arXiv:0709.3788v2 [math.PR] 22 May 2008 h rtA´m atnae hti,teuiu i a)nra mart normal law) (in unique the is, that Az´ema martingale, first The Introduction 0. Abstract. 258–279 2, DOI: No. 44, St Vol. Probabilit´es Poincar´e et 2008, - Henri l’Institut de Annales ntdKndm E-mail: Kingdom, United n let and needn nlgeo h oso rcs.Tetrajector The process. Poisson the of analogue independent r eie;i atclr h ee set level the particular, in derived; are Keywords: classification: subject 2000 AMS iesspor´te rbblse otdeuts npa d´eduites; en propri´et´es sont diverses probabilistes eu unva ;prcn´qetlssusde sauts cons´equent les par 1; niveau au celui ` ’s nlged rcsu ePisnpu l’ind´epend pour Poisson de processus du analogue o`u c’est tsoit et R´esum´e. of times Y local The measure. Lebesgue o ie opc,prate emsr eLbsu ul.Le nulle. Lebesgue de mesure de et parfait compact, vide, non c iesfo h rgnli aiainadtpgahcdeta typographic and pagination in original the from differs hsi neetoi ern fteoiia ril publis St Probabilit´es article Poincar´e et - original Henri the l’Institut of de reprint Annales electronic an is This r o oal summable. locally not are soito e ulctosd ’ntttHniPoincar´ Henri l’Institut de Publications des Association 1 rsn drs:Dprmn fMteaisadStatistics and of Department address: Present 10.1214/07-AIHP116 d[ d[ d[ Y X X M Y t t ] ] := oooeidpnec;Mntn oso rcs;Non-com process; Poisson Monotone independence; Monotone t t ] := Soit t (1 = (1 = Let = X X colo ahmtc,ApidMteaisadStatistics and Mathematics Applied Mathematics, of School t − ntept tutr fasmmrigl arising a of structure path the On t X + X − − M + t ’nqemrigl oml el que telle normale martingale l’unique t t eteuiu omlmrigl uhthat such martingale normal unique the be t t − − ortout pour − o all for d X X eevd2 ue20;rvsd7Otbr20;acpe Nov 5 accepted 2006; October 7 revised 2006; June 26 Received M [email protected] t t − − t d ) d ) d + t rmmntn rbblt theory probability monotone from X X ≥ 60G44 t t t t, ;tesemimartingale the 0; d + d + ≥ ;l semimartingale la 0; t t lxne .R Belton R. C. Alexander Y r on ob rva xetfrta tlvl1 consequent 1; level at that for except trivial be to found are { t ≥ 0: Y esn a oaeet sommables. localements pas sont ne Y t atistiques 1 = tcle,lesml eniveau de l’ensemble rticulier, ,2008 e, Y } Y atistiques X e ythe by hed ssont ennepy opc,pretado zero of and perfect compact, non-empty, be to shown is rssi unu rbblt,weei stemonotone- the is it where probability, quantum in arises e of ies emnfsedn at´oi e probabilit´es quantiques th´eorie des la dans manifeste se yd olg,Uiest fLnatr acse,L14Y LA1 Lancaster, Lancaster, of University College, Fylde , 0 nemntn.Lstaetie de trajectoires Les monotone. ance et 0 = il. X ep oaxde locaux temps s Y 0 , and 0 = r xmndadvrospoaiitcproperties probabilistic various and examined are uaiepoaiiy unu probability Quantum probability; mutative 08 o.4,N.2 258–279 2, No. 44, Vol. 2008, nttt fMteaia Mathematical of Institute nvriyClee ok Ireland. Cork, College, University , 1 ingale me 2006 ember M Y { ottove er rvaxsauf trouv´es ˆetre triviaux sont t uhthat such ≥ 0: Y t 1 = Y hsreprint This . M otexamin´ees et sont } 0 y h up of jumps the ly, s montr´e ˆetreest and 0 = in F, , On the path structure of a semimartingale arising from monotone 259

has been the subject of much interest since its appearance in [3], Proposition 118 (see, for example, [4, 13] and [17], Section IV.6); it was the first example to be found of a process without independent increments which possesses the chaotic-representation property. It shall henceforth be referred to as Az´ema’s martingale. From a quantum-stochastic viewpoint, the process M may be obtained by applying Attal’s D trans- form ([1], Section IV) to the . Furthermore, thanks to the factorisation of D provided by vacuum-adapted calculus [5], M appears as a natural object in monotone-independent probability theory; the distribution of Mt (the arcsine law) is a central-limit law which plays a rˆole analogous to that played by the Gaussian distribution in the classical framework ([16], Theorem 3.1). n The Poisson distribution also occurs as a limit (the law of small numbers): if, for all n 1, (xn,m)m=1 is a collection of independent, identically distributed random variables and there exists a constant≥ λ> 0 such that

k lim nE[xn,1]= λ k 1, n→∞ ∀ ≥ then x + + x converges in distribution to the Poisson law with mean λ. (A simple proof of this n,1 ··· n,n result is provided in Appendix A.) In the case where xn,1,...,xn,n are Bernoulli random variables taking the values 0 and 1 with mean λ/n, this is simply the Poisson approximation to the binomial distribution ([8], Example 25.2). A corresponding theorem holds in the monotone set-up ([16], Theorem 4.1), but now the limit distribution is related to the D transform of the standard Poisson process (with intensity 1 and unit jumps) in the same way as the arcsine law and Az´ema’s martingale are related above [6]. (This result also holds for free probability: see [20], Theorem 4.) The classical process Y which results is such that Y = X + t for all t 0, t t ≥ where X is the unique normal martingale such that X0 = 0 and

d[X] = (1 t X ) dX + dt. t − − t− t This article extends the sample-path analysis of Y (and so X) which was begun in [7]. Many similarities are found between Y and Az´ema’s martingale M; for example, they are both determined by a random perfect subset of R+ and a collection of binary choices, one for each interval in that subset’s complement. In Section 1 some results from the theory of martingales are recalled; Section 2 defines the processes X and Y and presents their Markov generators. A random time G∞ after which Y is deterministic is discussed in Section 3: by Proposition 3.1 and Corollary 3.5, G < almost surely and, in this case, ∞ ∞ Y = W ( exp( 1 t)) t 0, t+G∞ − −1 − − − ∀ ≥ where W is a certain branch of the inverse to the function z zez (see Notation below). In Section 4 −1 7→ the process X is decomposed into an initial waiting time S0 which is exponentially distributed and an independent normal martingale Z which satisfies the same structure equation as X but has the initial condition Z = 1; Lemma 4.2 implies that, for all t 0, 0 ≥ t if t [0,S [, X = 0 t −Z S if t ∈ [S , [.  t−S0 − 0 ∈ 0 ∞

Explicit formulae are found for the distribution functions of G∞ and J, a random variable analogous to G∞ −1 but for Z rather than X. In Section 5 it is shown that (Ht := 1 (Zt + t) )t≥0 is a martingale which is related to Az´ema’s martingale M by a time change; this gives a simple− way to find various properties of the level set := t 0: Yt =1 in Section 6. Finally, Section 7 presents some results on the local times of Y . The appendicesU { contain≥ various} supplementary results which are not appropriate for the main text.

0.1. Conventions

The underlying probability space is denoted (Ω, , P) and is assumed to contain a filtration ( t)t≥0 which generates the σ-algebra . This filtration is supposedF to satisfy the usual conditions: it is rightF continuous F 260 A. C. R. Belton and the initial σ-algebra contains all the P-null sets. Each semimartingale which is considered below has F0 c`adl`ag paths (that is, they are right-continuous with left limits) and two processes (Xt)t≥0 and (Yt)t≥0 are taken equal if they are indistinguishable: P(Xt = Yt for all t 0) = 1. Any or stochastic has value 0 at time 0. ≥

0.2. Notation

The expression ½P is equal to 1 if the proposition P is true and equal to 0 otherwise; the indicator function of a set A is denoted by 1 . The set of natural numbers is denoted by N := 1, 2, 3,... , the set of non-negative A { } rational numbers is denoted by Q+ and the set of non-negative real numbers is denoted by R+. The branches of the Lambert W function (that is, the multi-valued inverse to the map z zez) which take (some) real 7→ values are denoted by W0 and W−1, following the conventions of Corless et al. [10]:

W (0)=0, W (x) [ 1, 0 [ and W (x) ] , 1] x [ e−1, 0 [. 0 0 ∈ − −1 ∈ −∞ − ∀ ∈ − If Ξ is a topological space then (Ξ) denotes the Borel σ-algebra on Ξ. The integral of the process X by the semimartingale R will be denotedB by X dR or X R, as convenient; the differential notation X dR t t · t t will also be employed. The process X stopped at T is denoted by XT , that is, XT := X for all t 0, R t t∧T where x y denotes the minimum of x and y. For all x, the positive part x+ := max x, 0 , the maximum≥ of ∧ { } x and 0.

1. Normal sigma-martingales and time changes

Remark 1.1. Let A be such that P(A) > 0. If is a sub-σ-algebra of such that A then ∈F G F ∈ G := B Ω: B A G { ⊆ ∩ ∈G} is a σ-algebrae containing ; the map preserves inclusions and arbitrary intersections. If G G 7→ G P(B A) P := P( A): [0, 1]; B e∩ , ·| F → 7→ P(A) e e then (Ω, , P) is a complete probability space; if ( ) is a filtration in (Ω, , P) satisfying the usual con- F G t≥0 F ditions then ( ) is a filtration in (Ω, , P) which satisfies them as well. Gt t≥0 G If T ise ae for the filtration ( t)t≥0 then it is also one for ( t)t≥0 and, if B Ω, e e eG G ⊆ B B A B A T t t 0,e ∈ GT ⇐⇒ ∩ ∈ GT ⇐⇒ ∩ ∩{ ≤ } ∈ Gt ∀ ≥ B T t t 0 B ( ) , f ⇐⇒ ∩{ ≤ } ∈ Gt ∀ ≥ ⇐⇒ ∈ G T so the notation T is unambiguous. e e G Lemma 1.2. IfeT is a stopping time such that P(T < ) > 0 and M is a then N : t ∞ 7→

½ (M M ) is a local martingale for the conditional probability measure P := P( T < ) and the T<∞ t+T − T ·| ∞ filtration ( t+T )t≥0, such that F e

[N]t =e ½T<∞([M]t+T [M]T ) t 0. − ∀ ≥ Proof. If T < almost surely and M is uniformly integrable then the first part is immediate, by optional ∞ sampling ([18], Theorem II.77.5), and holds in general by localisation and conditioning. The second claim may be verified by realising [N] as a limit of sums in the usual manner (see [17], Theorem II.22, for example).  On the path structure of a semimartingale arising from monotone probability theory 261

Definition 1.3. A martingale M is normal if t (M M )2 t is also a martingale. (If M is square 7→ t − 0 − 0 integrable then this is equivalent to t M 2 t being a martingale, but in general it is a weaker condition.) 7→ t − Definition 1.4. A semimartingale M is a sigma-martingale if it can be written as K N, where N is a local · martingale and K is a predictable, N-integrable process. Equivalently, there exists an increasing sequence 1 1 (An)n≥1 of predictable sets such that n≥1 An = R+ Ω and 1An M H for all n 1, where H denotes × 1/2 · ∈ ≥ the Banach space of martingales M with M 1 := E[[M]∞ ] < . Every local martingale is a sigma- S k kH ∞ martingale and if M is a sigma-martingale then so is H M for any predictable, M-integrable process H. · (The class of sigma-martingales, so named by Delbaen and Schachermayer in [11], was introduced by Chou in [9], where it is denoted (Σm); the equivalence mentioned above is due to Emery´ ([12], Proposition 2).)

Theorem 1.5 ([14]). If M is a semimartingale with M0 =0 then the following are equivalent: (i) M and t M 2 t are sigma-martingales; 7→ t − (ii) M and t [M] t are sigma-martingales; 7→ t − (iii) M and t M 2 t are martingales; 7→ t − (iv) M and t [M] t are martingales. 7→ t − Proof. Since M 2 [M]=2M M, the equivalence of (i) and (ii) is immediate; it also follows from this − − · that (iv) implies (iii) ([17], Corollary 3 to Theorem II.27). To complete the proof it suffices to show that (ii) implies (iv).

Suppose (ii) holds and let (An)n≥1 be an increasing sequence of predictable sets such that n≥1 An = R Ω and both 1 M H1 and 1 N H1 for all n 1, where N : t [M] t. (Note that if X H1 + × An · ∈ An · ∈ ≥ 7→ t − S ∈ and B is a predictable set then 1 X H1.) Let T be a bounded stopping time; since 1 N is a martingale, B · ∈ An · T T E[(1 [M]) ]= E[(1 N) ]+ E 1 ds = E 1 ds (1) An · T An · T An An Z0  Z0  and therefore E[[M] ]= E[T ] < , by monotone convergence. It follows that E[ N ] E[[M] ]+ E[T ] < T ∞ | |T ≤ T ∞ and E[NT ]= E[[M]T T ]=0, so N is a martingale. (Apply [17], Theorem I.21 to N stopped at t for any − c t 0.) Furthermore, since (1 [M]) (1 c [M]) for all m n and t 0, where A := (R Ω) A , ≥ An\Am · t ≤ Am · t ≤ ≥ m + × \ m the sequence (1 M) is Cauchy in H2, so convergent there; it follows (by [17], Theorem IV.32, An∩(]0,t]×Ω) · n≥1 say) that M stopped at t is an H2-martingale. 

Theorem 1.6. If M is a normal martingale and T is a stopping time such that P(T < ) > 0 then N : t ∞ 7→

½ (M M ) is a normal martingale (for the measure P := P( T < ) and the filtration ( ) ). T<∞ t+T − T ·| ∞ Ft+T t≥0 Proof. As M and t (M M )2 t are local martingales,e so are N and e 7→ t − 0 − 2 2

Q : t ½ ((M M ) (t + T ) (M M ) + T ) 7→ T<∞ t+T − 0 − − T − 0 2

= ½ ((M M ) t + 2(M M )(M M )), T<∞ t+T − T − T − 0 t+T − T 2 by Lemma 1.2. Hence t (N N ) t = Q 2½ (M M )N is also a local martingale (as local 7→ t − 0 − t − T<∞ T − 0 t martingales form a module over the algebra of random variables which are measurable with respect to the initial σ-algebra) and the conclusion follows from Theorem 1.5. 

Lemma 1.7. If A is a right-continuous, increasing process such that A 0 and each A is a stopping time 0 ≥ t then ( ) is a filtration which satisfies the usual conditions. FAt t≥0 Proof. This is a straightforward exercise.  262 A. C. R. Belton

Lemma 1.8. Let K and L be independent martingales and let A be a continuous, increasing, ( K ) - Ft t≥0 adapted process with A =0 and A = , where ( K ) denotes the smallest filtration satisfying the usual 0 ∞ ∞ Ft t≥0 hypotheses to which K is adapted. If := K L for all t 0 then each A is a ( ) -stopping time, ( ) is a filtration satisfying Gt F∞ ∨Ft ≥ t Gt t≥0 GAt t≥0 the usual conditions, L is a ( ) -local martingale and [L ] = [L] . If H is an ( L) -predictable A GAt t≥0 A A Ft t≥0 process which is L integrable then H is ( ) predictable and L integrable, with (H L) = H L . A GAt t≥0 A · A A · A If := K LA for all t 0 then for all t 0. If there exist disjoint, ( ) -predictable Ht Ft ∨Ft ≥ Ht ⊆ GAt ≥ Ht t≥0 sets B and C such that 1 [K] = [K] and 1 [L] = [L] and if ([K] + [L] )1/2 is ( ) -locally integrable B · C · A A A Ht t≥0 then K + L is a ( ) -local martingale and [K + L ] = [K] + [L] . A Ht t≥0 A A Proof. This is immediate from Lemmes 1–3 and Th´eor`eme 1 of [21]. 

2. The processes X and Y

Definition 2.1. Let X be the normal martingale which satisfies the (time-inhomogeneous) structure equa- tion

d[X] = (1 t X ) dX + dt t − − t− t with initial condition X =0 and let Y := X + t for all t 0. (The process X was introduced in [7], where 0 t t ≥ it was constructed from the quantum stochastic analogue of the Poisson process for monotone independence. Existence also follows directly from [23], Th´eor`eme 4.0.2; uniqueness (in law) and the chaotic-representation property hold by [2], Corollary 26.) Then Y0 =0 and

d[Y ] = (1 Y ) dY + Y dt, (2) t − t− t t− which implies that ∆Y 0, 1 Y for all t> 0. If t ∈{ − t−} G := sup s [0,t]: Y =1 ]0,t] (3) t { ∈ s }∈{−∞}∪ then (by [7], Theorem 24)

Y = W ( exp( 1 t + G )) (4) t − • − − − t for all t 0, where W = W if Y 1 and W = W if Y 1; a little more will be said in Proposition 6.3. ≥ • −1 t ≥ • 0 t ≤ (It follows from this description of the trajectories that X and Y are uniformly bounded on [0,t] for all t 0.) ≥ Definition 2.2. Let

a : R ]0, 1]; t W ( e−1−t), + → 7→ − 0 − b : R [1, [; t W ( e−1−t) + → ∞ 7→ − −1 − and

b(t) a(t) c : ]0, [ R ; t b′(t) a′(t)= + . ∞ → + 7→ − b(t) 1 1 a(t) − − Note that a(0) = b(0) = 1, both a and b are homeomorphisms (which may be verified by inspecting their derivatives on ]0, [) and c(t) 1 as t . ∞ ց → ∞ On the path structure of a semimartingale arising from monotone probability theory 263

−t Lemma 2.3. For all t 0 the random variable Yt is distributed with an atom at 0 (of mass e ) and a continuous part with support≥ [a(t),b(t)]:

−t 1 1

P(Y A)= ½ e + Im dy A (R). t ∈ 0∈A π W ( yet−y) ∀ ∈B ZA∩[a(t),b(t)] −1 − Proof. See [7], Corollary 17. 

Remark 2.4. The (classical) Poisson process is simpler when uncompensated; similarly, it is easier to work with Y than with X. These processes are strongly Markov (by [2], Theorem 37, for example) and Emery’s´ Itˆoformula ([13], Proposition 2) implies that, if f : R R is twice continuously differentiable, → t t f(Xt)= f(0)+ g(Xs−,s) dXs + h(Xs−,s) ds (5) Z0 Z0 and

t t ′ f(Yt)= f(0) + g(Ys−, 0) dXs + (h(Ys−, 0)+ f (Ys−)) ds (6) Z0 Z0 for all t 0, where g, h : R2 R are such that ≥ →

f(1 t) f(x) ′ ½ g(x, t)= ½ − − + f (1 t) x6=1−t 1 x t x=1−t − − − and

f(1 t) f(x) (1 x t)f (x) 1 ′′ ½ h(x, t)= ½ − − − − − + f (1 t) x6=1−t (1 x t)2 x=1−t 2 − − − for all x, t R. It follows that ∈

1 X lim E[f(Xt+ε) f(Xt) t] = (Γt f)(Xt) ε→0+ ε − |F and

1 Y lim E[f(Yt+ε) f(Yt) t] = (Γ f)(Yt), ε→0+ ε − |F for almost all t 0, where ≥ ′ f(1−t)−f(x)−(1−x−t)f (x) X (1−x−t)2 if x =1 t, (Γt f)(x) := 6 − ( 1 f ′′(1 t) if x =1 t, 2 − − 1 ′′ ′ δ1−t(dy) = ½x=1−t f (x)+ (f(y) f(x) (y x)f (x)) , (7) 2 R − − − (y x)2 Z \{x} − ′ f(1)−f(x)−x(1−x)f (x) if x =1, (Γ Y f)(x) := (1−x)2 1 ′′ ′ 6 ( 2 f (1) + f (1) if x =1,

1 ′′ ′ ′ δ1(dy) = ½x=1 f (x)+ f (x)+ (f(y) f(x) (y x)f (x)) , (8) 2 R − − − (y x)2 Z \{x} − and δ denotes the Dirac measure on R with support z . z { } 264 A. C. R. Belton

3. The final jump time

Proposition 3.1. If G := sup G : t 0 , where G is defined in (3), then the random variable G (the ∞ { t ≥ } t ∞ final jump time of Y ) is almost surely finite and has density

1 1

g : R R ; x ½ Im . (9) ∞ → + 7→ x≥0 π W ( e−1+x) −1 − Proof. Note first that G =1+ t Y + log Y for all t 0, by (4), so G is measurable. As t G is t − t t ≥ t Ft 7→ t increasing, it is elementary to verify that

G∞ = sup Gt: t 0 = sup Gn: n 1 = lim Gn;

{ ≥ } { ≥ } n→∞ ½ in particular, G is measurable. If t> 0 then ½ , because G G , and the ∞ F Gn∈ ]0,t] → G∞∈ ]0,t] n ր ∞

dominated-convergence theorem implies that ½ P(G∞ ]0,t]) = E[½G∞∈ ]0,t]] = lim E[ G ∈ ]0,t]] = lim P(Gn ]0,t]). ∈ n→∞ n n→∞ ∈

Since P(G = )= P(Y 0) P(Y =0)=e−t 0 as t , it follows that P(G = ) = 0 and ∞ −∞ ≡ ≤ t → → ∞ ∞ −∞

P(G∞ t) = lim P(Gn ]0,t]) ≤ n→∞ ∈ for all t 0. If n 1 and t [0,n] then ≥ ≥ ∈ 0 < 1+ n Y + log Y t e−1−n > Y exp( Y ) e−1−n+t − n n ≤ ⇐⇒ − − n − n ≥− Y ]a(n),a(n t)] [b(n t),b(n)[ ⇐⇒ n ∈ − ∪ − and, by Lemma 2.3,

1 1 γ (t) := P(G ]0,t]) = Im dy. n n ∈ π W ( yen−y) Z ]a(n),a(n−t)]∪[b(n−t),b(n)[ −1 −

Note that γn is continuously differentiable on [0,n[ , with

1 1 γ′ (s)= Im (b′(n s) a′(n s)) = c(n s)g (s) n π W ( e−1+s) − − − − ∞ −1 − for all s [0,n[. If n>t and s [0,t] then, by the remarks in Definition 2.2, γ′ (s) g (s) as n and ∈ ∈ n ց ∞ → ∞ the monotone-convergence theorem implies that

t t ′ lim γ (s) ds = g∞(s) ds t 0. n→∞ n ∀ ≥ Z0 Z0 ∞  This gives the result, because 0 g∞(s) ds = 1 (by Proposition B.1). R Remark 3.2. It follows from Proposition 3.1 that E[G ]= ; a proof is given in Proposition B.1. ∞ ∞

Remark 3.3. Calling G∞ the final jump time is perhaps a little misleading, since it is not a stopping time; it is, however, almost surely the limit of a sequence of jump times. (See Corollary 6.2 and Corollary 6.4.)

Proposition 3.4. lim P(Y 1)=0. t→∞ t ≤ On the path structure of a semimartingale arising from monotone probability theory 265

Proof. By Lemma 2.3,

1 1 1 P(Y 1)=e−t + Im dy t 0. (10) t ≤ π W ( yet−y) ∀ ≥ Za(t) −1 − If y ]0, 1] then there exists x [0, [ such that y = a(x), and if t x then ∈ ∈ ∞ ≥ 1 1 Im = Im = πg (t x) 0 W ( yet−y) W ( e−1+t−x) ∞ − → −1 − −1 − as t . (This last claim follows from Proposition B.1.) Furthermore, as g∞ is bounded, the integrand in (10)→ is∞ bounded uniformly in y and t, so the result follows from the dominated-convergence theorem. 

Corollary 3.5. As t , the process Y almost surely. → ∞ t → ∞ Proof. If G < then, as t , either Y 0 or Y ; furthermore, ∞ ∞ → ∞ t → t → ∞ ∞ ∞ G∞ < lim Yt = = G∞ < Ym > 1 . { ∞} ∩ t→∞ ∞ { ∞} ∩ { } n=1 m=n n o \ [ Since P(G < ) = 1 and P(Y 1) 0 as n , it follows that ∞ ∞ n ≤ → → ∞

P lim Yt = lim sup P(Yn > 1)=1 lim P(Yn 1)=1. t→∞ ∞ ≥ n→∞ − n→∞ ≤   (The inequality in the previous line holds by [8], Theorem 4.1(i).) 

4. The active period

Proposition 4.1. The stopping time S := inf t> 0: Y =1 is exponentially distributed and has mean 1. 0 { t } Proof. Note that Y = 0 only if Y = 0 for all s [0,t[, by (4); the claim now follows from Lemma 2.3.  t s ∈ Lemma 4.2. If Z := X + S for all t 0 then Z is a normal martingale for the filtration ( ) t t+S0 0 ≥ Ft+S0 t≥0 such that Z0 =1, which satisfies the structure equation d[Z] = dt + (1 t Z ) dZ (11) t − − t− t and which is independent of . FS0

Proof. As Zt = Xt+S0 XS0 + 1 for all t 0, Theorem 1.6 implies that Z is a normal martingale. Further- more, − ≥

t+S0 t [Z] = [X] [X] = (1 r X ) dX = (1 s Z ) dZ t t+S0 − S0 − − r− r − − s− s ZS0 Z0 for all t 0. (The first equality is a consequence of Lemma 1.2; the last may be shown by expressing the ≥ as the limit of Riemann sums, as in [17], Theorem II.21, for example.) It now follows from [2],

Theorem 25, that, for all t 0, the law of Zt conditional on S0 depends only on the initial value Z0 =1 and the coefficient functions≥α : s 1 s and β 1 restrictedF to [0,t], so Z is independent of .  7→ − ≡− t FS0 Remark 4.3. If t 0 then ≥ Z + t = Y = W ( exp( 1 (t + S )+ G )) [a(t),b(t)], t t+S0 − • − − − 0 t+S0 ∈ since G S . Consequently, Z is uniformly bounded on [0,t] for all t 0. t+S0 ≥ 0 ≥ 266 A. C. R. Belton

n Remark 4.4. Let mn(t) := E[(Zt + t) ] for all n 1 and t 0, where Z is as in Lemma 4.2. It may be shown using Emery’s´ Itˆoformula ([13], Proposition≥ 2 and the≥ subsequent remark) that

t m (t) m (t)= n m (s) ds (12) n − n−1 n−1 Z0 for all n 1 and t 0 (where m 1). Hence (compare [6], Section 4) ≥ ≥ 0 ≡ n −1 −1 mn(p)= p (1 + jp ) j=1 Y b if n 1, where f denotes the Laplace transform of f, and so ≥ n n tk n +1 tk m (t)=1+b j j = (13) n 1 ··· k k! n +1 k k! kX=11≤j1

Theorem 4.5. If t> 0 then Zt + t = Yt+S0 is continuously distributed, with density 1 1

f : R R ; z ½ Im . (14) Zt+t → + 7→ z∈[a(t),b(t)] π 1+ W ( zet−z) −1 −

Proof. Let x 0. Since Y = ½ (Z + + t S ) for all t 0, it follows that ≥ t t≥S0 (t−S0) − 0 ≥

P(0 < Y x)= P(S t and Z + + t S x) t ≤ 0 ≤ (t−S0) − 0 ≤ t x−t+s −s = dFZt−s (z)e ds Z0 Z−∞ t x−u −t u =e dFZu (z)e du, Z0 Z−∞

where FV denotes the distribution function of the random variable V . (For the second equality, note that

½ ½ ½ E[½S0≤t Z − + +t−S0≤x]= E[ S0≤tE[ Z − + +t−S0≤x S0 ]]

(t S0) (t S0) |F ½ = E[½S ≤tE[ Z +t−s≤x] s=S ], 0 (t−s)+ | 0 since Z is independent of .) Hence FS0 d d P(Z + t x)=e−t (etP(0 < Y x)) = P(0 < Y x)+ P(0 < Y x). t ≤ dt t ≤ t ≤ dt t ≤ −t −t Thus if t> 0 then either x a(t), so that P(Zt +t x)=0,or x b(t), whence P(Zt +t x)=1 e +e = 1, or x ]a(t),b(t)[, in which≤ case ≤ ≥ ≤ − ∈ x 1 1 x ∂ 1 πP ′ (Zt + t x)= Im t−z dz a (t) Im t−a(t) + Im t−z dz ≤ W−1( ze ) − W ( a(t)e ) ∂t W−1( ze ) Za(t) − −1 − Za(t) − x 1 = Im dz, 1+ W ( zet−z) Za(t) −1 − as claimed. (This formal working is a little awkward to justify: a rigorous proof is provided by Proposi- tion C.2.)  On the path structure of a semimartingale arising from monotone probability theory 267

Proposition 4.6. The random variables S0 and J := G∞ S0 are independent and J is continuous, with density − 1 1

f : R R ; x ½ Im . (15) J → + 7→ x>0 π 1+ W ( e−1+x) −1 −

Proof. To see that S0 and J are independent, note first that

J = lim Gn+S S0 = lim (1 Zn + log(Zn + n)) n→∞ 0 − n→∞ − almost surely, where (Z ) is as defined in Lemma 4.2, which implies that G S is independent of t t≥0 n+S0 − 0 S0 for all n 1 and, therefore, so is J. If F (z) :=≥ P(J z) for all z R then, by independence and Proposition 4.1, J ≤ ∈ z −y g∞(w) dw = P(J + S0 z)= dFJ (x) ½y≥0e dy ≤ R2 Z−∞ Z Z{(x,y)∈ : x+y≤z} z v −v u = e e dFJ (u) dv Z−∞ Z−∞ for all z R, using the substitution (u, v) = (x, x + y). Thus, for almost all v R, ∈ ∈ v −v u g∞(v)=e e dFJ (v); Z−∞ in fact, this holds for all v R, as both functions are continuous, and, since g (0) = 0, ∈ ∞ t g (t)=e−t es dF (s) t 0. ∞ J ∀ ≥ Z0 ′ Now g∞ is continuously differentiable on R 0 and fJ (x)= g∞(x)+ ½x6=0g∞(x), so if 0 <ε

t t esf (s) ds =etg (t) eεg (ε) es dF (s) as ε 0+. J ∞ − ∞ → J → Zε Z0 Hence t esf (s) ds exists for all t 0 (as does t f (s) ds, by comparison) and 0 J ≥ 0 J R R µ : (R ) R ; A es dF (s)= esf (s) ds B + → + 7→ J J ZA ZA

is a positive Borel measure on R+; by [19], Theorem 1.29,

t t t f (s) ds = e−s dµ(s)= dF (s)= F (t) F (0) J J J − J Z0 Z0 Z0 for all t 0 and ≥ ∞ 1 = lim FJ (t)= FJ (0) + g∞(s) ds + lim g∞(t)= FJ (0)+1, t→∞ t→∞ Z0 by Proposition B.1, so FJ (0) = 0. The result follows. 

Remark 4.7. The distribution of J may also be found by imitating the proof of Proposition 3.1, with Zt + t replacing Yt, since J has the same relationship to Z as G∞ does to X. 268 A. C. R. Belton

Proposition 4.8. If t 0 then ≥ 1 1 P(G t)= Im W ( e−1+t)+ (16) ∞ ≤ −π −1 − W ( e−1+t)  −1 −  and 1 P(J t)= Im W ( e−1+t)= P(G t)+ g (t). (17) ≤ −π −1 − ∞ ≤ ∞

Proof. These follow immediately from the identities

t 1 (1 + W ( e−1+t))2 dx = t −1 − W ( e−1+x) − W ( e−1+t) Z0 −1 − −1 − and

t 1 dx = t W ( e−1+t) 1, 1+ W ( e−1+x) − −1 − − Z0 −1 − which are valid for all t 0 and may be verified by differentiation. For brevity, let w = W ( e−1+t) and ≥ −1 − w′ = W ′ ( e−1+t); note that dw/dt = e−1+tw′ and e−1+t(1 + w)w′ = w, whence −1 − − − d (1 + w)2 2e−1+t(1 + w)w′w +e−1+tw′(1 + w)2 t =1 − dt − w − w2   e−1+t(1 + w)w′(2w (1 + w)) w 1 1 =1 − − =1 − = − w2 − w w

and, if t> 0,

d w 1 (t w)=1+e−1+tw′ =1 = , dt − − 1+ w 1+ w

as required. (To see the existence of t 1/(1 + W ( e−1+x)) dx, note that if t ε > 0 then, letting 0 −1 − ≥ W ( e−1+x)= v cot v + iv, where v ] π, 0[, −1 − − ∈R − t 1 v(ε) 1 2v cot v + v2 cosec2 v dx = − dv 1+ W ( e−1+x) v2 Zε −1 Zv(t) r − and the function v (1 2v cot v + v2 cosec2 v)/v2 is continuous on ] π, 0[ with limit 1 as v 0 .)  7→ − − → −

5. La martingale cach´ee

The martingale H discussed in this section was discovered by Emery´ [14].

Theorem 5.1. If H := 1 (Z + t)−1 for all t 0 then H is a martingale such that H =0, t − t ≥ 0 d[H] = (1 H )2 dt H dH (18) t − t− − t− t and H H := 1 almost surely as t . t → ∞ → ∞ On the path structure of a semimartingale arising from monotone probability theory 269

Proof. If t 0 and ( Z) denotes the Dol´eans-Dade exponential of the normal martingale Z then ( Z) ≥ E − − E − is square integrable on [0,t] for all t 0 and (11) implies that ≥ (Z + t) ( Z) t E − t t t = Z + t (dZ + ds) ( Z) dZ t − s E − s− s Z0 Z0 t t t = Z + t (Z + s) ( Z) dZ (1 ( Z) )(dZ + ds) ( Z) d[Z] t − s− E − s− s − −E − s− s − E − s− s Z0 Z0 Z0 =1.

Thus H =1 ( Z) is a martingale and dH = ( Z) dZ = (1 H ) dZ , whence −E − t E − t− t − t− t d[H] = (1 H )2 d[Z] t − t− t = (1 H )2(dt +(1 (1 H )−1) dZ ) − t− − − t− t = (1 H )2 dt H dH , − t− − t− t as claimed. Since Y almost surely as t , by Corollary 3.5, so does Z + t = Y , and the final t → ∞ → ∞ t t+S0 claim follows. 

Remark 5.2. As Ht =0 if and only if Zt + t =1,

:= t 0: Y =1 = s + S : Y =1 = s + S : H =0 ; U { ≥ t } { 0 s+S0 } { 0 s } the structure of is determined by the zero set of H. U Definition 5.3. Let

t τ : R Ω R ; (t,ω) τ (ω) := (1 H (ω))2 ds + × → + 7→ t − s− Z0 and note that τ is adapted to the filtration ( ) and has paths which are continuous, strictly increasing Ft t≥0 and bi-Lipschitzian on any compact subinterval of R+, since the derivative

τ ′ = (1 H )2 = (Z + t)−2 [b(t)−2,a(t)−2] t − t− t− ∈ for all t 0. Let ≥ ∞ τ := (1 H )2 ds ]0, ] ∞ − s− ∈ ∞ Z0 −1 −1 and extend τ (defined pathwise) to all of R+ by letting τs := for all s [τ∞, [. If s 0 then −1 −1 ∞ ∈ ∞ ≥ τ t = s τt t for all t 0, so τ is an ( t)t≥0 stopping time. Thus ( s := −1 )s≥0 is a { s ≤ } { ≤ }∈F ≥ s F G Fτs filtration which satisfies the usual conditions, by Lemma 1.7.

Proposition 5.4. The process K = (Ks := H −1 )s≥0 is a martingale for the filtration ( s)s≥0 and satisfies τs G the equation

s [K] = s τ K dK s 0. (19) s ∧ ∞ − r− r ∀ ≥ Z0 270 A. C. R. Belton

−1 Proof. Fix s 0; as τ −1 is an ( ) stopping time, Hτs is a martingale for this filtration ([18], Theo- ≥ s Ft t≥0 rem II.77.4). Let (Tn)n≥1 be an increasing sequence of stopping times which reduces the local martingale H H and note that − ·

Tn − − E[ττ 1∧T [H]τ 1∧T ]= E[(H− H) −1 ]=0, s n − s n · τs by the optional-sampling theorem. As τ is increasing, the monotone-convergence theorem implies that

− τ 1 E[s τ∞] = lim E[τ −1 ] = lim E[[H] −1 ]= E[[H s ] ], ∧ n→∞ τs ∧Tn n→∞ τs ∧Tn ∞

−1 so Hτs is a square-integrable martingale ([17], Corollary 4 to Theorem II.27). Hence K is a martingale, by a further application of the optional-sampling theorem: if 0 r s then ≤ ≤ −1 τs E[Ks r]= E[H∞ −1 ]= H −1 = Kr. |G |Fτr τr Moreover,

−1 −1 s τs τs

Kr− dKr = Kτr− dHr = Hr− dHr Z0 Z0 Z0 (which follows from [17], Theorem II.21, for example), so

−1 s τs 2 2 2 2 − [K]s = Ks K0 2 Kr− dKr = H −1 H0 2 Hr− dHr = [H]τ 1 − − τs − − s Z0 Z0 and this equals

−1 τs s τ −1 Hr− dHr = s τ∞ Kr− dKr. τs − ∧ − Z0 Z0 

Theorem 5.5. Let M be Az´ema’s martingale, that is, the normal martingale such that M0 =0 and

d[M] = dt M dM . t − t− t If T := inf t 0: M =1 then M T and K are identical in law. { ≥ t }

Proof. Let L be a normal martingale which is independent of K such that L0 = 1 and

d[L] = dt L dL , t − t− t that is, L is an Az´ema’s martingale started at 1; existence of such follows from [13], Proposition 5. For all t 0, let

≥ ½ P := ½ K + L = K + L + 1. t t∈[0,τ∞[ t t∈[τ∞,∞[ t−τ∞ t (t−τ∞) − K K In the notation of Lemma 1.8, τ∞ = inf t 0: Kt =1 is a ( t )t≥0-stopping time, so ]0, τ∞] is ( t )t≥0 { ≥ τ∞ } F + F predictable and 1 ]0,τ∞] [K] = [K] (since K = K ) whereas 1 ]0,τ∞] [LA] = 0, if At := (t τ∞) , because τ∞ · 2 · 2 − (LA) = LA ∧ = 0 for all t 0. Since [K]t = 2(t τ∞) K 2t and [L]A =2At L 2t, Lemma 1.8 t t τ∞ ≥ ∧ − t ≤ t − At ≤ implies that P = K + L 1 is a local martingale such that P = 0 and A − 0 [P ] = [K] + [L] = t (K K) (L L) . t t At − − · t − − · At On the path structure of a semimartingale arising from monotone probability theory 271


[P ] = [K] + [LA] = K2 2K K + L2 1 2L L − − · A − − A− · A = (K + L 1)2 +2K +2L 2 2KL 2K K 2(L L) A − A − − A − − · − − · A and KLA = P , so

P 2 2P P = [P ]= P 2 2K K 2(L L) . − − · − − · − − · A

Thus [P ]t = t (P− P )t, so P is a normal martingale, by Theorem 1.5, and, by uniqueness ([13], Proposi- − · τ∞ T tion 6), P is equal to M in law. Since τ∞ = inf t 0: Pt =1 , the processes K = P and M are identical in law, as claimed. { ≥ } 

6. The level set U

The level set

= t + S : H =0 = τ −1( s [0, τ [: K =0 )+ S , U { 0 t } { ∈ ∞ s } 0

where τ is a homeomorphism between R+ and [0, τ∞[ which is bi-Lipschitzian on compact subintervals. This observation, together with Theorem 5.5, leads immediately to the following theorem, thanks to well-known properties of the zero set of Az´ema’s martingale (or rather, by [17], Section IV.6, properties of the zero set of : see [8], Theorem 37.4 and [24]).

Theorem 6.1. The set := t 0: Y =1 is almost surely non-empty, perfect (that is, closed and without U { ≥ t } isolated points), compact and of zero Lebesgue measure. If a> 0 then [S0,S0 +a] has Hausdorff dimension 1/2. U ∩

Corollary 6.2. If T is a stopping time then P(G∞ = T )=0. In particular, the final jump time G∞ is not a stopping time.

′ ′ ′ ′ ′

½ ½ Proof. If T is a stopping time then so is T = ½YT =1T + YT 6=1 ; let Zt := T <∞(Xt+T XT + 1) for all t 0. Conditional on T ′ < , it holds that Z′ =1 and, working∞ as in the proof of Lemma−4.2, ≥ ∞ 0 d[Z′] = (1 t Z′ ) dZ′ + dt, t − − t− t so Z′ is identical in law to Z. In particular, the set ]T,T + 1[ is almost surely non-empty, given that Y = 1, but ]G , G +1[= by definition. U ∩  T U ∩ ∞ ∞ ∅ Proposition 6.3. If S and T are random variables such that 0 S T and Y is continuous on [S,T [ (both almost surely) then ≤ ≤ ≤ ∞

Y = W (exp( 1 t + G )) t [S,T [ t − • − − S ∀ ∈ almost surely, where 0 or 1 on [S,T [. •≡ •≡− Proof. Working pathwise, assume S

A := R ]T ,T ]: Y = 1 on [T , R[ ; { ∈ n 6 n } 272 A. C. R. Belton since Y = 1, the right-continuity of Y at T implies that A is non-empty. Furthermore, R := sup A A: Tn 6 n ∞ ∈ there exists (Rn)n≥1 A such that Rn R∞ and Y =1 on n≥1 [Tn, Rn[ = [Tn, R∞[. If R A then, working⊆ as in [7], Proofր of Theorem6 24, it follows that Y is continuously differentiable on [T , R[∈ (taking the right derivative at T ) with Y ′ = Y/(Y S1) there. Hence, by [7], Lemma 25, n n − Y = W ( Y exp( t + T Y )) = W ( exp( 1 t + G )) t − • − Tn − n − Tn − • − − − Tn

for all t [Tn, R[, where 1 or 0. In particular, YR− = 1, so if R∞ 0 such that R + ∆

Corollary 6.4. If T is a random variable such that YT =1 almost surely then there exists a sequence (T ) of random variables such that T T and ∆Y =0 almost surely. n n≥1 n ր Tn 6

Proof. Let Tn := sup t ]0,T ]: ∆Yt > 1/(n + 1) for all n 1; the sequence (Tn)n≥1 is increasing, with each T almost surely finite{ ∈ and such| that| ∆Y = 0} (since Y has≥ c`adl`ag paths, so only finitely many jumps of n Tn 6 magnitude strictly greater than 1/(n + 1) on any bounded interval). If S := limn→∞ Tn then Y is continuous on [S,T [ and Proposition 6.3 implies that S = T almost surely, as required. 


This section is heavily influenced by [17], Section IV.6, hence the proofs are only sketched. Thanks to The- orem 5.5, the results may also be deduced simply from the corresponding properties of Az´ema’s martingale (except, perhaps, for (21)).

Definition 7.1. Let denote the predictable σ-algebra on R+ Ω. Recall (see [22], Section I.6, for example) that there exists a (RP) -measurable function × B ⊗P L : R R Ω R; (v,t,ω) Lv(ω) × + × → 7→ t such that, for all v R, Lv is a continuous, increasing process with Lv =0 and ∈ 0 t Y v = v + sgn(Y v) dY | t − | | | s− − s Z0 + ( Y v Y v sgn(Y v)∆Y )+ Lv (20) | s − | − | s− − |− s− − s t

00 − x≤0 ∈ Remark 7.2. Since X is purely discontinuous ([7], Lemma 23), [Y ]c = [X]c =0; by the occupation-density formula ([17], Corollary 2 to Theorem IV.51), there exists a null set N Ω such that ⊆ ∞ ∞ ∞ 0= [Y ]c(ω) dt = Lv(ω) dt dv ω Ω N, t t ∀ ∈ \ Z0 Z−∞ Z0 and so, almost surely, Lv 0 on R for almost all v R. The following theorem gives a more exact result. ≡ + ∈ Theorem 7.3. If v =1 then the local time Lv =0, whereas 6 t 1 E[Lt ]=2 g∞(x) dx> 0 (21) Z0 1 and the random variable Lt is not almost surely zero for all t> 0. On the path structure of a semimartingale arising from monotone probability theory 273

Proof. If v = 0 then (20) implies that

S0 t+S0 0 Yt+S0 = dYs + dYs +2 ½Ys−=0∆Ys + Lt+S0 | | − 0 S0 Z Z 0 0: Ys− = Ys = v is countable and the claim follows as it does in [17], Proof of Theorem∈{ } IV.63. For the{ remaining case, observe} that the Meyer–Tanaka–Itˆoformula (or just [17], Theorem IV.49) yields, for all t 0, the identity ≥ t + 1 1

(Y 1) = ½ dY + L . t − Ys−>1 s 2 t Z0 Since

t t t ½ E ½Ys−>1 ds = E Ys>1 ds = P(Ys > 1) ds, Z0  Z0  Z0 as s> 0: Y = Y is countable and thus has zero Lebesgue measure, it follows that { s− 6 s} t E[L1]=2E[(Y 1)+] 2 P(Y > 1) ds. t t − − s Z0 For all t 0 and x 0, let F (x) := P(Y x); Lemma 2.3 implies that ≥ ≥ Yt t ≤ ∞ 1 b(t) x 1 t E[(Y 1)+]= (x 1) dF (x)= Im − dx = b(t y)g (y) dy, t − − Yt π W ( xet−x) − ∞ Z1 Z1 −1 − Z0 using the substitution x = b(t y), and similarly − t 1 t b(s) 1 P(Y > 1) ds = Im dx ds s π W ( xes−x) Z0 Z0 Z1 −1 − t s t = b′(s y)g (y) dy ds = (b(t y) 1)g (y) dy. − ∞ − − ∞ Z0 Z0 Z0 Combining these calculations yields (21). 

Definition 7.4. A semimartingale R has locally summable jumps (or satisfies Hypothesis A, in the ter- minology of [17]) if

∆R < almost surely t> 0. | s| ∞ ∀ 0

Proof. Suppose for contradiction that X (and so Y ) has locally summable jumps. By [17], Theorem IV.56, there exists a (R) -measurable function B ⊗P L : R R Ω R ; (v,t,ω) Lv(ω) × + × → + 7→ t v such thate (v,t) Lt (ω) is jointly right continuouse in v and continuous in t for all ω Ω and, for all v R, 7→ ∈ ∈ Lv = Lv. This is, however, readily seen to contradict Theorem 7.3.  e e 274 A. C. R. Belton


This work was begun while the author was a member of the Institut Camille Jordan, Universit´eClaude Bernard Lyon 1, thanks to financial support provided by the European Community’s Human Potential Programme under contract HPRN-CT-2002-00279, QP-Applications. It was completed at UCC where the author is an Embark Postdoctoral Fellow funded by the Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology. Professors St´ephane Attal and Martin Lindsay asked questions which the above attempts to answer; Professor Michel Emery´ provided several extremely helpful comments on previous drafts. Thanks are extended to the anonymous referee and to the associate editor for their thoughtful and constructive criticism of an earlier version of this paper.

Appendix A. A Poisson limit theorem

The following theorem must be well known, but a reference for it (or a version with weaker hypotheses) has proved elusive.

Theorem A.1. For all n 1 let (x )n be a collection of independent, identically distributed random ≥ n,m m=1 variables. If there exists λ> 0 such that

lim nE[xk ]= λ k N, n→∞ n,1 ∀ ∈ then x + + x converges in distribution to a Poisson law with mean λ. n,1 ··· n,n Proof. If n 1 and θ R then ≥ ∈ λ n λ(eiθ 1) 2λ n−1 E[exp(iθ(x + + x ))] 1+ (eiθ 1) n E[eiθxn,1 ] 1 − 1+ , n,1 ··· n,n − n − ≤ − − n n    

using the fact that zn wn n z w max z k−1 w n−k for all z, w C. Furthermore, because | − |≤ | − | 1≤k≤n{| | | | } ∈ eiθ 2p−1(iθ)k/k! θ2p/(2p)! for all θ R and p 1, | − k=0 |≤ ∈ ≥ P λ(eiθ 1) n E[eiθxn,1 ] 1 − − − n

2p−1 k 2p−1 k 2p−1 k iθxn,1 (iθxn, 1) θ k iθ (iθ) n E e + | | nE[xn,1] λ + λ e ≤ " − k! # k! | − | − k! k=0 k=1 k=0 X X X 2p E 2p 2p−1 k θ (n [xn,1]+ λ) θ k | | + | | nE[x ] λ . ≤ (2p)! k! | n,1 − | kX=1 Since (1 + 2λ/n)n−1 e2λ as n , this sequence is bounded by some constant C. Fix ε> 0, choose p 1 → → ∞ ≥ such that 2 θ 2pλ/(2p)! <ε/(2C) and choose n such that | | 0 θ k ε | | nE[xk ] λ < n n , k =1,..., 2p; k! | n,1 − | 4pC ∀ ≥ 0 the previous working shows that

λ n 2 θ 2pλC ε ε E[exp(iθ(x + + x ))] 1+ (eiθ 1) < | | + + (2p 1) <ε n n . n,1 ··· n,n − n − (2p)! 4p − 4p ∀ ≥ 0  

On the path structure of a semimartingale arising from monotone probability theory 275

Hence n λ iθ iθ lim E[exp(iθ(xn,1 + + xn,n))] = lim 1+ (e 1) = exp(λ(e 1)), n→∞ ··· n→∞ n − −   and the result follows from the continuity theorem for characteristic functions ([8], Theorem 26.3). 

Remark A.2. It follows from the working above that, if m 1 and θ R, ≥ ∈ λ 1 1 E[eiθxn,m ]=1+ (eiθ 1)+o = E[eiθbn ]+o 1 n − n n →      

as n , where P(bn =0)=1 λ/n and P(bn =1)= λ/n. Thus xn,m converges to 0 in distribution, and so in→ probability, ∞ as n , which− explains why this result is a “law of small numbers”. → ∞

Appendix B. The probability density function g∞

Proposition B.1. The function 1 1

g : R R ; x ½ Im ∞ → + 7→ x≥0 π W ( e−1+x) −1 − has a global maximum g∞(x0) 0.2306509575 at x0 0.7376612533, is strictly increasing on [0, x0], is strictly decreasing on [x , [ with≈ lim g (x)=0, ≈ 0 ∞ x→∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ g (x) dx =1 and xg (x) dx = . ∞ ∞ ∞ Z0 Z0 Proof. Let W ( e−1+x)= u(x) + iv(x) for all x 0, where u(x) R and v(x) ] π, 0]. Since −1 − ≥ ∈ ∈ − eu(u cosv v sin v)= e−1+x, (u + iv) exp(u + iv)= exp( 1+ x) − − − − ⇐⇒ u sin v + v cosv =0,  if v = 0 then ueu = e−1+x, which has no solution for x> 0, so v = 0 if and only if x = 0. Suppose henceforth that x> 0; note that− u = v cot v, − e−v cot v( v cos v cot v v sin v)= e−1+x x =1 v cot v + log(v cosec v) − − − ⇐⇒ − and πg (x)= v/(u2 + v2) > 0. Observe that ∞ − du 1 1 = cotv + v cosec2 v = (v sin v cosv) < (0 sin0cos0)=0, dv − sin2 v − sin2 v − because (d/dv)(v sin v cos v)=1 cos2v> 0, and − − dx 1 1 2 = 2cotv + v cosec2 v = (1 v cosecv)2 (cos v 1) < 0, dv v − v − − sin v − so u is a strictly increasing function of x. As u(0) = 1, u takes its values in [ 1, [; as v(0) = 0, letting x =1 v cot v + log(v cosec v) shows that v −π (since this function of v−is∞ bounded on any proper subinterval− of ] π, 0[) and therefore→ ∞ u as x →−. (In particular, g (x) 1/u2 0 as x .) Since − → ∞ → ∞ | ∞ |≤ → → ∞ u is continuous, strictly increasing and maps [0, [ to [ 1, [, there exists x0 such that u(x0)= 1/2. Moreover, ∞ − ∞ − d 1 1 v(2u + 1) g′ (x)=Im = Im − = , ∞ dx W ( e−1+x) (u + iv)(1 + u + iv) (u2 + v2)((1 + u)2 + v2) −1 − 276 A. C. R. Belton

′ ′ so g∞ > 0 on ]0, x0[ and g∞ < 0 on ]x0, [ . (The approximate values for x0 and g∞(x0) were determined with the use of Maple.) ∞ For the integrals, the substitution x = v gives that

∞ 0 2 sin v 1 2 π g∞(x) dx = 2cotv + v cosec v dv π v v − Z0 Z−   0 sin2 v sin 2v sin2 v 0 = π + dv = π + = π, π v2 − v − v Z−    −π as required. Finally, if ε ]0, π/2[ , ∈ ∞ 0 sin2 v sin 2v π xg∞(x) dx = (1 v cot v + log(v cosecv)) +1 dv π − v2 − v Z0 Z−   −π/2 π π/2 v cot v dv cot w dw = log sin ε ≥ π − ≥ 2 − → ∞ Z− +ε Zε as ε 0+.  →

Remark B.2. It follows from Propositions B.1 and 3.1 that the distribution of G∞ is unimodal with mode x , that is, t P(G t) is convex on ] , x [ and concave on ]x , [ . 0 7→ ∞ ≤ −∞ 0 0 ∞

Appendix C. An auxiliary calculation

Lemma C.1. If fJ is as defined in Proposition 4.6 then

π 1 1 fJ (t)=Im −1+t as t 0+ 1+ W−1( e ) ∼ √2t → − and f is strictly decreasing on ]0, [. J ∞ Proof. For all t 0, let p := 2(1 et)= i√2t + O(t3/2) as t 0+; recall that ≥ − − − → W ( e−1+t)=1 p +p O(p2) = 1 + i√2t + O(t) − −1 − − −1+t as t 0+, by [10], (4.22), and this gives the first result. For the next claim, if t> 0 and W−1( e )= v cot→v + iv, where v ] π, 0[, then − − ∈ − W ( e−1+t) ((3 2v cot v)v2 cosec2 v 1)v πf ′ (t)=Im − −1 − = − − . J (1 + W ( e−1+t))3 ((1 v cot v)2 + v2)3 −1 − − The result follows if

(3 2v cot v)v2 cosec2 v 1 > 0 (v2 sin2 v) sin v +2v2(sin v v cosv) < 0 − − ⇐⇒ − − for all v ] π, 0[, but since sin2 v < v2 and sin v < v cosv for such v, this is clear.  ∈ − Proposition C.2. If D := (t, x) R2 : a(t) x b(t) , { ∈ + ≤ ≤ } 1 f : D R ; (t, x) Im , → + 7→ W ( xet−x) −1 − x F : D R ; (t, x) f(t,y) dy → + 7→ Za(t) On the path structure of a semimartingale arising from monotone probability theory 277

and (s,y) D◦ := (t, x) R2 : t> 0,a(t) 0 then

F (s + h,y) F (s,y) 1 a(s) y f(s + h,z) f(s,z) − = f(s + h,z) dz + − dz h h h Za(s+h) Za(s) and the intermediate-value theorem gives ζ [a(s + h),a(s)] such that h ∈ 1 a(s) a(s) a(s + h) f(s + h,z) dz = − f(s + h, ζ ) a′(s)f(s,a(s))=0 h h h →− Za(s+h) as h 0+. For all z [a(s),b(s)] there exists θ ]0, 1[ such that → ∈ h,z ∈ f(s + h,z) f(s,z) ∂f − = (s + θ h,z) h ∂t h,z by the mean-value theorem, since t f(t,z) is continuous on [s,s + h] and differentiable on ]s,s + h[. Let 7→ −1 ◦ ∂f πfJ (t a (x)) if x ]a(t), 1], g : D R+; (t, x) (t, x)+ f(t, x)= − −1 ∈ → 7→ ∂t πfJ (t b (x)) if x [1,b(t)[,  − ∈

where fJ is defined in Proposition 4.6. The continuity of f on [s,s + 1] [a(s),y] and the dominated- convergence theorem imply that ×

y y F (s,y)= f(s,z) dz = lim f(s + θh,zh,z) dz, h→0+ Za(s) Za(s) y so the right-hand limit in (22) has the correct value if a(s) g(s,z) dz exists and

y y R lim g(s + θh,zh,z) dz = g(s,z) dz. h→0+ Za(s) Za(s) Fix r ]0,s[ such that y>a(r) and note that g is continuous on [s,s + 1] [a(r),y], so the dominated- convergence∈ theorem implies that ×

y y lim g(s + θh,zh,z) dz = g(s,z) dz. h→0+ Za(r) Za(r) Next, note that if z ]a(s),a(r)] and h 0+ then ∈ → g(s + θ h,z)= πf (s + θ h a−1(z)) πf (s a−1(z)) = g(s,z), h,z J h,z − ր J − because fJ is strictly decreasing, by Lemma C.1. The first half of the result now follows from the monotone- a(r) convergence theorem, once it is known that a(s) g(s,z) dz exists. However,

a(r) r R s−r g(s,z) dz = π f (s u)a′(u) du = π f (t)a′(s t) dt< , J − − J − ∞ Za(s) Zs Z0 since, by Lemma C.1, πf (t) 1/√2t as t 0+, f is continuous on ]0,s r] and a′ is continuous on [r, s]. J ∼ → J − 278 A. C. R. Belton

Now suppose that h< 0 is such that s + h> 0 and b(s + h) >y>a(s + h). Then

F (s + h,y) F (s,y) y f(s + h,z) f(s,z) 1 a(s+h) − = − dz f(s,z) dz h h − h Za(s+h) Za(s) and the second term tends to 0 as h 0 . If z [a(s + h),b(s + h)] then t f(t,z) is continuous on [s + h,s] and differentiable on ]s + h,s[, so there→ − exists θ∈ ]0, 1[ such that 7→ h,z ∈ f(s + h,z) f(s,z) ∂f − = (s + θ h,z). h ∂t h,z

Furthermore, as f is continuous, so bounded, on the compact set D ([0,s] R+), the dominated-convergence theorem implies that ∩ ×

y F (s,y) = lim f(s + θh,zh,z) dz h→0− Za(s+h) and the result follows if y y lim g(s + θh,zh,z) dz = g(s,z) dz. h→0− Za(s+h) Za(s)

Fix 0 < r1 < r2

y y g(s + θ h,z) dz g(s,z) dz h,z → Za(r1) Za(r1) as h 0 . A final application of the monotone-convergence theorem completes the result, since if h< 0 is such→ that−r

−1 ½ ½ g(s + θ h,z) = πf (s + θ h a (z)) z∈[a(s+h),a(r1)] h,z z∈[a(s+h),a(r1)] J h,z − −1

½ πf (s a (z)) ր z∈]a(s),a(r1)] J −  = ½z∈]a(s),a(r1)]g(s,z).

Appendix D. A pair of Laplace transforms

Theorem D.1. If g∞ is as defined in Proposition 3.1 and fJ is as defined in Proposition 4.6 then their Laplace transforms are as follows:

e−ppp e−ppp g (p)= and f (p) = (p + 1)g (p)= , (23) ∞ Γ(p + 2) J ∞ Γ(p + 1) wherecΓ: p ∞ zp−1e−z dz isc the gamma function.c 7→ 0 Proof. Let R 1 b(t) 1 f (t) := Im dy t 0. 1 π W ( yet−y) ∀ ≥ Za(t) −1 − Splitting the interval [a(t),b(t)] at 1 and using the substitutions y = a(t x) and y = b(t x), as appropriate, − − 1 t 1 f (t)= Im c(t x) dx = (g ⋆c)(t), 1 π W ( e−1+x) − ∞ Z0  −1 −  On the path structure of a semimartingale arising from monotone probability theory 279

where ⋆ denotes convolution of functions on R+ and c is as in Definition 2.2. Furthermore,

∞ ∞ ∞ c(p) := c(x)e−px dx = b′(x)e−px dx a′(x)e−px dx − Z0 Z0 Z0 ∞ 1 b = e−p(−1+y−log y) dy + e−p(−1+y−log y) dy Z1 Z0 ∞ z p =ep e−zp−1 dz. p Z0   The second line follows from the substitutions y = b(x) and y = a(x). Thus, since f (t)= P(Y > 0)=1 e−t, 1 t − f (p) 1 e−ppp+1 e−ppp g (p)= 1 = = , ∞ c(p) p(p + 1) Γ(p + 1) Γ(p + 2) b as claimed.c If b 1 b(t) 1 f (t) := Im dy t> 0, 2 π 1+ W ( zet−z) ∀ Za(t) −1 − ′ then, working as above, f2 = fJ ⋆c. Moreover, since f2 = f1 +f1 (by the working in the proof of Theorem 4.5), it follows that f2(p) = (p + 1)f1(p) and

−p p f2b(p) (p + 1)fb1(p) e p f (p)= = = . J c(p) c(p) Γ(p + 1) b b  c b b Remark D.2. The substitution x =1 v cot v + log(v cosec v) yields the identity − π 1 sin v p epf (p)= exp(pv cot v) dv; (24) J π v Z0   it shouldc be possible to verify directly that the right-hand side of (24) equals pp/Γ(p + 1). (This would give independent proof that 1 1

A ½ + Im dy 7→ 0∈A π W ( yet−y) ZA∩[a(t),b(t)] −1 − and 1 1 A Im dz 7→ π 1+ W ( zet−z) ZA∩[a(t),b(t)] −1 − are probability measures on (R).) B


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