Prosperity without growth? The transition to a sustainable economy to a sustainable The transition Prosperity England 2009 0DLQRIßFH 55 Whitehall London SW1A 2HH without 020 7270 8498
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[email protected] Northern Ireland Room E5 11, OFMDFM The transition to a Castle Buildings, Stormont Estate, Belfast BT4 3SR sustainable economy 028 9052 0196
[email protected] Prosperity without growth? The transition to a sustainable economy Professor Tim Jackson Economics Commissioner Sustainable Development Commission Acknowledgements This report was written in my capacity as Economics Commissioner for the Sustainable Development Commission at the invitation of the Chair, Jonathon Porritt, who provided the initial inspiration, contributed extensively throughout the study and has been unreservedly supportive of my own work in this area for many years. For all these things, my profound thanks. The work has also inevitably drawn on my role as Director of the Research group on Lifestyles, Values and Environment (RESOLVE) at the University of Surrey, where I am lucky enough to work with a committed, enthusiastic and talented team of people carrying out research in areas relevant to this report. Their research is evident in the evidence base on which this report draws and I’m as grateful for their continuing intellectual VXSSRUWDV,DPIRUWKHßQDQFLDOVXSSRUWRIWKH(FRQRPLFDQG6RFLDO5HVHDUFK&RXQFLO *UDQW1R5(6 which keeps RESOLVE going.