Accelerator Physics Alex Bogacz (Jefferson Lab) /
[email protected] Geoff Krafft (Jefferson Lab/ODU) /
[email protected] Timofey Zolkin (U. Chicago/Fermilab) /
[email protected] Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Lecture 1Accelerator− Relativity, Physics EM Forces, Intro Operated by JSA for the U.S. Department of Energy USPAS, Fort Collins, CO, June 10-21, 2013 1 Introductions and Outline Syllabus Week 1 Week 2 Introduction Course logistics, Homework, Exam: http://casa/publications/USPAS_Summer_2013.shtml Relativistic mechanics review Relativistic E&M review, Cyclotrons Survey of accelerators and accelerator concepts Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Lecture 1Accelerator− Relativity, Physics EM Forces, Intro Operated by JSA for the U.S. Department of Energy 2 Syllabus – week 1 Mon 10 June 0900-1200 Lecture 1 ‘Relativity, EM Forces - Historical Introduction Mon 10 June 1330-1630 Lecture 2 ‘Weak focusing and Transverse Stability’ Tue 11 June 0900-1200 Lecture 3 ‘Linear Optics’ Tue 11 June 1330-1630 Lecture 4 ‘Phase Stability, Synchrotron Motion’ Wed 12 June 0900-1200 Lecture 5 ‘Magnetic Multipoles, Magnet Design’ Wed 12 June 1330-1630 Lecture 6 ‘Particle Acceleration’ Thu 13 June 0900-1200 Lecture 7 ‘Coupled Betatron Motion I’ Thu 13 June 1330-1630 Lecture 8 ‘Synchrotron Radiation’ Fri 14 June 0900-1200 Lecture 9 ‘Coupled Betatron Motion II’ Fri 14 June 1330-1530 Lecture 10 ‘Radiation Distributions’ Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Lecture 1Accelerator− Relativity, Physics EM Forces, Intro Operated