A Rough-and-Tumble ·Business7 j. , ---~--~~~~--------~~ . WASHINGTON (AP) - Walter Reuther threw an administrative assistant to Emil Mazey, the UAW's sec· unionists were beaten up by "gaopters" hired by Harry GoWw ...... H. said __ hired by ~._" cIid tho a' "lImear" charge at Senator Goldwater (R.Ariz.) Fri. retary-treasurer. Bennett. then head of the lFord plant police. ~"" but tIW not say whet ~_nt_ GoIdw .. ter .....yecI the picture In questlonin, wlMther "THEY IEAT US up," Reuther laid. ''The poIiee .,y.., ..... picture.ef W.1ter Routhor buti", d* "and ,thtln lectured him on the rough.and·tumple the UAW w•••• eppoM4 .. "lellnee If R.uther , .. Id it wa .. ...-10 wouldn't pr1ltect us ... we had to defend OUJ'IeIves. Sure an4 I'll ........ ef he philosophy of labor warfare. • , HI. volc. ",Ing .... theut, the union I...... r told the W.lter Reuther "'1", ........," that was wrong. But bow did we get into that sort or thine!" Mid. Reuther, red· haired preSident of the United Auto ,.n.tor he h.d .. protelt : 'wlMn you try to sme .. r our , union wlMn you get .. n 1.. I .. ted picture." Bennett. Reuther SW0N:, hired "tbobsands of gangsters," Reuther went on to say Bt'nnett had been eliminated . Workers, flared up when Goldwater produced a The outburst ~urred at a hearing oC the Senate Rackets including men just paroled from priaon. Four of them worked (rom the Ford picture by Mrs. Edsel Ford and others in the him over with blackjacks, Reuther continued, and he learned photograph of {oilr men beating another man during the 1941 Committee. whicb Is winding up a probe of the UA W strike f~ily, and "thank God" for that. that one of them had said "There W8S' nothiJIII personal In It. Ford strike at Detroit. against the Kohler Co., Kohler, Wis., plumbing equipment Goldwater listened impassively to the now of words. Mr. Bennett ,ave us that as an assignment." "'. makers. Then, 81 Reuther appeared to be pausing for breath, be cut c;>ne o{ the (our 'l'as purported to be Jess Ferrazza, now Goldwater's picture, Reuther said. did not reflect that "You're Iookl", at • man wile WII allOt," Routhor toW in with : "I think you're right. Let'. get up ID date." . , . ----------------------- ------------~--------------~ . ~ FarmI .' • ' P'roducts, S,.ge .S~arp 01 I;nt'rease , Seroing The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City \ ' . Recover Ground Ike Established In 1868 Flv.. Cents a CODY Member 01 As!iOcl8ted Press Ap LeaSed Wire and PhOto ser'lce Iowa c.ty, Jowa. saturday, March 29, 1i$1 Lost Earlier : I, ~VID A. MARTIN " WASHINGTON (AP) F~r1n 'product prices staged a sharp increase this month and now have regained most of the A ~ sksI, B·ene·fi.tS f or ~ou~d lost during the first ' G. M. Ludwig five years , of the Eisenhower For Repres~ntative administration. ..~. .~ I A. .. per cent , upturn between I Gov. loveless IS' So ~ I ts ' ~oon -Administration Mitchell Sees. Need Feb. )5 ~tid March 15 was reported Rep~ ' blicans " ,ays ""e ~. ~"I . F I d· H I j , Friday by the Agriculture Depart· • mch,h ' , I 11 '1.HE NIWS came at a time when Nomi'nate Williams Run r' 1 _ , S'" . ~ItA Spending Plan W~!NGT~~?".!'~!?","Im~~"'"_t tIMr .j' .ildmiQ!stration Was being o r " re pace am d need" for uoomploymcnl ben fit wo urg on a crlUcal House corn· pt~ssed by . congressional farm ,r, mitt Friday by Secrt'tary oC Lobor Mltcht'\1. le'a4e(s ·to sign a ~iU countermand· In Pr·lmar·les, MOSCOW (AP) - A Ie dlog Sovie~ scientist said Friday the Approve Mi~hell. openlnq wiln~ s al a Way and Means COmmittee hearlnJ reductions In government Ludw,ig in".prtc~ .. _ G"v. ' Her. SOviet Union is close to scndinga man in a rocket out into cos· on Prcsld nt EI nhOwers pl'opo al Cor temporarily e¥tendlng the dur.. p'r~ • supwrts ordered by Secre· DES MOINES ( P n d F 'd f It'! U • d b 1. tlon or joblt' benefit paym nla. ran into extended queaUonlng by bqth tatj. of' Agriculture Benson. .apers were Ie f1 ay a ter· schel Loveless and one of the men lUle space an aCK. D moer tic and Republican m mbers. noon nominating G. M . Ludwig, Skeptical Spending " The·. Plr c.nt, rl.. - which Tiffin, lor State Representative on accorded a good chance to oppose Academician Anatoli Blagonravov said over Moscow radio Will Help THE LABOR secrctAry said th.c number oC unemployed reachln, the ~cW4 . ",..IY tempor.ry iIIp' the Republican ticket from the him for re-election next Call. filed the Soviet one· tuge rocket that went about 295 miles in space end oC their benefits is cXlJ('cl d to sbow a sbarp upturn this month. .,; ......... "...,CtiOft f .. cton - I, J h C ' . d h . th h k f th 1 WiLLI........ "RIOG"ST H placed the number at 1~7,OOO in Januarv and 145,000 In Febl'llllY• . , ' ~PKIed" i~then H!e ..crt· Q nson ounty area. nomination papers for the June 2 Feb. 21 pomte t e way. Assertmg at t roc et 0 more an y ..... ... .. ,. :1nd said the March figure I ex.rccted 10 t!taL 181,500. For the entire t~". .in; ,.,~_nde~_ that Ludwig is the (ather of SUI phy. prilnary election Friday. 1.5 tOns lan(ied back precisely where scientists planned, Blagonravov WASHINGTON 1M _ An adminl • year. he timat d the total wiU be 2,300.000. ffit prl'c ••u bill be vetoed; slcist George Ludwig who designed Loveless, Iowa's first Democratic said t~at ","ilh addition of a second stage "one can Imaglnc that the traUon plan Cor an $84O-.mllllon MitclMlI ..I~ the "",Ihl,fr'flon', "...r.. m for limited .xten,*, ., ,,: ~Iie , M~/: increase was the the tiny tape recorder Cor the latest governor hi 20 years. was in time IS qUIte near for solution of such a problem as cosmic rught or a 'nd' ed d b ben.flts under eIlI.t!", .t.... .yatem. "will f.u c_ ef .... mater thIrd . cori~ve monthly' advance U.S. satellite. about an hour before Prof. William man in a rocket." 1 spe mg spe up was approve y p.. rt" of the current unemploym.nt probl.m. ~i!~ (':'/1 11\ the. sharpest rise for any Ludwig was elected 'to the State G. Murray, one oC three men seek· ILAGONRAVOV added that if the Americans arl) proud that a Ithe House Appropriations Commit· D('~crlb l n l( th .. !tuatlon as "a matler of national conCClrn" he said: nion~ " slt\ ee Feb\'liiry 1.951. Legislature in 1951 and re-elected ing tIM! Republican nomination, one·stage rocket reached 217 miles altitude. the Soviet Union can be tee Friday, but with an expression "The assistance which these - ----------- ,·these Lncreases, along with a In 1953. completed his filing, double proud of Its achievement. o( skeptlcl.m that It would do ver;.- benefits wlll brlng to the Individual few ~ Oih'er smaller ones last yea'r, He said the Papers were Wed by A parade of ,candidates mille.d With three U.S. earth satdlites up, Russia may be planning a sen· h to d the ' and his famlly will. by sustaining .' liel~ ,(0- p(JI~ the farl11" price level friends wh<) urged him to run lor tprough the secretary of state's of· sational new scientific achieve· I mue en recessIOn. purcha Ing power, also a slst h tt~.w~tllIn ' 1.5. per cent .of that pre· the office. He was stili unoppqsed flce throughout the day to beat the ment and Blagonravov's radio Cd. The Democratic·led committee bolstering the economy." $100 Million • val,lnll 'when Mr. Eisenhower took Friday for , the June primaries Jlling deadline. All candidacies commentary may be another hint. 0 no .an also c~iUcized EIBenhower admin· EI"nMwer h ..s propo.. d ..d· ofrICe. · At ,one \tlme su~h prices since no other candidate ~lId fiI~d l,nust be in by 4:30 p,m, Saturday. ••. • I .. Iljltat!on ,farm policies as it votc:d YaMlng fede,.1 f\t""1 to fln .. nce "ere down 10 per' cen,t. , for the office Others who filed during the day The statements FrIday nJght of f3 216 988 S39 for the AJriculture .. SO Plr Cetlt I~c""" In the For American " RIC.' .PAID by farmers for EI t· Today is the deadline for filinl included State Secretary of Agri. P~of .. Anatoli Blagonr~vo~. Soviet ec .ons ~parlm::nt lor the comln, liscal :- ef :t'~ _I'::OY~ ,oods and services used in produc· .. '1culture Clyde Spry, Secretllry of missile expert who saId fhllht of I a era (eVI y "n· tl~.n ~~ ' in fampy Iivin, increll8ed nommatlon p~pers WIth the Secre- Stale Melyln D. Synborst, State manned rocket appeared "Rulte M . d year. ,ur.. ne. c.utd drlw benefits. 1 per ·t!enHlwn'.;Feb; 15 to Marcb of, State Des Moines. ' Treaaurer M. L. Abr.al1llmaon, all by W1 l,. 19tH COMMITTI..I fre Thl. would m ••n In .ddltlon.. 1 t~ry ~n ne~ .'~ ,()''It.&~l¢y on ov ".... a~tlops War Claims " 1~ ~d set ' 8, new' recor~ . : < : ,J L1d~g, t~1! ~1l~ ,be~n , I}J. I)~/nd~l)~ Republk'llils «fOf J.\ 11l18Iection. and L. ~an, AP' foreign news anal.-st, • ~ 1 I, " .. ubject . to ' ~ " ' IIJ1~OV~ ' next 13 r=~ It.= ';;1'" .. ~ . WASHING'roN III .... The Ellen- .: ~~t the much (l'eAter'adva~e In 8E:lli 4'!l9mlJ" ,o1·, By MAX ., I.
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