MSU women's volleyball team opens against EMC Saturday

having at least one year of Members of this year's team State is a member of Montana State's women's MSU's new P.E. center. There 1s no admission charge. experience to their credit. are: Sophomores - Cindy Adsit, the Northwest Collegiate volleyball team opens its season Patty Howe, Cheryl Kolberg, Women's Spans Assoc .. which here Oct. 19 against State will be sending Coach Cherry Spurlock is opti- Susan Paul, Chris Pitcher and includes Washington. Idaho, Montana College. a veteran squad to the nets. with mistic about the program that Linda Starner; Juniors _ Carole and Oregon, and moved into the The contest at 10 a.m. will be had a record 40 women trying Banarek. Janet Bignell. Shirley NCWSA's A division this year. all but two of the 16 members played 1n the nonh gym of out forthe team. With that sort ot Chesterfield. Kathy Harte and The ability of this strong MSU support and enthusiasm in squad to compete in the A women's athletics she anti- Bartl Vail; Seniors - Mary Euster- d1v1sion will be put to the test cipates as many as 80 prospects man. Peggy Ensign and Robin Oct 26. MSU's last home game, for women's basketball 1n Lawyer; Freshmen - Marnie when the University of Montana December. Gallogly and Pam Hansen. comes to Bozeman JESUiJ CHl

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WHAT FAMOUS TRIO? HOODWINKED THE COURTS, EMBARRASSED AN EMPIRE, (HIGHEST RATING) WHIULE SWASHBUCKLING 'CHIN~ATOWN ****' IS AN ALTOGETHER UNEXPECTED TRIUMPH ! THEIR WAY TO FAME AND FORTUNE? A RICH , INVENTIVE MURDER MYSTERY OF DEEPENING . HINT: It's Not Haldeman, COMPLEXITY AND TANTALIZING TWISTS. JACK Erlichman and NICHOLSON IS SO GOOD THAT THEY HAD BETTER BEGIN Mitchell! 7:15 IMMEDIATELY TO POLISH UP AN OSCAR." . -Kathleen Carroll, N. Y. Daily News - 9:20 "'CHINATOWN'! IT IS "'CHINATOWN ' IS ABRILLIANT CINEMATIC , THE FINEST AMERICAN POEM IN THE STYLE OF POE CIRCA 1974! ~. ~ FILM OF THE YEAR, WHICH Director Roman Polanski creates a moral midnight in the solar gtow of Los Angeles. Jack Nicholson and Faye IS NOT SAYING NEARLY ENOUGH! " Dunaway become the classic couple of the private-eye story. -Charles Champlin, Los Angeles Times Polanski gets more from Dunaway than we have seen since 'Bonnie and Clyde.' 'Chinatown' confirms the talent for terror STUDENTS I and the moral malaise that Polanski establishedwith'Repul- • sion' and 'Rosemary's Baby.' LURI D, SPELLBIN DI NG! " DON'T MISS TH IS 0 NE! -Paul Zimmerman, Newsweek It's The Best ~~+, 1 1 RIALTO Of The Vear! ~WJt 1 ENDS SATURDAY! THE MOST HIGHLY ACCLAIMED FILM Of 1974! "'CHINATOWN ' IS AN "FORGET HITCHCOCK. WEVE GOT POLANSKI! EXOTIC AND CUNNING FOR 'CHINATOWN ' IS A MYSTERY, A LOVE STORY, ENTERTAINMENT'" A DETECTIVE STORY, AND THE MOST FRIGHTENING • MESMERIZING, SPECTACULAR MOVIE OF ITS KIND I HAVE -Jay Cocks, Time Magazine EVER SEEN! "-Tom Burke, Rolling Stone Residents band together to protest zoning change at Commission for By Ginny Prior rural. classified residential area voted YES on the re -zoning their criteria for a good business go to the City Commissioners final action. Several residents from west which at present. does not allow question, he later realized he location. will now Bozeman banded together to for businesses to build on the had made a mistake, and wanted The re -zoning battle The commission considered hearing fight a proposed zoning change land. the commission to know that he be in an ordinance the Farm Bureau's request. and about 60 which they te rmed, " detri­ The Farm Bureau. in their was opposed to the proposa I. stage, which will take the opposition of the twenty mental to the neighborhood" at attempts to obtain clearance for Although his vote could not be days. During this period of time, some residents involved, and it Wednesday's Bozeman city a new office building in this changed, it would have turned the decision wi II be made as to was determined that there was a commission meeting. zone, presented their request the tables 3 -2 against the re­ which board will have final question of city code legality The requested zone change. earlier to the city zon ing com­ zoning. action on the case. involved. from an RT-4 residential zone to mission. The commission voted Most of the other testimony in favor of the re -zoning, and against the Farm Bureau's an RO business zone, was 3-2 City Attorney, Ben Berg, this to the city request ce ntered around the proposed by the state Farm recommended stated the final decision should possible dangers of additional Bureau in Bozeman. The commission. be up to the Board of Adjust­ S everal questions and businesses such as bars and gas Bureau. presently located for the ments. because the decision comments came up in the city stations moving into the area if state on West Mendenhall, constituted a zoning variance. which made re-zoning took place. The explained to the commission and commission meting The Planning Board felt it should the concerned public their plans the commissioners decision a residents felt that it was not so for relocating offices in the difficult one. Among the much the Farm Bureau moving residential zone. protesters of the zoning change. in, but the fact that they would The zone in question is the was a member of the zoning leave the door open to these area of South 19th and College commission, Dr. Uhlrich. Uhlrich other so called unwanted Street, west of Bozeman. It is a testified that although he had businesses. One of the residents ----- added, " It's getting to the point where we can no longertrustthe city planning board with our neighborhood. " She received a CARRIAGE TRADE round of applause by a room full of her constituents. CLEANERS Farm Bureau representative, Rick Mayfield, agreed with the residents in as much as they did not want bars and gas stations around their Farm Bureau invites you to enjoy an exciting building. He explained that the building would be very game of pool at Bozeman's newest expensive. styled in good taste to fun spot. fit in with the neighborhood, and its personnel would make good neighbors for the residents. He Cleaning of Leathers also explained that there were Furs & Suedes only two RO business zones in CORNER Bozeman, and although the 203 North 7th Farm Bureau examined the location possibilities in the city, POCKETS only the South 19th location met OF BOZEMAN

Bozeman's newest entertain­ ment center at 120 North 19th Street (between Don Norem Chevy & Robert F. Dye).

Corner Pockets of Bozeman is where the College Fun Crowd meets. A pleasant place to meet your friends and friends-to-be for an exciting game of pool ... or foosball or any number of I fun games, Relax and enjoy delicious pizza I and your favorite beveraqe NEW & USED STRINGED RENTAL With This Ad INSTRUMENTS ONE FREE HOUR OF POOL PURCHASE PLANS Good Sunday through Wednesday Limit 1 per Customer Major & Minor Open Daily Stringed lnstrvment Locally Hand·Crafted Dulcimers (Kits Available $30.00) Repairs 11 a.m. to 2 a.m.


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THE EXPONENT - Friday. October 18. 1974 - 3 More ·MPC iive

Wednesday night we had the dubious pleasure of attending a meeting at the Ramada Inn which was a part .~f Montana Power Company's "Public information program . . . another phrase for propaganda campaign in their attempts to win public support for Colstrip generating units 3 and 4 and the accompanying 500 kv powerline which would stretch from Colstrip to Hot Springs, Montana. George O'Connor, MPC's president, was there with all his personable guns and a twelve minute movie whic.h de­ picted the supposedly minimal impact of a large powerlme in Oregon and Washington. . Aside from getting nauseated at the presentation of the "Can I do the Big Con? You shoulda seen the sting I done in Montana!" usual batch of distorted statistics, projections and glossy economic forecasts, we emerged with a few unanswered questions: 1. The film portrayed Oregon farmers supposedly living in harmony with the huge powerlines. But one theme ran through their "candid" comments; "But a man's gotta learn to respect 'em." Their attitude seemed to be one of resignation and submission. It was as if they had to go on ~ living their lives rn amid a powerful army of occupation. ~I That 111111 may be the way a few residents of Washington and Oregon feel about a powerline from a Federal project traipsing Campus cafeterias exploiting cheap labor across their pastures. but it doesn't sound like an attitude Letter to the Editor: hell on earth for a whopping S1.65 Result. sorry people you won the independent landowners 't get of Montana would be very Hot and steamy, very noisy and full an hour so they will be able to s1ay in p81d for two weeks " Oh you're likely to adopt toward a private, investor owned venture. of confusion, refuse and orders school to get an education. They already on your last pennies, oh well 2. Montana Power says that the entire Colstrip water flymg, people screaming as they don't last long in the cafeteria for we wouldn't have added much to duck flying consumption won't amount to much over 38.400 acre feet hardware and other mis· lesser reasons, at the present pay that anyhow.·· cellaneous unidentified flying scale. For this reason all the per year, yet the company has appropriated 181 ,000 acre I'm not asking much, JUSt objects. There you are, hot and cafeterias are understaffed in part feet per year from the Yellowstone minimum wage, $ 1 .00 an hour. I . What's next? sweaty. your hands trying to time helf this fall which makes the don't know where your money for 3. O'Connor said that this year, Montana Power will accomplish three things at once as problem worse for the few who must food goes. but I know where it expend $450,000 on "alternative energy research," someone screams they need help work there. but doesn't go. To the partt1me help who and you can't help him because you On top of all that, the when quizzed further, we find that their priorities in this must work. Some of the part time need help too. Your feet and glasses administration wo dole out the research lie in the areas of Magnohydrodynamics and fast­ help have reached their hm1t and slip on two different surfaces minute pay to these unlucky breeder nuclear reactors. Looks like free, clean quit. Others may reach their limit wind power covered with the same slimy goo. individuals, pulled a great one this and and not be able to quit. We'll see solar energy take a back seat to plutonium. Why? What I have described is not the month. They didn't get the paper­ something done about the s1tuat1on 4. What happens after proverbial place all us sinners go in work together tn the Boom? The workers come, time to pay the part when the hereafter that happens. a town blossoms upon the prairie almost overnight, the . This place exists here time help in the Roskie, S. Hedges, on earth, in fact here in Bozeman Flip plants get built, the workers laid off, then what? There are no and N. Hedges cafeteria at the The campus cafeterias. scheduled middle 1103 S . Hadges more gold strikes left of the month to migrate to. People subject themselves to this payday I 994-2072 When the town of Colstrip starts looking like a mis­ placed piece of Hammond, Indiana, the skies get too dark to The Exponent draw solar energy from, and the Yellowstone is dry, then retracts quote from secret source maybe people will start thinking about the merits of hasty In the October corporate exploitation. 8th issue of " source", who originally stated regarding Mr. McKean which the Exponent we published an that Mr. McKean actually paid were published in the October 8 pd editorial dealing with the fellow students, including editions of the Exponent. We University of Montana Law himself, to ease Mr. McKeon's sincerely hope that Mr. School. McKean law st:hool workload, has now has not been personnally or This editorial was an had second thoughts about his professionally slighted by the amalgam of some Good Times Roll! of the many allegations. When informed that publication of said comments, personal observations and he might have to come forward and wish him the best of luck in Your Campus Entertainment Committee has cooked a experiences which we were to assist the Exponent in defense his career as an attorney. fine feast for this weekend. Tonight bombarded with while gathering you can see a current against a possible libel suit. our In the future. we hope that data. Some of the comments we hit maker. Jim Stafford. in the SUB Ballroom. His latest is :'source" started having second any confidential communica­ incorporated were garnered "Wildwood Weed". thoughts. This particular source tors who approach the from what w!! thought were Tomorrow night. will still remain anonymous, of Exponent wt'l/ have sufficient in the Fieldhouse, we got an old reliable sources. Montana now course, as we are adhering to documentation to back up their favorite back again after two years, Ms. Jackie DeShan­ has a "shield law" which allows the provisions of the shield law, statements, as we do endeavor non. newspersons to withhold the but the comments previously to maintain some semblance of identities of their sources. We Also. there's a new drivin' group born out of the received from this person in credibl'lity in these columns. Buddy Miles gathered this information on the Express called "Fresh Start". Hot Tuna had confidential communications .. premise that our sources would we now ------., personnel problems recently and couldn't make it as regard as totally openly relate their experiences unfounded and without The Exponent 1s •n indepe planned, but in their place CEC managed truthful ndent. 1t1Jden1-wr1nen to sign ... and comments truthfully and substance. and student · ,,...~ newsp11J>t'r •t Montan. remember Stat• Uniwrsuy Bozeman The op1n1ons these guys? ... Iron Butterfly. Their ln-a­ without fear of later reprisals The editorial was not from ·~•uad her•1n ar• not n«euartty mos. of lhe Gooda-da-vida album copped a platinum award .. . over 3 any parties concerned. constructed nor meant to malign um ...rs1ty or 1he s1udent body Pubhshed tWtCe million copies One portion of this column. weeltyexc-ept holtdllys and hn•l weekdur1ng lhe sold. Mr. McKean or any other person. school year by the Assoc.lated however, quoted a "source" Students of Last, but perhaps best, in our opinion, (we're hoping) We have no reason to doubt nor MontaN S1ale Un1versny Known office of whose statements we now have any basis to attack Mr. McKeon's publ1ca1ton. the fllponent_ S1uden1 Un10n is The King of Rock n' Roll, the man who essentially reason to question 8u1khng, Montan. S1a1e Unrvers1tv Bozeman . It concerned competence as 1Mon1ana 59715 Ed11or1al . business pnon. 994 started it all, Churck Berry. a practicing - the alleged academic activity oT attorney, nor do we have any 2611 Support your Campus Entertainment concerts. and Mr. Michael McKean, now an reason to doubt Mr. McKeon's Printed bv attorney COLOR WORLD OF MONTANA. INC you will get more. What's in it for you? A good time. See in good standing in integmy as a student of law and Anaconda, who graduated from ~3 ya'll there. a citizen. Consequently, we 80ZfMAN M()HUN .. UM Law School m 1971 . Our hereby retract those comments 4 - THE EXPONENT - Fricfay, October 18, 1974 WEEKLY Rocky's nomination still controverisal military aid to Turkey. Kissinger Finally, Kissinger turned to the they argued, to get the Arabs to had defied the Jaw, the legis­ Greek leader. " Come on, smile," reduce oil prices. lators felt, when he continued to he implored. France's Foreign Minister SPE~IAL ship arms to Turkey after that Oil Talks: The foreign min­ Jean Sauvagnargues sug­ country had illegally used isters of the world's oil-con­ gested bluntly that the United By Jack Anderson American weapons to invade suming nations recently sat States bring pressure on Israel Cyprus. down with Secretary of State to come to terms with the Arabs. WASHINGTON - Top tax nomination will not be voted on To save face, Kissinger flew to Henry Kissinger to discuss the A Middle East senlement, he experts, including former until next year. New York for secret talks with oil crisis. Despite extreme argued, would gain Arab Internal Revenue officials, have Despite his impressive cre­ the foreign ministers of Turkey secrecy, we can report what cooperation and solve the oil told us they have grave ques­ dentials, Rockefeller remains a and Greece, who were in town happened during the private crisis. tions about the enormous gifts controversial nominee. The for the latest U.N. session. In discussions. The foreign ministers agreed, that Vice President designate recent disclosures of large gifts Washington, meanwhile, Presi­ however, that the oil-con­ Kissinger warned his fellow Nelson Rockefeller lavished have added spice to the old tales dent Ford publicly pleaded with suming nations must work ministers that today's stagger­ upon his old associates. about buying favors. Congress not to slash aid to together to relieve the oil ing oil prices are a threat to One of the "gifts" was The Judiciary Committee, as Turkey as it would " under­ crunch. world order. The West, he S50,000, which Rockefeller well as the House itself, will be mine" Kissinger's " negotia­ declared, is being pushed to the passed on to his former foreign quite different in composition tions." brink. - ANNOUNCEMENT - policy adviser, Henry Kissinger. next year. Some sources tell us The truth is, according to our Britain's Foreign Secretary l.D. Photos can be picked up in The problem, say the experts, that the leadership will soon sources, there were NO James Callaghan took a less the Madison Room, SUB , is drawing the distinction be­ decide to hold up the nomina­ "negotiations." It was all a catastrophic view of the Arab oil Monday and Tuesday, October tween a gift and compensation tion until the new Congress is charade designed to convince a squeeze. He suggested that the 21st and 22nd from 9:00 a.m. for services. If the Rockefeller sworn in next January. balky Congress that delicate Arab oil billions might be re­ 4:00 p.m. associates were being compen­ In the meantime, House talks were in progress. cycled through a loan fund into sated for their services, the Speaker Carl Albert, much to his Kissinger's meetings with the countries in desperate money should be considered chagrin, will continue to be the Greek Foreign Minister George trouble. Andresson's " bonuses" and not gifts. As nation's No. 2 leader. Mavros, for example, were such, they would be taxable at a Kissinger Charade: Secre­ described to us as "cold, very Like Callaghan, the other Shoe Repair 1520 West Beall St. liigher rate, and the recipients tary of State Henry Kissinger cold." At one point, the two foreign ministers were also was forced to enact a charade leaders posed for pictures and uneasy about a confrontation Behi'1d Buttrey's Shopping would pay the tax, not Rocke­ Center feller. recently to preserve his image Mavros did a marvelous with the oil-producing coun­ HOURS: 9 'til 5 Monday Thus, it is possible that Secre­ on Capitol Hill. imitation of a block of granite. tries. This wasn't the best way, through Friday tary of State Kissinger, among The lawmakers have been others, technically owes the growing increasingly frustrated federal government back taxes. with Kissinger in recent months. Nelson Rockefeller's per- Many Congressmen feel he sonal fortune is valued at more regards them as a necessary ONE ONLY SPECIALS evil, that he is too much of a one­ than $62.5 million. Yet in 1970, Auto-Turn. by Dual - Model 1216 he didn't pay a penny in federal man show. They resent his income tax. Since most obsessive secrecy. Now their Was $15495 Now 10900 Americans paid federal income anger is boiling to the surface. In taxes in 1970, theat meant that recent weeks," they have lashed Dokorder 7200 with Auto Reverse the average citizen was paying into Kissinger with abandon. 449°0 35000 Rockefeller's taxes. Several senators, for example, Was Now . All too many millionaires, loudly erupted when they 11900 particularly the oil tycoons, have learned Kissinger had been Hitachi T.V. - B&W - Was Now aaoo not been paying their fair share involved in the political sabo­ of the taxes. Every dollar they tage of the late Chilean Presi­ Speakers by ICO escape paying must be made up dent, Salvador Allende. Was 60°0 A Pavr - Now 4500 A Pair by the rest of us taxpayers. The greatest blow to Kissing­ The public is losing patience er's ego, however, came when with the discrimination in the both! he House and Senate nation's tax structure. Unless voted to embargo economic and Electronic Service tax reforms are adopted soon, our whole tax collection system Com/1cm; Decide g. VOTE could be jeopardized. The House Ways and Mean and Committee, feeling the public Brelsford: pressure, has finally produced a huge, 700-page tax bill. It SJ'AJ'E SEHAJ'OI? PO BY: BR ELS FORD FOR SENATE COMH . contains some tax reforms that SH IRLEY AMBERSO N, SEC., BOZEMA N, MT, Dist. Inc. are intended to placate the public. The oil-depletion allow­ ance, for example, would be 50 phased out, forcing the oil indus­ SAVE $21 SAVE s21so try to cough up an estimated )3 billion a year more taxes. BON NA NO WAX But our own tax advisers say SPECIAL SPECIAL that, hidden in the 700-page bill, Bonna 2000 60.00 Trek HP 9 are other gimmicks which would Alpha Boot 41 .50 Skis 62.50 give upper-income taxpayers Troll Binding 11.50 Trak Boots 27.50 new tax breaks. (Mounted) Trak 3 Pin Nelson Rockefeller's nomin­ Tonkin Pole B.50 Binding B.50 ation, meanwhile, is in limbo on (Mounted) Capitol Hill, and the confirma­ 3 waxes Tonkin Pole B.50 tion of the Vice President desig­ Plus 1 Cork nate may even be held up until 1 Scraper next year. The Senate Rules Committee Regular Price 121 .50 Regular Price 106.50 has finished its hearings. But the Package Price 100.00 Package Price 85.0 House Judiciary Comminee is in no hurry to act on the nomina­ If you don't need the entire package we have tion. many models in Bonna - Fischer-Jarvinen Inquire about our X-Country lesson So far. its3B members haven't program and Evening Clinics even received briefing papers on & Trak. the investigation of the nominee's finances. The Joint Internal Revenue WE HAVE ALL YOUR FAVORITE BINDINGS IN STOCK Comminee, which audited the Ford and Nixon tax returns, is hard at work on the Rockefeller probe. They are expected to complete it by October 1 Bth. Congress will be in recess m~r l'pnrt C!t~nlrt then, and it is doubtful that the Judiciary Committee will 'act 586-6125 before the election. Indeed. 202 SOUTH WILLSON BOZEMAN, MONTANA there is a strong possibility the • THE EXPONENT- Friday, October 18, 1974 - 5 Baucus answers student's questions We executive governmental By Ginny Prior CONGRESSMAN .. . DOES NT IT ladder. 6. WHATDOYOUSUGGEST Western District Congression­ TAKE A 'BREAKING IN' PERIOD THE GOVERNMENT al candidate. Max Baucus, TO GET THINGS DONE? DO TO Pierce Ears STOP INFLATION? appeared in Bozeman this week Baucus: It takes dedication and Baucus: We can help to talk with students about state imagination to be an effective stop it by not relying on interest and national issues. congressman. I'm dedicated. rates - but In a question-answer session and I have an optimistic, young with students in Hedges North, attitude. For The Diamond You he addressed a small to fair 2. DOES THE MONTANA group of concerned students. LEGISLATURE REALLY NEED The following are questions TO MEET ANNUALLY? Baucus: Give With Pride most asked by Baucus by MSU Yes, I think it's necessary. students. and his replies to these Things are happening much Let Boyd's Be Your questions in brief: faster in the state now than they 1. WHAT DO YOU FEEL YOU were when the bi-ennial CAN DO AS A FRESHMAN sessions were planned. We have Guide an S180 ,000,000 budget per year to deal with. If you compare Dr. Bob our state to a large corporation with a budget of that size, HAWKS wouldn't you want to meet Boyd's Jewelry (Optometrist) yearly to make decisions concerning the future of the corporation? Max Baucus 3. WHAT THINGS WOULD instead, using them in YOU LIKE TO GET INVOLVED IN moderation - coupled with fair AS A CONGRESSMAN? use of government Baucus: I graduated with a appropriations, budget cuts, and degree in Economics, and our tax reform. In other words, we economy is a major concern to should use the usual tools to me ... also campaign reform. stop i nflation - monetary and 4. WHAT DO YOU THINK fiscal policies - but not to YOUR OPPONENT, DICK extremes as we are now. Taking SHOUP'S, MAJOR DOWN­ Montana as an example, already FALLS ARE? Baucus: I think he's 1 ,000 guys have been knocked failed to either talk about, enact, off in because or work for programs in legis­ of h igh interest rates on housing lation which will curb inflation, loans. No one can afford to buy and the kinds of congressional or build homes at these high reform which will make govern· rates. Also . . when interest ment act quickly. rates are high, the Federal for County 5. HOW DO YOU FEEL Reserve Board can sell U.S. ABOUT THE IDEA OF ROCKE ­ treasury notes at a higher rate of Study Com­ FELLER IN THE VICE-PRESI­ interest - then everyone takes missioner DENCY? Baucus: I'm against it. I money out of the banks. I think think someone new, fresh, we should use an income's "Lets Integrate should be found for the JOb. policy. Rough guidelines to Governmen and Rockefeller is too much a symbol assure that the largest economic of Watergate times, he has too units in America, like giant oil People" much wealth, has given too companies, do not raise their many gifts, and tried too many prices or profits above their times to work his way up the increases in productivity. PROTECT YOUR FEET KASTINGER EHRWALD

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MouNTAIN This is?" excellent boot for the serious hiker or climber. It has a hinged heel, overlapping double tongue, and a metal sh~nk In the sole for torsion control. Kastinger quality is SPORTS evident throughout. The Vibram security sole is attached to the reversed neats leather uppers with injected liquified 10071.Colote Formerly PVC. The double sole stitched well is also waterproofed lo11- HavsemGt's Sid & College Shop) with PVC . Available Only at BMS ...,,. ... ,...,...,._-411C_l._r.~u• -Sl6-S20I Your Campus Outfitter (Next to Karl Marx's Pizza) 6 -THE EXPONENT - Friday, October 16, 1974 Peach neYI netcoach DOUG'S AUTO

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Love translated in to hand-crafted bands of gold. SaY,ing I am me and we are us. loday and tomorrow _ Visit the world of R.E.vans, 121 Last Ma in, 586-6563.

~------~ Jim Carroll a1·oys working employ­ ment u .s. central with a intelligence agency

Unique profes­ sional opportun­ vicious killer. ities are available for those seniors and graduate stu­ dents completing work. in: Accounting *Agricultural Economics Computer Science Economics Electrical Engineering Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Modern Languages * Physics Secretaria I Science Clerical/ Admin­ istrative: BA in any field. Indivi­ duals for re­ sponsible as­ signments ear­ ly in their car­ eer. Minimum typing speed: 40 WPM. * Graduate Stu­ dents Only All assignments are in the Washington, D.C. area. So me re­ quire foreign trave l. U.S. citizensh ip is required. An Equal Opportunity Em ­ ployer. OBTAIN YOUR APPLICA­ TION FROM THE Just three years out of college, laser technol­ In time, the la sers pro ved un successful in PLACEMENT ogist Jim Carroll didn't make senior research treating cancer, but we'd do it agai n if we had to. OFFICE, 242 REID physicist at Eastman Kodak Company by acting Because while we're in business to make a profit, HALL. MAIL THE timid. So when he had the courage to pit science we care what happens to society. It's the same APPLICATRION TO against a dread disease, we backed him. Win or society our business depends on. lose. OUR OFFICE BY The medical community enlisted Kodak's OCTOBER 24, help in training lasers on the war on cancer. We ~Kodak. 1974. ALL QUALI­ responded with a pair of 500 million watt laser FIED APPLICANTS systems. And left the rest up to Jim. ~ More than a business. WILL BE INTER ­ VIEWED AT AN EARLY DATE. 8 - THE EXPONENT - Friday, October 11, 197 4 Bobcats ready for Homecoming bout with Idaho Increased Intelligence through " Everybody we've played has Holland said. " We know they're because of a shoulder injury. neighborhood of the Wildcats' TRANSCENDENTA bP.e n ready for us and Idaho going to be hungry for a victory Holder was held out of the 20-yard line. MEDITATION Srn te will be no exception," here Saturday." Weber game because of an The offensive line blocked well Montana State football coach Pal Sartori, a former tight end, injury similar to Dunbar's. at times, enabling tailbacks Montana State defeated Idaho Sonny Holland says of the is the Bengals' starting quarter­ Steve Kracher and Wayne A Practical Technique upcom ing game with the back. He has a fine receiver in State twice last season and Edwards to roll up good yardage. For Active People Bengals. Tom Hofmann, a two-time all­ owns a narrow 1 9-1 B-1 edge in Kracher carried 21 times for 131 Easily Learned by Anyone. Game time Saturday is 1 :30 Big Sky Conference split end. the series. The first game in the yards and Edwards rushed 1 O p.m. Ken Monroe is a big (6-0, 225) series was played in 1923. times for Bl. Free Introductory lecture Th is is Homecoming Week at running back and averaged 5.4 Frustration is the word which A standout in the offensive Tues .. Oct. 22 - 3 & 7:30 p.m . Montana State University and yards per carry through the first surfaces in reviewing last line was senior Alan Ward of many old grads will return to the three games of the season. week's defeat at Weber. How Federal Way, Wash. Tops Big Hom Room - SUB campus for their first look at Leader of ISU's 5-2 defense is else can you describe a game in among the defenders were Gary Students International which the Bobcats gained 400 Reno H . .Sales stadium, the new Ray Naworol, a 230-pound Wright, Wayne Hammond and Meditation Society home of the Bobcat football senior middle guard. yards rushing and passing, yet Steve Dodds. For More Information tea m. Preceding the game - at Montana State, 3-3 for the wound up with only 10 points? Call 587-2619 10:30 a.m. - there will be a season, will be attempting to And the touchdown came with a parade in downtown Bozeman. rebound from a 2B-10 loss to little over a minute left in the - ANNOUNCEMENT - Idaho State has lost three-in­ Weber State. game, long after the final Attention all Alpha Phi a-r.ow after a season-opening Offensively, the Bobcats outcome had been determined. Gamma membersl victory over Nevada-Reno, but should be better off than they've MSU moved the ball as well as There will be a meeting Briggs Holland says the Bengals cannot been in three weeks, Holland could be expected against Wednesday, October 23, at 5 be taken lightly. said. The top two quarterbacks, Weber's aggressive defenders, p.m. in Room 302 of the SUB. Color TV " We saw their Idaho film Mike Dunbar and Mike Holder, but faltered repeatedly in the (Idaho won 2B-9) and they are expected to be ready to play. Used TV's looked pretty good to us," Dunbar missed one game Color & B/W Portables & Consoles 34 N. Bozeman 587-3738

It's time to choose your rings Cf:ar 'Piercing Wappening! EARS PIERCED FREE WITH PURCHASE OF SHAK€~MUP EAR PIERCING STUDS AT WITH AN $7.50 AZJ€C €ARTHQUAK€. • Non-Allergenic Monte;:umo"' • Surgical Stainless Steel Tequilo Eorthquol~e • 24 Kt. Gold Overlay

BOLANO br plercln1 doe1n't hne to be pa.lnful or expensive. A trained POLYNESIA 1ped1ll1t u1ln1 a precltlon Instrument wlll perform the procedure Rong• lrorn i 10010 5 10000 FREE with the purchue of Hr piercing stud1 at $6.95. These a.ttrutl ... e earrinp ue made of non-allersenlc 24 kt. gold applied directly to su,.lal 1talnln1 steel. Keepsake assures perfec t clarity, fine white color and precise cut. Accessories Street Level

Bozeman Jewelry

Downtown Bozeman 113 E. Main

THE EXPONENT - Friday, October 18. 1974 - 9 Now At Hart-Albin Hewlett-Packard Calculators! The most advanced pocket-sized computer/calculator in the world

The mo re compl ex your proble ms are, the more you need a Hewlett-Packard computer/ calculator. W e carry th e full li,ne of pocket sized busi ness and scientific calculators, so choo se th e one that fits your ne eds . In fact 1f you deal with num bers you cant afford to be w ithout on e.

HP-35 is a scientific pocket calculoior designed to f11 HP-45 1s on advanced scientific pocket calculator HP-65 is Hewlett-Packard's newes and most adv­ the needs of roday's engineering scientific world. It that hos 44 pre-programmed functions. 9 addressa­ anced pocket computer a fully programmable instru­ offers features and functions not available on appar­ ble memory registers. In addition to the po~erful ment which features a built-in magnetic card reader/ ently similar models. The most important of which is operational stock, the HP-45 hos 9 oddressoble stor­ writer, o 100-step program memory. 51 pre-pro­ the unique 4-register operotronol memory stock age registers which can be used for register arithme­ grammed functions and operations. and nine ad­ which automatically stores and retrieves intermedi­ tic as well as selective storage and retrieval of data dressable memory registers. With the pre-recorded ate answers during lengthy calculations. Virtually It performs all trig functions in any of 3 operating progrom cords, the H P-65 con be used by anyone to eliminates the need for scratch notes or the re-entry modes; decimal degrees; radians or grads. Addition­ solve complex problems in such fields as electrical of data. Pre-programmed functions ...... $225.00 al preprogrammed functions: squaring, squore root. engineering, statis tics, ma thematics, medicine, sur- statistical, % /J.. '70 metric/U.S. unit conversion con- veying, aviation and novigollon ...... $795.00 stants ...... $325.00 r 'ToPHaNE"o;,E; -, ------i In Billings dial 252-0 151

TO MAIL ORDER , Write Hart-Albin Company P.O . Bo x 2509 Billings, Montana 59103 Please send me the following Hewlett·Pockord Calcula­ tors:

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Texas Instruments Electronic Slide Rule Calculator SR - Check or M oney Order-Charge-No Texas Instruments Electronic Slide Rule Calculator SR - 10. An extra -func ion calculator at an economical price. C.O.D. 11. Pi, scientific notation. square roots, squares, recip­ HP-35, HP-45 Special key functions: square roots. squares, recip­ rocals at the touch of a key - as well as addition, sub­ 1st class opstage rocals, charge sign, sc ientif ic notation - as well as addi­ traction, multiplication and division. Constant, chain and & insurance ...... $3.25 tion, multiplication and division. Instant 8 -place mixed calculations. Range of nearly 200 decades - 8 - accuracy, from simple arithmetic to complex equations HP-64 digit mantissa and 2-digit exponent. Automatic (full 1st class pcstage Handles numbers as large as 9.9999999 x 1099 ... or as floating) decimal placement. Rechargeable long-life & insurance ...... S4.50 small as 1.0000000 x 10-98. Pocket portability. Weighs batteries - or AC line operation. Pocket ponability with only 9 ounces. Automatic (full floating) decimal place- SR -10, SR -11 full year warranty. Change sign key and standard 1st class postage ment in answers ...... S69.95 arithmetic. Perfect for all your classroom problems & insurance ...... $ .85 ····· ····················· ._ ··········· ...... $79.95 ______C A LCULATORS- Downstoirs . NOTE! Texas Instruments SR -50 in stock soon ...... ····························· ························· ..... $149.95

10 - THE EXPO N ENT - Friday, October 18, 1974 .... ::z: m !Ii,, 0z m ....z .,,I ..a: ~ n0 0 "~ !" ...... "' I Freshdale Sheep Po.ster Rai nier Brewing Company 3100 Airpor1 Way South Sea11 Je, Washington 98134 ::: Make your check or money order payable 10 the Rainier Brewing Company. Memorial fund set for horseshoers !C • f h 4J! • everything or t e • Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rech of by Scott Simpson. director of the are MSU alumni. During their Greybull, Wyo., recently traveled school, and Dr.Jack Catlin. MSU stay in Bozeman they spent a day to Montana State University to veterinary science professor. touring the horseshoeing establish a fund for MSU's Simpson said the money will school. be loaned interest horseshoeing school in memory -free to any MSU's professional horse­ munchies of their son Jock. horseshoeing student in need of shoeing classes have proved funds. and can be repaid on Three weeks after Jock extremely successful. Simpson terms convenien t to the completed reported that courses are the professional individual. farriers course at MSU virtually booked up soltd through this Ed Rech and his wife, Barbara, Meats Cheeses spring, he was killed in a next summer. trucking accident in Wyoming. While attending the class. An Invitation to Learn of - Crackers Jock learned that one of his classmates had to drop the Professional Employment course during the final weeks of 0 pportu the 1 1-week session because of n ities Candies financial problems. with In his memory, Jock's parents' decided to establish a fund to The Navy's Largest R D help students in the horse­ & shoeing school, in case they Laboratory 42 encounter emergency financial . D RN Az ~est or medical needs. main Funds totaling $720 were Naval Weapons •GOURMET PANTRY • donated by the Rech family and Center e , their friends. They've been China Lake, California combined with $ 11 5 donated by graduates of the horseshoeing school, and wili be administered in Engineering Electrical Mechanical -SCHWINN® Research-Design-Development-Testing l l t l lll Job Rotational Training Program l t l Bicycles On-Center Graduate Program ,.,,, .. . University of Southern California ...... , JUST ARRIVED 1 11 I I It" On-Campus Interviews •I ••••I I I I .Good ·on Monday, 21 October l I t 1 I tectt t I• I Se choose Contact Your Placement Office For An • l ' • , ; 11 I to Appointment . ' ~ .FroJT\ I 1 An Equal Opportunity Employer .:··················································· : Buy Your .

Getting there under your own power is half the fun - from the large selection just ask any one of the modern -thinking, modern-living cyclists who have had us fit them to a new Schwinn dur­ ing the past year. Isn 't it time you got in on the fun too? at Village Casuals We make it easy for you - just drop in and choose your favorite from our selection of bright new Schwinn light­ weights with gears. We'll assemble it, adjust it, and fit it to you at no extra charge. factory Trained Service Dept. Pll'fs and Accessories WESTGATE VILLAGE loo

361.Mllill Hardware Co.,.._ _ , 517 541 .• 12 - THE EXPONENT- Friday, October 18, 1974 ···················································' Bobcats seeking comeback in tomorrow's game Tenor recital tonight

By Viki Rindal the season. But ISU dropped a 443 yards gained alter six Sports Editor 61 -3 decision to Boise, which is games. A n ew member of the MSU A native of Idaho, Shoepflin, The MSU Bobcats are looking the second worse loss in ISU The Bengal 's leader has only Music Department, vocal earned his bachelor's and to make a comeback for their football annals. received seven times for 196 instructor Frederick Shoepflin, master's in music from the Homecoming game with Idaho Coach Sob Griffen for the yards alter lour games. will give a recital this Friday, Oct. Juilliard School of Music in New State University, alter a 28-10 Bengals team, is a little wary of Kracher is the leading rusher 18. York, and spent last year loss to W eber State University MSl.{s air game, with Brian Flaig for MSU. He carried 92 times for The program will begin at 3 teaching voice at the University last w eekend. the leading pass receiver with a net gain of 607 yards. p.m. in the recital hall of the new of Idaho. He sang professionally The loss put them at 3-3 for 26 passes received for a total of Leading rusher for ISU is Curt MSU Music Building. Admission in New York for three years. Ashton who carried 45 times for is free, and the public is invited. For the Friday program. a net gain of 192 yards. Shoepflin. a tenor, will sing Shoepflin will sing selections Quarterback Mike Dunbar is selections by Purcell, from the concert he'll perform taking over the starting position Monteverdi, Durante, Brahms, Oct. 26 in Spokane, Wash .. in from Mike Holder. Both have Wolf, Faure and Barber. His competition for the Artist's VFW Club suffered shoulder injuries and piano accompanist will be Joan Award of the National Associa­ have missed some action. Shoepflin, his wife. tion of Teachers of Singing. A prediction for the outcome of the game puts MSU ahead of Fire Up For ISU by at least 12 points. Homecoming with: Diabetes dlsussl11 M11day A discussion group concern­ BEER - All You Can Drink for $1.00 ing Diabetes will be held Thru the Morning Monday, Oct. 21 at 7:30 p.m. on the second floor of the Nursing BIKES 50¢ Shots Building. Film strips will be 11 11 shown followed by a discussion END-OF-SEASON led by Senior Nursing students. If you are a Diabetic and want to learn more about Diabetes CLEARANCE please attend. Also, live music with the "Fender Benders" every Wed., Sat., and Sund. - ANNOUNCEMENT - TAKARA-ROSS-KALKHOFF I Bingo Thurs. evening. FREE BEER There will be Junior Varsity weekends for girls between 8:00 p.m. & cheerlead i ng tryouts on Wednesday, Oct. 23. at 7:30 9:00 p.m. p.m. in the M -Room at the MSU Fieldhouse. One cheer and 3 OFF . Any .30% jumps are required questions, please call 586- 9097.

Nostalgia or Whatever? Yes, you can find it at SKI BOOTS 180 Pr. New 73-74 Discontinued Models Angionette's & UPTO 40% OFF

155 Pr. Good, Used Boots NOW PRICED TO CLEAR ARCHERY All Bows BROWNING +I WING % OFF Winner of the Free Pant Top Last Week Was FASCO 40 Jody Hamm Come in and register. This may be your lucky week. OO~&W~~ ~D FREE PARKING ion£tlc2). 1700W.MAIN • 1 5 East Main

T\lE , EXPO~ENT - Friday, Octob~r 18, 1974 - 13 Students invited to design alternate energy systems

the top overall entry in UVDC, while Penn State took the SAF Grand Award. "" SCORE is a student-run organization which challenges student engineers to put their education to work while they're still in school."" emphasizes SCORE president Mark Radtke from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "While in most intercollegiate competitions student teams compete on the athletic field, SCORE teams compete with their projects on the test field."" To help teams choose their ERA project, the Energy Resource Alternatives Symposium I will be held October 18-20, 1974 at the University of Texas in Arlington, Texas. Leading exper1s will discuss the state of the aM of alternative energy technology and the areas most open to innovation. There will also be a discussion of the ERA rules and timetable.

ArtCarved wedding rings. Thousands of Topics S2. 75 per page Send for your up-to-date, 176-page, mail order catalog of 5500 topics. Enclose $1.00 to cover postage (1-2 days delivery time). 519 GLENROCK AVE. SUITE #203 LOS ANGELES , CA. 90024 Our materials are sold for research purposes o nly

Wheels Retreads NEW TIRES Appliance Sale 695-14 Highway and Mud & Snow Treads

For those WITH FREE who believe REPLACEMENT ON ROAD HAZARDS 825 15 H . in lasting 845 1ghway love. If you believe in lasting love, B.F.Goodrich select your wedding ring Mags from our ArtCarved collec­ tion today. Chrome 1 Block North of 1st National <:Art Carved Durand's Jewelry, Inc. THE STORE THAT"S SMALL IN SIZE LONG'S BUT LARGE IN QUALITY & SERVICE 3 E. Main Downtown Bozeman 14 -THE EXPONENT- Friday, October 18, 1974 7 FT HEAD SKIS, Marker bindings. poles, 11 M Nord1ca boots w11h tree, hke new See at 206 S - ANNOUNCEMENT - 8 st T -Bo~ Church Call 388-4637 ..~ <.<> SEASON LIFT PASSES on sale now Any family The MSU Flying Bobcats will S 100. Ad"'ults S45, Students ·35, 17 and '/Otinger be having -a n airmeet this " 'b OASIS ~ S25 Passes avarlable at Bear Canyon Recreation Sunday, October 20, for all Area. 586·2790 or Manny's Woodcraft. 712 E club STEAK ~ Main Call 587·5338 members. Anybody interested in HOUSE ,.. YOU MAY NOT LIKE SPIDERS ANO SNAKES BUT taking a private pi lot ground YOU W1ll LOVE JIM STAFFORD CUZ HE IS THE CACTUS RECORDS has concer1 ockets for FOR SALE 1965 Ptymou1h $pon Fury, 4 speed, school or learning how to f ly, ca ll ARTIST OF THE WEEK ON THE ALBUM OF THE Homecoming Get your tickets and hear some 575. 1962 Chevy II. arr conc:I S75. 1967 Chevy WEEK AT OPERATION PANTS 587-8316. You do not have to be 1hmg new al 1he smalles1 store around Impala SS. S125. 1952 Chevy truck. 510000 These cars all good for w11h minor hx·up AN UNPRECEDENTED opponumtyl To balance a club member to take this CONGRAT\JLATIONS- K11ty S1euner and Kristi parts°' you can have a good car Ca11587·1516afler6 c111ien pamc1pa1ion with functional govern· ground school. Cooper - Sigma Ch• pm men1 I On Nov 5 vole Grace Bates for Dist. #3 FOR SALE 1969 Ford Superttaf\ 302. VB. 3/ 4 Local Governmenl Study Comm1ssronl She has FOR SALE Cheap - e· x 45. mobile home · ion new 11res. cargo van Good condillOn. "experrence that counisr· Grace 8a1es · Pd needs work. S300 00 Lean-to add111on_ $50. you Pol111cal Ad 1nsula1ed Call 22::::2·-"3'-'77-'-7------:-­ haul Call587-1516afler6pm WANT TO MEET girl who wan1ed 10 go Dutch to BACKPACKING opportumty 1h1s weekend / M DYING To move into town 1n a single apart· Gospel! wi1h me Please ge1 m 1ouch 'Wtth the Wind'' backpack m10 the Spanish 1W ment 1n Bozeman Three Fori(s is 100 far to Peaks For more mformauon call 587-4280 FOR SALE 73 Chevy Cheyenne Super 'h ion commute Call 587-70061fyou hear ol anything ptekup. loaded e~lle nt cond1tt0n, low miles PARTY AT KARST RANCH- Bnng yourclandge WANTED TO BUY 'h ion '54 Chevy panel truck Call 586-6382 and have a ball body Must be 1n good shape lutle or no rust Cati HELP Kimberly Sheets. buy a 11cket Eve. 7-3032 A SSOO 00 STEREO FOR FREEi OUT OF SIGHT ONLY AT TEAM ELECTRONICS YA GOTTA YOU OONT HAVE 10 be acrim1nat to get a record WOODEN CAMPER shell lor sale Very sturdy, REGISTER THOUGH from CACT\JS We have the 1owes1 record prices msulated Call 5~7 - 4629 . ask for Fred m 1own Stop m and check 11 out HEY FANS • Don't hold your brea1h but 1t is WE WANT YOU! for Ski Patrol. Bear Canyon Ski HIAWATHA coming sooner CK later You know now it is when TWO DERBY DARLINGS are bener 1han one Pa1rol desperatety needs Interested skiers to your ·· E··7 Strmg break5 L Fel 1e.ano patrol this year No expeoence necessary! HORSES PAST\JREO by month year around We °' supply ua1nmgl Please contac1us1mmed1a1ety Premium hay fed deity during winter Call 587· If TICKETS for Saturday night's homecoming not soonerl 586-2790. 587-S338 3031 or 587-4629 ooncen will be on sale from 9 a m. 'tll 4 p.m . 1n TRAVEL SERVICE Patrol meetings and first aid classes start Oct the SUB on Saturday. Remember Jackie CAMPUS and local representative needed for 211 Deshannon. Fresh Star, Iron Butterfty and Chuck nauonWKSe employment search. FJeioble hours, Berry Let the good times roll! wonderful opportunity For full 1nforma11on write SKll SKl·BOB I TUBEI - SEASON PASSES on sale now1 Separate runs for Sumner Advertising Co .. P 0 . Box643. Peoria, 111 s6cis, tubes and ski· WE WANT YOU! For Ski Patrol. Bear Canyon Skt bobsl Day end mghtl Prrvate parties! 61601 Any family Patrol desperately needs interested Skiers to STUDENTS 5100; Adults &45, MSU studentS $35. 17 lo patrol this yearl No experience necessary! We YOU STILL HAVEN'T REGISTERED FOR THE younger S25. Passes available at Manny's supply training! Please contact uslmmedietely rf PIONEER STEREO TO BE GIVEN AWAY AT TEAM Woodcraft. 712 E. Main. or Bear Canyon not sooner· 586-2790, 587-5338 587-4629 ELECTRONICS NAUGHTY -NAUGHTY °' Get Your Holiday Recreauon Area, 586·2790 Patrol meetings and first aid classes start Oct ARE YOU SATISFIED wuh our present county GROOVE WITH THE NOW SOUNDS. REGISTER 211 ' government7 Is 11 responsive to you, its cmzens7 FOR A FREE PIONEER STEREO. VALUED OVER ARE YOU a D1abeuc7 Come to a Diabetes Reservations Made Grace 8ates is for effective practical govern­ SSOOOO ONLY AT TEAM ELECTRONICS D1scuss1on Group on Monday, Oct 21 at 7:30 menl On Nov 5, vote for " Local Gov S1udy pm., 2nd floor of Nursing Building Comm1ss10n· canchda1e Grace C Bates WE WANT your used records We will buy them NOW or trade for new units Step by and show us your FOUND Bladt Armstrong LOST - Cloth suitcase Call 6-9739 J.speed bicycle If 1t 1s stuff. CACTUS RECORDS Willson and Babcock. yours, contac1 Joe Hansen, 217 Culbertson. 994- K2 W1NTERHEATS 204 cm. Brand new, Sidi m WANT Place to board horse near campus 8011 4346 wrapper, 5130. Rosemount ski boots, size 12. stall and feed. will pay well for good care Nights, nearly new. $50 Cati and OPERATION P.A NT S HAS JIM STAFFORD AS we ·u deal Phone 994·2679 4857 THEIR ALBUM OF THE WEEK 00 YOW WELL GET IT NEW LOCATION at 10·SPEEO men·s brke Like new concht1on Soi: HEY FANS! smng acousm:: guitar, used very l11tle Call 7- BOBCAT ·GRIZZLY football game 11dtets will go 62 VW, GOOD TIRES and brakes Runs good. Call 8952 on sale at 7 00 a m., Wed .• Oct. 23, at the 24 So. Willson Fieldhouse 11cket office Studen1 ID will be Gregg, 7-8909 Ave. FOR SALE 1970 Ponuac Lamanz. 2 door, 3 required • one 11dtet per ID Tickets are 53 00 " I Will COt-ITINUE to advocate a moralonum on speed. new tires and speakers Excellent Thank to UM A1hletic Funding expansion of coal·energy development .. - cond111on Call 7-3243 Bozeman, Montana Dorothy Bradley VOTE Dorothy Br&dley to the Montana House of A FIRST IN OUR HISTORY/ Your chcuce 10 decide Representatives. Pd Pol . Ad THANK YOU soronlies for helping Kimberly what ktnd of local government you want! Your Sheets means and your nghl to par11c1pate m govern­ Tl SR- ID calculatOf. 1 year guarantee 560, 586· men1l On Nov 5 vote Grace Bates for " Local Gov 5-073 AT CACTUS RECORDS you can listen to an LOTS OF PARKING! Study Comm1ss10n •• Pd Pohucal Ad DEVIL & Al say hr to the " Hole"" gang for us. We album before you buy it Listen to a new one by Fleetwood, Wonder, J Geils, or Zappa a1 WANTED UsedVolkswagons.anycondrtion. Call ;ot 'em 1f we can hokt 'em yeal Kennecon 8r CACTUS - Willson and Babcock. 587-0295 Rags. FRANCIS ZAPPA is a mother So is his new album SEE HIM IN CONCERT HEAR HIM ON THE ALBUM OF THE WEEK JIM STAFFORD ON BUY A TICKET for Krmberty Shee1s SALE AT OPERATION PANTS NEED TO BUY one AS0-13 t1re Call 7-8751

FOR SALE. 1963 ford Galaue. Real good MUST SELL Reliable '68 4-door Toyo1a, 60,CX>O condmon Call 6·6786. miles Snow 11res. new banerv 28 mpg Good FOR SALE ·5e Yamaha. customized wnh lots of cond111on m and ouL $575 Of best otter Call 7 - extras Call 6-2693 3512.




1621 West College Bozeman, Montana 59715 Phone '. (4061 587 7969 or 587 5241


THE EXPONENT - Friday, October 18, 1974 - 15 Duplicate ACNE SCARS, PITS Bridge Games FHNCH HHllAL HOME SKIN Open house slated for new PE center For New Players PLANING THATMENT First Time Free . Wed. - 7:30 p.m. Wrft•: 25 E. Mendenhall HERBS FOR YOUTH ball courts or six badminton IOX 943 / DANIA, FlA. An open house will be held facilities in the building are used Or Call 587-4659 33004 this Homecoming Weekend at troll) morning to night. courts. Also on the the MSU physical education The PE center was voted upon main floor is a weight center. It 1s located immediately and approved by the Associated training room. There is an NCAA regulation ~ortheast of the fieldhouse. Students at Montana State (75 feet long, eight Guided tours w ill be University. The total cost of lanes wide) swimming conducted from 1-5 p.m. Friday $1 ,565,000 is being borne by pool. There are two diving and from 9-12 a.m. Saturday, students boards. The pool is 1 2 feet said Dr. George Shroyer, head of , six inches deep in the diving " The students have come up area . the physical education depart­ with a tremendous facility," both Upstairs is another gym with ment. Shroyer and Keith " Dobbie" two tennis courts. Each is The center Lambert, director has been a boon to of intra­ covered with a synthetic tennis the physical murals education program, , agree. surface. both women's and men's intra­ They said the building is open Downstairs are five regulation murals, as well as student and for student recreation a high handball courts. faculty recreation, Shroyer said. percentage of the time. The center has enabled the Shroyer said a high On the main floor of the center physical education department percentage of MSU's students are two gymnasiums. each with to add new activities. Because of use the center at one time or two basketball courts. Each gym the new pool for example, scuba another, pointing out the various may be divided into three volley- diving is being taught. Diving classes will be taught next winter. Also, more students may r==~ ··======~====~=;.======be taught how to swim each ;;~;=;=;;;=:=;==-======) year. " We're very pleased with the building and would like to thank Now, genetrating conditioners students for their support," that work inside your hair. g~~~UJ>NITY Shroyer said. ~ Flex Balsam I & Protein Instant Hair Conditioner RESEARCH by Revlon. Helps repair damaged hair and smooth out (angles. I "wo•O;o • o.m. Wo•"' Thousands of Topics :::: Amazingly effective formula locks in body that every Sunday night Ho•~ Ii $2.75 per page can take anything and bounce right back. Regular Send for your up-to-date,, and Extra ~i.~ SPEAKER: Rev. Bill Thomas mail order catalog. Enclose $1.00 Body formulas. Use right after Flex Balsam & Protein ~ to cover postage (delivery Shampoo. (Conditioner and ~: Music led by the time is Shampoo both available New Genesis ! 1 to 2 days). in Concentrated formulas.) RESEARCH ASSISTANCE, INC. 11941 WILSHIRE BLVD., SUITE !!2 ~l~ Sponsored by Protestant Campus Ministries ~ LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90025 WESTERN DRUG :::: STUDENTS&. FACULTY WELCOME ~=~ (213) 477-8474 or 477-5493 Our research material It sold for lI::·::::::::=~~=:=~:::=:~::~::=~::::::=====:=:======~======:======;:=;;:=:;:.=:::=::j research assistance only. Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale FIRST ANNIVERSARY SALE

:!luair llillu 406- 587-4761 615 North Seventh M . "We believe 1n ,,<:J USIC Bozeman, Mt. 59715

Two Days Only - Fri., Oct. 18 and Sat., Oct. 19 Drawing for a Lear Tapedeck Fri. 4:30-5:30 TC Compton Review - in our parking lot. GUITARS 20-40% OFF Yamaha 40% Gibson Flattops 20% Sign up for guitar and drum lessons, Fri. and Sat. Ovation 20% If you don't have a guitar well furnish you with one Martin 20% FREE for 3 months. 5 String Banjos 40% Everything in the Store Selling Below Retail Fender - Sunn - Peavey - Shure Rogers - Lidwig - Cameo Pig Nose 11 Amps Now 79 Regularly 9911 Black Diamond Strings Regularly •4 - Now Only •2 Bach Trumpets and Trombones 20% Off Brass and Woodwind Instruments Greatly Discounted Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale 16 - THE EXPONENT- Friday, October 18, 1974