
Kajapiratha Srivaratharajah

A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements

for the degree of Master of Science

Graduate Department of Cell and Systems (Zoology)

University of Toronto

© Copyright by Kajapiratha Srivaratharajah (2008) The Role of Carbonic Anhydrase in the Modulation of Central Respiratory-Related pH/CO2

Chemoreceptor-Stimulated Breathing in the Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens) Following Chronic

Hypoxia and Chronic Hypercapnia

Kajapiratha Srivaratharajah Master of Science Graduate Department of Cell and Systems Biology University of Toronto 2008


The aim of this thesis was to elucidate the role of carbonic anhydrase (CA) in the modulation of central pH/CO2-sensitive fictive breathing (measured using in vitro brainstem-spinal cord

preparations) in leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) following exposure to chronic hypercapnia (CHC) and chronic hypoxia (CH). CHC caused an augmentation in fictive breathing compared to the controls (normoxic normocapnic). Addition of acetazolamide (ACTZ), a cell-permeant CA inhibitor, to the superfusate reduced fictive breathing in the controls and abolished the CHC- induced augmentation of fictive breathing. ACTZ had no effect on preparations taken from frogs exposed to CH. Addition of bovine CA to the superfusate did not alter fictive breathing in any group, suggesting that the effects of ACTZ were due to inhibition of intracellular CA. Taken together, these results indicate that CA is involved in central pH/CO2 chemoreception and the

CHC-induced increase in fictive breathing in the leopard frog.



First and foremost, I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Stephen Reid, without whom this

thesis project would not be possible. Dr. Reid, thank you for encouraging me to pursue this

accelerated Masters program and for your support and guidance throughout the course of this

project. I also wish to thank Dr. Herbert Kronzucker, Dr. Rene Harrison and Dr. Les Buck for

their input and suggestions. I am indebted to many student colleagues for their assistance at

various stages of this thesis project and they are: Jessica McAneney for her technical expertise

with the in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparation and histological analysis of amphibian brain

sections; Balinda Phe for her knowledge on gelatin-chrome-alum coating of slides and

staining protocols as well as her assistance with the analysis of stained brain tissue and finally,

Sherri Thiele for her input with regards to histochemical analysis of stained brain tissue. In

addition, I wish to thank the entire Reid lab (Balinda, Jeff, Jessica and Alex) for providing me

with an enjoyable and stimulating environment to conduct my thesis in. I would also like to

thank the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) for funding

this thesis project. Finally, to my family and friends, thanks for putting up with my long hours in

the laboratory and I am ever grateful for your love and support throughout the years.

Permission has been obtained from the copyright owners (Elsevier and Permissions Department

of Annual Reviews) and or authors (Dr. Stephen Reid) for the inclusion of figures (Figures 2 and

3 in Chapter 1) from published manuscripts and for the use of this thesis by the National Library.



ABSTRACT...... ii



LIST OF FIGURES...... viii



Preamble...... 2

Breathing in Anuran Amphibians...... 3

The Mechanics of Breathing...... 3

Bimodal Breathing...... 9

Discontinous Breathing...... 10

Respiratory Control Systems in Anuran Amphibians...... 12

Central Control of Breathing...... 12

Olfactory Chemoreceptors...... 14

Pulmonary Stretch Receptors...... 15

Peripheral (Arterial) Chemoreceptors...... 16


Central Chemoreceptors...... 17

The In Vitro Brainstem-Spinal Cord Preparation...... 18

Environmental Hypoxia and Hypercapnia...... 22

Chronic Hypercapnia Studies...... 24

Chronic Hypoxia Studies...... 30

Carbonic anhydrase...... 34

Discovery and Kinetics...... 34

Role of Carbonic Anhydrase in CO2 Chemoreception...... 36

Hypothesis & Goals of the thesis...... 41





Introduction...... 44

Materials and Methods...... 46

Experimental Animals...... 46

Exposure to Chronic Hypoxia and Hypercapnia...... 46

In Vitro Brainstem Spinal Cord Preparations...... 47

Acetazolamide...... 49

Experimental Protocol...... 50


Data and Statistical Analysis...... 51

Results...... 53

Discussion...... 76

Conclusion...... 83






Introduction...... 85

Materials and Methods...... 87

Experimental Animals...... 87

Exposure to Chronic Hypoxia and Hypercapnia...... 87

In Vitro Brainstem Spinal Cord Preparations...... 87

Carbonic Anhydrase...... 87

Experimental Protocol...... 88

Data and Statistical Analysis...... 88

Results...... 89

Discussion...... 110

Conclusion...... 114






Introduction...... 117

Materials and Methods...... 120

Histochemical Localization of Active Carbonic Anhydrase...... 120

Results...... 122

Discussion...... 125

Conclusion...... 128


Goals of the Thesis...... 130

Critique of In Vitro Brainstem-Spinal Cord Preparation...... 131

CO2-Sensitive Respiratory Control Systems...... 133

Role of Carbonic Anhydrase in CO2 Chemoreception

Following Chronic Hypercapnia...... 135

Different Effects of Chronic Hypoxia in

Terrestrial Versus Aquatic Amphibians...... 136

Perspectives...... 138




Figure 1: Phases of anuran amphibian lung ventilation.

Figure 2: Buccal and lung pressure traces from an intact cane toad (Bufo marinus).

Figure 3: Comparison of vertebrate breathing traces.

Figure 4: The in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparation.

Figure 5: The effect of chronic hypercapnia on fictive breathing in cane toads (Bufo marinus).

Figure 6: Effects of chronic hypercapnia on fictive breathing in leopard frogs (Rana pipiens).

Figure 7: The effect of chronic hypoxia on fictive breathing in cane toads (Bufo marinus).

Figure 8: Effects of chronic hypoxia on fictive breathing in leopard frogs (Rana pipiens).

Figure 9: Model of central respiratory-related pH/CO2 chemoreception.

Figure 10: Electroneurogram of vagal motor output from control, CHC and CH frogs.

Figure 11: Effects of chronic hypercapnia on fictive breathing in leopard frogs (Chapter 2).

Figure 12: Effects of chronic hypoxia on fictive breathing in leopard frogs (Chapter 2).

Figure 13: Effects of acetazolamide on fictive breathing frequency in leopard frogs.

Figure 14: Effects of acetazolamide on the number of fictive episodes per minute.

Figure 15: Effects of acetazolamide on the number of fictive breaths per episode.

Figure 16: Effects of acetazolamide on fictive breath duration in leopard frogs.


Figure 17: Effects of acetazolamide on integrated fictive breath area in leopard frogs.

Figure 18: Effects of acetazolamide on total fictive ventilation in leopard frogs.

Figure 19: Effects of chronic hypercapnia on fictive breathing in leopard frogs (Chapter 3)

Figure 20: Effects of chronic hypoxia on fictive breathing in leopard frogs (Chapter 3).

Figure 21: Effects of carbonic anhydrase on fictive breathing frequency in leopard frogs.

Figure 22: Effects of carbonic anhydrase on the number of fictive episodes per minute.

Figure 23: Effects of carbonic anhydrase on the number of fictive breaths per episode.

Figure 24: Effects of carbonic anhydrase on fictive breath duration in leopard frogs.

Figure 25. Effects of carbonic anhydrase on integrated fictive breath area.

Figure 26: Effects of carbonic anhydrase on total fictive ventilation in leopard frogs.

Figure 27: Histochemical localisation of carbonic anhydrase using the cobalt-phosphate method.



aCSF: artificial cerebral spinal fluid

ACTZ: acetazolamide

ANOVA: analysis of variance

CA: carbonic anhydrase

CH: chronic hypoxia

CHC: chronic hypercapnia

cn V: cranial nerve V/ trigeminal nerve

cn VII: cranial nerve VII/ facial nerve

cn VIII: cranial nerve VIII/ auditory nerve

cn IX: cranial nerve IX/ glossopharyngeal nerve

cn X: cranial nerve X/ vagus nerve

CSF: cerebral spinal fluid

DMSO: dimethyl sulfoxide

E: enzyme

GPI: glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol

NI: nucleus isthmus

x pFRG: parafacial respiratory group

pHi: intracellular pH

PIP-C: phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C preBotC: pre-Bötzinger complex preI: preinspiratory area

PSR: pulmonary stretch receptor

RM: repeated measures

SEM: standard error of the mean

SNK: Student–Newman–Keuls







1.1 Preamble

In air-breathing animals, the most important stimulus to breath is the level of CO2 in the

cerebral spinal fluid (CSF). The CO2 level in the CSF is monitored by central (brain) respiratory-

related pH/CO2-sensitive chemoreceptors (chemosensors) located on the ventral surface of the

medulla (Mitchell et al., 1963). Previous studies on the control of breathing in anuran amphibians have demonstrated that exposure to chronic hypercapnia (elevated inspired CO2 levels) and chronic hypoxia (decreased inspired O2 levels) augments, and decreases, respectively,

the function of these central chemoreceptors (Gheshmy et al., 2006; McAneney and Reid, 2007).

It has been suggested that the hypercapnia-induced augmentation and hypoxia-induced attenuation of these chemoreceptors results from alterations in the function of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA; the enzyme that catalyzes the reversible hydration/dehydration of CO2;

Roughton and Meldrum, 1933). The overall goal of this study was to address the hypothesis that

changes in CA function can account for the changes in central chemoreceptor function that occur

during chronic hypercapnia and chronic hypoxia in an aquatic anuran amphibian, the Northern

leopard frog (Rana pipiens).

The following introduction will cover the basics of anuran amphibian breathing, while highlighting similarities and differences with respect to mammalian breathing. In addition,

respiratory control mechanisms and specifically, the topic of this thesis, central pH/CO2

chemoreceptor function following chronic hypoxia and hypercapnia, will also be discussed.

Finally, I will speculate on the role of carbonic anhydrase in the modulation of breathing

following chronic hypoxia and chronic hypercapnia.


1.2. Breathing in Anuran Amphibians

Although mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians are all air-breathing animals, there are distinct differences amongst all of them especially with respect to the mechanics of breathing.

The study of breathing in amphibians is also complicated due to the bimodal nature of their breathing (that changes with development) and the presence of discontinuous breathing. Hence, what follows is a discussion of these three differences between amphibians and other air- breathers: use of a positive pressure pump to drive respiratory air flow (i.e., breathing mechanics), anuran bimodal breathing and a discontinuous pattern of breathing.

1.2.1. The Mechanics of Breathing

Unlike mammals who breathe using a negative pressure aspiration pump driven by the

diaphragm and intercostal muscles, anuran amphibians (which lack a diaphragm and intercostal

muscles) use a positive pressure pump (also known as the buccal force pump) to force air into their lungs (Gans et al., 1969; West and Jones, 1975). This buccal pump is driven by muscles in the buccal cavity (i.e., the mouth) that force air from the mouth into the lungs. Laryngeal and pharyngeal muscles are also used to control the amount of air flow, through the glottis, into the lungs during lung ventilation (Sakakibara, 1984a; Gans et al., 1969).

Gans and colleagues (1969) outlined the mechanics of lung ventilation in Rana catesbeiana (the American bullfrog) using pressure recordings from the lungs, buccal cavity and abdominal cavity. West and Jones (1975) documented the mechanics of breathing in Rana pipiens via similar measurement of changes in pressure and volume in the lungs and buccal cavity accompanying breathing. Both of these papers provide the basis for the following discussion on the mechanics of breathing in anuran amphibians. 4

The four sites involved in anuran amphibian breathing are the nares, buccal cavity, glottis

and lungs (refer to Fig. 1). The nares control the entrance and exit of air from the atmosphere

into the mouth (or buccal cavity) of the animal. The pumping of the buccal cavity via elevator

and depressor muscles located on the floor of the mouth allows air to be drawn into the buccal

cavity and later pumped into the lungs. The valve that controls air flow into and out of the lungs

is the glottis which is opened and closed with dilator and constrictor muscles, respectively. The

final component is the amphibian lung, which can account for up to 20-30% of the whole body

volume of bullfrogs when inflated (Gans et al., 1969).

Figure 1 depicts the various phases of lung ventilation in anuran amphibians. In the first

phase (Fig. 1A), the nares (which regulate air flow from the environment into the anuran’s buccal cavity) and glottis (which regulates the air flow in and out of the lungs) are open and closed, respectively. Depression of the buccal cavity (Fig. 1A) creates a negative pressure within the buccal cavity causing air to flow through the nares and into the ventral region of the buccal cavity (Fig. 1B). Note that the mouth is not involved in breathing and remains closed throughout this process. Subsequent contraction of the laryngeal dilator muscles (m. dilatator laryngis) causes the glottis to open (Fig. 1C). At this point, the air within the lungs (which is at a higher pressure than that of ambient air) flows from the lungs via the glottis, through the upper region of the buccal cavity and out the nares (Fig. 1C). Positioning of O2-rich air entering via the nares in

the posterior compartment of the buccal cavity and the flow of O2-poor air from the lungs

directly forward and out the nares, minimizes the admixture of these two gases. Closure of the

nares (achieved via contraction of m. submentalis in frogs; Gans and Pyles, 1983) and elevation

of the buccal cavity forces the fresh air from the ventral/posterior region of the buccal cavity

through the glottis and into the lungs (Fig. 1D). 5

Figure 1: Phases of anuran amphibian lung ventilation. Anuran amphibian lungs are ventilated through a sequence of events represented here in panels A through D. Buccal depression with the nares open and glottis closed (A) draws air into the buccal cavity (B). The glottis then opens (C) allowing air under high pressure in the lungs to exit through the nares. Subsequent closure of the nares and elevation of the buccal cavity forces air from the buccal cavity to enter the lungs (D).

The cycle then repeats itself as shown.


Following this, the closure of the glottis (which has been shown to be passive in Rana pipiens

(West and Jones, 1975) while active in Rana catesbieana (Gans et al., 1969) and the opening of the nares (also passive in Rana pipiens; West and Jones, 1975) leads into the next respiratory

cycle (starting again at Panel A of Fig. 1).

The sequence of events described above can manifest as three different cycles (Gans et al., 1969; West and Jones, 1975; see Figure 2). First, there is a pattern of air movement through

the nares, into the buccal cavity, that occurs with the glottis closed so that no air enters the lungs.

It has been suggested that this buccal oscillation cycle might serve to “flush out” the buccal

cavity and fill it with fresh air. Alternately, it has been suggested that these buccal oscillations

serve an olfactory purpose (Gans et al., 1969). Second, a lung ventilation cycle refers to the

ventilation of the lungs as described above with the lung volume returning to the pre-breathe level at the end of each breath. Note that the pause between breaths occurs with the lungs inflated

in anurans unlike mammals, in which the pause occurs with the lung volume at functional

residual capacity (Reid and West, 2004). Third, sequential lung inflation breaths can occur

rapidly in succession to create a lung inflation cycle during which time the lungs are “pumped

up” or inflated. Similarly, when the lungs are in an inflated state there can be several deflation

breaths in sequence that lower lung volume. These consist of back-to-back breaths in which the

volume of air expired is greater than the volume inspired.

Figure 2 illustrates lung and buccal pressure traces from an intact (i.e., in vivo) cane toad

(Bufo marinus).


Figure 2: Buccal (top) and lung (bottom) pressure traces from an intact cane toad. Panel A illustrates 4 breathing episodes, one of which is represented on a magnified scale in panel B. The breathing sequence shown in panel B is that of a few balanced breaths (lung volume post-breath is equivalent to that of pre-breath), followed by inflation breaths (successive breaths that result in incremental increases in lung volume), breath holding (i.e., during which period the glottis is closed) and subsequent deflation breaths (successive breaths that result in the gradual reduction of lung volume). Consecutive inflation breaths constitute a lung inflation cycle (enclosed within dotted lines) and result in complete inflation of the lungs. Figure reproduced with permission from Reid (2006). 8


Panel A shows 4 distinct breathing episodes whereas panel B is a magnification of the trace in

panel A and shows only a single breathing episode. A lung inflation cycle, composed of several

inflation breaths and cumulating in the complete inflation of the lungs, is highlighted (i.e., using

dotted lines) in panel B. Subsequent breath holding (representative of a period of glottal closure)

and gradual deflation of the lungs leads into another breathing episode.

1.2.2. Bimodal Breathing

Anuran amphibians are bimodal breathers both as tadpoles and adults (Burggren and

West, 1982; Burggren and Doyle, 1986; Burggren and Infantino, 1994). As tadpoles, anuran amphibians use both their gills and skin for gas (O2 and CO2) exchange, with cutaneous gas exchange accounting for about 60% of O2 uptake and CO2 excretion (the remaining 40%

occurring across the gills, i.e., branchial gas exchange) in aquatic tadpoles of Rana catesbeiana

(the American bullfrog; Burggren and West, 1982). In air-breathing tadpoles, the gills start to

degenerate, and account for a relatively smaller (approximately 15%) portion of O2 uptake. This

reduction in the branchial contribution is compensated for by the involvement of the developing

lungs (accounting for approximately 15% of O2 uptake), with the remaining 70% occurring via

cutaneous gas exchange. Contrary to the changes in partitioning of O2 uptake seen at this stage,

CO2 excretion remains as before with the gills contributing about 40% and the skin 60% of CO2 excretion; the lungs still play no role. During metamorphosis, the lungs enlarge and develop further while the gills begin to be reabsorbed. Post-metamorphic bullfrogs rely on their lungs and skin for oxygen uptake (approximately 75 and 25%, respectively), with CO2 excretion occurring

predominately through the skin (about 90%, the remaining 10% is through the lungs). Following

metamorphosis, when the gills are no longer present, the adult anuran relies on its lungs as the 10

primary site for (approximately 90% of) O2 uptake (Burggren and West, 1982) while the skin

continues to play a significant role in CO2 excretion (Burggren and West, 1982; Pinder and

Burggren, 1986). Burggren and West (1982) reported that 80% of CO2 excretion in adult

American Bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana), a semi-aquatic species, occurs through cutaneous exchange. Far less data is available on the partitioning of O2 uptake and CO2 elimination across

the three respiratory gas exchanges surfaces (i.e., skin, lungs and gills) in Northern leopard frogs

(Rana pipiens; the subject of my thesis project). Pinder and Burggren (1986) stated that, in Rana

pipiens, cutaneous gas exchange can account for 23% of total oxygen uptake when the animals

are floating (i.e., inactivity) in well-aerated at 25ºC. However, this amount decreases to

approximately 19% in active R. pipiens in well-aerated water at 25ºC (Pinder and Burggren,

1986). Both values reported for R. pipiens are slightly higher than that reported for R.

catesbieana (Burggren and West, 1982; Pinder and Burggren, 1986). However, I assume that

CO2 excretion will be similar in both aquatic species since experimental data is sparse in this

area for R. pipiens.

1.2.3. Discontinuous Breathing

Most air-breathing fish, reptiles and amphibians do not exhibit a continuous breathing pattern as seen in euthermic mammals and most water-breathing fish (Milsom, 1991). Anuran

amphibian breathing tends to be discontinuous, consisting of either single breaths or doublets

(separated by periods of apnea), due to their relatively lower metabolic requirements (Milsom,

1991; McAneney and Reid, 2007; Gargaglioni and Milsom, 2007; see Figure 3). 11

Figure 3: Comparison of vertebrate breathing traces. These breathing traces, obtained from

various vertebrates, illustrate both continuous and discontinuous breathing patterns.

Discontinuous breathing can take the form of “randomly” distributed breaths or clusters of

breaths (episodes). Figure reproduced (with permission) from Milsom (1991).


In fact, the discontinuous nature of anuran breathing was recorded as early as 1891 and

characterized at that point as Cheyne-Stokes breathing (i.e., periodic breathing) in the frog

(Sherrington, 1891). As respiratory drive increases (i.e., during exposure to hypoxia or

hypercapnia), breathing becomes more episodic (i.e., several breaths are clustered together and

separated by periods of apnea). Eventually, with a high enough respiratory drive, the apneic

periods decrease as the number of breaths within each episode increase, resulting in continuous

breathing (Milsom, 1991; Gargaglioni and Milsom, 2007).

1.3 Respiratory Control Systems in Anuran Amphibians

Anuran amphibian breathing is regulated by various complex control systems located both peripherally and centrally (i.e., within the brain). As in mammals, breathing is produced in brainstem respiratory centers located in the medulla (McLean et al., 1995a,b; Reid et al., 2000a;

Wilson et al., 2002). However, much less in known about the central control of breathing (i.e.,

neural components responsible for rhythm generation and underlying mechanisms driving these

rhythm generators) in amphibians compared to mammals.

1.3.1. Central Control of Breathing

Two coupled, synchronous respiratory oscillators have been identified in the mammalian

rostro-ventral medulla. These are the pre-Bötzinger complex (preBotC) and the parafacial respiratory group (pFRG; also known as the pre-inspiratory or pre-I area; Smith et al., 1991;

Onimaru and Homma, 2003; Feldman and Del Negro, 2006; Wilson et al., 2006).

Recently, Wilson and colleagues (2002) provided evidence to support the notion that there are also two distinct respiratory-related neuronal oscillators in the bullfrog, a rostral site 13

controlling lung ventilation rhythm that is located between cranial nerves VIII and IX and a caudal one controlling buccal rhythm located near cranial nerve X. Gill rhythm in earlier stages of development in the amphibian (i.e., in tadpoles) seems to be driven by the same neural oscillator as buccal rhythm (Vasilakos et al., 2006). Interaction between these two oscillators

(i.e., lung and buccal/gill) generates the overall respiratory rhythm (Vasilakos et al., 2006).

Further similarity between mammalian and amphibian respiratory rhythmogenesis is shown in the responses of each respective pair of neural oscillators to application of μ opioid receptor agonists. Takeda and colleagues (2001) showed that only the preBotC neurons are depressed by opiates and that the pFRG/pre-I neurons are not affected with respect to their oscillatory activity. A similar disparity is observed between buccal and lung oscillators in amphibians. In frogs for example, lung rhythm is preferentially inhibited by opioids while buccal rhythm remained unchanged (Vasilokos et al., 2006). These results, taken together, suggest that the mammalian pFRG area is homologous to the amphibian buccal oscillator and the mammalian preBotC is homologous to the amphibian lung oscillator (Wilson et al., 2006).

A recent study questioned whether or not there is a third respiratory-related oscillator in amphibians that is responsible for clustering of lung breaths together into episodes (Wilson et al.,

2006). Earlier studies have shown that episodic breathing in bullfrogs can be eliminated by transections made behind the optic lobe (Oka, 1958a,b). More recently, Reid and colleagues

(2000a) showed that a transection made slightly caudal to the optic chiasma resulted in the conversion of an episodic to a continuous breathing pattern in in vitro bullfrog brainstem-spinal cord preparations. Overall respiratory drive (the integration of all peripheral afferent input and central processes) determines whether breathing is continuous or episodic in amphibians (as discussed earlier in section 1.2.3). The nucleus isthmus (NI), a mesenchephalic structure located 14

between the roof of the midbrain and the cerebellum (Gargaglioni and Branco, 2004), appears to

be involved in integrating respiratory drive since its absence (via chemical lesions) converts

episodic breathing into a pattern of sparsely distributed single breaths (Kinkead et al., 1997;

Gargaglion and Branco, 2004). This region is however, not responsible for clustering of breaths

into episodes since Kinkead et al. (1997) showed that bilateral kainic acid lesions to the NI did

not alter breathing frequency or amplitude following increased respiratory drive (i.e., elicited by

pulmonary stretch receptor feedback).

To recap then, respiratory rhythm is generated in brainstem respiratory centres and is

modified by the overall respiratory drive (i.e., the result of integrating peripheral afferent inputs

and central processes in brain regions such as the NI). These modifications result in respiratory

breathing patterns (i.e., episodic vs. continuous) generated via efferent output from brainstem

respiratory centres to motor neurons controlling respiratory muscles. A brief discussion of the various central processes and peripheral afferent inputs alluded to in the previous statements is presented below.

1.3.2. Olfactory Chemoreceptors

Olfactory chemoreceptors, located in the nasal epithelium, are sensitive to CO2 (Coates

and Ballam, 1990; Coates, 2001). Olfactory chemoreceptors inhibit breathing when stimulated

by high levels of inspired CO2 (i.e., ranging from 0.4- 4% CO2) via olfactory nerve input to the brain (Sakakibara, 1978; Coates and Ballam, 1990; Coates, 2001). In support of this, olfactory denervation has been shown to increase breathing frequency following hypercapnia compared to olfactory intact control animals (Kinkead and Milsom, 1996). The mechanism via which 15

olfactory chemoreceptors sense and respond to CO2 is not clear but Coates and colleagues (1998) suggest that carbonic anhydrase may be involved. The role of carbonic anhydrase in CO2 chemoreception will be discussed later in this introduction.

1.3.3. Pulmonary Stretch Receptors

Pulmonary stretch receptors (PSR) are located in the walls of the lungs and monitor lung inflation and deflation (Reid and West, 2004). PSR input is sent to respiratory centres in the brainstem via pulmonary vagi (Reid et al., 2000b). There are three types of PSRs in anurans: slow-adapting (tonic) receptors, rapidly-adapting (phasic) receptors or a mixture of the two (Reid and West, 2004). The rapidly-adapting receptors increase firing during lung inflation and deflation but are far less active during sustained lung inflation (i.e., phasic PSR activity). On the other hand, slow-adapting receptors show a delayed, but lasting, activity in response to lung inflation (in other words, tonic activity). Studies on leopard frogs and bullfrogs have shown that pulmonary stretch receptors are also CO2 sensitive and are inhibited by increasing levels of CO2

(Milsom and Jones, 1977; Kuhlman and Fedde, 1979). Removal of PSR feedback to central respiratory centres via pulmonary vagotomy in decerebrate, paralyzed and uni-directionally ventilated bullfrogs resulted in reduced breathing frequency in bullfrogs (Kogo et al., 1994;

Kinkead and Milsom, 1997). Similarly, studies on in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparations

(which lack afferent input and will be discussed in a later portion of this introduction) of anurans have shown a reduced hypercapnic response compared to that observed in vivo (Kinkead et al.,

1994; McLean et al., 1995a,b; Kinkead and Milsom, 1996; Reid and Milsom, 1998; Gheshmy et al., 2006). However, electrical stimulation of the pulmonary vagi in these in vitro preparations

(mimicking PSR feedback) increases respiratory motor output in response to lowered superfusate 16

pH (Kinkead et al., 1994; Reid and West, 2004). Such studies have shown the importance of pulmonary stretch receptor feedback on breathing and the hypercapnic response in anurans.

1.3.4. Peripheral (Arterial) Chemoreceptors

Peripheral chemoreceptors, located in the carotid labyrinth (the amphibian equivalent of the carotid body but occupying a much more diffuse location) and aortic and pulmocutaneous arches (Hoffmann and DeSousa, 1982; West et al., 1987; Smatresk and Smits, 1991), are sensitive to both CO2 and O2 (Smatresk and Smits, 1991). Under normoxic, normocapnic conditions, these receptors provide a baseline level of tonic, stimulatory afferent input to the brain. However, under hypoxic and hypercapnic conditions, the level of input increases, contributing to increases in breathing (West et al., 1987; Smatresk and Smits, 1991). In amphibians, the carotid labyrinth arises from the first extant gill arch and is innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve (cn IX; Milsom and Burleson, 2007). The discharge from the glossopharyngeal nerve acts on brainstem respiratory centres to modulate breathing.

The sensitivity of these arterial chemoreceptors for O2 is dependent on the level of CO2 and vice versa. For example, in Bufo marinus, a significant reduction in arterial CO2 levels will cause breathing to cease regardless of the O2 level (West et al., 1987). Therefore, if CO2 levels in blood are low, breathing doesn’t occur even if O2 levels are lower than normal. Hence, O2 is only a stimulus for breathing if CO2 levels are sufficiently high enough to allow breathing to proceed.

On the other hand, hyperoxic conditions will also prevent breathing even in the presence of elevated arterial CO2 levels (West et. al., 1987). Taken together, these observations suggest that signals from O2 and CO2-sensitive chemoreceptors are integrated to produce an overall level of respiratory drive (Smatresk and Smits, 1991; Reid, 2006). For a mathematical model and 17

graphical representation of the interaction between PO2 and PCO2 sensitivity of peripheral

chemoreceptors in mammals, refer to Duffin (2005).

1.3.5. Central Chemoreceptors

Central pH/CO2 chemoreceptors trigger an increase in breathing when they are stimulated

by a reduction in cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) pH or increases in CSF CO2 levels (Smatresk and

Smits, 1991; Kinkead and Milsom, 1994; Milsom, 2002; Lahiri and Forster, 2003). This was first

documented by Leuson (1950) via perfusion of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) containing

high PCO2 levels into the cerebral ventricles (lateral to fourth ventricles) of dogs, thus stimulating

ventilation (Leuson, 1972). The earliest evidence for the existence of a central chemoreceptor

drive to breathing in ectothermic air breathers was obtained by Hitzig and Jackson (1978) who

perfused cerebral ventricles (lateral to fourth ventricles) of turtles (Pseudemys scripta) with aCSF of low pH and showed hyperventilation that persisted for the duration of perfusion. More than 40 years ago, central chemoreceptors were localized to the ventrolateral surface of the medulla oblongata by Mitchell and colleagues (1963) who showed that application of filter paper soaked in hypercapnic solutions to this region in anesthetised dogs stimulated ventilation. These central chemoreceptive regions are now thought to be widely distributed throughout the brainstem (Coates et al., 1993). Focal tissue acidification using acetazolamide (an inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase; will be discussed later in this introduction) application to the following

regions stimulated breathing: the locus coeruleus in mammals (Coates et al., 1993) as well as

amphibians (Noronha-de-Souza et al., 2006), the nucleus tractus solitarii, the medullary raphe,

the retrotrapezoid nucleus, and the pre-Bötzinger complex in mammals (Coates et al., 1993;

Nattie, 1999). A current review by Nattie and Li (2008) indicates that the presence of multiple 18

sites of central CO2 chemoreception produce an enhanced response to simultaneous stimulation.

In addition to this, multiple neuronal types (for example serotonergic and glutamatergic) and

parallel PCO2 sensing mechanisms with multiple pH/CO2 sensors (i.e., inhibition of inward rectifying K+ channels, Na+/Ca2+ exchangers, TASK-1 channel, gap junctions, etc) are suggested to exist (Jiang et al., 2005).

Decreases in cerebral spinal fluid pH, caused by increased PCO2 levels, elicit an

immediate (activation occurs within a second; Gray, 1971) response from the central chemoreceptors resulting in increased ventilation. Despite this, the stimulus for pH/CO2

chemoreception remains elusive. There are two different mechanisms postulated to explain CO2

chemoreceptor stimulation and subsequent signal transduction; the membrane potential

hypothesis and the Na+/Ca2+ exchange hypothesis (see below).

1.4 The In Vitro Brainstem-Spinal Cord Preparation

This thesis will focus on central pH/CO2 chemoreceptors and their sensitivity to changes in

cerebral spinal fluid pH following chronic hypercapnia (CHC) and chronic hypoxia (CH). The

central control of breathing is frequently studied using in vitro preparations such as the isolated

brainstem-spinal cord preparation. This is a reduced, decerebrate preparation which includes the

midbrain, brainstem and a short segment of the spinal cord. This preparation is discussed now

(rather than in the Materials and Methods) because many of the studies that form the basis for this thesis used this preparation. Given this, it is necessary to have an appreciation of this preparation prior to reading sections of the introduction below. In this preparation, motor output recorded from respiratory-related cranial nerves (i.e., nerves that control respiratory muscles)

serves as an index of breathing termed fictive breathing. 19

Figure 4. The in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparation. Panel A is a picture of the experimental

set-up used to record motor output (i.e., fictive breathing) from cranial nerves in the in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparation taken from leopard frogs. The brainstem-spinal cord preparation is pinned into the recording chamber, superfused with artificial cerebrospinal fluid

(aCSF) and whole-nerve recordings made via a suction electrode attached to the micromanipulator. Panel B depicts the relative size of a frog brain (ventral view). Panel C is an illustration of the frog brain (dorsal view) with the cranial nerves labelled and dashed lines indicating the transections that were made in order to produce the brainstem-spinal cord preparation.


Figure 4


Figure 4 shows a photograph and accompanying illustration of this preparation. The brainstem-

spinal cord preparation, once removed from the cranial case of the animal, is pinned into a

recording chamber and continually superfused with oxygenated artificial cerebrospinal fluid

(aCSF; a modified Ringer’s solution). Motor output from cranial nerve rootlets that innervate

respiratory muscles in the intact animal is used as an index of breathing termed fictive breathing.

Gassing the superfusate with increasing or decreasing CO2, acidifies or alkalinizes it, respectively. Hence, acidification of aCSF is representative of respiratory acidosis.

This technique was first developed by Suzue (1984) as an alternative to the brain slice for studies examining respiratory central pattern generator(s) in neonatal rat brains. Using this

technique, Suzue (1984) recorded spontaneous periodic activity from the phrenic, hypoglossal

and other spinal nerves. Synchrony between spontaneous discharge from the phrenic nerve and

contraction of the diaphragm measured in vivo and a comparison of this discharge with phrenic

nerve root activity in vitro suggested that the in vitro spontaneous motor output corresponds to

respiratory-related nerve discharge in the intact animal (Suzue, 1984). The main advantage of

this in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparation is that it contains much more of the neural

circuitry that controls breathing than is present in a brain slice preparation. Furthermore, this

preparation serves as a means to study the central control of breathing in the absence of any

peripheral input (Reid and Milsom, 1998). Since its initial use in studies on neonatal rats (Suzue,

1984), this preparation has been used to study the central control of breathing in a wide variety of

animals including air- and water-breathing fish (McClellan,1984; Wilson et al., 2000; Bongianni

et al., 2006), amphibians (Galante et al., 1996; McLean and Remmers, 1997; Reid and Milsom,

1998; Torgerson et al., 1998; Delvolvé et al., 1999; Gdovin et al., 1999), reptiles (Douse and

Mitchell, 1990; Johnson and Mitchell, 1998; Johnson and Mitchell, 2000) and hibernating 22

mammals (Bagust et al., 1985; Keifer and Kalil, 1989; Zimmer and Milsom, 2004). These in

vitro brainstem-spinal cord studies have confirmed that central pH/CO2 sensing chemoreceptors

increase in vitro fictive breathing in response to low cerebral spinal fluid pH, which is indicative

of high blood CO2 levels (Kinkead et al., 1994; Lahiri and Forster, 2003; Gheshmy et al., 2006).

In vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparations from ectotherms such as amphibians remain

viable for longer periods of time compared to those from mammals due to their lower tissue

metabolic rates, maintenance of normoxia in the regions containing respiratory control centres

via diffusion of oxygen from the bath solution (artificial cerebrospinal fluid), greater

anoxia/hypoxia tolerance and proximity of the superfusion conditions to their normal body

temperature ranges (Reid and Milsom, 1998; Morales and Hedrick, 2002).

1.5 Environmental Hypoxia and Hypercapnia

Prior to examining laboratory studies involving chronic hypoxic and hypercapnic

exposure, it is prudent to first point out circumstances under which amphibians encounter such

situations in their natural environments. Anuran amphibians can experience environmental hypoxia and/or hypercapnia during overwintering under ice-covered bodies of water (i.e., aquatic

species) or in underground burrows (i.e., terrestrial species) as observed in leopard frogs (R.

pipiens) and cane toads (Bufo marinus), respectively (Pinder et al., 1992).

Data on the gas levels encountered by burrowing amphibians has not been well documented. Boggs and colleagues (1984) have reported CO2 levels as high as 6% and O2 levels as low as 14% in mammalian burrows. Given the similarity between the burrow systems of 23

amphibians and mammals, it is likely that such fossorial amphibians are also exposed to similar

conditions of hypoxia and hypercapnia during their estivation and/or overwintering period.

Terrestrial and semi-terrestrial anurans such as the cane toad (Bufo marinus) usually

burrow under moist soil and remain dormant during the winter (Pinder et al., 1992).

Hypoventilation, in addition to a reduced capacity for cutaneous CO2 exchange to occur (as their

skin is covered in soil) is said to double blood PCO2 in these terrestrial species (Pinder et al.,

- 1992). However, plasma pH compensation (mainly via HCO3 gain from the environment) is

relatively low (a species dependent range of 0-30% during chronic hypercapnia) in amphibians

(Toews and Boutilier, 1986; Boutilier and Heisler, 1988).

Ranid frogs such as leopard frogs (Rana pipiens), which I conducted my thesis experiments on, typically “hibernate” while submerged under water during which time they tolerate a certain level of hypoxia and hypercapnia via a reduction in metabolism and with the aid of cutaneous gas exchange (Stewart et al., 2004). Stewart and colleagues (2004) further state

that the ability to retain aerobic metabolism, at low PO2 levels for a period of months, in addition

to anoxia tolerance for a period of days, is sufficient for frogs to overwinter with limited chance of death.

Rana pipiens occasionally overwinter on land (Rand, 1950; Emery et al., 1972). In this case they burrow into soil as do terrestrial amphibians and hence experience the same difficulties faced by species such as the cane toad. Reduced metabolism (to conserve energy), hypoventilation and reduced cutaneous gas exchange will lead to respiratory acidosis (Pinder et

al., 1992). Simkiss (1968) states that some amphibians maybe able to liberate CaCO3 from their bones or nodules found within endolympathic sacs in order to buffer arterial pH changes. In 24

addition, studies have shown that the haemoglobin-O2 binding affinity in overwintering bullfrogs

is high during hypoxic exposure (Pinder et al., 1992).

1.6 Chronic Hypercapnia (CHC) Studies

Exposure to acute hypercapnia causes an increase in ventilation. This hypercapnic ventilatory drive arises mainly from central pH/CO2 chemoreceptor stimulation (which can account for up to 80% of overall hypercapnic ventilatory drive) in vivo in Bufo paracnemis

(Branco et al., 1992) with a lesser contribution from the peripheral (arterial) CO2 chemoreceptors. Numerous studies have examined the effects of acute hypercapnia on amphibian respiration (Boutilier et al., 1979; Toews and Heisler, 1982; Toews and Stiffler, 1990; Smatresk and Smits, 1991; Kinkead and Milsom, 1994; Kinkead and Milson, 1996). However, the responses to chronic hypercapnia and the mechanisms that underlie them have only recently been investigated. A previous study from this laboratory (Gheshmy et al., 2006) reported that exposure of cane toads to CHC (3.5% CO2 for 9 days) caused an increase in central pH/CO2 chemoreceptor-stimulated fictive breathing measured using the in vitro brainstem-spinal cord

preparation (Fig. 5).

Further studies were conducted in our laboratory in order to determine the mechanisms

that may be responsible for the CHC-induced increase in central pH/CO2-sensitive fictive

breathing. Hypotheses were put forth suggesting that the central pH/CO2 chemoreceptor function

was altered either by descending central input (i.e., from the midbrain) or by afferent input (i.e.,

from olfactory chemoreceptors, pulmonary stretch receptors, or arterial chemoreceptors).


Figure 5: Fictive breathing frequency (fictive breaths·min-1) as a function of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) pH recorded from brainstem spinal cord preparations taken from chronically hypercapnic (CHC; closed circles) and normocapnic control (open circles) cane toads

(Bufo marinus). The data are plotted as mean values ± 1 SEM. Letters (a, b, and c) indicate a significant difference amongst pH levels in any one group. A plus sign (+) indicates a significant difference between CHC and controls. Figure modified from Gheshmy et al., 2006.

35 b, + ) -1 30

b 25 a Chronic Hypercapnia

20 a a




Fictive BreathingFictive Frequency (breaths·min Control 0 7.4 7.6 7.8 8.0 8.2 aCSF pH


To elucidate the role of higher brain centres (i.e., midbrain regions) in the chronic

hypercapnia (CHC)-induced increase in central pH/CO2-sensitive fictive breathing, midbrain

transections were performed at a level previously shown to alter episodic breathing (i.e., caudal

to optic chiasm; Reid et al., 2000a; Gheshmy et al., 2006). Gheshmy and colleagues (2006)

reported that midbrain transections, at a level slightly caudal to the optic chiasma, did not alter

the chronic hypercapnia-induced increase in central pH/CO2-sensitive fictive breathing, leading

to the conclusion that descending input from the rostral half of the midbrain does not contribute

to the chronic hypercapnia-induced increase in fictive breathing.

Next, the role of olfactory chemoreceptors was determined via olfactory nerve

denervation. Gheshmy and colleagues (2007) determined that the CHC-induced increase in

central pH/CO2 chemoreceptor function (fictive breathing) was abolished by denervation (prior

to CHC) of the CO2-sensitive olfactory chemoreceptors which inhibit breathing when stimulated

by high levels of CO2. In other words, it seems that the CHC-induced increase in central pH/CO2 chemoreceptor function is a compensatory response to offset the increase in inhibitory input from olfactory CO2 chemoreceptors to brainstem respiratory centres, which would presumably

occur during CHC.

In order to examine any influence of arterial chemoreceptors on the CHC-induced increase in fictive breathing, Gheshmy et al. (2007) exposed cane toads to simultaneous CHC

(3.5 % CO2) and chronic hyperoxia (30% O2). Since peripheral chemoreceptor sensitivity to PO2

and PCO2 are interdependent, with high levels of PO2 leading to a relatively low peripheral CO2

respiratory drive, simultaneous CHC and chronic hyperoxia would result in minimal input from

the peripheral CO2 chemoreceptors to the brainstem respiratory centres. Reducing afferent input

from peripheral O2/CO2 chemoreceptors within the carotid labyrinth prevented the CHC-induced 27

increase in fictive breathing that occurred in response to central chemoreceptor stimulation in in

vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparations of cane toads (Gheshmy et al., 2007). Hence, arterial chemoreceptor input is important in the modulation of central pH/CO2 chemosensitivity

following CHC.

These studies do not however, delve into mechanisms at the chemoreceptor level that

may have induced the augmentation in fictive breathing following CHC exposure. This topic will

be dealt with in this thesis in an aquatic anuran amphibian species, the Northern leopard frog

(Rana pipiens). However, prior to the commencement of the experiments in this thesis, the

effects of chronic hypercapnic exposure on fictive breathing was examined in leopard frogs

(Srivaratharajah and Reid, unpublished). This study showed a similar augmentation in fictive

breathing following CHC (Fig. 6; unpublished data).


Figure 6: (A) Fictive breathing frequency (fictive breaths·min-1), (B) the number of fictive episodes per minute, (C) the number of fictive breaths per episode, (D) fictive breath duration,

(E) the integrated area of fictive breaths (V·s) and (F) total fictive ventilation (V·s·min-1) as a function of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) pH in chronically hypercapnic (closed squares) and normocapnic control (open circles) leopard frogs (Rana pipiens). The data are plotted as mean values ± 1 SEM. Letters (a, b, and c) indicate a significant difference amongst pH levels in any one group. A plus sign (+) indicates a significant difference between CHC and controls. 29

) -1 A. Fictive Breathing Frequency D. Fictive Breath Duration 0.6 b, + 30 b, + 0.5

20 0.4 Chronic Hypercapnia Control a, + 0.3 10

b 0.2 Chronic Hypercapnia Control 0 a a FictiveBreath Duration (s) 0.1 Fictive BreathingFictive Frequency (breaths·min

B. Fictive Episodes per Minute E. Integrated Fictive Breath Area 30 0.04 25 + 0.03 Control 20

15 0.02 Chronic Hypercapnia 10 + 5 0.01 Chronic Hypercapnia b 0 Control a a 0.00 Integrated Fictive BreathArea (V·s) Number of Fictive Episodes per Minute per Episodes Fictive of Number

C. Fictive Breaths per Episode ) F. Total Fictive Ventilation 2.5 -1 0.5 b b, + 0.4 2.0 Chronic Hypercapnia 0.3 1.5 Chronic Hypercapnia 0.2 a, + 1.0 0.1 Control b 0.0 Control a a 0.5

7.4 7.6 7.8 8.0 8.2 TotalFictive Ventilation (V·s·min 7.4 7.6 7.8 8.0 8.2 Number of Fictive Breaths per Episode per Breaths Fictive of Number aCSF pH aCSF pH

Figure 6 30

1.7 Chronic Hypoxia Studies

Responses to chronic hypoxia in anuran amphibians have also been investigated in past

studies. A previous study from this laboratory by McAneney et al. (2006) showed that, following

acclimatisation to chronic hypoxia (CH; 10% O2) for 10 days, the acute hypoxic ventilatory response, but not resting ventilation, of cane toads was blunted in comparison to normoxic controls. More recently, McAneney and Reid (2007) determined that CH led to a decrease in the sensitivity of central (brainstem) respiratory-related pH/CO2 chemoreceptors (which normally

trigger an increase in breathing when stimulated by elevated CO2/low pH), measured using in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparations of cane toads (Fig. 7). This reduction in pH/CO2 chemoreceptor function was reversed by a midbrain transection, suggesting that descending inhibitory inputs may be involved in blunting the sensitivity of central chemoreceptors in response to CH (McAneney and Reid, 2007). Although potential cellular mechanisms underlying

O2 chemoreception have been documented, the involvement of carbonic anhydrase remains to be


The study on the effects of CH on fictive breathing was then replicated in leopard frogs

(Srivaratharajah and Reid, unpublished) prior to beginning the experiments in this thesis. The

results of this study were not consistent with those of McAneney and Reid (2007) as exposure to

CH did not alter fictive breathing in this species (Fig. 8).


Figure 7: Fictive breathing frequency (fictive breaths·min-1) as a function of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) pH in chronically hypoxic (CH; closed circles) and normoxic control

(open circles) cane toads (Bufo marinus). The data are plotted as mean values ± 1 SEM. Letters

(a, b, and c) indicate a significant difference amongst pH levels in any one group. A plus sign (+) indicates a significant difference between CHC and controls. Figure modified from McAneney and Reid (2007).

Fictive Breathing Frequency 14 b 12

Control 10 a, b 8

6 a 4 + Chronic Hypoxia 2 Fictive Breathing Frequency (breaths/min) Frequency Breathing Fictive 7.6 7.8 8.0



Figure 8: (A) Fictive breathing frequency (fictive breaths·min-1), (B) the number of fictive

episodes per minute, (C) the number of fictive breaths per episode, (D) fictive breath duration

(E) the integrated area of fictive breaths (V·s) and (F) total fictive ventilation (V·s·min-1) as a

function of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) pH in chronically hypoxic (closed circles) and normoxic control (open circles) leopard frogs (Rana pipiens). The data are plotted as mean values ± 1 SEM. Letters (a, b, and c) indicate a significant difference amongst pH levels in any one group. A plus sign (+) indicates a significant difference between CH and controls.


) -1

A. Fictive Breathing Frequency 0.6 D. Fictive Breath Duration 30 0.5 +

20 0.4 Chronic Hypoxia

b 0.3 10 b Chronic Hypoxia 0.2 a Control 0 b a Control a FictiveBreath Duration (s) 0.1 Fictive BreathingFictive Frequency (breaths·min

B. Fictive Episodes per Minute E. Integrated Fictive Breath Area 30 0.04 25 Chronic Hypoxia 20 0.03 15 0.02 10 b Chronic Hypoxia 5 b 0.01 Control a 0 b a Control a 0.00 IntegratedBreath Fictive Area (V·s) Number of Fictive Episodes per Minute per Episodes Fictive of Number )

C. Fictive Breaths per Episode -1 F. Total Fictive Ventilation 2.5 0.5

0.4 2.0 0.3 1.5 Control 0.2 b Chronic Hypoxia 1.0 0.1 Chronic Hypoxia 0.0 Control a a 0.5

7.4 7.6 7.8 8.0 8.2 TotalFictive Ventilation (V·s·min 7.4 7.6 7.8 8.0 8.2 Number of Fictive Breaths per Episode per Breaths Fictive of Number aCSF pH aCSF pH

Figure 8


1.8 Carbonic Anhydrase

1.8.1 Discovery and Kinetics

The uncatalyzed hydration and dehydration of CO2 (equation 1) are relatively fast

reactions with first order reaction rate constants of approximately 0.035 and 20 sec-1,

respectively (Henry and Swenson, 2000). Lahiri and Forster (2003) report a half-time of 3.7s for

the uncatalyzed hydration/dehydration reaction of CO2 under physiological conditions (i.e., pH

7.4 and 37ºC).

+ - Equation 1: CO2 + H2O H + HCO3

However, early in the 1930s it was determined that these reaction rates were not sufficient to

explain the rate at which CO2 was eliminated from blood plasma during the approximately 1 second transit time through pulmonary capillaries (Meldrum and Roughton, 1933). This discrepancy lead to the discovery of a group of enzymes called carbonic anhydrases. Carbonic anhydrases (CA) are ubiquitous enzymes that catalyze the reversible hydration of carbon dioxide

Meldrum and Roughton, 1933). Since its discovery approximately 70 years ago, CA has been under extensive study and has been associated with a wide range of physiological processes such as breathing; acid-base balance; bone resorption; production of aqueous humour, cerebrospinal fluid, gastric acid, and pancreatic juice; and possibly cell growth (Sly and Hu, 1995; Chegwidden and Carter, 2000). There are 3 families (α, β and γ) of CA, each with several isoforms; however,

I will only be discussing the αCAs.

αCAs are zinc metalloenzymes that are found predominately in animals and possess an

average molecular weight of approximately 29 kDa (Chegwidden and Carter, 2000). The first

αCA isoform was discovered in 1962 (Rickli and Edsall, 1962). Currently, there are at least 15 35

isoforms of αCA (which from here on will be referred to simply as CA) in mammals, ranging

from CA I and II found in mammalian erythrocytes to sulfonamide-resistant CA III found in rat liver, membrane-bound CA IV, mitochondrial CA V, cell-secreted CA VI to the recently

discovered isozyme CA XV (Dodgson, 1991; Fernley, 1990; Hilvo et al., 2007). CA II is the

most commonly found isozyme and is also the most highly active with an overall enzymatic

6 -1 catalytic rate (kcat) greater than 1 ×10 s (Chegwidden and Carter, 2000). CA II is present in

human red blood cells (Dodgson, 1991) and a related isozyme was purified from bullfrog

erythrocytes (Chegwidden, 1991). In fact, studies done on anuran amphibians have shown the

presence of an isozyme that closely resembles mammalian CA II in reaction rate and inhibition

characteristics (Bundy and Cheng, 1976; Ziegler et al., 1974; Rosen and Friedley, 1973; Scott

and Skipski, 1979). Other possible isozymes in anurans have not been discussed in the literature.

The 3 main steps in the CA catalyzed CO2 hydration mechanism have been described in several studies (Lindskog et al., 1984; Liljas et al., 1994; Vince et al., 2000; Chegwidden and

Carter, 2000) and is as follows (refer to equation 2 below). The zinc atom in the active site of the

CA enzyme (E-Zn) reacts with water to form a E-Zn-OH- complex (equation 2a). Nucleophilic

- attack on this E-Zn-OH complex by CO2 in the vicinity of the active site forms E-Zn-HCO3

(equation 2b). The bicarbonate bound to the Zn atom is then displaced by a water molecule

+ (equation 2c). The rapid transfer of an H from E-Zn-H2O to buffers (B) in the surrounding solution regenerates E-Zn-OH- (equation 2d) and the cycle continues (from equation 2b through

2d). For a more detailed review of this catalytic mechanism refer to Lindskog and Silverman



Equation 2:

- + a. E-Zn + H2O + B → E-Zn-OH + B-H

- - b. E-Zn-OH + CO2 → E-Zn-HCO3

- - c. E-Zn-HCO3 + H2O → E-Zn-H2O + HCO3

- + d. E-Zn-H2O + B → E-Zn-OH + B-H

1.8.2 Role of Carbonic Anhydrase in CO2 Chemoreception

With chemoreceptor activation occurring within a second of hypercapnic or acidic

stimulation, it is not feasible for the uncatalyzed hydration of CO2 to account for any major

aspect of CO2 chemoreception (Gary, 1971). Hence, CA was implicated in the mechanism of

CO2 chemoreception. In support of this, studies have shown that inhibition of CA reduced chemoreceptor response (Black et al., 1966; Travis, 1971; Gary, 1971). These initial studies drew a connection between carotid body CO2 chemoreceptors and CA. The distribution of the

isozymes within the brain, however, remains an area in need of further research. It was initially thought that CA isozymes were restricted to glial cells and generally not present in neurons

(Giacobini, 1961; Parthe, 1981). However, later studies have proven otherwise (Brown, 1980;

Wong et al., 1983; Wong et al., 1987; Neubauer, 1991). It has been suggested that CA is

+ involved in CO2 chemoreception by providing a link between intracellular CO2/H and neuronal

signalling (Neubauer, 1991; Torrence, 1993). Several studies have provided evidence in support

of this notion via localization of CA activity to previously identified central CO2 chemoreceptive regions. For example, Ridderstråle and Hanson (1985) and Torrance (1993) reported CA activity near the ventral surface of the cat medulla, the long accepted location of central respiratory- related chemoreceptors. Furthermore, Coates and colleagues (1998) reported the presence of CA 37

in olfactory CO2 chemoreceptors in bullfrogs (R. catesbeiana) and Lahiri (1991) described CA

localization in the glomus cells of the cat carotid body.

The standard mechanistic model for CO2 chemoreception according to previous studies is as follows. CO2 in the blood enters the cerebral spinal fluid and diffuses into chemoreceptor cells

(Fig.9, step 1). Within the chemoreceptor cells, carbonic anhydrase catalyzes the reversible hydration of CO2 (Fig. 9 step 2), where it is converted into a bicarbonate ion and a proton (Fig. 9,

step 3). The rapid accumulation of H+ ions in the cell leads to a number of ion exchange

processes (Fig. 9, step 4) that lead to Ca2+ influx. Two different hypotheses have been postulated

to explain the link between chemoreceptor stimulation and the rise in intracellular Ca2+ which is

required to initiate neurotransmitter release (Rocher et al., 1991; Buckler and Vaughan-Jones,

1993; Peers and Buckler, 1995). The first is the Na+/Ca2+ -exchange hypothesis and the second is the membrane potential hypothesis (Peers and Buckler, 1995).

Non-chemoreceptive cells possess means for intracellular pH (pHi ) regulation using

Na+/H+ antiporters that counteract a decrease in pHi via electroneutral exchange of intracellular

+ + - - H for Na (Putnam, 2001) and HCO3 /Cl antiporters that counteract an increase in pHi via

- + efflux of HCO3 . The presence of CA in chemosensitive cells, on the other hand, expedites H

production, which may overwhelm these pHi regulatory mechanisms, leading to a maintained

intracellular acidosis and chemoreceptor firing as long as PCO2 remains elevated (Necakov,

2002). The Na+/Ca2+ -exchange hypothesis (Rocher et al., 1991; Gonzalez et al. 1992; Peers and

Buckler, 1995) proposes that a fall in pHi activates Na+/H+ antiporters, which result in the efflux

+ + - + of H , and Na /HCO3 symporters that further increase the influx of Na (Fig. 9, step 4).


Figure 9. Carbonic anhydrase (CA) and the mechanistic model of central pH/CO2 chemoreception. Arterial CO2 crosses the blood brain barrier and enters neuronal pH/CO2

chemosensitive cells (step 1). CA within pH/CO2 chemoreceptor cells catalyze the reversible

+ - + hydration of CO2 (step 2), forming H and HCO3 (step 3). Accumulation of H leads to a drop in

intracellular pH and subsequent ion exchange processes (step 4). Ion exchange leads to Ca2+

influx and neurotransmission (step 5), ultimately stimulating ventilation.


The rise in intracellular Na+ (Fig. 9, step 4) then activates Ca2+/Na+ exchangers which result in

the influx of Ca2+ in exchange for the efflux of Na+. The resultant increase in intracellular Ca2+ triggers neurotransmitter release from the chemoreceptor cells via exocytosis (Fig. 9, step 5).

This signal then reaches the brainstem respiratory centres, which then increase ventilation via

efferent motor output to respiratory muscles.

The basis for the membrane potential hypothesis (Peers and Buckler, 1995; Peers, 2004),

which has recently garnered support, is the acid-induced inhibition of K+ channels. Such an

inhibition would reduce K+ efflux and result in cell membrane depolarization, subsequent Ca2+

influx and signalling of respiratory centres. The role of CA in the rapid accumulation of

intracellular H+ could also be applied to this hypothesis, whereby the resultant rapid decrease in

pH would inhibit K+ channels.

In order to determine the physiological function of CA in the chemoreceptive process,

many studies (Coates et al., 1991; Erlichman et al., 1994; Necakov et al, 2002; Taylor et al.,

2003) have used CA inhibitors to examine the effects of reducing or eliminating CA activity

(yielding stronger evidence than histochemical co-localization studies). Some CA inhibitors

include sulfanomides, metal ions such as Cu (II) and Hg (II), imidazole, phenol, nitrate and

perchlorate (Eriksson and Liljas, 1991). Sulfanomides are a class of strong CA inhibitors and

include acetazolamide (membrane permeant), benzolamide (poorly permeant), dichlorphenamide

and methazolamide (Dodgson, 1991). By far, the most commonly used CA inhibitor is

acetazolamide (ACTZ) which has pKa values of 7.2 and 8.8 (i.e., what these values mean is that

ACTZ is a diprotic weak acid and exists in a deprotenated, ionic form at physiological pH) and an IC50 value of 9.9 nM for CA II (Maren, 1967). Sulfonamide inhibitors of CA such as ACTZ

reversibly inhibit CA activity by displacing the water molecule coordinated to the Zn atom at the 40

active site of the enzyme (refer back to equation 2). Hence, the Zn-OH complex is prevented from forming and the proceeding nucleophilic attack by CO2 cannot occur (Liljas et al., 1994).

Taylor and colleagues (2003) applied 25 μM ACTZ to the superfusate of in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparations taken from bullfrogs (R. catesbeiana) of various developmental stages in order to test central CO2 chemosensitivity. 25 μM is a concentration that is approximately 250 times the IC50 value of ACTZ for CA II and, at which, 99% of CA II activity is said to be inhibited (Maren, 1967; Taylor et al., 2003). Taylor et al. (2003) reported a local acidification-induced increase in fictive breathing in all stages of development except for that of late stage tadpoles. Erlichman and colleagues (1994) showed that bath application of

ACTZ to the isolated brain-pneumostome preparation of the pulmonate snail (Helix aspersa) slowed the ventilatory response (i.e., pneumostomal opening) to rapid CO2 changes. ACTZ application to the ventrolateral medullary surface in cats also delayed the ventilatory response to

CO2 (Coates et al., 1991). These studies seem to indicate that CA participates in central CO2 chemoreception. However, a study undertaken by Necakov and colleagues (2002) showed that bath application of 1 mM ACTZ to transverse medullary slices from neonatal rats did not seem to alter breathing (in this case, fictive breathing as measured from hypoglossal nerve activity).

Recently, Nattie and Li (2006) proposed that central chemoreception need not involve a single neuronal type but rather involves an assortment of neurons (such as glutamatergic and serotonergic neurons). Note that glial cells may also be involved in CO2 sensing since they also possess carbonic anhydrase isozymes.


1.9 Hypothesis and Goals of the Thesis

Building upon the foundation of these previous studies that have linked CA to central

chemoreception, the aim of my thesis was to examine the role of CA in the CHC-induced augmentation in fictive breathing (central pH/CO2 chemosensitivity) in amphibian in vitro

brainstem-spinal cord preparations. To accomplish this, the first series of experiments used bath application of the membrane permeant CA inhibitor, acetazolamide (ACTZ), to access whether

or not CHC acclimatization and the subsequent increase in in vitro fictive breathing in leopard

frogs (R. pipiens) was altered by blocking CA. If this occurred, the data would suggest that CHC

has caused an increase in CA activity/amount that in turn augmented the central chemoreceptor


Due to the fact that ACTZ is a relatively permeable CA inhibitor and hence will inhibit

both intracellular and extracellular CA, I sought a means to distinguish between the two. In the

second series of experiments, I examined the effect of a bath application of bovine CA (isozyme

type II) in the in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparations from control and CHC leopard frogs.

Assuming that intracellular CA is responsible for central CO2 chemoreception (on the basis that

intracellular pH changes trigger these chemoreceptors; Ritucci et al., 1997; 1998; Wang et al.,

2002; Putnam et al., 2004) and the CHC-induced augmentation in fictive breathing, I expected

exogenous CA application to have no effect on fictive breathing (given that CA is relatively cell


These two series of experiments were also performed on in vitro brainstem-spinal cord

preparations taken from frogs exposed to chronic hypoxia in order to access the potential involvement of CA in O2 chemoreception following this chronic respiratory challenge. Finally, I 42

performed a histochemical comparison between the intensity of staining for CA in brains taken from frogs exposed to control conditions, CHC and CH using a modified version of Hansson’s method (also referred to as the Cobalt-Phosphate method; Hansson, 1967). Assuming that the

CHC-induced augmentation in fictive breathing frequency is a result of CA upregulation, I hypothesized that the stain intensity would be greater in the CHC compared to control and CH frog brains.








Previous studies have shown that exposure to chronic hypercapnia (CHC) augments

(Gheshmy et al . 2006) while exposure to chronic hypoxia (CH) attenuates (McAneney and Reid,

2007) fictive breathing measured from in vitro brainstem spinal cord preparations taken from a terrestrial amphibian, the cane toad ( Bufo marinus ). The CHC-induced augmentation was due to alterations in afferent input from olfactory and peripheral chemoreceptors (Gheshmy et al . 2007) while the CH-induced attenuation was due to central influences, from the midbrain, to the medullary respiratory centres. Exposure of a semi-aquatic anuran (the leopard frog; Rana pipiens ) to CHC also caused an increase in fictive breathing measured in vitro while exposure to

CH had no effect (Srivaratharajah and Reid, unpublished).

The above-mentioned studies indicate a role for altered afferent input and central processes in the CHC-induced and CH-induced, respectively, changes in fictive breathing.

However, these studies do not address the possible mechanisms responsible for this effect at the central chemoreceptor level. This chapter addresses whether a change in carbonic anhydrase

(CA) amount/activity is involved in the changes in fictive breathing that occur following CHC.

Although exposure to CH did not cause an attenuation of fictive breathing in Rana pipiens

(Srivaratharajah and Reid, unpublished) I also investigated whether changes in CA amount/activity occurred following exposure to CH.

I hypothesised that an augmentation in the activity/amount of CA was responsible for the

CHC-induced increase in fictive breathing. To test this hypothesis, I examined whether inhibition of CA with acetazolamide (ACTZ), a potent cell-permeant CA inhibitor, would alter the CHC- induced increase in fictive breathing. The assumption here is that ACTZ will block both 45

intracellular and extracellular CA (although we assume the vast majority of CA is intracellular;

Ritucci et al ., 1997; 1998; Wang et al ., 2002; Putnam et al ., 2004), hence slowing down CO 2 hydration. Consequently, as more CO 2 is bubbled into the superfusate, the drop in intracellular pH (pH i) will occur at a slower rate than it would in the absence of ACTZ. This would allow time for pH i regulation mechanisms to stabilize any changes in pH i, leading to a reduction in the

output of central CO 2 chemoreceptors and an eventual reduction in fictive breathing (Necakov et al ., 2002). Given that CH did not alter fictive breathing in this species, I hypothesised that ACTZ would have no effect on fictive breathing following CH.



2.2.1 Experimental Animals

Adult leopard frogs ( Rana pipiens ; N = 26; approximately 5 to 8 cm in length) were obtained from a commercial supplier (Boreal Scientific, St. Catharines, Ontario) and transported to the University of Toronto, Scarborough. Frogs were housed in large tanks supplied with running dechlorinated water as well as dry terrestrial landings. The animals were held at room temperature (20–22ºC) with the photoperiod maintained at 12 h light:12 h dark. Frogs were fed live crickets and/or earthworms twice per week. Holding conditions and experimental protocols were approved by the University of Toronto Animal Care Committee and conform to the guidelines established by the Canadian Council for Animal Care.

2.2.2 Exposure to Chronic Hypoxia and Hypercapnia

Leopard frogs were exposed to chronic hypoxia (CH; N = 7) or chronic hypercapnia

(CHC; N = 11) for a 10-day period in a Plexiglas chamber. To establish conditions of CHC, the inspired CO 2 within the chamber was maintained at 3.5% using a ProCO 2 120 control unit

(Biospherix, NY, USA). A CO 2 electrode within the chamber measured the CO 2 level. When it

fell below 3.5%, the ProCO 2 unit delivered a small amount of CO 2 into the chamber to raise the level back to 3.5%. To establish CH, the inspired O2 within the chamber was maintained at 10%

using a ProOx 110 control unit (Biospherix, NY, USA). An O 2 electrode in the chamber

monitored the level of O 2. When the O 2 level rose above 10%, the ProOx unit delivered a small

amount of N 2 to lower the level back to 10%. A level of 3.5% CO2 (CHC) and 10% O 2 (CH)

were selected based on previous studies (Gheshmy et al., 2006; 2007; McAneney et al ., 2007; 47

Srivaratharajah et al ., 2007). The hypercapnic and hypoxic acclimatisation chambers were maintained at room temperature and exposed to a 12 h light:12 h dark cycle. Normoxic normocapnic leopard frogs (exposed to room air; 20.97% O 2; 0.03% CO 2; 79% N 2) maintained under the same temperature and light conditions were used as controls.

2.2.3 In vitro Brainstem-Spinal Cord Preparations

Leopard frogs were anaesthetised via emersion in a solution of 3-aminobenzoic acid ethyl ester (MS222, 0.6 g l −1; Sigma–Aldrich Inc., Oakville, Ontario, Canada) neutralised to pH 7.4 with sodium bicarbonate (Reid and Milsom, 1998). Animals were kept in the anaesthetic until eye-blink (or corneal) and toe-pinch (or withdrawal) reflexes were eliminated. The brain and spinal cord were removed en bloc from the rest of the animal (Taylor et al ., 2003). Bone shears and rongeurs were used to remove the cranial case, exposing the brain from the olfactory bulb to the spinal cord. Immediately following exposure, the brain was superfused continually with ice-

−1 cold oxygenated artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) (in mmol l ; NaCl, 103; KCl, 4.05; MgCl 2,

1.38; glucose, 10; NaHCO 3, 25; CaCl 2, 2.45; Sigma–Aldrich Inc.; pH 7.8; Taylor et al ., 2003;

Gheshmy et al ., 2006; 2007; McAneney and Reid, 2007; Srivaratharajah et al ., 2008). Following

decerebration (i.e., removal of the forebrain region, leaving just enough to pin the preparation

into the recording chamber), the spinal cord was severed at the level of the third spinal nerve, the

cranial nerves were cut distal to their roots and the brainstem–spinal cord, with the midbrain

attached, was removed. The brainstem–spinal cord preparation was then transferred onto a

Sylgard-coated dissecting dish and immobilised using insect pins.

The dura matter surrounding the brain was partially removed in order to free the cranial

nerve roots and the nerve tips were cut to provide a clean surface for recording. The preparation 48

was then pinned in place over a fine nylon mesh within a recording chamber. The brainstem– spinal cord preparation, in the recording chamber, was continuously superfused with oxygenated, room temperature aCSF (at a rate of 10 ml/min) using peristaltic pumps that delivered and removed the aCSF from the chamber. The nylon mesh, onto which the brainstem–spinal cord preparation was pinned (ventral side up), divided the chamber into upper and lower compartments, which facilitated simultaneous superfusion of both the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the preparation (Kinkead et al ., 1994; Reid and Milsom, 1998; Gheshmy et al ., 2006; 2007;

McAneney and Reid, 2007).

Using a micro-manipulator, two narrow diameter suction electrodes were positioned near the end of the vagus nerve root (cranial nerve X; cnX) and the trigeminal nerve root (cranial nerve V; cnV) and the nerves were aspirated into the electrode such that a tight seal was obtained. The suction electrodes were formed from thin-walled capillary glass pulled to a fine tip using a vertical pipette puller (Kopf model 720; Tujunga, CA, USA) and polished using a grinding stone. Electroneurogram recordings were taken of whole-nerve discharge from the vagus nerve root and trigeminal nerve root. In the intact animal, the laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve innervates the glottis, which opens and closes with each breath (Sakakibara, 1984;

Kogo et al. , 1997), whereas the trigeminal nerve innervates the nasal mucosa (Sakakibara, 1978) and buccal elevator muscles (Sakakibara, 1984). Since brainstem–spinal cord preparations lack afferent input and breathing is an inherently rhythmic process generated in the brainstem, all spontaneous rhythmic activity recorded from the vagus and trigeminal nerve roots was assumed to represent motor output to the respiratory muscles (Kinkead et al ., 1994; McLean et al ., 1995a, b; Reid and Milsom, 1998; Gheshmy et al ., 2006; 2007; McAneney and Reid, 2007). This nerve activity is the neural correlate of breathing and is termed fictive breathing (Kinkead et al ., 1994; 49

McLean et al. , 1995a, b; Galante et al. , 1996; Reid and Milsom, 1998; Reid et al ., 2000a, b;

Gheshmy et al. , 2006; 2007; McAneney and Reid, 2007).

Nerve activity from the suction electrodes was initially amplified 10X and filtered (30

Hz, high pass; 1 kHz, low pass) using a DAM50 AC amplifier (World Precision Instruments;

Sarasota, FL, USA) the output of which was sent to a second AC amplifier (ISO8A, WPI) and amplified a further 100X. The amplified, filtered nerve signal was sent to a moving averager

(CWE MA821/RSP; CWE Inc., Ardmore, PA, USA; time constant = 200 ms) for integration and to an audio monitor (AM Systems Model 3300; Carlsborg, WA, USA). The amplified/filtered and integrated traces were monitored and stored using a data acquisition system (Biopac

Systems, MP150; Goleta, CA, USA). The sampling rate of analogue to digital conversion was

2000 Hz. Gassing the aCSF with varying levels of CO2 (0–5% CO 2; balance O 2) altered the aCSF pH. The levels of O 2 and CO 2 gassing the aCSF were set using digital mass flow controllers (Smart-Trak 100, Sierra Instruments; Monterey, CA, USA). The pH level of the aCSF was monitored using a pH electrode (VWR) calibrated with standard buffers (pH 7.0 and 10.0) and placed within the aCSF reservoir.

2.2.4 Acetazolamide

Two different acetazolamide (ACTZ; Sigma-Aldrich Inc., Oakville, Ontario, Canada) concentrations were used in this study (1 and 10 µM). ACTZ is only slightly soluble in water

(approximately 0.7 mg/ml; Kaur et al. , 2002), hence dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO; Sigma-Aldrich

Inc., Oakville, Ontario, Canada) was used to dissolve ACTZ. Since ACTZ has an optimum stability at pH 4 (Parasrampuria and Gupta, 1989) and is present in its ionized form at physiological pH, its transport across lipid membranes may be limited. Hence, DMSO (an 50

amphipathic molecule) also served to enhance the cell permeability (Yu and Quinn, 1998) of

ACTZ at the pH levels used in this study. Due to earlier speculation on the possible stimulatory effect of DMSO on respiration (De la Torre and Rowed, 1974) and recent evidence for increases in brain metabolic rate at concentrations of DMSO as low as 0.000025% (v/v) (Nasrallah et al .,

2008), a equivalent amount of DMSO was added to the aCSF reservoir containing no ACTZ.

Furthermore, the concentrations used in this study were derived from a 100X stock solution of

ACTZ made fresh each day and diluted to 1 and 10 µM.

2.2.5 Experimental Protocol

Prior to recording, the brainstem–spinal cord preparation was allowed to stabilise at room temperature in aCSF (containing DMSO) of pH 7.8 for 1 h. This pH approximates plasma pH of anuran amphibians under normoxic normocapnic conditions (Reid and Milsom, 1998) while room temperature is within the temperature range in which fictive breathing is consistently active from these preparations (Morales and Hedrick, 2002). Following the 1-h stabilisation period and the observation of stable levels of fictive breathing, each preparation was exposed to 3 different levels of aCSF pH (7.6, 7.8, and 8.0 which correspond to acute hypercapnia, normocapnia and hypocapnia, respectively). Each pH change was achieved over a period of 5-10 min and the preparations were allowed to acclimatise to each new pH level for a further 5-10 min before fictive breathing was monitored for an additional 20 min period of data-collection. The different aCSF pH levels were delivered in random order (Gheshmy et al ., 2006; 2007; McAneney and

Reid, 2007). Once the abovementioned aCSF pH changes were complete, the preparation was

superfused with aCSF containing 1 µM ACTZ (which was first dissolved in DMSO). After 30

min of superfusion with 1 µM ACTZ, the pH changes (7.6, 7.8 and 8.0) were repeated as 51

described above. The preparation was then superfused, for 30 min, with aCSF containing no

ACTZ following which it was superfused with aCSF containing 10 µM ACTZ. After 30 min of

superfusion with 10 µM ACTZ, the pH changes (7.6, 7.8 and 8.0) were repeated again as described above. Since the effects of ACTZ and its half-life are not known for this in vitro preparation (a biological half-life of 8.5 ± 2.5 hours in plasma is reported for ACTZ suspensions administered to humans; Schoenwald et al. , 1978), the order of exposure to various ACTZ levels was not changed; 0 µM ACTZ + DMSO was followed by 1 µM ACTZ + DMSO and finally 10

µM ACTZ + DMSO. These experiments were performed on brainstem–spinal cord preparations taken from leopard frogs exposed to CHC (N = 11), CH ( N =7) as well as control (normoxic normocapnic) conditions ( N = 8).

2.2.6 Data and Statistical Analysis

AcqKnowledge 3.7.3 (Biopac Systems) software was used to acquire and store nerve

recordings. Data were analysed for the last 10 min of the recording period at each aCSF pH level

and values are reported as the mean ± one standard error of the mean (S.E.M.). Respiratory-

related neural activity was distinguished using criteria described by Reid and Milsom (1998).

Fictive breathing traces were analysed to determine fictive breathing frequency (fictive

breaths·min -1), the number of fictive breathing episodes per min, the number of fictive breaths

per episode, fictive breath duration (s), and the integrated area of fictive breaths (i.e., the area

under the curve of the integrated vagal motor activity trace; V ·s) which is considered a correlate

of breath amplitude or volume (Sakakibara, 1984; McAneney and Reid, 2007). Episodes were

designated as breaths occurring within 2 s of each other (Kinkead et al., 1994; Reid and Milsom,

1998; Gheshmy et al ., 2006; 2007; McAneney and Reid, 2007). Total fictive ventilation 52

(V ·s·min −1) was calculated as the product of fictive breathing frequency and the integrated area of fictive breaths and is used here as an index of overall breathing (i.e., fictive breathing).

All statistical analyses were performed using commercial software (SigmaStat 3.0; SPSS,

Chicago, IL, USA). The effects of changing aCSF pH in any given group (i.e., controls, CHC or

CH), were analysed using a one-way repeated measures (RM) analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by a Student–Newman–Keuls (SNK) multiple comparison test. The effects of CHC or

CH were analysed using a two-way non-repeated measures ANOVA (control/CHC or control/CH X aCSF pH) followed by a SNK multiple comparison test. In any given group

(controls; CHC; CH) the effect of ACTZ was analysed using a two-way RM ANOVA (aCSF pH

X ACTZ level) followed by an SNK multiple comparison test. In all cases, p < 0.05 was taken to

be the limit of statistical significance. 53


Figure 10 illustrates fictive breathing traces recorded, at an aCSF pH of 7.6, from the vagus nerve root of brainstem-spinal cord preparations taken from normoxic normocapnic (Fig.

10A), chronically hypercapnic (CHC; Fig. 10B) and chronically hypoxic (CH; Fig. 10C) animals during treatment with 0, 1 and 10 1 µM acetazolamide (ACTZ).

2.3.1 Effects of Chronic Hypercapnia

In both control and CHC groups, fictive breathing frequency (Fig. 11A) was elevated, compared to pH 8.0, as the aCSF pH level was reduced (control: pH 7.6, p= 0.042 ; CHC: pH

7.6, p= 0.001 ; pH 7.8, p= 0.027 ). Fictive breathing frequency was significantly greater in the

CHC preparations compared to controls at an aCSF pH 7.6 ( p= 0.028).

The components of fictive breathing frequency are number of fictive episodes per minute

(Fig. 11B) and number of fictive breaths per episode (Fig. 11C). In the CHC group, the number of fictive episodes per minute increased significantly at pH 7.6 compared to the value at pH 8.0

(p= 0.006 ). However, the number of fictive episodes per minute remained unaltered as aCSF pH was changed in the controls ( p= 0.064 ). The number of fictive breaths per episode did not change as a function of aCSF pH in either CHC or control preparations (control: p= 0.967 ; CHC: p= 0.674 ). The number of fictive episodes per minute was greater in the CHC group, compared to controls, at pH 7.6 ( p= 0.016 ). The number of fictive breaths per episode remained unchanged following CHC exposure ( p= 0.934 ).

In both groups, fictive breath duration was unaltered by changes in aCSF pH (Fig 11D; controls, p= 0.531 ; CHC, p= 0.077 ). Compared to controls, CHC blunted fictive breath duration 54

at pH 7.6 ( p= 0.042 ). The integrated area of the fictive breaths (Fig. 11E) was also unaltered by changes in aCSF pH in both the control and CHC preparations (controls, p= 0.828 ; CHC, p=

0.913 ). The integrated area of the fictive breaths was not significantly altered by exposure to

CHC ( p = 0.132 ).

In the control group, total fictive ventilation (Fig. 11F) increased significantly as aCSF pH was lowered to 7.6 from 8.0 ( p= 0.022 ). Similarly, total fictive ventilation increased in the

CHC group following acidification of the aCSF from pH 8.0 to pH 7.8 ( p= 0.028 ) and 7.6 ( p=

0.004 ). Total fictive ventilation was significantly higher in CHC preparations compared to controls at aCSF pH 7.6 ( p= 0.03 ).

2.3.2 Effects of Chronic Hypoxia

Note, the control data plotted in Figure 12 is the same as the control data plotted in Figure

11. The effects of pH on fictive breathing in this group were described in the section above. In preparations taken from chronically hypoxic frogs, fictive breathing frequency (Fig.12A) was elevated at aCSF pH 7.6 compared to pH 8.0 ( p= 0.021 ). However, there was no significant difference in fictive breathing frequency between the control and CH preparations ( p=0.138 ).

The components of fictive breathing frequency, fictive episodes per minute (E/M; Fig.12B) and the number of fictive breaths per episode (B/E: Fig. 12C), were not altered by changes in aCSF pH (E/M: p= 0.620 ; B/E: p= 0.172 ) nor where they altered by exposure to CH (E/M: p = 0.061 ;

B/E: p=0.883 ).

In the CH group, fictive breath duration (Fig. 12D) did not changes as aCSF pH was lowered ( p= 0.366 ). Compared to the control group, CH blunted fictive breath duration at aCSF 55

pH levels of 7.6 ( p= 0.044 ) and 8.0 ( p= 0.022 ) but not 7.8 ( p= 0.058 ). The integrated area of fictive breaths (Fig. 12E) was not altered by changes to aCSF pH ( p= 0.489 ). However, integrated fictive breath area was significantly lower in the CH group, compared to controls, at aCSF pH 7.6 ( p= 0.045 ).

In the CH group, total fictive ventilation (Fig. 12F) was augmented in response to a reduction in aCSF pH from 8.0 to 7.8 ( p= 0.032 ) and 7.6 ( p= 0.006 ). Total fictive ventilation was not significantly different between the control and CH preparations ( p= 0.876 ).


Fig. 10. Electroneurograms of vagal motor output recorded at an artificial cerebrospinal fluid pH of 7.6 from in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparations taken from a normoxic normocapnic control frog (column A), a chronically hypercapnic frog (column B) and a chronically hypoxic

(column C) frog. Within each group (column), there are 3 sets of electroneurograms: Pre-ACTZ, following 1 µM ACTZ addition and finally 10 µM ACTZ addition. The top trace within each

electroneurogram is the raw vagal nerve activity (X) and the bottom trace is the integrated one ( ∫




Fig. 11. Fictive breathing frequency (A), number of fictive episodes per minute (B), number of

fictive breaths per episode (C), fictive breath duration (D), integrated fictive breath area (E) and

total fictive ventilation (F), as a function of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) pH, recorded

from in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparations taken from normoxic normocapnic control (n=8;

open circles) and chronically hypercapnic (CHC; n=11; closed squares) leopard frogs. The data

are plotted as mean values ± 1 SEM. Letters (a and b) indicate a significant difference amongst

pH levels in any one group. A plus sign ( +) indicates significant differences between CHC and



A. Fictive Breathing Frequency D. Fictive Breath Duration 30 0.5 b, + 25 Chronic Hypercapnia Control 0.4 )

-1 20 b

15 0.3

10 a + (breaths·min Chronic Hypercapnia 5 b Control 0.2 a, b FictiveBreath Duration (s)

FictiveBreathing Frequency a 0 0.1

B. Fictive Episodes per Minute E. Integrated Fictive Breath Area 30 0.016

25 0.014 b, + 0.012 Control 20 Chronic Hypercapnia 0.010 15 a,b 0.008

per per Minute 10 0.006 a Chronic Hypercapnia 5 0.004 Control 0.002 Numberof Episodes Fictive 0 0.000 IntegratedFictive Breath Area (V·s)

C. Fictive Breaths per Episode F. Total Fictive Ventilation )

6 -1 0.14 b, + Chronic Hypercapnia 5 0.12 b 4 0.10 0.08 3 0.06 a Control perEpisode 2 0.04 b Control a, b 1 0.02 Numberof Fictive Breaths Chronic Hypercapnia a 0.00 0 Total Fictive Total Ventilation (V·s·min 7.6 7.8 8.0 7.6 7.8 8.0 aCSF pH aCSF pH

Figure 11


Fig. 12. Fictive breathing frequency (A), number of fictive episodes per minute (B), number of

fictive breaths per episode (C), fictive breath duration (D), integrated fictive breath area (E) and

total fictive ventilation (F) as a function of cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) pH, recorded from in vitro

brainstem spinal cord preparations taken from normoxic normocapnic control (n=8; open circles)

and chronically hypoxic (CH; n=7; closed circles) leopard frogs. The data are plotted as mean

values ± 1 SEM. Letters (a and b) indicate a significant difference amongst pH levels in any one

group. A plus sign ( +) indicates significant differences between CH and controls.


A. Fictive Breathing Frequency D. Fictive Breath Duration 30 0.5 25 b Chronic Hypoxia 0.4 Control )

-1 20 a, b a 15 0.3 10 (breaths·min + + 5 b Control 0.2 Chronic Hypoxia a, b Fictive Breath Fictive Duration (s) Fictive Breathing Fictive Frequency 0 a 0.1

B. Fictive Episodes per Minute E. Integrated Fictive Breath Area 30 0.016 0.014 25 Control 0.012 20 Chronic Hypoxia 0.010 15 0.008

per Minute 10 0.006 5 0.004 + Control 0.002 Chronic Hypoxia Numberof Episodes Fictive 0

Integrated Breath Fictive Area (V·s) 0.000 )

6 C. Fictive Breaths per Episode -1 F. Total Fictive Ventilation 0.14 5 0.12 4 0.10 b Control 0.08 a, b 3 0.06 Control a perEpisode 2 0.04 b 1 0.02 b

Numberof Breaths Fictive Chronic Hypoxia a Chronic Hypoxia 0.00

0 TotalVentilation Fictive (V·s·min 7.6 7.8 8.0 7.6 7.8 8.0 aCSF pH aCSF pH

Figure 12


2.3.3 Effects of Acetazolamide

Fictive Breathing Frequency: Neither dose of ACTZ (1 µM or 10 µM) had any effect on

fictive breathing frequency in preparations taken from control frogs (Fig. 13A; p= 0.306 ). In preparations taken from chronically hypercapnic (CHC) animals (Fig. 13B), addition of both 1 and 10 µM ACTZ reduced fictive breathing frequency at an aCSF pH level of 7.6 (1 µM; p =

0.04 ; 10 µM; p = 0.011 ). In the CH group (Fig. 13C), neither dose of ACTZ had any statistically-

significant effect on fictive breathing frequency although there was a trend for the 10 µM dose to

reduce breathing frequency (p= 0.068 ). In the CH group there was a significant difference in

fictive breathing frequency between the two doses of ACTZ at aCSF pH 7.8 ( p= 0.048 ).

Fictive Episodes per Minute: ACTZ treatment (1 and 10 µM) had no effect on the number of fictive episodes per minute in preparations taken from control (Fig. 14A; p= 0.797 ) and CH (Fig. 14C; p= 0.122 ) animals. In the CHC group (Fig. 14B), both doses of ACTZ reduced the number of episodes per minute at pH 7.6 (1 µM: p= 0.026 ; 10 µM: p= 0.004 ).

Fictive Breaths per Episode: In the control (Fig. 15A) and CHC (Fig. 15B) groups, there

was no effect of either dose of ACTZ on the number of fictive breaths per episode (controls: p=

0.930 ; CHC: p= 0.533 ). In the CH (Fig. 15C) group, 1 µM ACTZ caused an increase in the number of fictive breaths per episode at an aCSF pH of 7.8 ( p = 0.005 ) while 10 µM caused a

decrease at pH 7.6 ( p= 0.026 ). Additionally, a significant difference between the 1 and 10 µM

doses was observed in the CH group at aCSF pH 7.6 (p= 0.026 ).

Fictive Breath Duration: Neither dose of ACTZ had any effect on fictive breath duration

in the control (Fig. 16A; p= 0.440 ), CHC (Fig. 16B; p= 0.302 ) or CH (Fig. 16C; p= 0.613 )

groups. 63

Integrated Fictive Breath Area: In the control group (Fig. 17A) 1 µM ACTZ had no effect on integrated fictive breath area ( p= 0.165 ) while 10 µM ACTZ caused a reduction in integrated fictive breath area at pH 7.8 ( p= 0.02 ). Neither dose of ACTZ had any effect on fictive breath duration in the CHC (Fig. 17B; p= 0.151 ) or CH (Fig. 17C; p= 0.188 ) groups.

Total Fictive Ventilation: In the control group (Fig. 18A) 1 µM ACTZ had no effect on total fictive ventilation ( p = 0.066 ) while 10 µM caused a significant decrease at pH 7.6 ( p=

0.045 ). In the CHC group (Fig. 18B), both doses of ACTZ caused a significant reduction in total fictive ventilation at pH 7.8 (1 µM; p= 0.015 ; 10 µM, p= 0.003 ) and pH 7.6 (1 µM; p= 0.002 ; 10

µM, p <0.001 ). Neither dose of ACTZ had any effect on total fictive ventilation in the CH group

(Fig. 18C; 1 µM: p= 0.558 ; 10 µM: p= 0.073 ).


Fig. 13. Fictive breathing frequency (breaths·min -1) as a function of artificial cerebrospinal fluid

(aCSF) pH in preparations taken from (A) normoxic normocapnic control frogs (n=8), (B)

chronically hypercapnic frogs (CHC; n=11) and (C) chronically hypoxic frogs (CH; n=7) prior to

ACTZ addition (open circles), following 1 µM ACTZ addition (closed circles) and following

10 µM ACTZ addition (closed squares). The data are plotted as mean values ± 1 SEM. Letters (a, and b) indicate a significant difference amongst pH levels in any one group. A number sign ( #) indicates significant differences between the Pre-ACTZ condition and 1 or 10 µM ACTZ addition. An ampersand (@) indicates a significant difference between the 1 and 10 µM ACTZ



30 A. Control


) 20 -1 15 b a, b 10 Pre-ACTZ

(breaths·min b a 5 b

Fictive BreathingFictive Frequency 10µM ACTZ 1µM ACTZ 0 a

B. Chronic Hypercapnia 30 b 25

) 20 -1 b # 15 Pre-ACTZ

10 (breaths·min 1µM ACTZ 5 a b, # b BreathingFictive Frequency 10µM ACTZ 0 a

C. Chronic Hypoxia 30


) 20 -1 1µM ACTZ

15 10 Pre-ACTZ

(breaths·min b a 5 a, b

BreathingFictive Frequency 0 @ 10µM ACTZ

7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0 8.1 aCSF pH

Figure 13 66

Fig. 14. Fictive episodes per minute as a function of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) pH in preparations taken from (A) normoxic normocapnic control frogs (n=8), (B) chronically hypercapnic frogs (CHC; n=11) and (C) chronically hypoxic frogs (CH; n=7) prior to ACTZ addition (open circles), following 1 µM ACTZ addition (closed circles) and following 10 µM

ACTZ addition (closed squares). The data are plotted as mean values ± 1 SEM. Letters (a, and b)

indicate a significant difference amongst pH levels in any one group. A number sign ( #) indicates

significant differences between the Pre-ACTZ condition and 1 or 10 µM ACTZ addition.


30 A. Control



15 b perMinute 10 Pre-ACTZ b 5 10 µM ACTZ Numberof Fictive Episodes 1µM ACTZ 0 a

30 B. Chronic Hypercapnia

25 b

20 Pre-ACTZ 15 # a, b

per Minute 10 1µM ACTZ

5 10 µM ACTZ a Number Number ofFictiveEpisodes b, # b 0 a

30 C. Chronic Hypoxia



15 Pre-ACTZ

perMinute 10 1µM ACTZ 5 Number of Fictive Episodes 0 10 µM ACTZ 7.6 7.8 8.0


Figure 14 68

Fig. 15. Fictive breaths per episode as a function of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) pH in preparations taken from (A) normoxic normocapnic control frogs (n=8), (B) chronically hypercapnic frogs (CHC; n=11) and (C) chronically hypoxic frogs (CH; n=7) prior to ACTZ addition (open circles), following 1 µM ACTZ addition (closed circles) and following 10 µM

ACTZ addition (closed squares). The data are plotted as mean values ± 1 SEM. A number sign

(#) indicates significant differences between the Pre-ACTZ condition and 1 or 10 µM ACTZ addition. An ampersand (@) indicates a significant difference between the 1 and 10 µM ACTZ



A. Control 6




perEpisode 2

Number ofFictive Breaths 1


6 B. Chronic Hypercapnic




perEpisode 2

Number of BreathsFictive 1


6 C. Chronic Hypoxic

# 5



perEpisode 2

Number ofFictive Breaths 1 #, @ 0 7.6 7.8 8.0


Figure 15 70

Fig. 16. Fictive breath duration (s) as a function of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) pH in preparations taken from (A) normoxic normocapnic control frogs (n=8), (B) chronically hypercapnic frogs (CHC; n=11) and (C) chronically hypoxic frogs (CH; n=7) prior to ACTZ addition (open circles), following 1 µM ACTZ addition (closed circles) and following 10 µM

ACTZ addition (closed squares). The data are plotted as mean values ± 1 SEM. Letters (a, and b)

indicate a significant difference amongst pH levels in any one group.


A. Control 0.5

0.4 Pre-ACTZ 10µM ACTZ 0.3 1µM ACTZ

0.2 Fictive Fictive Breath Duration(s)


0.5 B. Chronic Hypercapnia

0.4 a 1µM ACTZ Pre-ACTZ 0.3 b b 10µM ACTZ

0.2 Fictive Breath Duration(s)


0.5 C. Chronic Hypoxia


b 0.3 10µM ACTZ

1µM ACTZ Pre-ACTZ a, b a 0.2 FictiveBreath Duration (s)

0.1 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0 8.1 aCSF pH

Figure 16 72

Fig. 17. Integrated fictive breath area (V·s) as a function of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF)

pH in preparations taken from (A) normoxic normocapnic control frogs (n=8), (B) chronically

hypercapnic frogs (CHC; n=11) and (C) chronically hypoxic frogs (CH; n=7) prior to ACTZ

addition (open circles), following 1 µM ACTZ addition (closed circles) and following 10 µM

ACTZ addition (closed squares). The data are plotted as mean values ± 1 SEM. A number sign

(#) indicates significant differences between the Pre-ACTZ condition and 1 or 10 µM ACTZ addition.


0.016 A. Control 0.014 0.012 Pre-ACTZ 0.010 0.008 1µM ACTZ 0.006 0.004 # 10µM ACTZ 0.002

Integrated Fictive Breath Area (V·s) 0.000

0.016 B. Chronic Hypercapnia 0.014 0.012 0.010 0.008 Pre-ACTZ 0.006 1µM ACTZ 0.004 10µM ACTZ 0.002

Integrated AreaFictive Breath (V·s) 0.000

0.016 C. Chronic Hypoxia 0.014 0.012 0.010 0.008 0.006 Pre-ACTZ 10µM ACTZ 0.004 1µM ACTZ 0.002

IntegratedFictiveBreath Area (V·s) 0.000 7.6 7.8 8.0 aCSF pH Figure 17 74

Fig. 18. Total fictive ventilation (V·s·min -1) as a function of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) pH in preparations taken from (A) normoxic normocapnic control frogs (n=8), (B) chronically hypercapnic frogs (CHC; n=11) and (C) chronically hypoxic frogs (CH; n=7) prior to ACTZ addition (open circles), following 1 µM ACTZ addition (closed circles) and following 10 µM

ACTZ addition (closed squares). The data are plotted as mean values ± 1 SEM. Letters (a, and b)

indicate a significant difference amongst pH levels in any one group. A number sign ( #) indicates

significant differences between the Pre-ACTZ condition and 1 or 10 µM ACTZ addition.


) A. Control

-1 0.14 0.12 0.10 b

0.08 Pre-ACTZ a, b 0.06 b 1µM ACTZ 0.04 b a 0.02 10µM ACTZ 0.00 # a Total VentilationFictive Total (V·s·min

B. Chronic Hypercapnia ) -1 0.14 b

0.12 Pre-ACTZ b 0.10

0.08 b, # 1µM ACTZ 0.06 a 0.04 a, # a 0.02 10µM ACTZ b, # b, # 0.00 a Total VentilationFictive (V·s·min

) C. Chronic Hypoxia

-1 0.14 0.12 0.10 1µM ACTZ 0.08 0.06 0.04 Pre-ACTZ b 0.02 b a 0.00 10µM ACTZ Total Fictive Total Ventilation(V·s·min Fictive

7.6 7.8 8.0 aCSF pH

Figure 18 76

2.4 Discussion

2.4.1 Summary

The major observations of this study are: 1) Decreasing aCSF pH caused an increase in total fictive ventilation (i.e., fictive breathing) in all groups. 2) The increase in total fictive ventilation, with lowered pH, was due to increases in fictive breathing frequency not the integrated area of the fictive breaths. 3) The increases in fictive breathing frequency were, for the most part, due to increases in the number of fictive episodes per minute not the number of fictive breaths per episode. 4) Chronic hypercapnia (CHC) caused an augmentation of fictive breathing.

This was mediated by increases in fictive breathing frequency via an increase in the number of fictive episodes per minute. 5) Chronic hypoxia (CH) had no effect on fictive breathing. 6) The

CHC-induced increase in fictive breathing was abolished by ACTZ treatment. 7) There was a non-significant trend for the higher dose of ACTZ to reduce fictive breathing in the CH group.

2.4.2. Effects of Altering aCSF pH Total fictive ventilation (an index of overall breathing in these in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparations) was augmented by acidification of the superfusate bathing the control preparations. This was due to an increase in fictive breathing frequency rather than the integrated area of fictive breaths (an index of breath amplitude or volume) as aCSF pH was lowered. The other components of fictive breathing (i.e., number of fictive episodes per minute, breaths per episode, breath duration and amplitude) analysed in this study did not change in response to acidification/alkalisation of the aCSF pH. 77

Chronically hypoxic (CH) brainstem-spinal cord preparations showed similar responses to changes in aCSF pH. In other words, as aCSF pH was acidified, CH preparations exhibited an augmentation in total fictive ventilation mediated by an augmentation in fictive breathing frequency and no further changes in any other components of fictive breathing.

Chronically hypercapnic (CHC) brainstem-spinal cord preparations also exhibited a similar change in total fictive ventilation and fictive breathing frequency as pH of the aCSF was lowered. However, as seen in Gheshmy et al. (2006; 2007)’s results and the preliminary data

(Srivaratharajah and Reid, unpublished) presented in chapter 1, an increase in fictive breathing frequency in CHC preparations was mediated by an increase in the number of fictive episodes per minute as aCSF pH was lowered. The number of fictive breaths per episode, fictive breath duration and integrated area of fictive breaths (i.e., amplitude) recorded from CHC preparations remained unaltered in response to acidification/alkalisation of the superfusate (consistent with earlier studies; Gheshmy et al ., 2006; Srivaratharajah and Reid, unpublished).

2.4.3. Effects of Chronic Hypercapnia Exposure to chronic hypercapnia (CHC) augmented fictive breathing at lowered aCSF pH levels compared to the controls. This CHC-induced augmentation of fictive breathing is consistent with previous studies from this laboratory conducted on a terrestrial amphibian species

(Bufo marinus , the cane toad; Gheshmy et al. , 2006; 2007) as well as preliminary studies done on leopard frog in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparations (Srivaratharajah and Reid,

unpublished). As was the case in those studies, the augmentation of fictive breathing was

mediated by an augmentation in fictive breathing frequency rather than the integrated area of the

fictive breaths (an index of fictive breath amplitude or volume). In turn, the changes in fictive 78

breathing frequency were mediated by changes in the number of fictive breathing episodes per minute rather than the number of fictive breaths per episode. Again, this is consistent with the results from previous studies on leopard frogs (Srivaratharajah and Reid, unpublished) and cane toads (Gheshmy et al ., 2006; 2007).

2.4.4. Effects of Chronic Hypoxia Chronic hypoxic (CH) exposure did not alter fictive breathing compared to control preparations. However, there was a significant decrease in fictive breath duration and integrated fictive breath area following CH compared to controls. This blunting of fictive breath duration and amplitude were offset by a trend for fictive breathing frequency to increase, resulting in no overall change in total fictive ventilation (i.e., fictive breathing) in brainstem-spinal cord preparations taken from CH frogs. These results are different from those observed in previous studies from this laboratory on a terrestrial anuran species ( Bufo marinus ; McAneney and Reid,

2007). McAneney and Reid reported a blunting of fictive breathing frequency following exposure of cane toads to CH. One possible explanation for this difference is that, unlike the terrestrial anuran species that must adapt to periods of hypoxia while overwintering in underground burrows, leopard frogs, a semi-aquatic species that overwinters under ice-covered bodies of water (Pinder et al ., 1992; Hermes-Lima and Zenteno-Savín, 2002), are more tolerant of hypoxia. Moreover, the current study exposed leopard frogs to terrestrial normobaric hypoxia.

Since aquatic species, to a great extent, rely on cutaneous gas exchange (Burggren and West,

1982), perhaps exposure to aquatic hypoxia and hypercapnia may have produced greater changes in fictive breathing or changes more along the line of those observed in the cane toads. This will be discussed further in chapter 5. 79

2.4.5. Effects of Acetazolamide (ACTZ) Bath application of acetazolamide (ACTZ) was used to inhibit carbonic anhydrase (CA)

within the central respiratory-related pH/CO 2 chemoreceptor cells. Inhibition of CA would be

+ expected to result in slower CO 2 hydration and a subsequent slowdown in the rate of H ion production and accumulation within these chemoreceptor cells. Intracellular pH (pH i) regulatory

+ + - - mechanisms (i.e., Na /H exchangers and HCO 3 /Cl exchangers) that regulate acid-base disturbances, are therefore able to compensate for the intracellular acidification by removing the accumulated protons. Therefore, the significant drop in pH i that stimulates CO 2 chemoreceptor firing (when ACTZ has not been added) does not occur or occurs to lesser degree, leading to absent or reduced chemosensitive neurotransmission and a subsequent blunted ventilatory response. The effects of ACTZ addition in this study support this interpretation.

Addition of 1µM ACTZ to control brainstem-spinal cord preparations had no effect on

fictive breathing while addition of 10 µM ACTZ caused a significant reduction in fictive

breathing. The blunting of fictive breathing (i.e., total fictive ventilation) following addition of

10µM ACTZ was due to a reduction in the integrated area of fictive breaths (i.e., an index of

breath amplitude or volume) rather than fictive breathing frequency (which remained unaltered).

The observation that 10µM ACTZ caused an alteration (reduction) in fictive breathing in control

preparations supports the notion that CA is involved in central pH/CO 2 chemoreception in this species.

If the CHC-induced increase in fictive breathing frequency was caused by an up- regulation of CA amount/activity of CA one might assume that preparations taken from frogs exposed to CHC would be less-sensitive to ACTZ treatment because their chemoreceptors would 80

have greater amounts of CA. However, even though this was not observed, the data still support the idea that CA is involved in the CHC-induced augmentation of fictive breathing in leopard frogs since blockade of CA activity abolished that effect. In essence, the application of ACTZ to preparations taken from animals exposed to CHC caused the CHC preparations (with ACTZ) to respond in a very similar manner to the control preparations without ACTZ. Indeed the CHC preparations with ACTZ were less responsive to changes in aCSF pH than were the control preparations without ACTZ.

A previous study demonstrated that either olfactory denervation prior to exposure to CHC

or simultaneous exposure to hyperoxia and hypercapnia prevented the CHC-induced

augmentation in fictive breathing (Gheshmy et al , 2007). Although this has not yet been

investigated, it is likely that the altered afferent input, during exposure to CHC, from olfactory

and arterial chemoreceptors was in some way responsible for triggering the changes in CA that

led to the increase in fictive breathing. If this were the case, then olfactory denervation prior to

CHC or exposure to hyperoxic hypercapnia should prevent the effects of ACTZ on fictive

breathing seen in this current study.

Addition of ACTZ to brainstem-spinal cord preparations taken from frogs exposed to CH

resulted in different responses at the two different doses of ACTZ. At the lower concentration of

ACTZ (i.e., 1 µM), there was a tendency for fictive breathing frequency and total fictive

ventilation to increase although these increases were small and not statistically-significant. This

was mediated by an increase in the number of breaths per episode at aCSF pH 7.8. However,

with the addition of 10µM ACTZ to the superfusate of these preparations, fictive breathing

showed a tendency to decrease. In other words, the response, to ACTZ, in the preparations from 81

animals exposed to CH was similar to the response in the control and CHC groups although the changes in the CH group did not reach statistical significance. The observation that there was no statistically-significant change in fictive breathing with the high dose of ACTZ suggests that exposure of leopard frogs to CH has not led to a change in CA activity/amount. It is possible that the CH-induced decrease in fictive breathing seen in cane toads (McAneney and Reid, 2007) was due to a down-regulation/decrease in CA amount/activity. If this were the case then the effects of

CH on CA are different in these two species (i.e., a down-regulation/reduction in toads and no change in frogs). However, this remains speculative as neither the olfactory denervation nor hyperoxic hypercapnia experiments have been performed on frogs and similarly, the ACTZ experiments have yet to be performed on cane toads.

2.4.6 In Vivo Versus In Vitro Effects of Acetazolamide (ACTZ)

The results of this study are different from those of focal acidification studies in which

ACTZ was applied to a localized region of the brain in vivo . In vivo microinjection studies use

ACTZ to induce focal acidification of tissue by inhibition of CA and subsequent slowing of the

- + dehydration reaction whereby HCO 3 and H form CO 2. This slows CO 2 removal from tissue

resulting in acidification. Studies have shown that such in vivo ACTZ microinjections increase

ventilatory responses in rats (Xu et al ., 2001; Nattie and Li, 1996). As argued by Necakov et al .

(2002), the in vivo and in vitro situations are quite different. In vivo , tissue pH is affected by both

the metabolic production and elimination of H +. CA is involved in both H + production from the

+ - hydration of CO 2 in tissue and the elimination of CO 2 at the lungs by combining H and HCO 3 .

Hence, addition of ACTZ will not only slow down H + production but will also slow down the 82

excretion of CO 2 at the lungs. Subsequent accumulation of CO 2 in the blood would ultimately

+ lead to increases in intracellular H , which would stimulate pH/CO 2 chemoreceptors. This sequence of reactions could possibly explain the in vivo hyperpnea following ACTZ


In vitro , however, tissue pH no longer relies on the role of CA in the elimination of CO 2

but on aCSF flow rate. Due to the short diffusion distance across frog brain tissue and a high

superfusion rate (10 ml/min), the tissue pH is dependent on the pH of the superfusion medium

which in turn depends on the amount of CO 2 gassed into it. Hence, the results from this in vitro bath application study are not comparable to in vitro focal acidification studies (although the same agent, ACTZ, is used in both).

In vitro studies using bath application of ACTZ are not consistent either. Taylor et al.

(2003) found that bath application of 25µM ACTZ to adult bullfrog ( Rana catesbeiana ) in vitro

brainstem-spinal cord preparations resulted in increased fictive breathing. On the other hand,

Erlichman and colleagues (1994) found that bath application of ACTZ to pulmonate snail in vitro

brain-pneumostome preparations increased ventilation during normocapnia but slowed

ventilatory responses to rapid changes in CO 2. Finally, Necakov and colleagues (2002) found no changes in fictive breathing following addition of ACTZ to the superfusate of transverse rat brainstem slice preparations. Whether these differences reflect differences in chemosensory processes within these different species is unclear. Nevertheless, the results from this current study clearly show the importance of CA, not only in central CO 2 chemosensitivity, but also in

the CHC-induced increase in fictive breathing in leopard frogs.


2.5 Conclusion

The results of this study show that acetazolamide (ACTZ) addition reduces fictive breathing in preparations taken from control and chronically hypercapnic (CHC) animals but generally has no significant effect on preparations taken from chronically hypoxic (CH) animals.

Preparations taken from CHC animals were affected to a greater extent than control preparations.

Therefore, I conclude that carbonic anhydrase (CA) plays an important role in the signal transduction pathway leading to the CHC-induced augmentation in fictive breathing. However, whether this CHC-induced augmentation in fictive breathing is due to an increase in the amount or activity of CA available for hydration of CO 2 cannot be determined from these results.

Furthermore, since ACTZ is a cell permeant CA inhibitor, it will inhibit both intracellular and

extracellular CA. The results from this study therefore, cannot distinguish whether the changes in

amount/activity were that of intracellular or extracellular CA. The following chapters will delve

further into the role of CA in the modulation of fictive breathing in CHC compared to control

and CH frogs and address these aforementioned issues (i.e., intracellular vs. extracellular and

amount vs. activity).









The previous series of experiments (chapter 2) illustrated that the chronic hypercapnia

(CHC)-induced increase in fictive breathing was abolished by treatment with acetazolamide

(ACTZ). This suggests that the CHC-induced increase in fictive breathing was caused, at least in part, by an increase in the activity/amount of carbonic anhydrase (CA), presumably within the chemoreceptor cells. ACTZ is a cell permeant inhibitor of CA and therefore will inhibit both extracellular and intracellular CA. However, it is reasonable to assume that the majority of CA in the brain is intracellular rather than extracellular suggesting that the effects of ACTZ in chapter 2 were due, primarily, to its inhibition of intracellular CA (Ritucci et al ., 1997; 1998; Wang et al .,

2002; Putnam et al ., 2004). This would be consistent with the model of cellular CO 2 chemoreception outlined in chapter 1.

Ideally, the application of an extracellular CA inhibitor (i.e., a CA inhibitor that is cell impermeant) could be used to determine if intracellular or extracellular CA was involved in the

CHC-induced increase in fictive breathing. One such inhibitor is benzolamide. However, benzolamide is not commercially available and has to be synthesised at considerable cost. Given this, I took a different approach to determine whether the changes following CHC were due to changes in intracellular or extracellular CA. In these experiments, exogenous CA was added to the aCSF bathing the in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparations. Given its low permeability, this exogenous CA would be expected to remain in the extracellular domain and not enter the cells. I hypothesised that the CHC-induced changes in fictive breathing were due to changes in intracellular CA function. Based on this, I predicted that application of exogenous CA would either have no effect on fictive breathing or may even reduce fictive breathing. The last 86

prediction is based on the assumption that extracellular CA would reduce the availability of CO 2

+ - to diffuse into the chemoreceptor cells by converting it to H and HCO 3 ions outside of the cell.



3.2.1 Experimental Animals

Leopard frogs ( Rana pipiens ; N = 24; approximately 5 to 8 cm in length) were obtained from a commercial supplier (Boreal Scientific, St. Catharine’s, Ontario) and housed under conditions identical to those previously described in Chapter 2.

3.2.2 Exposure to Chronic Hypoxia and Hypercapnia

Leopard frogs ( Rana pipiens ) were exposed to control (N = 8) chronic hypoxia (CH; N =

6) and chronic hypercapnia (CHC; N = 10) as described in Chapter 2.

3.2.3 In Vitro Brainstem-Spinal Cord Preparations

In vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparations were prepared from control (chronically normoxic normocapnic), chronically hypercapnic and chronically hypoxic frogs as described in

Chapter 2.

3.2.4 Carbonic Anhydrase

Bovine carbonic anhydrase (CA; 4688 W/A units/mg; Sigma-Aldrich Inc., Oakville,

Ontario, Canada) was used at a concentration of 10mg/L. This particular concentration was chosen on the basis of a previous study by Huang et al. (1995) which showed that exogenous CA at this concentration had an effect on extracellular pH shifts in hippocampal rat brain slices and no further effects were noticed at 100mg/L.


3.2.5 Experimental Protocol

Following a 1 hour stabilisation period at room temperature and an aCSF pH of 7.8 (see chapter 2), recordings, from cnV and cnX, were made prior to CA addition at aCSF pH levels of

7.6, 7.8 and 8.0. The pH changes were made as described in chapter 2. The preparations were then superfused with aCSF containing 10 mg/L CA. Following a 30 min stabilisation period, the pH changes were repeated in random order as described in chapter 2. Following the recording periods with CA in the aCSF, the preparations were superfused, for 30 min, with aCSF containing no CA. At the end of this 30 min washout period, the aCSF pH changes were made once again and fictive breathing was recorded as described in chapter 2.

3.2.6 Data Analysis & Statistics

Data were recorded using the BIOPAC MP150 in conjunction with the AcqKnowledge

3.7.3 software. Data were analysed for the last 10 min of each recording period at each aCSF pH level. The values are reported as the mean ± one S.E.M. The same components of fictive breathing were measured as described in chapter 2. The effects of changing aCSF pH in any given group (i.e., control, CHC or CH), were analysed using a one-way repeated measures

ANOVA followed by a SNK multiple comparison test. The effects of CHC and CH were analysed using a two-way non-repeated measures ANOVA (control/CHC or control/CH x aCSF pH) followed by a SNK multiple comparison test. The effects of CA addition in any given group

(control, CHC or CH) were analysed using a two-way repeated measures ANOVA (aCSF pH X pre-CA/CA/washout) followed by a SNK multiple comparison test. In all cases, p < 0.05 was

taken to be the limit of statistical significance.



3.3.1 Effects of Chronic Hypercapnia

In both the control and chronically hypercapnic (CHC) groups, fictive breathing frequency (Fig. 19A) was elevated, compared to pH 8.0, as the aCSF pH level was reduced to 7.6

(control: p= 0.031; CHC: p= 0.025). Fictive breathing frequency was significantly greater in the

CHC preparations compared to controls at aCSF pH 7.6 ( p= 0.001) and 7.8 ( p= 0.026).

The two components of fictive breathing frequency are the number of fictive episodes per min (Fig. 19B) and the number of fictive breaths per episode (Fig. 19C). Neither of these variables were altered as pH was lowered from 8.0 to 7.6 (episodes/minute: control, p= 0.533 ;

CHC, p= 0.515 ; breaths/episode: control, p= 0.0587 ; CHC, p= 0.285 ). The number of fictive episodes per minute was significantly greater in the CHC group compared to the controls at aCSF pH levels of 7.6 (p= 0.007 ) and 7.8 ( p= 0.019 ). The number of fictive breaths per episode did not change following CHC acclimatization (p = 0.258 ).

In both groups, fictive breath duration was unaltered by changes in aCSF pH (Fig 19D; controls, p = 0.518 ; CHC, p = 0.498 ). Compared to controls, CHC did not change fictive breath

duration at any of the aCSF pH levels (p= 0.636 ). The integrated area of the fictive breaths (Fig.

19E) decreased as aCSF pH was lowered from 7.8 to 7.6 (p= 0.027 ) in the control group but remained unaltered by changing pH in the CHC group ( p = 0.957 ). The integrated area of the fictive breaths was not significantly altered by exposure to CHC ( p = 0.117 ).

Total fictive ventilation remained unaltered in both CHC and control groups following acidification of the aCSF from pH 8.0 to pH 7.6 (control: p= 0.227 ; CHC: p= 0.183 ). However, 90

CHC exposure increased total fictive ventilation at aCSF pH 7.6 over the corresponding control value (p= 0.006 ). 91

Fig. 19. Fictive breathing frequency (A), the number of fictive episodes per minute (B), the

number of fictive breaths per episode (C), fictive breath duration (D), integrated fictive breath

area (E) and total fictive ventilation (F), as a function of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) pH,

recorded from in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparations taken from normoxic normocapnic

control (n=10; open circles) and chronically hypercapnic (CHC; n=8; closed squares) leopard

frogs. The data are plotted as mean values ± 1 SEM. Letters (a and b) indicate a significant

difference amongst pH levels in any one group. A plus sign (+) indicates a significant difference

between the CHC and control group at any given pH.


D. Fictive Breath Duration A. Fictive Breathing Frequency 0.40 b, + 30 0.35 Chronic Hypercapnia

) Chronic Hypercapnia -1 a, b, + 0.30 20 a 0.25 Control 10 Control 0.20 (breaths·min

b 0.15 a,b Breath Duration Fictive (s)

Fictive Fictive BreathingFrequency a 0 0.10

30 B. Fictive Episodes per Minute E. Integrated Fictive Breath Area 0.014 25 + 0.012 20 0.010 a a Chronic Hypercapnia Control b 15 0.008 + 0.006

perMinute 10 0.004 Chronic Hypercapnia 5 Control 0.002 Numberof Fictive Episodes 0 0.000 IntegratedFictive Breath Area (V·s)

C. Fictive Breaths per Episode ) F. Total Fictive Ventilation 8 -1 0.20 +

6 Chronic Hypercapnia 0.15 Chronic Hypercapnia

4 0.10 per Episode 2 0.05

Numberof Fictive Breaths Control Control 0 0.00 Total Ventilation Fictive (V·s·min 7.6 7.8 8.0 7.6 7.8 8.0 aCSF pH aCSF pH

Figure 19


3.3.2 Effects of Chronic Hypoxia

Note, the control data plotted in Figure 20 is the same as the control data plotted in Figure

19. The effects of pH on fictive breathing in this group were described in the section above. In preparations taken from chronically hypoxic frogs, fictive breathing frequency (Fig.20A) was elevated at aCSF pH 7.6 and 7.8 compared to pH 8.0 ( p= 0.029 ). Moreover, fictive breathing frequency was significantly higher following CH exposure at aCSF pH 7.6 compared to controls

(p= 0.005 ). The two components of fictive breathing frequency are the number of fictive episodes per minute (Fig.20B) and the number of fictive breaths per episode (Fig. 20C). Neither of these variables were altered by changes in pH (episodes per minute: control, p= 0.533 ; CH, p= 0.101 ; breaths per episode: control, p= 0.587 ; CH, p= 0.264 ). The number of fictive episodes per min was, however, higher in the CH group compared to controls at aCSF pH 7.6 ( p= 0.042 ), while breaths per episode remained unaltered following CH exposure ( p= 0.524 ).

In the CH group, fictive breath duration (Fig. 20D) did not change as aCSF pH was lowered ( p=0.07 ). CH exposure did not alter fictive breath duration compared to the controls (p=

0.830 ). The integrated area of fictive breaths (Fig. 20E) was not altered by changes to aCSF pH

(p= 0.084 ) in the CH group nor following CH exposure when compared to controls ( p= 0.320 ).

Total fictive ventilation (Fig. 20F) remained unaltered in response to changes in aCSF pH within the CH group ( p= 0.173 ) as well as following CH exposure compared to controls ( p= 0.092 ).


Fig. 20. Fictive breathing frequency (A), the number of fictive episodes per minute (B), the

number of fictive breaths per episode (C), fictive breath duration (D), integrated fictive breath

area (E) and total fictive ventilation (F), as a function of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) pH,

recorded from in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparations taken from normoxic normocapnic

control (n=8; open circles) and chronically hypercapnic (CH; n=10; closed circles) leopard frogs.

The data are plotted as mean values ± 1 SEM. Letters (a and b) indicate a significant difference

amongst pH levels in any one group. A plus sign (+) indicates a significant difference between

the CH and control groups at any given pH.


A. Fictive Breathing Frequency D. Fictive Breath Duration 0.40 b, + 30 0.35 b a ) -1 0.30 Control 20 0.25 Chronic Hypoxia 10 0.20 Chronic Hypoxia (breaths·min

b Control 0.15

a,b Breath Fictive Duration(s) FictiveBreathing Frequency a 0 0.10

30 B. Fictive Episodes per Minute E. Integrated Fictive Breath Area 0.014 + 25 0.012 Control 20 Chronic Hypoxia 0.010 a a b 15 0.008 0.006

perMinute 10 0.004 5 Chronic Hypoxia 0.002 Numberof Fictive Episodes 0 Control 0.000 IntegratedFictive Breath Area (V·s)

C. Fictive Breaths per Episode F. Total Fictive Ventilation 8 ) -1 0.20

Chronic Hypoxia 6 0.15

4 Chronic Hypoxia 0.10 perEpisode 2 0.05

Number ofFictive Breaths Control Control 0 0.00 Total Fictive VentilationTotal (V·s·min 7.6 7.8 8.0 7.6 7.8 8.0 aCSF pH aCSF pH

Figure 20


3.3.3 Effect of Exogenous Carbonic Anhydrase Application

Fictive Breathing Frequency: Exogenous bovine carbonic anhydrase (CA) addition reduced fictive breathing frequency at aCSF pH 7.6 in preparations taken from control frogs

(Fig. 21A; p= 0.023 ). However, this effect was reversible and fictive breathing frequency returned to pre-CA addition levels following the 30 min washout period. In preparations taken from chronically hypercapnic (CHC; Fig. 21B) and chronically hypoxic (CH; Fig 21C) animals, however, addition of CA did not alter fictive breathing frequency (CHC: p= 0.161 ; CH: p=

0.270 ).

Fictive Episodes per Minute: Bath application of bovine CA did not significantly affect the number of fictive episodes per minute in preparations taken from control (Fig. 22A; p=0.307 ), chronically hypercapnic (CHC; Fig 22B; p= 0.547 ) and chronically hypoxic (CH; Fig.

22C; p= 0.222 ) frogs.

Fictive Breaths per Episode: In the control (Fig. 23A), CHC (Fig. 23B) and CH (Fig.

23C) groups, there was no affect of CA addition on the number of fictive episodes per minute

(controls: p= 0.161 ; CHC: p= 0.093 ; CH: p= 0.852 ).

Fictive Breath Duration: CA bath application did not have any effect on fictive breath duration in preparations taken from control (Fig. 24A; p = 0.067 ), chronically hypercapnic (Fig.

24B; p= 0.621 ) and chronically hypoxic (Fig. 24C; p= 0.761 ) frogs.

Integrated Fictive Breath Area: In the control group (Fig. 25A) CA addition had no effect on integrated fictive breath area ( p= 0.532 ). However, when comparing data after washout of CA to that of pre-CA addition, integrated fictive breath area was significantly reduced in the 97

control group at aCSF pH 7.8 ( p= 0.007 ) and 8.0 ( p= 0.039 ). In addition, after washout of CA, integrative fictive breath area was also significantly reduced at aCSF pH 7.6 ( p= 0.021 ) and 7.8

(p= 0.004 ) compared to data following CA addition to the superfusate of control preparations.

Integrative fictive breath area remained unaltered following CA addition and following washout of CA in the preparations taken from chronically hypercapnic (Fig. 25B; p= 0.911 ) and chronically hypoxic (Fig. 25C; p= 0.856 ) frogs.

Total Fictive Ventilation: In the control group (Fig. 26A) CA addition had no effect on

total fictive ventilation ( p = 0.095 ). Similarly, no effects on total fictive ventilation were

observed following CA addition in the chronically hypercapnic (Fig 26B; p= 0.109 ) and

chronically hypoxic (Fig 26C; p=0.266 ) groups.


Fig. 21. Fictive breathing frequency (breaths·min -1) as a function of artificial cerebrospinal fluid

(aCSF) pH in preparations taken from (A) normoxic normocapnic control frogs (n=10), (B)

chronically hypercapnic frogs (CHC; n=8) and (C) chronically hypoxic (CH; n=6) frogs prior to

carbonic anhydrase (CA) addition (open circles), following CA addition (closed circles) and

following washout of CA (closed squares). The data are plotted as mean values ± 1 SEM. Letters

(a, and b) indicate a significant difference amongst pH levels in any one group. A number sign

(#) indicates significant differences between Pre-CA addition and CA addition or after CA

washout addition.


A. Control 30

) -1 20

After CA washout (breaths·min 10

b Pre-CA a, b a Fictive BreathingFictive Frequency 0 # CA addition

B. Chronic Hypercapnia b 30 ) -1 a, b 20 After CA washout aths·min a (bre 10 Pre-CA CA addition

Fictive Breathing Frequency 0

C. Chronic Hypoxia b 30 b a

) Pre-CA -1 20

After CA washout

(breaths·min 10 CA addition Fictive Breathing Frequency 0

7.6 7.8 8.0 aCSF pH

Figure 21 100

Fig. 22. Fictive episodes per minute as a function of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) pH in preparations taken from (A) normoxic normocapnic control frogs (n=10), (B) chronically hypercapnic frogs (CHC; n=8) and (C) chronically hypoxic (CH; n=6) frogs prior to carbonic anhydrase (CA) addition (open circles), following CA addition (closed circles) and following washout of CA (closed squares). The data are plotted as mean values ± 1 SEM.


30 A. Control

25 20


per Minute per 10

5 After CA washout

Number of EpisodesFictive Pre-CA 0 CA addition

30 B. Chronic Hypercapnia


20 After CA washout 15 Pre-CA

per Minute 10

5 CA addition Numberof Episodes Fictive 0

30 C. Chronic Hypoxia


20 Pre-CA 15

per Minute 10 After CA washout 5

Numberof EpisodesFictive CA addition 0 7.6 7.8 8.0 aCSF pH Figure 22 102

Fig.23. Fictive breaths per episode as a function of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) pH in preparations taken from (A) normoxic normocapnic control frogs (n=10), (B) chronically hypercapnic frogs (CHC; n=8) and (C) chronically hypoxic (CH; n=6) frogs prior to carbonic anhydrase (CA) addition (open circles), following CA addition (closed circles) and following washout of CA (closed squares). The data are plotted as mean values ± 1 SEM.

103 8 A. Control


4 Pre-CA per per Episode After CA washout 2 Number of BreathsFictive CA addition 0

8 B. Chronic Hypercapnia


Pre-CA 4


2 CA addition

ofNumber BreathsFictive After CA washout 0


C. Chronic Hypoxia


Pre-CA 4

per Episode After CA washout 2 CA addition Number of BreathsFictive

0 7.6 7.8 8.0 aCSF pH Figure 23 104

Fig. 24. Fictive breath duration (s) as a function of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) pH in preparations taken from (A) normoxic normocapnic control frogs (n=10), (B) chronically hypercapnic frogs (CHC; n=8) and (C) chronically hypoxic (CH; n=6) frogs prior to carbonic anhydrase (CA) addition (open circles), following CA addition (closed circles) and following washout of CA (closed squares). The data are plotted as mean values ± 1 SEM.


0.40 A. Control


0.30 CA addition Pre-CA 0.25 After CA washout


Fictive BreathDuration (s) 0.15


0.40 B. Chronic Hypercapnia 0.35

0.30 CA addition Pre-CA 0.25 After CA washout


Fictive Breath Fictive Duration(s) 0.15


0.40 C. Chronic Hypoxia 0.35

0.30 CA addition Pre-CA 0.25

0.20 After CA washout

Fictive Fictive BreathDuration (s) 0.15

0.10 7.6 7.8 8.0

aCSF pH Figure 24 106

Fig. 25. Integrated fictive breath area (V·s) as a function of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF)

pH in preparations taken from (A) normoxic normocapnic control frogs (n=10), (B) chronically

hypercapnic frogs (CHC; n=8) and (C) chronically hypoxic (CH; n=6) frogs prior to carbonic

anhydrase (CA) addition (open circles), following CA addition (closed circles) and following

washout of CA (closed squares). The data are plotted as mean values ± 1 SEM. Letters (a, and b)

indicate a significant difference amongst pH levels in any one group. A number sign ( #) indicates

significant differences between Pre-CA addition and CA addition or after CA washout addition.

An ampersand (@) indicates a significant difference between the CA addition and CA washout



A. Control 0.014


0.010 a a Pre-CA 0.008

0.006 CA addition b After CA washout 0.004 @ #, @ # 0.002 IntegratedBreath Fictive Area (V·s) 0.000

B. Chronic Hypercapnia 0.014 0.012

0.010 After CA washout

0.008 CA addition 0.006 Pre-CA 0.004

0.002 Integrated Breath Fictive Area (V·s) 0.000

C. Chronic Hypoxia 0.014

0.012 0.010

0.008 Pre-CA CA addition 0.006 After CA washout



IntegratedFictive BreathArea (V·s) 0.000 7.6 7.8 8.0 aCSF pH Figure 25 108

Fig. 26. Total fictive ventilation (V·s·min -1) as a function of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF)

pH in preparations taken from (A) normoxic normocapnic control frogs (n=10), (B) chronically

hypercapnic frogs (CHC; n=8) and (C) chronically hypoxic (CH; n=6) frogs prior to carbonic

anhydrase (CA) addition (open circles), following CA addition (closed circles) and following

washout of CA (closed squares). The data are plotted as mean values ± 1 SEM. Letters (a, and b)

indicate a significant difference amongst pH levels in any one group.


A. Control 0.20 ) -1

·s·min 0.15


0.05 Pre-CA After CA washout CA addition Total Ventilation Fictive (V 0.00

0.20 B. Chronic Hypercapnia ) -1


0.10 b a, b Pre-CA a After CA washout 0.05 CA addition

Total Fictive (V·s·min Ventilation 0.00

0.20 ) C. Chronic Hypoxia -1

0.15 Pre-CA 0.10 After CA washout a, b b 0.05 CA addition

a Total Fictive Ventilation (V·s·min 0.00 7.6 7.8 8.0 aCSF pH Figure 26 110

3.4 Discussion

3.4.1 Goals and Predictions

The results of chapter 2 indicated that the CHC-induced increase in fictive breathing was abolished by treatment with acetazolamide (ACTZ) which is a cell permeant inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase. Those results suggest that during CHC, the activity or amount of CA is up- regulated or increased and that it is this change in CA that accounts for the CHC-induced increase in fictive breathing. The primary goal of the experiments in this current chapter was to determine whether the CHC-induced augmentation of fictive breathing was due to changes in intracellular or extracellular carbonic anhydrase (CA). In order to do this, exogenous CA was added to the aCSF bathing the in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparations. Given its low permeability, this exogenous CA would be expected to remain in the extracellular domain and not enter the cells. The hypothesis was that the CHC-induced changes in fictive breathing were due to changes in intracellular CA amount/activity. Based on this, one would predict that application of exogenous CA would either have no effect on fictive breathing or may even reduce fictive breathing. The last prediction is based on the assumption that extracellular CA would reduce the availability of CO 2 to diffuse into the chemoreceptor cells by converting it to

+ - H and HCO 3 ions outside of the cell.

3.4.2 The Effects of Chronic Hypercapnia

As seen in the previous chapter, exposure to chronic hypercapnia (CHC) augmented

fictive breathing at the lower aCSF pH levels (7.8 and 7.6). This CHC-induced augmentation is 111

consistent with previous studies from this laboratory conducted on a terrestrial amphibian species

(Bufo marinus , the cane toad; Gheshmy et al. , 2006; 2007) as well as preliminary studies done on leopard frogs (Srivaratharajah and Reid, unpublished). The CHC-induced augmentation of fictive breathing was mediated by an increase in fictive breathing frequency rather than integrated area of fictive breaths (an index of fictive breath amplitude). In turn, the changes in fictive breathing frequency were mediated by changes in the number of fictive episodes per minute rather than fictive breaths per episode. These results are also consistent with those from previous studies on leopard frogs (chapter 2; Srivaratharajah and Reid, unpublished) and cane toads (Gheshmy et al ., 2006; 2007).

3.4.3 The Effects of Chronic Hypoxia

Exposure to chronic hypoxia (CH) did not alter total fictive ventilation compared to control preparations. However, there was a CH-induced increase in fictive breathing frequency, at pH 7.6, mediated by an increase in the number of fictive episodes per minute. These results are slightly different, although generally consistent, with the results seen in chapter 2. In that chapter, exposure to chronic hypoxia did not alter total fictive ventilation (the same result as in this chapter) but there was a non-significant trend for CH to augment fictive breathing frequency.

As such, the effects of CH on fictive breathing frequency were generally the same in chapters 2 and 3 although the increase at pH 7.6 was statistically significant in chapter 3 but not in chapter

2. 112

The effects of CH on fictive breathing frequency in this chapter are also different from those observed in a previous study from this laboratory on a terrestrial anuran species (the cane toad, Bufo marinus ; McAneney and Reid, 2007). McAneney and Reid (2007) reported a

reduction of fictive breathing frequency following exposure to CH in cane toads. As discussed in

chapter 2 (and later discussed in chapter 5), this difference may in fact be due to greater hypoxia

tolerance and lower cutaneous O2 and CO 2 exchange capabilities during terrestrial hypoxia in leopard frogs.

3.4.4 Effects of Carbonic Anhydrase (CA) Addition

Addition of carbonic anhydrase (CA) to the superfusate of brainstem-spinal cord preparations taken from control leopard frogs had no effect on overall total fictive ventilation in any of the groups (control; CHC; CH) although there was a non-statistically significant trend for total fictive ventilation to decrease at pH 7.6 in the CHC and CH groups. This trend was the result of a similar trend for fictive breathing frequency to be reduced at pH 7.6 in all groups.

Indeed in the control group, but not the CHC or CH groups, fictive breathing frequency was significantly reduced at pH 7.6. These results support my hypothesis that addition of extracellular CA would either not change or reduce fictive breathing in these preparations. Given this, the results of this chapter support the contention that the majority of endogenous CA in the brain is intracellular and that the ACTZ treatment in chapter 2 exerted its effects via inhibition primarily of intracellular rather than extracellular CA. 113

Assuming that intracellular and, not extracellular, CA is involved in the CO 2 transduction pathway responsible for respiratory-related central pH/CO 2 chemoreception (Ritucci et al ., 1997;

1998; Wang et al ., 2002) and that changes in intracellular CA are responsible, at least in part, for the CHC-induced augmentation in fictive breathing, addition of extracellular CA would not have been expected to have any effect on fictive breathing. Indeed, the addition of exogenous CA could be expected to reduce rather than augment fictive breathing as exogenously added CA may

+ disrupt the diffusion of CO2 into chemoreceptor cells by catalyzing the production of H and

- HCO 3 from CO 2 in the superfusate. As a result of this, less CO 2 would be available to diffuse across the cell membrane into central CO 2 chemoreceptor cells, hindering or attenuating the signal transduction pathway leading to CO 2 chemoreceptor firing as described in chapter 1. The

results of this study suggest that this has occurred. Exogenous CA had no statistically-significant

effect on total fictive breathing although there was a trend for CA to cause it to decrease at the

lower pH levels. This is consistent with the notion that the exogenous CA had disrupted the

diffusion of CO 2 into the chemoreceptor cells.

If extracellular CA was important for central respiratory-related pH/CO 2 chemoreception or the CHC-induced augmentation of fictive breathing, one would expect that preparations taken from control frogs would exhibit an augmentation of fictive breathing following the addition of exogenous CA. In other words, addition of CA should cause a control preparation to mimic the increase in fictive breathing observed following CHC without any addition of CA to the superfusate. However, this was not the case, as in the control group, fictive breathing frequency was actually reduced upon addition of CA and overall fictive breathing remained unaltered. 114

One may argue that since CA IV isozymes are tethered to the plasma membrane of respective cells via a glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol (GPI) linkage (Brown and Waneck, 1992), the addition of free-floating exogenous CA may not mimic the natural distribution of this enzyme. In fact, those who support the notion that extracellular pH shifts are the stimulus for pH/CO 2 chemoreception may argue that the GPI linkage serves as an activator of downstream

ion-channels that in turn covert the extracellular change in pH into an influx of Ca 2+ and subsequent signal transduction. If this were the case, addition of free floating CA would not have the same effect as anchored CA in activating central CO 2 chemoreceptor cells. Our results cannot discount this point. However, on the basis of parsimony, it would seem that the effects of CA on respiratory modulation following CHC and CH are predominately due to intracellular isozymes

(particularly CA-II like isozymes).

3.5 Conclusion

The results of this chapter suggest, but cannot definitively confirm, that extracellular CA

is not involved in central pH/CO 2 chemoreception or the CHC-induced augmentation of fictive breathing. However, based upon the results of chapter 2 and this chapter, I suggest that it is predominately an intracellular CA II-like isozyme that is responsible, at least in part, for both central pH/CO 2 chemosensitivity and the CHC-induced augmentation of fictive breathing.

Further investigation is warranted in order to support the distinction between the involvement of

intracellular and extracellular CA. The use of extracellular CA inhibitors (i.e., relatively cell

impermeable inhibitors such as benzolamide) to the superfusate of in vitro brainstem-spinal cord

preparations of leopard frogs would provide further insight into this issue. In addition, 115

application of phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C to the superfusate, which will cleave the glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol anchor of existing extracellular CA isozymes (Zhu and

Sly, 1990; Tong et al ., 2000; Sharom and Lehto, 2002; Svichar et al ., 2006) would also be useful in distinguishing between CA II-like and CA IV-like isozymes present in frog neural tissue. The following chapter presents the results of a histochemical analysis of the location of active CA

(whether it is intracellular or extracellular).








The results of chapter 2, as well as a number of studies in the literature (Erlichman et al .,

1994; Wang et al ., 2002; Taylor et al , 2003) indicate that carbonic anhydrase (CA) is important in the putative mechanism underlying respiratory-related central pH/CO 2 chemoreception. Given

this, the goal of the current chapter was to use a histochemical approach to try and identify active

CA within the leopard frog brainstem and to qualitatively assess whether exposure to chronic

hypercapnia (CHC) or chronic hypoxia (CH) alters the amount of CA present.

The first enzymatic histochemical method used to localize carbonic anhydrase in tissue

was performed by Häusler (in 1958) with further modifications by Hansson (1967) and

Ridderstråle (1976; 1980; Lönnerholm and Ridderstråle, 1974). This histochemical method is

referred to as the cobalt-phosphate method and involves chemical reactions that ultimately

produce a black precipitate in and around regions of active tissue CA. The reaction medium

contains cobalt sulphate (CoSO 4), potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH 2PO 4), sulphuric acid

(H 2SO 4) and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3). Although the intermediate complexes formed during the reaction of the previously mentioned chemicals have not been clearly identified or isolated, equations 3A and 3B express complexes mentioned by Maren (1980). Equations 3D and

3E are unconfirmed hypothetical intermediates that I have included in order for the reader to better understand the role of CoSO 4 in the medium and the formation of the final visible precipitate.

Sodium bicarbonate reacts with sulphuric acid forming carbonic acid (H 2CO 3) and

sodium sulphate (Na 2SO 4); shown in equation 3A. Sodium bicarbonate also reacts with potassium dihydrogen phosphate to form additional carbonic acid and potassium sodium hydrogen phosphate (KNaHPO 4; shown in equation 3B. 118

Equation 3A: 2NaCHO 3 + H 2SO 4 → 2H 2CO 3 + Na 2SO 4

Equation 3B: NaCHO 3 + KH 2PO 4 → H2CO 3 + KNaHPO 4

+ - Equation 3C: H2CO 3 → H + HCO 3 → H 2O + CO 2 (escapes)

Equation 3D: CoSO 4 + KNaHPO 4→ CoHPO 4 + KNaSO 4

Equation 3E: CoHPO 4 + (NH 4)2S → CoS + (NH 4)2HPO4

- Carbonic acid (formed in equations 3A and 3B) breaks down into bicarbonate (HCO 3 ) and a

+ - proton (H ) in a nearly spontaneous reaction (first part of equation 3C). HCO 3 then undergoes

dehydration to form CO 2 (the uncatalyzed reaction rate being rapid enough, i.e., rate constant of

14 s -1 at room temperature, for this to occur; equation 3C; Maren, 1980). The uncatalyzed dehydration and hydration reactions reach equilibrium as the CO 2 bubbles out of solution. The

equilibrium occurs at an approximate pH of 6.14 for the chemical concentrations used in

Hansson’s medium. However, since the incubation medium is open to the environment, further

loss of CO 2 from the surface can occur, particularly with large surface areas and disruption of the

surface layer through stirring (Maren, 1980). The alkalinisation of the incubation medium

caused by the escape of CO 2 from its surface, leads to the formation of an insoluble cobalt

precipitate which Maren (1980) reasons is a complex phosphate as shown equation 3D. Maren

(1980) further reports that in 3mm deep incubation medium, the critical pH for precipitate

formation (pH 6.8) is reached in about 12 minutes. The presence of the enzyme carbonic

anhydrase (CA) presumably speeds up the time required to reach this critical pH. Hence, an

incubation time of 8 to 10 minutes, which is not long enough to allow precipitate formation via

the uncatalyzed CO 2 dehydration reaction, should be sufficient for precipitate formation localized to tissue containing CA. The precipitate is then converted to a visible and less soluble, 119

black deposit (i.e., cobalt sulphide or CoS; equation 3E) via exposure to ammonium sulphide

((NH 4)2S); a blackening agent).

The cobalt-phosphate method has been criticized over the years on the basis of specificity and kinetics (Muther, 1972; 1977). However, these criticisms have been rebutted by several studies such as Maren (1980), Rossen and Musser (1972) and Lönnerholm (1974; 1980). On balance, it appears as if this technique is a valid method for histochemical identification of active

CA on the basis that a specific CA inhibitor prevents staining and the chemical kinetics of the reactions fit the criteria for precipitate formation within the allotted incubation time.

The data in chapter 2 demonstrated that treatment with the permeant CA inhibitor, acetazolamide, abolished the CHC-induced increase in fictive breathing. Given this, I hypothesised that brainstem preparations taken from frogs exposed to CHC would contain a greater amount/activity of CA than preparations taken from control frogs or frogs exposed to

CH. If this hypothesis is correct, then histochemical analysis for active CA should reveal a greater intensity of staining, using the cobalt-phosphate method, in preparations taken from frogs exposed to CHC compared to chronically hypoxic and control frogs.



Histochemical Localization of Active Carbonic Anhydrase

Active CA was detected using a modified version of the cobalt-phosphate histochemical method (i.e., Hansson’s method; Hansson, 1967). Fifteen brainstem-spinal cords from each of the three experimental groups (normoxic/normocapnia control, CHC and CH) were fixed for a period of 4 hrs at 4ºC in a 3% glutaraldehyde in aqueous phosphate buffer containing sodium phosphate dibasic and sodium phosphate monobasic monohydrate (Ricca Chemical Company,

Arlington, Texas; pH 7.0). The brainstem preparations were kept frozen at minus 80ºC and then sectioned into 20 µm slices on a cryostat (Leica CM 3040S) at minus 20ºC. The sections were

then transferred to gelatin-chrome-alum coated slides.

Histochemical localisation of CA was performed on brain slices taken from three

different locations (Taylor, et al., 2003): 1) at the level of the hypoglossal nerve root (cnXII), 2)

at the level of the vagus nerve (cnX) root and 3) at the level of the trigeminal nerve (cnV) nerve

root. These sections were processed in groups such that slices from the same regions in the

brains taken from control, CH and CHC animals were exposed to the same staining conditions at

the same time.

The brain slice-mounted slides were incubated in an approximately 3 mm deep solution

containing (in mM) 2.90 CoSO 4, 17.6 KH 2PO 4, 156 NaHCO 3, and 15.9 H2SO 4 (Taylor et al .,

2003) for 8 minutes. Following this, the slides were rinsed in distilled water, immersed in 0.5%

ammonium sulphide (blackening agent) and then rinsed again. The brain slices underwent

dehydration in alcohol and were then rinsed in xylene prior to placing a cover slip over the slide

(as per Taylor et al , 2003). 100 µM ACTZ was added to the incubation solution of 4 slides in order to determine the specificity of the test (i.e., if the staining was specific for active CA then 121

addition of a potent CA inhibitor should reduce or abolish the staining). The stained slides were then viewed under a light microscope (Axioplan 2) at three different magnifications (25X, 100X and 400X). Two investigators, blinded to the source of the slices (i.e., control, CHC or CH brains), independently analyzed the stain intensity of the ventrolateral surface of each section on a scale of 0 (no stain), 1(least intense) to 3 (most intense).



Results obtained from this histochemical method were not consistent enough to confirm

our hypothesis that the stain intensity would be greater in brains taken from chronically

hypercapnic (CHC) frogs compared to brains from control and chronically hypoxic (CH) frogs.

The stained brain sections from this histochemical study did not appear to be drastically different

across the three groups (i.e., control, chronically hypercapnic and chronically hypoxic). Quite a

bit of variability was observed when ranking the intensity of the stain at the ventrolateral portion

of the slices. Average ranks given by investigator one for the control, CHC and CH groups were

1.6 ± 0.19, 2.3 ±0.19 and 1.8 ± 0.25, respectively. Investigator two produced similar average

ranks of 1.5 ± 0.29, 2.0 ± 0.58 and 2 ± 0.58 for the control, CHC and CH, respectively, brain

slices. When rounding these averages, the stain intensity for all three groups seems to rank

equally. In addition to this discrepancy, nonspecific staining made it difficult to distinguish

staining of tissue from precipitate formation on the slide in general.

Some slices (Fig. 27), showed slightly darker staining of tissue at 25X magnification in

the CHC and CH groups. Some sections appeared uniformly darker than their counterparts,

however, no specific aggregation of black CoS precipitate was noted.


Figure 27: Images from a histochemical analysis of active carbonic anhydrase (CA) localisation using a modified version of Hansson’s method (or cobalt-phosphate method). All the brain slices in this figure were taken from a region of the medulla near the level of the vagus nerve (cnX).

Panel A represents a control for the specificity of this stain and is a slice taken from a control

(i.e., normoxic, normocapnic) leopard frog brain that had been incubated in Hansson’s medium containing 100 µM acetazolamide (ACTZ). Panels B, C and D depict brain slices taken from

control (normoxic, normocapnic), chronically hypercapnic and chronically hypoxic frogs,

respectively. The red circle in panel C represents one example of a carbonic anhydrase positive

cell body. 124


4.4 Discussion

4.4.1 Goals and Predictions

The results of chapter 2 indicate that the CHC-induced increase in fictive breathing seen in leopard frogs (and also cane toads; Gheshmy et al . 2006) was abolished by acetazolamide

(ACTZ) treatment. However, since ACTZ is a cell permeant inhibitor of CA, we could not distinguish whether or not the effects seen in chapter 2 were due (in whole or in part) to intracellular or extracellular CA function. Experiments described in chapter 3 were devised to further explore this issue. Exogenous CA application did not alter the CHC-induced augmentation of fictive breathing, suggesting that extracellular CA does not account for this in vitro CHC response (chapter 3). In order to further support the conclusions of chapters 2 and 3, I performed a histochemical analysis for active CA. The rationale here was that the cobalt- phosphate staining method would allow for the visualization of active CA locations within the frog brain tissue (i.e., whether it is located in the interstitial space/extracellular, neuronal cell bodies/intracellular, etc .). Furthermore, I hypothesized that if CA is important for the mechanism underlying the CHC-induced increase in fictive breathing then this may be due to: 1) an increase in the amount of CA present within CO 2 chemoreceptive cells of CHC, compared to control, frog brains or 2) enhanced activity of already present CA. Assuming that an increase in the amount of cellular CA occurs during CHC exposure, I expect to see a greater intensity of staining in CHC frog brain tissue compared to controls using the cobalt-phosphate method.

The superficial region of the ventral medulla has been considered to be a central pH/CO 2 chemoreceptive area since the 1960s (Mitchell et al ., 1963). Therefore, the intensity of staining

for carbonic anhydrase (CA) at the ventrolateral surface of transverse medullary slices in brains 126

taken from CHC- and CH-exposed frogs was compared to the staining in brains taken from control animals.

4.4.2 Summary of Results

The visual appearance of the CoS precipitate in stained tissues from previous studies showed deposits of black precipitate at the location of active carbonic anhydrase. However,

Taylor and colleagues (2003) had observed darker staining of cell bodies in bullfrog brain slices rather than black precipitate aggregations per se. The sections from this study, which were stained based on the technique described Taylor et al ., (2003), also tended to show somewhat darker stained cell bodies in the chronic hypercapnic (CHC) compared to the control frog brain slices. Some brain sections from CHC frogs appeared uniformly darker than their control counterparts at 25X magnification; however, no specific deposits of dark CoS precipitate were noted at higher magnification. This begs the question of whether the diffuse stain indicates ubiquitous cytoplasmic CA or is rather non-specific staining. Some slides contained black deposits around the periphery of the tissue whereas others did not. Hence, it is difficult to determine the exact nature of this stain.

Significant variability was observed when ranking the intensity of the stain at the ventrolateral portion of each slice. Overall average rankings were slightly higher (albeit by only a few decimal points) for the CHC group compared to CH and controls. However, due to the variability, I cannot conclusively say that the results support our hypothesis. Indeed, due to this variability, I came to the conclusion that this method may not be as reliable as I initially thought to determine changes in CA activity following CHC or CH. 127

4.4.3 Cobalt-Phosphate Histochemical Method

The cobalt-phosphate method devised by Hansson (1967) initially involved floating freeze-dried tissue sections on the surface of the incubation medium and subsequent transfer to slides. A couple of drawbacks of this method are that carbonic anhydrase (CA) from unfixed sections may be lost to the incubation medium (Ridderstråle, 1991), tissue disintegration may occur upon floating in the incubation medium and the impracticality of processing a large number of sections (i.e., serial sections). The first issue was addressed by fixing the tissue prior to staining. Tissue fixation generally reduces biologically measurable enzyme activity, however, improved tissue morphology for microscopy makes it advantageous (Muther, 1972; Ridderstråle,

1991). Curiously, Muther (1972) reports that stain intensity (using the cobalt-phosphate method) remains unaltered, and may even be better, in fixed tissue. In order to address tissue disintegration and to expedite this procedure, sections were mounted onto slides prior to incubation. A study by Loveridge (1978) and later studies (Coates et al ., 1998; Taylor et al .,

2003) have shown that it is not necessary to float tissue in order for this technique to work. In other words, cryostat-sectioned tissue mounted on slides can be incubated in the medium (as done in this study) and yield similar results.

Although tissue fixation and transferral to slides prior to incubation in (a modified version of) Hansson’s medium may explain the reduced, or lack of, staining seen in some tissue in this study, earlier research reported distinguishable staining of tissue under similar conditions

(Loveridge, 1978; Coates et al ., 1998; Taylor et al ., 2003). Furthermore, the dehydration process and clearing with xylene, which may also account for the weak staining obtained in this study, 128

did not seem to interfere with staining in earlier studies (Coates et al ., 1998; Taylor et al. , 2003).

Incubation time is another factor that may account for slight differences between studies. Earlier studies have used incubation times ranging from 1 to 10 minutes (Hansson, 1967; Loveridge,

1978; Ridderstråle, 1991; Coates et al ., 1998; Taylor et al ., 2003). Eight minutes was chosen for this study on the basis of preliminary results showing non-specific staining at higher incubation times. However, perhaps a slightly longer incubation time may have lead to better tissue staining.

A final point for consideration is the fact that tissue slices were not hydrated prior to incubation in the cobalt-phosphate medium since a preset protocol (i.e., that of Taylor et al ., 2003) was

followed. However, on hindsight, perhaps tissue hydration would have allowed greater tissue

penetration of the stain.

4.5 Conclusion

The results from this chapter do not provide convincing support for the hypothesis that

the chronic hypercapnia (CHC)-induced augmentation of fictive breathing in leopard frogs ( Rana

pipiens ) is due (at least in part) to an increase in the amount of intracellular carbonic anhydrase

(CA). Further modifications (i.e., choice of different fixatives, change in incubation times, hydration of tissue prior to incubation in Hansson’s medium) to this method may improve the quality of staining obtained. Given the many permutations of change that may have been necessary to obtain adequate staining, I decided not to pursue this particularly since an alternate,

14 - in vivo assay for CA (i.e., using radiolabelled bicarbonate, HC O3 ; and Perry, 1991) may

yield more accurate and quantitatively comparable results.





5.1 Goals of the Thesis

Previous studies from this laboratory have shown that chronic exposure of cane toads

(Bufo marinus ), a semi-terrestrial amphibian, to hypoxia (10% O 2 for 10 days) and hypercapnia

(3.5% CO 2 for 9 days) had opposing effects on an index of breathing (fictive breathing) measured in vitro using brainstem-spinal cord preparations (Gheshmy et al ., 2006; 2007;

McAneney and Reid, 2007). Chronic hypoxia (CH) blunted and chronic hypercapnia (CHC)

augmented pH/CO 2-sensitive fictive breathing (Gheshmy et al ., 2006; 2007; McAneney and

Reid, 2007). Further investigation revealed that the CHC-induced increase in fictive breathing

was due to altered afferent feedback from the CO 2-sensitive olfactory chemoreceptors and arterial O 2/CO 2 chemoreceptors (Gheshmy et al ., 2006; 2007). Midbrain transection experiments

revealed that changes in central descending inhibitory inputs, from the midbrain to the medulla,

was the cause of the reduction in fictive breathing following CH exposure (McAneney and Reid,

2007). Taken together, these studies reveal that there is significant interaction and integration of

the various respiratory control systems during exposure to long-term respiratory challenges such

as CHC and CH in the semi-terrestrial amphibian, Bufo marinus . However, the putative

mechanism underlying the CHC-induced increase in fictive breathing, and that of the CH-

induced reduction in fictive breathing, at the level of the central pH/CO 2 chemoreceptors themselves, remained elusive.

Given that there is considerable support in the literature (Ritucci et al ., 1997; 1998; Wang et al ., 2002; Putnam et al ., 2004) for the notion that changes in intracellular pH are the stimulus for central pH/CO 2 chemoreceptor activation and that such pH changes ultimately depend on the

- + hydration of CO 2 to HCO 3 and H , I decided to examine the role of carbonic anhydrase (CA; the

enzyme that catalyzes the reversible hydration/dehydration of CO 2) in the modulation of 131

pH/CO 2-sensitive fictive breathing during exposure to CHC and CH. Previous studies have

shown that CA may be involved in both peripheral (Gray, 1971; Nurse, 1990; Iturriaga et al .,

1991; Iturriaga et al ., 1993) and central (Erlichman et al ., 1994; Taylor et al ., 2003) pH/CO 2


In order to determine whether or not CA may be involved in the CHC- and CH-induced

changes in pH/CO 2 chemosensitivity, giving rise to changes in fictive breathing, I first performed a series of experiments (Chapter 2) in which the potent cell-permeant CA inhibitor, acetazolamide (ACTZ), was applied to the brainstem-spinal cord preparations. Given the importance of CA in the CHC-induced increase in fictive breathing (see Chapter 2), I then attempted to determine whether the CA in question was intracellular or extracellular (Chapter 3).

Based on previous studies (Ritucci et al ., 1997; 1998; Wang et al ., 2002; Putnam et al , 2004), I

hypothesised that the effects observed in Chapter 2 (ACTZ abolished the CHC-induced increase

in fictive breathing) were due to effects on intracellular CA. To test this hypothesis, I added

exogenous CA to the medium bathing in vitro brainstem spinal cord preparations from leopard

frogs. Finally, in Chapter 4, I performed a histochemical analysis of the location of CA in brain

tissue from frogs exposed to control conditions, CHC and CH. The cobalt-phosphate technique

used in these experiments was designed to indicate both the location and amount (perceived via

stain intensity) of CA within these tissues.

5.2 Critique of In Vitro Brainstem-Spinal Cord Preparation

The previous studies from this laboratory, that served as the impetus for this thesis, as

well as the current studies enclosed in this thesis, all made use of the in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparation. This preparation is devoid of any peripheral input that is otherwise present in 132

the intact animal. For this reason, the in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparation serves as a means to study the central control of breathing. Central respiratory rhythm and pattern generation, central pH/CO 2 chemoreceptor function and midbrain influences on breathing are all aspects that can be analyzed using the in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparation.

However, one must not ignore the potential drawbacks inherent in this isolated in vitro preparation. The lack of afferent input previously mentioned as an advantage also serves as a disadvantage. In vivo , feedback from both peripheral and central control systems are integrated,

resulting in an overall level of respiratory drive. Respiratory stressors (i.e., hypoxia and

hypercapnia) that cause a certain response in vivo , due to stimulation of various different control systems, may not result in as profound a response when administered in vitro to a reduced preparation (Reid, 2006).

One such example is the hypercapnic ventilatory response seen in amphibian in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparations. In preparations taken from both cane toads and leopard frogs, the hypercapnic response, or in other words, the response of fictive breathing to acute changes in pH of the superfusate, were not as pronounced as the changes in breathing observed in vivo in response to similar changes in arterial pH. Interaction between peripheral and central chemoreceptors gives rise to the overall respiratory response to hypercapnia (Smatresk, 1990;

Smatresk and Smits, 1991; Kinkead and Milsom, 1994; Reid, 2006). However, in the isolated, in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparation, acidification of the superfusate stimulates central pH/CO 2 chemoreceptors, the only subset of chemoreceptors that is present.

According to Branco (1992), central pH/CO 2 chemosensitivity is responsible for

approximately 80% of the in vivo hypercapnic ventilatory response. Yet, in vitro , the

contribution of central pH/CO 2 chemosensitivity to the rise in fictive breathing following 133

acidification of the superfusate was not large enough to represent 80% of the changes in breathing observed in vivo . Nevertheless, the use of in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparations to study the effects of CHC and CH exposure on central pH/CO 2 chemoreceptor function is valid

since spontaneous motor output in vitro has been shown to correspond to breathing in the intact

animal (Sakakibara, 1984).

One possible explanation for the discrepancy between in vivo and in vitro central pH/CO 2

chemosensitivity arises when considering the findings of a study by Winmill et al . (2005).

Winmill and colleagues (2005) suggest that there may be a means for central O 2 detection in the

bullfrog based upon the observed reversible cessation of fictive breathing following acute

hypoxia in bullfrog in vitro isolated brainstem-spinal cord preparations. If this were in fact true,

then it would be interesting to see whether O 2 (hypoxia) plays a modulatory role in central CO 2 chemosensitivity (a similar relationship to that seen in the peripheral system). In other words, perhaps central CO 2 sensitivity may be dependent on the level of PO 2 in the cerebrospinal fluid

and vice versa such that high levels of PO 2 result in lower PCO 2 sensitivity. This could possibly

explain the low levels of fictive breathing/CO 2-sensitivity seen in the control preparations since

O2 levels in the in vitro superfusate were maintained high (approximately 650 mmHg).

5.3 CO 2-Sensitive Respiratory Control Systems

CO 2 is a stronger respiratory stimulus than O 2 for terrestrial air breathers. In fact,

Smatresk et al . (1991) postulated that the evolution of central CO 2 chemoreceptors coincides

with an increase in sensitivity to hypercapnia. There are numerous CO 2-sensitive receptors that 134

can affect breathing. These receptors will be stimulated by CO 2 during both acute and chronic hypercapnia.

During hypercapnia in vivo , high P CO 2 levels sensed by the nasal olfactory CO 2

chemoreceptors cause an inhibition (whether it be via inhibitory neurotransmitter release or

reduced stimulatory signals) of breathing (Sakakibara, 1978; Coates and Ballam, 1990; Coates,

2001). Pulmonary stretch receptors (PSR), located in the lung walls, are also CO 2-sensitive,

reducing their firing rate as CO 2 levels increase (Milsom and Jones, 1977; Kuhlman and Fedde,

1979). PSR input has complex effects on amphibian breathing. Phasic PSR feedback stimulates

breathing and promotes the clustering of breaths (lung inflation) while tonic PSR feedback

during periods of breath-holding stimulates small, continuous deflation breaths. High levels of

inspired P CO 2 result in elevated arterial P CO 2 and subsequent stimulation of arterial chemoreceptors (i.e., peripheral chemoreceptors located in the carotid labyrinth and pulmocutaneous arch). The stimulatory signals from these chemoreceptors are carried by the glossopharyngeal nerve to central respiratory centres.

CO 2 in arterial blood crosses the blood brain barrier and results in high P CO 2 in the

cerebrospinal fluid. The CO 2 in the cerebrospinal fluid traverses the central respiratory pH/CO 2 chemoreceptor cell membranes. Once inside the cell, CO 2 hydration, aided by the enzyme

carbonic anhydrase (CA), produces rapid intracellular acidification and subsequent activation of

+ + - - + 2+ 2+ ion exchangers (i.e., Na /H ; HCO 3 /Cl ; Na /Ca ). Ultimately, Ca influx into these

chemoreceptor cells results in neurotransmitter release which sends signals to central/medullary

respiratory centres which then trigger an increase in breathing.


5.4 Role of Carbonic Anhydrase in CO 2 Chemoreception Following Chronic Hypercapnia

The results of the experiments in Chapters 2 through 4 indicate a role for carbonic anhydrase (CA), at the level of central pH/CO 2 chemoreceptors, in the mechanism underlying the

CHC-induced increase in fictive breathing. In Chapter 2, the application of a potent, cell-

permeant inhibitor of CA (acetazolamide; ACTZ) at concentrations that were deemed sufficient

enough to inhibit most, but not all CA, caused a blunting of fictive breathing in brainstem-spinal

cord preparations taken from frogs exposed to control and chronically hypercapnic (CHC)

conditions. However, no such effect was observed in preparations taken from frogs exposed to

chronic hypoxia (CH). The effects seen in the control group suggest a role for CA in central

pH/CO 2 chemosensitivity while the effects seen in the CHC group (i.e., the CHC-induced

increase in fictive breathing was abolished following the addition of ACTZ) indicate that

alterations in CA activity or amount appear to be responsible for the effects following CHC.

Following this series of ACTZ experiments, the experiments in Chapter 3 were

performed in order to determine whether the effects of CA revealed in Chapter 2 were the result

of intracellular or extracellular CA. Chapter 3 showed that addition of exogenous CA to the

superfusate bathing the brainstem-spinal cord preparations did not significantly alter fictive

breathing other than a blunting of fictive breathing frequency in control preparations. If

extracellular CA was responsible for the effects seen in Chapter 2 then I predicted that there

would be an increase in fictive breathing following addition of CA in the control group. In other

words, the effects of CHC on fictive breathing would be mimicked by the addition of CA.

However, given that this did not occur, the results from Chapter 3 support my hypothesis that

intracellular CA, by catalyzing the hydration of CO2 within the chemoreceptor cells and

subsequent changes in intracellular pH, underlies central pH/CO 2 chemosensitivity. 136

Chapter 4 described a histochemical analysis of the location of active CA in brain slices, predominately from the medulla, taken from frogs exposed to control conditions as well as CH and CHC. I expected to see darker staining of neuronal cell bodies/somas (indicating the presence of intracellular CA) and generally darker stain intensity (indicative of increased amount of intracellular CA) in brains taken from animals exposed to CHC. However, although some slices suggested that this occurred, the overall inconsistency of the stained tissues did not allow for a definitive conclusion.

5.5 Different Effects of Chronic Hypoxia in Terrestrial Versus Aquatic Amphibians

McAneney and Reid (2007) demonstrated that exposure to chronic hypoxia caused a blunting of fictive breathing in the cane toad ( Bufo marinus ). In contrast, the results from this thesis show that an identical protocol of CH exposure of leopard frogs ( Rana pipiens ) did not alter fictive breathing. One possible explanation for this difference is the differing conditions under which these two species encounter hypoxia in their natural environments. Unlike the terrestrial anuran species that experience bouts of hypoxia while overwintering underground, leopard frogs, a semi-aquatic species that overwinters under ice-covered bodies of water, may be more tolerant of hypoxia (Pinder et al ., 1992; Hermes-Lima and Zenteno-Savín, 2002).

Unlike some species of freshwater turtles (such as the painted turtle; Chrysemys picta ) that are anoxia-tolerant, leopard frogs can only tolerate anoxia for a period of a few days at low temperatures (30 hrs at 5ºC; Hermes-Lima and Storey, 1996) and only a few hours (4-5 hrs;

Knickerbocker and Lutz, 2001) at room temperature. This short-term “tolerance” of anoxia situates anuran amphibians in the intermediary zone on the spectrum consisting of anoxia- 137

sensitive mammalian brains on one end and anoxia-tolerant species such as fresh water turtles

(Hutchison and Dady, 1964; Bickler and Buck, 2007) on the other. Contrary to anoxia-tolerant turtles that can maintain brain ATP levels for extended periods and mammalian brains that rapidly lose ATP (i.e., within minutes), frog brains experience a slow reduction in brain ATP and subsequent brain death during anoxic conditions (Bickler and Buck, 2007). However, leopard frogs are quite hypoxia-tolerant and can maintain brain ATP levels during hypoxia (water P O2 of

30-60 mmHg which corresponds to approximately 4-8% O 2) via hypometabolism in cold

temperatures for up to 16 weeks (Knickerbocker and Lutz, 2001). It is possible that the level of

hypoxic exposure in the current study was not sufficient to induce changes and that exposure to a

more severe level of hypoxia, such as those encountered in their natural environments, may

produce a significant modulation of fictive breathing. Alternatively, the temperature at which

hypoxia was experienced could also have affected ventilatory responses since most studies show

that hypoxia tolerance is prolonged at lower temperatures that promote greater metabolic savings

(Hermes-Lima and Storey, 1996; Tattersall and Boutilier, 1997; Boutilier, 2001). In all studies

included in this thesis, chronic hypoxic acclimatisation was performed at room temperature.

In addition, the current studies exposed leopard frogs to terrestrial normobaric hypoxia.

Since aquatic species, to a great extent, rely on cutaneous gas exchange (Burggren and West,

1982), perhaps exposure to aquatic hypoxia and hypercapnia may have produced greater changes

in the fictive ventilatory responses. During periods of inactivity, cutaneous gas exchange can

account for approximately 20% of O 2 exchange and the majority of CO 2 exchange in (leopard frogs in) well-aerated (Pinder and Burggren, 1986). One would assume that these values would be greater in the poorly-oxygenated waters found during overwintering conditions. During terrestrial CH, the minimal contribution of cutaneous gas exchange would result in greater 138

reliance on the lungs for O2 and CO 2 exchange. Perhaps, a build-up of arterial CO 2 (due to the

loss of one of the major routes for its removal) may trigger CO 2 chemoreceptors (both central

and peripheral) which in turn stimulate brainstem respiratory centres. This would offset the

hypoxia-induced descending inhibitory input to brainstem respiratory centres, resulting in no

overall change in breathing (as seen in the studies presented in this thesis).

It is also possible that the central inhibitory influences that reduce fictive breathing

during CH in toads (McAneney and Reid, 2007) are absent in frogs. However, midbrain control

of episodic breathing is the same in the two groups of animals (Kinkead et al ., 1997; Gargaglioni

and Branco, 2000; 2001; 2003; 2004; Reid et al. 2000a; Gargaglioni et al ., 2002; McAneney and

Reid, 2007). On the other hand, perhaps control over central CO 2 chemoreception is different between the two groups, given the aquatic (frog) versus terrestrial (toad) nature of these animals.

An early study examining the viability of Rana pipiens and Bufo terrestris (a terrestrial anuran species) during submergence underwater at varying temperatures showed that R. pipiens was more adapted to prolonged submergence (Hutchison and Dady, 1964). Hence, this adaptation to submergence may coincide with greater adaptation to hypoxia.

5.6 Perspectives

Although this thesis project satisfactorily attained the initial goal of determining the role of CA in the chronic hypercapnia-induced increase in central respiratory-related pH/CO 2 chemosensitivity (manifested as an increase in fictive breathing), more questions remain to be answered with regards to the intracellular versus extracellular location of CA. In order to further distinguish intracellular from extracellular CA, future investigations could make use of relatively 139

cell-impermeant CA inhibitors such as benzolamide. Assuming that intracellular CA is involved in central respiratory-related pH/CO 2 chemosensitivity, addition of benzolamide to the

superfusate of isolated, in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparations should not alter fictive breathing. Further studies could look into the effects of phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PIP-C), an enzyme that cleaves the glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol that anchors extracellular CA isozymes IV to the plasma membrane. Again, assuming that intracellular CA is responsible for central respiratory-related pH/CO 2 chemosensitivity, I would not expect fictive

breathing to be altered following addition of PIP-C to the superfusate of isolated, in vitro

brainstem-spinal cord preparations. As an alternative to the in vitro histochemical analysis of CA

- location, in vivo assays for activity of CA (using radioactively labelled HCO 3 ) may produce more reliable and conclusive results. Other isozymes have different kinetics and properties so other suitable inhibitors may be used to verify the role of other forms of CA within the brain

(i.e., CAIII which is relatively insensitive to acetazolamide).

Having shown that CA is important not only in central pH/CO 2 chemoreception but that it

also underlies the CHC-induced augmentation in fictive breathing in leopard frogs, it would be

worthwhile to explore the potential stimuli for this CA up-regulation. Central respiratory centres

process various stimulatory and inhibitory signals (originating from both afferent and central

sources) and modify breathing accordingly via efferent input to respiratory muscles (i.e.,

primarily via vagal, trigeminal or hypoglossal nerves which innerve the primary respiratory

muscles; McLean and Remmers, 1997). Given this, previous studies from this laboratory have

already explored the effects of eliminating olfactory chemoreceptor input, peripheral/arterial

chemoreceptor input and descending input from higher brain centres upon the CHC-induced

augmentation in fictive breathing in a semi-terrestrial amphibian ( Bufo marinus , the cane toad). 140

The effects of pulmonary stretch receptor feedback on the CHC-induced increase in fictive breathing also remains unknown and needs to be investigated. REFERENCES

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