Volume 34 I Issue 1 12017 I ISSN 0954-2183

TORCH BEARER Official publication of the Society of Olympic Collectors

1859 1924 1866 1928 1870 1932 1875 1936 1896 1948 1900 1952 1904 1956 1906 1960 1908 1964 1912 1968 1920 1972 1924 1976 1928 1980 1932 1984 1936 1988 1948 1992 1952 1994 1956 1998 1960 2002 1964 2006 1968 2010 1972 2014 1976 2018 1980 2022 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 2024 SOC Society of Olympic Collectors Society of Olympic Collectors Executive Committee

Chairman Bob Wilcock email: [email protected] 24 Hamilton Crescent, Brentwood, Essex CM14 5ES, United Kingdom

Vice-Chairman Vacant

Secretary Paula Burger email: [email protected] 19 Hanbury Path, Sheerwater, Woking, Surrey GU21 5RB, United Kingdom

Editor & Mike Pagomenos email: [email protected] Website Admin 8 Tayside Drive, Edgware, Middlesex HA8 8RD, United Kingdom

Treasurer & David Frome email: [email protected] Distribution 129 Leicester Road, Barnet, Hertfordshire EN5 5EA, United Kingdom Manager

Auction Manager Chris Cohen email: [email protected] 3 Cowham Close, Alfreton, Derbyshire DE55 7HG, United Kingdom

International Packet Secretary Vacant

Public Relations Officer Vacant

Committee Jonathan Rosenthall email: [email protected] Member 7 Sandmoor Lane, Leeds LS17 7EA, United Kingdom

Torch Bearer

Back Issues: The SOC maintains a reference archive with two copies of each issue of Torch Bearer. Photocopies of articles or back issues can be requested from David Frome at the above email address at a cost of 10p pence per sheet.

Copy Dates: Torch Bearer is usually published four times a year: in March, June, September and December. Articles or adverts for inclusion should be sent two months in advance. Torch Bearer Volume 34 I Issue 1 12017 I ISSN 0954-2183 Contents June 2017 Editorial 2 Invitation 3 New Issue: 2024 bid 4 New Issue: Rio 2016: Algeria 6 New Issue: Rio 2016: Bahamas 7 New Issue: Rio 2016: Belarus 8 New Issue: Rio 2016: Estonia 12 New Issue: Rio 2016: Isle of Man 13 New Issue: Rio 2016: Liechtenstein 19 New Issue: Rio 2016: Luxembourg 20 New Issue: Rio 2016: Moldova 21 New Issue: Rio 2016: Montenegro 23 25 New Issue: Rio 2016: New Zealand New Issue: Rio 2016: Poland 26 New Issue: Rio 2016: Slovakia 27 New Issue: Rio 2016: 28 New Issue: Rio 2016: Sri Lanka 30 New Issue: Rio 2016: Tajikistan 31 New Issue: Rio 2016: Ukraine 32 New Issue: Rio 2016: back of the book 33 New Issue: Olympic Academy: Spain 34 New Issue: Rio 2016: New Zealand: gold and silver coins 35


Membership of the Society of Olympic Collectors starts on election, of which applicants will be notified, and will last for one calendar year. All back issues of the magazine for the current year will be sent to members joining during the year.

Junior members are those aged under 18 years in the year of joining, subscription rates are half of the adult rate until their 18th birthday.

All applications for membership should be made to the Secretary.

Subscription rates for 2018 when making payment in £ sterling, € or $US currency notes or £ sterling cheques are as follows:

United Kingdom: £15.00 / Europe: €30.00 / Outside Europe: €40.00 or $US45.00

Subscription rates for 2018 when making payment through Paypal are as follows:

United Kingdom: £16.00 / Europe: £22.00 / Outside Europe: £27.00

Payments are accepted through Paypal in £ sterling only and include the additional costs involved with accepting payment through Paypal. Editorial

Keeping up with prolific new issues appears to be an endless task. Am thinking that there needs to be a tighter rein on what is issued and for what reason. I don't think that participation is enough of a reason unless it is a country's very first time. When I first started collecting Olympics thematically I focussed on host country issues only. Am thinking that unless there is a spectacularly good reason for an Olympic superlative or superlative Olympian that restricting Olympic issues to host countries and bid candidates would be a very good place to start.

I very much appreciate being corrected in an email by Thomas Lippert for unintentionally repeating a historical error in the last issue. It was not until the IOC's 24th Session in in 1926 that the IOC retroactively recognised 'International Winter Sports Week', held in Chamonix in 1924, as its first Winter . Not the IOC's 8th Congress in Prague in 1925 where the IOC decided to initiate a series of Winter Olympic Games. My apologies for that error. It is also quite encouraging to receive that communication as evidence that at least one person read the first page of the last issue.

Earlier this year I was deeply affected by the loss of a dear friend. During his lifetime, he had worked with Jesse Owens (athletics, Berlin 1936) as his Press/PR Officer, he knew Jack Kelly (rowing, 1920 Antwerp and 1924 Paris) socially (and that included his sister Grace Kelly, the actor and Princess of Monaco) and was a spectator at a swimming/diving show starring Johnny Weissmuller (swimming, Paris 1924 and Amsterdam 1928). None of which he would have ever mentioned had I not mentioned my Olympic hobby.

He was a very modest man and am certain he would not want me to mention his name. He recommended that I visit the filming location of Johnny Weissmuller's Tarzan movies, at Wakulla Springs in Florida, which I did. When I visited Philadelphia he showed me the river where Jack Kelly used to train. As a result I feel stronger connections with these Olympians than with others, even though I did not meet them personally. I will miss hearing the stories about those times and every time I hear the names of these Olympians I will think of him.

Meetings and Events

The 23rd World Olympic Collectors Fair (WOCF) will be held in Bratislava, Slovakia between 8 and 10 September 2017. Accommodation can be reserved using the form on the WOCF website at www.wocf2017bratislava.com/reservations/ or by telephoning the NH Bratislava Gate One Hotel on 00421 2 32 770 000 before 20 August 2017.

An exhibition titled 'Olympic Games Paris 1924, Colombes again in the starting blocks for 2024' is currently on and will continue till 17 September 2017 at the Municipal Museum of Art and History in Colombes, Paris, France. Included in the program of events will be documentary films and conferences. An interesting exhibition with a lot of documents (posters, books, medals and memorabilia) has been organized by AFCOS. More information is available at the AICO website aicolympic.org/special-exhibition-colombes-stadium-paris/ in English and French.

The 2017 Olympin Club Annual Convention for Olympic pin collectors will be held in Lake Placid, United States between 29 September and 1 October. See www.lakeplacid2017.com .


23rd World Olympic Collectors Fair BRATISLAVA. SLOVAKIA * 8-10 September 2017 Invitation

The AICO Executive Board and the Organizers are pleased to announce that the 23rd World Olympic Collectors Fair -- BRATISLAVA 2017 — will take place from 8-10 September 2017 it, Bratislava. Slovakia. e take this opportunity to invite Olympic collectors from around the world, and especially from our AICO Member Clubs, to participate. The organizer of the 230 WOCF is the Slovak Society of Olympic and Sports Collectors (SSOSC) with the support and cooperation of the Slovak Otympk Committee :inc.' the Slovak Olympic and Sports Museum. The World Olympic Collectors Fair will be held in conjunction with celebrations marking the 25th anniversary of the Slovak Olympic Committee. We express our gratitude to our Slovak friends for taking part in organizing this event on such short notice. Unfortunately, the China Sport Philately and Collection Association (CSPCA) had to withdraw from organizing the fair; the Chinese collectors were most keen on implementing the 2017 WOCF. We also express our gratitude to the Hungarian Olympic and Sport Philatelic Association (MOSEIT) and the Hungarian Philatelic Association (MABEOS2), who voiced their desire to hold the fair in . but unforeseen circumstances made this impossible. It was only this week that the SSOSC and the Executive Board of AICO received the final confirmation of the Bratislava fair. Additional details are forthcoming. Dr. Branislav Delej, who is directing the preparations, has already commissioned the creation of a 23rd WOCF website and, more importantly, a registration system for fair participants. The registration fees and the final venue for the fair (which promises to be very attractive) will be announced shortly on the AICO website and through direct communications to our AICO Member Clubs. We hope, despite the short lead time, that collectors will enthusiastically embrace the 23rd WOG and join Olympic collectors from around the world In Bratislava in September. WELCOME I!! We are very grateful for the support and assistance of Ms. Stephanie Coppex and the Olympic Foundation for Culture and Heritage.

the AICO Ixecutive Board 27 May 2017

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On 13 May 2017 France issued a stamp promoting their Paris 2024 bid and an official postmark that has been used on a number of souvenirs such as FDCs and maximum cards. France has also promoted the bid inside red Marianne definitive stamp booklets (carnets in French).


PARIS candich. 2024

Avec los tletbres do ce carnet, LA POSTE SOUTIENT attrancri:ssoz tous vos envo.s, quel quo sot lour pods. O L'ELAN FRAKAIS CO CARNET DE 00 12 TIMBRES-POSTE O aux cotes de la candidature de AUTOCOLLANTS '000 PARIS Pans a l'organisation des kux val.dte permanenle pow vos lettres prronta:res Olympiques et Paralympiques a desttnatton de to France, al,..ab-er. •■•11011001114 CONSIV■ de 2024 par murtple au-dela de 20 q et de la candidature de g • MIXTE la France a l'Exposition Fse — FSC• C106069 universelle de 2025 FRANCE2 0 2 5 LA POSTE

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4 First day of issue postmark.


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5 New Issue: Rio 2016: Algeria

On 1 June 2016 Algerie Poste issued a set of two stamps and a miniature sheet. Have noted a number of commemorative postmarks and a large number of FDCs for this issue.

6 New Issue: Rio 2016: Bahamas

On 10 August 2016 the Bahamas issued a set of four stamps.

7 New Issue: Rio 2016: Belarus

On 7 June 2016 Belpost issued a miniature sheet and FDC with commemorative postmark. The commemorative postmark has also been commercially/privately used on Rio 2016 ppcs with the unusual egg-shaped stamp. r911bNI XXXI RJ1IPIIII5i 131 9 P3-MBH31:iPR

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1. New Issue: Rio 2016: Belarus

On 30 November 2016 Belarus issued an Olympic medallist miniature sheet and FDC with commemorative postmark.

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11 New Issue: Rio 2016: Estonia

On 9 June 2016 Eesti Post issued a stamp and FDC with commemorative postmark.


12 New Issue: Rio 2016: Isle of Man

On 23 May 2016 (amending date on p.43, Volume 33, Issue 2) the Isle of Man Post Office used the four stamps in the Team GB Rio 2016 Olympics souvenir sheet (shown on the cover of this Torch Bearer) as a set with FDC and presentation pack. If you take a closer look at the souvenir sheet on the cover you will notice that there only four stamps in it and eight labels.


13 On 16 June 2016 the Isle of Man Post Office issued a limited edition 'Sir Chris Hoy 2016 Olympics Special Envelope Album' autographed by Sir Chris Hoy so that some of the proceeds will go to charity. Only 500 issued and still available at www.iompost.com. Have also noted variations of horizontal strips of this set of four with different margins that are not listed on the Isle of Man Post Office website. These examples include two that are cto and postmarked 'Douglas' on the first day of issue.

7• ,,,, 4 On 8 August 2016 the Isle of Man Post Office issued a 'Team GB Rio 2016 Medal Winners Day 3 Special Cover which commemorates Team GB's first medals of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.

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On 21 October 2016 the Isle of Man Post Office issued a 'Team GB Rio 2016 Celebratory Sheetlet' detailing the medal count from Team GB's most successful ever away games with four stamps and eight labels.


GREAT BRIT.'. IN MEDALS On 5 August 2016 the Royal Mint issued a limited edition numismatic cover with special postmark commemorating the Rio 2016 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony.


The cupro-nickel version of this GB coin can be acquired in a presentation case through www.westminstercollection.com.

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Reverse Obverse

The limited edition sterling silver Piedfort proof can be acquired in presentation case through www.royalmint.com. Limited to 2,016 coins. 0.925 sterling silver. Weighs 16g. Diameter 27.3mm.

18 New Issue: Rio 2016: Liechtenstein

On 6 June 2016 Liechtensteinische Post issued a set of two stamps, a FDC and a commemorative fdi postmark which they offered for sale in three formats: single stamp FDCs, set on FDC and independent block of fours on FDC. Each stamp was also available for sale in sheets of 20.

19 New Issue: Rio 2016: Luxembourg

On 10 May 2016 (amending date shown on p.45 Volume 33, Issue 2) Luxembourg Post issued a single stamp and a FDC with a commemorative fdi postmark. Luxembourg Post also issued a commemorative Opening Ceremony postmark on 5 August 2016 illustrating a torch.




20 •

New Issue: Rio 2016: Moldova •

On 25 July 2016 Posta Moldovei issued a set of two stamps, FDC with two different commemorative postmarks (one fdi and one special) and two souvenir sheets. There was also a private issue of two maximum cards that appear to be legally-compliant.

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On 9 June 2016 Montenegro issued a single stamp with the discobolos, numbered souvenir sheets and FDC with comemorative postmark.


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From 8 August 2016 New Zealand Post issued a miniature sheet of six stamps for every New Zealand Olympic medal result making a total of 18 different sheets.


25 New Issue: Rio 2016: Poland

On 28 November 2016 Poland issued a pair of Olympic medal winners stamps and a FDC with a commemorative postmark.


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26 New Issue: Rio 2016: Slovakia

On 8 July 2016 Slovenska Posta issued a stamp, FDC with a comemorative Bratislava target postmark and a maximum card. Slovakia's women won a couple of shooting medals at London 2012 but no shooting medals at Rio 2016.



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;LK New Issue: Rio 2016: Slovenia

On 27 May 2016 Posta Slovenije issued a pair of stamps, FDC and souvenir sheet.

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Xi 30 September 2016 Posta Slovenije issued a gold medallist stamp for Tina Trstenjak, =DC with commemorative postmark and souvenir sheet (with ten of the same stamp). New Issue: Rio 2016: Sri Lanka

On 21 July 2016 Sri Lanka issued a set four stamps, FDC and miniature sheet.

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New Issue: Rio 2016: Tajikistan

3n 23 May 2016 Tajikistan issued a set of three stamps and four different souvenir sheets. ele, the Brazilian footballer, features prominently on three of them.

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■couple of interesting items. They look official. They look Brazilian. What are they? Can't find 9ern on the official Correios website despite revisiting several times.

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33 New Issue: Olympic Academy: Spain

On 14 February 2017 Spain issued a single stamp and FDC with commemorative postmark for an official session of the Spanish Olympic Academy.

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34 Jew Issue: Rio 2016: New Zealand: gold and silver coins

Jew Zealand also issued two commemorative coins. One half ounce gold proof coin (250 ninted) and a one ounce silver proof coin (2,016 minted).

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