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08 C A-b†-¥^l-»-ho oa-š-¥tl-j-Pr {l-°r« Dl-^s-h-† 10 C Il-br-I-Xl-c-Ÿy-| oA-b†-al-\l-IlG 13 C a-h-¥Kl‚ ¥Ul-|r« 162 "-e-h-cG 08 C alG-K½q† tr-^-\-tr-br« 96 e†-|-al„o 07 C _l†-|r« 41 î-]¶„t-tr Ñ-br-\r 07 C h„-Ñ« el-ˆ† I-˜s-g-\r« 37 D-»r-eo 08 C e-b†-im-hr-M o¥Il†-]¶-¥t-g-\r« 29 "ehcG ORIENTATION 09 C Dl-br« $-p-br« ¥NclG Secretariat Assistant LP- UP School Asst. 09 C #-cpl-e†-Œ oÜl-as‚ _l-£r« ]r.]r. _r-¥\l-Po

Clerk/ Cashier – DCB : 493 D-»r-eo HSA LISTS: 09 C a-¥d-tr-b tr-h†-N o$„-îr-špq-ˆr« ¥^l-¥ˆl Non Vocational Teacher- 18 "-e-h-cG Physics,Chemistry Vocational Higher Secondary 09 C SSC ¥I-c-j ts-Pp-\r« 10 D-»r-eo Police Constable Driver Armed Police Battalion (KAP V - Idukki) PSC SOLVED PAPER MODEL PAPER ]-cs-kl- Cook, Tourism & S.C. Development Health Inspector, Railway Id-›† Lab Assistant, Higher Secondary Army Recruitment 2015 al†No e-_o-h-šo ]-Wr-au-S-|r|f\rbl× 2015 P\ecr 24 |alò`qar Xl»r«el†Œ 03 ]r.A-ho.hr. "-¥]-kl- XsbXr \sˆr-¥b|uG

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Xl-»r« e-Iu-]¶r-d "-hr- Ÿy-|o \r-§-br-Nr-ˆu-¨-Xo. A- î„to ¥d-_† Dl-^s-h† X-h´r- ~l« 206 D-»r-eu-Iy e-~-¥]¶l- I-br« ¥\-cr-ˆu-¨ \r-b-a-\- »uG 25 A-ü-¥a ¥\-cr-ˆu-¨ \r-b- Ÿy e-Ir-]¶r-|l„ h-˜†-Z- a-\-Œr-\o al-šr-br-ˆu-¨q A-~- Ÿ-¥j-t. #-I-bu-¨ D-»r-eu- Xo Zu-cq-i-al-W-~o tl-£o ]-ˆr-I- I-ju-S "-Sr-zl-\-Œr-d-d½ ¥\- br-du-¨-e† #-¥cl-]r-|u-~u. cr-ˆu-¨ \r-b-a-\-Ÿy-|o er-ir- 2010¿« \r-d-er« e-~ D-»r-eu- XG \s-|r-e-|u-~-Xo. $-Xr- I-jr-¥d-|l-Wo $-¥]¶ly \r-b-a- d "-fl-ðs-b-X Nq-›r-|l-ˆr \G \-S-|u-~-Xo. "-Xl-b-Xo D-»r- <-¥Zpl-Kl†-Yr-Iy "-[r-Ç-X-c eo \r-d-er«-e-~o "-°lG e†- h-as-]r-N-£r-duG ^-d-ar-d½. g-al-Wo \r-b-a-\G \-S-|u-~-Xo. 2009 au-X« 2014 Pq-dl-bo e- ¥\-cr-ˆu-¨ \r-b-a-\G \l-du e†- c-bu-¨ Il-d-L-ˆ-Œr« "- g-Œr-¥d-t e-Ir-bl« "- hr-î„to ¥d-_† Dl-^s-h† X- Xr-„t zl-\-|-b-šG e-»r <- h´r-I-br« 133 \r-b-a-\-Ÿ-jl- ›l-Il-\r-S-bu-¨ D-»r-eu-Iy Wo \-S-~-Xo. $-e-br« D-~r« \-gμ-]¶-ˆu A-~l-Wo "†-YG. ¥]l-duG ¥\-cr-ˆu-¨ \r-b-a-\-au- ]r.A-ho.hr. tl-£o-]-ˆr-I \r-d-er- ›l-br-d½-~l-Wo tl-£o-]-ˆr-I- dr-d½l-Œ hl-i-N-cp-Œr« X- br-du-¨-e† Iu-š-]¶-Su-Œu-~- h´r-I-al-šG e-»r Xl-Xo-Il-dr-I Xo. e†-g-Ÿy-|o ¥f-g-al-Wo zl-\-|-b-š-Ÿy \«-Il-a- 2014 Pq-dl-br« ]u-Xr-b tl-£o-]- ~uG ep-e-z-bu-›o. $-e-c hG- ˆr-I ‹-hr-Šs-I-cr-N-Xo. "-Xr« c-kr-|l-\u-¨ Nr-d-cu-S Kq- \r-~l-I-ˆ e-tuG 25 ¥]†-|u V-\s-|-Ÿ-jl-Wo ¥\-cr-ˆu-¨ al-ó-al-Wo \r-b-a-\-fu-]l†-f \r-b-a-\-Ÿy e-Il-\uG Iu- "-b-|l„ ]r.A-ho.hr.|o I- t-bl-\uG Il-c-W-a-~l-Wo <- »r-ƒ-Xo. ¥I-U† ho-Ñ-Mo-Xo "- ¥Zpl-Kl†-Yr-Iy Iu-š-]¶-Su-Œu- Sr-zl-\-Œr« ¥\-cr-ˆu-¨ \r- ~-Xo. b-a-\-Œr-\o ]-c-al-e-[r 25 D-»r- ¥\-cr-ˆu-¨ \r-b-a-\-Œr-\o al- eu-Iy al-ó-¥a tr-¥]¶l†-ˆo N- šr-e-Nr-cr-|u-~ 1:3 A-~ "- Âr-ˆu-¨q. "-Xu-Il-›l-Wo \u-]l-XG Il-d-i-c-W-]¶-ˆ-Xl- "-e-br« al-óG \r-b-a-\G \-S- W-~uG ]-cl-Xr <-b†-~r-ˆu- ~-Xo. c-›u e†-g-Œr-\-IG 73 ›o. h†-|l-tr-„t a-šl-cu e- D-»r-eu-Iy $m X-h´r-I-br« e- Iu-]¶r-duG $-ó-buG "-fl-ðs- cl-\r-S-bu-›o. "-X-d½lG X-h´r- b-al-b \r-b-a-\-Ÿ-ju-S es-XG- I-al-šG e-»r \r-I-Œl-\l-Wo hl- e-|-dr-d½-~uG $-e† ]-t-bu- [p-X. "-Xr-\u-¨ "-Wr-b-t-\s- ~u. 1:1 A-~ ¥Xl-Xr-¥d-|o $m |-Ÿy #-cG-`r-Nr-ˆu-›o. 1:3 "- "-\u-]l-XG ]-cr-go-I-cr-|-W- \u-]l-X-al-Wo ¥\-cr-ˆuG X-h´r-I- a-~l-Wo <-¥Zpl-Kl†-Yr-I-ju-S al-šG e-»r-bu-au-¨ \r-b-a-\- #-e-fpG. |f\rbl× 2015 P\ecr 24 |alò`qar Xl»r«el†Œ 11 ‹[l-\ X-h´r-I-I-ju-S er-f-Z-er-ec-Ÿy ]u-\H-‹-hr-Šs-I-cr-|u~u "-hl-[l-c-W K-h-šo Xs-b-Xr 31¿12¿2014 "-e-hl-\ Xs-b-Xr 04¿02¿2015 cl-ór 12 a-Wr e-c erÉl]\G www.keralapsc.gov.in

h¶-g« tr-Æq-ˆo-a„to (hG-zl-\-X-dG) hr-]¶« h-Æ-ˆ-tr ¥Ü-Uo 3 X-h´r-I-bu-S ar-\r-aG-Xu-I ¥e-X-\-al- P-\-t« tr-Æq-ˆo-a„to (hG-zl-\-X-dG) br \«-Iu-~-Xl-br-cr-|uG. ]-cr-fs-d-\ Il-d-b-j-eo $„-Ær- Il-š-K-tr \-œ†: 783/2014 a„tr-¥\l ‹l-¥_-g-¥\l ]-cr-K-Wr-|u-~-X-d½. IlšKtr \œ† 625/2014¿627/2014 (2) au-\r-hr-]¶« ¥Il-a‚ h†-es-hr«-\r-¥~l \-K-c-Il-cp e-Iu- au-\r-hr-]¶« h-Æ-ˆ-tr ¥Ü-Uo 3 ]¶r«-\r-¥~l au-\r-hr-]¶« h-Æ-ˆ-tr ¥Ü-Uo 3 #-br Xr-c-ƒ-Su- au\rhr]¶« hƈtr ¥ÜUo III |-]¶-Su-~-e† \r-b-a-\-Œr-\o au„-]o D-cu al-h-|l-dG ]-cr-fs-d- h¶-g« tr-Æq-ˆo-a„to \-Œr-\o er-¥[-b-cl-¥I-›-Xu-›o. ]-cr-fr-d-\ Il-d-b-j-er« "-e† \KcIlcpG (]-ˆr-I-Pl-Xr/]-ˆr-I-e†-K-|l-cr«-\r-~u al-óG) ¥h-e-\-a-\u-goTr-Nr-cu-~ X-h´r-I-bu-S f-œ-j-Œr-\uG "-d-e„- fœjG: 20740¿36140/ hu-Iy-|uG Xu-dp-al-b Xu-I ¥e-X-\-al-br \«-Iu-~-Xl-br-cr- D»reuIjuS AüG: ‹XskrX D»reuIy \-K-c-Il-cp e-Iu-]¶o |uG. ]-cr-fs-d-\-|l-dG au-\r-hr-]¶« h-Æ-ˆ-tr ¥Ü-Uo 3 X-h´r-I- \rba\csXr: 1) IlšKtr \œ† 625/2014 ¥\crˆu¨ \rba\G f-œ-jG: cq-] 20,740¿36,140/ bu-S $„-Ær-a„tr-¥\l ‹l-¥_-g-¥\l ]-cr-K-Wr-|u-~-X-d½. 2) IlšKtr \œ†: 626/2014 Xh´rIalšG e»rbu¨ \rba\G D-»r-eu-I-ju-S A-üG: 1 ‹l-¥_-g-„: B-X-£r-duG Il-š-K-tr-br-¥d-|o Xr-c-ƒ-Su- au\rhr]¶« ¥Ila‚ h†eshr« "]¶† Urerg„ \r-b-a-\-cs-Xr: ¥\-cr-ˆu-¨ \r-b-a-\G (ho-]-gp« tr-Æq-ˆo-a„to |-]¶-Su-~ A-d½l ep-¹r-I-juG ¥Pl-dr-br« ‹-¥e-fr-|u-~ Xs-b- I½†|r„t fœj \rc|r« "d½£r« "XrduG

1. Normally the general body meeting of a -England - DAAG society are conducted by 46. The Chairman of CAPE is Kerala is.... 74. Rochade equitable pioneers society was -Managing Committee - Chief Minister registered under ..... 2. An Officer appointed to conduct the 47. The highest authority of ICA is..... - Friendly societies Act election to the committee of a society is - General Assembly 75. The Danish Co-op wholesale society called 48. Outstanding salaries a/c is a.... was..... -Returning Officer Personal account - FDB 3. Employees co-op society is a ----- type of 49. Credit note is associated with..... 76. Whose statement is No competition, No society - Sales return money and no profit' -Credit 50. An audit which involves appraisal of - Robert Owen 4. The enquiry u/s 65 shall be completed policies and action of an enterprise is.... 77. The book 'Noblesse Oblige was written within------Management Audit by..... -6 months 51. The year is which Head quarters of ICA - Horace plunket 5. Before whom an appeal lies against as transferred to Geneva.... 78. The co-operator was started is the award is an arbitration case? -1982 year..... -Co-operative Tribunal 52. Retirement age of an employee of a co-op - 1828 6. An election dispute shall be filed before society..... 79. Founder of the first shoemaker's Co the tribunal within-----months from the -Sec: 74A -Increase -58 operative society is Germany? date of election 20. Who is the custodian of records of Co-op 35. Debit is as asset means...... 53. Office appointed to publish Election - Schulze -One month Tribunal - Increase voters list of co op societies 80. The power to rescind any resolution of 7. The ----- is the head of administrative -Secretary Co-op Tribunal 36. Credit is a liability means..... - Electoral officer general body or a committee vers with management of a co-op society 21. If a member acts against the interest of a - Increase 54. The important Document of a co-op the.... -President society, he can be expelled by----- 37. Credit to an income means..... society is..... -Registrar 8. In the absence of the paid secretary, who -General body - Increase -Registration certificate 81. The maximum amount of audit fees is responsible for the safety of records 22. In a Co-op society the audit fees levied by- 38. Assets acquired for prolonged use are 55. The application to register a society payable as per the co op Rule Rs.... and assets of the society -----KCS ACT known as..... assets should submit is forum no. .... -100000 -President -Rule 65 - Fixed asset -1 82. The committee of a co op society is 9. As per 1904 Act, a member cannot hold 23. The president and Office bearers of the 39. The maximum amount which a petty 56. Journal is also known as..... superseded by the sec ..... shares more than Rs...... society shall be elected within--- days cashier Rs allowed to keep under - Day Book - Sec 32 -1000 from the date of election interest system is known as..... 57. Debit note is associated with..... 83. The disqualification of Membership of 10. As per 1912 Act, a member cannot hold - 7 days - Cash float - Purchase Return committee is a society are mentioned in shares more than------of the total share 24. The first general body meeting is held by- 40...... are assets which can be converted 58. SARFAESI Act 2002 relates to.... Rule..... Of co op Act capital ---- into cash quickly - Loan Recovery - Rule 44 -1/5 (20%) -Rule: 8 - Liquid assets 59. As per co op Law the term of office of a 84. The probation period of a co op employee 11. The apex bank at State level was started 25. From the date of appointment liquidator 41. Purchase journal is meant for recording managing committee is prescribed as can be extended up to ..... as per the recommendation of ------shall complete the winding up all.... purchases of goods ...... - 2years committee proceeding within a period of---- -Credit - 5 years 85. The section prescribes the qualifications -Mc Lagan 3 years 42...... is an amount the business is bound to 60. The right to classify co-op societies for membership is.... 12. The salesman's liability register is 26. Committee on model Co-op Societies act pay vested is.... -sec 16 maintained in------societies 1990 was headed by---- -Liability - Registrar 86. Nominal account is also known as.... A/c -Consumer -Chaudhary Brahma Prakash 43. The bad debt recovered are...... 61. Accommodation bill is also called..... - Fictitious a/c 13. The term of office of the Co-op. 27. The day to day administration and - Credited to p&L A/c - Kile bill 87. The Chairman of NCDC is.... Ombudsman is------years management of a society rested with 44. The written evidence for a payment of 62. A bill of exchange drawn and accepted -Union minister of agriculture & Co -3 years the---- cash is called..... without any trade transaction is operation 14. Attachment before judgement as per sec -Secretary -Voucher - Accommodation Bill 88. The balance sheet of a banking co. 78 is known as----- 28. The members of a circle Co-operative 45. The homeland of co-op store 63. Who Compiled the Act of 1904? contains how many schedules.... -Conditional attachment union shall meet at least once in--- movement..... - Devzil Ibbetson -12 15.------is known as friend, philosopher and -One month 64...... percentage of net profit is 89. A co op society can be change its name guide of a Co-op society 29. ------has no general body Co-operative Principles Transferred toRf by..... -Registrar -CCU -Not less than 15 - Amending its by -law 30. The custodian of professional education Rochdale principles 16. The maintenance of books and accounts 1. Open membership 65. Father of Accountancy..... 90. Which sec: deals with winding up of co-op of a society is according to rule---- of KCS fund is--- - Lucapacioli societies.... -Registrar of co-op Societies 2. Democratic control Act 3. Limited interest on share capital 66...... Assets are those assets which do not -Sec 71 -Rule 29 31. Journal entries made to correct the have physical form and they do not have 91. Chairman of Kerala co op employees errors are called----entries 4. Payment of patronage dividend 17. Section----- of KCS Act deals with first 5. Cash trade any real value.... welfare fund.... charge of societies -Rectifying - Fictitious Asset - Minister of Co operation 32. Balance sheet shows a financial picture 6. Political and religious neutrality -Sec: 35 7. Promotion of education 67...... discount will not come in any book of 92. First co operative Journal in India is..... 18. Vigilance Officer appointed U/S ------of of a concern on a ----- an account..... - Madras co op manual author is R.C. Rayan -Given date KCS Act Reformulated principles - Trade discount 93. EDEKA is a co op term related with.... - Sec: 68A 33. Balance sheet is prepared to ascertain-- 68.----- is prepared to check the arithmetical - Germany -- 1. Open and voluntary membership 19. An insured Co-op bank came under 2. Democratic control accuracy..... 94. First co op marketing society in India.... section----- KCS Act -Financial position - Tribal balance - Hubli marketing society in the Bombay 31. Debit to an expense means 3. Limited interest on share capital 4. Equitable distribution of surplus 69. For calculating dep. of Mines, province 5. Co-operative education Quarries...... method is more suitable 95. 'Susman Scheme' Announced with.... 6. Co-operation among co-opera- - Depletion - Handloom Society tives 70. The fund created for replacement of 96. One village one society was the fixed assets..... recommendation of which committee Revised principles -Depreciation fund - Malcom Darling 1. Voluntary and open membership 71. The audit certificate shall be issued 97. Command Area Development Authority 2. Democratic member control after..... Months after the completion of (CADA) was established in 3. Member economic participation audit. -1981 4. Autonomy and independence - 3 months 98. Owner of sahakarana Bhavan 5. Education training and informa- 72. The adhoc committee will have te power - SCU tion for a period of ..... Months 99. Cattle Morality fine is associated with ..... 6. Co-operation among co-opera- - 3 months - Dairy co op societies tives 73. In Denmark the sales was effected 100. Chitone is the products of.... 7. Concern for community through a central society called..... - Matsyafed |f\rbl× 2015 P\ecr 24 |alò`qar Xl»r«el†Œ 15 ASSISTANT/AUDITOR, Secretariat/PSC etc. Exam Orientation The Era of Second Buddha A.N. TONY L Where was the first known intercast RENAISSANCE OF KERALA marriage in Kerala took place in 1921 at the annual meeting of the Brahmosamaj? The Guru L - Varkala Which social reformer of Kerala is known as 'the Second Buddha'? L Where was the first branch of the L Who described the oppressive caste - Sree L Theosophical Society organized in practices of Kerala as a 'Paradise of fools Who called Sree Narayana Guru as 'The Second Buddha'? Malabar in 1882? where everyone was happy in his - G. Sankara Kurup L - Palakkad ignorance, in his superstition and his age Which social reformer was exempted from his personal appearances in court in L Which revivalist movement of Hinduism long social bondage'? 1904 as an honor recognizing him as a distinguished living personality by the preached universal brotherhood of man - Swami Vivekananda Maharaja of Travancore? irrespective of the distinctions of caste, L Where was the Ramakrishna Vedanta - Sree Narayana Guru L creed, race or sex? Sangh started its activities in 1913? Which was the only foreign country to be visited by Sree Narayana Guru? - Theosophical Society - Calicut - Sri Lanka L Where was the first branch of the Brahmo L The Sree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Samaj established in Malabar in 1898? Yogam was registered under the - Calicut Companies Act in ------? - Vaikunta Swami the Athmavidya Sangham? L L Which social reformer was behind the - 1903 Who founded the Sadhu Jana Paripalana - Abhinava Keralam L establishment of at L Which temple at Kannur was opened in Yogam in 1907? Through which poem written in 1921, Malabar? 1932 in the wake of the Guruvayur - proclaimed the L - Dr. Ayyathan Gopalan Satyagraha? Which community organisation was manifesto of Athmavidya Sangham? L Who wrote 'Brahma Keerthanam', first - The Sundareswara Temple modelled after the SNDP Yogam? - Swathanthra Chinthamani L devotional song of the Brahmasamajists L Who honored Govindankutty Menon with - Sadhu Jana Paripalana Yogam Name the booklet written by L in Malayalam? the title of 'Brahmananda Swami' as a In which year Sree Narayana Guru held an Vagbhatananda in 1927 to condemn the - Karat Govindankutty Menon (Brahmananda token of their gratitude? All Religions Conference at Advaitasram, ideas of Sivayogi? Shivayogi) - The Brahma Samajists of Calicut Aluva? - Adhyatmayudha L L In order to coordinate the activities of the L Who founded Sidhashramam at Alathur? - 1924 Which event united ancient Christian L Brahmo Samaj, who opened a Brahmo - Brahmananda Shivayogi Who was the author of the works Church in India with the Roman Catholic Hall at Calicut in 1900? L Who called Kunhikannan Gurukkal 'Daivadasakam, Daivachinthanam, Church? - Manavikrama Ettan Thampuran 'Vagbhatananda' in praise of his capacity Sivasathakam, Guhashtakam, - Synod of Diamper 1599 L (the of Calicut) of eloquence and scholarship? Vinayakashtakam, and Devisthavam'? Which place witnessed the Coonan Cross L Which social reformist organisation - Brahmanada Shivayogi - Sree Narayana Guru Oath? L formed Depressed Classes Mission to L Who opened the 'Thattwa Prakashika Which social reformer ridiculed the sages - 1653 (Mattancherry) L coordinate the work among the Ashramam' as the first and last resort of who live in the forest with long hair and Who repealed the customs of Mannappedi untouchable communities? education to untouchable caste members beard and also the wandering saffron-clad and Pulappedi in 1696? - Brahmo Samaj who were interested in Sanskrit learning? ascetics who do it for the needs of their - Kottayam Kerala Varma L - Vagbhatananda bowels (Udaranimitham)? What is the importance of the L In which year Vagbhatananda founded - Brahmananda Sivayogi Thiruvithamcode rock edict? L Atma Vidya Sangham? Sree Narayana Guru Who established the new religion called - Repealed Mannappedi and Pulappedi L - 1917 'Anandamatha'? Which ruler banned the slave trade in L Which social reformer led campaign - Brahmananda Sivayogi Travancore? L against social evils like in Who wrote the book 'Vigraharadhana - Rani Gouri Lakshmi Bhai L the Azhikode region of ? Khandanam' to oppose the practice of idol Which king of Travancore banned - Vayath Swami Slogans worship in temples? Suchindram Kaimukku? - Brahmananda Sivayogi - Swathi Thirunal L Which social reform organization's L Who preached the doctrine of 'One L Who established 'Ananda Yogasalas' for L Vedadikara Niroopanam, Vedantha clarion call was 'Awake remember the Caste, One Religio\n, and One God the practicing and popularising Raja Saram and Pracheena Malayalam are the creator, Arise and fight against injustice'? for Man'? Yoga? major works of ------? - Atma Vidya Sangham - Sree Narayana Guru - Brahmananda Sivayogi - L Inter caste marriages and interdining L Who raised the slogan 'No Caste, No L Which social reformer of Kerala is L Who was the first to perform mirror organized by which organisation was Religion, No God for human credited with linking caste and religious consecration in ? known as Preethivivaha and beings'? reformation with that of nationalist - Vaikunda Swamikal Preethibhojana? - movement? L In 1959, who was given the title Bharatha - Atma Vidya Sangham L Who raised the slogan 'If we work, - Vagbhatananda Kesari (Lion of India) by the Indian L Which social reformer established the we should be got paid'? L Who is the author of 'Adhyatma Yuddham President? Uralunkal Labour Contract Society to give -Vaikunda Swamikal economic security to the weaker sections? or Anandadarsa Praduamsanam'? - Mannathu Padmanabhan L - Vagbhatananda - Vagbhatananda Who is the author of the famous work L L Who founded the Sidha Samajam at was organized on the pattern of the Who fought against the social evils of 'Ettu Jaathikkummi? Badagara in 1920? Servants of India Society of Gopal Krishna & Mattu'? - K P Karuppan K P Kesava Menon L - Swami Sivananda Paramahamsa Gokhale? - Vagbhatananda Who formed Ezhava Mahasabha? L L Which social reformer's biography is - Nair Service Society (NSS) Which journal was published in 1921 by - Dr. Palpu 'Lokasanthikulla Jeevitham'? L With regard to the entry into which Grand Old Man of - Swami Sivananda Paramahamsa temple, Congress held a limited Kerala L Who preached Siddhavidya as the means referendum among the Hindus of Ponnani L Who is often called as the 'Grand to attain Moksha? Taluk in order to ascertain the views of the Old Man' of Kerala? - Swami Sivananda Paramhamsa people? L - K P Kesava Menon The first annual session of the SNDP - Guruvayur Temple L Who is known as 'The Lincoln of Yogam was held at------in 1904? L Social reformer AG Velayudhan met with Kerala'? - Aruvipuram tragic death in police lathi-charge while L - K P Karuppan Who started the newspaper named leading which temple entry agitation? L Who has the nickname 'Kerala 'Sujanandini' from Paravur in 1891? - Paliyam Satyagraha Subhash Chandra Bose'? - Kesavan Asan L What was hailed as The Magna Carta of the L - Muhammed Abdur Rahiman Which newspaper was started by C V Travancore ryots'? L Who is known as 'the father of Kunhiraman from Mayyanad in 1911? - Pandara Pattam Proclamation of 1865 political movement in the modern - Kerala Kaumudi L Which King of Travancore issued the L Travancore'? In which year K Ayyappan founded Pandara Pattom Proclamation? - Barrister G P Pillai Sahodara Sangham at Cherai? - Ayilyam Thirunal - 1917 L Who founded the Samatva Samajam in L Which community organization of Kerala 1836? Brahmananda Shivayogi Vagbhatananda 24 alò`qar Xl»r«el†Œ |2015 P\ecr 24 f\rbl×| A-»u-Œu-]-cs-kÀo ¥hly-Pp† I½†-|o X-…l-t-Su|lG Xr-cu-e-\--]u-c-Œu \-S-~ br« Xl-Xo-Il-dr-I-al-br "- §r-X er-P-bG ¥\-SlG. Xl-»r«- ¥hly-Pp† I½†-|u-al†. $m ]- |uG ¥h-\ D-cu-ar-Nu \s-Ÿu-I. gG er-er-[ L-ˆ-Ÿ-jr« ep-Xp-h´ #†-ar tr-Æq-ˆo-a„to tl-dr-br« ¥bl-Kp-X I-d¶r-|-]¶-ˆ-e† ]u- el†-Œ-br-d $m ]G-¹r-br-dq- cr-fs-d-\ Il-d-Œo S-]¶o-t-šr- "-Œ-cG L-ˆ-Ÿ-jr«-¥]l-duG cs-Xr-br-du-¨ ]-cr-fs-d-\-Œr-dq- ]-£-Su-Œ 17000 <-¥Zpl-Kl†-Yr- \† e-Zp-]-cr-¥fl-[-\-Àl-br S ‹-hr-Šs-I-cr-|u-~ al-ò-Il- Mo, I-œpq-ˆ†, ¥h-\l-N-ˆ-Ÿ-juG Xs-e-›r-bu-S D-cu I-œl†-ˆo- S-bl-Wo e†-Ks-I-c-WG. A-d½l-e- I-jr«-\r-~o 900 ¥]† al-ó-al- \r-go-I†-gr-N ^s-ho "-S-No ¥Nl-Zp-Ÿy “-Zr-z-al-|u-I- \r-b-a-Ÿ-juG, I-Œr-S-]l-Su-I- a„tr« ^-b-du-I-juG I-œpq-ˆ- cuG I½†-|u-al-cl-W-£r-duG N- Wo A-»u-Œu-]-cs-k-Ào ¥bl-Kp- h-\r-I #-fu-]-ór-br« il- buG \r-¥Xp-\ ]-ó-Ÿ-juG #-\u- ju-S cs-Xr-Iy, $G-K½s-go, ir-xr tuG S-]¶o-t-š-tuG A-d½lG h- …u-~ ¥Pl-dr-bu-S hv-`l-eG ep- X ¥\-Sr-b-Xo. 100 ¥]-cr« f-cl-f- P-cl-eWG. Il-dr-I ‹-hr-Šs-I-c-W-Ÿ-juG `l-g-Iy Xu-S-Ÿr ¥h-\l-er-g- ªs-I-cr-No Dl-^s-ho ‹-e†-Œr- Xp-h´-al-br-cr-|uG. cr 6 <-¥Zpl-Kl†-Yr-Iy-¥]l-duG * A-»u-Œu-]-cs-k-Ào ¥bl-Kp-X el-br-|u-I-buG N-Âl« Il-cp- b-Ÿ-j-|u-tr-Nu-¨ K-i-\-al- |uG. Xr-c-ƒ-Su-|-]¶-Su-~r-d½ A- ¥\-Sr-b-e† Xs-Ø-]-cr-fs-d-\G ¥\- Ÿy A-ju-]¶-al-br. $m d-|- b "-tr-eu-Iy I-c-z-al-|lG. ¥h-\-br-d I-Œr-S-]l-Su-Iy, ]-cs-kb»uXl„ ~†-YG. Ç-Xp-al-b au-~l-cu-|- Su-I-buG ]-cs-k Km-c-e-al-br Œr« ¥hly-Pp† I½†-|o ]-cs- bu-Š-au-~-Wr-br-duG h-al-[l-\- ¥c-J-I-ju-S hq-kr-]¶o, `-c-W Œr-„t-buG fl-ðs-b-al-b ]- A-Su-|u-I-buG ‹-b-Xo-\r-|u- k-bu-S al-ò-Il ¥Nl-Zp-Ÿ-jl- Il-d-ŒuG ep-Xp-h´ hv-`l-e-au-¨ \r†-e-i-W-Œr« h-il-br- ]-cr-fs-dr-|lG cr-fs-d-\-Œr-„t-buG "-\r-el- I-buG N-Âl« al-ó-¥a er-P- Wo \«-Ir-br-cr-|u-~-Xo. ¥Pl-dr-I-jl-Wo $-e†-|o \r†-e- |« Xu-S-Ÿr-b ¥Pl-dr-I-jl-Wo P-\-t« h-b„-ho, I-œpq-ˆ†, P- cp-X-br-¥d-|l-Wo $-Xo er-c«- br-|u-I-bu-¨q. ir-|l-\u-¨-Xo. N-…l-\u-›l-eu-I. bu-Š-Il-d- \-t« "-¥e-†-\-ho, $G-K½s-go, I- Nq-›u-~-Xo. a-d-bl-jr bu-el- a-šu-¨ ‹-¥e-f-\ ]-cs-k-I-j- #-cl-Wo ¥h-\-br-d $-X-c ¥Pl-dr-|l- Œo bu-Š-au-~-Wr-br-¥d-|o #- W-|o A-~r-e-bl-Wo "-tr-ƒr- |y ]l-Xu-e Il-Wl„ ¥I- ¥]¶l-d-b-d½ #†-ar-br-¥d-Xo. ]- c-¥]¶l-d X-~ 24 a-Wr-|q- bu-[-Ÿy, e-Sr-¥|l-]¶u-Iy, cr-¥|-›-Xo. ]½-ho-Su e-c-bu-¨ a-Ól-cl-W-£r-duG #†-ar tr-Æq- cs-k \-S-~ Xs-b-Xr-|o Ç-XpG D- ¥hly-Pp† I½†-|o? tuG X-„t ¥Pl-dr-¥bl-Su-¨ `-k-W-hl-[-\-Ÿy A-~r-e h-b„-huG I-W-|uG I-œpq-ˆ- ˆo-a„to tl-dr-bu-S Il-br-I-]- cu al-h-Œr-\u-¥f-gG ^-dG ]u-t- I½†-|o A-~l« ]-Œu-a-Wr-|o _l-[p-z-X-buG ‹-Xr-_-Š-X- A-Œr-|u-~-Xr-duG I½†-|u- tuG $G-K½s-guG I-Il-cpG N- cs-k-¥bl-S-Su-|u-¥œly \r-cl- Œu-e-cu-I-buG "-[r-IG Xl-a- Dl-^s-hr-d-Œr 5 a-Wr-|o Xr-cr- buG $-e†-|u-au-›o. h-al-[l-\- al†-|o K-Wp-al-b ]-£u-›o. …l-eu-~-e†-|o e-j-c A-ju-]¶- fl-P-\-I-al-b ‹-I-S-\-al-Wo Il- hr-bl-X-X-~ er-er-[ ¥h-\l- I es-ˆr« ¥]l-Iu-~ h†-|l- Il-d-Œo Iu-t-bl-| Dl-^s- Nu-cu-|-Œr« ¥h-\-br-d I½†- al-br-cr-|uG. D-_o-P-Ås-eo al-ò- ×-e-|u-~-Xo. $-\r-b-£r-duG ]-cr-fs-d-\ ¥I-æ-Ÿ-jr-¥d-|o ¥tl-^s-hu-I-jr-d I½†-|u-al-cu- ho h-a-bG ]l-dr-|l„ I-»r-bu- |o D-¥c-h-a-bG h-\r-I-\uG `- I-br« e-cu-~ ¥Nl-Zp-Ÿ-jl- hv-G ]-cl-P-b-Ÿ-jr«-\r-~o "-b-Àu-I-buG N-…uG. S Nr-ó-al-br-cr-|uG a-\-h·r« a-£r-duG bu-Š-Il-d-ŒuG bu- c-W-Il-cp \r†-e-i-W-Ÿ-jr« W-£r-duG a-\-h·r-cu-Œr a-\-h·r- ]lT-Ÿy