CURRICULUM VITAE OF MOHAMMED AHMED HAMDAN PERSONAL INFORMATION: Birthdate : November 3rd, 1934 Marital Status : Married (2 children) Address : P.O.Box 1331 Amman 11953, Jordan Phone (Office) : 00962 (6) 5630660 (Mobile): 00962 (79) 5128002 Fax (Office): 00962 (6) 5630661 Email :
[email protected] QUALIFICATIONS: - B.Sc. in Mathematics (with honours), Cairo University, Cairo, U.A.R. 1957 - Ph.D. in Mathematical Statistics, Sydney University, Sydney, Australia 1963 NOTABLE EXPERIENCE: - Senator, Jordan Senate Oct. 2016- Present - Chairman, Board of Trustees, Al Albait University Oct. 2011 – Present - President, Union of Arab Statisticians Feb. 2016 - Present - Vice President, The World Academy of Science/ Arab Region (TWAS) Jan. 2016- Present - Vice President, Jordan Academy for Arabic Language Sept. 2015 - Present - Member, Board of Trustees, NCFA June 2013- Present - Member, Board of Trustees, Arab Open University June. 2003 – Present - Senior Advisor, Arab Open University. Nov. 2003 – Present - Senator, Jordan Senate Dec. 2009 – Oct. 2011 - Senator, Jordan Senate Dec. 2007 – Dec. 2009 1 - Minister of Higher Education & Scientific Research, Jordan September 2002-Nov.2003 - Senior Advisor, Arab Open University Oct. 2001- August 2002. - President, Arab Open University July1999 - Sept. 2001 - Secretary General/ The Higher Council for Science and Technology Sept.1998-July 1999 - Minister of Education and Higher Education Feb. 1998- Aug.1998 - President of the Hashemite University, Jordan April 1992-Feb.1998 - Professor of Math, University of Jordan Jan.1991-April 1992 - Minister of Education and Higher Education Dec.1989-Jan.1991 - President of Yarmouk University, Irbid-Jordan July 1986-Dec. 1989 - Dean of Faculty of Science and Prof. of Mathematics, Feb.1984-July 1986 Univ.