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The BG News August 2, 2006

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IN MY MIND: The Pulse reviews the new Pharrell SUNNY album; PAGE 7 HIGH 92 LOW: 72 independent student press VOLUME 100 ISSUE 161

Chipotle enters the BG food scene With August comes Shihadeh also said the prices between the two restaurants are new southwestern comparable, however she thinks flavor to Wooster St Qdoba's menu is more accom- modating to children and every- By Addie Curtis one who comes in. REPORTER "Chipotle's menu is limited With one more Mexican restau- and we offer specialty sauc- rant coming to town, Bowling es and more menu options," Green is becoming a burrito she said. haven. The new addition — Shihadeh said they have been Chipotle — is coming to Wooster in business here tor a year now Street in late August. and have developed loyalties Chipotle Mexican Grill will through the community and the give students and residents alike university, so therefore they are yet another opportunity for a not sweating the new restaurant quick Mexican dinner. at all. The menu for Chipotle I lowever, she is very focused, mainly "It's always does predict serving tacos, burritos nice to see Chipotle will do and bowls. quite well when Qdoba owner Nadya something arriving in town. Shihadeh said she new coming According to the is not worried about Web site, Chipotle Chipotle coming in into town." Mexican Grill has and said they welcome been around for the healthy competition. last 13 years, serv- "It's always nice NADYA SHIHADEH ing food quickly in to see something a cool atmosphere. new coming to town Founder and because that means more peo- CEO Steve Ells said "When I cre- ple will be out around town,'' ated Chipotle in 1993, I had a Shihadeh said. very simple idea: Offer a simple She believes that Bowling menu of great food prepared Green can handle two fast casu- fresh each day, using many of al Mexican restaurants without the same cooking techniques as too much competition. gourmet restaurants." GLASSMEN PLAY HARD Both restaurants work in the Several Chipotle's already same manner. They prepare exist around the United States, University student leads local drum corps in summer competition the food fresh right in from of although they are more com- the customer telling the worker By Bridget Tharp country all summer to mon inTexas, Florida California, EOIIOR-IN-CHKF exactly what they want in their anil on the East Coast. compete against other "When thousands of burrito or whatever Item they Under the blazing summer drum corps. have ordered. CHIPOTLE. PAGE 3 sun, the heat bakes the bare But before they raise people are cheering skin of the 135 performers their instruments to their for you, you know standing at attention on a lips to perform in a summer why you do it. football field. From the top competition, they've spent seat in the bleachers, the monthspreparing. Audition You can't get this group almost resembles a camp opens the week- anywhere else." The Stimmel family nudist colony. Most of these end before Thanksgiving. B0 SODDERS teens and twenty-somethings After that, selected mem- GLASSMEN DRUM MAJOR arehalf-naked—covered only bers spend one weekend a store shows the goods by a bikini top, small shorts or month rehearsing for the Lights out at 11 p.m., and rolled boxers. summer season. it starts all over again after Summers Market on deli to the bakery to keep them Practicingduringthehottest And that's the easy part. the 7 a.m. wakeup call. Wooster Street offers doing a little bit of everything, hours of the day means shed- "|We tour] 80 days. It tires This will be the last since both are open all day. ding some clothes for mem- on your mind. This activity is summer that Sodders will wines, food, and fun A new addition to the manVet is bers of the Toledo Glassmen 95 percent mental and 5 per- sweat through the 6-12 underway according to Metzger. A By Addle Curtis breakfast nook is being built with a Drum & Bugle Corps. cent physical," Sodders said hour rehearsal sessions as REPORTER The Glassmen are part of When the summer season a member of the Glassmen. seating area where a full breakfast He's 22, which means he's A local family owned business will be served consisting of more a competitive music perfor- starts, members spend longer cares about giving people what mance league, Drum Corps hours rehearsing under the "aging out." than just donuts and pastries International. Members pre- Only performers younger they desire in terms of food since they plan to add croissants hot summer sun and traveling and drink. fer to describe the activity as hundreds of miles by bus. The than 22 years old are eli- and breakfast sandwiches to die something like "a Broadway only rest comes on gym floors gible compete in DCI as a Family member and bakery menu, he said. h musician on the drum or chef Matthew Stimmel said their Being located on the opposite show and high school march- of the schools t at the group business is customer driven and ing band put on steroids," said camps out in overnight. horn lines, or as a dancer side of town has not hurt busi- on the flag line. strives to keep providing what the ness for Stimmel's, according to Glassmen drum major Bo "The gym floor feels mighty Mrta Flower BGNe« Sodders. comfortable after, like, the community wants. Matthew. He said they are not SETTING UP: Sophomore Andy The Glassmen travel cross second day," Sodders said. GLASSMEN, PAGE 2 "VVfe like to give people access dependent on the college crowd, Wozniak prepares for a show. to different products and experi- but get a good mix of both students ences they can't get and residents of Bowling at other places," Green, since they are a WORKING KOH I 00K AT LIFE AND WORK IN BON LING GREEN he said. "We like to neighborhood store. He The market is give people said they deliver donuts owned by Matthew's and cookies often to dif- brother Bill, his sis- access to ferent departments of Police force commands respect ter and his lather different study at the University. and offers a variety Stimmel's Market of gourmet entrees, products has a wide variety of Local officers of the breakfast pastries, and items. Walking around law strive to balance wine, beer and the market, it is simi- more at any time of experiences. lar to a grocery store service and family life the day. MATTHEW STIMMEL in some ways and very Cook leremy unique in others. There By Meaghan Geraghty Metzger has been REPORTER are shelves of com- working at the location for six mon grocer needs and a section No one wants what they really need. years, starring when the previous of produce which local farmers In the case of the Bowling Green City owners were there. He said that contribute to in the late summer Police Department (BGPD), this couldn't be ing a Saturday night shift the market used to be a lot smaller when they bring in their organic more true. ride-along with Officer Robinson, where on and was primarily a bakery before produce items. one occasion police slang remarks were shot As the ultimate "Catch 22," police officers the Stimmel ramify came in two Toward the back of the store, represent a profession having the most dis- his way. years ago and made it what it there are 10 freezers full of differ- credited street slang and yet ironically when However, Robinson never let the com- is today. ent beers from around the worid danger lurks, they're the first to be called. ments alter his work. "I like the versatility of work- and several wine racks. "When it comes to respect on the streets Instead his 'tough skin' approach was both ing here and making the bakery The beer offered ranges from it's 50/50," said Bowling Green City Police supported and shared by the lead officer on items," he said. India Pale Ale to Pete's Wicked Ale Officer, Matthew Robinson. "I personal- duty, SgL Mark McDonough. The Stimmel's tore down a wall Matthew said that a common ly have been called just about everything Robinson explained that they were like to expand the grocery portion of misconception about their beer and I've levenl heard new stuff, but if you a "brotherhood," because they stuck by the store and added a deli and is that it's all imported from dif- are sensitive to remarks, this is not die job each other and all got along wine section t letzger said. Before patrolling began, officer ferent countries, however, he said for you." He also said that each employee only two of the freezers are actu- This and more, was made evident dur- switches their positions from the BGPD,PAGE 8 IRuslrated By Orako Miller STHrUdEL'S, PAGE 2

FOUR-DAY FORECAST ™URS™ The four-day forecast is taken Isolated High: 81' from T-Storms Low: 64'


/-■"■-■>■■■■ wSfiawft(E8^P®^« Qffiffi HnQBKnBffi 2 Wednesday. August 2.2006 WWW.BGNEWS.COM Drum corps, school work keep college marchers busy GLASSMEN. FROM PAGE 1 hours of classes and 25 hours es i h^ season, the dasameri 45thanniversary,sald Executive of work at the Sundial eatery are using Beethoven's sym- Director Brian llickman. Before Sodders returns to on campus. Work was impor- phonies to tell the life stmv oi "This has been a long time the University to start work- tant, because that money paid the mill century composer In coming," llickman said of the ing on his master's degree in the 51,850 iii lour fees required II minutes, rhe show begins trip. "We've gotten a lot of help music business this fall, he's to march. prim and proper, with the flag from sponsors and such over- spending his last summer in "If you figure out how to bal- like in pink ballroom gowns seas to make sure that when the Glassmen as the siudent ance it, it works. And I just fig- leading the corps in a choreo- we're over there, a lot of those leader of the group. ured everything out except fol graphed waltz In represent costs are covered." "Sometimes I crack the whip. the school part. But. I know Beethoven's young aristocrat As a non-profit group, the It comes with the territory. That people who are really good stu life. But the mood changes with Classmen count on dona- is my job. 'Co to bed! Clcl up!' dents and do this, so it works," Beethoven's darker sympho- tions to defray costs, llickman You're usually up a half hour Bowman said. nies, writ tell after I he eon iposei said that tour fees don't cover before the Corps. You go to For members of drum corps, becomes deaf. what it really costs the corps bed after everyone goes to bed. performing is the priority. For the first time, the in leed. transport, and house You're just in charge of making Sophomore Andy Wozniak Classmen took llieir show to the members sure they get where they need spray paints the rack his drums Europe this year. I he corps "Everything's on a shoe- to be on time." he said. rest on before every perfor- spent 13 days overseas, with string," he said. Jordan Flower BGNews For a college student, partici- mince. Moving on and off the stops iii 11,Hue. i ngland, But Sodders said the experi- COMPOSE YOURSELF: Performers on the Glassmen (lag line perform as pating in drum corps becomes buses can chip (he paint on the Belgium and the Netherlands ence of marching drum corps dancers in Beethoven's era, in the show "The Mastery and Madness" a balancing act — keeping class equipment, and he pays special Sodders said it fell like the is something money can't buy. time and corps time separate. It attention to details like that. European audience connected When he ages out this year, "I'll miss the people the most, member. It's the audience that gets even more complicated for "We're not judged on it, but with the show mine so than he's going to miss dance par- being around people that are so makes the sweat of rehearsal all students with part-time jobs. it's about the look. It looks so American audiences have. ties on the buses, glow stick dedicated to this activity, the worth it. Since he's aging out, senior much more cut and clean." "(Drum corps] IslikesportJng parlies, and "Talk-like-a- people you see every year. Your "When thousands of people Elliott Bowman thinks it will Wozniak said. "Like, clean cut. event ou i there,' Sodders said pirate" Fridays. friends in drum corps become are cheering for you, you know be easier to handle his sched- Every T dotted, and'T crossed. "Von feel like ,i rock star over "Being able to be on the bus your friends outside." why you do it. You can't get this ule. For most of his college life, That's what its all about." there, signing autographs." and have the social aspect is the Still, he's looking forward to anywhere else." he's juggled the Classmen and Corps like the Classmen tell The Europe trip was a special best part. Its your home away the applause he'll hear dur- iilitor's Note: DCI finals run a winter drum line with 15 a story with their performanc- way to celebrate the Glassmen from home," Sodders said. ing his last performance as a August 8-12 in Madison, Wis.

ENJOY THE REST OF YDUR SUMMER WITH Wine featured at Stimmel's POOL - MCONDITIONING ■ MR CONDITIONED SHUTTLE STIMMEL'S. FROM PAGE 1 I le also said other places claim they do also, but they actually do not. ally from other countries It's unheard of in this day and I le also said they offer many age for a business to make their been from and Michigan. food from scratch, but we are "We dim! focilS on imports so crazy about sanitation," he said. much as we focus on giving cus- Matthews brother Bill named tomers the opportunity for the each sandwich in the deli after a best." Matthew said. street in Bowling Green in order In addition to giving people to localize the business. the opportunity to taste the best, Summers Market also sells they also offer wine tasting every seasonal organic items Matthew rhunday night from 6 to 9 p.m. said if there is equal opportuni- and this will continue even dur- ty lor an organic item versus a ing the school year. Their wine regular item, they always choose selection includes a wide array the organic. of red and white wines from Italy, In between the variety of alco- Jordan Flower BGNews Spain, France and even Ohio. hol and gourmet food, Stimmel's LOCAL SHOPPING: Residents visit I lie wine lasting lakes place i" aiso has delicate chocolates, ice Stimmel's Market on Wooster. the back where seating is avail- creams and cakes. able for customers to sit after pur- Matthew added that people expand in the future according chasing a gourmet sandwich or often ask employees what differ- to Matthew. salad at the deli. ent products are and where the] iulitors Note: Stimmel's Market According to Matthew, the store came from. is located at 1220 W. Wooster St. guarantees that they make their The Bowling Green location is The market is open from 6 a.m. to breads, salads and some bakery the only store to exist as of right 9 p.m. Monthly tlimugh Saturday items from scratch. now but there may be plans to and 7a.m. to!)p.m. on Sunday.

UNIVERSITY artmeflte bookstore totofirf — 1 II— ou r Bent! 615 SECOND STREET - Two Bedroom. Furn. or Unfurn. One bath. Efficiencies School Year - Two Person Rate- $620 20= 451THURSTIN - Across from Offenhauer. One Year - Two Person Rate - $520 = p60 Furn. w/ full bath, stove & refrigerator, ■ _ ■ School Year - One Person Rate- S395 402 HIGH STREET Furn. or Unfurn., One bath. One Year - One Person Rate - S365 10= ^_ School Year - Two Person Rate- $590 1 Bedroom Apartments One Year - Two Person Rate - $490 S£ =40 Summer 517 REED STREET- At Thurstin. 701 FOURTH STREET "~ Furn. or Unfurn., One Bdrm. & One bath. Furn. or Unfurn., Two bdrm. 0 = School Year - One Person Rate- $465 One bath w/ Vanity in each bdrm. One Year - One Person Rate - $400 School Year -Two Person Rate- $620 — = 20 One Year - Two Person Rate - $520 707-727 THIRD STREET One Bedioom. 10= Furn. or Unfurn,, One bath. 751 HIGH STREET jj- School Year - One Person Rate- $395 Furn. or Unfurn, Two Bedroom. COOL One Year - One Person Rate - $350 School Year - Two Person Rate- $410 = 0 825 THIRD STREET- Pets Allowed! One Year - Two Person Rate - $460

2ft|l — Furnished or Unfurnished, One bath. 840-850 SIXTH STREET ■ School Year - One Person Rate- $465 Furn. or Unfurn, Two Full baths. One Year - One Person Rate - $410 School Year - Two Person Rate- $640 -—. E20 449-455 S. ENTERPRISE One Year-Two Person Rate $530 — _ Furn. or Unfurn, One bdrm. One Bath. 810 FIFTH; 649,707 SIXTH; School Year - One Person Rate- $385 818 SEVENTH One Year - One Person Rate $350 Furn. or Unfurn, One Bath & Hall Vanity. School Year - Two Person Rate- $560 839 SEVENTH STREET CASH FOR BOOKS One Year ■ Two Person Rate - $470 Unfurnished, One bath. Dishwasher. School Year - One Person Rate- $460 831 SEVENTH One Year - One Person Rate - $395 Furn. or Unfurn, One Bath & Hall Vanity. ATBUYBACK School Year - Two Person Rate $555 2 Bedroom Apartments One Year - Two Person Raie - $480 505CLOUGH-8er)mdK/nto's. 724 S. COLLEGE DRIVE Two Furn, or Unfurn., One bath & Vanity. Unfurnished, I 1/2 baths. Dishwasher. MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM School Year -Two Person Rate- $620 School Year - Two Person Rate- $630 One Year -Two Person Rate - $520 One Year -Two Person Rate • $530 ND wmm\ STUDENT UNION - 2 FLOOR with S2S0 Nonrefundablepet deposit at these locations: 831 Seventh, 841 Eighth, 777, 733,755 Manvllle, 825 Third, 802 Sixth & 725 Ninth Mon.-Thurs., July 31 -August 3 JOHN NEWLQVE REAL ESTATE, INC. 319E.WoosterStreet,BowlingGreen,OH (Located Across From lam Bell; RENTAL OFFICE: 419-354-2260 8am-5pm Hours-Monday to Friday ,- www.johniit. Fri., August 4, 8am-4pm WWW.BGNEWS.COM (AMITS Wednesday. August 2.2006 3 CAMPUS Qdoba ready THE BLOTTER NATION to compete Monday, July 24 Thursday, luly 27 violation warrant He was 6 years. He was also cited for BRIEFING At 10:25 a.m. Colleen Cameron On. son of advised of the warrant and failure to maintain reason- BRIEFING THf BC rltHIS with Chipotle Davis reported that some- Stewart Oir, reported to released. able control. BG «!»■; wur souncts time during the night, some police al 4:37 p.m that he Pdicewerecalledtoinediate Raquel Colon reported to BGSU raises record CHIPOTLE, FROM PAGE 1 unknown person had slashed was struck by a vehicle. There a dispute on Not/ Rd between police that she had lost ho Jeep recall all ol her tires, valued at are no suspects. a mother and grandmother ol cell phone while at Put n N'GTON (AP) — Bay last week and has been $16 million in funds But Ohio is one of the states approximately $200 a child. Deanna Phillips. tin ,■< ill Over the past year, that Chipotle is becoming more Friday, luly 28 grandmother, fell the mother. receiving phone calls about ire than 800.000 $15,912,966 has been raised evident in. Police were called lo a res- Bobbi Phillips, was too intoxi- some pictures that are on her betty sport util- in private donations from Some may be wondering why idence on Clough St. which cated to care for her child The phone. The subiect threat- ity veh - ol the University alumni, friends BG was picked as the location had reported a squirrel loose luvenile was released in the ened to post the pictures on potential loss of steering in tlie house. An opossum the internet Police will fol and employees for the 2005- for the restaurant rather than grandmother's custody control, the automaker 06 fiscal year, according to Toledo with all their striving was found sleeping inside. Devm Glick was cited for low up. Brittany Mercado was said luesday. an announcement from businesses, but Toledo will be underage possession of alco- DaimlerChrysler AG University officials that was gelling a Chipotle sometime in Last Monday. Thomas arrested al 5:47 p.m. when a hol. He was spotted with an Sunday, luly 30 Sockman witnessed two warrant for 5 counts of theft open can of beer Farly in the morning. Scott ruin Max Gates made yesterday. 2007 as well. the Iron! suspen- University employee*, retir- However, spokesman for cor- skunks in his backyard and was served by the Fostona lanca was found urinating on phoned police requesting ani- PD. She was transported lo Saturday, luly 29 the coiner of Prospect and sion lower ball joint could ees and corporate donors porate Chipolle in Denver Chris experienceexcessiveweai pledged S803.030 this year as Arnold said the BG location is mal control. Wood County Justice Center Late in the evening. Martha Court Sheets and was cited A trap was requested to $50,000 bond. Mendieta called police stat- as such and looseness, lending part of the Building DnMms part of the methodical pick- the ball joint to separate. The Centennial Campaign ing process for the extension to detain an opossum sighted in At " 11 pjn. Tern Oliveira ing that she had just been John Scott Curtis reported the backyard ol the complain- reported that her hike was assaulted by a male subject. Sunday morning thai I 12,000 for Bowling Green Stale more college towns. K m I lie University, which began in ant, leffery Higgins. stolen Irom the library a liall- Upon arrival, police tound her previous night, someone had "Both are places we want to houi earlier. highly intoxicated and lies spread ground beef on his 106 model yi 2002. open because it will be a logi- Tuesday. July 25 Al the City Park pool, a passing on another person's vehicle dales said the aulo "It's always wonderful when cal existence of our footprint you can make a positive dif- A vehicle was egged female juvenile was seen with property. In Hancock Coin■ ■ ed HI around Ohio," Arnold said. and toilet papered at 1411 a knife. Police were contact- Individuals were spotted Edward Reese was picked up complaints about the fimnce in someone's life, and He added that Bowling ed, and the girl was released allegedly smoking marijuana on a local wairant and trans- problem and reports ol these private donation for Sheffield Dr.. and stones in Green has good people lo run the vicinity WOK; arranged ther, Children have on a picnic table at N. College ported to Wood County three injuries. He said in s< linlarships. the new build- [he restaurant and he has high in a 'Pacman1 symbol. A red Irom the park Dr An officer in response man) ol the complaints, ings and other projects will hopes of the restaurant suc- stethoscope was also sto- unless accompanied by a could not locate suspects. Monday. July 31 the ball joint failed, drop- all make a tremendous differ- ceeding because of the college len from the vehicle worth parent ■. (ienson was cited Two females. In ping the vehu le's trout ence for our students,'' said atmosphere. approximately $500. Jellery Harris was stopped lor 0VI wlien he crashed into and Shaion Fun ■ end onto one oi both of Ed Reiler. chair of the BGSU Arnold also said that they usu- late Friday evening because a pole on Fairview Avenue It ed for shoplifting at Meijer front tires, Foundation Board. ally put Chipotle Mexican Grills ol an outstanding lax will be his second offense in .Vionday afternoon in cities with a nice mix between residential and commercial High temps shut areas. He said the ideal loca- Library early tions are either near businesses The Executive Vice President or institutions such as universi- and Co-Interim Deans of ties so therefore, Bowling (ireen the University Libraric • have lit the hill. authorized the lerome Library Chipolle has been around for building to close at noon \ i s 13 years and has had the same terday due to the lack of air model for that time. Arnold said uinititiuning. most restaurants are about 2401) However, as of noon yester- square feet and no two restau- day the back-up air condition- rants are the same. He also said T O W N H O M E er was working, according to the restaurants are designed Terri Sharp, director of Media to fit the space they occupy, so COMMUNITIES, LLP Relations at die University. there are no concrete measure- Although the air condi- ments or number of seats for the tioner is working, because of H( i location. the extreme beat, it will take The main difference between i several hours for the tempera- Qdoba and Chipolle other than ^•e-jj-. tures to return to normal lev- localion is the fact thai Chipotle 18 ir^-^l 'AU. Ml — els. But the lerome Library is serves beer and margaritas. expected to reopen at 8 a.m. Chipolle will be open ever) today, however, it is recom- day from 11 a.m. lo 10 p.m. and mended that students and offer an average of $6 entree-. staff call 2-2051 before head- The restaurant will be located m\if*-- ing over to die library. at 1558 E. Wboster St. near Days Innandl-IZarape. Simplifying Life, Maximizing Potential



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GLASSMEM. TROM PAGE 1 hours "t classes and 25 limns es. I his season, the Glassmen ISthanniversary.saidl necutive ot work ai the sundial eater) air using Beethoven's sym Director Brian llickiiian. Before Sodden returns to on campus Wink was impoi phonies (o tell the life stor) ol ' I his has been a long time the University to start work lam because thai money paid the Huh ccniun composer in coming," Milkman said of the Ing

Wine featured at Stimmel's STIMMEL'S, 1 ROM PAGE 1 lie also said other places claim the) do also, but they at tu.illv do not ,ilk from other countries "It's unheard ot in thfsda) and I le also said the) offer many age lor a business to make then beers from Ohio and Michigan. food from scratch, but we are "We donl focus on imports so cra/y about sanitation," he said much as we Incus on giving cus- Matthew's brother Mill named tomers the opportunity lot the each sandwich ill the deli aftei a best Matthew said street in Bowling Green in oidet In addition lo giving people to localize ihe business the opportunity to taste the best. Stimmel's Market also sells the) alsooftei wine tasting ever) seasonal organic items. Matthew Thursday night from li to 9 pin. -.lid il there is equal opportuni- and this will continue even din ty lor an oiganii item versus a ing the school year, I licit wine regulai Item, the) always choose selection includes a wide ,in,i\ the organic of red and white wines from Italy. In between the variety ol alco- Jordan Flower BGNeis Spain. I ranee and even Ohio hol and gnuinict tood. Stimmel's LOCAL SHOPPING Residents visit I he wine tasting takes place in also has delicate chocolates, ice Stimmel's Market on Wooster. 11 -ii- hack where sealing is avail creams and cakes. ablefot customers lo sit after put Matthew added that people expand in the future according (basing a gourmet sandwich or often ask employees what differ lo Matthew salad at the deli. enl products are and wheie the) Editor's Note: Stimmel's Market \cc ending to Matthew, the store came from. is located m 1220 It. Mtxwtei Si guarantees that they make then I he Howling Green location is The market is open from r> a.m. ui breads, salads and some baker) the onlv store to exist as ol right 'i p.m. Monday ihrougli Saturday items from scratch now hut there may be plans to anil 7a.m. In 'lp.m. mi Sunday

UNIVERSITY urtiflfflfc bookstore

— -ou 615 SECOND STREET Furn. or Unfurn =— Efficiencies Schoolv $620 20= 451THURSTIN - Across from Offenhauer. OneYear-TwoF $520 = 60 Furn. w/ full bath, stove & refrigerator. I 402 HIGH STREET School Year - One Person Rate- S395 Furn. oi One Year-One Person Rate S365 10= ~" School Year - Two Person Rate $590 ~ 1 Bedroom Apartments OneYeat $490 =40 517 REED STREET -AtThuntm. 701 FOURTH STREET f — Furn. or Unfurn., One Bdrm. & One bath. Furn.or Unfum.. 0 =- School Year - One Person Rate $465 Onebatl One Year - One Person Rate S400 School Year -Tv.. $620 ZI = 20 One Year -Two Person Ratt $520 707-727 THIRD STREET One Bedroom. 10= = Furn. or Unfurn, One bath. 751 HIGH STREET School Year - One Person Rate- $395 Futn.orUnfui One Year - One Person Rate S350 School Year-Tv. $410 —— go 825 THIRD STREET Pets Allowed! One Year - Two Person R ite $460 20= Furnished or Unfurnished, One bath. 840-850 SIXTH STREET School Year - One Person Rate- $465 Furn.orUnfir One Year - One Person Rate - $410 School Year-Two Petson Rate $640 -= p20 One Year-Two Person Rate $530 449-455 S. ENTERPRISE —j Furn. or Unfurn., One bdrm. One Bath. 810 FIFTH; 649,707 SIXTH; School Year - One Person Rate- $385 818 SEVENTH One Year One Person Rate - $350 Furn. or Unfurn, One Bath School Year-Two Detson R,v,e $560 839 SEVENTH STREET CASH FOR BOOKS One Year Two Person Rate $470 Unfurnished, One bath. Dishwasher. School Year - One Person Rate- $460 831 SEVENTH One Year - One Person Rate - $395 Furn. or Unfurn, One Bath & Hall Vanity. ATBUYBACK School Year- Two Person late $555 2 Bedroom Apartments One Year - Two Person Rate - $480 505 CLOUGH- Behind Kinkos. 724 S. COLLEGE DRIVE Two Furn. or Unfurn., One bath & Vanity. Unfurnished, 11/2 baths, Dishwasl MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM School Year - Two Person Rate- $620 School Year -Two Person Rate $630 One Year - Two Person Rate $520 One Year-Two Person Rate ■ $530 STUDENT UNION - 2ND FLOOR with $250 Nonrefundable pet deposit at these locations: 831 Seventh, 841 Eighth, 777, 733,755 Manvllle, 825 Third, 802 Sixth & 725 Ninth JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE, INC. Mon.-Thurs., July 31 -August 3 319 E. Wooster Street, Bowling Green, OH (Located Across From Taco Bell) RENTAL OFFICE: 419-354-2260 8am-5pm Hours - Monday to Friday 8:30 - 5:30 Saturday - 8:30 - 5:00 Fri., August 4,8am-4pm WWW.BGNEWS.COM (AMIMS 3 Qdoba ready THE BLOT ON CAMPUS to compete Monday. July 24 Thursday, July 27 BRIEFING At 10:2') a.m. Colleen i BRIEFING THE ec HEWS with Chipotle Davis reported II ted to time ilium, " BGSU raises record CHIPOTLE, FROM PAGE 1 unknown [ < ■ Jeep recall all ol h':i ' ■ $16 million in funds But Ohio is one ol the States il<:. - ■ ■ ■' all Over the past year. that Chipotle is becoming more ly 28 ■ ■ $15,912,966 has been raised evident in. anestedaftei ■ ■ 1! lltil- in private donations from Some may he wondering win ■ 1 i ol the University alumni, Mends lit; was picked a- the location fi

■ and employees for the 2005- lor the restaurant rather than '■' 06 fiscal year, according to loledo with all their striving . (ui announcement from businesses, hut Toledo will be ■ \t.

■ Sunday, July 30 University officials that was geiiing a Chipotle sometime in Gates made yesterday 2007as well. ■ University employees, retir- However, spokesman lor cor ■ Saturday. Inly 29 11 ould ees and corporate donors porateChipotle in DenverChris pledged $803,030 (his year as Arnold said the BG location is mal control ■ part of the Building Dreams part of the methodical puk The Centennial Campaign ing process loi the extension to iln ■ for Bowling Green State more college towns. .ai the University, which began in "Both are places wc want to 2002. open because it will he a logi- auto- Tuesday. July 25 ■ "It's always wonderful when cal existence ol out footprint ed II I you can make a positive dif- around Ohio," Arnold said. 1 the ■ ference in someones life and He added that Howling ■ these private donations for Green has good people to run ■ N scholarships, the new build- the restaurant and he has high ings anil other projects will hopes of the restaurant sue Monday. July 31 drop- all make a tremendous differ- ccoding because ol the college ence for our students," said atmosphere.

Ed Belter, chair ol the BGSU Arnold also said I hal thcviisu ■ Foundation Hoard all) put Chipotle Mexican Grills in cities with a nice mix between High temps shut residential and commercial areas. He said the Ideal loci Library early lions are either neat businesses rheBcecutiveVke President or institutions such as iiniveisi and Co-Interim Deans ol lies so therefore, Bowling Green the University Libraries have fit the bill. authorized the lerome i ibrary i hipotle has been around foi building to close ai noon yes- 13 years and has had the same <. '? terday due ID the lack of ait model lot that time. Arnold said conditioning. innsi restaurants are abo However, as of noon yester- square leel and no iwo restart day the back-up air condition- ranis are the same. He also said T O W N H O M E er was working, according to the restaurants are designed Icni Sharp, director ol Media to iii the spat e the) DO upy, so COMMUNITIES, L L P Relations al the University there are no concrete measure Although the air condi- ments or number ol seats for the tioner is working, because ol BG location. the extreme heat. It will take I he main difference between several hours tor the lempcra- Qdoba and ( hipotle othei than i gee in return to normal lev- location is the fact that Chipotle m ■ • I els But the lerome Ijhrarj is serves beer and margaritas expected U) reopen at H a.m. Chipotle will he open even today, however, li i-- recom- day from II a.m. to III pin. and 'iipffif mended that siuilenis and offei an average of $6 entrees stall call 2-2051 before head- Die restaurant will be located ing over to the library, at 1558 1. Woostei si. neai Days mi . t H Inn and I i Zarape.

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^1the regular price of any Variety Plattei Choose from: 2 Fish, 4 Shrimp & I Chicken OR 2 Fish & X Shrimp OR 2 Fish & 3 Chicken OR 2 Fish, 4 Shrimp & Clams BowlingOreen LongJohn savors,mis Not valid wtUi in) oihei discount Sales tax extra No rap^rodiictioiis accepted. ( I's \l un> H:Expires: MU/2006 8 Piece Family Meal

X Pieces of Chicken or Fish. $1 A99 2 Sides of your Choice. & 12 Hushpuppies 1 BowlingOracn Long John Silvcncnl) Not valid Mil an) othei | discount Salee lax extta No reproductions accepted CPS/AI Mm , Expires: _ii_uo______4 Wednesday. August 2,2006 WWW.BGNEWS.COM QUOTErXQl'Mi: "/ know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

Albert Einstein IQutitkimftpr.iini) OPINION EDITORIAL FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA THE KALEIDOSCOPE Fight for equality still persistent Last week, the Senate voted to YOU DECIDE Both objected to portions souths legal code, southern states society. The same representatives in the world, legislation will be renew the 1965 Voting Rights Act Do you think the politicians i if the law requiring ballots in no longer need federal oversight who say states can be trusted needed to make sure it is not for another 25 years. voted against the Voting Rights some states be printed in several to make sure they ate playing by to do the right tiling with voting translated into law. The Voting Senator Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., Act because ot racism? Send an languages. Bonner and Everett the mles where voting practices rights want to make it harder for Rights Act of 1965 provides pro- and Senator Richard Shelby, R- e-mail to thenews@bgnews com also criticized Section S of the are concerned. some voters to read their ballots. tection to those who were once Ala., wen among the 98 senators act, which requires tiiat some The problem with this line of Of course, non-English prevented torn exercising the and tell us what you think, or most basic of American rights. who voted to renew this landmark post feedback on our Web site. southern states clear any changes thinking is it assumes discrimi- speakers should be encour- legislation. Both should be com- to voting procedures through the nation has been abolished, and aged to learn the language of Many strides in civil rights have mended for the role iliey played Justice Department we can never go back to the our nation, but we should not been made because of this act in protecting a vital American Representatives. Representatives The cry among conservatives days when underhanded tactics punish those who do not have a but it should not be tossed aside right — the right lo vote. lo Bonner, R-Mobile and Terry is that Section 5 forever pun- were used to disenfranchise firm grasp of English by forcing because of these improvements. These votes are especially Everett, R-Rehobeth, voted ishes southern states for the racist many Americans. them to vote on a ballot written Thank goodness we have elected refreshing considering the stand against renewing the Voting actions of past generations. The The rhetoric of some represen- in a language they do not com- officials who realize this legisla- taken recently by two of their Rights ACT when it came before dunking goes that since Jim Crow tatives shows how easily intoler- pletely understand. tion is still needed, because the counterparts in the House of the I louse July. 13. laws are no longer a part of the ance GUI lie redirected in our As long as there is prejudice fight for equality is far from over. JTTERS TO THE EDITOR, PEOPLE Favorite Web sites 0NTHE STREET are deceiving us tion, Israel has killed nearly 400 die tnist of die American people MySpace or Facebook Response to 1 cbanese. is causing a humani- have been stretched too thin by But really, how could those tarian emergency in Beirut and the occupation of Iraq. — where do your terms be any clearer? 'Problems in in many repons has been using I can hardly imagine a worid loyalties He? JEFF These terms are insanely banned chemical weaponry. WOT where America will not play LOMBARDI unrealistic and unfair. theMid-Easf I am not at all claiming inno- along. 1 will raise the author and Opinion Columnist They go against everything cence for any side. It isn't that suggest a 60/40 chance that inno- that YouTube, and MySpace foi The opinion section of Israel is hell-bent for war with cent American citizens will be I think it is time that we that matter, are about. American newspapers lebanon. Israel has the U.S. by slain to conjure up the support for are all aware of the seedy Underground bands use should never be used a string, knowing that we will an entrance into a Middle Eastern underbellies of both MySpace to get their music to magnify misunderstand- back it financially and militar- led World War. MySpace and YouTube. heard without cost. ings, blatant lies and out right ily. They have their eyes clearly The author of The Problems According to several articles They also use YouTube to do propaganda as the piece The focused and ready on Syria and in the Mid Bast Will Bring another and blogs circulating the inter- the same thing with the added Problems in the Mid- last Will Iran. Meanwhile, a little country Worid War" mentions that "noth- net over the past week, these bonus of being able to post Bring another World War' caDed Iraq appears to be losing ing would give me greater plea- two W eb sites, though seem- music videos. clearly has done. media attention. sure than seeing bombs fall on If YouTube owns any music 1 CHELSEA REG0 ingly harmless in nature, have I agree that we could very well What the media is failing to Damascus and Tehran. ' video a band put on there, is it SOPHOMORE, EDUCATION evil plans hidden in the User be witnessing the beginnings of cover is a country on the verge of I'm glad to hear dial nothing Agreement Terms. really worth it to even bother? the next World War. History has civil war between the Sunni and would bring the author more Ihis came about when One of the reasons bands go been repeating itself all too dearly die Shi'a loaned there. I lowcver. pleasure, because with recruit- "I go oh Facebook sometimes, but I'm established musicians such as through these sites for public- with the current bonding of cer- the U.S. may not necessarily be ment rates dropping and the Billy Bragg read the fine print ity is so they can avoid going tain countries on one side and caught in the middle if the Iraqi current strain on our military, not obsessed." of MySpace's User Agreement to the major labels looking for other countries on the other. parliament follows through and the U.S. joining die mess in the Terms and found this little state- love, when in the end the label The mainstream media is kicks us out of Iraq, as they have Middle last would put him ment: MySpace has the right to will own and copyright all of th pushing us into the forefront as been discussing. □loudly on the front lines. "use, copy, modify, adapt, trans- hands music. they are completely misleading As 1 witness my own country's I win to take one of die late, publicly perform, publicly There isn't any difference the entire country. refusal lo accept a ceasefire and its author's final lines a step further display, store, reproduce, trans- anymore between the sites an They fail to mention the June unquestioning support of Israel, I — if all of these governments mit and distribute" any work on the major labels if the sites ca too can see how one can see that 13 Israeli missile attack dint killed keep on their present course, the web site, including songs sell your music without giving 11 Palestinians. It was after this WWIII may he near. Although. there will be a catastrophic war and videos. you any royalties whatsoever. that the Palestinian organiza- I fed die American people and — nothing less than a complete Now, since Rupert Murdoch, I understand the argument tion Hamas would be ending its the worid are completely sick of nudear holocaust And die world that can be made about die TYLER HAMILTON owner of the Eox network and 16-month ceasefire. Shortly after all these childish war-mongering will have some well deserved Fox News, is also the owner Web sites having to make the start of Operation "Summer fear tactics popping up at every peace after thousands of years of SENIOR, HISTORY of MySpace. one can see how some money. Rain," I lezbollah captured two single comer. human existence. "Facebook all the way. problematic this might be. I realize that servers cost Israeli soldiers inside of Lebanon Theaudior gives WWIII a 50/50 This would mean that Rupert money and that all of that web —which are daimed by Israd chance. I le may be correct in the JOELSTRALEY I joined MySpace for Murdoch's company can lift space isn't free. as kidnappings In their retalia- eyes of die government but I feel joels*' the music, but it songs from small, indepen- But I can't log in to MySpace got old." dent bands trying to make an without seeing eighteen adver- audience by using MySpace to tisements about dating service spread the word, and put it in I can't even view my own pre a commercial on Eox during file or those of my friends with and episode of one of the best out being offered a free Sony shows ever made in the his- Vaio laptop computer or a new tory of mankind and beyond, fingernail-sized video iPod. "Prison Break." I thought all these annoying I'm just kidding about "Prison ads with flash animation that Break." I hate that show. slow down my system resource In response, MySpace modi- generated some revenue. EMILY SMEDICK fied their terms and made peo- And I don't understand why GRAD STUDENT ple a lot happier. Rupert Murdoch needs even However, YouTube isn't more money, anyway. The mar "Facebook. I don't marching to the same tune owns Fox. have a Myspace as MySpace. The moral of the story is that According to Youlube's the free exchange of ideas is a account." terms, "By submitting the time that is in our past User Submissions to YouTube, Vve can't participate in these you hereby grant YouTube seemingly free Web sites with- a worldwide, non-exclusive, out something being taken aw. royalty-free, sublicenseable So, what is the solution? and transferable license to use, I'd call for a boycott on both reproduce, distribute, prepare MySpace and YouTube, but derivative works of, display and that's definitely not realistic. perform the User Submissions I'm pretty sure that if peopl> in connection with the YouTube stop using these sites even Web site and YouTube's (and its for a day, we'll all start to get successor's) business... in any the shakes. media formats and through any And however unreasonable JOSH D0DS0N media channels." the terms are, independent ALUMNUS In response to all the flak that bands rely on the services of YouTube has gotten over the these sites. "Neither one. I'm not past week, they have not modi- On second thought, howevei looking for 14-year- fied anything in their terms maybe it is time to wean our- old ass." but rather made a press release selves of off these habits. stating that the terms had been Send comments to Jeff at misinterpreted. [email protected].

KARA OHNGREN MANAGING EDITOR JOSH COMER CITY NEWS EDITOR The BG News Submission Policy MATT MANNING FUSE EDITOR BGNEWS ERIC STEELE DESIGN EDITOR IfTTERS TO THE EDITOR are to be fewer POLICIES E-MAIL SUBMISSIONS as an attach- than 300 words. These are usually Letters to the Editor and Guest ment to [email protected] BRIDGET THARP, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF JOHN TURNER SPORTS EDITOR in response to a current issue on the Columns are printed as space on the with the subject line marked "Letter imYRIrTCOHMONEDTTOR University's campus or the Bowling Opinion Page permits. Additional to the Editor" or "Guest CdumnTOnly JORDAN FLOWER PHOTO EDITOR Green area. Letters to the Editor or Guest e-mailed letters and columns will be 210 West Hall Columns may be published online. considered for printing. AD letters are Bowling Green State University SANDY MEADE COPY CHIEF GUEST COLUMNS are longer pieces Name, year and plume number subject to review for length and darity Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 JAROO MARTENIES FLASH EDITOR between 600 and 800 words. These should be induded for venation before printing. Phone:(419)372-6966 are usually also in response to a cur- purposes. Personal attacks, unverified E-mail: [email protected] DRAKE MILLER VIDEO EDITOR rent issue on the University's campus information or anonymous submis- Opinion columns do not necessarily Web site: or the Bowling Green area. sions will not be printed reflect the views of The BG News,

. WWW.BGNEWS.COM NOT NEWS Wednesday. August 2.2006 5 Michiganians: Best drivers in the world

don't have the cojones to up the But of course, most Michigan crowd hut it's haul to tell when are going significantly faster. This love ol God, you need to do JOHN speed limit to a respectable 70 drivers are not going the speed you don't actually know how fast can appear reckless, but I assure everyone a favor and get out TURNER miles/hour. When I reach the limit I'm fail Iv certain I'm in this you are traveling), in fact, they that it is not if you know the — immediately. If I have to drive Michigan/Ohio border, I Not News Editor correct way to drive on behind another Ohio plate going refuse to alter my cniise the freeway. 65 miles/hour in the left lane one control down 5 miles/ The following mes- mote time I will pass you on the Stereotypes areadangerousthing. hour simply because sage is for all Ohio rumble strip. They are often biased, offensive Ohio residents are residents: [he left It's a simple system. II I'm in and even Hat out wrong. too scared to drive ane is not a driving the lelt lane going 120 miles/ Although there are thousands that fast. lane, it is a passing hour, and a car inines liehind of Uiesc brash assumptions Then again lane If you find meat 130 miles/hour that would in our society that should be that could also be yourself in the far like to pass. I turn on my blinkei addressed, Id like to take this because my 1993 eft lane travel- and get over to the right so he time to knock out the most fal- Toyota Corolla ing within five can pas-, and go along on his lacious and wide spread stereo- doesn't have a miles/hour nl merrj way it seems painfully types known to man. This stereo- working speed- the speed limit, straightforward, vet something type is that Michigan residents ometer. for the thai many people are yet to are bad drivers. grasp il 'm thinking of a certain Let me begin by saying that state that begins and ends with this is simply not the case, and an"!)' I. if you think that it is, you prob- I hope you now understand ably aren't a very good driver to thatweonly appear reckless when begin with. someone is bumbling along in Michigan is the birthplace of the left lane at 65 miles/hour and driving. The first four-way; three- we're forced to pass them by all color traffic light was created by means possible. This stereotype police officer William Potts in is uncalled for. considering that in 1920. And a decade It's others inability to drive that earlier, a man by the name of causes us to do crazj things, it's 1 lenry l-ord was rolling Model T s nothing personal against othei off the assembly line in down- drivers, we all have plan's to go. town Detroit for the entire world and you apparently are in no to drive. hurry to gel there. Given the above Informa- Send comments to John at tion, it should come as no sur- jolinK" prise that if anyone in tins world knows how to drive, its Michigan residents. Still. |xx>ple continue to Tired of Dealing With Low Tire Pressure? insist otherwise. Many say we drive too fast and need to slow down. First off, this is Pmfcfiid probably because states like Ohio ^cMim§)6W> ■ NITROGEN FOR YOUR TIRES

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BROWNS CAMP: The Cleveland Browns starts BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY getting ready for a tough VOLUME 100 ISSUE 161 seaaon, PAGE 9

Couch potato Detroit's 'White rant: Music TV Love," leaturing none other than MATT Flavor Flav from Public Enemy as well as several other less MANNING notable programs. Couch Potato "Thanks." I say sarcastically to Hope' could leave Columnist the success ot" the Heal Worid" and "Road Rules. "MTV has If you can remember a long directed their attention to diese and that used to wish Detroit had a lack Lawrence (the latter were time ago, when music was fed types of reality shows. slightly cooler image as a music at least closely associated wit h ID you every minute of every day It has gotten so bad that they White Stripes' singer city. Detroit's music scene is Detroit) return to the city, or how intouch with musicians, all put on programs that actually composed much like the city at least as close to the city as thanks to Music Television, oth- make me feel more dumb after thinking of relocating itself: A vast sprawl, some of it they'd like to get: Ann Arbor. erwise known as MIA: watching it. Shows like "Date beautiful, someof it horrid, con- Set to play The Michigan When you were young and My Mom" and "Room Haiders By Kimberty Chou nected by winding concrete but Theater Saturday night, The rocking to Wham, Dire Straights, are horrifying to watch, because U-WIRE often blocked by construction. Raconteurs have been riding REO Speedwagon and loumey they are so poorly done, dial it's ANN ARBOR, Mich. — To mis- Berry Gordy uprooted out their U.S. tour in support in your living room, these videos Obvious they are being scripted. quote Harvey Keitel, before he Motown to the west coast, clas- of their first album "Broken Implanted images of the musi- Why is so-called reality TV being finally relocated to Nashville sic rockers like Alice Cooper and Boy Soldiers." Released to cian's lifestyle and some of the scripted now? Doesn't that this year, lack White sure as Ted Nugent have become State mostly positive reviews Ix'sl visual ails that we've seen negate the whole concept? hell seemed r:ady to get the Fair novelties — and don't even — they are popular music's at that time, and we loved every But die worst of this bunch of fuck outta Detroit. Long a fix- mention Kid Rock, lack and latest hope for a supergroup, minute of it sub-par television is My Super ture on the shaky Detroit music Meg White were Detroit rock after all (see: Cockrock disap- In the early 90s, you witnessed Sweet 16." where these children scene, White and model wife music's Great (Peppermint- pointments Audioslave, Velvet the surfacing of gninge with are I »'ing supplied with an Karen Elson bought a house Striped) White 1 lope. Suddenly Revolver)— the album is Nirvana, Soundgarden and Pearl excessive of amount of money in Nashville; his Raconteurs critics hastened to group the brighter and more Bensonite lam, as well as the pinnacle of for the sixteenth birthday If you band mates— Detroit pop trou- other local garage-rock bands than any other influence. rap with (he likes of I )r.. Dre and want to see a reality show on badour and together, unaware that some Benson and White's co-sto- Snnpp Doggy Dogg. being clueless, this is die show two-thirds of the had been toiling for years and rytelling is the framework, but In die mid-nineties, we for you. These parents are all rock trio The Greenhornes — others had formed opportune- Keeler and Lawrence bring witnesses the watered-down about completely spoiling tiieir followed suit. ly. White even beat up the lead much-needed gravity as the British Invasion with the likes children to the point where In several interviews thisyear, singer from The Von Bondics rhythm section. Catch them if Revotk Oiansezian AP Photo of Oasis and Blur. Mtv serving they become an unbearable most recently in Anthem, White and we all hoped for a cool, you can this weekend. as the outlet. The late nineties brat to watch. has expressed his enthusiasm inner-city rivalry. As far as go, GRAMMY WINNER: lack White, saw the rock/rap combination Also, what ilo the children for moving out of the Motor City. As Detroit emigres, it will lack White said he's not leaving pictured above, perlorms his hit, flaunting their success all over who watch tiiis show think It's almost sickening, at least for be interesting to see White, the duo, he's just taking a hiatus "Seven Nation Army" during the the network. about for their own sixteenth Midwestern music aficionados Benson, and from the usual routine. 46th Annual Grammy Awards. Where are these types of art- birthday? They'll also want to ists today you might ask? Well. haw this big, elaborate party they're. ilmost non-existent. that costs a couple million dol- The actual shows on MTV lars, and from watching the back in the day lewoh ed around people on the show, they'll know C D V I the on Kept of music videos. exactly how to be brat and take "Beavis and Butt-I lead" had advantage of their parents to moments on every show where achieve what they see. Rusty Anderson Pharrell Jamie Kennedy William Topley they went away from the shows These MTV executives story line and provided us with think they can easily portray a some of nose tasty videos that Cinderella story, but it's not that we know and love. at all It's pure junk that fits well Thanks to the decline with the other junk programs of music videos on Musk that MTV supplies Television, these videos can just I want my Musk [television about be put away in a time back, and I have a feeling I'm capsule and buried, because no) alone in my thoughts. reality TV has been the domi- Left revive the artistic heyday nant programs on said station. where they can also express Hut it's not just MTV—it's themselves visually. Enough VI11 as well, supplying us with of the junk already. 1 do warn shows about Peter from "The my MTV just not the MTV by "Undressing Underwater" "In My Mind" Blowin' Up" "Sea Fever" Brady Hunch" and "Flavor of today's standards. Surfdog Records lnterscope Records JKss Records Warner Bros. Records A *#fc *% cJohn Tucker better Featuring Paul McCartney and Music sensation PharreU is back If you have watched "The lamie William Topley, an English song- Stewart Copeland on his album, again but this time on his own Kennedy Experiment," you may writer and musician, was known than some teen films have realized the lamie Kennedy as die most talented songwrit- it seems that Rusty Anderson is account as a solo artist. His new Left not even broach the no newcomer to the music scene. record, "In My Mind," features is one unique individual. His er of his time greater than the By Mary Kate Varnau Also, the declared songwriter and collaborations with some of newly released CD, "Blowin' Up," Stones and Van Morrison. His U-HIRE subject of the film's depiction of guitarist for Paul McCartney, the today's top-notch acts such as provides no exceptions. music was famous for having a women. Hie scheming trio of album, "Undressing Underwater," Gwen Sefani, Kanye West, Snoop I was not alone in my shock crossbreed of soul and modem ANN ARBOR. Mich. —The wronged cx-girifriends take on is as musically foreign as the Dogg, lay-Zand Nelly, containing upon hearing that Kennedy had rock, a typical genre in lingland premise of "lohn Tucker Musi Kate as their protege. They know Beatles' "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely some of that good-old Pharrell an album released, and the sur- during that rime. His career has I lie" involves several teenage Tucks weaknesses, dress her up Hearts Club Band," though not feeling with funky beats and prises didn't end there. produced eight records, bringing girls plotting to min the social and instruct her accordingly, acting as puppet-masters for as ingenious. memorable lyrics. 1 think that Kennedy is defi- him to the present "Sea Fever." life of the mosl popular guy in His album, reminiscent of 80s "In My Mind" begins with nitely mistaken about how 'hip This new album describes school. When the credits roll, her social debut. Kate wins over rock and roll, pop and alternative "Can 1 Have It Like That," a tune hop' he is but one can't help moments of his tours from the audience with a maturity luck's affections by becoming music, is nothing overiy exciting that's sure to get some spins at but laugh at the pictures in the Detroit to Spain and London. level at or above a 15-year-old him. She creates a callous, flaky nor nostalgic. The guitar pedals the local clubs with its intense CD insert and his videos online. With and religious over- will reflect back on the last 90 persona and works her way and keyboard effects make the beats accompanied by pounding Kennedy and his friend Stu tones, William Topley wants to minutes and think, "Why? Why into Tuck's heart strategically, listener feel like they are being bass, featuring No Doubt's Gwen Stone are the newest white rap- share his outlooks and wisdom did I come here?" blowing him off repeatedly, then abducted by rocking out aliens in Stefani. "How Does It Feel" has pers to hit the music industry. from his lifetime. "lohn Tucker Must Die" joins appearing indifferent. a light show deemed worthy for one of the best beats heard in While it is inconclusive whether William Topley's songs, lyrics the ranks of the high school, If taken seriously, "lohn "Close Encounters of the Third recent years that sounds like a Kennedy is a fan of Eminem and musicatity arc overshadowed batde-of- the-sexes genre. Tucker Must Die" is an abomi- Kind." The entire album gave me school fight song, much like the or just likes to make fun of the by his startlingly raw and uncon- It's the story of a girl named nation. It's socially irresponsi- no opinion about the music or Pharrell/Stefani collaboration white rapper persona, this is a ditioned voice. Most likely known Kate (Brittany Snow, TV's ble, perpetuating male/female hangups and no more. You'll my feelings for it. "HollabackGiri." rap CD full of comedy. Kennedy in his glory days of soiigwriting "Nip/Tuck"I whose mother The redundant lyrics and space- "Best Friend," one of the stron- will keep you amused through as a unique artist, it seems too has made a lifestyle of fleeing have heart palpitations just age techniques brought me to ger tunes off the album, really every last song. The lyrics, while harsh for his mostly romantic unsuccessful relationships thinking about what liigli boredom. How many times can shows PharreU's strengths incor- explicit, are certainly not mature. and sentimental album. which results in the repeated school girls will glean from the one hear "You think you're flying, porating some of his better lyr- With songs such as "Circle Circle "Step Inside," his first track, is uprooting of Kate's social and film's example. Anyone who but you're really falling?" A mind- ics with a power-punch sound. Dot Dot" and "Celebrity Stalker," the only song which his vocal love life. In her newest alma feels strongly about feminist boggling, questionable album "You Can Do It" has more of a one cannot help but crack a quality seems adequate and mater, Kate finds her niche issues runs the very real risk of of galactic proportions that jazzy nightclub feel, displaying smile or even a full laughing out appropriate. With an African among a group of girls drawn keeling more than 20 minutes lacked some sort of development his versatility. loud session. spiritual tone, hinting religious together by an unusual unit- into the movie. throughout the album. After a "That Girl," featuring Snoop The best pan about the CD themes and smooth transitions ing factor They've all been But you know what? If you few tracks, the music becomes Dogg, is almost a passing-of-the- besides providing comic relief is from his solo voice to the backup screwed over by lohn Tucker. can let go of the social baggage daunting, making the listener torch between old-school rap the beat. Not only is Kennedy's singers, "Step Inside'' is prime, Tucker is the school's basket- (and your ethical beliefs) for ball captain, admired by guys 90 minutes, the film is actu- tune out the music. and the new wave that's being rapping club worthy for danc- raw and draws the music to the Rusty has some good ideas, supported by Kanye and Pharrell. ing, but I could not get some of core of the listener. and fawned over by girls from ally kind of fun. It's bouncy and entertaining well-paced and though they need more develop- "Angel" is one of the more upbeat these songs out of my head after Sadly, the rest of his songs, as every clique. He's the classic ment and some fine tuning Even tracks that could be a summer listening to the CD. sweet and sultry as they may be, playboy. From locker room full of eye candy. The genre to which this film, which belongs the escape pod in "Hitchhiker's pleasure. "Number One" has However, perhaps the most cannot allow the listener to ignore boasting to well-rehearsed "Down to You. leu Things I Guide to the Galaxy" takes time mire of those original beats but fascinating aspect of the CD his voice. With die voice of a life- "you're the only one for me" speeches, Tuck is as smooth Hate About You," She's All That" to work and get from one point to sounds like an album filler, if is the guest voice of long lost long smoker, the music drowns the other. Time and practice shall nothing else. Full House actor Bob Saget. A in i?s own melody. I recommend and deceitful as they come. (any Freddie Prinze Ir. film) variety, is generally abysmal, but help this young musical ledi. 1 With "In My Mind," Pharrell most unexpected combina- that William sticks to writing his Kate's new circle has come together for one purpose: To feel that there is some good in his is a certified music genius with tirni. Saget and Kennedy make a unique songs and allows other in a secret.Tuesday-night indul- work, though development in his a great summertime album that hilarious duo. singers to perform his art destroy lohn Tucker's image, gence sort of way. iohn Tucker" falls just above mediocre in the style is necessary. could last for awhile his popularity and his appeal spectrum of bad teen movies. -Samanlha Closz -Matt Maiming - Krislen Schweitzer Samanllia Closz


THE BG NEWS SUDOKU Castro gives up power for 3 2 9 1 4 first time during his reign 4 6 2 3 Fidel's brother Raul day, standing In line for buses 1 3 to school and work, and log- takes control until he ging along the city's famous 5 2 6 recovers rrom surgery Malecon seawall, Some government work cen- By Adrian Sanz ters called workers to participate 8 7 IBtASSOCKIEDI in outdoor political gatherings HAVANA Fidel Castro, who later yesterday to express then has wielded absolute powei ovei support for Fidel Castro, Dozens 7 9 Cuba and defied ihe United ul workers at one gathering States ten nearlj a half century, waved small ( iib.ui Hags and was recovering From intestinal shouted: "1 onglive Fidel! 1 6 surger) yesterday, his.illirs~.nil. I here is no one else like aftet temporarily turning over him," said (Ismar I ei nande/, 27. authority lo his brother Raul. drinking rum at a eale. "I want 4 9 5 7 The Venezuelan government I Idel to live for 80 more years." said Fidel i astro's recover) was Government opponents said "advancing positively" after sui the mine gave them hope fbl 5 6 3 gery, citing information from eventual openings In the Island's CUBAN SUPPORT: People wave Cuban and American flags outside of the island's government with- political and economic systems. SUDOKO 8 t £ 9 S Z I i I a restaurant popular with Cuban exiles in Miami. out providing details, A leftist "It's clear thai this is the To play: Complete the grid Z I S 6 ► I £ 8 9 Argentine lawmaker said' astro Start ol the transition," activ- so that every row, column 9 t 6 £ L 8 ► 5 Z .lick's told him the surger) was ist Manuel Cuesla Morua said. t astro, who took control ol Fidel ('astro last appeared and every 3x3 box contains 6 5 8 III 9 t I successful and that < astro was ' ; iiis gives Cuba the opportu- tuba in 1959, resisted repealed in public Wednesday as he the digits 1 to 9.There is no marked the 53rd anniversary of L 9 Z S I » 8 £ 6 resting peacefully, nltv to have a more rational lead- us. attempts to oust him and guessing or math involved. I lie surprise announcement ership because... the top leaders survived communism's demise his luly _><. barracks assault that I E » 8 6 9 I L i Just use logic to solve thai Castro had been operated will be obligated to consult each elsewhere, also said in the stale launched the revolution. The S 6 9 » Z E I I 8 on to repair a "sharp Intestinal olhei lather than he ruled b) men) thai he was temporarily Cuban leader seemed thinner £ Z I I 8 S 6 9 t thanusu il and somewhat weary crisis with sustained bleeding" lineman ." handing over leadership ol the f 8 I 1 9 6 S Z £ stunned I ubans on the island I he news i ami'Monday night t onuniinisi Party to his young during a pair of long speeches In uojinjos and In exile, and marked the in a statement read on state tele- er brother. eastern Cuba. first time that Castro, two weeks \ isinn by his secretary, ( arlos Raul Castro, the defense min i heoperationobligatesmeto awaj from BOth birthday, had Valenciaga. I he message said Ister who turned 7."i in lune. also undertake several weeks ol rest," Create and solve your relinquished power in r years t astro's condition was appat did not appear on television and t astro's letter read. Extreme of rule. entry due to stress from a heavy made no statement on his own. -ness hail provoked in me a Surioku puzzles for FREE. On this island SO miles south work schedule during recent For decades the constitutional sharp intestinal crisis with sus- Play SunetSudoku and win prizes al: of Florida, people ueni about nips in Argentina and eastern siiicessin IO iiis brother, Raul tained bleeding that obligated their business as normal on the Cuba, lie did not appeal on ( astro has assumed a more me to undergo a complicated streets ol Havana earl) yestet i be broadcast. public profile in recent weeks. surgical procedure." PRIZESUDOKU COM Stories of the mean streets: BGPD tells of experiences BGPD. 1 ROM PAGE 1 is six to ten officers, while from I "COPS," Ilohinson conducted Hut the breadth of these ser- "I lowevcr, I told him that there balance is especially difficult a.m. to II a.m. there ale three to the only three field sobriet) vices may go unnoticed to citi- is 'no need to apologize to me, with lour young kids, three meetings lead by McDonough loin officers patrolling." tests admissible in Ohio Court: zens who nave not personally I ike I've said, we all make mis- being triplets. wen- held. During these meet- Robinson added that the cm ihe horizontal gaze with pen. received the benefits, lakes,'" he said "I will escalate It can be hard." he said, "but ings, updates were given on is then divided into lour wauls, the heel to toe walk/turn and lor example, last Saturday my response to appropriately with my wife working late after- recent criminal acihin with with each officer singularly the one leg stand. Upon fail night officers weie nei- match the ilelemlani's]. but noons until eight. I am able to areas of concerns flagged, as patrolling a ward ure ol the tests, Robinson read ther "quick-to-cuff" nor to there is no point in nol being as spend that time with ihe kids." well as general news on educa When asked how he It-It about the defendant's rights while pass judgment polite as possible." Although they work long lional programs lor youth anil patrolling alone. Ilohinson said. arresting him. anil then head "We don't hesitale to anesl Additionally, among their ten hours. Robinson said the fact thegreatet community "it's nice to have someone to talk ed hack to die station for an when necessary" Robinson said. hour shifts with four days on and that Ihe officers rotate shift Robinson's fellow officet < or) too, but It's better to have mole official Breathalyzer. "On the other hand, we like lo three days oil, HI , police officers assignments even 211 days gives Fairbanks noted thai In- figured cars on the mail." Although citing violations work things out when possible. face the difficulty of balancing everyone a chance to have a out the city's jurisdiction in \s ihe ride-along continued, Mich as the one above is a large Its easier for us and them." family life with work. long weekend and enjoy their terms of mileage. Horn corpora- Robinson conducted a routine partol a police officers work, it is (Itlii ei lusiin TUcholskl mil lor Officer I). Mancuso. the time off. tion sign to corporation sign. tiallii snip Inr a violation along not all the) da rored Robinson's remarks as he "Our jurisdiction runs four Wboster Street in which he soon More than mere "part) busi dealt with situations throughout and a half miles north and recognized the several signs that erS," police officers spend much the night. south, five miU's wesi io east," the operator was driving under ill their shilts assisting olhei On one occasion, the defen- Fairbanks said. "Patrolling that the influence (DUD, cm emergency departments dant felt the need to apologi/e. at night from 10 p.m. until I a.m. In a scene straighl out of and civilians. according in Robinson EJSj^nTOJrarj^njS

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Matt Entrup hard working young man, a good "I've never really felt like this," "Anytime you lose a guy like REPORTER young man and he did a good he said. "This is die happiest I've that it hurts, but you can't sit Browns fans are cursed. job for us. ever been, coming off injury." at mind and mope about it, and At least that's what they "I told him to stay in shape and Edwards participated in all of LeCharles wouldn't want us to believe. try to contact some other teams the receiver drills and drew large do that," he said. "I talked to After newly acquired Pro- Bowl to see if somebody has a need ovations for every catch, but he him the night he got hurt, and 1 center LeCharles Bcntley was and that if there was an oppor- stayed out of contact drills. He told him, 'Man, I feel real bad for lost for the season on the first tunity, I would try to bring him wouldn't guarantee he'd be in you, because I seen how hard day of training camp due to a back. Also know that there are no the starling lineup for die season you worked to get ready for this torn patellar tendon in his left guarantees," he added. opener Sept. 10 against the New season,' and he said, 'Man. don't knee, many fans attributed it to a Sanders signed with the (Means Saints, but said he can't feel bad for me. lust go out and "Cleveland curse". It's easy to see Browns as a rookie free agent see why he wouldn't be. do your thing.' That's his atti- when they get the idea after going undraft- "I'm not afraid tude. That's our attitude." Ihe Browns have had a key ed in this year's draft to cut, plant, nin," Frye feels he has a pretty grxxl player miss all or most of the sea- In his four seasons "I've never Edward's said. "I center in Bendey's replacement son since returning to the league as a Falcon, he felt like this. would have been linhllallen. in IM99. But ask any player or caught 156 passes shocked if I wouldn't "He knows what's going on. coach, and they'll tell you foot- for 2324 yards and This is the have been able to 1 think me and him are already ball is a physical sport and inju- 24 touchdowns. happiest I've ™ full speed right getting the snaps togeUier," he ries are inevitable. After a rooming said. "1 le has a good snap, and Nonetheless, it's easy to see practice that fea- ever been level is 100 percent it's just a maner of me and him why fans who braved the heat to tured plenty of hard coming off I haw confidence in getting on the same page."' attend training camp Saturday hits and a few long the knee." In fact, the toughest were looking for any good news touchdown passes injury." Another Brown thing for Erye may be bury- to hold onto. that helped take the BRAYLON EDWARDS. returning from a ing the hatchet between fans minds off the serious knee injury, their alma-maters. They got a small morsel when CLEVELAND BROWNS rookie wide receiver Travis rising temperature, Kellen VVinslow II, "The craziest thing with Wilson, the team's last unsigned they got the best also didn't lake many him is I never thought I'd draft pick, took the field after a news they could have, short of a reps in contact drills but showed i>e taking a snap from a four day holdout miraculous Beivdey recovery. a little of why the Browns made Kent State guy." said the "FRYE"ING IN THE HEAT: Charlie Frye enters his first training camp Unfortunately for Cleveland, Minutes before evening him the sixth overall pick three Akron alum. as a starter for the Cleveland Browns. native and BGSU alum Steve practice was set to begin, it was years ago by making some leap- 2006 first rounder Kamcrion announced that 2005 first round ing grabs user the middle dur- VVimbley took snaps with the should he have any questions. said it's much too early to Sanders the Wilson signing start comparing the two as meant the Browns had to cut draft pick Braylon Edwards had ing the position drills. Winslow first learn defense and looked The 34-year-old McGinest is been removed from the physi- doesn't seem to have lost any like he was handling the switch the prototype for what defens- football players. somebody to get back under the "I haven't accomplished what 80 man roster limit. cally unable to perform list just of the speed that makes him to linebacker from end pretty es are looking for in 3-4 out- six months after needing surgery such a match-up nightmare for well, despite still lacking some side linebackers these days. He he's done on die field, so I don't "One came in, so one had to think there is any comparison go Sanders was the guy to go," to repair a torn anterior cruci- opposing defenses. coverage skills. lined up as a linebacker as well ate ligament in his right knee. Quarterback Charlie Erye Although switching posi- as an end for the Patriots after there." he said. "He's been to said head coach Romeo Crennel. pro-bowls. He's been to Super "I think he has a possibility to Sporting a brace, Edwards was looked comfortable in his first tions at such a high level is standing out at USC and has visibly happy to be back, joking training camp as a starter and never going to come without racked up 78 career sacks. Even Bowls. I'm just a pup in this catch on with another team. thing so 1 think I haj ea ways to I le's definitely a practice squad with fans and doing a victory lap said that even though losing a its speed bumps, VVimbley can though observers are quick to of sons down the sideline and guy like Bentley hurts, it's far be reassured that he has vet- point out the physical similari- go before I can be compared to kind of guy that you could bring ties in the two players, Wimblev Willie McGinest on the field along and develop because he's a slapping hands from the worst case scenario. eran Willie McGinest nearby Players vie for starter title

Matt Entrup was claimed off waivers from a roster spot. Rookie lerome REPORI[R Baltimore. Both seemed to be Harrison was showing why Most of the battles on offense capable passers in their limited he earned the nickname "The are for backup spots and prac- action in camp, but Hackney Ghost" at Washington State, tice squad spots since the showed off his superior athletic using his quick feet to make Browns are returning with their ability by lining up at corner- tacklers miss in the open field core young players. back in a receivers drill. Third year player lason Wright Quarterback- Frye is the Running back- The real ques- showed he has more than unquestioned number one, tion here is will lee Suggs and speed in his repertoire, lower- and Crennel has been encour- Willie Green both make the ing his shoulder and leaving aged enough with Ken Dorsey's team again? Neither one has a Willie McGinest lying on his progress since bringing him chance to beat out incumbent back after one play. over from San Francisco that Rueben Droughns, and there wide receiver- Now that he hasn't had Phil Savage go have been rumors circulat- Edwards has been cleared out and sign another veteran. ing that one of them could be to practice, he should be the The real battle is at third string offered up for Denver's Ashley team's number one with- between rookie DarrellHackney I.elie. But even if no trade out question. Northcuti and N Dm out of UAB and second year sig- occurs, there are two qual- BACK IN ACTION: Standout wide receiver Braylon Edwards feels positive about his recovery from nal caller Derek Anderson, who ity backups pushing them for MATCH-UPS. PAGE 10 a season ending injury in 2005 to his right knee.

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The Daily Crossword Fix b^-j^. brought to you by P.ZZCF

1 H ,J .' ■ * " 1- " ■ '* DOWN 1 Tic-toe tie 2 Former queen of Spain .. 3 Rummy game 4 Inuit craft .' 1 5 Idea 6 Words of realization ■' * ■ '- 7 Beat it! . ■ . 8 Goddess of folly • 9 Prevarication ■' 10 Cockatoos and cocker 1 i spaniels 11 Masonry block 31 Defeat

1 1 12 Sympathize 35 Morales of "Bad 1 " 13 Israeli general "Arik" Boys" " 14 Second declaration 38 Loom bar 1 ■ 21 Currently occupied 43 -Riverboat" star 22 Intervals Darren 1 - ■ 23 Solar flares 46 Oozes forth

■• ' knowledge 54 Pinball error 25 College in New 55 Deere rival •• York City 58 Bishopnc '■ 26 French stars 59 % 27 Whole that is more 60 Civil libs. 1 than the sum of its Arthur of "Maude- ACROSS parts Do-over tennis service 83 Golfer Ernie ACROSS 42 Dares _ BACK ON THE FIELD: Edwards remains optimistic that he'll make a full recovery from knee surgery. 1 Capital of Honduras 44 Jackie's 0 12 Sedan or coupe 45 Herb with aromatic seeds 15 Active hatreds 47 Artifact 16 Metal-yielding mineral 48 Excessively Browns anchored by front line 17 Chow chow choppers? 49 Fax ancestor 18 Hamm of soccer 50 Summer hrs. 19 Top gun 51 Scott of "Backdraft" ANSWERS MATCH-UPS, FROM PAGE 9 drills, but lackson might have Darnell Dinkins had a couple 20 Slings mud 53 Too routinized the leg up after averaging 12 of nice catches and looks to he 22 Uttered, old-style 55 Roh _ Wu of Korea B i V M f. 0 G : 3 i 3 ■ s B i i "! D ; rJ l 0 i ' 3 N (utcvtdus mil have to battle for yards per catch on 24 recep- leading the competition for 25 Ask for alms 56 Halloween's mo. 1° 1 V A 0 1 1 J o tions last season. Third round third string with veterans John 28 Blue dyes 57 Possible to refute 1 thenumbei two spot Morthcutt 1 V 1 i n >i V \ 1 29 Pause tillers 64 Classical leader? 1 brings spued and efaislveness to pick Travis Wilson and third Owens and Paul Irons rounding •■ ■• D r,m.- 1 I ) 1 30 Serving dish 65 Marine shocker ' 0 G 1 "' 1 H|] 8 1 N V the table while lurevidus brings year receiver Brandon Ilideau out the field. 32 Ballet _ of Monte Carlo 66 Russ. or Lith.. once :; i '■ V .'< V * ' V sHv n 1 b size and soA hands. Pushing for also look like roster locks leav- Offcnsivcline-Like most ofthe 33 Neg.'s opposite 67 Cowboy toppers i V H 3 S l N si 3 t n V 34 Cylindrical H playing time behind them are ing second year player Kendrick offense, the starters on the line ■i H 3 s|a s 0 b 0 ims 0 .1 36 Very German? Prisman lackson and converted Mosle) and rookies Carlton had pretty much been decided, 3 G S 'i 1 V i d|s d 3 37 Nice girlfriend? ■ ' quarterback losh Cribbs. Both Brewster and Brent Little fight- but the Browns should be look- S i 1 N »■'! 1 J "- V i 39 Hissy (its S 3 n ■ 1 s D v ing for practice squad spots. ing hard at their camp veterans looked solid during receiver 40 QED part v naaWM 1 1 1 1 'J I N V Tight end- Winslow will be the in case Ryan Tucker's knee forc- 41 Bird-girl of "Green Mansions" 3 H oB, 3 1 1 I 5 0 i'i 1 "< V 1 tiains starter opening day. He es him to miss any games. Kirk a V I d "1 v 0 0 n 0 3 1 has the hands of a wide receiver, Chambers, Nat Dorsey, Dave and he looked good in blocking Yovanovits and Jonathan Dunn VOTED BEST PIZZA 13 STRAIGHT YEARS ili ills. Last year's startei Steve look like the top backups right I leiden had a couple of drops in now with the Browns expected See our coupon menu , PISHN€LLO'S In the telephone directory or Saturday's earlier practice but to sign another veteran center ask about our SPECIALS! should still he a red/one and to backup I fallen. Even with 03N. oin fyLPgy 3 - 66 2 M 55.75 Minimum 52 51 third down pass catching threat Bentley out, Hallen is still an in dual tight end packages. improvement over Jeff Faine. Open Weekdays 4P.M. • Lunch Fn. • Sat. • Sun. 53 *E^ **T^

Help Wanted Help Wanted For Rent For Rent

d^ofe/W Apply for the BEST JOB Kitchen help: waiter & waitress tor 117 E Reed 3 bdrm.. 2 baths, nice, Call now & ask about our specials. on campus! lunch & dinner Apply in person at quiet neighborhood Lg. kitchen, 1 and 2 bedroom apts. available in The position will enable you to work 126 Chesterfield Lane, Maumee OH storage, off street parking, w/d. serene park-like setting. Includes dishwasher, heat, water & trash. lor a meaninglul and worthwhile 419-893-9465 Available Aug. $800 419-467-1155 Bowling Green Village 352-6335 cause calling BGSU Alumni, while earning up to $7.25 an hour wilh the Nanny w/ child care exp. needed to 2 & 3 bdrm. apis for rent W/D in- cluded, on campus shuttle route. G » L RENTALS opportunity lor incentive based re- care for 2 girls (2 yrs. +4 1/2 yrs.) in our BG home. 2 to 3 days a week 1082 Fairview Ave Call 352-5335 3 bdrm remodeled $700 & utilities wards. 10am to 4pm $7 50-9 50 hi Start 1 bdrm $350 & electric. The Calling Center otters flexible Aug 1 Good rets, reliable car & 2 bdrm $525. 327 1/2 E Merry No Available in August 354-9740. scheduling (Sunday thru Thursday child care exp. req. 419-353-5363 pets . 1 yr lease 1 bdrm. $450. 251 IM South Main Street Classified Ads Jay-Mar evenings) to allow students to work S Prospect apt B. 419-654-5716 BowUni Green 2 bedroom apartments around both their academe and per- 372-6977 Office Cleaning - Close To Campus. Great location w/ university shuttle IK. Mn,(l, sonal schedules' 5-7 hrs.'wk. Own transportation req 2 bdrm house in BG on 7th St En- hli«inrincM>iliii pick-up. Central air/dishwasher ■ ■ 352-5335 closed front porch. W/D. $640 mo. & ilihtimtrutmn a|ta.inu .in* ii.ln.l Applications will be accepted Laundry on site. utilities. 419-287-4337 nn ihe hi-i- i'l ijir an until staff capacity is met Highland Management niiimil nig in. »hniiiiKi iliilii>. APPLY TODAY! PHARMACEUTICAL JJIIMJS j v. . p| an> mher 2 bdrm. house. Haskins 10 min. 419-354-6036 led aikn Interviews & training classes are DAIICHI SANKYO Irom BGSU W/D hook-up. $550'mo. Must reside in Territory. (Toledo LG 2 BR modern townhouse. spiral M M dacHm, now being scheduled!' For more in- plusutil 419-308-1249. staircase, new kitchens, garage, i >.iHciil tuih formation regarding the position south lo Marion, OH) Email resume ■ ml k> he dtfamjii*.. Iikirqi in to ohiods@vmgt com A/C. Call 419-352-1104. ■ i,- oi UM -n nun please visit the following link' 3 bedroom house AM .u.l'.i'ti-'iiK-tii- are Mib*.! lu editing and Close lo campus & downtown appro* al. Lg. 2 bedrm.. 1st floor duplex W/D. 419-308-2456 Management Inc. For more Information contact 8th St. Available Aug 06 $600 mo 372-0400. For Rent Now Renting for 3 br. home on Crim. Nice ngbrhd.Lg. Garage available. 419-352-8872. Iiv.rm, kit. util. rm. w.' w/d. part furn. Help Wanted Lovely, peaceful 4 BR. 2.5 BA home Late Night Help. Cent. air. 3 min walk to campus. Mid Call 353.5800 " Houses, Apts. & Rooms. & 7 minutes to BGSU stadium. Views, Andy's Hot Dogs Aug Pets OK $885. 352-7090 Visit Online 6 bdrm units avail, low as $220 mo. pond, privacy, studio $1k/mo. neg. 'BARTENDING' up to $300 day No Stop in 425 E Wooster Si 353-0325 9a-9p. cartyrentals com 3+ bedroom house Great location & c|pirl@earthlink net exp. necessary. Training provided. condition. Available 8/06 - 8/07. Call 800-965-6520 exl 174. 1 & 2 bedroom apartments Kidz Watch now hiring care givers Call (440) 452-4447 for more info. MARTEN RENTALS near the watertower on Manville Ave Avail Aug. 2 bdrm. unfurn. 710 7th. CHILDCARE needed. Looking tor teachers lor Perrysburg, Airport Rd . 419-352-5239 3 4 bdrm.. lull bath, all new appl., W 1 bdrm. unfurn. 210 S. Grove. an energetic, caring person to pro- & Sylvania locations. Days, eves, D, high spd. internet hook-ups. scrn. 419-352-3445 vide childcare lor a 12-week old in wkends., PT & FT. Send resume to 1 or 2 rooms for rent $250 month porch, deck, garage w/opener, lull our Perrysburg home 2-3 days a 580 Craig Dr.. Perrysburg OH 43551 Subleaser Needed room plus util. No deposit. 126 S. basement, lawn care/snow removal week. Please call 419-873-1066. or apply in person. $250 month & utilities College at 440-223-2226 Avail. Aug mdd. Avail. 8/17 419-354-3041. Management Inc. 419-203-3486 Buckeye Studios The Homestead 11 i I IsdaI. Apts. "\ Sludenl housing available now. 1 & 2 bedroom loft apartments. r 709 5th Street Monthly/semesler & yr. long leases. 1082 Kairview Ave Newly remodeled. Fully furnished, includes all utilities Close to downtown. Laundry on site, 1 & 2 bdrms/ 3 bdrm Twnh APARTMENTS & 25" TV. Free wireless internet with extra storage Dishwasher/ Garbage Disposal Call 419-352-1520. Highland Management Air Conditioner/ 419-354 6036 Washer/ Dryers in 2/.' bdrm Choose Worn 6,9, a \l mo Leases Carports/ BGSU Bus Shuttle Call Theresa Fry lor more info BUILD YOUR ■ 49-352-7691 • FUTURE! rm-M.M»ii>t. iwrss* 1566 Clougb St. 24 2 Bdrm., 2 Full Bath, C/A (£ <£ r> r> f> r> rj> CINEMA 5 & Bowling Green OH 43402 Shuttle stop across the street KP vj) 4> VP 4> CfJ vj) Management Inc. ^ J* S500/month Full Year Lease SdttdulcGood tor Mt* IV4/D6 - Taundtya/lftM

Evergreen Apts. For Rental Information: Have your loans paid rVaWpttNarifcbiwilWIHn W*n\ )«,*■«, Kr.K>w HoaUt'ltMHlKtU «pn\HV ' IS. 10 OOpn 215 E. Poe Rd. Intornshlps Now Available Contact Jack at off by graduation TWaaW(rtl)) 1? OOna. 11W 05, MOSaw Large I & 2 Bdrms In Downtown Toledo 1-800-829-8638 without the stress of Miami Vkt(II .nSpm.l.M 7.00.10 lip* Starting at 395/mo + e.eclric or Steve at having to find a job! WekcMtora.caa is seeking interns (419)352-1150 MMTMBH Mutt Ok (Nil)» ffaai 12* M0.«SI#« 15 min walk to campus Start now and see 906 IMI RM AIT liRIVH to Begin next week tor several s Jt how rewarding your t-xil 133iCiinn-r of I 75 and Rt a24 positions. Flexible tirst ant) sec- * W AOVAMCt IKItl Wt V HO MttlS • HOIUHKUVW AI.I.STADIt'M SKATING ond shift positions. Work around future can be. Party room avaUahl* for hir-th.l«\ your schedules. Reply by e-mail We Help. -..■.I*, a. |in 1 11 < - or amall ,;r- . 1111 - 1-2-3 Bedroom Apartments Call for Information only to r*taM@cMoHM*i.cM 2 Day Advance Ticket Sales YOUR SUCCESS IS OUK BUSINESS Advance Tickets lor TailaMgi Nights Web Site Dasignirs: Seeking From Only $480! Management Inc. are How Available CALL 1-866-572-4964 Advance Tickets tor World Trade Center experienced designers with On selected floor plans Findlay Pike Apts. are Now Available Dreamweaver and Photoshop skills. 2 positions available. • Ground floor ranch 111/113 Findlay Pk Portage MIAMI VICE id) 1 30 4 20 7 10 10:00 • Private entrance Oh LARGE 3 & 2 bdrm Apts. fHE ANI BULLY(r>Oii 10 3 15 5 20/25 930 Copywriters: Journalism and • M0HSIERH0USCimiil2 3O2 50 5 10 770 • Patio 940 English maiors Open to persons Garage for I vehicle MY Mll'lll I* (illll I HlINi) ... , ., 1250 • Spacious kitchen 3 00 5 10 7 25 9 45 with Internet research skills and Starting at 475/mo + utilities LAOV IN THC WATERtrO-1111?00 2 30 5 00 • Pets welcome! 7 30 1000 professional writing abilities Moments from BG CLERKS II i»l 12 15 2 25 4 40 7 00 9 30 YOU. ME AND DUPP.EE iPO-11) 1 30 4 IB 2 positions available. 7:00 9 30 in-.UMANQ-iJ)i?.Q2 50 5 10 7 30 955 -FREE HEAT PIRATES OF THE CAHIBBtAN DEAD MANS Marketing Students: Build your CHEST ("U-ili 12 30 3 40 7 00 10 10 CLICK (PO-UJ < 30 4 15 7 00 9 30 resume by working with our CARS 10) 12 002 30 5 15 7 45 1015 marketing director. Our clients WnMiy O include top management and IT 1 N Directors ot leading Northwest H GYPSY LAW MOMMVTHIXSU4YAI.1 SWWMl MlnrtSII.JO Ohio companies. 1 ShwwOn nUWY«MPAV*ti,8MTS,AU.SaOWOtjO 1 I South Mam t 2 positions available. THE OEVIl WEARS PHAOAiro-U) 1:30 4 00 7 10 930 Stop by the Office X-MEN THE LAST ITAMD (P0-I1I 1 30 4:00 Final Cat Pro/ DVD Studio Pro 7 00 0:30 at 1045 N.Main St. OOAII THE DREAM lEOIMSlPOl 1 00 4.00 Technician: Learn while you VARSITY SQUARE All brick ranch In excellent move-in condition. Remodeled kitchen and 7:00 9:30 earn Shoot, edit and develop TV baths. New carpet and hardwood (cherry and oak) floors. Located on a or che< t< website HVIP.J 1 00 3 05 5 10 7 ?0 9:30 apartments THEWIIDIQ) 1103 105107 109:10 spots DVD projects, and Internet large lot with sun porch and fenced backyard. A must see on a quiet dead- THE BENCHWARMERS IPfl-lll 120 3:20 end street in a jj.-eat neighborhood! And I five minute walk tc BGSU! 5:20 7 20 920 Webcasts. I position available. 419-353-7715 TjL* CALL4l9-3$2-54ff2