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(*>■. , . \ - Avenge Dally Net Press Run The W ealhe; ■ ' For The Week Ended May 20, 1067 CHatide of idiowers' this eve WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1967 ning, mlUer wUh low In 60s; PA G E FO R T Y iMaurljiestw lEwftiing 1imlJ» £w paiftly okn*ty aitd warm twfnor- 15,210 itOyr,. high in 80*. ManeheHer^A City o f Vittiigo P VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 229 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—-TWO SECTIONS) •MfAlipeiiESTER, CONN., TH U RSDxl, JDNR 19^ O i l (IMfMirAaver&faw «» PRICE SEVEN CENTS J .i .u ij.:.. %?:•$:?’■"* ’ *"’ ’ ............ " ^ w S$?:S •X::*y: Thurso Fri.. Sat. and Mon.. July 3rd w -'V I'V .. H ^ E l ' ' n « HAIE t. ' wm iiieiBtftii More Ohjectip^ City Gates VALUES FOR YOUR LONG WEEKEND! SHOP FOR DOZENS MORE! T& Israeli M& Open After UNITED mVIONS, N.T. 40 Pale^tttio .1 9 Years (AlP) — The Qeneral As- seized the Old seitifHy todajt iM rd a mounting drove the Joi JERUSALEM (AP) — men’s short sleeve chorus ot attegks on Israel for the Old Otbr - OvBMriding bisr-jxiwer pro- 2 men’s Ivy League tie slmexatlon j^:ttie Old City of the bulk al^&e t«miS, Israel turned both boys’ perma-press excellent assortment sport or dress shirts JertMletn. and Mbslem s^iltors of Jerusalem inix> nreign Minister the start of " •'lift (me city under Israel’s flag plaid Bermudas summer dusters Omar Sakkaf pi Baudi Arabia m a dress, sport shirts today, and thousands a t told the enterMMey session of Wednesdliy tilghV I’S' Jewit and Arabs mingled 3 fo r the assemUy m t if the “ Zion- Hussein said Bis 1.77 Ists" fail to srnhdraw from cap- viewed “With utMc^ (ft and„ fraternized in the tuMd Arab tSHtories, “ there r.-'K:' »5 (Beg Page,; gates between the Jewish 1.68 1.77 reg.
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