Natural Legal Language Processing (NLLP)

Proceedings of the 2019 Workshop

June 7, 2019 Minneapolis, MN c 2019 The Association for Computational Linguistics

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ISBN 978-1-950737-03-1

ii Introduction

Welcome to the first edition of the NLLP (Natural Legal Language Processing) Workshop, co-located with the 2019 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics.

Many industries have embraced natural language processing (NLP) approaches, which have altered healthcare, finance, education and other fields. The legal domain however remains largely underrepresented in the NLP literature despite its enormous potential for generating interesting research problems. Electronic tools are increasingly used for all types of legal tasks and that use is predicted to grow sharply. By its very nature, the practice of law necessarily involves the analysis and interpretation of language. The potential for NLP applications to provide benefit to practitioners of law and consumers of legal services around the world is enormous.

We organized this workshop to bring together researchers and practitioners from around the world who develop NLP techniques for legal documents. This is an exciting opportunity to expand the boundaries of our field by identifying new problems and exploring new data as it interacts with the full inventory of NLP and machine learning approaches. In this spirit, the Organizing and Program Committee was assembled to include researchers from both academia and industry, from natural language processing and legal backgrounds.

We were interested in five types of papers: (1) applications of NLP methods to legal tasks; (2) experimental results using and adapting NLP methods in legal documents; (3) descriptions of new legal tasks for NLP; (4) creation of curated and/or annotated resources; (5) descriptions of systems which use NLP technologies for legal text. We also offered the option of submitting original unpublished research as non-archival in order to accommodate publication of the work at a later date in a conference or journal. These papers were reviewed following the same procedure as archival submissions.

We received 20 submissions and accepted 12 papers for an overall acceptance rate of 60 percent, all being presented orally. Out of the 12 accepted papers, 6 are long papers, 3 are short papers and 3 are original work submitted as non-archival. Half of the accepted papers have primarily industry authors. Each paper was reviewed by 3 to 5 members of the Program Committee. The papers cover a range of topics including bias in the judiciary, predictive methods for legal documents, building NLP tools to process legal documents and system descriptions for processing contracts or dockets.

We thank our two invited speakers for accepting our invitation. Both speakers are legal scholars with an interest in using artificial intelligence and natural language processing methods for legal analysis. We hope their talks offer a fresh perspective for the attendees. Prof. Arthur Dyevre presents a talk titled: ‘Law as Data: The Promise and Challenges of Natural Language Processing for Legal Research’ and Prof. Daniel M. Katz presents a talk titled: ‘NLP & Law {Past, Present + Future}’.

We thank everyone who expressed interest in the workshop, all authors of submitted papers, members of the Program Committee who did an excellent job at reviewing papers given a short turnaround time, everyone attending the workshop, NAACL HLT 2019 for hosting us and the local, workshop and publication chairs for their support. We especially thank our sponsors – Bloomberg and Bloomberg Law – for their contributions.

We are looking forward to meeting the authors and the other participants in the workshop in Minneapolis.

The NLLP Workshop organizers. iii

Organizers: Nikolaos Aletras, University of Sheffield (UK) Elliott Ash, ETH Zurich (Switzerland) Leslie Barrett, Bloomberg Law (USA) Daniel L. Chen, Toulouse School of Economics (France) Adam Meyers, New York University (USA) Daniel Preo¸tiuc-Pietro,Bloomberg LP (USA) David Rosenberg, Bloomberg LP (USA) Amanda Stent, Bloomberg LP (USA)

Program Committee: Tomaso Agnoloni, Institute of Legal Information Theory and Technologies (Italy) Ion Androutsopoulos, Athens University of Economics and Business (Greece) Joan Bachenko, Linguistech LLC (USA) Claire Cardie, Cornell University (USA) Ilias Chalkidis, Athens University of Economics and Business (Greece) Rajarathnam Chandramouli, Stevens Institute of Technology (USA) Laura Chiticariu, IBM Research (USA) Walter Daelemans, University of Antwerp (Belgium) Marina Danilevsky, IBM Research (USA) Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb, Saarland University (Germany) Luigi Di Caro, University of Turin (Italy) Liviu P. Dinu, University of Bucharest (Romania) Eileen Fitzpatrick, Montclair State University (USA) Enrico Francesconi, Institute of Legal Information Theory and Technologies (Italy) Frank S. Giaoui, Columbia Law School (USA) Matthias Grabmair, Carnegie Mellon University (USA) Ilan Kernerman, K Dictionaries (Israel) Seth Kulick, University of Pennsylvania (USA) Vasileios Lampos, University College London (UK) Mark Liberman, University of Pennsylvania (USA) Shervin Malmasi, Harvard Medical School (USA) Elena Montiel, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain) Paulo Quaresma, University of Évora (Portugal) Georg Rehm, DFKI (Germany) Victor Rodríguez-Doncel, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain) Victoria Rubin, University of Western Ontario (Canada) Eugene Santos, Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth (USA) Maosong Sun, Tsinghua University (China) Dimitrios Tsarapatsanis, University of York (UK) Mihaela Vela, Saarland University (Germany) Marc B. Vilain, MITRE Corp (USA) Jianqian Wang, SUNY Buffalo (USA) Adam Wyner, Swansea University (UK) Diyi Yang, Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) Marcos Zampieri, University of Wolverhampton (UK) v Invited Speakers: Arthur Dyevre, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) Daniel Martin Katz, Illinois Institute of Technology – Chicago Kent College of Law (USA)

vi Table of Contents

Plain English Summarization of Contracts Laura Manor and Junyi Jessy Li ...... 1

Scalable Methods for Annotating Legal-Decision Corpora Lisa Ferro, John Aberdeen, Karl Branting, Craig Pfeifer, Alexander Yeh and Amartya Chakraborty 12

The Extent of Repetition in Contract Language Dan Simonson, Daniel Broderick and Jonathan Herr ...... 21

Sentence Boundary Detection in Legal Text George Sanchez ...... 31

Legal Linking: Citation Resolution and Suggestion in Constitutional Law Robert Shaffer and Stephen Mayhew ...... 39

Litigation Analytics: Case Outcomes Extracted from US Federal Court Dockets Thomas Vacek, Ronald Teo, Dezhao Song, Timothy Nugent, Conner Cowling and Frank Schilder 45

Developing and Orchestrating a Portfolio of Natural Legal Language Processing and Document Cura- tion Services Georg Rehm, Julian Moreno-Schneider, Jorge Gracia, Artem Revenko, Victor Mireles, Maria Khvalchik, Ilan Kernerman, Andis Lagzdins, Marcis Pinnis, Artus Vasilevskis, Elena Leitner, Jan Milde and Pia Weißenhorn ...... 55

Legal Area Classification: A Comparative Study of Text Classifiers on Singapore Supreme Court Judg- ments Jerrold Soh, How Khang Lim and Ian Ernst Chai...... 67

Extreme Multi-Label Legal Text Classification: A Case Study in EU Legislation Ilias Chalkidis, Emmanouil Fergadiotis, Prodromos Malakasiotis, Nikolaos Aletras and Ion An- droutsopoulos ...... 78


Conference Program

Friday, June 7, 2019

9:00–9:10 Workshop Opening

9:10–10:10 Invited Speaker

9:10–10:10 Law as Data: The Promise and Challenges of Natural Language Processing for Legal Research Arthur Dyevre

10:10–10:30 Bias

10:10–10:30 Implicit Bias in the Judiciary Daniel Chen, Elliott Ash and Arianna Ornaghi

10:30–11:00 Coffee

11:00–12:20 NLP Applications

11:00–11:20 Plain English Summarization of Contracts Laura Manor and Junyi Jessy Li

11:20–11:40 Question Answering for Privacy Policies: Combining Computational and Legal Perspectives Abhilasha Ravichander, Alan W Black, Thomas Norton, Shomir Wilson and Nor- man Sadeh

11:40–12:00 Scalable Methods for Annotating Legal-Decision Corpora Lisa Ferro, John Aberdeen, Karl Branting, Craig Pfeifer, Alexander Yeh and Amartya Chakraborty

12:00–12:20 The Extent of Repetition in Contract Language Dan Simonson, Daniel Broderick and Jonathan Herr

12:20–14:00 Lunch

ix Friday, June 7, 2019 (continued)

14:00–15:00 Invited Speaker

14:00–15:00 NLP & Law {Past, Present + Future} Daniel Katz

15:00–15:30 Short Papers

15:00–15:15 Sentence Boundary Detection in Legal Text George Sanchez

15:15–15:30 Legal Linking: Citation Resolution and Suggestion in Constitutional Law Robert Shaffer and Stephen Mayhew

15:30–16:00 Coffee

16:00–17:00 Demos

16:00–16:20 Litigation Analytics: Case Outcomes Extracted from US Federal Court Dockets Thomas Vacek, Ronald Teo, Dezhao Song, Timothy Nugent, Conner Cowling and Frank Schilder

16:20–16:40 Developing and Orchestrating a Portfolio of Natural Legal Language Processing and Document Curation Services Georg Rehm, Julian Moreno-Schneider, Jorge Gracia, Artem Revenko, Victor Mireles, Maria Khvalchik, Ilan Kernerman, Andis Lagzdins, Marcis Pinnis, Artus Vasilevskis, Elena Leitner, Jan Milde and Pia Weißenhorn

16:40–17:00 Transparent Linguistic Models for Contract Understanding and Comparison Arvind Agarwal, Laura Chiticariu, Poornima Chozhiyath Raman, Marina Danilevsky, Diman Ghazi, Ankush Gupta, Shanmukh Guttula, Yannis Katsis, Rajasekar Krishnamurthy, Yunyao Li, Shubham Mudgal, Vitobha Munigala, Nicholas Phan, Dhaval Sonawane, Sneha Srinivasan, Sudarshan Thitte, Shivaku- mar Vaithyanathan, Mitesh Vasa, Ramiya Venkatachalam, Vinitha Yaski and Huaiyu Zhu

17:00–17:10 Break

17:10–17:50 Prediction

17:10–17:30 Legal Area Classification: A Comparative Study of Text Classifiers on Singapore Supreme Court Judgments Jerrold Soh, How Khang Lim and Ian Ernst Chai

x Friday, June 7, 2019 (continued)

17:30–17:50 Extreme Multi-Label Legal Text Classification: A Case Study in EU Legislation Ilias Chalkidis, Emmanouil Fergadiotis, Prodromos Malakasiotis, Nikolaos Aletras and Ion Androutsopoulos

17:50–18:00 Workshop Closing


Plain English Summarization of Contracts

Laura Manor Junyi Jessy Li Department of Linguistics Department of Linguistics The University of Texas at Austin The University of Texas at Austin [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract Original Text: By using our Services, you are agreeing to these Terms, our Trainer Guidelines, and our Privacy Policy. If you are the parent or legal guardian of a child Unilateral contracts, such as terms of service, under the age of 13 (the Parent), you are agreeing to these play a substantial role in modern digital life. Terms on behalf of yourself and your child(ren) who are However, few users read these documents be- authorized to use the Services pursuant to these Terms and fore accepting the terms within, as they are too in our Privacy Policy. If you dont agree to these Terms, our long and the language too complicated. We Trainer Guidelines, and our Privacy Policy, do not use the Services. propose the task of summarizing such legal documents in plain English, which would en- Human Summary: By playing this game, you agree to these terms. If you’re under 13 and playing, your par- able users to have a better understanding of the ent/guardian agrees on your behalf. terms they are accepting. We propose an initial dataset of legal text snip- Table 1: Top: an excerpt from Niantic’s Pokemon GO pets paired with summaries written in plain Terms of Service. Bottom: a summary written by a English. We verify the quality of these sum- community member of TLDRLegal. maries manually and show that they involve heavy abstraction, compression, and simpli- 1 fication. Initial experiments show that unsu- Regulation(2018) , the United States’ Plain Writ- pervised extractive summarization methods do ing Act(2010) 2, and New York State’s Plain En- not perform well on this task due to the level of glish law(1978) show that many levels of govern- abstraction and style differences. We conclude ment have recognized the need to make legal infor- with a call for resource and technique devel- mation more accessible to non-legal communities. opment for simplification and style transfer for Additionally, due to recent social movements de- legal language. manding accessible and transparent policies on the use of personal data on the internet (Sykuta et al., 1 Introduction 2007), multiple online communities have formed Although internet users accept unilateral contracts that are dedicated to manually annotating various such as terms of service on a regular basis, it unilateral contracts. is well known that these users rarely read them. We propose the task of the automatic summa- Nonetheless, these are binding contractual agree- rization of legal documents in plain English for a ments. A recent study suggests that up to 98% of non-legal audience. We hope that such a techno- users do not fully read the terms of service before logical advancement would enable a greater num- accepting them (Obar and Oeldorf-Hirsch, 2018). ber of people to enter into everyday contracts with Additionally, they find that two of the top three a better understanding of what they are agreeing factors users reported for not reading these docu- to. Automatic summarization is often used to re- ments were that they are perceived as too long (‘in- duce information overload, especially in the news formation overload’) and too complicated (‘diffi- domain (Nenkova et al., 2011). Summarization cult to understand’). This can be seen in Table1, has been largely missing in the legal genre, with where a section of the terms of service for a pop- notable exceptions of judicial judgments (Farzin- ular phone app includes a 78-word paragraph that dar and Lapalme, 2004; Hachey and Grover, 2006) can be distilled down to a 19-word summary. 1 The ’s General Data Protection 2

1 Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2019, pages 1–11 Minneapolis, Minesotta, June 7, 2019. c 2019 Association for Computational Linguistics and case reports (Galgani et al., 2012), as well duce the novel dataset and provide details on the as information extraction on patents (Tseng et al., level of abstraction, compression, and readability 2007; Tang et al., 2012). While some companies in Section3. Next, we provide results and anal- have conducted proprietary research in the sum- ysis on the performance of extractive summariza- marization of contracts, this information sits be- tion baselines on our data in Section5. Finally, we hind a large pay-wall and is geared toward law discuss the potential for unsupervised systems in professionals rather than the general public. this genre in Section6. In an attempt to motivate advancement in this area, we have collected 446 sets of contract 2 Related work sections and corresponding reference summaries Given a document, the goal of single document 3 which can be used as a test set for such a task. We summarization is to produce a shortened summary have compiled these sets from two websites ded- of the document that captures its main semantic icated to explaining complicated legal documents content (Nenkova et al., 2011). Existing research in plain English. extends over several genres, including news (Over Rather than attempt to summarize an entire doc- et al., 2007; See et al., 2017; Grusky et al., 2018), ument, these sources summarize each document at scientific writing (TAC, 2014; Jaidka et al., 2016; the section level. In this way, the reader can refer- Yasunaga et al., 2019), legal case reports (Gal- ence the more detailed text if need be. The sum- gani et al., 2012), etc. A critical factor in success- maries in this dataset are reviewed for quality by ful summarization research is the availability of the first author, who has 3 years of professional a dataset with parallel document/human-summary contract drafting experience. pairs for system evaluation. However, no such The dataset we propose contains 446 sets of par- publicly available resource for summarization of allel text. We show the level of abstraction through contracts exists to date. We present the first dataset the number of novel words in the reference sum- in this genre. Note that unlike other genres where maries, which is significantly higher than the ab- human summaries paired with original documents stractive single-document summaries created for can be found at scale, e.g., the CNN/DailyMail the shared tasks of the Document Understanding dataset (See et al., 2017), resources of this kind are Conference (DUC) in 2002 (Over et al., 2007), a yet to be curated/created for contracts. As tradi- standard dataset used for single document news tional supervised summarization systems require summarization. Additionally, we utilize several these types of large datasets, the resources re- common readability metrics to show that there is leased here are intended for evaluation, rather than an average of a 6 year reading level difference be- training. Additionally, as a first step, we restrict tween the original documents and the reference our initial experiments to unsupervised baselines summaries in our legal dataset. which do not require training on large datasets. In initial experimentation using this dataset, we The dataset we present summarizes contracts in employ popular unsupervised extractive summa- plain English. While there is no precise defini- rization models such as TextRank (Mihalcea and tion of plain English, the general philosophy is to Tarau, 2004) and Greedy KL (Haghighi and Van- make a text readily accessible for as many English derwende, 2009), as well as lead baselines. We speakers as possible. (Mellinkoff, 2004; Tiersma, show that such methods do not perform well on 2000). Guidelines for plain English often suggest this dataset when compared to the same methods a preference for words with Saxon etymologies on DUC 2002. These results highlight the fact that rather than a Latin/Romance etymologies, the use this is a very challenging task. As there is not cur- of short words, sentences, and paragraphs, etc.4 rently a dataset in this domain large enough for su- (Tiersma, 2000; Kimble, 2006). In this respect, the pervised methods, we suggest the use of methods proposed task involves some level of text simplifi- developed for simplification and/or style transfer. cation, as we will discuss in Section 4.2. However, In this paper, we begin by discussing how this existing resources for text simplification target lit- task relates to the current state of text summariza- eracy/reading levels (Xu et al., 2015) or learn- tion and similar tasks in Section2. We then intro- ers of English as a second language (Zhu et al., 2010). Additionally, these models are trained us- 3The dataset is available at lauramanor/legal_summarization 4

2 ing Wikipedia or news articles, which are quite different from legal documents. These systems are trained without access to sentence-aligned paral- lel corpora; they only require semantically similar texts (Shen et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2018; Li et al., 2018). To the best of our knowledge, however, there is no existing dataset to facilitate the transfer of legal language to plain English.

3 Data This section introduces a dataset compiled from two websites dedicated to explaining unilateral Figure 1: Unique n-grams in the reference summary, contracts in plain English: TL;DRLegal5 and 6 contrasting our legal dataset with DUC 2002 single TOS;DR . These websites clarify language within document summarization data. legal documents by providing summaries for spe- cific sections of the original documents. The data was collected using Scrapy7 and a JSON interface While the multiple references can be useful for provided by each website’s API. Summaries are system development and evaluation, the qualities submitted and maintained by members of the web- of these summaries varied greatly. Therefore, each site community; neither website requires commu- text was examined by the first author, who has nity members to be law professionals. three years of professional experience in contract drafting for a software company. A total of 361 3.1 TL;DRLegal sets had at least one quality summary in the set. TL;DRLegal focuses mostly on software licenses, For each, the annotator selected the most informa- however, we only scraped documents related to tive summary to be used in this paper. specific companies rather than generic licenses Of the 361 accepted summaries, more than two- (i.e. Creative Commons, etc). The scraped thirds of them (152) are ‘templatic’ summaries. A data consists of 84 sets sourced from 9 docu- summary deemed templatic if it could be found ments: Pokemon GO Terms of Service, TLDRLe- in more than one summary set, either word-for- gal Terms of Service, Minecraft End User Licence word or with just the service name changed. How- Agreement, YouTube Terms of Service, Android ever, of the 152 templatic summaries which were SDK License Agreement (June 2014), Google selected as the best of their set, there were 111 Play Game Services (May 15th, 2013), Facebook unique summaries. This indicates that the tem- Terms of Service (Statement of Rights and Re- platic summaries which were selected for the final sponsibilities), Dropbox Terms of Service, and dataset are relatively unique. Apple Website Terms of Service. A total of 369 summaries were outright rejected Each set consists of a portion from the original for a variety of reasons, including summaries that: agreement text and a summary written in plain En- were a repetition of another summary for the same glish. Examples of the original text and the sum- source snippet (291), were an exact quote of the mary are shown in Table2. original text (63), included opinionated language that could not be inferred from the original text 3.2 TOS;DR (24), or only described the topic of the quote but TOS;DR tends to focus on topics related to user not the content (20). We also rejected any sum- data and privacy. We scraped 421 sets of par- maries that are longer than the original texts they allel text sourced from 166 documents by 122 summarize. Annotated examples from TOS;DR companies. Each set consists of a portion of an can be found in Table3. agreement text (e.g., Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Terms of Service) and 1-3 human-written sum- 4 Analysis maries. 4.1 Levels of abstraction and compression 5 6, CC BY-SA 3.0 To understand the level of abstraction of the pro- 7 posed dataset, we first calculate the number of n-

3 Source Facebook Terms of Service (Statement of Rights and Responsibilities) - November 15, 2013 Original Text Our goal is to deliver advertising and other commercial or sponsored content that is valuable to our users and advertisers. In order to help us do that, you agree to the following: You give us permission to use your name, profile picture, content, and information in connection with commercial, sponsored, or related content (such as a brand you like) served or enhanced by us. This means, for example, that you permit a business or other entity to pay us to display your name and/or profile picture with your content or information, without any compensation to you. If you have selected a specific audience for your content or information, we will respect your choice when we use it. We do not give your content or information to advertisers without your consent. You understand that we may not always identify paid services and communications as such. Summary Facebook can use any of your stuff for any reason they want without paying you, for advertising in particular. Source Pokemon GO Terms of Service - July 1, 2016 Original Text We may cancel, suspend, or terminate your Account and your access to your Trading Items, Virtual Money, Virtual Goods, the Content, or the Services, in our sole discretion and without prior notice, including if (a) your Account is inactive (i.e., not used or logged into) for one year; (b) you fail to comply with these Terms; (c ) we suspect fraud or misuse by you of Trading Items, Virtual Money, Virtual Goods, or other Content; (d) we suspect any other unlawful activity associated with your Account; or (e) we are acting to protect the Services, our systems, the App, any of our users, or the reputation of Niantic, TPC, or TPCI. We have no obligation or responsibility to, and will not reimburse or refund, you for any Trading Items, Virtual Money, or Virtual Goods lost due to such cancellation, suspension, or termination. You acknowledge that Niantic is not required to provide a refund for any reason, and that you will not receive money or other compensation for unused Virtual Money and Virtual Goods when your Account is closed, whether such closure was voluntary or involuntary. We have the right to offer, modify, eliminate, and/or terminate Trading Items, Virtual Money, Virtual Goods, the Content, and/or the Services, or any portion thereof, at any time, without notice or liability to you. If we discontinue the use of Virtual Money or Virtual Goods, we will provide at least 60 days advance notice to you by posting a notice on the Site or App or through other communications. Summary If you haven’t played for a year, you mess up, or we mess up, we can delete all of your virtual goods. We don’t have to give them back. We might even discontinue some virtual goods entirely, but we’ll give you 60 days advance notice if that happens. Source Apple Website Terms of Service - Nov. 20, 2009 Original Text Any feedback you provide at this site shall be deemed to be non-confidential. Apple shall be free to use such information on an unrestricted basis. Summary Apple may use your feedback without restrictions (e.g. share it publicly.)

Table 2: Examples of summary sets from TLDRLegal.

Original Text When you upload, submit, store, send or receive content to or through our Services, you give Google (and those we work with) a worldwide license to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works (such as those resulting from translations, adaptations or other changes we make so that your content works better with our Services), communicate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute such content. Summary1 (best) The copyright license you grant is for the limited purpose of operating, promoting, and improving existing and new Google Services. However, please note that the license does not end if you stop using the Google services. Summary2 The copyright license that users grant this service is limited to the parties that make up the service’s broader platform. Summary3 Limited copyright license to operate and improve all Google Services Original Text We may share information with vendors, consultants, and other service providers (but not with ad- vertisers and ad partners) who need access to such information to carry out work for us. The partners use of personal data will be subject to appropriate confidentiality and security measures. Summary1 (best) Reddit shares data with third parties Summary2 Third parties may be involved in operating the service Summary3 Third parties may be involved in operating the service (rejected)

Table 3: Examples from TOS;DR. Contract sections from TOS;DR included up to three summaries. In each case, the summaries were inspected for quality. Only the best summary was included in the analysis in this paper.

4 F-K C-L SMOG ARI Avg Ref 12.66 15.11 14.14 12.98 13.29 Orig 20.22 16.53 19.58 22.24 19.29

Table 4: Average readability scores for the reference summaries (Ref) and the original texts (Orig). Descrip- tions of each measurement can be found in Section 4.2.

in a sentence and the number of syllables per word (Kincaid et al., 1975),

Coleman-Liau index (CL): the weighted • sum of the number of letters per 100 words Figure 2: Ratio of words in the reference summary to words in the original text. The ratio was calculated by and the average number of sentences per 100 dividing the number of words in the reference summary words (Coleman and Liau, 1975), by the number of words in the original text. SMOG: the weighted square root of the • number of polysyllable words per sentence grams that appear only in the reference summaries (Mc Laughlin, 1969), and and not in the original texts they summarize (See et al., 2017; Chen and Bansal, 2018). As shown Automated readability index (ARI): the • in Figure1, 41.4% of words in the reference sum- weighted sum of the number of characters maries did not appear in the original text. Addi- per word and number of words per sentence tionally, 78.5%, 88.4%, and 92.3% of 2-, 3-, and (Senter and Smith, 1967). 4-grams in the reference summaries did not appear in the original text. When compared to a standard Though these metrics were originally formulated abstractive news dataset also shown in the graph based on US grade levels, we have adjusted the (DUC 2002), the legal dataset is significantly more numbers to provide the equivalent age correlated abstractive. with the respective US grade level. Furthermore, as shown in Figure2, the dataset We ran each measurement on the reference is very compressive, with a mean compression rate summaries and original texts. As shown in Table of 0.31 (std 0.23). The original texts have a mean 4, the reference summaries scored lower than the of 3.6 (std 3.8) sentences per document and a mean original texts for each test by an average of 6 years. of 105.6 (std 147.8) words per document. The ref- erence summaries have a mean of 1.2 (std 0.6) sen- Words We also seek to single out lexical diffi- tences per document, and a mean of 17.2 (std 11.8) culty, as legal text often contains vocabulary that words per document. is difficult for non-professionals. To do this, we obtain the top 50 words Ws most associated with 4.2 Readability summaries and top 50 words Wd most associated To verify that the summaries more accessible to a with the original snippets (described below) and wider audience, we also compare the readability consider the differences of ARI and F-K measures. of the reference summaries and the original texts. We chose these two measures because they are a weighted sum of a word and sentential properties; Full texts We make a comparison between the as sentential information is kept the same (50 1- original contract sections and respective sum- word “sentences”), the differences will reflect the maries using four common readability metrics. change in readability of the words most associated All readability metrics were implemented using with plain English summaries/original texts. Wim Muskee’s readability calculator library for To collect W and W , we calculate the log odds Python8. These measurements included: s d ratio for each word, a measure used in prior work Flesch-Kincaid formula (F-K): the comparing summary text and original documents • weighted sum of the number of words (Nye and Nenkova, 2015). The log odds ratio 8 compares the probability of a word w occurring readability-score in the set of all summaries S vs. original texts D:

5 Original Text: arise, unless, receive, whether, exam- KLSum An algorithm introduced by • ple, signal, b, technology, identifier, expressly, trans- (Haghighi and Vanderwende, 2009) which mit, visit, perform, search, partner, understand, conduct, server, child, support, regulation, base, similar, purchase, greedily selects the sentences that mini- automatically, mobile, agent, derivative, either, commer- mize the Kullback-Lieber (KL) divergence cial, reasonable, cause, functionality, advertiser, act, ii, between the original text and proposed thereof, arbitrator, attorney, modification, locate, c, in- dividual, form, following, accordance, hereby, cookie, summary. apps, advertisement Lead-1 A common baseline in news summa- Reference Summary: fingerprint, fit, header, targeted, • involve, pixel, advance, quality, track, want, stuff, even, rization is to select the first 1-3 sentences of guarantee, maintain, beacon, ban, month, prohibit, al- the original text as the summary (See et al., low, defend, notification, ownership, acceptance, delete, user, prior, reason, hold, notify, govern, keep, class, 2017). With this dataset, we include the first change, might, illegal, old, harmless, indemnify, see, as- sentence as the summary as it is the closest sume, deletion, waive, stop, operate, year, enforce, tar- to the average number of sentences per refer- get, many, constitute, posting ence (1.2).

Table 5: The 50 words most associated with the origi- Lead-K A variation of Lead-1, this baseline • nal text or reference summary, as measured by the log selects the first k sentences until a word limit odds ratio. is satisfied.

Random-K This baseline selects a random • sentence until a word limit is satisfied. For Odds(w, S) P (w S) log log | this baseline, the reported numbers are an av- Odds(w, D) ' P (w D)    |  erage of 10 runs on the entire dataset. The list of words with the highest log odds ra- Settings We employ lowercasing and lemmati- tios for the reference summaries (Ws) and original zation, as well as remove stop words and punctu- texts (Wd) can be found in Table5. ation during pre-processing10. For TextRank, KL- We calculate the differences (in years) of ARI Sum, Lead-K, and Random-K, we produce sum- and F-K scores between Ws and Wd: maries budgeted at the average number of words among all summaries (Rush et al., 2015). How- ARI(Wd) ARI(Ws) = 5.66 − ever, for the sentence which causes the summary FK(W ) FK(W ) = 6.12 d − s to exceed the budget, we keep or discard the full Hence, there is a 6-year reading level distinction sentence depending on which resulting summary ∼ between the two sets of words, an indication that is closer to the budgeted length. lexical difficulty is paramount in legal text. Results To gain a quantitative understanding of the baseline results, we employed ROUGE (Lin, 5 Summarization baselines 2004). ROUGE is a standard metric used for eval- We present our legal dataset as a test set for con- uating summaries based on the lexical overlap be- tracts summarization. In this section, we report tween a generated summary and gold/reference baseline performances of unsupervised, extrac- summaries. The ROUGE scores for the unsuper- tive methods as most recent supervised abstractive vised summarization baselines found in this paper summarization methods, e.g., Rush et al.(2015), can be found in Table6. See et al.(2017), would not have enough training In the same table, we also tabulate ROUGE data in this domain. We chose to look at the fol- scores of the same baselines run on DUC lowing common baselines: 2002 (Over et al., 2007), 894 documents with sum- mary lengths of 100 words, following the same TextRank Proposed by Mihalcea and Tarau • settings. Note that our performance is a bit differ- (2004), TextRank harnesses the PageRank ent from reported numbers in Mihalcea and Tarau algorithm to choose the sentences with the (2004), as we performed different pre-processing highest similarity scores to the original docu- and the summary lengths were not processed in the ment.9 same way. 9For this paper we utilized the TextRank package from Summa NLP: 10NLTK was used for lemmatization and identification of textrank stop words.

6 TLDRLegal TOS;DR Combined DUC 2002 R-1 R-2 R-L R-1 R-2 R-L R-1 R-2 R-L R-1 R-2 R-L TextRank 25.60 8.05 18.62 23.88 6.96 16.96 24.03 7.16 17.10 40.94 18.89 36.70 KLSum 24.98 7.84 18.08 23.25 6.76 16.67 23.56 6.94 16.93 40.06 16.94 35.85 Lead-1 23.09 8.23 17.10 24.05 7.30 17.22 23.87 7.47 17.19 29.66 13.76 19.46 Lead-K 24.04 8.14 17.46 24.47 7.40 17.66 24.38 7.52 17.63 43.57 21.69 39.49 Random-K 21.94 6.19 15.84 22.39 6.17 16.01 22.32 6.33 16.09 35.75 14.12 31.91

Table 6: Performance for each dataset on the baselines was measured using Rouge-1, Rouge-2, and Rouge-L.

Crucially, ROUGE scores are much higher on shows that by having much shorter sentences, the DUC 2002 than on our legal dataset. We speculate reference summary is able to cover more of the that this is due to the highly abstractive nature of original text. (3b) is able to restate 651-word orig- this data, in addition to the divergent styles of the inal text in 11 words. summaries and original texts. Finally, in (4), the sentences from the original In general, Lead-K performed best on both text are extremely long, and thus the automated TOS;DR and DUC 2002. The performance gap summaries, while only having one sentence, are between TextRank and Lead-K is much larger on 711 and 136 words respectively. Here, we also see DUC 2002 than on our dataset. On the legal that the reference summaries have a much differ- datasets, TextRank outperformed Lead-K on TL- ent style than the original text. DRLegal and is very close to the performance of Lead-K on TOS;DR. Additionally, Random-K performed only about 2 ROUGE points lower than Lead-K on our dataset, while it scored almost 8 6 Discussion points lower on the DUC 2002 dataset. We at- tribute this to the structure of the original text; Our preliminary experiments and analysis show news articles (i.e. DUC 2002) follow the inverse that summarizing legal contracts in plain English pyramid structure where the first few sentences is challenging, and point to the potential useful- give an overview of the story, and the rest of the ar- ness of a simplification or style transfer system ticle content is diverse. In contracts, the sentences in the summarization pipeline. Yet this is chal- in each section are more similar to each other lex- lenging. First, there may be a substantial domain ically. gap between legal documents and texts that ex- isting simplification systems are trained on (e.g., Qualitative Analysis We examined some of the Wikipedia, news). Second, popular supervised ap- results of the unsupervised extractive techniques proaches such as treating sentence simplification to get a better understanding of what methods as monolingual machine translation (Specia, 2010; might improve the results. Select examples can Zhu et al., 2010; Woodsend and Lapata, 2011; be found in Table7. Xu et al., 2016; Zhang and Lapata, 2017) would As shown by example (1), the extractive sys- be difficult to apply due to the lack of sentence- tems performed well when the reference sum- aligned parallel corpora. Possible directions in- maries were either an extract or a compressed ver- clude unsupervised lexical simplification utilizing sion of the original text. However, examples (2-4) distributed representations of words (Glavasˇ and show various ways the extractive systems were not Stajnerˇ , 2015; Paetzold and Specia, 2016), unsu- able to perform well. pervised sentence simplification using rich seman- In (2), the extractive systems were able to select tic structure (Narayan and Gardent, 2016), or un- an appropriate sentence, but the sentence is much supervised style transfer techniques (Shen et al., more complex than the reference summary. Uti- 2017; Yang et al., 2018; Li et al., 2018). However, lizing text simplification techniques may help in there is not currently a dataset in this domain large these circumstances. enough for unsupervised methods, nor corpora un- In (3), we see that the reference summary is aligned but comparable in semantics across legal much better able to abstract over a larger portion of and plain English, which we see as a call for fu- the original text than the selected sentences. (3a) ture research.

7 Reference Summary librarything will not sell or give personally identifiable information to any third party. Textrank, Lead-K no sale of personal information. librarything will not sell or give personally identifiable information to (1a) any third party. KLSum this would be evil and we are not evil.

Reference Summary you are responsible for maintaining the security of your account and for the activities on your account (1b) TextRank, KLSum, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account if any and are Lead-K fully responsible for any and all activities that occur under your password or account

Reference Summary if you offer suggestions to the service they become the owner of the ideas that you give them (2a) TextRank, KLSum, if you provide a submission whether by email or otherwise you agree that it is non confidential unless Lead-K couchsurfing states otherwise in writing and shall become the sole property of couchsurfing

Reference Summary when the service wants to change its terms users are notified a month or more in advance. (2b) TextRank in this case you will be notified by e mail of any amendment to this agreement made by valve within 60 sixty days before the entry into force of the said amendment.

Reference Summary you cannot delete your account for this service. (2c) TextRank, KLSum, please note that we have no obligation to delete any of stories favorites or comments listed in your Lead-K profile or otherwise remove their association with your profile or username.

Original Text by using our services you are agreeing to these terms our trainer guidelines and our privacy policy. if you are the parent or legal guardian of a child under the age of 13 the parent you are agreeing to these terms on behalf of yourself and your child ren who are authorized to use the services pursuant to these terms and in our privacy policy. if you don t agree to these terms our trainer guidelines and our privacy (3a) policy do not use the services. Reference Summary if you don t agree to these terms our trainer guidelines and our privacy policy do not use the services. TextRank by playing this game you agree to these terms. if you re under 13 and playing your parent guardian agrees on your behalf. KLSum, Lead-K by using our services you are agreeing to these terms our trainer guidelines and our privacy policy.

Original Text subject to your compliance with these terms niantic grants you a limited nonexclusive nontransferable non sublicensable license to download and install a copy of the app on a mobile device and to run such copy of the app solely for your own personal noncommercial purposes. [...] by using the app you represent and warrant that i you are not located in a country that is subject to a u s government embargo or that has been designated by the u s government as a terrorist supporting country and ii you are not listed on any u s government list of prohibited or restricted parties. Reference Summary don t copy modify resell distribute or reverse engineer this app. (3b) TextRank in the event of any third party claim that the app or your possession and use of the app infringes that third party s intellectual property rights niantic will be solely responsible for the investigation defense settlement and discharge of any such intellectual property infringement claim to the extent required by these terms. KLSum if you accessed or downloaded the app from any app store or distribution platform like the apple store google play or amazon appstore each an app provider then you acknowledge and agree that these terms are concluded between you and niantic and not with app provider and that as between us and the app provider niantic is solely responsible for the app.

Reference Summary don t be a jerk. don t hack or cheat. we don t have to ban you but we can. we ll also cooperate with law enforcement. KLSum by way of example and not as a limitation you agree that when using the services and content you will (4a) not defame abuse harass harm stalk threaten or otherwise violate the legal rights including the rights of privacy and publicity of others [...] lease the app or your account collect or store any personally iden- tifiable information from the services from other users of the services without their express permission violate any applicable law or regulation or enable any other individual to do any of the foregoing.

Reference Summary don t blame google. TextRank, KLSum, the indemnification provision in section 9 of the api tos is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the Lead-K following you agree to hold harmless and indemnify google and its subsidiaries affiliates officers agents and employees or partners from and against any third party claim arising from or in any way related (4b) to your misuse of google play game services your violation of these terms or any third party s misuse of google play game services or actions that would constitute a violation of these terms provided that you enabled such third party to access the apis or failed to take reasonable steps to prevent such third party from accessing the apis including any liability or expense arising from all claims losses damages actual and consequential suits judgments litigation costs and attorneys fees of every kind and nature.

Table 7: Examples of reference summaries and results from various extractive summarization techniques. The text shown here has been pre-processed. To conserve space, original texts were excluded from most examples.

8 7 Conclusion Goran Glavasˇ and Sanja Stajner.ˇ 2015. Simplifying lexical simplification: Do we need simplified cor- In this paper, we propose the task of summarizing pora? In Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of legal documents in plain English and present an the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural initial evaluation dataset for this task. We gather Language Processing (Vol 2: Short Papers), pages our dataset from online sources dedicated to ex- 63–68. plaining sections of contracts in plain English and manually verify the quality of the summaries. We Max Grusky, Mor Naaman, and Yoav Artzi. 2018. show that our dataset is highly abstractive and that Newsroom: A dataset of 1.3 million summaries with diverse extractive strategies. In Proceedings of the the summaries are much simpler to read. This task 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of is challenging, as popular unsupervised extractive the Association for Computational Linguistics: Hu- summarization methods do not perform well on man Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long Pa- this dataset and, as discussed in section6, cur- pers), pages 708–719. rent methods that address the change in register Ben Hachey and Claire Grover. 2006. Extractive sum- are mostly supervised as well. We call for the de- marisation of legal texts. Artificial Intelligence and velopment of resources for unsupervised simplifi- Law, 14(4):305–345. cation and style transfer in this domain. Aria Haghighi and Lucy Vanderwende. 2009. Explor- ing content models for multi-document summariza- Acknowledgments tion. In Proceedings of Human Language Tech- nologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North We would like to personally thank Katrin Erk for American Chapter of the Association for Computa- her help in the conceptualization of this project. tional Linguistics, pages 362–370. Additional thanks to May Helena Plumb, Barea Sinno, and David Beavers for their aid in the re- Kokil Jaidka, Muthu Kumar Chandrasekaran, Sajal vision process. We are grateful for the anonymous Rustagi, and Min-Yen Kan. 2016. Overview of the cl-scisumm 2016 shared task. In Proceedings of the reviewers and for the TLDRLegal and TOS;DR Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Informa- communities and their pursuit of transparency. tion Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries, pages 93–102.

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11 Scalable Methods for Annotating Legal-Decision Corpora

Lisa Ferro, John Aberdeen, Karl Branting, Craig Pfeifer, Alexander Yeh, Amartya Chakraborty The MITRE Corporation {lferro, aberdeen, lbranting, cpfeifer, asy, achakraborty}

Abstract case text alone, but these models typically lack explanatory capability (Aletras et al., 2016). Recent research has demonstrated that Development of approaches for explaining judicial and administrative decisions can be decision predictions in terms of relevant case facts predicted by machine-learning models while minimizing manual feature engineering is trained on prior decisions. However, to have any practical application, these critical for broad adoption of systems for legal predictions must be explainable, which in case prediction. turn requires modeling a rich set of Our approach to explainable legal prediction features. Such approaches face a roadblock focuses on annotating the portions of written if the knowledge engineering required to decisions that set forth the justification for the create these features is not scalable. We decision. We hypothesize that tag sets for these present an approach to developing a justifications can be used as features for feature-rich corpus of administrative explainable prediction. In a separate paper rulings about domain name disputes, an (Branting et al., 2019) we propose an approach that approach which leverages a small amount uses models trained on an annotated corpus to of manual annotation and prototypical patterns present in the case documents to extract features that can be used for both outcome automatically extend feature labels to the prediction and explanation in new cases. This entire corpus. To demonstrate the paper focuses on development of the annotated feasibility of this approach, we report corpus itself. results from systems trained on this dataset. Our feature set makes use of two common elements in legal argumentation: issues and 1 Introduction factors. In our usage, an “issue” is a formal element of a legal claim corresponding to a term, or Recent research has demonstrated that judicial and “predicate,” that occurs in an authoritative legal administrative decisions can be predicted by source, such as a statute, regulation, or policy, and machine-learning models trained on prior that is cited in the decision portion of cases. For decisions (Medvedeva et al., 2018). Predictive example, in jurisdictions in which the term legal models have the potential to improve both “intoxication” occurs in a statute forbidding the delivery of services to citizens and the driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs efficiency of agency decision processes, e.g., by (DUI), the predicate “intoxication” is an issue, and making benefits adjudications faster and more legal liability depends on whether this predicate is transparent, and by enabling decision-support established at trial. “Slurred speech,” by contrast, tools for evaluating benefits claims. is a “factor” if the decision portion of one or more The accuracy of predictive legal models is cases contains findings about “slurred speech” that highest, and explanatory capability greatest, when justify conclusions about the issue of intoxication. the prior decisions are represented in terms of This usage differs from Ashley (1991) and others features manually engineered to express exactly in that our factors are not features developed by the most relevant aspects of the prior case (Katz et domain experts, but rather are classes of factual al., 2017). However, this approach is not scalable. findings in case decisions denoted by common Alternatively, decisions can be predicted from annotation tags. We surmise that these decision-

12 Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2019, pages 12–20 Minneapolis, Minesotta, June 7, 2019. c 2019 Association for Computational Linguistics derived factors are amenable both to automated identification of factors includes Wyner HYPO/CATO-like argumentation (Ashley, 1991 & Peters (2012) and Wyner (2010), who use GATE and Aleven, 1997) and to alternative machine- Teamware to perform manual annotation of learning and inferential techniques. factors. Al-Abdulkarim et al. (2015) annotate both This paper describes several approaches to factors and issues in the CATO corpus. lightweight and expedited corpus creation in More recently, Sulea et al. (2017) attempted to support of explainable legal decision prediction. automatically identify facts in the case description The methods are tested on formal written decisions within the top 20 highest ranking bigrams and about domain name disputes which are published trigrams as defined by a classification model. by the World Intellectual Property Organization While these spans of text were predictive of the (WIPO). The first approach involves human area of law, they did not correspond to the facts of annotators applying a three-layer schema for the case. labeling argument elements, issues, and factors in Our objective is a methodology that permits the panel's findings and decisions on the case. This rapid development of explainable predictive method is applied to a very small corpus of 25 systems in new domains. Accordingly, our case documents. The second approach is applied to the features are derived from the justification portion entire corpus of over 16000 documents and of texts of representative decisions—a readily employs a combination of automated accessible resource—rather than from the preprocessing and human annotation for labeling comparatively scarce resource of combined AI and the outcome for three principal issues in each legal expertise. We hypothesize that machine- WIPO case. A third layer of annotation is added by learning models for deriving these features from automatically projecting the argument element, the texts of new cases will permit explainable issue, and factor annotations onto each sentence in prediction, including both CATO-style factor each document of the entire corpus. We are analysis and other analytical techniques. making this a richly annotated corpus available to the research community via MITRE’s GitHub 2 Data space ( Disputes over WWW domain name ownership are 1.1 Prior work administrated by the United Nations’ World International Property Organization (WIPO), Most early research in automated legal reasoning under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute involved logical representations of legal rules Resolution Policy (UDRP).1 If a domain name has (McCarty 2018). These systems often could justify been previously registered by Party A, and Party B conclusions in terms of rules, but two factors feels that the domain name rightly belongs to them limited their adoption: (a) the challenges of instead, then Party B may file a complaint with accurately and scalably formalizing legal rules in WIPO, requesting that the domain name be computational logic, and (b) the difficulty of transferred to them. Party A, the respondent, has matching abstract predicates in rules (e.g., the opportunity to respond to the complaint filed by “nuisance”) to case facts (e.g., “barking dog”). Party B, the complainant. An independent panel of Research in legal Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) one or more individuals is assigned to review the addressed these challenges by reasoning about the case and make a ruling. The ruling is published on similarities and differences between the facts of a the WIPO website.2 given new case and prior cases (“precedents”). The The panel’s written decision is divided into most influential approach to legal CBR involved multiple sections, including the naming of the factor-based argumentation (Ashley, 1991). For parties involved, the domain name(s) in dispute, a example, the CATO system (Aleven, 1997) summary of the factual background, a summary of employed a hierarchy of 26 factors organized into the complainant’s and respondent’s contentions, five higher level abstract concepts, or issues. the panel’s discussion of the foregoing information Recent use of the CATO corpus to support and the panel’s legal findings based thereon, and

1 See 2 For example, see , e.g., 2012-02-25-en jsp?case=D2016-1709 13 finally, the panel’s decision on the case overall. and administrative rulings, so by using these as the Because of the fairly formulaic nature of these anchoring elements of the analysis scheme, our documents, they provide a rich source of data for intent is that this approach will have utility in other developing automated algorithms that process domains. information about legal issues, factors, and We hypothesize that Factual Findings and Legal findings. The decision documents are freely Findings will have the most predictive and downloadable from the WIPO website, with explanatory power. Therefore, Factual Findings decisions dating back to 2007. and Legal Findings are further categorized according to the Issue the panel is addressing. 3 Annotation of Argument Elements, Contentions and Case Rules can also be labelled Issues and Factors according to the issue they address. The Issue tags include the three required A key goal of our research is developing a elements that the complainant must establish in repeatable methodology that permits development order to prevail in a WIPO case. These issues are of explainable legal prediction systems by agencies documented in the Uniform Domain Name that lack the resources to engineer domain-specific Dispute Resolution Policy, paragraph 4,3 and form feature sets, a process that requires both extensive the backbone of every decision: expertise in the particular legal domain and (i) ICS: Domain name is Identical or experience in feature engineering. Instead, our Confusingly Similar to a trademark or approach requires only the linguistic skills service mark in which the complainant has necessary to annotate the decision portion of a rights. representative subset of cases, a much more limited (ii) NRLI: Respondent has No Rights or process. Legitimate Interests with respect to the domain name. (iii) Bad Faith: Domain name has been registered and is being used in Bad Faith. For element (ii), NRLI, although the dispute is typically approached from the point of view of the complainant demonstrating that the respondent has no RLI (i.e., NRLI), it is very often the case that the panel considers evidence in support of the rights or legitimate interests of the Respondent. In that case, RLI is available as an issue tag. In addition, the domain name resolution procedure allows for situations in which the Figure 1: Annotation Scheme for WIPO Decisions complainant abuses the process by filing the complaint in bad faith (CIBF).4 The annotation schema consists of three layers, Each of these issues can be further sub- shown in Figure 1: Argument Elements, Issues, and categorized according to Factors, a sampling of Factors (sub-issues). The top-layer, Argument which is shown in Figure 1. Factors are the Element, consists of six types: Policy, Contention, elements which we hypothesize will prove most Factual Finding, Legal Finding, Case Rule, and the useful for explainable legal prediction. For Decision on the case as a whole. We have found example, whether or not the complainant owns that with these six argument elements, the majority rights in the trademark (CownsTM) is a critical of sentences within the “Discussion and Findings” factor in establishing the outcome of the first issue and “Decision” sections of WIPO cases can be about the confusability of the domain name and assigned an argument element label. Each of these trademark. In our annotation scheme, there are argument elements is generally found in all legal eight factors for the ICS issue, four factors for

3 25-en#4 11-en 4 see See 15(e) of the Rules for Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy for CIBF, 14 Case No Text Annotation D2012- in two instances the TURBOFIRE mark has been reproduced in a domain name, utilizing FACTUAL_FINDING- 1430 a dash “-” between the “turbo” and “fire” portion of the mark, which the Panel disregards ICS- as irrelevant under this element of the Policy IrrelevantDiff D2012- The Panel thus finds that the disputed domain names are confusingly similar to the LEGAL_FINDING- 1430 Complainant's registered trademarks ICS D2012- Additionally, as several of the disputed domain names are used to host online shopping FACTUAL_FINDING- 1430 websites offering products similar to those of the Complainant, from which the NRLI- Respondent presumably generates revenue, LegitUse subissue- polarity=negative D2012- the Respondent clearly is not making any noncommercial or fair use of those domain LEGAL_FINDING- 1430 names NRLI- LegitUse subissue- polarity=negative D2012- …the Respondent is clearly attempting to divert Internet traffic intended for the FACTUAL_FINDING- 1430 Complainant’s website to its own for commercial gain by creating a likelihood of BadFaith- confusion as to the source or sponsorship of the Respondent’s websites and products. Confusion4CommGain D2012- Such use constitutes bad faith under paragraph 4(b)(iv) of the Policy. LEGAL_FINDING- 1430 BadFaith- Confusion4CommGain D2016- The Complainant must have been aware that the Disputed Domain Name existed when it FACTUAL_FINDING- 0534 chose to register its UNIKS trademark. CIBF- RDNH D2016- Taking into account all of the above the Panel has no hesitation in finding that the LEGAL_FINDING- 0534 present case amounts to RDNH by the Complainant. CIBF- RDNH

Table 1: Example Annotations from WIPO Decisions

NRLI/RLI, and seven for BadFaith. Some of the particularly useful in domains with a specific set of factors are derived from the WIPO policy and issues and justifications, for example, granting some were discovered in a pilot annotation phase. government benefits, or tenant/landlord disputes. For CIBF, two factor tags are available: RDNH Table 1 shows eight typical annotations. Tags (Reverse Domain Name Hijacking) and Harass are preferentially applied to clauses and sentences, (complaint brought primarily to harass DN holder). as opposed to shorter units such as noun phrases, Each level of annotation also has an “Other” in order to identify the complete linguistic option (not shown in Figure 1) to accommodate proposition corresponding to the annotation label. semantics that are not covered by the predefined The MITRE Annotation Toolkit (MAT) is used tags, and there is a free-form Comment field which to perform the annotation.5 A screenshot is shown the annotator can use to capture ad hoc labels and in Figure 2, illustrating the cascading menus that enter notes. give the annotator quick access to the entire tag A Citation attribute is used to capture the hierarchy. paragraph citation of Policy references, when they are explicitly made in the text. We plan to explore 3.1 Inter-Annotator Agreement the citations as predictive features in future The manual annotation was performed by two research. Finally, a Polarity attribute is used to individuals, who, while experienced in the creation capture positive/negative values for Decisions, of annotated corpora for developing natural Issues, and Factors. language processing systems, have no formal Our three-layered annotation approach of training in the legal domain. Before performing labeling Argument Elements, Issues, and Factors the double annotation used for agreement relies on having clear divisions between the facts, measures, annotation guidelines were written and a the decision, and the decision justification. Aletras set of six practice documents was identified, three et al. (2016) found that the facts section of the case with a positive outcome (the domain name was text provided the best predictors of case decision. transferred to the complainant) and three with a It is our hypothesis that this methodology will be

5 Available for download at http://mat- 15

Figure 2: MITRE Annotation Tool (MAT) negative outcome. These were doubly annotated in this set of six documents was lower for argument three trial phases, with the annotators meeting after elements, at 57%, and did not differ significantly each pair of documents to discuss differences and for issues and factors. We observed that one clarify the guidelines. Once the practice phase was difference that lowers agreement occurs when one complete, additional double-annotation was annotator chooses to specify “Other” as a factor performed on a different set of six documents, label and the other annotator opts to not set a factor which yielded 232 annotations. Agreement was label at all (an alternative that is allowed by the measured on these annotations. Table 2 presents guidelines). It is quite subjective whether the the inter-annotator agreement results, reported as semantics of the clause warrant an “Other” factor percent agreement using Cohen’s Kappa label or no label. If we normalize the difference, calculation (Cohen, 1960) vs. the raw agreement, allowing Other and Nil to be equivalant, the shown in parentheses. As there were only two agreement on factors increases from 68% to 74% annotators, we do not compute inter-annotator on all argument element tags and from 69% to 75% agreement comparisons in a pair-wise fashion, i.e., on Legal Findings and Factual Findings. for each annotator separately. The WIPO administrative decisions exhibit a fair amount of variability in terms of clarity when Factor it comes to assigning argument elements, issues, Normalized and factor labels. For example, on some subsets of Argument for Other files, the two annotators were able to achieve raw Element Issue Factor vs. Nil All Argument agreement as high as 99% on the Issue labels for Element Types 75% (80%) 80% (85%) 68% (76%) 74% (84%) Legal Findings and Factual Findings. We found Only Legal that for the majority of cases that were doubly Findings & annotated, agreement was higher on the Legal Factual Findings 57% (78%) 80% (86%) 69% (74%) 75% (83%) Findings and Factual Findings than across all Table 2: Inter-Annotator Agreement (Kappa vs. Raw) argument element types, a fact that is not reflected in Table 2, which contains totals for all documents Overall, the agreement was 75% on argument that were doubly annotated. Thus, although some elements, 80% on issues, and 68% on factors. For cases are more challenging to annotate than others, Legal Findings and Factual Findings – features overall the quantitative results indicate that the task which we hypothesize will have greater predictive is tractable for non-legal experts. and explainable power – the levels of agreement on

16 3.2 Predicting Decisions from Mapped Tags 890 annotations, 173 (19.4%) contained negative From the small set of 25 annotated documents polarity and 717 contained positive polarity. The (0.14% of the entire corpus), we are able to project polarity attribute was extracted for each annotation the annotations to similar sentences throughout the and incorporated into the projected tag. The entire corpus of documents. sentences are then clustered into 512 clusters by This projection is accomplished through the use their embeddings. The clusters establish of word and sentence embeddings to find text that neighborhoods of similar sentences. is semantically similar to the annotated text. The Once the word embeddings have been trained, accuracy of mapped tags as predictive features embeddings for the annotation spans of text are depends on both the annotation conventions and trained using the same method as was used to the details of the clustering. An initial evaluation of compute sentence embeddings. While the adequacy and correctness of these initial two steps annotation spans are not strictly sentences, the can performed by determining the predictive sentence embedding method can be used to accuracy of the mapped tags. If the tags are compute embeddings of arbitrary spans of text. capturing the actual decision, then a high degree of Once the word embeddings, corpus sentence accuracy should be achievable by training a model embeddings, annotation span embeddings and that predicts overall case decisions, or decisions for clusters have been computed, the tags can be individual issues, from the mapped tags. projected. For each annotation label of interest for The projection method is as follows. Word the specific experiment, we retrieve the top 10,000 embeddings are trained on the tokenized corpus sentences in the corpus ranked by cosine similarity using FastText (Mikolov, 2018). FastText to the annotated spans. Then, the annotation label computes embeddings for character n-grams and is projected to each cluster associated with each then sums the character n-gram embeddings to retrieved sentence. compute the embedding for a word. The character For these prediction tasks, we do not use the embeddings are computed using a method similar words of the sentences. Instead, we use the cluster to Word2Vec (Mikolov, 2013). FastText is label of each sentence in the document. The beneficial for rare words, morphologically rich sentences are selected according to task-specific languages and smaller corpora. This yields one criteria. XGBoost (Chen and Guestrin, 2016), an vector per token that captures the semantics of the efficient implementation of gradient boosted word through the surrounding context. machines, is used in all prediction tasks in this The resulting word embeddings are then used to work. These are preliminary results, and we compute sentence embeddings by averaging the continue to iterate to improve the outcomes. vectors of the words in each sentence for each of As the outcome decision labels are highly the 2.64 million sentences in our corpus. Next, skewed, 91% positive (14591 cases), 9% negative these word embeddings are used to compute (1407 cases), we do not create a dedicated test set. sentence embeddings by averaging the vectors of Instead, we opt for 10 random test/train splits and the words in each sentence for each of the 2.64 report the average area under the curve (AUC), and million sentences in our corpus. Semantically per class precision, recall and F1 score micro- similar sentences are close to each other in averaged over the 10 trials. semantic-embedding space. A notable limitation of In a separate paper (Branting et al., 2019) we this approach is that sentences that are lexically report on several experiments that make use of the very similar but that have opposite polarity are projected tags. As proof of concept for the often very close in this embedding space. An methodology described in this paper, we report example is simple negation via “not,” for example only on the results for predicting case outcomes. “the panel finds that it was properly constituted” The results are preliminary, intended solely to and “the panel finds that it was not properly demonstrate the feasibility of the approach. constituted” differ by a single word but have This experiment used the tag projection method opposite legal effects. We attempted to compensate described above, and retrieved sentences based on for this limitation by incorporating polarity all annotation types. This method selected 1.8M annotations into the projected tags. The annotation sentences out of the total corpus of 2.6M. convention was the polarity attribute was assumed Predicting overall case outcome with the annotated to be “positive” if not explicitly annotated. Out of data gave strong results with an average AUC of 17 78.5% and a standard deviation of 0.01. The • True (positive outcome for the issue) positive class, the majority class in this dataset, • False (negative outcome for the issue) earned a 90% F1 (97% precision and 83.9% recall). The negative class was lower with a 42.9% F1 • No_Decision (The panel asserts that it (30.4% precision, 73.1% recall). This experiment does not need to make a decision on this indicates that tags mapped from a modest set of issue because some other issue has a annotated cases are sufficient to express the negative outcome.) decisions in the Findings section. • ? (does not describe an outcome) 4 Annotation of legal rulings on issue The manual annotation revealed some outcome in WIPO Decisions discrepancies which needed to be corrected, for In a WIPO case, the complainant needs to prevail example, cases with an overall positive outcome in each of the three primary issues – ICS, NRLI, that had issues with a negative outcome and issue and Bad Faith – in order for there to be a positive outcomes appearing outside their designated outcome, i.e., the domain name is transferred to the subsection. complainant. Being able to accurately identify the Table 3 summarizes the current state of the outcome of each issue is therefore useful in issue-level annotation for the WIPO corpus of predicting the outcome of the case overall. Issue- 16024 cases. level outcomes take the form of legal findings (e.g., Total With Value No Value Issue TRUE FALSE NO_DECISION Number Percent Number Total Cases see the second row in Table 1), and are typically ICS 15571 139 158 15868 99% 156 16024 found within easily identifiable sub-sections of the NRLI 14762 432 598 15792 99% 232 16024 BadFaith 14615 531 412 15558 97% 466 16024 panel’s decision. They often appear as the last TOTALS 44948 1102 1168 47218 854 sentence in the issue-level sub-sections – a pattern we were able to exploit, but only to a limited Table 3: Issue-Level Outcome Annotations degree, as described below. The manner in which the legal finding is stated varies as well. As a Between 97% and 99% of the corpus has been result, a fully automated approach to issue-level annotated for issue-level outcomes, depending on outcome annotation was not possible, and the issue, with 845 issue outcomes yet to be manually annotating the corpus would be resolved. prohibitively time consuming for the entire set of For those cases that could not be annotated as over 48000 issue outcomes (16000 cases x 3). We True, False, or No_Decision, we are currently in therefore used a multi-step interactive approach to the process of analyzing additional patterns that annotate the issue outcomes, described next. can be exploited automatically. We are also Approximately 90% of the cases have a positive performing additional automated quality control outcome, so the first step was to automatically checks that look for inconsistencies, e.g., the annotate positive cases with a positive outcome for overall case outcome being false, but none of the each of the three issues. This left 10% of the cases issues are false. that have a negative overall outcome, and which In this section we have described a methodology could potentially have negative outcomes in one, for annotating a large corpus for issue-level two, or all three of the issues – up to approximately decisions. While the exact approach is necessarily 5000 issue outcomes in total. In those cases where dependent on specifics that are unique to the WIPO the sub-section on an issue could not be domain, our expectation is that it is generalizable automatically located in the panel’s decision, it was to other datasets. For instance, not all legal and temporally labelled as having a missing value for administrative rulings have clearly identifiable the issue outcome. A few hundred Bad Faith issue case-level decisions, but when they do, they can be outcomes were manually annotated before it was automatically extracted and then used to infer deemed to take too long. issue-level decision values. Other prototypical Next, we extracted all the unique last sentences patterns can be used to automate the annotation, in the issue-level subsections still missing an and the more complicated texts can be reserved for outcome annotation. This gave us approximately human review. 3000 sentences which we manually annotated with one of the following values: 18 4.1 Issue-Outcome Prediction improve the tag projection. These embedding We have begun experimenting with the issue-level algorithms capture greater nuance of language than outcome annotation, testing different machine- FastText/Word2Vec (possibly including word learning approaches for predicting issue outcomes sense), and their pre-trained models are built from based on these annotated sentences. The task is to massive data collections processed on massive predict whether a given sentence favors the compute clusters. respondent (a negative outcome), favors the In future work, the domains of particular interest complainant (a positive outcome), or states that the to us include disability benefit claims, immigration panel is not making a decision for this issue. A petitions, landlord-tenant disputes, and attorney subset of the corpus was divided into 1438 training misconduct complaints. The high volumes of these samples and 709 test samples. The best types of cases mean that large training sets are performance achieved thus far has been from an available and that agencies have an incentive to approach utilizing a 300-dimensional Word consider technologies to improve decision Embedding from FastText, with 1 million word processes. We anticipate applying the annotation vectors trained on Wikipedia in 2017 (Mikolov, methodologies described in this paper to an 2017). Results are shown in Table 4. administrative agency starting in the next few months, which will provide a more realistic Precision Recall F1 evaluation of its ability to support system Negative Outcome 0.89 0.95 0.92 development in the service of actual agency Positive Outcome 0.96 0.93 0.94 decision making. No_Decision 0.98 0.93 0.95

Table 4: Issue-Level Prediction Scores Acknowledgments We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers 5 Conclusions and Future Work for their feedback and suggestions. Computational techniques for explainable legal References problem solving have existed for many years, but broad adoption of these techniques has been Al-Abdulkarim, Latifa, Katie Atkinson, and Trevor Bench-Capon. 2015. Factors, Issues and Values: impeded by their requirement for manual feature Revisiting Reasoning with Cases. In Proceedings of labeling. The rise of large-scale text analytics and the 15th International Conference on Artificial machine learning promised a way to finesse this intelligence and Law (pp. 3-12). ACM. obstacle, but the limited explanatory capability of Aletras, Nikolaos, Dimitrios Tsarapatsanis, Daniel these approaches has limited their adoption in law Preoţiuc-Pietro, and Vasileios Lampos. 2016. where decisions must be justified in terms of Predicting Judicial Decisions of the European Court authoritative legal sources. of Human Rights: A Natural Language Processing This paper has described three approaches to Perspective. PeerJ Computer Science 2: e93. exploiting minimalist knowledge engineering in . the form of an extremely small corpus annotated by Aleven, Vincent. 1997. Teaching Case-Based non-legal experts and using that annotation and Argumentation Through a Model and Examples. regularities discernible in the data to automatically Ph.D. thesis, University of Pittsburgh. augment and extend these annotations. We have Aleven, Vincent. 2003. Using Background Knowledge provided proof-of-concept of the quality and utility in Case-based Legal Reasoning: a Computational of these annotations by reporting preliminary Model and an Intelligent Learning Environment. results on issue-level and case-level decision Artificial Intelligence 150.1-2: 183-237. prediction algorithms. Ashley, Kevin D. 1991. Modeling Legal Arguments: We anticipate that the accuracy of annotation Reasoning with Cases and Hypotheticals. MIT projection can be improved by use of improved Press. embeddings methods. Since this work has started, Branting, Karl, Craig Pfeifer, Lisa Ferro, Alex Yeh, very large pre-trained language models have been Brandy Weiss, Mark Pfaff, Amartya Chakraborty, released, including ELMO (Peters, 2018), BERT and Bradford Brown. 2019. Semi-supervised (Devlin, 2018) and GPT-2 (Radford, 2019). Future Methods for Explainable Legal Prediction. To work should use these pre-trained models to create appear, Proceedings of the 19th International embeddings for sentences and annotations to 19 Conference on AI and Law (ICAIL 2019), Montreal, Language Processing (RANLP 2017), pp. 716-722. Canada, June 17-21, 2019. 1092/ Chen, Tianqi, and Carlos Guestrin. 2016. XGBoost: A scalable tree boosting system. In Proceedings of the Wyner, Adam, and Wim Peters. 2012. Semantic 22nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Annotations for Legal Text Processing using G AT E Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, pp. 785- Teamware. In Semantic Processing of Legal Texts 794. (SPLeT-2012) Workshop Programme, p. 34. Cohen, Jacob. 1960. A coefficient of agreement for Wyner, Adam Z. 2010. Towards Annotating and nominal scales. Educational and Psychological Extracting Textual Legal Case Elements. In Measurement, 20, pp. 37-47. Informatica e Diritto: Special Issue on Legal Ontologies and Artificial Intelligent Techniques Devlin, Jacob, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee and 19.1-2: 9-18. Kristina Toutanova. 2018. BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding. CoRR abs/1810.04805 (2018). Katz, Daniel Martin, Michael J. Bommarito II, and Josh Blackman. 2017. A General Approach for Predicting the Behavior of the Supreme Court of the United States. PloS One, 12:4. McCarty, L. Thorne. 2018. Finding the right balance in Artificial Intelligence and Law. In Research Handbook on the Law of Artificial Intelligence, Edward Elgar Publishing. Medvedeva, Masha, Michel Vols, and Martijn Wieling. 2018. Judicial Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights: Looking into the Crystal Ball. In Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Legal Studies. Mikolov, Tomas, Edouard Grave, Piotr Bojanowski, Christian Puhrsch, and Armand Joulin. 2017. Advances in Pre-training Distributed Word Representations. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2018), pp. 52-55. Mikolov, Tomas, Ilya Sutskever, Kai Chen, Greg S. Corrado and Jeffrey Dean. 2013. Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pp. 3111-3119. Peters, Matthew E., Mark Neumann, Mohit Iyyer, Matt Gardner, Christopher Clark, Kenton Lee and Luke S. Zettlemoyer. 2018. Deep Contextualized Word Representations. In Proceedings of NAACL-HLT, pp. 2227-2237. 1202 Radford, Alec, Jeff Wu, Rewon Child, David Luan, Dario Amodei, Ilya Sutskever. 2019. Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners. Sulea, Octavia-Maria, Marcos Zampieri, Mihaela Vela and Josef van Genabith. 2017. Predicting the Law Area and Decisions of French Supreme Court Cases. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural

20 The Extent of Repetition in Contract Language

Dan Simonson Daniel Broderick Jonathan Herr BlackBoiler LLC BlackBoiler LLC BlackBoiler LLC Arlington, VA 22207 Arlington, VA 22207 Arlington, VA 22207 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract typically used in natural language processing and corpus linguistics—for our purposes, the Brown Contract language is repetitive (Anderson and Corpus (Francis and Kuceraˇ , 1964, 1971, 1979) Manns, 2017), but so is all language (Zipf, and Wikipedia (King, 2018). This paper seeks to 1949). In this paper, we measure the extent to which contract language in English is repet- describe quantitatively the extent to which con- itive compared with the language of other En- tract language is more repetitive than the language glish language corpora. Contracts have much found in these corpora. smaller vocabulary sizes compared with simi- We aim this paper at multiple audiences. Our larly sized non-contract corpora across multi- own motivation was to more deeply understand the th ple contract types, contain 1/5 as many ha- driving linguistic and distributional factors behind pax legomena, pattern differently on a log- technology that Broderick et al.(2016) developed, log plot, use fewer pronouns, and contain sen- tences that are about 20% more similar to one and we hope those in industry who work with another than in other corpora. These suggest or are evaluating legal technology can read this that the study of contracts in natural language work to understand how this repetition uniquely processing controls for some linguistic phe- supports the automation of work involving con- nomena and allows for more in depth study of tract language. We hope the computational lin- others. guist working on contract or legal texts can use the findings here to justify certain decisions and posi- 1 Introduction tions made in their own work, as a basic founda- Among attorneys and those in the legal profes- tion of facts can help reduce exponentially the tree sions, contract language is considered “repetitive,” of decisions made in practice. We hope the com- but the same can be said about natural language in putational linguistics community at large can take general (Zipf, 1949). Anderson and Manns(2017) from this paper that contract language has prop- largely attribute the repetitive nature of contract erties advantageous for problems that prefer more language to drafting methodologies. Attorneys constrained—but still natural—language. rarely start contracts or provisions from a blank In this paper, we present analyses of contract document. Anderson and Manns(2017) showed language in English, juxtaposing them against two that attorneys typically select a precedent con- other corpora. In Section (2), tracts and fit them to the parameters of a new re- we discuss prior work toward this end. In Section lationship with a counterparty. The same is true (3), we discuss the data used in this study: a set of when an attorney drafts a new contract provision, contract corpora containing 1,737 documents and beginning with an old provision from an existing two baseline corpora for comparison. In Section agreement. As a result, new or novel language (4), we discuss the distribution of tokens in our is infrequent as compared to other kinds of nat- contract corpus compared with the baseline cor- ural language. They assessed these similarities pora and look more closely at the data to affirm the using Levenshtein distance, which is somewhat meaning of those distributions. In Section (5), we unusual with respect to the methods and statis- step up from the token level to look at similarity tics typically used in natural language processing at the sentential level through a nearest neighbors and corpus linguistics, and they did not compare analysis. In Sections (6&7), we discuss these their corpus of contracts against data of the sort findings broadly and conclude.

21 Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2019, pages 21–30 Minneapolis, Minesotta, June 7, 2019. c 2019 Association for Computational Linguistics

2 Prior Work of conventionalized language use in the sciences, demonstrating qualitatively that science developed Numerous studies have been done on contract cor- a rhetorical style using already existing rhetorical pora, many with specific ends in mind. Faber elements of English in a way most relevant to the and Lauridsen(1991) prepared a corpus referred experimental style of the physical sciences. Ex- to as the “Danish-English-French corpus in con- tensive corpus work has looked at the physical sci- tract law,” or the “Aarhus corpus” (Curtotti and ences to better understand the linguistic processes McCreath, 2011). This corpus contains both con- of used to create and frame understanding in scien- tracts and legal literature, sampling what language tific work (Argamon et al., 2005) and to exploit the was available at the time for study, and contain- repetitive nature of such documents to find phrases ing 776 pages of contracts, likely around 400,000 that are more information-laden than their more 1 tokens. A few corpus studies have been con- conventionalized counterparts (Degaetano-Ortlieb ducted previously. Blom and Trosborg(1992) and Teich, 2017). look at speech acts in the Danish-English-French corpus and how different speech acts create the 3 Data relationship established between two parties in a contract, as well as other types of legal language. In this section, we describe the data used in this Nielsen and Wichmann(1994) look at the En- study, both the contracts we gathered for analysis glish subcorpus of the Danish-English-French cor- and the baseline corpora used to contrast the con- pus of a size of around 50,000 tokens in conjunc- tract corpus. tion with an equally sized corpus of their own cre- ation in German, focused primarily on how obli- 3.1 Contract Corpus gation is expressed in both languages. Anesa Our subject matter expert gathered a corpus of (2007) examine a corpus of 12 contracts (50,828 contracts. They selected categories and recovered tokens) in English to codify the linguistic strate- documents relevant to those categories through gies used to make certain provisions vague while search engines and from EDGAR,2 issuing queries others specific, particularly because contracts are based on phrases indicative of particular contract rarely written from scratch, and vague provisions types, and selecting contracts that they considered, have broad applicability when cut-and-paste be- as an expert, to be of the specific contract type. tween contracts. Carvalho(2008) and Moham- Our subject matter expert searched for five types mad et al.(2010) both built parallel corpora for of contracts. Prime Contracts are an agreement the purposes of improving contract translation be- between a project owner and a general contrac- tween English and Brazilian Portuguese and Ara- tor. Subcontracts are between a general contrac- bic respectively. Most extensively, Curtotti and tor and a subcontractor or trade contractor for McCreath(2011) conducted a study of a corpus of specific subcomponents of a project, such as im- Australian English contracts, examining the distri- plementing the drywall in the building. Non- bution and statistics of a corpus of 256 contracts. Disclosure Agreements are agreements related to They primarily focused on demonstrating that the the exchange of information and the confidential corpus they had collected was representative, pre- treatment thereof. Purchase Orders is an agree- senting numerous statistics to that end. Anderson ment for the purchase of products between a buyer and Manns(2017) collected a corpus of 12,407 and a seller. Services Agreements is an agreement agreements with the end of showing precedent re- for one party to supply another party with a ser- lationships using Levenshtein distance and cluster- vice. Prime Contracts and Subcontracts were se- ing. Their goal was not to analyze the properties lected with relation to the construction industry; of contract language itself, but to show explicitly the other types were selected more broadly. how contracts are copied from one another. Contracts identified with formatting issues due Studies have also been done on repetitive, con- to failed optical character recognition (OCR) were ventionalized language use more broadly. Halli- removed. This filtering process was not perfect, day(1988) examined the historical development however, as some OCR errors remain in the data.

1We were not able to obtain access to this corpus, and are 2EDGAR is a service of the United estimating this based on the provided page count (Faber and States Securities and Exchange Commission: Lauridsen, 1991) at 500 tokens per page. (

22 To some extent, we have to acknowledge that documents. Brown was used through the interface some noise in contract data is inevitable; there are provided by NLTK (Bird et al., 2009).4 no universal standards for the interchange of con- To find tokens and sentence boundaries, cor- tract documents. Further, while the contracts re- pora were pre-processed with SpaCy (Honnibal trieved represent unique agreements, they them- and Johnson, 2015).5 This includes the Brown selves are not necessarily unique. This is intended Corpus, which was re-tokenized to be consistent to represent the typical distribution and content of with the other corpora. contract documents exchanged on a regular basis. Table (1) contains the results of this retrieval pro- 4 Rank-Counts Analysis cess, a total of 1,737 documents containing a total In this section, we present an analysis of the rank- of over 15 million tokens. vs-counts curves of the corpora analyzed. Of- To find tokens and sentence boundaries, cor- ten referred to as a Zipfian analysis, we counted pora were pre-processed with SpaCy (Honnibal the frequency of each token type and arranged 3 and Johnson, 2015). the counts by their respective ranks—that is, the most frequent word has a rank of 1, the second Table 1: Document and Token Counts per Category. most frequent word has a rank of 2. Natural lan- guage corpora approximately exhibit Zipf’s Law Category # docs # tokens toks/doc NDAs 791 1,955,522 2,472 (Zipf, 1949; Manning and Schutze¨ , 1999)—that a Prime Contracts 174 5,417,987 31,138 word’s frequency is inversely proportional to its Purchase Order 229 1,933,547 8,443 rank (f r 1). This distribution is difficult to Service Agreements 137 1,216,724 8,881 ∝ − Subcontracts 406 5,029,433 12,388 observe on a linear plot and is better observed on Total 1,737 15,553,213 8,954 a log-log plot, where it appears linear. For maximum comparability, we subsampled our corpora to the number of tokens in the small- 3.2 Baseline Corpora est corpus, rounded up to the nearest document. In other words, we included one whole document at We compare the contract corpora against two oth- a time until we were just in excess of the number ers: Wikipedia and the Brown Corpus. of tokens in the smallest corpus—in this case, the For Wikipedia, we used King(2018)’s re- Brown Corpus with 1,161,192 tokens. lease of the encyclopedia on Kaggle. This was pre-processed with most mark-up removed and 4.1 Results put into a SQLite database for easy accessibility Figure (1) contains a log-log plot of the rank- and reproducibility, containing 4,902,648 articles. vs-counts for each word type in the subcorpora While the database is organized on a section-by- counted. Notably, the rank-counts curve of the section basis, we retrieve all text article-by-article contract corpus bends downward around rank to mirror how we access contract documents. 1000. This bend was also previously identified in The Brown Corpus (Brown) is a representative Curtotti and McCreath(2011), who chose to jus- corpus of American English (Francis and Kuceraˇ , tify that this deviation is normal for typical English 1964, 1971, 1979). As the first digital corpus of language corpora. This is true, but juxtaposing natural language, the Brown Corpus has acted as the curves for the contracts and baseline corpora a common litmus test across experimental config- reveals that the curves of the contract subcorpora urations for decades. While more contemporary are far steeper. This means that there are far fewer corpora exist (Mair, 1997; Davies, 2010), Brown rare word types in the contract corpora than in the is much easier to access, and while specific lexi- baseline corpora—in other words, that rare words cal items themselves may have changed over the appear less often in contracts. last sixty years, we do not anticipate that the rela- Inspection of the statistics describing the curves tive distribution of lexical items in the English lan- is more revealing. Table (2)6 presents these val- guage itself to have changed dramatically in that 4 time. “fileids” are considered document bound- 5 aries; these are in some cases subsamples of whole 6We included TTR largely as a matter of convention and since the number of tokens in each sampled subcorpus is sim- 3 ilar.

23 105 NDA Brown 104 Wikipedia (English) Purchase Order Prime Contracts 3 10 Service Agreements Subcontracts 102 Token Counts



100 101 102 103 104 105 Rank

Figure 1: Log-log plots of rank vs frequency of tokens in each contract subcorpus and the baseline corpora.

Table 2: Raw Statistics on Subsamples of Corpora Investigated. C indicates the size of the whole corpus; S | | | | indicates the size of the subcorpus investigated.

Series C S # Tokens # Types TTR # Hapax H/Types H/Tokens Brown 500| | 500 | | 1,161,192 56,057 4.83% 25,559 45.59% 2.20% Wikipedia:EN 4.9M 1,559 1,161,264 78,973 6.80% 40,820 51.69% 3.52% NDA 791 484 1,164,051 17,454 1.50% 6,837 39.17% 0.59% Purchase Order 229 132 1,164,421 21,670 1.86% 8,404 38.78% 0.72% Prime Contracts 174 36 1,162,939 23,971 2.06% 9,461 39.47% 0.81% Services Agreements 137 131 1,164,687 22,854 1.96% 8,915 39.01% 0.77% Subcontracts 406 96 1,163,421 19,052 1.64% 6,670 35.01% 0.57%

24 ues, which exhibit a clear distinction between the legomena from each subcorpus. baseline corpora and the contract corpora by all Based on the given samples, we can see that in measures. The number of word types is more than both cases, the hapax legomena are often num- double at the least extreme, Prime Contracts vs bers or proper nouns. The contract corpora are Brown, and is pentupled at the extreme, NDAs vs also more susceptible to generally noisy data. The Wikipedia. These differences make sense. Prime use of capitalization for emphasis differentiated a Contracts are the most likely to be negotiated and lot of terms that otherwise appear frequently (e.g. tailored to the specific deal while NDAs are the “INTRODUCTION”), as well as unique number- least likely to be nitpicked, themselves often a ing schemes (e.g. “FP-1”). Additionally, though preliminary step to generating the larger, revenue- despite our efforts to remove data in which OCR generating deal. failed, a few examples slipped through of (e.g. The extreme case of a rare item is what is com- “wri+en” and “totheChangeinwriting”). monly referred to as a hapax legomena: a word Given these differences, we suspect further im- that is only contained once in a corpus and never provements, such as using lemmas and more care- seen again. These are visible in Figure (1) to- fully removing OCR errors, would actually am- ward the bottom right—the final “stair step” as the plify the difference in numbers of hapax legomena counts approach zero. Another measure to further between corpora. Wikipedia’s are mostly proper illuminate the difference between the baseline and nouns, so these would remain hapax legomena— contract corpora is the ratio between the number even lemmatized—while many in the contract of hapax legomena and the number of tokens in subcorpora would be lemmatized into another the corpus. Hapax / Tokens tells us “out of all the word or removed from the data entirely. These words we see in the corpus, how often do we en- modifications will amplify whatever differences counter a word that we have never seen before and were observed in this experimental configuration. never see again.” As fractions, for Brown, this ra- 4.2.2 Frequency and Use of Pronouns tio is 1/35; that is, every 35th word we see once, and never again. For Wikipedia, it is about 1/24. In some ways, pronouns—words such as “she,” For NDAs, the Hapax / Tokens ratio is 1/135; “their,” and “itself”—are the reverse of hapax for Prime Contracts, the ratio is around 1/120. Be- legomena, often being amongst the most common tween the Prime Contracts and Wikipedia, this dif- words in a corpus. However, they too appear ference is nearly 1/5—that is, for every 5 hapax less often in contracts. In both baseline corpora, legomena in the Wikipedia corpus, there is 1 in 73,521 pronouns appeared, while in the contract the Prime Contracts corpus. Extremely rare word corpora, a combined 52,764 pronouns appeared types—hapax legomena—do not appear in con- despite being 2.5 times larger than the combined tracts as often as in Brown or Wikipedia. baseline corpora. This is presumably to achieve precision and reduce ambiguity, as pronouns are 4.2 Qualitative Inspection often ambiguous and must be determined from This section presents the content of the corpora context, but not all pronouns pattern alike. studied to validate, from a qualitative perspective, The log frequency ratio shows these differences the patterns identified quantitatively. Specifically, quite well. We define the log frequency ratio in fa(w) this case to be LFa,b(w) = log , where a we examine both of these sorts of items to give 10 fb(w) qualitative context to the statistics given in Section and b are corpora, w is a token type, and fa(w) is (4.1), understanding what these differences mean the frequency of token type w in corpus a. Intu- for a rare, open class of types (hapax legomena, itively, if LFa,b(w) is zero, w appears with equal Section 4.2.1) and a frequent, closed class of types frequency in a and b; if it is negative, w appears (pronouns, Section 4.2.2). more often in b. With log base 10, LFa,b(w) = 1.0 means w appeared in corpus a 10 times as often as 4.2.1 Hapax Legomena in b, etc. We will refer to all contract corpora as Cc As discussed in Section (4), the corpora diverge and all baseline corpora as Cb. forms of x include with respect to the frequency of rare tokens in the the nominative, accusative, reflexive, and posses- corpora, particularly with respect to the number sive forms of the pronouns—so forms of “they” of hapax legomena. To further illuminate the na- include “they,” “them,” “their,” and “themselves.” ture of these, Table (3) contains examples of hapax Forms of “he” and “she” appear the most com-

25 Table 3: Examples of Hapax Legomena From the Subcorpora Analyzed.

Corpus Sample of Hapax Legomena Tokens Brown ‘ARF’, ‘Piraeus’, ‘flint’, ‘Volta’, ‘paterollers’, ‘Schmalma’, ‘melanderi’, ‘bongo’, ‘hard-to-get’, ‘Beloved’, ‘miniscule’, ‘Tower’, ‘temerity’, ‘Fay’, ‘avidly’, ... Wikipedia:EN ‘appropriates’, ‘Puschmann’, ‘Muin’, ‘AC.7’, ‘sensing’, ‘Ambas’, ‘Kalutara’, ‘Arnott’, ‘Ogrskem’, ‘48/73’, ‘Jayan’, ‘MK2020’, ‘beauticians’, ... NDA ‘disapprove’, ‘mostly’, ‘wri+en’, ‘15260’, ‘48104’, ‘Loving’, ‘EXCLUSIVE’, ‘Culver’, ‘Chih’, ‘Hwa’, ‘inch’, ‘Behalf’, ‘Opinions’, ‘HD8’, ‘appropriated’, ... Purchase ‘ASNs’, ‘FRED’, ‘Party(i)wherethereceivingPartyistheSupplier’ ‘overturn’, Order ’Navigation’, ‘work.(iii’, ‘PLU’, ‘CDI’, ‘DFFRUGDQFH’, ‘INFRINGE’, ... Prime ‘executers’, ‘Quote’, ‘derrick’, ‘FP-1’, ‘FP-3’, ‘FP-2’, ‘00:00’, ‘Ceiling’, Contracts ‘EQUITABLE’, ‘OBTAIN’, ‘fan’, ‘ticket’, ‘prolonged’, ‘Macao’, ‘19.2.2(c’, ... Services ‘Sophia(R’, ‘sacrifice’, ‘adhesives’, ‘transloader’, ‘totheChangeinwriting’, Agreements ‘salient’, ‘simulate’, ‘KG’, ‘15/29’, ‘divert’, ‘ownedbyCorsearch’, ‘biologic’, ... Subcontracts ‘ENCOURAGED’, ‘closer’, ‘INTRODUCTION’, ‘projecting’, ‘14607’, ‘CUT’, ‘Higher’, ‘interfaces’, ‘percipient’, ‘takeover’, ‘postponement’, ‘timesheet’, ... paratively infrequently, with a LF = 1.43 or “she,” “it” is also used in tightly constrained Cc,Cb − Typically, these are anaphoric; the referent is in contexts where the referent appears in close prox- the exact sentence where the lexical item was imity to the pronoun it refers to, e.g: “Each Con- used, e.g: “Employee agrees that all information tract Party warrants that it has the right to make communicated to him/her concerning the work...” disclosures...” has both the referent and the pro- where the referrent is contained in the same sen- noun in the same sentence, like “he/him” above. tence as the pronoun. Use of these pronouns are Similarly, the cataphoric use remains as well, e.g: comparatively rare in contracts. “ is the intention of the Recipient to give the Forms of “they” and “we” appear comparatively Information Provider the broadest possible protec- infreqently as well, with an LF = 0.64 and tion...” has the same local quality as the anaphoric Cc,Cb − LF = 0.54 respectively. Contracts occa- use of “it.” Nevertheless, forms of “it” appear less Cc,Cb − sionally will use “we” to denote one of the par- often than in the baseline corpora. It is often pre- ties involved in the agreement. Similarly, forms of ferred to using “he,” “she,” or “they” to refer to “you” appear quite often compared to other pro- one of the defined parties in a contract, though it nouns, with LF = 0.12. In fact, compared is still used 23% less often than expected. Cc,Cb − against Wikipedia, the LF = 0.57, As we can see, pronouns such as “she,” “he,” Cc,Wikipedia which means contracts use “you” far more often and “they” appear far less often than in other En- than it is found in Wikipedia. “you” simply does glish corpora; “it” is often used instead, parties are not make sense in an encyclopedic style, while referred to with the pronouns “we” and “you,” or on the other hand, contracts will use “you” in the explicit name of the party is used. Even so, a similar manner to “we,” defining who exactly these pronouns appear with less frequently than “you” refers to at the beginning and never chang- expected. This makes problems like anaphora ing throughout, for example, “...the terms “you resolution—one of the more sophisticated compo- and your” are used in this Agreement, the same nents of a coreference resolution system and quite shall be construed as including...” defines exactly a challenge typically—less difficult to perform on who “you” refers to. Thus, because “you” always contract language. refers to the same entity or set of entities through- out a document and because its deictic quality 5 Nearest Neighbors makes it unambiguous, this allows for its occa- Section (4) showed clear differences in the dis- sional use in contracts. tribution of tokens between contract corpora and Last of all, forms of “it” appeared with an the baseline corpora. But tokens alone do not en- LF = 0.11. Like with the rare uses of “he” tail repetition, especially if contracts are using the Cc,Cb − 26 same tokens but in novel ways. One technique to which is, due to the weighting, valued between 0 address this question is to compare the sentences and 1. within a corpus—to find, for every sentence in the From each document, vectors are prepared for corpus, what the next most similar sentence is. each sentence. If a sequence is shorter than 5 to- This gives some idea of how repetitive a corpus kens, it is removed from consideration. Adding is at the sentential level. one document at a time, and for each sentence in We considered an information theoretic ap- each subcorpus, we compute the highest dot prod- proach to this problem (Shannon, 1948; Harris, uct value with any other sentence in the corpus, 2002; Crocker et al., 2016; Degaetano-Ortlieb and excluding itself. This is done by computing all dot Teich, 2018). However, we wanted results that products and storing the highest value. were as accessible as possible to a more general Because of the sheer number of calculations, audience, and information theoretic results require this is quite a computationally intensive experi- some initiation in the nuances and meanings of ment. We restrict our analysis to the NDA corpus bits and entropy for their meaning to be clear. In- vs Brown and Wikipedia. Because the number of stead, we primarily use a unigram vector model comparisons grows exponentially, we further re- (Manning and Schutze¨ , 1999, Section 8.5.1). In a strict our analysis to the first 200 randomly se- unigram vector model, values derive from an in- lected (without replacement) documents for each tuitive pairing of identical tokens. Additionally, corpus. since the range of possible values falls on a scope from zero to one, their reflection of the similarity 5.2 Results between sentences is clear as well, with 0.0 indi- 49: NDA 49: wiki 49: brown cating no shared tokens and 1.0 meaning that all 6 tokens between two sentences are shared. 4 In this section, we conduct a second analysis of 2

0 the corpora, in this case on a sentence-by-sentence 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 basis, as opposed to merely looking at the rankings 99: NDA 99: wiki 99: brown 6 individual tokens. Our goal is to see, as we add 4 documents from the each corpus to a collection 2 of sentences under consideration, how the distri- 0 bution of similarities between sentences changes. 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 199: NDA 199: wiki 199: brown This will validate whether contract documents are 6 more repetitive at the sentential level. 4

2 5.1 Vector Model 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 From a sequence of tokens, we define a vector v: Figure 2: Histograms of the Distribution of Some of ~v = w ~w + ... + w ~w + ... + w ~w (1) 0 0 i i n n the Scores in the Nearest Neighbors Analysis. The his- togram bins have a combined area of 1. where wi is the weight of the vector in dimension ~wi, and n is the vocabulary size in the subcor- pus under analysis. Each vector dimension cor- After filtering for sequences shorter than 5 to- responds with a token type in the corresponding kens, the 200 document subsection of the NDA sentence. We normalize the weights of each vec- corpus contains 11,765 sentences; the Brown sub- tor dimension such that: section contains 20,396; the Wikipedia subsection ci contains 5,385. wi = (2) 2 Scores generated at some substeps are featured j cj in Figure (2). For the distribution of scores at each qP where ci is the counts of token type i in the sen- step, we fit a skewed normal distribution (Azzalini tence under analysis. We compute the cosine sim- and Capitanio, 1999), as implemented in SciPy.7 ilarity between two vectors ~v and ~v0 with the dot All fits were statistically significant (p < 0.001) product: past 22 documents. Figure (2) shows histograms ~v ~v0 = wi wi0 (3) · × 7 Xi 27 of the distribution of scores at three samples of Most sentences in all corpora do not have an ex- these steps at 50, 100, and 200 documents. act match. The average gives us some idea of the kind of match a typical sentence can make. Co- Table 4: Statistics of the Distribution of Scores by sine distance at the sentential level is quite picky. Number of Docs. “Average” refers to the average of all These two pairs of sentences both have the average scores at that point. “Frac Max” refers to the fraction similarity of around 0.79: of scores in the highest bin between 0.98 and 1. (1a) Any assignment without such written consent Corpus Statistic @ 50 @ 100 @ 200 shall be null and void and of no force or ef- NDA Average 0.760 0.783 0.791 fect. Wiki Average 0.551 0.592 0.590 Brown Average 0.524 0.536 0.552 NDA Frac Max 4.69% 10.65% 12.15% (1b) Any such attempted assignment shall be void Wiki Frac Max 0.89% 2.03% 1.58% and of no effect. Brown Frac Max 0.11% 0.15% 0.26% (2a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary, this Agreement Over all, as documents are added, the aver- shall be effective as of the date first above age scores slowly trend upward (Table4) between written and shall remain in full force and three and four percent. The number of sentences effect thereafter for a period of two ( 2 ) that are near exact matches (“Frac Max”) increases years, whereupon the Agreement shall auto- dramatically in the NDA corpus compared with matically terminate, unless otherwise termi- the baseline corpora as documents are added, with nated by the mutual written agreement of the almost 8% of the scores moving to the near-exact Parties. match bin. With respect to the baseline corpora, this barely moved or decreased slightly. (2b) This Agreement shall be effective as of the Effective Date and continue for a period of 5.3 Discussion five ( 5 ) years, or until termination of the Relationship, unless this Agreement is ear- The results indicate quite clearly that repetition is lier terminated by mutual written agreement even more salient at the sentential level than at the of the parties. token level. While we saw trends in the tokens that showed a greater extent of repetition in the con- We can see clear similarities between the pairs tract corpora at large, it is clear this holds at the of sentences. Both perform roughly the same sentential level, at least for NDAs, with an aver- function in a contract, albeit with some variation age sentence similarity that is 20% higher over all. in wording and specific parameters. This shows Further, the number of sentences that are identi- that even a simple alignment technique can pro- cal at 200 documents is almost 11% greater in the vide quality alignments between similar sentences NDA data than in the baseline corpora. across contracts, and given that this is the average Looking closely at the exact matches— similarity, that contracts indeed share quite a lot in sentences with a neighbor from 0.98 to 1.0—many common with one another, even when that is not in the NDA corpus are identically worded sen- an exact match between the two. tences. However, they are not identical enough Examining the distributions of each of the steps, that exact string matching is sufficient—for exam- clearly both the Brown and Wikipedia corpora are ple, they contain the same word types with differ- modeled quite well by the skew normal distribu- ent capitalization and punctuation. There are, of tions, with the curves clearly following the his- course, examples of exact repetition in the baseline tograms they describe. The skew distribution of corpora too. Wikipedia articles contain infoboxes the NDA corpus also fits significantly, though the that appear in multiple articles, and parts of them fit does not so obviously model the data; the sheer parsed as sentences are exact matches. Brown number of counts contained in the data allowed for newswire contains datelines, some of which are the model to be significant. It may be better mod- the same between articles: e.g. “Miami, Fla., eled by a superposition of two distributions, one March 17 –”. The repetition of exact phrases is covering near exact matches and the other cover- not a linguistic phenomenon unique to contracts; ing the broader distribution. Such a model may however, its frequency is greatly increased. parametrically work to model the exact matches

28 in the other two baseline corpora too, resulting in these reasons, the analysis of contract language re- improved modeling for those as well. mains intrinsically linguistic. Regardless of how we judge these models, the A more formal expression of the source of rep- degree of repetition in NDAs is much greater than etition in contract language is the fact that the the two baseline corpora, with a great quantity of speech act (Austin, 1962) performed by a contract scores skewed toward 1.0, and even the secondary itself is repetitive. While newswire and encyclope- peak appearing just below 0.8, while the two base- diae are focused on communicating new informa- line corpora peak between 0.5 and 0.6. By any tion to a reader, contracts are focused on creating measure, the NDA corpus is far more repetitive at arrangements between parties, similar to those cre- the sentential level than its baseline counterparts. ated before. This is a very different illocutionary and perlocutionary act. Consequentially, contracts 6 Discussion provide a new set of speech acts to study in NLP research, rarely seen in many of the genres of text Contract language, as opposed to most natural lan- frequently studied. However, a classification and guage corpora typically studied, is far less vari- examination of speech acts in both sets of corpora able, exhibiting far fewer rare word types and a goes well beyond the scope of this study. much higher sentence similarity. These meet our expectations, and we can definitively state the ex- 7 Conclusion tent to which contract language is repetitive: ha- pax legomena appear with 1/5th the frequency of In this study, we documented the differences be- other corpora and sentences are 20% more similar tween contract documents and the sort ubiquitous on average. These are big differences, but not so in computational linguistics. Contract documents big that they defy expectation. feature fewer hapax legomena, fewer pronouns, One may be tempted to take this to the extreme and much higher inter-sentence similarities; how- and claim that the content of contracts is itself not ever, these similarities are not so redundant that language at all,8 but this is a slippery slope fal- the need for linguistic analysis is mitigated. This lacy. There is middle ground between newswire demonstrates both the need for new models of lan- and non-language; while contract language may guage specific to contract language and also the be more repetitive, this does not entail that it is not potential reciprocal benefits to research in linguis- language. In fact, repetition is a core element of tics and computational linguistics, as contract cor- all language. With respect to tokens, this is em- pora can reduce the frequency of certain phenom- bodied in the quantitative Zipf’s law, but even at ena compared with the sort of corpora typically the discourse level, notions of repetition like in- studied. We also hope in the future to potentially tertextuality facilitate what we say and why we extend this analysis to other legal corpora and case say it (Kristeva, 1980). Idioms like “I pronounce reports. you husband and wife” have been uttered millions of times, but that does not remove them from the Acknowledgments scope of human language; rather, it endows them Thanks to Tony Davis. Also, we would like to with deeper meaning. Beyond a surplus of repeti- thank the reviewers, whose interest and feedback tion, the contract corpora exhibit the properties of has inseparably made this work stronger. language; while certain edge cases may be ampli- fied (exact sentence matches) and others reduced (hapax legomena), this is a difference in param- References eters, not a fundamental difference in form. For Robert Anderson and Jeffrey Manns. 2017. Engineer- 8A reviewer claimed that we were arguing against a ing greater efficiency in mergers and acquisitions. strawman, and that no one would claim that contracts are The Business Lawyer, 72:657–678. not language. However, this is an actual claim—albeit one that was not subject to peer-review—made by a company in Patrizia Anesa. 2007. Vagueness and precision in con- the legal technology space, “For the purpose of AI training, [technical legal] language cannot be considered a natural lan- tracts: a close relationship. Linguistica e filologia, guage. For contract review and approval, Natural Language 24:7–38. Processing (NLP) and off-the-shelf solutions do not work.” ( Shlomo Argamon, Paul Chase, and Jeff Dodick. 2005. uploads/documents/397/5408/lawgeex.pdf) The languages of science: A corpus-based study of

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30 Sentence Boundary Detection in Legal Text

George Sanchez Thomson Reuters R&D 610 Opperman Dr. Eagan, MN 55123 [email protected]

Abstract community (Read, 2012) and is almost always considered a side issue in most NLP research In this paper, we examined several efforts (Walker, 2001). Most of the algorithms algorithms to detect sentence boundaries in like decision tree classifier (Riley, 1989), Naïve legal text. Legal text presents challenges Bayes and Support Vector Machine (SVM) based for sentence tokenizers because of the models as reviewed in (Gillick, 2009), and the variety of punctuations, linguistic structure, Punkt unsupervised model (Kiss, 2006) proved to and syntax of legal text. Out-of-the-box algorithms perform poorly on legal text be highly accurate and adequate for most domain affecting further analysis of the text. A language data, such as collections of news novel and domain-specific approach is articles. These algorithms common in NLP needed to detect sentence boundaries to toolkits often perform rather poorly in specific further analyze legal text. We present the domains like the biomedical domain (Griffis, results of our investigation in this paper. 2016). We observe the same poor performance on legal and tax documents when an untrained 1 Introduction unmodified PunktSentenceTokenizer in NLTK (Bird, 2009) was used in Section 5. Algorithms Sentence Boundary Detection (SBD) is an such as Punkt, need to be customized and trained important fundamental task in any Natural for a specific domain to be effective. Language Processing (NLP) application because errors tend to propagate to high-level tasks and 3 Experiments because the obviousness of SBD errors can lead users to question the correctness and value of an We reviewed the following approach: entire product. While SBD is regarded as a • Punkt Model with Custom Abbreviations solved problem in many domains, legal text presents unique challenges. The remainder of this • Conditional Random Field paper describes those challenges and evaluates three approaches to the task, including a • Deep Learning Neural Networks modification to a commonly-used semi- supervised and rule-based library as well as two In-house rule-based SBD gathered from supervised sequence labeling approaches. We subject matter experts in the organization, where find that a fully-supervised approach is superior the author is employed at, is reaching its limits to the semi-supervised rule library. when used to process newer legal documents because more current legal documents have 2 Previous Work complex structures. Python’s Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) Punkt model proved to be good There are several out-of-the-box algorithms for enough for some time that we were able to SBD. Most of these algorithms are available in develop several customized models. This the most commonly used natural language unsupervised model approach with Punkt allowed processing (NLP) libraries. These algorithms for us greater flexibility to adapt to several SBD are a product of years of research and study collections of legal and tax documents. of natural language processing. SBD has not recently received much attention from the NLP 31 Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2019, pages 31–38 Minneapolis, Minesotta, June 7, 2019. c 2019 Association for Computational Linguistics

Nonetheless, we still found some situations • Page Numbers that refers to reporter that the customized Punkt models were not able service prints containing cited or to handle. So, we started looking into other discussed text e.g., *59 During a search methods for SBD. In this paper, we compare of the defendant's closed, but unlocked Punkt, our customized Punkt model, a Conditional Random Field (CRF) model, and a *1163 See United States v. Pina-Jaime, deep learning neural network approach. Our 332 F.3d 609, 612 (9th Cir.2003) investigation used the publicly available data in (Savelka, 2017), available at • Ellipses in sentences indicate missing words or indicate that some sentences dicatory_dec/tree/master/data_set have been deleted. This is often used for quoted text. e.g., ...After granting 4 SBD Challenges in Legal Text discretionary review, the Supreme Court, Aker, J., held that rule, which stated that Legal texts are more challenging for SDB than court most domain language data like news articles because most legal texts are structured into • Parentheticals within sentences often sections and subsections, not like the narrative occur with citations. e.g., see also United structure of a news article. Legal texts contain States v. Infante-Ruiz, 13 F.3d 498, 504- some or all of the following elements header, 505 (1st Cir.1994) (when third party footer, footnotes, or lists. The most important consent to search vehicle and trunk is sections or discussion in legal text are interleaved qualified by a warning that the briefcase with citations. The sentences may be extended or belonged to another, officers could not spread across lists. assume without further inquiry that the Legal texts also have a very particular consent extended to the briefcase) linguistic structure. These are spans of text that • Enumerated lists (whether numbered or doesn't follow a standard sentence structure but is lettered) e.g., considered important part of the text. Here are some problematic language structures that affect FINDINGS OF FACT SBD in legal text (Savelka, 2017): 1. The Veteran does meet the criteria for • Case names in document titles are best a diagnosis of posttraumatic stress treated as a sentence legal text. e.g., disorder (PTSD). UNITED STATES of America, Plaintiff– Appellee, v. Matthew R. LANGE, • Endnotes or footnotes text indicator Defendant–Appellant. often occur near sentence boundaries. e.g., and three counts of possession of • Headings in legal text provides device-making equipment, 18 U.S.C. § information about the organization of the 1029(a)(4).[2] text. The headings chunk the text into meaningful segments or issues. e.g., • Citations in sentences e.g., Thus, even ARGUMENT an “infinitesimal contribution to the disability might require full INTRODUCTION contribution.” (Id., at pp. 430–431, 133 Cal.Rptr. 809.) The Heaton court also I. BACKGROUND rejected this argument, noting that section 31722 explicitly provided for mental as • Fields with values that provide the name well as physical disabilities. of the field e.g., The dataset used for the experiments in this DOCKET NO. A–4462–13T2 paper were carefully annotated to address how Prison Number: #176948 each of the described situations above was treated. Protocols were put in place to have consistency as to what is considered a "sentence" in the dataset.


Please see (Savelka, 2017) for a thorough 6.1 Punkt (unmodified/untrained) Results discussion of how the sentences in the dataset were Predicted Actual annotated. B I L B 6652 1019 103 5 Data I 3121 188114 3525 The dataset contains decisions in the United L 136 1298 6861 States Courts (Savelka, 2017). The dataset is in four files bva.json, cyber_crime.json, Table 1– Punkt(untrained/unmodified) intellectual_property.json, and scotus.json. All of Confusion Matrix Precision Recall F1- Support the experiments used the bva.json, Score intellectual_property.json, and scotus.json for B 0.671 0.856 0.752 7774 training and development of the model. Each I 0.988 0.966 0.977 194760 model was tested on cyber_crime.json. Each file L 0.654 0.827 0.731 8295 Weighted 0.963 0.956 0.959 210829 contains several decisions with the full text of the Avg decision and a list of offsets of sentence Weighted 0.662 0.841 0.741 16069 Avg boundaries in the text. The sentences were Excluding extracted using the offsets provided to prepare the ‘I’ data for training. Each sentence was tokenized to Table 2 – Punkt (untrained/unmodified) Results create breaks between numbers, alphabetic Report characters, and punctuation. Then, each token Table 2 gives us a summary of the results was labeled ‘B’ – Beginning ‘I’ -Inside, ‘L’–Last. for Precision, Recall, F1-score, and Support of the Example: experiment. The support column is the number of Sentence: See United States v. Bailey, 227 elements in each class label. The majority of F.3d 792, 797 (7th Cir.2000); labeled tokens are “I” (Inside) , but the end of Tokens: sentence labels “L” (Last), which we need to target, ['See', 'United', 'States', 'v', are most important because it is the token label that '.', 'Bailey', ',', '227', 'F', '. represents the end of sentences. The unmodified ', '3', 'd', '792', ',', '797', ' and untrained PunktSentenceTokenizer gave us a (', '7', 'th', 'Cir', '.', '2000', weighted average F1-Score of 0.959 (Table 2) ')', ';'] including the predictions for tokens “I” (Inside) the Label: sentences. Excluding “I” (Inside), we get a ['B', 'I', 'I', 'I', 'I', 'I', 'I weighted average F1-Score of only 0.741. A ', 'I', 'I', 'I', 'I', 'I', 'I', ' precision of around 65.4% (precision for “L” I', 'I', 'I', 'I', 'I', 'I', 'I', 'I', 'I', 'L'] (Last) on Table 2) detecting end of sentences might After pre-processing all the Adjudicat not be adequate when processing large volumes of ory decisions, the dataset contains 80 documents, legal text. In comparison, (Kiss, 2006) reports an 2 26052 sentences, and the following distribution error rate of 1.02% (98.98% Precision) on the of labels. Brown corpus and 1.65% (98.35% Precision) on the WSJ. To improve the score of the Punkt model, {'B': 25126,'I': 658870, 'L': 26052} we trained it and gave it an updated abbreviation list based on the legal text domain. Please see 6 Punkt Experiment (Appendix A 1) for a sample list of abbreviations that we included in the model. The Punkt model is an unsupervised algorithm Additionally, we replace ‘\n’(newline) with an assumption that SBD can be improved if and ‘\t’ (tab) with space and “(double quotes) with abbreviations are correctly detected and then " (two single quotes) for each sentence used for eliminated (Kiss, 2006). In our investigation of training. The model was trained to learn Punkt, we used the PunktSentenceTokenizer parameters unsupervised using the cleaned without further training and a trained instance with sentences of training set files. To test the Punkt modified abbreviations. model, we used the test set file. The test labels

2 Precision calculated as 100 – error rate


were generated using the B, I, and L labels as Punkt segmentation (untrained/unmo described in (Section 4). Each document in the dified and trained/updated): test set was sentence tokenized using the model then assigned the appropriate B, I, and L labels to In Re Application for Pen Register generate the predicted labels for the test file. and Trap/Trace, 396 F. Supp. 2d 747 (S.D. 6.2 Punkt (trained/updated) Results Tex. 2005) District Court, S.D. Texas Filed: October 14th, 2005 Predicted Actual B I L 7 Conditional Random Field B 6640 1031 103 Experiment

I 2258 189844 2658 After Punkt, we evaluate the use of L 135 1311 6849 Conditional Random Field (CRF) for SBD. A CRF Table 3 – Punkt (trained/updated) Results Confusion is a random field conditioned on an observation Matrix sequence (Liu, 2005). A sentence is an excellent example of an observation sequence. CRF’s are being used successfully for a variety of text Precision Recall F1-Score Support processing tasks (Liu, 2005). We build on B 0.735 0.854 0.790 7774 Savelka’s (2017) work on using CRF for SDB for I 0.988 0.975 0.981 194760 legal text. L 0.713 0.826 0.765 8295 Weighted 0.968 0.964 0.966 210829 Avg 7.1 Feature Extraction for CRF Experiment Weighted 0.724 0.839 0.777 16069 Avg Features were extracted for each token using Excluding a window of 3 tokens before and after the token ‘I’ that is in focus. For those 3 tokens before and after, Table 4 – Punkt (trained/updated) Results Report we extracted a total of 8 features based on the

For Punkt, the added abbreviation makes the characters in the token. The combination of those model slightly better than without training and features represents a token in our feature space adding the abbreviation. For the trained and before being used to train the model. The features updated model, we get a weighted average F1- used in this experiment are based on the simple Score of 0.966 including the “I” (Inside) labels features mentioned in (Savelka, 2017). Some and 0.777 excluding the “I” (Inside). We see sample features are IsLower, IsUpper, IsSpace (see about the same F1-score on the weighted average Appendix A 2 for feature sample). Using excluding the “I” (Inside) labels. The precision on sklearn_crfsuite CRF, the model was trained using “L” (Last) labels slightly increased as well. a gradient descent L-BFGS method with a Precision is still low compared to the performance maximum of 100 iterations with L1 (0.1) and L2 of Punkt against the Brown corpus and WSJ (0.1) regularization. (Kiss, 2006). 7.2 CRF Results 6.3 Punkt SBD Errors

Both Punkt(untrained/unmodified) and Predicted Actual

Punkt(trained/updated) used periods to segment B I L sentences which do not work well with legal text. B 6738 964 72

I 469 193810 481 Sentence segmentation as labeled: L 95 1072 7128 In Re Application for Pen Register Table 5 - CRF Results Confusion Matrix and Trap/Trace, 396 F. Supp. 2d 74 7 (S.D. Tex. 2005) District Court, S.D. Texas Filed: October 14th, 2005


Precision Recall F1-Score Support s of defendants Cel - Net Commun B 0.923 0.867 0.894 7774 ications, Inc. (" Cel - Net "); I 0.990 0.995 0.992 194760 The Cellular Network Communicati L 0.928 0.859 0.892 8295 ons, Inc., doing business as CNC Weighted 0.985 0.985 0.985 210829 Avg G ("CNCG"); and SD Telecommunica Weighted 0.925 0.863 0.893 16069 tions, Inc. ("SD Telecom"). Avg Excluding ‘I’ CRF’s segmentation: Defendants Simon Blitz and Daniel Table 6 - CRF Results Report Gazal are the sole shareholders of The CRF model gave us a weighted average defendants Cel - Net Communication F1 -Score of 0.985 (Table 6) including the s, Inc. (" Cel - Net"); The Cellul predictions for tokens “I” (Inside) the sentences. ar Network Communications, Inc., d Excluding this, we get 0.893. The precision on “L” oing business as CNCG ("CNCG"); an d SD Telecommunications, Inc. (" S (Last) labels for the CRF model is acceptable at D Telecom "). 92.8%. As indicated in the frequency distribution 8 Neural Networks Experiment (Section 4), the “I” (Inside) labels are the majority of the tokens. The huge number of “I” (Inside) After CRF, token context gives a significant presents an imbalance for this classification task performance gain for detecting sentence but excluding “I” (Inside) for learning, we would boundaries. The imbalance of the class labels is an lose the tendencies of the corpus. Keeping the “I” inherent characteristic of the SBD task because (Inside) during training would preserve the sentence endings would occur at a rate, we see in semantics of the sentences. the distribution frequency in written legal text for however many labeled training examples. 7.3 CRF SBD Errors We experimented with a deep learning neural Here are some of the CRF’s most common errors: network representing sentence tokens as a fixed 1. Citations as sentences dimensional vector that encoded the context of the text using word embeddings. Gensim word2vec Sentence segmentation as labeled: (Mikolov 2013) was trained on all the Franklin also moved to dismiss Adjudicatory decision data pre-processed as eleven of the fourteen copyright tokens as described in Section 4 in 200 epochs. We infringement counts on the ground used an embedding size of 300 using the skip-gram that Apple failed to comply with the model with negative sampling. Please see procedural requirements for suit Appendix A 3 for the Gensim Word2vec under parameters that were used. 17 U. S. C. § § 410, 411. < 714 F. 2 d 1245 > 8.1 Neural Network Training

CRF’s segmentation: The neural network was trained using the Franklin also moved to dismiss ele training data, pre-processed as described in Section ven of the fourteen copyright infr 4. Each sentence token is represented as the ingement counts on the ground that concatenation of the vectors of word2vec Apple failed to comply with the pr embedding using a 3-word window plus 8 features ocedural requirements for suit und (See Appendix A 4) similar to the one we used in er 17 U. S. C. § § 410, 411. < 714 F. 2 d 1245 > CRF experiment, which will be the input vectors to the network. 2. Semi-colon or colon as a sentence The neural network model’s architecture is ending. a stack of Bi-Directional LSTM with a softmax output layer. Sentence segmentation as labeled: Defendants Simon Blitz and Danie l Gazal are the sole shareholder


Supreme Court of the United States Filed: November 13th, 2001 Precedential Status: Preced ential

NN’s Segmentation: TRW Inc. v. Andrews, 534 U. S. 19 (200 1) Supreme Court of the Unit ed States Filed: November 13 th, 2001 Precedential

Figure 1- Neural Network Architecture Sentence segmentation as la The model was trained for 40 epochs using beled: See 15 U. S. C. § § 1681 n, an Adam optimizer with learning rate set to 0.001 1681 o (1994 ed.). [2] and categorical cross-entropy as the loss function, The facts of this case are a validation split of 15% and shuffling. We opted for the most part undispute to use categorical cross-entropy because of its d. tendency to perform well on an imbalanced training set. Early stopping was also employed for NN’s Segmentation: up to 38 out of the 40 epochs (model training will . ) . [2] The facts of this stop if we see the model’s loss increase after 38 case are for the most part epochs). The model was tested using the test data undisputed. set. 2. Specific tokens as sentence endings, e.g., "the," "With." 8.2 Neural Network Results Sentence segmentation as la beled: Predicted Actual With him on the briefs was B I L Harold R. Fatzer, Attorney General. B 6993 668 113 John W. Davis argued the ca I 816 193158 786 use for appellees in No. 2 L 95 870 7330 on the original argument an Table 7 - Neural Network Results Confusion Matrix d for appellees in Nos. 2 a nd 4 on the reargument. H. Albert Young, Attorney G eneral of Delaware, argued Precision Recall F1-Score Support the cause for petitioners i B 0.885 0.900 0.892 7774 n No. 10 on the original ar I 0.992 0.992 0.992 194760 gument and on the reargumen L 0.891 0.884 0.887 8295 t. Weighted 0.984 0.984 0.984 210829 Avg With him on the briefs was Weighted 0.888 0.891 0.890 16069 Louis J. Finger, Special De Avg puty Attorney General. Excluding ‘I’ NN’s segmentation: Table 8 - Neural Network Results Report With

8.3 Neural Network SBD Errors him on the briefs was Harol d R. Fatzer, Attorney Gener 1. Periods took on a different context. al. John W. Davis argued th Sentence segmentation as la e cause for appellees in N beled: o. 2 on the original argume TRW Inc. v. Andrews, 534 U. nt and for appellees in No S. 19 (2001) s. 2 and 4 on the reargumen t. H. Albert Young, Attorne


y General of Delaware, argu Riley MD. Some applications of tree-based modeling ed the to speech and language. Proc Work Speech Nat cause for petitioners in N Lang. 1989;(2):339–52. o. 10 on the original argum Gillick, D. (2009). Sentence boundary detection and ent and on the reargument. the problem with the US. In Proceedings of Human With him on the briefs was Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Louis J. Finger, Special De Conference of the North American Chapter of the puty Association for Computational Linguistics, Companion Volume: Short Papers (pp. 241-244). 9 Conclusion Kiss, T., & Strunk, J. (2006). Unsupervised Out of the box sentence tokenization from multilingual sentence boundary detection. popular NLP libraries like NLTK maybe be good Computational Linguistics, 32(4), 485-525. enough for most general domain NLP tasks. Bird, S., Klein, E., & Loper, E. (2009). Natural However, in the legal domain, a Punkt model needs language processing with Python: analyzing text to be trained and updated to have reasonable with the natural language toolkit. " O'Reilly Media, performance on SBD especially for use with large Inc.". bodies of legal text. The custom abbreviations with Griffis, D., Shivade, C., Fosler-Lussier, E., & Lai, A. the Punkt model that we use are a product of the M. (2016). A quantitative and qualitative evaluation legal expertise within our organization. Without of sentence boundary detection for the clinical such expertise, labeled legal domain text can be domain. AMIA Summits on Translational Science used to train several algorithms to do SBD on legal Proceedings, 2016, 88. text. Liu, Y., Stolcke, A., Shriberg, E., & Harper, M. (2005). The CRF approach proves to be the most Using conditional random fields for sentence practical approach after comparing the results of boundary detection in speech. In Proceedings of the our experiment. The neural network model’s 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL’05) (pp. 451- performance on token classification did not 458). translate to a better SBD compared to the CRF Model. Ease of training and testing are an Savelka, J., Walker, V. R., Grabmair, M., & Ashley, K. advantage of using the CRF approach. There is D. (2017). Sentence boundary detection in adjudicatory decisions in the united room for future improvement for both the CRF and states. Traitement Automatique des langues, 58(2), the neural network approaches. For CRF, 21-45. collocation features might be helpful. A different word embedding like BERT or weight balancing Palmer, D. D., & Hearst, M. A. (1997). Adaptive multilingual sentence boundary disambiguation. might improve the performance for the deep Computational Linguistics, 23(2), 241-267. learning neural network model. The publicly available data used in the Mikolov, T., Sutskever, I., Chen, K., Corrado, G. S., & experiments above are limited and constrained, but Dean, J. (2013). Distributed representations of words and phrases and their it is a good starting point. There is a lot more compositionality. Advances in neural information variety of legal text that was not represented in the processing systems, 3111-3119. data — for example, tax documents, dockets, and headnotes. A Appendices References 1. Custom Abbreviation List Read, J., Dridan, R., Oepen, S., & Solberg, L. J. (2012). ['sec','jan','feb','mar','apr','m Sentence boundary detection: A long solved ay','jun','jul','aug','sep','sept problem?. Proceedings of COLING 2012: Posters, ','oct','nov','dec','b.f','k.o',' 985-994. l.b','h.e','h.r','o.j','n.j','u.n Walker, D. J., Clements, D. E., Darwin, M., & Amtrup, ','s.b','p.a','s.f','h.b','e.o',' J. W. (2001, September). Sentence boundary w.s', detection: A comparison of paradigms for 'g.i','p.s','g.m','p.c','m.e','a. improving MT quality. In Proceedings of the MT w','m.d','m.a','b.s','j.d','b.a', Summit VIII (Vol. 58). 'i.q','e.r']


2. CRF Sample Feature character is upper case the rest is lower case isdigit = binary feature which is ['bias','0:lower=,','0:sig=,','0:len set to true if all character tokens gth=1','0:islower=false','0:isupper= are digits false','0:istitle=false','0:isdigit= isspace = binary feature which is false','0:isspace=false','-3:BOS','- set to true if all token characters 2:lower=patrick','-2:sig=CCCCCCC','- are whitespace 2:length=long','-2:islower=false','- 2:isupper=true','- 3. Gensim Word2Vec training 2:istitle=false','- parameters 2:isdigit=false','- 2:isspace=false','- sg=1, hs=1, window=5, min_count=100, 1:lower=maloney','-1:sig=CCCCCCC','- workers=4, negative=10, ns_exponent=1 1:length=long','-1:islower=false','- 1:isupper=true','- sg = skip-gram model 1:istitle=false','- hs = use hierarchical softmax 1:isdigit=false','- min_count = ignores all words with 1:isspace=false','1:lower=on','1:sig total frequency less than this =cc','1:length=2','1:islower=true',' workers = no. of worker threads 1:isupper=false','1:istitle=false',' negative = negative sampling 1:isdigit=false','1:isspace=false',' ns_exponent = negative sampling 2:lower=behalf','2:sig=cccccc','2:le distribution value of 1.0 samples are ngth=normal','2:islower=true','2:isu proportional to the frequencies pper=false','2:istitle=false','2:isd igit=false','2:isspace=false','3:low 4. Neural Network input additional er=of','3:sig=cc','3:length=2','3:is lower=true','3:isupper=false','3:ist Features itle=false','3:isdigit=false','3:iss pace=false'] isUpper = binary feature which is set Legend: to true if all token characters are -3 = before in upper case -2 = before isLower= binary feature which is set -2 = before to true if all token characters are 0 = current token in lower case 1 = after isDigit= binary feature which is set 2 = after to true if all character tokens are 3 = after digits bias = string constant isSpace= binary feature which is set BOS = Beginning of Sentence to true if all token characters are EOS = End of Sentence whitespace lower= token in lowercase isPunctuation= binary feature which sig= word shape of token is set to true if the token is a C=upper case character punctuation c=lower case character Next Word Capitalized = binary D=digit feature which is set to true if the length= length of token next word’s first character is (< 4)= str(len(token)) capitalized (>=4 token <=6) = “normal” Previous Word Lower= binary feature (>6) = “long” which is set to true if the previous islower = binary feature which is word’s first character is in lower set to true if all token characters case are in lower case Previous Word Single Char= binary isupper = binary feature which is feature which is set to true if the set to true if all token characters previous word a single character are in upper case istitle = binary feature which is set to true if the first token


Legal Linking: Citation Resolution and Suggestion in Constitutional Law

Robert Shaffer∗ Stephen Mayhew∗ Perry World House Computer and Information Science University of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract multiple Constitutional rights.1 However, without an automated linking system, identifying instances This paper describes a dataset and baseline of rhetorical “commingling” of rights is labor- systems for linking paragraphs from court intensive. Outside the American context, even cases to clauses or amendments in the US simple data on the frequency with which judges in- Constitution. We implement a rule-based sys- tem, a linear model, and a neural architec- voke particular constitutional rights are difficult to ture for matching pairs of paragraphs, tak- gather. A generic, automated system capable of in- ing training data from online databases in a ferring links between sections of judicial opinions distantly-supervised fashion. In experiments and related legal texts2 would therefore be valu- on a manually-annotated evaluation set, we able for legal and political science researchers. find that our proposed neural system outper- With this motivation, we present a method for forms a rules-driven baseline. Qualitatively, linking pairs of documents – here, Supreme Court this performance gap seems largest for abstract case paragraphs and Constitution sections – based or indirect links between documents, which suggests that our system might be useful for on distantly-annotated training data. Our model answering political science and legal research operates on the level of short pieces of text, such questions or discovering novel links. We re- as paragraphs, and gives a binary decision between lease the dataset along with the manually- pairs of texts, marking a presence or absence of annotated evaluation set to foster future work. a link. As we describe, a key challenge we face is that our training data are generated using rules- 1 Introduction based heuristics, and are thus highly incomplete. As a result, one of our main contributions is a data Authors of legal texts are frequently interested preprocessing step that “strips” rules-based lan- in understanding how their document relates to guage from the training data. In our experiments, a knowledge base or to some reference text or we find that this step combined with a modern corpus. Because legal reasoning relies on ref- neural network model allows our system to sub- erences to preexisting precedent, identifying the stantially outperform both rules-driven and non- documents or document sections (e.g. court cases; neural baselines on a manually-tagged evaluation constitutional provisions) that relate to the au- set. Qualitatively, this performance gap appears thor’s current argument or topic of interest is an largest for paragraphs that contain abstract or indi- important task. However, constructing these ref- rect references to Constitutional provisions, which erence links is labor-intensive, particularly if the suggests that the system we propose might also be set of reference texts is large or the link is ambigu- useful for discovering new links not identified by ous. Automating this linkage task therefore offers existing techniques. useful assistance for authors of legal texts. Linking systems of this kind are also useful for answering important political science and legal re- 1E.g., Lamb’s Chapel v. Center Moriches Union Free search questions. For example, in US Constitu- School District (508 U.S. 384) and related religious speech cases, which successfully combine free speech and free ex- tional law, the Supreme Court has anecdotally ap- ercise of religion arguments. See McCloskey and Levinson peared more receptive to arguments that combine (2016, 162-163) for further discussion. 2E.g. other national constitutions, as in Elkins et al. ∗Authors contributed equally. Order chosen by coin flip. (2014).

39 Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2019, pages 39–44 Minneapolis, Minesotta, June 7, 2019. c 2019 Association for Computational Linguistics

2 Related Work Inspecting these data, we noticed that the anno- tation was inconsistent and incomplete. For ex- In the legal domain, initiatives including the Cor- ample, not all paragraphs with the phrase “First nell Legal Information Institute have constructed Amendment” linked to the First Amendment. To standardized citation templates to assist users in- solve this problem, we manually created a small terested in linking citations of various formats (see list of rules for annotation. The list contained Casanovas et al.(2016) for an overview). How- about 100 rules, and consisted mainly of map- ever, these systems are not designed to infer ci- ping amendment names (“Seventh Amendment” tations based on plain-text excerpts, which is our or “7th Amendment”) to the correct label. We problem of interest. Schwartz et al.(2015) pro- also included several representative phrases, such pose a topic model-based approach that suggests as “free speech”, “due process clause”, and others. citations to relevant US Supreme Court case law After this annotation, we had 36k paragraphs ∼ based on user-inputted free text. Because this sys- with at least one link, and 41k links total. ∼ tem only draws links between excerpts and full Though convenient, this process created certain Supreme Court cases, it is coarser than ours, but trivial dependencies between linked paragraphs, provides perhaps the closest point of comparison which might limit a model’s ability to general- in the legal domain (Branting, 2017). A closer ize. Because hyperlinks and rules are associated comparison point is Nomoto(2018), who propose with text, all linked paragraphs necessarily contain an approach that infers paragraph-level citation rule strings that correspond to the linked Constitu- links between published scientific papers. tion section. For example, all paragraphs that link The methods that we adopt to solve this prob- to the First Amendment necessarily contain rule lem draw inspiration from several fields in natu- strings such as “First Amendment”, “1st Amend- ral language processing (NLP) and machine learn- ment”, or “Amendment I”. A model trained on this ing, including multilabel classification (Boutell dataset would likely treat the presence/absence of et al., 2004; Nam et al., 2014), dataless classi- strings like these as strong classification signals, fication (Chang et al., 2008), citation resolution which is undesirable if the goal is to identify links (Duma and Klein, 2014), and entity linking (Rati- between paragraphs that do not explicitly mention nov et al., 2011; Shen et al., 2015). Our method the name of the linked paragraph. of collecting training data is reminiscent of distant To encourage the model to move beyond these supervision techniques (Mintz et al., 2009). trivial patterns, we therefore create a modified copy of our training set, which we term the 3 Data Collection “stripped” dataset. In the “stripped” dataset, we To obtain training data, we draw on the Cornell randomly select half of the training examples, Legal Information Institute (Cornell LII)’s reposi- and delete all hyperlink or rule strings that occur tory of US Supreme Court opinion texts.3 We be- within the text of these training examples, leaving gan by scraping all text associated with all opin- potentially disfluent sentences. We delete hyper- ions available through the Cornell LII site. For link and rule strings from only half of training ex- each case, we then removed all HTML markup, amples because presence of a phrase such as “First editorial information, and other non-opinion lan- Amendment” is still a strong linking signal which guage (e.g. footnotes, case summaries, or front we would like to preserve. matter), and split the remaining text into para- In our evaluations, we assess model perfor- graphs. For each paragraph, we then checked mance on both the original and “stripped” datasets whether that paragraph contained a hyperlink to separately. We emphasize that this “stripping” a section of the US Constitution. If any hyperlinks process does not change the number of observa- were present, we stored the paragraph and linked tions in either our training or evaluation sets. In- Constitution section(s) as training pair(s). Finally, stead, the “stripping” step simply removes rule we removed any duplicate paragraphs. This pro- strings from certain training examples, which (we cess left us with a total dataset of 328k unique suggest) compels our downstream tagging model ∼ paragraphs, of which 8k contained at least one to move beyond simply re-learning the rules we ∼ link, and a total of 11k links. use to construct our training set. ∼ 3

40 3.1 Manual Annotations

To assess model performance, we hand-annotated Feed-forward Constitutional references in all paragraphs (n = 1241) from an additional five Supreme Court cases: Griswold v. Connecticut (381 U.S. 479),

Miranda v. Arizona (384 U.S. 436), US v. Nixon doc2vec doc2vec (418 U.S. 683), Texas v. Johnson (491 U.S. 397), and NFIB v. Sebelius (567 U.S. 519). We empha- size that these cases were not selected randomly. Since most Supreme Court cases infrequently ref- erence the Constitution, we chose these cases be- cause they litigate important constitutional law questions, and are therefore likely to contain a … … high density of positive examples with which to The judge … Amendment Excessive bail … inflicted assess model performance. Court document section Constitution section These five cases provide two other desirable properties for an evaluation set. First, each of Figure 1: Diagram of the neural network architecture these cases addresses a different legal issue (e.g. for a single binary classifier in the multilabel space. criminal rights in Miranda; free speech in Texas v. Token embeddings are from BERT, and we use a single doc2vec for both paragraphs. This system is described Johnson). As a result, each case is likely to contain in Section 4.3, and corresponds to equations (1)-(3). references to a distinct set of Constitutional provi- The refers to element-wise multiplication. sions. Second, these cases also vary substantially in rhetorical style. For example, Justice Douglas’s opinion in Griswold famously references and con- 4.1 Rule-based nects the “penumbras” of various Constitutional An intuitive baseline is to use the rules defined for provisions in order to identify a right to privacy. the annotation process as the entire labeling strat- Since most of these references consist of passing egy. Instead of applying these rules to the training references to standard provision names (e.g. “First data, we apply them to the test data directly. As Amendment”; “Due Process Clause”), we expect with any rule-based system, we would expect that the links in Griswold to be “easy” to predict. By this achieves high precision and low recall. contrast, US v. Nixon and NFIB v. Sebelius tackle abstract questions regarding the scope of Presiden- 4.2 Linear Model tial and Congressional powers. As a result, they Beyond the rule-based system, we also imple- are more likely to indirectly reference Constitu- mented a linear multi-label classifier. Our imple- tional provisions, thus providing a more substan- mentation is a variant of the so-called Binary Rele- tial challenge, and more room to improve. vance framework (Boutell et al., 2004; Nam et al., 2014), which builds a separate classifier for each 4 Methods label. As such, the problem decomposes to build- C Our data are defined in terms of input documents ing C separate classifiers: h(d) h (d) | | , → { i }i=1 D, and reference documents C. The goal of the where h (d) 0, 1 . i → { } task is to link an input document d D to zero We used logistic regression as the model, and ∈ or more reference documents. Formally, we will used unigrams, bigrams, and trigrams as fea- create a model of the form h(d) y, where tures. Since the training data is wildly imbalanced C → y 0, 1 | | and yi = 1 if d is to be linked to towards unmatched paragraphs, we employ two ∈ { } C document ci C. If y = 0 | |, this means that d tricks in our training. First, as a preprocessing ∈ { } links to no paragraph (true for most pieces of text, step, we selected all examples with links, but sub- including this paragraph). sampled the unmatched examples such that there We emphasize that our aim in this preliminary was an equal number of matched and unmatched. work is not to discover the best architecture for Second, we downweighted all negative examples this task, but to provide strong baselines for future in training by a constant factor. This deals with work to build on. the fact that every positive example for one class

41 Model P R F1 and dropout 0.5. This embedder converts a se- quence of embeddings into a fixed length by run- Rule-based 47.0 62.2 91.8 ning the bidirectional LSTM over the sequence Linear (original) 79.0 45.8 58.0 and concatenating the resulting context vectors Linear (stripped) 68.3 54.3 60.5 from each direction. This document representa- Neural Network (original) 82.1 46.8 59.6 tion then has length equal to twice the hidden di- Neural Network (stripped) 76.5 56.2 64.8 mension of the LSTM, corresponding to the con- catenation of the left and right context vectors. Table 1: Results on the manually annotated test set. The top row uses the rule based classifier. The bottom We employed the same negative sampling and two rows use the neural network model trained on the negative reweighting techniques for this model as original and stripped training sets respectively. described for the linear model.

4.4 Evaluation is a negative example for all other classes, and also During training, we tuned according to a split of that the quality of annotation is unsure, as in (Liu the original train data. Since this data is automati- et al., 2003). cally generated, it is not a good indicator of perfor- mance. Instead, we report all of our results on the 4.3 Neural Network Model manually annotated test set, described in Section In addition to the two prior baselines, we model 3.1. Since the decision from most of the classifiers this problem using a neural network classifier. will be 0, we evaluate the outputs of our model us- Inspired by work in dataless classification ing F1 measure, calculated without regard to any (Chang et al., 2008), a key observation in this individual class. model is that each element in the output vector y All of our code, data, and trained models are represents a document, not just a label. Under this available online.5 observation, we can create a meaningful represen- tation for each label which gives an additional sig- 5 Results and Analysis nal for classification. As such, we use the index i Table1 shows our main results. As expected, the to retrieve ci, and rewrite the decision function as rules-based approach gives high precision but low hi(d, ci) 0, 1 . Ultimately, we define a single → { } recall on the manually annotated set. model for all hi( ) as follows: · Interestingly, the linear and neural models 2k trained on the original (unstripped) data achieve vd = d2v(T (d)), vd R (1) ∈ 2k similar recall as the rule-based method, but suffer vci = d2v(T (ci)), vci R (2) ∈ in precision. One explanation is that the imbal- hi(d, ci) = f(vd vc ) (3) anced distribution of labels in the training set leads i to overfitting of frequently-attested labels (hence Where T is a token embedding function, d2v the similar recall), and poor performance on all is a document embedding function (with hidden others (hence the drop in precision). The exam- states of size k), and f is a feed forward neu- ples in Table2 reinforce this idea. ral network layer that projects to two dimensions. Finally, the “stripped” results for each model Loosely speaking, the function hi can be under- show lower precision but higher recall relative to stood as measuring the similarity between the vec- the original setting. We consider this an encourag- tor representations of d and ci. We used allennlp ing first step, which shows that the rule-stripping to build our systems (Gardner et al., 2017). Our approach is important to prevent the model from architecture is depicted in Figure1. simply re-learning deterministic training set rules. For the token embedding layer T , we used the This pattern is particularly noticeable for the neu- BERT base cased pretrained embeddings (Devlin ral network model, which achieves the highest re- et al., 2018), as provided by huggingface.4 For the call and highest overall performance of all ap- document embedding layer d2v, we used a bidi- proaches when trained on the “stripped” data. rectional LSTM with hidden size 300, 2 layers, In Table2, we show some examples of pre-

4 5 pytorch-pretrained-BERT/ legal-linking

42 Input sentence Rule Pred. NN Pred. The defendant argued that their right to free speech First Amendment First Amendment had been chilled. This was a Second Amendment case. Second Amendment Second Amendment This was a Ninth Amendment case. Ninth Amendment Sixth Amendment, Eighth Amendment The court argued that the punishment was not only Unmatched Eighth Amendment cruel, but also unusual. The decision in Escobedo v. Illinois, 378 U.S. 478, Unmatched Fifth Amendment stressed the need for protective devices to make the process of police interrogation conform to the dic- tates of the privilege.

Table 2: A comparison of predictions from the rule-based system and the neural network model (stripped). The linear model is omitted to save space. Bold text represents text matching a rule. The three table sections correspond to examples on which 1) both models are correct 2) only rule-based is correct, and 3) only the neural network is correct. The last example is taken from the manually annotated test examples, with some formatting removed. dictions from the rule-based system and the neu- 6 Conclusions ral network model (the linear model is omitted to save space). The table has three sections, cor- We have introduced a new task for linking portions responding to examples on which 1) both mod- of text from Supreme Court cases to the US Con- els are correct, 2) only rule-based is correct, and stitution, some data supporting this task (although 3) only the neural network is correct. The ex- with incomplete annotations), and some baseline ample from the second section (“Ninth Amend- models, including a rule-based system, a linear ment case”) is interesting in how it contrasts with model, and a neural network system. Although the nearly identical sentence above it (“Second the neural network system outperforms both the Amendment case”). Naturally, the rule-based sys- rule-based and linear systems, there is still further tem correctly tags both, but the neural network exploration to be done both in the direction of au- is only correct on the “Second Amendment” sen- tomatic or distant labeling, and in problem mod- tence. This is likely because of imbalances in the elling. We look forward to other researchers using training data, such that sentences with the phrase this dataset for future work. “Second Amendment” are common, but sentences From a practical perspective, we anticipate that with the phrase “Ninth Amendment” are much less this dataset could be used to give valuable insights common. In fact, in the training split we used, the on research questions of interest to the world of phrase “Ninth Amendment” appeared less than 10 political science. For example, these data could times out of nearly 40K examples. be used to study which amendments tend to see The bottom section shows the power of the higher litigation rates according to the period in neural network model. Words such as “cruel”, the Supreme Court, or rhetorical co-citation of “punishment”, and “unusual” are distinctive of the Constitution sections. Eighth Amendment, even though they are in a dif- ferent order. Similarly, “the privilege” is a com- Acknowledgments mon shorthand for the Fifth Amendment’s protec- This work was supported in part by a gift from tions against self-incrimination (“No person [...] Google and by contract HR0011-15-2-0025 with shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a the US Defense Advanced Research Projects witness against himself” “the privilege against → Agency (DARPA). The views expressed are those self-incrimination” “the privilege”). Such ex- → of the authors and do not reflect the official policy amples are of particular interest to legal practi- or position of the Department of Defense or the tioners, but are difficult to capture in a rules-based U.S. Government. framework.

43 References networks. In Joint european conference on machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases, Matthew R Boutell, Jiebo Luo, Xipeng Shen, and pages 437–452. Springer. Christopher M Brown. 2004. Learning multi- label scene classification. Pattern recognition, Tadashi Nomoto. 2018. Resolving citation links with 37(9):1757–1771. neural networks. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 3:31. L Karl Branting. 2017. Data-centric and logic-based models for automated legal problem solving. Artifi- Lev Ratinov, Dan Roth, Doug Downey, and Mike cial Intelligence and Law, 25(1):5–27. Anderson. 2011. Local and global algorithms for disambiguation to wikipedia. In Proceedings Pompeu Casanovas, Monica Palmirani, Silvio Peroni, of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association Tom van Engers, and Fabio Vitali. 2016. Semantic for Computational Linguistics: Human Language web for the legal domain: the next step. Semantic Technologies-Volume 1, pages 1375–1384. Associ- Web, 7(3):213–227. ation for Computational Linguistics. Ming-Wei Chang, Lev Ratinov, Dan Roth, and Vivek T Schwartz, M Berger, and J Hernandez. 2015. A legal Srikumar. 2008. Importance of semantic representa- citation recommendation engine using topic model- tion: Dataless classification. In AAAI. ing and semantic similarity. In Law and big data workshop, 15th international conference on artifi- Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, and cial intelligence and law. Kristina Toutanova. 2018. Bert: Pre-training of deep bidirectional transformers for language understand- Wei Shen, Jianyong Wang, and Jiawei Han. 2015. En- ing. arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.04805. tity linking with a knowledge base: Issues, tech- niques, and solutions. IEEE Transactions on Knowl- Daniel Duma and Ewan Klein. 2014. Citation reso- edge and Data Engineering, 27(2):443–460. lution: A method for evaluating context-based cita- tion recommendation systems. In Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Compu- tational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers), vol- ume 2, pages 358–363.

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44 Litigation Analytics: Case outcomes extracted from US federal court dockets

Thomas Vacek∗, Ronald Teo∗, Dezhao Song∗, Timothy Nugent†, Conner Cowling∗ and Frank Schilder∗ †Refinitiv ∗Thomson Reuters R&D 30 South Colonnade 610 Opperman Drive Canary Wharf Eagan, MN 55123, USA London E145EP, UK [email protected] [email protected]


Dockets contain a wealth of information for planning a litigation strategy, but the infor- mation is locked up in semi-structured text. Manually deriving the outcomes for each party (e.g., settlement, verdict) would be very labor intensive. Having such information available for every past court case, however, would be very useful for developing a strategy because it potentially reveals tendencies and trends of judges and courts and the opposing counsel. We used Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques and deep learning methods allow- ing us to scale the automatic analysis of mil- lions of US federal court dockets. The au- tomatically extracted information is fed into a Litigation Analytics tool that is used by lawyers to plan how they approach concrete litigations.

1 Introduction This paper focuses on the creation of an index of case outcomes for a given docket, which we define Figure 1: The final case outcome is Settled, as entry as the legal procedure which resolves the case. By [23] indicates. Entries [19, 31, 32] are candidate en- the nature of this definition, a case may have only tries for potential outcomes, but ultimately incorrect because of [23]. one outcome. The case outcome is distinguishable from the outcomes for each party in the case, as some parties may be dismissed or receive judg- by (Nallapati and Manning, 2008), who devel- ment prior to the end of the case. oped an approach determining one specific pro- Dockets of US Federal Court cases contain the cedure type (i.e., summary judgment). This ap- description of the various steps that lead to the proach does not take into account any sequence overall outcome (e.g., settlement, verdict). The information, whereas the other two deep learning language describing these steps (i.e., filing a mo- based approaches we utilized do. The first ap- tion, an order by a judge, a dismissal) are not stan- proach uses a CNN-GRU architecture based on the dardized among the various courts. In addition, TF-IDF vectors created for each docket entry. The the outcome is derived from a sequence of docket second approach is a simplified hierarchical RNN entries and requires global information. approach called Nested GRU modeling the words The current work explores how various machine of each docket entry and using those for modeling learning approaches can be used in order to solve the sequence of all docket entries in an RNN se- the problem of assigning an outcome to a given quence model. Finally, an ensemble method via a docket. We start with an SVM approach inspired GBM combines the outputs of all three classifiers

45 Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2019, pages 45–54 Minneapolis, Minesotta, June 7, 2019. c 2019 Association for Computational Linguistics in order to determine the final outcome. system is able to accurately determine a small per- Results show that the deep learning approaches centage of cases that are likely to have an inaccu- outperform the SVM based approach, but there is rate extracted outcome, which should be reviewed no statistically significant difference between the by a human. two deep learning methods and the system that The case outcome task is distinguishable from combines all three approaches. The combined sys- other classic problem formulations in the NLP tem also provided the input for an actual system space. Classical approaches to document classi- deployed to customers who utilize the analytics fication fail for several reasons: First, distribu- derived from the 8 million US Federal dockets for tional assumptions in document classification are their litigation planning. not valid because parties can spend a great deal The US Federal Court system, including dis- of effort on issues that ultimately have no bear- trict trial courts, bankruptcy courts, and appel- ing on the outcome of the case. For example, a late courts, all use an electronic records system docket may contain minutes of many days at trial, that provides public access via a government com- but the judgment was granted as a matter of law, puter system called PACER (Public Access to indicated by a few terse words in the docket. Sec- Court Electronic Records). The system maintains ond, negation is frequently critical. For example, databases giving metadata associations of parties there are a significant number of docket entries to cases, attorneys to parties, filing and closing which say something like, ”Settlement conference dates of the cases, related groups of filings, and a held. Case not settled.” Finally, the problem re- high-level outcome of each case. Pacer also holds quires extraction of a large classes of related facts. the official record of the case, which is all the doc- For example, a great deal of time and effort may uments pertaining to the case filed by the parties, pass before a judge issues a ruling on a motion. In their counsel, and the court. In addition to the doc- addition, even though the case outcome problem uments themselves, there is a concise summary of is inherently sequential, dockets don’t satisfy the each document written by the filer (and in recent Markov assumption, as events can have skipping times, based on a generated suggested text created dependencies. by template), as well as the record of events for Figure 1,1 for example, describes a case that which no record document exists such as minor ends with a settlement even though the last two hearings. We believe that the intricacy and nuance entries simply state that the case was closed (i.e., of court procedures, as well as attorneys’ percep- dismissed) and all pending motions including a tion of how to use procedure to their clients’ ad- motion for summary judgment were dismissed. vantage, has and will continue to cause the court Based only on these entries, the case would be system to be resistant to the adoption of fully dig- dismissed, but entry [23] contains language that ital workflows. Thus, dockets will contain signif- points to a settlement without actually mentioning icant unstructured data for the foreseeable future, settlement, but the acceptance of an offer of judg- and the task of defining, extracting, and indexing ment indicates this kind of outcome. important litigation events falls to third parties and This paper describes in more detail how the requires NLP techniques. problem of detecting the outcome for a case can The metadata outcome information from be solved and provides an overview of how we PACER and the case outcome that we seek to utilized machine learning including deep learn- index are indeed similar. There are two reasons ing capabilities in combination with manual re- why the metadata element is not sufficient by view. First, we describe the background of the itself: First, it is frequently inaccurate, apparently case outcome problem and previous work in this because of differences in interpretation among the area in section 2. Then, we describe the overall clerks of different courts. Second, a more specific solution architecture and the underlying machine taxonomy can be defined and extracted. learning approaches used in section 3. Section 4 Applying machine learning and NLP capabil- provides more details on evaluating the different ities to all federal dockets allowed us to collect approaches. Section 5 outlines the content of a outcomes for almost 8 million past dockets and demo of the live system and section 6 concludes. also enables us to keep up with all newly closed dockets. In addition to extracting the outcome, the 1Some entries are abbreviated for readability.

46 2 Background proach, but they do not rely on dockets descrip- tions. (Xiao et al., 2018) describe a large-scale 2.1 Previous work challenge of predicting the charge, the relevant There have been only a few approaches that have law article and the penalty for more than 5 mil- dealt with information extraction and classifica- lion legal cases collected from the Supreme Peo- tion tasks of legal court proceedings. Nallapati and ple’s Court of China. Similar to one of our ap- Manning (Nallapati and Manning, 2008) are one proaches, they use a CNN based approach to pre- of the few researchers who investigated machine dict the outcome of a case. Although all of these learning approaches applied to classifying sum- recent outcome prediction approaches use similar mary judgment motions only. Their findings in- neural network approaches, they do not base their dicated that rule-based approaches showed better prediction on dockets nor do they deal with the results than a machine learning approach such as sequence information of different court actions as using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) (Hearst, they are encoded in the court filings. Instead they 1998). Their results indicated that a classifica- base their predictions on the fact section of a writ- tion approach using an SVM with uni/bi-grams ten opinion. The problem definition differs from would achieve only an overall F1-value of about ours and we also cast a much wider net because 0.8, while a specified rule-based approach is able many litigations are dismissed early and no court to achieve almost 0.9 F1-value. In contrast to our opinions are actually crafted for those cases. approach they only used a docket entry classifica- Other work has focussed on the legal action tion for each docket entry. That is a component for other courts such as the Delaware Court of our system also has, but we complement the re- Chancery (Badawi and Chen, 2017) or debt relief sult from this component with two Deep Learning extracted from Bankruptcy court filings (Dobbie approaches. Their focus was also only on one mo- and Song, 2015). tion type, whereas we determine the outcome of multiple outcomes including summary judgment. 3 Case outcomes More generally, however, they sought to extract only granted summary judgment motions while The system produces outcomes according to a hi- our approach determines an outcome for all par- erarchical taxonomy. The top-level outcomes are ties. dismissal by motion, dismissal without a motion A more recent approach by (Vacek and (includes agreed dismissals), settlement, default Schilder, 2017) looks at a wider range of outcomes judgment, summary judgment, verdict, and dock- and uses a sequence tagging technique (i.e., CRF eted elsewhere (a catch-all for transfer, consolida- (Lafferty et al., 2001)) for determining the final tion, and remand.). For this paper, we evaluate outcome of a case for a party. The current work only this top-level taxonomy; a finer taxonomy is is an improvement over this approach in terms of desirable for most use cases, and our observation performance and the set of outcome types is larger. is that this can be accomplished by downstream Related work has been presented by (Branting, steps that specialize each class. The population 2017) addressing the issue of detecting errors in distribution of outcomes is highly imbalanced in filing motions as well as the matching between favor of dismissals and settlements, with verdicts motions and orders. He reports a mean rank of representing a very small percentage of outcomes. 0.5-0.6 on this task. This is illustrated in Figure 2. There has also been work on predicting the out- The overall architecture of the system should come of a court case based on the written de- be understood in terms of two abstract steps, cision (Aletras et al., 2016; Sulea et al., 2017). where each is implemented redundantly. The Those approaches take the opinion text into ac- first step is the conditional analysis of a par- count and predict the ruling by the court (e.g. ticular docket entry; the intent is to determine French Supreme Court). We focus on the infor- what outcomes the given entry would be consis- mation described in the dockets only. (Luo et al., tent with, ie. P (entry outcome). Note that esti- | 2017) propose an attention based neural network mating P (outcome entry) is usually futile because | model for predicting charges based on the fact de- outcomes have contextual dependencies on many scription alone. They also show that the neural entries. The second high-level step makes infer- network model outperforms an SVM based ap- ences based on the conditional evidence identified

47 Figure 2: Federal cases are most likely settled or dis- missed

in the first step. This could be interpreted as using machine learning to determine the normalization and interactions in applying the Bayes rule to de- Figure 3: The overall architecture of the Case Outcome termine P (outcome entry sequence). The interac- | system tions are important; some outcomes such as jury verdicts are expected to have a trail of consistent evidence such as trial records and post-trial mo- 1. A relevant docket entry finder. This mod- tions, while others like settlement can come rather ule determines docket entries that are likely out of the blue. In the implemented system, some to have evidence as to the outcome of the components (such as the SVM classifier) can be docket. It is intended to have high recall, with neatly categorized as one of these two steps. How- little emphasis on precision. ever, the deep learning methods implement both 2. A docket entry outcome classifier that pre- steps simultaneously. The system architecture is dicts if a docket entry contains an outcome, depicted in Figure 3. and if so, which one. This classifier, similar There is one component of the system that we to all the machine learning components, oper- have omitted from discussion. The system makes ates at the top level of the label taxonomy (see use of a large number of business rules, which Figure 2). We developed three components to all can be neatly categorized into the first ab- determine the final outcome of a docket. stract step. The rules have the form of a terms- and-connectors search, requiring the conjunction 3. An SVM was trained to provide an outcome of various conditions within a certain number of per entry. Only the SVM approach uses the words. We omit discussion for two reasons: First, relevant docket entry. they require expert knowledge that cannot be im- 4. A convolutional layer (CNN) followed by a parted with any brevity. Second, they are less use- Gated Recurrent Unit layer (GRU). ful in the prediction task than one might suppose. The likely explanation is that for rare events, a 5. A nested recursive neural networks, one at small mis-estimation of P (X Y ) (i.e. a rule that the level of words in the docket entry and one | is too broad) would lead to a wildly incorrect esti- at the level of docket entries. mate of P (Y X). These rules are useful, however, | 6. A conventional gradient-boosted decision as a post-check of a predicted outcome; at least tree is used to predict the final outcome from one entry can be expected to have a rule match features based on outcome SVM, CNN-GRU implying high probability given the predicted out- and Nested GRU classifier. come. The high-level components are the following, as 7. The next step applies human-written high- indicated in Figure 3: precision rules to sharpen the distinction be-

48 tween settlements and dismissals without a across the corpus words weighted by TF-IDF. A motion. range of parameters were optimized including the maximum number of features (n=3000), the use The final outcome is then localized (i.e., attached of uni/bi-grams, lemmatization, removal of stop to a docket entry that gives evidence for it) us- words, additive smoothing of IDF weights, sublin- ing further rules that act on the docket closed date, ear term frequency scaling (i.e., tf = 1+log(tf)), the outcome entry classifier, and the outcome type and regularizer choice. Some domain specific fea- classifier. Finally, the outcome is refined to add di- tures were included such as binary encodings for rection or open up the docketed elsewhere bucket the presence or absence of different party types, using human-defined rules. links etc, but these did not result in a significant The output of the Docket Outcome component performance improvement. will provide the outcome as well as a confidence score. The confidence score is used for routing The classifier provides a robust prediction of dockets either directly to the big data storage or to whether an entry is consistent with one of the out- an editorial review system where cases and their comes in scope. Often, however, the meaning of outcomes are further reviewed by domain experts. an entry can only be determined based on its con- This paper will focus on the determination of a text. A common example of this is when a lawsuit case outcome describing in more detail the compo- is dismissed because of technical but correctable nents (3) SVM, (4) CNN-GRU, (5) Nested GRU, deficiencies in the initial pleading. An explicit or- and (6) GBM. der dismissing the case may be followed shortly thereafter by a corrected complaint. Thus, the out- 3.1 Ensembling deep learning methods come of the case can only be determined by con- In order to achieve high performance we ensem- sidering all of the entries in the docket, and more bled various machine learning approaches includ- complex classifiers are required to determine the ing a SVM based approaches similar to (Nallapati correct outcome of the docket as a whole. Hence, and Manning, 2008). An SVM classifier focussing we incorporated two further deep learning models. only on the outcome classification of the docket CNN-GRU In addition to predicting the associ- entry was trained in addition to two deep learning ated outcome of each docket entry, we adopted a approaches.The first deep learning approach is a neural network based approach to predicting the CNN-RNN combination that has a CNN (LeCun outcome of one entire docket similar to (Wang et al., 1998) layer followed by a GRU (Cho et al., et al., 2016). We first designed and experimented 2014) layer before it is fed into a dense layer. The with a few Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) second deep learning approach is a nested RNN based approaches by adopting different architec- approach that first models each docket entry via an tures, e.g., single-input and multi-input (Yang and RNN (Schuster and Paliwal, 1997). Every docket Ramanan, 2015) networks. In our single-input entry is then the input for another RNN layer that model, the input is vectorized features (e.g., word models each docket entry as a step in the RNN embeddings or TF-IDF scores) and we predict the model. The CNN-GRU and Nested-GRU model outcome for each docket. When using word em- utilizes a custom trained word embeddings baed beddings (our embedding has 300 dimensions), on Google’s word2vec (Mikolov et al., 2013) to we concatenate all the docket entries and use the fine tune the embeddings to the docket corpus. last 150 words (i.e., the input is a tensor with shape In the end, all scores retrieved from these mod- 150 * 300), since descriptions towards the end of els are used as features for a GBM (Friedman, a docket may be more indicative of the outcome. 2000) model that combines the weights in order When using TF-IDF scores as the input, we first to determine the final outcome of the case. build a 322-word vocabulary by selecting words SVM The purpose of this classifier is to pre- whose document frequency is above 20. Then, dict the outcome associated with each entry of a we use the last 150 docket entries and turn each docket. Note that this classifier does not take into docket entry into a 322-dimension vector (i.e., the account any interaction with previous outcomes input is a tensor with shape 150 * 322). or party information. The classifier used as in- In our model, the input is first sent to a Convo- put a feature vector for the top 3000 most fre- lutional layer and then a MaxPooling layer. Then, quent words/tokens, ordered by term frequency the intermediate results are sent to an GRU layer (a

49 type of recurrent layers). At the bottom of our ar- outcome type. For ensemble predictors that have chitecture, we use a Dense layer with softmax ac- scope limited to a single docket entry (SVM and tivation to obtain the final prediction. Differently, low-level patterns written for the manual-review in our multi-input network, in addition to using the flagging business rules discussed below), features vectors (e.g., TF-IDF scores or word embeddings), are created from aggregations of the information we also utilize the output of the SVM classifier extracted from each entry. The expert craft lies (i.e., the probabilities that a docket entry has cer- in how these aggregations are defined. Moreover, tain outcomes) as additional input. By trying out PACER provides limited metadata about the out- different ways of combining these two inputs (e.g., come of the case, so these factors can also be used combining them at the beginning of the network or to define various aggregations. running each input through a similar network and We treat the features generated by the SVM sys- then combining them later), we found out that our tem (e.g., outcome probabilities) feeding into the multi-input model generally performs better than GBM as the base system configuration. The ex- our single-input model. periments described in the next section will report on different combinations of the base system with Nested GRU The Nested GRU (cf. Figure 4) ad- the 2 deep learning approaches in order to keep the dressed the need to incorporate information from number of system combinations manageable. the entire sequence, as indicated by the docket ex- cerpt in Figure 1. Compared to the SVM model, 3.2 Manual review the Nested GRU is an end-to-end model that takes The output of party outcome detection may be a matrix of shape (batch size, MAX ENTRIES, flagged for manual review based on the prediction MAX WORDS, EMBEDDING SIZE) as input confidence scores output by the classifier and the and produces a single outcome for the docket, numerous business rules mentioned previously. If which enables the network to learn directly from an outcome is flagged, the docket is routed to an the docket outcome rather than the entry outcome editorial tool that allows legal domain experts to that lacks all global information to determine the review the extracted data. The automatically pub- docket outcome. The Nested GRU utilizes the lished and the reviewed dockets and their extracted same idea of progressive encoding used by Hier- motions/orders and outcomes are stored in a big archical Attention Networks (HAN) as described data store. by (Yang et al., 2016) but does not use an atten- tion network to perform a ”soft-search.” 4 Evaluation Using a hierarchical approach, we can preserve 4.1 Data the natural structure of the docket (e.g., each en- We sampled and acquired outcome annotations of try consist of words and each docket consist of 10,602 dockets. For each docket, one human an- entries) for encoding. We summarize the ”mean- notator examined the entire docket and determined ing” of each entry by encoding the sequence of the outcome and associated docket entry for every words (e.g. ”order granting motion,” ”consent or- party in the case. The case outcome, as defined der”, ”consent judgment”) and propagate the en- for this task, is the last such outcome (for a party) coding to the corresponding sequence to the next in the case, assuming the case has been closed. A hierarchy consisting of GRU cells. This ”docket pre-study determined that overall inter-annotator entry level” hierarchy encodes the ”meaning” of agreement is relatively high with a kappa > 0.8. the entire docket and propagate the encoding to a We used a fixed set of approximately 80% of the fully-connected network with a softmax activation human annotated dockets for training and valida- to obtain the classification of the entire docket. tion, and held out the remainder for testing. The dataset used in this work is proprietary in GBM The system mediates the ensemble of pre- dictors by means of a gradient boosted decision accordance with the sponsor’s requirements; how- tree. The model takes an input of roughly 100 ever, an equivalent dataset could be acquired by expert-designed features. For the ensemble pre- any researcher inexpensively. Unannotated dock- ets can be obtained for free through the Free Law dictors that solve the problem directly (deep learn- 2 ing models), obvious features arise, for instance, Project. Moreover, courts can waive PACER fees from the softmax probability estimate for each 2, also some of this collection has

50 Figure 4: The sequence of words for each docket entries are nested into another layer of RNN modeling the sequence of entries for research in the public interest.3 Outcomes for Table 3 indicates that the results created by the these cases can be scraped from the Pacer Sum- CNN-GRU and the Nested GRU approaches are mary Report for $0.10 per case, or obtained for significantly different from the baseline system free with a fee waiver. that only uses SVM features for the GBM clas- sification. The combined approach utilizing both 4.2 Experiments CNN-GRU and Nested GRU features in addition We evaluated the overall system’s performance by to the SVM features outperforms the baseline sys- comparing how much the three different ML ap- tem as well, but the performances of the CNN- proaches contribute to the overall performance. GRU and Nested GRU looked at individually are Table 1 shows how the singular approaches be- not significantly different as indicated by the p- have. The nested GRU approach has the best values obtained from the McNemar’s test. There is overall performance and almost all individual out- also no statistically significant difference between comes are detected with higher F1-scores by this the results of the combined approach and each of method (except for docketed elsewhere). The the results of the two deep learning approaches. CNN-GRU methods shows better or equal results for each outcome compared to the results achieved 5 Demo by the SVM method we deployed. The outcome detection system described in this We tested whether the performance of the re- paper has been implemented in order to provide spective system combinations are statistically dif- the case outcome information for all US federal ferent. We used the McNemar’s test for identify- judges and feeds into a Litigation Analytics pro- ing whether a machine learning classifier outper- gram that allows lawyers to determine their litiga- forms another one following the study by (Diet- tion strategy. Lawyers can, for example, explore terich, 1998). how often judges have ruled on a case resulting been uploaded to in a settlement, dismissal or trial. In addition, the 3See Discretionary Fee Exemptions in the Pacer Fee Schedule at epa\_feesched.pdf

51 SVM CNN-GRU Nested GRU Outcome Prec. Recall F1 Prec. Recall F1 Prec. Recall F1 DEFAULT JDG 0.79 0.85 0.81 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.92 0.92 0.92 DISMISS MOTION 0.90 0.81 0.85 0.94 0.83 0.88 0.90 0.89 0.90 DISMMISS 0.92 0.91 0.91 0.94 0.91 0.92 0.94 0.94 0.94 DOCKETED E. 0.88 0.85 0.86 0.88 0.85 0.86 0.90 0.79 0.84 OTHER 0.89 0.96 0.92 0.92 0.98 0.95 0.98 0.94 0.96 SETTLED 0.89 0.91 0.90 0.89 0.95 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.93 SUM JDG 0.87 0.82 0.84 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 VERDICT 0.69 0.71 0.70 0.79 0.65 0.71 0.72 0.76 0.74 Micro avg 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.91 0.91 0.91 Macro avg 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.88 0.86 0.87 0.90 0.88 0.89 Weighted avg 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.91 0.91 0.91

Table 1: Single approaches and respective performances

Figure 5: A screenshot of the Litigation Analytics system

52 Outcome Prec. Recall F1 in a case should be detected and indexed requires considerable collaboration between legal experts DEFAULT JDG 0.92 0.85 0.88 and NLP experts. The definition of ”case out- DISMISS MOTION 0.94 0.91 0.92 come” as we have used it here was the result of a DISMMISS 0.93 0.93 0.93 great deal of investigation and consultation. There DOCKETED E. 0.90 0.82 0.86 are many additional events that could be extracted. OTHER 0.96 0.96 0.96 Finally, the system described here relies entirely SETTLED 0.92 0.94 0.93 on the concise summaries of the events of the case SUM JDG 0.90 0.90 0.90 described in the docket entries, while ignoring the VERDICT 0.78 0.74 0.76 official record documents themselves. This is due, Micro avg 0.92 0.92 0.92 in part, to the difficulty in large-scale access to Macro avg 0.91 0.88 0.89 those documents. Access to the records of the case Weighted avg 0.92 0.92 0.92 would open the possibility to track issue outcomes, or the success of failure of each claim in a case in- Table 2: Results of all approaches combined stead of the case as a whole.

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54 Developing and Orchestrating a Portfolio of Natural Legal Language Processing and Document Curation Services

Georg Rehm1, Julian´ Moreno-Schneider1, Jorge Gracia2, Artem Revenko3, Victor Mireles3, Maria Khvalchik3, Ilan Kernerman4, Andis Lagzdins5, Marcis Pinnis5, Arturs Vasilevskis5, Elena Leitner1, Jan Milde1, Pia Weißenhorn1 1DFKI GmbH, Germany; 2University of Zaragoza, Spain; 3Semantic Web Company, Austria; 4K Dictionaries, Israel; 5Tilde, Latvia Corresponding author: [email protected]

Abstract as by using machine translation services to pro- vide access to documents, previously unavailable, We present a portfolio of natural legal lan- in certain languages. Finally, three pilots are de- guage processing and document curation ser- veloped that exploit the LKG in industry use cases. vices currently under development in a collab- The remainder of this article is structured as fol- orative European project. First, we give an overview of the project and the different use lows. Section2 describes the different use cases, cases, while, in the main part of the article, we while, in the main part of the article (Section3), focus upon the 13 different processing services we focus upon the 13 different processing services that are being deployed in different prototype used in the prototype applications . The orches- applications using a flexible and scalable mi- tration of the services is operationalised using a croservices architecture. Their orchestration is content and document curation workflow manager operationalised using a content and document (Section4). After a brief review of related work curation workflow manager. (Section5) we summarise the article and take a look at future work (Section6). 1 Introduction 2 Use Cases We present a portfolio of various Natural Legal Language Processing and Document Curation ser- Within LYNX we work with three different use vices currently under development in the collab- cases embedded in use case scenarios. In the fol- orative EU project LYNX, in which a consortium lowing, we briefly sketch the three use cases. of partners from academia and industry develops a The objective of the contract analysis use case platform for the easier and more efficient process- is to enhance compliance with data protection ing of documents from the legal domain. First, our obligations through automation, reducing costs, platform is acquiring data and documents related corporate risks and personal risks. The prototype to compliance from multiple jurisdictions in dif- analyses data protection legislation and case law ferent languages with a focus on Spanish, German, from the EU and Member States and contracts be- Dutch, Italian and English, along with terminolo- tween controllers, data subjects, processors, data gies, dictionaries and other language resources. processing policies and general contracts. Based on this collection of structured data and un- The labour law use case provides access to ag- structured documents we create the multilingual gregated and interlinked legal information regard- Legal Knowledge Graph (LKG). Second, a set of ing labour law across multiple legal orders, juris- flexible language processing services is developed dictions, and languages. The prototype analyses to analyse and process the data and documents to labour legislation from the EU and Member States, integrate them into the LKG. Semantic process- and jurisprudence related to labour law issues. ing components annotate, structure, and interlink The oil and gas use case is focused on compli- the LKG contents. The LKG is incrementally aug- ance management support for geothermal energy mented by linking to external data sets, by discov- projects and aims to obtain standards and regula- ering topics and entities linked implicitly, as well tions associated with certain terms in the field of

55 Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2019, pages 55–66 Minneapolis, Minesotta, June 7, 2019. c 2019 Association for Computational Linguistics geothermal energy. A user can submit a RFP or term may appear in the text, term normalisation is feasibility study to the system and is then informed performed. This term collection is the first step which standards or regulations must be taken into towards, initially, creating or, later on, enriching consideration to carry out the considered project in the Legal Knowledge Graph. The collection can a compliant manner. This scenario will innovate be used for creating hierarchical taxonomies aug- and speed up existing compliance related services. mented with multilingual information and linked to other knowledge bases. 3 NLLP Services In the following main part of this article we 3.2 Lexical Resources for the Legal Domain describe many of the Natural Legal Language Processing services currently under development An essential aspect of the LKG is its capability to in our project: Term Extraction (Section 3.1), be easily adaptable across domains and sectors. It Lexical Resources (Section 3.2), Named En- is based on both domain-dependent and domain- tity Recognition (Section 3.3), Concept Extrac- independent vocabularies, which will be accessi- tion (Section 3.4), Word Sense Disambigua- ble through a common RDF graph. The domain- tion (Section 3.5), Temporal Expression Anal- dependent vocabularies account for particular ter- ysis (Section 3.6), Legal Reference Resolution minologies coming from the legal sector and our (Section 3.7), Text Structure Recognition (Sec- use case domains (e. g., EuroTermBank2). The tion 3.8), Text Summarisation (Section 3.9), Ma- domain-independent vocabularies are taken from chine Translation (Section 3.10), Legal Knowl- families of monolingual, bilingual and multilin- edge Graph Population (Section 3.11), Semantic gual dictionaries published by one of our project Similarity (Section 3.12) and Question Answering partners, such as Global, Password, and Ran- (Section 3.13). This set of services is heteroge- dom House.3 They contain various cross-lingual neous: some of the services make use of other ser- links for the five languages served by our plat- vices, some services extract or annotate informa- form (Dutch, English, German, Italian, Spanish). tion (e. g., NER or Temporal Expression Analy- Besides their overall coverage of solely domain- sis), while others operate on full documents (e. g., independent vocabularies, they contain informa- summarisation or machine translation), yet others tion on words and phrases that include also or provide a user interface (e. g., QA). only domain-dependent meanings (e. g., court for 3.1 Term Extraction the former, lawyer for the latter). The motivation of relying on domain-independent dictionary data To enable the creation of a taxonomy for a certain for the LKG is thus twofold: first, they provide use case, domain or company, we use the cloud- 1 a common substrate across domains that facili- based Tilde Terminology term extraction service . tates traversing semantically annotated documents It extracts terms from different corpora follow- coming from different specialised domains (e. g., ing the methodology by Pinnis et al.(2012). As Legal or Oil & Gas); second, they support certain a result, the platform creates a SKOS vocabulary NLP functionalities such as Word Sense Disam- containing terms, contexts and references to their biguation and Word Sense Induction by providing source documents. Each term comes with a rank- a common catalogue of word senses. The data is ing score to describe the terms specificity in the being remodeled in RDF according to the Ontolex source corpora compared to a general language Lemon Lexicography Module Specification4 and corpus. The score is calculated based on TF-IDF is accessed by the platform via a RESTful API. (Sparck¨ Jones, 1972) and co-occurrence statistics The LKG has a common core part (terminologies, for multi-word terms (Pinnis et al., 2012). Once sets of annotated legal corpora), but can be ex- the term extraction workflow has been triggered, panded to accommodate the necessities of partic- a corresponding online platform takes over. The ular use cases (e. g., to store private contracts). workflow starts with plain text extraction from dif- ferent file formats, then all plain-text documents are annotated, and a single collection of terms is 2 created. As multiple surface forms of the same 3 4 1 ontolex-lexicog/

56 3.3 Named Entity Recognition between 94.68–95.95 % for the coarse-grained classes. By contrast, the CRF models reached The service for named entity recognition (NER) 93.05–93.23 % and 93.11–93.22 %. Overall, the includes the elaboration of corresponding seman- CRF models achieved about 1–10 % lower scores tic classes and the preparation of a German lan- per class than the BiLSTMs. The models pro- guage data set. Several state of the art mod- vide the best results in the fine-grained classes els were trained, i. e., Conditional Random Fields of judges, courts and laws; their F1 values were (CRFs) and bidirectional Long-Short Term Mem- 95 %. Performance was an F1 value over 90 % in ory Networks (BiLSTMs), and evaluated (Finkel the classes countries, institutions, case laws and et al., 2005; Faruqui and Pado´, 2010; Benikova legal literature. The recognition of the classes per- et al., 2014, 2015; Huang et al., 2015; Lample sons, lawyers, cities, companies, legal regulations, et al., 2016; Riedl and Pado´, 2018, etc.). For European legal norms and contracts varied from training and evaluating the system we used a data 84 % to 93 %. In contrast, the values in the classes set of German court decisions that was manually streets, landscapes, organisations and regulations annotated with seven coarse-grained and 19 fine- were the lowest and amounted to 69–80 % with grained classes: names and citations of people the CRF models and to 72–83 % with BiLSTM. (person, judge, lawyer), location (country, city, The worst result was observed in the class brands. street, area), organisation (organisation, company, With CRF, a maximum F1 value of 69.61 % was institution, court, brand), legal norm (law, legal reached and with BiLSTM a maximum F1 value of regulation, European legal norm), case-by-case 79.17 %. The current NER tool is a working pro- regulation (regulation, contract), case law, and le- totype. It already provides named entities locally, gal literature. The data set consists of approxi- but is still being evaluated further. As of now, the mately 67,000 sentences and around 54,000 anno- service is available for German texts, but it can be tated entities. For the experiment, two tools for easily adapted to other languages. sequence labeling were chosen. These are sklearn- crfsuite (CRFs)5 and UKPLab-BiLSTM (BiL- STMs)6 (Reimers and Gurevych, 2017). Three 3.4 Concept Extraction different models and two classifications each are The LKG contains among its nodes entities from developed for each of these model families (19 controlled vocabularies. These are typically ex- and seven classes, respectively). For CRFs these pressed as SKOS concepts, which permits assign- are (1) CRF-F with features, (2) CRF-FG with fea- ing to them multiple labels, i. e., various surface tures and gazetteers, (3) CRF-FGL with features, forms, in multiple languages. Furthermore, one gazetteers, and the lookup table. For BiLSTMs can define relations between instances of concepts, we used (1) BiLSTM-CRF without character em- such as hypernymy, to create a taxonomy. Tax- beddings, (2) BiLSTM-CRF+, and (3) BiLSTM- onomies become useful when their concepts can CNN-CRF with character embeddings generated be identified in documents, a process called Con- by BiLSTM and by a CNN. In order to reliably cept Extraction. A simple example would be tak- estimate the performance of the models, we use ing the sentence “The tenants must pay the heat- stratified 10-fold cross-validation, which prevents ing costs by themselves”, and identifying the pres- overfitting during training. The stratification guar- ence of the concepts “tenant” and “heating costs”. antees that the semantic classes are equally fre- If these are known to be instances of Contractual quent in the test set relative to the size of the train- parties and Energy costs, respectively, a search ing set, which avoids measurement errors in the for “energy costs” would point the user to this case of unbalanced data. The results were mea- sentence. Thus, once concept extraction is per- sured with precision, recall, and F1-measure. The formed, links between documents and elements of BiLSTM models performed better compared to controlled vocabularies in the LKG can be estab- CRF (see Table1), the F 1 values were between lished. While these relations are rather simple, 93.75–95.46 % for the fine-grained classes and they are the first step for enriching text fragments with knowledge from the LKG, as well as to en- 5 https://sklearn-crfsuite.readthedocs. able further algorithms for the (semi-)automatic io/en/latest/ 6 extension of the LKG. Importantly, the inclusion emnlp2017-bilstm-cnn-crf of labels in many languages allows linking of

57 Table 1: F1 values of the CRF and BiLSTM models for the coarse-grained classes.

Class CRFs BiLSTMs F FG FGL CRF CRF+ CNN-CRF Person 91.74 92.20 92.16 94.74 95.41 95.12 Location 89.26 89.45 90.18 91.68 93.31 92.57 Organisation 90.87 90.99 91.11 91.37 92.87 93.21 Legal norm 95.67 95.77 95.86 96.77 97.98 97.79 Case-by-case regulation 86.94 86.96 86.39 85.43 90.61 90.43 Case law 93.23 93.25 93.08 96.56 96.99 96.78 Legal literature 91.92 92.06 92.11 93.84 94.42 94.02 Total 93.11 93.22 93.22 94.68 95.95 95.79 documents in different languages, combining the Table 2: Cocktails WSID accuracy scores knowledge derived from them, as well as multi- Macro average Micro average lingual search and recommendation. The Concept Our Method 0.841 0.896 Extraction service works in as many languages as Baseline 0.725 0.737 the taxonomies have labels in, and thus we can leverage multinational efforts for creating multi- Table 3: MeSH WSID accuracy scores 7 lingual taxonomies such as EUROVOC or UN- Macro average Micro average BIS8. Furthermore, in the case where documents Our Method 0.723 0.739 are in English, Spanish, Dutch, German, French, Baseline 0.680 0.735 Italian, Czech or Slovak languages, additional lin- guistic processing increases the recall. The service end result is a partition of the corpus into two dis- can be used for production. It is available in most joint collections: “this” and “other”. The collec- European languages. tion “this” contains the documents that feature the 3.5 Word Sense Disambiguation target label in the thesaurus sense, the collection “other” contains any other sense which does not To enable the use of incomplete KGs for automatic match the domain captured in the thesaurus, which text annotations, we introduce a robust method for can be more than one. The experiments were discriminating word senses using thesaurus infor- conducted on two data sets10 created specifically mation like hypernyms, synonyms, types/classes, for this task: Cocktails and MeSH (Revenko and which is contained in the KG. The method uses Mireles, 2017) (Table3). This service is used for collocations to induce word senses and to discrim- any kind of entity linking, especially after NER. inate the thesaurus sense from others. Its main This is done to correctly identify which named en- novelty is using thesaurus information already at tities are indeed within the vocabulary scope of the the stage of sense induction. The given KG en- LKG. The service is a working prototype. It is ables us to cast the task to a binary scenario, language agnostic, i. e., works for any language as namely telling apart the KG sense from all the long as the text can be tokenised correctly. others. This method does not require all possi- ble senses of a word to be contained in the KG, 3.6 Temporal Expression Analysis which makes it especially useful in a production environment, where usually only incomplete KGs Documents from the legal domain contain a multi- are available. We take as input a corpus, thesaurus tude of temporal expressions that can be analysed, information, and a concept from the KG, one of normalised (i. e., semantically interpreted) and whose labels is found throughout the corpus (the further exploited for document and information target label). We want to distinguish, for each mining purposes. We implemented a prototype document in the data set, whether the target label for the analysis of time expressions in German- is used in the thesaurus sense or not.9 Thus, the language legal documents, especially court deci- sions and legislative texts. Temporal expressions 7 web/eu-vocabularies/ text of every occurrence of the target label as a separate doc- 8 ument, therefore extending the method to disambiguate every 9Without loss of completeness we consider only the case single occurrence of the target label. when the target label is used in the same sense in all occur- 10 rences in a document. One can, of course, consider the con- thesaural_wsi

58 Table 4: Comparison of the results of the original version of HeidelTime (HT) with the modified (HT nV) on the evaluation corpus. The last line indicates the improvement.

strict partial strict+value partial+value P R F1 P R F1 P R F1 Acc P R F1 Acc HT 86.8 86.0 86.4 89.5 88.1 88.8 86.1 85.3 85.7 99.2 88.4 87.1 87.8 98.9 HTnV 94.9 92.0 93.5 96.6 93.5 95.0 94.0 91.1 92.5 99.0 95.3 92.3 93.8 98.7 + 8.2 6.1 7.1 7.1 5.4 6.2 7.9 5.8 6.9 0.2 6.9 5.1 6.0 0.2 include dates, e. g., “1. Januar 2000” (1st January 3.7 Legal Reference Resolution 2000), durations, e. g., “funf¨ Kalenderjahre” (five References to other documents are another class of calendar years) and repeating time intervals, e. g., expressions used in abundance in documents from “jeden Monat” (every month). Such expressions the legal domain. The considered problem con- should not only be identified, but also normalised sists in recognizing and, ideally resolving, such by translating them into a standardised ISO for- references. Usually, editors attempt to be consis- mat. Since no suitable data set existed, a text col- tent and follow patterns to reference other docu- lection was prepared and annotated with tempo- ments. The developed methodology, currently im- ral expressions using the TimeML standard. Pre- plemented as a language-agnostic prototype, fol- viously, the automatic identification of temporal lows this assumption and attempts to discover expressions (temporal tagging) has been mainly patterns used in a semi-automatic manner. The focused on English and domains such as news discovered patterns are constructed from features and narrative texts. Research showed that this that are either individual tokens (e. g., “Decision”, task is domain- and language-sensitive, i. e., sys- “EU”, etc.) or processed features (e. g., “DIGITS” tems have to be adapted to the specific domain as a placeholder for numbers). We use a seed col- or language to ensure consistent performance. lection of documents, where references have been We can confirm this observation: during the an- manually annotated and resolved. For each refer- notation of the corpus deficits had become ap- ence we collect the tokens preceding the reference parent, which concerned not only the annota- and analyse the features present in these tokens. tion guidelines, but also the performance of the Next we aggregate the most common combina- rule-based temporal tagger HeidelTime (Strotgen¨ tions of features – these form “patterns”. Example and Gertz, 2010), which was subsequently ex- of a pattern could be “EU”, “Decision”, “DIG- tended. One of the specifics of the domain are { ITS/DIGITS” or “the”, “data”, “subject” . The references to other legal texts which contain (al- } { } second pattern is an example of a common combi- leged) dates (“Richtlinie 2008 / 96 /EG”, “Direc- nations of tokens in text and does not necessarily tive 2008 / 96 /EG”). Other peculiarities of the do- indicate a reference. To filter out such irrelevant main and/or language are the frequent use of com- patterns from the seed documents we extract the pounds such as “Kalenderjahr” (calendar year), strings containing the candidate pattern, but not “Falligkeitsmonat”¨ (due month) or “Bankarbeit- containing a reference. If several such strings are stag” (banking day), generic use of temporal ex- found the pattern is discarded. In the next step the pressions such as “jeweils zum 1. Januar” (1st Jan- most common undiscarded patterns are presented uary of each year) and event-anchored temporal to the user who can accept several patterns that are expressions “Tag der Verkundigung”¨ (proclama- later used to discover new references, enabling the tion day). Based on our new annotated corpus, recursive improvement of patterns. HeidelTime was adapted to the domain. The eval- uation showed that the adjustments made to Hei- 3.8 Text Structure Recognition delTime significantly improved its performance (Table4. Particularly noteworthy is the recall with Knowing the structure of a document can dras- an increase of approx. 10 percentage points. Nor- tically improve the performance of the analysis malisation remains problematic, which is also due services applied to the text, as specialised fine- to generic or event-based uses of temporal expres- grained models and focused approaches can be in- sions as well as legal references. tegrated. In the legal domain, it is important to determine the structure of a document to iden- tify sections, subsections, paragraphs, etc. cor-

59 rectly because many legal references also contain of-words sentence representations, our approach this type of information, ideally enabling automat- tries to improve on this, by analysing the texts ically linking to the correct part of the text, in- first. Searching the embedding space of all words stead of the whole document. Robust text struc- used in the text, we cluster similar words so that ture recognition is still an open research question. morphological variants of a word like “tree” and Many approaches have been suggested in different “trees” or “eat” and “eating”, but also synonyms fields, such as Optical Layout Recognition (OLR) like “fast” and “rapid” are considered as belong- for unstructured documents or markup-based ap- ing to the same cluster. Based on these group- proaches for structured documents. We try to ings we encode all documents and then calcu- cover both in our prototype. late the weights for the sentences using TF-IDF. Unstructured documents do not contain any The second tool is based on the concept of cen- structure information whatsoever, they are often troids (Rossiello et al., 2017; Ghalandari, 2017) provided in plain text. To process (plain) text, we and benefits from the composability of word em- start by applying a pattern based approach (regular beddings. Initially, keywords and concepts are ex- expressions) that allows the identification of the ti- tracted from the document. By composing their tle, headings and running text or paragraphs. Af- embeddings, the centroid is created, which repre- ter that, we apply topic detection to all those parts sents the document’s condensed meaningful infor- (both titles and running texts) in order to cluster mation. It is then projected into the embedding sections with related topics. space together with all sentence embeddings. Sen- Structured documents include structural infor- tences receive relevance scores depending on their mation (e. g., markup). We consider two ways of distance to the centroid in the embedding space. analysing them: (1) defining a mapping between To avoid redundancy in the summary, sentences the elements important and relevant for the use that are too similar to the ones already added to cases addressed by our platform and the structural the summary are not used. Both tools can be used elements of the documents; and (2) extracting the for multiple languages, single and multi-document plain text from the document and then applying summarisation. The current version of the cen- the techniques for unstructured documents. troid text summarisation is a working prototype. It already provides extractive summaries for single 3.9 Text Summarisation and multiple documents, but is still being tested and optimised. The service is only available for To enable our users to work with legal documents English but can be adapted to other languages by more efficiently, we experiment with summarisa- training new embeddings. tion services (Allahyari et al., 2017). While ex- tractive summarisation has been popular in the 3.10 Machine Translation past, the progress in neural technologies has re- To enable multilingualism and cross-lingual ex- newed the interest in abstractive summarisation, traction, linking and search, we use the Machine i. e., generating new sentences that capture a doc- Translation (MT) service Tilde MT11. In order to ument’s meaning. This approach requires highly populate and process the Legal Knowledge Graph complex models and a lot of training data. In in a multilingual way, custom Neural Machine the absence of labeled training data, extractive Translation (NMT) systems were trained for se- methods are often used as the basis for abstrac- lected language pairs – English Spanish, En- ↔ tive methods, by assigning relevance scores to sen- glish German, and English Dutch. In- ↔ ↔ tences in an unsupervised way. Abstractive sum- domain business case specific legal data was gath- marisation is often augmented using word embed- ered and processed prior to training the NMT sys- dings (Mikolov et al., 2013; Pennington et al., tems on a mix of broad-domain and in-domain 2014) that provide a shared semantic space for data to be able to translate both in-domain and those strongly related sentences that do no share out-of-domain texts. Marian was used for training the same but similar or related words. We de- (Junczys-Dowmunt et al., 2018). The translation velop two methods. The first tool is based on service provides support for a runtime scenario as TF-IDF (Neto et al., 2000). This is a popular well as for asynchronous processes, i. e., support- baseline as it is easy to implement, unsupervised, and language independent. Instead of using bag- 11

60 Table 5: Evaluation results of NMT systems same distant supervision approach is possible due BLEU to the multilingual nature of general purpose cor- Language pair Sentence pairs to EN from EN pora and knowledge graphs (e. g., DBPedia). English Dutch 41,639,299 43.54 34.12 English ↔ Spanish 81,176,632 32.52 38.36 3.12 Semantic Similarity English ↔ German 24,768,821 38.73 44.73 ↔ Using the services mentioned above, documents in the LKG are annotated to semantically describe ing background data curation processes. The syn- their content and provenance. This added extra chronous translation service endpoint serves trans- knowledge is useful for several applications, such lation functionality for texts and documents anno- as search, question answering, classification and tated with the Natural Language Processing Inter- recommendations, all of which rely on a notion change Format ontology (NIF) (Hellmann et al., of document similarity. Many such notions exist, 2013). The systems were automatically evaluated and they are usually encoded in a function s that using BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002) on held-out assigns, to every pair of documents, a number be- evaluation sets. The sets were created from the in- tween 0 and 1, with 1 denoting the documents be- domain parts of the parallel corpora used for train- ing identical (Gomaa and Fahmy, 2013). We use ing of the NMT systems. Table5 contains statis- a hybrid type of similarity measure. First, the text tics of the training data and the automatic evalua- entailed by the document, such as the resolution of tion results of the NMT systems. temporal or geographical references, is performed. Second, similarity itself is computed using a linear 3.11 Legal Knowledge Graph Population combination of text-based and knowledge-based For the definition of our Knowledge Graph, we similarities. The former are encoded by cosine- benefit from predefined vocabularies such as EU- similarity of TF-IDF vectors (of the documents ROVOC. However, their knowledge is limited to or their translations), and the latter by the over- that intended by their creators, and their level of lap (as measured by Jaccard coefficient of entities specificity and focus will, in general, not match that the two documents either mention directly, or the ones required for an application. One possible are linked in the LKG to mentioned ones. The option of extending existing knowledge resources overlaps are weighted depending on how far away is the large-scale analysis of documents in which in the LKG the entities mentioned in the docu- entities contained in the knowledge resources have ment are, and the weight coefficients are deter- been identified, and to identify as well as to extract mined, along with the coefficients of the linear new relations, claims, or facts, explicitly men- combination, by training a linear regression classi- tioned in the documents. This approach mimics fier (Bar¨ et al., 2012). This approach allows us to the process in which a human reads and under- detect similarity between documents even if they stands documents. In our project we follow distant have only few entities in common, by considering supervision (Ren et al., 2017). It takes a text cor- the knowledge about these entities. Additionally, pus as input and 1) identifies sentences containing by comparing mentions of entities instead of their entity pairs for which relations are known, 2) uses surface forms, the multilingual nature of the LKG machine learning to derive a statistical classifier is exploited. The knowledge-based component of to recognize these examples, and 3) applies this the similarity computation is language agnostic, classifier to sentences that, by virtue of the classes while the text-based depends only on basic NLP of entities they contain, could also include an in- tools (e. g., stemming, stop-word removal) which stance of a relation. The result is a list of sentences are available for English, German, Spanish and which have been annotated as containing a given Dutch, among others. In order to compare doc- relation. The relations included so far in this first uments in two different languages, machine trans- experimental deployment, are of the type person lation between them, or to a third language must is located in location and location is contained in be available. The semantic similarity service is a location. They will be expanded with domain spe- prototype, requiring further testing and refining. cific relations such as activity requires permit or permit was issued on date. So far, such relations 3.13 Question Answering can be recognized in English language texts, but The Question Answering (QA) service accepts a training for German, Spanish and Dutch, using the natural language question and responds with an

61 answer, extracted from a document in a given cor- of the containerised microservices we use Open- pus. The end-to-end system consists of three com- Shift; alternative technologies such as, among oth- ponents: 1) The Query Formulation module trans- ers, Kubernetes, could also be used. forms a question into a query, which can be ex- In our project we conceptualise the specific re- panded using a domain specific vocabulary from quirements of the different use cases as content the LKG. The query is then processed through an curation workflows (Schneider and Rehm, 2018b; indexer to obtain matching documents from the Bourgonje et al., 2016a,b; Rehm et al., 2018). corresponding corpora. 2) The Answer Genera- Workflows are defined as the execution of spe- tion module extracts potential answers from the cific services to perform the processing of one or retrieved documents from the LKG. 3) The An- more documents under the umbrella of a certain swer Selection module identifies the best answer task or use case. The specification of a workflow based on various criteria such as local structure of includes its input and output as well as the func- the text and global interaction between each pair of tionality it is supposed to perform: annotate or en- words based on specific layers of the model. The rich a document, add a document to the knowl- QA service is the central component of two of our edge base, search for information, etc. The project use cases. In these, a user asks a natural language offers compliance-related features and functional- question along with additional information such as ities through common services and data sets in- an appropriate jurisdiction. The question is meant cluded in the LKG. Workflows make use of these to trigger a query on a set of documents related to services to implement the required functionality. the specific jurisdiction. These additional param- The content curation workflows for the different eters influence the search in the Answer Selection use cases that we prototypically implement in the module by determining which subset of the docu- project have been defined as follows. We per- ments should be used. With the help of the Ma- formed a systematic analysis of the microservices, chine Translation service, the QA service is able developed in parallel, and matched them with the to return answers in languages different from the required functionalities for each use case. First, documents’ language. The benefit from the ser- we determine the principal elements involved in vice would be the time reduction in search for a each use case, i. e., the services, input and output. relevant article in the legislation. For a question Second, we define the order in which the services such as “How long is paternity leave?”, the sys- have to be executed. Third, we identify the shared tem returns relevant paragraphs and articles from components in the different workflows. Currently the Labor Law that can be further processed by the we have defined five different workflows. Two are lawyer. The QA service works for English and can defined for the acquisition and population of the be retrained and adopted to other languages. LKG with new information, the other three are de- fined to address the requirements of each use case 4 Orchestration of Individual Services (see Figures1 to3 in the appendix). We currently work with two alternative workflow management Our technology platform is based on microser- implementations that take care of the orchestra- vices, which provide multiple advantages, espe- tion of services. The first one is based on Ca- cially in a collaborative project with a distributed munda BPM,12 including a logic layer that man- set of partners from academia and industry, includ- ages the various processes (including NIF anno- ing use case partners. Microservices are small and tations). The second approach is based on Rab- autonomous and can be developed more efficiently bitMQ,13 an open-source message broker, on top than a monolithic, integrated system. In addition, of which we developed our own solution for paral- the development and deployment of microservices lelising processing steps and improving the perfor- can, to a very large extent, be automated, also fa- mance of the overall orchestration. In both cases, cilitating the monitoring of individual services. A the main concept of the service orchestration is fo- crucial advantage is concerned with the scalability cused on the use of queuing systems, so that most of systems based on microservices, which is a lot of the processes could be executed in parallel and easier than scaling monolithic systems. The com- either synchronous or asynchronously. munication between different services is executed over HTTP, the interfaces are documented using 12 the OpenAPI specification. For the deployment 13

62 5 Related Work ments are extracted from appellate cases and are accessible either through selecting nodes in a lit- There are several systems, platforms and ap- igation issue ontology or through relational key- proaches that are related to the technology plat- word search. Lucem (Bhullar et al., 2016) is a sys- form, which is under development in the project tem that tries to mirror the way lawyers approach LYNX. In the wider area of legal document pro- legal research, developing visualisations that pro- cessing, technologies from several fields are rele- vide lawyers with an additional tool to approach vant, among others, knowledge technologies, cita- their research results. Eunomos is a prototype that tion analysis, argument mining, reasoning and in- semi-automates the construction and analysis of formation retrieval. A literature overview can be knowledge (Boella et al., 2012). found in (Schneider and Rehm, 2018a) and (Ag- noloni and Venturi, 2018). 6 Summary and Future Work Commercial Systems and Services – The Lex- isNexis14 system is the market leader in the legal This article presents the technology platform cur- domain; it offers services, such as legal research, rently under development in the project LYNX, fo- practical guidance, company research and media- cusing upon processing services. These serve two monitoring as well as compliance and due dili- main purposes: 1) to extract semantic information gence. WestLaw is an online service that allows from a large and heterogeneous set of documents legal professionals to find and consult relevant le- to ingest the extracted information into the Legal gal information.15 One of its goals is to enable Knowledge Graph; 2) to extract semantic infor- professionals to put together a strong argument. mation from documents that users of the platform There are also smaller companies that offer legal work with. In addition to the semantic extrac- research solutions and analytic environments, such tion of information and knowledge, we provide as RavelLax,16, or Lereto17. A commercial search services for the processing and curation of whole engine for legal documents, iSearch, is a service documents (summarisation, translation) with the offered by LegitQuest.18 The Casetext CARA Re- goal of mapping extracted terms and concepts to search Suite allows uploading a brief and then re- the LKG, and services that aim at accessing the trieving, based on its contents, useful case law.19 LKG (question answering). We currently exper- There is also a growing number of startup compa- iment with two different curation workflow man- nies active in the legal domain. agers to make specific sets of services available Research Prototypes – Most of the documented for specific use cases. Future work includes com- research prototypes were developed in the 1990s pleting development work on the services, adapt- under the umbrella of Computer Assisted Legal ing the services to all languages required in the Research (CALR) (Span, 1994). In the follow- project’s use cases, implementing the prototype ing we briefly review several of these systems, applications and developing the freely accessible which usually focus on one very specific feature web interface of the platform. or functionality. One example is the open source software for the analysis and visualisation of net- Acknowledgments works of Dutch case law (van Kuppevelt and van This work has been partially funded by the Dijck, 2017). This technology determines rele- project LYNX, which has received funding from vant precedents (analysing the citation network of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research case law), compares them with those identified in and innovation programme under grant agreement the literature, and determines clusters of related no. 780602. For more information please see cases. A similar prototype is described by (Ag- noloni et al., 2017). (Gifford, 2017) propose a search engine for legal documents where argu- References 14 15http://legalsolutions.thomsonreuters. Tommaso Agnoloni, Lorenzo Bacci, Ginevra Perug- com/law-products/westlaw-legal-research/ inelli, Marc van Opijnen, Jos van den Oever, 16 Monica Palmirani, Luca Cervone, Octavian Bujor, 17 Arantxa Arsuaga Lecuona, Alberto Boada Garc´ıa, 18 Luigi Di Caro, and Giovanni Siragusa. 2017. Link- 19 ing european case law: BO-ECLI parser, an open

63 framework for the automatic extraction of legal 13–16, Edinburgh, UK. The Association for Com- links. In (Wyner and Casini, 2017), pages 113–118. putational Linguistics.

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65 ACOMMON Appendix: Examples ofWORKFLOWS Use-Case-specific Curation Workflows The following three figures are additional material with regard to Section4. They provide illustrative examples of use-case-specific processing service and curation workflows.

Task Orchestration Input NER WSD

TIMEX RelEx Authentication LKG Individual GEO Paragraph X + Trans Conversion EntEx Document ToClass Management IX NIF PDF / HTML Split

Table of contents of document (list of paragraphs) SCENARIOFigure1:+ 1: LegalCONTRACT Knowledge Graph population workflowANALYSIS

Task Orchestration Input NER WSD RelEx Authentication TIMEX Output GEO X + Trans Conversion EntEx X Summ + Conversion


Figure 2: Workflow of the Contract Analysis use case

Output Authentication Task Orchestration

Input QaDoc Summ Document Conversion Management NIF Questions JSON

Figure 3: Workflow of the Labour Law use case

66 Legal Area Classification: A Comparative Study of Text Classifiers on Singapore Supreme Court Judgments

Jerrold Soh Tsin Howe*, Lim How Khang , and Ian Ernst Chai**

*Singapore Management University, School of Law **Attorney-General’s Chambers, Singapore [email protected], [email protected] ian ernst [email protected]

Abstract deep learning standards. This problem is acute in smaller jurisdictions like Singapore, where the This paper conducts a comparative study on number of labelled cases is limited by the few the performance of various machine learning (“ML”) approaches for classifying judgments cases that actually reach the courts. Another ex- into legal areas. Using a novel dataset of 6,227 planation is that legal texts are typically longer Singapore Supreme Court judgments, we in- than the customer reviews, tweets, and other doc- vestigate how state-of-the-art NLP methods uments typical in NLP research. compare against traditional statistical models Against this backdrop, this paper uses a novel when applied to a legal corpus that comprised dataset of Singapore Supreme Court judgments to few but lengthy documents. All approaches tested, including topic model, word embed- comparatively study the performance of various ding, and language model-based classifiers, text classification approaches for legal area clas- performed well with as little as a few hundred sification. Our specific research question is as fol- judgments. However, more work needs to be lows: how do recent state-of-the-art models com- done to optimize state-of-the-art methods for pare against traditional statistical models when ap- the legal domain. plied to legal corpora that, typically, comprise few but lengthy documents? 1 Introduction We find that there are challenges when it comes Every legal case falls into one or more areas of law to adapting state-of-the-art deep learning classi- (“legal areas”). These areas are lawyers’ short- fiers for tasks in the legal domain. Traditional hand for the subset of legal principles and rules topic models still outperform the more recent governing the case. Thus lawyers often triage a neural-based classifiers on certain metrics, sug- new case by asking if it falls within tort, contract, gesting that emerging research (fit specially to or other legal areas. Answering this allows un- tasks with numerous short documents) may not resolved cases to be funneled to the right experts carry well into the legal domain unless more work and for resolved precedents to be efficiently re- is done to optimize them for legal NLP tasks. trieved. Legal database providers routinely pro- However, that shallow models perform well sug- vide area-based search functionality; courts often gests that enough exploitable information exists publish judgments labelled by legal area. in legal texts for deep learning approaches better- The law therefore yields pockets of expert- tailored to the legal domain to perform as well if labelled text. A system that classifies legal texts by not better. area would be useful for enriching older, typically unlabelled judgments with metadata for more ef- 2 Related Work ficient search and retrieval. The system can also suggest areas for further inquiry by predicting Papers closest to ours are those that likewise ex- which areas a new text falls within. amine legal area classification. Goncalves and Despite its potential, this problem, which we re- Quaresma(2005) used bag-of-words (“BOW”) fer to and later define as “legal area classification”, features learned using TF-IDF to train linear sup- remains relatively unexplored. One explanation is port vector machines (“linSVMs”) to classify de- the relative scarcity of labelled documents in the cisions of the Portuguese Attorney General’s Of- law (typically in the low thousands), at least by fice into 10 legal areas. Boella et al.(2012) used

67 Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2019, pages 67–77 Minneapolis, Minesotta, June 7, 2019. c 2019 Association for Computational Linguistics

TF-IDF features enriched by a semi-automatically of legal areas in a given jurisdiction and time is linked legal ontology and linSVMs to classify well-defined. Denote this as L. Italian legislation into 15 civil law areas. Sulea Lawyers typically attribute a given case ci to a et al.(2017) classified French Supreme Court given legal area l L if c ’s attributes v (e.g. a ∈ i ci judgments into 8 civil law areas, again using BOW vector of its facts, parties involved, and procedural features learned using Latent Semantic Analysis trail) raise legal issues that implicate some princi- (“LSA”) (Deerwester et al., 1990) and linSVMs. ple or rule in l. Cases may fall into more than one On legal text classification more generally, Ale- legal area but never none. tras et al.(2016); Liu and Chen(2017); Sulea et al. Cases should be distinguished from the judg- (2017) used BOW features extracted from judg- ments courts write when resolving them (denoted ments and linSVMs for predicting case outcomes. jci ). jci may not state everything in vci because Talley and O’Kane(2012) use BOW features and judges need only discuss issues material to how a linSVM to classify contract clauses. the case should be resolved. Suppose a claimant NLP has also been used for legal information mounts two claims on the same issue against a de- extraction. Venkatesh(2013) used Latent Dirichlet fendant in tort, and in trademark law. If the judge Allocation (Blei et al., 2003) (“LDA”) to cluster finds for the claimant in tort, he/she may not dis- Indian court judgments. Falakmasir and Ashley cuss trademark at all (though some may still do

(2017) used vector space models to extract legal so). Thus, even though vci raises trademark is- factors motivating case outcomes from American sues, jci may not contain any N-grams discussing trade secret misappropriation judgments. the same. It is possible that a vci we would assign

There is also growing scholarship on legal text to l leads to a jci we would not assign to l. The analysis. Typically, topic models are used to ex- upshot is that judgments are incomplete sources tract N-gram clusters from legal corpora, such as of case information; classifying judgments is not Constitutions, statutes, and Parliamentary records, the same as classifying cases. then assessed for legal significance (Young, 2013; This paper focuses on the former. We treat this Carter et al., 2016). More recently, Ash and as a supervised legal text multi-class and multi- Chen(2019) used document embeddings trained label classification task. The goal is to learn f ∗ : j L where denotes optimality. on United States Supreme Court judgments to i 7→ ji ∗ encode and study spatial and temporal patterns across federal judges and appellate courts. 4 Data We contribute to this literature by (1) bench- The corpus comprises 6,227 judgments of the Sin- marking new text classification techniques against gapore Supreme Court written in English.1 Each legal area classification, and (2) more deeply ex- judgment comes in PDF format, with its legal ar- ploring how document scarcity and length af- eas labelled by the Court. The median judgment fect performance. Beyond BOW features and has 6,968 tokens and is significantly longer than linSVMs, we use word embeddings and newly- the typical customer review or news article com- developed language models. Our novel label set monly found in datasets for benchmarking ma- comprises 31 legal areas relevant to Singapore’s chine learning models on text classification. common law system. Judgments of the Singapore The raw dataset yielded 51 different legal area Supreme Court have thus far not been exploited. labels. Some labels were subsets of larger legal ar- We also draw an important but overlooked distinc- eas and were manually merged into those. Label tion between cases and judgments. imbalance was present in the dataset so we limited the label set to the 30 most frequent areas. Re- 3 Problem Description maining labels (252 in total) were then mapped to the label “others”. Table1 shows the final la- Legal areas generally refer to a subset of related le- bel distribution, truncated for brevity. Appendix gal principles and rules governing certain dispute A.2 presents the full label distribution and all la- types. There is no universal set of legal areas. Ar- bel merging decisions. eas like tort and equity, well-known in English and 1 American law, have no direct analogue in certain The judgments were issued between 3 January 2000 and 18 February 2019 and were downloaded from http: civil law systems. Societal change may create new //, an official repository areas of law like data protection. However, the set of Singapore Supreme Court judgments.

68 Label Count 5.2 Topic Models civil procedure 1369 lsak is a one-vs-rest linSVM trained using k top- contract law 861 ics extracted by LSA. We used LSA and linSVMs criminal procedure and sentencing 775 as benchmarks because, despite their vintage, they criminal law 734 remain a staple of the legal text classification liter- family law 491 ature (see Section2 above). Indeed, LDA mod- ...... els were also tested but strictly underperformed others 252 LSA models in all experiment and were thus ...... not reported. Feature vectorizers and classifiers banking law 75 from scikit-learn (Pedregosa et al., 2011) were re- restitution 60 trained for each training subset with all default set- agency law 57 tings except sublinear term frequencies were used res judicata 49 in the TF-IDF step as recommended by Scikit- insurance law 39 Learn(2017). Total 8853 5.3 Word Embedding Feature Models Word vectors pre-trained on large corpora have Table 1: Truncated Distribution of Final Labels been shown to capture syntactic and semantic word properties (Mikolov et al., 2013; Penning- 5 Models and Methods ton et al., 2014). We leverage on this by initializ- ing word vectors using pre-trained GloVe vectors Given label imbalance, we held out 10% of the of length 300.2 Judgment vectors were then com- corpus by stratified iterative sampling (Sechidis posed in three ways: gloveavg average-pools each et al., 2011; Szymaski and Kajdanowicz, 2017). word vector in ji (i.e. average-pooling); glovemax For each model type, we trained three sepa- uses max-pooling (Shen et al., 2018); glovecnn rate classifiers on the same 10% (n=588), 50% feeds the word vectors through a shallow con- (n=2795), and 100% (n=5599) of the remaining volutional neural network (“CNN”) (Kim, 2014). training set (“training subsets”), again split by We chose to implement a shallow CNN model stratified iteration, and tested them against the for glovecnn because it has been shown that deep same 10% holdout. We studied four model types CNN models do not necessarily perform better on of increasing sophistication and recency. These text classification tasks (Le et al., 2018). To de- are briefly explained here. Further implementation rive label predictions, judgment vectors were then details may be found in the Appendix A.3. fed through a multi-layer perceptron followed by 5.1 Baseline Models a sigmoid function. basepdf is a dummy classifier which predicts 1 5.4 Pre-trained Language Models for any label which expectation equals or exceeds Recent work has also shown that language repre- 1/31 (the total number of labels). sentation models pre-trained on large unlabelled countm uses a keyword matching strategy that corpora and fine-tuned onto specific tasks signif- emulates how lawyers may approach the task. It icantly outperform models trained only on task- predicts 1 for any label if its associated terms ap- specific data. This method of transfer learning pear m non-unique times in j . m is a manually- ≥ i is particularly useful in legal NLP, given the lack set threshold. A label’s set of associated terms of labelled data in the legal domain. We thus is the union of (a) the set of its sub-labels in the evaluated Devlin et al.(2018)’s state-of-the-art training subset, and (b) the set of non-stopword BERT model using published pre-trained weights unigrams in the label itself. We manually added from bertbase (12-layers; 110M parameters) and potentially problematic unigrams like “law” to the 3 bertlarge (24-layers; 340M parameters). How- stopwords list. Suppose the label “tort law” ap- ever, as BERT’s self-attention transformer archi- pears twice in the training subset, first with sub- 2 label “negligence”, and later with sub-label “ha- rassment”. The associated terms set would be 3 tort, negligence, harassment . bert { } 69 tecture (Vaswani et al., 2017) only accepts up to legal area classification. Deep transfer learning 512 Wordpiece tokens (Wu et al., 2016) as in- approaches in particular performed well in this put, we used only the first 512 tokens of each ji data-constrained setting, with bertlarge, bertbase, to fine-tune both models.4 We considered split- and ulmfit producing the best three macro-F1s. ting the judgment into shorter segments and pass- ulmfit also achieved the second best micro-F1. ing each segment through the BERT model but As more training data became available at the doing so would require extensive modification to 50% and 100% subsets, the ML classifiers’ ad- the original fine-tuning method; hence we left this vantage over the baseline models widened to for future experimentation. In this light, we also around 30 percentage points on average. Word- benchmarked Howard and Ruder(2018)’s ULM- embedding models in particular showed signifi- FiT model which accepts longer inputs due to its cant improvements. gloveavg and glovecnn out- stacked-LSTM architecture. performed most of the other models (with F1 scores of 63.1 and 61.5 respectively). Within 6 Results the embedding models, glovecnn generally outper- Given our multi-label setting, we evaluated the formed gloveavg while glovemax performed sig- models on and report micro- and macro-averaged nificantly worse than both and thus appears to be F1 scores (Table2), precision (Table3), and re- an unsuitable pooling strategy for this task. call (Table4). Micro-averaging calculates the Most surprisingly, lsa250 emerged as the best metric globally while macro-averaging first calcu- performing model on both micro- and macro- lates the metric within each label before averag- averaged F1 scores for the 100% subset. The ing across labels. Thus, micro-averaged metrics model also produced the highest micro-averaged equally-weight each sample and better indicate a F1 score across all three data subsets, suggesting model’s performance on common labels whereas that common labels were handled well. lsa250’s macro-averaged metrics equally-weight each label strong performance was fuelled primarily by high and better indicate performance on rare labels. precision rather than recall, as discussed below.

6.1 F1 Score 6.2 Precision

Subset 10% 50% 100% Subset 10% 50% 100% bertlarge 45.1 [57.9] 56.7 [63.8] 60.7 [66.3] bertbase 43.1 [53.6] 52.0 [57.6] 56.2 [63.9] bertlarge 54.7 [65.8] 57.1 [59.7] 63.6 [64.3] ulmfit 45.7 [62.8] 45.9 [63.0] 49.2 [64.3] bertbase 41.4 [45.1] 48.1 [50.0] 61.4 [67.2] glovecnn 40.7 [62.2] 58.7 [67.1] 63.1 [70.8] ulmfit 49.3 [63.7] 46.6 [61.4] 48.7 [63.2] gloveavg 36.7 [49.7] 59.1 [64.3] 61.5 [65.6] glovecnn 50.7 [69.8] 63.4 [68.5] 66.7 [72.9] glovemax 29.2 [47.4] 47.8 [59.9] 52.5 [63.2] gloveavg 62.5 [68.0] 67.0 [68.1] 64.8 [68.2] lsa250 37.9 [63.5] 55.2 [70.8] 63.2 [73.3] glovemax 51.3 [65.1] 47.3 [56.6] 59.2 [68.6] lsa100 30.6 [58.5] 51.8 [68.5] 57.1 [70.8] lsa250 56.7 [76.1] 70.0 [81.1] 83.4 [81.7] lsa100 52.3 [77.2] 73.8 [81.9] 73.9 [83.7] count25 32.6 [36.1] 31.8 [30.6] 27.7 [28.1] basepdf 5.2 [17.3] 5.5 [16.6] 5.5 [16.6] count25 30.2 [26.4] 26.4 [19.8] 23.0 [17.8] basepdf 2.9 [10.0] 3.1 [9.5] 3.1 [9.5] Table 2: Macro [Micro] F1 Scores Across Experiments Table 3: Macro [Micro] Precision Across Experiments Across the three data subsets, all ML mod- els consistently outperformed the statistical and As with F1 score, ML models outperformed keyword-matching baselines basepdf and count25 baselines by large margins on precision. LSA respectively. Notably, even with limited train- models performed remarkably well here: except ing data (in the 10% subset), most ML ap- in the 10% subset, where glovecnn recorded the proaches surpassed count25 which, to recall, em- highest macro-precision, top results for both preci- ulates how lawyers may use keyword searches for sion measures belonged to either lsa100 or lsa250. 4Alternative strategies for selecting the 512 tokens trialed Notably, on the 100% subset, lsa250 managed over performed consistently worse and are not reported. 80% on micro- and macro-precision.

70 Subset 10% 50% 100% this, BERT models proved competitive on smaller training subsets. Likewise, while ulmfit per- bert 43.2 [51.7] 59.0 [68.5] 61.6 [68.5] large formed well on the 10% subset (suggesting that bertbase 50.0 [66.1] 58.7 [67.9] 54.2 [60.9] ulmfit 46.1 [61.8] 48.4 [64.8] 52.6 [65.4] it benefited from encoder pre-training), the model glovecnn 37.4 [56.0] 58.2 [65.8] 62.3 [68.8] struggled to leverage additional training data and gloveavg 28.7 [39.2] 56.5 [60.9] 62.1 [63.1] recorded only modest improvements on the larger glovemax 23.2 [37.2] 49.9 [63.6] 49.0 [58.5] training subsets. lsa250 32.7 [54.4] 50.2 [62.8] 57.8 [66.5] Thus, our answer to the research question stated lsa100 25.7 [47.0] 45.3 [58.9] 51.6 [61.4] in Section1 is a nuanced one: while state-of-the-

count25 48.1 [56.9] 57.5 [66.3] 59.9 [66.9] art models do not clearly outperform traditional basepdf 29.0 [64.5] 32.3 [67.7] 32.3 [67.7] statistical models when applied out-of-box to legal corpora, they show promise for dealing with data Table 4: Macro [Micro] Recall Across Experiments constraints particularly if further adapted and fine- tuned to accommodate longer texts. This should inform future research. 6.3 Recall 8 Conclusion and Future Work LSA’s impressive results, however, stop short at recall. A striking observation from Table4 is that This paper comparatively benchmarked traditional LSA and most other ML models did worse than topic models against more recent, sophisticated, count25 on both micro- and macro-recall across and computationally intensive techniques on the all data subsets. Thus, a keyword-search strategy legal area classification task. We found that while seems to be a simple yet strong baseline for identi- data scarcity affects all ML classifiers, certain fying and retrieving judgments by legal area, par- classifiers, especially pre-trained language mod- ticularly when recall is paramount and an ontol- els, could perform well with as few as 588 labelled ogy of area-related terms is available. To some ex- judgments. tent this reflects realities in legal practice, where Our results also suggest that more work can be false negatives (missing relevant precedents) have done to adapt state-of-the-art NLP models for the greater potential to undermine legal argument than legal domain. Two areas seem promising: (1) cre- false positives (discovering irrelevant precedents). ating law-specific datasets and baselines for train- Instead of LSA, the strongest performers here ing and benchmarking legal text classifiers, and were the BERT models which produced the best (2) exploring representation learning techniques micro- and macro-recall on the 10% and 50% sub- that leverage transfer learning methods but scale sets and glovecnn for the 100% training subset. well on long texts. For the latter, possible direc- tions here include exploring different CNN archi- 7 Discussion tectures and their hyperparameters, using contex- tualized word embeddings, and using feature ex- We initially expected pre-trained language mod- traction methods on pre-trained language models els, being the state-of-the-art on many non-legal like BERT (as opposed to fine-tuning them) so that NLP tasks, to perform best here as well. That an they can be used on longer text inputs. As Lord LSA-based linSVM would outperform both word- Denning said in Packer v Packer [1953] EWCA embedding and language models by many mea- Civ J0511-3: sures surprised us. How LSA achieved this is ex- plored in Appendix A.4 which presents a sample “If we never do anything which has not of the (quite informative) topics extracted. been done before, we shall never get One caveat to interpreting our results: we fo- anywhere. The law will stand whilst the cused on comparing the models’ out-of-box per- rest of the world goes on; and that will formance, rather than comparing the models at be bad for both.” their best (i.e. after extensive cross-validation and Acknowledgments tuning). Specifically, the BERT models’ inabil- ity to be fine-tuned on longer input texts meant We thank the anonymous reviewers for their help- that they competed at a disadvantage, having been ful comments and the Singapore Academy of Law shown only selected judgment portions. Despite for permitting us to scrape and use this corpus.

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72 Piotr Szymaski and Tomasz Kajdanowicz. 2017. A the PDF, i.e. immediately after the case informa- network perspective on stratification of multi-label tion section and before the author line. After this data. In Proceedings of the First International Work- process, 611 judgments that were originally unla- shop on Learning with Imbalanced Domains: The- ory and Applications, volume 74 of Proceedings of belled and one incorrectly parsed judgment were Machine Learning Research, pages 22–35, ECML- dropped, leaving the final dataset of 6,227 judg- PKDD, Skopje, Macedonia. PMLR. ments.

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Daniel Taylor Young. 2013. How do you measure All text preprocessing (tokenization, stopping, and a constitutional moment? using algorithmic topic lemmatization) was done using spaCy defaults modeling to evaluate bruce ackerman’s theory of (Honnibal and Montani, 2017). constitutional change. Yale Law Journal, 122:1990. A.3.1 Baseline Models

A Appendices countm uses the FlashText algorithm for efficient A.1 Data Parsing exact phrase matching within long judgment texts (Singh, 2017). To populate the set of associated The original scraped dataset had 6,839 judgments terms for each label, all sub-labels attributable to in PDF format. The PDFs were parsed with a the label within the given training subset were custom Python script using the pdfplumber5 li- first added as exact phrases. Next, the label itself brary. For the purposes of our experiments, we was tokenized into unigrams. Each unigram was excluded the case information section found at the added individually to the set of associated terms beginning of each PDF as we did not consider it unless it fell within a set of customized stopwords to be part of the judgment (this section contains we created after inspecting all labels. The set is information such as Case Number, Decision Date, and, law, of, non, others . Coram, Counsel Names etc). The labels were ex- { } Beyond count25, we experimented with thresh- tracted based on their location in the first page of olds of 1, 5, 10, and 35 occurrences. F1 scores 5 increased linearly as thresholds increased from 1

73 Primary Label Alternative Labels administrative and constitutional law administrative law, adminstrative law, constitutional interpretation, constitu- tional law, elections admiralty shipping and aviation law admiralty, admiralty and shipping, carriage of goods by air and land agency law agency arbitration banking law banking biomedic law and ethics building and construction law building and construction contracts civil procedure civil procedue, application for summary judgment, limitation of actions, procedure, discovery of documents company law companies, companies- meetings, companies - winding up competition law conflict of laws conflicts of laws, conflicts of law contract law commercial transactions, contract, contract - interpretation, contracts, trans- actions criminal law contempt of court, offences, rape criminal procedure and sentencing criminal procedure, criminal sentencing, sentencing, bail credit and security credit and securities, credit & security damages damage, damages - assessment, injunction, injunctions evidence evidence law employment law work injury compensation act equity and trusts equity, estoppel, trusts, tracing family law succession and wills, probate & administration, probate and administration insolvency law insolvency insurance law insurance intellectual property law intellectual property, copyright, copyright infringement, de- signs, trade marks and trade names, trade marks, trademarks, patents and inventions international law non land property law personal property, property law, choses in action land law landlord and tenant, land, planning law legal profession legal professional muslim law partnership law partnership, partnerships restitution revenue and tax law tax, revenue law, tax law tort law tort, abuse of process words and phrases statutory interpretation res judicata immigration courts and jurisdiction road traffic debt and recovery bailment charities unincorporated associations and trade unions unincorporated associations professions bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments gifts mental disorders and treatment deeds and other instruments financial and securities markets sheriffs and bailiffs betting gaming and lotteries, gaming and lotteries sale of goods time

Table 5: Primary-Alternative mappings for raw dataset labels

74 Figure 1: Distribution of Cleaned Labels and the Final 30 Labels Included

75 to 25, but only increased marginally from 25 to steps). To address data imbalance, we weighted 35. the losses by passing positive weights for each class (capped at 30) to the pos weight argu- A.3.2 Topic Models ment of torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss. LSA was achieved using scikit-learn’s TFIDFVec- torizer and TruncatedSVD classes. Document- A.3.5 ULMFiT topic weights were then normalized with scikit- We first fine-tuned the pre-trained ULMFiT lan- learn’s Normalizer class before being fed to the guage model (WikiText-103) on our entire corpus classifier. Where relevant, the random state was of 6,227 judgments using a language model objec- set at 36. Note that judgments were preprocessed tive for 10 epochs before replacing the output layer with spaCy as above before being fed into the LSA with a classifier output layer and then further fine- pipeline. Beyond 100 and 250 topics, an experi- tuned the model on labelled data with the classi- ment using 50 topics only performed consistently fication objective using fastai’s recommended worse. recipe8 for text classification (we used gradual un- The classifier used scikit-learn’s OneVsRest freezing and the one-cycle learning rate schedule and LinearSVC classes with all default set- to fine-tune the classifier until there was no more tings. An alternative linSVM with balanced class- improvement on the validation score). We used weights was tested but performed consistently mixed precision training and fixed the maximum worse by both macro and micro-f1 scores and was sequence length at 5K tokens to allow the training thus omitted for brevity. data to fit in memory.

A.3.3 Word Embedding Feature Models A.4 Topics Extracted by Topic Mining For all the word embedding feature models, we Table6 presents the top 10 tokens associated with used spaCy’s tokenizer to obtain the word to- the top 25 topics extracted by LSA on the 100% kens. We fixed the maximum sequence length data subset. Notice that these topics are com- per judgment at 10K tokens and used a vocabu- mon to both lsa100 and lsa250 since the output of lary of the top 60K most common words in the TFIDF and SVD do not vary with k. The only dif- training corpus. Words that did not have a cor- ference is that lsa100 uses only the first 100 topic responding GloVe vector were initialized from a vectors (i.e. the topic vectors corresponding to the uniform distribution with range [ 0.5, 0.5]. The 100 largest singular values computed by the de- − 6 models were implemented in TensorFlow with composition) created by LSA whereas lsa250 uses the Keras API. To deal with class imbalance, we the first 250. However, topics extracted from dif- weighted the losses by passing class weights to the ferent data subsets would differ. class weight argument of A quick perusal of the extract topics suggests For the CNN models, we based our implemen- many have would be highly informative of a case’s tation off the non-static version in Kim(2014) but legal area. Topics 2, 7, 21, 24, and 25 map used [3, 3, 3] x 600 filters, as we found that in- nicely to criminal law, topics 3 and 5 to family creasing the number of filters improved results. law, and topics 18, and 20 to arbitration. Other A.3.4 BERT individually-informative topics include topics 6 (road traffic), 8 (building and construction law), To fine-tune BERT to our multi-label classifica- 9 (land law), 11 (legal profession), 16 (company tion task, we used the PyTorch implementation law), and 22 (conflict of laws). of BERT by HuggingFace7 and added a lin- ear classification layer W RK H , where K is ∈ × the number of classifier labels and H is the di- mension of the pooled representation of the in- put sequence, followed by a sigmoid function. We fine-tuned all the BERT models using mixed- precision training and gradient accumulation (8

6 tensorflow 7 pytorch-pretrained-BERT 8

76 Topic No. Top 10 Tokens 1 plaintiff, court, defendant, case, party, claim, order, appeal, fact, time 2 offence, accuse, sentence, imprisonment, prosecution, offender, charge, drug, convict, conviction 3 matrimonial, husband, wife, marriage, child, maintenance, contribution, asset, cpf, divorce 4 application, court, appeal, order, district, matrimonial, respondent, proceeding, judge, file 5 matrimonial, marriage, child, maintenance, husband, divorce, parliament, division, context, broad 6 injury, accident, plaintiff, damage, defendant, dr, award, medical, work, pain 7 drug, cnb, diamorphine, packet, mda, bag, heroin, traffic, arbitration, plastic 8 contractor, contract, sentence, imprisonment, construction, clause, project, offender, cl, payment 9 property, land, purchaser, tenant, title, estate, decease, owner, road, lease 10 arbitration, victim, rape, sexual, arbitrator, arbitral, cane, clause, accuse, cl 11 disciplinary, profession, solicitor, committee, advocate, society, client, misconduct, lpa, professional 12 creditor, debt, bankruptcy, accident, debtor, wind, liquidator, injury, death, decease 13 plaintiff, defendant, proprietor, infringement, plaintiffs, defendants, cane, 2014, land, 2012 14 appellant, 2014, road, district, 2016, trial, defendant, property, judge, pp 15 drug, arbitration, profession, disciplinary, society, clause, vessel, death, advocate, diamorphine 16 shareholder, director, company, vehicle, share, resolution, traffic, management, vote, minority 17 creditor, solicitor, road, vehicle, profession, bankruptcy, disciplinary, drive, lane, driver 18 arbitration, adjudicator, decease, tribunal, adjudication, arbitral, vehicle, arbitrator, drive, mark 19 contractor, adjudicator, adjudication, decease, beneficiary, estate, employer, death, child, executor 20 arbitration, arbitrator, tribunal, award, arbitral, profession, contractor, disciplinary, architect, lpa 21 drug, respondent, appellant, diamorphine, gd, factor, cl, adjudicator, judge, creditor 22 2015, forum, 2014, 2016, 2013, foreign, 2012, appellant, conveniens, spiliada 23 stay, appellant, arbitration, estate, register, forum, district, beneficiary, owner, applicant 24 vessel, cargo, decease, murder, sale, ship, death, dr, kill, knife 25 sexual, rape, penis, vagina, complainant, stroke, intercourse, penetration, vessel, sex

Table 6: Top Tokens For Top 25 Topics Extracted by lsa250 on the 100% subset.

77 Extreme Multi-Label Legal Text Classification: A case study in EU Legislation

Ilias Chalkidis* Manos Fergadiotis* Prodromos Malakasiotis* Nikolaos Aletras** Ion Androutsopoulos* * Department of Informatics, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece ** Computer Science Department, University of Sheffield, UK [ihalk,fergadiotis,rulller,ion], [email protected]

Abstract Publications Office of the European Union. Al- though EUROVOC contains more than 7,000 con- We consider the task of Extreme Multi-Label cepts, most of them are rarely used in practice. Text Classification (XMTC) in the legal do- Consequently, they are under-represented in EU- main. We release a new dataset of 57k leg- RLEX57K, making the dataset also appropriate for islative documents from EUR-LEX, the - few-shot and zero-shot learning. pean Union’s public document database, anno- tated with concepts from EUROVOC, a multi- Experimenting on EURLEX57K, we explore the disciplinary thesaurus. The dataset is substan- use of various RNN-based and CNN-based neural tially larger than previous EUR-LEX datasets classifiers, including the state of the art Label- and suitable for XMTC, few-shot and zero-shot Wise Attention Network of Mullenbach et al. learning. Experimenting with several neural (2018), called CNN-LWAN here. We show that classifiers, we show that BIGRUs with self- both a simpler BIGRU with self-attention (Xu et al., attention outperform the current multi-label 2015) and the Hierarchical Attention Network state-of-the-art methods, which employ label- HAN CNN wise attention. Replacing CNNs with BIGRUs ( ) of Yang et al.(2016) outperform - in label-wise attention networks leads to the LWAN by a wide margin. Replacing the CNN en- best overall performance. coder of CNN-LWAN with a BIGRU, which leads to a method we call BIGRU-LWAN, further improves 1 Introduction performance. Similar findings are observed in the zero-shot setting where Z-BIGRU-LWAN outper- Extreme multi-label text classification (XMTC), is forms Z-CNN-LWAN. the task of tagging documents with relevant la- bels from an extremely large label set, typically 2 Related Work containing thousands of labels (classes). Ap- plications include building web directories (Par- Liu et al.(2017) proposed a CNN similar to that talas et al., 2015), labeling scientific publica- of Kim(2014) for XMTC. They reported re- tions with concepts from ontologies (Tsatsaronis sults on several benchmark datasets, most no- et al., 2015), product categorization (McAuley and tably: RCV1 (Lewis et al., 2004), containing Leskovec, 2013), categorizing medical examina- news articles; EUR-LEX (Mencia and Frnkranz, tions (Mullenbach et al., 2018; Rios and Kavu- 2007), containing legal documents; Amazon-12K luru, 2018b), and indexing legal documents (Men- (McAuley and Leskovec, 2013), containing prod- cia and Frnkranz, 2007). We focus on legal text uct descriptions; and Wiki-30K (Zubiaga, 2012), processing, an emerging NLP field with many ap- containing Wikipedia articles. Their proposed plications (Nallapati and Manning, 2008; Aletras method outperformed both tree-based methods et al., 2016; Chalkidis et al., 2017), but limited (e.g., FASTXML,(Prabhu and Varma, 2014)) and publicly available resources. target-embedding methods (e.g., SLEEC (Bha- We release a new dataset, named EURLEX57K, tia et al., 2015), FASTTEXT (Bojanowski et al., including 57,000 English documents of EU legis- 2016)). lation from the EUR-LEX portal. All documents RNNs with self-attention have been employed in have been tagged with concepts from the Euro- a wide variety of NLP tasks, such as Natural Lan- pean Vocabulary (EUROVOC), maintained by the guage Inference (Liu et al., 2016), Textual Entail-

78 Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2019, pages 78–87 Minneapolis, Minesotta, June 7, 2019. c 2019 Association for Computational Linguistics ment (Rocktaschel¨ et al., 2016), and Text Classifi- mance on few-shot and zero-shot learning. In this cation (Zhou et al., 2016). You et al.(2018) used work, we do not consider relations between labels RNNs with self-attention in XMTC comparing with and do not discuss this method further. tree-based methods and deep learning approaches Note that CNN-LWAN and Z-CNN-LWAN were including vanilla LSTMs and CNNs. Their method not compared so far with strong generic text clas- outperformed the other approaches in three out of sification baselines. Both Mullenbach et al.(2018) four XMTC datasets, demonstrating the effective- and Rios and Kavuluru(2018b) proposed sophis- ness of attention-based RNNs. ticated attention-based architectures, which intu- Mullenbach et al.(2018) investigated the use of itively are a good fit for XMTC, but they did not di- label-wise attention mechanisms in medical code rectly compare those models with RNNs with self- prediction on the MIMIC-II and MIMIC-III datasets attention (You et al., 2018) or even more complex (Johnson et al., 2017). MIMIC-II and MIMIC-III architectures, such as Hierarchical Attention Net- contain over 20,000 and 47,000 documents tagged works (HANs) (Yang et al., 2016). with approximately 9,000 and 5,000 ICD-9 code descriptors, respectively. Their best method, Con- 3 EUROVOC & EURLEX57K volutional Attention for Multi-Label Classifica- 3.1 EUROVOC Thesaurus tion, called CNN-LWAN here, includes multiple attention mechanisms, one for each one of the EUROVOC is a multilingual thesaurus maintained L labels. CNN-LWAN outperformed weak base- by the Publications Office of the European 2 lines, namely logistic regression, vanilla BIGRUs Union. It is used by the , the and CNNs. Another important fact is that CNN- national and regional parliaments in , some LWAN was found to have the best interpretability national government departments, and other Eu- in comparison with the rest of the methods in hu- ropean organisations. The current version of EU- man readers’ evaluation. ROVOC contains more than 7,000 concepts refer- Rios and Kavuluru(2018b) discuss the chal- ring to various activities of the EU and its Member lenge of few-shot and zero-shot learning on the States (e.g., economics, health-care, trade, etc.). MIMIC datasets. Over 50% of all ICD-9 labels It has also been used for indexing documents in never appear in MIMIC-III, while 5,000 labels oc- systems of EU institutions, e.g., in web legislative cur fewer than 10 times. The same authors pro- databases, such as EUR-LEX and CELLAR. All EU- posed a new method, named Zero-Shot Attentive ROVOC concepts are represented as tuples called CNN, called Z-CNN-LWAN here, which is simi- descriptors, each containing a unique numeric lar to CNN-LWAN (Mullenbach et al., 2018), but identifier and a (possibly) multi-word description also exploits the provided ICD-9 code descrip- of the concept concept, for example (1309, im- tors. The proposed Z-CNN-LWAN method was port), (693, citrus fruit), (192, health control), compared with prior state-of-the-art methods, in- (863, Spain), (2511, agri-monetary policy). cluding CNN-LWAN (Mullenbach et al., 2018) and MATCH-CNN (Rios and Kavuluru, 2018a), a multi- 3.2 EURLEX57K head matching CNN. While Z-CNN-LWAN did not EURLEX57K can be viewed as an improved ver- outperform CNN-LWAN overall on MIMIC-II and sion of the EUR-LEX dataset released by Men- MIMIC-III, it had exceptional results in few-shot cia and Frnkranz(2007), which included 19,601 and zero-shot learning, being able to identify la- documents tagged with 3,993 different EUROVOC bels with few or no instances at all in the train- concepts. While EUR-LEX has been widely used ing sets. Experimental results showed an improve- in XMTC research, it is less than half the size of ment of approximately four orders of magnitude in EURLEX57K and one of the smallest among XMTC comparison with CNN-LWAN in few-shot learning benchmarks.3 Over the past years the EUR-LEX and an impressive 0.269 R@5 in zero-shot learn- archive has been widely expanded. EURLEX57K is ing, compared to zero R@5 reported for the other a more up to date dataset including 57,000 pieces models compared.1 Rios and Kavuluru(2018b) 2 also apply graph convolutions to hierarchical re- web/eu-vocabularies lations of the labels, which improves the perfor- 3The most notable XMTC benchmarks can be found at 1See Section 5.2 for a definition of R@K. XMLRepository.html.

79 of EU legislation from the EUR-LEX portal.4 All documents have been annotated by the Publica- tions Office of EU with multiple concepts from the EUROVOC thesaurus. EURLEX57K is split in train- ing (45,000 documents), development (6,000), and validation (6,000) subsets (see Table1). 5

Subset Documents (D) Words/D Labels/D Train 45,000 729 5 Dev. 6,000 714 5 Test 6,000 725 5

Table 1: Statistics of the EUR-LEX dataset. Figure 1: EUROVOC concepts frequency. All documents are structured in four major zones: the header including the title and the name of the legal body that enforced the legal act; the with two novel neural methods that aim to cope recitals that consist of references in the legal back- with the extended length of the legal documents ground of the decision; the main body, which is and the information sparsity (for XMTC purposes) usually organized in articles; and the attachments across the sections of the documents. that usually include appendices and annexes. For 4.1 Baselines simplicity, we will refer to each one of header, recitals, attachments and each of the main body’s 4.1.1 Exact Match articles as sections. We have pre-processed all To demonstrate that plain label name matching documents in order to provide the aforementioned is not sufficient, our first weak baseline, Exact structure. Match, tags documents only with labels whose de- While EUROVOC includes over 7,000 concepts scriptors appear verbatim in the documents. (labels), only 4,271 (59.31%) of them are present 4.1.2 Logistic Regression in EURLEX57K. Another important fact is that most labels are under-represented; only 2,049 To demonstrate the limitations of linear classifiers (47,97%) have been assigned to more than 10 doc- with bag-of-words representations, we train a Lo- uments. Such an aggressive Zipfian distribution gistic Regression classifier with TF-IDF scores for (Figure1) has also been noted in other domains, the most frequent unigrams, bigrams, trigrams, 4- like medical examinations (Rios and Kavuluru, grams, 5-grams across all documents. Logistic 2018b) where XMTC has been applied to index regression with similar features has been widely documents with concepts from medical thesauri. used for multi-label classification in the past. The labels of EURLEX57K are divided in three 4.2 Neural Approaches categories: frequent labels (746), which occur in We present eight alternative neural methods. In the more than 50 training documents and can be found following subsections, we describe their structure in all three subsets (training, development, test); consisting of five main parts: few-shot labels (3,362), which appear in 1 to 50 training documents; and zero-shot labels (163), word encoder (ENCw): turns word embed- • which appear in the development and/or test, but dings into context-aware embeddings, not in the training, documents. section encoder (ENC ): turns each section • s 4 Methods Considered (sentence) into a sentence embedding, document encoder (ENC ): turns an entire We experiment with a wide repertoire of methods • d document into a final dense representation, including linear and non-linear neural classifiers. We also propose and conduct initial experiments section decoder (DEC ) or document decoder • s (DEC ): maps the section or document repre- 4 d 5Our dataset is available at http://nlp.cs. sentation to a many-hot label assignment., with permission of reuse under European Union c , All parts except for ENCw and DECd are optional,, 1998–2019. i.e., they may not be present in all methods.

80 Figure 2: Illustration of (a) BIGRU-ATT, (b) HAN, and (c) BIGRU-LWAN.

(s) 4.2.1 BIGRU-ATT where u is a trainable vector. Next, ENCd, an- In the first deep learning method, BIGRU-ATT other BIGRU with self-attention, converts the sec- tion embeddings (S in total, as many as the sec- (Figure2a), ENCw is a stack of BIGRUs that con- tions) to the final document representation d: verts the pre-trained word embeddings (wt) to context-aware ones (h ). ENC employs a self at- t d v = tanh(W (d)c + b(d)) (6) tention mechanism to produce the final represen- i i (d) (d) exp(v>u ) tation d of the document as a weighted sum of ht: a = i i (d) (7) j exp(vj>u ) S exp(ht>u) P1 (d) a = (1) d = a ci (8) t S i j exp(hj>u) Xi=1 T P1 d = a h (2) where u(d) is a trainable vector. The final decoder T t t t=1 DEC of HAN is the same as in BIGRU-ATT. X d T is the document’s length in words, and u is 4.3 MAX-HSS a trainable vector used to compute the attention Initial experiments we conducted indicated that scores at over ht. DECd is a linear layer with HAN is outperformed by the shallower BIGRU- L = 4, 271 output units and sigmoid (σ) activa- ATT. We suspected that the main reason was the tions that maps the document representation d to fact that the section embeddings c that HAN’s L probabilities, one per label. i ENCs produces contain useful information that is 4.2.2 HAN later degraded by HAN’s ENCd. Based on this as- sumption, we experimented with a novel method, The Hierarchical Attention Network (HAN)(Yang named Max-Pooling over Hierarchical Attention et al., 2016), exploits the structure of the doc- Scorers (MAX-HSS). MAX-HSS produces section uments by encoding the text in two consecutive embeddings ci in the same way as HAN, but then steps (Figure2b). First, a BIGRU (ENCw) followed employs a separate DECs per section to produce by a self-attention mechanism (ENCs) turns the label predictions from each section embedding ci: word embeddings (wit) of each section si with Ti words into a section embedding ci: (s) (m) (m) pi = σ(W ci + b ) (9)

(s) (s) where pi is an L-dimensional vector containing vit = tanh(W hit + b ) (3) probabilities for all labels, derived from ci. DECd (s) (s) exp(v>u ) aggregates the predictions for the whole document a = it it (s) (4) j exp(vij>u ) with a MAXPOOL operator that extracts the highest T probability per label across all sections: P1 i c = a(s)h (5) i T it it (d) (s) (s) i t=1 p = MAXPOOL(p1 , . . . , pS ) (10) X 81 Intuitively, each section tries to predict the labels representation. DECd also relies on label represen- relying on its content independently, and DECd ex- tations to produce each label’s probability: tracts the most probable labels across sections. pl = σ(ul>dl) (15) 4.3.1 CNN-LWAN and BIGRU-LWAN Note that the representations ul of both encoun- The Label-wise Attention Network, LWAN (Mul- tered (during training) and unseen (zero-shot) la- lenbach et al., 2018), also uses a self-attention bels remain unchanged, because the word embed- mechanism, but here ENCd employs L indepen- dings wle are not updated (Eq. 11). This keeps the dent attention heads, one per label, generating L representations of zero-shot labels close to those document representations dl = t altht (l = of encountered labels they share several descriptor 1,...,L) from the sequence of context aware P words with. In turn, this helps the attention mech- word embeddings h1, . . . , hT of each document d. anism (Eq. 13) and the decoder (Eq. 15), where the The intuition is that each attention head focuses label representations ul are used, cope with un- on possibly different aspects of h1, . . . , hT needed seen labels that have similar descriptors with en- to decide if the corresponding label should be as- countered labels. As with CNN-LWAN and BIGRU- signed to the document or not. DECd employs L LWAN, we experiment with the original version of linear layers with σ activation, each one operating the model of Rios and Kavuluru(2018b), which on a label-wise document representation dl to pro- uses a CNNENCw (Z-CNN-LWAN), and a version duce the probability for the corresponding label. that uses a BIGRUENCw (Z-BIGRU-LWAN). In the original LWAN (Mullenbach et al., 2018), called CNN-LWAN here, ENCw is a vanilla CNN. 4.5 LW-HAN We use a modified version, BIGRU-LWAN, where We also propose a new method, Label-Wise Hier- ENCw is a BIGRU (Figure2c). archical Attention Network (LW-HAN), that com- bines ideas from both HAN and LWAN. For each 4.4 Z-CNN-LWAN and Z-BIGRU-LWAN section, LW-HAN employs an LWAN to produce L Following the work of Mullenbach et al.(2018), probabilities. Then, like MAX-HSS, a MAXPOOL Rios and Kavuluru(2018b) designed a similar ar- operator extracts the highest probability per label chitecture in order to improve the results in docu- across all sections. In effect, LW-HAN exploits the ments that are classified with rare labels. In one of document structure to cope with the extended doc- their models, ENCd creates label representations, ument length of legal documents, while employing ul, from the corresponding descriptors as follows: multiple label-wise attention heads to deal with the vast and sparse label set. By contrast, MAX-HSS E 1 does not use label-wise attention. u = w (11) l E le e=1 X 5 Experimental Results where wle is the word embedding of the e-th word 5.1 Experimental Setup in the l-th label descriptor. The label representa- We implemented all methods in KERAS.6 We used tions are then used as alternative attention vectors: Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2015) with learning rate 1e 3. Hyper-parameters were tuned on develop- (z) (z) − 7 vt = tanh(W ht + b ) (12) ment data using HYPEROPT. We tuned for the fol- lowing hyper-parameters and ranges: ENC output exp(vt>ul) alt = (13) units 200, 300, 400 , ENC layers 1, 2 , batch exp(v>ul) { } { } j j size 8, 12, 16 , dropout rate 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 , T { } { } P1 word dropout rate 0.0, 0.01, 0.02 . For the best d = a h (14) { } l T lt t hyper-parameter values, we perform five runs and t=1 X report mean scores on test data. For statistical sig- where ht are the context-aware embeddings pro- nificance, we take the run of each method with the duced by a vanilla CNN (ENCw) operating on the best performance on development data, and per- document’s word embeddings, alt are the attention form two-tailed approximate randomization tests scores conditioned on the corresponding label rep- 6 7 resentation ul, and dl is the label-wise document

82 (Dror et al., 2018) on test data. We used 200- 1 dimensional pre-trained GLOVE embeddings (Pen- 0.9 nington et al., 2014) in all neural methods. 0.8 5.2 Evaluation Measures 0.7 The most common evaluation measures in XMTC 0.6 are recall (R@K), precision (P @K), and nDCG (nDCG@K) at the top K predicted labels, along 0.5 with micro-averaged F -1 across all labels. Mea- 0.4 BIGRU-ATT sures that macro-average over labels do not con- 0.3 HANs sider the number of instances per label, thus being BIGRU-LWANs very sensitive to infrequent labels, which are many 0.2 more than frequent ones (Section 3.2). On the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 other hand, ranking measures, like R@K, P @K, K top predictions nDCG@K, are sensitive to the choice of K. In EURLEX57K the average number of labels per Figure 3: R@K (green lines), P @K (red), RP @K document is 5.07, hence evaluating at K = 5 is (black) scores of the best methods (BIGRU-ATT, HANs, BIGRU-LWAN), for K = 1 to 10. All scores macro- a reasonable choice. We note that 99.4% of the averaged over test documents. dataset’s documents have at most 10 gold labels. While R@K and P @K are commonly used, we question their suitability for XMTC. R@K fewer than K or many more than K gold labels. leads to unfair penalization of methods when doc- They are defined as follows: N K uments have more than K gold labels. Evaluating 1 Rel(n, k) at K = 1 for a document with N > 1 gold labels RP @K = (16) N min (K,Rn) 1 n=1 k=1 returns at most R@1 = N , unfairly penalizing X X N K systems by not allowing them to return N labels. 1 2Rel(n,k) 1 nDCG@K = Z − (17) This is shown in Figure3, where the green lines N Kn log (1 + k) n=1 2 show that R@K decreases as K decreases, be- X Xk=1 cause of low scores obtained for documents with Here N is the number of test documents; Rel(n, k) more than K labels. On the other hand, P @K is 1 if the k-th retrieved label of the n-th test doc- leads to excessive penalization for documents with ument is correct, otherwise 0; Rn is the number of fewer than K gold labels. Evaluating at K = 5 gold labels of the n-th test document; and ZKn is a for a document with just one gold label returns at normalization factor to ensure that nDCG@K = 1 1 most P @5 = 5 = 0.20, unfairly penalizing sys- for perfect ranking. tems that retrieved all the gold labels (in this case, In effect, RP @K is a macro-averaged (over test just one). The red lines of Figure3 decline as K documents) version of P @K, but K is reduced to increases, because the number of documents with the number of gold labels Rn of each test docu- fewer than K gold labels increases (recall that the ment, if K exceeds Rn. Figure3 shows RP @K average number of gold labels is 5.07). for the three best systems. Unlike P @K, RP @K Similar concerns have led to the introduction does not decline sharply as K increases, because of R-Precision and nDCG@K in Information Re- it replaces K by Rn (number of gold labels) when trieval (Manning et al., 2009), which we believe K > Rn. For K = 1, RP @K is equivalent to are also more appropriate for XMTC. Note, how- P @K, as confirmed by Fig.3. For large values of ever, that R-Precision requires that the number of K that almost always exceed Rn, RP @K asymp- gold labels per document is known beforehand, totically approaches R@K (macro-averaged over which is not realistic in practical applications. documents), as also confirmed by Fig.3. Therefore we propose R-Precision@K (RP @K) where K is the maximum number of retrieved 5.3 Overall Experimental Results labels. Both RP @K and nDCG@K adjust to Table2 reports experimental results for all meth- the number of gold labels per document, without ods and evaluation measures. As expected, Exact unfairly penalizing systems for documents with Match is vastly outperformed by machine learning

83 ALL LABELS FREQUENT FEW ZERO RP @5 nDCG@5 Micro-F 1 RP @5 nDCG@5 RP @5 nDCG@5 RP @5 nDCG@5 Exact Match 0.097 0.099 0.120 0.219 0.201 0.111 0.074 0.194 0.186 Logistic Regression 0.710 0.741 0.539 0.767 0.781 0.508 0.470 0.011 0.011 BIGRU-ATT 0.758 0.789 0.689 0.799 0.813 0.631 0.580 0.040 0.027 HAN 0.746 0.778 0.680 0.789 0.805 0.597 0.544 0.051 0.034 CNN-LWAN 0.716 0.746 0.642 0.761 0.772 0.613 0.557 0.036 0.023 BIGRU-LWAN 0.766 0.796 0.698 0.805 0.819 0.662 0.618 0.029 0.019 Z-CNN-LWAN 0.684 0.717 0.618 0.730 0.745 0.495 0.454 0.321 0.264 Z-BIGRU-LWAN 0.718 0.752 0.652 0.764 0.780 0.561 0.510 0.438 0.345 ENSEMBLE-LWAN 0.766 0.796 0.698 0.805 0.819 0.662 0.618 0.438 0.345 MAX-HSS 0.737 0.773 0.671 0.784 0.803 0.463 0.443 0.039 0.028 LW-HAN 0.721 0.761 0.669 0.766 0.790 0.412 0.402 0.039 0.026

Table 2: Results on EURLEX57K for all, frequent (> 50 training instances), few-shot (1 to 50 instances), and zero- shot labels. All the differences between the best (bold) and other methods are statistically significant (p < 0.01). methods, while Logistic Regression is also unable quent labels. The zero-shot versions of CNN- to cope with the complexity of XMTC. LWAN and BIGRU-LWAN outperform all other In Section2, we referred to the lack of pre- methods on zero-shot labels, in line with the find- vious experimental comparison between meth- ings of Rios and Kavuluru(2018b), because they ods relying on label-wise attention and strong exploit label descriptors, which they do not update generic text classification baselines. Interestingly, during training (Section 4.4). Exact Match also for all, frequent, and even few-shot labels, the performs better than most other methods (exclud- generic BIGRU-ATT performs better than CNN- ing Z-CNN-LWAN and Z-BIGRU-LWAN) on zero- LWAN, which was designed for XMTC. HAN also shot labels, because it exploits label descriptors. performs better than CNN-LWAN for all and fre- To better support all types of labels (frequent, quent labels. However, replacing the CNN encoder few-shot, zero-shot), we propose an ensemble of of CNN-LWAN with a BIGRU (BIGRU-LWAN) leads BIGRU-LWAN and Z-BIGRU-LWAN, which outputs to the best results overall, with the exception of the predictions of BIGRU-LWAN for frequent and zero-shot labels, indicating that the main weak- few-shot labels, along with the predictions of Z- ness of CNN-LWAN is its vanilla CNN encoder. BIGRU-LWAN for zero-shot labels. The ensem- ble’s results for ‘all labels’ in Table2 are the same 5.4 Few-shot and Zero-shot Results as those of BIGRU-LWAN, because zero-shot labels As noted by Rios and Kavuluru (2018b), de- are very few (163) and rare in the test set. veloping reliable and robust classifiers for few- The two methods (MAX-HSS, LW-HAN) that ag- shot and zero-shot tasks is a significant challenge. gregate (via MAXPOOL) predictions across sec- Consider, for example, a test document referring tions under-perform in all types of labels, sug- to concepts that have rarely (few-shot) or never gesting that combining predictions from individ- (zero-shot) occurred in training documents (e.g., ual sections is not a promising direction for XMTC. ‘tropical disease’, which exists once in the whole dataset). A reliable classifier should be able to at 5.5 Providing Evidence through Attention least make a good guess for such rare concepts. Chalkidis and Kampas(2018) noted that self- As shown in Table2, BIGRU-LWAN outper- attention does not only lead to performance im- forms all other methods in both frequent and few- provements in legal text classification, but might shotlabels, but not in zero-shot labels, where Z- also provide useful evidence for the predictions CNN-LWAN (Rios and Kavuluru, 2018b) provides (i.e., assisting in decision-making). On the left exceptional results compared to other methods. side of Figure 4a, we demonstrate such indica- Again, replacing the vanilla CNN of Z-CNN-LWAN tive results by visualizing the attention heat-maps with a BIGRU (Z-BIGRU-LWAN) improves perfor- of BIGRU-ATT and BIGRU-LWAN. Recall that mance across all label types and measures. BIGRU-LWAN uses a separate attention head per All other methods, including BIGRU-ATT, HAN, label. This allows producing multi-color heat- LWAN, fail to predict relevant zero-shot labels (Ta- maps (a different color per label) separately indi- ble2). This behavior is not surprising, because cating which words the system attends most when the training objective, minimizing binary cross- predicting each label. By contrast, BIGRU-ATT entropy across all labels, largely ignores infre- uses a single attention head and, thus, the result-



Figure 4: Attention heat-maps for BIGRU-ATT (left) and BIGRU-LWAN (right). Gold labels (concepts) are shown at the top of each sub-figure, while the top 5 predicted labels are shown at the bottom. Correct predictions are shown in bold. BIGRU-LWAN’s label-wise attentions are depicted in different colors. ing heat-maps include only one color. consider the structure (sections) of the documents. The best methods of this work rely on GRUs and 6 Conclusions and Future Work thus are computationally expensive. The length of the documents further affects the training time We compared various neural methods on a new le- of these methods. Hence, we plan to investigate gal XMTC dataset, EURLEX57K, also investigat- the use of Transformers (Vaswani et al., 2017; Dai ing few-shot and zero-shot learning. We showed et al., 2019) and dilated CNNs (Kalchbrenner et al., that BIGRU-ATT is a strong baseline for this XMTC 2017) as alternative document encoders. dataset, outperforming CNN-LWAN (Mullenbach et al., 2018), which was especially designed for Given the recent advances in transfer learning XMTC, but that replacing the vanilla CNN of CNN- for natural language processing, we plan to ex- LWAN by a BIGRU encoder (BIGRU-LWAN) leads periment with pre-trained neural language models to the best overall results, except for zero-shot la- for feature extraction and fine-tuning using state- bels. For the latter, the zero-shot version of CNN- of-the-art approaches such as ELMO (Peters et al., LWAN of Rios and Kavuluru(2018b) produces 2018)), ULMFIT (Howard and Ruder, 2018) and exceptional results, compared to the other meth- BERT (Devlin et al., 2019). ods, and its performance improves further when Finally, we also plan to investigate further the its CNN is replaced by a BIGRU (Z-BIGRU-LWAN). extent to which attention heat-maps provide use- Surprisingly HAN (Yang et al., 2016) and other ful explanations of the predictions made by legal hierarchical methods we considered (MAX-HSS, predictive models following recent work on atten- LW-HAN) are weaker compared to the other neu- tion explainability (Jain and Wallace, 2019). ral methods we experimented with, which do not

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Author Index

Aberdeen, John, 12 Song, Dezhao, 45 Aletras, Nikolaos, 78 Androutsopoulos, Ion, 78 Teo, Ronald, 45

Branting, Karl, 12 Vacek, Thomas, 45 Broderick, Daniel, 21 Vasilevskis, Artus, 55

Chai, Ian Ernst, 67 Weißenhorn, Pia, 55 Chakraborty, Amartya, 12 Yeh, Alexander, 12 Chalkidis, Ilias, 78 Cowling, Conner, 45

Fergadiotis, Emmanouil, 78 Ferro, Lisa, 12

Gracia, Jorge, 55

Herr, Jonathan, 21

Kernerman, Ilan, 55 Khvalchik, Maria, 55

Lagzdins, Andis, 55 Leitner, Elena, 55 Li, Junyi Jessy,1 Lim, How Khang, 67

Malakasiotis, Prodromos, 78 Manor, Laura,1 Mayhew, Stephen, 39 Milde, Jan, 55 Mireles, Victor, 55 Moreno-Schneider, Julian, 55

Nugent, Timothy, 45

Pfeifer, Craig, 12 Pinnis, Marcis, 55

Rehm, Georg, 55 Revenko, Artem, 55

Sanchez, George, 31 Schilder, Frank, 45 Shaffer, Robert, 39 Simonson, Dan, 21 Soh, Jerrold, 67