Happy Valentine's Day! Sno-Ball Rolls with Record Crowd Sno-Ball '89
rrp Nrmn THE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF ST. LOUIS U. HIGH !220 couples packed tlle auditorium for Volume 53, Number 22 Friday, February 10, 1989 last weekend's Sno-Ball. Happy Valentine's Day! Sno-Ball rolls with record crowd Sno-Ball '89. "The Kinder, Gentler extremes. STIJCO President Mark Gunn Dance,"lived up to its name and was the gave the band a thumbs up because "they most sucessful SLUH winter dance in were original, energetic, and they all history. looked very pretty. " Junior Brad Hellwig The mammoth crowd of approxi gave a contrasting opinion, claiming that mately 220 couples huddled into the "it sounded like they were playing the auditorium for an evening of walking, same song over and over again. Also, they dancing, and reminiscing. Some expressed were a little heavy on the bass." Everyone disappointment about the decorations, seemed to agree, however, that the lead which seemed more appropriate for a singer bore an uncanny resemblance to Valentine's Day theme than the Sno-Ball the now grizzled-faced '88 SLUH grad, Dance. Last year's giant Billiken snow Dan Scheiber, who, strangely enough, man and smaller Billiken ice sculpture wasn't seen anywhere Saturday night were sorely missed. The decorations, In the absence of Mr. Art Zinsel however, did not interl'ere with the atmos meyer, Mr. Steve Brock acted as discipli phere, which was ripe with jollity and narian, and, by the end of the evening, he The Jargestooever PN Valentine edition gaiety. earned the title "The Enforcer." He grace begins on page 7. Reviews of the band, The
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