IPPP/10/86 ; DCPT/10/172 CERN-PH-TH/2010-234 A slice of AdS5 as the large N limit of Seiberg duality Steven Abela,b,1 and Tony Gherghettac,2 aInstitute for Particle Physics Phenomenology Durham University, DH1 3LE, UK bTheory Division, CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland cSchool of Physics, University of Melbourne Victoria 3010, Australia Abstract A slice of AdS5 is used to provide a 5D gravitational description of 4D strongly-coupled Seiberg dual gauge theories. An (electric) SU(N) gauge theory in the conformal window at large N is described by the 5D bulk, while its weakly coupled (magnetic) dual is confined to the IR brane. This framework can be used to construct an = 1 N MSSM on the IR brane, reminiscent of the original Randall-Sundrum model. In addition, we use our framework to study strongly-coupled scenarios of supersymmetry breaking mediated by gauge forces. This leads to a unified scenario that connects the arXiv:1010.5655v2 [hep-th] 28 Oct 2010 extra-ordinary gauge mediation limit to the gaugino mediation limit in warped space.
[email protected] [email protected] 1 Introduction Seiberg duality [1, 2] is a powerful tool for studying strong dynamics, enabling calcu- lable approaches to otherwise intractable questions, as for example in the discovery of metastable minima in the free magnetic phase of supersymmetric quantum chromodynam- ics (SQCD) [3] (ISS). Despite such successes, the phenomenological applications of Seiberg duality are somewhat limited, simply by the relatively small number of known examples. An arguably more flexible tool for thinking about strong coupling is the gauge/gravity correspondence, namely the existence of gravitational duals for strongly-coupled gauge theories [4–6].