Integrating Major Components of a New Landfill Gas System of a New Landfill Gas System –
Integrating Major Components of a New Landfill Gas System – Coordination of Multiple Contracts for Gas Treatment, Pipeline Transmission and Turbine Energy Generation Ralph B. “Rusty” Schroedel, Jr., P.E., BCEE, Brown and Caldwell Michael J. Martin, P.E., BCEE Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Cary J. Solberg, P.E., Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District William Krill, P.E., Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Outline • Introduction • Project Overview • System Description • Program Management Contract • Benefits and Challenges • Conclusions and Recommendations Brown and Caldwell 2 ADVANCED DISPOSAL LFG System Components Dedicated Communication Link EPL Gas Processing Facility Compresses and conditions gas for the pipeline and turbines (JIWRF) EMERALD PARK (JIWRF) Turbine Generators ((EPL) ) (((EPL) )) produce electricity to power JIWRF and waste heat to produce Milorganite New Metering Station measures gas flow and quality exiting pipeline PipelinPipeline transports gas from EPL to JIWRF Raw gas is drawn from collection wells into a vacuum header system Gas flow and quality entering pipeline measured at EPL System Components Owner MMSD EPL Pipeline Turbine Facility Conditioning and Component Metering and Equipment Compression Project New Steel Pipe Station Installation Equipment HDPE Pipe Rehab Design CH2M Hill CDM Smith CDM Smith CDM Smith Cornerstone Consultant OwnerOwner77772urnished2urnished 8nison, E/uipment Solar Turbines NA NA NA M, Tech, C,IC, Supplier3s4 ,enture Prime 2indorff Michels Construction Meade C Smith A 9 Sons Pipeline Contractor Operator ,WM PC ,WM / PC A LFG System Operation • .andfill owned/operated by Advanced isposal • MMS ’s Pipeline operated by ouglas Pipeline • JIWR2 Metering Station and Turbine 2acilities operated by ,eolia Water • MMS and Advanced isposal have 20 year agreement for purchase and sale of .21: • Provides guarantees for .21 production and use.
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