guests

A0169 20A-30A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing; formal wear GRF, Betty Ford; Guests East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0169 31A-32A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of walking off dance floor; GRF, Betty Ford East Room Kennerly Jordan formal wear

A0169 33A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of making music request; GRF, Betty Ford, Howard East Room Kennerly Jordan formal wear Devron Orchestra

A0169 34A-36A BW Dancing Following the State Dinner for King dancing; formal wear GRF, Betty Ford; Guests East Room Kennerly Hussein of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Queen Alia

A0185 2A-5A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated at table, talking GRF, King Hussein East Room Kennerly Jordan

Monday, July 26, 2010 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 7 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer

A0185 6A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking in group Betty Ford, Queen Alia, Guests East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0185 7A-8A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated at table, talking Betty Ford, Queen Alia, Guests East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0185 9A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated, profiles GRF, King Hussein East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0185 10A-11A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of saying goodbye GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein, North Portico Kennerly Jordan Queen Alia

A0185 12A-13A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of looking and talking into GRF, Betty Ford North Portico Kennerly Jordan limousine

A0185 14A-20A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of talking GRF, Betty Ford, Guests North Portico Kennerly Jordan

A0185 21A-22A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of walking back into White GRF, Betty Ford, Guests North Portico Kennerly Jordan House

A0185 23A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of returning to East Room GRF, Betty Ford Cross Hall Kennerly Jordan

A0185 24A-28A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of returning to East Room GRF, Betty Ford Cross Hall - Kennerly Jordan East Room

A0185 29A-32A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of GRF and Betty dancing GRF, Betty Ford, Guests East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0185 33A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of GRF and Betty dancing GRF, Betty Ford, Guests East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0185 34A-35A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of GRF and woman dancing GRF, Unidentified Woman, East Room Kennerly Jordan Howard Devron Orchestra

A0186 4A-6A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated at table, talking GRF, King Hussein, Queen Alia East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0186 7A-10A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated at table, talking GRF, King Hussein, Queen Alia, East Room Kennerly Jordan Guests

A0186 11A-12A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated at table, talking GRF, King Hussein, Robert East Room Kennerly Jordan McNamara

A0186 13A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of walking to dance floor GRF, Queen Alia East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0186 14A-17A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing GRF, Queen Alia, Howard East Room Kennerly Jordan Devron Orchestra

A0186 18A-19A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated at table, talking Betty Ford, King Hussein East Room Kennerly Jordan

Monday, July 26, 2010 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 8 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer

A0186 20A-24A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing GRF, Queen Alia, Howard East Room Kennerly Jordan Devron Orchestra, Guests

A0186 25A-27A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing Betty Ford, King Hussein East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0186 28A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of applauding GRF, Queen Alia, Howard East Room Kennerly Jordan Devron Orchestra, Guests

A0186 29A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of talking GRF, Queen Alia, Howard East Room Kennerly Jordan Devron

A0187 3A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated, talking GRF, King Hussein, Guests East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0187 4A-5A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated, talking GRF, Betty Ford, Queen Alia, East Room Kennerly Jordan Guests

A0187 6A-10A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated, talking, laughing, GRF, Queen Alia East Room Kennerly Jordan Queen smoking

A0187 11A-12A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of talking, greeting GRF, Guests East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0187 13A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing GRF, guest East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0187 14A-15A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing Jack Ford, guest East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0187 16A-20A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated, talking GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein, East Room Kennerly Jordan Queen Alia

A0187 21A-23A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, posing - Susan's Susan Ford, Gardner Britt Cross Hall Kennerly Jordan date

A0187 24A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of talking, walking to North GRF, Queen Alia, Military Aide, Cross Hall Kennerly Jordan Portico Guests

A0187 25A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of talking GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein, Cross Hall Kennerly Jordan Queen Alia, Guests

A0187 26A-34A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of talking, kissing, saying GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein, Cross Hall Kennerly Jordan goodbye Queen Alia

A0187 35A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of walking towards limousine GRF, Queen Alia, Betty Ford, North Portico Kennerly Jordan Guests

A0187 36A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of walking towards limousine GRF, Queen Alia North Portico Kennerly Jordan

A0188 3A-4A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing with guests GRF, Betty Ford, Guests East Room Kennerly Jordan

Monday, July 26, 2010 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 9 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer

A0188 5A-12A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing with guests GRF, Guests East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0188 13A-14A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing Betty Ford, guest East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0188 15A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing - Susan's date Susan Ford, Gardner Britt East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0188 16A-28A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of GRF "fast" dancing GRF, guest, Guests East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0188 29A-31A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of applauding for orchestra GRF, Betty Ford, Susan Ford, East Room Kennerly Jordan Gardner Britt, Guests

A0188 32A-33A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of GRF dancing GRF, Guests East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0188 34A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing near limousine GRF, Betty Ford, Guests North Portico Kennerly Jordan

A0188 35A-37A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing near limousine GRF, Military Aide North Portico Kennerly Jordan

A0189 3A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated, talking, eating George Bush, , State Dining Kennerly Jordan Guests Room

A0189 4A-5A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated, talking, eating Speaker Carl Albert, Susan Ford, State Dining Kennerly Jordan Gardner Britt, Guests Room

A0189 6A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated, talking, eating King Hussein, GRF, Queen Alia, State Dining Kennerly Jordan Kissinger, Guests Room

A0189 7A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated, talking, eating GRF, Queen Alia, Kissinger, State Dining Kennerly Jordan Guests Room

A0189 8A-11A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of GRF offering toast Betty Ford, King Hussein, GRF State Dining Kennerly Jordan Room

A0189 12A-14A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of King Hussein offering toast Betty Ford, King Hussein, GRF State Dining Kennerly Jordan Room

A0189 15A-16A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of talking GRF, Betty Ford, Howard East Room Kennerly Jordan Devron, guest

A0189 17A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing Betty Ford, guest East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0189 18A-19A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing King Hussein, Queen Alia, East Room Kennerly Jordan Guests

A0189 20A-25A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing GRF, Susan Ford, Guests East Room Kennerly Jordan

Monday, July 26, 2010 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 10 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer

A0189 26A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of obscured Guests East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0189 27A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing GRF, Susan Ford, Guests East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0189 28A-31A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of talking GRF, Betty Ford, guest East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0189 32A BW State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of seated, talking GRF, Betty Ford East Room Kennerly Jordan

A0190 2-3 Color Vice President's Suite posing Secretary, Uniformed Secret Old Executive Fitz-Patrick Service Man Office Building - Office

A0190 4-10 Color Vice President's Suite Old Executive Fitz-Patrick Office Building - Conference Room

A0190 11-14 Color Vice President's Suite Old Executive Fitz-Patrick Office Building - Sitting Room

A0190 15-24 Color Vice President's Suite Old Executive Fitz-Patrick Office Building - Vice President's Office

A0190 25 Color Vice President's Suite Old Executive Fitz-Patrick Office Building - Office

A0190 26-28 Color Vice President's Suite Old Executive Fitz-Patrick Office Building - Vice President's Office

A0190 29 Color Vice President's Suite Old Executive Fitz-Patrick Office Building - Unidentified office in Vice President's Suite

Monday, July 26, 2010 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 11 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer

A0190 30-32 Color Vice President's Suite Old Executive Fitz-Patrick Office Building - Hallway to Vice President's Office

A0190 33-34 Color Vice President's Suite Old Executive Fitz-Patrick Office Building - Robert Hartmann's Office A0191 3A-6A Color Vice President's Suite Hartmann seated at desk, Hartmann, Unidentified male Old Executive Fitz-Patrick man leaning staff member Office Building - Robert Hartmann's Office

A0191 7A-10A Color Vice President's Suite seated at desk Hartmann, Unidentified female Old Executive Fitz-Patrick staff member Office Building - Robert Hartmann's Office

A0191 11A-13A Color Vice President's Suite seated on couch, reading Hartmann Old Executive Fitz-Patrick newspaper Office Building - Robert Hartmann's Office A0191 14A-15A Color Vice President's Suite head and shoulders Hartmann Old Executive Fitz-Patrick portrait(s) Office Building - Robert Hartmann's Office

A0191 16A-17A Color Vice President's Suite standing near printer Hartmann, Unidentified female Old Executive Fitz-Patrick staff member Office Building - Robert Hartmann's Office

Monday, July 26, 2010 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 12 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer

A0191 18A-19A Color Vice President's Suite standing, reading near Hartmann Old Executive Fitz-Patrick credenza Office Building - Robert Hartmann's Office

A0191 20A-23A Color Vice President's Suite seated on couch Hartmann, Unidentified female Old Executive Fitz-Patrick staff members Office Building - Robert Hartmann's Office A0191 24A-25A Color Vice President's Suite working at Unidentified female staff Old Executive Fitz-Patrick members Office Building - Robert Hartmann's Office

A0191 26A Color Vice President's Suite Hartman standing near staff Hartmann, Unidentified female Old Executive Fitz-Patrick desk staff member Office Building - Robert Hartmann's Office

A0191 27A-28A Color Vice President's Suite seated at desk Unidentified female staff Old Executive Fitz-Patrick member Office Building - Robert Hartmann's Office A0192 3-5 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing on red , GRF, Betty Ford North Portico Kightlinger Jordan awaiting the arrival of King Hussein; formal wear

A0192 6-7 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of greeting: formal wear GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein, North Portico Kightlinger Jordan Queen Alia

A0192 8-11 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of posing: formal wear GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein, North Portico Kightlinger Jordan Queen Alia, Henry Catto

A0192 12-13 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of walking down steps, posing Chief of Protocol Henry Catto, Grand Stairway Kightlinger Jordan guest, Military Aide

A0192 14-15 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of walking down steps, posing , Nancy Kissinger Grand Stairway Kightlinger Jordan

Monday, July 26, 2010 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 13 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer

A0192 16-19 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of walking down steps, posing GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein, Grand Stairway Kightlinger Jordan Queen Alia, Honor Guard

A0192 20-22 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of walking toward East Room GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein, Cross Hall Kightlinger Jordan Queen Alia

A0192 23-35 Color Receiving Line for State Dinner - King of receiving line shots GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein, East Room Kightlinger Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Queen Alia, Susan Ford, Jack Ford, Robert Mcnamara, Helen Thomas, Tom DeFrank; Guests

A0192 36 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of walking to State Dining Betty Ford, King Hussein Cross Hall Kightlinger Jordan Room

A0192 37 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of sitting down at head table GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein, State Dining Kightlinger Jordan Queen Alia, Guests Room

A0193 3A Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing GRF, Queen Alia East Room Kightlinger Jordan

A0193 4A Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein, East Room Kightlinger Jordan Queen Alia

A0193 5A Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of talking Betty Ford, King Hussein, Chief East Room Kightlinger Jordan of Protocol Henry Catto

A0193 6A Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of BF dancing with Catto Betty Ford, Chief of Protocol East Room Kightlinger Jordan Henry Catto, David Kennerly

A0193 7A-13A Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing GRF, Betty Ford East Room Kightlinger Jordan

A0193 14A-16A Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of talking GRF, Betty Ford, Howard East Room Kightlinger Jordan Devron

A0193 17A Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing Susan Ford, Military Aide East Room Kightlinger Jordan

A0193 18A Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing Unidentified Guests East Room Kightlinger Jordan

A0193 19A-20A Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing Susan Ford, Military Aide East Room Kightlinger Jordan

A0193 21A-22A Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing GRF, Queen Alia, Guests East Room Kightlinger Jordan

A0193 23A Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing Betty Ford, King Hussein East Room Kightlinger Jordan

A0193 24A-25A Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing GRF, guest East Room Kightlinger Jordan

Monday, July 26, 2010 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 14 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer

A0193 26A-28A Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing GRF, Susan Ford East Room Kightlinger Jordan

A0193 29A Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing Susan Ford, David Kennerly East Room Kightlinger Jordan

A0193 30A Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of bidding farewell GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein, North Portico Kightlinger Jordan Queen Alia

A0193 31A-37A Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of fast dancing GRF, guest East Room Kightlinger Jordan

A0194 2-4 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of waiting for King Hussein GRF, Betty Ford North Portico Kightlinger Jordan

A0194 5 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing near stage GRF, Betty Ford, Guests East Room Kightlinger Jordan

A0194 6 Color on telephone Jerald terHorst White House Kightlinger Office

A0194 7-17 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of GRF offering toast GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein, State Dining Kightlinger Jordan Queen Alia, Kissinger, Guests Room

A0194 18-22 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of King Hussein making toast GRF, Betty Ford, King Hussein, State Dining Kightlinger Jordan Queen Alia, Guests Room

A0194 23 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking Betty Ford, King Hussein, Blue Room Kightlinger Jordan Kennerly

A0194 24 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking King Hussein, Chief of Protocol Blue Room Kightlinger Jordan Henry Catto, Unidentified Woman

A0194 25-27 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking GRF, Betty Ford, Queen Alia, Blue Room Kightlinger Jordan Guests A0194 28 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking Unidentified guests Blue Room Kightlinger Jordan

A0194 29 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking Betty Ford, Queen Alia, Guests East Room Kightlinger Jordan

A0194 30 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of standing, talking GRF, Rep. & Mrs. George East Room Kightlinger Jordan Mahon

A0194 31-32 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing Betty Ford, King Hussein East Room Kightlinger Jordan A0194 33-34 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing GRF, Queen Alia East Room Kightlinger Jordan

A0194 35 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing Chief of Protocol Henry Catto, East Room Kightlinger Jordan Mrs. Catto

Monday, July 26, 2010 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 15 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer

A0194 36 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing GRF, Queen Alia East Room Kightlinger Jordan

A0195 3-10 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of Kightlinger Jordan

A0195 11 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of talking; formal wear GRF, Susan Ford East Room Kightlinger Jordan

A0195 12 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of talking Betty Ford, Guests East Room Kightlinger Jordan

A0195 13-15 Color State Dinner - King of Hashemite Kingdom of dancing GRF, guest East Room Kightlinger Jordan

Monday, July 26, 2010 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 16 of 16