A Rough-and-Tumble ·Business7 j. , ---~--~~~~------~~

. WASHINGTON (AP) - Walter Reuther threw an administrative assistant to Emil Mazey, the UAW's sec· unionists were beaten up by "gaopters" hired by Harry GoWw ...... H. said __ hired by ~._" cIid tho a' "lImear" charge at Senator Goldwater (R.Ariz.) Fri. retary-treasurer. Bennett. then head of the lFord plant police. ~"" but tIW not say whet ~_nt_ GoIdw .. ter .....yecI the picture In questlonin, wlMther "THEY IEAT US up," Reuther laid. ''The poIiee .,y.., ..... picture.ef W.1ter Routhor buti", d* "and ,thtln lectured him on the rough.and·tumple the UAW w•••• eppoM4 .. "lellnee If R.uther , .. Id it wa .. ...-10 wouldn't pr1ltect us ... we had to defend OUJ'IeIves. Sure an4 I'll ...... ef he philosophy of labor warfare. • , HI. volc. ",Ing .... theut, the union I...... r told the W.lter Reuther "'1", ...... ," that was wrong. But bow did we get into that sort or thine!" Mid. Reuther, red· haired preSident of the United Auto ,.n.tor he h.d .. protelt : 'wlMn you try to sme .. r our , union wlMn you get .. n 1.. I .. ted picture." Bennett. Reuther SW0N:, hired "tbobsands of gangsters," Reuther went on to say Bt'nnett had been eliminated . Workers, flared up when Goldwater produced a The outburst ~urred at a hearing oC the Senate Rackets including men just paroled from priaon. Four of them worked (rom the Ford picture by Mrs. Edsel Ford and others in the him over with blackjacks, Reuther continued, and he learned photograph of {oilr men beating another man during the 1941 Committee. whicb Is winding up a probe of the UA W strike f~ily, and "thank God" for that. that one of them had said "There W8S' nothiJIII personal In It. Ford strike at Detroit. against the Kohler Co., Kohler, Wis., plumbing equipment Goldwater listened impassively to the now of words. Mr. Bennett ,ave us that as an assignment." "'. . makers. Then, 81 Reuther appeared to be pausing for breath, be cut c;>ne o{ the (our 'l'as purported to be Jess Ferrazza, now Goldwater's picture, Reuther said. did not reflect that "You're Iookl", at • man wile WII allOt," Routhor toW in with : "I think you're right. Let'. get up ID date." . , . . ------~------~ .

~ FarmI .' • ' P'roducts, S,.ge .S~arp 01 I;nt'rease , Seroing The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City \ '

. Recover Ground Ike Established In 1868 Flv.. Cents a CODY Member 01 As!iOcl8ted Press Ap LeaSed Wire and PhOto ser'lce Iowa c.ty, Jowa. saturday, March 29, 1i$1 Lost Earlier

: I, ~VID A. MARTIN " WASHINGTON (AP) F~r1n 'product prices staged a sharp increase this month and now have regained most of the A ~ sksI, B·ene·fi.tS f or ~ou~d lost during the first ' G. M. Ludwig five years , of the Eisenhower For Repres~ntative administration. ..~. .~ I A. .. . per cent , upturn between I Gov. loveless IS' So ~ I ts ' ~oon -Administration Mitchell Sees. Need Feb. )5 ~tid March 15 was reported Rep~ ' blicans " ,ays ""e ~. ~"I . F I d· H I j , Friday by the Agriculture Depart· • mch,h ' , I 11 '1.HE NIWS came at a time when Nomi'nate Williams Run r' 1 _ , S'" . ~ItA Spending Plan W~!NGT~~?".!'~!?","Im~~"'"_t tIMr .j' .ildmiQ!stration Was being o r " re pace am d need" for uoomploymcnl ben fit wo urg on a crlUcal House corn· pt~ssed by . congressional farm ,r, mitt Friday by Secrt'tary oC Lobor Mltcht'\1. le'a4e(s ·to sign a ~iU countermand· In Pr·lmar·les, MOSCOW (AP) - A Ie dlog Sovie~ scientist said Friday the Approve Mi~hell. openlnq wiln~ s al a Way and Means COmmittee hearlnJ reductions In government Ludw,ig in".prtc~ .. _ G"v. ' Her. SOviet Union is close to scndinga man in a rocket out into cos· on Prcsld nt EI nhOwers pl'opo al Cor temporarily e¥tendlng the dur.. p'r~ • supwrts ordered by Secre· DES MOINES ( P n d F 'd f It'! U • d b 1. tlon or joblt' benefit paym nla. ran into extended queaUonlng by bqth tatj. of' Agriculture Benson. . .apers were Ie f1 ay a ter· schel Loveless and one of the men lUle space an aCK. D moer tic and Republican m mbers. noon nominating G. M . Ludwig, Skeptical Spending " The·. Plr c.nt, rl.. - which Tiffin, lor State Representative on accorded a good chance to oppose Academician Anatoli Blagonravov said over Moscow radio Will Help THE LABOR secrctAry said th.c number oC unemployed reachln, the ~cW4 . ",..IY tempor.ry iIIp' the Republican ticket from the him for re-election next Call. filed the Soviet one· tuge rocket that went about 295 miles in space end oC their benefits is cXlJ('cl d to sbow a sbarp upturn this month. .,; ...... "...,CtiOft f .. cton - I, J h C ' . d h . th h k f th 1 WiLLI...... "RIOG"ST H placed the number at 1~7,OOO in Januarv and 145,000 In Febl'llllY• . , ' ~PKIed" i~then H!e ..crt· Q nson ounty area. nomination papers for the June 2 Feb. 21 pomte t e way. Assertmg at t roc et 0 more an y ...... ,. :1nd said the March figure I ex.rccted 10 t!taL 181,500. For the entire t~". .in; ,.,~_nde~_ that Ludwig is the (ather of SUI phy. prilnary election Friday. 1.5 tOns lan(ied back precisely where scientists planned, Blagonravov WASHINGTON 1M _ An adminl • year. he timat d the total wiU be 2,300.000. ffit prl'c ••u bill be vetoed; slcist George Ludwig who designed Loveless, Iowa's first Democratic said t~at ","ilh addition of a second stage "one can Imaglnc that the traUon plan Cor an $84O-.mllllon MitclMlI ..I~ the "",Ihl,fr'flon', "...r.. m for limited .xten,*, ., ,,: ~Iie , M~/: increase was the the tiny tape recorder Cor the latest governor hi 20 years. was in time IS qUIte near for solution of such a problem as cosmic rught or a 'nd' ed d b ben.flts under eIlI.t!", .t.... .yatem. "will f.u c_ ef .... mater thIrd . cori~ve monthly' advance U.S. satellite. about an hour before Prof. William man in a rocket." 1 spe mg spe up was approve y p.. rt" of the current unemploym.nt probl.m. ~i!~ (':'/1 11\ the. sharpest rise for any Ludwig was elected 'to the State G. Murray, one oC three men seek· ILAGONRAVOV added that if the Americans arl) proud that a Ithe House Appropriations Commit· D('~crlb l n l( th .. !tuatlon as "a matler of national conCClrn" he said: nion~ " slt\ ee Feb\'liiry 1.951. Legislature in 1951 and re-elected ing tIM! Republican nomination, one·stage rocket reached 217 miles altitude. the Soviet Union can be tee Friday, but with an expression "The assistance which these ------,·these Lncreases, along with a In 1953. completed his filing, double proud of Its achievement. o( skeptlcl.m that It would do ver;.- benefits wlll brlng to the Individual few ~ Oih'er smaller ones last yea'r, He said the Papers were Wed by A parade of ,candidates mille.d With three U.S. earth satdlites up, Russia may be planning a sen· h to d the ' and his famlly will. by sustaining .' liel~ ,(0- p(JI~ the farl11" price level friends wh<) urged him to run lor tprough the secretary of state's of· sational new scientific achieve· I mue en recessIOn. purcha Ing power, also a slst h tt~.w~tllIn ' 1.5. per cent .of that pre· the office. He was stili unoppqsed flce throughout the day to beat the ment and Blagonravov's radio Cd. The Democratic·led committee bolstering the economy." $100 Million • val,lnll 'when Mr. Eisenhower took Friday for , the June primaries Jlling deadline. All candidacies commentary may be another hint. 0 no .an also c~iUcized EIBenhower admin· EI"nMwer h ..s propo.. d ..d· ofrICe. · At ,one \tlme su~h prices since no other candidate ~lId fiI~d l,nust be in by 4:30 p,m, Saturday. ••. • I .. Iljltat!on ,farm policies as it votc:d YaMlng fede,.1 f\t""1 to fln .. nce "ere down 10 per' cen,t. , for the office Others who filed during the day The statements FrIday nJght of f3 216 988 S39 for the AJriculture .. SO Plr Cetlt I~c""" In the For American " RIC.' .PAID by farmers for EI t· Today is the deadline for filinl included State Secretary of Agri. P~of .. Anatoli Blagonr~vo~. Soviet ec .ons ~parlm::nt lor the comln, liscal :- ef :t'~ _I'::OY~ ,oods and services used in produc· .. . '1culture Clyde Spry, Secretllry of missile expert who saId fhllht of I a era (eVI y "n· tl~.n ~~ ' in fampy Iivin, increll8ed nommatlon p~pers WIth the Secre- Stale Melyln D. Synborst, State manned rocket appeared "Rulte M . d year. ,ur.. ne. c.utd drlw benefits. 1 per ·t!enHlwn'.;Feb; 15 to Marcb of, State Des Moines. . ' Treaaurer M. L. Abr.al1llmaon, all by W1 l,. 19tH COMMITTI..I fre Thl. would m ••n In .ddltlon.. 1 t~ry ~n ne~ .'~ ,()''It.&~l¢y on ov ".... a~tlops War Claims " 1~ ~d set ' 8, new' recor~ . : < : ,J L1d~g, t~1! ~1l~ ,be~n , I}J. I)~/nd~l)~ Republk'llils «fOf J.\ 11l18Iection. and L. ~an, AP' foreign news anal.-st, • ~ 1 I, " .. . ubject . to ' ~ " ' IIJ1~OV~ ' next 13 r=~ It.= ';;1'" .. ~ . WASHING'roN III .... The Ellen- .: ~~t the much (l'eAter'adva~e In 8E:lli 4'!l9mlJ" ,o1·, By MAX ., I. week: a'mfBena«s a tUm later. . hO_etI Friday reo. ~ ' P~h:es r~elvM by taruners p"ll~ ~i~esb,~~~~? ra:~ '~e:t Ti~~n.yef;\~ ~ ,&ta~ bal1ey J4 ~ pK6l~d> · 1l""vioisly. M~RfiL~N ~p;esel\t:ti~r B;r~8 ·~:~s\ ~lnlatratioll ~I' tak-Jt) , prtces up;lo t1 W~ c~nt. ot Ha bas ·bebP su'perlnlelldcn~ ' Od( ~~Mp_tQn~rl~rr~~ftn: ' e~ · ~l!"sq . I h~j(A~ta I So91t1' hints =.est • OTTAWA ~anadiart , JJC?lIt'1cijl , ~~~ndtn g ~UIl "ould liP' vqi!=e~ r I\lctan~ , ~p em~b~,* tile omm. oded a ,100. mQlIon appro­ & , l.', P8f:1ty,. the . highest -points ' since school~ aPSlihron ; l blltord c.I1d ! Tj{:-pc;rt ,.~f;Ul)li~ · b ''1 1 1 ~(tgr,' ~!¥Ii :R"8~'IS,Clentislll'll1'e ,:,,- 10Jr experts ~re ~riY8te1, lpre(tlctln'g. fIll;Cy to ~ : pljrehS~ 10 suppUe. 110 ernme top aTl fPlerge-ncY'p'rcr. llr\atlon a. help lay oIf tome own· . A'Piji' 1.955: Ie, month earlier prices I' ., J '\11' l· ' ," I' ~ P a •. n. "ll~ral ' svmetbing'/spectacular 10 a . space Isullstantial vlotorYlfor frfrile MtnJf . gram saylhg th~ o/'lce S'tartdf S o!war..enl!d BtrmaD aneta !D. " " ' ) ' ", ";"')y b electlon-ile1t'll ,fal . I·" .. I 1 ',;I,l) OCfU&lweh {hat" 'Sovioo ,politicians Ister John' DUenbalierl COnserva· and CQUIDmtM by lyatlDus Govern· "the "' ver scldom termindfu(l.'I .an ItltI all .\merIcan war I' weI'''' at 83 per cent of PQrity. re . Ludwlg ~rved:o. r!n. tany h . leg~~la; I 'Two worrlen cllndUllilef also liIrn; tltOultl: llSe'in ·.t:be ' ~ld war. ' tlYe pirty in . next , Mo~da"'. , lIge~" .,It 'w_s IJl.flne wl!.b MrTC~Ed: lIire d. that "t"tir .,:lalms againlt G~y and Ja· =, jt.rlfy I, .. ,tlnclanl fer __ u )iU·rmeq. c l tIv~ c?rnmltt~s r. , ng . IS , Irll ed Wf' their' hortlltlalioh papers. RyQn ' noted . that a new ·. 80viet · lillmentary election. JI , It \lflJ/te . HOllie rEl\luest , made tWo tainly we rlln tha~ risk but I tf/ln't DID, ,, \ • ,~ fwm JIriC" decla,," by urlnl tw,o ter,ms, mclu(llng w~ys .' and! TlW;y were Mrs. ElIldRobinson of Sputnik On a grand scale" 'Would I But Liberal Leader Lester 'if. . days ago an4 wu detlkned,.. the think that s.hould be th~ reaSon rift' No prQviBIOil was made In the /..... be f .. lr. .. i ....r. In rei.· means,. ~~hools, and pubhc lands Hampton, who will appose U,S. have enormous propaganda Impact Pearson, winding up six weeks of committee said to "stimulate bUSI. , not doing something now," formula for making a return to flen t...... tfI.t ,.y. and b.uildmgs. . . Rep. H. R, Gross ~f Waterloo for iC it came just before a summit intense campaigning. insists he is ness activity and employment." "I think that by next spring our former owners of Japanese pro- :,Wbilei the' ~ &Jer cent level ·at· H~ IS no.w farm news director .at the Re?ublicat1 nommation for Con· meeting sought by the Russians. I confident 01 winning back control It weuh' al_ clvlll.n a ..nel.. economic situation will be greatly pe~y sei%ed In the United state. ta~ed on March 15 was a consid· radIO station K~C. gress 10 the ard District. a11!l Mrs. - , of the government which the Con...... nd ~n. the remaining 30 ' imprOVed," he said. durmg World War II, erable .d~'n~e, it was . still below ~udwlg • studIeD at Western Edith Johnson of J?es MOines, I· servatives took over jn an uPlM!t day. of ~ ".MfIt fiK .. 1 y•• r , This was taken to meafl that The edminl~.. tIen salll ..... tJae ,' 9t ptW" ~el} ."hicb 'obtained UOlon College, Weslern Reserve who, wants to run, agamst Synhorst election last June. h.. lf of the .pprellimately $1,610,. ,bY the time !.be Eisenhower pro. w •• bee.u.. the .lIlatfnt ct... "'hell t&8dmlhlsl'ation bellan. and SUI. for secretary of s~ate. . They are generally agreed, that __ buciteted for purche.lng gram is due to expire, April I, Benson call~d the jUmp In farm ==,:!' .,. __ anti"" Another cotlgresslonal candIdate the Conservatives will gain enough aupplles.net equipment durint 1959. there would longer be Th d1/C I..... fltlces ~1l1ighly gratifying." no ni "This . upsurge, though parUy Married Students was steven Carter, Leon Demo· seats in the House of Co1TU1lOlla to l .... flK.1 yelr .tertl", July 1. Iany need for it· Mitchell was not th eth° y I ~e~ c -it.:! Be880nal, is evidence ot the under· crat. who will make anoth~r ~id give the 62·year-old Dlefenbater Actually. the eommlttee said, the Implying any belief that the eco- Ise~ed ee::e:. the r:UDt ~ To Meet Tuescl. ay for election from the 4th DI~trlct. an absolute majority. Some a're lagepcles probablr won't be able to I nomic upt~ would be delayed American claims alnst Ger. lying strength of the farm segment of our national economy." he said. _ I He lost by a n'T~\l'l': marllID to even predicting a tremen~ sP.(lnd more than $200 mUllon in Iuntil next spring. bll the re :e 'II true A ..nl';al m.. tlnt of .11 m.r. Rep•. Karl M. LeCompte of COF,J(1 sweep for the ,ConservatiVes. ., ~ ' I¥;'rt th..-'1i{onths! . . " , ~aJ:~ •• e . ~ u Aside rro~ tbC , pru:e report, 811 cue • Uiere were these o\her develop­ rled ~n~ ~Hvl"I \hj 1...,,~ .CIty, ~n ID l~ 4.)us contest" of. . Dierenbaker called for 'the e~· 'I'hA co;;Ji~ 8a~ It acted Bronx Sch091 · It marke4 ~ nrlt time In fJiIa Coral vIII. ..nd· SUI ur.r.ckt mpte s tion In an eflo!,\ to bc'Itster hIli on • ...... tup co:r:versca1 l luue tMt a ments Friday, r ~.rlng upon the ,~! el~titilt . ~~~mt.IY , vt"~ ~r:J:'""v ~uest ' ' hl~y ' ho\Il h" "'"--,, .-leU I :i..... dec ded by II House &nUUlttee r ~ strength in tile HOIISe where tJJe"tl? ... ·""'Y ' ~'''''t B Sf bbed"' I .~ I • • ec;pnomio recession: ' Til.!:::? 'A,.r~i·l·~-;:;;\~.t · " i!\· LeCompte's ravar ."~ ijou~, It· Conservatives hold only 113 ori~e ~au~ of "~ . ~.r'OUS unemploY' 0Y . a " :lnlstraUo ~t ~ 1'1' , Tt1E ., HOf,ISE Appropriations 'Room '~'A 'sChHffe; ' H.. lf· ' ~ seU. however, has 'dot ,ct1acted on '265 seats. The Liberals, wlid had ;mpu~t Mid aUndv,l)~f. !bluintess" situa· NEW '¥ORK ~A 1!ronY· ~1\oJ,J. • The ..:..::~...... ' ,} , , CoD)l'l:\lttec. fl~l!rpv~ a proposal by , • \:h"" con'nst '1 1 , I"" '11 I d f 22 vea.. w I 106 on con ron . '...., COlIn rv. .-. r ' 'tIr.. , _j • ~.ich~rd CI.rk, G, ch.lrm.. " of " "'. .'. I, ' ru e . or f .... s. on on y boy was stabbed ' tJy a f1a5~mlll!: an ' fWmul. w•• - Ie ..... '11 to speed the r ' , ,.. ~he.. ~drrlnrstrf",on liP f ~ M.,ri.d St'l!ient PrlOt.it • '. ' )I; . ,I '" I. I ~a~ In ll¥! last e1(jclion. The So· In .",..1"1 the A.~culture Friday. \JI ' Brooldyn IVIpt~d. · ~n' J ...... (~t.). He fa . • spen4ln~ of $8411' ,nlltion on Govern· GrouR Ex.c",lve Comnil .... " .J I L clabstie COO!llll'ativc Com m 0 n· the earn· h 1& 'd He h d I ·T· I""..' ef the : ...... IuIIcIo J A' "5 ',t ~ '·~ . Q. ~~I .n]Mey, oo be " I .JIlen~ eq'uipment and supplies. ' ... Id "Futu... EII~cutiri'I' C6m: ' . 11 tUa.nr.'-I,yvor", ; " I wealth FccleratJbn.,.lJolds 25 seats! ~1ttM ~'ttiit..ceMml~ .Iump sc d / ~d b ~II c~ 5 Iitiy ."£1""",""1 ~ ...... But the Democrath,·led commit· 't "'~•• ct~ will'" determined' In ·National Exhibit I the Sotial €rcdlt lti and Inc1e . ~ bt, ••.,~ mainly" de· Ipc Th~~ in~idcnts !:"e tb~Wi!t~~~~ h...... I.... I" .... ,.... tec . !lucstioned whether the inoney by the group present .t the maet· ' " .. ,. ., .,' ! pcndents 2. "..... d f.rm Inceme. 'i ' la! in b- N ' propOsal called ror a ,100 , COIfl.d be spent' as rast as planned In,:' " . I -Four SUI art ,studentS are repre.· Pcarson, former f?feign scere· ' 1(' said the 'department has been ~~:s esa~~ r=~i!ls s b~JS. r!'ve n\llIJon ap~ to be adcied a~ ,.w~tllet It would ' go very rar An invitltion to members of th4 ~nted In the N~\lonal PrInt EleN· Itary and .winner Of the 195? Nobel aiming its eflorls toward "urging broken out in Ne! York's ~te- 'to ~,800 . 000 avafiable iJJ accouats to halt ,~he recession. Dor",1tory Adviaory lo.. rd to .. t· bltion at the Pasadena, Calif., Art Peace PrIze, was plunged. Into the farm ramilles to obtain off·farm grated public schoois Both whites of the Offlee of Allen Properlr. THE CDMMITTeE, 'approvlng a tend the mHtlng wu d.clined Museum. contest shortly after takIDg over employment and to move off their d N h.....:. . I cd This rund 'liQUid be used to' pay $3,2l,6,*,531) appropriation to run .. b WI " F L hi.'" W It B b the partv leadership from lhe vcn · .. an egroci ave ~n IDVO v . ff F r Ivay y a tlr . .. W n., The art show opened lVIarcb 7 a er or small farm.. The stabbing victim was l!J.year. 0 : the Agriculture Department in the ee " . . nl:xt fiscal year. rapPed the Eisen· deln of Grldu.t. Coli •••• Clark and will contillue through April 13. Hawkeye Business manager er~~~ t:rUI~~! . ~a~~~~anize the "AS A MATTER of fact it may old Joscph Luciana. slashed on the 1.~~LAI~n:YJ AmerIc.,.:: hower farm policieS. .a~t pUI'JICIM of the ","tin_ la Lynn Schroeder, G, ~avenpor~. I badly shaken party machinery and soon be necessary .to start think· left side during a ,scuffle. :~aclalms :~"e .~f:!ct duro , It" said the : plight of farmers has .. givi the Executiv. Commit- recelv~ a ,~qrcbase prIZe for hl,~ WALTER IARBEE. 1\2, Spirit bolster lis finances have undoubt. Ing In terlna of movmg people back I Hcld on a jUVem.·le dclinquency ing World War n. These Ameri. . worsened un~~r the adminIstration, tea .. n opportunity to pre ..nt ..nd engraving, A Matter. of Time. L.. "., wu .. ppolnted bu.in." ' edly been serious problems for to the . farlnl wbere they c,~n at charge as bis attacker was Dennis cans Include rniJtreated war pria. "11th th 1 d ..· .. ·nt Other students ,and theIr prints ex· m .. nger of the n5' H.. ~.y. Pearson least fInd food and shelter, thc Denbard, 12. The two boys were oner. and ...... who _.Il1..-..0 anll It called for action "to bolster U acun w • m.rr...... s h'b'ted" th _L_ Vi .. a rbook F 'day .... the 8o.rd of' Itt nted ' . D ..... _.- .~ farm income at the market place," the Univeraity's po,ltlon on the I I 10 e B"VW are rgl~a y.. n r'F Some who have followed his, corom ee comme . '. In a sevcnth·grade class ~alklD' pel'lOnal or property darnate. THI ADMINISTRATION'S plan $10 barr.. ckl r.nt Incr.... ,.. ~yers. G:, BoWling Grecn. OhIO. Stud.nt Publlc.tlon.. campaigning clo~ely say bis quiet. It said the econonuc ~hght of 10 a basement !O'mn~lum at I I. FORMIR OWNERI of lOme fot a 50 per cent exte~on of the propo.ed ..ddition .. 1 " rent in- Quercus; Frank Sampson, G, I.rbae, who will betln work -Irestrained speakmg styLe has (all· farmers has worliCned 6UlCC the Henry Hudson JuOJOI' HIgh In the of the German uscta seilied In tbe period In which jobless persons crease .nd" futur. m.rrl.d .fu- Edmore, N,D., "A Ship oC Fools.," next y... r', y•• rbook 1m.".. ed to inspire the huge mass ral· Eisenhower administration took Bronx. Both boys are white. United states up to UO,OIIO. draw unemployment compensation dent hou.ln. conltructlon, CI.rk and ~,ndrew Rus~, "G, St. ~u. di ...ly. , .. id the,. will be ne lies in the way that Dlefenba~er's over, wbile "t~ take oC the mid· In Brooklyn, 13-year-old Howard 2, IIORMllt owners, of property came under critical fire before the ..Id. . Mo., Self POrVJlIt. 1 malor cha/l.. a I""."...... w .. , oratory does. Idleman between the farmer and ValcnUne, a Negro, reporte4 to ~ ,bow ,10,000 and cor· H!lUse Ways and Means Commit· l, Mallrielo Lasanskyl proressor" of tIOf\ or dutle.. . of the _IMII Pearson based fils camPlrip tho consumer has continued to In· \ police during the day that II lellow poratiqos, but on a ,iWO rata bull tee. AT LAST MINUTE art at SUI, received a purclilrse ....,.rtment. , . : primarily oh what lie called the crease and the consumer has re- Studcdt, also a Negro, slapped his only if a balance is len over .r Some members expressed the OAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. IA'I - prize ror his prIQt il ~I!I'he , Vi8ion ~ ?~ .pr.ln... ,..lniutlon ... . ~t. failure oC thc CfJaxltynlh more than what we 'pay now. press , boxes will seduce many Slants". "elmer's philosophies" and ' chase two of these dwellings frolT) a hole in the ground for three But if we ' can allJust to tin boxes sportSWriters and public ' reJaUgns Rob rt Mezey-as well as the 9,500,' the canning factory. or wherever weeks. It was not tob corpfor~aple why should ' We pay $33 more for men to champion Randy Duncan's student rea Mrs who would ~l\tHer I they're sold. . but you get used to it. But why ~rick boxes? The niceties would be throwing arm. Say, by th(! way ... criticize than create-should ·scek But I like my tin box ctkay. I've would hun~reds or stu~~nts and . )lice. but not essential to the learn- But I mean to offer a construe. not literal'Y but political adequacy , adjusted to it. I've adjusted even their wives be wiJ1ing .to live iii ing. ·1 I • tive idea. One' admini&trator lIt is of this justificat\i)n. But in joininl though the wind whistles' through these crummv places? Why V/ouJd I understand 'wJ\y. the Univevsity difCicult to remember his name - With the faculty and ad(ninistration ." / I there are so many) claims there is in wishing to promote a more per, II '. a pubic relations problem between leet univcrsity community. student lhe UniverSity and the married stu. government offers its old oliche, .' dents. lf this is true. I am willing "Gavello donatio, circumire para· I ." What ~hey : Are:' ilJolng to help solve the problem. What tusl" THE FIRESIDE CLUB will meet topic. "Religious Music Across the "The True Story oline Civil War:' I'm doing. I'm now extending an' Bill Teter, L3, D•• Mol".., Student Body Pre.ldent at 5:30 p.m. for a cost supper. Atl Ce~turies" at 6 p.m. Sunday in the R.W.F. Skating Party will be invitation to President and Mrs. Hancher to spend one night with us EDITOR'S NOTE: As 'near II 7 p.m. Dr. Daniel Stone. M.D .. will M~m ~ounge o( Wesley House. Wednesday. Students meet at the in our our barracks. The date may speak on the topic "The Ameri'l This Will be preced~d by a cost Center at 7 p.m. to go to the rink. we c:an translate, the la51 c:lic:he ,,' supper and fellowship hour at 5 be of their choosing. I feel co· means, "Have gavel, will tr.· c.an Abroad. Dr. Sto~e .h~s had p.m. The Wesley chorus will pre. LUTHERAN STUDENTS ASSO. operation and communication of veil" £t.rst hand. experien.ce m thiS area sent a Palm Sunday Cantata "Thy CIATION _ The cost supper will this kind would iron out the rent dispute. President Hancher would smce he IS a ~atIve of England King Cometh" at 7:30 in the Meth- begir, at 5 p.m .at the 'student cen. Readers .re In:vlte. t. ex,,, •••,1,,­ and came to thiS country ?nJy. a odist Church. The public is cordial. ter. Mr. Jamps Carr. Wartburg be able to judge from his own I.ns In I.Ue.. to the Editor. All experience whether or not a rent I.tters mUll Inolude han4 ... rlll ...1,· few mdnt~s ago. The combma~lOn Iy invited to attend this special Theological Seminary, Dubuque, na tures and addrellea whlcb wllJ hi of the. top~c and s~aker promises Lenten presentation. will be the speaker at the Palm hike is justified. printed - type,.,rltton .Ir •• t_, •••r. ~ fascmatmg even mg for all. Sunday Vesper Service .• Fral1k Harper, G hot aee.eptable. Leiters bec.orne the 136 Templin Park pr.pert, .f Tbe D.lly lo .... n. Tile ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH - Oally (owan reserve. tb. rl,ll~ t. ! borten, select representlUl'e leUen NEWMAN CLUB - Saturday -I The Junior and $enior Choirs will WESTMINSTER FELLOWSHIP 'When m.an)' on the •• me • • bJeet are Jowa Regional Meeting. Registra- present an Easter Cantata on Palm - The' graduate group at West· TO THE EDITOR: received, or wUbbol, lellerl. Oonbl­ I accept your challenge to an· butou are limited to Dol more tllas tion. 1 p.m. al Catholic Student ! Sunday at 4 p.m. The cantata i minster Fellowship will meet at two letters 1. an,. 3()~d .. , per ••'. , Center; ~anq~et at Amana about I bllsed on I the hymn "Chri~t Jes\I$ 4 p.m. on S~hday aftel!noon to dis· swer for The Daily Iowan readers Opinion. 4!xprlft.sed do not. neces.... n' J the Question which you posed. ttpre!ent lb ••• of Tbe Dall, 10wID. '. 5: 30 p,m,; Darea at Stl#dcnt Cen ILYI In Death·s Strong Barict~1l and ,/IUSS and cOlllJlare the particular ter following Banquet. was written by Richard Weinhorst. emphaslli' l ana '..characteristics· or .. 'What is the justification for , Stu· Sunday .- Coffee hour following'1 Pro[tssor o( Music, Valpariso Uni· the various denominations which 10 a.m. Mass and Executive Coun· versi,ty, Valpariso, Indi\ll1a. have been" under consideration cil Meeling at 11 a.m.; Benedic'l -- ' during the 'past several weeks .. lI.'he General Notices tion. 5:45 p.m.; Suppcr. 6 p.m. ; BA"TIST STUDENTS-will meetl di ~cu Sian will bC'Jed by Rev. Jer. Ceneral Notice. must be rnelveJdents. "st"Ct. faculty. . 'I d'U) 1 Tile lley.. Jerome J. Leli •• , ,I. .. visors furne ast year, often give an C)ffici~' la;'b}flck . ye, , v~n ~herl .,.ancellsU ... 1 ~er.l,pe, '1 • . ID~ I Course which will begin Tuesday', . . .. I I II U"lve"U :OJ Palt.r ,'I' , ! i , 1\ I" theii wouses and their families Aprjl '8. This is a voluhteer, ;hon • . Dtlnton m()de his request to a legislatiVe he 1 offers ~is "side ot the piCt4re," .Or'lille 9,:30 f,th\.e\91' "dull Bible CI ••• J., sr, JAfojPf~~:~B:YTljRIAN' on the second ' and fourth Wed. BETHANY BAPTIST dHUaCR 9:st: '(')IIU., ••A,. Cbu ..h Scb." ",&I, , d ch . credit. laboratory-type course " I comm(s~ior' 'Be found an ally in Sen. William Hodge\ for exqmpJ~"wW; , g.i.v~. ,~W:rx rlHPR\:~ .• a Sl,. '" rul,h ""•• ,()\~ .1 8,:80 .... 11:" a.mi, C.lb ••". Q.f' ~.,- I' sunsel' St. "'Dd M'oIl ON A"e. I lies ays of ea month. Recreation· UDlfled Morllln& Worsbl, I.,...Service, .,61 whiCh will be in session lor a II Lyons b -Gil\espie), whol complained, I"T e he ••,,.. .I ,I 1~ l!D~~.,.Il)' · ~~lrbfo I'll al swimming and family-type actio 1'( ~rli'>1 tq tell hls side;' fju~1l hadwon,Il: ' A~d ll 1 1,,\' J '! I I I,' .. ,:so '.n. 11:00 •.m., Sil ....,. CIl_rell , Paul E. Park·t, ?dlolot.r I n't:- -''''l '- .. Uable from 7'15 period of £ive weeks. Classes 'will 1 mom en~ r an elected official makes one hon t hi en eI is a ~od exam pJe , of, tIle JJA. Com",onl~n~ ~. .. I IO'1ljI a.m. Ch_r.h "cb.. Srd Grade Tuesday. Thursday and Friday, JMrIMDtST 4:01 PI.m. Gr.dll.t~ ~t".ae~fbls~Ql5toD ~nl v.air ",' r'. ~ ~t , ~I "j~ 'I' -- CRU~H L Classes will be held at the 1130. ,I Dunton wanted some kind of law to"guara wro until a court lJUcH' them gtJilty. Jf.lI4J,w.~lu 1 '·1 II.', I " .8 '-!1l' BlWe Slud,. " -. 101 • .," ~doers &11 8. Oner .. or .t. 3: 30 and 4:30 hours . StudentS Mr •. C. R. MeD ....I •. 1'.1t., • 4:" P,I/I. JUIII.r.Blrb CfDl!. .JI 1 '!i~." .. t.:O() .'m. ');1\10 St ..~ 11 n PARKINu - The Cll11verslty park- who­ officials from newspapers ,,,,ho give them • I '(I' a M~ny wrQrlgdoers \~r; n r t?e rOl~ht , to Devotional, ~ ".... ~.. s , .... "SStaden' 'Sapper ' \red!!. ~ : 30 ¢tI '.ID. staH or student 1.0. Card. The Palm Sunday Servl •• 1:~& •. m.. Spe.k.r ",,l. p•• I.r 1 tlOO '.m, tiorDIDr \\ publp I \ Sea Gull" - University Theatre. ' .1 tllat "this is an injury to which duty require$ ree prl!'ss IS more t an a t leorctiCi\ asset. . 9:4~ a.m. S.nh, Soloo.l. ':15 ~ BlIII. ·Slu", .....1It tor all . 6-11 ' p.m. Fam!'t Nlrhl ' FOR THE EASTER RECESS 8·12 p.m. - Atlantis Inler·DorlD ' Q T ' 11:80 a.m .• Wo"hl, S~r.i •• .,... ,t , ~ , ~ ~ *' , 'r,~ tdn~"e·)'1 I~' ,I p,m ., Junior Choir Thursday. April 3 -7:30 a.m. to everyone .to stlbmit whom the public think - ChIcago !.jun- 1mes Sermon: "Tby )(1", Comelh~ ., IU:4G WoUhl, 6e'''"e ' Praet ce . Dance - Main Lounge of Jowa 6 p.m. F,C.Y.F ••1IP'''', •••• eeU8, S.rmo.: "Approath'I".. "'a.lt~ "uriday, 7:st p.m.• O,.n ~1I11.IIlII.n 12 :00 Midnight Memorial Union - Ralph Martiere . 6:46 p.m. Chair reb.ar ..., ':GO ..... y ..1II F.U ....bl. S.rvlce • Friday. April 4 - 7:30 a.m. to 7::It p.m, Evnl .. , Seri'l .. 7:30 Jl,m. ~•• U 1I1b. fjl.a, .' Sat.rd.y. _:SO p.m. Easter Err Hunl playing - Tickets available at $2 Serm.n: "Tbe Slolle W.loh Ihe B.lld· 12:00 Midnight. 8:00 r='.Ser ...... , EnDlelisUe at dormitory o(flces. en ReJed~cI" A Billboard Alley 7:311 aI. W.d ...... P: h •• ID, BI_I, TIUNj.,y EPIS'COPAL 'CRV.Oll Saturday. April 5 - 7:30 a.m. to Sund• .,. M.rch 31 • • Sto ... .r.,.r Servl... 11%' E, OOlle,e 8t . 5 p.m. 8 p.m, - Iowa Mountaineers on groups probably will defeat such legislation in FlRST BAPTIST CHURCR n, ...... J. B. , ...... Mounting pressure to step up work Hlrtb CUnl ... a.. d F.lreblld 8to. HILLIL FOUNDATIO'" 8 :00 • . m. Holy Communi •• - Ble .. I., Sunday. April 6 - CLOSED. Film·Lecture Nfcol Smith the new interstate highway system as an an • many states. Rey. O. Thoma. Fait.r.... , Minister In Ellt M.rket 81. ., Pl\lml Monday. April 7 - 7:30 a.m. to M.,lo. V.. D,... MI ...ter .1 JI•• I. Frt.", S.bbalb S.r.le.: W:st , ... S:4~ '.m. Breakf ..t "Europ 's Toy Countries" - Mac' , Sanda, Chuprh 80'001, ':81 •. m. S.el.U.lor: .:It 9:1~ '.m. Church Sob.ol Na ..ery. recession measure makes imperative the ne Ontdoor advertiSing firms and organized I1111 •• : .:" bride Auditorium. IO:f~ •. m. AII· ...IIII1' ",.ulolp •• ",,1 ••• Blbl. D.... ,Fa .. lly Service for federal legislation to regulate billboards labor are chief opponents of~ legislation .­ Sermon: "The Klnr .n a Coil" S."r'.' mor.i., •• r.I.... It:!It " 11 :00 Mornlnr Pra,er Mond.y, March 31 !I:110 p.m. R.W.F. 11.111 a ..... Evenlnr Prayer 4:10 p.m. - College of Medicine along tllese highways. federal or state. They argue it would llolaw­ 6:30 p.m. B,pU8' Y.utb Fenl,... bl, DaUy ~:U ,.m. E.enlD, Pr.,er. WSUI Schedule JEHOVAR'" WlTHIIIII 1101, Comnu,nien, Mon., and Tue. 9 : ~ Rockwood Memorial Lccture - Dr. At present, the Federal Government pro­ fully depdve citizens and property owners of '1111 H SI. a.m., Wed .• 1: 10 a.m ., Thu,., 1):941 a.m .• WSUI - IOW/\ CITY 91ft k/o Charles H. Sawyer. UCLA. Dept. of F1Jt8T CHUROR lunda" 3 p.m. HMaterJ.Ulm Crowd. . 7 :~ & p .m., 8at., . 9:30 · ••. m .. Sahrda". Mlrch 29, I!J~ a Iegitimate property rig h t f or wh at is pri- 011 CBRIST 8CIENTIST 8:00 Mornlnl Chapel Anatomy - "Some Interactions be· poses to finance 90 per cent of the cost of the O.~ 1'11. Ro.1 hYI" Good Frld.y S.nlce - 12 noon -. 8 8,15 News Saud., .t. 4 ,.m., Walcbt.",er 8t.', p.lft. "Seven I.. as' Words" twecn the Nervous System and the interstate highway system, which will cover marily an aesthetic purpose and add that bill- SC~~I.Eit:~OI~~:,~ Tuesda" " p.m., Book Study "Puttln, 8:30 Family Album . b f' . t S ...d .. , 8c .. I.~. II •.m. 9:00 b oar d seanIn 50 ,000 )0 s or SIgn pam ers. Lellon lI.rmon: "lIe.llly" V. A Har" Flrlol .'er Tbo F.llh" Challen,e Pituitary·Gonad Axis" - Medical 41 ,000 miles when completed. Frld.,., 7' .... rbe.crall. MI .. llof7 ST. MABY'S CRUROll 10:00 Recital HoU Amphilheatre. This is an excel1ent example of specious Wedn.lda, Teltlmo:., Me.U." ...... Sobe.1 le",,,oo ,ad LI •• BII. 10 :30 Cue Under a plan recently submitted by Sen. .:It ...... S ...I .. MIOtla, . 81. a.v. C. H. Mel.bor" Putor ]2:00 Rhythm Rnmble • 8 p.m. - Graduate EnllUsh S0- argumentation - a self-interest mot~vated ra- , FlBST CH.ISTJAI'f CRl1acll IUD", ••••4., ••.ID ., 7:91 •.ID., ••••.• J2:30 News Richard Neuberger (Dem., Ore.) - and re­ • 10:11 ...... 11:841 '.IIl. ]2:45 One Man'. OpInion ciety. Pcntacrest Room. Studellt tionalization. It seems apparent that the Tb, ~e •. 2~~ 0';' J:~~Ilt.!~ir., Pu"r ' .IH~J~~!.C~.v. o, 1:00 Edllorlal Poee nlon. Richard Schechner, "TIle jected by Congress-the Federal Government . I :15 A Year Aeo This Week Principle reason OutdooJ'l advertising. firms 8&IIJ A. Smltb, MI.I.ler ,f 1 ....11.. Tile a.". VlrrO Bre.'a"&I\. r .."r I IT. PATBICK'S CRUaOll 1 :30 Showca." Turn or the Screw: An Excurs\oJl would give each slate that agrees to regulate • 9:U a.m. Wonbl.. p...... "Tba lIroke .. - Ia .. d., 'ohool H.. r.• : 411 •.•• .. ft4 E. e.. ", Ie. 4:00 Tea Time Special oppose legislation is that It would cu.t off a no., he.rte. Heal.... , M.r.ln .. WI"III,. 10141' ''''; . ..1, Da", •• ,~. 7...... t: .. ,.. 5:30 New. into Chaos." Publie Invited. billboards along the system an additional ~ of \ r- J&:~ ••m . "o"lIlp ·'Se •• n L.lt Wor', Serm.n: "If Cbrl., II.~ ...1 ...... Lo. M...... ':SO. ':'5. 11 •••• II, 5:45 Sportstime Tund.y, April I tentially fecund source of revenue:,., )magine of Cbrill" - D.bol. - pr •••• t.. .. ," . ". \~ . 111.11 "". "l~ I .m. 6:00 Dlnn.r Hour 1 per cent of the cost of construction in the by cbaroh cbolr. UOaOANJZ", CIlUIWB OP 1111111 01 ....". J. 7:30 p.m. - Hancher PubliC I t h em put~ing t hese signs as a bI Ie serv-,' 3·~ ,.m. Op ... Hou~. - P... ona,. CllRI.T 0-" ~ILTnR DAY .AJN1!1 Pllr.o" o·a.luJ. P•• ", 6:55 New! lip pu . 7:00 Opera PM Speaking Contest - Senate C¥ID' " state. The proposal would also have aUowesj 'ce _ at .no Profl't? 1.:00 p.m. ChrllU.n "oatb '.110 ....1, "-llferen.e •••• 1 . I , Betr.,' 01 C.mp b.rdln.1 rlal V.I.. ZION LUTRE:Jl40H CRuaCll 8:4& News and 5portJ "w...... 10,!lO ber. Old Capitol. signs up t~ 500 square inches and subject the ot against self.)·nterest or profl'ts II p.m. DI •• I,I.. SI ••••I t.II•• illl. at.llar. C. I.t"rb.r., MI...... ' JolI ...1I an' BI.o ..In, ... S'" SIGN OrF We are n Prorram "Dol Cut hpper . '1": Ob.reb 11 .....1 a'1te RI\'. A.. C. pr •• bl...... r 8 p.m. - Civic Music Assocj .. bonus ti> yearly congreSSional appropriatiOfl . • M..... y. M.rtll 31. 10111 per se - but some a~ities are SOcially un- f·~'S. . S~~~~JI.~·';::'~:S·;.II~::~~; I It: ::;::. ~.;'~~l W.,.bl, !';!~I\n'I~:r~~~~.' .~ii"·a~:'~ 11,., •.• 8tOO Morn In, Chapel tion. Oberlin College Choir - MIC' The proposal was very weak, inadequate 8:1& New, bride Auditorium. ~ desirable, as has been decided ill the case of ~,~----~-..:.-..:...:-----~....,.-..:....-:------8:30 Recent American Hlltory to keep the interstate system from becoming · 1 d ff ..... t...1)Qlly Iowan IDAILW, - lOW,.,. ·.DftOIlJ.u.. ~.." &p.m .•'ol'\ Monday. from' "rn .. to. 9:15 The Bookohell 8:30 p,m. - Mr. Donald JUllice pornograp hie iterature, rug tra ic, etc. ....'IE" . ' p.m ., TuelCl.,. Ihroil.h Friday .nd fl'om 9:45 Mornln, Fealure and Mr. Donald Finkel read., a "billboard alley." We agree with Robert ------., Editor ., ...... , ...... Tom Slattef7 7 to '::It a.m., on !$alurd.),. "'~k ..1OOd 10:00 C ommerce in t1 leSe items h as b een b anned M~'" ....., ...... Don MI\cbllU .ervlce on mllsed papers II nol possIble. New. poetry - Miss Barbara Melad ' Moses, head of New York's park and park­ 10:1& Kitchen Concert 011 other than grounds of economic feasibility. • AU:':M:J:uu ~~st.nl:oCli;·Ed·li~·:·. ~:~~~J".;:~~ ~~~I :~~~~I ~1~11h~II~e~; ~~~ to e.r· 11:00 (t'S Fun 10 51nll singln, - Shambaugh Auditorium. way systems, who told the committee: "111ere ·h b I 0.. Assls"n\ CU~ EcIltor .. Tom Powell IU 11 :1& Kitchen Conce,'t W I II :45 Th e Church 81 Work Friday, April 4 e are not suggesting t ese are com para Ie. ' CJ.OULATIOHS New; Eclilor ...... Jim Davie, 12:00 Rhythm Rombl es is only one sure way to prevent the new inter­ W r th t'f td dr' BoclelF EdItor ...... J.ne Hubl, MEMBER of the ASSOCIATED nESS 12:30 News 8 p.m. - AWS Rellona1 COlI' e are sugges mg a 1 all oor a ver ISIng Pulill .... ed d.ll3' except Sunda, and SWrtl' IcUtor .\.1 ...... Allin HOlklnl The Asooclaled P ...... I. entitled ex- v ntlon - President Virlll Hall' , stiKe highway system from becoming a bill­ , a bl'ght 0 M the Nat • bo 0 t MOllda~ and lelal hoUda~a ,by Stu- Editorial P ... &dltor .. Iuunn. For.. clUllveJy to Ihe use 'llf repubUc:atlon J2 :45 Know Your Children IS I nor lire ssm, so 0 del1t Publication •. Inc .. Communlc.- Chief Photolrapher .. Don Hanenlorlh of.U Ih. loeal n''''1 printed In thiI 1:00 MOltly Muolc cher, speaker - Senate Chamber, board alley and that is by means of controls 1:55 News speak, we have ample social 'J'ustification ,for 9 C.nter. Jowa City. Jow •. En- RevllW Board Chairman ... , ... ,...... ~.p.per •• w,U - .U AP n.,.. 2:00 World of Story Old Capitol. I ...econd cia .. m.tter ae the ...... 1, ...... , Robert Mele, dlspatehel. • est~blished by federal legislation." bannincr it. oW)!e .1 Iowa City. under the 2:15 Lei's Turn 8 Poge S.tvrdlY, A,,11 S . a. act ,of Conlre .. 01 M.rch 2. 1118. D ~ DAIL" IOWAN .up.avI.oa. '.0.. 2:30 Mu.le A~precl8llon 11 a.m . ...1 Department of PI,· nqther plan has been suggested by the And few people <;an contend that bill- ' ~. ___ AJL~ lOW,\)( ADn.TlIING ITAn 8cll00L OF lOU&NALII .. PACULTY 3:20 Mostly Mu.lo 3:55 News chiatry Lecture - Dr. Howali ~ . II I' I h h D' [41'1 ~~:rtt!1~ M~:·: . }!~n ~~::'; Publilher ...... ; John M. Harrl"," ~ :O O Chlldren's Hour Administration. This plan would reduce fed­ bo ard s are aesth etica y p easmg - a t oug ~. from noon Co mldn\fht to Cltilllfled M.na•• f ,. Jack Powln Edltorl.l ., .... Arlhw M., lland,non Rome, Mayo Clinic - "Mytbt" ' th th iiiport new. leem.. women'. PD.' P II M 'I 0'" AdverUw...... •. Jolin Kol1mall 4:80 Tea Time eral funds by 5 per cent to states which do b 1 d Tbe 5:30 Newl Magic and Medicine" - Clauroom. SOme may e ess 0 lOllS an 0 ers. ltema. or annol\llc:emenu to romo on anarer ...... m r... C'-- I U WlIb ..... _. 5:45 Sporl.Ume \ not re~ulate i outdoor advertiSing along the C t hh th I t Oally Iow.n. Editorial offlc:el are ""u" on ..... ,.. ur r._1OD Psychopathic Hospital. ongress may nO f.ve ano er c lance 0 III . the Communlc.Uonl Canter. DA1L~ lOW,\)( CIa017LATlOW I T.w.T.... IIOAaD or ITUD."'1 8:(1(\ Dinner Hour 8:~& New. TII.. d.y, AprU • sydem. ; This '5 more logical than the defun~ against billboar'!. menacei theS\ltlerlPtlOn r.... _ br c.rriet In ...... '!J!. .tauJ. Dr, 0.0 1:00 P.ycholo~lc .. l Frontlera ~eglslat6 t~ I~ ~rejJa~ ~ " e'*:!i!,~~~:':trJl' Da~ 8:00 Concert PM 4:30 p,m, - University Facultt ' Sdtate plan. But even this would be shov~ . 1Il,ter$~ate highway system is -to ' complement 'Iowa eny. ~ cenu •••lll)' J'!...t~o ~'}'-'. f .... JIIICD&Il . ~. ~ H. !.!}~fj!.!onl. AI: 'l'bIHu.!.~ 9;00 Trh) C()uncil - Senate Chamber, OW ~ A . ' , . ~ . d ~ De ··cr"ur .iIl ••v llJ1Ce' 11K i1'~ '. . t UamU1Or?': Prol. Rulli ~ . ,45 New. I,'d SPOI tl - 'off on the statFs what the Federd Covern­ 10 ,00 ~J(JN OP'F • Capitol. ". , m.n~ sh,PuJd do, for if the states must decfc,le I I '·,'1.. · :. K.m. (I'M) ICliIDULIl 'I.~ .. ,. fl · to 7:30 p.m. - Triln,le ~ rt ' jn~e:l~~~~e~~e . ~'~~~~='~:ig);,~~ L~,:,,'1 ~:~~~F~~'-:'-~'l'-::aq " . '~H&" : ' m. =~4.vs.: · ~Tin~ d:OO · g:OO F·•• lure work will ~e Picnic Supper _ Trlanlle C~ , u wltther pr not to pressUile esGjondf action must be strong and nnt1tJve; . .• ie per ...... i . i:;r. ItA "rlur !tubenltel" 1>"no Colt. control billbOards, gr w R.¥IUOI~l ,e.:rr~ ~~ Id~_ OW". ~: w...... Y .' r- - U.101 UIftII 1DCiIItba, ...... I~IW, 1'IIII8M w. Mo&aJ, IA...... •... -. . ..•. .. _ f8rt ..' Rooml, Iowa Memorial lJ.nlOll. •.. J ... - -' THE DAILY IOWAN-I_, City. low.-$at., March 29. ltsa-P..,. 3 2 Teams on Highway 6 Iowa City Will Oberlin Choir in Midwest ~rt Des Moines Police C~~ose Year's Con~ert TlJesday Exhibits Show Get Unique Forger Civil Servant The Oberlin College Choir will a barilone soloist. In addition to l Faculty Work present a concert to the Iowa City the choir he directs the Oberlin • DES tOINES \II - Police dis· Iowa City's civil servant oC the Civic Music Associatlon Tuesday, Musical Union, the Chapel Choir, l Six members ot the sur art Cac. closed Friday a uniqu method year will be selected Crom among April 1 at 8 p.m. in Macbride and the choir of the Fir t Church in ulty are represented in Midwest. they said bas beoen used to fleece four candidates April 23 at a Fed· Auditorium. Oberlin. ern art . e~ibitions during March about 25 Des 10ines m rchan eral Service banquet. The performance is open only 40 and April. th 'th C" "us'c member He received his earl" training at out 01 aboul $1.500 by lorgery oC The four in the running for civil ose WI IVIC!U I· J A painting by Miriam Burke. in. servant of the year are: Lester J. ship cards. Membership in the the Eastman chool of Music lit structor at University High School, checks. Parizek. postal service; Miss Mar· Civic Music Association cosls sur the Univer ity of Rochester. Foun· has been purchased by Friends in The disclo ure came with lht> ion Dunn, chief nurse at Veterans students $4 and can be obtained lain bas directed groups at Mount Art, an art group at Kansas State relurn of Cleo; land Parker, Jr.• 33. Administration Hospital; William until noon today in the lobby of the Union College in Alliance. Ohio and College,laMaltan. It wa shown ot Hartford, Conn. H Wll$ arr >ted Dunlap, chief of the laundry servo Hotel Jefferson' The Ohio college choir consists Ohio State University at Columbus. Iin the Kansa State College Exhi· there at the requ t oC Des ice at VA Hospital; and L. E. lom!!s polic • Hunn, chief of special servives. of 52 members selected Crom the He haS been al Oberlin since ma. bilion which closed Is twit. Oberlin College oC Arts and The scheduled program include ~ther SUI f~culty member and Detective William Marohn They were picked for their records I of community service, leadership, Sciences and the Oberlin Observa· Haec Dies by Paleslrina. Cruci. their art medium repre nted .in tory of Music. Each spring the [ixus by LoW. Ascendit Deus by the show are Humbert AlbriI!0' :I Ralph dman Harry owa State Highway job performance and self·improve­ ment. choir makes an extensive concert Gallus Rilarller and 'Tis Finish- professor, culpture: Stuart Edie, Commission study pillns for the c:hanges to be made on Highway 6 . .• toUT. The last time the group ed by Shaw.Parker. Magdelena and prof~ssor, "Corns'1illui and Mel· -Dlily Iowan Photo by Gloria H,nsen. A citizens committee headed by Louis Loria, mayor of Iowa City ; toured the Midwest was in 19M. Llebeslieder Waltzes by Brahms ons, oil palnUng; Jame Lechay, Kenneth Green, advertising man· The choir was founded in J~ as Cantata o. ]50, Lord, To Th by prof~ $Or, "~ls.h Black and Red," Iage r of the Iowa City Press·Citl· the Oberlin A Cappella ChoIr by Bach ; Herr, Wie Lange by Schu· caselD-oll ~alntlDg: and B?,ro.n B~r . zen; and Robert Stevenson, presi­ OlaC C. Christiansen. During the mann Babylon by mhaud, Fe ti· ford. a soclate professor. Still Lite dent of the Chamber of Commcrce; school year the choir sings al val Te Deum by Britten, and AI· PainUng." Burford' painting has College Vespers, Oberlin Festival leluia by Berger. been recomm nded for purchase. will make thc sclectlon. , The naming ot tile civil servant of Contemporary Music and oc· Thc Iowa City Civic Mu ic As· SUI art! ls captured four of is part of the program being con· casionally in other Ohio communi· sociation has engaged Ule F tlval seven honorable mention honors at ------_._--..,.----_..... _------ducted in observance of the 75th lies. It has made appearances on Quartet as one oC four musical at· . lh Fifth ei nnial Exhibition which anniversary oC the Federal Civil radio and televi Ion . traction for th 1958-59 season. opcnl-d at Joslyn Museum in Oms. phi Rho Sigma Servicc Act. Walter J. Barrow, The choir is directed by Robert This is the first contemporary all· ha Thursday and will continue City Record local postmaster, is chairman of Fountain. The director is the as· star quartet to dedicate itse\( to through Monday, April 28. Chooses OHicers sociate professor oC voice at the performing piano quarlet litera- The honorable mcntion award r. the federal service committee for John Ever m n, 12, Burlington, b. Oberlin Conservatory of Music and ture. arc l/1 highest honors at the ex. II. selection of the civil servant oC the 13 th newly el ct d pre d nt of t. year. hibition. nd r. the Phi Rho igma, men's medical , r. Faculty m mber receiving hon· rt. rral rnlty. f:n Leadership \Training School orable mention in the Omaha show •• Krause Will Give are Albrlzio. "Mask," culplure; Other omc r in tude: Norm n 610 \, Lechay. "Pier and Boat Forms," Th d • Paper at So~ial painting: Mauricio Lasan kyo pro· Chooses 'Individualism~ Theme fe or, "Nacimiento n Cardiel," Science Meeting print, and Burford, "Music Played "Responsible (ndividualism" will i group. diver ity among leaders and Wailer Krause, SUI professor of tor Personal Enjoyment," paintint economics will deliver a paper on be the thcmc of the Leadership the bii~ic question, "What is a two young engin ..rs do some c:on5truc:tion work the subjeot "Private Investment Training School conducted Cor leader?" own.-a~f(y (owan Photo by Brad Bathey. and Foreign Aid" April 4 and 5 to Iowa's top high school studcnlli Other event oC UI· first Old SU' n' the Southwest Social SCience Con· during Old Gold Days at sur April Gold Days will inclVde a "preview 'J lem6 Cerence.Krause. who is attending tbe an· 25-26. , . oC campu,!! life" provided by dis· "======::::;::::====~I.___ Skyway Motel Sign nua1 meeting in Dallas, said the Ernest Rickett. A4 , Fullertop, plays and exhibits In the Univer· PARACJoiUTE CL B m!!eling 'to ('tthr "pl•• • I ••• Cali£" in charge or the leaders~lp sity'S ten colleges. opportunities 5ch duled COr today hn been po. t· Reported Damaged p..uted, paper was a technical analysis oC school's program, said today that fOf visiting high school tudents to d A II d t '11 ,,_ TO ITt to ~ the subject. pone. no ler a e WI II\: an· The ncon tulx's of the Skyway He is a specialist in foreign eco. Iowa principals have been /IS ked get first·hand Informatlon aboul nounced later. - 8 D -t to designate students to attend the acad mie and financial require· Mot I sign. located acro. River· JIMMY ADAMS ORCHESTRA PINNED: ff I h . D It t R b t nomics. serving several years with to Blu s, A p a XI e a, 0 0 er school on the basis of scholastic menls ot unIversity life, and sev. id Dran' trom th sur Hydrau· In' 1 I ff the U.S. State Department princi. GRADUATE ENGLtSH SOCIETY Mary Malloy, N2, Des Moines, Griffith, Counci Bus. records. activities and leadership eral "extra-currieljlar" events Cor lies Laboratory, were re~rll!d bro­ THE OOWNBEATS to Kappa Kappa Gamma. to Doug Carolyn Wagner, NI. Elgin. Ill. , pally in Asia. displayed in high school. relaxation. including a campus va. will hQld its fir t m eling Monday Whitehead, A4, Washington, Phi at 8 p.m. In the Pentacrest Room ken, Iowa City police said ~riday. Alpha Xi Delta, to Chuck Warren, Robert F. Ray, director oC the riety show, walpr show and dance. of the Iowa Memorial Union. Rich· SATURDAY SPECIAL to '"~ Kappa Psi. Pollc aid that probably om· G, Iowa City, Phi Kappa Psi. McLeod Cautions SUI Institute of Public Affairs will A sludent board und r the chair. ard Soh chner. G, Orange, N. J .. one walking along Rive id Drive Student Rates SOc Melvene Weld, N2, Clarion, Delta Ann Heberling, A4, Rock Island, b be keynote speaker (or the school, manship of Tom Jolas. L3, Red will fead an original paper, enUli d st ~ Zeta, to Dean Duitschev, Iowa bad thrown a handful of pcbbl[ or I with 10 Card Ill., Kappa Kappa Gamma, to Ireland A out U.S. which will get under way at 9 a.m. Oak, has planned the Old Gold "Th Turn of the Screw: An Ex· rocks t the eleclric . len. No pro· Sta~e College, A2, Clarion, Kappa Richard Curry, Evanston, Ill. d April 26. His talk will be followed Days program to help answer ques. Sigma. eursion Into Chaos." The mecting Chris Carstensen, A2. Schaller, E ucation System by a panel discussion between lions now facing hieh schQol sen. is open 10 th publlc. perly damage estimate wa gi"en. ::~~=;:::======~ Sandra Sorrells, A3, Muskogee, Delta Zeta, to Rolf Christopherson, three SlJI undcrgradua\.(l studrn!;! iors who are about 10 graduate and Okla. , Chi 9mega, to Rex Davis, A2, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. LI~ERICK, Ireland IA'I - Scott _ Sandra Swengel, A4. Muscatane; enro.1I in a college or \Jniversity. TOWN MEN AND TOWN W00 Oskaloosa. ' Loree ~iskup, A3, Cedar Rapids, McLeod, U.S. ambassador to Ire· Sandra LeVill8oll .' A4. 1.1a$on City, Every Iowa high scllOoi has beon MEN will hold a card party In th (4d Q'.-l·j ~ Jo ; I}nn Howell, A2. Downers Alpha Delta Pi, to Larry Feller, land, advised the Irish Thursday and Edward Mezvinsky, A2, Ames invited to send its oulstnnding sen· Sun Porch of the Iowa Memorial ... • .. ·m IN.'."" Grove, Ill., Alpha Xi Delta, 10 Paul A3, Clinton,Btlta Theta Pi. to stay In 'Ireland Ipstejld of emi· _ and throe graduate. st~dend; : iors 10 th cvent. Jola ~ said. Union Monday at 7 p.m. TH! HAHlrST SHOW IN TOWN' R. raimer, A2, Savanna, Ill., Delta II grating to the United . Stales. Alarl Hausman. Des Moines; Sam --' -'-- - --~ - ---.-- --... A SOL C. SIEGEL Plodudion' slI.nn, UP!!ilon. • "Irelanq ha~ a great future," the McSeveney, Brooklyn, N. Y., 'aDd DOORS O'EN EVERYDAY DANNY UAYE Shad ,Evans, 112, Glenwood, Del· Captured Cuban Rebels Cormer Iowan said in an informal. Don Kirschn r Cll/cago III ' I THIS A- TTRACT10N 1\ in . ta Delta Del~a, to Charles McMan· N Y k S ' talk to Irish school chlldl'en. "i,. (" , ., J ~ JlNDR~W" igal, AI, Glenwood, Sigma Chi. From ew or tage Ilhe energies of citizens are directed T~e stu4M~ · panel wll! , QiS<;)JISt,h , 12'.00 _ NOON 'M RRU Lltlda HaUgren. A2, Dallas, Tex., S 'k . J'I .. ,. such aspects of leadershIp as . c , I Hunger tn e m al to lmprovmg Ireland, I,flStead ot difCerences whlch' the lcadcr must PIER ANGELI. BACCALONI. NOEL PURCRL . ROBE.RT COOTE Alpha Della Pi, to Ted Davies, C4, countries lake ~he United Slalcs b d to 'accept and work NOW "ENDS CouncillBluffs, Alpha fJ"au Omega. BRO~N~VlLLE, Tex. 1M - A. through emigration." ~ prepare . MONDAY" wlrft PAT/UClA CUTTS Judy Sayre, A2"Sl01lX City, Al· band of Cuba~ rebels frol]'! New The former Slato Dcpar~ment se· With amth°~g tlle . ";le!nl~rs dOC ~h~s "SPECIAL NOW! "OVER THE WEDNESDAY CIHEMASCOM:' MElROt'.QI.OR I pha ·,chi Omega, '10 Walt Barbee, tuf d York, cap l1 in tho Gll/[ o[ Mex- curity chief told the parents e pr:-ssures 0 - ENGAGEMENT" WEEK.END" A2, Spirit Lake, . Delta Ch,i. ico ncar herc Tburspay, continued should be glad their children WerQti'h {ormltygrou~, somctunes exerCised\I~ar by; a .--______--( r-.-;----..:.:..;::.-:;.;~;;.;.;;;....--, ii~~:.-:~;~~~~~~~;~~~~~:~~;~• Ruth' Willman, AI, Rodne'. to a hunger strike jn the county jwl being educated jn Ireland, "away 1 • Prl,., This AHractlon , j Jerry Saylor, A2, Waterloo, Delta Friday. rrom the so-called 'progressive' ed· Pi Tau' Sigma 2-Shows Daily WN:.Day LATE [~" NOW 1 /1 , Chi. Arnoldo G. Barron, who identi- ucation at present sweeping Amer "MATINEE " MltlnNs .til 5:30 _ 7Sc: SHOW, , ENDS Brena Persellin, Al , Fargo, N.D., fied himself as the leader of the ica, where children are taught to Elects OHicers ~~s s~~~ ~ ~~ • TONITE ,. TUESDAY Sigma Delta Tau, to Michael Roon­ 36-man group. said his men have be poised and well·adjOsted but • - Nites-AII OilY SundllY _ toe: ______ey, Uni versity of North Dakota, not eaten anything since a light are not taught to write or to spell Robert Workhoven, E4. Sioux EVENINGS • S 0 R K TIC ANN 0 T ts E t1 t: L 0 0 V E R A'l., Fargo, N. ~ " Sigma Alpba Ep- snackare protesting Wednesday. what heHe c"lledsaid theyU.S. properiy." City. is the recent Iy electc d presl· Show000"s StartsO.,.n 6:307:30 Chlld,enAnytlme-2Sc: ACADEMY AWARD WINNER silon. ' ,. ., dent of the Pi Tau Sigma. honor· _ : .: • ~HAINEO: aid to President Batista of Cuba. DG Luncheon ary fraternity Cor Mechanical and Mltinees. Week DIY' _ 6Oc: 6:1S.':!It-"FEATURE ':10" Gloria Asarch, A2, Des Moines, County ofCicials conFirmed the Industrl'ai Engineers. Ni S d 7S for the best acting men had taken nothing but water T B S d tes· un lIy - c: SEE WHY EVERYONE Joanne Woodward - Sigma Della Tau, to James Cohen, since they were jailed. Dep. Sher· Other officers are: Ken Roberts, Children - 25c " Des Moines, Alpha Epsilon Pi. 0 e atur oy , SAYS IT'S GREAT! ca. ifJ F. H. Deven said, "I think they Dclt!\.Gamma social sorority will E4, Storm Lake, vice·prcsidcnt; WORln'S GREATEST NOVEl Sybil Norton, A2, Spencer, Delta wili come around . Thcy just think hold i£s annual Founder's Day Maurice Marblc, E4, Davenport, Dclta Delta, to Terry Loeschen, A2, they've bcen ~eprived of Ulcir lunchcon beginning at 1 p.m.-Satur. recording secretary; James Jew- NOW ON THE SCREEN! Spenccl', Phi Delta Theta. rights." day at the Mayflower. ctt. E4, Dubuque, corresponding _ colo, bV Jan KYJX'r, A3, Ottumwa, Della The 36·man group and the four The pledges wlll .prcscnt a" skit secretary; Cecil Fretwcll, E4, Kco: TECHNtCOLOR _ Della Delta, to James Erland, Ot· crewmen of the boat Orion were depicting the history of Tau and kuk, {rcasurer: Alfred Decker, lH, ~~~~~~ tumwa, Iowa Slate College, Sigma capturcd about five mile from a meeting will follow the luncheon. Marshalltown. historifn. AIIDDIY Phi Epsilon. shore before daylight. Officials At the meeting, scholarship awards ------, IW n Katie Harris, A3, Willon Junc­ tioN, Alpha Delta Pi, to Ben Black· said lhe boat was loac.'led with arms will be g.iven to seve,aI giris in IHurry LAST BIG DAYII ffi~~~ ff~~ I and ammunition. The !'(len sai~ the soronty. I stock, A2, Kankokec, lli., Beta they were. on their way to join Cfu· The whole active chapter will HfNRY 'Mfl Thela Pi. ban rebel (orccs. attend the luncheon and alumnae 'I1Ie Ittoeest true expemce a 10111' tiT! ill love ever lived! • Oa/'oloe BarKer. A3, Kirkwood, from the local group also may at· • CM ,,_ .. ItCII CAllI.! ~ Mo ., Alplla Della Pi, 10 Ron Dren· GAS RATES SUSPENDED tcnd. nan, C4, Moline, IiI., Sigma Nu. .TSOMERY ClIFT WASHlNG'fON IN! - The Powcr WATCH HI!" ... ENGAGED: Commission Friday suspended two BLUES COMPOSER DIES EUlABETH WI i. Ihe tight drs Carolyn Robson, A4' Sioux Falls, proposed rate increases totaling NEW YORK (,f) - W. C. Handy, with t.e .oJdit!' S. D. , Alpha Deita Pi, to Chad $370.800 annually by Cities Service 84, composer of the immortal "St. EVA MARI£ SAINT in the ~n joint ... Hoyme, UniverSity of South Dako· Oil Co., Bartlesville, Okla., on nat· Louis lJlues," died Friday. He was ito II WATCH He·" ... ta, G, Sioux Falls, S. D., Sigma ural gas sold to Northern Natural the man who shaped the rhytbm U ...... ialltt motel Alpha Epsilon. Gas Co ., Omaha. A hearing will be of the Negro race into Amerlca's -.ith her oC CUi...... II.IIS emu TlWI Sandra Petrus, A3, Council ordered later. syncopated tempO the blues. _...... III~IDII COUN ... " hu band.., -AND- III MIlD~- • Iff _ WATCH Nowl ht Iowa Cltv Showing ,,,.. ~ flCllltIC:OlOIIe etuJlnlnr Test Sound 'Waye .Cleaning HENRY FONDA . astolindinr " , JOANNE ANTHONY PERKINS ht la. City WOODWARD . . in tltt s~~~~~ ("d gri t.j ~ Showing 1II000t Of Den'fal"Instruments ' Here THE TIN STAR TORRID ROMANCEI palMIlIVE PASSIONI ONE OF ~natiOllll Research on a new, faster meth· useCu l for many specialized me· Dr. Goodale explained that reo !\ . THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LOVE STORIES EVER FILMEDI stlH"aklnr r, Pftfonnance od of cleaning dental instruments chanical cleaning processes in in­ search is continuing at SUI on )IS· which should revolutionize work dustry. l"'!] :J t (.] I or our or ,tllultion I lhe dentist and hi~ assistants in The ultrasonic method does away Ing the ultrasonic method to ster· I~:-~-~~-~_~_~~_~_~~_~_~~ preparing for patients was report· with the need to take instruments ilize insU-uments Ima~e them 1 --,--- ed Friday by Dr. W. C. Goodale, apart for cleaning, Dr. Goodale reo germ-free) as well as to clean them SUI Assistant ProCessor oC Pedo· ported, so that the time spent In mechanlcally. The SUI dental pro· , NOWt ,lEnds Monday' dontlcS . handling instruments is cut sharp­ fessor has already Cound the meth· VARSITY Dr. Goodale spoke at the 36th ly. Nor does the new method reo od eCCective in kUling some bac· gelleral meeting of the Internation· quire brushing clean of any parti teria. al ASSOCiation for Dental Research of instruments. EfCectiveness of ultrasonic ener· In Detroit. Sound waves at a frequency of gy in eliminating these bacteria Tolling of the eff clive ness or 20,000 per second were used in the was due to the ability of the sound high frequency souna waves in SUI research. (Sound waves of waves to blast the microorganisms PLeAse ... It mechanical cleaning ot dental in· from the instruments Into the solu· from_== this lrequency arc above the range NO ON. HATa struments used in tho SUI dentai heard by the human ear). tion, where they could be readily ON~ TH8 UN8ATlONAL 8IHMND. .... --..,..~~ clinic, Dr. Goodale said that 64 per The tiny sound waVcs passing attacked by a bacteriocidal agent cent wero microscopically clean lhrouAh the water·detergent solu· added to the water. The sound .iOANNE WOODWARD·DAVID WAYNE·I»: J. OOBB after one minute of exposure to lion strike against the sub·mlcrl· waves also broke down bacterial M-G·M presents Van and that French Blonde ultrasonic energy In a wal:l;lidetcr· scopic nuclei present In all liquids, clumps so that the solution came gent solution hoated to 130 degrees causing them Lo "collapse" Inward in direct contact with each mi· ~ll._ . MARTIE CAROl ·am LBI Fahre"helt. . for a fraction o( a second, thus crobe, Dr'. Goodale explained. ACTION OF THE TIGER, An additional 24.5 per cent wero creallng "cavitation" or millions Research underway now in the clean at the end oC five minutea. of tiny vacuums In the liquid. SUI Department of Pedodontics The SUI project made usc of ul· It Is Ihe terrific pulling power of wID check the efficicncy of the trasonIc energy for the first time tliese vacuums whleh attacks the ultralOlllc cleanina method melim· In eicanlll8 dental Instruments. Dr. edges of soil on the Instruments, Ina""" C!ther repreaentatlye micro· GoOdale "borrowed" the new meth· acting like a miOlon tiny VIIC\lum organisms in an effort. to determine SAYONA~ WITH MARLON BlANDO od tfrom Industry. adapllnl It for cleaners, worklnl Into the smallest the ~xtent to which tbe metIJod I, PEYTON PLACE -WITH LANA TURNER U66 in the ' ~nlal oCClee. Ultra· crevice,. which could not be reach· dependable (or complete B~rWza· IOniCI already have been found ed by q10st other cleaning meU10ds. tlon of lDit.rumenta. . FAREWELL TO, ARMS • MORE TO COME '.

Pllgo 4-THE DAilY IOWAN-Iowa CitV, Iowa-Sat., March 2', ma Mororis Wins J I. a p I Roberts Falls I'J Hurring Upset; IBe Set 'T0 Cooperate' u B, In 1st R,ound' d AI.n Ho.kln, Hawks in 5th BULLETIN ir 'I > • tc In Boxing Investigation LARAMIE, Wyo. ~ - The de, 'A Sports of Sorts feat of national 147-pound . cilllln, p NEW YORK 1M - The Internation~1 Boxing Club said Friday it had pion Simon Roberts of Iowa blah­ Boxing got a shot in the arm last As OSU beads been subpoenaed as a witness arid will cooperate with Disl. Atty . Frank lighted first round action in , the ' v, Tuseday night from the Carmen (.fI - NCAA wrestling tournament fri­ ANN ARBOR, Mich. Iowa's S. Hogan in his investigation o( professional boxing. . ir Basilio-Sugar Ray Robinson mid­ Gary Morris raced to a victory in • Harry Markson, managing director of the [BC, released a stiltemt;nt day. The Hawkeyes were In a ' n: dleweight title fight in Chicago but the SO-yard freestyle Friday night · ---- to the press to explain the club's fourth place tie with Wyoming with the sport may not get the chance to beat out Fred Westphal of Wis- position in the 'current probe. 7 points. 1 at taking advantage of it. L S Iowa State tQok a narrow leaa in ni consin by an eyelash in the NCAA opez ays Hog.n's oHice announced pn Ii by team scoring with 13 points. Olda. Th. bout, won Robinson, Swimming championsbips here: Thursday that Markson had been I b. was heIdi In the Chicago Stadium The race was so close that both ' ordered to appear Monday before hom a State was second with 11 and , c. 1957 team champion Oklahoma w,s and drew & paid crowd of about were timed at :22.4. SOX Will WI"n the grand jury' investigating box. 18,000. Although it didn't break In tho 200-yard backatrok., ing. He was ordered to bring the third with 9. Tho .tt.ndance record set by the Dave Pomberton of Northwest.rn IBC's records from Jan. I, 1956, Summaries include: 128: pound. - first round - Larry Tony Zal.·Rbcky Grali.no fight beat out Lincoln Hurring of Iowa. G M' Flag "n 7'958 to elate: Markson ."plainod that Moser , Iowa. won by Ioriell over Sal In 1947, the bout wal rominilc.nt Pomberton capturod tho .vent in ory orris I I the lubpoena was addr.sud to Archuleta, Colorad.o. 1110 nd - prelimInarIes of standing·room-only fights of 2:08.0. Ho outstrok.d Hurring by Wins 50-Yard Freestyle. the IBC and not to him personal. Kelly. poIowa .. . pinned Joe Dewey,-In ,- by-gone days. throo.tenths of a second. TAMPA, Fla. (A'! - Optimistic Ally. _ . ham Younc. 5:24. Flrst round - Ca n MOJlno, ConleH, deels/oned Jy. The 18,000 got their money's Ohio State, a 10-time former Lopez is convinced his pitch-rich Hogan has subpoenaed more lowals Rifle Champs Iowa. 4-1 . la7 P6undJ - Ilrst round - Gone worth . . The bout went 15 rounds, champion scoring most of its I I but bit-hungry Chicago White Sox than a dozen other boxing figures, C I H Luttre.lI, rowa. declsloned. Lee Grubbs. with Robinson regaining the title points in diving and the 400.yard a TO el S S will denate the New York Yankee including welterweights Virgil THE IOWA RIFLE TEAM, which recently captured the NRA Sec. Southen, JIIJnols, 6-2. on a split decision. freestyle relay, moved into a slen- , bubble and go on to the club's first Akins of St. Louis and Isaac Lo- tional Meef, proudly displayed the trophils it won in the ml.t. Toam 147 p .. nd. - flMlt round - Earl flag in 40 years. • g t f C b H . members (left to right, kneeling) James Herteen, John Wolford, Dave Den ring. Oregon. declsloned SImon It doesn't appear boxing will get der one-point lead over defending 1 I ar 0 u a, manager ymle Robert., Iowa, <1-0. ~ Bradbury and Captain Dick Maurer displayed the Rock Island Arsa· 1 ~7 pnnd - prellmlnBrles - n a chance to play'up the successful champion Michigan in the meet. Ta k e S WI de "I became convinced we'd win Wallman, and IBe matchmaker Lump.. , Colorado pinned Tom Half d, fight, however, as new develop- .The meet winds up today wben the pennant this year after we Billy Brown for appearances be- na,1 Trophy, while M/Sgt. Glenn Thompson, coach of the victorious Iowa. 3:24. Hawkeyes, displayed the Freeland Trophy. The fifth member of the 167" pound. - tlrst round - JIoy ments have been brought up which six final events will be decided. Skate Le·ad acquired pitchers Early Wvnn for the grand jury. MInter. Mankato, dedsloned Bob may result in a terrific setback for The last session will be nationally and Ray Moore in trades last Armod with a slllN:h warrant, team was Thomas Carson. RIehm, lawn. 4-3. the game. , televised (CBS) at 3 p.m: September," the Sox lTlanager Hogan's detectives Thursday Team stan. dings aft.r Friday's MINNEAPOLIS ,n _ Carol said. "I've seen nothing this seized a memorandum , book, 16 RD· ~ Thl NlW York District Attor- 1Ir' , Hi h fI d activitlos: H . h h' d f spring to change my mind.." bulky folders, and other papers angers, etro.' BREMERS~"""""~ ~""I~' nov so Ice as con seate sav· Ohio State 43, Michigan 42, Yale elss,. oney- alfe queen C It was suggested that lhe White from Wallman ·at his fur firm's M t W· T Sf ~"""""~ "..",,,... , eral books of the Internatlon.1 30, Michigan State 28, Iowa 18, Iworld figure skating, overwhelmed Sox might have stripped them' offices. . I l : us.n 0 ay ~ . "'. I Boxing Club and it appears a Southern Methodist 11, Ulinois 10, four outmatched rivals in the com- selves of power when they gave up In an affidavit asking for the In NHl PI II ~ I tri.1 concerning possiblo fight Oklahoma 9, Northwestern 7, In- "ulsory skatin. g "'riday and made M'mme . "i~ , moso' an d Larry Do by, warrant, assistant D.A. John Bo- .oyo S ~ briberies is certain. diana 5, Harvard 5, Wisconsit! 5, herPO~ second national' title all but their leading run producers, to ac- •noni said tha~ Wallman was a By The Associated Press ~ The ' investigation started earlier California ~oly 4, Miami Wla.) 4, official. quire more pitching. ;'[ront' mlln" for Frankie carbo' j The script in tj1e Stanley Cup ~. A w. this month when Virgil Akins beat North Carohna 4, Brown 3, ,Utah .1, ' , "Power? What power?" Lopez J3ononi said, Carbo was "an under- semi-Cinlils Friday called for ~ . t ~ Isaac Logart, although Logart was Obio University 3, Allegheny 3, The sllarkling l8·year·old blood scoffed. "How can you lose some- ~over manager of professional backs-to-Ihe-wall stands by the ~ • nnouncemen ~ favored . ' Stanford 2 Conn ecticut Z and Cor- from Ozone 'paJ'k, N·Y., etched ' thing you haven't got? Our home pri~e fighters thl'ough various Detroit Red Wings a. nd New York ~ ~ Boxjng'~ popularity has been de- nell~. ' , the i"tricate school skating pat- run leaders l~s t year were Doby front men." _ Rangers as the National Hockey ~ ~ e1ining over the past few years, The Buckeyes piled up 43 points terns ' so' skillfully . that all five and, Jim Ri~e.ra, with 14; each. Leag~e playgffs shJfted Lo di ffer- ~ Be sure to see Mr. Norman Shatter ~ and will really hit the skids if as Don Harper picked up a dou-I judges marked her first in each You re not glvmg away an awful Ce' It.·cs vs. Hawks cnt Sites. . ~ ~ proof of bribery is uncovered. ble-divini victory and the Ohio of the six figures - giving her ~ lot o[ power when you give up The Red Wmgs we~e two game ~ Jr. and Jim ' Williams of Bremers ~ And just when it had its chance relay team sped to victory in rec- clean sweep. 14 home runs. I NBA PI ff down .to the champIOn Montreal ~ for a comeback when Robinson and ords equalling Lime. lIer margin over her nearest "And Billy Goodman, whom we n ay!, s CanadlCns as Iher left Montreal, • h f h' ~ , Mich''''an, I.d by Tony Tuh. competitior, teammate Carol Wa.l- got for Doby, will hit for a better ST LOUIS'" H . th where ~hey 1119a"~en t won a playoff ~ weanng t e newest summer as 10ns ~ Basilio gave people what they . ," . k .. th Al S 'th . In, - ere IS e game since ..... wanted last Tuesday. nIck s ,.corcl.sma~hlng 200.yard e, was a masslv~ 72 po.mts, .98~ avera~e an mi. ' our new schedule for the first four games The Rangers broke eve,n with ~ a Tl e ltd S rt C H ~ * * * b~tt.rly, had 42. points. Yale .was to. 910.6. The semor l.adles fl~ld , left fielder, but ~I hit as ~any of the National Basketball Assn . Ithe Boston Bruins in two New ~ n ~ wp01 e pO ars our- ~ CARL CAIN, the former Iowa third with 30 POlnt~ and Michigan shU has the ~ree skatmg ~omll1g b?m~ rUlls as Mm~so . BeSides, (itle playoffs between Boston and York games and that put it up ~ Spring Spectacular _ on KC RC-TV ~ basketball ace, is up to bis old State in fourth With 2~. up Satur~ay ~Ight, but skating ex- 'pltchm~ and defense IS what counts ~t. Louis. Times are all eastern I to the New Yorkers Lo win on ~ ~ 'i tl tricks as he has led his Ft. Leon- Harper became the meet's first perts said thiS would only sen'e m Comiskey Park. standard 1' foreign 'ce The e . d uf h u1 h · IIJ ard Wood team into the National dual victory ~h.en h~ claimed the I to increase Miss Heiss' lead. ,!~ere's no do~bt pitchi,ng is the Saturd~y at Boston, 2:30, nalion- the best~of-~cven s~ri~samwf~ be ~ from 9 to 10 p. m. t is SU1 ay, Marc e AAU semifinals in Denver, Colo. three-meter dIVIng. title. He won I Miss Heiss, a chatty, nO.pound sl\imest weapon m. Lopez arsenaL I ally televised; Sunday at Boston, played in Boston because a circus ~ ~ Ft. Leonard Wood pulled tho the one·meter sprmgboard event New York University freshman Wynn (.14-17), ~cqulre.d from Cleve- 3" p·m.; Wednesday at St. Louis, is taking over Madison Square ~ 30 on channel 9. f surprise of the tournament III it Thu~sday .. . . with the announced goal of :win- la.nd, Joins Billy Pler~e (20-12 ), ~;30 p.m.; April 5 at St. Louis , <;iarden. • I ~ t I upset Wichita'S· co-Inorites, 48- Dick KI1Vbllll o( Michigan, a ning . the 1960 Olympics, turned Dick Donovan (16-6), Jim Wilson 9 :~ O p.m. : 'Phe third NoVo! ' ork-,Boston ~ I C 45, in th.. qu.rJerlin.' , round. a ~ . , , Wichita tied the, Phillips Oilers runnerup 111 each. runaway from t e moment Fri· the startll1g rotation. Bill Fischer lh ~e ~ames ~Ql be set la~e~ if 'Saturdf\Y 'night. ' 'PhI} Cbrladieos ~"~ BREMERS '. for the National Indultrial Bu. , O~io S~ate'.. 4OO-yard f"lIe-Hyl" . ~rl!'s J firs~ _ figure had belln com; (7·8) a~~ , maybe Barry, Latll1an ~~Fde.d,/ in \he . ~est-Qf-~1. ye~ )Se\,ies ~~d *ed Wings ' will P11 et III ~ ,, ~"~ ,. ~etbllll league titl •. " I rolay telam tl'~ yal"~ ~~t.,rec- iI?\e~,d. I", I. I I (\-21 wlll , get sppt. assignments. \().~ tlie W?~I~ tid~ . 't • III II piitrolt apd Bostq ' • r. J I • • 1.~ .. .. .- Cain scored two baskets and l ord , o~ ~' :~3.1, " .. "i I Heli coach," Fierre Brunet, said ¥oor~ ( n-~3),acqUired frorp ~al-I~:;;;;;_';_;;'';'';;;;;i;oi*;' ___.;' __ ~;';_;'~~~_;;;;i;;~~iii!i_~ ____~iiiiii!i'"iii~~~~iiiiiii_iiiiili~''-'.

stole a pass in the last 18 seconds TilSbl1b<;}c ?rQItIl fli1 t,he . ~xlsh,llg ber , p~rlbrm:m\!n .was a match for ~!~ore, .wIIl. head the bullpen, , f to give the sol- \eSords ~u( oJlEl .b1. .9pl-d1rle11ng ,de- her skating in IParis last month, which :V1~1 LDclude Gerry staley diers the win. The {eodlng tlthst Tim Jecko of Yale when she won her thin}1 straight (5;P, pIxie. Howell,. \6-5.l, Pau,~ La-, fo rmer Hawkeye in the 200-yard butterfly. The crew- world title. Palme 11-4 ) and maybe Don Ru- star scored 12 cut Wolverine, who surprised by dolph, up from Indianapolis. • points, " failing. t. qUlllify fo , ~he ~OO-fll d ., . Speed, defense and maneuver- 10 ,Playing wit h 11idividuaJ medley, was finied PeHI1; hinl(s New York ability are' the next bi¢gest guns ' Cain are K. C. 2\04.2. H was the lastest col}elti- in Lopez' plan of attack. UP. Jones, San Fran- ate time tor the race. ' To HGlve NI; Club Soon . "We stole more than 100 bases cisco All-Ameri· Only AAU star Bill Yorzyk of last year," he said. "We should ft ca; Phil and' Paul New Haven, Conn., has gone fast- JACKSONVILLE, Fla. !A'I - Lott steal more this year. Jim Lan- Judson, (or mer 11- er. He set lhe American standard Perini, head of Ule Milwaukee dis, in center, adds speed lind !inois ~tars; and in 2:03.8. There is no listed world Braves club, believes defen... If he hits .270, he'll . Ed Crenshaw, of CAIN record. New York will have a National help a lot. I've got guys who clln Quincy, Ill., College. The five went Yale's Rog.r Anderlon upset League team again in the near play severlll positions - Good- all the way in an ironman effort f.vorod Dick Hanl.y of Michigan future. man, Bubba Phillips, Rivera, ' t~ against Wichita. by an ,yelash In the 22l1-y.rd And he fcels that the National Tito Francana and Sam Esposi· I ti It's II good bet Cain did moro frustylo. League club and the American to. That will give us more man. , I thlln his share of reboundi",. Frank Modine oC 's New York Yankees will euverability. . eVI Noither of the Judson twins nor won the 100-yard breastst,roke in both play in one modern park with How will Chicago get runs? Lo- : He Jones .re too big, thus tho re· 1:05.2. ample parking facilities. pez figures Ron Jackson, who bat- I thl bounding dutios w.nt to Cain Jecko, also was dethroned in the Perini said he believed a new ted .310 at Indianapolis, will pro- f ( and Cronshaw. They must h.ve 200-yard individual medley. Joe park would be built at New York vide tbe missing long ball. Al ad­ ~ to r didl a protty good job, consider· Hunsaker of IHinois scored a sur- and that t1le Yankees would alter- mitted the 6-7 rookie first baseman • WE ing Wichita had two men 6-10 prise victory in 2:09.6. Jecko fin- nate witn a club was the key to the club's search An or better, plus ,evlFal other for· ished third behind Sy Hopkins of on playing dates. ' for power. m.r oUf$tanding college start. Michigan. "iiiiiiii h If Cain can continue his flfle ~ N .. play, there.' s an excellent chance TI • he'll make the U.S. team which 01 will tour in Europe and Russia. Dream 'l Mile w Twelve men will be selected from ( the tqurney. in It'i a good bet the winning Shaping Up pia team wi,ll place five or six men , - Til< on the squad, with the others be­ Iill' '- of ing picked from the rest of the In Califo,rnia I • teams. So Cain is certain to make Bol the trip should Ft. Leonard Wood MELBQURNE, Australia !A'I - A I chi win, although they're heavy under· new dr~\n mile is shaping up for dogs. But Carl could easily be the California tra~k meets this The lower Finkbine'Course is open, .' p. selected to play on the squad. spring. th Inclctontally, Wichita eorlilr Young Herb Elliott of Au.tra· q~ defeated Iowa's roprlsantatlve Ii., the freshest sub·four minute TI in the tourney, S.nitary Dairy of sanution, confirmed .he will cam· fr' Codar Rapids, 107"'9. S.nltary palgn In tho United St.tes and I and Iowa Book & Supply Coo has all the p~ h.d thru former Iowa State listed two alml: po .t.rl, John Crawford, Lyle 1. A meeting with Ron Delany, 1 Fr.hm, .nd Don Medsker, play. the Olympic 1,500 meter champion for ing. who has won 24 consecutive- mile for eigl Makes Ft. Leonard Wood, with races Indoors. equipry1~nt you could wish one three former Big Ten stars, look 2. A performance bettering the pretty good in comparison with the listed world record of 3:58, held by .. 2 Big Eight. another Australian, John Landy. "Dolany doHnltely will not be Bil BIRDIE* TEBBETTS, * *'cinciMati cIocItlllfl ma," said Elliott, th. J Redleg manager, is advocatine f ....st ltaan over to run the milo ha' tossing out the present waiver rule' undor ftur mlnu.... "I hact • in which would milan trades cQuld be JIhono cIII from ' Ron ., .oon as Inti made bet~een clubs in the two mel I got homo from file AllltraU ... }J leagu~s at any time. championship. In Brisbane.. Urfdor tho p .....nt w.iver rule, Slri "He wllJlted to know what events in an tho te.m" In tho leaguo mu •• I'll running in so he could en­ Will •• on • pl.yer before he c.n be C ter the same ones." BANLON SIIIRTS. They stay in shape. These , " ~ be traclod to • te.'m In tho other r and le.,ue.· T.... tts propos.I _uld Elliott said the stretch.running luxury-.knit shirts of R"-NLON are light, com- The allow inter.tradlng .t any time, Iri~hman from Villanova also told will •• lon, as It'l before tho June hi 1'\1 In their trans-Pacific telephone fortable, a pleasure to' wear-won't bag, will keep conversation: 15 tra~e de.dllne, their sh~pe. Tebbetts feels the move would "If '" got totother I think • add interest to the game, and IItW mile rocord will ,0 up .nd $10.95 • more people would follow teams I .'t, mind IcImi"lng you'vo tot tn .'Jour our in the opposite league in hopes me worried " - nee~ their favorite club might pick up Elliott, who h~. throo tub·four .,.... 111."•• )'ou can't afforCl not tol • someone from the other league. minute mil .. to hi' credit, ..Id C Undenrably, it would have some he probabl, would lo.vo Sycinoy / whc benefits. For Instance, Detroit M.y 5 with Merv Lincoln, .noth· the Deeds a first baseman, while the er four-mlnute miler, and EIIl· WOI Redlegs have three - Geor,e ott'. ,.., 'trey Ctrutty. Clc' Crowe, Steve Bilko, and ' Dee Elliott said he planned to com­ lle I ,Fondy. The two teams could pro- pete in thil California Relays at the l;Iably arran,e 41 deal, but at the Modesto evep\ May 31, the Comp­ ••s preaent time, National ~,ue ton Rela~8 June 7 and too National In ' decl ~ro~' ~o~'t Wf!\:e Qn, lIllY of. ~ AAU Cb8mplpo~lp8 at , l$aAeri' »Zl, \ fIeld. ' Calif" June 111E DAILY IOWAN-I_. City. Mo/~a 'eptel Blames U.S. ~ivil1g for (l)lympic; Failure By DICK LYNES Iletes perCorlll on gymnastics ap-Ithe exception of Russta, a strong II In order to do it, the physical edu-I substantial ~t of bar could rican Turner societies ha,-en't I into their 30' or ev n '. In Ial ng with the Turner' . It is now Staff Writer paratus," HolzaepCel said. inferiority complcx, he said. cation instructor would have to made but this generally i&n't done grown as f~ t as they should or IAmerica a man, basking in an arm nine ar old_ Thi clinic has been Iowa's gymnastics coach, Norm· "Then too, they' don't come out " We hllve heaped foreign aid on keep in top physical condition. and once more w are back at the could, sald the coach_ chair sod ty, Is an "old timer" by followed each year by other uch l. an Holzaepfel, cites America's to ee an athlete perform his best; them. given Ulcm mon ~ y, and sent I which they don't. R:lrely do you l:lck of initiative_" merica loses :l lot o( potential the time he's 30. and restricts hi clini ponsored b)- colleg and philosophy of armchair Hving as a subconsciously they want to see our excess crops to them. mllch see a footb:lll coach lining up with "There used to be a great many Olympic m:lterial because "coil ge ath! tic ability to geUing up and univ r itie partlCipatlng in gym- r.e3son for lhe UnIted States' fail -I' that athlete slip and fall and hurt like a big brother. For. this reason his players and running demonstra' l gymnastic societies in America in America is the last point of a down in his easy chair_ IJllI tic. ure to place on gymnastics during himsell. It's much like stock car they have begun to feel weak and ' tion plays alongside them. WeU, before the first world war. They person's formal education. A per- "The Russian 8th! te. as \Ii U as The Big Ten Conlerenee has thIs the 1956 Olympics. racing: a fan may go out to see inferior. They can be " inferior" that's wha t a gymnastics coach . were called Turvereins. named Ison's athletic career generally ends all European athl Ie. starts hi ason installed official Olympic '-he United States placed second who wins but he also is disappoint· ! only so long before thel' feel they would have to do. l( he can't do it. after the

Larry '!r Sal

" n ' I~Iy, Gtne Irubbs. ··;.(irossfeld ~AII-Around 'C"hainp; '1lIini Take Gym Lead

Alex Karras To Wed SUI Coed

Star, Dies

By JERRY LAMBERT INDIANAPOLIS (A'! - Chuck Staff Writ.r Klein. former major league base· ball star who won the NaHonal ' Abc Grossfeld Qecame the fiut League's Most Valuable Player champion of the 1958 Big ITen award in 1932. died or a heart at­ gymnastics meet. scoring 1,00 L tack at his home here Friday. ~iJlts to win the all-around event. Klein. 54, was found dead In his He also led all qualifiers in Fri· bathroom a short time after he I tlay's prelitninaries. " I finished working In his y.rd. The team scores after the first One of the National League's 1 event (ound Illinois leading with all-lime great olllCielders and hit­ 25 points, Iowa in second with 15 ters, he spent most of his career and Michigan and Michigan State with the Philadelphia Phillies but tled for thifd with 8 points. Only also played with the Chic!)go Cubs four teaDIS, s~ored in the all· and Pittsburgh Pirates . .around competition. ' - Klein got a total of 2.076 hits in Grossf.ld q'l.lifled in five of his major league career. He broke . th. sev.n He was the top DEES INDIANA'S MVP event~_ in with the Phillies in 1928 lIualifier in four eventl - free BLOOMI GTON, Ind. IA'I and played until the 1944 sea on. Archi Dt'<" of lount arm I, exercise, -horizontal. bar. parallel He was with the Cubs in 1934, bars and still rings. and quali­ I II. Groot, 8 Incb eenter on In· 1935 and part of. the 1936 season diana Univ r itY'8 Bli Tt'n ch m­ . fied in a tie for fourth place in before returning to Phllad lphia. the sid. herse. He is defending pion ba. k~tball tt'nm. U' named He spent part o( the 1939 sellson mo l valllabl player on tli team champion in the all-around, free with Pittsburgh. I .x.reis. and horizontal bar. Iat a bllDQu ,t ntutsday night. Tljlls. Klein had 300 mllor leaSlue lowa's' Defending Champs II 'will be a cont nder ai/pin for home runs and hit four in one 10· the most' luabl(' play' award, ' n inning game July 10. 1936. kls DEFENSE OF THE BIG TEN bowlirlg title il the mlin obiect 0 the fly' k.wklye bowlers l.who! ~lIi rep­ resent Iowa in the Bi, Ten tourl1ament at Bloomington, Ind_, April n. Member, at in. 1.,5. ~.. m are tbe Bli Ten, an honor he \9OJ1 la t major leagu8 lifetime batting av· 1 y ar a a Junior. • ST-llL. RING , QUAIl.IFIERS Friday night' ln the Big Ten Gymnltstic • • erage w.. .310. , (left to right) Don Bartholomew, c., Keokuk; Jim DavIs, A3, De. Moines; Glenn Mlch.el., C4, Burling­ A native of Indianapolis, he • ton; Bob Robertlon. C4. Waverly! and Oleic Henningfield, C3. Movill • . l=al1. can , .. the Iowa ~wlirl In gan followed with meet in the Iowa Fieldhouse included Iowa star Ted Segura. The meet will b. concluded todl¥ with the finals startin" at 2 .p.m. in the tered organIzed baseball at Eva - I ,etion this Sunday afternoon In a match agaln.t a Dubuque ...m at 2:). It the Iowa Memorl.1 Union placed 7 men in th8i:;;.fjll1lli;. ville Ind., in 1.927 and.. qyOO wi I.ne._ -Daily Iowan Photo by Walter Kleinl. diana 4 and Ohio NoHb Gym of the Fieldhoule.1'he event" in which finals will be hel are free exercise, still rings. side horse. horizontal bar, Fort Wayne, Iod.j the rJext s •• consin and Northwe!;t,II:n tram~line, ------~~~ , t parjllllel bar, and tumbling~ . son pefore gQ!"g'll\, to the Philli ~ qualify anyone for the" h.·.A <.4n .. oI.lI1 . 1" I , Robert Diamond of Basilio's Courage Applauded Il lPrep Indoor Track ished second to Gross(eld all-around competition. He · Meet Here Today CHICAGO (A'! - "11 Basilio saw giled to N.tro and me ancl said was the top qualifier in the those movies, he wouldn't .think he was sorry h. let US down _ Over 1,470 high school track ath· horse. Iowa's Staffan Carlsson finish­ he let anybody down." he didn't think he fou,ht a good leles, representing 87 high school , ed third in the all.around com· This WlIS the comment of C.r. fight," said De John_ "Any other wi ll compeLe todlly in the Cia AA world~ petition_ The Hawkeye ace quali. Thinks Iowa Can Win.Gym 'Title men Basilio's co·manager, John guy would have lumped out of and Clos C State Indoor Track I fl.d in five .vents. He failed D. John, Frid.y aft.r he viewed the ring." m ct in th Iowa Fieldhou e. Students. lacul ty A '" to qualify only in the side horse_ Iowa's unbeaten gymnasts, with Ind .dmlnlSlrl lors abridged movUts of Carmen's d.. Meanwhile. in New York It WllS I About 35 Closs AA chool, with J J la"L> He did nct ..,ter the trampoline_ a perfect 14-0 dual meet re'cord, come 10 Ine Willil m Slain. House. Number fOt\f in the all-around today will go after their first Big . \California Sets throning 8$ middleweight king by announced that If Sugar Ray has I788 competitors, will batUe it out I lan, flmous ior Its tomforUble. In­ event was Michigan's Cal Girard. Ten championship since 1937. Sugar Ray Robinscm in the Chi- another fight. he ill make it lor Cor lh 1958 Indoor Title_ Last eKpens " e "commodatlons Ind Ils • He qualified in all fi ve events Leading this championsitip quest IMed ley Record .J;ago Stadium Tuesday nlght_ Ba· the International Boxing Club and year, Am s won the Clas AA • III de spread pro,ram of IIrvlcn. , that he participated in . in the Hawkeye gymnasium will be En,or tlun room s, toffee shOp, ,ilio is in a ho~pltal for treatm.nt receive 42 ~ per cenl of aIL te- championship_ TV f Other Spartans to finish in the I all-around star Staffan (Stew) AUSTIN. Tex. (A'! - California's tillar, room, sports_ forums Don Bowden put on a dazzling half­ of an eYI injury which wa. the ceipts [or his efforts. Movillc's Class C champion will and tours. All ',t croups ICCOIll­ t top ten in the all-around event Carlsson. Sweden's prize gift to I modated , were Wolfgang Dozauer, ninth. and the Iowa team. I mile anchor run Friday night as fight's turning point. The recrowned middleweight be challenged by 52 schools with a , UTlS: $2.20 SiR III: Angie Festa in th~ t 'th spot, : . CarIssa,,> one of the heavy secf'. Ithe BearS raced to the fastest time The film was viewed privately champion still won't say. however, total o( 684 athletes. Sl-$MO dOl'I •. Finishing in tJie 1C0ri", ' for' : athretes in the conference ~ ing I ever record.ed in the sprint medlqy by a few members o~ thc press. if he will fight again. Membership included . Wrtte for Folder C. Iowa, besides C!t.II~' l ~t ~.[ with 261 points in the dual meets, representatives of the Illinoi~ Harry Marlcson. managing dl· ROLLS 60 GAMES AT 60 Marshall th.t the Hawkeyes have a ~t the Texas Relays. Cla~s, t~v.ei\t", a~ , fthiJ1k~ Slate Athletic Commlssion, D~ r.ctor of the 18C, ••1eI Friday ELKHART, Ind. (A'! - Bill Hoag­ WILLIAM SLOANE · Ted Segura eight"", ed Gombos ,good chance of finishing flnt. An "uno£ficial" .world record 9( John and Basilio' other co-man Robinson signed an option for his land celebrated hi 60th birthday HOUSE V.M.e.A. I3 : 19.8 was .nlade as Bowden. t1je Of. lIIinoi~ complehllt fh~ top ten , He believes the race will be a ager. JQe Netro. next fight c.lllng fw the 421h by bowling 60 game. Three of 356 WISt 34th Sl Inr Hlnth Au.) only American to ever break tlle Hu, Yor~ . N_Y . 'hon.: OXfDr~ 5·5133 With a SIxth place tint,... . . tln'ee-way one among defending "Did you ever see such guts?" per cent. his granddaughters were spectators I · Only of top champion TIlinois, Iowa and Michi. I 4-minute mile, whlpped out a 1:4!U (On l 8, • .: Fr.", Penn 5 ••• ,•• ) .tw~ th~ qli~ltt\ers said De John. relerring to th.. Mark on explained that Robln­ during the 8'oi-hour stint. He avo ID the. . IIldlVdual ~v.e1l~ J!lll~q:- to ga·n. Carlsson says Michigan State ·half-mile to finish 20 yards in froat eraged 180_ I showing of parts of five roundt on signed the option in return lor _ J __ place JD the all-around ~ompetltlOn . could be a factor with the right of runner-up Stanford. They were Frank Halland of II- breaks after Basilio's left eye was puffed receiving a deferred compensa· I The relays and national collegi­ closed in the sixth round_ tion contract from the me for his I linois in tumbling and Ed Coles Slev~ feels that Illinois is a ter- ate record was 3:20.2 by Kansas In or Michigan on \,be trampoline. "Even today, Carmen apolo. fight with BaslUo_ B h f h d f d rific team, He bas the greatest 1954. The record is unofficial be- I ot 0 t ese men are e en ng respect for Abe GrossCeld, co­ cause it is not recognized by inter­ champions in their events. Today's session. begining at 2 champion in the All-Around and the national track officials as a sLand­ Staffa" Carlsso ard event. p.m. will be the finals a.f all only Big Ten gymnast ever ~o Swedish Star the individual events. Ten men compete .in the Olympic Gam~s: BIG 10 INN " qualified for each of the finals. Along WIth Gross.feld, the 111101 _ _ . I STUDIES COME FIRST The schedule includes side horse, h~ve two former Side .horse cha.m-lst.11I rlDgs and John McCurdy and DETROIT (A'! _ Don Lee, who fr" exercIse. hClrlzontal bar, pIOns ~nd .one defendmg tumbling Tim Joe on the trampoline· has a chance to catch on as a pitch. j parallel bars stili rings tram- cl1amplon 10 Frank DIamond, Jo'hn "My best chance will be in free th' 'th th D t It n by . ' , I Davis and Frank Hailand I Ier IS season WI e e ro pollDe and tumbling. . exercise. Grossfeld is defending Tigers is working on his master's DRIVE-IN The events are scored on an J1 "Even though illinois hal many champion but r slipped by him in 'I degre~ at the University of Ari·

for first place, nine for second. individual stars, I think lowl February. My next best event is zona. Don's dad. , Thornton Lee. ' F R E-IE Mj'N' eight for third and so on down i 0 actually has more depth," con- 116 th A one for tenth place. tinued Carlsson. "We showed this the horizontal bars but my title won games 10 I.' merlcan . "League between 1933 and 1947. in February when we defeated chances are rather shm there, he Papa also won one game for the NOW OPEN them in a dual m"t by nino said. 1948 New York Giants in the Na­ Featuring Ag~in Our Many Tasty Items , 2 Iowans Selected For points. Although they won four - Billiards Tourney Today flrlt places and shared another, CAN'T LOSE FOR WINNING tional League. 30~ Jim Perez and LJoyd COl.\rter Iowa scand"we" with second to MORGANTOWN. W. Va. (A'! - NEWS-T-H-A-T-IS-NEWSI .'i have been selected £0 pE\tticipaLe fifth lpl!,clI, h '" ' h' Sophomore ace Jerry West of the The University of North \> ... in the finals of the face-to-face Car. sson, not . ~VlOg ~een MlC I- I·West Virginia Mountaineers has k t i r . I b1'lt 40~ Intercollegiate Billiards Tourna· gan 10 competJtion, did not feel ., . ' 0 a sw mnllng poo was UI qusliCied to comment about the . that habit.. When Olympic standards. It was • ment at Ames today. ~lDDlng WV~ Perez ' wjJJ cO(llpete in the Wolverine chances. He pointe,d out, won lls 13th. strru~ht . game It Iin 1954. 25~ Straight Ralf Division and Courter however, that they are handicap.ped m8l'ked 39 sLralght wmnlOg ~a~~s iiiiijii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii in the Pocket Billiard Division· with Ed Gagnier, co-holder with for West. . As a West Vlrgmla 20~ & 30~~ Competiton begins this morning Grossfeld of the AII·Around title, ~reshman hiS mates were u~beaten I P I Z Z A and continues throughout Ule day. out' of the meet. m 17 g~mes. Before th.at hiS East The Iowa State Memorial Union Gagnier. out since Feb. 15 with Ba~k 11Igh ~chool team.Jn 1956 t~k I RY' 5~ & 10- . will be host to the tournament this a shoulder separation, hurt his theIr last eIght. ~ames lD capturmg • FREE DEL VE year. shoulder again last Saturday in tJ:'e W~st VlrglDla cham- II Va,I.Il.... _ ••,., ... _ ... f Courter has competed in the In­ warmup for the tumbling event plonshlp. lIIIe ...... r ...... ,.... , teroolleglate 1'ol1rnamcnt berore, of the Michigan-Penn State meet but this is the first competition lor anti was forced out. Perez. Th. Iowa .tar b.lieves that two or thr.e of the HawlceYIi havi a HAVANA LARSEN HAS YET chance to wIn tltlll, pointing out TO BEAT INDIANS that Bill Buck is very .trong on LEAF CLEVELAND Ill'! - Don Larsen, the .Ide horH. Ted Segura on the who hurled the pcdecl game for the New York Y.nnkecs in the 1956 p te lzed H1lk L!.8 World Series. has yet to beat the as ur U c: Cleveland Indians. In {jv~ sea~ons GadOD ..•...... he has lost to them, ~'ti~es. On • HALDANE t~e ot~er side of the ledger. 1\8n. ' · . FARM DAlRl' . aas City has yet ~o ~t Lal·sen. • In three seasons h·c h'olds I seven ·1 , . ",oha 'DI.II. decisions over the Athletics. 1~ IIU.I I.". 1'''1 ClItJ , ..._~ ______..

" .,." "" .. ,.. . . ,

Page 6-THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, lowa-Sat., March 29, 1951

Lu'mber CO. "Has Close Call 'IA~S to119ld : -I Dotto'rs' Sh:OYi" \T~o ~~lC7-;- - ~' -- f)-fe~cJeJ 'S-tap' ·h' ;·· (l' rganis 'm '~ . , .. Regioncd, Meeting .' ,.. , €ad.t~ , WIII Aft~nd g , ' .. . . ' .. '. H N t W k National Meetihg ,- ere ex ee Concern::" Ovei' Two SUI advanced Air Force I Some 100 coeds from 40 Mid- 'S h've ROTC students will leave Iowa. City :~"-:" '''' wes te rn coII eges and Uni' verSI't Jes' tap , Irus unit'JiMonday L.17 afternoon liaison plane in forthe O'Hare local Stap hy I ococcus , an organism have dideve ope a proce dure whi ch In this procedure. The use 01 more wil l spend their Easter vacation Air Force Base near Chicago, which is causing growing concern hospitals may use to determine the disposable cquipment Is beina period on the SUI campus attend- DES MOINES !.4'1 _ A "super. where they will catch a special among physicians and hospital ad- extent of staph infection among studied. ing a convention of the Regional . h' h . I "all flight early TUllsday to San Fran- th eir patients, and to evaluate Dishes from isolation cases, OIlCe race" vIrus w IC IS caus ng . d th N t· I Co I ministrators across the nation, is techniques which the hospitals are Intercollegiate Association of WI}- kinds of trouble" in hospitals over CISCO an e a I,ona nc ave h' boiled in the U ,,1~ 2 chl14. was as~gn~ , to . II,qoo " t~ ~.( ve-'DIJljI1 1. 1. :". 'l5c\/tIWOr and $55.00 per h\on~'WI th utlliU.. . lj ,- 1'" reno de. re f\I,.,.lsfted· 1>0 ...... , "Had they maJ·n.ained ;:. as. IRD. n·Y.i ...... " aile a Word pal4. One block !n!m bUs/Den dI. l>ldl fI!~ t CATALOG. ' CohUil... hundrecb ~m~n, academic Jrear. WlIlJn, 10 PIa losured w'prkers ~ ~ u. ..,. t . 4 of bu.lne ..~_ t 'atm.. and Doome pl'M\lum rent fo~ attraotlve. .. wdIi ,. W~~INGTON ~ - The Labor ' ~::~,~i,~:~~~ ::~u.Il . ~~~ ;=~ ~~~) ::'1 ',I , ", rer~or)~l [.a~ ,. ; , J'." ' ~rf~:~~;~~~:l~~:'U;:~I:' ~~;*~ ~~:r~~ P~: ' erJ. ObJ:~~/ on,. ~ " i Department reported Friday night p I of{,i ntersection,i' \~lla~kl6rs s!ll~ I!" I .')t~ay , .A~ •• "", I 1 " . J ~~::~" ~~ '~a~~~ D1 !· ~82 . Portrait Service ;.' th~t ,lll1cmplpYlnent among work­ t2; ers insur()d ' ,fo r jobless benefits He said ~h !1I degree of c.lcar. ~ ~rit6B · ... .. : . .- ~ ., .. ..It!. . HOCK-EYE LOAN, Shorl loans. Burk· • - .~ .. -IN-TE- R--DOfl--M-D-ANt- ! JlSt ~ Keep a;' cdged down a bit in the week of ance I Will! normal ,traffic -, Pr~ce~- ~;I' ~ . *1.20 M~~ .JtICb Hot.l. 12:00 ~ ' :~ p.r,!. Telep)lt~ . ' Ill ' ~ ;.' , Typing, _. r r~a~U;~'~h!~:~~vk~,h h~ March 15 as compared to the pr\!o ure. "I' occurs lholJlian~ of t~ . l'lYe .on. a 0..,.., 1\1 1 .1.-l...-- ' - , quality prlnts. for )IOU and yo~. e~~i a dal( all ov!ll'. tlJe " pa~ion 'lpne or Each -l:tlc!n ~ .< ' • • • • • • • • • • ~SONAL loan. on" typewrl1e,., TYPING. '".-Ii'.~ ,. , I , ' ' -29 mailed to )IOU In attractive pv, ,Telj:. /,: where it pickell ul,) it. ~ will c'~ re i'r6r ehl1chell my I\ome ~~~s ~~b~:re; ~t rights in January I ay epa.rate rives or.: ," .th~ (lve II)cn. I . I . d~Y or 'montll . Call 8-2I17P. . 4-8 The bureau said initial claims I . I . . The cargo plane Crom Carswell for unemployment insurancc bcne- eet ( "ety' ArB, StJ;ateglc Air Command· In. r~lJij~;-;j;~dcc:';'rt;t;..,.;;;;;:•• :eeo0i1 ·i:I/o-'~ COLLEGE ~ I t . .st~llation at Forth ,W~J1~' was n~. ·P..u s. :. ] I RENT-A:.cAR Ch . t fits , ref1~dting newly idl e ~ y:;ork. ow a I Y ommunl es j I er5, dechncd by 6,000 durmg the " . , , ing frq,n , 5hep~r