City to Pursue New Grant to Reconstruct Road to Schools ______The Estimated Cost to Com- Tained, Laux Said Another Said Foster
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Section A VILAS COUNTY NEWS-REVIEW October is breast cancer awareness month EAGLE RIVER, WI 54521 • (715) 479-4421 • $1.75 VOL. 134, NO. 32 WEDNESDAY, OCT. 16, 2019 City to pursue new grant to reconstruct road to schools ___________ The estimated cost to com- tained, Laux said another said Foster. BY KEN ANDERSON pletely reconstruct Pleasure “suggested repair” would be Foster said he supported NEWS CORRESPONDENT ___________ Island Road from Highway 45 resurfacing the south portion the bike/pedestrian path on on the south to the Highway at a cost of $84,000 and the both road segments. The Pleasure Island Road pro- 45 and Highway G intersec- north portion at a cost of north bike path would be part viding access to two North- tion on the north — where the $130,000. It would not include of the road (5-foot-wide shoul- land Pines School District signal lights are located — is widening or paved shoulders. der) and along the south seg- schools in Eagle River could estimated at $1,102,693 and Laux, who recommended ment it would be separated be fully reconstructed should would include a bike path. the city apply for the grant from the road. a grant under a new state The road from the south and “ check the little box that Council member Jerry program be awarded to the entrance to the elementary we would accept less than Burkett asked if the school city. school would be one-way, as it 90%,” said the application district would be willing to The city and school district is now. It would be paved 15 deadline is Dec. 6. look at sharing the unfunded have been at odds over recon- feet wide and would have 5- portion 50/50. struction of the deteriorating foot-wide gravel shoulders. The discussion Foster responded that the road. The city has resurfaced In the two-way traffic sec- Following Laux’s recom- goal is to get students safely the roughest portions of the tion from the north, it would mendation, discussion cen- to school. roadway, but school officials be paved 24 feet wide, with 5- tered on — assuming the While the city can have have asked the road be re- foot-wide paved shoulders. grant was awarded — the im- special tax assessments for paired and widened for safety. Areas with existing curb and portance of the project and projects, Foster said the City Administrator Joe gutter on the north end would how to pay for the unfunded school can’t due to the agree- Laux told the City Council be milled and repaved in two portion of the project. ment with the city when the last week there was $75 mil- layers. Northland Pines School school petitioned for annexa- lion available in a new state The estimate for the 10- District Administrator Foster tion. Foster also said the dis- transportation grant program foot-wide bike/pedestrian stressed the school district trict can’t ask for a refer- split into three segments: one path from Highway 45 going needs the road and does not endum for a public road. for cities and villages; a sec- north to the elementary want it shut down or aban- Mayor Jeff Hyslop indi- ond for towns; and a third for school entrance is $76,469. doned, as has been suggested cated he would like to see the counties. Laux said if the project in the past by the city council. road reconstructed, but Laux said the grant would would be funded at 90%, the He said he welcomed the open pointed out the city has the cover 90% of a project, al- local cost would be $110,269 discussion about improving lowest equalized property though there is a “little box on and if funded at 80% the local the roadway. value of all the municipalities FALL RUN — Participants in the Three Eagle Half Marathon ran the application if the applicant cost would be $220,539. “I agree with Mr. Laux, we on a cushion of leaves on this stretch of the trail. would accept less than 90%.” If no grant funding is ob- need to get something done,” To ROAD, Pg. 2A —Photo By Jennifer West Paper announces deadline changes Local printing plant to close after 47 years ___________ BY NEWS-REVIEW STAFF ___________ The Vilas County News-Re- two newspapers at APG. view, The Three Lakes News • Community news corre- and North Woods Trader will spondents are being asked to change printing plants as of have their material to the edi- Nov. 1, bringing some changes tors by noon Thursday for the for news and advertising dead- Lifestyle section. lines for the two newspapers. • The deadline for submit- The News-Review’s long- ting material for the Lifestyle time printer, Wisconsin- section of the newspaper will Michigan Publishers Inc., lo- be 10 a.m. Friday. cated on West Division Street • The deadline for submit- in Eagle River, will close as of ting advertisements and late Oct. 31. classifieds for the News-Re- As of Nov. 1, the Vilas view and The Three Lakes County News-Review, The News will be noon Friday. Three Lakes News and North • The deadline for submit- Woods Trader will be printed ting material for general news, by the Adams Publishing sports, outdoors and obituar- Group (APG) in Janesville. ies will be 10 a.m. Monday. The change in printing • For legal notices, the plants and transportation newspaper staff prefers receiv- time will not change newspa- ing notices by 4:30 p.m. Friday, per arrival times for mail sub- but will accept them until 10 scribers and local newsstand a.m. Monday. distribution, however, there The new deadlines will be- will be a change in news and gin for the News-Review and FIRE SAFETY LESSON — Fire departments across the North during national Fire Prevention Week. Some youths got to meet advertising deadlines to meet Woods held fire safety programs for youths and adults last week firefighters. —Staff Photo By GARY RIDDERBUSCH the printing schedule for the To DEADLINES, Pg. 2A Preliminary hearing Benefits slated for Liebscher to increase A 53-year-old Sugar Camp a.m. 1.6 percent man, charged with homicide Judge O’Melia continued by negligent operation of a ve- Liebscher’s cash bond of Social Security and Sup- hicle and hit-and-run involv- $1,500 with the conditions plemental Security Income ing death for his alleged that the defendant cannot go (SSI) benefits for nearly 69 involvement in a motorcycle in taverns with the primary million Americans will in- accident that killed Sean business of selling alcohol, crease 1.6% in 2020, the So- Holtslander, 23, of Eagle though restaurants are al- cial Security Administration River, made an adjourned ini- lowed. He also must provide a announced last week. tial appearance in Oneida preliminary breath test when The 1.6% cost-of-living ad- County Circuit Court Branch requested by law enforce- justment will begin with ben- I Monday. ment. efits payable to more than 63 According to the com- Jeffrey M. Liebscher ap- million Social Security benefi- plaint, the Oneida County peared in court with attorney ciaries in January 2020. In- Sheriff’s Office received a 911 Gary Cirilli. Oneida County creased payments to more call at approximately 10:23 Circuit Court Branch I Judge than 8 million SSI beneficia- p.m. Aug. 28 of a motorcycle Patrick O’Melia waived the ries will begin on Dec. 31, in the middle of the roadway reading of the complaint and 2019. (Note: some people re- on Highway 17 North near time limits, and set a prelimi- ceive both Social Security and nary hearing for Oct. 30 at 9 To HEARING, Pg. 2A SSI benefits). The Social Security Act ties the annual cost-of-living ad- justment to the increase in I Volk sisters the Consumer Price Index as lead Bluejays determined by the Depart- N ment of Labor’s Bureau of La- bor Statistics. n Kallie and Kortnie S Volk placed first and Some other adjustments second in a meet at that take effect in January of Pines. Pg. 13A each year are based on the in- I crease in average wages. Based on that increase, the D maximum amount of earnings subject to the Social Security tax (taxable maximum) will E BIG CROWD — The Three Lakes School was a Fest, which attracted thousands for food, crafts popular place Saturday for the annual Pumpkin and souvenirs. —Photo By Kerry Griebenow To BENEFITS, Pg. 2A 2A WEDNESDAY, OCT. 16, 2019 VILAS COUNTY NEWS-REVIEW/THE THREE LAKES NEWS WEATHER NEWS CORNER Note: Precipitation amounts are recorded at 8 a.m. for the previous 24 hours. LAST SEVEN DAYS ONE YEAR AGO Hi Lo Prec. Hi Lo Prec. Wed., Oct. 9.............68 44 None Tues., Oct. 9..............49 40 1.07R Thurs., Oct. 10.........63 43 None Wed., Oct. 10 ............48 40 1.76R Fri., Oct. 11 ..............60 33 .13R Thurs., Oct. 11...........44 32 .52R Sat., Oct. 12.............33 31 .18R Fri., Oct. 12 ...............32 21 .03R* Sun., Oct. 13............38 31 .08R* Sat., Oct. 13 ..............46 21 None Mon., Oct. 14...........46 28 .07R Sun., Oct. 14 .............44 31 None Tues., Oct. 15 ..........42 36 None Mon., Oct. 15.............37 28 .50S *Oct. 13 also Tr. S *Oct. 12 also Tr. S The average daily high at this time last year for the next LAST YEAR seven days was 49, while the average overnight low was 27. There was snow on two days measuring .70 of an inch. Days precipitation recorded since Oct.