Goshen the Land Where Israel Became a Nation* Deborah Hurn
258 The Testimony, June 2004 point of difference in this type is the fact that anguish to the mercy of the Most High God. Just Samson betrayed his vows. The Lord Jesus kept as his shame is written for all to see, so is his his allegiance to God, even to the end. Like the faith, in his naming in the roll of honour in He- Lord, Samson was tortured, humiliated and brews 11. We do not remember David for his taunted by his enemies. sin, but for his faith. Let us accord the same The spiritual quality of Samson shines bright- honour to Samson. est, not when he is at the zenith of his power, but Pat Wilson when he is at his lowest, for he saw past the Nottingham Goshen The land where Israel became a nation* Deborah Hurn OSHEN, OR THE land of Rameses, was Crops, flocks and herds the district in which the descendants of While in Egypt, the Israelites lived in houses GJacob settled upon their migration to with lintels and doorposts (Ex 12:22,23), indicat- Egypt (Gen. 45:10; 47:11). From the description ing that they were now permanent residents and of Jacob and Joseph’s reunion it is clear that not nomads. They also practised agriculture in Goshen lay between Egypt and southern Ca- addition to their flock- and herd-rearing herit- naan along the nomads’ route, the Way of Shur. age (Num. 11:5; Deut. 11:10). Sheep may be ad- As Jacob approached Egypt from Beersheva equately grazed on wilderness pastures, but (46:5), Joseph went out to him from the palace, cattle are kept close to agricultural settlements and they met each other in Goshen (v.
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