March 2021 Beam, Truth for Life's Journey By
THE BEACON BEAM March 2021 TRUTH FOR LIFE’S JOURNEY Keeping the Faith in a Faithless Age by Albert Mohler “The greatest question of our ture, he argued, is cut off from its current state of American society. time,” historian Will Durant offered, Christian roots like a flower cut at the This age is not the first to see un- “is not communism versus individu- stem. Though the flower will hold its speakable horror and evil, but it is the alism, not Europe versus America, beauty for a time, it is destined to first to deny any consistent basis for not even East versus the West; it is wither and die. identifying evil as evil or good whether men can live without God.” When Trueblood spoke those as good. That question, it now appears, will be words more than two decades ago, The faithful church is, for the answered in our own day. the flower still had some color and most part, tolerated as one voice in For centuries, the Christian signs of life. But the blossom has the public arena, but only so long as church has been the center of West- long since lost its vitality, and it it does not attempt to exercise any ern civilization. Western culture, is time for the fallen petals to credible influence on the state of af- government, law, and society were be acknowledged. fairs. Should the church speak force- based on explicitly Christian princi- “If God does not exist,” fully to an issue of public debate, it is ples. Concern for the individual, a Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Ivan Karama- castigated as coercive and out of date.
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