Appears in Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 50/2 pp. 274{295 (1995). Effective Noether Irreducibility Forms and Applications* Erich Kaltofen Department of Computer Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, New York 12180-3590; Inter-Net:
[email protected] Abstract. Using recent absolute irreducibility testing algorithms, we derive new irreducibility forms. These are integer polynomials in variables which are the generic coefficients of a multivariate polynomial of a given degree. A (multivariate) polynomial over a specific field is said to be absolutely irreducible if it is irreducible over the algebraic closure of its coefficient field. A specific polynomial of a certain degree is absolutely irreducible, if and only if all the corresponding irreducibility forms vanish when evaluated at the coefficients of the specific polynomial. Our forms have much smaller degrees and coefficients than the forms derived originally by Emmy Noether. We can also apply our estimates to derive more effective versions of irreducibility theorems by Ostrowski and Deuring, and of the Hilbert irreducibility theorem. We also give an effective estimate on the diameter of the neighborhood of an absolutely irreducible polynomial with respect to the coefficient space in which absolute irreducibility is preserved. Furthermore, we can apply the effective estimates to derive several factorization results in parallel computational complexity theory: we show how to compute arbitrary high precision approximations of the complex factors of a multivariate integral polynomial, and how to count the number of absolutely irreducible factors of a multivariate polynomial with coefficients in a rational function field, both in the complexity class . The factorization results also extend to the case where the coefficient field is a function field.