The Cell As the Mechanistic Basis for Evolution J.S

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The Cell As the Mechanistic Basis for Evolution J.S Advanced Review The cell as the mechanistic basis for evolution J.S. Torday∗ The First Principles for Physiology originated in and emanate from the unicellular state of life. Viewing physiology as a continuum from unicellular to multicellular organisms provides fundamental insight to ontogeny and phylogeny as a func- tionally integral whole. Such mechanisms are most evident under conditions of physiologic stress; all of the molecular pathways that evolved in service to the ver- tebrate water–land transition aided and abetted the evolution of the vertebrate lung, for example. Reduction of evolution to cell biology has an important scien- tific feature—it is predictive. One implication of this perspective on evolution is the likelihood that it is the unicellular state that is actually the object of selection. By looking at the process of evolution from its unicellular origins, the causal relation- ships between genotype and phenotype are revealed, as are many other aspects of physiology and medicine that have remained anecdotal and counter-intuitive. Evolutionary development can best be considered as a cyclical, epigenetic, reitera- tive environmental assessment process, originating from the unicellular state, both forward and backward, to sustain and perpetuate unicellular homeostasis. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Howtocitethisarticle: WIREs Syst Biol Med 2015, 7:275–284. doi: 10.1002/wsbm.1305 IN THE BEGINNING metaphysical realm by bearing in mind that the cal- cium waves that mediate consciousness in paramecia4 he traditional descriptive perspective for Physiol- form a continuous arc to the axons of our brains5 as ogy, as portrayed by Galen and Harvey, is like a set T one and the same fundamental mechanism. of Lego Blocks™, one biochemical process linked to Life probably began much like the sea foam that another, until an entire assembly emerges. In contrast can be found on any shoreline, since such lipids natu- to that ex post facto narrative, a predictive mechanis- rally form primitive soap bubble-like ‘cells’ when vig- tic approach can be asserted, going as far as asserting orously agitated in water. Such primitive cells provided that there are founding First Principles for Physiology a protected space for catalytic reactions that decreased that originated in and emanate from the unicellular 1 and stabilized the internal energy state within the cell, stage of life. Einstein’s insight to Relativity Theory 6 emerged from a dream in which he traveled in tandem from which life could emerge. Crucially, that cellu- with a light beam, seeing it as an integral particle and lar compartment permits circumvention of the Sec- wave.2 Similarly, viewing physiology as a continuum ond Law of Thermodynamics. That elusion of physical from unicellular to multicellular organisms provides law is the essential property of life as self-referential, fundamental insights to ontogeny and phylogeny as a self-organizing, and self-perpetuating, always in flux, functionally integral whole,3 directly linking the exter- staying apace with, and yet continually separable from 7 nal physical environment to the internal environment a stressful, ever-changing external environment. That of physiology. And even extending beyond that, to the is the bargain we life forms have struck with Nature. Even from the inception of life, rising calcium 8 ∗Correspondence to: [email protected] levels in the oceans have driven a perpetual balanc- 9 Department of Pediatrics, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, ing selection for calcium homeostasis, epistatically CA, USA counter-balanced by lipid metabolism. Metaphori- Conflict of interest: The author has declared no conflicts of interest cally, the Greeks called it Ouroboros (Figure 1), an for this article. ancient symbol depicting a serpent eating its own tail. Volume 7, September/October 2015 © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 275 Advanced Review or the generation of bioenergy through the partition- ing of ions within the cell, like a battery.17 Early in this progression, the otherwise toxic ambient calcium con- centrations within primitive cells had to be lowered by forming calcium channels, composed of lipids embed- ded within the cell membrane,18 and the complemen- tary formation of the Endoplasmic Reticulum, an internal membrane system for the compartmentaliza- tion of intracellular calcium19 (Figure 2). Ultimately, the advent of cholesterol synthesis facilitated its incorporation into the cell membrane of eukary- otes, differentiating them (our ancestors) from prokaryotes (bacteria), which are devoid of choles- terol. This process was contingent on an enriched oxygen atmosphere, since it takes eleven oxygen molecules to synthesize one cholesterol molecule.20 The cholesterol-containing cell membrane thins out, critically increasing oxygen transport, enhanc- ing motility through increased cytoplasmic streaming, and was also conducive to endocytosis, or cell eating.3 FIGURE 1| Ouoroboros, an ancient symbol depicting a serpent eating its own tail. All three of these processes are the cardinal charac- teristics of vertebrate evolution.21 At some point in this progression of cellular complexity, impelled by The Ouroboros embodies self-reflexivity or cyclic- oxygen promoting metabolic demand, the evolving ity, especially in the sense of something constantly physiologic load on the system resulted in Endoplas- recreating itself. Just like the mythological Phoenix, it mic Reticulum Stress, periodically causing the release operates in cycles that begin anew as soon as they end. of toxic levels of calcium into the cytoplasm of the Critically, the basic cell permits the internalization cell. The counterbalancing, or epistatic mechanism of factors in the environment that would otherwise was marked by the advent of the Peroxisome,22 an have destroyed it—oxygen, minerals, heavy metals, organelle that utilizes lipids to buffer such excess micro-gravitational effects, and even bacteria—all calcium. That mechanism ultimately became homeo- facilitated by an internal endomembrane system that statically fixed, further promoting the movement of compartmentalized those factors within the cell, mak- ions into and out of the cell. Importantly, the internal- 10 ing them useful. These membrane interfaces are the ization of the external environment by this mechanism biologic imperative that separates life from non-life- 11 reciprocally conveyed functional biologic informa- ‘Good walls make good neighbors.’ tion about the external surroundings, and promoted intracellular communication—what Claude Bernard referred to as the Internal Milieu.23 Walter B. Cannon THE ADVENT OF MULTICELLULARITY later formulated the concept that biological systems Unicellular organisms have dominated the Earth for are designed to ‘trigger physiological responses to most of its existence. Far from static, these organ- maintain the constancy of the internal environment in isms were constantly adapting.12 From them, the sim- face of disturbances of external surroundings,’ which plest cyanobacteria evolved first, producing oxygen he termed homeostasis.24 He emphasized the need for and carbon dioxide that modified the nitrogen-filled reassembling the data being amassed for the compo- atmosphere.13 The rising levels of atmospheric car- nents of biological systems into the context of whole bon dioxide, largely generated by volcanoes and meta- organism function. Hence, in 1991, Weibel, Taylor, morphic degassing,14 acidified the oceans by forming and Bolis tested their theory of ‘Symmorphosis,’ the carbonic acid, progressively leaching more and more idea that physiology has evolved to optimize the calcium from rock into the ocean waters. A period of economy of biologic function25 interestingly, the one low atmospheric oxygen eventually forced migration exception to this otherwise ubiquitous theory was the of life from sea to land.15,16 lung, which they discovered was ‘over-engineered,’ The existence of a protected compartment within but more about that later. such primitive ‘cells’ allowed for the formation of the Harold Morowitz is a proponent of the con- endomembrane system, giving rise to chemiosmosis, cept that the energy that flows through a system also 276 © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Volume 7, September/October 2015 WIREs Systems Biology and Medicine Cell as the basis for evolution Adrenal bioenergy to the cell for homeostasis. Eventually, PTHrP/PTHrPR eukaryotic metabolic cooperativity between cells gave rise to multicellular organisms, which were effectively Lipid Kidney Ca++ able to compete with prokaryotes. As Simon Conway Morris has archly noted, ‘Once there were bacteria, Allostasis 30 Skin now there is New York.’ Bacteria can function as Lung pseudo-multicellular organisms through such behav- βAR x 2 ioral traits as quorum sensing and through biofilm PTHrPRx 2 Water–Land formation. The subsequent counterbalancing selection by cellular growth factors and their signal-mediating receptors in our ancestors facilitated cell–cell sig- Swim bladder naling, forming the basis for eukaryotic metazoan evolution. It is this same process that is recapitulated 3 Bone each time the organism undergoes embryogenesis. This cellular focus on the process of evolution serves a number of purposes. First, it regards the mechanism of evolution from its unicellular origins as Lipid Unicellular the epitome of the integrated genotype and phenotype. Ca++ organisms = Homeostasis This provides a means of thinking about how and why multicellular organisms evolved,
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