Winter 2011 Boston Firefighters Digest International Association of Fire Fighters Local 718 Professional Fire Fighters of Massachusetts Massachusetts AFL-CIO • Greater Boston Labor Council Dedicated to the advancement of the moral, economic and social standing of the members of the Boston Fire Department in keeping with the dignity of their heroic calling. Photo by Bill Noonan, FIU-K7 Remember Our Military Veterans Serving in Harm’s Way! Boston Local 718 IAFF Officers 2010-2012 Local 718 IAFF House Stewards Boston Rich Paris, R-2 ...............................President Robert Doyle, E-2, L-19 ........................ Gr. 2
[email protected] ____________, E-3, H-2 ....................... Gr. 3 Firefighters Digest Nick DiMarino, TL-10........... Vice President ____________, E-4, L-24, D-3 ............. Gr. 4
[email protected] Leo Greeley, E-5, D-1 ............................. Gr. 4 Peter Gailunas, TL-17 .................... Treasurer Mark Sanders, E-7, TL-17, D-4 ............. Gr. 4 Boston Firefighters Digest is the official
[email protected] Rick Johnson, E-8, L-1 .......................... Gr. 2 newsletter of Boston Firefighters Local Ralph Dowling, FAO ......Recording Secretary Tom Beard, E-9, L-2 ............................. Gr. 1 718. Opinions are those of the authors and
[email protected] Tom Curtain, E-10, TL-3, R-1, C-6 ....... Gr. 1 not necessarily those of Local 718, its Mike O’Reilly, L-29 ............. Legislative Rep. John Katikakis, E-14, L-4, H-1 .............. Gr. 4
[email protected] Mike Hegarty, E-16, D-8 ....................... Gr. 1 members or its affiliates. Corrections will Steve MacDonald, PIO ......... Legislative Rep. Brendan Sullivan, E-17, L-7, D-7 .......... Gr. 3 be made when notified in writing.