DECEMBER 31, 2014 AND 2013



Independent Auditors’ Report 1-2

Statements of Financial Position - December 31, 2014 and 2013 3

Statements of Activities for the Years Ended December 31, 2014 and 2013 4

Statements of Cash Flows for the Years Ended December 31, 2014 and 2013 5

Notes to Financial Statements 6-22

Schedules of Operating Activity for the Years Ended December 31, 2014 and 2013 23

Schedule of Grants for the Year Ended December 31, 2014 24-55

Schedule of Net Asset Balances - December 31, 2014 56-78

Schedule of Donations and Bequests for the Year Ended December 31, 2014 79-83

29 South Main Street Tel 860.561.4000 P.O. Box 272000 Fax 860.521.9241 West Hartford, CT 06127-2000 blumshapiro.com

Independent Auditors’ Report

To the Board of Directors Hartford Foundation for Public Giving

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Hartford Foundation for Public Giving, which comprise the statements of financial position as of December 31, 2014 and 2013, and the related statements of activities and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements.

Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditors’ Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors’ judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditors consider internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

-1- Blum, Shapiro & Company, P.C. An independent member of Baker Tilly International


In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Hartford Foundation for Public Giving as of December 31, 2014 and 2013, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Report on Supplementary Information

Our audits were conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the financial statements as a whole. The schedules of operating activity, grants, net asset balances, and donations and bequests are presented for the purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the financial statements. Such information is the responsibility of management and was derived from and relates directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements. The information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audits of the financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements or to the financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion, the information is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements as a whole.

West Hartford, Connecticut April 8, 2015


2014 2013

ASSETS Investments, at Market Value U.S. equities $ 351,779,695 $ 384,314,612 International equities 214,358,307 215,433,174 Fixed income 204,655,743 186,768,481 Alternative investments 49,543,561 49,191,079 Emerging market equities 53,546,235 47,493,079 Cash equivalents 43,278,271 23,947,958 Split-interest agreements 9,222,504 9,167,839 Other investments 404,730 404,730 Total investments 926,789,046 916,720,952

Other Assets Cash 2,262,975 1,374,086 Accrued investment income 1,455,321 991,701 Contributions receivable - split-interest agreements 3,082,442 2,958,238 Property and equipment, net 307,846 317,700 Other assets 314,511 319,328

Total Assets $ 934,212,141 $ 922,682,005


Liabilities Grants and other payables $ 28,951,568 $ 23,571,625 Annuity liability 2,905,638 3,036,082 Agency endowments 3,506,946 3,136,354 Other liabilities 269,348 241,621 Total liabilities 35,633,500 29,985,682

Net Assets Unrestricted net assets 28,208,064 27,862,364 Temporarily restricted net assets 870,370,577 864,833,959 Total net assets 898,578,641 892,696,323

Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ 934,212,141 $ 922,682,005

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements -3- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014 AND 2013

2014 2013 Temporarily Temporarily Unrestricted Restricted Total Unrestricted Restricted Total Revenues, Gains and Other Support Donations and bequests $ - $ 19,733,486 $ 19,733,486 $ - $ 10,310,277 $ 10,310,277 Investment income, net of investment and trustees fees of $847,566 in 2014 and $794,458 in 2013 671,847 13,069,986 13,741,833 761,831 14,427,144 15,188,975 Change in value of split-interest agreements and other assets (207,151) 177,340 (29,811) 42,471 296,395 338,866 Net assets released from restrictions 44,738,658 (44,738,658) - 37,372,484 (37,372,484) - Other revenues 656,052 355,223 1,011,275 490,739 373,358 864,097 Total revenues, gains and other support 45,859,406 (11,402,623) 34,456,783 38,667,525 (11,965,310) 26,702,215

Expenses Program expenses: Grants authorized, net 32,637,343 - 32,637,343 29,385,934 - 29,385,934 Related program activities and Foundation administered projects 2,526,912 - 2,526,912 2,582,375 - 2,582,375 Funds transferred out 3,698,644 - 3,698,644 181,710 - 181,710 Management and general: Operating expenses 7,345,485 - 7,345,485 6,974,114 - 6,974,114 Total expenses 46,208,384 - 46,208,384 39,124,133 - 39,124,133

Decrease in Net Assets Before Realized and Unrealized Appreciation on Investments and Other Assets (348,978) (11,402,623) (11,751,601) (456,608) (11,965,310) (12,421,918)

Realized and Unrealized Appreciation on Investments and Other Assets, Net of Investment and Trustees Fees of $4,097,898 in 2014 and $3,629,357 in 2013 694,678 16,939,241 17,633,919 5,043,185 118,206,852 123,250,037

Increase in Net Assets 345,700 5,536,618 5,882,318 4,586,577 106,241,542 110,828,119

Net Assets - Beginning of Year 27,862,364 864,833,959 892,696,323 23,275,787 758,592,417 781,868,204

Net Assets - End of Year $ 28,208,064 $ 870,370,577 $ 898,578,641 $ 27,862,364 $ 864,833,959 $ 892,696,323

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements -4- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014 AND 2013

2014 2013

Cash Flows from Operating Activities Increase in net assets $ 5,882,318 $ 110,828,119 Adjustments to reconcile increase in net assets to net cash used in operating activities: Depreciation expense 78,705 72,332 Realized and unrealized appreciation of investments and other assets (17,633,919) (123,250,037) (Increase) decrease in operating assets: Accrued investment income (463,620) 1,105,317 Contributions receivable - split-interest agreements (214,161) (1,125,370) Other assets 40,109 577,043 Increase (decrease) in operating liabilities: Grants payable 5,379,943 625,585 Annuity liability (130,444) 104,271 Agency endowments 370,593 379,172 Other liabilities 27,727 34,865 Net cash used in operating activities (6,662,749) (10,648,703)

Cash Flows from Investing Activities Purchases of investments (685,730,786) (342,208,829) Proceeds from sales of investments 693,351,276 353,211,617 Purchases of property and equipment (68,852) (46,027) Net cash provided by investing activities 7,551,638 10,956,761

Net Increase in Cash 888,889 308,058

Cash - Beginning of Year 1,374,086 1,066,028

Cash - End of Year $ 2,262,975 $ 1,374,086

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements -5- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


Hartford Foundation for Public Giving (the Foundation) is a community foundation serving the Greater Hartford area. As a community grantor, the Foundation accepts applications from not-for- profit organizations and agencies in need of financial assistance. The Foundation’s affairs, including its grant making, are governed by a nine-member Board of Directors.

The financial statements of the Foundation include the combined accounts of the various funds held in trust for, or by, the Foundation and the assets of HFPG, Inc., and HFPG Special Assets, Inc. (exempt not-for-profit corporations), component organizations whose purpose is substantially identical to the Foundation and whose Board members are also members of the Board of the Foundation. HFPG, Inc., and HFPG Special Assets, Inc., were established to provide the Foundation greater flexibility in receiving donations and managing investments. HFPG, Inc., had total assets of $379,530,063 and $365,117,581 and net assets of $354,309,298 and $343,377,065 as of December 31, 2014 and 2013, respectively. HFPG Special Assets, Inc., was organized on February 10, 2005. HFPG Special Assets, Inc., had no net assets as of December 31, 2014 and 2013.


Basis of Accounting and Presentation - The Foundation prepares its financial statements on the accrual basis of accounting in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Accordingly, the accounts of the Foundation are reported in the following categories:

Unrestricted Net Assets - These net assets are defined as assets that are free of donor-imposed restrictions and include all investment income and appreciation not subject to donor-imposed restrictions.

Temporarily Restricted Net Assets - These net assets include contributions, unconditional promises to give and other inflows of assets whose use by the Foundation is limited by donor- imposed stipulations that either expire by the passage of time or can be fulfilled and removed by actions of the Foundation. This classification includes investment income and appreciation, which can be expended but for which restrictions have not yet been met. Included in the temporarily restricted net assets are charitable remainder trusts, a charitable lead trust, pooled income funds and contributions receivable. This classification also includes accumulated investment income and gains on donor-restricted endowment assets that have not been appropriated for expenditure.

Permanently Restricted Net Assets - These net assets include the historic dollar value (fair market value at time of the gift) of contributions and other inflows of assets whose use by the Foundation is limited by donor-imposed stipulations that neither expire by the passage of time nor can be fulfilled or otherwise removed by actions of the Foundation. The Foundation does not have any permanently restricted net assets as of December 31, 2014 and 2013, as described in Note 5.



Endowment Fund Management and Variance Power - To ensure observation of limitations and restrictions placed on the use of resources available to the Foundation, the accounts of the Foundation are managed as individual charitable funds according to their nature and purpose. Endowment funds are subject to the restriction of the gift instruments. Funds consist of the assets held in trust for, or by, the Foundation, the assets of HFPG, Inc., and certain other funds. The endowment assets held subject to the Foundation’s Resolution and Declaration of Trust and subject to HFPG, Inc.’s Certificate of Incorporation are intended by the Board of Directors to be treated similarly for accounting and legal purposes. Such endowment and other funds are subject to both variance power (the unilateral power, pursuant to federal regulations, to modify any restriction or condition if it becomes, in effect, unnecessary, incapable of fulfillment or inconsistent with the charitable needs of the community) and limited invasion of corpus power. The Foundation’s and HFPG, Inc.’s governance documents describe the criteria and limited circumstances under which these powers would be exercised.

Gifts and bequests received by the Foundation are accounted for and managed for endowment recordkeeping in certain categories described below:

Endowment - The Foundation’s endowment funds consist of original assets and undistributed investment return on endowment funds. The Foundation makes distributions of investment return (i.e., interest, dividends and appreciation or depreciation) from these funds in accordance with the spending formula and subject to the Resolution and Declaration of Trust.

Other - Other funds consist of the Foundation’s operating funds for grants and administration, plant funds, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, pooled income funds, amounts internally designed for future grant making, and certain unspent investment return from designated and donor-advised funds.

Agency Endowments - The Foundation receives and distributes assets under certain agency endowments with unrelated organizations. Amounts received and distributed under these relationships totaled $-0- and $372,554 respectively, in 2014 and $-0- and $87,242 respectively, in 2013.

The amounts held but not yet distributed totaled $3,506,946 and $3,136,354 at December 31, 2014 and 2013, respectively, and are included on the statements of financial position in agency endowments. In accordance with the policy adopted by the Board of Directors, the Foundation does not accept contributions that would establish a new agency endowment fund.

Cash - The Foundation maintains deposits in financial institutions that may, at times, exceed federal depository insurance limits. Management believes that the Foundation’s deposits are not subject to significant credit risk.



Investment Valuation and Income Recognition - Investments are reported at fair value. Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. See Note 4 for a discussion of fair value measurements.

Purchases and sales of securities are recorded on the trade date basis. Interest income is recorded on the accrual basis. Dividends are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Realized and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments and other assets includes the Foundation’s gains and losses on investments bought and sold as well as held during the year.

Bank of America, the trustee bank, holds all the investments for the trusts established on behalf of the Foundation in a variety of investment vehicles, including mutual funds and separate accounts. Trust Company of Connecticut, a division of First Niagara Bank, is also named a trustee bank. All of the investments of HFPG, Inc., are held in a variety of investment vehicles, including mutual funds and separate accounts, held in custody by BNY Mellon N.A. and State Street Bank and Trust Company of Boston, Massachusetts.

Donated Assets - Donated marketable securities and other assets are recorded as contributions at their estimated fair values as of the date of donation.

Property and Equipment - Property and equipment are stated at cost and depreciated using the straight-line method over their estimated useful lives, which range from 3 to 10 years. The Foundation follows the practice of capitalizing all expenditures for capitalizable property and equipment in excess of $1,000.

Contributions - The Foundation accounts for its contributions received as follows:

Contributions Received - Unconditional promises to give that are expected to be collected within one year are recorded at their net realizable value. Promises to give that are scheduled to be received after the fiscal year-end are shown as temporarily restricted support and reclassified to unrestricted net assets when the time restriction is met. Contributions whose restrictions are met in the same fiscal year are recorded as unrestricted support. Conditional promises to give to the Foundation are not included as support until such time as the conditions are substantially met.

Split-Interest Agreements - The Foundation’s split-interest agreements with donors consist of charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder annuity trusts, charitable remainder unitrusts, a charitable lead annuity trust and pooled income funds. Assets recognized under split-interest agreements are recorded at fair value. Assets are invested and payments are made to donors and/or other beneficiaries in accordance with the respective agreements. The present value of payments to beneficiaries under these arrangements is calculated using discount rates ranging from 2% to 8%. Such rates represent risk-free rates in existence at the date of gift. Gains or losses resulting from changes in actuarial assumptions and accretions of the discount are recorded as increases or decreases in the value of split-interest agreements in the statements of activities.



Donations relating to split-interest agreements of $518,797 in 2014 and $375,878 in 2013 were recognized as temporarily restricted support.

During December 31, 2014 and 2013, several split-interest agreement income beneficiaries passed away, and the remaining assets, totaling $171,815 and $7,705, respectively, reverted to the Foundation.

Bequests - Bequests are recorded as support when all events required for the transfer of the assets from the estate of the donor to the Foundation have occurred and the probate court has issued an order to transfer.

Funds Transferred Out - Funds transferred out includes $2,921,330 representing an amount authorized by the Board to close a fund and transfer the balance back to the original contributing foundation, at their request, to support their scholarships and administrative expenses.

Fundraising Expenses - Fundraising expenses were $978,197 and $911,340 for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013, respectively, and are included in operating expenses in the statements of activities.

Income Taxes - The Foundation is exempt from federal and state income taxes under Section 501(c)(3) as an organization other than a private foundation; however, the Foundation is subject to federal income tax on any unrelated business taxable income. The Foundation’s informational and tax returns for the years ended December 31, 2011 through 2014 are subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service and the State of Connecticut.

Measure of Operations - The Foundation’s measure of operations, as presented, includes all changes in net assets except for realized and unrealized appreciation on investments.

Use of Estimates - The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect certain reported amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Risks and Uncertainties - The Foundation invests in a variety of investments, including debt and equity securities, and alternative investments. These investments are exposed to interest rate, market, credit and other risks depending on the nature of the specific investment. Accordingly, it is at least reasonably possible that these factors will result in changes in the value of the Foundation’s investments that could materially affect amounts reported in the financial statements.

Reclassifications - Certain amounts reported in prior periods have been reclassified in order to conform to the current year presentation.

Subsequent Events - In preparing these financial statements, management has evaluated subsequent events through April 8, 2015, which represents the date the financial statements were available to be issued.



The components of property and equipment as of December 31, 2014 and 2013, are summarized as follows:

2014 2013

Buildings and improvements $ 576,777 $ 554,575 Furniture and equipment 433,359 413,823 1,010,136 968,398 Less accumulated depreciation 702,290 650,698

$ 307,846 $ 317,700

Depreciation expense of $78,705 and $72,332 was recognized for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013, respectively.


Generally accepted accounting principles establish a framework for measuring fair value. That framework provides a fair value hierarchy that prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. The hierarchy gives the highest priority to unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1 measurements) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3 measurements). The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are described below:

Level 1 - Inputs to the valuation methodology are unadjusted quoted prices for identical assets or liabilities in active markets that the Foundation has the ability to access.

Level 2 - Inputs to the valuation methodology include:

 Quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets;  Quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in inactive markets;  Inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset or liability;  Inputs that are derived principally from or corroborated by observable market data by correlation or other means.

If the asset or liability has a specified (contractual) term, the Level 2 input must be observable for substantially the full term of the asset or liability.

Level 3 - Inputs to the valuation methodology are unobservable and significant to the fair value measurement.



The asset’s or liability’s fair value measurement level within the fair value hierarchy is based on the lowest level of any input that is significant to the fair value measurement. Valuation techniques used need to maximize the use of observable inputs and minimize the use of unobservable inputs. When, as a practical expedient, an investment is measured at fair value on the basis of net asset value, its classification as Level 2 or 3 will be impacted by the ability to redeem the investment at net asset value at the measurement date. If there is uncertainty or the inability to redeem an investment at net asset value in the near term subsequent to the measurement date, the investment is categorized as Level 3.

Financial Instruments Measured at Fair Value - The following is a description of the valuation methodologies and investment strategies used for assets measured at fair value:

Equity - Certain equity is valued at the closing price reported in the active market in which the individual securities are traded. Other equity is valued using the net asset value as reported by the investment manager of the fund. This net asset value is based on the fair value of the underlying assets and liabilities of the related fund at the measurement date. This investment class seeks to provide long-term capital appreciation. Equity managers are selected with the objective of building a portfolio that is diversified by geographic region, economic sector, industry and market capitalization. The objective in selecting equity managers is to generate average annual compounded returns that exceed the relevant broad market indices (i.e., the S&P 500, the Russell 1000, MSCI EAFE and MSCI World), net of fees, over full market cycles (5-10 years). The redemption period for these investments ranges from daily to monthly with 30 days’ written notice.

Fixed Income - Certain fixed income is valued at the closing price reported in the active market in which the individual securities are traded. Other fixed income is valued based on yields currently available on comparable securities of issuers with similar durations and credit ratings. This investment class seeks to provide current income from a broad range of U.S. and global fixed income securities, be an important source of liquidity for distribution for current expenses and create some measure of diversification. The redemption period for these investments ranges from daily to quarterly with 15 days’ written notice.

Alternative Investments - The following alternative asset strategies include investments in absolute return vehicles, private equity fund-of-funds and real assets:

Absolute Return Strategies - Interests in absolute return strategies are valued using net asset values as determined by the investment manager of the fund. This net asset value is based on the fair value of the underlying assets and liabilities of the related fund at the measurement date. Absolute return strategies tend to be both flexible and opportunistic. They incorporate a diverse array of investment strategies including, but not limited to, long/short equity, distressed fixed income, and event-driven and relative value strategies, by investing globally in traditional and alternative assets. They seek to maximize real (after- inflation) return and incorporate differentiated drivers of return compared to traditional



investment strategies. As a result, they are expected to produce returns that exhibit relatively low correlation to broad market indices over longer time horizons. The managers’ underlying investments may themselves be less liquid, but the investment cycle is substantially shorter than for private equity. The redemption period for these investments ranges from daily to three years with 100 days’ written notice.

Private Equity - Interests in private equity are valued using net asset values as determined by the investment manager of the fund. This net asset value is based on the fair value of the underlying assets and liabilities of the related fund at the measurement date. The primary objective of these investments is to produce over their economic horizons an annualized return net of all costs that exceeds the annualized return produced over the same time period by the broad U.S. stock market. Their secondary objective is to produce these returns in a manner that will cause the volatility of the Foundation’s total portfolio to be lower than would be the case if capital committed to these funds were instead invested in an index fund that attempts to track the broad U.S. stock market. The funds seek to achieve these objectives by investing either directly in or via secondary purchases of privately offered funds that employ venture capital and buyout strategies. These investments are deemed to be illiquid.

Real Assets - Interests in real assets are valued using net asset values as determined by the investment manager of the fund. This net asset value is based on the fair value of the underlying assets and liabilities of the related fund at the measurement date. To help guard against inflation risk, the Foundation invests in real assets that are normally expected to rise in value as inflation fears rise and actual inflation increases. The objective of this investment is to provide long-term total return in excess of an equal-sector-weighted version of the S&P Goldman Sachs Commodity Index, by investing in commodity-related instruments. The redemption period for these investments is monthly.

Cash Equivalents - Cash equivalents are valued at the quoted net asset value of shares held by the Foundation at year end.

Split-Interest Agreements - Fair value inputs used for split‐interest agreements are based on the estimated present value of the future payments to the Foundation, which is considered to be the fair value of the assets held in trust.

Other Investments - Included in other investments is real estate received through donation. This investment is presented at its estimated fair value as determined by independent appraisals.

Annuity Liability - The fair value of the annuity liability is based on the mortality table.

There have been no changes in the methodologies used at December 31, 2014 and 2013.



The methods described above may produce a fair value calculation that may not be indicative of net realizable value or reflective of future fair values. Furthermore, while the Foundation believes its valuation methods are appropriate and consistent with other market participants, the use of different methodologies or assumptions to determine the fair value of certain financial instruments could result in a different fair value measurement at the reporting date.

The following tables set forth by level, within the fair value hierarchy, the Foundation’s assets and liabilities at fair value as of December 31, 2014 and 2013:

December 31, Fair Value Measurements Using Description 2014 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Assets: U.S. equities $ 351,779,695 $ 260,273,240 $ 91,506,455 $ - International equities 214,358,307 77,699,355 136,658,952 - Fixed income 204,655,743 21,427,820 183,227,923 - Alternative investments: Absolute return strategies 20,303,967 20,303,967 - - Private equity 18,673,623 - - 18,673,623 Real assets 10,565,971 - 10,565,971 - Emerging market equities 53,546,235 - 53,546,235 - Cash equivalents 43,278,271 43,278,271 - - Split-interest agreements 9,222,504 2,062,083 7,160,421 - Other investments 404,730 - 404,730 - Total investments 926,789,046 425,044,736 483,070,687 18,673,623 Contributions receivable - split-interest agreements 3,082,442 - - 3,082,442 Subtotal 929,871,488 425,044,736 483,070,687 21,756,065 Less cash equivalents (43,278,271) (43,278,271) - -

Total Assets at Fair Value $ 886,593,217 $ 381,766,465 $ 483,070,687 $ 21,756,065

Liabilities: Annuity Liability $ 2,905,638 $ - $ - $ 2,905,638



December 31, Fair Value Measurements Using Description 2013 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Assets: U.S. equities $ 384,314,612 $ 280,850,060 $ 103,464,552 $ - International equities 215,433,174 49,352,691 166,080,483 - Fixed income 186,768,481 38,279,198 148,489,283 - Alternative investments: Absolute return strategies 20,568,945 20,568,945 - - Private equity 16,225,565 - - 16,225,565 Real assets 12,396,569 - 12,396,569 - Emerging market equities 47,493,079 - 47,493,079 - Cash equivalents 23,947,958 23,947,958 - - Split-interest agreements 9,167,839 2,584,850 6,582,989 - Other investments 404,730 - 404,730 - Total investments 916,720,952 415,583,702 484,911,685 16,225,565 Contributions receivable - split-interest agreements 2,958,238 - - 2,958,238 Subtotal 919,679,190 415,583,702 484,911,685 19,183,803 Less cash equivalents (23,947,958) (23,947,958) - -

Total Assets at Fair Value $ 895,731,232 $ 391,635,744 $ 484,911,685 $ 19,183,803

Liabilities: Annuity Liability $ 3,036,082 $ - $ - $ 3,036,082

There were no transfers between levels of investments during the years ended December 31, 2014 or 2013.

The following is a summary of the commitments and redemption rights of investments in entities that calculate net asset per share:

Fair Unfunded Redemption Redemption Description Value Commitments Terms Restrictions

Private equities $ 18,673,623 $ 18,978,297 Illiquid Illiquid



The table below sets forth a summary of changes in the fair value of the Foundation’s Level 3 assets for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013:

Contributions Receivable - Private Split-Interest Annuity Equity Agreements Liability

Balance - January 1, 2013 $ 16,975,646 $ 2,626,158 $ 2,931,811 Total realized and unrealized gains included in the change in net assets 475,730 - - Change in value of split-interest agreements - 332,080 104,271 Purchases 1,485,625 - - Sales (2,711,436) - -

Balance - December 31, 2013 16,225,565 2,958,238 3,036,082 Total realized and unrealized gains included in the change in net assets 1,566,526 - - Change in value of split-interest agreements - 124,204 (130,444) Purchases 4,371,434 - - Sales (3,489,902) - -

Balance - December 31, 2014 $ 18,673,623 $ 3,082,442 $ 2,905,638

Financial Instruments Not Measured at Fair Value - The carrying amounts of cash, contributions receivable and grants payable approximate their fair value because of the short-term nature of these instruments. There have been no changes in the methodologies used at December 31, 2014 and 2013.



Hartford Foundation for Public Giving endowment consists of approximately 1,000 individual funds established for a variety of purposes. Its endowment includes both donor-restricted endowment funds and funds designated by the Board of Directors to function as endowments. Net assets associated with endowment funds, including funds designated by the Board of Directors to function as endowments, are classified and reported based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions.

Interpretation of Relevant Law - The Board of Directors of the Foundation has interpreted the Connecticut Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (CTPMIFA) as requiring the preservation of the fair value of the original gift as of the gift date of the donor-restricted endowment funds absent explicit donor stipulations to the contrary. As a result of this interpretation, the Foundation would classify as permanently restricted net assets (a) the original value of gifts donated to the permanent endowment, (b) the original value of subsequent gifts to the permanent endowment, and (c) accumulations to the permanent endowment made in accordance with the direction of the applicable donor gift instrument at the time the accumulation is added to the fund. The remaining portion of the donor-restricted endowment fund that is not classified in permanently restricted net assets would be classified as temporarily restricted net assets until those amounts are appropriated for expenditure by the Foundation in a manner consistent with the standard of prudence prescribed by CTPMIFA. In accordance with CTPMIFA, the Foundation considers the following factors in making a determination to appropriate or accumulate donor-restricted endowment funds:

 The duration and preservation of the fund  The purposes of the organization and the donor-restricted endowment fund  General economic conditions  The possible effect of inflation and deflation  The expected total return from income and the appreciation of investments  Other resources of the organization  The investment policies of the organization

In accordance with the provisions, donor-restricted endowment funds subject to the limited invasion of corpus over time may be an endowment fund within the meaning of CTPMIFA, but is not a permanent endowment fund subject to classification as permanently restricted net assets. A significant portion of the Foundation’s endowment funds, as authorized under the Foundation’s governing documents and gift instruments, are held subject to both variance power and limited invasion of corpus power and, as such, are classified as temporarily restricted net assets.


NOTE 5 - ENDOWMENT (Continued)

Endowment Net Assets - Changes in endowment net assets by type of fund for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013, are as follows:

Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted Total

Endowment net assets - January 1, 2013 $ 23,275,787 $ 758,592,417 $ - $ 781,868,204

Investment income 761,831 14,427,144 - 15,188,975 Investment gains 5,043,185 118,206,852 - 123,250,037 Total investment return 5,805,016 132,633,996 - 138,439,012

Contributions - 10,310,277 - 10,310,277

Appropriation of endowment assets for expenditure (1,409,945) (37,372,484) - (38,782,429)

Other changes: Appropriated funds from prior year (341,704) - - (341,704) Other revenue 490,739 373,358 - 864,097 Change in value of split-interest agreements and other assets 42,471 296,395 - 338,866 Total other changes 191,506 669,753 - 861,259

Endowment net assets - December 31, 2013 27,862,364 864,833,959 - 892,696,323

Investment income 671,847 13,069,986 - 13,741,833 Investment gains 694,678 16,939,241 - 17,633,919 Total investment return 1,366,525 30,009,227 - 31,375,752

Contributions - 19,733,486 - 19,733,486

Appropriation of endowment assets for expenditure (1,604,150) (41,189,466) - (42,793,616)

Other changes: Appropriated funds from prior year 134,424 (3,549,192) - (3,414,768) Other revenue 656,052 355,223 - 1,011,275 Change in value of split-interest agreements and other assets (207,151) 177,340 - (29,811) Total other changes 583,325 (3,016,629) - (2,433,304)

Endowment Net Assets - December 31, 2014 $ 28,208,064 $ 870,370,577 $ - $ 898,578,641


NOTE 5 - ENDOWMENT (Continued)

Amounts classified as temporarily restricted net assets (endowment only) at December 31, 2014 and 2013, are as follows:

2014 2013

Temporarily restricted net assets: Endowment funds subject to time restriction $ 862,804,715 $ 857,284,145 Charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trust, pooled income funds and contributions receivable 7,565,862 7,549,814

Total Endowment Funds Classified as Temporarily Restricted Net Assets $ 870,370,577 $ 864,833,959

Spending Formula - With a few exceptions, all funds are managed in accordance with a spending formula based upon the total return concept, which emphasizes total investment return, consisting of investment income and realized and unrealized gains and losses. There are certain funds that, based upon donor’s intent, are not considered in this spending formula. Under this spending formula, a distribution of investment return is provided for program support that is independent of the cash yield and appreciation of investments in that year. The Foundation has adopted this spending formula designed specifically to stabilize annual spending levels and to preserve the real value of the fund portfolio over time.

The Foundation’s spending policy limits spending to 5% of the 20-quarter trailing average, subject to a floor of 4.25% of current assets and a ceiling of 5.75% of current assets. The Board of Directors continues to examine the limit on spending. The Foundation does not consider appreciation or depreciation on endowment investments as a component of its operations as presented in the statements of activities. Total investment gains (i.e., investment income net of all investment fees, net realized and unrealized gains or losses on investments, and change in value of split-interest agreements) totaled approximately $31.4 million and $138.8 million for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013, respectively.

Funds with Deficiencies - From time to time, the fair value of assets associated with individual donor-restricted endowment funds may fall below the historic dollar value as referenced in CTPMIFA. Funds with deficiencies of this nature were $56,045 and $47,871 as of December 31, 2014 and 2013, respectively. These deficiencies resulted from unfavorable market fluctuations that occurred shortly after the investment of new contributions and continued appropriation for certain programs that was deemed prudent by the Board of Directors.


NOTE 5 - ENDOWMENT (Continued)

Return Objectives and Risk Parameters - The Foundation has adopted investment and spending policies for endowment assets that attempt to provide a predictable stream of funding to programs supported by its endowment while seeking to maintain the purchasing power of the endowment assets. Endowment assets include those assets of donor-restricted funds that the organization must hold in perpetuity or for a donor-specified period(s) as well as board-designated funds. Under this policy, as approved by the Board of Directors, the endowment assets are invested in a manner that is intended to produce results that exceed the Foundation’s long-term spending needs adjusted for inflation while assuming a moderate level of investment risk. The Foundation expects its endowment funds, over time, to provide an average rate of return of approximately 8% annually. Actual returns in any given year may vary from this amount.

Strategies Employed for Achieving Objectives - To satisfy its long-term rate-of-return objectives, the Foundation relies on a total return strategy in which investment returns are achieved through both capital appreciation (realized and unrealized) and current yield (interest and dividends). The Foundation targets a diversified asset allocation that places a greater emphasis on equity investments to achieve its long-term return objectives within prudent risk constraints.


The Foundation established a 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan for the benefit of a former employee and funded the plan over a period of two years and is the sole owner of the assets of the plan. Distributions will be made upon request by the former employee, but no later than April 1st of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the former employee attains age 70-1/2.

The Foundation established a 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan for the benefit of a current employee and funds the plan annually and is the sole owner of the assets of the plan. Distributions will be made upon severance from employment, but no later than April 1st of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the employee attains age 70-1/2.

The Foundation also established a 457(f) nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan for the benefit of a current employee and funds the plan annually and is the sole owner of the assets of the plan. Upon termination of employment or disability, if the participant does not violate the terms of the agreement, the amount credited to the account shall be payable in two installments. The first payment shall be made one year after the participant’s last day of employment with the Foundation and shall equal one half of the balance in the account as of that date. The second payment shall be made two years after the participant’s last day of employment with the Foundation and shall be equal to the remaining balance in the account.

The amounts funded and the liability accrued for these plans are recorded in other assets and other liabilities on the statements of financial position.



Grants are recorded as expenses when authorized by the Board of Directors and committed to a specified recipient and all material conditions have been satisfied by the recipient.

As of December 31, 2014 and 2013, grants payable are committed as follows:

2014 2013

Due within one year $ 22,220,009 $ 17,747,016 Due in one to five years 6,731,559 5,824,609

$ 28,951,568 $ 23,571,625

For the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013, the Foundation cancelled previously authorized grants of $643,328 and $409,209, respectively. Grant cancellations are recorded in other revenues in the statements of activities.


The Foundation, on behalf of Connecticut Voices for Children, entered into a personal service agreement with the State of Connecticut Department of Social Services in 2004 for the purpose of monitoring and reporting on the HUSKY program. Associated with this contract, the Foundation received $260,065 and $153,300 for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013, respectively.

Expenditures under the contract were $416,100 and $208,050 for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013, respectively.


The financial statements include certain funds that the Foundation manages on behalf of several special projects and a related organization. As of December 31, 2014 and 2013, the net assets of these funds totaled $232,189 and $250,065, respectively. Contributions recognized on behalf of the related organization were $244,067 and $295,936 for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013, respectively.



Related program activities represent the activities of certain special projects and related organizations for which the Foundation provides certain administrative support. The special projects and the related organization, and their costs, are as follows:

2014 2013

Special projects: Nonprofit Support Program $ 1,235,863 $ 1,186,906 Brighter Futures Initiative 599,570 554,208 Community Schools Initiative 366,133 522,768 Adult Literacy Initiative 232 492 2,201,798 2,264,374 Related organization: Hartford Area Childcare Collaborative 325,114 318,001

Related Program Activities and Foundation Administered Projects $ 2,526,912 $ 2,582,375

The costs of these activities are charged to the funds and are reflected as related program activities on the statements of activities. Certain other allocable expenses are included in grants authorized.


In 1990, the Foundation established the Brighter Futures Initiative for services to Hartford’s pre- school children. In November 2010, the Board approved to continue the Brighter Futures Initiative for five years with a $10 million commitment beginning January 1, 2011, at approximately $2 million per year. Grants totaling $2,216,271 and $1,533,779 were authorized for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013, respectively.


The Foundation sponsors a noncontributory defined contribution employee benefit plan in which the Foundation makes contributions based on each employee’s level of compensation at the discretion of the Foundation’s Board of Directors. For the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013, the Board authorized contributions to the plan at the rate of 10% of each eligible employee’s compensation. An employee must have at least one year of service to be eligible for the plan. Employees are immediately 100% vested in the Foundation’s contributions. The Foundation contributed $457,887 and $447,644 to the plan for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013, respectively.



The Foundation leases a facility under an operating lease that expires in 2016. Rent expense under this lease totaled $589,331 and $566,396 for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013, respectively. Future minimum lease payments under the lease that has a remaining term in excess of one year are as follows:

Year Ending December 31

2015 $ 576,726 2016 576,726

$ 1,153,452


2014 2013

Revenues Trust fund income transferred to operations $ 8,363,379 $ 7,356,668

Management and General Expenses Salaries and wages 4,277,358 4,097,037 Employment benefits 987,941 947,598 Occupancy 529,544 510,354 Payroll taxes 295,681 284,484 Public communications 345,049 207,035 Miscellaneous 87,612 74,804 Consulting 112,207 162,023 Strategic Plan - Accelerate Success 300,249 284,225 Printing and publications 54,107 50,816 Depreciation expense 78,705 72,332 Accounting fees 48,290 48,028 Travel 36,591 37,696 Equipment rental and maintenance 52,978 52,755 Legal fees 39,449 52,749 Insurance 33,484 29,815 Supplies 26,254 17,554 Computer expense 7,853 14,367 Postage and shipping 14,039 13,637 Conferences and meetings 11,234 8,958 Telephone 6,860 7,847 Total management and general expenses 7,345,485 6,974,114

Excess of Revenues over Expenses $ 1,017,894 $ 382,554


New Grants Payments Authorized Made

4-H Education Center at Auerfarm EDUCATION $ 142,000 $ 149,500 SUMMER PROGRAMS 6,500 6,500 A Home Within FAMILY/CHILD/SOC - 1,421 Academy at Charlemont EDUCATION 1,500 1,500 ACE Mentor Program of Connecticut EDUCATION 1,500 1,500 Achieve Hartford! EDUCATION 14,500 1,500 Achievement First EDUCATION 391,738 391,738 Active City FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 500 - The Actuarial Foundation GENERAL 1,000 1,000 Advocacy Unlimited, Inc. HEALTH 147,000 25,000 African Caribbean American Parents of Children with Disabilities FAMILY/CHILD/SOC - 17,333 AIDS Connecticut, Inc. HEALTH 367,004 52,004 Alaska Center for the Environment GENERAL 10,000 10,000 Alaska Conservation Foundation GENERAL 10,000 10,000 Albertus Magnus College EDUCATION 1,500 1,500 All Saints' Episcopal Church FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 1,000 1,000 Allegheny College EDUCATION 1,000 1,000 Almada Lodge-Times Farm Camp Corporation FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 194,603 157,603 SUMMER PROGRAMS 30,686 30,686 Alzheimer's Association, Connecticut Chapter HEALTH 15,000 15,000 American Cancer Society HEALTH 12,607 12,607 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 30,000 30,000 American Parkinson Disease Association - Connecticut Chapter HEALTH 1,059 1,059 American Printing House for the Blind, Inc. EDUCATION 68,030 68,030 American Red Cross FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 1,500 1,500


New Grants Payments Authorized Made

American School for the Deaf EDUCATION $ 36,272 $ 161,272 SUMMER PROGRAMS 19,004 19,004 American University EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 The Amistad Center for Art & Culture, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE 493,750 276,750 Ancient Burying Ground Association, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE 6,465 6,465 SUMMER PROGRAMS 5,200 - Andover, Hebron, Marlborough Youth Services, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 500 10,500 Anna E. Norris Elementary School EDUCATION 3,200 3,200 Anna Maria College EDUCATION 4,000 4,000 Anti Defamation League FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 3,500 3,500 GENERAL 15,000 - The ARC of the Farmington Valley, Inc. HEALTH - 84,079 Archdiocese of Hartford FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 15,000 15,000 The Around Town Singers and Orchestra, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE 7,000 7,000 Arthritis Foundation, New England Region, Inc. HEALTH 11,548 11,548 The Artists Collective, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE 24,148 49,148 SUMMER PROGRAMS 21,609 21,609 Asian American Civic Association, Inc. COMMY/ECON DEVEL 20,000 40,000 Asnuntuck Community College EDUCATION 27,486 30,132 Assumption College EDUCATION 7,550 7,550 Asylum Hill Congregational Church FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 10,127 10,127 Asylum Hill Learning Zone, Inc. EDUCATION 15,000 15,000 Audubon Alaska GENERAL 20,000 20,000 Aurora Women and Girls Foundation, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 27,000 17,000 Avon Congregational Church FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 522 522 Babson College EDUCATION 5,606 7,000 Baldwin Wallace University EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 (Continued on next page) -25- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

New Grants Payments Authorized Made

Ballet Theatre Company ARTS, CULTURE $ 7,982 $ 7,982 The Barton Center for Diabetes Education, Inc. HEALTH 1,500 1,500 Bates College EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Becker College EDUCATION 1,150 1,150 Bentley University EDUCATION 6,000 6,000 Berklee College of Music EDUCATION 4,000 4,000 Billings Forge Community Works COMMY/ECON DEVEL 237,500 95,900 HEALTH 9,000 9,000 Bloomfield Public Schools EDUCATION 49,915 49,915 Blue Hills Civic Association COMMY/ECON DEVEL 50,000 20,000 SUMMER PROGRAMS 6,652 6,652 Boca Raton Regional Hospital Foundation, Inc. HEALTH 1,000 1,000 Boston College Law School EDUCATION 10,000 10,000 Boston College EDUCATION 6,000 6,000 The Boston Foundation COMMY/ECON DEVEL 696,466 245,000 Boston Medical Center HEALTH 25,000 25,000 Boston University EDUCATION 6,000 6,000 Bowling Green State University EDUCATION 2,000 2,000 Connecticut Rivers Council Boy Scouts of America FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 2,000 2,000 Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 21,394 201,948 SUMMER PROGRAMS 41,685 41,685 Brain Injury Alliance of Connecticut HEALTH - 5,000 Brandeis University EDUCATION 4,500 4,500 Branford Hall Career Institute EDUCATION 500 500 The Branson School EDUCATION 5,000 5,000 Brick Store Museum ARTS, CULTURE 20,000 20,000


New Grants Payments Authorized Made

The Bridge Family Center, Inc. EDUCATION $ 16,643 $ 16,643 FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 4,893 204,393 HEALTH 8,500 8,500 Bright Futures Youth Center, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 5,000 5,000 Bristol Boys and Girls Club FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 49,014 49,014 Bristol Community Organization FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 3,000 3,000 Brookwood School EDUCATION 2,000 2,000 Brown University EDUCATION 3,455 3,455 Bryant University EDUCATION 10,000 10,000 Bushnell Memorial Hall Corporation ARTS, CULTURE 20,115 339,115 Bushnell Park Foundation, Inc. GENERAL 408 408 Caloosa Coast Rowing Club GENERAL 500 500 Capital Area Substance Abuse Council, Inc. HEALTH - 7,199 Capital Community College EDUCATION 49,386 50,832 Capital Workforce Partners COMMY/ECON DEVEL 553,695 234,117 EDUCATION 495,000 265,000 SUMMER PROGRAMS 335,000 335,000 Capitol Region Education Council EDUCATION 243,421 53,948 SUMMER PROGRAMS 23,610 23,610 Career Collaborative COMMY/ECON DEVEL 50,000 50,000 Career Resources COMMY/ECON DEVEL - 125,000 Carnegie Mellon University EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Cathedral of Saint Joseph FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 4,500 4,500 Catholic Charities, Inc. EDUCATION 323,093 332,836 FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 587,500 748,440 HEALTH 2,483 2,483 SUMMER PROGRAMS 6,600 6,600 The Catholic University of America EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Cazenovia College EDUCATION 4,000 4,000 (Continued on next page) -27- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

New Grants Payments Authorized Made

CDC Foundation HEALTH $ 235,000 $ 235,000 Cedar Hill Cemetery Foundation ARTS, CULTURE 408 408 Center Church ARTS, CULTURE 5,000 5,000 FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 4,310 4,310 Center Congregational Church FAMILY/CHILD/SOC - - Center for Advancement of Youth, Family & Community Services FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 19,380 - Center for Children's Advocacy, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 266,515 129,820 Center for Creative Youth at EDUCATION 1,800 1,800 Center for Latino Progress/CPRF COMMY/ECON DEVEL - 54,820 EDUCATION 50,000 5,000 Center for Serenity FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 500 500 Center for Urban Research, Education and Training, Inc. EDUCATION 227,000 72,000 SUMMER PROGRAMS 28,000 28,000 Central Area Health Education Center, Inc. HEALTH - 7,405 Central Connecticut State University EDUCATION 73,500 74,747 Centro Renacer of Connecticut, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC - 3,900 Champlain College EDUCATION 1,000 1,000 charity:water FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 5,000 5,000 Charleston Southern University EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Charter Oak Cultural Center ARTS, CULTURE 28,146 117,146 FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 3,000 3,000 Charter Oak Health Center HEALTH 5,500 5,500 Charter Oak State College Foundation EDUCATION 25,500 25,500 Children's Educational Opportunity Foundation EDUCATION 5,000 5,000 The Children's Law Center of Connecticut, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 207,816 2,816 The Children's Museum EDUCATION 25,365 25,365 Chinook Fund GENERAL 500 500 (Continued on next page) -28- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

New Grants Payments Authorized Made

Christ Church FAMILY/CHILD/SOC $ 500 $ 500 Christian Activities Council FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 30,000 15,000 SUMMER PROGRAMS 45,500 45,500 Christopher Newport University EDUCATION 1,170 1,170 Chrysalis Center, Inc. COMMY/ECON DEVEL - 10,000 FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 37,000 37,000 HEALTH 353,500 65,000 Church Home of Hartford, Inc. HEALTH 1,000 1,000 Church Homes, Inc. HEALTH 54,151 54,151 Church of Christ, Congregational FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 3,500 3,500 Church of Saint Peter Claver ARTS, CULTURE 5,000 5,000 FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 2,537 2,537 Citizens for Quality Sickle Cell Care HEALTH 985 985 Citizens Restoring Congamond, Inc. GENERAL 15,000 15,000 City of Hartford FAMILY/CHILD/SOC - 94,964 Clark University EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Coastal Carolina University EDUCATION 4,000 4,000 Colby Sawyer College EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 College Access Fairfax EDUCATION 10,000 20,000 College of the Holy Cross EDUCATION 4,000 2,500 Columbus Academy EDUCATION 600 600 Community Baptist Church FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 8,675 8,675 Community Child Guidance Clinic, Inc. HEALTH 52,460 107,500 Community Foundation for the National Capital Region FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 1,000 1,000 Community Foundation for Greater New Haven GENERAL - 18,000 Community Health Charities of New England HEALTH 492 492 Community Health Network of CT Foundation HEALTH - 20,000 (Continued on next page) -29- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

New Grants Payments Authorized Made

Community Health Services, Inc. HEALTH $ 35,500 $ 47,500 Community Partners in Action, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 23,374 129,874 Community Renewal Team, Inc. HEALTH 5,750 5,750 COMPASS Youth Collaborative EDUCATION 738,000 835,500 FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 65,902 24,402 SUMMER PROGRAMS 9,500 9,500 Compassion & Choices GENERAL 5,000 5,000 Congregation Beth Israel FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 3,533 3,533 Congregational Church in South Glastonbury FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 2,000 2,000 Connecticut Association for Human Services FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 10,000 115,000 Connecticut Association of Nonprofits, Inc. GENERAL 275,812 102,237 Connecticut Ballet ARTS, CULTURE 195,000 15,000 Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, Inc. EDUCATION - 12,250 Connecticut Children's Medical Center Foundation, Inc. HEALTH 398,625 97,625 Connecticut Choral Artists ARTS, CULTURE 10,000 10,000 Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness COMMY/ECON DEVEL 39,000 108,000 FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 5,500 5,500 Connecticut Coalition of Mutual Assistance Associations HEALTH 9,000 9,000 Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice HEALTH 25,000 - Connecticut Community Care, Inc. HEALTH 25,090 30,933 Connecticut Conference of Independent Colleges EDUCATION 149,000 40,000 Connecticut Conference United Church of Christ FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 522 522 Connecticut Council for Interreligious Understanding, Inc. EDUCATION 50,000 - Connecticut Council for Philanthropy FAMILY/CHILD/SOC - 200,000 GENERAL 35,724 30,724 Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection GENERAL 20,303 20,303 Connecticut Department of Social Services FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 20,000 40,000 (Continued on next page) -30- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

New Grants Payments Authorized Made

Connecticut Explored, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE $ 2,500 $ 2,500 Connecticut Fair Housing Center COMMY/ECON DEVEL - 47,500 Connecticut Forest and Park Association EDUCATION 20,268 17,000 GENERAL 2,000 52,000 The Connecticut Forum COMMY/ECON DEVEL - 30,000 EDUCATION - 6,500 Connecticut Foundation for Dental Outreach, Inc. HEALTH 53,000 93,000 Connecticut Health Investigative Team HEALTH - 20,000 Connecticut Historical Society ARTS, CULTURE 22,989 37,989 The Connecticut Hospice, Inc. HEALTH 5,552 5,552 Connecticut Housing Investment Fund, Inc. COMMY/ECON DEVEL 500 - Connecticut Humane Society GENERAL 62,924 63,424 Connecticut Humanities ARTS, CULTURE 500 500 Connecticut Junior Republic, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 557 557 Connecticut Landmarks ARTS, CULTURE 83,476 202,000 COMMY/ECON DEVEL 11,000 11,000 The Connecticut League of Conservation Voters Education Fund GENERAL 1,547 - Connecticut National Guard Foundation, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 5,000 5,000 Connecticut News Project, Inc. GENERAL 177,000 - Connecticut Pre-Engineering Program, Inc. EDUCATION 52,481 5,200 SUMMER PROGRAMS 25,000 25,000 Connecticut Public Broadcasting Network EDUCATION - 350,000 GENERAL 474,575 126,357 Connecticut Radio Information System FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 24,775 88,487 Connecticut River Museum ARTS, CULTURE 408 408 Connecticut River Watershed Council, Inc. GENERAL 408 408 Connecticut Science Center EDUCATION 326,000 192,000 SUMMER PROGRAMS 15,600 15,600 (Continued on next page) -31- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

New Grants Payments Authorized Made

Connecticut Sports Management Group, Inc. GENERAL $ 20,000 $ 20,000 Connecticut Voices for Children HEALTH 416,100 208,050 Connecticut Volunteer Services for the Blind, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 5,000 5,000 Connecticut Women's Education and Legal Fund FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 384,274 92,795 ConnectiKids, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 524 524 SUMMER PROGRAMS 21,000 21,000 Construct, Inc. COMMY/ECON DEVEL 1,000 1,000 Cook Inletkeeper GENERAL 9,000 9,000 Cornell University EDUCATION 6,000 6,000 The Cornerstone Foundation, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 102,681 9,681 Corporation for Supportive Housing COMMY/ECON DEVEL - 185,000 Council on Foundations GENERAL 30,000 30,000 Covenant College EDUCATION 1,000 1,000 Covenant Preparatory School EDUCATION 13,000 13,000 Covenant to Care for Children, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 7,000 9,500 The Craftery Gallery, Inc. EDUCATION - 500 Crossroads School for Arts and Sciences EDUCATION 2,000 2,000 Cultural Dance Troupe of the West Indies ARTS, CULTURE 5,000 5,000 SUMMER PROGRAMS 13,250 13,250 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation-Connecticut Chapter HEALTH 500 500 Dana-Farber Cancer Institute HEALTH 9,039 9,039 Dartmouth College EDUCATION 500 500 Daughters of Mary of the Immaculate Conception FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 12,507 12,507 Denver Health Foundation HEALTH 500 500 The Discovery Center EDUCATION 13,336 33,269 Doctors Without Borders HEALTH 7,537 7,537 (Continued on next page) -32- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

New Grants Payments Authorized Made

Duke University EDUCATION $ 3,500 $ 3,500 Duncaster FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 63,841 63,841 Duquesne University EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Early Entrance Foundation EDUCATION 500 500 East Granby Public Library EDUCATION 1,932 1,932 East Hartford ChildPlan, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 36,500 55,900 SUMMER PROGRAMS 6,000 6,000 East Hartford Public Schools EDUCATION 43,000 21,500 Town of East Hartford FAMILY/CHILD/SOC - 1,000 Town of East Hartford FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 500 500 Easter Seals Capital Region & Eastern Connecticut, Inc. HEALTH 78,000 5,000 Easter Seals CT (dba) Easter Seals Coastal Fairfield County HEALTH 357 357 Eastern Connecticut State University EDUCATION 15,134 14,844 Eastern Connecticut State University Foundation EDUCATION - 73,900 Eastern Nazarene College EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Ebony Horsewomen, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC - 7,500 SUMMER PROGRAMS 12,500 12,500 Education Development Center EDUCATION 100,000 - Educational Resources for Children, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC - 7,253 Elizabeth Park Conservancy, Inc. GENERAL 65,708 59,708 Ellsworth Memorial Association, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE 1,443 1,443 Emanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 10,000 10,000 Emanuel Synagogue FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 10,000 10,000 Emerson Theater Collaborative FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 2,500 2,500 Emmanuel College EDUCATION - - End Hunger Connecticut!, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 40,500 23,000 (Continued on next page) -33- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

New Grants Payments Authorized Made

Endicott College EDUCATION $ 4,192 $ 4,192 Enfield Food Shelf FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 9,000 9,000 Enfield Loaves & Fishes, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 14,200 14,700 English Cocker Spaniel Club of America Health and Rescue Organization GENERAL 500 500 Environmental Action Committee of West Marin GENERAL 20,000 20,000 Environmental Science Magnet PTA EDUCATION 2,500 2,500 Ethical Culture Fieldston Schools EDUCATION 250 250 Fairfield University EDUCATION 2,540 2,540 Families in Crisis, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 216,243 56,991 Family Life Education, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 212,300 254,050 Farm to Family, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 10,000 15,000 Farmington Community Chest FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 50,000 50,000 Farmington Historical Society ARTS, CULTURE 500 500 Farmington Land Trust, Inc. GENERAL - 4,000 Farmington River Watershed Association, Inc. GENERAL 2,273 51,250 Farmington Valley Arts Center ARTS, CULTURE 5,778 5,778 Farmington Valley Trails Council GENERAL 5,000 - Farmington Valley VNA, Inc. HEALTH 5,750 5,750 Town of Farmington EDUCATION 10,000 10,000 Felician Sisters FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 15,517 15,517 Ferret Association of Connecticut, Inc. GENERAL 1,117 1,117 Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 77,166 78,123 First Choice Health Centers HEALTH 10,500 5,500 First Church in Windsor FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 990 990 First Church of Christ Congregational FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 500 500 (Continued on next page) -34- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

New Grants Payments Authorized Made

First Church of the Living God FAMILY/CHILD/SOC $ 4,500 $ 4,500 First Congregational Church in Bloomfield FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 1,024 1,024 The First Tee of Connecticut, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 10,500 5,500 Florida State University EDUCATION 1,470 1,470 FOCUS Center for Autism HEALTH - 32,800 Foodshare, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 163,267 322,767 FORCE: Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered HEALTH 1,643 3,775 Foundation for West Hartford Public Schools, Inc. EDUCATION 500 500 Framingham State University EDUCATION 650 650 Franciscan Life Center FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 15,000 15,000 Franklin and Marshall College EDUCATION 1,000 1,000 Friends of Glastonbury Rowing, Inc. GENERAL 70,800 25,000 Friends of Heublein Tower, Inc. GENERAL 1,000 1,000 Friends of the Farm at Hilltop, Inc. GENERAL 20,000 20,000 Friends of the Simsbury Library EDUCATION 1,000 1,000 Friends of the Wissahickon GENERAL 25,000 25,000 The Friendship Service Center FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 5,000 5,000 George Mason University Foundation, Inc. EDUCATION 1,232 2,653 George Washington University School of Medicine EDUCATION 1,000 1,000 George Washington University EDUCATION 1,150 1,150 Georgetown University EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Germantown Friends School EDUCATION 500 500 Gettysburg College EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Gifts of Love, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 7,000 7,000


New Grants Payments Authorized Made

Girl Scouts of Connecticut, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC $ 2,000 $ 7,000 SUMMER PROGRAMS 39,000 39,000 Glastonbury Education Foundation EDUCATION 2,500 2,500 Glastonbury High School EDUCATION 1,000 1,000 Glastonbury MLK Community Initiative COMMY/ECON DEVEL - 10,000 GENERAL 10,000 - Glastonbury Partners in Planting, Inc. GENERAL 22,400 - Town of Glastonbury GENERAL 2,000 2,000 Glory Chapel International Cathedral FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 4,500 4,500 Golf Club of Avon Foundation, Inc. EDUCATION 25,000 25,000 Goodspeed Musicals ARTS, CULTURE 500 500 Goodwin College EDUCATION 15,500 104,214 Gordon College EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Goucher College EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 The Governor's Academy EDUCATION 10,000 10,000 Grace Academy EDUCATION 3,500 3,000 Grace Episcopal Church FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 4,500 4,500 Grace Episcopal Church FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 474 474 Granby Ambulance Association, Inc. HEALTH 750 750 Granby Education Foundation, Inc. EDUCATION 500 500 Granby Land Trust GENERAL 23,668 23,668 Grantmakers for Education GENERAL 2,000 2,000 Greater Hartford Arts Council, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE 605,786 605,786 Greater Hartford Jaycees Foundation COMMY/ECON DEVEL 357 357 Greater Hartford Legal Aid, Inc. EDUCATION - 110,782 Greater New Britain Teen Pregnancy Prevention, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 5,000 5,000 (Continued on next page) -36- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

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The H.O.P.E. Foundation for a Better Tomorrow FAMILY/CHILD/SOC $ 500 $ 500 The Haitian Health Foundation HEALTH 3,000 3,000 Hampshire College EDUCATION 3,000 4,000 Hampton University EDUCATION 5,000 3,500 Hands On Hartford COMMY/ECON DEVEL 2,000 2,000 FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 292,162 146,387 HARC, Inc. HEALTH 55,727 121,227 SUMMER PROGRAMS 12,200 12,200 Center ARTS, CULTURE 24,000 1,000 HartBeat Ensemble ARTS, CULTURE 146,000 45,750 Hartford 2000, Inc. COMMY/ECON DEVEL 5,000 5,000 Hartford Area Child Care Collaborative FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 347,550 172,166 Hartford Area Habitat for Humanity COMMY/ECON DEVEL 77,950 27,950 Hartford Art School, Inc. EDUCATION 61,928 61,928 Hartford Artisans Weaving Center FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 2,500 2,500 Hartford Behavioral Health HEALTH 18,000 5,000 The Hartford Catholic Worker FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 300 300 SUMMER PROGRAMS 6,000 6,000 The Hartford Chorale ARTS, CULTURE 30,311 25,311 Hartford City Ballet, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE 8,000 - Hartford Communities that Care FAMILY/CHILD/SOC - 7,350 Hartford Community Loan Fund COMMY/ECON DEVEL 25,000 12,500 Hartford Conservatory SUMMER PROGRAMS 22,000 22,000 Hartford Consortium for Higher Education EDUCATION 34,000 70,000 The Hartford Courant EDUCATION 3,200 3,200 Hartford Department of Health and Human Services FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 75,500 500


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Hartford Dispensary HEALTH $ 7,000 $ 7,000 Hartford Economic Development Corporation COMMY/ECON DEVEL - 45,000 Hartford Food System, Inc. COMMY/ECON DEVEL 10,500 52,000 Hartford Friendship Kids' Camp SUMMER PROGRAMS 9,000 9,000 Hartford Gay and Lesbian Health Collective HEALTH 263,500 80,963 Hartford Guides, Inc. COMMY/ECON DEVEL 50,000 105,000 Hartford HealthCare at Home HEALTH 52,083 22,483 Hartford Hospital - Institute of Living HEALTH 724 724 SUMMER PROGRAMS 9,100 9,100 Hartford Hospital HEALTH 719,482 313,032 Hartford Interval House, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 36,857 69,857 Hartford Jewish Coalition for Literacy EDUCATION 10,000 10,000 Hartford Neighborhood Centers, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC - 4,500 SUMMER PROGRAMS 14,000 14,000 Hartford Performs EDUCATION 5,000 167,500 Hartford Preservation Alliance COMMY/ECON DEVEL 153,866 64,163 Hartford Public Library EDUCATION 4,219 137,181 FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 3,500 3,500 SUMMER PROGRAMS 10,000 10,000 Hartford Public Schools EDUCATION 1,075,618 987,827 Hartford Rescue Mission FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 4,500 4,500 Hartford Stage Company, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE 657,143 487,143 SUMMER PROGRAMS 6,250 6,250 Hartford Symphony Orchestra, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE 85,746 180,746 Hartford Youth Scholars Foundation EDUCATION 15,600 15,600 SUMMER PROGRAMS 6,500 6,500 Hartford's Camp Courant FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 135,579 132,579 SUMMER PROGRAMS 42,000 42,000


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The Hartt School at the ARTS, CULTURE $ 55,000 $ 55,000 EDUCATION 74,086 169,086 Harvard University EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Healthy Eyes Alliance HEALTH 77,787 28,220 Hebrew Health Care, Inc. HEALTH 28,500 28,500 Heifer Project International FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 2,537 2,537 HFPG - Ritter Scholarship Program EDUCATION 4,800 - HFPG, Inc. COMMY/ECON DEVEL 50,813 813 EDUCATION 14,549 25,047 GENERAL 60,250 130,510 SUMMER PROGRAMS 10,000 6,000 High Hopes Therapeutic Riding, Inc. HEALTH 2,400 2,400 High Mountain Institute, Inc. EDUCATION 500 500 Hill-Stead Museum ARTS, CULTURE 19,878 19,878 Hispanic Health Council HEALTH 16,500 61,500 Historic Huguenot Street ARTS, CULTURE 15,000 15,000 Historical Society of Glastonbury ARTS, CULTURE 13,795 - Hobart and William Smith Colleges EDUCATION 1,150 1,150 Hockanum Valley Community Council, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 66,000 72,115 Hofstra University EDUCATION 6,000 6,000 The Hole In The Wall Gang Fund HEALTH 2,200 2,200 Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 2,000 2,000 HomeFront COMMY/ECON DEVEL 357 357 Hopewell Baptist Church FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 4,500 4,500 HopeWorks, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC - 8,500 Horace Bushnell Children's Food Pantry FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 8,500 8,500 Horizons, Inc. SUMMER PROGRAMS 21,200 21,200 (Continued on next page) -39- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

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Hospital for Special Care HEALTH $ 500 $ 1,000 House of Bread, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 18,485 19,442 House of Ruth FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 1,232 1,232 Housing Education Resource Center COMMY/ECON DEVEL 2,000 2,000 Howard University EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Human Resources Agency of New Britain FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 5,000 - ImmaCare Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 211,000 265,000 Immanuel Church Foundation for the Elderly FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 8,683 8,683 Immanuel Congregational Church FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 12,968 12,968 Institute For Community Research GENERAL - 20,000 Integrated Health Services, Inc. HEALTH 14,600 - Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services FAMILY/CHILD/SOC - 5,000 InterCommunity Recovery Centers, Inc. HEALTH 28,000 9,333 International Institute of Connecticut, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC - 50,000 iQuilt Partnership, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE 230,000 40,500 Ithaca College EDUCATION 6,500 6,500 James Madison University EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 2,000 2,000 Jewish Community Centers Association of North America FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 10,000 15,000 Jewish Family Services COMMY/ECON DEVEL - 7,500 FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 58,500 173,000 HEALTH 2,483 2,483 Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 60,967 86,562 Jewish Historical Society of Greater Hartford ARTS, CULTURE 2,500 3,000 Jewish Teen Learning Connection EDUCATION 20,000 20,000 Job Opportunities Task Force, Inc. COMMY/ECON DEVEL 2,500 - (Continued on next page) -40- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

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John J. Driscoll United Labor Agency, Inc. COMMY/ECON DEVEL $ 7,500 $ 7,500 Johns Hopkins University EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Johnson State College EDUCATION 1,354 1,354 Journey Found, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 5,000 - Journey Home COMMY/ECON DEVEL 194,672 137,073 Jubilee House, Inc. EDUCATION 9,300 9,300 Judy Dworin Performance Project, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE 5,000 8,000 FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 99,000 18,000 Jumoke Academy, Inc. EDUCATION 200,487 251,334 Junior Achievement of Southwest New England, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 11,485 12,442 Junior League of Hartford, Inc. COMMY/ECON DEVEL 4,319 3,569 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation HEALTH 1,000 1,000 Kaplan University EDUCATION 1,000 1,000 Keene State College EDUCATION 6,250 6,250 Kenway's Cause GENERAL 1,500 1,500 KIDSAFE CT FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 200,000 40,000 Kingswood-Oxford School EDUCATION 35,408 30,408 Kinsella Arts, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE 2,500 2,500 Knox Parks Foundation GENERAL 48,104 70,104 La Jolla Country Day School EDUCATION 2,000 2,000 Land Trust Alliance, Inc. GENERAL - 18,988 Lasell College EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Latino Community Services, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 9,000 9,000 HEALTH 10,000 55,000 Leadership Greater Hartford, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 2,000 2,000 GENERAL 301,722 177,722 HEALTH 19,000 19,000 (Continued on next page) -41- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

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Learning Ally, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC $ 34,010 $ 34,010 Legacy Foundation of Hartford EDUCATION 600 600 FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 500 500 LeTourneau University EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Leukemia & Lymphoma Society HEALTH 3,494 3,494 Library Association of Warehouse Point, Inc. EDUCATION 681 681 Literacy Volunteers of Greater Hartford EDUCATION 232,723 84,223 Little Theatre of Manchester, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE 13,000 5,688 Loaves and Fishes Ministries, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 18,255 18,255 Local Initiatives Support Corporation COMMY/ECON DEVEL 685,000 422,500 Long Island University EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Loomis Chaffee School EDUCATION 11,107 11,107 Loyola School EDUCATION 1,000 1,000 Lucy Robbins Welles Library EDUCATION 5,000 5,000 Luther Ridge at Middletown FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 28,860 28,860 Lutz Children's Museum ARTS, CULTURE 9,056 9,056 Lyman Heritage Preservation Foundation, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE 500 250 The Main Idea, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 10,000 10,000 Make-A-Wish Foundation of Massachusetts FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 1,000 1,500 Make-A-Wish Foundation of Connecticut FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 1,500 2,500 Malta House of Care HEALTH 73,500 47,860 Manchester Area Conference of Churches, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 29,429 29,429 Manchester Community College EDUCATION 62,322 64,496 Manchester Early Learning Center, Inc. EDUCATION 5,450 5,450 Manchester Historical Society ARTS, CULTURE 46,005 46,005


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ECHN, Inc./Manchester Memorial Hospital HEALTH $ 94,708 $ 94,708 The Manchester Police Activities League, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 1,500 1,500 Manchester Public Schools EDUCATION 813,520 25,000 Manchester Scholarship Foundation, Inc. EDUCATION 29,900 29,900 Town of Manchester FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 2,500 2,500 GENERAL 7,500 7,500 Mandell Jewish Community Center FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 10,750 11,700 GENERAL 2,500 2,500 SUMMER PROGRAMS 2,589 2,589 MARC, Inc. of Manchester HEALTH 38,838 12,000 MARCH, Inc. of Manchester HEALTH 5,000 - Marin Community Foundation COMMY/ECON DEVEL 79,438 129,062 Marin Country Day School EDUCATION 5,000 5,000 Marist College EDUCATION 6,000 6,000 The Mark Twain House & Museum ARTS, CULTURE 2,000 2,000 Martin Luther King Soccer League FAMILY/CHILD/SOC - 10,000 Maryknoll Mission Association of the Faithful, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 357 357 Marymount School EDUCATION 1,000 1,000 Mary's Place FAMILY/CHILD/SOC - 957 The Masonic Charity Foundation of Connecticut HEALTH 9,039 9,039 Massachusetts General Hospital HEALTH 1,500 1,500 The Master's School EDUCATION 1,500 1,500 Mayor Mike Peters Little League GENERAL 600 600 McLean Foundation GENERAL 31,000 31,000 HEALTH 4,484 35,308 Medical Aid to Haiti, Inc. HEALTH 10,000 10,000 Mercy Housing and Shelter Corporation FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 19,855 152,855 (Continued on next page) -43- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

New Grants Payments Authorized Made

MetroHartford Alliance, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC $ 5,500 $ 5,500 Minister Walker Outreach Ministries FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 8,500 8,500 The Miracle League of Connecticut, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 850 850 Miss Porter's School EDUCATION 1,000 1,000 Mitchell College EDUCATION 250 250 Monmouth University EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Morehouse College EDUCATION 3,000 - Motion Picture & Television Fund FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 500 500 Mount Olive Child Development Center, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC - 4,875 Mutual Housing Association of Greater Hartford, Inc. COMMY/ECON DEVEL 50,000 10,000 My Sisters' Place, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 239,000 352,551 National Alliance on Mental Illness - CT Chapter HEALTH 9,000 9,000 National Conference for Community and Justice GENERAL 35,630 128,075 National Kidney Foundation of Connecticut HEALTH 2,509 2,509 National Multiple Sclerosis Soc-Gr CT Chap HEALTH 550 500 National Theatre of the Deaf ARTS, CULTURE 30,000 30,000 Naugatuck Valley Community College EDUCATION 1,500 - Nazareth College EDUCATION 1,866 1,866 Network Against Domestic Abuse of North Central CT, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 35,500 89,100 New Britain Museum of American Art ARTS, CULTURE 26,000 95,000 New Directions of North Central Connecticut HEALTH - 40,000 New England Air Museum ARTS, CULTURE 23,614 15,597 The New England Carousel Museum, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE 2,000 2,000 New England Public Radio ARTS, CULTURE 40,000 40,000 New England Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 28,860 28,860 (Continued on next page) -44- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

New Grants Payments Authorized Made

New Haven Legal Assistance Association GENERAL $ 10,000 $ 10,000 New Horizons Village FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 185,000 185,000 New York City Ballet Corporation ARTS, CULTURE 5,000 5,000 New York Medical College EDUCATION 1,500 1,500 New York University School of Medicine EDUCATION 1,500 1,500 New York University EDUCATION 5,000 5,000 Newington Public Schools EDUCATION 2,000 2,000 Newington, Town of EDUCATION 2,500 2,500 Noah Webster House ARTS, CULTURE 25,408 37,408 North Central Area Agency on Aging, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 57,808 27,000 North Central Regional Mental Health Board HEALTH 5,000 9,230 Northeast Neighborhood Partners, Inc. COMMY/ECON DEVEL - 175,000 Northeastern University EDUCATION 25,500 25,500 Northern Connecticut Black Nurses Association HEALTH 5,000 5,000 Northfield Mount Hermon School EDUCATION 12,500 12,500 Northwest Catholic High School EDUCATION 3,037 3,037 Northwest Connecticut Arts Council ARTS, CULTURE 8,250 5,625 Northwestern University EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Norwich University EDUCATION 6,000 6,000 Nutmeg Big Brothers Big Sisters FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 163,696 12,696 Nyack College EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Oak Hill EDUCATION 80,782 116,078 Oddfellows Playhouse ARTS, CULTURE 5,000 - Ohio State University EDUCATION 10,000 10,000 Ohio Wesleyan University EDUCATION 10,000 18,000 (Continued on next page) -45- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

New Grants Payments Authorized Made

Old Deerfield Productions Inc. ARTS, CULTURE $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Olin College of Engineering EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Online Journalism Project EDUCATION 12,000 10,000 Open Hearth Association, Inc. COMMY/ECON DEVEL - 80,000 FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 41,985 37,985 Operation Fuel, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 126,000 92,950 Organized Parents Make A Difference FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 20,000 40,000 SUMMER PROGRAMS 33,414 33,414 Our Companions Domestic Animal Sanctuary GENERAL 3,893 3,893 Our Piece of the Pie EDUCATION 130,000 140,000 FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 70,000 103,500 SUMMER PROGRAMS 17,149 17,149 The Oxford Academy EDUCATION 45,500 45,500 Padres Abriendo Puertas, Inc. EDUCATION 20,000 - Palm Beach Atlantic University EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Partnership for Strong Communities COMMY/ECON DEVEL - 7,500 The Pathfinders Association of Manchester Connecticut, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 500 500 Pennsylvania Ballet ARTS, CULTURE 20,000 20,000 Pennsylvania State University EDUCATION 2,500 2,500 The Pequot Chapel FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 10,000 10,000 Petit Family Foundation FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 2,000 2,000 The Philadelphia Foundation GENERAL 45,000 84,000 The Philadelphia School EDUCATION 500 500 Plainville Community Food Pantry FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 500 1,000 Planned Lifetime Assistance Network of CT HEALTH 6,642 6,642 Planned Parenthood Federation of America HEALTH 6,000 6,000 Planned Parenthood of Southern New England, Inc. HEALTH 117,305 112,305 (Continued on next page) -46- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

New Grants Payments Authorized Made

Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains HEALTH $ 500 $ 500 Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania HEALTH 9,000 34,000 Playhouse on Park ARTS, CULTURE 33,000 36,000 Pomona College EDUCATION 5,000 5,000 Pope Hartford Designated Fund GENERAL - 103,297 Princeton University EDUCATION 20,000 20,000 Pro Bono Partnership COMMY/ECON DEVEL - 80,000 Project Discovery, Inc. EDUCATION 10,000 20,000 Project Place COMMY/ECON DEVEL 40,000 80,000 Protectors of Animals, Inc. GENERAL 4,700 4,700 Providence College EDUCATION 55,000 75,000 Purdue University EDUCATION 1,150 1,150 Purple Heart Homes FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 5,000 5,000 Quinnipiac University EDUCATION 11,602 9,375 Quinnipiac University School of Law EDUCATION 4,000 - Rangeley Region Health and Wellness Partnership HEALTH 1,000 1,000 Real Art Ways, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE 47,111 163,411 SUMMER PROGRAMS 5,474 5,474 Rebuilding Together of Manchester, Inc. COMMY/ECON DEVEL 10,000 10,000 Regional Data Cooperative for Greater New Haven COMMY/ECON DEVEL 50,000 - Renbrook School, Inc. EDUCATION 2,500 2,500 Restoring Lives Community Development Corp. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 10,000 10,000 Rhode Island College EDUCATION 4,000 4,000 Riverfront Recapture, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE 12,037 12,037 COMMY/ECON DEVEL 206,908 197,076 Riverwood Poetry Series, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE 12,500 12,500 (Continued on next page) -47- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

New Grants Payments Authorized Made

Roaring Brook Nature Center GENERAL $ 16,663 $ 16,663 Rockville Public Library, Inc. EDUCATION - 200,000 Town of Rocky Hill FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 3,500 3,500 Roger Williams University EDUCATION 200 400 The Ron Foley Pancreatic Cancer Foundation HEALTH 5,000 5,000 The Rotary Foundation HEALTH 25,000 25,000 Rushford Centers HEALTH 49,220 39,200 Sacred Heart School EDUCATION 12,507 12,507 Sacred Heart University EDUCATION 7,000 7,000 Saint Anne - Immaculate Conception Church FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 4,830 4,830 Saint Anselm College EDUCATION 500 500 Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 10,000 10,000 HEALTH 417,655 111,956 Saint Joseph's College of Maine EDUCATION 2,600 2,600 Saint Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 28,869 28,869 Saint Peter's College EDUCATION - 3,000 Salem Art Works ARTS, CULTURE - 2,000 Salem State University EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Salmon Brook Historical Society, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE 750 750 The Salvation Army Southern New England Division FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 349,900 397,900 SUMMER PROGRAMS 34,500 34,500 Salve Regina University EDUCATION 9,000 9,000 San Geronimo Valley Community Center FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 17,500 17,500 San Juan Center, Inc. COMMY/ECON DEVEL - 8,485 Sankofa Kuumba Cultural Arts Consortium SUMMER PROGRAMS 5,000 5,000 Sea Education Association, Inc. EDUCATION 500 500 (Continued on next page) -48- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

New Grants Payments Authorized Made

Seniors Job Bank, Inc. COMMY/ECON DEVEL $ 12,000 $ 12,000 ServCorps COMMY/ECON DEVEL - 1,000 Sheldon Oak Central, Inc. COMMY/ECON DEVEL - 50,000 Simmons College EDUCATION 4,000 4,000 Simsbury Historical Society ARTS, CULTURE 34,500 38,000 Simsbury Land Trust GENERAL 78,312 78,312 Simsbury Light Opera Company ARTS, CULTURE 9,000 9,000 Simsbury Performing Arts Center ARTS, CULTURE 10,000 10,000 Town of Simsbury FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 3,500 3,500 Sister Cities International of Hartford EDUCATION 400 400 Skidmore College EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Smile Train, Inc. HEALTH 2,537 2,537 South Glastonbury Public Library Association EDUCATION 7,753 44,223 South Park Inn FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 61,500 11,500 South Shore Hospital Charitable Foundation HEALTH 6,000 6,000 South Windsor Community Foundation EDUCATION 2,000 2,000 Southern Connecticut State University EDUCATION 16,300 16,300 Southington Bread for Life FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 500 1,000 Special Olympics Connecticut, Eastern Region HEALTH 985 985 Spectrum in Motion Dance Theater Ensemble, Inc. SUMMER PROGRAMS 7,250 7,250 Springfield College EDUCATION 7,400 7,400 St. Anthony School EDUCATION 2,500 2,500 St. Augustine Church FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 4,500 4,500 St. John's Episcopal Church ARTS, CULTURE 10,000 10,000 St. Jude Children's Research Hospital HEALTH 9,039 9,039 (Continued on next page) -49- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

New Grants Payments Authorized Made

St. Luke's Episcopal Church FAMILY/CHILD/SOC $ 16,500 $ 16,500 Stanley-Whitman House ARTS, CULTURE 16,827 8,414 Student Diplomacy Corps EDUCATION 10,000 10,000 Suffield Academy EDUCATION - - Suffield Firemen's Association HEALTH 13,000 13,000 Suffield Little League FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 4,960 4,960 Suffield Public Library Foundation EDUCATION 10,000 15,000 Town of Suffield GENERAL 16,700 16,700 Suffolk University EDUCATION 5,200 5,200 Susquehanna University EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Syracuse University EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Tabor House, Inc. HEALTH 7,000 16,331 Talcott Mountain Science Center EDUCATION 6,062 6,062 SUMMER PROGRAMS 14,802 14,802 Teach for America EDUCATION 5,000 10,000 Temple University EDUCATION 6,800 6,800 Texas State University EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 TheaterWorks, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE 234,800 49,400 Third Sector New England GENERAL 5,000 5,000 Town of Cromwell FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 500 1,000 The Traprock Center for Peace and Justice FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 500 500 Trinity Academy EDUCATION 50,000 50,000 Trinity College EDUCATION 54,798 46,298 SUMMER PROGRAMS 12,057 12,057 True Colors, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 110,500 25,500 Trust for a Mountain Classroom EDUCATION 5,250 5,250 (Continued on next page) -50- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

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Tufts University EDUCATION $ 1,040 $ 101,040 Tunxis Community College Foundation EDUCATION 10,750 10,000 UCLA Medical Sciences Development HEALTH 25,000 25,000 Ultimate Peace, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 500 500 Unified Theater, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 30,000 63,750 Union Baptist Church FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 5,500 5,500 Union College EDUCATION 16,000 16,000 Union for Reform Judaism GENERAL 1,000 1,000 Union Settlement Association FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 2,000 2,000 Unionville Museum ARTS, CULTURE 6,000 1,000 United Cerebral Palsy of Greater Hartford HEALTH 9,039 9,039 SUMMER PROGRAMS 20,810 20,810 United Connecticut Action for Neighborhoods HEALTH 100,000 27,500 United Services Organization, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 1,000 1,000 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut COMMY/ECON DEVEL - 303,915 FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 188,540 200,807 Universal Technical Institute EDUCATION 1,150 1,150 The Universalist Church of West Hartford FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 3,000 - University College Dublin EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 University of Bridgeport EDUCATION 500 500 University of Connecticut EDUCATION 225,274 226,124 University of Connecticut Avery Point Campus EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 University of Connecticut Foundation EDUCATION 65,832 65,332 GENERAL 56,520 56,520 HEALTH 9,039 9,039 University of Connecticut Greater Hartford Campus EDUCATION 48,000 51,000 University of Connecticut Health Center HEALTH 120,243 30,663 (Continued on next page) -51- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

New Grants Payments Authorized Made

University of Connecticut Law School Foundation EDUCATION $ 13,000 $ 13,000 University of Connecticut School of Law EDUCATION 4,000 4,000 University of Connecticut School of Medicine & of Dental Medicine EDUCATION 25,670 25,670 University of Delaware EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 University of Hartford EDUCATION 219,873 263,266 The University of Maine EDUCATION 1,227 1,227 University of Mary Washington EDUCATION 450 450 University of Maryland EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 University of Massachusetts EDUCATION 4,300 4,300 University of Miami EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 University of Michigan EDUCATION 4,150 4,150 University of New Haven EDUCATION 9,125 9,125 University of New Hampshire EDUCATION 10,000 10,000 University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 University of North Carolina - Wilmington EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 University of Rhode Island EDUCATION 7,127 8,927 University of Saint Joseph EDUCATION 99,530 141,400 University of South Carolina Upstate EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 The University of Tampa EDUCATION 1,000 1,000 University of Vermont Foundation EDUCATION 1,000 1,000 University of Vermont EDUCATION 15,150 18,150 Upper Albany Main Street COMMY/ECON DEVEL 26,000 77,872 Urban League of Greater Hartford, Inc. COMMY/ECON DEVEL 908 50,408 HEALTH 9,000 9,000 Vassar College EDUCATION 3,000 3,000


New Grants Payments Authorized Made

Vernon Community Network FAMILY/CHILD/SOC $ - $ 34,000 Vernon Public Schools EDUCATION 40,000 - Town of Vernon FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 500 500 The Village for Families & Children, Inc. COMMY/ECON DEVEL 50,000 50,000 EDUCATION 454,500 367,000 FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 194,758 70,423 SUMMER PROGRAMS 39,000 39,000 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University EDUCATION 3,000 3,000 Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine EDUCATION 1,232 1,232 Visiting Nurse & Health Services of CT, Inc. HEALTH 149 149 Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art ARTS, CULTURE 844,408 809,508 The WALKS Foundation, Inc. EDUCATION 17,000 17,000 Warburton Chapel Trustees FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 2,155 2,155 Warburton Community Church FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 4,500 4,500 Watkinson School EDUCATION 11,940 11,940 SUMMER PROGRAMS 9,550 9,550 The Webb-Deane-Stevens Museum ARTS, CULTURE 2,000 8,917 Welles-Turner Memorial Library EDUCATION 1,000 1,000 Wentworth Institute of Technology EDUCATION 12,000 12,000 Wesleyan University EDUCATION 50,000 52,500 West Avon Congregational Church FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 522 522 West Hartford Art League, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE 2,437 12,437 West Hartford Public Schools EDUCATION 3,150 3,150 Town of West Hartford FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 5,600 9,600 The West Indian Foundation, Inc. SUMMER PROGRAMS 14,500 14,500 Western Connecticut State University EDUCATION 20,578 19,200 Westfield State University EDUCATION 2,250 2,250 (Continued on next page) -53- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

New Grants Payments Authorized Made

Westminster Presbyterian Church FAMILY/CHILD/SOC $ 7,440 $ 19,440 Wethersfield Historical Society ARTS, CULTURE 72,991 66,996 Town of Wethersfield FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 3,500 3,500 Wheaton College EDUCATION 1,000 1,000 Wheaton College EDUCATION 9,250 9,250 Wheelock College EDUCATION 1,150 1,150 William H. Hall High School EDUCATION 5,000 5,000 Williams College EDUCATION 1,000 1,000 Wind Hill Community Farm & Learning, Inc. GENERAL 23,931 - Windsor Community Television, Inc. EDUCATION 8,000 - Windsor Historical Society ARTS, CULTURE - 58,368 Windsor Independent Living Association, Inc FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 1,027 1,027 Windsor Locks Public Schools EDUCATION 274,372 19,965 Windsor Locks Public Library EDUCATION 2,321 2,321 Windsor Police Cadets FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 1,012 1,969 Windsor Public Library EDUCATION 11,250 - Windsor Public Schools EDUCATION 47,000 23,500 Windsor Volunteer Ambulance HEALTH 985 1,942 Town of Windsor EDUCATION 985 985 FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 3,500 5,414 Winston-Salem University EDUCATION 1,500 1,500 The Wintonbury Land Trust, Inc. GENERAL - 142,886 Women's League Child Development Center EDUCATION 15,000 15,000 FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 55,000 - Wood Memorial Library and Museum EDUCATION 581 581 Worcester Polytechnic Institute EDUCATION 10,000 10,000 (Continued on next page) -54- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF GRANTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

New Grants Payments Authorized Made

Workforce Alliance COMMY/ECON DEVEL $ - $ 17,500 World Affairs Council of Connecticut EDUCATION 5,000 20,500 World Learning GENERAL 25,000 25,000 Yale Law School EDUCATION 2,000 2,000 Yale School of Medicine EDUCATION 1,000 1,000 Yankton College EDUCATION 522 522 Year Up Boston COMMY/ECON DEVEL 1,643 3,775 YMCA Greater Boston COMMY/ECON DEVEL 20,000 35,000 YMCA of Metropolitan Hartford, Inc. FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 11,203 31,203 HEALTH 25,000 - SUMMER PROGRAMS 24,305 24,305 Young Playwrights Theater, Inc. ARTS, CULTURE 1,232 2,653 YWCA Greater Newburyport FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 2,000 2,000 YWCA Hartford Region, Inc. EDUCATION - 152,500 FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 37,000 63,301 SUMMER PROGRAMS 4,400 4,400 YWCA of New Britain FAMILY/CHILD/SOC 80,000 16,176

33,009,897 29,974,713

*Less agency endowment fund grants (372,554) (372,554)

Total Hartford Foundation Grants $ 32,637,343 $ 29,602,159


Fund Name Balance

Ruth D. Abbott Fund $ 987,809 AB Club Scholarship Foundation Fund established by John D. Wardlaw 45,837 Abel Family Fund 64,639 F. Russell Abell Fund 967,946 Accelerate Success Fund 15,000 Joyce and Philip Acquaviva Fund 208,168 Olivia and Frederick Adams Fund 13,235 Frederick G. Adams Scholarship Fund 29,152 Alleluia House Fund 89,176 Allen Family Fund 94,409 Mrs. Jane C. Allen Fund 25,417 Richard S. Allen Fund 838,383 Margot and Lee Allison Fund 24,133 Robert L. and Susan B. Aller Fund 137,255 Lee and Margot Allison Fund 98,327 Mildred C. Allison Fund 415,012 Alvord Family Fund 693,473 Curtis H. and Katharine G. Alvord Fund 65,445 Morgan Hanlon Alvord and Dorothy Deegan Alvord Memorial Fund 31,262 American Eagle Financial Credit Union Fund 125,161 American Marketing Association-Connecticut Chapter, Anna C. Klune Memorial Scholarship Fund 40,297 Eric Amenabar Memorial Scholarship Fund 45,160 Frank E. Amidon Fund 147,817 Amistad Foundation Fund 124,742 * Arthur T. and Barbara L. Anderson Fund 12,459 Anonymous Fund 33,459,954 Anonymous No. 1 Fund 1,456,891 Anonymous No. 2 Fund 421,194 Anonymous No. 3 Fund 6,527 Anonymous No. 4 Fund 379,483 Anonymous No. 7 Fund 3,268,365 Anonymous No. 9 Fund 83,852 Anonymous No. 12 Fund 2,824 Anonymous No. 38 Fund 160,099 Anonymous No. 41 Fund 73,476 Anonymous No. 42 Fund 319,565 Anonymous No. 43 Fund 556,929 Anonymous No. 45 Fund 101,155 Anonymous No. 46 Fund 2,303,832 Anonymous No. 47 Fund 471,258 Anonymous No. 48 Fund 168,883 Anonymous (CF01) Fund 302,352 Anonymous (CF02) Fund 9,758 Anonymous (CF03) Fund 227,523 Anonymous (CF04) Fund 9,757 Anonymous (CF05) Fund 2,201 (Continued on next page)


Fund Name Balance

Anonymous (CF06) Fund $ 161,493 Anonymous (CF08) Fund 5,948 Anonymous (CF11) Fund 20,868 Anonymous (CF12) Fund 1,647,465 Anonymous (CF13) Fund 22,176 Anonymous (CF19) Fund 28,963 Anonymous (CF20) Fund 12,863 Anonymous (CF21) Fund 117,770 Anonymous (CF22) Fund 221,264 Anonymous (CF24) Fund 5,315 Anonymous (CF25) Fund 23,934 Anonymous (CF26) Fund 85,607 Anonymous (CF27) Fund 44,964 Anonymous (CF28) Fund 35,053 Anonymous (CF30) Fund 10,357 Anonymous (CF32) Fund 3,186 Anonymous (CF33) Fund 36,892 Anonymous (CF34) Fund 21,678 Anonymous (CF35) Fund 13,919 Alfred M. Archer Fund 721,090 Thomas L. and Dorothy Clark Archibald Fund 3,460,164 Everett E. Arnold Fund 1,300,338 Raymond H. Arnold Fund 122,711 Flora G. Arons Fund 6,902 Artists Collective Fund 512,318 Brian A. Aselton Memorial Scholarship Fund 238,160 ASK Endowment Fund fbo Hartford Art School 842,390 ASK Endowment Donor-Advised Fund 842,392 Mrs. Beatrice Fox Auerbach Fund (from her sister, Fannie Fox Samuels) 6,528 Beatrice Fox Auerbach Foundation Fund 83,002,535 Gladys T. and Robert B. August Fund 41,910 J. F. Baker Fund 47,909 Robert P. Balgley Fund 675,681 Jacob and Mary Balgley Fund 987,037 Michael R. and Deborah F. Bangser Fund 23,608 Goodman and Cecelia Banks Memorial Fund 60,531 Joseph J. and Josephine L. Bardani Fund 1,765,721 Alice Barlow Fund 56,540 Luther I. Barnard Fund (from Mrs. Amy Closs Barnard) 277,661 D. Newton Barney Family Fund (from Olga A. Olin) 9,652 Katharine Derr Barney Fund 1,132,011 Bertha S. Barrar Fund 78,189 Marjorie G. Barrett Fund 109,297 Robert W. and Alice M. Barrett Fund 6,579 Bartlett Family Scholarship Fund 76,219 Thomas R. Barrett Fund 350,843 Clara G. Bartlett Fund 117,502 Edward B. and Mary Louise Bates Fund 42,342


Fund Name Balance

Mrs. James G. Batterson Fund $ 92,923 JoAnne Bauer and Friends Fund 3,178 Richard and Alice Baxter Fund 35,078 Grace R. Beardsley Fund 102,741 John H. and Eleanor L. Beardsley Fund 77,426 Roxanne Beardsley Fund 27,206 Beatman-Cantarow Fund in Memory of Dr. Walter D. Cantarow 37,224 Michael C. Beckanstin Fund 15,859 Mrs. Gladys Goodman Beckanstin Fund (from Michael C. Beckanstin) 23,394 Elsie R. and C. Gordon Beckwith Fund (B) Elsie R. and C. Gordon Beckwith Fund (B) Olivet Beckwith Fund 4,075,736 Leo Bedrick Memorial Scholarship Fund 4,092 Dorothy Beers Fund 6,799 Maxwell M. and Ruth R. Belding Fund 247,956 John Bell and Lawrence Thornton Scholarship Fund 28,000 John and Laura Berman Fund 26,713 John R. and Joan K. Berthoud Fund 10,792 Helen W. Bigelow Fund 563,224 Lilly Palmer Biscoe and Eloise Palmer Biscoe Mother/Daughter Fund in Memory of Earl Biscoe Jr. and Earl Biscoe III 1,393,775 Charles S. Bissell Fund 272,002 Lebbeus F. Bissell Scholarship Fund 1,830,432 David T. Black Memorial Fund 75,951 Ronald T. Black Memorial Fund 28,402 John E. Blair Fund 29,542 John E. Blair Fund for the Visually Impaired 111,966 Bernard Blum Fund 53,220 Phillip I. Blumberg Fund 67,897 I. R. and Clara Blumenthal Fund 23,049 Joan J. and Morton A. Blumenthal Fund 34,143 George F. Boardman Fund 15,567 William C. Boardman Fund 26,937 Boccaccio Family Trust 129,363 J. Leo Bodo Scholarship Fund 24,201 Donald and Dorothy Bonelli Puerto Rican Education Fund 128,728 Borges Family Fund (B) Maria Gonzalez Borrero Scholarship Fund 17,433 Boundless Playgrounds Endowment Fund 16,996 Albert and Elizabeth Bourget Fund 24,253 Dorothy Jennings Boyd Fund 62,173 Janice Boyd Fund 104,005 Boyle Family Fund 24,229 W. Philip Braender and Nancy Coleman Braender Scholarship Fund 105,483 Florence B. Brainard Fund 8,288 Newton C. and Elsie B. Brainard Fund 12,894,844 Lyman B. and Judith P. Brainerd Fund 332,870 The Lyman B. Brainerd Family Foundation Fund 239,601


Fund Name Balance

Neville K. Brecker and Raymond W. Brecker Memorial Fund $ 2,608,061 Richard M. Brett Fund 9,514 Donald Brewer Memorial Fund 12,105 Rae H. Brewster Fund 71,801 The Bridge Family Center Fund 31,857 John and Sondra Brittain Fund 1,563 Sherry L. Brown Family Fund 183,256 Stillman B. and Joan E. Brown Fund 91,959 Charles and Doris Bryan Fund 65,065 Paul R. Buchanan Fund 56,851 John W. Buck Fund 64,576 Budd Family Fund 5,276,497 Richard B. Bulkeley Fund 32,358 Col. William E. A. Bulkeley Fund (from Mrs. Bulkeley) 25,114 William H. Bulkeley Fund 25,842 Alexander Bunce Fund 181,556 Dr. and Mrs. James M. Bunce Fund (B) Clifford and Joan Burdge Fund 204,668 George L. and Helen C. Burnham Fund 2,503,380 Mabel A. Burnham Fund 205,574 Angie L. Burr Fund 159,756 Lena A. Burwell Fund 673,724 Helen W. Bush Fund 27,425 Robert P. Butler Fund 34,854 Paul M. Butterworth Fund 1,403 John Byrne Fund 2,123,839 John L. Cadwell Fund (A) Marjorie S. Caldwell Fund 218,648 Laura G. and Paul E. Callanan Fund 12,628 Antonio S. and Sarina Camilleri Memorial Fund 16,982 Thomas F. and Mary A. Cannon Fund 5,481 George C. Capen and Elizabeth Beach Capen Trust 60,944 George and Elizabeth Beach Capen Fund 40,147 Eleanor and Jerome Caplan Fund 92,076 Arnold E. and Mary I. Carlson Fund 22,171 Cartin Family Foundation Fund 24,118 Mathew Caruso Memorial Scholarship Fund 2,128 Lawrence Wells Case and Florence Reid Case Memorial Fund 236,165 Catalyst Endowment Fund 1,218,167 John R. Cates Fund 167,488 Roxanne Cave Scholarship Fund 95,797 Yvette Melèndez and Carl T. Chadburn Foundation Fund 69,463 Marion H. Chaffee Fund #2 285,851 Marion H. Chaffee Fund #1 456,466 Chapman Family Fund 295,352 Wesley I. Charter Fund 89,048 Warren D. Chase Fund 24,742 Cheney Family Fund 576,461 Carol Childs Memorial Fund 225,871


Fund Name Balance

Katherine C. Childs Memorial Fund $ 69,024 Pamela Churchill Fund 5,222 Beatrice D. Clapp Fund 4,645,908 Anna F. and David W. Clark Fund 274,084 Clark Family Fund 26,842 Mabel H. P. Clark Trust No. 1 19,727,636 Mabel H. P. Clark Trust No. 2 163,591 Anne Hatheway Clarke Fund 48,974 Ruth S. Cloyes Trust 4,908,221 Mrs. James Sage Coburn Fund 1,030,186 Ralph J. Cocks Fund 323,223 David L. Coffin, Jr. Memorial Fund 225,996 Mary C. H. Coffin Fund 16,469 Mary C. Cofran Trust 204,587 Adam P. and Cynthia F. Cohen Fund 1,803 Michael and Naomi Cohen "Prophet Micah" Fund 35,828 Minnie Finesilver Cohn and Meyer Cohn Fund 233,779 Florence H. and J. Donald Cohon Fund 49,600 Robert L. and Sara Marcy Cole Fund 51,045 Elizabeth Jones and H. Bacon Collamore, Jr. Fund 1,635 Community College Scholarship Endowment Fund 1,522 Anne A. Conklin Fund 1,457,671 Edward K. Conklin Fund 372,891 William P. and Anne A. Conklin Fund 449,728 Connecticut Council for Philanthropy Endowment Fund 184,155 Connecticut Hispanic Bar Association Fund 140,115 Connecticut Mortgage Bankers Social Affairs Fund 56,808 Connecticut Opera Endowment Fund 86,892 Connecticut Radio Information Service (CRIS) Endowment Fund 1,936 * The Connecticut Forum Endowment Fund 1,303 ConnectiKids Endowment Fund 14,267 Frankie and Bill Connelly Fund 23,737 James Christopher Conrad Memorial Fund 62,252 John R. Cook Trust 416,805 Mildred E. Cook Fund 135,578 Charles B. Cook Fund 456,432 Lastra Coolbrith Fund 96,314 Charles P. Cooley, Jr. Fund 708,341 Patricia L. Coombs Fund 66,783 Patricia L. Coombs Scholarship Fund 196,511 Mildred A. Cooper Fund 195,073 Phyllis Kosiorek Cordner and Roy R. Cordner Scholarship Fund 497,911 William Sheffield Cowles Fund 218,337 H. Carl and Ruth Law Cramer Fund 81,327 Barbara M. Crampton Fund 27,686 J. Noyes Crary Fund 578,476 CRE Investors Fund 19,829 CREC Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts Endowment Fund 155,307 John David Creedon Fund 12,426


Fund Name Balance

Mary Gay Creedon Fund $ 12,426 Wilbur B. and Margaret G. Crimmin Fund 312,029 Evelyn L. Crosby Fund 159,541 Evelyn L. Crosby Fund 2,238,601 James and Marianne Crowley Fund 17,999 Lillys Crygier Fund 9,903,778 Paul B. and Elsa N. Cullen Fund 1,972 Peter Culver Fund 12,029 Joseph C. Cunningham, Jr. Fund 4,856 Caroline E. Currie Fund 6,527 Louise Cogswell Cushman Fund 2,506,239 James S. and Lois A. Dailey Fund 38,761 John Dangas Fund 1,033,789 Morton and Dinah Danseyar Family Foundation 67,938 Lawrence C. Davis Memorial Fund 54,767 J. H. Kelso and Edith Brainard Davis Fund 179,258 John M. K. Davis & Mignon Foerderer Davis Fund 845,661 John M. K. Davis & Mignon Foerderer Davis Fund 6,829,832 John M. K. Davis & Mignon Foerderer Davis Fund for Duncaster 1,511,471 Day Pitney LLP Scholarship Fund 218,432 Pomeroy Day Fund 14,842 Peter DeBell Fund 463,637 Joy V. Decicco College Scholarship Fund 197,671 Raymond H. Deck Family Fund in Memory of Kevin F. Deck 68,311 Raymond H. Deck Family Designated Fund in Memory of Kevin F. Deck 31,393 Aldo DeDominicis Scholarship Fund 109,808 Charles W. Deeds Fund 373,508 Caroline De Lamater Fund 3,149,170 Vinel Edward Dent and Donald J. Blust Fund 3,218 Drs. Booker T. and Elena L. DeVaughn Scholarship Fund 10,202 Albert T. and Jane N. Dewey Fund 2,237,084 Quentin A. Dewing Fund 788,704 Walter H. Dickman Fund 72,275 Alice and Harold Dillon Fund 236,689 Dorothy Godfrey Dillon Fund, in memory of her mother Nathena P. Godfrey 79,791 Elizabeth Dimick Fund 48,394 Anthony J. and Lucille A. Diorio Fund 23,467 Lucille A. Diorio Fund 345,239 Dr. and Mrs. Burwell Dodd Fund (B) Thomas K. Dodd Fund 64,791 John and Barbara Donahue Fund 29,843 Richard D. Donchian Fund 9,206 Harry A. Donn Scholarship Fund 11,348 Lillian C. Donn Scholarship Fund 10,827 Dornenburg Design Christmas Gift Fund 5,411 Dorothea Fund 163,144 John and Rose Draghi Memorial Fund 63,286 Drezner/Winkler Fund 381,502 George A. Drieu Fund 643,654


Fund Name Balance

Duclos Family Charity Trust Fund $ 109,668 Sara R. and Alan A. Dun Fund 13,688 Gladys B. and Robert E. Dunn Designated Fund for the American School for the Deaf 317,612 Gladys B. and Robert E. Dunn Fund for Youth Leadership 266,081 Robert E. Dunn Fund 335,750 Carl J. DuPre Fund 1,123,148 Sonny and Billie Duval Memorial Scholarship Fund 304 Walter J. Dyber Fund 531,670 East Granby Library Association Book 53,814 Beverly Beach Eaton and Edward C. Eaton, III Fund 123,003 Paul H. Eddy and Elizabeth J. Normen Fund (B) Mary W. Edwards Charitable Fund for the benefit of the 'Mountain' and Granby Land Trust, Inc. 345,693 * Mary W. Edwards Charitable Reserve Fund No. 2 95,700 * Mary W. Edwards Charitable Reserve Fund No. 3 73,826 * Mary W. Edwards Charitable Reserve Fund No. 1 109,372 * Elizabeth Park Conservancy Fund 77,773 Elliot Family Fund, in memory of Dr. K. Gregory Elliot, Zarou Manoukian Elliot, and Ralph Gregory Elliot 3,125,558 Bernard and Millie G. Ellovich Fund 107,311 Arthur C. Ellsworth Fund 7,204 John E. Ellsworth Fund 19,406 John E. and Grace Ellsworth Fund 53,649 John E. Ellsworth Fund, for the Symphony Society 32,792 Morton and Marilyn Elsner Fund 636,920 John O. and Harriet Enders Memorial Fund 1,183,710 James F. and Isabelle S. C. English Fund 91,587 Joseph R. and Mary P. Ensign Memorial Fund 2,103,107 The Equistrides Fund 612,201 Guy B. and Rita B. Fallow Fund 630,632 Family Service Society Fund 1,045,282 Farmington UNICO Scholarship Fund 58,357 Farmington Valley Arts Center Fund 58,494 Farmington Valley Arts Center Fund, in memory of Stanley D. Fisher 98,436 Fanny Mag Fassler and Victor Fassler Fund 43,203 Victor Fassler Fund 121,178 Fechtor Family Foundation Fund 729,953 Jack B. and Jessie L. Feeney Fund 21,395 Symee Ruth Feinberg Memorial Scholarship Fund 43,790 Eleanor Ferguson Fund 270,645 S. Joseph Ferla Fund 11,623 Filer Fund 309,066 Charles, Sophie and Helen Fine Family Fund 1,463,422 Fiondella Family Trust 133,108 Gustave Fischer and Lillian A. Fischer Fund 12,241,778 Gustave and Lillian A. Fischer Fund 18,673 Lillian A. Fischer Fund 173,800 Stanley D. Fisher Memorial Fund 138,310 Stanley D. and Hinda N. Fisher Scholarship Fund 99,015


Fund Name Balance

Stanley D. Fisher Scholarship Fund $ 693,105 Stanley D. and Hinda N. Fisher Fund 10,114,795 Janet N. Fisk Fund for the Benefit of Windsor Independent Living Association Fund 28,006 Patricia H. Fitt Fund 87,103 Eugene R. and Sandra Flaxman Fund 140,297 Grace M. Flynn Fund 92,791 Fontana Family Scholarship Fund 75,469 Jan H. Fonteyne Memorial Scholarship Fund 55,553 Debra and Ed Forand Family Fund 16,847 T. Mitchell Ford Fund 320,523 Ford Foundation/Time Collaborative in Connecticut (B) KJ Foster Scholarship Fund 25,885 Janice and Kerry Foster, Sr. Scholarship Fund 9,807 Russell and Virginia Foster Memorial Fund 22,178 Henry D. Fowler Fund 110,499 Mary M. Fowler Fund 315,888 FPA Connecticut Valley Chapter Scholarship Fund 19,637 William and Estelle Fraidowitz Family Fund 10,080 David L. Francis and Sarah W. Francis Fund 11,988,810 Stanley and Jean Frank Fund 2,040 Raymond S. and Agnes M. French Memorial 276,388 The Richard B. Fried Fund for AIDS Connecticut (ACT) 56,626 Anna Sanders Friedman Fund (B) Friends of New Gate Prison Fund 11,293 * Daphne G. Fuller Fund 447,045 Melicent Rawson Fuller Fund 331,487 William S. Fuller Fund 221,043 Fund for Early Childhood 3,252 Fund for Hartford's Camp Courant 1,947,160 * Fund for the Deborah Eldridge Service Award of the Estate and Business Planning Council of Hartford 17,765 George H. Gabriel Fund 1,818,370 Dr. Edythe and Mr. Albert Gaines Fund 7,320 Valyn Gallivan Fund 63,467 Gándara Family Fund 52,552 Marilda Gándara Fund 4,506 Ethel Cushing Gardner Fund 103,122 Howard Hunt Garmany Fund 53,704,758 Richard P. Garmany Fund 17,951,521 Paul and Mary Garofalo Fund (B) John S. Garvan Fund 1,412,131 Gates Foundation - Achievement First 427,894 Gates Foundation - Hartford Public Schools 1,209,681 Gates Foundation - Jumoke Academy 50 Richard and Joanne Gates Fund 1,844,974 Gavin Family Fund 21,404 Rita Ann Gelinas Fund 1,354,410 General Endowment Fund 573,385 General Endowment Fund 7,733


Fund Name Balance

General Scholarship Endowment Fund $ 12,411 Gengras Family Fund 3,538,011 Donald S. Gershman Family Fund 6,016 Arthur C. Getchell Fund 1,253,771 Raymond A. Gibson Fund 64,602 Gifts of Music Fund 351,758 Charles A. and Cornelia Catlin Gilbert Fund 2,977,636 E.C. Gilkeson Fund 47,283 George H. Gilman, Jr. Fund 8,886,361 Irving L. Gilman Family Charitable Foundation Fund 121,590 Rita Ginsberg Fund 4,320 Nicholas J. and Doris Giordano Endowment Fund 872,501 The Giving Tree Fund 28,787 Glastonbury Memorial Scholarship Fund 524,811 Miriam E. and Leon H. Glazer Fund #1 21,251 Miriam E. and Leon H. Glazer Fund #2 869 Emma Katz, Sol & Nathan Glazer Memorial Fund 10,718 Anzie O. Glover Memorial Fund 47,498 William E. and Jacquelyn M. T. Glynn Fund 12,315 Godbout Family Foundation Fund 2,867 Irving Goldberg Latin Scholar Fund 18,363 Steven and Blanche Goldenberg Family Fund 25,830 Ellen Jeanne Goldfarb Memorial Fund 420,475 Harry E. Goldfarb Family Foundation Fund 1,768,594 Robert B. and Francine L. Goldfarb Family Scholarship Fund 57,497 Arnold and Julian Goldstein Fund 4,960,647 Clara M. Goodman Estate Fund 134,406 Goodman/Loeb Family Fund 434,353 Mary A. Goodman Fund 16,890 Goodwin Being Fund 252,377 Dorothy C. Goodwin Fund 129,214 Francis and Mary A. Goodwin Memorial Fund 16,274,667 Genevieve H. Goodwin Fund 550,708 Genevieve H. and James L. Goodwin Fund 10,966,577 Helen Whittlesey Goodwin Fund 2,681,993 James L. and Genevieve H. Goodwin Fund 549,734 Mary Goodwin Fund 28,382 Richard H. Gordon and the Gordon Family Fund (B) Grace Church Restricted Fund 12,913 Mildred B. Grady Fund 179,862 Louis Graham Fund 7,021,253 Granby Land Trust, Dimock Fund 257,990 * Granby Land Trust, General Fund 47,405 * Pearl M. Grandy Fund 313,528 Eugenie and Charles Granniss Fund 1 31,899 Eugenie and Charles Granniss Fund 2 768,142 Marion and Ellsworth Grant Fund 199,906 Margaret G. Grant Fund 1,369,480 Dorothy Yeomans Graulty Fund 152,506


Fund Name Balance

Virginia Stuart Gray (Mrs. Walter H.) Fund $ 30,320 William G. Gray Fund 17,631 Greater Hartford Architecture Conservancy 315,759 Greater Hartford Arts Council Fund 130,449 Alan E. Green Hartford Housing Authority Scholarship Fund 20,387 William G. and Mayme J. Green Fund (from Raymond B. Green) 72,169 Beverly and Arnold C. Greenberg Fund 98,460 Jacob Herman Greenberg Fund 29,748 Anna M. Greenspon Memorial (from Charles Greenspon) Fund 33,650 Shirley S. Greenspon Fund 5,837 Fred H. Greenwood Engineering Scholarship Fund 13,054 Elizabeth N. Gregory Fund 51,774 Griebel Family Fund 98,405 Helen Griffith Fund 676,344 Richard S. and Doris J. Griffith Fund 23,245 Jane Z. Griggs Fund 239,345 Raymond W. and Cleo C. Grinold Fund 99,900 F. Louise Griswold Fund 190,661 Frank C. and Agnes E. Griswold Fund 1,027,670 Cornelia Gross Fund 6,454,569 Robert E. and Barbara W. Groundwater Fund 41,905 Robinson A. and Nancy D. Grover Fund 21,220 Kristine Barbara Guest Memorial Fund 48,476 William P. Haas Fund 369,221 William P. Haas Fund 367,306 James and Florence Gertrude Haddow Fund 43,008 Jessie J. Haight Fund 1,885,099 Fannie Estelle Hairston Fund 12,496 Edith S. Hale Fund 1,410,311 Luella C. Hale Fund 2,312,188 Joseph T. Hall Fund 3,918,544 Robert C. Hall Fund 643,414 Charles H. Hamlin, M.D. Fund 34,994 Carlotta Hammitt Fund 175,403 Anna Hammons Fund 1,841 Alice A. Harder and Harriett S. Olzendam Fund 1,479,465 Samuel C. Hardin Fund 158,072 Elwyn V. and Elsie H. Harp Family Foundation Fund 37,419 J. Warren Harper Fund 8,727 Alliance Française of Hartford Harpin/Rohinsky Scholarship Fund 15,847 Marion K. Harris Fund 930,595 Roland S. Harris, Jr. Scholarship Fund 57,088 Dr. Nathan Harris Fund 94,684 Harold L. Hart and Ethel B. Hart Foundation Fund 5,056,550 John R. Hart and Pauline Davidson Hart Fund 9,320,976 Hart-Coggeshall Fund 61,046 Ida L. Hartenberg Charitable Fund 374,766 Hartford Art School, Inc. Special Fund 23,478 Hartford Area Child Care Collaborative Fund 235,773


Fund Name Balance

Hartford Foundation Staff Fund $ 20,058 Hartford Grammar School Scholarship Fund 739,758 Hartford Promise Fund 2,226,344 Hartford Stage Fund 41,104 Hartford Whalers Booster Club Scholarship Fund 36,412 Nina L. Hartin Memorial Scholarship Fund 33,206 Hartman-Newfield Tobacco Company Fund 27,425 Virgil L. and Dorothy H. Hartzog Fund 236,443 Virgil L. Hartzog Fund 92,800 The Harugari Lodge of Broad Brook Fund 58,314 David M. Hatheway Fund 47,193 Nathan Haverback Fund 2,275 Warren E. and Virginia P. Hayden Trust Fund 1,254,584 Marjorie F. Hazen Trust 50,484 Marjorie F. Hazen Trust 101,296 Charles L. Heath Trust 977,366 Joyce S. Heckman Fund 96,901 Sue W. and Robert C. Hector Fund 365,456 Warren C. Heidel Fund 27,166 Charles, Alice (Murray) and Cheryl A. Heilig Fund 36,174 Jean McMillan Hemstreet Fund 24,750 Frances S. Hennessy Fund 1,669,883 Charles F. Chase, Helen Bourne Chase & Genevieve Chase Hewes Fund 25,816 Mary B. Hewes Fund 21,813 HFPG Promotion of Philanthropy Fund 81,270 Madelyn C. Hickmott Fund 9,757,292 Elizabeth S. Hicks Fund 153,757 Virginia Hicks Fund 166,910 Wendy and Boyd Hinds Memorial Scholarship Fund 309,718 Dr. Otto M. Hirschfeld Fund 26,880 Earl W. Hodge Fund 51,857 Jennifer Hodges Fund 52,241 Mary G. H. Hoffer Fund 67,997 Hoffman Family Fund (B) Dwight A. Hogg Fund 97,110 Elizabeth Glass Hoke Fund 100,014 Shepherd Monson Holcombe Fund 652,243 Shepherd Monson Holcombe Fund for The Bushnell 26,162 Laura E. Holcomb Fund 2,112,799 Tudor F. Holcomb Fund 3,123,328 Benjamin L. Holland Fund 4,788 Alice F. Holmes Fund 664,925 Margaret E. Honan Fund 35,349 Isabel Hooker Merritt, Thomas Hooker, and Joseph K. Hooker Trust 709,967 H. Mansfield Horner Fund 2,213,127 Howard and Bush Fund for Philanthropy 315,806 Latham B. and Elizabeth H. Howard Fund 122,789 Alison and Nathaniel Howe Fund (B) Barbara A. and Elijah K. Hubbard Fund 4,566,176


Fund Name Balance

Mary A. Huber Fund $ 33,350 Edward R. Huckman Fund 33,832 Richard L. and Virginia W. Hughes Fund 357,542 Gerald and Phyllis Hughes Fund 45,649 Anthony S. and Evelyn L. Hulme Charitable Fund 296,843 Charles A. Hunter Trust (A) Leila C. Hunter Trust (A) William Hunter Fund (from his wife, Alice) 11,700 Elizabeth Huntting Fund 3,840,844 Ellery Hurd Fund 29,486 Walter "Doc" Hurley Scholarship Fund for Greater Hartford 32,604 R. Eric and Winifred Hutchinson Family Fund 583,199 Immanuel Church Foundation for the Elderly Fund 236,641 * Immanuel Congregational Church Mission Fund 353,451 Loretta K. Ingersoll Fund 370,209 Hartford Public Schools Ingenuity Fund (B) John Avery and Elinor Houghton Bulkeley Ingersoll Fund 113,009 The Interracial Scholarship Fund of Greater Hartford 76,564 Jackson-Batchelder Family Fund 56,250 Jackson-Batchelder Family Scholarship Fund 41,826 Merva Jackson Scholarship Fund 7,674 Frances H. Jackson Fund 41,057 Harry Jacobs Fund 40,805 Katharine Jacobus Fund 51,643 Ann M. Jainsen Fund 61,677 Ann M. Jainsen Fund 1,124,919 Ann M. Jainsen Fund 382,659 Wilson and Ann Jainsen Fund 796,027 Carl W. and Julia Jainsen Memorial Fund 1,837,199 Alexander & Alice C. Jarvis Fund 2,182,816 Dr. and Mrs. H. Gildersleeve Jarvis Fund 1,369,710 JCJ Architecture Fund 114,401 Mary Goodrich Jenson Fund 38,532 James Jewett Fund 18,060 Bertram A. Johnson Fund 1,108,800 Blanche W. Johnson Fund 2,197,355 Katharine N. Johnson Fund 130,656 Lillian A. Johnson Fund 4,845 Mabel Johnson Fund 3,290,819 Oliver F. and Garnette T. Johnson Fund 114,014 S. A. Johnson Family Fund 809,785 Grace D. Joley Fund 1,410,935 James A. Jones Memorial Fund 4,407 Hugh M. Joseloff and Helen H. Joseloff Fund 438,589 Samuel Leonard Joseph Memorial Fund 71,358 Junior League of Hartford Endowment Fund 60,660 Peter Jung Scholarship Fund 10,029 Sheldon J. Kahn Fund 8,272 Harry G. and Fannie S. Kaminsky Fund 2,616


Fund Name Balance

Ann M. Kane Fund $ 1,880 The Walter S. Kapala Scholarship Trust 98,533 David and Helen B. Kaplan Fund 324,594 Ilene and Marty Kaplan Fund for PLAN of Connecticut 23,267 Ilene and Marty Kaplan Scholarship Fund 15,512 William Kashman and Inez P. Kashman Fund 1,829,668 Frank Kavitsky Fund No. 1 452,394 Frank Kavitsky Fund No. 2 150,795 Veronica K. and John P. Kazlau Memorial Fund 332,294 Gladys C. Keeney Trust 2,344,858 Robert Allan Keeney Memorial Fund 1,599,641 Keiller Family Fund 70,941 Louise E. Keister Trust (A) Barbara Kelco Memorial Scholarship Fund 91,612 Ruth Kellogg Fund 895,490 Linda J. Kelly Family Fund (B) Edward H. Kenyon Fund 464,905 Kristin Kepner and Kimberly Kepner McCahill Memorial Scholarship Fund 75,094 M. Kesten Family Fund for Public Education 40,920 Kids' Education Fund 98,393 Mathilde T. Kingsland Fund 22,590 Kiser Family Fund 21,847 Deborah and Steven Kleinman Fund 29,698 Eva Kleman Fund 541,413 George Kleman Fund 67,464 Louise J. Klett Fund 1,273,102 Robert C. Knox, Jr. Fund 351,559 Susan Schiro Kominsky Fund 10,873 Konover Coppa Family Fund (B) Doris and Simon Konover Fund (B) Koopman Field of Interest Fund 781,072 Koopman Fund 1,369,265 Koopman Fund fbo Hartford Art School 781,072 Herman P. Kopplemann Fund 725,489 Rae and Abraham Kopplemann Additional Fund 306,069 Walter O. R. Korder Fund 33,700 Catherine M. Kornas Fund 38,673 Sylvia H. Koski Scholarship Fund 117,455 Jeri P. Kostiner Fund 317,965 Marion L. Kropp Fund 510,724 KR Wealth Management Scholarship Fund 29,261 Karl C. Kulle Fund 38,295 Theodore C. and Marie J. Kyle Fund 129,522 Ray Lachat Memorial Award Fund 14,738 Doris E. Larson Fund 1,549,833 Betty and John Larus Fund 201,175 Latino Children's Fund 28,653 Latino Community College Scholarship Fund 7,177 Latino Endowment Fund 234,370


Fund Name Balance

H. Warren Lawrence Fund $ 195,030 LawyerCorps Connecticut Fund 268,451 Ethel S. Layton Fund 300,291 Leadership Greater Hartford Endowment Fund 52,173 Mary J. Lee Fund 20,166 Sarah W. Leibert Fund (from her son, Herbert A.) 4,300 Dorothy H. Leppens Fund 141,333 Robert P. Letendre Fund 27,300 Suzanne M. and George Levine Fund 16,352 Frederick Elbert Lewis Family Fund 862,129 John H. Lewis III Scholarship Fund 6,929 William Lidgerwood Fund 82,040 Robert Lienhard Fund 34,934 John R. Lindberg Fund 118,579 Margaret H. Lindberg Fund 114,994 Tom and Margah Lips Fund 100,328 Boardman F. Lockwood Fund 66,067 Gertrude G. Lofgren Fund 437,682 Worth and Louise Loomis Foundation Fund 713,315 Noble E. and Emma Belknap Lord Memorial Scholarship Fund 3,783,094 Margaret R. and Stanley B. Loucks Fund 26,991 Bruce and Molly O'Neill Louden Fund 13,616 Jessie F. Lovell Fund No.1 6,590 Jessie F. Lovell Fund No. 2 1,163 Jerome H. and Elaine Title Lowengard Fund 46,499 Jean Allen Day Lowry Memorial Fund 1,659 Lawrence J. Lunden Fund 151,434 Lux Bond & Green Fund 28,753 Harry W. Lynn, Jr. Charitable Trust Fund 52,905 Lyon Fund 116,609 James B. Lyon Fund 32,563 Genevieve MacKenzie Fund 2,452,412 MacLean Family Fund 606,325 Madoff Family Fund in Memory of Emily Madoff 16,790 Edward L. and Audrey B. Mahl Fund 2,621 Lottie M. Mahl Estate Fund 4,719 Louise A. Mahl Fund 146,812 Eric T. Mahoney Memorial Fund 69,826 Malley Family Fund 24,548 Morris and Edith Mancoll Fund 16,073 Wayne and Louise Mantz Family Fund 51,088 Dr. Frank and Florence Marino Scholarship Fund (B) Marks Family Fund 41,726 Aaron Marks Foundation Fund 183,279 Alfred G. Mason Fund 679,246 Antoinette Shippen Mason Scholarship Fund 13,447 George H. and Constance Wolcott Mason Fund 32,799 Ida P. Mason Fund 2,456,697 Roy S. Mason Fund 4,719


Fund Name Balance

Sidney J. Mass Fund $ 9,612 Mary Massa Trust 669,448 MassMutual Foundation for Hartford, Inc. Scholarship Fund 22,640 Harriet K. Maxwell Fund 363,667 Gloria J. McAdam Fund for Foodshare 38,111 Alice A. McCurry Fund 1,854,851 Julia K. McGovern Fund 1,872,720 Henry R. and Katharine K. McLane Fund 1,402,458 John F. McLaughlin Fund 107,841 Jackie and Dollie McLean Family Fund 15,566 McLean Foundation Endowment Fund 94,950 Helen L. McManus Estate Fund 511,954 MCW Fund for Women and Children 18,021 Helen H. Meade Fund 431,112 Gertrude M. Meller Fund 439,091 Alan and Peggy Mendelson Fund 54,022 Peggy and Alan Mendelson Fund 213,614 Thomas M. Meredith Fund 706,755 Grace O. and Harold A. Merriman Fund 466,300 Robert and Mary M. Merritt Fund 185,720 Robert P. Merritt Fund 27,811 Merrow Family Fund 124,416 Message Center Beepers Fund 9,690 Meyer-Kimball Memorial Scholarship Fund 262,643 The MGN Fund 14,977 Stephen and Patricia Middlebrook Fund 31,031 Stephen and Patricia Middlebrook Fund 36,667 The Middlebury Fund 534,465 Miller Family Foundation Fund 143,863 Frances Thayer Miller Fund 4,036 Rhoda L. Miller Music Scholarship Fund 14,551 Mind in the Making 35,796 Margaret Sage Mitchell Estate Fund 151,854 Frederick L. Mitchell Fund 294,478 Robert and Adriana Mnuchin Fund 7,676 Samuel E. Molod Family Fund 35,233 Caroline V. Moran Memorial Fund 11,880 Paul W. Morency Fund 29,636 Shirley M. and Edward H. Morgan Fund 86,579 Shirley M. and Edward H. Morgan Fund 86,945 Barbara S. Morley Memorial Fund 49,904 Russell C. Morley Fund 57,206 Morningstar Fund 1,380,613 Mr. and Mrs. Gerard H. Morrissey Fund 20,022 Mr. and Mrs. Gerard H. Morrissey Fund 1,373,358 Gerard H. and Marjorie M. Morrissey Fund 280,236 Laird and Ann Mortimer Fund 67,393 Mary T. Morton Fund 12,397 Mowell Family Fund (B)


Fund Name Balance

Mowell Family Fund - Riverfront Recapture (B) $ Francis J. and Agnes C. Muccio Fund 94,958 William M. Mulford Fund 36,420 Municipal Art Society Fund 14,544 Chester H. Munson Fund 380,785 Daniel W. Murphy Fund 602,505 Edith W. and John Davis Murphy Fund 33,715,522 J. Read and Barbara H. Murphy Fund 27,006 Mr. and Mrs. John S. Murtha Fund (B) Murtha Cullina LLP Scholarship Fund 196,446 Douglas J. Myers Scholarship Fund 77,292 Leo and Sarah Nadelman Fund 370,822 Diane Lynn Nappier Fund 278,283 Reba and Arthur Nassau Fund 2,074 Muriel B. Neall Fund 94,216 Alice M. Neenan Memorial Scholarship Fund 37,138 David H. Neiditz Memorial Fund 203,904 Arlene and Daniel Neiditz Fund 2,808 Moses J. and Rachel Neiditz Fund 4,163 Barbara C. Newcomb Fund 20,956 D. Robert and Elizabeth Newell Fund 1 439,865 D. Robert and Elizabeth Newell Fund 2 1,168,671 Jon O. and Martha S. Newman Fund (B) Germain D. and Patricia L. Newton Fund 99,348 Brad and Don Noel Family Fund 36,948 Nutmeg Foundation Fund, to honor John M. K. Davis 17,565 NSDAR - Marjorie P. Nutt Scholarship Fund 20,687 Alfred G. Nye Fund 98,036 Elisabeth R. Ohde Fund 270,251 Old State House Fund 117,820 * C. Henry and Mary E. G. Olmsted Fund 326,954 Drs. Kola and Trudy Olofinboba Family Fund (B) William J. and Marcia H. Olsson Fund 18,294 Vartan K. Omartian and Beatrice Omartian Scholarship Fund 53,728 Glenn Thomas Packard Memorial Fund 31,639 John J. Padbury Memorial Fund 38,788 Carl P. Palazzotto "P.M.A." Scholarship Fund 39,865 Kathleen Palm and Joseph Devine Fund 22,531 Bradford E. Parker Fund 714,141 Dorothy E. W. and James R. Parker Fund 76,918 Sylvia Parkinson Fund 707,440 Philip Partington Fund 7,678 Roche M. and Jane C. Passero Fund 1,031,983 Mae Passini and Juliet Anderson Memorial Fund 75,772 Drs. Nima Patel and Daniel McNaughton Scholarship Fund 579,134 Paternoster Family Fund 60,301 Wyman G. and Virginia Patten 195,382 Raymond J. and Elizabeth C. Payne Fund (B) Pearse Family Fund 33,513


Fund Name Balance

Edwin L. Pearson Fund $ 34,989 Brewster B. and Judith Perkins Fund (B) Grace S. Peck Fund 571,357 Edith Chester Pelton Fund 46,512 Col. Harry L. Perkins Fund 2,381,851 Daniel Clark Perkins Fund 5,099,839 Joyce S. Picard Scholarship Fund 48,996 Dr. Nicholas J. Piergrossi Memorial Scholarship Fund 50,511 Judson T. Sr. and Virginia C. Pierson Fund 30,831 Pillar Community Development Corporation Scholarship Fund 5,568 Katharine A. Pinney Fund 167,747 Anne P. and Andrew Pinto Fund 126,080 Planned Lifetime Assistance Network of Connecticut, Inc. Fund 62,352 Rollin G. Plumb Fund 105,911 Barbara and William Podann Fund 36,420 Barbara P. Poppe and Harry B. Poppe Memorial Fund 623,232 William H. Porter Fund 19,452 Kimberly Ann Porter Fund 12,179 Barbara B. Preston Fund 744,727 James D. Price Fund 2,092,369 Clarence L. Prickett Fund 1,042,844 Millard and Claire Pryor Fund 148,122 Millard Pryor Memorial Endowed Fund 107,637 R and C B Foundation 26,080 Cora Lee Bentley Radcliffe Memorial Fund 15,960 Dr. Sidney Rafal Memorial Fund 46,112 Dorothy L. Rainford Memorial Fund 16,981 Arthur and Ann Randall Fund 143,379 Nancy Taft Rankin Fund 15,260 Edward Raphael, Esther and Nathan Kleinman (from Minnie K. Raphael) 22,734 Charles E. and Mildred Rauch Fund 98,375 Dr. Sedrick J. and Alyce T. Rawlins Scholarship Fund 6,419 Ray-Andrews Fund in memory of Charles Henry Ray, Julia A. Ray, and James P. Andrews 466,366 Richard B. Redfield Memorial Fund 12,118 J. Ronald Regnier Fund 13,634 Joseph F. Reheiser Fund 699,364 Louise F. Reheiser Fund 2,586,162 I. William Reisman and Beatrice W. Reisman Fund 867,602 Julia A. Reynolds Fund (A) Belle K. and Irving S. Ribicoff Fund 83,012 Sali Godard Riege Fund 10,545 Sali Godard Riege Donor-Advised Fund 581,833 Harvey B. and Carrie W. Riggs Fund 246,875 The Right Track Fund 72,107 Gail Ripley Fund 116,848 Mabel G. and Agnes Ripley Fund 307,379 Ritter Family Fund 298,933 Ritter Family Scholarship Fund 220,448


Fund Name Balance

The RMB Fund (B) $ Betty and Henry Roberts Fund 246,241 Rev. Philip W. Roberts Fund 24,571 Victor and Emma Robington Fund 13,121 Patty Levaur Rome Fund 40,031 Roosa Family Scholarship Fund 218,539 Vernon D. and Florence E. Roosa Family Foundation Memorial Fund 4,262,211 Vernon D. Roosa and Florence E. Roosa Fund 1,464,516 Edgar L. Ropkins Fund 18,501,674 Sebastian E. Rosano Memorial Fund 18,853 Janet B. Rose Memorial Scholarship Fund 18,853 R. Philip and Rebecca C. Rose Fund 38,178 Bert and Betty Rosen Scholarship Fund 31,384 Moses B. and Ann Rosenauer Fund 2,157,017 June Miller Rosenblatt Community College Scholarship Fund 10,005 June Miller Rosenblatt Scholarship Fund 26,013 Samuel Roskin Trust 6,086,261 Frances F. Ross Fund 206,370 Hartford Rotary Arts for Youth Fund 48,492 Samuel A. Roth Scholarship Fund 51,788 Ruth B. Rouse Fund 90,783 Florence and Charles Rubenstein Family Foundation Fund 487,849 Augusta R. Rubin Fund 922,315 H. Louise Ruddell Charitable Fund 2,485,305 Olive L. Rudolph Fund 2,856 William and Alice Rupp Fund 3,378,449 Dorothy Mason Russell Fund 249,890 Peter G. and Betsy Russell Fund 79,994 Mary T. and Douglas G. Russell Family Fund 59,202 William C. Russell Fund 657,268 Robert Salter, Jr. Fund 2,437 Fan Fox Samuels (from Mr. and Mrs. Richard Koopman) Fund 5,509 Fan Fox Samuels (from Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schiro) Fund 4,491 Maria Sanchez Fund 44,727 William J. & Esther L. B. Sander-Anna E. Andersen Fund 38,637 Sappington Schoen Family Fund 422,978 Frank J. and Hilda Saunders Fund 199,859 Anna and Abraham I. Savin Fund 187,607 Savin Family Fund 1,729,914 Scan-Optics, Inc. Fund 80,532 Arthur and Hope E. Scattergood Fund 3,148,426 Andrew M. Schatz and Barbara F. Wolf Fund 44,155 Beth Schiro Fund 329,417 Schiro Fund 2,308,453 Ruth and Walter Schloss Fund 18,597 Vernal M. Schnabel Fund 2,290,075 Isidore Schnap Fund 141,364 Bill and Maxine Schortman Scholarship Fund 109,692 Maxine Rothe Schortman Award 114,519


Fund Name Balance

William Schortman and Maxine Rothe Schortman Fund $ 52,099 Lodewyk A. and Annie R. Schryver Fund 217,579 Sidney Schulman Fund 70,265 Robert H. Schutz, Jr. Fund 3,041,539 Schwedel Family Fund 61,966 Pauline H. Schwind Fund 1,759,151 Walter K. Schwinn Fund 80,347 Ted and Ellen See Fund 21,225 William N. and Virginia C. Seery Fund 122,685 Deedee Segel-Hartford Courant Internship Fund 36,527 Seidman Family Fund 17,497 Lily Selitzky Fund 1,705 Natale and Norma Sestero Fund 4,336,339 Norma and Natale Sestero Fund 10,179,095 Norma and Natale Sestero Fund 160,728 Guy C. and Anne T. Shafer Fund 51,783 Thomas A. and Ann Hayes Shannon Family Memorial Fund 966,437 Sharpless Family Fund 209,570 Gregory G. Shaskan Memorial Fund 28,142 Henrietta T. Shaw Fund 32,491 Catherine Sullivan Shay and William Desmond Shay Fund 5,644 Herb Sheintop Memorial Scholarship Fund 122,202 Andrew Roy Sheketoff Memorial Fund 109,176 Lewis and Sylvia Sheketoff Fund 27,808 Jean Edward and Mary Beach Shepard Fund 30,906 George J. Sherman and Lottie K. Sherman Fund 19,728 Harry A. Shindler Fund 659,518 Jessie A. Shipman Fund 250,863 Lester E. Shippee Fund 548,270 Debra J. Shulansky Family Fund 7,060 Ralph M. and Ruth K. Shulansky Fund 116,739 The Shulansky Foundation Fund 62,520 Joseph L. Shulman Fund 42,332 Barbara Sicherman Fund (B) Sigma Pi Phi Beta Iota Boulè Endowment Fund 58,605 Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, Alpha Psi Boulè Scholarship Fund 37,286 Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, Alpha Psi Boulè Scholarship Fund No.2 13,003 Dorothy and Alfred Silberman Chapel Fund 424,591 Donald and Linda Silpe Fund 107,752 Rabbi Morris and Althea O. Silverman Fund 48,180 Simsbury Land Trust Endowment Fund 90,256 Linda Starikov Singer Memorial Scholarship Fund 64,868 Robert Siskin Family Fund 26,482 Mollie Slade Fund 26,414 James B. and Beatrice D. Slimmon Fund 253,550 Eleanor Carter Sloan Fund 79,792 Miss Ruth Scholarship Fund 11,804 Kathleen V. and William H. Smiley Fund 1,394,232 Douglas Tracy Smith and Dorothy Potter Smith Fund 1,367,515


Fund Name Balance

Douglas T. Smith & Dorothy P. Smith Fund for the benefit of Wadsworth Atheneum $ 12,095,549 Grace Fitts Smith Fund 610,940 Grace J. F. Smith Fund 1,653,214 Julie E. Smith Fund, in memory of her family 110,744 Olcott Damon Smith Fund 266,990 Ray Smith Endowment for Education and Conservation Fund 124,622 Sarah Conklin Smith Fund 72,422 Sybil Ward Smith Memorial Fund 121,169 Winchell Smith Fund 1,060,180 Smyth Manufacturing Company Fund 27,656 Abraham and Lina Solomon Fund 80,604 Philip and Dora Sondik Fund 24,861 Herman and Marie Sonnenberg Trust Fund 1,409,894 South Asian Bar Association Endowed Fund 31,968 South Windsor Historical Society Endowment Fund 10,000 Jenny L. Spargo Fund 17,941 Ruth L. Spaulding Fund 57,411 Margaret E. Spellacy Fund 41,179 The Spencer Turbine Foundation Fund 355,728 Henry M. and Ilse W. Spiegel Fund 1,811,072 Mary Baker Stanley Fund 1,402,566 Talcott and Nina Stanley Fund 90,476 Wilbur C. Stauble Fund 1,749,893 The Stearns Fund 25,567 Elizabeth W. Stedman Fund 166,359 Skip Steiner Fund 22,700 Edith S. Steinhauser Fund 550,390 Peter T. Steinwedell Scholarship Fund 151,049 M. V. and Lucinda S. Stempf Fund (B) Mary Holden Stephenson Fund 122,501 Moses Stern Memorial Fund 202,372 John W. Steube Fund 1,418,426 George F. Stevens Education Fund 29,594 Elizabeth K. Steven Fund 94,609 Edward J. and Marilyn D. Stockton Fund 20,622 Mr. and Mrs. Lyndes B. Stone Fund 102,018 Samuel M. Stone Fund 62,911 Virginia D. Stoner Fund 112,966 Leslie M. Stophel and Douglas J. Myers Fund 13,320 John D. Stout, Jr. Memorial Fund 234,095 Elizabeth O. Sturtevant Fund 14,537 Matilda and Beatrice Sudarsky Fund 27,425 Suisman Foundation, Inc. Fund 55,108 Edward A. and Etta W. Suisman Fund 37,285 Janet and Michael Suisman Fund 15,567 Janet and Michael Suisman Fund 117,156 Michael and Elsa Daspin Suisman Fund (B) Michael and Janet Suisman Community Access Fund 94,251 Samuel C. and Helen K. Suisman Memorial Fund 98,428


Fund Name Balance

Samuel Suisman and Edward A. Suisman Fund $ 16,316 Melinda and Paul Sullivan Fund (B) Louise L. Sutton Fund 31,397 Reynold F. and Sylvia N. Svensk Memorial Fund 94,205 William R. and Mazy Worthington Penrose and Nathalie Penrose Swetland Fund 5,754,074 Doris S. Swift Fund 838,409 Russell P. Taber Fund 2,720,474 Nelson Taintor, Jr. and Virginia Taintor Fund 39,072 Carolyn Talcott Fund 1,169,249 Jack D. and Ruth H. Taylor Fund 29,723 James and Edith D. Taylor Charitable Foundation Fund (in honor of J. M. K. Davis) 221,334 TheaterWorks Endowment Fund 16,751 Thibadeau Family Fund 51,955 Mrs. J. Moulton (Antoinette) Thomas Fund 7,817 Arnold P. and Betty Jeanne Thompson Fund 433,842 Thomson Family Fund 227,930 A. Lindsay Thomson Fund 1,627,580 Adelaide L. Thomson Fund 79,718 Emily B. Thomson Fund 269,308 James McA. Thomson Fund 1,488,693 Westley V. Thompson and Rosemarie E. Thompson Fund 1,462 Julia Spencer Thrall Fund 3,802,692 Melvin Weisman Title Fund 17,380 James H. and Hetty B. Torrey Fund 114,383 Town and County Club Fund 410,563 Henry P. and Margaret E. Townsend Fund 703,221 Leonard M. Troub Foundation, Inc. Trust, in memory of Staunton Williams 19,665 Leonard M. Troub Endowment Fund 183,069 Trumble Family Fund (B) Joseph P. Trumbull Trust (A) Charles A. and Ruth H. Tucker Fund 55,904 Dorothy L. and Justin R. Tucker Scholarship Fund 263,142 Tucker Family Scholarship Fund in Memory of Abraham H. and Fannie K. Tucker, David J. Tucker, Thelma (Tucker) Cooper and Robert P. Tucker 10,037 United Way, Inc. DBA United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut 2,694,209 Alex and Wendy Vance Fund 132,815 Mrs. Kingsland Van Winkle Fund 20,130 Van Winkle Fund 268,582 Julie Veilleux Memorial Scholarship Fund 84,332 Boo, Brett, Martha (Beale), and Wade Vianney Fund 14,311 Edmond R. and Audrey M. (Svensk) Vianney Fund 13,127 Thomas J. Villano Scholarship Fund 48,637 Vincent Villano Scholarship Fund 9,966 Bernard S. Vinick Fund 6,611 Vitamaur Fund 3,369,293 Stanley W. Vogel Family Fund 50,454 Robert and Elizabeth von Dohlen Fund 78,039 The VRN Fund 14,956 Richard D. Wagner & Madeline/Lina F. Wagner Fund (B)


Fund Name Balance

Wagoner Family Fund $ 13,857 Mary E. Q. Walberg Fund 396,584 Harold B. Waldo Fund 116,871 Patricia and Charles Walker Family Fund 153,455 Henry H. Walkley Fund 1,618,482 Dorothy H. Warner Fund 95,648 Edgar Francis Waterman Fund 590,478 Frederick D. and Katherine W. Watkins Family Fund 111,382 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Watson Fund 3,733 Judith A. W. Wawro Fund 68,089 Helen Lyde Wayne Fund 867,398 Katharine Howes Wead Fund 1,623,176 Arthur E. and Elizabeth H. Webster Trust 1 1,256,523 Arthur E. and Elizabeth H. Webster Trust 2 1,604,230 Weed Family Fund 196,240 Oscar and Ruby T. Wegman Fund 35,695 Oscar and Ruby T. Wegman Fund 53,415 Fannie and Louis Weinstein Fund (from their daughter, Mrs. Pauline Kopelman) 24,008 Milton and Frances Weinstein Fund 119,110 Anna and Isaac Weintraub Fund 26,184 Lillian W. and William B. Welden Fund 1,626,984 Jacqueline and Frederic Werner Fund 41,190 Richard G. West Fund 111,966 Stillman F. Westbrook Fund 54,599 Wethersfield Youth Services/Steven M. Salter Memorial Fund 48,161 Edward J. Whalen Fund 80,804 Mary Pomeroy Wheeler Fund 1,075,477 Doris E. Whitbeck Fund 344,154 Arthur J. White Fund 97,919 Charles and Mildred White Fund 64,456 John Talcott Whitman and Louise H. Whitman Fund 1,223,660 Mildred E. Whitney Fund 748,590 Dorothy D. Whitney (Mrs. Howard F.) Fund 268,032 Whittlesey & Hadley Fund 68,557 Gladys and Theodore Wielandt Fund 8,975 Wilson and Joanne Wilde Fund 31,886 Michael and Marjorie Wilder Fund 70,575 Charlotte E. Wile Fund 27,916 Edward C. and Mary W. Wilkins Fund 14,715,727 Magrieta L. and Sherwood S. Willard Fund (B) Frances Williams Fund 160,800 Frank O. H. Williams Fund 3,956 Wilson Family Fund 283,949 Joan Bergmann Wilson Fund 902,189 Muriel and Gordon Wilson Fund 82,017 Muriel S. and Gordon A. Wilson Scholarship Fund 542,752 Mr. and Mrs. John K. Winter Fund 3,014 L. Wynne Wister Memorial Scholarship Fund 650,698 Doris E. Wiswell Trust 1,992,077


Fund Name Balance

Josh Wittenberg Memorial Scholarship Fund $ 16,884 Woman's Exchange of West Hartford Fund 485,334 Wood Memorial Library and Museum Endowment Fund 15,839 Raymond B. and Thelma C. Woodbridge Memorial Fund 1,679,756 W. Watson Woodford Fund 46,419 Archibald M. Woodruff, Jr. Fund (given by his wife Barbara B. Woodruff) 113,213 Charles J. Woods Fund 20,711 Mary Paine Worthen Fund 20,711 Catherine Maus Wright Fund 35,400 Carol and Edward Wrobel Family Fund (B) Father Paul Wysocki and Family Fund No. 2 113,331 Father Paul Wysocki and Family Fund No. 3 827,818 Clinton B. Yeomans Fund 42,228 Elsie B. Yeomans Trust 164,399 Myron Parker Yeomans/Edward Myron Yeomans Family Fund 139,139 Elmer Cooke Young-Ethel Taylor Young Scholarship Fund 2,430,382 Zachs Family Fund fbo Charter Oak Cultural Center 31,224 Zachs Family Fund fbo Real Art Ways 30,297 Henry M. Zachs and Judith M. Zachs Fund 218,621 Amiel P. Zak Public Service Fund 1,941,885 Amiel P. Zak Scholarship Fund 452,259 Opal Marie Zimmerman Memorial Fund (from her husband Charles) 51,007 Joseph Zisk Fund 80,019 Joseph A. Zita Fund 4,859 Other 7,914,986

Sub-Total 864,552,785

*Less agency endowment balances (3,369,578)


Split-interest agreements 9,324,738


Quasi-endowment and other funds 28,208,064

Less agency endowment income fund balances (137,368)

Net Assets $ 898,578,641

(A) Income received represents the Foundation's proportionate share of income from perpetual charitable trusts.

(B) Funds that donors have elected not to identify individually


Fund Donation

Accelerate Success Fund $ 5,000 Lee and Margot Allison Fund 4,500 Eric Amenabar Memorial Scholarship Fund 23,365 Anonymous (CF12) Fund 224,000 W. Philip Braender and Nancy Coleman Braender Scholarship Fund 5,963 Anonymous (CF27) Fund 2,077 Anonymous (CF35) Fund 350 Thomas L. and Dorothy Clark Archibald Fund 87 Brian A. Aselton Memorial Scholarship Fund 50 Bartlett Family Scholarship Fund 75,129 Jackson-Batchelder Family Scholarship Fund 50,000 JoAnne Bauer and Friends Fund 967 Boccaccio Family Trust 1,570 The Bridge Family Center Fund 7,600 Eleanor and Jerome Caplan Fund 1,250 Mathew Caruso Memorial Scholarship Fund 2,100 Catalyst Endowment Fund 51,074 Roxanne Cave Scholarship Fund 2,257 Community College Scholarship Endowment Fund 130 Katherine C. Childs Memorial Fund 1,000 Carol Childs Memorial Fund 22,617 Edward K. Conklin Fund 18,903 James Christopher Conrad Memorial Fund 7,526 Charles B. Cook Fund 58,938 William Sheffield Cowles Fund 1,078 J. Noyes Crary Fund 1,100 CREC Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts Endowment Fund 2,000 John David Creedon Fund 12,500 Mary Gay Creedon Fund 12,500 Wilbur B. and Margaret G. Crimmin Fund 18,176 Evelyn L. Crosby Fund 28,100 Peter DeBell Fund 10,259 Joy V. Decicco College Scholarship Fund 100,000 John and Barbara Donahue Fund 1,000 John and Rose Draghi Memorial Fund 35 Duclos Family Charity Trust Fund 6,250 Sara R. and Alan A. Dun Fund 500 Robert E. Dunn Fund 25,000 Gladys B. and Robert E. Dunn Designated Fund for the American School for the Deaf 25,000 Gladys B. and Robert E. Dunn Fund for Youth Leadership 10,036 American Eagle Financial Credit Union Fund 17,220 Beverly Beach Eaton and Edward C. Eaton, III Fund 124,816 Paul H. Eddy and Elizabeth J. Normen Fund 150,167 East Granby Library Association Book 1,150


Fund Donation

Elizabeth Park Conservancy Fund $ 60,000 Bernard and Millie G. Ellovich Fund 1,000 John E. Ellsworth Fund, for the Symphony Society 14,176 John O. and Harriet Enders Memorial Fund 13,205 Fund for the Deborah Eldridge Service Award of the Estate and Business Planning Council of Hartford 580 Farmington UNICO Scholarship Fund 6,000 Ford Foundation/Time Collaborative in Connecticut 300,000 Fechtor Family Foundation Fund 718,449 Symee Ruth Feinberg Memorial Scholarship Fund 1,237 Charles, Sophie and Helen Fine Family Fund 2 Fiondella Family Trust 117,853 Stanley D. and Hinda N. Fisher Scholarship Fund 100,000 Stanley D. Fisher Scholarship Fund 700,000 Stanley D. and Hinda N. Fisher Fund 10,225,798 KJ Foster Scholarship Fund 1,145 Janice and Kerry Foster, Sr. Scholarship Fund 10,000 The Richard B. Fried Fund for AIDS Connecticut (ACT) 2,071 Fund for Early Childhood 50 Gates Foundation - Achievement First 411,189 Gates Foundation - Hartford Public Schools 1,192,923 Hartford Foundation General Endowment Fund 23,331 General Scholarship Endowment Fund 355 Gifts of Music Fund 35,968 Irving L. Gilman Family Charitable Foundation Fund 5,000 Glastonbury Memorial Scholarship Fund 500 Robert B. and Francine L. Goldfarb Family Scholarship Fund 10,000 Ellen Jeanne Goldfarb Memorial Fund 10,535 William G. and Mayme J. Green Fund (from Raymond B. Green) 300 Alan E. Green Hartford Housing Authority Scholarship Fund 628 Beverly and Arnold C. Greenberg Fund 500 Griebel Family Fund 15,000 Kristine Barbara Guest Memorial Fund 1,350 Fannie Estelle Hairston Fund 12,500 Hartford Promise Fund 1,025,025 Elwyn V. and Elsie H. Harp Family Foundation Fund 1,000 Roland S. Harris, Jr. Scholarship Fund 10,000 Ida L. Hartenberg Charitable Fund 100 Hartford Area Child Care Collaborative Fund 243,200 Wendy and Boyd Hinds Memorial Scholarship Fund 5,500 Dr. Otto M. Hirschfeld Fund 382 Isabel Hooker Merritt, Thomas Hooker, and Joseph K. Hooker Trust 1,000 Mary A. Huber Fund 33,333 Anthony S. and Evelyn L. Hulme Charitable Fund 300,000 Walter "Doc" Hurley Scholarship Fund for Greater Hartford 32,493


Fund Donation

Hartford Public Schools Ingenuity Fund $ 60,000 Merva Jackson Scholarship Fund 100 Harry Jacobs Fund 382 Alexander & Alice C. Jarvis Fund 4,979 S. A. Johnson Family Fund 97,298 Samuel Leonard Joseph Memorial Fund 125 Peter Jung Scholarship Fund 10,000 Junior League of Hartford Endowment Fund 9,575 The Walter S. Kapala Scholarship Trust 99,988 William Kashman and Inez P. Kashman Fund 133 Barbara Kelco Memorial Scholarship Fund 8,060 Linda J. Kelly Family Fund 1,750 M. Kesten Family Fund for Public Education 26,000 Deborah and Steven Kleinman Fund 1,000 Walter O. R. Korder Fund 7,200 Latino Endowment Fund 12,760 LawyerCorps Connecticut Fund 152,433 Leadership Greater Hartford Endowment Fund 9,372 Tom and Margah Lips Fund 100,003 Lawrence J. Lunden Fund 29,759 James B. Lyon Fund 5,000 MacLean Family Fund 514,375 Eric T. Mahoney Memorial Fund 3,650 Malley Family Fund 1,000 Wayne and Louise Mantz Family Fund 9,897 Dr. Frank and Florence Marino Scholarship Fund 5,250 Anonymous No. 38 Fund 2,000 Henry R. and Katharine K. McLane Fund 15,000 Alan and Peggy Mendelson Fund 1,650 Meyer-Kimball Memorial Scholarship Fund 15,000 The MGN Fund 5,000 Mind in the Making 25,000 Frederick L. Mitchell Fund 293,372 Samuel E. Molod Family Fund 1,510 Laird and Ann Mortimer Fund 4,000 Anonymous No. 43 Fund 59,439 Edith W. and John Davis Murphy Fund 61 Douglas J. Myers Scholarship Fund 895 Diane Lynn Nappier Fund 20,031 Reba and Arthur Nassau Fund 2,120 David H. Neiditz Memorial Fund 250 NSDAR - Marjorie P. Nutt Scholarship Fund 200 Kathleen Palm and Joseph Devine Fund 125 Pearse Family Fund 1,000 (Continued on next page) -81- HARTFORD FOUNDATION FOR PUBLIC GIVING SCHEDULE OF DONATIONS AND BEQUESTS (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2014

Fund Donation

Joyce S. Picard Scholarship Fund $ 50,000 Dr. Nicholas J. Piergrossi Memorial Scholarship Fund 450 Cora Lee Bentley Radcliffe Memorial Fund 250 Dr. Sedrick J. and Alyce T. Rawlins Scholarship Fund 425 Ritter Family Fund 9,855 Ritter Family Scholarship Fund 6,570 Latino Children's Fund 1,250 Janet B. Rose Memorial Scholarship Fund 250 June Miller Rosenblatt Community College Scholarship Fund 10,000 June Miller Rosenblatt Scholarship Fund 26,000 Samuel A. Roth Scholarship Fund 250 Peter G. and Betsy Russell Fund 150 South Asian Bar Association Endowed Fund 32,198 William Schortman and Maxine Rothe Schortman Fund 15,000 Bill and Maxine Schortman Scholarship Fund 10,000 Schwedel Family Fund 5,000 Ted and Ellen See Fund 2,000 Seidman Family Fund 50 Natale and Norma Sestero Fund 306 Guy C. and Anne T. Shafer Fund 1,000 Gregory G. Shaskan Memorial Fund 2,089 Henrietta T. Shaw Fund 32,820 Herb Sheintop Memorial Scholarship Fund 600 Ralph M. and Ruth K. Shulansky Fund 1,000 Debra J. Shulansky Family Fund 75 Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, Alpha Psi Boulè Scholarship Fund No.2 1,000 Winchell Smith Fund 49,545 Ray Smith Endowment for Education and Conservation Fund 100 Margaret E. Spellacy Fund 5,000 Hartford Foundation Staff Fund 1,583 Skip Steiner Fund 1,000 Peter T. Steinwedell Scholarship Fund 6,985 George F. Stevens Education Fund 6,675 Edward J. and Marilyn D. Stockton Fund 100 South Windsor Historical Society Endowment Fund 10,000 Westley V. Thompson and Rosemarie E. Thompson Fund 1,462 Town and County Club Fund 37,050 Anonymous No. 48 Fund 50,000 Trumble Family Fund 100,000 Tucker Family Scholarship Fund in Memory of Abraham H. and Fannie K. Tucker, David J. Tucker, Thelma (Tucker) Cooper and Robert P. Tucker 5,030 TheaterWorks Endowment Fund 13,500 Edmond R. and Audrey M. (Svensk) Vianney Fund 100 Thomas J. Villano Scholarship Fund 600


Fund Donation

Robert and Elizabeth von Dohlen Fund $ 2,914 The VRN Fund 5,000 Jacqueline and Frederic Werner Fund 2,500 Michael and Marjorie Wilder Fund 6,265 Muriel S. and Gordon A. Wilson Scholarship Fund 15,932 Josh Wittenberg Memorial Scholarship Fund 150 Raymond B. and Thelma C. Woodbridge Memorial Fund 76,191 Catherine Maus Wright Fund 1,000 Carol and Edward Wrobel Family Fund 40,068 Clinton B. Yeomans Fund 42,480 Connecticut Mortgage Bankers Social Affairs Fund 2,000 Other Miscellaneous Donations 839,729


Less split-interest agreements previously recognized (171,815)

Total Donations and Bequests $ 19,733,486
