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The Saboath a«. the Dxhoceat are -We «-The M Kaoi. Couirty (Penn.) 18.’>8.18.‘>8. PK(X:EEDIN<:S OF THE lioonlt. | we learn JOURNAL Bank, More Siiounso AMI .Stabbixu.— dimenky oc- WEDNESDAY, ACOrSTACGl’Sr 25, I I have been acArcaly aixtv THE WEEKLY dart ia oMce I riirRitnAT . rather gnUfird that tha editor of the DcBocnt - riiEBsDAT,AL*;isr 2d,' by i luia. F'-wt tha Potter Conntv i Dw. F<-wutxB—m n --TheTha boom >f i wrt JouraAl, gave ap the ghoAt i-r-bM. j iKie rmnm* a«. rr«J»» a •arred b«twe«D six aai teveo o’clock last ereriing, PjIfifiC RflllrOSld rOflTfOtiOD* that the book* - gailHBeB kae SOUtbCrD weie not ke|.t right. t» - V » ditpoartl to ahriak ^ ^ mi " I aeaoii from the rriponkbUity of pr,' • 4c 06B0RKE. few days ago. ' OM luinoatly thatto aa C^DKBJ>Ok. Tbe exthier decamped with *71,000 Keitt, in a latelata tpeecb at kave ' P' natw ia rRKKTK'E. bjtween two Irithmen, on the wharf, in which one S*The^^The Hon. L. M. Tcesd.vt M.irsixo, Ang. 24. dtiuunvaJ tha ooaduct «/ our afttin >' I etaaartba aa waata- I Lix. outoijt Axnax» UixuLAa—UicuLAit— i jcrrsaao* akv aaau. hb late artieba apoa tha Sabbath-day ordinance of K«ai,imr_iau f tmcmm^nmar. — of kr fanda, wxi irreatad in N.w York, and oom- to have said that.that, wiU Ubon M iu. Oi tba ^shbaldtes of them watwas ihotshot and tha other cnt.cut. The lumesnames cf I Williamiton,Williamtton, .S. C., it reported ^ve a large number of our citizens and »»'l ratraTtgant — in ^iba niorning, beyond anything trar seen bt- » uj,bua,B JoticiJocici u.’iu.’t ^ thir cky. Ha nyt in Ua Sanday moraUg paper; Pnamu.e.—Pnomoe *Wa^'^~We have a fa" wards I mitiad in default of bail. The bUU of the bank Kepublkans would win iore in 'toiitbara‘khasE PackbPaeab kaOroad.Kaflrond. IbrItor way—ay eaara tha partiat are Patirick Nairy, a levee his judgment, tbe Black in tha world the hiitory ' yuan baha kwhna «' ru<*>—I" Ai>tain«.—DaUt JmmwI contractor on “in gtrangara, dijtingnished of of the world. Ido - **-» [ ucBim*> -tti— it y. wt -niih frifji f -n-1 *-ri '*-*m? Tfc« 4^ *> ia a4««ma. ar If >M psM h-vebea. thrown out in New York. Mr. 186*)." Mr. Ktill hat advantages *» actr wIM Kingkm- the laiwer Miiaiuippi who haa been here but a few the election in enterprua, met at the Masonic Hall, in "“ke coocaalmento. I tall yon your intaraate are editor of tha i ^**"**T? CMBtrr DaUt •». Yri Watkljr 4k | j Damocrat aarailt S lua IW» AMMhK rr. ka praaident, m on tte ** * F..mIa« BalMkA U MOat •». tart tba Journal, wUI aacura tbe waekt, and John NoUn, who rasidet with hit family for forming an opinion, both from his natural shrewd stockhulders of tbe jnop'rdy. I tcU inaarirt, a artga- 0i 9k a call upon tbe 1 yoa all I •-aRU „bedi,n,^ to can in tha way of ax- ground that wa favor tho obetioa of M ij. f*?** • lA Aataimb. -(CaaarHT HaMm at TH- ^Mera of it. iuu. Iob, of Congrett, but Brt, aad a boW aad 'irar«K«A Mtainrt being abb «id in this city. at a member ' P*an«ioo. tapteca. They had been friends, acd both were sense tod his position southern Pacific Railrjad Compaay. but I am aot retpousiliU *1 >mi fArCR; WAtiur-1 AA»r Mt IaaoHm for your praoonl Illinois to tbo U. S. — .Mr uLwIaa. Wi WaafcreedhrtrUjr.ar tbrarti- wiUing to ao. H *‘***' ** do Tbit it one of tbe banki reported under for hit powtrs of obtorva- ' ia oB ka tbs influence of liquor. Tbs brother-in-law it does not ipeak much was to chair, and, laboring ^ * *7" "***^ MrBs. aak of called the ' • I m Hon. James Guthrie and, at I havo doaa to that wo . ATA dbtm Bys “boldly adviao tho taDoutid I *V MIMAAAAal kr AMll IIAraMA ta A^ABMA. on lately by the committee of inreBtigatioo. preposterous a prophesy. ' '•rraeo reBdeana, ha .... Nolan, who keeps a cofliee house on Water street, tion, that be puts forth so taking his seat, said be had been reqncsted to you, I do not feel like «rAiui;..j haa oaca- laa, we dal j, bo I c 4n.” Wo do not like to .li— Aaraananw Rat«a- lBAABUM.t la Akvaacb. charge that tha editor of the Damo- - - we ..m ko dooBod beard them coo VI TM together on tbe sidewalk, and Tbe experience of 185C demonstrated most conclu- not interested at t stock- ®"**^kieod for dtUnqnenciei that Ifea pabiie iotoaort la W«iaU> Joaraal -liack aaaAfAiM HMaarlaaAj. Cr« p^e^^lla, though be wat coeamittod hv tbeos bo- gnago but this •tal aaked the rapaal of the ordinance, and tbe CrfMr. Buchanan hat taken ! b art Irut Wo ^ee art sd immA AATHna a atop in adranca of its narrow pakBobod a aawspaprr fcr tsaporaiy Nairy remarked that be would ute steel oively the Repulilican party, upon lioth ! *'*• and lead on that j,e complisd wit's pleasure, in or- i i— charge wat trut. Ha did aak the repeal of the or- all hi* pradecesaort. Some of them did not tcrupb su'pooft of eUher boldiv “rt®»oaely.h- iq„i, purpeaeo, any ooe.wbo insulted iilatform, can never achieve a national Mr. T ad always Bade MasaM Aa Mnet e( him acraiB. Nairy finallv drew and tcctional K»«e «h«» miwrht be said in reference to the ! Decring Doeitivolr liiArUiii-AS ^ ...... howerar mnrh aahiBed of bimtelf he to control tbe actkin of membert of but may Coagret^ .o.-....-...- T)r. »koraagbt ynBiti Aort awa goad raoaira4 a M- .<..o.,cr, UAI .AS muBeeii u> punt up again. Ai- viciory, lor tneremu-n and also to luruitr its miereMS as rar as Fowlkes continued—Tho B rt tU lixuKHt Eucrrioii —Wa ncaatlv enterprise ; preaont hoard intAwl -i-- —a j ; n-Tnei sbrniLI a* be fcr hariag done to. MuH we prore it? Did Buck not only intiaU upon directing the votet rarr tercontinning tbo conversation little while, strength Free Slates to hold a balance of to iavestigato So BiH was aror oast aricaa of DUaoU aakiBg a Nairy in tbo | the c&idnct of all '~"*****y- «ar fnm a paoiMiiat Aj ia of p^ticble. tonaer farant. ..d i.. a lii,. . bb paper of lart Taetday, he copied tome- tbe peopb't repretentatiraa bat arrogatAi tbe pp ***** *“ drew his revolver a second Ume ami fired it at No- power, and the high privilege of tho American or- **!»“ *koover have •ar aa the paK that Aaaarieanf aa4 Shannon, of .Mi.wonri, and Col. I- A. doae wroog. Tonr oakora - - U thing from the BoAtoo Poet aboot the Bontno Sab- right of telling tbe people who they shall vote for holding Whir like Riree or reAbee. Mr IJwol. lan, who was facing him. The ball entered about ganizatioo points cut its destiny and claty as the to as renwly tho * ^ ^ ^ Whiga taka ia tlx aacili^ caaraaa bow ^Viiiulev, of D'uisville, were selecfeil act sec- i pact, 'tU far yoa to look at — .a.. *T^.*T iha^ bath law aad added; aa their repivsentaiivat. I would tba ^ ^ ***' two XD(1 kuilf inches below l«ft nip(jle bulwark to resist f'lualiv the ultrai^m of Southern the future, and ' t aa aaawar the and lodged luok at it ur rk» AlMdUioniata, But the ' " *• Of iohiiihack. Nairy received a »tab near the l>aae of fire-eaters and cf Northern t. 1I T"®-^"""""“‘cnox uptothunptothx eirtw ba haa at ia. farfcen la ikrai tbr chjir then sUteU that tho Preudent, Dr. propooiticnprooooitioB vo«vowwiiiwill V- V . . . "I hi priat. Hart it ./WIr Ou er^ftnmner u«xt Metioc of Trumbull unci Dou^Us be tijw partLo, * vtiMu kuvr u#ui& nu4ffruk« to FUbfurce Is the spine. Whether it was inflicted Ixftre or after opinion of Mr. Keitt is worth conAideralicn, in the out. I bars liiiie " ****-’**** ...wvaa ais-. a j e i Mr. Do^.ar «H«hl a gmi «t!ht ia lha Laaaap- Upon the etunp will umw a was prep.sred to otfer a report of the pies- my dutv; you l^ve now to - We SuruAMT ATOMcu. It M MO eHmr to bcMtt a»af tmnendon^ crowd. tbe oWWW nartv no ^tb. A boToro AtB. ho ibot not it is all tlx honest and conservative elements .vours. At tho court hao hr bit ar U known, and alto underttood that event that irf the company, whU;h the uxeting h*® which eommenced hia batOa af laal aaariaa. Far tWt awf Everybody wm g« U, xx th. dreadful Uttle Cl- cundition ymitorday Whi« oacM tora sapport ^ ^Mb bat rathar to ofaet aa I right or to tha left, ^ tr itcould not have been done by NoUn. of opposition to the Dtinccracy can l« united on 150.000 in judgmenu may lx "*7..**. * riachaaed hM paca or qoMb- aacoa* «a «ha aathaata which ew aaBda. ant ,ho„,a ^aJ. token against ' T* wo< 4aaar>a piaiat, iaK out 1'ruBbuH’t oars off*. No doubt he sixnds all tha maar rewereatotir^rt th.ir . ^ Nairy walked to Dr. Hewitt’s office and had his one broad, unmisUkexble, and patriofx platferni. “Ml after twenty hit Fiwb tba kis leisure Dr. fowlkes prefaced tbs reading of tbe report by I days artiea iu property MmabI Baa plaea apaa aiMhm TM editor didn’t say, as hours wbotting his knife and hia coupfgo. Illiaoia LaaiaUtnra so .a i i!. M now would be thonghl * P***—* oHOor bM or or^ wbrt bo taoagM tbo wound dressed, acd was then taken to jail by Officer which shall, amid the errors of ttx |>ast, bring b» '« "®kl oo the first Tuesday : of ar Whir P«*at aT tWw, h ia tha aaly to have said, k ,i,at it had been hastily prepared, in tbe aay omatb—ao Amarwaa “fat Ux law be enforced stri<-tlv or I DouaUaTmLi- w ! i >* kaw Bligh. He had imviously declared that be would tlx advocacy of those great, prudent, and saluUry ^"»»"ke" thoso sales can bo ft atarr af hu whala pai>**ni r. of ,„,ny calls, and was therefore but a rough made. Tha eABBra*at4r Uxordiaaace ropoaled;’’ ao. he calfad for fte aa- totting farth tMToixiti.* FowiaeaV ^ i>ME>» ^eaj the lM>ast of tho old Whig ' '"»*k Iwfoie attempting to reply to Mr. Trum- surrender himself. His wound is not serious. mea.sures which formed facto, which would at a »ad embarrase tba com|iaay Hr aaraa4 bit fnMr party paaliaa by beiac the csadrtoartBrt tertoar reW ^fbe erdBam-c. ^ imporUnt may ba dicUacUv that da aad he . Nolan’s wound is very dangAroiis. was party, and present to tbe nation a coile of principles ‘ka snm *** aa4 aairrapalnar rrriler af aad * **“ Kansas.” He spit- p,„per time be presented in appropriaU shape. In ™“*“K designated; aa at preaeBt WIity aiaal bMar Whim did Ai. witbart coaudering, aad proUWy without make a Bistaka ia i ^ T**! \T Constitution and in reference »•*“*«'<> «H it* «• *; aad wo rap. ewBdl^ tba M^Oal ting blood, which would lead to the inference that fonnded on tbe eba|«d that everything : proportv is so pledged aad i anxions tied ABeriraai aa4 af all thair rh atiihr l priacipltr, kaowiag. tbal it or rtmilar op poia so stUl. Wo eoe to it it imperatively repast .*“/****“ •‘'I'lnoi art rt tbrt- m the ball felt by tbe surgeons in his luck perforated to all those fraternal obligations which rest nfam tbe ‘kat tho dinectori cannot use it, ! and it by hu aappla aabatr v ieacy ta the Soathara ** should be known acd nothing concealed. He be- must ba re- of Lineola oalv .to, aB< dsBsadsil by the city charter, aad that K is in strict _J abm various sections and members of the cly and elfectiveir, rriTt, may hiBtah. tbrows^ual, a tharwagtipaca < hartrw that the ordiaBKw is eafixccd oaly occasionrtly by ” Tiik New I’scrt Law in C.tN.tn.t. The Cana- „„„ “cenerable applied to us bv our neighbor of — there can bo no doubt; and, wlule we would advise aUra licBaurmt alBaal af tha Uaoaftoo tchaol, aa uarauthariteea. He never com pUined however of dian Parliament have passc-d act changing the the Demccrat. Hot a man had better. like us, be an or deceptive compromise, anil fflibatMr ar no temperizing policy aad a wiM, riaioaaiy, aaecrapBleat aay aagfact to eaforoe it; be wa. always satirtfad voneral-le and not old, than, like him, old aad not eoBpany bolds aaa»¥atiaai>l Bat it it a rwllatr U partat Mr. puararem miswering, and giving all tbe informa- its holder whoa tho whoa oar oeofartiaaert oad fruit-dealers and other L7Mr‘<^^tTbut”v'ThTn?wsix per cent., but by the new i'r’n^Nddll’sl^vxrt individuals may ^‘r‘*‘** nnilcd "'**** *** **** **** *****"* venerable. but regard with gratification tbe many evidences of "«ktsrighto under the act of the LegisUtora'ofLegisUtura of Toxao. klooR Maay la(- liaaglat inra hia aalt eadaata U thaw that aa caa- — ,1, ^,,*0 read the report, which reasonreasel to noBhrto!"**"noBinato (Dtaigasrs wen iadolgod in totting it babitually at allow and exact on any contract or agreement any , a lietter spirit and calmer deliberations in tho pre- koW"bolds by presunxdpreounxd right of !***. haa wiwatl was Ugtenedlistened to with great attentfon, and seemodseemed to ““P"? pur- Keaily ^ ^ aon-ativa Baa caa aappnrt hiB. Ht y, drtfaaos it X Ac law I* cjwrrtcd that W’Du" neighbor of the Democrat profetses to be interest wo thi >ktk thatt tho editor ef ba ^ ooV he rate of or discount that ma.v be agreed « >l<"d tM naj woaU paratory arrangements having for their ol.ject the '**“ of tru.st. 'k-kwhich U reganfad aaa. ta- favoraldy.favorably. . ha the tacnaaat at Ohicafa. wUlfal- *®**lng abroad over the future prospects of bis par- impress th,tbe audience very .xhibjoxhibits biaxolfhiaertf in i by hit addiwB raisB bii rofoe ef ooBplaint aad ’ ‘ rcmonstraace. His upon. Banks are, however, fixliidden to reserve or , ‘ — coocentration of all tbe elements of opposition to ^ report be pablbhed la eafeoso, as soon " anthoria- (olstly ly arrtadad hiBatir fboB all haft a( aid froB ^ ke, like the £gy|itiaa Spfaynx, ia gazing I As the wUl chorgat os with foreiiag eooroe faavaa no doaU that ha u for the abolitioa rate it tba mspart "od bta of take a higher of teiest or discount than seven j af Lio- fcioaM aMhtiad oswrtd that a vigorous onslaught in 18iar Carar • desert and with a face as pro|xrly pre lared, we shall omit for the present i ,*”^ * * coin, and impatot it ABtririai For tha aay city ordioaace. city charter, or State law, — jost about as hand. percent., are prohibited from paying • to me at a ertax. .t.ki— a—, re- and interest ^ , Hohaabota ,n,y drive it from the high |fiaces it has disgraced 'ke exm;uU« of thx deml of ^ stotUtical ,«int. or its I Hurt with tha UatBtnt. ht otad tha faUawioc Uaraora qairiag doewat oboervoarc of aooie. even an ouUine of its v«w, ri-il.rcMrJ^!lJrtbr^^ a the lAird't day. upon deposits^ “* *“* "* ^ deprive it of tbe power to corrupt tbe men and ““ ** '*'‘*''** «ogtoa ••I thr iroi apaach aart praaaaaoad oa tha in relation to the future prosecution of ths work to L'aioa. tM itosaadiato organ wMdt And all Ait it ntaaifest eren in bU article of CjT-k short time ago Cairo was nearly all of IM Bocharta onua hit .airit. sil to ha under company ami nut tvea te^hingtoaching it Ht Wrt TWmtTmrsah !• m. IMM - • vitiate the principles of the country. by its proviswaa.proviswaa, r I T., 1 1 .c continuity of the rei»rt is ailminirtratfaa;o.!miBiAtr.H.>.. andBlbal alltoll *Wx. rw - «... Atricaa ciatiaiai ar«Bat tha proocriplivc ayaaaB Suoday, the artiefa ia which *#^lbe aggregation of immense wealth in the a inccessful close. The ! tba otherlloimfa, tdUora ia waa be ooBpUint of our water. Now the is pretty much all moit- i . . under I'amocracy surely cm Uke no excepUon to railroad fraochiata ware , history of tbe road from it* fagal- tba eountry are making which priptatd la aUiha aaoB dowa aa aciciaB af Birtcpsaaootiag Mb. Ia that, hands of tbe ecclesiastics of the Homan Catholic tM charge ogaiart vaMBenriy speaking of the ob- gage. | opy.wd to Mb oad to Ms pai^ma. * ‘“‘m-, which has been to often pursued by • *ki ky . by-faw «f Uau Uf all tha aca Churoh hfa, Ixen so rapid that several ,he pre.xnt lime, an 1 the interest as well orgam Irnfaml, Ml tb. Doagfa. thair birth piaM or thur oriicB. oerraaoe rt the Sabixth, he says; .States of tbe ^ oditoro/taJ.. rtd M wa* noiited riooi waifaxi wrtcrt, iMt, little editer in the interior thinks that we their own leaden**“‘‘*” with ^“^‘‘“ikleinfallible success. The New “* by two- thirds of Ux pnipor ding ta parpatratod, tba Union have passed laws to arrest ,xrspicaeity of the .letaU will lx weakeue,! oar Dxlsvdfa «., hav. expliciUy ad ia)aa>ter a«or aatf ptad ta ha an evil .. danger- „ ebargrti IM o««M af Ms psrast »’~*'ably ko-ly lb»x who b^i to.s daml of trust iag ui bat eMota, M wooiil. heUve. upon mean York Herald, now no Inkewarm supporter of tbe have cmi- ttwt Uw warfar. tpo. Ifaagfa, i. thr Laith plaot ar tha kB- out to civiHibertv and chock the vast increase of U.e |. lUtama.tM whofa rt tba gtaolaat waa ta OBka ,.y sorr faart, M Mroa rax by ftort. SfaUl mmt 0mfifri%m0m mmd lutnwih' Bii W« urr ci«urb «f tw wbeut—for bt U 1 curded aad cbulTr uod MnuttT. administration of Mr. Buchanan, was the most zeal- Bcon^s and rtMrwiw managed to baeoox attempt amarciat af iFa " “one-Ban-power” concentrated in cpiiifapates ^he reading of tbe report. Mr. .Shanmui ex- to errth Mm to urdor that (iaa* ertad a paluieal loot ia lha t^t tKr «f LdWtevittd" trv uol tKv bwc - - the of RtpaMk.aMB art a Brtva rt all Ma fcaoB wxi tbaboa. ‘ke Black IfapuWicsn papers tlx Fre- CaMdy that *" ta with the unex- fimmsb aver Ms drtd body, hat jSJSTl^rtllrJlA^ CiiTXA.—The New York Timeo publUhes sect. These laws, though general in their p^, bii„*lf m. highly delighted *J‘<*”“* tM orttaa >*»"» krti ty M wart fcrwirl taawMfcjIafa M S4lhS'oISlteI!E?JrtlS^' e**cutwos. mj.1. if they are wiu kut that appears no obsUefa to its ».fa. yo. «• ro- parpetra- sa4 Bsl fa tor baais rt otociafa. ’ terms, have special ;hich be ccmsidereil highly approbrtfa. mad ev,a th. oetiv. rtraortig.B Tharr waa oa act af injaatioa actaaOr mb an intereating series of letters from a gontleman at- reference to the proceeding, of it. tBg an aadar x itd tort Ma dtaigrt wora paertr, ’“‘k ‘ke Administration, no I »peek pUin facto, I *“k and and Mvt wai, stiB Bora, tM inrtigxtion of tad with thr apf aliatiaa oad appUaB af Dnorlaa, Aad in hit paper af faet Friday we find the fol- tached to the American legation in China, giving a that hierarchy, the priest, of which owe allegiaa.eallegian.e tt;, great national enterpiue, tM ftrtetbBarioa brt that, if tbay BrittadrtUB ‘“f*- interotts though wagor rt banM, ba ktr to its receiving the entire confidence of Sir. Bu- distrustful of my at Ux —a.seat ofw. tMuw gtoanigential which tha AoMitcaaa oad W bi(t af lllinatt will br iawiag oacqatvacaloneqatvocal piBage;pimage; history of the allied and American expedition. The to. foreign poUr, and .re under obligoUons of olx- ,„imattag to tha stockholders. That the proceed- „ — govorninaat.goveruj Wliat tbe wartd Boet tboB oaea tbo xtOA Ha aebtavaX tba 'kanan and his Cabinet. The Herald candidly oc- ‘ " tke apt ht thioh fally a^aU ta tha iBpaaad Mjaatiew. following are the latest: dience totally inconsistent with their dnties toward mgs of tbe meeting might have their proper weight DoBoerrt fohxlychai*aatipoaaa,M triumph thrt If torlatrbtocAmwAitocthi- fav is Ia rmmp tl Ihe mmirntrocreAnes.m rt torthr dar rxr-err. M wlod. By bM load aaplrta- knowledges that the Demrericy have been in a mi- that barx tbs AAmr low ir I That tbe ti,gy the ek-*«t npoaMa twrtrtttatobvbMela- which ht aa , fxwsxr. tte bAVv tboAobt Uut the arOAine ont|ioArliiAii je^re, and achieved their triumphs Itat I1 hart always doal^d bv c»- Takoo, May "““Y names of all Adnuniatratioa. and ytt, for aroaad iaroaioa af Kamai, which alrack dowa aa> rt the hAAit—whether fnsAi Jew, Cathultr, ar l*rc>teXAnt— 19. 1858. f numixre and wealth of tbU church have also in- ^ , from oppoaMg* tM Ad- BootA rtd by witborMg oEpotMirtB. . ^ I ThoMtMm. &B4l vamr rkMinnMai —.iwiafa^A: .i .a waai hr thatb r ^5®^***^'***-''' f'*lx aattaxot sa aftcMalM Mat m oaty «d tM tufonnmg Dr. W illums that the allies bad resolved concentration “ «® »•'«* taflaanc. .. , , L C IJ -c . . • . ^ ‘*“1 rt power which alone can ”7 to tM aew or. fbtae, «. tfsortd VUl ba iilf iaat the tyraaay they pUaoe, brt holds that jx:U from recent events in that city, such a. the ..j, „p,,^ pnesjllcnt or other perfajn. m goM a. M mrtte. mxire maxi rt poApfa - (btaoBB'i fifht of ridraB aga M to ooBpel by taw tM hod resolved to Xorm the forts on to-morrow moro- ^ IM pu^ avwapattaaa— , wtabsvfah hkaa^taBaaX defeat tb.loe greatgreai poimcaipolitical monopolyiiionopoly whichwnico hasnas so * *“va letters now by me o. thia robjact, but out bis President and Cal.iart that had baaa plaead orar thoB. Alter airaaliairg aserodaoB rt tM Babboth bat Ixd as coBpelling a ing. Ur. W. accordingly took leava merely ogiee- presence of fifty to Mventy-live tbouMod ;«r»uri« at necessary informationinformstioa and expUastiunexplanation midand to ha, tM Premdeat apptaad Mm. long ’ ‘ --» -btakave *® ken it might lx convenient •'"'8 keldheld andmid “farmed out the places of trust and lanwuieuremained anuand wXMDetCrtuaet to wbxawhue. ssrviossarvica aad hia aaol aad taboar^ iaacy ta axtrrBr Soathara dir- foTB of ChrisUoa prayer and dectaies for exempUng |“K P" T to the laying of tM corner-stone of a cathedral, the totoanan adjourned moeiiiigmroiiiig this afternoon. Tbii M hx okWAvMr*e.ww«rMr* earrviog rail at tM *ceAr»ad fcoaia woro uMd la hare mnotlier Interview. pn.lil! I is to lx *ke™ brawrhonor and duty seemed to It J _A a* o t a am ^ 11 ta .L Our ne20ti*Uonf are nenrlT P"""’ ”'»»low ‘k»thi* D to effected, w.wear,are not as yet call me. (Loud are hauad.bauad. taliaa, rtadiraliag aad aphaldiag tbit loog prce • fMiadnct on tlx Sabbath froa oU official targ. number of «1,000 .nb«K:ripUons tendered to- .do,.aoided.ded. and Ux following genlfaiixn appoint- egma to a e— pronmx. by F"®P‘* completed, and if tbe Ihreatonad hostilities were prepared •“to *“>’.«>• confidently;confidently we have, it is true, our •«’>«“* ward its ; John •PP““*- 1I Aa-1Au-l nowbow il bacameabacame. ou*our duty to arpo^.njrsx a If tracaad ‘‘agoabea,*' thia atiaciaaa iaiqaky of oob- aapAT s isiua or Mopactioa.” If, ta Ms attack upon only delayed for a few days we should have “tbe erection, and the prompt responses alwtvs ^ the proposetU-ominittee:,,r«p«se.l committee: tieo.(fao. William*,Williams, great tM Burasta rt Ibe Tt>whMt-Urs w IM Patifle own ‘k«®ries,theories, which wew. have already partially telset gnntlrman Mre mad. inquiry as to Ux exo- outimre perpetrated apaa Mr. prlliag dBBiraa ftwaatea to aoiiBit to tba lyraaai- iMdtr antboritiea for Ux enforceaxat of tbe exist- of Takoo” on iu way to Wasbingtaa, with made to the calls of Archbishop Hughes for iiioney. „ .,^.,4, Swigert, John McCracken, and Uaertaaad roukJ bu pvvsuk.^u4* ^u wu kuvu uu^r lu lAuuh— structioo I '“Prov.iurtts oo that rt Wanghae, and with "“T “ * ri*"* >“k,w to enforce; but put upon tb. act rt tM T.xaa Lsgistature, lie an.1 private morai*. cai, ihifM, mmt aiaipid rah of a cwaacaaptibh lag ordinoBOA be had BAaat only that aU rtiould be '?“Y TM Express does not attempt to discus* these y TM folWwiag ia foam iM thay will M. to Dr. Fowlbaa tM ream drtd af om- ’ that taring proviso, that whatever ^ ... .. t privilege may opi«««l «» «ny such prtcipiUUon 'kelMr, if a Milxcnber pa»l his 5 pm cent. M was Loutavilta Democrat rt yastorday; - poinu, which have ro often Men argu«l rt late enterUined for on it.fa will be due. tax fce hia atarert . BiarritT, k ia iwthar hgaibcaat, that baa aid ia da> allowed to aboerve at Mly Ume whxMver day rt the hereafter be granted to any oUxr natum oball ^ ipi »» iuleriupt that quiet though irresistible ““t. individually yeare, ““fikt ten- ItaM. to tM com pony’s la 1854, Mr. Lincoln wro rt ‘ke fcoB af thr lighto ad IraatoUan ahootd hare cawa asvaa they pfaeaed, M waaid Mve faeea guQtv rt /cuHo be coaoeded to ua A renewal of boatiliuea but makes them the occasion rt putting sonx ^ijoumnient uuUl 4 o’clock I’. M. to receive IM re- Raputdicaa ooo- I Brttag amtaoeegy, tM viatoiy af tM sfaitaeo waaid creiliton ky tke ailie. wiU, however, oblige us to renew borne truths dency of things which seems at this moment to point to tM resalue rt tM amount rt their snk- veatiuo at Spriugfiekt, l Uiaait. He waa uae rt Ux ooly oMtr ht waa diaappjiaBd ia raoairiag tba tM Boat ridieoloBS foHv, for we .11 know, tk.t, our to Protestants, which demand serious port of the committee. ^^e heaa eamaitto scriptfiX? ebiafs. He wae oa tM cammittoe m> rarolutieao. A At. -Jr* nngoCiaUoiu nt nootber tuna and pUc«, nnd perluDi to a perfect union rt all tM elements of the opposi- . .. i MX. reflection and which we take pleasure in extracting; /taraooa Srtitom. ' xae y Md (hut « they ptaaie with- uvee rt Ux other Eowere, he hu vindicated hU in- pool of the Mioaaort oaapfwoata by promitiag the oat tM itigbtart naotaetatien ftom tbe mrtborities. dependence of judgment bv differing from Lord El- Dommai’oof ID WD. kdov otner arawfre lo inum v rowNa.Arowmvif m-isiksli roa*f .1:11 «xAai*i **wA.»kx.. i\e.evui. *>M)Vement, 1*h»ch, if Camed OUt, Will Weld U^elher a:id waa inviulable from aay itamand inatHutad by bv aUch ta*r kAv* heaa reaai riii ikarwaitk, aad x-r, -» Groe m to tlx powers rt the Imperial ofUiccMavUl br, that th« tviUu(and- *Viftmtwm. Tnatua Mpmavely dH well • the nigh accora- ProUMant eburehn* do_and that hence, like civil dciqNit. n-u v -i. 1 aj .• i* v of 8<»utheni *,.1 ao km\ A.wh u . u New \ork Commercial Advertiser, winch, t*l sfotk lasoed waa ffS, 120, DUO, bat how squander* f^wjuBttoa of parte iVTM fit. Leois DoaBcmt mys IM* “tM ^ava inf ttie re*ourera of thr rurai^oy, iu im^uB are «» much ate rstHgtiates all j fare ilxfa by btrtlyi^ Petaadoat Pioroe. Satwitbataad iag all qatiwd to giro . deeaot to rty particutar IMiaMd tbe objert rt their misuous, when this eUrt- km«. it Btren^th oftentime* is more appari‘ut than real. At ih» derpot Na(«leow for example, bat*, to-dar, mor^ all «n^rras^*d by pr^ioiw bte manaaet^nt Uiat^re k ed be coiiltl not tcU; bat testf gave ap ks teed" *s sw«H ths Admmisnsfiism the of through“ the iDoUtions e.'^goingk on aroundroiwroa.** il, hasajAa. tbs waste had been reckless.aHre.ro.rox», raoriawd fiwBtia day rt Ux Sstfarth-rtl u(Mr tieysarc a»- fnffreM Dhen, in the to pay ptvaBinf ItabOitiBa, prevent a «aii- uteer ex- u*fetaar .» Sefonm of tte USsrt/ ate saasi tba hieiu aad cafla Haaglat haa ' rroiMttf to vMwAtne bhape of a BrandiDff army tliau all _ ^ — , w • 1 . ” their olficen, but virturtly anllihee BaeiS6©i*af c^atry, ate wui heremfte rate as ^sfs at siscDo^ what brt Ixen the BoIdkTB tbe conibiord lYutteant powers of riirktcD- stotnl linn to its V% big priocipies and refu.^d alBIia- erutkjn. and «ouitfN|uenUy the eotire the W(jck. Tbe first snrveys were mads vasrs ago, when a lar|(s m the tepehtk— ( ite hUs m mly. W ratio load art, high aad iow, aad alter dr- earar oaf day ef all. y PiBBC already done. Still, I erttnot but tbiok tbrt Ux dom kave ‘ion with either Aiiwricans, ItepuMicans, or Damn- »" »"c«»bT »«> l^otAct iM engineer* from !S^' SyT^ae*^ ajiSSfi^^ i— (oareale tameeif rt tMHD.i ul^' | It* Fart.f lor tjrraaoy oad tarpitode ia the I Wa repeat thaa tbrt tM Demncratic orgeat rt our coUiokx was inevitolile, and what ta more, indispen- coutaim Id tl»e f.tllowlDa re«^ Hehaffhk “jfpwt iwrade” dan, Iih * icrand ud iury re* Cfats, is in favor we offt r the plao d apprehended attacks of ths fhUow vs^ ts chsDssgs his veSSw itIt wuaM ba i(- ‘® *k« mljustment of of a combination so as to make Camaoebs Indians. to ptaH?h»a ^ ^ dty for our rel^s with Rf.solrrd, That ihk ueeilDS app.«l to the fl*»ckholi!erj Kvaeas iho f.oo T-msarte; lka^ as the Kaaiaa awiadle, ha it atill baggtag aad isportac- an aboUsbtag God’. Sabboih, as . legal la- vkwt,** hk *X'herbuurR fetes,** aud hk ®MeUMtiDdratii>n«** - .. ^ ^ . NoUiiiig liut foTcn Will httoible effectual headway aifainst the iJemocracy, but in thk >uue and vkinity u» eouiritiute vidiiotanly liny Thu leail to great expense, and it was prohabie that L4»a^ta:k»a af tly Lntite aUt»a vete is tha .si»wa, ate ••wslnus wO thmh of ctelHiitiSf lha wsroaiiLba vator BfUrtffiraro raxkrta ..a^ a..B..is:.asi iTc OuM. Um pnd« OT at Footaiobtea. Y>t,In the face of all Uil- apitareni fu- ob- ta iwatiilarad a Dootocrat. If olactad, br ••’*8 umnkind. would have in t *»aawim, tte pawer u> leeksMa far irg ha TMy Dvriorpvrior k. th«t itacFL* in riik i *_• - rentnrenlH on each ehin*Bhsn* of slock held by them, before ihc first .eowaU ...xa .x1 .« x.._, afa.-a i.» the ^UbaIUbob down the prejudice* rt these oouceiledAstat- bhvtealphyeical stmoeth.stmocth, tbethe aitnmentarrnment k, thnl lt*eru k bu i., iKx*i- _• •mx k. Lh.|. U) Ihe SIBuirRirit oiof harfraininirbargaining fOrfnp termstxrma andami um-t-.m tbe stock was Mdd for any sum that could be m momi cs-Ylf man ia Europe wb«M« life k not mUct than bk. Ili't^raud J^'* davof ik-tobk rneit. will iwarw Ma cal.BiaiiwtaaB ta thr Soothmi die- •vaty mu work sevea days M Ux week if be pleues icA In the first wu- Ningpo uid Sbuighu were linnt be appolnied 1 review* make a rreat Bbow in tbe eyea of tlic viili:iu’. and siders It far better that all should , /ktsidsed, Tliai A. I>. occupied British troops, act under tbe by uid 1 tokartof Mi party, will aaalnaaly toppart kt aaBi- and eompei bis wife, children, ud otMr dependents ta botbuioee cities the reporlM of them fill up lartfe rii«4-e in tb«* ea&ctu**; but, fund bo ct*niributed, who »*hall iv^ive ate BrAt.irt..pirii,*ipx-,ic. , * -dave .mate* tax tlx Uaxa; ahalka great davAnr . . Ike afbr all. If viewed pbiloBophically and intvUvently, tbia. _ , . . _ . to do tM oame. W. rare not for poor. sUly tffat Oiiiuakia; fct aarlod-- “va laaasA.'i peoto* BB for thr PiwtidaaeT, oad prort Mouair af lha tM lievA from it* Mveent embarrawmenl: antil . . . *r -Uv-rr ftnx aU Ik* Terri- ' streets, not ooly free from inrolt, but Ikecouuauy ,i— - , , . „ ... . everywhere bitBrah. rarUara af tba appaaitha party aad ka caa- roeersrtoar“pxty. H e corUialy have “no piety treated with resjxct ukI deference. Fuchow was didoB. Bat oBNigh of Mb aad hia prateaaiaai ta toapaakef.” bat wc hope wc con paitially appreciate no* even approached by Ux British troopa, and tbe of Caatoo passed current for tba aid of aaaoarratirc aaaa. Me might* and uuspaokaUy Ixnefioeat infineoces a succeeafnl Tli« lohaliiunU 0^ tb«*c pUcc*, eiiw- erokirsk 1 m-i*. elm. I rtkm. mihiwaim - s* »od Thr prakBhi i af Mr. Liaoala are of a rary dif- wbxh tM Lard s day, boU rt a Dirone and a cirfl B ^ fatter, have Ixen disUng^Ita^ for Uxir inautntkin, ba« cxnftnd lartB ardor. 11a ia UB^aaatioBib ly a rarT talaatarl npoo nil tbe i^neretioiii of inaoleDt beariogy until tbe late bombardment, eince Boa, abb ke oopa arith oar UeoBcrat hr Bay Brat Men, and we erenkl eooner bare our right am eer- which they have been eeen to doff their cape obse- ‘‘“““'Y “** tha If oarrtcUy iaf arad rt Ha socket aad our tongm: parsJyxed ta our ia Soaoka. wa ore arBad , ba loa *^^!^ * u . —Those tongue-doughty Moodanns who .V -.1- I J .... axiatfa than am either ta advocattag the aambitatioii jrour .mmittea kaiMvebeiieve that If tketoe ne- olwayi beta ootiaaotly c aaaarratlra aad arata Bait ,o lately boasted of thiir ualon and unity fly from it—and lu body be dhnded and 2. To reetrain tM Exroutive power within iU an- itttolttd.itctolttd. That your fr .mmitM Hut m- thia boaalyosssiy aauand isfomaariy flttaa. pro^ and wmTxd ns to Guthrie to, accept ths PresidsocT. With him st tbs AU *** b miamsMy mles. W.Ws doda him ta tM( wa can call iM dags to m, wi rara-;i;.i- into t*“ ttax* a* many eecU a* it now conuk cient constitutional limits, forbid it* (hBoagh Whig till tha biwahi^ up of that party. rt tM Sabbath taw with a riaw to Italian retiie from the river lest we should lx involved in and prostitu- . ** * Sib niite bv **cnllc«f(I ste Hit* great sDw*ri>OBV MissnMieu, u Kxxi I *-./ hkx art impato tM»k« base and infiBnastatanroaa fotathaedfolsthaad oad hit papar kid fair to !o Utmm. witUn its DslcL ' a 1 I- *« I brad rt tM company, and J. '“F"** “J to tM the daetructioo of alliee, are ••***’!* or lllegltim^ ends. Mgar Tbompsim, rt aad Gennaa ooofoctioaere, froit-deatars, Ux no lon^ to be sean Thk rMsoning k not without force, but it not atfoatnl; sml we UHTeforv c*niei4D* invvKrfu* Block- Bat lha oaita af thr oppoMtiaa h a aarioaal mcoo- *e., tad k not * editor rt tM B«“OfDemocrat, forfar M Mdhad tM .xpraroexproro a»-an- „ _ possible it be puiihed 3. To mainUin tbe just autbonty and todepen- h £derB to come forward aud i»rotcct their uwn intemt. Pena.,Penn,, tMtbs lx,.tI railroad man in tM country, as civil -—x- T e';e«««8 •»* "Oam may too far? Doubtltw, the utrouc, ^VFM Frsahfart Taobbi xy* thafl Jmbs B. giwatly ootwaagha aay aiagb pew- xaxnagortariac xrwgaforaign vatotvAtx talu fatnralavuia poiiucaipolitical ewcuDBAetactomA me Boon a>« the prwwnt eoobarrafrxnrtit of . ' sky wMeh Ban'i arbitrarr govammeDt of the Romi^ church o(M*rate« Urge- dence of Congress, and reboke tbe attenipC to cor* Reaoirrd, That I i*^ i-ai i-- thon'y rt Mr. Doagtaa for what mM; hot gnnboaU ADtend the rivar towing twenty-on. SORioeer, and oibera eoUstsd according to ebsr M Hr. ,, C'oni|Miny k rHkerd, the road can, and will be put ua- I a t'tay will Ito — * BJpa tM atidlitioB rt tM Salibath it aat to rapt or overawe our repreienutiv.. “a(W xmAad tM psopfla aboofl L-x- toaaioaa. Mr. L.'t talaat^ ahoractar, aad poattka M a BuncMa filled with mariixs aad blix-jocitets. It by tM abu*. rt Douglas baa doae a dead rt •Mem. Hr. D. pra- Itagtoa with fl dkarp Wreh.’’ ifl port rt tM atxt Democratic aarinnal platform. **• " FOfftxot, and luch an ooa aa the dweller* oUd. eoniiiAct body, and IxeitAh- tliat, “** patronag*. Ohu M waatto mb will giwt Mb Bach Miotwoe. if ht cbeaaoa la exar- we nut tcTiay uutil fined to state all tM partkatars rt th* p***agi the variouB ProteBtAntai.TtB llea.'UKianle protectionprote industry, all and standing in ofiics, who would eemroand tM i E( so tM Pei-Ito bad naw wiUxMMl. A* tM fiotilta «moag UB Icwru to unit*? amoug to and to f tar acaat? eia k, M iiriagiag ahaat that oaioo. Wai hr ao tbeiDBeIvcfai. ate work in harmonr together, the unity Amaricaaa rt tM State rt “oved up to tMir poaitiro ta front rt tM batterta*, of American interests, BWTM N.w York, the Komaum will give tbelr church a Btivagth which wUi, * OB hia iaiaaani? If the eppaaitiaa ahaold oake xninvnBwwk tifX Hr. Ueur; ‘ ’-^in argaos ia tM Hhm^ tarited *^*^"*1 “P*5 br ate by-lf il dooB not alivter-*‘Uud;h tbtni lo nvYrn.** ^w wMa by tM Kapablican* to unite oa Coo- i£”^^n*^*’Ti**** ’^i"*** aad aaohaata a alarr haidiag Aawfieaa, like Ctk- Individnat indepvternce k a wry czcHlrnt Uilng in ita Juuk'IOQS approp :;hira Gusckta m t.vur rt iM aamadfato doatneUM gremional Uokata, indicate their Bioghampton plot- thaa tM toilor’i roog waa Mard to break tM .UHixb way, but it k one of thoBC good ihingB of wbHi it k pote* of rivers and bariiors* BaN, ar a ld lihr ui «Luca i in orw of uaak-< mdaa ar abra ba iag Whig, Birot, file lo UAVe loo uueb uf. There ietnoniurb of It, veauinr- * a—* mre»u»» me iuiag» lurn.^iu COIU WO* a BXUllXr Of Ml alt fba cBiistug gam- c/ (ifaa shaaM (ana a* baaia which earl,v "•>»“»««.g Ju«tir« ®<’«erauontlm*t*r*tinn *ml dignttyiliurlilv in tnetho conaucimndnet 1„IX reacBoa.xarhatl Th*lix teociorDoctor barnOar. tlAUileaiUtaiU.1 varkMUwnri.Mi« AVI- . tM ao tM Uaioa moat taka rt tM night. By dawn tM hum rt activity UuiiwcanDolheluthiDUnc.inwIuitbe-iniDioDlr MU “ cinuati. Si. Lnui», .N.w urU-au-*. .Na»kTiU«,ltiiu*rd.*,Mex. of Viagiaia. ar Grohaa, of North Camliaa, will Mr. paxedoll or our foreign altairA pliL-. •ndeuvsbt-re, be held tueuuiyralr and aid uur rlfuru tMm, aad eoterirg into th ciicuBMlaatulHjr and 1 pUca, if rt oil. TMrearebataigktdiatricutatM |;«8M i»^«riBg prej^ for Prolestenaini; Aud fieikape it were better w hare A dance* rt tM saint manifested bv tM ftieassiate majority ausaiooers, informing them that they had committed right ofrt every State to regnrawregulate ittits Internal coo-con- I debtldVudebicd tfa4r#ubi”riTu"S*oTJtwC>fa^r uV’ttowveS J ““P“7 Ita km -SOM the KT- caa withhold fraB Mb a raalaaa aappetl. Wa had csrns, amouuU due by tliem turlhwitb. aow wa ask Ux rvadar's attaatiaa to iM fallawiug ss> -fFw « aanxi.s.itroew this#k:b report,»bmwb stated truly cim>uraging,B.w. ^ oa eommaat, which tM StpringfiaM Rapohlxaa makm where tM«Democrmt. outunmlxr Ux jotat eppoei- moxmo«c peoidepco{4c intolate its fold. Archbkhop otily some Mr. i.uams after cmcluding inasmsch they sessnsd to put ^ Mmfaf omi ed tbe forts ts surrsoder^ within two hours Hutthes, "•‘•f penalties uponuaun lirilxryliritjerv and corrnpUon.corroutioo. aoBtlhiag aaar k ItwB tha rapraaiwitatioa af Me ...... or after copying portioa rt agl as ’s spssch •«>» that tix adoption of th* plan would taspir* relief into tM hands rt Ux stockholders sntli Ux Do sai- boa. TM Ameneux hold Ux bitanot rt power in ,1*1. Ux reenlt rt a bombardment. TM Chiaeae, “•»• TheT». purity of Lthe electiveelec-tiv. Iranchtaeli^anchi*. and a re but a Titwa oradt by Doogiat ia M«Chioagw tpitch; tw*, bodying chargs against Liarola: BB’t-‘aa ataf littta Dug *a orgaaaorgs oaaoaacas that aboot half tM entire namber rt diotricto. If any Uxagfa not tM braveat poople in tM world, never fa that xmr iipaec of Um<-, tke uiMouaVv roniaiittce of form of all abuses and defects in Ux administration conlvlecce, as as to secure tM snlxcriptiou of a sum triding extrtion. Ux H^hx ha afkar rirhjx of our ITotertant cburchra been rMdiag the tpoachai af Uaotla at Chicago aad H- ha* ai-iH-aUnr of the naturalization taw*. 'x apportunitv forfar “ . i •*is aboot to swsUuwawaUuw .-wnator.-wnaler TraatbolLTi "“rre^r. No malterto what extremitv a garrinoo sufficicnt lo... -li--*- <1,. company fromtmm emborrasa-emlxrrmx. TheTb* chairman,rkiiraun Hon.II..n JamesJ;>m** .u.:— a* Hare•'•re .*— BOEo epportomry w ascopa. A' Awarnans Afaai thaa, aotan eflected without oomproBite rt cardinal r^Heve tbe Guthrie, deureil lo ** . M in Taiu for a bessarly few hundred dollar< to |«y the yet lolih Tk* li— I 1 a 1 *" l i. feducsd, or bow lesrful the 10. Tbe I'reshlent* rewieni to lie ineligible to re-eleclKm. . . .* “am**ev taTTaSkr OHoiar,(>rto6cr, "^^Zmia apmm jvsrrfi Bpriagii we dad that ha haa baaa BMat groaily • J « ai. m a> .a 1 a- d> -E » odds against nwrv lieciDUty atiDcnde nf their half atarvrd nii*d..nari<-a },'• . . * . , ». .a JMr ./ for TramhnU. Hi* grave i* >fa^ pnadplea, tM Demoerntx delegation froB Ux 5"“- ‘>7 I>r. Fowlka*' ^»* to ^^^y ^ re^nired to fight. Victory oMtaath in tb* veetcra liATt of thia State, itiabop Hotter, we be- 11.It- No*so meniixememl>er ofo1 Cong re*, to receive an otiire ^ KJa,’^fter 00y ddy/* 4cw, igc.4c.,-phrlae.p4risrs khsliM ihMth^ Mroi«av« BriBwpraamkod by Daoglai. Ha Barely iaaiati thi t — State ia Ux next CongroB will be redaced ta a ta only alternative for Ueve, waa under the neeiavily of maki'i* a idiiiiiar apix-al from9111 tbe K.xecutive. Mr. Shannon moveil tM otlu|itiun of tM resolu- the profiTer rt tM Presidency to biui. Mat winter no loop hoi* open. indictment ia full and ax- Ux Uw more reeponiibl. offi- TM WTM WasMtgtoa Star i* prepanagfor rM naxl oUrory aholl ba road ta nut iuna rince, but we uer.-r whether it aad ka praaaat Tankorial b-arued waa an- 12.1 2 The lunn-nur place, circiimwtoaca. h«lf deoto. cert; aad ta caac rt defeat Uwy must die iu oue of The supremacy of the Constitution and laws. ,fang^ tb. meeting desiring that thev shunld he act- Ux Doctor had urged it strenoonslv, ami had prom- !>*»”» “ *® and Bat chare I awered in tbe aflItuAtjre ur « bcdlier—aa ia moat likely—be v.. moriro rt Coagrow by advrarathig SM hddh^ rt a BbiIi, a thaary, which, 13. t’ woTil Ih althoagh wroog, ia of ao three ways. TMy must eitMr fall ta battle, com- No aUibuitermg scheme* for the extension rt , . :^i;xB*i r,;rox. ii;roav:— .• iwax..i ro/ iirororofll... «/ w:hwi » kot*o€ aM word rt«of UiubtruUl inIU L fromffom h»|fVMiiaxhsgiaaiag to •d.. xml *"to S*"give him a board rt director*‘Iirectora of hx own re- snicide, by ir territo'rial limit*: l,I, fau , K. x*d, rf wfa*,,k,U Haas, rt Oevreetiex. praatMal iapait, aa rl iBati will adactaally t.. - mit or pensh Uw bend rt tM executionert efac^XT^baBdefathTM^baBd da that CTArchbxhop Hughe, ha. made a prertmt rt n lectroa. fir*t ca*TtMy a^ deified, ta tM .ecood Uxir' Tbe resolutiooi were uoanimoualy adopted. ButM(Mr. G.)waadistrn*tfnlofbtaowa m tM SpriogtfaM Caovearion. Ux raaduixa read fa to krvp wkhaat thaoidaf law. Ba fally etaoedaa tha right pwev even with the profirw- of Koine in tbk c«^iid. Me pnl.Hsh this as an act of Justice to one power- am/tan Timas call, Nona apuBoent peir rt carriage bona* to Biabop McGill diagrsoe is expiated, ta last abilities to till so respoosihta pooitioo; arank aad pol|xbfa forg-ty. Sa gtf'rtx t -HkiX i ,*,* tM tMir name U infa- try, tWy Law a work to do fint amooff thdiiBelvtw. ^ ^ Hunt, Eaq., of Linisvilta, was telected hy a ho had fang af aaeh They State to ragwlokr Mavaiy for itaalf, oad da- rt Kichmand. TM New York Expiroa taMs oeca- “ou" ">P^y oonliicated. M'hat wonder Mm;. ^ti ar* niota ‘vuntf aoaaaas o’tlotk ab^ld come briM no reply thr idea of aay aggwiBiaa opB atara- BOO to oaogrrtatate Ha oM friend aad rtiaser on hi. ^ Lavmt CoNVAvrii.N.— T'l* ;4«t:terart >k* -r. or Bummona. that hour svailalile halaara ,, . to Ux At tM whole withia tha Htatot. If tha Diaaacracy ia to riring weehh, as in 185»- 6 in bu cantroveny with aquadroo, conaisting rt four French and two Knqiuh '••urrire Mvw agreed to Beat is Oxvraflfaa at Hratm- ha dafaatad oad aaat har party placid ia power, aa Erarta. Brooks M intiBatod tiutt M had not evsn a steoiuer*, and eight FoigUsh gunlwata, weighed an- vib*. ai i gl '« W h o aa oaaaty , Mi,*., ro Huerta. avory appartt in a aaoa hapaa, thr policy of aketag a had to lay hi* heaiLoa. He cui be a paaper or tM approached Ux batteries. llthrtOctaha* arxk far iM caaaidaralBartmn' ••a BtMtar who ariil aart iM that othar party it tea ob- crorortiil sriih tM ICBtaBoai tavwA*. rtaai to aead oaaaaiaat. porpoeea far tM tioro beiog. between Ux batteriea on either bank. A sacceation If ; Bat Mr. LiacaM will aat go lor a aaioa af thr ; rt flashes, running along Ux front rt tM principal — to the stock, believing ita legiUmate inveotment or. As for the South Pscifle Itailrood, M was rt F"- THUUflaxikEEaaEAiiucmcCm-Twii . tiaa iBxa ae Aiuaeiic Cm —A .or- 0*TM Dsasocratx papers think that Grorgc R. frt*b. waichad. apprht iaa paittea. aar tar batter*-, followed by a loag waving cloud of smoke, •- mearorv rt tbe vast 1864 H* ba* OBegiag tbaaa may vancet rt* i M a twrrral SocALi. xs its Presidency rarpoodeot tM PalmtilphM Inguimr taroiHi a* a A M AR.—M e copy from tbe Ducktown . which would justifv him as a bn-Hiness man. He opinion that was now in good handfa Bast feel very arortifiad "ofi • Brie* rt reporte trtd that tbe great guos rt SrefnUy maleare^ th* -g pngnaa, amt I HcKa* Bach rt hi* defart. thriiliag seaaai fi**nat Athmiic City taw ^ dM Whig party, thaa ha hot ao ta j a da**fcT doe*. dolB Fxgle of Aug. 10 tbe following tatter [Applause, Dr. Fowlkes, believed, contents on Ux from the Sher- helievwl it would be found good if tM cooditiou j M kaew mure crystalizatioa at tM oppoxtioa which x how aboot isrtag psnhai*perihai* Sa dpuM H is ratMr humiltatiag to him to have ^^There was a great defxte between Mr. Doug- mol^ to IM poritiroporitioa at Mtaa t*-—t- . at k BiriBO ar B’hig aoppart. Ia that evaot, tha vessel. Sull aoiMve mada . . • daunUess she steamed steadily on, tM , . . J- -J ...... iff of Polk county, Tenn.’, giving an account of a of the perty could be ascertained. M'bere bos about Ux road, its tateierts, oad iU ro<|ainiacntt i saatiw aUafail a family, w h, wiih Hr. Bro baro bastan by mch aa individBal a* 1** and Mr. Lincoln at Ottawa, 111., on Ssturday pn ABorioaaa oad Whiga ihna ld rate lor A n-hita voUey after volley or round shot, canister. flEeura naithar Mb ^ I New Oitairt^_ bortibg *“*got •*?’ small war which seems to be raging between a norjior the‘•>® irone received it ? Ixt us know than any othar man. HeIla was th*tha veryvary peraro for goaUeBroa, nia over by a vulgar vahicta, exclaimed and grape were poured around Mr, without return- lost.li«t At least1«*x twelvetw*K'* thousandth..n..n.i per«)ns were pres- mouev“oney gone——who Ut Bar liaag a, bat NuC avoa ogoiM lXf«gla«» ouaoaiaaa bia fri»- I «orl Tba a'* Tennesste side, who knocked tbe officer wrongdoers, if wrong ha# bean committed. He wx most cordially approves rt the mlectioa rt Dr. ^ CrTht P^ladelpMa Plww. Cal. Foraey'a paper, dowu with was frequent and tremendous and when be de UmmUidUr Adameat*. TM eogagemeot was Bow ganrral, knd Ux fourteen Bin aro obliged to rosoct to lytag ami fotgtiy to dad to Ub geoatal alaiB. TM caa* Boroad Mpa- ^ most. complete investigation, ro.l ro Pre*iMn. rt th. emn 111- wro hM apparaatly Ihiawa away the aoabhard Ma tteamers, expoeed to Ux cross fire rt above a amended from the platform, h; wro’ raized by th. “ Koikes M „*W. B.R F^re. editor and proprietor, “ ro.. «i-... bun- Boka that rocatd what tMy wosdd Mrs it. TM loao. far 'bore was ao booi, aa ootti. s* triek, by t^xidoaion rt Ixmba search had most enthnxartically adoiflcd. hoaaa gaarart with the Ucaoapaoa ariog af «id Ux Ooa- at length, in some five «l»g« «nJ Loroe off on tMir shoulder* miwUlmg to invest more untd a Ulorongh -bieh h. doBaad •«, b appsaaob *. xtf. Ml old 1857, four or men from North ta the BtaraBrei.rtstitBrei.rt. tiM rtat u.ua mi. aaanoed la Ux Advocate, afford* a practical oega- g„ve rocket* describing Uxir fiery arcs, consUtuted aditevrt«ditcvrt tM DBBxrafsDmaocraf. BM.p party. Carolina aa assault ‘’®*“.. made. Therexa.*..,* -.**are other pertinent questioas. Mr.5Ir. WhHukerWhittaker moved Umtthat tM thanksthrok. rtc4 tM- Wkh a goad dtol of trot oooroga oad da- made on a man on tM Tences- centre««»CWflof affifalVEfUcrowd ofVI tbunsandsbUVUMUUa ofUI naouuncshouting ^ 1»- * tfaa rt tM old adage coaoaniiBg Ux veracity rt a spectacle rt rare mqdeur. Niir wu that which ineniUfriend* so^ polpabl.rororolaoroKLa bb hi.WLb Biiraiiv...«ali«rtLBc.l.,niMDBMtirif tj and h a» side, cutUng and subbing him oeverely **A freelyr-.l, *i,., tote l>r.IW J.J bb. karBbaattea, hewa rar, he aiixaa lattlc with withith a band of music in front. How far will tMthe f200,000 raised,railed, a*a« propoocl,propooed, go stockholdersrtockholdera areore doedue aadoad given Dr. -w-i^ a bloater aad «“•** maintatat tobe a peceaaa^ element ^ b.ljj i aomanta, whaa M iadalgat la ouefa aoKrtiou. of tM ,nnin,iT- a/ etfort rocras tad ia caflahiog Hr. H., wM ww drag- ng,speaking, Mr. Lincoln “cket. Let u* have a solid foundatiou to go on. Company, for hi* untiring, faithftiL and energetxenergetic ^ this wa* 400*, tM la4v —Ml fiBfliag eawasri, bxt thr rote of tha paapU of Koatoa at fg~A month of June last, early one morning, some “‘most good and the laughter be ex- ii . W*w wish all B*a here ^aad etaewhonotaewhan dxtinctdtatincUy to “*"-’32; men from North Carolina -‘i)0,000 labors ia Uxir behalf aad for ttx sattafoctory report h/lM roiigy rt Hr. Okysoa waa oflonrofi frsa a tha abrtiaa he takea agaiaatdthi PmrosvIvBua' with tM rota,nmioa Xrt “J.*. Daw”1 aw ro eouor.editor. cams over to I'eiiDes-see, cited was not less frequent ‘‘ “ **•** ‘® will answer ; to Mb AaB E^hh u poi„fan dropped ta water cloee and hearty than the ap- "“F will mokr uBtantaod if Ux to we . our starboard attempted UDilerstoad, tadead tMa staB rt oyneap*. aad Bad* to alas a pfaxh, by hill, to him it seemed plain that 'some other pl-tn must lx made by him this day. This was adopted. that anatdiag all tha lota aaadertd fictioaa to Is Jack too saodaat to publish bis anUre name? Mw, and tM whiz rt an occrok)^ shut, ro it flew pfan.^. Ixat himh? with stick'; be ded, was pursucil to a crawd tha ^ “'*® ®®*“ ••*••» officer* dodge Uxir suggestetl than any pro|Juaeil Mre to-day, for the Mr. Williams tendersil tM thanks ud agBooa taoB pUtfarB. TMa ht ea- — V J. 1 .. P“* neighboring Muse, wMn a general fight ensned; drllare IS a very sprightly New York letter tM and admonished us that though we were not "!>t recoim!*e4 a-sa Catholic, saentarist, which faetaa by the gitiaaa bok that k will aacair thr Tennesseeans, ovarpowered bv numMrs. were Mdlv —"'’I'?'®. ? purpose rt oldainiog relief or extracsion. to the chairman and froB tady that hope to hear fifiht were oat —. ’ “--V When he reverti-fl to Ihe forbiddi-D the a w* from fraqoenUy. fa tM we not rt danger. beaten.t pracUeeauf hlark . Daaaacratk party srt, ho dM *1 in the face of Uie YVilliams explaineil tMt tM committee did On motion rt Mr. Jacob Swigert. H wro resolved M thr aext CoogicB aa wall at ia T** Ubtaera stood to Uxir guns with a degree of known ceuiure of the apoa nttfac* at wravo. ah* NM ta cBiixaUycBineoUy rotertaiaingcsMortaiahn: ro a writer:srritor: piii excited tM whole neighborbcxsl, and, as i hurch.— F'reenuin's Journal. ksB IM tM Hod clo^ tha aaxt col- venture upon a perfect report; tMy tMt the ttockMIders ami other* interesteu ia tM Piawiwkial t lartiaa, oad halda aat at a lisions still took ptace, rt tMtgla- I* W caospoataa, both Boot hav* drewnod. lie 49a Ike Lauia Ut Joaraat: and as fighting ip)xared will not, even for tM bM Ta £ n m to The Roman Catholic Church evaitkrvwu,we taw head aad lilaady haatt tha fart lx the order of tbe day, may repudiate the could not do it within Ux limited time given them, succsb rt tM SootMni Pacific Railraad Cosupaay that ooriy M thr letterLETTER FHUllFWill MEW YuRK.YURIL tbe citizens of both idtates oonsauaamtioa, tavor aay union exeaft at loch a, juid predicted after Ux tint tire, they decided black art of Spiritualism, but rtans aext aBiha ut CaogrtB F aaiat will daBtail ad- bv on a pitcbeii battle. we guess it practices hut tMy acted as for ro they were able. They lx recommended to suMcriM for Ux Texas RapuM HufELs Pncrminm Hb Iebu-bwe —W* pa>» a» Aa LAAT n«anroin>AiiT.nxanroin>AiiT. j kept np a brisk canuonads for over aa hour, aad **** oppoeitioa a* are wUIhig to accupy iinairvi- ‘‘*7 appoinleil ssveral blacker ones. are “rt tM ltaM4 a Bpsnfl tMa iUnUa, iaia tha OBAvroaro: I reroose rmiU^tir yoa have .1.5““^.***^’ for We not surprised at tM knew fnim tM .!»ta furnished i.y the President tM Man, published weekly at YLushalL llarTxoo eoun- yaBMay who w x Bwa w Caba arith a iwaatkatbe doly tbs^t were not completely silenced until after an hour psrttan rt Sa- *** meet OQ the Tennessee **”Uv* gre^. By far tM greater tM hong far tM Banlar at Iro wifo, emtaorod ktaflBlI Botertbomlxodment. hxtility of tlx Hierarchy to Spiritcaiism if Uxy necessary tore- YV. at 50 par anaaai, ro H* fkaoBd by her dalagrtB oad doiy aecaptad by bar Inf«:t.ltwroiiotUxrixU *ide*to* fight present indebtedness, and what was tv, by K. Lqughery #2 ’ ican party rtlMNofUtaiaadai^rtoU Whigs, WsWa faaratoara fosBfosBiUb C l itflaia, that, *• iM eoateory, St Uw ouStto brterr pAniaref*^ which sileoced them, for the central fort vtill con* ‘• ‘I*®'’® ‘Mre is any truth in it. They want to its col- I*" "*"2^ r . day arrived. lieve tMm more than that tMy could not and did locatitm is ne:ir tM working rt tM rtwd and p «ph Nowthi PetB Boat baow that thia ywoa- TM Thirty men on the Tennessee — aad taal- M ptsli tti ^1 ^hi* ianns B n to tM taB, ta IM tal- om4/ oa cxcow hr hoahoafiB oofi fathen for Mflert oT tinned to reply after ecoret of tboee terrible eoiriDea ** coussTvaUv# ta sR tMir ptiaeipfas side .bsM tMir personal appsarsnee at monopolize tbe privilege of looking aad u tiaa wai ba aa epta oat aatO all the elactiaai the place into the other not undertake. If tMre has been criminality or umiu contain early tafonnatiiin rt Ha progre** to the “<> “ ““‘u ““ thoythey w*ra ta tM polay Jay*day* rt tM -r*S5K^A?Li KSi ^ world and making reports Uxreon, and tag*tags B)wnow as*i M*faM atxl Caa aai baaa baaa bald. Tha h'anaat — ttorming parties mounted tMir Mtteriea, aad treat- therefore neglect, it was not the provice of tM committee to affairs. p Ltgia- , Il ,li lireeL* kra!B sseapiMl by wroi I koe to ae- km^2 rod" pawsT,power, bsbwMMvsasa Mv* hodhad to — uM ' gfaryglory and wM “I-i saMaalysafaBoly Boflart beffica ren sttd Ihta etwwd, **'l “o“ol*''*‘® WhigJ party'*party’s AAai|4ldL ed Uxm to a volfay rt Basketry, that tMy Mtook ‘‘•"7 ‘1*^ ‘l>ought of the lay classes iminire. The Presulent directors conld in fnture routiix business rt minor i -a- Mim caa uha aa aatiaa ia tha peaaaiaB oatil k Night came“ and still not a CaroUnian was to lx rod After some more * that tanAckefl. wtxt rixll tell * WXl, bav I AX foMy I tMnuelvei to fligoL allowed to gaze into chooa#chooa. Mtwtt.lMMpal>B«-P«*7-J*®-D—wi ** Btate M Jaaoofy, oad *aa aaly tra ar rtx teen, only a spy or two at a distance. The Tennes- 1’®*“*? that world throngh the investigate these points. The coosideratioa for ns portanco, Ux meeting adjourasd sflx die. mmfmm m mj !_ POteWaff warfct aWrex^roa tKmw fc i« fill hnTi Had t impatient 2 STta *lMf7 t^Ty „ rod unlawfully slippeil over eyes of mediums. They are afraid the oppositiou is shall we abandon this great work? Will wilt ialarraa i boteta the 4tk af March briagt the steaiixr now tM aartMas nsw aboat H; theraran. I rtAll aot atteoiid IL H. B. H. s Nimrod, CapC Dow, occnpxd « ‘^®.“®'! ‘““k line might bring ronoyiiig «JiooH«y dsy^ the 8«'8«P^ tested, sBl Uxy w.u jro Fartaaataly. kwwAva*. aa tare ponoiM view th* xoM- ihimr mott coospicnoot poaition, and Si '’"“K reports from h®*'®".heaven, stotkbolder*"tockbolder. willing to contribute a smallsnudl sumsura if I coortitalteaal laakotht ataaioa ef Coogioak m Ux galtaaUy coa- taSi ou't Td «t.h M to*" ‘ell «»» ‘h«t ooe rt tMIM great Mrot.boast, rt ^mfa^Phdmfal- a thrilUtqt joy ta agB. fioBtek tba eDtniy’i airontfott forte. Tbe gunboat hell, and purgatory. it tkB k wooU he hapractirabia, far waat af tiatc, ka rorrtfuWeiMrarMd^^^^^ «tUst»dsatisfi^l tMt will Mingbring relief under th.the comluctconduct ; with bothvoio Aamiraie iMiora, over a mil long, If-teka*. a htM etaofi io tek/. Hmh. EdUorp; boi 4o«*i ro« think Solney, AdtaMe oooa board, andooa two erellxuletook plttx. Ph“ ber Muse, oatiorol gromnL aaotplate all thr B a rMaar of a Ttrrilaiial No one wro kilW; one Md — rt proper officer*officers and board of directors? Act.-nfor y eaaroa- that ymraffy th ici W mure te be wra of the tnorld In bioad pennonts fioatiof in tbe thickeit tbe erooke, hi* thumb sMt off, anotMr shot Cff-The Washington Union "" *'*•“*^6** of that ptac* Wsr* COOlMCtsd With tM g«tod shall ean.*aaaatad. so in the hand, and suggesU that the re- th*ih. futuref..l..«. .w.l regrets„vr.t. fortor th. past wa* M Mavka diaA a an aakk atiii a, taboak k B tha paapb, la L^on. woe a fine emUem of tbe enUmte ettdiaU which is not tM oecessary **’"*”' “*'«* << W® to found tMreui. Now. it un*oBpre«i.tag ^ ® la* win oa- far tM reoMsataa rt my «aa. God sa lovsfi Ba Ix^ron allifal M ^ oad oaoba appli e tri to ka Coagiaaa far adBlaaiaa aa Sirr-rTif «?»««< ux nrtMx. TM t^’uffi^hurtTShTkVrod*^^^ Col. Ha^y entered upon some explmuittans, rod tMt guv* Hi roly begatteo sow, fiat wtao. regular abel > thov Bwld M % «k U Br «nxi nxfwair of Be- xnxuu from aU Br aa- Xorming portiefl of both (amountiag to alraut 1,800 *“" "***“ ^ l>«r“«n- ““ P~~ *• ““•'•i-out for Ux damo- Joabtedly g* I* tM a Bkoka. Wa thaaafara iar e TM exdtement among the people ixcame furious sai.l if ffi) c«t* would bring relief M thought it - taarar haltaved a htafl etaaoifl out pavtafc. Mt hav* lia -to lha ipiaiia that ' .k. fio*. A* Br fi* "“® ff®'" ““ Senatorial canvass, the otMr from 8®®'*“"' « aot daslTa this with TM Chisfraia say* Bat tMr* wso* •*. tan «a hrEss Boi bo^ha on tM part of Ux French, owing to the explosioii nj^Tir' tMy cannot use tMir own meros, but, if rel'xf were WThe B'aaMagtto Uoba, oaauaaatiag apoa « Cresideccy. '“nri^a to hror that tM larokst- YY* iMlI pnfMX thta nhjset. twenty Baaaaad paagfa at tM e i ar nttaw. TM r^;rif'iMr'«Jrfa^^ «f Night rat;- ro; occasionally spies we're axn lurk- ulfonled, they cold get bol-1 rt their property rod final scans ta tho* i tas rriti sd hv Bat papor eight.f”r1 eaw ‘ntbe columD of Dame, and beard used to feed a brodrv, and , ... dodge Dopgiaa aad tha llliaiaa caaraaa, Byt that bone khcheecnb-vrte Mtlwfrant •wtrmaee.UmiwniA® lU ipg arouml, st wMm tbe tM ta •* Tennesseeans would occa- advance so for as lo lx entitled to the ahl rt Texu papm or* - , . , . Dvaacratie raps wa* ttaro aJjuated ka tt i ps4 upon liimiffvM Topffr for tbe repn ef '^nutteetioe.** doep4ooed thonder, and eome of our parly who bad f^-TM TM akhar a DaBocrat ar a Bapahticaa trill be siroally fire Uxir ritlea. classic spot, erst iltdicated to Phitadeiphia butter, olactad, tu a large amount. Now tM company’s property is opposHioa. Mvaiva rauamraatiB I* drop—IMtM sagflflfa «a*was •taawu-iTawa exoroivor ta* tasa—and,otad, if Ji: gtaAsastoUxir eyei saw Ux unMppy 'victims u UUa rt sn oaited TMy iM About 2 o’clock, while most rt the rberilT’a cora- Jersey sausages, CMster county bsef, ami “dowu Ohd caweladat tbaa; ‘•'*7 *'®'l ‘® '.*•**' Mvtag bmn blown high «s*®“‘i»n. an.l cannot sold for tiOO.OOO aT Hearr'tt Affl 80x4x1^0^ MB Ffara Mcnimrey bar *^®"Ji* pany were sleeping in a bouse, an atanii was rairad csuffie'edfiUo'fVfa M TOraaafrwBtof ia4«A Daoofae fraa the caaToa with her numbe^ew tmnkF for the rooad of the IB tbe eir. Cbioeee were caotfbt oo tbe ipot, tM«x Beck”aeva vagemoxs,vsgetabfas, winwill Mrerove a ByroaUuoyroaiau api- wU Mt ttuwm hy sentinels outside, wM fired tMir guns, CincinnatiCinciiinati Jiuauirrr.JiHguirer. though worth millions. ia New Turbp tbt mxi ar.jaer drw olwrwAitrr; Me roariatAaef la Uw mmrmm. pUero. Bet Kee .Ywk 4o«h ooi tmim and tbe iUpwbBcaa’* miu teff mm e«l Ms lia foU; tba iom Mba m4 B« roiiom •at«noir wbo oonfeeted that they bod fired toe troia. Poor enemy, which toph: ^ dalartbrwArt Af tli ipiBAiaiA Aad tartfaa. AAcoir was advancing, wheeled and fled. Makeklake it tM ratarale in Cincinnati, rod iu ‘•"P**- waaU stand 6 ItaB- faea. wU wretofax! Uxy roly olxyed tM olitor of Rev. Jlr. Deering asked what IM property reroal detagatim 'la that State fa fat| la ika preiBl en hre MBd fiaaod Bo aCb ir. lowr now wMt Mw. oIaaa be ir. Ha wW ^^ the En'juirer w„uldwould proltably “Tls nn-ere-bat iwia* iireeee ao aarrer’ ftoB hta Bxa aM Baotk. H* wro Bfcitt far the r-Mih. Tbr will proixbly auffer no punishment fnrUxr thro a tM Enquirer proMbly.,Unda.stand a poor clumce.clumce, consisteil? ocrats te 28 appoeiitan— ta Ohio Ux datagattan Maly apAaObfa lliaitaBri WAAb tb»4f baada aafl wiB*. “/. TMA UOA, kavr reuiroaS,- aafl Mlovi and some fatal crose(|uecces will yet ensue, unless M Br Art hr b AASAiHtiaA. aad ad B- iwaa aaaarw. If sorro kw ruorUr rMped ckerck. aad rtxfaB eoxiaraxer brief detentiro a* prisooen. TMy are moat likely even®''*“ if a lusjurity of that ti tM stroug arm rt the taw succeedasucceeds in s’-resting community were rogues.”*. Hr. Harnev ssid tMre were twenty mile* rt road _ , t would praMbly M 4 DaBocrat. mal 17 iFf.H B trig Bn Ia br tlAAWd to Br tnanA. k witl br aafl msrs ir the > Artema-n ll?: J Aaar Ifaaalu I Bsri it fllxnatsra^ BaecMr k Ora^ The Well. Last mght, at tS^TM ^CuhVZJ •y orodemned fekina, , , J . . wMn a ^IITsSTSS w wM, according to ChiaoB ens- slfoir. Y’oan, tc., n doubtil, ... ad- whA aki bA Ba aoBat aTBa dAAd. D. McLEUD. for iMy would no prefers smart rogue to a complete, live nearly ready, with .lepot. rod land* - ta Peaasy Ivauta, where all tM appirerots ta B* bsto, sold aa, aaly M affirm what M kad '5*'™ p^i*d p.rdo. as an ‘“du^nt ^ Dupont’s girot Mrer struck M Aooagb g^aiaad the Giaot! X'^’^JSr^’fa far TMa b Unor Ultb lecreMiaeber vroUb. UuAe toJ”’perform tbie deeperate part. Nor woe thu the ““*• ooiorclac^boMafiariMaad , Ex< inaii£.NT , <’»• Gold .—a iJutresamg Ihvnli.—A . "KRlB® •«••»• -•“•r. “Of po-rfal Urn. Hh aattraoBat ooly will aacare tha aUrtiiB af a earfaceoriocehovua eommcaress «rar gomtore orar writerwrttos •Wefa taal h«^.far. ooly coouaitycasoaily rtof Uxthe ofrt tMtbe kind. An EnglishEtiglieh officer will bring in ths aid rt Texas. letter from Ht. Gilead, North Carolina, to the edi eilitor of tM Cinciouati any rt precading onro. got “c»»‘*oa*ly eBterinE roe rt d^The Enquirer say*, Ux TMy a stream ro Uaoitaart! Pear Daogl ai, wa (aal iBpalbd to eaa- - “R **7 tM Mr. Williem.-*, again taking Ux fl-)or, said tM tor* rt tM Faystteville Observer, dated that, if are about returning which Be via4vvs vtB unrSag tirewa aa. aat tfatr arwanis magazi nea, rod above twenty mines rod magazines August 7, we to New KnglrooffC drohl* we go or a . • w douwe ” » n aw * i. u n TM , , „ BMti pafiaada d ta be, aa baa ait poHticiaa, bat had when Be kvatret* af Mlsi Ffaras back wIB ikrir o,, allfaa or Chtaase. 121 X-tMra ^ Ux Since tM election tMre after w. ' » *- *-•-"'* Iruaks AiU 4if cnireitat flaorr, aat tlicir heats fuller of . i M, Men conriderahle ex- woolen nutmeg get there. He is welcome whitt it hwi bee. Mretrtare. Tlx water i. »re:h I* tb* afternoon I went tolonrvevsurvey the Ixttto-grouBd. r"''! - aat taarlariaa aaaagb to atohe thr elbrt. He rtoad ronltfranMr aatoat aaaaeasF.aaaaeasr. HmatwarHrnatwor will BiorBiaevttkwith Bclrvora-Bcir wore- .xptaaatmn*. “ ratf-LseoB, ^ACnniaiam, Aag ?k *<> *'<'>« »*^® “> ‘"k® thro it Ms IXBL On Sumtay tMy tttach- aat faen- aat wv . Iml afa toraa't care—oad adtfarta The iceix was sborking, rod one could only audure ^ ^ mfoTVA^'hmines. A neb deposit, unuaralieled r T” ^ . aMawtiag aa the briob arhaa by a auoly ploigc he in tins region, - Dr. lowlkss, m response to a general call, came .Vlmim-Wrariro PBu s ers ti T’MBaa •* iM Lotd Hayor w*-^*t _-n ™i» ....i ... l- i. , v - .u i .u / toa Dereocrat*. aaJ M TM reasMffia at Havnv wr. Ita . it by broiahing reflecUro. TMre lay tM mangled *" *' *!**?^J Ms Men «li«->v®r«l «n the'tandsof S. ““ *’ ”?* •« «- Is* rt fc» eartd hart bora all arar baptiaed aew k b toa H. Cbristiro; ' >* and referred to a detailed list rt .lebts rod rt Laadea, pra pssian iM hoq.,Esq., near Old Lawrencenlle.Lawrenceville. Idtle^ use to1® liiiusclfbiiu.-«lf or anybodyaiivU>dv for tw?? PiveFive piece#piece* ^ else, buildings cmiiectcdcraiKoted with tMtbe paper millmill. ova II Uamta sahio, waa Bi^^ have we will . iI . i.*I.- -1-1 i iI ultra fnaM ! iaptal wa rt tM A lota. JS ,Tir!i"Jiy "!? *i'” **IS" ^ * ^ ti 11.i* of tbo sMariBg Ba Pkiad by Ma appaaeato aad tradacad by bb fife tbe UtOr bMoetf/^Mvibekro^ tbe bursUnK of a bumti; and, more bomd titU, tbe assets ap|s-nded to his report. IM debts due —— Mr 4«or Mr been found within a week l>y two young men. Smith it* present value l>y fiarelav. Tha Jataf was sasataarod tbeie nrrrw of i>ar Ksn*natom wb/n ainrty tb*HMmod p/uplie in H« *11- d ay a deadwM, however, le«i thro we expected to see, ~ gi .rtDoagtaa sjtrsB p«"nuiiifiHi lo i “chunks.”;uunu. .] stetev* k A I i ton eoimtj or/ ooiy oav» «hmx evaat rt tfa Ftakl.Ftald, and Ba alaawtaiM OB faatwaaa (hr ... A ut- II au- Unioa in tM two baadbt of hay. tbrcriooIlM, anlten. oa4 boaneu pmt oad 1 am incliaed to tbink that man/ matt bare «;-ff"If the extreme Southern view is ““® by stockholders, and thx sum alone if oftfa ll-'uw of Kei>r»ateUTss« Moeb eoallr MaO Many persnns are actively encaired near this snot correct that -CTs ffav. »vtfawawfad tM «spiBfc i irtH^. effiiTts dvfABt Leeoaiptoa. He set Hm sslf mat Trintty Bay M tbe oiMuff MoleyMl w^oai of rfyW kmir! - uou* to tefwriiM. It k been carried awar br their firing comrotlaa. Tbe — .- -1. .. prampllyi>n.n..jIo |xid...i.l would...nl.l giveiriv. relief;r-i;.f- secured byI.vI.«Htwnd ...... many rt them profiUUy. TM pit in which these the Lecompton consUtntioii is actually at IM pres- Why didn’t you think rt that wMn you and your S^Thr aditar of tha totrt k-a of Ux Uhin..., ro Ixth rides rt tM river, ap s* tM tamlieg ckamptaa rt a poricy, tM triompk Nnw Tons, fan#. M. Saraaaah Newt thiaha that fatUfa 1i;S22r’i.‘*fa *^“””** '* mortgage the pr> bat toraly tha Saraaaah aditar ‘“‘t ^a"«" at one time, to 2.')6, ““BP****** tea eorereea to fa apprr- and tbe 000 acrea of land to M donated hyTe-x- #^rrambuU ami Douglas have not met apro bmate (r> Is Meorelat earirriy additiroal companies of cavalry and militta in tM dtanairo * Lmd Havor rt 1 mdja rswobriiT loefipm ••• that waaid Seaat*'taoato il they• didn’t desire dtaaairo far TM * k ba ooBoaly hr a Bobka tora Thuma* IL Holt started yesterdsy for as, five mure mile* are laid, are worth at «tnuip lately. W# Mva mmus curiority ste tM to ’'*™ “« were rtrotod wMn tM Ifa rragiaia latinro rt la* tflever 4 .New Tort > *^:wMsk«naat ralabrer reMwtecfaa.tfa rckmtoEstrle. “".S'*.'?!?* ™It Urousually hroUh'°f* 'to’*^^*^** art hr Ihadiiviag af a kagb Baa. If that goUart to work ro Ux fears rt tMir ancmxi, ‘® ““*“*' ‘® P"'’**t* ‘’“"'"e.s* bM?saM? sweeasa rt s* iBfrlaal *n rodte^Bag fandwree bat they are alt ta deepbtack- wMn Uxy son of tM year, tMugh there is some tMre. He lowest estimate #7iM,UU0. what will orcur when tMy do meet. Douglaa Ms tM •faiMtedfa sickross roThe Deaar-st hM aad darr G iargiaa wBI ooly Bias* niat wore -aad loeb aa exteava- reported their wMle force at 30,000. If Uxy bad ' sditov at Be samp toliro rt tM A ’ta ntta Tita rap b Cpbln. ooBt aad tacUe “CoB MawwiBf for Be river above rod Mlow Mre. is a clever gentleman hut a pestilent politician. Mr. Iteering inquired rt the President If he had cMrged Trumbull with cowardice in saying certain C^We see tMt iM g le la teak apoa! •aaee ef fftaf red txen 100,000, however, reault rt day would iii ri ia H Is imfasd oro rt tM eoma i biifii, tM tM . 1 ,a. disensi** rt tM SabixB ri glartoa WBroiBs rt wa aaaaw Mb thoM ahall aot *'*'* **'”* * pleasant journay to hU Califoruta any warrant that tMre were no otMr debts. thing* Mbind his back, rod we shall re* wbstMr aheadoixd !•“» *'^*® l*®“ “™*8« •Wll'i - ba the Migbaort reIT.f^TIiSta5.*BS'fa!^ A Traiiei V at K ***’’I— TI I Mtorfataaor ta pii i bI Ma driri^ ^“® possessions and a long and vsatai f~t pnrwro P^ti ^ otfar eMfav save yeat te Brte far !•* Ragan, 'daughter rt a ^ K®®“ of tMt »lysly family *o ill ** not to blow goodgooil to tonxbody.”sonxbody.” Whatbat iwror*tioror* aadflad Ifa socmas. All Be Ixiween one aad two bumlred tboureud dollars. reipecUble widow lady of of debt is moremors tMn it ought to M. TM Board rt bH [»#^1 K. W. CfaHBCX. LaU" KeptaiMcaa "* «rTMM statro that Praai- two of tbe large once* were on wbeelii, and a have always l.urrowml and prowled and“"•* ®^ ®^ whtaky-drtakrri ami to- rt .'tobhatb day ?**!** Laid Uaiamat tb^ Ooly P™*''** P"y®'>preye.1 in fag* . LandB IJdSS.1lf ; Director*,Directors, Hat iMir late meetingmertiog in Texa*.Texas, tried to . “‘ont »n I uesday evening^ofox“Jli’dllLrL“r''"'*; L III Ftoreptarass rt flEttOBn-I dant HarMnsa ta axpectod la vi«k ab** k» tb^ few of tbe le«aer on pivoCe; tbe rest were on im- Ux deceased was token ill, ii,, * bxaro laata1 «towietoaa tMir Bat cHy dar- ! III i—rr Hfrlred did coadMomd mUo^ the church.church .. .. Justrial ^ omm** lacco-chewera? Nnw Totttt. 4ttm rr ato/ uver Mw iwriafa hVH 4t wbk^h were and continued to grow worse rapidly — lindoutall.®“‘ *"• fa^ H. ! all Skt oM rarriogea, eome of rotten with until Fridav — I okekai > norable ing Ba Agiicultnral Fair, nrxt Booth. If M when she dic‘ fancies. \Va state- advartiseinant rt acenoad rt bavto# tnrasd hln caa* affifi y ‘•’dnSKFreaeb W* all btor Be bAamla* aarweriof each msDorr. Am- Tha Indiana Di-iiiocralsD. iiioi'rats nr,—..—» • - Wa want public attention to tM follow .tiU, I Indiana •M greateat boat at oad TM Bsvernresunx to ex tinto et l i jiih Ba soaoro Bt ibobH at Bs oBev frste Be ItettffT aafl Be Park, aafl Be oM Trlaitr TM Chinese Mvs sent to ask s trace of three gi ciroiuiL V^EataHfc earoa "•®“t» taken from the books rt the com^v^uid tf , n..^^ The nfahaviogWytt vfaIpi»«i^BH.b..B«ip.^ tiA ebfaatate ttefl save tlx (jaaea. aafl hall rManiMa, themselves. Bva B* Mont^ nt i pjfr at' Bar *r Karoaa vote ro I ai-oniptro a. Ux OMOt Bort sllaua whi”woutel’to“braXfrt^^ TMy have . dfcl x mm M* not ^;et them we want U know why they can- Uioa; w«» and exteoaivaly n-te »««»• rtfcreffea te kiiflMlfcfi# wfW ifofc fad xfltaas/ taad^lfa sad ductwi jouriuU in America, or anywhere el^, we * UU»r. Ther look at oaly one side .ff political qu«. , •Lem- looraeff aa* Broogn aai -fiflpfl^*l**~T‘Tlfi and money for tbe lioos—and that’# alway# tbe hrtghi aide. hffn», ^ ^ rotian, wbish bta J l»m#ville Journal, edited by tbe distin^uUheil reepevUve departmaU» aau all OBiB at wit 1 I>r* Fowlke# replie«i: I m not refer yoa for on #wem plUbed ia their "1". T ^ | ^ are deiaff a goad fa^-TM%fThe odiBrediler efrt tWtM Malbain Man ary croto*“Ba ooriaafla n enadMate for Cff’W# #e« tbe question di.#ca##ed in several to tbe fonner officers of the company, ecd in my have hod mach experience. They | Lawto D. (Vpkill mfl j lO preaw oae unica r# itbsiMtbsfl be brobfabadbadr-*—nmb toytaflrtytostirbiBB#. Xbofl’t tala roaalarioaa offimsd by ' riockholder* why you Mrerot and they are r^s^ tb^ resraiil fork nu B day by a RiydUtaro ib e^a year ofUiciple# iofataatioa may oat expoee Pekin to the mioeries of neper, a* ft would, no drobt, P'P*". turn a.k you and tM work, j Mswiiim^riitingom I ^ discniaMatiBg psuffic. The Mckylacky fr-T.T htaaH faubbora. TM bom sfaH Bta#* mo iBooivto# Ba votoor aveqp ntary to (M afiBlnifltinliiin tbrt ettx,tMrilio. mutt Wflit for rein- nrmdt, oad giving clrculatioo lo tbe **** fomale pupiU.*’ W« only know that we could placed in office whom yoa coald cootroL I am fnen oa eDllghteml aad )SS!Sffifl!!!BrirtfarirtUr^ Bril bS?; In best paper in I men ^ {L* i graat grawta#. stirred,ttirred, BoreEfaxe tfaey—lfaey-dro’t»adro I tmam owea*. I Uiiiro.-.L

nGrajtLKi- m- SATl RI'AT, AU«iUST .»>, C9’KanMf\M,K KH, To a. llir...iel. o tb...... Ba»«.i.d t , h-r r into . ai.J ora l. r«Bv enaih....,sd Isntaiamao | ,,,.,^1,, . rill.UN kAII.Ui) vi>« I N • JO ^ f.M ini os\ ic-A ;iium»;.»..of»i»a‘c*aAp-o.v, _,*^\,***''^*^CT“innterua/ at nmm wa mralTwil London ad. Phibkie'phia Tr . with pmfcat tnrt WEEKLY IRNAI^ . ofinanr Di-mucratiil)fni« rate «h<>wh.. fi>v. many att"mi.l(tlxmi'l to \au]to^«^vault oter 1 1. I kM>iai | — * them.tbcni.u ^ b<.p.ii.ialrnad, Kui'ra.i> | riov'*l loN. fi» ill iifci* ( do *o ail liiiii.iin i*rr.hHbiH*T, I am Id- - m * I r ••tri-dori I'™"'*''«ir»nllv - -f r >1 .-«ced t* 1’nx.aEMivr , Uuliert \\ ai l '.t tn.ti^ h- !!I.>' it* -dJ... Wf a i I*h-M.n»».nE J. Aiker a^t- »i* Uem'h aat UoUrt Walker iUiJ r . haI. i-. , aaJ -t and r a>u Stephen aV. 1 lmv»* r*><4uos.t«Mi m ,f Kin(C»tuB, UM»r coaol; N A. Dou^UaDou^U^ arearo cownon I Imv^ r*^4iiowt«Ml aronventifoK ronventifo of th^the oi it»^ jib'll;;.' ^ week at I , wak haWlMt .t..i r» ' l»i. • ra a ft. mi tL -lr 1'^ *» uud. ^’Utheni Pactfle b.ii u..i . il. vi u Tat diiy;^it,and T tke laacaedinita MaU'nift.t «f th.* preaent condition of Hu- aif.lrai.t liii* Mato, uvuia to mr tumd Tcx^« anj all thot r^ , | ^ cub lfinw. Ii |,r..jK»r:v mut before a aale an- and»!id IiN'ramylit—ratby ran *‘| they are published It the if 0tri .‘if'ttrt n na. • nii. r T!- t advance p-irl with other. Lot ut4 but in difterenti!ift«rent wavs.warp. a.- ih-v pfmU i t .p. i i —simr«alm of‘i!^r_of hi-r. Loodoa papers Ike L'» isuvseoccsa kes |ar- i each Walker I f»-#| of a'.l |> rue » ^awa makes theiLe leaplean I (Msdmthtedi la''Tutk aaaiBtioo ftoo the fact that man *• mi. i ' endeavor tlir la* n il.a< "S. ti will |>s th.« r. -iilt; at •! li^wL *i«d butjUBt to Iht inddlc ' • ^ faitlifiillr to off.T th. m a« *a^u and h r rr*AouglasPouglaa tries it ir So.i^ . l.i f..i.r i».i*rDiit r--t-t it> tn#the **M..i.ctdn«*‘ffloitcMnc ofT’ofT* of WW-ndwn'.^“hi’-rnVnd h;ih-»i or audaxi.lkliTi' ».» iag own , m4 spocMr. we i, aotagooietical mithawith a fliptlipflipfljp or now exU, Bo*kio« to tind the rchir t. |.»r d . wcu„eu ta*r«, latk-.lln-iiri* .# ^ 1 atd the nioat ! hr iheir aid Um lato.ll;?rDee if j i ti t -< • A ’ll..* i-.v» «r- kr.a: 1 D. _.I Tl.. . j r. ».*ak II i.i|.. lii.aiiti dt.iiMfnl in.lb l«iiiat«. l>fd /m and . W h it will ‘alb.*/ |>xa-,. !•(«': i h»;r mujir m«fn»n.l iutafitu^?* »w r4 VMtardar fmIttUkmi la tha BaDv- e—ged.a»aaui)ced. Lhe : In Kik) Mr. Midisoo .ud other fmthersof the Re- semerset! The PhiUde'phi. Press ' Iwenlieen U i f 1 1 alii.B (• ‘*'1* havehsT. .uthor«d to U( Aa« litriiifii |.r«ivf.| fitutna*, ' to ; 0 li4» a lt.>akk«r ati n* ct-»^ry cl pngwUcee seem ol’'.";:! yimraar t\ LtfDtrcfL.a tA«^ tc^ errh. uhi«.' cwr;;c.^^’~v.«„d.v tram ' < »«*Ubt Ui ib« M*«*« r«Md Uin «uU*r|Tir« lUiui *'lUe hue aad i uukud your cot fidt-ncu to V Hesdiev, en in- I public declared in ('oogreM that a Prskident, wh<> say for Mr. Walker, that “he is in '>nii«nr. nr l« enter Into crimin«lion« snd rerriiidnsi|»ii- aud advance ih** s>Dtori'f1ae IW d. H#«w and frainbikid «.r the nffleor." kaportcce. U ^ .1 ... a:.w. .. i : : _ # ir o...... 3r»g-;W Iho*. troubl ki far proatitut* ilto powercoofitUd U> him as mtsakin— of of tbe Aioerkaa party, Hon. Kansas aa a Statoof tbs Amerlcsn Uolou dlv«biliiii.*aiid broiuht impeailins ruin up to.for :h»!! n>mcitJtk«arifio?'*^...*"**!^*** JinjeeST R. WoatUooK.WastUook.. ff. nneriynaerlv falr/JiYh ihe^i" bv T Irackif adndt a eiunariwA^tncDts which ire •whefed. ^ . MWMMaM 1'ilirrisls kavw ooce to torms J ^ j m II^ tW prc4^tpre-wnt vxi«t.cxi«t. I •! fot a friar.d, would im- WABta w|.i h 0ad" Uk. parallal p«rb.kis» In aoy otMt eompa- I I i»»nrcd. that, IM BUSe ito l thftt ttw KUveoth I>istri.-t, »nd H-Tacw t-bl«i»l m»i.t and receive cm be made), or whenever th- projrit pritnt Ikt.r wi b mudrrnto preoB^ « — Hm OSce fJVWimeal «ae Co^rres fh*n the ' ry ^ A d«atf'uSr-‘dMvd of tiuit waMfx.'catpd by Hon O 0 Ypriiitr. ih. »f In lbs oosutfy. as«U<«!>*,acwf..,*com»ta caa be amdf wlUi*'th« I skcadMkedz. d r* 11 V . , | * . ribune. 1 b-» peachmei.t . i*mstamkm to r**.l mCiII ••^Jnpeny. rcc.fv»«r.i.| il«;ir iw -or. hrewd i. mgarl .. laritii. U-. luglcd h the Sew Yoei. 1 atiU, also, that, inasmuch as ih^n president of thic c^iTnpoTiy, on ilw iwh oi iwtoUr. Hd^ gr* mt W‘'rk hes cumunu aocthor scrl piwttiul»d . laimA v!it; ^ UmeWv, the editor of j by lb.' nn.i.*r J.ft, .1 Compeiy wm ,old out under UiSi trurt dt-cd on «mlmrr»*em. ut Id iim uiifrW...l!v »o I nctpuctrd nct1..u nuretm« tfie troA dfwd, mod u*«t dii the Hkhmaa^ty 1, i. free to unite i.a a com- Mr. rvoa« dewUrsd.cwiMwu, thotiUM, underuuuer hisUi> admioUMiuiisu voethe Eofilishc ogusn billDiu propo*#dt>rauhs,«ii to ndinit..imif Ksusa^ .. n. elaVe Or cl, « our eol- t-wie, themealvei the let of Iodc, l-ie. Bv abto coumwUkttriud de*-d h lieid of the mm* of Tvxe* eerkioL; W rWcUre by hrf t.oorto llto wHi/fe. t..rUv armnewd, ete etUi sepcseted ! the wa am c • “Me. The 0T%a > th-tb workwalk many great chartrr oi uur furi.duH{, tK>el«^t. n* al- ! pmrr> -v^drins the rwmlts* edvaatage il poeeeeert are Waoce, oaIv test fur ofikff sh.'tuld be, *'is he Slate «ith a tjonulatluD nf BA non CLw tValk^r \a ^ in and out of TrsaA. and thr atI* uod. r It null, Company for tho pn>rr-v—i.^ns rpmli.|iuirrvB«chtua^Annlly weich ha de.ac -b vod . wet wa beef tkie —try . "* r.^\r.:Mrh“%r^:t ?k’^;5d':N;rwnl^^ .«« wm e.e«e . “FcgcMv hm trade throughout tk. worhT i. a I raon-'t refyaiM froei eftripryou the reeelt pwrehesar. of seiiiMt. gMei kic. It will kwl he esu wke emdeece il.

k with re IWeer of a

ran ouiakiiy orma m IM m.>nrha, tho iitirk w.U bo worth * ” . ** w^rnamwmtmwwm .. • ve* tojicrnnKidrc^od^raaMe * Tkc* m the defcat of al* par. n.'twiilWdndiu. t E.— ioet hble, true, cahe ewrrv legiucata exeitan fur t >d *( eh net", on I « hr>Q thd}* nfTt < the* xtraxaipdut aud wa*ii fuJ lad Bdaentie] ksaarica will a, . eneugh to mUr o# n*. we j d**«l In «f%ld ln."t nnin**d Hf*t thut evt-ry wicti n>i"pnr.itl>in AmerkM peiMr tbe Ht LoMia *Ma«. U .Xc . ie here eaid. aie it what • e , la tae tmk Thia wbut we ivins »td trorn tin* I **drn4j tjuvrmmcuK u> coiabUah a eouBe tleoraalleonal lafutme»mfu§^mo aa thattkel theike tiidicaltiee . . , didlcaltM thewaas tin>M*f In^'-r-ocfaBir cki:iiinaiilcat!f>ii,stiid**frt*mthcpmi. of no eiticls oa lUioots cr^ulvocall? politics, cwplc s * v »»- . _ aeg, agd sse mj k w dietiuetly aud *nr nm irki tkn wow Amrirma - «h . ^ id^yuiary ^.iMftoratmiiae*>a*irlenUM>iia ^ ^ “ ABcncaa ieUngi •nan^tod. Th«wThme factofaobi well “ • • B Ro«b hy may hi-In- .Kcui. —ku. #. iI ..1 .. tW eacasc, axcer* -I0iv-idiv ihf pa:rH*uc cx»-ni*.n'« ***^ saiae tahject laour pa^r that the viU« ecusy ca here ao fXB-nM.ni of unr rtockhfrMrr*dockhftldrri and thothe ™^ nihmtuFlaat Tttaednw,Tttaeday, FiwachFfwaclitr *>» iMesiaa sa Braneiow tha roiiiitry * ” rJ^n WBBi^ b.b, nuk**nuke* •'wry r*MiA*Qabh* • ue mcritiremcritirc to rracm*rrociM* .tuin thewstK^»s tkun » . hliadicg puiMon. far ieuadertf il i ng MalBia^MafiBiaz thua . a w hifUM workWork from lu trrHi|p,r* and 10 oa-oprratocw-oprrato TonneTaxnc iain "eittaaaeoitn-the odit.ir*«bpiamadUur*«b»l»ma »Ha«ila ihrermnwthaermnw .did • “• Tepe mekee m pBaMi oi 1. litiH'k th** nm<>iint In. l«r;;caiuuHniollnr;;c aniuHii ol *"omwiidoa* and paudjoampatiisiCM The mpiul and artnnlly paid jiWeiocnttWkAy U* t^antaken T*. lUcibc company,company. aa ihethe part oief theUto IlMaao*IlMaato Amcri-Ameri- it lor theI «wno aarouee indicaSad- Thia** S. The niiiouDl « x|N-udt-d for th** purrunA* of land for ru«*yriioy luuct b. wntbftifd.Aitbfti* d. aiil1 the rrctliPir*rretlitor* awnalitha*1 tha pnwcwtpceacat caavaiWcaavaiw in that .<*taSc..<*taSe. an m*wlmiMl bnba paid oCoR The Joanml .- • th*- €**ni4rtirtioD ri«orfiv«lit*>ri«or vthrr/*,other.*, thn<* aM-nIicii*e>oufheiue our rifrifhtinhtm 1/ o# lh*F earn. We •P**dappuad aa extractct > JLI**!?* u aov m “•tha "BisWada oiaJ thark* a.wi k h, ^ h. Thu Miuonut aud nature of it* indubtednem aii'l the all of wbicbwhich may b**to* prvTcnprvTvn'coce with rl^jnct ctcrcdlny, in mr opinion, iw. i'citod Suias. 4. TIm* mtii.Miiit n'cviw'd lor th** trao*P«>rtatl.in of pa-** It n* nut dvMervd that kliia wiNiut »ball Iw paid over to

* -'f 1-n pertr. "f tie- mails, aud Iron, all «th.r I ‘h;* • '’« *" ***^\umdicuium «u,4 a paltrypaurr party cliqiMcii«|oe anuand a|».a|o » ” -'**"‘*“ Vrr'nf’luiorV^tioulueorpoiwnoD owarc*d.ylM-.-« that ^•njiwnr Biodmind iQin Uvorfav or ofor and !1 1 of„f . mat -e' i tkoi « OB mitodmited comMnecombine actionnr*tion oothingmitbini; m.wain*^ than tbit,this, thatthat'inin tbis StateStite there " I ^ ^ «a ^oaM j ridi**l et l>o* uTtua V ww *r r^mwf -/ns CHret# ,k. CM’f'thw Mitchall, Um Ikgitiva pnucyal mo-t c tnrini nl I e nfn tks frisk ' all cocucyaiicrii and contrscta rxi*cu(**d lu wnuny the te ihr <>(uek- p y DtoBScrat, „ a n A n . . • • 7 hr ’I* I j I,,, **ol*o;„inilfi.r thetkji cots tr*m’*t*ortousa KymiepsU«*n 1 hlarsbnlhi I I ofc V c i* 5. Til" amoiint» ofr fivlaht,c i i.a speclrviDSir .1 thet. ,iiantitr int Kensaa policr the Adiuimatrati«»n, of P Nea are s set of pilitKUnt who, themselves liolting the l*r« jiid« iit and nmnt* i>l^m*d by the .<“mHary or any «*iImt le.l.i-r., and euw- d in Ibe h-nd. M sarh p-rai.u. as Iker Armg—h4jw pi.p,. - of Mr. Adsms,Adams, he and vsntion asseml.led,Bssetivl>letl, are emleivoringendeavoring to induce othersother. naiter , le iaBS^iB |j aa by bis kaighlly enurtoay slieBglli g, V'*ud’u'v''4 Tb**T‘bl* n':::3e7,^.irib:?d ''rit’a!^uut car, boU-] Il n-sirk te-u-snd ueral >,ir»eviou. a. .liaJI be adu|>tail ^ «- tb-tbas glviag to.th* Ha 7^^ I V;*^LVinl>‘i'L't'‘Zd.,V„ m^e*" hrf% i:i*rr.j:?ti .-ilil^y’’ i".!, nw-g ^ “to^tBgs must uroes.aiilynroee*nrilr attractattrnct politicalpoliticnl “r. rUvClay werewen* much ahusrdnbused by thatbs whole of whatwbnl •nd mlar.*^ r^puctircly. - c-m’urp.tc«»in»T*enl , to a like detertinn.desertion. To thisthia extent bis commentscninmenta cxccuii-uexeciur-'il *»fof *th*'instriim’.*Mtthe luitrum.Mt em*nfUl;e-l-titui: vi.\rAnsellvi.\r a\n#cii on Cclr- hr ihum-itUne. u .UI iriamBb I mr-jat iuits Bfis-Bfia* cor- ^ ^ *" “ • ^ « !•>-. toatoly •B^"* ^ a .. Sa a . . . . a. . _ _ _ J . a . s. wv . -s . >.s.. . *1...... i.ti. to* <-a....s.k. >.« .. t* I. T ftc oumt* T xud auK*nut of djTulrnd». **P«Ud to ba- 1 at_ _ _ _r .a _ _ mt* TV-..e.-w^a:...... 1. '_ a - ..a...... TM.Fatll.n<«. na**i> lol! 9.1 ('ranch i?Ti 2flJ«ihiaib>u a R*sxmrt«_ and ahrn t nave received authoii**.- fiom iiMUiy sti ckbnlder. from -No.*ithaUii,limc toe iatarLmatia, ^oreM«dow the m-ti-.n of the „,ps.Uiuc “^rwatsis lecam. th. I»e«oor..ic press became reach, for, abiding ai to. leader. with gr^tl emUnt the r..,ult cf ,V.’:i; ^^ “>a 1 e^^ .ar.-'ua dtates in repr a-nt them In this Ipi^p*.atoddmp^g..d«l’.ftk.k.«ts ; ir;:V.!ru'r 7 ta— tio«. uml,from of the Mormom C^-ThCbnrvb Mt to bsid pnMicmMic mJigiMSmJigiMs * d^******^"^- ru'-lic pr.nl.ug was tdeen from ak«dd be Utroagbout Sxte Sew fork. Ard ,t w. u!d two ..r three thn election am.tng the Kansees, he treats Uemp- -*"•‘"<5* aamurmaa. tv« if to. Uma. ; ^rs.^aa^ “ "'’r « Wn “v thf• ^tvoMiW" rww 7Z ^ {>,-,^^;;,,.^V7"ho""ili"u^ tll.'^ei'o.ru^.V.rS.'^’Sf'litu 5:"a'^..‘':..rit’:^^irh'>“;;rn.S^^ Tint‘"X rPaaaneAT Exfvsryiox.— ns If the^ opfWt'cm psp*rs nod jpven to nc niUn*nin pa*m nst frcWii, »nd npon »h-mthem i*irc«>A^i.ir «>n^ kUon,atlun, ih«tihai thetk«* aeM-uni rcmninmlrr tnainaJ bers,bera, they bnwnbava foaadfos it fha liimnlTnil hrik— ints fr jn—fits by tKs BtoU <*oni;ratu- ThU l.w J. amount rrqnircdnsjelred w^vUI P"***” al-aotu'a- m ' brclus'.fuU> iiroT.iiMl ly «• «1k- .rtminis-ration. It the- by Ue- stucUwlders •«nf bwuie .a m- aecessarynecassary teta roUect tbatoo peapiepeopto logethar,logotbar. *Ha CeacEvacat.vo ia sagasd u> ton w- rapidly at the .North among lV.-c v, wa, aUo them, of fro- l„es the l»em.H:r.lic , dirty that there In. »if »- aad as-ns- Pasagmsy M.S .r .fdht, A-eric. pn^ipito would is now no ^te.‘;:i5u"'^h?r^:’*3‘hr 'ur The uriTr^lVuniuh.-r men cinidoyede,n,.l..,ed and their ocepa.ocrupu- I-any.pany. .*2 j 1^ ^ pa.liely, to prevaM tba apnmduf “l‘«, denuaci.tuH. f,om the atump a. the mtnMlmt- \crt the m:m* ‘**»*4 by letter to nJTy, wlMchiabaeamiaganiteapiMicBtWWch iTtoeomiag ,w_ *** **^ me the naval forra al ” <^** of prrscTiption ‘ »»' laagto peavidml ntod nKtmarAiMry o«B- ^B®f*B*BpP*»*»^Bi"**"totbeorrii*'o*oni‘ran\ accldunt* har<* arhvn fruni rarple^Mnetfa* thU meeting i. |*«*r»rt fact. i»f tbo‘MeilJ.city. Ibiam^iacibWBanClAg .^ n* you tbr Ah which * nwuurtfid- waa inBBWdiataadad totit baha baUbalil la .e, . ' m 7: *•* which tba print- ‘ wle.i**Iefa mma-lmi Tba t.j ,• I*P*''* The Preaa then may felie-iuta itrelf M. TbeTbv of Un.1Un*l douaUd hy the State and the quan- ! wbuiitcU. .1. aaerto,saetto, tbat *“ *'*•-* uat InaTiiakly ssatiaaa aa far aaaM toaa (a ootaa. Whatover might l« said of ttw policr of sxelud- on j>eae-o, and of"lK-%.her^mh,°l *.;‘i nc.r!ia‘’vlnlr'b<2n”dup^^^ K.WI.kKA ITwademt. sofotbat aaOontilaaaa Gontilaa abouldaboald bo present, hot tba

tit? r-niainlu luwtld. I ; liantileagnt wiodof *** mfamiliaaa baaiag . a., a a - e .aw aa- a. a. a ana . It t« further pr*iviJos| «|al H. kaoa w k. » I toaimportaatm—tobMb ^grattoaI ap. ..to totoi » Cl fatod And lu act that any corpora- aadweracaaaeqiumtiTtbare iir.-to.to«wmm Hl^W HOT V •r* 8 k-1- a l^.a .l--_ j tt*U diH*U Ol trillit nUU CnUUnt ID MUy maUftCr DO CUfT: Tin; .M.UI.S BY ri.K AN.iUj-SAXoX. •*ct«de a sl.re .Vare s.m*ah. A ^ M aU I)-"CBf ‘‘t?AA V* -J . L nuytoetd lo pniKtnaUy at <« the groqnd of abusive td’ Mr. Adams in bis privata character or tVii which make“••'tv *„cUinch report,i an«l whh'h shall too appoiatod Cibm. ia roaaasaaara sam lat e d. with a viaw to amaC . P^’’*** aentimanfon. . in . > . b. the «.me. j p toa ewaava dtalr- asa waAaMriaaaatoAaeriaaaeAtoanaaas to doao.do. a —caaaatcauato iadacelaaaociadaca ,i eem„otimem u thelue North,no, andan lo.-ommouto.eo .-omraou sensesanse everv-ev erj roa. . i-f wbatatoWbarwbal aas wewa BeB.w u [t tsL ..rrea.-onJei.t the . . > . . fvrtl-rf irther .j.-vl,c.iH'i'ltei n* niaku .1-tlic -siMini** after L..nd.-a Thwral Juw* hetag an SMveslave ’’'vi-'-.h'*'!''.. .k c .. w m.k. U iuy iHulfhd i ^ MBg Mate.mate. ^B benb**n an uommuaiivcommunit is we\Sc thinkthins ih.ih* iscuconuscl.-dlACiicoouccli*u wnhwi.l. the .< xcemloaxcention of th.-lli of their preMce,presence, bat speaker v f hm^ U ,w,i_miriira , , , ^drosa^dtoT^addrosaed tba ton------' m .T thr->ai.*h Iht* Pr**-td«nf or anv l»ir»-rti*r lh*'r»-*»f, hy th*- narv lopsr. laa’ writoa toua where,whore, nmlniid sveept the olive of vni Til.: I iiv.i:i;i>Li!.. I- .\ fmm rffi iri< W bgbt wi i bnWhB nt ftsMl mbc fniat bops lurBnd, «a4 with slnvenslnver> nod anvs , bmoeb of .idmitting deed of irmrttrnat snd ofinclue i*nl«* rcmtrcmh'rhnthrh dh vnH.i. aiariio.-xixit:iio.n lt. s— iigu.vt 8, « r. v. — gregatim;gregatjM; ba axhe-rted — f , wew# propose in On themthorn bnedy *• u* t^lml•^'o1h*r, ot a tailure to ('ouiply,i eatcot to pareba-aBare-ha.-a n .. ,, with thru irmriaifiin. I prmripir •‘"•kholdcis. Al.AVa, *”* Bshimare .-daa: ’ ohuined rapid growth und- r .:. ' one imperunt puir.t all correspuMlenta *“ they wOl Hwl e«ma into tto Uaioa aa SljOe. t^y wo^ld n.d Kansas l*fore it Incomes a fire-brand in 18150,” Hisall forts it it<* charter. Mom to gentsgmids of tba G^aliia(isatila manmarrbaatsbants ar —n-. ard, K w. icmato tom, Iw j hut far tbatoa priiain.pmailii^ lalUtall- ^ it iv -nt<-il sgree, thut »'• Now, repn hy thr plaiiiliff lh;it the .-eniirhera I and u on the good fteling manifested I log tboai tola till I" -lipUm ***'.”*" *^***”’ “I'h J«- *"«•>; I** 1*“ «'“« pt'>traticg that no i>. .IKX.M.sa.S. wait allail tba BKrebantamrebant trama acv tto .Hpaaisk .kmwicaM MdtoatotoairhaMia actor partiaa. kitoarttoa f**?* there ia not enough honesty in hi. Administration to k tod ar- aaaal. mt WTj«^fT, m far a« U> prevest her j a coming man should ha turned out of office marelv for his K ww^iuiyswi SreSfN' o^llll4*no^iiil4*n of Murrah,Murrsh, Adam*,Atlauut, AcAc,l*‘unlDy^.IuudIds'*. with“Cwith “Cl* wa BMMMMi BMe IBMamrj witEvitk Mlall Kskfa iM4>tba^ with alarery, do this P***"plain art nf iuxtire ev«n thmnrha poiiucaiTw%iui/*ai Loim aoas she wa* repuhli- P<>*»«<^« tsik»n**tgijoD** of S. P.I*. K. R,R. t o. vj*.vs*. J. M. sundnrASsndMrA and o>hviodivrit . * onlyi whereu ubo u i beenu internwd-. i had **' sale, Itit lI lieIm* >*»*en thatll-at |.r.vetyi abAsaa aaw-aati aAS aad akatotoatiaAa aata bHah- caa in form Ha stated this, cot aa hia p,,j;cy w«uld plainly dk-Uitj the removal ofr»f irreat t-. vacatevacjit^ the ml**, iremfrom whichwiiich wi sem pr*>m*d- awd opinion, hnt I * a great ,• ’ * » • ^ A. A W* . a- . . Ai:,„_ _l Ai — 1 la a_ . . _ ^® Ins*itiAA hsTHhttvai boenIwaon lu*titnU4likAiitniM tola rsmovsr^niatvA theiLas lufal1 h«a 1 re»iniiot4r»*wirmin •• * fro® hiMory. For eleefioos, or where It was necessary to ii i partod laad,lewd, arsr we insUnce, suppoM ; disturliing eleiuecl. attar aa Indtoa to ear mustmuet _ ., , , . — » u.s.uu|*ou mothu e«.uiwu>.comi*HD7. Lnioa(aad be did not hiiog alwnt aometbing like an equal dutribation i sTMTiatni ~ bv wbioh we may bops to *P^“ cITCTIoN4 ITATIOV. .f.'• 8aundi*r« “^^/iakenny cats waa notnut fought E^*uUi«*rn j.-"!:*I'sciPc hsiirtiAd Cumpany r^. «M. " tore oaraaaatiy faam to. 1 mu. tom toremare ““ ^ W .'““.l* * PW'®®®* hnd gone ou for some time and “Huck snd “Dug.** Tnx St%tk «»k or IIabbiiioh. n uTifnKilB lisr Mvw would he nL|e to keep her out Iccail.ie sIm ! Tkxa*, Othtt

^ in * adminiwiwtion wa. relTrriog it public The papers th. interest of Dug charge that thr Ttore ia aat aas^araaa mdiUiy aaa-aUratoUtog ’'*? from in Ccmpsny, a 'tl'* ^ e . articles the Uashiogtoa b*^v f^n-*rst«* »n.l iN.iith iiAtoAto — estimslioo, Mr. Msrev sUrtled the Senate aad the m Union villif>ing him to-amdiamity wfaisid /Iriwtritueon j to. ^ mk«h the men 1 MrtTperiTg mas nwcK.ewca, B*cancmn hsv* i.lfd th«*i- (wtniou lu the Hnunct ( «»urt of ^ eeUledsettled the metier,matter, wbsWver we . itire.wviwsvA i i •... ^ mtfhtmlfht aavsaw of tM>t o- ...tom-. «ev* «.«!« n i. . “'owing and juatirying tha practioa nn- atom a man to a«y eaaaldambh aSca. AU tola is lar aavereigntv or of the right, of tto people? ,h„ aat^ wo tore — to tto f-rrininai laflatarai ^ priacipla obliquely laid down in the Cincinnati corrtipt New York doctrine tbat “to thr m " platfarm, and more dalilwratelvdalilwnitrly expressedcxiiresaed in the rldcrrr/eforr lAtlamg Ikr rpatU M tto Mlmniri nnainnmia * aad tto Cf**7r*’ Mr. Clay and otbarSen- President s meatage, tbat tba appiropriata time for .lors ImimdUtely qatattornanjitotkaaf to. Mavrey qaa.timii.Ml a's^^TtoXtlsTjr'toLl^^ denonnerd the dcctrino in the *'“*'™** •'=J predicieU all the corrupting ef- im farm. Bad it am baaa far that repaal aad tto *1^ •**^* »*8FerT is when she comas to admiarion Into the I'nkm, was practicallv <*Pta that have since flvwed from ita practice. rwaaarw artlmltr toe Aamrieaa paitv ia tto aet- Its continued urn during the administratiore of Jack- aaOd tore oaluaaad to wia re brUlimA vie- ll^f M u7irw!“v ll‘ to **“ ““** *'"* ““‘*® “ • P*n“*oent na- tartar ap to tUttiaMaait waa bafara tto maatiog wbae Territorie* abould deicid, thii quea'ion for ^*‘*‘^* instiiuti<«, af to ri ilarril aatiaaal oaavaatiae ia rbUadalphia t^rearelvaa, that te/«w do other <->nrse of action which has ceased to attract at- *“ ***“‘ *bec they come Id to VSAC „ maitmrm ---e ik. s “T fram* a State tention, and Is viewed by most of the presant gen-

“4 compelling oAica-boldcn to ito rj " 6 (iiit*Btl«>n di-’CUMe'd i am RaawblltMs tore ia tto nath Ttore are vary « iu i*pv(*nil F.ui'ta'rn p*p**n >y cf»n>onib* i«*w*t orh«ht whut. ' wo iHnrniii nj iarg« bu emcb •• pr*H*^dT forMblca bjr tM lOBimctfemi I»vrere.w»«. 2 -sm..re2A*msi -i a »• J B oar * •©* nermitted. ®WThe American State Cuiiucil of submit to an assessment in aid of wbi'^F’r s ^noolmsAt^r eau ki*» hU f^iiml^ piipllp.“ W« t*wr for c*tot of afiit, xud for tuK'h other r*-Iii;f ae the Dxtiirv •be waa rccmvM, accordiag nc perM>Qx that Brighxm ^ laaay Ci^'Jiaaaa ia tos North who are as mack New Yoik, in the l»arty corrup- nrivil**itf t*> •M romputir bv tl»ulr ciisft^r af io- luu b#reU4or0 ^rMD fj^ Bi^i ter onlylUy know that W6we could whwli 'u>u wewo wurrtwurti a achocOraxidJ'rrM'hOLdraafftcr. of tbeexM* may repiin*. to the m'e»* truetwortlir •ccotinM. corpofsHon. or by an> ©'her law or htitiitrof ih.* Sure: wkb eDrUmlitr, qa^Btlj coifed aod ia tbs ekvcR Timkikmt I irrai fe Ik* * -» mi. •***"* •* “ Tnerday, was largely attended tic-n fund waa firm inaugurated, we are not in- * ZeOMisrtifC HoMkm Mww m^htmt Atwatod at baart to tot gnat t-ri-*i^ iif LouisetUe a/owmnuJoftmsL oni4»ttTi*B.four plMtform ram, the chain*. Kidkei*, - - ^ ^ purpnsas^ two lo aud — — , ar-Uven with enthusiasm. There can be no do^d toas idtresml tto «Sa^ gawStoT-TiL^m^^ J M. t LuL’t*U,' l)ii*t..\uV» »ith ] ,0^ A — * a fa i -_- *®4 tbt oimofl Uarmooy•‘“tniooy andkd4 etthu-bsm«ithu**iafm prevailed,ppcvsiled. formed. It waawas rife In the davsday. of Polk, but Thmau)Tbrntu) bodrbody mifht.—Z^/jnorrof.Z)/jiiorr(?f. cartinsi*bei*>ndnsto<**idciiui*an?, • to, Amanatoi party^^BawMmmmtm asreBmm ttotham ^a ^^^^TaH^aw* Lmperw was itM-s. anxi^ that this Imirirani toaremlreaw^sn^w^n a " deotl provi*lt*d ^uld (piling to Brigham wa worship a lira gad, minions, aad ropate-i ^ 1 which that i*aid t*roi*prt^ luixlit be Johl J; ami to ba worth more maaay The*“• ^“•*““‘*“*Coe''eatioaXoanaating Coeventioa is fixed prolaldypro! ably TmsTiia .nIIarri**miarris.>n C-snly.t-inly. be thj ca e. The rrceptioa for SrjiteinharSejiteinliar not so well systematizedsyatematized or r4,orouslv en- ' yo>i couldn't. at cf her UnUnic Majas- wUl ^ tot, k,aton t-mvt -my are am praparad.araaaiad, aad theytoay will not r4,orouslyen- No, You are so frightfally ugly sfu r .% notic-i-f leu d«vs. th- ln-4»nsr ofsnv h nsrtcia- bava nothing to do with dead gmla.’ The cnia- ttoa tto whole smowa: aow la aar ires-arvl? therein naiuM!; *nl ibtt »teuu»mli Long, one of the i, Jono m. ii»*ii(Jewu,1. Clerkc*era ot ihain* Iris-. rkt Courti oiirt of »v sx^aasajs a I-rrenenreach >>unt(li«t,journ.ili-t, »“» *t Geceva. rv >y, “proves“pfovea to me thattlmt herb«r of Umthe perrooa, i —»>-- H.ngh.mptret foreed it rYs. bothbuck I -tit b«rei hv Tha pUtform, a. a. now U. nn.il th. ^Imsnistration of that no girl could ever 1* prevailed on to go to/» apoeuteaaDoaUtaa aad mintSLmintx.inta, mkolwto_ cietmedcroiMcl aa ^hreh\- hr tomtom***ttotbo ”Isa BiltaiBtfRaa toy,fema.'L-b^ BaOm reAma.,tojaiato.A-.rt.reor,aiumtoo., bretoe, truHte»*-uudurBBiddtv*LadvHrtW.l forMile-aWiropiriv, Hl•rd»^^ouni7d“^^^^IUr.l*on co.iuty,do hen*by rmify Umt the forvif..iiK a m h wewear**,are, thank HeavenHeaven!I mu-.-h It.. j mu'b l^a .apfcaOss««4onAo6ex than have tow'-ITtoiatoM mVrhiw^Zdaad t ^ - apparent I cyeaa, tfeert^Wa,torefara. eanlyaavUv pawpay - - rea®rmad trnstro** eopycopy ofuf ii.«ti.e orWiusIorfeiu*! rtf*til MarentT, ttetto i t - * Trey, was adopted, and rcsolction Pierce. Heretofore, I on 'h*’thu ^xh diiy of May. “"1and ®“on 'hethe tin*! rnc«d*vl''«-sdav Iniu petiOonpetition on Inia my **mce,..ni«-. r/. Baaa of mimmmigy beakaa,b-tore and dMrtodl r ii1 re b u •> «ku a tha i>raclica has licen denied school to von. You know that we. who. for somasome ^.i k-r k Za Z\ „ aad d if« il aa it aadartuaalelyeresiiauaieiy wis nat sawthis ' who »ek to Bixnttain Lami..:ma,:rei ^svsv.^||A ’ tiuJ.r I T ® P©(^®o* oagat to ba iulRuitBt , , ... . .lune.lane t»M*»'c«fierth«-rr«f.sr a)M«oM UieIlls MineMiiio bsforrbefore the court-housecourt-iiou*e «l»oriloor Giventrlwn Mud. r my haudhaa*i sadaad p»-»ie-nl oof mid ta gxui eraifeaca tor it, .y , o. , , j „ . . I . . . . With I inniialtrM arwB oat eNpresalag wil lirgnesr to caopersta and attempted to la ^ ^ * ” P“***" with all concealed. But now, when It 1 reason or other, haven't quite such a horror ofr ugli- .letferaon.letfenion \lHfdrici\lHstrk-i IJoiirt(Jotirt Iwtvreeo tli. t «vo CeighiiurmR natiooa time laareiankl aa saaask thanthaw aa there Uaala aa aanhivaanhiy haoehepe in Sfar^hall.Msrshsll. and that M.M Saimdcr-Saiindcrd hi-1hid thettie «pa ne f# 4-,, ,,a « of Mai«liaU,.Maistiall, thk,this, the .*toth the oM spirit any other people it woala be beaoa«l helfef bat with aeeafe .. . re...... ‘ wto sntertain the aamc views and ore willing to wo.k can no longer he denied, the ness ‘^i«*rems of litre- this pmijde'Tl^^ «f mnaNi far the piwseat or area far toma administration organ, as a ahy, timid girl naturally has, once visited yaara jJ/‘,IJ^’!y‘^'to^'l]Jni«'iirei'ieo>^to hmlliv^^ ^!^^V'^""'"‘‘'^Vtr'.UNI.ru,«DN tW,k ^ 1 bs t»u«n drove out yfstsrdaymaaopea THE ClIERBtiL'KG ^ ear. Prorelj tlaw fa wlvaaciag reoidiT. FnXB. tbe Minr tii4. Tbe ooun« of Mrvrt. Cfittrn* the UdIoq, paUlifibed otider the tout acbool, and there wii»a*t irirl there, tbcu and there cnuvcvcd thr* Kame by deed cothedufen I V Ilfa^Uvre- —far owr axisdag argamiaa’iaa, ttore immedUte «tc and a even Yrei issa caaam ba ' *Jlld ''•ige “"*1 •* • < pstc. The EnglUb, at Ascs/rre Orr ¥.s.sW)t - r-rermw f»Hre Dl* t,M*d »l)'l t ' II* ' Uia lematizad. , • dfaUt* hen*lUD«*l's|V J U»l *’fCOd* KlVe "'ll Itocrem R^ll -al a , n IA 1. d* 1 * L aU Mat. I llUrs" re j a 1. » 1 4 7" • aad Judicuma maa ai tto dmms. Marehal!, Bell, Davis,TlmvU andmwA other tro. enntrol of President*UBncbanan, To Ml. A'z-ss'lcniy risn Cor. y.’icAirdA AommsI.'s, s'* M aar npiafea oham following the exam- though the good old B’hig flsg, so dear to the ladies, oi7*n>zTu\stuscIrs<^nto I pn-tsuVd eomi>anV.\n*t»•) laavKac'ttolawftag the wre •A any goad raaaaa ta daabi that wa | mnr, radUnt eowacilcoaacil ofof'ttothe apomatos.anontaten Xs Qaeaa(^Bta wan haoM Nearly all the aaoeutee I Ida af American principlas ia Congress was ple of Marey, cobjos and enchintt d at the warm rec-ption •»'“ *“** lyeriol*»—"»* carriaffo hv tw* warm- out with a shamelass avowal I was streaming to the hreezs over vour school-house. c-ption tbeir Sever-Stover- pmblicly etill affiliate with iBpaaer. wh* had better aecsniplish all toe gaad we eaa by V*'* ^ . ss --f “nn ^h theths MenwBe.MstimiBsliiiiwhot ®cr*tV i ' ": th-voffb the Iowa, ly they are hara ar4 lilt {fleet m«iu»* ox aii-l «»«*©. < *~ «•at workwwak reaviag — loG of tlie «*i*rrTy *110 riBiui me uy Tirme snia pur* Jiuxrmn •iii non.Moo. U<*o. p.8. Y'craer1 errer bc thsirineir . j pre4'Uec. oi wiia p Murmh (mu* iTDeiUeui) Iftat '1: i aumtore.aaaujer*, lI >* ,, r”. 7^1 ’ emahiilag. If practicahle. with those, wto, caa- I 1 it..'' tT”* t* ZT ® *»>» ID our paper of TuesduT that the chBe.*, Th»r N*id Vurcur rUiiuud uutlwrity for the exeeu- the s*tj*tc of Tcxim Ii*k di 'iKtud proovdinin ecaime the tie Hnpenei »n*l huyal party ali^htenalighted from tbeir onreaizioi;,orgaaiziog, eo4ami cooneeliac.counreliac. L^jaeoft ee we oea nnht toHM. TtoTl FilAce JOTh IMFlare articlemsrtLrvU wLicdtot SreK resre re^svsvreaivre ^-* je au a TberTbav varvwerr macbmmrk de-4*. we recently copied from tbat V ^’’***“ seatiag to fasaga all sack • • tloft of *tf*id d**cd oftFii**’** *t fromccrtaln n*faoiu»loD«rvfaoludouji nawedpoised I ^oa'henxSjoolhem PauidoPaeido K^lruadKAiiruad Iht* " Waiet%"ales ami the arpases aa we _ i. 1 rr* I r«»roi«ur. wUb obHTt of cerri *gei to arcin*! on loot DwbeDaha efat Osmbiiilae p daem SWMr. Prvorof the Ktchuiood .South is delighud ^ 1. ^ *(rea«fireifirwiirerereis Aime»a.mto »aa *a wvwremrenfa t mmi the|« billhill of La KooleKoole, «resire tbatto Dreetacepreeeoea of the armymrmr ia'n* tW efew mm Cembralae mtoreA Ito pnnciple of coonsiogcoonalog slavery to iteits present Tern*Tern- I tto city aa thav piper, epMkinc or ererreverr official Lyu.y theiiie Hoard of Hmetor*Ihnctow of naid*aid corotniDy tbeidutbeiuti and I deuiariuBdeuiariue it^it-* rhanurrhartur forlvlt-fftrivi d, proumlud upon ih»* foil. Beat misAiavmm aad wreag, • omciai, if11 anwany iMrethere were,were nhen« a li-e view of thw haH-err toia cvmmandedcommaodVa AaAn Millatill vtaodA»*iS^*mmwia fear ofzs# thetto*5? rhI*^A^?- k ^ “** *•*"“•*-carriMa and•"** tbe todiesImlia* maad4 hmJmmsMttoM Ia Ito are wilUpg to BMct as at taa * Ih i u ritv I^ilea;Daueitoa: theyttov thinkth'iak theyitov *??.”**? ” **"^** pttwpecU of a failure in bringing al>oul a jimitV’ trroeo. lothd*>« of Octobvr. 57. iu of NVw Orl.aue; uretomake arup-Tl rviulrcd to* the aet oi 7th of kvb- k waa Hv^ wav of comoient uiwn ifniTtense crowd followed, 1 etmia mil Kh feitowag bft refused the coatnbotioD, it said: **He abould ” * imt that he trauAoended mid ubn«ed bi-* nuthurity. if an> niAry, gfCBp cf peninoa cloee m^rew^^n^i^i belbfw the m ether c apM a tor and Jaw aod parnoUc basis at artVm. u* u i u anay conbl ar* aaioo of the Aarere .a aad Republican parlies in this, the eiuhraclnseiubraclns d--«dd--ed uisuy debtsdi-bts claims stiGs T» which the “ Taa cortaga imosedltuiy Ddmocrit says, “we sup(>ose then that no hehs had, by ieIn ».d audslid Mr.Mr, VerrerVeryer to me, undernnd--r date ofnt the 6th last..last., I Sovenigr-s passed h-ivicg cried ITrs rive So protact them owvtd a«l aftto dackvar-l “ ”'''** Tto bam acd tto laipam partina at tto B.|»bU. '**. ,1,. which hi- hs-lba-l nnno siithaiith rity tou, idsceiiiace therein. In the time thatttot no nolirenulire was fhren l-r sa report diirinz hU termferni of ’’ the iaia Ufa town, wtore Ito N«a Votk. B'a are aware that oa.'s own partv BS-ire— riarf oroTez•HaOma is to toI," one of-f the planks of the,K- f Kmpemr E.npeior tnnied round aad said. There is oh IWdc towaver wofaUwhich re*.U res revanizaa ware racatoad ^ * ‘‘"“'T'.' ftae-l6xi-*l for tbethe noticeDotire ofi-f Mdi-•ale ami In the aiij,maiii,m sirmnzeraentairmnzcraent office, aud t lie act n*ti'iirlnsn-uiiirina snehsnch r*-;-ortrs-i-ort SAoaM p«r- I has I 1 whowiioiiil patnoticaDdpatriotic and liMrallitoral heeubeen eon. iiir o--, . 1— -i, a- 1 1 -iT®* *•"B otofiv “4^ thetKn Va>*ea ia,M ha wvm allnil ftauasM aware Are re re I . 6noozhenough to doabledoublo tbothe '***'* *'•• whh tiM grsreaal etMhwwaaaa hr tto Aswaa esasvda P“*V North aa Kaow, made up tos prior claima upon the sj prcferenoiM of the debt-,debt", Tlmt «fleal-i corai-an--coroi-sn-' It-elfItself nruedarued to refer to roads «nlyonly in actual o|e-rati-u,,>i,crati,iu, ^ ,7 *® l'-*“** *fa“l“Hy **Wm“ tto atlOBliim of frerenimtot, of mpalhias, hut wbsn the Jonrnal's coming aartv.” It s-ida-id WiUi-iirWiili--iit , Wa really seems to U,s that , , , “ ' . ., ror, ‘l/refa /fe/ae,” ’ - cjnuilittlion. We believe tbe <-au«e to jiulify its had not, bv the art ol incorporation nor be any o-hcr law ral-inr, n-,», to your Kio-llcncy, the h-val nbiectlons lu cry bars parmitted C '*^*****'-^-»“**^ “•*••“«*•• Wto pstri- naum of the Hunker bemmyaU and w.sjllv.beiid a piper, which can make tneb a comment npnn such or statute -if Texas, routem-d upon it siithori y to ti«>rt- the law !r beinz ri-;sol Isrtoi. w,- thiuk this int.-rpiv- A letter from Cberhonrg has thia support, and those who refuse to aid in monwat been aod cnslareiiiant aaw aa that patriot- ltd* irauuhisur, corporatz* iihTilusui*. rn.«d au they Wto whaa tto aid B'hig baaaer Vaa Bnrea Frearoilera •V 1 and Uti*»ii a fair c*sn**tn:rns*n of it; and that il rutcri* to ntadu sent ®a*a En’^liak took pl«» it rec rear.' sitca, a text, ia caps ile of almost anything in a particular tome wbieb the •ppBT much I criminal m«n ic work abould to lha Klj'lns"! iu-ik, &V!* That Uie tt of litTuinb r ll'ths L57. only in arnwl «i»uratl..n. aud d*ju4 n *t uxtuudtocou- Bretad la prid. aad gWwy ahava Itoir last to complain if they are Wfwneu«a*fi,timzl witnwith tDCtkm fzinperor m.ZmU heads. They how did B-.ger A. 1‘ryor fael an.l exprern him- undur which *tjca authorityty U clalutud, doe* not umbmeu paui*M incorporatud im-rrjy, and before they hsive S cb. and that tbn UM( pcopfe intn it^

deprived of the special fivora Ibore I* |)ru*q***rtlv»’ ife I waa really of in power." thrduc*lof tm-tcU lu opuraiion*. an*l plhnl with ih»*ir uhartun* inlaw riviuy »nbi*unilTe «xiiu very warmly received I (joveroi awton with tto Repwblicaa party U reaim what they arlff by the The wyj' »«intuodcd be and eipreyaly proYideaibki d yd ^nce. The tern** of our charj^ur ha 1 not b. eii eom;.i., d French public. To tbis I C^The New Yoikera are like tha wntmels In w regaids the feeling dfepbived thwe wkw. ; mitigate enormity, the Union affecta to dacawd, act withoat raaaaa, t niortr,i«« diall K* luadc unluA the aulhof tor •:* ta to tto tod fidth, of tfU Of Itf with nQtil ahoui tim I'-tb or llth of r.-bruan , I<*5n. ao*f — , rw z... a s. a rM . . •mr.fKHv z.;— toward tha Fmr^mp' l*n>r, amother pnvo;# letter re«»«Jafar ' * ** k Fufi *• trogeily »t !«* eonferredcoiifurrua^«*en-rti^thn*ufhmnmrnthnmeh hy*law4hydajrjiny*imr4 cbudieuubleuubi *he^bydUBodied «a **>uzit» nrttm the »en- ^rcunarireummaiieev ore at length i( “f* (B^^dy of<» loethetbe Lriiic,Critic, *odoin« i«*I** byuy the •oiwirnfstion yla'-ed u;*on act TihTth openinir their •Wre — fba wHIiIb^ Fkre « rec .tore %Mt •’Tbo IUtn**u t*ep>r* ennomtee tbe \ loe Presl- believe»>eHeve that luethe uxtax 1* only a quarter or half ncr,er wdowho tired two *naom«doinr n yla^ of Hebmary,Lebniary, even to Pv l. w v(*^^wy, HOT ^rwey ^ wt repeal ei tne I ^ m Mia- ‘ ^ vou*voU* t»ft*f iualuzt few Jli»nt liHU tvot WO thirdi*Uiifdi* cf ih**i fau dock»*torkh*T.durj»:tio. diT»: midtiid 1 *(&:{, be eorroet, pTeiikJiiJ t uF gef auxi oi hef*. tfon^that^ tn^n^v^hu hawked little copper iHtials tto wrongs Itoy '* . , .re,-^. . _ a. I _ a. * wres.mreirere.re:rere zwa.rezs.s.. Akrereak re re.*.reA.. . a /•/. n tl*t b/ V t^B uo tova toM subjaetad la. Ttore * peak at acver*d of tbc Deroficratir ©entrent eoon tbe anou*!annuel amountanmunt of salary,aolary, it “'‘>nung guns; theyHiey want a aocondB9Cond (.able velebra-c*elebra- n"**;!*^ ^ mact wvllw*ell ! ne>'‘T la-acd HvichHsieh when that i^dtgUd c.fnq.auyciiniiiauy no*r law-d an* bylaw* rvport bdu*- to the sTai** ouill October, i**^’.-*. of Xipoleen i|iixy majasty wsa ***fa|d in CoBnrcBfee. In the enciUBent rf Therea-r ! III os tbe s ot Ctoriiourg at 8v« thos awakousd breathe m* a wbita asH trimaw d . mwlrn but oh daure—dattre—pray bat anama • th-a. «.«, and ““.to iMof -‘‘ri.temtor.-deptemtor hasha, lurenIsteii with gseea, aod mga. Had to "*Aot Mooped *®to ““tto atump «in “•'*thia know. ^the tax '*is caver les. than five «..! ia ***.”^ designated .1",1" tor ae*. hoanl; tto EaafMH a dn« aad actsaa, aad ta deferoare "‘“"’P ^177". «Wi»e™Hfa, mrea s oil ta tto rales of parr ^ ij -d*yt^^^^nu''d'i;^ild^ct.d^T,^^^^nu''i^i;^ild'.rt 0/imh fe^;-'’e‘7?i!.'';fa .re,«Vo^«H:^i. m.d ^77 gaUiog out cx*e* “• ••>€ day fur a j-HOtj'MOt l»etwe«Q u.ofvtrv.t adoptwtdoptsd or ai-.-ei-i.-J*rt*e|M»*d bv t.ilil coini-snycompany s.«a.** a inipi>ort:s show no^tility, or even of ibit Territory; dtololire tto* A1 ...A, . , , State,Stole, we *boal4sbouid havebare 4d :-ul>tnib-rc,.f,atmiiviinii- ... ,i • . i . .iT - s j s .. Die yield the corniption i. >*oj>ain.o-u-.. ra t“toMieaaaal : Ia.Uit as.. A,to Undad Bui-hauaniwi-,-, ,ain K-,.Iv*n- .-ei-i u,to ,1, f..dfund „cfiom US.this tax... d la Ih-Ioiv tlis mI-I sals. Tli.i -ai-l Vsre-r i.a.l no siiihoriiy. avoa tba (Xiaat af aai to ia, ar aaaaathKlo. tha — i.M ^ S'E"”; M-.S -r KisSL'Sir.'stasi tocky.K ..mM»•>•« h.to ad.alrehUadiairehU con-i.-emycomla-ency to rtm i~|«-ible.~|fasMhle ..Tnretelym-cnrelely toeatimate.loe.tim.te. With tbetto excep- “ shout , of . he vendors of medal, .f the daelarmmcf atomprummiagoppadli^ CiTThaCdTTto reUrwlreUrmi physician,pbyaicr.n,' “whose sni.dsan.id, -fof life" M|7p,rp"T'Vr.‘prov-v^y '^a* nod^^^^ ta re,"ur'rm aid cltore. •ver *"to lUmoia give l*0“ rfof ‘tolha pay of thetto mU-ire m any more tUv. acd DougU.DougUa a friend;,friondly lilt Mtny,winy, thetha navy, tto diplomafadiplomat- h.v. l-een runningrimcing out furfor several Sutea lata tto Urtoa years past, has ;’;^{''^SVutauriry'’'t?' rellT^ri j Cherbourg put *nch a tax upon the giwla of ffentife ‘*fa judiciiry, >* must diractly-lirectly .« tndi- men'hont* | Ba< rii Ihcsigaaof h mu" or turned acalns*s«iln-rt saW c.vmi;snv,c-vmi-snv. anJ U-t., *s-»re*a-iirv thsmmrtherami- 'bVKaiii-tosI, do-ires' the enu-tnmtloa of ths road, -i.cb is th*oh- IbeUaMsiadicatattot j npup in an a-lvertisementav ftis Prince of h*.! tha hast eM-Xn Inirt4*r4. p.vit in ntp.m '*li m>im-t leofale of a bund of drive febsike . dngara, ^ would th.tke the ,I. iiad.an*! Loufe f WU'iaUfor ud> ittnirtlfu ai«‘ti»* <*d kithur The- '*iAteorthu i**ockli<«ld«rHer-u-t*k- thM oat of tto city. HMi all hfahi* f"fritndard.^ to dilLrerilv . a^T work for hina. I -Yfler •si h> who wer.t frctii c tfa to e «fe sta:;ing “God anva tto Tto obuicb tovitigmxiUlto PBsasaaAaof ttotawaaad P. ii^a part> to wi:i^. oaly for aow huum to haao aa tto Drirea ef U-J: .to He had hmter wldrec. them rom.whai after and Uist ia so d iinz the t"i,| Yi-rsi-r i-mbarni-wd lli, jow- .-’aie l^ii-Mi,’' to the great aati-foction, aavt a letter, of Becaaeorien, la ttot *0 tjeatile ‘to lUu-cnoH oazty pre rraifad of a aatoa eitb ^ of would probably «nd periH-lrei.st » frau.l ui^n s»iJ roaiMU^ H..- wtore basialiH drea Hfca ths Aasencaas do it best. , ,uy North and Kdioaiaa mvlo—Aa*-|a* V* who at “• - M da K-usla, rie- ’ “esoecu everv man to do hnmhed the eml of tto coop- Bot abaolutoly campal bia prearac* mugH stock ^ ~ ~ 7’ere‘ i tore ch afford •toft far p.tri.alrefs reto, . l«f-, .and “t.rnptl from Ito scs ro . a forego aad ave. u. 4.,v." ^ ct:'.r.-fcA; rami ser.erou-lv rowardtd tto mustclatis. Tta to live Ib tto placs. Tto .VoiBiaB Icadara y tto baigbt ef abaH »«ff 8ch .h ., faen ra..sd ..n to Ws.n. „ . ° i txtortioa '-*• '•»<-hed expemliture m ^ly forty imllions, and amnn-t of powder born* during tto five *' ffMaed ftore tto had sUaby U-ob-nrh|^''|,eesa. aad eed la ifaiv, purtaaity ta do re. ray. Tbaw 0^1*— fbt -a oiv ***Wa haard of men’s living upon lentils, snd me,v.- inttid 4o*u4, Im UDpFMprul iiiun-U.' to tite.aM'ivu-* thu will hive l«en roinething **•••“ If (’oUcctor -S<8<'helltoll would dumaDdaar*iu^i<*4id mra] tru-ttrtu*t rt*u«l.rt* u«l. tu*...:tuoi't the jus.en alone, a naval olflcer ‘h« **^ *sd farlfftosliBH, aad Ttiiuhanmn/J, i*ct>ela* fa»iFi.gtoliY xtm ms.m/K'.mre rei-re resell a ara«re'1U0-! ataCed, 95,lajd ramitiea af bis cSce, and to is Hjaaad = “uebananliucnanan anybody or euythioi;;au^thiog el^e, chancwl a rwat of Bvnriiv ^“®^* *• ®®^7 qttnrter or half mil- doc, C ollcctor »quu w..uld bebu w.*rthl*4Aw.»rthl*4# in chim. of «a -bJc-aJc undei t su; u^^ilMiy. mmifemtud by it«* l.•l^s^| |•rkH*uz eiuo* "hich tha I'niuo „re.«.d. to It. thanksthxnki of tbethe nationnaliun. ‘.eting ;">f., it fi-ll-iwi th;it r.'-.ntai "h*"'“*'l from ito •» «*• “1»» lUttor a dry dial fur an astim-te ' tlm.i aucurs'd; worth of powder aviaced by tto saaaut. tba Haak da arHt Of Oa Vtow 1. atlLito ImTZZZlil wen faa.dMoukor ntouJc •Unni- wure Vb^:‘:;i:r::d'? that.'Sit whunwtetl Uiulr iiiUrrr»t, aii:ai,';< not Iroio a»*y act of *N»rkh*>klurx-7lere rburcb ta drive all Geatilea eat af Ito acr» iigi-wnl w»--* IU wlai uj t uu d u*l u uxU.**!. tiu* •-** -msamed on acconut Ilf Her 5,-*** * crewaed by aa immaam fart, ia b«w tha. affecl the toseoem of tha» % th«th. m**'lTu«.iuw- 1 tu«, but baaedbo*cauifa>a the n-n* gU-rt.gU’ct. biatienUMO,biatiuniisjo.ali-iu. I -Majesty. Ito sa- p!ace oh way or aaattor. aaw rre» Re,m,dloa». tto. *• U*i«-k. d— the principle A*La-TKm PrezNA^A ri->.«as.mm* res-swo* al I a Thsavtor is hy H ascaH — uw af htata, and Horeo. Orealey. (^Ihereona^,^Th. Peoria Democrat want,waati the l.ecomptonizOcompioa >cum*i.ATidHalland IluU Ws*p‘wuru dlrcrror*.direrror*. thl'^il'd'v!!;:thuthe ^aldT«ald ^Vst-.t- ' l^Tdsaid Ta>lo., or error of Judgmuut vfof drrciiwdrr/lirt offWiv.ofneur*. irif you wULcauwill..caiican lute*lutes Were% so tremesdous that tha decks of " rereffaiwa, which was duly iaapcciad. Oa da- upon which it tto uacomnsoa. Year eorrespeadaBt tos u fonn-Ud? M bat would Mr Ma.li- per |.n--ident,|.ru-idcnt. andd Mie^heihe Midsaidaald Wl.-fsUUi.'fdUUi.-fdil Histh*.thfa attorneyatlurr.erutbirr.ey of the DMtn-it failtop^vefailruimjve h.chlyh.cbly Inin urioii>*(ourioii.* to ourc M batwuH adltar ad tto oootroveraycontroversy treated asos a *'dea*U**uu.“ mipany*nip«ny aodinil b*u.to I M.sjestias Sew York TrAmac. who has awre , “dead Imus,” and nroDO*eaoropoitea Uranduraml-osw, which no all ri tea were traverairig thirty oltgblad fnm tto r artagi * * ,s,»mi*any; an*l that Mie> ib*DaMt ihuru au tto aod fartv do>laran.erth of tBfcg. incladiaw a a >>aJ^ thuIhu railroadrailrMad inl*iu!* r»-»tr>*i*t of your pruatgreat Stalo.State. I . *'*?^*T’ ’**" *•*“ ”^*” . .1 ... , pasrer s...h tto Repu thaa '"“P**"'*'’- that all tbe Democracy shallaball hold Id’TirdTn.t'm-^ider'Udof >*aid proi>urtv under -414 Jd<*ud. aud (*on-*iilt**«l aul eom- uus'iiH^un,'iiH>u YOU ro.*yco,*y call harfav, actually shivered nnilar tto feet Ilf tto poa- hia mfa ariH, stolre •*“to“» tore «f «to read, bre 4k«a may laa mtor ‘a'”-"" h«*M a rourillKrouzing witke 1 beivwithherewith \ou a of a for a muotlovmeetloeincofof frim bn rnore thfad^k e friends.friendH,fnenila. offfranduluutoff fraiidi.faut *iprk.look l--t|odl-stivd in N«wNo* but in ciminaenttiug ta YorkYork, |.roviaiugmuaTL.top4yolTlhee{.{ai»ifVmun*af)f,.roviataa' mos.iL- 10 pay off the ei.tai.aVmen-. of ihe(;oai-the . him- ixXhiDf but tinh. rarmni the Ia.Ddi.11 News, tue Th^y *ul»M9t upon ifn[rtii|.*nlly hive avoa d hit ; 7 T' ii.lyht l»** H*«** -rigced F'fefwd in favnr «f own infamy; thu* TT — rctliiyrosliiyroaliiythatthei.ro|»Ttythatthct liatthe i*n.|***rtypn.|**Tty m«Kbtn*«pbt le-s» •hic**d'riic-d •tadaadlh'-i-iir-u8“ “ttor day rhauurchaser pnifiudprofitu*}pnifib-.l hy th.th*-th.- «m-riii.-v.narriiiuu.asrritit-o. andaud ihstthat tlijth,s uzn-eaiintarn-eai.2fcgnH*Bi«-!itiit Hmrll — the seh 1 s :s toh hodfly and mentally six daVi in the wet and eh«er hv Uu tatntarn ihxlIhit “the"the newnev company,**evmiiany," a fraud Inin tawlaw and in fjc»fae> k, avowed and jm-tilied a farced conlribnliooumounou fromirom . laiaiaio tto Ualaa,l area, AecsAadrelda far ’ hUuu aiidcoiisultstumws«n>rrlrd«ofsrssto(iivs<-iils.-b.coiisultatum wa-wa-uarrludnirrlrd far a-as to (irssciibi-piv^^ b- vi:i.- tbsmisivrettoreaatroa wbsdmrwbattaar ttovttoy . s in Mia«i5fdp|>i.Mississlnni w„i>nile,l »n,l a«4and coii-ulutMm w« via.- srhlwhl*HMugUillyacc*Ttthelrd.nsm glailly aoceft th.ird.-bisbt*auden*lwbyauurn*n4urand rnd- a surrender tnemlfars of tbe Court of DirtCtO'S of OceOne was badlyhadlvhsdlv WoUnde«lwounile.!e< andananilI therheiuocil took place to- other night. Bapab- .1 otherOther killed —one UMlaid np, tbe other nut.out. Mle.ssle.fair. ,\nd.\nd further,further. It k*is sll"*edalleged that tb,-th.-thi- ssideaidsaid re*,rewdulionerrerdiitiousi.fliitionsi.fof U.*.U.-. who**whoa- arraiigerneut*arisiizeineuta forfar i-nrehase the .1 „ _s c- n \V- , , a pnrehaoe on l-t1-t ofol June in I-eailenball carriifsa ooaaiala of a giaad “f ‘'** *“*''*•*“•'•* P“riy? Waaayhnying under which Ihesuidthe reidi«ldsaid “aydav in i-eairntmoii‘ iireei.atreet The*res“vvesit M tucc^futtuccesefalsueresi candidatescaodidataa Baponlupon huRhu it tMttot tto reiaoa, azadfa a .y***reaa- iHHIfaaa part,party ia re—. theinhthe mhsthPth aedaodat-dai-d KshKahliah oforoi'ix-wber.(XlA/ber,ihtober.Ihsober. *hleh YeryurTerverVerverVerio-r areani not Auction*saocth-msuocti-.ni d<1 hvhr the cuod aii«taii.l wie-wk*v “v Momou are goiag la boag * CofatiswaOagnss srlttoalsrittoat exceptlH,axceptiaa bv theirttoir Altoav sas-s that' em-dcm-d and wto of Tetn*Tetsa.Tetsi. ... .^r by CA'Tto • Arcat ”7’ b' laleh mis- * "”7 tot*»t«» artact inill vxrciiUUg «14*aldaaiil deeddeud of*»f tnid,tnu*t,trust, were '^*t“ .'ir. Charles -Mills, of tba **— *u^ a eaaaast far t iazatta : . , , •/ re.elec4li»B or t.artv for in fm^w it i. FKO.M preU-udedpruU-ududpreb'uded invxeciiUMKsaeciiUnc 1 rurln-«euclo-*« al*oalsi a OotieuD«tie-r roto ileiliniuriitdellfi<(uent .'urkh-kders<*ockho;(|ers farr«»r (halha bunking firm of tto Jndgt tto bnt ciM ba ilscidH agaiaat to vateiaUvoraf "-''«*>"»«» l-rt.'’ •««'*•«•.aucewM for suchanchanuh in fact it is.i*. KANSASKANSAaS. ttoas. .toCrit.*8dea-lic«goHrev^,re. priatadnnted p.wnr for ao,no, aadand tbathe MemphisMempht* Av.I.Lche,AvaUr.rbe, a - s iMwe-dJ!L7-d‘‘fa-po»'e»*dpot-p-'d by thethu Ju»idahlall! ofofVhiTIw^^^^the raidsaid presh1-:ntprei*i4':oipre>*i4':oi ^od.ml<^Dd ilinrctoiawhodirectorsdirector* who promidprouipt payim-ati-uyim-at ofot inNtalmeot*instahiieot- rein'iliilnxrein-iiiitaz niii-aiil G'yo, Mill,., A Co., arnior Thi.s aad a psuaaaauH.ptuaMaade. They hmure oaaaltoetadeearttoeted far tto rktowtasi.ti* • i ... s. unpaid to the ud director of tbo ladia i< oaly„ bniigudociu tto met i>7 iha dwiiws . til... * H s- f Special I i.orreKi-ondence'•rrefli-oudeDce ooff thetue I»ul*%*ilfe• ul*Y'ilfe JoiiP — — ,. W faxt Of btf OW i§ I bcrt fop tuni* IH ('0117102 D Journal.)!ial. ) nrearenivb*-nuficiari«*emidurMUIwnuAciarb-ele-niHoUrii-s under aU-will due.i,%uddeed, and«ud am-n»amongara«>n* fhOJK*thoJK*those bene-hune-bene. I'omuunr! and. fromI'rnm th-tie- lerti-rnlelt.-n T h.re ree-fa..l .i.e. ih»— l..k_ w-k.. i i i..i_e. - s— .k i- r UrgB "" (’omimuy: I have ref>h’uti'9knr«i thotof — re-d endtrerd rert precUi-ml Vto Dmar^atwtooccratw «re.x>r,«re-ex>r,flaLt. _-_r excuse,excusesrerezre .mm i.aelfttaelf;»ma-ir f.wCvai tovik mis. f^'^«iiiyltan£^rl^s7ito^ -are f-M-haviv .* li.-iarUv^a'rii"'lre?ro,V;‘l'l’:.r:i,d"'T^^^^^are sc-tt, Hall, and Tuflor, who v-.u-d on mU v • i-vat ‘»0. i^rf;>ri‘'W-'n'l.'i‘u-!'oV'p^^ -“Zr^n!^^A^ HsctronafefdK>n* l»nt loto. k. , - s .k- — , ""^rFZVKWtV.RTVTnTurt^Lfzvknworthkxmokth, AugustAuiruat 'll, lto«.1A18 to.Imt tovbuy \uobvote, fwor tbetto j^erpetratmu|.erpctrmtioo uf.4 ^ itTfaOUiir,s-r-ou..r proxy:proxj: locru, •• Tnajty Hoiue and Govnivior of daB not, in or *_ * p*teopl». Thnrr rp. rtfa«>iutioDi*i*l!l»url«•rtolutioDKuliliurlft iH-r-^uortyby proxv; and mere,locru that bv vur rlt.truimidur* on thu 24th mut-.arHl of uarly a> luuut lha word ted hafors Gantifed, kkUib . . a hn* bonn n fnil Bfennf tht ABori- aioudriotad drrean,4e(vnc* for /VawoTw,/)nn<»cn#«** , . a- * \ i bbt ^ • raeamg Off • * uc abrupt depnrturedeparture of theIbe IkOat,lioat, IU dufundaotffromhinuddufuudaot*iit*f»*iidaotBromhlnudcombined b>ircUiurh>)feihurli>)frihur unuiiUII thu day of dal*• Hudio^ owl tM m iiian. ntr J^pntr a . . ^ while iny but th»*th** Held**14 d*r mI of t)HUncu.4 d*ie tor id srV of ifatmo imlu ii |»n'Vt U IV Co., bfdh of whk'b denHBMirntkBe ricnraed — a fraud>? my ut. appointment* ognloeC nnn , a. /““*/ AdJAuaAnd euconuebflucb 1*i.i* umUlfthe f«wultreaurenulti. 'IMiI mbe Mllot-lHixballotlolLot.licxIlox b6 Ubb. Md Um lOfBUionn Mrnorh ia * aadBdpib.rrib.rpil**ri(rt*rut*»i(rt*fvt.» t..t.« dHurdHurbi*ldu^^deter Uddur^.audr^^^^^bi«ldur»*. aud cau e the pmiurty iHJ *.uprN»siik»ii. pnoBd a . V citmmMnicsilnic<»nimunic*ii.>n was l.eir.gl»eir.g indited, by *;.preyndqnc(ihe:iUk has BKigntd f*r Niyofesn sanOB, In tfei a A I It a . oldiired me U» hU present oiBc*»; Mr E. Mac- U is always napfenMnt to ihHtrs iwirafe or liftfe M> fart,.ball torehare aar day Trtyet -n<.«.‘*-tw_— v„ut»iTv.,*rtsre1 hM.has .to-thus 1-comeiiec-om" the foul, T^u.etlpidluleil thingtb.ng w.w, nowbow asl vsre.: thare has .« dar l OmorralbrmnrmlOrnorro, ^„„d,conelud. wimewha.somewhat tb’e toaa to axtauaire aaiaa af tto prematurely the eo-pire,ezp.'S:, which "t'^J wh'o^' ™de‘*U^ ** iitiiiin--nn““''rlit-- z.in/:,roV‘:p'irr:‘..,";::'::p'i:^-!:‘'’nr -sprii la-t, a- e,prev-i. - ;!r,vof the bnd•"*“ “•it. Ir >'i* generally u aa If ao. itIt will Iwlie a day c«tcot to l»el>« dsspi-e.1.duspi-dtol. \Ve are ' believwdbelieved tbatthat tbetto DemocracyiVniocracy . was Intendediotende*! to UluBtrateillustrate tbe speculative cri»*rcri.-vcrier ‘a*U-a-d-aid prnpurty,|irop»-riy,|irop»-rl.v, ana. the mail 01 'h*roe^Tr1““‘Jjnau "•eiarei laai asH ay taa Ireparee ABnnona eimaitth 4 the Kepablicna We Sfeculstive prccllvi- pir>cam:itloiipri>c’am;iii<>iiiic’am;iii<>ii madsmad** byhy thelhaIbu cftf view-viuwM audMud th-tlw deierminaiionduturniin»UDn ofi-f th.-ih«* invwtin'unt bzvlvb-t-ly of >u>sk,RU»«k. toLo ; MrNir J. W . Ilngg, “telate member nwfenott importanoaimportanod thaathan greater)fr®ler mniren,iHiters. asos ttovthey ^ m MfwciAh in moBmere ^«a of certain ""Is that thjriy i.,ig.iret mould Is- ” *•“* <»rriedcarried motemore than one “high and migbtv” 110^1111-8 of the w« conmi- ucinf . only h<*Mur<* |»n»t*i»Mux * total Hnrri'ndi r to ) im mid hU &*•« d- ft»r HoQitim, ac.l twice chainnao of folly cxempliry *m|taux. Willi tli*«4«irrun TV Imparlal BaU.- In y SeMtorial“ «<*?''<00,1 **“*h.s ‘'l'‘H-.1. Mr. K. 1>, ^laugfei, meml>cr ft»r GuiM.iir4. «hi^ foUows is tto avsaiog leak ptare Ito cd" ' » ^ “**? dutVn«Uut-*di and U ntcenroir to thek, — tbatbe force of briberyhrihery and fraud. AsAa to minor elec-elcv- »'*d»i,d bit wa-» a- i»'id^f**i4*odimdcT stood Utwe-nh«l*e- n tVn-'aut- uud?iud theti e diTOf Ui * <;uuip*Hn>* V* *\tch dit-tingul^hud mid ublu mmark fer two •'Barthreugi aad tba RuMblfeon itrjiBjri. u v*. Vmak ' .rendsdrererentUH xiL\nuis,n mr*m* J.a2 ,^ZmJ “J’*' ^*k nuiita- KwH palNwaa mrsAftb la Saw Talk, ^“dedwinded ujionujKin most degenerate and unworthy alionV hall givM hy tto city of t'torbeanf H ttov shon I- truM-etnattrii.t-etrusf-etnatthat the -aid-«id in-nis-rtvpi-ni-ertviii-ois-rtr -h-.ii'd-h-.iiM )»IstbfloffIsi bUbi.l off byhr the saidash] curd *<* JaUM** (imniiu. I’.ffettr 1M**- m-AAA*A* fa«erletter wnierwriter aavssaysur. matthatihsi inatinthe 1Prau-*antProiit.nirau,sant hasI.a. tains,tionsfL... ikeik. ihin* I,I. k.i i>..i JI«n. J. Th*mi|»*ou, nod A* the thing Is batiltnal. dm, eince some of a, wearers torn- tuousund dolisis. and Uiaioomuii-isloni IMU. It ar-uid ha •toffruk ta daeurmtos aM wcsraaarethatttoAreerieaaasf Kaotifakvaad ; make its told, tbe Haund-Tsat SfainuM Tilt”, it will b* nimiliuid th«r ihu gnat work wWafa was “sHking a change of air. " His a/rt of wouid pFO-uud r«|*;d ^u|R*(ur..ui(.i4 iW»a. art Bottby of adiair need A- to otbsr corruptions, let Demoi . tetwn their designs upon the pulilic treasury. «iU* It^iwILvud abeo. tto arraagsHeHa eat- a*toaftto wholanatiiu.sibaltnatiiio ratic Senator ! tore witoedwiatod aadand doda wial.wish p«.bm-. two hnudn-d *».l Lfty tliauMod*"d'i'iur''7id’'ihMdolUrv, end ihal Ju.-wpu lu-irttbsn 'K. Notluiiz iK*t one huudn'd roMo* (.f rnod cmi und wiU hu •kla rrnt*izatii.ti |»ruifa»FelorTa>k»r *odand tbe«dhurdufuiidanu. the uucl**ue*l kuur n» lion.lio (.•utlu'i**of most cerrupC eovemnieot !I of Um) mule drivers, iniipoatu.t and ul!ull J. AprU s7, i">, firiM bud te gaaa farea tto Fiafett ta tto Ha. tiaii .MB af altra Stataa into * fiom Ma tbe UaMB aad no Ohio, declared bia opporidon to tto farther aeqaiti- ® I . s.^ And tharif iir (bat F* *1 Fuoidumuiital c‘»utrart. **o. wma tuirfiitidfa inr tu.. z.s.at.T.fan%f 1 imbi .m.. far.zi a.Hi,.t^*s# ‘*1*/ l“vmgUkeua lal <1. Villa wan •reaBRiil «a Ie in tbe world, and tbe legislative iu m >et connpt de- fewartidavittaDd kept iu^ou«?«ner for ^B(lv WeO, now. P**»*®* h HinBBaBa paaai^pnoan^ IbbItoa tMtto ama••• spaady tortinen. Other Sena.s-r. openly coocurrea in LcooimtUr. ikcB bb cwrtMB iriTato IkTor* m ^ ovartbr-sw cf tto BBpriaci pled Tarrltory rtioBld d‘nn^ I tota ‘Tto I?7rn?'..\:.‘':::d"';iVs“wt%^ •d by ?r7Le‘';;e'S:!L'h?Jcffow* ihu mjiuK r iTs^to 2,»up.J," •• and all-dr- apply for admiuBiao into tba Union '.VnuT. Sir K. IL Yiv ion, aoil Sir in. IMbx-k, Tb« MTem* thfe eilw which cm hm cmrchMMl thTl dolfep m ^ ^ *»®B morm a iMf aw4 that oplol-m; *>- i ^ D.na veniurail to coctradict it. For ed in the decision of "'•* abos.-eii tr-uu .'rnriBg Dsatarra^. And the court, ••is T»-"',ww,*130 OOO au veryverv .T“e J"*,'* V aaw If tto noaarrratire with alarery, to wonid not make it tto gri.und of -—“‘-I ohar«- that sahl tranehw- •ml charier- il prlvilrk'esranimud «0 “T^ litoef a«d 1 , . , , . i:— 1 . 1 . r hold7™w‘^re.?th."Iurm.d‘l"iX^^bnIJrra were at that date a -fk* UH, know’ to got ooraslvea, we cannot forbear little uoniu to favorites, ra the expraaaioo of our *““K but of courkC losignih- pr-pertv were, at Ihr dare of said tsile, of the nluanf ?h ^o^al (ouac*l of l.“, * **. ** •rereiea, arhiah two the fi-riiierfitriiicr manaKuinuntluanaKeinent *»f• Ihu ruiu}>*iiy Ity *^P W which most ho ponotjCUw *oiM then. . wa treat u.Ur-n*. ThoB ft>r aad helirve isia by far ttothe alijactioii.alijeetioii. SnbarqaeallySnbarqaeBlIy to thia declaration, tore-to ra- *, U* w a rhmmcm mom vm U» , ^****T^*5 j:-,., , .. r m- ,1 cant t«to our commcommon nude. It ia iuiin..a«ofd<>llars and ptaytaz that said sale may h-ds-•• 4u. ciol ipifoa. werewara roi*ft**u4 1to*> makemuku a« u>uitot purrumlur *4 It-* fit»!iatf«Tn<’m ttd by 1, when tbe India TbaBnwB al smtCsfrarc intarroUframBtarrafe fram eacbBack lutfar partita, apart*** of it. M'e* cannot*^**’”*'' nndertUnd”°‘**™'***‘^ EaU Co. will cMM kiB a poke oodcr the riba hi voor ^ af tto MepaUkH party,rty, aalvedaaived tto efered nuH »nd void, and that tli** Mmu may ^* i*ut a^'idis,.side to Ituii. t«ulb; ie *j«ro«‘Utu“, faregoieg BBacimoatBBacimoiu Domination of tbe KepaUican e. I duct of a publicJ officer has been icrutioized J&nie« ““‘'•‘.'I-'aud out otzlr Mt tri* mo-ino> “*kerotker fiffanikgigaolic i?Mt itolifel iatoti ia,i, euatatatog abcHahowl tfafatvffiirtT *i a bv a and decreedud to exist. ThU inatooatioa thk atamW^fto k J»re!liw H caMtmc I'Ri.latiire dcptrlmcnt, corn., d a, U nn- and that defendants be or.lerod, a.b>ul*«d tolo muntntent bntbill iH-n.mneiuJy,iH'nj*anuniJr, Whh»nh >urh-i.eh an*u orsanizorx*ni* .th.n«tl**n we ,** “ aartaiwlT ! , •”?*. . tto arctinaal aotiou ttoy tore .g for, hU too cloee “‘“““onattention ‘olothein . !^Tv**yr\ xBriBaBli li i nferBit fe^M mahB^rLw eaeoareged,iraged, chearn toba ouvaotiooeuvaatioa of bia diatrirtdiatrict for Coogresa.Coagre..,*'^The Na- ‘T"’, ‘“« surrender up the imm, .Sion of .aid r<>^ bod, traek. hwi.b-c-to little r^m t.i* Liv wat ooa), Ihw febricatioii h*Tulimudfiui,ffhBtihui«4mhifunU*i4coui4buu4tuB(“dhave .Inuhi that iheimm hheral aldcouel be oktiined . D n-H.! Mtycuiy, Aafo*t lUh J aad falaOicauoa, aCtcBd -Tr^_ •Otle.-.-e.il-ternment, forc j-ay the wa»M toaaghl, iar tto taka paying too little for uiotive., Ir-tli raUlne-,andolltFertv,<>r taliu;ra.mr farfor thisthi* roadr<-ad lotheto tbe PaddciXiMDpacific Urean from thethu : /-li/ ,f 'fz*r..z, n—ronooUop* aw^aaM wm M*^ af tto ooaatry, to ataad with Uooal Intelligaooer, remarking upon fait sp»ceh, aaid FoteralGuveni-KetiumUtuvurii- aud fhi-iaofw- by said Mormon ebarth dunitarr wia know hw BMM 1*’ ^•*^ 7arii< ml. ment,uicnt, not only expk’diUuifexpk’diUu^ luetne cou*tructI«incou*triictI«.n of thuthe ruo.)roB-I •“« **^ »a#uuat ^ a Mit., W i iifeat ctyBB InatBa, aaWiBC ^bkir ttothe AarerioHA ail riraa j **2.VV hiai to mU u Lhh—« Oh lul party upunpn tto btortaarta of a O.c. •). » ^u . • jt?**— refariuoi «fof H apptaredappaared that beto did cot go the wlsihole length of * * throughtbrouifh T»*Tuxm* but ffdcuriiifffftcuriiiff thutliu r>iMt>tutIonr.*:.,|.iutlon of It to thuth. ••unt biwBiied4 wimwith d«fedttje if aay rotri*- /t “ J t I w w mhm rkh do2aa hMMtha M atr Ba^tSiUfe . turntarn aBryawtry J*MSilaj*MSife In tfrl cttT, ” Burnham »ro»fv Uiro.ia‘“Uirons**’ »nHu‘Hu *iay. fe "" jiiHfir coaut fat Uiilvuiilv d*y.dBy. Whu't-TcrnbavWhii*rtT«Tn»Bv Uw TtC tbit Caadlaad w _ ,r Itotto totaraLzatfaatotoraLzstioa law arer a oorrectiHeorrectiH sf haHs a h an h;i%ehti%e buun ^ > a^ H.H»a. the BepuldiranBepubliran party in his o||s>4tiono,|s>8hi< to tlavery, at llunry Wick-k^ick- The pr.-UMcupr.-UMce u.aikTiWti |Wto«to- he error* and wrum,** of theiIm; form-fomi- r MtBDuirer^ntaouirer^ cf lbh>ilfei aa' Co<>4.Ck><>4" Suc*rlinear wutti* odvaae-iitraaf OHana gfofuc Urinhom'atoigtom’sBrigham a moaiBMtomoi actiwaactire agmts.owaata. Uas.?,PT ,*T*f * worm inin | ^SkiatoTto^^T I** TT*** a .. Ito axdatiHaxdaaiH af lamaZ \/r mkb UM neeciicM and some uiuoi otiscrvert are ill fend** (onuof thu dutuudanU) nidtluocu L uukii **** f-MoigB paopanpaapart aad fclaoa, tto Tto Oiccinna’i Gaxette, a leading naiured enough to c*»n*i*»i»y, Ir ? b((t pr’*»rt*r to do fhem U»e J MLic*.* to admit Tba ^***” —^ arar.d veiy influ- . MormonsMurmoas havahave always clsimol -i. ^***^^ totii sit ttot ttoy had !^[^ 2 rhupu arc. ihi rufon;, u» cuiuinindcniuiiiand >oa Fiimuion the I A 'w^uro»)|.. r,niihurof ersation ami lariab remniieratioa of aineenrs offices, *«aert that thia affair is but aunplemenUry r't! v'» iimihat they ImTCliare r»u.hr* ml. r*4r* d va*t *ur>ke to thb*tliL* iirnlcciiirnicci of«»f riv- new ciMinacfe for the hivw*tlaa hh ** * ^ lEa I afaa, tto Htial BepahUcuu to the jli*' M pra^to^nr«aitnfHa amoag them, hat ***** anast af tto cornipt organ, tbiu replies ffoh) John r. (»r*nt, ruimicl (Jraut. Jauiu* ifraot, >\m (f l-JiKh^h c»|4tal have la detract fosM tto to tto Intelli- and other Mculiar inrjn^ thu lutUooiiatl“D »riylnt''r-occBnfe.'.»n.mtinic«ti**ii.«riylnt''r-oceBnfe.'t>D.m*niicati«>ii. A UrineUvinc opea*nl dtariuf the fed fuw Il tranaartHin, to ( *. wirtiniagsa w* kppear, bv tto official report of tto Secretary of IMIUI,p. iiin, 'tjeo, ’”"i',awrri"m,lawman, jTtui-i twro.tr^Bfowb, Sily jj. and pr.prt found intufufftliilufufft isi. full thii «*v ft^F »h- t »bu opened. Indfea satbcvity of tniih that auv tore agstort ysH •d wsHafal expuditaiH of tto natwaal liaatiiii gencor: k^k^k**''"*^ mn« w H it IUlu thi- va*tiuua«azc.va*tm**iMarc. Nor m An loaB, the ban laM , ““™““ “f " “r tocnia sdilicteti. Bunmani.Bumtiani. and Henryllunry WieklandWn-kfend by thethu puUiratlonpuWical pi thi.4 (a^*u in rhu ••xtofatHiliBg sh mIs af tto 3reto ths, Tn-..iirv tk-.! .t u-il-.ie.-s,.- ... • k. I“'***“‘ 1 1 bareLaru ihuy 44"uumdu |u«lusi in i.-li.-I ibtulungib.ulung f**r thu nrouoMpropoifa d rmferoute J’>ciUh morkut, ho* mbto'C'iCit mo imm thani,tbsta, ttoythay araarc "* »' ilnimgton theresk.— were— eight Dowdvw wiltogire, law s-reHldWi that.ro ro.ttov *^’i?******* a aalatatyaolatBiy refiwn.tefiwnt of tto lasrs,lawrs, asid We fsuroer renersMe Washinin-.ii iz improba;-le, however, that notice tain thsthu TuxTei;isu* ICspiiMiean.leupiihtliau, a iiuw-pa|iurnewspw|ier puhli*hudpi m ‘nan X-,’.**’. *K; an*) b UroaUfea b»aft ho* feeken revHHrevuH aad tba pat- rnntmpnnuT bus the uulo c-jntraet will ocroiiocroia thu;.ieatthu ;-uat and 1 b t»ral1 Sr re.»*e . f Tux.!-,Tcx.'i--, thethel-irtf.irt that L i** ; XL- have such cKoractarw. H4J,uui>, ro.ro>'.iro..s. toTBid lbs kepuhllruii Creel rath, r fiein ouren- men employed in Uie cui-tam-hiiuM, lie }'*' thu **»hoft*‘'‘t,c)iuai'utit, iu;4 be*>t S^uroi iiiorlue tel- ^noph hitai hare braa Itor aowdowdounnIt Ik'a.' the fnetbae .z . 1— -I niie, ih -u at an expenaa of dUpisa-1 of w ilb the same secrecy that nmiu. *and of iracru-piui; rwreaUr •Hgliag O. toetto fontorInrttor agUaUooagUuliao of«f tto - character- ’’J L'r’.“iL''ik"“fi-7;rflS? alare Duioiv tiiu iiLHn*n ( onri oi iiariii^n conn, *>«’'“»ibtbuforu ihu • qM-qM; frowMVMtaortauifroa aav uutawriarS Coromenldprumunt of tlietliu |..npari Y|t«.|f.. ii«,.|i tv-T...a**- hu »pa apnuar npoQupon thu popular|>opuiar ibu»bu truth-truthff I thu *>^'«»i««»r»'»w'mu|»uWk:,wluckwiil.i.»Buuam*oiouXJ,'M.-lauUk.which will .»Buua>e*ouiu XJ»"aa.- . w- mxSktil . Tz»«Hr...H z hIh ao /mia a. ized the coac aimvealmve cited,uitMl inM.mi.f.s #i,za zuT mind anand bU*aU* munfiu.ntniun ku.-nt • —h — _ I fflo.faiO, ^to ct-IUct a revenue of oalyonly $2,000. “» inasmuch aa— the evnlenceV at the town cl *' . Al M^Jfaretaid,%t'iUiaty aforuuaid, ih*» oiiri-hanaec-.iirt-hau*e tain cf M4i>hall, Mae.»Ih, 4edir kaowlu4#eoarowBtiuibdiMkuowtedr* oar owu InaMliii t.A-ebout s-s- bos C*>rC-nr . if rh.- su!u, *«n«^tha:- In a »bort tiiu** rAitiioHaca wiU ,ercrritH.every UH rstrta^rstiiat, t( -..rwiii-sfirwiu*Fpo.is.. ^ creuU which >ou uuir r.prBfunt a* ilu thief HBMRterHOtattertowhatto what partypre'jnartr lietore feUoaeltioB ia anyaey maDDurmauiier •* ouaonfl -elsutff with tbethe >0 Uie court i*lll lie published on thu fmirtn .Monday after the tii^ .Monday in aViciiAi, t-ixerutite, lb* *^**** utiupou for £;*.m4h(rAif.ir thepurpoueef 'rtTiTLSi'S'il'SriiStS;!!; . NationaiNational l.'ei-iil.li. Ann»r>oH* four munn» Bt Bn exitunHa of iiOMO tn ufd in fx* ruby aiving iui’ ortancr and adTalltA6^* to dmiBinf aad THE «i en ex|»enHe oi to coi- OCEAN CABLE! toHayiielaag.eBgtR caa IsSu, there toanfwrr the *aid pldntifT*, ihu ^luau**u*(ttbi« rruat tort^stoewitbhia wbol, toan* j^tform, adopted at PhiUdidpbia in 1*^;. IH could }„... iM tiUuQ of fhu wm hand *1) *if h r ^a»^‘a.l imyiuvuiuunM mutiopuife Thuuv Mua*. Hvwu^. arc waa mmnhr t tba 4 , , mU tht laBigin4 Mfr. b tW hardly havu taken oChuritroaad tiuab-dld, lect $3*5.$375. At Ocrauocke Uoollectad.oollectad, aub^tancuaub.'taiicu oloi which U«ivunI* «ivud Inin thi* wru.wn$. it b.- •mall wbeoeomBrvdwbsn mmewivd withwltb thiMewbiebaruUheirfbbecBU-ihMS whtsb are fa ba'ssll- ‘He without add- ^ $*2 U and aevtB '^urpoiiiicianeOur nolitician*oolitic iona arearc viAl«ntlvviolent I v HVHvoifafaziHVHuz>;fafazi (••-.*(.,fa* ,» _ wli rumumburrd ihnt ihi* comnanv fitrniahud thu Uk«lr 4a Bet asaort t hat uU cf tbis caa ha aooorepliah- vioieniiy exercieed Just now _ apMrtBBwaT tbBa waa avacMd, aa % tfacfel aw. ia«toorehaaciDctBecrek4ttMn lUndn tail.... not.and du«,MS rcnirn make, ~a* raqulru*! bya/ '* l«rt<’rr»ilw»- l-itrrtsesta ff hT-Tff-*¥ prodaimed. 1 m>!an«anci Iiis-:c ins SHI-Vsy 1 Iwl^ tiosds,sud AnsZialia. t!*’r? r T ' munntosti_ .rn .n,-l t*HdA.#z» hm-Wh *iv zwaiirere*- * _ nnt ta lbs i-aclfir Ir -an TSI'II.I. 1 ) I I f I-' if t -i.- m __ j bat are employed to make tbe collecUoo at a cost upon a new point. It seem* pretty evi«leat, Uw. are already mmi;tsd ro a ntllwsysxpsaHtnrs SIILaLj* aA-ki_s V ICiV lv£l{!rVCstV.K B«Matreses for ttotfra BBfaBTEapanir aw4Sfa4 iBpBBkItoHHfa S* toga •<, we tope that k eaa, and, ia that evut, tto from *lfm-)ii»'ratin* the fasaihiUty of ths i-roisst suit the S.1 of •otns bwcasMa-gMa- =r^Tsrte._.I, M. netirierson. clerk of tbs ^tricl fiU.««.iG>to ifa.-iet.-.BMt) lu lu-H-i. nnd iltriR psojaSly — power of $2..m At Oxfor.l.wo men colUct fire dollars fautais ol lh« routs on the *M imrallsl ol Uiitude. idviu* re- —f t- YrV ‘-J gsHir — s‘t. Tknk «f tbei Notttor« MctieHliare, srhicb t-Oiirl ol llarnsou county, “o’l*— “*'d to I“i[y twjocss much ss Inrasr of lacaa baa *‘‘i orumtasnrs your Mats In thislnipurtaut rounerdun. »ubis lo saiiply n __ spreads its TixiEJ !AD 1 W namal.AmA wa — a-. _ _ ^ s_ , wiaH of hU fNH SH fa4s ef tto «tiest jxih -tf ^ jrmjsrc snd eighty-fiv. 1 real .MsnJisIl, this dsy -*rrontnumbss railway, hfaharto darkly tbraatHsd cents st s cort of $2,700. At Mon- of ths same St With thres fart- fsocral and sjsxfal, ws snbniii ro yonr of for a .-watry ;lsa India, ooa- MjOHtMH AM*/Uff •# T»m tto laniliBi opart of aar „y „t snthorizlng 'tlte e.t^is^nt dii^ DdtM!^ to*mtZran.r-otszrt IH fTThDsH Ito nlrtw of CtoitoBfg. .Iuly,fS5s. ‘ H t tababiUi.L-, I W ^ tacellsnry ifoiir!.“Wor,.wslaLKSli..Usrs. wwttsrr-l’.vsr ““““ta 1*"-'—V an c.r. rtoz a igiaes an toreT,Calif«»rcU, three men get $7,050 for collecting tricU, or regulating ' ~~ glerirnn oeafadarocy, will be fererer an apportioament for a J..1, M,M. HENIlKNUEKSON,UEKSON, HblrictDistrict cUrk.Clerk. "-•meit- SUiss ..f ths u.it '»rre •* that -I W--*cru Eiiroix-. lUfitWi Antrewa. Oa SH sals of tto totooiar ^ tMs tSHgaiaoy sfa- at aa cod, aad new folou. bs siitiiblk to justr's and taonsh , *hinlf *I nMtludntillsd l*» » sa *»f rerearxaa,rcuaorc«*| fiwat Loapox, E-McUAMn, via liafaH tore-listrvliui Faiafalu, ttore rt bettor Transatlantic Dispatch five dollars. At BaflTolo ten of preventing a , s -i«ci,.Uy Iialaatl,) WWH tto faMa sf S *Ht rt vtA kMg; Mews men . RMH sH 1.1i i i aod gisalar aad aoblar wUl tore usd•.! Jiily reth,.k -a from na«a‘^«*s«u-Utas. nmlawl lahaMtsdlohafetud hyay a inwpislomplu whoretokuua ^ Temtorial legislature mi-fsm**j-u tivhmcalili.tuuhiiicalitii sn of lar,Istr. >Vsa,ub, tnI*> thrthu fnii•'^tfnilsrt amiaad easzutmtsia and »ra»FlUav. va* Hil aadii; aa ge* f*xr collecting this lallor 'j, District,.-,j,r-i a uutu'prW'^u**'pnuu'Priss 7 , Ah^ag. 'i AA. MM. I Hd ”tto .**?**sthto ***tto f“»,““*'reSasBHvtoraS Clerk. maksmaku u|*u|> farfor lbstbu totoa ba piuaa. ' $10,140, Ac. Thue tbe J.M.HKMitRSON,M.HKMiERSoN.DUtrtut lass-la***--:-t rnoiwralionuf>u(.uraUon aida. .1 sUaid by Texs..Texa*, inia tb-tftt ir i-ffirtsuiH-rti* tolo Mku np soniistradTsroBiparaiivu |«urit3'paucity'pairoitj ufofofthstrtbnrtbuir > . ?". [ bf J*.T! ?? . ' «^ter, unlees specully _ „ . convened by a "•'"'s-T'.nttmbur'*. T.isTtiu twilwnysr»if«rtrff >••* tod its faiils thrusa hack, 1 J prccUmation con-Aruci tills road throusli yoi-r CaKMdUnc.anadUn areore olruodyonalready on ab OMhonlnia*tj Fmpafoc Ns e l seal i H Misaffaw OVFsB THE 0(Ct\ (,ICLE. national trezsura ii rttsic; aud lunhsr. to all p iH F aarsss ICaHare will H Wa tore BBck tn «|iianuersn to instain tbe motl- of tto Gt/Vernor R'-relvi-rtrelvi-rt Intaofflreofflre 1»5Z, suit sxfriifs4 the‘h* ssir deenj ’-c?V*. nan aar tto aot^cct, or act uf CungrcM psued fur anhSnh .July,.fitly, HwS »“d “»;• advaniays «f proats rs.oIii:i« th.ir sitd “ n-t at ml Imprntabla that aiaa> ..f . . Htraaca «tz a paatags which dHtlfog «Ph bat - that front latiiotic or *“***“ tote rans . ,tej_ TTT wh with U Ifeht. aad to hniifoin —— -a- —13 s.a rHogh. Oar words aboil to aa Copy ofoflhewitlitawritfari-iiblitotionthe wltliiu writ fur 1-iiblicstion. . ... 'I ba timvisi.,n fas tks s-.f I .™t.i . _ ITsidI^iTumUua I will mitnot siilar*suiiJarjfu nt--nnjum rfelmurlalnis ofinnucun*of Inmicsn’ **“,rj**-,'Tj^* ^tka EmfirOaEoifiia.Eoifira. — “ V Hfo wzM ‘jv. -ntoro «.*ax i. . «h ^ i-reH ^ LegisUture j -ni- v ciSH shbiw;atoalw tare aad direu, lad ttot an Iz03SriD03Sr 3D,A.TES gies, to more cotrnpt than that? * was coo- JOHN K.h. WOMACK.IMIMACK.K, Shmiir.Shortif.Shuiiff. *u>ckboidera•rockhniilers. '*““‘8 »dl to s• »«^‘rkwork >-f**fjo“las.tiiau, botbal «>nroiir sm um hUMB^^tatoaf Rgat sad aiwaza Plata polittaal NorwiUNoraiU I1 . fenow-mu-fellowsato- M euiay shall , auimadrertauims-iyert noouapuu ,h.<.k.* sr.ors*-r>c»rz* 1^^ . , . to abls to par- “*V ^ -rv^4^^ wtr- , , wets ^u^alm° Au^olta arjar^ Ad. ruiruoudrerriinsd fatn fareloua troiw* ttottm • taIn TtoTka Aiagof«kBgKiag of PrwBfePranlaife fe to tto spxrtutfals Tto two are cquallr corrupt, ‘b* ThesIsralrizht-nfthsrtockholjBniofli£»a ron» lustuu |.r>ssut i-eri-sl. f **‘*y*^«**^”awnh ^imuokatfea.onaimunkstlon. As wawn aa-oa. - 8uch were ’ba , , - , . Sf snd provuie sismlsunil mtiniuair-aiuniiupuir-ii a iu lutuffiitytati-ffrity at t>n*eut iwrkid. TheyThuy are-an.- |otbtorta aa was aa:^cfej-ax:roetol VC.- lz«; .ro areaamiaH aads far Ito aaaacwd a«**D«< yew. ntae .toytb«> ntvarv sliredyalrea*ly ^ wna» u waswaa axpaetsU.«x^«acu4. HerUarHht MajaByMsjaify IBtaZHBtaraa hoHS osring of tbe nation for party purpowrc, far its rsK-nt i-<-ri<>d.-sri.sl, oml-s:on.o-ofcommisrioa.oml-s:on, o- of coiumiurion,comniisrioi kUrinaandkUrta* and ,slfs.vl.lstit,.-ulf-Avi-luTit. and^nd I aoi no dstsmlsrdutumiur .,i.>i th. tala itoike market for X7.- and Justify- urgsoixilioo, snd alto enacted that tlie sub- '**“ f'c-cnt 1 NoN”actof»ct of am •ants, in neinally o;.ic*a.l». si . »nd i-rohablt tnnis tiitas ttot •am win be callod f.*r le i.ffict rs.sseiit-ior is|irrssiiutiiesuf tlis stockholders, or From tto facts anauari- OR Moodsy. i p ro. _ . . . . — tto -y.t«-.irr.aiodiv.wtth.molihslrrichts; but while cslsil. it will b- wen that while we are cibaiistluf all ‘to nwm trmikof tne Aostra.Un.t eteni of rad- g*BM hato sf tto gWHto fagl a our Bv tto UriH rf tto IroaSv“resy osof psaHaaasro wunroithi’hia. strue. str.clly smtrsiikroailiuit. sncrtlesaita dsvoliay toth, woik time, Ishor, F--rsorns tlwtorouro llw ewa, JidhreR t MtTHt i, afad far n d litcrslly, I that and m.iiiey . liaas, SB ito^ SRItoH ’’'''.'l iK, V

Ibb a r afifea H*Bt fra ta to quesuon WTORg uid la dctsci* af what * w apijonioninent. atrutenud liambof tbu*i* wbo )Nildiy*^dt unjuptly to appro ws bejlare ta ...... Isvlrofarotliemth*l*v Ifeferr tkem tba fetter* that wa navehave receniijrruruntlv tk* r» itH?'i k ih • fba Cat Ivjdj’, tbi* at tempt mndt unluK* >uu *iiaU ioU'r powerful and In- aad a* the (rovemor boa expre*; • provuftsirv«'adul, pdore, wtoH psUoni »en uf goat, aad ttofa haw Iv te naii4 •* tto totlar !>«. AosiaM at we V. floeutislflueutisl R publicrti leaden setoioa, it or -Itotooads, cuaBceto>l by wrestle _ at .• s ui in tbe nation, would ‘'Th,“’s;‘;;'ml..\V„f .fa. inta Dss.1. liod up the i-rorsr af reMss aad “Hfortrezh Thuunuiintontol’^wi aria «f rtraagth ss itodl •rilflU’'* R*'P#Ft OH lltf -UiffUttC ( Itbk’. ™ ichipery of tba goverom^nt of tbU ot thu u; the l*>Ui Hub., unurud iutu iu gutul I'.uib Nanruuar** keuf*Biit*w Nwrwferirabfe etaerdlA; far larb erwA aut r,,,f8fBl in „.sirtliuir bs.rubuaru m» thrillinnu ofOf iowyoy at theins gloriouswloritaU* ly Company, and the ron^tiut a* uti.*n ai thr«>at.thr«>at ou iIm* port rak^ MahAhh waa tto Met predaesd to tto Inrrttonr » ib»- cfHiutry : and thourok tke iml mu.t remsin out of orter until ctisj snd intend.;, si under It i.ro-lrmlsd its crsiU:ruiUt andsn. of otocklioldi r*« and th> lr m ‘U 'y paid Tb«ru«*n. Amurteoa ew^ket abl •to pHtlaRt Dstojcracy fjtrsvsr, wa woald aat . -z .V J ('oogress netammtaaam* ed tto UwasiaartH a* Ito toa^ aa oh- pioepsctpintpsrt ofnl tbethe redemptionrede; of Ht. Thi* new taw only anpli*^ if ‘*M. -iibriseut cwid.tajreksMrssroo toWlireitot 9t. tto ztoi the conntir from the or bii Excellency authorize it lie ‘“‘'•‘f U'« D-xm.rss.,i th.; Mumiw-.r. at to rro*!* whirh 'bere- F a, Aama, .4aa. tl.—• • Tto aannafa to let ia motion loittatinto ^ * » well to ta tto wtota ipara at Xamrea saK w aR> Rtttaa wtth tto N-TihrtB rrom tha Iscndou Papers of Aug. 24. tku prm*. navu )u*nl uitul* ih*u, and havu piui uf tiwdr tomU im artoo- ItOBh Uiot {wrt of Ihu world bauwcoA^d. ^ tasasHdOff RepantiesH or fo„lfjml and,„.i ^rol-uUngpoi uUng dclutch of the prendo Democracy. “*** *** ttaaij •» sn{ ms'uarereV.h^^^^^^^^ «4*C.uuo. r|**raMon, which we bad not uuliJ tbe iklb or ut b* [J'roio thu Pari*Part* ('..rroapoudml('orroopoudrut ^ wilk CkiM kM git tto Ptaco d'.kTMa. aar psrtiH _ lUb Ht otuf Um LoodoiiTbumlLnadonHiiiMil I rt ttoto exoe^ apM a brele that toreid ^A few days tinea a Duinbarnuiiibar of tcttleri will im“i. ThusTliut much at lessluant u Mttleri from Suit.Salt I It not cxc.i'd aii U*e prop *ny and rueoar- 1 niary TKsCroiAMTKs ('roiAM IHin ^/'rwwfv.^Xuw that it i* By this Htriara tto wa mxy to lu thu •*4. aU dthgar to Saalhara fraa PSOSPECTIVEPBOSPECTIVE MOVEMENTS OF FOREIGN '“Preleit innuds of a of auioiiuliuK to Auiuu liii.OuojHiU ariMiutl nrion* thu old I nt* rucuiuud (hnwiwhont thu umrfeo* oorMwI. sRag with Ngto r^ Ksrth- there I,Ie no lonpsr . dnntat of „lsf s. -m and edtaSH af dawanx whito am nooo longer .«a don H of thetbei^ perfect id*‘da»oi kiu*iu«ttbU an * auw ci*mpani*e *ru «n the urc nt turai ;* ,4ag, willingness gang of horseborse thieves,tbieves. rtdsrede into town and surround-okuiuuim-Aurrmiml and uioiiangen uf variotw nus- floal odjurmunr; djetrh le Hrooee toai Ikuiku wheat croperoa bmaolbwatial Iwiw Tba steamer Martma arriwafr ran arttaa. If Uit. STEAUI-HS s . ? lluulf. and, wilh able i-IhuifUl •vary sMs were town, tto baaHy aff hitalseaasas STEAMERS. z» munt aud beyond ard uUk TU, *kot «j saadretog rz-Hzl;HHaazar»tore iroassre, rorea I s . !huroiilr*jlo! thetJomi*auy Thuru. Oforuu, aud uua«ci*.- ef . U ta tto foialii. If stdrclioessoftbetiht.H - toll tail Hiith *lirt •«z»—rezi zi a rororo* a a cw*>4 vrjluory yuor. aod that bb aM*ruh#Hisdi^ a^ “,a ». , _toto ^^*^ ***^ J**l Jritu the avowed determuation of eatinfoctury ** ^ Baaebey fratoe lynch- foru. tliu prur ient and liiructor* aru powu.lu.* with ih«*u ry to Tuahu and Uiu pubUe iud^ju uat c*i ife neud hu vuig’Ftoiuud wf an *xiH>rLarV*B !• ike tto mama aa t aat l ass kDsavthiag bai fssvHt of the NocIrotdnMe. I exi as itoir iittitaaia aawirs patnoUaat, wa tore ast UUcelledtbecalled tbe RspuMs.,„KupyldicaQ >ng one of these gentry who wa* dinabilitiuMto protuci iui^Tt-^f^.su'l lo avutt th** uitur ustio:i. ihaq thiu Fomburu r*uidc t'u. h*# ro-achu*! skfertb** vnruhau- nf fo*>d, , , _ , ^ ^ ; ,»rpertv to meet tbe Amuri* under imprison- your t;. U a m4*ru hTuly rdrH .»f *pur» a- el July. -f redretina. Lzvwdox vis VsleDiis, lreIsD.1, Ang. ' btoiasd tto rewungreanaainaaf woedc P. M. . t . . wotwL .’ cans upon tlir airtligHcaftH. Tto wtoia ai „ . j. , V,. sod Jn«t grou TU .Ukiag .4 tto uwr poartH tf tto Hrtal da . — .' By tto nvarlaad mail liter advices from Cbins , .. . . , , .. . , , tin- apiwnptistad “t-XcGoitable ro tk-il-'f dial th.- ru-iiins suiisr waaoa siU be •*,* 'uapertabca la add to tha pnvitou itopatctos, ta ttoa traty gSHosH faata- Hidsa for tba gwe-ta oalar- onnuUCuia*l^ aotiTu lojib «ut «.r -roni.- Umiui render asswUnco, Sfetuiu.-ot *m /* liut .;f .lubN, toir* tlirr In^yidiiaK iu and r*xa*. wa- ICew Yofk Ceerier and ». i»A-L d-.G. tUm a o^ctionaliwctional party. AVo shall no but tbe grewter uunilier aU f.,r a with a olwm rmfad lu the inwn-farfwriM dtorists Nxw Tonx,Tork, n7. iag E-qn^wr mrm. itatoto^ Iiuh. tr,J,i**AsA rKt^fa I i hr tto diazisg ^** were MXk^®eoioea- peace koe oee® rwnc luded amithith (. - ^1; ^ irh n>Fiw( AhAh- mama aat agarartag tiadtoa Ifaa W l»v bluli With theoytliero uluw*.view-. 1 n.r.-i ^ ^ tucki I._, _ ___ ,• , proia'rty aud u**! t4 t»f the c*inii*auy, uhtiwiii*; « b»*r.fa-r. re.i«re <{M'C(fnnr,ctfnljr. b»to cr .11 your a n p-.rt ihsi th.- taoirorur s iro aa^_ fad «n. s i„„ »1 • , . tract e*l bv tbe tiro4nr<*t of auutner i hia** wretchtarrre»<»k !«•.•«.> bad dcfaniiiued ta rrduer ifa- Ne OMBHaicixl Basra *^* * m* two mlllloni *.f dutuirff. Lxoi Uuncy'i ait.all, mmnnliuii i**I-. metbu aiiiiutWslliiu.k.nlm T.:>seT*tia* brt.wabe tiro profar try dsle~, br .if tato dto aba rty af atoolag pahlisbed rauch $'raMarrsaes anaand t^oglsiMIKowlond areore to toIm tcdcmnificdtrd. mfiifs*d forfuw- lbsthaa ...J. j,.:,,-. Snf * means wiUah fero iMt^roro T V* si.fi .ut «..rld-«siiu(wl,.tworld sskinx wlial will fa- herbrr ‘““ttotriad thrangh tto bia -I--1 .U-. li. Ui,n lb* t-ii-nstius il.s rrol.i- ...<1 ftattcl.l-i-s of ths com|«- — b- rondiiK-uren.Ut,..u if fare.lu-r e-oit.art fa, Fn orb niaiiurs--fitrers bavr br--u smiM-tl r., eahia yot, DOT will aar b«. tow Ito wtoia was az a aad giviig am asctaais taat Mall difftoaaaasa\* w.ctclc l handful" '“* of*'* ‘^*“^‘*‘*(taremoo *'*“‘*‘•'8’-.holi-l.u, favr s hrevv m ged, OiaB hetwsH hiasclf proceeded to the jail with a ikmhc, ny, bsW Uy indivl iu,i. faro sxtiavsirsiit timn broksobrokro with our.-ur »>iHkli-il-i.->.H'kli->l-l. rs, hrby nicn-nii-an- «f>f s m.no nn- lerhi.i- t x on :s;.iss-4«or«ii*nm. »“» traasmitUd sxpaasss of the war. • . and eventually miicb my. r». The sds-s nntll aftar . -fas -.f lha pfi—ii' tto Uh atoll tore 'hb >4m ta tto raadsr af tto atoaaar ia wUch swah fa. i ““<'•«» in,iir.-«i. iliuu*r'tum —< *to Ad Miai.re.rii .s .,^ - •’‘'•i ‘he IXmocracy shall cooititule succeeded io dispersing the mob before “f >i- U-trs, I umy sJfi, and ptip|N;rt th«lF do«"rin*» br wtai'few BSsia twu tkrawn ta naklfe ^ R,_h., Are., tc .to b sZ J..i. k i i any violationy**“'^** f".** mmb t^ apartaant was m ' »»/ pAFtiuM Qf |fTuai prudunr** »ni cl‘»*u colciittUou, and inapHluaMu,taspHlrakfa.iDspHi.-ai.le, niiwtmirotniirot i-robab.y,,.r..irob.y,probably, toro the iruTUouaefpnirisloua of uuruurcbor-rbar- w-rj. '’ua'k>na. industrr,** h- apprapriatad. Tto gtataal aadB uf enth isHtoTH A UssretoUret -I ». I res- of inethu sanciiiyoaDctitv Imw iireH t.sb“„ aimraJ and .luelahnissi asalrei W-* K-asto ».h.,-rtv,«K H a iterty. A fearful peril, ‘h.-nc‘jty o*jrtoi4m.>ou*hin.*; ‘c'-’J "f aatariog wh l.y a ihm stS fact! far tto paiyaato af BrerttoreCZ^^ JtTludil Ittav o, d*i ririsz “nalirea" of p«s>t.-e»k>ti. s*Tt. rXKTnER BT THE CAN.kDA. ^ ' ** ”1'*'* *’fe“i'*ng ts i.l the,h statei off T 's* Haptoo tto ' ^ ful imfort, is happilvpusing "•E venfjeaote upon T- or b-r iiii.ri.ri.inj. nl. rpri.io; rit.s--ns ms to hu^-t that 'fa re sis .‘si.Mli.iw ulh2r notiTrr miunt afaMtotaat. bf paotJa to aocaatt“ocaias tto Direfirore swsv '"“ver.forever Evenr.ven t-T.Yl KMFNT f, r 'n*" i****m “t^ **i^ Ufa pistfona «f«z n j ' b the first of Ibese h.fa'iiiv.ruribk."*o.v.farih fa- sideslfio toI.. uktaiiioseukisliios.- afoin ofot ct.ufi.lsutctiuiiileiin- hned. Hai-ifax, qarllsd. , relrrrz who sbould -It ufum 111 her -fh- pohifa. wfiwsuasielr, A^. 4. , . vi do -S, r T , . ,, tbeir mr. ..'sT-ri. not take so oioim S TWa ipart atut at aat gait, th . inrwrrry feiitl |•roltlirt•TJ . mam wh atoa- toi£«i>'Ab«:l Hd wBlcoopacaU D Would rejOH-e St “'•sthis if they did ro/z franlu or l«s*iito7 WillL*i|ih«« utfeut* bi-* in*uru«4 in Ibu ou tuisitF with tto Presl- "J®"'* n<8noi in futur*.future. Itisn.it long since two nmerionsnmori.ons A.-sron..nisAs-ce-m.-nis .Ins.l.m upon -t.wk,,,,,-t.s k $2:u,uue»s:u,uos bs uxiwi'tufr and feia k fe “ '“•Jta Tto LoadM panrri of ve-tardsy corfatn s k.nw ^^mbivBvjtably Imbl^lolo pruvi^t rth|dtalti4rt frout l»»v, -tins: ..q«. ftatwrq'a ucu i*C • M tto da- <^art^y repplisd with rfatort wkM. with itos itwi.uisi UiMfer lb*- IWlb-g which pruroiU a. & »•«"'). fhw d.at 1 kasping Ksuss. value tbeir own p’-litiral power f*'' »«victsconvicts uiaileuisile llieir <>d‘‘uuit< ly bmobb Binl. ta s free Stata U'*'**''*' far atsive*!*<>*• ‘h»the “fetyaafetv escape from tbe city pri«.nprison bvI, r e,s«uvuu odou Ui«U,e mS.1inufft briilfeulbriiiisut pr.re«-fa.yrooiiuuU*, wbsuwkuu Uuuluihai oat of tto - Um* cvi»un«uvi wh**u an artfelu of eoWMiniptfea viands of areay daitipttH. It was laHark endMid latezretirgtag r.r.|wrtl«rt oa ttoIto AAllsmic T.leer.id. bv • ’U'l''-- fa'HUI I* relV tu4 ««« h ..,1,1. burrowingl.urrowimr under the foundationi..e _„ll. .i;..: of <*thui^ l«>>mA up to \i<‘W.»lio»fe^ tehat obiuixb r a, aorfsto rttrtltore ^ and tto proqrori.y of the conn.rv, wall, .lur.ng the fii ssrre ’ iftuut hr liuid mu H’* duty tl|o c*»»Htm*‘r luldtim frurfew* «h htortredaanurna . • aar od. .1-1'^ •• • iOta- “toa for tto aaaaJ aad vitov ta Oa araanata - m hr..ksn freth tboa.^loamaaa* Mr. Bright, the co|,iaper of the mpso, inulteiitioo brokrnh futh on ^hnicmiitfeu,i«hnlraiitl».. tUdi-unkiicfiisi..-tvbutUrotbu s.mfi.roaddtjnuu of raafeou fr«Ma il, a* thu muirbaatu *T*. r. A , o , f??i Tto sUsaierstesaier A-is ia to sail .aisi S.'ii'-UyS.'ii'-lav for theme now on the tj]4r, ™.dd*liiiiid, andloid u.ui'Tirv. r srolmls-'Vll'-,iiaMiriiud ri ^»• ptolgad bt Her «jawT,Majatty, , Haii-Hali- Tiisv Foh.'i • U k«. wbirb uru |>urruivu«| to uv- rhuMn»urI hu MriH* ru4*wu 14 zburtium d f„r omaad wbsrehalyhmly ^5#tto n,m.t,r. .4lr *dr Jtamamso m-a IMB,rsoa, I -hnW taa ..;.<-f”s..;-..i-”a isC-tuC. “I*" rt \V* ar* a littb- '“n'r'—llu . i ‘h»ttk > r’'Ti Um (iorucDiuuBr boi Mim aZ’^TZ^y DoniiUsDh;:Us is Daw,naw, ' the coming municlpsl election, fat.l*t. Fr-.ml-'r.mi tbsthu Ur.sUricH ta,,n„iuien ut wswu i.o.sliavu Ini., to**tun tOBB tterafere,iJierafsrs, ia prut-pciit- ^ which takes place T- »«.xou. audfe t ^•a.l>^-a.l> htan-.'iiru . iT-ilitX Jutlua, oa *”!** '"[?** IMJ ^h« aaadfe*id whiehwkfek pose. fax andatid BoiOonBoston iotiesdintiesd of ttotl-c 1I unqo.urrw^o. ,k* il. . .J si^im-r Jrl tista.Ttoib^^^^^ V U MiMdfrrri n mr«- lri^*5** .““F wUIwill ave«Vu p«a, ahaMtkllM olglMyt<\i iiiunK 1 Ih-b • li to Mr. Douglas's early in toptemlier. mo«t rt**irt cttiilly -.*7^^711,-^'" ta hwlhw| ttocka cudidats ia Illiaais.Illisols rok s i. .i, . Inyor,s’!hi7^'ifa»re^i,'-thi* bfch,ffikk aadm«I sidafrtfe taof tkwttot wmwas ttotka aagarthsHBOMifraaM Mtoaar at tto Tto v ur«u poHry a**H«UM«lal . Tto stoasser North Am- riot, w.ih the C.nsdtsn and u» thu ^urv luiuru-i aiul l«> alth.*ut hui y ‘ «lo.t certain r.snluUens w«r* ,asMwl ‘he •l..ul««u rtofat.fts, Jbto.bo-CH.ayJ ban boo coa say ef«f ttoeppoatoitaeftto eppoaeoU by a R-publi- Tfa^fa,"'!tb<* bOHur mof i iiurffn-atSlaU*. lHr:nM tb*«- lh.A««>m|’rtUv. ifwit -ueb fn hetar7irs.s:;T,th"^c!^r at tto Od-Ad-Ad sils,ails, willTZalsoalas leave LitLiierpKX-l *‘‘h»‘“'tu«iS ‘be ^ erfKM-l noon Saturdav,Ssturdsv, Ke|.ublicans - taruisbtoru!*U tb*ih« nsti.,iisl ^ willihold nath.usl buiior ibsiLu sn-lan-l tbeir bui.-.r hitt.-,stop r.r* i-..-l utauiiiif •' , can Stale Convention at Snrin.fi.I.I .».i .k.. candi- . uf , imi.Iui*fat. iu is>u tViV rvauii.i. of I naioiitl. ah«*n*iku n«az** .»f hm vah*al»*a auorript*; hmi Ika mmI taioi.-ati p.ioaii>ly and th.t Uh* baLob k^ i pMtiUblv m -»a-t..nn,re.refaly,h«k.ftoipp,t..,*te„n Iktak at onppomag Mr. d.,*, being, in.c.^re.;..,tsiroctu, ruui ikuaudam, r.J..yuoJ**y toiriind ds toaf Ito, toeanrerstaaiDor Fultun will .. ttoy mmpUcently sver. «mr..,,r L^o.l imiii. > wlihniii r^uh n\«rtiri\«rtl h*H* m!»<-hiiiiDs-h adviiiitoxf fn>Biibufn>Bilbu ! Im fe»lBr»iio* o# all to F-ltan oboltttixi . leave So»tbam.A..nSnutbani|A..a on..L Ihn.be throuxb 1st rUro to s.-ror. sklr'i.r'.^r.i^? tnu, of ro«*r. . tka Britiik Cofevut* •'rn.wmmt * f wkickwbieb feis tkatto •pisedMaplacfrH dett ibhaatj le’nwdn mas • luemlwtr »*’*»^*”'*ab'nt, and whun ran TutaMnfutaMn th»ih** yrv»i*atpru»i* at ilvDilii it-i f-wt ibta . (w tba coinmiltoa their in*»uthpiece, a$u,auu, o«ama hx •tawusu Ilf pctHikol ai Us.ro X* -I. tifet re- cerUiu of aucceas when ir *h?ll d»****l iinjoutf Maou my kM*yrt ^ V uaii* rtWtttu ptaea wWrh mrta ti slaa sd ta Ito abbay faaadad same day"•-T r*for New lork.York. pf to a laictfo wfiil l•uBiuulllB . an rtrka rKn toto-iilt sa,:il I_:_ _z . tnz<..s.s-l«iai, .•. ,-z. a - St. Irons, Aiiir. ^ > » tarnlrltimr luru, in cobcItuiGii. New Ytok Tribnae writat.; S6. *‘(l tl'ly with hb'h ri yrtrdF ti• u, i>«rm n Mri».-d b* -'•'uTmtcnmwiferiuaAuhurml c-niwferiuB aountaa«uiita •pt.w«uttw ^7 FBlB fe Iku oitOStWslraaile BfriTXlnfor’ed lOin Aa fanaarffimtlir fatter.fettot. Thia toa that no ally andnffirially. In • .b. .Vl";* B 'Mib their jirophov'y ui» niNtn «>iirr vvIbsiH t ibrUa* 'X ths* I nil. t| «ia*urt. Fort Irorsmie d ties of tto L Hii the l^?putfl^cana and ttrim urtb ra a# feijAAtura ' 7ih sar tliatt '^jl. Mon- I . J. are tin only rtiioii lUtik. \**w orluau* kav.‘ V* b omocif ika iprUlr.l < ia D r-etinss OC Now Tork •tronwiratrowre- Ukh re**»luti.‘'*M Itiu tuct*. ffliohfiiiir tl*u vlu«rai«hl*'bUisr« ^aawas spar MrUk-l exe’exe»«a*a%lyartrely hto Ito am ta were ever pxaoHl l»y nhnbst a|N«akA|N«ak Uii'itiul'Uii'iti I riTuo"rtvuu. ’'kIJIji imm • aad wtiulto !ij’ "iir* ''F inv‘".v -‘ ’ oiw ii-td$«. whife ik« •‘•••k*aiewkw iaIn Oitafr >i torott «» l-a a-.u«ed crontma.;.! . city at' ‘ . tto f it. preseut, TtaVi . I I | B Aiaamlia. con.rel'The II. t’U'vrtidii; «hi ii, oif itiir • ' hatt. T'rZjZ wu b*‘(i« Vf. I’thiiba •tulfil ^ I gemleto'a iavltadlOViBOA totto AAN oiu ttta« '•r< •tfe' Ifa’biia rrod'ioils IS’sluMd BBa wtotu bin. riro Illinois, soil that Mr. whole vote, W. R If. Ward Tku l*mrMi Ttoro. to ita -ro^ -a la Flatla, and Lincoln was I and w..rk rrvfa.1 af • fattov. naw has three f-mpanfas of the fourth never unitadly and syt-t*- as to iw ,i sucJaUb •i..'--- -> lu Ifa-ir •It.iSUrv, I misi-MiaiU- «rtsfedvy U.-.:*..k. ^^7*wly taiIwbj BaatiA^ mmfm bJba foe friAriAg. oafr llu|ii|eF;“OU ;B*«ikfa'i»uw..(BuI^Il . pwffBBB •to iargsHta all artillery statioced at that post • matically. •**‘*'** Fcgland, Mr ' Twowo nior.-nior..- com- I “pon a committeecouimittee thatin reported any such T’X) h^r tk Siu uly '> rr-uto-eit sa laiprsirten -la tbe ** * aad tto ladoeed dividaada -to apartaaata Ito tot td la whirk fato Cahb k-.owt»rd^aUmttat^H niront tto Imroooo. he 1. I— L',' aad gao- H ttobaaHatoi. • ef tto It is fair lo suppose, ^r «. regiment, and oHc«n,,a„v.ff Dutglss'sM.gls,'. the pul.Iic, long aince uwzre >V’. T. bcuft i-ff e-4-.~ ** D own organs in Illinois admit ‘he f.lse- j tto ^'Mla da **—Ui —d ha d HH t aeea capable ta eecoed dracorntare to Iro Mati-.ned Ib-r- thi- ta7hc flcT.^artiirEnVl^^^^ J. T. iirwuitk Co KrtrtarH ot winter i . . ... ui fa. 7n..srsiiune.; siul tto preee. t EiapsrsH. hwd, hut*’"* rsll il *“ J. Kro fr’ ,1. lU'nwn In.llr mma U^Ttwr'^iT u* haniagsayihiagahantit. ‘isHeb, with cae com|anv ./ ’ a— rautake. The Cincinnati nioosJy rejectad, no iongar intrresta rns.l.' tor -roiirrtt HAmbarg There it nroatwet ,cv. mh in- itself in regunl- III N.-vstuber at .>«f. lattars taeatiH tto foilara I* »wseea« tw> varv foie h cf . Idancli" .. lulorriinthm Tb* artera ta C. F Lsramia G.z.-tleG>z.-tte isyr:tsyr. iiig “ uOkial ” to vacb^u our i^bu and nffur Miuh othur rufnw* t>' ha toiag•» """aUs - ‘ “”“T. fur Ttah ut the :.h. ligures which straggle in, a few lyfail Orer-ag A Ca.—said ta to far amt tbarfma. fa tota darteaaartea nayaav aiada af iartwasing ^ ni**as*iiruu nl rdiuf in runhuraiirtM.r Ihb* raitor a largo parw tM ‘-ctre^ tto Cant- wo. a. wubin ibr >*vuumi >hw> fet BM tbufw WO* Yurr UtliH kH^a * - -a>,6- H.rcsrk and tztor* offireraonteers wwhono went*s,„ outo,„ Tbs Ii nquirer ntviroslspswls thsthe falsehood precincts only "‘sat a lime.u"ic. Tweuty-eighti weui.v-eigui counties footloot aiUABBf fslw-hort , rouriiuvcr, ^ for Itoir rereaaTar dl af rK. 7. of nousie-rioarla- that s ,,, , ,, aud UMxrvh/dkfmbarrajHthMrMur- ud. TIi*riwro “r* UIMW ;'..’-»qniuroi-i*,.*e4H'>fefel'« Inlo tk^H ^ faijiati*. Neat to iMb wh • •‘itoingJaiZ-T^tto •’V T'*’'.'" lh«Ih, luwrksiluarfcut •SuretT^Uoiwa - » . exptaditaraa. Ila ran-s- With Gen. Haraey, paaae.1 •**",** "• Afa.U,i..« “ ‘"‘•I of RL-XmO ^ prior, to* h , Lantmi* oa their rreuliitioiw was a.l»|.ied the vMes, .‘Wd more than whicb. ir d.‘Mi‘i>ud, biin»r“ wiih it r*.ria Ill*’ ’ ^ '< .iiiunurta Ia*h«’ fv.rr.ru I way Im- L**'*,;" hr “P mv former L'uh I'klylno. b- p umrk. ttir -rllrf wuru ^Jf®**M*«d*^** H» ExpfMa aaya tkB •a amBH iiii$mfa rtmtmtosail^, f^Mmmaiygorge «Hl foraisto-L liaad with ********* Xto "? morw BBmrrMM“omertort, .toro* rJ «^Ir y t-aaMirT hi r tBfe.v-d ahu*h aru .h! I froa haakrnptey, or therwirt. coutputatiim of the entire vote. Of Ibi.'niimtor, :n fro* P^'V^'**** n«>Mo bu *««tltiirt*toi wHb row riMivti*. *Itiu feAiIoai iU"fBtii*B*iU’,fBrti»»* ^ okfertBca Bt hiaurlf «-b d.-bt-i, i.. ! on* frwaifrwoB ms ^^* ^ Tbursday feir tbala parpis ^tlrmt,velvat, nm whieh werewai warkadworked tto „ 1 hi* toad, howi’ViT k\'‘ P4 imo. fextotAtksixtMath b»^?*a < whMwHch gBWHgaWn “ I nitardud by vaziir UTCfllutirv. T* Ih- ****^“**' Tbe tSooU hm cormpnfident of tli* IfepaMlcan 1,*^W are for accepUatu,** and 11,514 for rujtjc- 5th tl'^-fodUiiian, AUt’o, & i o.. and •^1^* torteuAhty. tiai^ wad it is gives amt ttot tieea “8vta had a more iaeoH- Ctdutou limro, tkc oryan^Il^ncla*, aduiiu^ .r -*l Mndsy wttltl laaUynsaljy to tweetaef Ito FFi-aa«*i-ea sh amaara.amaire. TWa faaH wh shh- Fowlkvriand oiftf-r* rf 7S*>i‘“fM roVrir* UoD,*'afree Sut« iiiajo> it of 9,64^. Fuur tto fast day. pctaatAs siu^Ul I WbsHvtr tto qaaaiiea ta ito prioaad ta tto asa Hair Majeatiaa. cretatytattoTreHary. y Millff HTlga ta Hare wh a ttoagh wa tor. K. rion of tto Daaato any aoato apH tto tapis, it baflhb far ttota ara, aad aatasafad baWfad waia- ^ta*to*y had arwaral aorry -ptrlmsas .JaudoD b ilh compressed into small 1 . II. Kina **> ,.ro insi. Iroiss-ur -suTBisoai vsarnt, * * wreicoea. r. MAX . . IjACAAna Brook* iiuaitively rrfu e*l tpace. Too companies of i A. Todd to ir>d« . the 2d Infantrv.Infantrv, hitherto wa mnifv tbum • . '*/ •***!*!''” “** •'Cti- an 1 «t tisiriiail. Teas-, Acwmiwu (rum tbu M'^Va atalodthtaltoKmta.w k lAABa *7 conditam. If they Nuw ff.lcHUre dubt*. fTi iiimib -ilk riu-iaataar 4i-«rlet, th,t al UtgiaUnre fer lefuae admlc- perfomm^ g^i»uo daty at tScoU, till- r-uivivt BOBU forty fe*uaat that were kilM t»n m'.nUi- Kort arrived at 1-jisv- Hu- liunur tu be luirt re-sisvltiilly Ih- tua> kri -I Auironu. iheje has faen oaffd aot oa cemramat ia tian W r. Hill tmiruli dle..twu»,u,. a fall -f fr.-ni if ta a %ata nri^iaftteorigiimic rioae, fur on ri>)0 , 1 . KiMM.xiji. .If ,n rev -ilk II was a mewmem irc'paauini; tbe ciArine Cf«Htnd« m |-t»*t to Kauros with her present i^palathm under a dthtu, Jti’ rewmrkrt ilrol lb. Irofcirert i^kl • itwiilsut ol rtastfaHiH bad scad the Jtoutliern I'si ilk- |>ilr<>ai| 1 w-re- wuim.. • in n-ii. hut ibere- aw, k Is 1‘ro.As will give tto < .;je‘»chm.mt a nat ta farrare Flw, Cuagraia-grass before tto Indisi.s Lntil -talituti.ui of tlicir own choice, their parly in ‘V"’*'*!'’ T wat tab tto fh-ehoeluz '“>« ’U. to fi“. uTkiloTre^^ ta Mareb Hxt, sm »to 12ih lo Ifaitqf in tto niitMer-r. •"»>• "me since withdrawn. It will Iro a long time, rtral- SM Drigiam WtocaaiplaMaH Ito 7lh iroa oriwia-l rpsto adviswUw.Visadlv Gro. iv_ n: -k .1 i c . ./-.. is ta JMv. aad ta HfatfaLak Hd aammm GavGav. ^"rih witl to shivered mtrt ternl.ly. If, on T J^IV. DMverDMwr ^ the | venture tro predict, before will fiiifaroqii nil/ to wriiinr , that it wHid to praaairtsd ^ ttore he another niy Iroirr ta the IMb lo (im to tto Chaartiara -to, at WHtaagto. cky aaid to j at Ito faealHUa OasiHur^^ “ " wowld;re.ld art comwu ‘ Aug. 2*:. other hsn-l, military nccu|«tiun of Fort Sc«.lt, huoaejlr-. I n-reivi'J fniin M. .VtUnre, l.-q luia ui „iir Lot |s, Aug. *7. enmfly ttoy violiile their English hill hy ad- unless some iin- , .... . , ttoaa pirSwrM afaa aitiiiueysat ****^”?'u ro Hare ia HS W|tb may regBaa taasU tto Mss-liall, •('.-•»»,, k-n.-r ii|.>n this -iii.ieri. 1 to -Suit l-ike corresp «ilaat of the Tarritariall arritarial *** “"™‘" .'•“‘»f‘sv f*iuuiu*i»uBt|f»utnhiu *7 .. »3Stto Lomm IFL His datertoiaatioa fwX i*.. .ro 'a i J r** ISh of ’ **>' *’* shivered quite as terrihly. r!luroi Burr,liu2,, t^is •"in *toroL cityy $ x i* , 7*^ vires Jostoa K Giddings. lH|en under mders for Minnesota s..ntr six wlieuey It IS i-r>i|>.-r u> roid tlita i-i-i (to aad baib*t saecto^sacceadad into gal- will baOia^ 4 that eimrea “zUya tto week.. 1- xcp?-* i.f K*’*uti* orur liabiUlfea. ' Tsss* «f till h tto stata af stags wUI to pereare. at tto ereaefai 13ia at ito • •ppUcattaaiamZaZ\Zr^^^aatil the u. . .rres7“m: u *M*>». all **111* • ‘iAa. aacoaodag aod•od idlurr ntolnHuljntolriHMij inill th111 • HistU ail uiIII bur liiu] *nff i H , Mimoi er, r«>rnMHy dark ia tkn H«r- nMoatl all ; publwpublic ihub m tk* PiwviAtioa ia wkiek it rwims^ ^ mwi'* XVashixoton, .Xugii*t 2;i. •ud iutlMCiitfel c Uix.’u* aru f*xr uxiuii tlrif th«‘ ntiniliuu- Affi>UvUd«ivi.^tkutra^ thmmmm ym^mw.xhm atity tD«aniF ail «zf Ummhm mf fmmmm m ps^ Bbb IL fe JoBb Aa art^ fAi* and b<*r pnblK* nuiirW tb ta aoy FaddcPrtidc SaOreadSaOi «na Diptoatatic aagret iati ff CHvmfa til eH hatware tto laptatwota- pmittedprtMitted MM.Mm, to waMffI iM tore NMUndNMkaa* CkartoaHCfaiHsM Iu,‘,i5r1Sd **'it 7^rofaA!J^ tbuui and faliwr t<» > till wurv 1 to wiihhuM thfa* afat* ” tarn O»misrtoo.r ta Iiid an Affsif- :miii l.^siturolinw aiuc«i t'*«t'-, TerntdKVfarnttay wto«r.ta.nli^was Art! BttthHL .s^rly Brea ta Sptaa aad To* rt Ire-.. irr** fort tliiu Maxin. for tto MtaloBtortta tto rotot I dtoiaadtoira lata asatoosato ta K.*-fa.*' It demoDrt,rt»._ of from ni**uiitip. fx Hot. Ivan* and (.<*v. Uuu- zs,, ^ "' will thrt bo.til.tiH.“nrtrlitiHt all* tbAtri>*e«thu triita*. co.iiiinttinicCt>.iiiiii«in.r «tf{>rc«Ulii>*iA.if* iipuaUiiah.i - T. agaic,Bgaicsi the OremOreg. , a'c •lupmUlia.l Nab* kBfr pAAduig “.f!” f J. s „ iMdl- and olhuTuof bur di tiittfiiiAbud m ii liuw kuun |»re. *”? dUpaiA, wm axpicBd la emmtmmmm Thm mmfhmmh—Um Mmmmm^mm ^-aoB ^ , aam^ b B bt MivurBlIy pm4 aufr *wriIron of AAMMtfAfr. rouiua.feithlnuud i.iitixf ruao*, ou tuu^tilu ti> tbW n*ad. hot ta iettUmMitlan UtbUv. iMtnbeen kiUrdkilled H«mra.Hsveral itaaita ta vary atortiy. tiaa. ‘ ‘ "*** Altotata, MaxicH Mmiacar to tofaaad 7 I j-l, Hw Mteta MMHMato •*“ treaties roore retzofiatnl tb* ra.tif*otbGrwWu.audfiiriit*bu*noirro»niidrtri>ptht*€liarfu. hor^normhermit tove^nruataf.barenave bmnmemn run mm.Alf. AaAs yatthoyssip.yttyet tiBvaa ir»otHtr> tov.aavb ** wiib i.ro EngloadCaclABl aodaa4 Fraora,Ffmoca. hadbofr AoiiiUoalhfad Jiptaa^feoB Hat— ^to «hh Im ««« MittararMd„ ferai h ta afftaff .a •U"Tto Wa-faiagtoa What III true of Hu nt r.|iu>llr wh h rtT aad Lataa prapaa« ttot ••^'.6*,0fKl 000rt're.. f U tree- of huailrerts of tl.. mailwBoeffi^loprrtrttnuiie aa effort lo prrtael Ito Hilaresatllars. TitoTil h Mr !„ d I Hasad Pfaniptasatiafy ad hsr. TU^DadyNeH tartraata iDta Ito rver'ament. boaghro “uka M awlf aot af tto ^Giveriment,G for which it V aa jj^Tuf *1 2V'*' ntceividtacairtd tbsirpaytheir nav ttoU>a Uu-rUUer iiAit|iAit of July,Jo aflar Adtofatatzattaa'a ^ •il.ou boff b(.*eB ui|i ifal aud luodu to Um cdUx'ni, iliruu. say. ttot Gsa. Alnroata latagasd hfa Iroadn toMasH Ito aaaaaal rwAa a^ Miuut uf iiidemuiiU will not ricuud, frwni Um best fert. and )>oliry of die I'oiuiiany rarhs>r than ?<» tbu'untur which lorffe BUiui'crewf theiu M« down to be rtr»t at a military defiot, make It dwirable fur tbe *'rhunrtwroiii|tan)- '*aflthupur(• Adartnitaratitai amt af Msosra. iWfeoa^Thma imutfi h**- $—? m> aa smi, tbe man lia met auu-* «'*f*J*»bA'-« been ouiflerud l.> ' fe*«n,^t>»«d.U*un Fi>Ud. Ibu it» ,***!• Uvihave um.’iitu*> h-*irt- * zJ^^• a i a » i .1 . x x i * . , ffovemoMOtffovemmeot to ouUit ittcAravootewravaot of BUDDlfeaBupplfea Atat tbfethfe I either ww.r a longer * or niarwha*’* fioW. ruiu Ui« wofa uudur ibu ifadutinfetraiiun of able, known. I “ " *“in pref.renre to i*-** Ging.••‘‘ »».o tbe'^Emthtb, H..th ofta ta tto hsafafa ta aM to fan Ha . ik us. . CrTto « oehiogtH Butat * 1, »« P^s 7,. i'^di7ri“.“.‘T2^!i i:.l"iL'’i;«Vtai cuiubur, ir*A7, I M toa tiirml that taX^iJrfo".lItod fa^ lo-”'*'*'';” jatk.’tor atrel. T a aborlerTL 77Dsh. Jil'^rU'D^FTh a pur- and faithful inanofur*—noihiBf. abouhiteljr fit>thiiia, with Gaa JohDwo ia making praparation to read Tbe Rev.Hev. Mr.Air. Kallucb, after havingouvlog chasecho*e uudurumli-r uxurmionexsctcion will »ebu tto kfaa ta f trrksrti 1 the* **^*ol* delivered hiahfe raiid,r»ii and oueuru lo tbe in ihu bwiintfe of iva**>ii ran or may hu tto cfafaf ttot te]i^ I ef *rirxa* U tafaM at Wa Caiaa fa tb.- aoma ta hu .iniiiisG to the Miter valliaa. m applyfaM promised lecture to a Is'ge l-utriis-er i-rti|»-rtv.^hts. so-l it ichfeua of UU*- utoui. irbUti>7orpi***Qaiaryre.ibatbfeti>uorpd***QQiaryre.ibat will fftaada.- hpatah Mya Hm Ito rapahMi i tto , T~T~ audierce on XX'ednw-iUy B*»tb*»I be yrouifelyorouiplly wmIaqii corror tfaSataiwaiioro, ca-Tk. I’ «~Ts. , _ , , . G

1M«. UrrtiMnoK l auw W» bar* alMaJy pul4ulw

i parohaterrs at E»q-. »n«aiuio«»lr "“«• at the Xaw Dcptrtmeiu u» d:*v, on iiusiues* con- ll.Vf'^il^e. Nothing doing ia other desrrp* crop Bi.J.lUa» Il por»«tii«T adofiud. at a meetioi; of tia iWFrom thii date tbe Weekly Journal w ill ha V. %vl.i:**oru*Se. * AGUE AND FEVER OR CHILLS Lord io CTTbo H U«fc*. »iih • I b*M AND FEVER uMnet* KepahlicaB hntratioat and rapidiv Comumnder li'^Dte. In luolaK**^ rtdres have *akm a wide range. aC'^orJ* dnfUoe a* to. , . nected with the I'lracuav exptdiuon. at- Amariraaa of th« Tiftli ward. Wa noa ukc plear- . , , ».-.i •, Itrayt n^rAt 'ha toana af rriatoaia. ia ward a deopotiam. But. I® « 10 or over at «1 50, and to tiagla •'aaea.-iB. .VB*rel •te * K K «.- « IftW whilat wo willing it, serve under iur to q'lcUty, torue bbln and hf bbls haring teotd at 9 K » an to l’a;;e will 1.* connect d w>th and been . t W ,, be**n, ahaiaafai aa- '•u'- ^ Urio bafera mar reader* tba remark* that make libenU coocassioo* labocrihera at per copy. ^*avvand •*« Mim.-to.nre .-k *TT rriaf ta asmea:# itnlf tian tba j U to oar S*>rtli*rB allie* in I $3 Commodore .Shub.nclt a* fl''et caiHaia. and one nie of bbb at 45r. Rir» 4e. in* ta 1*11 * refoand »n*« rrei^rda* The to. b K«*tl^waa to»B}.port «if a com irom aiwmv, it br olficiallr advierd of r -1 •* tba U»» af tba lha re'oluUoo*, and webard- mu*t with the die- Thi* wiU enable our friend* in aTerr portion li Tbe government h ivinq **een Hear.— Very btile doing. Hmalt labaof K**ntucky from .nrtn to .S at aartMMtkd failare tv aUoa by I JW re. cipard «*<> aa.T that tbay meat aar baarta tbe lard ng of the p'o e at 4>> P'*r hundred, snd this pric** woukl paid by resotote Smitli’s that a rrfaa. app cvaL H« J*?ymp. So .h. Tonic »>-aii ratir party i* tba bixb**« erlna -«ied m.* j itrig Telag'aph-d ti^-d ll daapar ‘•‘t ptnfieaed deToiioa to tboaagnat with ^ noi|chl>OThoola>‘; 34 ba>fs at 4^. 3 do at 34 and do at —c, snd IT Clarksville lugs at Te ib. 1 40®. « at « lawlted ro prielFrffia-d a4s|«in ' pateriplaa, sD^iriD* wkivh d a hign -be (Stou •h.- • ; wbieb the I’nioo.” from y-a» — ** aatabliabmebt Amaricaa org^anizatioa wa« thorn wbo may fail to get in the dab to obhiin the moved to F'ort Somider, about live mile* •>«*“ Tr^aiMl for m«nv v. >* «wd at. ar* • trad* m *t*"*T 4^^ ** and 3^ du at 434. 45 do priuM at 4I®®, Ii? do strb'Uy inrlwliiM has maintsiail Ms wgi ffogitr •ear oii thcr rffmsdhw a® a safo, rtasD, ;i®rma 4®o M)ls wiperfiae In k»n* «wd ia piadfed ta aappjrt, caa aaar aotaftaia *•“ of Charlviiton, S. C. Arrangements will he maile to st 43 Irtri.f* 1\ fifo st 45 iWM af da^atk Pr*iiditi*l power. It* Mzt Moaa tba wiab to Joamal at a .mall advance on club price*. choice at 41(15. fwy and 4® 76 extra, ^ na»oti v-T! Or and 4»« hhls TeoDeswe among Sortham men, who havo for a timo !_ return them to their native tend. T'vwive of tbe extn®«^ »• ineDtir*lTvs«-rohv Id iro M igff dr sD, and mDl® hsw "j- s® «a.. aa* letrafteda at- hat will «Y.—Uer»iptteH'll fwivste termte. i* lb* sbaadaaBaal af all idaaa . p, bold tbaoi B*xt to H very light, tvalers eontiane to pay artWe*, snd m alwa/s pr*9® hv tho P'-fWiD, and th.-sefiere ®w porffoM gaaa fimr* ' slaves th# capture of tb* vessel, w d ! sdd wmrom li TonaccjTonacco —The—Tbe ule* for Ifai* month bavabav* l>eenl>aen have died aime l^lrn-.The•%lM embrace 3.6isisk)i. of whkh >4 inlsrl.»r lA^orln IsTqw^^ ' 411 for good from tbe wharf. Loose icdaHedaaoa. axc«pt ta the party ^ kaait, aad trttwe aitb patriotic ardor to aatabUib Which pndiot* the filthy and unaofs coodi- from wsgoos csfUtin* aod Aftlmarr mixeil af lepnaaBlatife mtoratioa of a good govam- - . which is in an *xuemsly m m And ®», 1.74> wtdte uixrd W tMu AH*r.«*r* arerareifo. aarektoas a:'li far a ue® to to reaat Tirafo seatelM rea ’mAataAi -is-ria* •• meat ftnaller than any dhccaince labroaryFebroary U*t;laet: cumm«ad 410. loUat kV, SfT at *We. 4 while la tw® lot® at 7fr. rereatire ' aa tbat ia praoaaa of ttaa tber and many neadad nforms to a taffanDg ^ aad ikt ^ rearaa«ralaaa pato rea.**; is trere-tosv* T(tor i» re,alre S wHl af Ml iiMoillaenTi 1W adnprtoa af thl* rale may bt come ttea. yellow on pnrate re * «-i w to tion, and ijtwr H ivz®.— Dcalars are paying 5< for green and sell et the terms. ‘ that the conearvatfv-* and rentibla actioa IJtW motth.MOTTH. tkiiTHIS moxth.MOTTH. fcandatiaa af a migbty gorarcBiaiital Oau— T4» sacks ?*t. Louis sold ' ka fartbw aMbaaad apaa tba greedy paaMmi af par- atmcttin, tame, adding otTOeg hwh. . *U»fte. tonlM ** (»>* Eon. *r nr of srelaa m-rta vkSdk (re,**, t, of the Poiio*yl\’XBia oppoaitioD tboold be followrd Pickatf. hhd* 708 .502 15e ^ hide far commltesion. Dry Mlted we nrmu—^vaneed, with M* m RIIEl :U.iTIS.TI Cl BED. sales of L475 sacks at tte. Mat **”**^*"**^**?- bte rear ri'-re airt all (Hmareoan* i eraeted oa tba eobd baat* af i I-A.^^-*^.;? to le an *are« reto etore i r la i a. tima* by tba bmat tbat “tbar* are wo kaawn tnaan* nat nna l booor. Tba by all coomirativat, Siath Street,Street. hhd* 340 quote at lie. and flint at 13<41^. and >7 at iSc iMwh, •noire wm, wbllal premrving their hMs 183182 V *r ker. tto rente (tefooo (MMtttadwte. M* Inte ayonm, m- To thf rradera of thf Jnuronl : Prtatrrr thU oattlet. P^rk— .Market dall, with 5!oT> .nTteiJlw by wMM iba affoba af tb* fadaral Caiaa oaa ba iotagiItT af Amaricaa priadpla* caa aarar be placed own raapect, can honorably nnite in tbeir warOue Todd, hhd* 258 233232 lEOJf.—4(oaecoa] and chareoal vs quote at 3f44e. in lots only Umited retail sslr®. ' Bsrr.o— confined ro 25 ea«kte ddea PmiwII»»( apoQ Looofooaiam. not njl'cted gamtflf. goo may amt taffatmg ha- lo rihl^ 0% private h. 00.1 !<(*( «*»** to*# 00* enl . «», wuMteMIe to. i^e^rdy, tboegh tb* party Jf the trade^ lb>rax 30r Ih- ^lafcnm 7X«. P*S Iron fihonWers ®r® viTed I® give It wnt a foir trial, and thev *iale*l*d aMapt Mieagb tba agaacy af tb* Dame- aapportiag them may V retailing at Se, and ribbed 40m at wfll then te** **** »a®*d ®r^ Hiim ^sdI enor*y ®wwmm^ xher Pite®M® Rttolftd, tlmt It pommmkt «ii the iiriBiwetatsaed «4 am That wa an not *0 wedded to a party Total hhd* 1306 »16 mamtg by aetadug It to aumt one ic5n ta. we quote at 436 W37 for hot and for cold MaH tun. P Ib. for iL l*»m*d to t 4^ V wwric pMty.** Tbia ia tb* eery apbrit af lawleaaaeea ^ amperary d efeat . lo tb* dark day* - \ xto of •• te® | naBM that Ofi pHvste wa coaid not tight under any other hoo- taka following Jr.AKS AMD Liwaira—,* refl te aretete W* tb* item* from la*t weak'a Dr. Mortimore, by per<«nsl treatment, and the us* rsViil ^ ^ *to»tor nf Baaolatioa, embrace 475 beios (fififi, ^ Mate or wbkb laa rkad tba ierlia* Call af tb* Bnm«a wben tb* Fatbar of bit 2fi® and Inn AmAtmo, H 'ho to-rriao. men a*sT.— Bar l**a«i we uow qo<>t« at ry seeming forni,from indamiiiatory C^e b.v Cattle —Jijrket dull. palkieal atbie* af tb* U'aekiagtua raiaa, tb* laam- d**p*iriag ef ultima ta rictory. II* need per- * We g«iole We«4eni at gg(—.Ample tef/w k st w 19 1b net cratic paper* an in the habit of calling aboli- Drury, of Breckinridge, tba next five to Mwera. manafaebtry is selliag I a* an years' staiidiog. *4 T.O bawd for reknre • :Wto aa4 i «re*, ty, and even thirty V rood snd fair. 1 Prrreo. Ilrloe la ei-rrirre of i*atorr * ore* •f aaimrii^ **tba graatoet good to tb* graptaat aaia- b> bear apea tbe lukewarm, Ctrored alliaooet witb pure white U-ad at 43 to #2 13H. Miprri»r at 41 75 I 0n rctor. fHxiiit or 1> 43, .MOeh Cow*. ah4*®> d'A h* ad. •anplr ot Ml* laTte(aabfo r#re#4T ^-ar, am toto. a«urtingtr th® week emllng ba ever of next usual course of treatment. In its active form, it Nails.— from the wharf from first hand<« on f>^'a onAwacbuemeat. Tbii i* th* policy for af iaaltwoboa. wbicb aarar waat tba iaagtk of do- tba the 21*4 exhibits the full •wing « put foitb bii ucertion* or inaiaaatiow* Magill, at 4:1 for round lota; from ffiurs weqnote 43 gs. IlMWrwbee hauicse 4oee the prvcvdiag in our par- H. of OwenalHiro, the next oca to Mr. L. often provsa fital, or if not soon arrested becomes geocmlly. r* af tba Aaaaricaa party to paieoa aow. meat week; maada^ tcwAaaar fiem mtmba Uoua* of We hvA fur tonal premnea, naiUh iiuiH>rted, 3T>c, and honM».made WH*b01V w* aball cortainly feel onraalva* Chick, of Breckinridge, tbe next one to Mr. G. I). joints, JOHN J SMITH. Proprifftor. A 8TA1*Bleh *'•*(, ‘45 Eipramiiaaiiim. bat alwaya laagaag* wbar* a cumoMm *n- tbemm ffoeete 0® I® brand him a alandenr to hi* fac*. to Little, Heereaw In !'!!! L®visvilld Kv • Aw®. 17—dAwfim Mart, of Hart, th* next three Mr. O. of thus renders tbe fufierer teeUlug, muscle*, and tendons, and D with an apward lend»*ncy. laard uU is dull fterreawineimilalloD *w»ti ;utiea lay* doara tba pow- mity to tyraDay atimulala* r**iataoca. al • a* a taiiaaat. Tb* r W* moat Oor creed in 144.®* ralatioa to slaverT i* vavy brief, aad McLun, and tba laat on* to Mr. T. Unrge:'*, ef 7,>iA*a«. iHcresfle in deftej*iu a cripple for life, or, if ever aflerwar Is cured, even 25f*. 4D® are aad iatim af tbe Cnugiwm a* a ae-ordiaal* keep Meadity ia riaw tb* gnat aad lo b* accom- !»eere«^' in evePsnre we cir* not to diagnii* it from friend or fb*. W* Bwekinridg*. PaoviHioifft ADD Lard.— be swWe In this !, .!!!!!!! 4iu*lO- I by the use t»f this remihly, ri-quire* longer treatment departmem Increase in di«*sttt batanee*. 4 CflLLROff ?t%*l exv-^vtoW'.T *~raaib n aliiUMt entirely in s.-nall fterresTe * testhemasJea- ‘dauber, smi eh^ axiatenca of alavary i* iodispenaabi* If the plantar* are not uli-lied at euch handaonie a way for filling orders. In di'pusils ; D'per. ma ot sfisw and greater expense. 3^^314 4aA af sa Acml 'Sir'nir w as trsenmmmumm >i >.« This is a vegetable inlcrual remedy which > ured a^ 22^ will’* far rammee caaaa. jaalouiia* batweaa the uu'm itork at 415 75. fiuO tehoiitdcr* •re as follow*; •chod la f»u Saat'i tina to aabautat* “party tb* Irgitiiaata Tb* traa and aoil are adapted at and 1.^ han.s w Toe ma«i mtmra^r> to it. We think, that, where than w* can po*»ibly auppoae. ft proptoto fAr hair/fwm fmOiaw oFa *aX tbe pH'prietor of it after long eutfering ar.d all the at9H"*9\r. lUwides these traiuactionte. there bavt* l.labibri#.. ^^w« to foitotomi, AddaamjTT^^Myjio patriota af tb* Sortb SooUi, drat been | ranre. gB iaraiai. power raatod ia tba npaeaeatativa* af aad aad tb* ap- climate aoil R— aad are favorable, the black* are Iwttar ( iimUti..n s.*n»,ip**i* ft promotm it» komltkp mmd wipmroma growfA. usual remedies known bad failed, and is safe to lie OTm*’ ivtaU «a1(^ on Southern orderff at 6*4 aad Ul(*«l®be peoraaoa of gaograpbiral lino* which Kic.N'ri'C'KT Statr F'xir. s periial tb* paapi*. W* aeed aat paaar to petal oat to wbot tbom mparatad off ia alavary than — the for t hi* ...MX((J7»lsh(>rtln*n. KJBa.iM It ia mat armay ar atiekv. oat of it, and that ibere tha fur nboiilieis an t caavA^teed ham.®, packed. I'toir •dd«'S used in any stats of health—even by the most deli- DurdUunl book*.. l.|.l,;-i; Earhaa** i - -*• 3TRATXD OR STOLXTf aaeama* tbia pabey woold iaod, oar abow bow aoon hrotbar from iirotbar, wan deeply depkmd by annual agricultural Jubilee approaches, the indica- H-T ft lamma ma diamaramkia odor. white* are better off with it than withoat it. We very dull, aud d* ah ni do not offer more than *ic fn>m wag* Feam ito jaifftoa at fitoate^ r cate female or child, and its snccesa, in curing rheu- le*m/trmatko kmrwkm kard mmd dry. IR 4aad. tea mmtrhy srawld follow, to ba aucoeeded by aowm Gen. Wasbiagtow. But by a wire and cocciliatoiy ***** it i* to be one of the best exhibitions ever oOff aud stores. Sales of 75 kegs l\rd oa order* at ll^c. o**te afkate-Me. s de 4 to see it left evervwbere to tb* will of the '**— Tore Catti* Mabsit, ABfnot ^ H^rilff matism, is X. * evurm of raodact, by aidant appeal* attested hy thousands, among whom are PihTATORs AWD OwK»?(A—Shippers ft s—fhe® tk* irrifmiad aemip okfn. RNff dV^'Xa^hiak.n sears .44, ro aaawatar ffaapatiam. 1M fathers af aar oanatiy to tbe vital “*‘‘** Kentucky, are constantly iucraasing. are payiagfil S0<4 p* enmint prt**sror M« week all ^hitea and tb* opantio^ of nataral al Ma iBorkati or* aa rv . .1 caote*. Wa A i. > L si ~ wMtew* Al^ .srdwm eminent physicians, ministers of various denomina- 41 go for |K>tatoee onions, follows; ft mfforda tAr Hakaot Imotra, i JI and bbin inrlnded. -tete. .r *hr’ p*uuvw$ kwaw well Iku there wa* this warm at tha com af priwripje* af Amaricaiiiam, tvaa then imfdantad in SUto pride is fairly up, and ‘*7by the•*'* •'™®time tbe ‘"®two teg say lafunua t. ^ fl'YeML wi*h tom aa* tb*fh. fugitiv* alav..1.^. lawi-_ maiaUined:.^i "P- rtTTie, ft rwmmima iamprat in s/^set. [i sa w« tiens, .^%i.T.—The Kanawha agency eontiunea to leU to. I 'k am Hhn a® tto «tacde of “teia Maady jmimiiieRt journalists, and individuate of high at ^ by ^ ’ aar fhmatitwtion, and they Ml aa record their earn- avary aertion af oor cnaatry, and by abowing tba ^ Danville and .te and Wthfullv exacated, and right wboleflale and S^c retail. •*»(»»» It eotta aan/a for a kmtf-pimt teffte. , . Gah IKnw, Lfwtisvtto. Ay. dtowA* tbe of *Uve- by I standing thruigbout our country, such as should in- '"dio'tT 9 j victorioo* strength g m I aat paarvre that p»*terity *hoald avuid the peril* which unity would impart, be bolder, Cynthlui*, and travel tow.H laiuisville (tbe one SarDs.— Flaxjrexl has advanced to (xtntmnD..(xtnimnD.. ® to toil* tbeir property throogh noo-aUve- $1 35. There i ®a^ttea 9 5®5® I spire confidence in every rational mind. RA7TAWAT awrvwadad ia keeping t''>“eh Sel*ou and Wuhiigton countiu, the other s^mc demand for timothy, which sell* fVnni 7*to*7»7 tort 7 » nartaia to spring from “pany will." Th* otUy nuA army, bolding State* store at fi2 5®. thwchy stout the auatainad aad vindicated. W. want COW»COWM A-XDA.ID 45 Fiaoi Mthaf Absdsi, a mahtoa This evidence can lie bad on call .at tbe office, or tore . .. CALTSa.rALToa. ! Hhirh. Iiv mcoaaaiv* trinmpks Nothing what: ver doing in oihtw deiwripiion.'*. _ . Burnett’s Cocoaine. aw which aur ahip af Stato caa b* (ntelly atruck— in New Turk, New to*eetheTerritori**open toaUverv.fovUwillnot through Boartxm, Fayette, Henry, and Shelby), ^•',nab»r SiiWfo'KN those at a distance, by addressing proprietor, *’Tasth— e quote at 5c for fke Caroiiaa.i, and Virgiau, achieved will l« a congregation the No. lio lots. *1 to«kr> 90 mmMo^ftfto tm awry diwgar which ha* baaa pointed out by tha tbe go then to acr conaiiarabU *^7. of iivo :*''ini|.. of mood adarroa, amd a amayaoWm to txteat aniam invited Tiw Plats -Unchanged. Weqnote ic, 10x14. ^mmon 3* TiM to will receive, by mail, a circular of evidence. Tbe 4II fiu; ra-’r. totoar. ito ll at ma i vaito. indepeodacca af oor cooatry. /ire lofortur lurerrnw Tulr l». Itel. e rh. (awrered chad* af aldm aagacky aad marked by th* waroii^ '“«’k “(i«voai» I by natural cauaee; and, when a Territory IX. 10x14, 413 25; iC. 14x20. leaded, I win uaa oliw r*warl for Mre if re**a -u: of U ready remedy at 4U50; IX. lUJU. $13 tto Omirn •"'’** can be liad ffo per bottle or five liottles XAL l ALTXa. Mzreai. J. Br»w*TT A Co.; I eneaul rffnre la not* tto The next Prtaideatial elaeUoii i* begiaaiiig if «'er. Iieau seen there, j aad toBmrel fo re* ol N.-w CmMc. Kc . *r (ftdl# ’,ton ib Iiaaaaw* af a* many patriotic writer*—h wow mad* to at to come into “ ™"*7, block tin. 35043HC Bb*. charooa run cjtfe; boiler do tbe rnioo a* a State, we to eee V hxtra quality . V !^ wbh for l’..a g^ relnta-T -Hlict ia way owa axgzaaaiad core, nf yoar •sari- E Itoteifc- M. J i.MlXII, ^20. I’ersoDS ordering at a distance can remit Ordinsr.^ tha paiwi aa which w* are im aUad by th* B'aah- t**®! attontioa. Democracy, armed witb th* sword ™*“7 I*r*on.i first in attrac ujtfc; brexlng copper > d*ie. GalTanlxed Iron, all nnmVr !.!!!!! 56 6S% qg^'i .b^nifOur^. p her come with *Uvery or without it as a auiorily of (S(h ^ last Hair OB—iCocaaior.) a' the proprietor's risk by registering letter, and the frciu 2® up, 4U((r41ti. Rue^Uu Iron, from J® up, 4Kid 6 i^taa Cwion. with iwddcr lashed dMra by thasiraig the pane, anacrnpaloai in it* efforts, lavish ia »iil i«® “«• tn>ttin8 day. This is arranged 414^42®. IafTi(.r Fi<“ 14 CIIKI.^TIA.II Cte^l%'£ii91TTs meilic'ue will be furwardevl by express or a* directed Tallow— e runtiDiie to qm>t«otiy rendered at>*H(fft®®. a**d* af party wad avary aail •tiffawad ia tb* tireaxe >t* expaaditara*. carrying it* platform ia one hand ’^•*7 **7 »«<«” ®f the SouthwesUrn Ass.xia- snxxr AMD LAMaa. wrna fearfnl of toBne il ea'Jr ly. Tb* teia npaa > h*aB tinant and iiitolenl all tb* danunciatioat diraclad by Itealera arw paying batcher* fur L v\T N, to any place in tbe Vniteil fvtates or Europe. rough, 5c. Prune (innllty, h«wd .-.>,4 Lcwn mo. 4be i»l hreaiB* zrrelnaly orera on* au>re iaSaoMd, aa Ihal I cnaM af PreaMaatul faror! I* thi* recklau martnam. or .word af prercriptioa ia tba other, domi- of Agricnl- ijTdinarv* ^ . Ib. peopU of lb. Sortk agmnat aUvery a. H axbU Tow k('<’(K—With a steady falling off in receipt-* aod but I9 7»*A7fi«A 4 is> TTDWcWiuf «hM I nstin- 1 4 'saving hauDra. Apply to or address ool luork il wUhoite poia. Thi. briiaicd aaoilil ija I al- •ating. in t. Tb. time for it is om^a g3 «N»*dyjhi® B»«^hirmutle !imastod to aisiwad tV^roDdtos® iha ahTmliilil- WMfcadaaaaf aalm and ctaal, bopa* to retoia iU vaa- ^‘**7- Monday, .Sipt. a very light Hock on hand, tbe biwineai h»« been ll$ht, 1 g3 lulo in tb. Soutbara Suiaa. vet w. cut acmeelv regard Inferior. •• aarreoa aa**r:k«rd!nary Bv M* r*a M4 will tfiu”*'*- *'s*-'« oa »he4r awa r* s»**aaJ4>hy hf we think them sept 1 weowum lomisville, on asle U not at all adequate to tbe dcmind. f Ky. Tbe partiru- 4S(4 4V^ Gil. r c »( ire tto srosfoa, ro #w«n an t^e fAfod im !*rpr->rnmara lteatf ~hat af th* aiak af oonwptiaa m haaatar aoaame*. aa treaana to tha conatkatioa, any affuat af •oondad far and wide. Large premiums have l>een Common toHr procto* ot pnrtfriat tto I —re to a* aad ^ - as impotent a* they are inaident. Ur« of the w<-ck*« mlefl bare been aa fuUuWic 3 ’ertn.nste ’$ 1 *ss® ThuPtedav f.i »c-’ fotrowlM CjrDr. M. can refer to more than one thoussad hhdj fftenr® In'erior late wwk la .fan*. Tto (m oppUrailnre alloyrel tto ireti. th* Amaricaaa ta gaia ovar *“ 3 s.iaN-NON, D.. rr^aitiermK Hw^taa htaad* it—4a a* othre light thaa aa th* KrpuIJican vatet, while "'*“7 at 3 at H6, 4!H LI- Ou tb. iubject of Maverv, there i. 41 44 15<44 at 45rA.> Hfi, at 4fl<4g iifi, nothing ultra “f'* physician* and druggists in the Tb«r* te#ro^ a rrrr Mr dcnuiDt for )>a«f aatAo at all log 00(1 IrTltAtloB; la Mt«a or fonr (an Ito ro(aaa a»l V. iiRA>T rratease ‘*>em. United .States in be- A. M.O ®# StoltoffMl- maphitir exhalatmaa aataial toita eanwptiaa. Thaw tb* vary man, wbe were tba moat acUv* in pracipi- ““I**® 32 at 47(^7 1*6, I8at 4N4<4 95, H> al 49<4i> 9®, 5 at tb* yard*, an-1 Ito aiarift mai reach toe Nte iir-’ • zi.Frea.,(,v^y •boat a*. Wa were origiimlly edneated to think 41®, 41® * vrek ia arerr t*ad*n»*re (irepprarto—M* hair teonaj to foB, oa( I ton .n$ \-tmniaar half of the efficacy of this remedy. ’'•* ’’ *® »h®o«».c. 5. and at with to: fow fiAMCRL risn R. %. M . M D.. IT frmar af may Ur a whUa affaet tha air aiwimd, bat ih* itaal tating aaetiaaal iicae*, are now th* proaunent and Tbe execnlive committee of tbe Sute aociety, «e 4U 56, 3 41d.dI4 fiO, sod 1 at Ilf Irate Ateat aUvery wrong, bat w* never spoke half *o harshly reirt at the la't-r rat*. Ther* va. dt>o# a aood baduna no ow a thick (TowM aew hair. I that teb*n terei- LaagMss aad Ctemtorr 4 16 *J0. Monday at nrem Hill, vhar* lb*r* V trill danaaae* moat iadaaatial allies tha Democracy. nnderataad, will meet at the Galt Huase in this »*iv k.iu abnnt tea Urir afflirrete wIB to ia-iac*( t<> try th* rare* Pito*(y. R. rrRR r 4 II . Tntrw m Msttems^irs. agitaliin pafify it, far if w* da net of Tb* Van against it Dk. Livixu8tonb a>'u the Skvvtxu M.vchixe — even in our boyhood a* Preaidant Pierce Yes*’ rday a sde of 175 hbds cutting leaf h*od. at prirre reach th. to te-dar rii s»u. A. m James Bucbaaaa did in I were Dot of «• good an avrraro qu«lltv 00 hi.' 4ngt* aj^licatlnB rraitre tto hair la* reoirer how reiff T.iU Mil for buso^a (to to pmH iorartahly to ad. abaaid, aad they weaM be if they cam* from al- ataad oa tb* aam* platform witb tbs Soath, and tbe says, “to christianize savages, we must first civilize The rccidpts of toliacco at New Orieans week, rerv A m •Mag*. Tm. year, ago w* Ubored mrennonriy to np to Iasi Tocf- many of them b*-lng poor vouog eo<^%uOTn ro and (rv> .ifl and zing tor rewarol (air.. Ht.cono ii.it vaoro^ as) ja v T"? n•» roar-rmmo- ol«!.voea. Forrea, firstH rre» Ham rmtU»% «Vin:iarwu’«v.?»:iarwa’ K-'w any stbar aaaro*. If ware baaeath Ciaciaaati platform paved tba way for harmonising *“ this dar rrening were Hi.SS5 hhdu. The bnllctio. In Its iwmi. nu whiehwniro w*w»W*W» Vr”Vve X,;OU.«o brail who have nard M tn h* fh* beA mod ekaopeA Hamr K-v fi to mam h am prevmm preapectiv. in them;” and, to carry out principle, be intends mnuMpatio. thi. State when there prevailed aa active demand at tuXl prir-w. Ar Praporci hr ihansitoaf tto ^afidsaiaad fod/ae nj. tor shi 'to weekly revhv of Wedoesdar. reports ibe market extreme- l>rrammo to tba AarU JinKPH BCB- P digaats aaeh ipi—im. the redacW* ad all ditbreace* af apiaiiNi aa tb* docuiaa* with him, bis next log’slog’* there was a prettyorettr goodgm>4 market,ifkArkci. salesmmlm» hminm . .*. • lo!. lily in the bra«iBrei« ->f arga* a of tbe taking on expedition, i .'r (zu«i-t*. brahana into ULiia m tb* firateating organ of this city wa* laboring furi- raiious bri^ NETT te C >..BMioa. F rel* hr oB m^weiiaa aa* gros toa well ly dull, the saiete for the ipreci.>dUig three days being only readilrat tatet week’s prices, Theiv were but eompArstive. to wlfo'ly sslahlisDed forx foar ssrirs of y«ar« adnarehna atraiasil a* the da- “Kiebaiaon Lattar.” If repl wcowi m would ba as anally tachlncaagruaa* matarials implemenU, among them a supply of Grovsr & Ba- Iv few cattle on esV to-dav, about l.'ffsi •ualy to promoto h. If onrconnsel* since that lima ^*11* whole number of deaths at New Orleans 106 hhds on private t4frme. hea.1 tevhir beim sold yroterday. The number of pnridM wae. of mnaatratioa af the firm pripndiiia af Eaciid. Bat caa wialmrt—if Gerritt Smith aad Lloyd Ganiaan ker's Sewing Machines, procured from tbe agent* in Tbe Baltimore American, coarm IMPORTANT bad Iwen baedad, tbe terrific slavery agitationsof tb* for the week ending on tbe 22d in»t. was 477 deaths, of Friday erenlog, says in Its romewbat limited in cuMuet.ee. prkes, however, wero it ainm bt amsidarwd that thaae new ralaa, laid are rwad maaas by the liemocrats at every clee- England. The (lector is right, and no missionary Wiieklv review: full as high and the market a* firm. m lam thres year* would never have occurred—the which TOr FEEL DEBIMTATBD of 312 were of yellow fever. During Uie Cow4 end e»lres are In moderaletv aetive demand and dawa th* Caiaa, at* liaka ia great chain, twa. whatc is tb* wrong of seeking should leave our shores without “doing likewise.” The market this week has be*n quite active for Maryland by a to nnite tba country, tb* whole conatry, faavn sal$^s Imve been uuMle al from 41® lo 4»A, the lalwr only for YOl' FEEL NKKVOCa would remained week tber* were 290 yellow fever case* under treat and Ohio, teh-ppers sbowio^ a deposition to t4kc all i<^sob- ver\* chniee rows. I fsqgad to aahjagal* the aaiire i.awiitlT- and bind it Amaricaa* of the Sooth with all that caa b* fraad a* The extreme simplicity, durability, and efficthre- tninahte at wlukt they conesder n*a«otmbic rate*te. rteviYrai YOU AUr. WOlUUED APOCT TUFLBA quiet a* tbe contpromio* of 1850 made it. W* meat of the Howard Asaociation. Wats are in goo«| demand without rhange In fwirtw. I vsm»»!fl are Uking in tobacco f-T Kiirope. and the df>idre H to the car It ha af patriotic cooaarvatism ia the Xorth? If tba oess of the Grover £ Baker machine peculiarly fit it Hlwp ai>d lamb' are very plenty, aod sre ehe»p, Till' CAKMGT WORK WiTU C-XBAltT. af Kamacracy. matt fagm- Ba- I am now stand ready to oppose, with whatever strength tofiUtliemas soon at poviblc. The piiees of MArvUnd of prime at 44 to 43. Hopkinsville Mtrtnry says; * toiiarcn an* fully supiteirted. uccuiunnat dtwlrahle YTMII.Tu. ton that abA* the Uniaa clnim* patty aliegiaaca a* puUicaa* Dominate each man aa Tbomaa Corwin, a 0'Tb* “Some of for use in foreign lands. pare« U itwioe are plealr sell YOr IR) JtfiT FEEL UKE DOIHG AH w* and we!l at I poasem, any and avery movement tbat aball brimtiag, w* usual, trifllux advance. 6S*A5\c. a Ohio t*>lMcc*i con- ' The te*al rcoeipu ol ttaek at all tike yards psremawnt to tha aath af fidaUty to aappoct tbe ammbar of tb* F'lUaiot* Cabiam, wbo approved tb* have begun to cut ^ir tobacco. The tinticte In g*>o*I demand, ana ffelbt a« fa«t as iDspectod. i.>r th® we-k Yor H.kVE NO APPKTITI- •eem to tbreaten tb. tevesion of the mualleet W«* wtre a* follows: | XoTirx TO Ixv.VLIHS AXt» ALI. WHO St'Fl EB WITH qtwklo Kciiti|cky t4»bacro at 4<><4d 25 for in^ 47 5U^2 5® anet itnti lakta every Rapra*eatativ*, it at oompromiu meuBiat of 1850, which inclnded tha worms ere leid to lie nnusually destructive this Veal YOL' CANNOT BLKKP AT NIiinT. C aa by Southern right. fur UK'dium is^af, aud 4ff'*13 fur wrapt»eri(. 9beep Dise.vhea of the Tiiiioat Axr> Lrxos.—We are Hrwres. 4!owa. CAlves. l*am^ ffwtvi® Ih* irmat* aaiag baibary, corrap- Fagitive Slava Law, aad wbo baa alwaya respacted season." A Y'Ol’ FEF,I, WPAK. aaaw Maa apaa W’e ksve no idee WnisKT—(Idses very dull. The nominal closing quota- Total 3TAI leg 44^ of letting ounelvea be eoustant- reqnevted to say to tbe Urge nnmher of invalids 12434 4795 ooaititatiaaal tion for raw le 21 ?mC. Lett week fiaW 145 55^ 13724 FEEL DIZZT. tiaa. aad parjury aa the iamrnmaata to aacare the right* of tbe Sooth aad Uava* tha ly provoked 2^ YOU into mating our (loaiUon* as to slavery ARRIVAL OF THF: XOKTH .STAIL to wbo have written Dr. Flower and are on their Wool.— gooil demand. givaffe IRqSNie. pall- tetry i * isu* are«adaaeT af ha awa party. It baa it iaaiaU tbat ipuatiaa of alavary ta tb* people of tb* State* or Weqnulc Tlitei are Hoo/Umto 9mo.-.i Biffo. «- or reply iag to vitnperativ* attack* upon u*. cos Sr. JoiiNH, X. F'., Auj. 29. CiMCfwwATi Cattlx M4aKKT. Atetnl 2A W* way tn thi* city in order to consult him, that, owing ed 24u52>W*, and tub-sraffbed 37(«i3ltc, according ta quality. yoe wUhoai foil. aalarie* all par- Tenritorim, what shall prevent aro In gjod supplv, and the two amd a half par oaat. aa tha af Amaricaas^m an- afford markH dal! at .; 73r* 4 to unavoidable business calling him eteewbere, he New 44 6* }i cwt. gn*a(, tbe latfrr rot® only uhcainahh* fur tbe They or* pr-paiv(l hrD.-C- M. Joitoi'B.lki Aioh tereat ma> hi th* paMw aarvic* aball h* paid lac* a faad duraia^ tocb aalactioor? Tha Damocracy aae tha off (^pe U»c* on Friday c.-aature* as those tbat are barking, .fternoon. ksiMiionnd fn*lght« 5(ic for thr >ngh aad *»i*c fur way pwr best eurn fatted. mewing, grent- ‘‘l* cannot prolong his stay in laiuirville lieyond the l-hila(t*lptaa. Pa., ooi mti hy oU Jzaegtte* ggi M ate. . ’ She wa* intercepted bv the news vacht of The teupply of beef cattle ba« been vary large, to advaare tb* inter**** af th* Dem cratic party, it alavary qaastioo a* a donbk-adgad award. In Ohio , .... the At- hundred, to)«rro Ithd, {>ork per bU 10 for tliD>ncb aad th® Ibg.crewiag.bleming.ina. cawinw.cawing, braving,bmvinw and lollnw. J . ... 47 V 4i •*ary town are! rtliac* teito Batort (late, i ua- and bellow- ,„ci.ted pres., three day. 7th day of Soptemlier, nmil which he offers a market has riled dull, with reoerul decline in prirsM. The •r* la ^ Tater intelligecco time and 25 fur way, whisky 25 fur 41 throogh prnpaam I* lake aannally half a million dollars of tb* defmt of Mr. Gidling* for ra-aominatiao is ds- $1 and 4I 30 for tealcte for the week add up 7m* head, eluHng at 25(^43 Ji da*, aad toath Amrifoa Ito emte. p*v 4^ P®r To Mem* y tto dgtotnr. ot C. M. JaekW'. Ir oa Ito wrappre reah moaay by Cleveland act or speak upon tbe defensive. Commercial intelligence is the only news of in- :4beep «e|l at prices ranging fr>ai W plsii* pound frwigbts 40r. Ffour has been 41»fi4 each aod lamhs ner of Centre and Green streets. a27 b£j2£wl rhipped to New at 2&US43 each* tottfo. HrOIIC.<« ia tha* all. Evary sAear of the castoam, aad we Plaiadaalar, aad that delectAla print seems in ag- terest. $1 80TCLIFP A York per railroad at 4I 05 bbL e RctaM. Th* steamer Anstria arrived out pn tbe 15th. F' V Oofuota. Whol wig and balie re af aaom othar Uaaeha* af the pablic aar- say that Sherman, Staatea, Corwin, and tb* “con- Cff" Thos* Democratic editors wbo charge that The GRAEU-'ENnERCi .Mkuicims. — or maRy years L.iiii.rW*, Kr. srhm P7°Sre« through Ths Mowxt MAXKirr Hardly anything af the least in. POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL. ong^l ilIBArwl Tias, ia rampalisf, bafore raoaiviag bia maothly aarvali*** ore apoo tb* iaaida track;” and yet it tbe Xsw Albany Tribune pablisbed as the the'c ni'dicin^s bav* liorne tbe palm throughout our G^TSTsd?.”*" tervH hsff occurred. CuircDcy has n^rxMtif do ebange nciMKEoirr. ky. tabstsace of Mr. Buchaasa's latter country. They are confidently and anccessfully and • salary, W aiak* aotk that h* ba* no^ directly or ku the DaoMcnlic ticket at its head! Can anck mad by Air. More members hava been f^pointed to tbe Indian lir nax: -rerfAn *f thb School will 20TH A NUAL ANNOUNCEMENT almoet univsrsaUv used everywhere by tbe “high whatever, thouch yesterday the brokern were talking of eomreance oa Moo- Eoglish beftwe the nominating Councils. T •lay. ?*epl«m s.nia xddoddcs th« No. 74 Fmbep nexi mdS w»n*lDne fowe w—ite. The aam Uima my wa* not given as an exact copy of the Tresident's V’auconber’s Island to tbs cniwn. from ths conee rrsti vn portion of tbe oppoeitioa to ______nemci* niireney remains to be seen. Both tbs nate* of Urtldies f >p s thufongh teur-e of It.wnseM®*, il li hcMeved, use amd tiewalu; aad that I bav* not paid, deposited, vessel had lieen pat on tbe line between Liver- the letter.Utter ButHut all>11 thetiv. callsr.ii. k. and uf the or aamgwed. wur oeataseted Is pay, depowt, or a»- unite npou coaaerrative grounds aad pat down th* pj„i British Colnmbia. Hank of America bad »»iae dr- Urg>‘d etpeiVrwe sud dets-rmined e Thugs rxw tn (he uerdL. other pepen for the publicatioa Darxestowx, MosTiHvvifcRY ro., 5(r>., culatioa here. nal d'U’tno®® of tme MedU^I reform hr *he ^newmhen^ ot siga. aay pan af each cam pea set me, to th* nse ef earrnpt Dsmoevaev. Wbo caa deny th* necMeitr of the letter itself Tbe British government intended to send a corps ZMIM M.ri. F.r. IIAnIIAIVes.es, Proprirlar.Preprirlar. tB rsteeeetive ehasrv, whe*s» ' e«ir < H the DD4sr snhlmw Ipwimtifin January 1A57. The broker continue ro take illiuol« from their * M.\(. ?TT^' ,1 -vr ' ore unavailing. Tbe reason is obviona ®^ engineers to tmild roads and bridgss, and to erect 31, mono* Ian 4disAw1SEitr h HtF-i V .. ,SWr > ‘—i— and cannot > «w sUAiDe l Us htgh eealUea. sn® »s I'Ueas* ud the Tr« fox. T to* reowU**. S" w*:i .-.,1 -y* a I never felt the benefit of any medicine so mnch mstomorii at discuiiut. but oiitsi a0mo mistaken. ">1 »« lero they charge lyl V* >e.'D Urot will denbrl«roa h~ wmondud 1® ia the immI woy •»«*««. r—n-erMYerOroorf. be The real letter is ao objcctioaable, it lo (rlth'--.: a MAA'BIBI. as tl>e bottle irt fol*ovfl: mV wt u* Or .*M from of BCERHAVE'S IlULL.AXD We continue to qiu*t ? Bniik of TenxieiMee, loafers*, and Miaaouri Hemp l$and The KsruUv rtag^mjed a* — * —r— *r w Ibr Sale. ^.JWl* *rejr*-ra,^' r IS a thing to b* ao heartily I.. TwVNA.HTO.N, M. IL, Proir—w M Phyriehwr and *r thereof. snCcient number to effect this ashamed of and redly BITTF!KS I purchase* »«<> ! •-. .-r •mptoyawsK, emaiomeau mom desirable end? The copper mines of Australia have become Union Bank of Tcno*'teffce at '4 ci’nt, dlffC*>uDt .,..„T 'inltrripcH ..(Irr. for Th-r . *i: in th* very ^ auJ the oal* hi. (d* Psth.d.igy -.(toh wbere I it witbunt fear of iinie«i:ion. ^*‘**'* '^ **’**• 1 * withsfi •» ihrerel. are >> ... o blnibedfor, that Mr. English and his ii®h. Nine hundred pounds sterling can gst free 1 lutlen (»f th** town •>>'•*•1 uporeei. fo rt*. friend* dare of gold were roimd bniika of Tcunt'scee |. The brokers take Indi- J. r. rttXFto l>-. Pivxessurof rrkaci$*eM -- -A. ot M(tiui.;ii Ito <• M. and Troc W -» • .r.i rut LSign-d) JObEl’lI .unt- ot -aliof. oo aini#z *ie. ^ k-*** a2-'< j£(ieod3£wl M. M. IV. Proftwww I'thteHeW. ^ t sccoonu of tb* Buk of F'rsnce are l*ar. aud charge ouUids varthM dtecouot; of whh h ar* lu « Br* -lai* r»f i.i;>roTrm>D'.wI'h tFvid.ntlvently thattk.1 versionrmiM. waswrmm not won*- n r., than(k... »k. — jg Indiana free 1 *‘zhi lO- 1 rwm • of umcn sskI Chliomi, ThrmiwnticA. end Mater x «>“ »k.B we rnnm txtecd onr sphere of action, tb* gen- .tain** b*i>i* - nticis (I, H ..Mr _ . * nnaatisfactory character. to and K.r1 iii: alt oth-r g'lTantgrre iha* banka ranire )!•'«* „ from diacoaut. Mif’emiri |>ar. I Ikd. ^ U are u«.»-»rf ly It nine document perhaps not half eo bad. TucIIrnAX Ilxia.—Ifownianr persoiu ali'ise this deli- mto* .i-h. r a c.ml H. nip or Si.wk goveiBBtent, iu — There eecniito lie somethieg in tbe present condi- I. .V LOOMl.'^, M. IV. PiTfnere>r of CtemisU’y, Betu* The baokte are Hill dLwountingA Nu. I bilL* Farm. Mirmnn'>l maturing in I b* a ihrilt* theeb. V.W ..mete., wfitr-l. efi. r.i.- cate and bean:ifal It with tot-liireoi, awl w*r.*.lihr kmoa reoem- — tioo of cummercial affairs in F'rance which invites ornament, by burni(4, M. IV, ^ohmar at Aamtomy uuX aM Mm “• res-ommaadat^ la Eantncky formers have serious attention with which diTid* it iulo twu #|'ial pan* . 11*1 reli **ii-.aalMnr>n

j th* ^ ^ Two new line of battle ships are for the skin and U not absorbed. BuriutCa Coeoalna, a % inirr.iT.d »*n. at hJS iwr acr*. or Ih* anhavroT-M promise of immense com crops, it m.y interest ordered to l« $ 1 . LOCIIRANF*, Esq., D.« Frolswsr uf jMlra! per month. V*rt al Qton Ih* a nal tire*, rar M. S'ooroinnt as dress- half cm- h nr It* renl*. »^iUT,odu,omUc.TTyomttk.^ >““em. ftnmml oar coamitntioo . .. ,, .. in to® rrenen DAFT, ing for the hair—is readily ab-orbed, and la pocaUarly nnul pa(d. ^h. mum b. examined emn- I^nilre lees fbrHekut®.. Indians near a convement raUroad tbipping dune ro quote bank clocks on the fUfft at to *4 premium. I all.) haac ahnnt fiti>o to pay the af diami-aL If a mated tax 1. pout Trilow fsver had made its adapted to its various conditions, prersnUn* Us fulling off \ I,A« acre* -f nniraprnrcil Ijiat!. Iria* pn^y • ap|«aniice in some MstrtriiiDTien <®ncr eulv) crohuta^sDDe ^ New Orleaute is very nearce at premiiiro, with little rear th'remc.iha; I wUi in-*li. ,ric*W fr-.re ^ ^ ^ jfi but klftin ei.-.u.r at vary low prices—say t2 50 per 100 lb* groee. pettion* of Spein. and promoting its healthy growth. Sec adrertisemeat. Ansroinhwi ticxri Is urn parmitted, the aext m.1. will ha tb. Csrmiag act* Tarmaniotoauy ur Uaottor wonhiiioMitt porciia. „whepntmrembvfa!lingl»cknponth.con.m- demaud. bt. I*ouy pivm. tyincinnaii }iar. GrodunG>a fee <;>synt)k* hsfor® I’xamfDMhiPL .. W’e leem that large numbers heve elresdv been quiet et Cudia. ^ rer. by toinz nuri* ref.. 26 *nt af ediaei to th* big l ieet liid dar at public eatery .s The New Yoxk .foiimal of f.'ummcrre ism .wut > n THE QUEEN’S SEWND DISPATCH. of Friday evening Any p*r-)’n- wGhinz t* ptircba-!* will plaore cn’t treon G*whd hourri esD te ohcalned tn thu Hiy ui pemite>Dnh.v a, at my r(-«i* nc*. Iu rnte^ Furtht r inforwwrion mav te had silfiri tei fre. Me pmnb of2 White Hmsm - Um^ say*: Miami, M*.. and I wi:l ukc pteo*. hr g hooord*. Thoot who ore with Lom>ox, August 1858. are In • ef e. e . Tb «• ommT hr coiMerro® 17, .huaing itore Ib* abuT la#'l either muo$b$T the Facrity al Macua, Ga. “a few move left. It seems to ns th* very best Holstein by a large TMeiw fa* a steady market with ao increased majority. demand fv 1 pmtie* of the Capitol wbere Prsaidente an inaaga- *>“•.* JOHN D. a«c3® UiAwl* Biv k; Prince Albert is suffering monev at th * ixnk*. but off'riug the PATRICK, -»««• «K>«r what mw thev do . Dear Old au ahtindanre so thing our fitrmiugfitrming friands can do is to bay and Cscd /mUa —Jlie Besume and her son were xt present fconritr copy to amount of mIonatod!4! UIf twotare mmdaad u* helThalf oorpar utm.caat. mtat UmtIsom itis mataot . . _ tetrot U aUbottt further linp*>rtaut cliange In roicf >; and *horg* ihU emc*.I ^ xm i i# the ^ 1 ^ with F^vil; houle-virtary WiU be aatnrsd If the tbe King of Oade at Bargee, witb a severe ettack of the King’s the Prince S20O REWARD. - -V - -- people ere these bog* an their superabundant wbere the retwii inrora'fft. I reUa^vaUatorily=|tly enotribated.fMmrih-t*d tbethe Caiaa says th* recnatal I com. c^bw^ L^toywtherec^ were ccdlectM.collected. Tbe BombayBoinbav I’residencvPreMKlenct' was iiKiet. ChriatiaTi Conaty F.-ums For Sale. ths a .^^rrihir, Bvlmrs: , themrelve. not divided qKiet. with Royal >Veqnorere. 9(5 lL\N\WAVfrum Pa«w. tnm to end of Wales is also confined to his bed tbe I by tb. art. of psT ft. per anmiTn. nmn« “ebatod be dteoAemd '' At Gwalitw tto will 'I vUle,tUI*. BarroaBarrra rouBtr,coantr, KrItr . .nnRnn-'*", Methe I.Vhitietl.vihluat at aaoe, aad hi* place filled by , . j. j . amiy hi^ l.roken up atid gone into Loans on rsJI, ebiek scenritiete 3 4* We »11«'ll D> Ih* hhihetehkihcte bi<'.1*rbi<*'1rr, onoath*Ih* . AIVI Attn _ j Tun Caors.—The acconnu ftom tbe Sontbem Itch; our own person is affected with numerous In- .. rel^»w tey Daiiw«l l'4II.\M (eslled The foe qusiter*. iro do, other good '•eciirituw 4 ft* i ISih (for of I K-iobcr a shog*\ Tbe enemy withdrew from Jugoispoor on \ re VN . .a. r - eaewh. I. pmrimi. ead Uberel a. . I I . .. j . V ft K « l o ea^rTtodeaZ ^ ^ W1® vusrs>,*ar. .M.aid, abaiu5i®Pt5.hreu ireift »»r..r •< Meh-wiach»-e ahh.area • State* in regard to tbo com, cottoo, tobacco Prime emioriied btUte,*kL.ff!i0davii 33firs -JC wbo do, 4'sdmonth'« <*s *t fnna H H>ki'kivii|u, T'.e rUre the omUribaS«r So. Mr. Half ESTha. shew. 4 roofolne StVh # » i • , a h - .la 5 • ^ .saifl, crops, which received within expected at Indore. I L'tt, h>h. me liD* a .>«ats *s rwlFvd sCrtovdsCrigrd vssi,vsri, I alii givs fiM th® dellvery ®| MstUrs m pi «»n^ In caah the telanee iu * appear to be settling down evervwlieix, IsM I !. i e-teenili.r i...... o/ (to oosfo. sat-ihoy to st PageviUe, >( saDrohuailnd la frur H- m caterpillar havek.— eppeered in many of tbe cotton oblige three annual pa. tmmro. Wewid. eu the moie day, offer me M.*’ , a gross, and send by first steamer, ami your Foreign exohauge Inactive, but imMt drawer* are firm vhun *irv «. I ti|i. I although there were still thirty thonmnd riltsls in fia*e r**ai0 “T 423 If mkea ia the 'uuntr of A'foa at Barrett; >r at quotarlons. for the and farming iiupieroeou. \ 2T. rr. our previous ~ >* aa*fo®®® ertroaa'V. til, defcot field* of Texas, Louisiaaa, Mississippi, and Alaba- tto field. Tbe rajah of friend, VICTORIA REGINA. We will tetel* privatelv twii uiie 44>' If aiutreheLietl in the tttste of Ke: tuckv, thiTrid .... ef Demoerwev: Shaa^ had surrendered The fltock market Is firm, with c«)0»iderable actlvllv. far.n* mile from Benvieir: whas ths “mtaswato ef the Dmeactalie party" arc himself. one r >Qt4i*»* gn>>da for the we^k have tie$ui large, w^ra hunl RKMARKii IfiAItF. BY BI-AN'TUX DCNCAH, F8Q., — dred of which are rirar -d. with gt»od get him. to be snkeervs d ? Wby, w* know aat where but not fvinal b» the r*irre«poodlag total in either of tbe fotecro bams and a mnch rain, ia oUiers droatli oiiuiuuscte. The o.'her eoatalna ene s:4.lhA«4 J<»MN F. F. JFWFLL. JfaWHto *r rke dwtertraas U complained of. The 4*- taken the hog cholera. previous two y*wr*. t tf tbouMad arrvte. six At a of Me Fi/Ui ITard. on Martft, Aog.'*iS17.—Tbe cotton S"*'-'* the reedprs a Uttle over 4I,liliU,(Vn baSlar lauiBaai eaold be maikad awt ,, . . msiket idueed oui-l hundred clean d and In a high sfote of eultivatio®* than this. Thmrmioo ffrewin#. d«#«ar SUM, 1st*. Hopkmavilte Mercury of Friday **ya: au21 d£w V. R. conal*ts of woolen and worsted fabrics. tWo- but steady. Tb* sale* for three days .mount to 17,- *and* are In a X'»'m1 neighborhood. Pa-raeaN mxds tee dnwiteea. ef tb>* Uctetellve dietrtrt fo mi' There are l sw patriatoI wbe woold fill all As tore benored ImpoTtM * ajv Invited ro eT«nire 0.\L\ r wWi A seat te Mr Usrer Itousr, H wav BM be oowsider- exporters and tbe laethe prmwrty. Fofthewerk. Kff?. 1^.57. j. p. « j. i\ t aMFBKLL. FOR m ptniika timpU. fieri eamTdeto Traomry eAeat withaot aayy ealeiT,selery, eadnad w*wa have at l«perd»rat Mr eee te moke a lew •aoresuore. Sotee MARRIED. Rnteffd at the port 43.3:Srt 53® 42.3*.1*.37n 43.213,431 ^FI.CGK.\ril daatriptmm a/ H**W utrstoyg® are B. all r. — — m-MKia.wo« *•«* aclMee hi Me LMUvUIr Journal have created rondd. report A decline in At the residence of .Mre. K. M. Mysre. Aiie. Sth, br a« asOM Oil MeM. Uepartaeou at^ W asbiogtoa might Uad Mppnare^oe. We are mmir«d W a ecAtiraiea wbe imddlio^ Thrown on nuirket 3,l3t,!w 3.57**.7» 2.412, '13 1 FXPIrtklNKD seal fiy T^lrynapka mt amlp wader ^.bualrte boBdraletoeka, aad I 4e*» Mat thh t on*, Rev. .1. II. Myers, Mr. fhiwi> IIidbitt, o' ihU dt/, lo hnea tnrcftiiic for MOBhr Btoathi, that th^ crope vUl be far quAiltiet cif l-lGd And in tbe lower qualitiee of tke acaoMa kmt seer immd. be iMniinf *d. M* “« ***rd.~ ae h wee*^ af AoMeteaaiaB. Moald l-ld Mrs. Mast A. HaaDif ax, of BnlUti coonty, Kv. Since Jan. 1st iy5d. 1^57. 1*^. ^TVctiit©d, gratniloaely, ead eveo Me pay af th* y«d^he drouth bayinf lathe dariewltmrUi f»r take eeiae aewoa Biw* Mem. It le dar te h^b^ b«t bolder* while Operating Ireelr show Enti-red at the |H»rt 47.>.ifi,»H) 474.^3'*® 4.^.ff67.!«3 I to Juten'toa , „ Mr. rrentio, no inst., ut thn residcn<*c her futher, in Fuv- M 5 WISH purchsis* threw Negro men and ” eorn nod tofiocro la a moioritr af pUees. ABexperVneod On the >;th of *’\**A'» fL Seycamhi’rha fwU aad earn yrigie srs$> laer rletkekipe asde op by “llbaml nad petrintic who hoe alwar* brea a fekbrul expooader and (eartaia ®**P®dtH<™rfi.nnsitini. to*/» pressre... sales,^1.. and.,.4 thep. and Us nHatibon, market st tbe close ^ from I- JjV elu, wUa eterca sagratoagfl, wnirh -* ^ j.-— — .1 fb eai|«en al Aowriemn priariide*. Mat tee aositina of Me to 2>M‘ears, fliiUabltf fi>r form h inds. UMMcenteMraneMaregaMdareaeaMaaISetean.*. Me mm Me ytefc- wtak-h ore amooc Me bast hi Ito eoanty, on- rerv badly fi*® ••• advancing tcndencr. Thompson Brolhere qnote land warrante as followie make le-rfoctlv |•'siB w ta« eumprttea* tei^ehlt Aiaetw npoa MUeatecci ebealTbe ktwn. * (Kfcw4* VMKaS (red, and will to H(bt. Ite oor planters j a WILDKt?. wwo. far Mat Me kaf may fJrtrpool Bnaiistuffa j/nr.vf, Aonuat 17 tiV~KaueIriUe Herald and fit. LoaU )>ap«r pluoM copy. ETLORtPH 'doD ®f rvra riro child Aow ff i® *Aa» ead Me rwa of Me ktteben. Traly, there bat I —.no* ?»*. M.. i^t la aee . canid rellnea leh —The Buying. fiellinr. 1^ u . reasaaobly espart a eomiauattea of pood prires. There E\fL.VlNED wgnsle and wards aro iraasinto d ro Moaeebeelebed dMdrtaep wbUh we all ia ooeantee karr woather Mas Iren unfavorableunfxi-nr.I.U forr..r crops, but tbe.k„ 40 acre warrontte Uac U.V- T ,, j . wUlwam4ybeaayn>askroodfnrto>ck,and bonsamulte. On the 27th lust., by R.w. O. Gates. Mr. CoaxeLir* strayed or Stolen ielegrs|»b. It U ato a a.uiv harorv of one tied of Uareoeratsr idolatry, aad the Lnion ii u eeaet eelenealr pleSred oartelvre la easoort. Ideaetde- kU acre warrants PI P4 ii> been well secaren. aad other cetUr vQJ have live oa eora dudeert aUauat NeuTtuMies Lizzie Nzistuu, of jefferaon county, Ksu. Sh-o. From > po-ture. at the Ite A’.lsntie Cabh'. i*ko thin® yufilLhed e.. Wiair af caeresa, evea If we bare beea dsteaMd ®*f3*** 1’2H acre warrants -1 a muuth of Salt ri**r.Ky . e_ste a. by Me fnr- Flour M wa sadrelp. is very dull, and the ioferinr qualities have tacky. 9 M . ixiay n ght. Aus a, * Urire U-nzthr iu th® Dowsvisfiefs, ha® goto back ®f dUe eiea iiaetr te Me last foar eUrtUok 1*«U acre warrants P2 M hay declined. following fioKsi. No whit* rcacmbcrol. Upward, nf 11 hoii>re and tdA oTcrl/ promlMA. It Im rorr in^. 72(9/3^4. Wheat closed qutet, bat bteady. lilt i-il i. .'lort, havin: born eh*w«d off I LXI*La\INhO evea if parlAH«^ acqnutoied with *te In \ew .Mbuny, «n Tbiirsduy morning, F-owaxo Jobx- money market lo*dav. Capital continues quite abuD^nt. hy cnly**. U* I. Bwr.Aud that part of U vhleh b about matarioc fltaads too WMtem red is quoted at 5s 5d(fS6.<«2d, and Southern an cxcalh'nr trnttar and parrr. -uhiaet. .’«ead tm seafs aad fsfthai STox, MethodUt Kpteropal minisU-r. aud money 1m in gu*Ml request, but the market fur it contiu* ^ There b a «rrot >« no/sA^aO/i. «vs..»k I will alTc *10 ivward if uken np and doKrered l<> aumher. po*t pmi i 1 asish nr Orr* at 5s 2d* Wliit* Soutb- ae<« Vi;ry eaffv, and priuie ^*er can still be readily placed m* OM lt« r««4|W- Utia. Quantity tdaauid^t it is outinty possible that Dot ^ anv Ypur« MO* «c Aceom® rd hire. iDsuV Yuu WUl aow find to the 32 |>a- Uil^jc1-4:KT eveof th®t%m® aaa«her,a Urac aiaoant ^ M. Ky., Mr. David nam^'te. banks are disroutltuig irvetv, HK-k.-IIFAB. Ito.^ W.^ ^ 'oHrote pliMiag eppesiri.. nai.., w. eeadidiy relitotted Tohaeeo is a rlaai that mahes itself, or mars luelf, toally uocbooned. The bat therv Is nev. W. toterift too to mz '.te« h® sotoUiy la a Yellow 33s ; White 34s(i0'l4s G 1. of jeffenon eouDiy, Ky. uf i*roer Ta askis readli g matter ap* erthelcM a fair amount nf pai>er otfi*red on street < all r.'.Tohorsrofl 'to shwviK fmn tktt tmiu aiMt Iw tMnfitrmbU htemttXy fwtmo ihot pony •r mm th- •rpMUatkMi. l«>aas ou flCM* ciaa$ CLllatsTah can be had at Fr> ;*sr.*d bv ' At the rcridenco of Mr. E. L. Hancock, In (;amdcns>dDe, 5<«s6 per cent. 1 :hs Garden, aod Honee. $>oa ®Dd Haff!»«e. £y., mrj B i. ’ |IOWcrtnP IA tt» 8Ut# Mbd IA UtT AAlkUAg Al»d hX PLAINED FWd. d-^— a*— an l;^t OAf firS:rriTTfifuier al Itet Tuwdiy‘sv’':"'ort‘;s prices. IbeTto““new crop of on tire for mie hr stt 'tn;»g;'ro s^ <®sarfy mT gD*x, M MM MttTAA, frOAi tSB faCt UlAt It Mt teerstod noSbrea, in Itotr turns, indniAriaas in fculns 3 Ky., Tneedur, 2 iih Aumist, lefts, Mni. EuiZABnu The N. O. picayune uf Uet Thursday myt^ of the money 1 isrgs ramvokd, u **tahM •iT’* apuo — M4 OVA AAAMed viU Mt AaiI froAi puver Uh* pr—ttt BDgfi dMdffw7m tlieia sat. a creol dsol of damoxs miahi tore beea done, tea from China was of a verv inferior quality. Mabsuall, id the 7ft:b year of her age. 'n>M tore'aciDg al Fair*. I® worth the boM riMminieiiil byoMer*. Our prefniw *e orerupt ^Inbsretten. I would iwafer to fiAi and markfU I aw , Vt>H: wsstoh see what ws shall see Larerpool Frvelakma Jfo-iW.— tff'CiD(donali Tinnw. Detroit Adrortiscr pries of >he Damber cm® Z>s>hirwlll . eo aeaer aad-v our owa fla*. but if Mat cannot br done, it The ciroulars report DsUy (Mich.) , , .... rare looks Nothing of consequence iros done in money affsim this ' V.4LI .4CLE very j fisr oa w* bed eon, wa* mouly boesd npoa what as te teak AA4 Are whFttiff flatierios rrer> where: and planters wbo |mef hraev and holder, nrereino on >h. re..kre IluntiugLOD, N. J„ Bud CuvingtoD, Ind.. papers copy. t Ito Ws cr Yock. PXXisllo SlAlo. I oar nrinri. per Cent. OKHM) are sub-tlsatlB* mDIrt and eramie for oate—sriM Tallow uDcbanged; tbe newipaper* Mo., on thez-'ah .Vneiisi, lifts. .Insrpii Tnr.KDoar Bxowx, ^9 * atret with charecter ptekpiaa, wewo caarom AcvnAipIMiaoaoiaidisb a cmam»a rvnmap aad OTcnhroA report tbe mar- srpl wl IWiLL. ; RiUAV. aorevrelirr fttea. sWow Manid a of waaqaivacal fieat suoeeaa—ood tbe sutetttntrd cropa look well. in tlie aist your of his age. He was reupocted and bcio red FIxchangi' is about the dame a* yesterday, flturiing 1®* V aeoteatoafae. Oor aareteori did Ml deem B dtetrecefnl ket steady. Brn MS, at z<« o‘r(.> k ! M . *Sr for >* _ _e . . by all who knew him. (alUD for cUar bills, and fur other uamea. — ^ nstieae l ity aad wiM Ms refteiaty *f poweefnl pap- •* tore dareoite Fiware as aa aUv 1a Me Sals of laexinctoa and Bq Sandy S R 1*10 prandre. M ireMir witefoa. tor .>a*-.f>yiah XT sevnliitioBar. The Chattanooga Advertiser, of the 36th, gives a Ijerrpoul Prodort Jfarlet —Sugar steady, Cof- r raucj nle from 31. luVwof* IXS, but wtihunl demand. war. aad wfiy M.ald Bte we anite wiik eoBservetire tern "to Jwari Htete “to “•tto I'aua ®^«®Mea to ®«hBoMk gloomy occoont of foe quiet. Rosin steady at 4.2d. Spirits turpentine Cbome priiue rtn day bills tin New York wi rc sold thh morn- th* . F*" af oH pwtba. who nar di»r wIM os >|>aB sotee points. crop* in tbat region: re .. . *-th anuwzt pa #M* ratiireBy. wul an rrraia- lug at 1 but the geueral range is from lSm.1^4 |l cent, MANLF.VCTURFK OF i ia tiu#r bMtiiitr to Lotofoouiamt dull at 39*. I'earlash iteadv at 33;1933*«'h1. l.in- OBITUARY. te aarre of land a.lr>i*oaa M'; uoaloud imo* uawac 'mttkm tmA AUbAMa, tho kM-bAd® «f diMaioa. The rorn crop ia Hoadtlon and Memdjae.-nt eonniies hoa ukruuuta night remains at dWount. I V it oraa—ra It • '*•4 is — m,. Bi. a a- 1. ^ a AT ooeept A ABioa keen telerrd kryond recovery for.u. wantW.U. ofu. rain,I..., llrre,.rnrwr inIU quoted at 35a Newspaper report' aav CABINET WARE. UPHOLSTERY, Ac, 1> Y p I ih# f IV Umt Mr au^guthm V® mat with, wUk omy Mrtr.porty, vbMWUMI dMdid aotnot dirennly recoanisr and I > d*T*d «> ire late Jaly WTre. la (rtt af t awaub Bua- nrU aad irt thi r t'-r h*gS— i moalr' rewt. *ad ' UuttaniMisa, wr tore Is^ B« rain for more I that tea rlosed steady. street, •— than fonr Coffee fiat. Rice a abode No. 97 Fourih be^e**a Market snd J. Sersaa, . 1 arelote Loxiateaa aod loudy falirwad. I lOd porpwwa Tu«ra rao tw* tonioai 1 *• vh« ’ma-f, . iripka aa leaMera mea aad Amrrirate. aad rerk*. and rorn, pasturaiRL Shelbif Uou9€ CattU .Varkef— IT. IT. .^nvamgrs. dnroat M* BU ^ balk at hmm tmh AiMwtera, froai aM®, ifariM® and ahrnb, and tha whole vef. I bicker. Saitnetre Kpcnfuized by the businna commnnity aa a man of rs- tim ! Ik* bhidar. not •Biarrk uadrr Me Ooc. aad keep atrp te Me etaWewortdetoldr world Lor I.HTI LLE, KY. will rell, ta Special C iremMun**, I# klobm trore tb* revroM teroai plaak rno.i, ih* *Mvr tz»— ktf- prearnuaparawdappearanre.prsBenu a parched appearance. Notwitbola^-NotwtihalaTl. I .. . ! y, Locisvillx, Angufff 31. teosir af Mrhe I'atea."I'nioa." Ijmdtm Mooty Market, Aog. ^ markable enter pris*. eiwivr. ami lurfulneai. Mr. Hnll vai engaged the ia th* towB at .Whiaad. Gitobbp aonty. Ky.. « FU- re*aM itre*i. me* caiaiaa* ooght to b* worth reach asorc Ing this lock of rain, Mn henlth of Me town Is rrmarkably 17.—Coiwois closed aving Iq ntsonfoeture of I'ottuge Bed* Or. of stevery la Cattle have been plenty and i>eil low, from 11^ srrsilfl, |> th* F<*h day of uotobar, th* oforrreid -aad. oa re Aad •relloadar. iha «h vf luredwr. .• Vcio^k y. . Be'. Mr nnemtea prartieally aettled.aad good. at 96J^(ff96X, l>®th for raouay *u(l account. (i|UaUy knoirb and endean-d to bb friends by tb* moct at- 2<43V« H 1 Irish to cull the stt -Qiloti af dealers hi aad «Y. here coofierenc nor rewkSa rec . •i * Mot k woold 5,. Ilaaieo, Oreeoa, Waald^.m, ^broska. and k'snsar best only bi log 3J^e. uni of tbeeilr to my large «rork of near rearb tli croaf a* wl.1 relitey tb* l*f—• *f retd dtc And M .aaMo p*aari -a. :h* ha iteiirea r*ran-v reoi ni—ny tractive p*r*(iiuU qualities. C'biTolilc, senerous, huraane, 2.W® BedsCcmls, wM oil, BMOl certainly, come into Me I'nioa os free fitoMe. The Lehsnou (Tenn.) Herald of the 26th ssyr ARRIVAL OF THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. of cberr.v, walnut, owk. svcwiRore. gam, aud war* with reid rood oil *f M* car., anrenre, and aalarire* ao il Md ooreipred hy A. •>. dauM. haviu# nst-rt* or^-a. I peneureftMos ns pertiaacteasly to insist, But frw bugs poplori ewnn on the market, and they bring $4 59^43 thrrrto, a dire->( dtiwu-d ^h* a hre V'lh* |p Mea, Mould we iff courteous. Iwnerolent, charitable, in the largest and noUrst V I ooid rood ar hrloaciBC and thr reortraani oa tta hfoaoh 'urniMfc* roa '. li, redr* Why. Me rnnsnwulre oppsittioB eon- The eroiw in Ml* region ore imffn»:. Mot rear hrIOBii ar aa m wr lo ih* oa* and Imre Mr o haotei Thio m aam at 'h* hand——ret aad s some hienlitioakvnia Jonrasi.] of tbe associated press. Tbe commercial advices are Tb* oal* h* • wbb bAzrah w * nvn n leUar frnre one nf the rente inflasntisi 125 cattle, sheep 173, snd tkd bogff. *o «a*rat* boad, wHh sood a- (tona in Me -tore Wouw. lawgel)' intereited. as I oni, in ®®* inter. a rare example of nnselflsh affection. Is'ftwt an early !!.•« porvh—i r will b* rreintr—t Lkavexworth, K. T., Ang. 23, 1858. 4*y tetret i dwreycupetey. I oobm to Ycwaed of sympaMr wiM alo- pt$: rarltv for Ma p—thaa* ntanry, to have ihoforc* aad B*pnhH»n u tto Narthwast, wko •bjsete to tkot Urorpnol, Wedoeaday, tbe pruUxtor of ondianed sisters aud other bereft n-latires, Htcti GENERAL COLLECTING AGENCY. htin oto i, wton I osaert Moll eon raopect Appended li the prcclamatioa of tho Board of Aug. 18.—Cotton market . Me hooete anti. a jiolviB*Bl. . . . V . Cattlx— Key, HuUitt. U; c Bivenc, Bartholemew, Ind, td^ Ps-t due eollectioae wtsde throegh of c l t steady the iK'tter |>ort of bis life was entirely devoted to tbeir wel. arompt aod rvii* snwt , iisrens to says tkree-fonitks of Ike Ropub- darerr ornMaent of N'ortton men. whom dimite and tto CommissioDers, which was appointed nuder the with sales of 8, (MU boles. Breadstuff’s dull, Soi* Ut roreowar* te 11 e'eloch A. M. uble Attemeys in = f 24; P UarmichaH, Ind, 14; sny part tb* Vnlt-d itiutes. .a. i-teoarr. 1 ! 1 - - - r. pte-odkreof aducolion toredrtarrrd from kuuwinz qualities W B Rodman, Washiagtnn, i; FRK.NvH. Co—— tto. — I Me cunfcteiice measure to carry ont the rcquisitioiis of Brovisioas steady. fare. Endowed with such as these, Mr. Hull re. fijf* The Vet ref»-renevs isoanare not qaaetor are fmser llsrenrrtla, who oamfartaBd nsefalBeaBefSbeinrthtei-n. gireo upon uppUcstiun. pl w« Iiid, 34; J a Shephard. fiuUivan, lud, 3:!. U N peuitk, Anoiwt K, IvM—ir the act of May 4th. The Board fall iMdno, Aug. 18.— Consols closed at 96}^. ceiv(sl but Us due iu the worm affections of a 1 who knew uafofil d’sSmAwisgiD Tto otteon ^iek Itewiivatea Amerteans have late- was with tbe w*nU •4>i*el te Uiag rebopUasd with the a«ma «f Mari in, Ky, 15. ly, token, m B^ng^wiM off the oppoaoota of th* exception of C. W. Babcock, Esq., who is absent l^adon Times states that tbe me-isuga of him. _... . -A Admin- NOVE-TT WOHJt"*. w Wgs. If this is no, thaa tkore asnte ba a rewch Utraiten. has siren me new ho— ttot Ameriraa principta from tbe Territory. Queen Victoria to lIiMe®—J Chiltuu, CaiTolUoo. 140; .Tas Johuidon, 3U; MV Tber* were no fraudulent in- President Buchunnn, which con- ORrCRAVES’ FAMILY - c A. - . >te be in nane dan'. Tbeir nil MIOICINES, .. wM Me n pintform that tto Buckner, i*peac; nt revrenr Unreocrote In tto Bnpnb- turns at this atectioa. Oxford, KickoiKW, sad Del- toinad 99 words, was sent over tbe oiesn cable in 34; J T1>ompM>o, Pt’nr* I “•ff* most ordoel Ameeitnn snntd detov. It k Utornl, nation. MI5R II ING hl^ cclcbrawd Ayna Pill., for tb* car* aware Croatengs have lost tbeir minutes. The mevoge from tbe Dircidon in uiichael, Iml, 5i>; H Stmnw, Ind. luO; i4 Monioe, Uark. a Iron ami Brass Fouiulery. of gpuuDd ktown Bs ki>s>Ba. si the «UIDP fl'to. OB «he permiase, )s th* it k Mart I wtU read H: ORAVE.-c.a ANTI - BII.|( il M. ANTI -DY.IPFPTIC. adnMim V foUBwng witet are* ierrenriy the Dereenwtir State* «f Hew grwme of tbe Board was wefl digested, tbe wnt firte, and both were repeated lark to insure 11 Moore, dry, M. (me-rlRr>f oje, •• sad LOOIkTILLBa Auffmi 31. PURIFYING. ANDCATHiKTU' PI LI.1 that hav# h*. tommt tempi* m \ sad REPORT. jeDfs, foe% satisfactory manner in which tbe election passed Moracy. The Queen's message bad not been pul>- SBXKr- Gray, CarroU, 30; fltrin^er, dty, pfipnlar for M* rura nf toth m>sis® . Md .ID mmmmad m 16 f EoglMd. Of this, gnsitleteig te there Isrslitia* oin Tbia Cenvswtion. repreereting tba RfMABKK —Vor)* yreot diilineM |fre>Aik'U In tbe nuFr- W J A ir. mw Dyopaiada and all dioreare freemen of Pfavrd pata-nia tmr loa. Gm>ubU om (Ae -htch side fakmm, ®M es t, to*#w a niid t retoh toltar qtrelMted re jwdge than we ore; and, Pnatoylvaata wha are oppneed to th* leading re***- k«!t tbrouf;boat tbe viH:k. The ®pi>cuUtiv® Imittirf for ratlianie or . C> aaiorry will ^.retpai* ftfc SBD bd4 tka*kb\mk, •Homimt bDsh to* fri ro on rotoji • cie* of the Directors hod Iwen received purzatir* uadiriaa i* rwiiiired. No natecary powers with which they were veated. in F'ogiscd. it con- Rourbon CedtU Ftered .teareo. files, the V stp| md mi* »%wn ror.-^m Bhi»e«^ “®** breadfltuAi h®ff entirely abated, and in otb?r depaitmeotft UvUM .Vorksf—//. F. Visaman. in them. voraMr wbh BBT readXla tb* st me nom, m ntere •widas te haartily sMteinad by thten, it wUl ••P®®-*' N* complaints have been tsined 38 words, and was trsusmiUeJ in 22 minutef. laarefprai tireKi-aa ihe pavmDDs. wh- itciietofri OiwiM ss H® w«m ' nltered of any partiality The market ha* been about the teame as last w«-eh, with •A loo Waoroalw areaofirtaria, Ta* •D -« - A ly tb®re which seek to Will* th* vote* and ignore the bufiU'VP hate be*e& alairot entin'l^ iu a retail v® . Flour to okomVteiw nnfainieai, steamer Pacific 7 Mil.1.. WhrrwTor thi* Mill .a* hwra nad U oh- uf Usmrx s FfD«ro DmtffTOto .BtoBuD. “ “"”“*7 aBiatinsi. or and there certainly should b* nocanre was to take tbe plice of tbe fair GRkVEffA AMEKir.IN L'NIMENT for tb* ra4d«a .«aw ^ a demand aud a light eU>ck of cattle ou the uiarket. It a#1 ar aH ea^ bt M*righte«f»toTxere*j*rityoftheciUiteMofl{ii- h lover and t^ndiag downward. Grain hrm. For groee- and (dfcnnl < toinod I-* nrefarea** o*#r all tehrra m A CbMuph'ro ui the graptaa mm te ie% m4 mr of disrelufoctioa: lodisn Empire, and was to leave Galway 011 the 24th cniv of rauip Uidic an-l < h->l«rn M'>rtm«. w c asc re Choice extra 3(i^^c, fair to i..a. aad a* ootely^ oolte *ri^ • fifoc, UDdttez-j^ofevf.rshowDfo amyamm vivirtod ex- by * *eni fiteidiore re to th* re*; ud thore wtoeh bav* pmtraled tto tednstty ii(V, In the light buteineDi done former p'tceA have been re* good 2>i^1ac, aad couimun Diorrh’ V. 11-redireh*, T(K.ili*chc, and ia fort ail loin. of piirared la te. aoateract m Pboclaxatiox.— n accordance rrrry kind: a**v rhodc and in W* *tei lorareh tethre te«a— •* Horre Pawartazaalha smte® It Befotothr 4dv at ml®. conatry, with th* provis- . and ron»:h l\r42Hc groes. Dot* horw* are raildanly re- own *r the eppssitsu party; wn care nwt wbtetor dt tto and on fate driving our Ooven- .... allzcd. Proviffion® bare been verr dull, thourh there i® a TTi® Itok of r raoc® was oxpocted to mlace the li*T#d with thl* Uniment. aad f«r MilL fi. O. BBANNPV. kteiK iott® of an ®ct of Coogre®®, ®ppror®d Mat 4tb 1859 Hogs sell st C4f/duoc (uod oU Surala-, Cot*, better market, fur wstl*fatted,®nd common are dull t® to wh«t it hrwrre. •]s^s»Awd •’ffer-Maastg iFprPfll m » »vjrviiD to 3 per cent fetdlnz in tbe Kastem and with lU’ht rtoeki' and Brnbc*. .\a wurk duDB by to wurraDlvd D^ auUtted “An act for tba odmissioa of Ksns^ inte at groce. a'ld favorable new® from Kiirope pricro will ISkrlr be mv. 3Hiet4c (late (he Andi- rens m nti nr tbe and union «f tto ntat**. and Mr lltorum of the people the budget of more prreaprty wtMaa*ra-fa- D Whdg pnriy. Ifitognat Union,” the nndersigned Board of Commission- .a'* Sli *ep are GR.VVEyS GOLDEN for teinnl *7hdl.r. flare a dretoa- Mod taio<*d. Iiat d<»ne in ro)te, in mude rote demand and sell at 41 23f«J 5® VERMIFUGE worreo. ~e7 Wa~~on7i€J^XaiLo, thM four minion* sterling. Wit little been baggtn? and bale V to the hi*t, -tidorUtey te’*"• ‘" Eleven of the (.uPjlms trope. te*f n t iM.vrelef.vre th*tto obnamoi>a*m ofor eorrmpl I teewt. •ff*- weretried T>rablo account of the growing The iioueual cold e— , DmdwiwI-UewMPte- aadmade in conformitv with tb* requirement* of relief frum ouia In cases uf Hume or Hcdl fo uod s«whd fur Galvanize^l Iron Relriijera tors, • RUN AWteT. - c - . . - *. rhol Me rrekkte ood rroflisal* eztnvaganee 1*- ... -A 1 of Me *® ‘® "nprison- iias al affected corn and cotton, nuf the advices Jlmipto: T«*tter. It h a cure for !«culd-head Pte'_. the nallM reaaamol said net, have ascertain^ the vote to ba by counttes voathor to mm aod old wires. »- * *•. / bm, Md ly Xotjogol Admiaktimlioa, eoasiM a ae«< oily for —ret— “"‘S?®*® fro— th* rah^h— Hi— | “*“*• Cattle— ldham, AndHiisoo, 10 away XYestigation is said to have le*ivfd fr* unfavorable G ; U Wa'ers 12; Shelby, W RUN *?»«»« rAaOmA oar m«a*> profldod for and nrecineta oa foilowi- all • Traa.. IS »i8, asil H'stfr fsslcrv mteerereds., tto ttetoreksteto.aatnraknuSten ten.,ten*. M.Mn party,Botev -n®*wrwW I Mter paymenl. ^ ahrov, aonar*. ke c«re*HSreteteSJevMine' of a wobi of ulAttty |A,, t«rt, tetp shnli I wkuIMim MobM*a Iid oimrarwria*aiiorar ReJ d. ramibesUona in io J* • FoWh anrec, tors *mr tnl me ampport. w Mr tnvtromeat of a ftoe p*o- Ruuion Pollsnd, having In view J Freeman, 1; Nelson, Pile 4k Co, 17; .Mercer, McKin- The utwvre Medlrlnos < of real *0,-#. Ah* ah.aw rew the fieldi*. Fstepcdally iff thie tbe caw in Tvxaff aud Ute Ued buve been rvtsmslvely mad® of 4h R. oldwaU. te- uad aniem iitoe . 1 LOUlATILLr;. b;. k sd wM tend te Ineikikli biito Atebihofi 260 a general riaiiig oil | throughout the North touithwesi. —plaaioa,eorepreoiaa, howhted arev reo«h*t'—ma. « hapodo^np a. re Tto Uak wn kaow to be eVkmIt, I wi ate Imptae- 616 of tbe Sclavonic population in ney dc Co. 31; Boyle, LotPinu 4k Co. .10; Bnllitt, Msira* aud sad sre dow Iu the cici-i-Ca.la -kk river country, , huads of h-iOt; ahont tvcdhim hrtfte ab* tiate a raz- Anderac— 4 818 Austria to form a republic. twentv.fiv® btiudml dsthimrt] ugeoro. azid can be re.-**ti: Wont .kf IM»N hLOtte hLT.kMZnt IIV. Ksa, 12; S CoUiiu. h; Jtrff.Tron, J Ladd, 1; Cald- ti ibi THOM ita lowest I H U af cMhioc. aad rerewte of -t tdrebte, and w* esante too •trrntel* reitonts onr The river » now neariy at stage, and no b*)st® found wb«4«»sle sndri'tsilut WLaad 4k Htsrb*rd*s, J. B. Ti.ha* wbh a variety ritli.>KAruH. wwh vUMareorewa aat-orereoare. ' ol toeord*. Allen The are M ptwwrved ah and ttol all ftoods 268 Ocean Telegraph shares qnotoJ at £800 . . upon M* imt- wtll, 5; Spencer, M 11 Heady, 14; Ldmonib^n, N®w* ILa\. robiDson'saO'1 sU the I'riDcitisIdnig riorto bed rlothia*. It W hrilwart tl^ r except tliose of the teuiallest ciaw ran rut*. I W U'Za. wiadtete a* a Family Rafaldh a—z re og Mawareod. cvtrrwkcT* will earaa tly I areliaatloa laws, whIM kuv* b>ea *• » rte • Bitiwo mwM i^ d to te 85 243 to £850. of thlscitv, si rvfotua#*s, Purtlftud, all a while —an or awra.ao-l wdlurnbahty oi— th fhSlo wsuete tto saeiw of Ito dull man, g); Monroe, Ind, L Hills, 57. and iV prine pul wiM aad '> br ilw I te we onpnu*. oogkl to The money mark^ continuen and uuchaxi6®d. Tbe I oq the I9lh alX. oddrare tkomoeiroo to the washL *f^ earelitetafiz_i th**1- p^y b* BnckinridK* 4 98 Tbe latest advices from Paris indicate tb* prol«- Driigrisrs in New Altonv uml defferrouvIUe, ladbiM, «»d u fre>* ;*msr. She ruB "ff eonoDwarSod by wbabwomeoad pnpev fegislatioa. Ho«,{i_Oldh®m. Wru Affidey* 62; Henry, RAS^uitb, £4; *w h*r opo bra dra - Mt. BWT AND mC.VPtST ARTTCUP. BiHirlrai weather yeelerday war more teeawnable. thntnghont ths eetsm iMutm*. Only try t 'era ro hec®D- rvmij daOai. wl* h* n t That Mk CoarenUoa *0 otosl heartily apt-rove 87 429 bility of an expedition against Madagascar bv the rer eppstelire te an esgastoed party, mpM purely netinm- of and .lefferron, L L l>or^y, 3®. vinred thst ll*e\* will iwrfonii ss reenoimeDfoil .teal#, or tirtrir doBore if anwolwndrd la aay otbar 4a»* and Ib* —ate ovaowdrai fi—Mrei mod :Trerev>r« Mraire Indorse Mr eotirwr paisnad by oor able CoIImmu united forces of Flogland Our liUotatioDte embrace only tbe wholesala prlees unless ’ and dtoi^nlMed 250 and F’rance. tug ^ (Lmai WTOW4 dtoi* »r oar hjadnid 4»l ar* ii rekoa — a (n— aur* aad Milk rr—ia. tenvoa tea.. ka*ia» Mlv i I rare reo, foib »a t Huger—l»ldh$m. It AnderFon, 3iq RWaler«,34; hhrlby, al mnred*. fleaotor ia Utagrem. Me Hon. Mmon f^aauevnn. re well s|>eciUed. -# h*r. AdJre*. -Warer. rd aa I -creu'rtaa— re Goffer 16 440 ARRIVAL OF THE PROPELLER. otberwLte arew-id iariibar ra-r 'Irei I art of U>« o-om ditehii— reaod *• ttot of More RrovnosataiivM from Mk State who tove r Thi>mt>teOu, :9p« r, l; *«l; Danipbaa A.'oVk Rorn.— Very fmw rolen have been W 6*n un iduwtddit*, }*il® A ly. Triiarow*." HtVr to KTRRY nradfretly oppoosd tto ti-Tanaical policy of 927 nA(jui!«o IUlx XEW \Llt\.\l' FKUILK Ht:Yli>\KY. VIMteT PUMIIM AT FAlK . ns. r. . tb* Nationul St. JoHxa, N. K., 30. Cu, ^ ^ ^ PaCtFtC R. R. OJID Dari* Augnit bate btrn c*>nliu*'d to fllllof sma 2!q J Freman. 21; HiilliU, MarragnD, 2®; JiffctsoD, whrii il ho* hr.g rahu ared. wre* rei* wbatrea— aad p—rtL fowmemn Db. FowLUa. Ideilalikillne la ttodr attempts to hnimae omb M* nro- 27 128 mvde. The buteimwe K. I ALDWhLU - ^ c — <8 Konres. by fraad aad forar. a sUvsry CoasHtntioB. Dottglaa The steamship Pn>peller, of the J 11 Ladd, 15. »A-. sto — , 178.S GMwav aud Ko#- ACstatit>n nrdirit at I3041-l<' hand-loom srI re. oreare (Itotei *•^ teaen wma ire rerere nsectreg,m nraf I®* p ba$artDir and 15e bVXSLT. Txs.s., .\ttil. 17, l»'fid.—•’pi Thlfl JIflfciflavtetoT Ite no Bxpflnmam, WO te lb* known nad oturpremtd lentimetiis W Dora 00 tou line, arrived here to-r IliiDt's I ower-foom. quoUt ,L*wsrtiro Wf«kly J iskBDd~Tt- wi«i «w>stri < Ir^stoiL riviBg foil 4MrMfi®D. atoekheUres te this city ha* raomireatod amd giraa nf th* frrewren of tn* Treri^. ClN« ISNATI, Auglitet 3U, P. M. Kranklin 6 Loudon dates of tbe 20th inst. She left hill B* rNrkffv >*•' rVuDMu J •* of 'he ^ms teDmm»lte®il That National ASnilnlstratten. daring nB tti* lot* 876 Galway,' t*)4e for fair to priuie hand-te}>iio aud 7c for macblne. edh usBise mmarr seaitomsD . , _ _» -A. /- * M* ITonr is dull and unchanged wU ss of l,duu bbls at Tfi Mipmtee to th* affaire te tbe ConpaRy. The 1 OBgram.rTinradaa «ntirv linntar Ireland, on tbe evening of Saturday, tbe — 44 MW loagmoteoaof dwn-ard oftto 23 21st. The New Orleans BuQetin of laet Weduiff-lay myt in its - - . «. ;a iad(wtrial laterrelsof Mr for choice suty the steamer Nurtberner g4 23 tur extra; recch ts tffy . ax. Mamteol and lavWi expenditorv Me pob.k moarv. ®mi-w*'ekty revluw: M JefterpoQ 178 reached Liverpool on the 3l)th inst fair. \Vhfat pleuly, and about 2c “g bu«h lower. Linesed toistetem* h* ha* given *f its diffii aittee sad hisotesr 7. That M* rwrenne am—nr?- for s rtdbdon* and acono- We notice*! iu our last n'view a rood demand for Ixarelng Itearenworth 4.16 1 he geoerte news in the London and oU has advanced to >9e and firm. V%'hi.«ky declined to ' - . . . odretnktrmtioti of Goreruteent Mould to 2203 Liverpix)! full pricete, Mtice which the market has couiiuueiux lo |M»werdoo;n i*ti Saturday and dull, the supply exceeding th® demand. Noltdng do* at lu rope we notice wkln* of ®14 coUp lkand>inAde tlJan 48 422 A project bat been brought forward in Pari* to lug lo proviffktDs and no demand. Money easy. t»n Saturday at dc: and 73® yreterilay. embracing &uu hand, conoect F!urope with liy itadiiK— 0 158 China, telegraph, in conse- in mp** prarept and teheteat oo-opeswlioa with hire. tmtrj. made at — aod S'lO Randair* (clitoe at ac. At retail Nxw Yoke. Augitd 3®, P. M. Mctc for are-teew ta tto ^--» t'otton is qniet- salesuf 50® bala*. Flf»ur heavy—ask® of No tew now bft' ear oh y reto rentemrete imtto teocltnreaeteteockhoiders I p,nnavlsntea re o miididoie for Jnds* of M* ttonram* Nemoba baud-loom. IWkidnx reiailff at I6i«]d(*. 227 Urerpout, Aug. 20.—Cotton—The sales of ixHton ' --C- — rrengwl**rrengwiar tto oioa.nina. rehuMr,reliuiar, 1 jorki, eatiaeat- lu,teUU hbliist 4 «3i44a f >r M»nnd State. »htsat declined &t.K( s othar idnrre^ I ConnConn, wr Mr and I'ottowotooiw Nothin® whatever doing. The Hock ia llgbL d ireidamt te Ctertesi tei, Inate, and pUcaa, 8 286 for the week have l>een .37,000 liales, inclodiiig 12tK) If (innlHiBd te (II and ndorn Me pUer. —aalosuf I j,(*uil buteh at 41 43 for tfoiilhem wh!t<* ; Riley 22 258 bales to speculators, CoTToK Yauxa, SnxxriNUA.Ao.—Cotton yatnewe quote whisk win aaenpj- hire mntii hi* appehtead tires to *. Tbat Wm. KK. Froocr k well aad fheoroblyI koown to and 4, .500 tj exporters. The and 17441 2® for Wv<*tern red. derliolng— rroMMoDATIoNfiOFTTIF. HFsT i IIARU TF* th* ronyir of Fcansi Ivaaia re oa and oumet lMi4Be-* Kicherdiaa 1 and loU to the trade and to 41 Corn sak s oM* 72 tales to-day were 8,00u bales, including 2,000 to V fur two hundrefi pr.pil® urt provided In ihk lasiitn. wmren to T*sa*. w narawer tto ISoctorgaa* to will peraliarlr of 4'*.0iKi ba^h al Hsim *2c fur mixi*«! and for Idle nma. nod quolteed to dkehormr *U Me duties flba trace l*ittebur® ^ w . Meat lion. 748 speculators, snd 2,000 to exporter*. .\fl qualities the coantr>’. t;aimellton and aliettinys ^\c. p*rtainlnr to tb* odtee of Me t knul fomnibntoner. pork tirni 6J. Se- reireelufrer rpirir1 iiirlT iilhnis anrt at Whiaky The FuH loo nf five hitnm wrenina nreisilli crerrgvin isi retoIteii ntreii, ana hire Wi*e 35 have declined tbe t'aunelltoti batting 14 ceote. 417 ®M>>417 G diclinlug—mlcs at months open ®n MoDduy fop. oMort at Me ennrtmeal of proper laws te F6d, market closing steady at this l*^h*»r fiugAr steady at s^ro-w. dull at ®, I* to areirently worthy of creltemre, *0 naaffactod te prnteet re from ah- iatndneticnaf f.irtegncnmianUiB onr declibe. Oileans fair at 7Jid. Tbe stock of cotton CoanAux, Ac.^MauiUa cordage we quota at UHf. KW 3<43'«. Voloteblfl Fana tai Hick- iVtsnIipg per *e«eii’ti of fir# months, loclndtag fnr- For Sale— A midrt. by returnSag Mem at once to plocrn from wb«nar ToUl 1,788 11,800 in part Is (»18,000 t«les, of I*intet*ed (dl firm at 75<47iic. Ilidcitfirm. Frei;:bts->coitoD hteffspnrtsmawi. Msdto Etolomste fimoaetel which 567,000 are Amer- Hemp twine we qoote at IO>4(wt3'«e. nHhed rouito, feel, iiehts, Ae. ciTiintT, Ky. th* greet thw hnv* barn Mined te one sunna. . fihl maa Majority Ojcainiit prvpoiitioD, 9,512. ican. At Havre New Orleans Ueserve Iu Liverpool 5-12d. Tuition in the t*rei*srstory Iropsiimeol for rei* bb Par— Ill* report of tto oomaMtor was annalmaady ndoptod. tres ordinaire is 107 Currjtv.-vSalea of WceUru in luii from store at H •,*Y“r. Tha aahreribrr oArer — vnsh to ha* nndaslahnn, that we oi* doily moc* ire- ** in the CoUeciute - Ibr francs. Stockte shady at the "econd boAnl—fbleaim and Rock . Ilk-k-aa cooalr. Ivia« foor —M* foa— « “A rear by nay oM*r name, would reMlI re resol." and 7 ceuU for prime. MuAc t'D llsrp, uBo. Orrun. B*r- *KrtDni0 from PowhatDo tovnftiip re)®rt®d, there P Meteleen, uud oiiltur. ' Mi -i.-.4pol rtrer.oa aanrri *at raat. i— ^ >4®—* ^ fatcarf tha ondi rrere t m givam te bdne Breodstuffs dull. Wheat closed with Idaod 75.'a, lUiuiiis Central 771% and bonds 9tM« I*acru«sD A'"' ^ tto deterreofrwi of *ow-rc*Urem«*eonovcstlvr men eallonr.call imr. an advanc- tar caDdleahave nruwing, gre,If w« yMd to Me ded and Roap.— Pulntifig I- ^ m DO purh tA«rDffiito.^ for, >< CAMDcaa 4Di» remained firm Lsngn«to«, Ac.. u*asl rute( diarelv hack af k*a«»rhv iRr. It !a- hire ky the * Fytdcft.inrtv. or I nteato^ ing tendeccy and price* Id higher. and Mtiwaukoe33‘«, Michigan rfouthem btoliHante® snd Hon. Joreos Gnthrte—that to was tote tovD«hi|» recocted for wont of joden* cprtUlcDt«.~ Red tVestern and vetettll quote at I'tfSSOc, accnrdlag to wel®ht. Hard 2lM. New York tlrculun, wuhtuil dwtuafl. ^DmWheJ •. -.*(! hr (he Mobib*Oiii*hfor*a!r(-d.a|>aaahiehMa - Still ominUin tto mm* .prloeiple*. w* not only rv- | u;s>n ujtplicu'toB -A ... . , . . w* eo* 181 5* 6d^6s 8d. Flour steady; Cetstrtel 3*J*k, PenuteylvaniaCoal to r. c. IIINK- Oi'a doily ranoia* * rei^ Ohio 22s<»‘23* 6d. Company 75*4, Milwaukee •aiaara , . ew Ito Pretedteicy fool sbly nttnefaing pressed tallow candles we quote at Soap we con* ^ ot ths toad, (cd know some if Mr preindkre to oui | UBTifi .112AW2 aod rauyre—bt acr** mew tKauu Fall* BVertDet rejectad. Me jades*' nsinr* hi Corn quite; qnoUtions nominal. New .VtewT, ludisus. Tbb Far— w-aiaiaa four bwa-lT"d bat ire hove olaion and MiedsMippI KM. Keadlng Oalena and Chlrafo 3;*, party re Know NoMlna. M« cwrteialy all tlnoe to quote at dl for common aud 80 to it re-w-pdhl.' -f oililvaUi.a, aad in ashrerew nkorennwre HIt trent^re reyrew porreaare— Itwreg. W*re. (sols_i par-... ia* Mired Iu tto mm* boad wrttioe.— *7 ocaiiMt. Provitioas di $3 ..f land. *»vT> orraaf rf^ieto* onr own men in (die#. In a natwnni Oonven. —Beef heavy. Bacon steady. Lard MMamri 6« Michigan Central >irW prvularta will earepal* forar. TIEXICIL Mflr£^>MX1, for fancy per box. MH, 5oM* 18M* Larrume IIEV. (. r-hi* ot ..D aud rariteyof rtUHTK far to* rcddi ncy. will rr- Now, tberefore, we do hereby proclaite OEO. BECKETT'S dhtety anawtoand that tto adkinaf tto Cnrearev orfU tion. to miset b raadidnt* P k th* resnlt firm at 62s. Kosin sleadv at 4* 2d^4s 4d'for com- grants with aar body af land uf thw real* da* ia Kra ioaky. AR. GATn haa Ma pfoM price contimies land 24^. oMy Coal.— ha retail liHe for Pittsburg i • * al of laid eleciioa to be, that for “Propooition Accept- moo. Bugar firm. INSTITUTE rOR YOUNO i.AnrRa^ oa* haodrad aar*- ara ai rer* i . Ma laM haoaUy •BonaaMs te thapob iffatelBy to pteead am a bate* af > Offee dull. Rice quiet at 19* Nxw Yoax, Xua. 3®, M. AioHM parrete^^Lpar- asdoteo. WiM *x*tvkr a coatroUiae p*w*r. Ifwreaaferm aud for aud Ilearii Itottoni. zroata .if hai ba b— —area cd” there were east one thousand seven hundred and 6d(»20* fur Carolina. Philadelphia lUc Pomeroy jr.FFER.Atl.N rtuabriad. wbh th. -.al vato^ t^ Ma vSi— A aliioaec. I tov* oedrefal wbak-Tcraomi liark !ta 6d««9s Floor heavy—nalete MiiOat 44 13 for Htale, 46 ® COUNTY, KT. miwi. It 1 By, and that tboas srbe been, erith aa bigarabl* 75:l n* llorre. amt #a«d ont- b —fted by Dr. Kbm« aneh aaparity. eighty -eight votes, and that for “Propoeition Reject- Flovi asd Graix.— he millr have been enyayed In ill* Amorteoa or Wei* bi*aluforeactias wiM oabiH at anr rmt* 9d; Boltimoie 7*. Unseed oil 34(K.(3I* 6d. f . onacnietite, aad *fa *B o*a onamby Spirit* 10 for Hilo, and 4.5 73 for ifoinherD. Wi»eat very Kr*. trern. -abb., **. bar* b**B 'reafod M loa ed” there were cote eleven tboowuid three huniired, Tarpentinc steady. line contracts prertoiisly entered iulo, and tbe baxineste hat GEO BECKETT..~..Prijebrel. Ky.. wb*fa dull and l^dfic lower; guotaUu ns ti«mloal. llA.aT b* Corn decHnrd; Lt.WIF Fr.v<.re«r of .M—!*• H*rore Gr*-S*r.Giretay. drlirerrddriirerrd tewlaai week la I'MerI'bter eu., DENVER, urland and France. e«*ipte have been vary heavy. For com deateriepn^lnue rea* vital to ^W H*w- to and our lon« azparfoiire oireirr* LOLISVILLK.. KT. York Ontroi Reading 41, Milwankee aod Mlssiwippt a* that Mi* priaaiph.. .. - . X*wY*ft,»h«#X*wY*ft,*h«# to edvaealtoManalonefAmerioBa*sdvaeatedttonalonefAmerioBaeaad HUGH 8 has decided A„- I . WALSH. Anteria to increase tbe expenditures at t>ats are ntU ucaroa, Istorete* atoomt henorhoaoenble to^ ^tor fltotea. . pay 4Sc aod aaU fincwUr. and bring ricarly nnd*rre.vte and faithfutly aopUrd, wrwrre all tti. etoneter.etoraetor. Rmbtoaw. ia wbiM to mU:rnU: ]Hi%, Canton SU, Virginia ffs 10, Ml-teaFori ff s ttiertiag A. C. DAVI.S, Air tbe support of her nsw per rnd* of food order and ebrrrfut ’ 50 cent. It ia re- ff4>m arqoiowDer la all achate = • ''Wbatescr nnebi tob« midimid «faf M*the potovpoliey of exdodlasexdodli a for new and oAd, aod Hoiv &3(f45®a. Rye wry ffho^•renreaffhonld Mmth*the ammammoSotUtornlinnthteii PacMcPneifferweme RailroadRailrredmaiiiwaa to k_ "Mb' Exrbsn»w firm at l(494(4|1fl®4i$a Galena and Chicago *4, tint. firiitoe®d Bl Mb* lapaMadiapndad by Mivc BUI*, wben G. W. DFLITZLER, ported that the King ot Prnssia will alxUcate iu dll iirB-tor pee*to**smfy We*unw •• h® groom* af to bteoe a firm at 53c. No baria>’ anivinx, but it would readily bHog aarefoa frorieg Mkhigan Central 1^>^ I Vvelaud and Toledo Tb* aazt wUl h# ronm*«**l aa tb* Zth day *1 uuvi sobOtoh reena*.arena*, Kk tretee nlai d drive oB Astare * roiiDDitr Ip f«nD< d uid my* wt prupom lo othd® iato Board of Comatissioner*. (October. 6®M* the ll*wfi4Mi Vuteto. iwHinailrail me il osier-mster- 30c over, rommcal dull at &oc. Rran ire at 8*1 tvBibrr. I or furlbrr porticBlani. ad.ln'— tho I'dAbo Bmt^. ho oMr to hrkiDd aud quota d? rACVLTT. m m thor vooM d«I ehsetkm was ptodactive of a few Tbs aoconate of the crops in Knssia are unsatis- 35Se Laernsee tand graota 241%. Tennessee Cs 913%, Ohio ^ Tb* accidents REV. i; BF.( KETT. i >fomwr ai dmifoar, hv OVD D®hoD, or iot^rfprr vltb hor ooomdcDlf » for a« SO(d^ l*er ton. . . w iroJWr. M. I* >^’riMi® P 00(1 even kto of lifo. There are ac(x>uate firnn factors', fmrticalarly in the neighborhood of Odesu. l'*»’te tgiH. jolyO dtewirtia Nt. Manfo-wa .l*ff*f—-a ro. K*. Pr,dre-r of IWrr are! f»o- to prrooDt h*f oomimt i«io tbp L'dIod ohh pUrorr, to op an- FBATiiPxa, UlpifkVNO, Hrxsw AX, AND lUua.—All these M. P.i '7he British steamer BALTiMOBt, Ang. 3®, M. DabwivDoawTW PatWTrarwF CowvKTan. It will h®he mumhitron ia form.** theotk quarters that several pertoos ia remote dis- Cyclops bombanled the town — -rnTairrmnw articles coutlnue to come In slowly, and are flcarre. Featb- Fl->urduU. ^mXc9 Howard Stroet KENTUCKY MILITARY INSTITUTB D.-PreforeorofObtertHaiaadCIMIhal Ip f i r F. and Ohio 6®. . . tea T1lotp«rolr Dor^otl TbP RpMhileoDP ®f Ohio ®4 five fiefore at 45 - ^ a ff’a i_ . ^ tricte of the Territory were drowned ia making the Jeddah davi eatisfactivn was obuined j ^^.hiJwdhTM hathdbaend thtethuf Im4Ute tfrimgifrteg DjrwteDjrwia PatmPayae hilMHMoil BmBsto hDop D*HoirotPd for < ^oDtrpv ad® vttf uor. Corvia. era we quote at 4tkk tanscD® we quote at 4c(«i0c. Derowaa Wheat steady. Corn, while, Tfii^aOc 'MRECTEDhr a Baozd af ; yeUaw Sfifiihw. sttenipd to reach tbeir voting places by swimming ^®® ^ recent murder of Christi.int. F'lnally Itma- I D.. Ptwforeor #f M-ri^^hr-niaaiT . M. w tAto t tm. reMarea • hoti^p K*wtdwk>’ WhPD tho9* Dotniootp PDch IDPD. VC rash. iretora oireteau-d by Ma *‘r**t?Wffoht, Whte*ft Mi® Mte L#KID0PDI.Lexiegltei.— TtoTWi B® IWKImte MfAlUgiu tAMttoloatt teUto# WD®wo* mm Bacha arrived, gtc, aud ragff 3c Whirky dull at25<^5ic. rotes being nuniimd. rroTVloos PrufeK»®r Mstortp Meuvu bd4 — ®D-as- eleven 1>. . at ooftaiDlr Dpod Dol liP ofroH to troh fhiwi ftrthrtrovp ewollea tereoms. At that time all tbe water courses wben of tbe cuipriU were (OM, b uod*.’^ 'ha anacire 4 Msroiisll, M. retail trade In N eeere ijiybt executed and fonr Fi9B. —Theru U ouly a fich, and qiiotat%>ns dull; nies*i>orlt41* 60; bulk shouldocs -adeac* af CokioH W. eaaid ftoter he*has dtebaae. Tto tsteltrial was hre^tetote —be *a k br^re m s iwtot wbteb will were very high, and tbe number of votea estimated others sent to Constentmople. fi<^3%e. C. dtire aff Mr radbwl abuMteekt* frtmi tredr rank* take a wide range. a Htei idMa* ^Ihfigreo'GiddMaMh. M Di. r*ii*re*r«f tb* ntaaklre . Hen ORGAN _ , . c - _1 -A- I . beanlost by inability lo reach voting FIm details of the news from India cunfirm the n cteoeat Leaiagtoaoa Satarday, tbe jaryeeaviotiw k wtoi Ore. Oerwte rete; to bare Nxw OmtCAjia, Ang. 24. fadiMi* ol re’*o Foial, aad of Aaraarr aad UMicat bar—ry. FariTt.—There la an abnodaoce of green fruits offering at true, einrte it BueMwhat largely oorapnted at 8,000. The previous statements that tba country was ((uieting prartiaal *Z, old ad lir—ao, M. IE, Fr..fo*bales; market firm; roceipis of Loan— W D. 5 ^ire re tear yvata aeaaBeaseai h ta*tto pcaitsatisry.nrek—ete— especially pears and ai>ples, but pr^cc* taka llaybre. D.. Prifi oar of rhydot**- ood b- mot irre—to dida'i ear* wh'-ttow U wre or ate—that b* requir^ that men ebould peril tbeir down. so wide a rouge t aa oM* raaatkz. ti. W M P— ncceteoo hardly lait three dayv 4U0 bales, foul new reegtvrd l^iiagalDa l AJaD'.nv besteareffeby Mo—bt to wo. iJurrpoal, AuguA Hat . Cotton that quotationa are DO criterion. Kaiteioa ot .retey Mot l latira Areteteater a aew tstel has ' hiseoaa- ?* . ^«P.b# live* ia endeavoring to record tbeir vote*; it it to — quiet with sales nf we quote 43 lo Thr aoiirre b naostorv) bte If wre a duetrlre of Mr U last year. Com, white 7®, yellow 123 (?). I ard tn bar* Havatire—ia—a. M. Dt. Pa—ah—aa t ar. . a <:ollaaa*a. . . . _ . . , R^Utoa sarty C,9(M balee. Flour quiet. for and 430U7 31 f.w layer. Flga amibt la kb* bate te, tetoeh ^ be hoped that the number of this speciee of casual- Wheat stdl exhibits an .M. R. ll>dc, Datw f«. iaaur-uaaiaa add i adD to toaad aa tto Iteh of aext reeath Mat a mat* hre oat a riebt to admit kaviwy or aipel R rtkadvancad !%<*• •aim at IIM* 1® kegs 131%. iltb Iba addltioa of a reaaa For m advaacing tendoncy, and bolder* very scarce; we quote ibaio B. . aad Mould to k*te ate of M* I'aloa far doiae *Mb roa OnawaaoB- Yeteerday we bod the semi-weekly arrival from ’^»"®*'. qnitt. market. No dried fruit coming hi. •oaoi. tea hagw n It iTOMla* Mwa fte re So 4mM* wtottor w* w(l slay . Ariarre’o* aad Mtaio* Go- dote* ore a week later than any yet re- Itmaoo, .tuguA 21sf, M —Consols tecady at CiLAsa. -Cunningham's Pittsburg city brandteiiuchanged. Cottoo market Is easisr, bat quolatioas are aachangtd into Lurteorotoa refotOaf s* Utah Tbe 96,’-x If Litaro- Tto RaptehtoaM Ot Loacaoter oeaaty, Ps. /Mr. Me hatorai by tola M* oM*r kre> ; * ia n*ib private letters are @1*4%. is selling sales to-day of 490 balto-; new middllag lltae. Ftour m ad* Fsrtbt Kemimj, » Xsls Mlwsl. - A - A . . toteloo* at Mr «aawrraJv* mMH a. or wboMrr w» will oaivad, bat all the destltate of The agency here via: Hxlh 4:t 5®, luxt3.43 78, ltnokk**pfa« aod Noairegia ^ o-reoa* tov* aareteadad Thadeai Ste- otet* aateoai a lo*, oaf teoor oor own fiVud, In Fork, superfine 12>%e. Exchange on Loudon iy®.4%, —>— **ai—a a a——— ssmwae Dsws. Tbe C!apital wee psrfsctly treaquil end bed Augnit 80. 10il4 44. lUxld 44 &0, 10x17 and ISxU 44 74, lOxlfland 13x vanciog— 45 Forlre.' aod la M >d*rB Iren*aa#*a BY Ik H. MsCOWN. * n Fteror Th* oonasTrali** oapoeitUa M*nl d tok* far Meir rea.i-aaaaal reado* .ireaaa* Mill— od OraaoMaM—• map bekartka— **,](. rear M. aOhfo v^m to' reto orebre aore^na. mr.If, amveas resumed again Its old qnite end rontioc. Tbearny The lienk statement sxblljti l»x30 on New York tiO days IS, and sig)>t S discount. Th* iweoty -third rereioa wfll vi— re — i* tbhtete fop—- w tbe following re- l«»4fii 13x19 43 S3, aud 13x3® 'I'REa—alac — r i 1 snd ItxiS 35. i are,!,,,,,,* * imliliiiBi il $0, 40 blifl par half-year- sSra q M— ruTb— SThbd godll—bai.i Waaig m* mis apaa oar oaiioaol eoat Mannay ia iVv**ial«rr»l»h> 1^r«*. id *• wos busily engaged in gntting it* winter quartan snlts; Decrease ib loans $281, INM; dsrresse tecnS6clu in spe- Couintry brinds Nxw troLXA'm, Augast S®, P. U. ?V tereoLpM. DU> Shlb* (U a$*lvAIM®. * •*•» a **» l liiti -at. Ma—vlfog i-TM—aaf l«»y-i— « foil Haiateh D-—~t Tuagi —g aga>« oodora, . ..A - 1 rebmU . Aa. Mo loUawlac rmo ore for Me porpo** of praporad. Copt. Marev was on hi* way to F’ort ci* deersost ia circulation (ti^riatrod al “MilMory laaM—— V m , — , A_ $582,000; $14,0(M; de- G® 4 csixe.— .% ver>’ light buHatiw lie® sales ta)-day of ®fi® hies at 11 for urfeau** add- Addrrta th* " * " been dona. In (*otton— . te bato tvtes mm to Otogrere tore that Dtetrtet by (mrtonlre Mr potettoa efto Ward M*aad*ateaawf. T.Ki'ia bar. Ail loMhSaabaaad b otedraard rVM Amarkm^ Lsavanworth. Dr. MiU>. senior snrgoou ef the or- craeae in daposIlB $681,000; decreeat in uuJrawn F—oklia **aaty, Ky.,” ar fttgar th« sales have only bwu hw hbds at prioM rangiog diing aad 11 '•« for new crop. Flour firm at 45 Jl f«r m* ar i tfoa. H. wn, F. DLDUnr. tVha* fortbop ipd - adduaao A MouaUad, That as (teireas ot tto Sooth, teiy, azTivnd with th* reoil. D. Asputete $1,4(1,000. aateftfjteb tewi aM.(kSra..W I from 90 for fair to strkUy i>rlm®. jgmall diatetrf— Fratedoat at M, baoid. Hohbh'a :;iaAire. Jatebnoa otootr. K ’^**eShL7M,a mXm of perfio®. ! Jnly P 11 * 7 « 1 , — T * WT T ;. ; T | . ^ 4 D . m1

the Manx SiKMiTiNO.—Information reached the city (For LouIw-UIf Jounul.] I Mr..xirA!( Ml HTANti LixiMKXT.—Frvin rich and If you wink U) i»»k« • | K. n. WAKIfKK. •HM r. WABDBJt. l 1 ,«i«r wi*»o»rrT»«bini. A Care Ibr Afttluna. Brouchitia, and Con* 1 Xl’rfU likl''DVA* " -- poor, bond free; t. 1 »l*W, morning that a man n-iniod Jatferion and all colon, iradee. aud condiUoDe of ^ if m tbe I 1 a I\ 4* ft ^<*r^ into vealerdav TO MAKIAN, I ^ lllia tlMOTTi ] SIXTH sumption in their primary stages. I EXHIBITION ~ ' - — life, we tbe — fiitlitful ol>j^ • ff» iniii- hear mme meed of praW award<*d thi* woo- I - liiai kuuinr tbo had been shot by tlirreU Sale, al-okt 10 advertiser > — I Tbixl-jn TllE-KAITUFTL.V.NUTRL't." he wai> alBietfi^d for a atunbfw of .vaaie with A CO., you derful article. BRENT, *ud Sorec healed, paioa live* WARDER, — utoouftoT ki» mixlr of cxaniminK taiaf:*. arc rpU«>ed, MTtd, T a very bad case of Aaiusat; hi* ease wm pr<'nnunced A - I milet lielow the city, cn Tnetday evening. The ICXUvuThA. triod bmen “Thou art all to me, love, Yaluabitf animalii by medic(J men incuraiife. He •Bscovered a botanical , |iertlf, tly rniitfied. Wo h«ve made naefnl, and untold Ub aamaei'd by . p'or which my heait doth pine; umtwolU oo cprvnar wa* oummonad, aad ho hold an inijiioet, the vnuaStm which cAtCed a er*mplete cure. For one do4- — t would uol MiAn- Tou to t*k» un a I ine citair* to love, thia invat medicine wlikhari* run»rieinK to the jaJmiit nt lEITiClY iCiilCIi' A* a tree, r he will C send a reeipr fur mablag tbe preparation. Ad- I Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, could «(ion verdict againat Sale, lie wa* ar- Fo ifa h.iiF-1* about H. thoai ihut, aad in lihioon niioaU-t you jurv returning a thee tvim-.'*— A'di/ur Poe. of man. Wliat family 4 retiuiri* a ataudard Llnl- To dress :t&d, dm uot Comnif-iirr uD te 1 Ith of Sept., 1858 . Hox No. PosAHhoa, Lexington, Kenineky. atton- jia>i4wp* and (but it at pfeaMrt, aad tboy will pay no euening and lo.lged in jail. iiieut? V^'ho i>f t*ffi cte prmlticrd retiod by tbo thorilT laat Lou* monlhF harp paste away, my drar. erer heard Uu* mnic by 'pilK FUllib. I'oiuuiittov ofttaeKF. Merli. Iiv-lilUtc ai* ] bor e | - tion to k. Thm « MMaetliina 'pecuiiar iu Iho M iiuu&i-r another thiwi- riu:r/r, I nf MaVi>T ^>raiui>, dl-taa,...riu.l>i.4r)- HT5 any other article? For Hnihtee, Ich4>ti.ua- end art s leain very few particnlart in regard Iai tha mat- And I liare piai-d in sadiiew. dirar, Cuta, ia becaaaa bo baa not tbo faculty RICE (tkoufA U tian, it Pince thou, » ith angel amlie and voice. HwcUloge, Atraiacd Horace, 4kc., haa uo cttual. jte. The it afraid it i* aUted, with a billet of wood in Cniiiiuiuee b.FS thsl all who feel an iut-reat in Xlot. AXAd. fitoTPoxAtlx, fitoxxtlx sldLo, aoniog). Yon can tako aa ot.jc.ot tbat bo ter. Thixtoo. ^f'ENDEKfiW the puhUe and WAanajiTB Tna i Hast £cirare af imitatioru. penainc Muetaog Uuimvnt the welfare of the city and Caa'TAi 3 made my inmost soul reiotcp. Tho of the inatitute will co-operate 1 ft i it ooIt aide, let bint e xam'jw it < a Sait to hit bourn, when the latter AMP Err& TCAL Caai of thefoUowing dtonsMei aC. taka on ooe hit hand, followod lirery vrury •o^nd^vortng to make thia Exhibition intereating and Months more maj fitJe ero thou canat come toaold by all reapactablc druff aad men in m LOUISVIlaloE, KY. 'that (ida ao^y^do not lot tbc other eya ter it; La him. ®*^®ri^®Mpcarible. Let every maxmfacturer in the city »crsfMi(J) iancfir, Piif8 aa« w4 toized a gun and th-^t To U(bt with town, pariali. ftnd hamkt throufbont N!>rth and South eontrirato , Sore Eyes, trill aide. and. at ton aa tt>a other Joy my Uincsoma home. a si'edmen of what he manafactorefi^no matter . ba brokac on one what To cheer my sad and America, Europe, and th« Ijlanda of the Ocean. Ihty at it ia— ind tbe HaU will bo fiUeil to overflowing. Tbe CH.'LL?, CHKONIC DIARKHEA. ' drnoptne heart. aye bubalda it. will be afraid actil be lookt at it sod Fair of the FaicHTrcL Taxation ok Xf.w York.— he X, K} . 8ute Agri. itoc. will be held here during hid all sorrow onoB. Beware of any other **Draf8'< Liniment.** Itiaa .:3 lancbo t it with hit Boat: thon he will bo bruk^a on And ttccoc drpart. t^ continuance onr EvMhitinD, 3YPHiI IN ALL IT3 3TAOD3 . r> . JFL JD M and will be addition- J an ' A• the 23d uy»: “The exact liguret of M.wri*os Y. TribuiM of Fore u a saint in (lory born. bate tmttation. al inducement to iiendeoDtnbutiomi to the Hall of tbe In- {Simammr M A. J A Proprletora, Odd, :4ihrer, and Bronx** Medals and Irtplomas FISTUIaA IX ANO. fiow la Taaci a Horae la FMoec You —Take him tbo city tax levy for are tbown in tba official Freeh u a dew-drop of the morn. au(4 wlm BARNES /b P.ARK, N. Y. will be awarded a« premioms. Premintn Brands for the IVitbsat umig the knife ot other poinfsl ramediM. And IMPORTER J^lSrjD r>EA.IaER 1 ST of tba hridk 4 into a laifc atalila or tfaed, take bold publicalkJi of the lawA Tba aggregate ia Thou oom'st like aame brifht star of even Western 'hewing Tobacco. Virginia de*. do., and fnt to I—awTS ths horrid eoasaqasuem og I 5^The cares made by Pyof. PtOrath with Lis or bailor with your bft band, bare a kiu^ *?' To (ive my tool a taste of Tobacco for i^moUagand Chewing, willbe given. Special ONANISM ISF,LF.POLLlTIONl. ••<>1 eight million four hundred and neienty-oot Hmym 81 premium* of flfiit an*i will in Tannaaaaa arhip after caroaoinr bim a ) ''ELECTRIC Oil/* are almoat miracnloiia. aod to won- fl->j be given f«»r the best articles lltcAX cure thero dfaroa i* Ic> BoMka.— A cannafandant or in your ri^t; No qiarkliDg orb that (ems tbe aky maniifaciurtfd. . sud hs xxows it Hm tiptl In any claw, by minors undt^r is and Id, Sfvclcllew IT th.- thfai*and ninety one dollua and thirty-one oenta, or i^.«f to ratloia hfa Motoro. ware, ' yoar band hi« ohrmldar aith derful aod In^tantaoeont, ao utiafaewry. aod ntiUfatins M of th- U(hM rhonctor for baiMilW tea honaaa. A law ritiht ow Beam* halt so tovely as thine rye; respectively-, and uo entrance fee will be requirid. wi^wianaa wKrucuone w -nu^ biui Th« Itau-mriit ..f mrh ucn u l>r. fa BrnklurldsT eitendim? back, to that you can touch iiaarly one hundred dullara per head for every voter of human UI, aa iocaU upon public fauciionarim and thoae Persuni intend lug to e vhibit are reqne<«4«*d to inform W .t^D ^v^fFtcrriEi OF Ttr^ks hbvesh, ac., ana baOd tbam.a— •»“P Na ton* in muric's half an awert .Tndgr Unhain. .ladr- lan-iii(, Jndgr Liuferwood, ganaanl dmetiana will aaabta any to ar.mnd bia hind D. M« PHER.S4)N, ^^‘c. I'aXhib Lummlttee. JuJn tba a^ip appiiad *o«tlT iuf cUarite of public inatitutk>n« fur the aick and vuffrr- JObs*on.aaiwe.Jobsffon. Jans-. I. imzker.Iiozter. FouYou Ac., in Ihe city.” At tbe eotnino U(ht Uvad of thy feet; anel9iAbdIawAweowt4l . sndand mauYmaur ooisntooooisrttoo SkJUTH SIDK MAIN STKEKT, BETWETX SIXTH AND SF.TKNTIf STRFkTN tor himaelf whether! ^ilo up «ith Buiueiuiw to nndaaaacb one maaldatonnina .Sun up a litilo. Kite him a iog to ItHik well iot4> the wwll att«^ted nifiiU. the aiiuple inraliua bm ; all of which ore -i^rc*, at mU No tou'h in alt this happy land iliue., to axouiaauuu thu—: fiitom. «-- m'. hiai eround tbo ataldo, uyic^; to b/ who ouiy chuoro to look at It Muamiutal ar alaia and cheap, we the whip, walkinc IIpm.i -p Gppiii IKii.i-\ks. The Yhiladrlphia Ic- cmiacy of thia ‘•EI.ECTIUt! OIL-** INPORM AVION WANTED. them. ha wiB bnM *>i>^eino, ThrUls Uk* the pivaiiire of thy baud ««o? call bim by NFoKij.YTIo.X fa . •><*«• Tbe Nfilea are rapidly inciraainf. Dealer! ^applied at w.nUA of rnybrullMn-. Iri.VAC HF.N- To wnre hfa ->wb full c.nfi Iruee in hfa ahilHr tn totonty 4naw»_ ,kr nrincinaU|iriBcapa» to aarnneecure methe Ii quin-r warn* tbo public againtt a well gotten up No boncy-dew, that insects sip. perf.mu tiinoc. boMinie I KY G K. tHfi F, — hn —a- bi.ra “T ,,t.BBd tbo (table a fow iu (..tuiptcr cuf.nt) . .Mo. what he pr..pr..ee to do. he Inviha Ihe pn»prUrh*r'iprireaby l*r.»f. f. lieGrath. No. Jpaontb I'Jiylith oftlictod to call an liini Is so dvIiciutiF as Uiy lip; He fa to or |i; iror. i.lft, -.B.I w a-, la-4 beunl of »• M.-bUc, him, not to be haal rambt, and laaea the daUila to the fancy af |,ia by tbo kridlo. AHor you bate trkea gold dollar of tbo liogu* kind, tbo roault of the lalior* onlr fiwd fruni the sbnrw dfartom, bat afan Htrevt, near Cbe.*Uiut. See adverUaement. AU. He U-tt .Mobile Io roiM;ianx with a man br tha- name from ..Ihers if can let rf The saints above neVr had such blis* and be taoU foil to I'L its:, ha wiU avt *ek fanildor. lacnta ice for the tuvtoer. Ton matt aiauny: and, if ho At I have drunk from bi< bridlo. tayink, ‘S’cimo thy swept kfa>, infurniattoii n.ureniiog hits will he thaukfiill.r receirrd h)r Inarmury an .YiarkM uirwet. ‘-A* rt Kti I'l THIS ‘ i beiwr«-n falxlb I.tnrrr * " M avtachuArtU. Notbiag but ttrong m-i.l will *bow hfa dfatnmo-.l brother, bj a>ldrt»-iDc Miu-li-JfavUlo, SAIJ-l. I tisa -Mruaaa-rf' i (aoii tap him with tbo whip jieutlr, and in a Miort W lies, stirred by *.>ine soft word of thine, him of aad i-eveBIh. fitlrMwIr FOR -rotlwfefa tguBSa-og Tend. (aux» .lOHN A. UFOKCL. having (J< U rmlaad to chaaflv my taea- Ste sa4 ..uMiM* oota Murk ba. Parfect drainaft far tht waate water. ‘ .ill Umi y.m went biui l» follow you; the ibeoit. Fre i.resaed thy bounding A ^ heart to mine. * tPf #w rti III ’« #» reft / t'At-rlrir OH. m. m atev CHi n*l Lsrtwrve aa th^SSmu'tZSTi^ A nowonductin^ eubatanra af net laae than 1 ' tlma iradually p* liolore him, I arc him to frdUm No Persian e'er adored a Aar, McLEAN'S .Ufa. -MMk—0*1 af Ilo(AiiuIKKIi\\ Id Lfaik>«*M, br —ar it Jumm to»» « ('» the nw'ath nf wtom-r la tW >r* around FIashiu( upon liiiii from afar; IMPORTANT TO THE -WORLD! THK P\TK\T fO.llPAXV, ti I fltilfa; ckurrkro, lolifa.Ae.; d.i. fp>m the Nrwa that a Vigilance Oiramiltoe ha* or STKEMITHE^B ORItItLaDd BLOOD -«U -tnaawtcA kr — . . - bo will uodomand nbal you want him to • , No liheher ever worsfafis-,1 fire IjwniANArfitLia, oet S:t, rfeorog la *s*k- af laMialli a. aar.a ^ deni It aacured a^amat the Iiicotporated Jnne. 1858, JS* OCT** aad a hum Mi M. Cuae dttntf daori, have ;lit to folk.* in Aal'Ie, xitor you Ui him tbo gmizoil in Shelby c. unty. numlior of Tbifl ia hi ce.tify that I , fai-ar. fiaatr l iai i-it. waa-r. A LITTU.X. 4 A thofis lA'ilh such a true and pure deair* I'ftor. DrtrRATa-/>far sSiV: X* tTTLXTTiXVnTS Saair w< ia tha i—mmA— S— «. U.. TroAmma, ,t . k—fa— . -a.. ** kKi K l KM Pat*‘iit*. investirates Patent t 'tnims. nero- paaaiiillicy of a canant af air paaaini; tbroWsb taka bim into tbo *la* Ir bu, ami barn him l« fol- have Ir-eo parthiUy that for tire or nIi ) «*ajw, and I have «i, Ar. lairruTcaMat* ao.l. Priro gx- par mar. Trniw have rop-rnlly lioou ccmniitled in Sbelbyvilio, As I adote thy beauteous yuuih. I lUtcsthe rtale of |*atcnt lUgh^s hi»th in this mnotry The Greatest hern ruml by iiiiu* apylkathtu uf laMirath'a FUertrir « HI, Remedy In tha World! to purr T-a SrarniMki. twa taa -olfe -f -s- ,*?LVRLFJ A. P«*PK. ^cu mU h—a , W D„ — * miuulor; Uu-n you can tako am! in Kurot*e. test.- the Value .>f N«*w invi nthtn*, exe- — Aa too iea. gfe- oat ..i ' led tlie And uorshlp tbe.' In faith aud truth; in prerenctMit hiindn^tLiaiid tlinttwiida 4>f |i«siple, in front proeMro Ounary atroet, ill f.d » hich ha* to arrest nf arvoral negro men riit4s< MiiciMuical and 4>th4*r Drawing.'*, TUl.-M-ordiolfadfa- c - oa - _ . a cued or and lio w fumisbes Emowv- *. to alir cfaT of the rair trronndM. M PALLx-i. M. D . U “* *** ‘'••* ••“**^ Nor saint e'er pined for heaven nbove itigs t»f .Vcw Patent*, all iiifonnatiun tilled from •' tewmmrn uml aud prrtnioiiig to > m •' ”***“*A ^ lawImt you tbm,timfv, andftnd inid aft pbonabort timolime holie will followfolUit and women, and on the preiiiimt of one 1 *. Daniel Yount truly, Wil. IkENDKlCK. m' berry i — taro—- As 1 do |dnc for thy awecl love. Pstd-ot*, but own* DO iatenst in Uwmi. '* tkt wtuim diftcallT ip !• tvemra yarn «ber«v«rwberever vfmvtm «ftnt»ftnt him U*to as<». You eboaldpboal< S of tlie i4*p|on pnqiciiy «eff*and**Je'* —— OT MtOTIa a quanUly waaJfpMind, which A *l tgcli**. M:vi-q 4 - the negroo* bad traded to him fpg w hUky. Daniel That liiru the Oa TTEdDAY, the SDt day of AagaM . Ik. **“» *• inUr.d hurt him. aad my darkni-w into da) of aa>rt ralnaoia rol. “ tht ioa to - ccrtlllea 1AM' geSL I 1—o^rira. v-i allow a camat af air, utbarwiar it wUl caaat r<» Punr. DritRAin Dear *s*ir. Tbia I have tried ^ meiticlnal ,OT(faat AmmoLm^^^ , A rnuu. . . Saria ^ •*** tooa liko to follow voa. Mou ofton ({cl and Lit wife were am-rtod, and be waa held over to Thou art to me u burnisbed gold. Pn>t. l>*'<*raUi*a PJixtoc Oil. 1 have been deaf fur five I»FF14;KR^: WM . . . V cWn>oh I barbs, sad bark. 7ZT afakUdrr. atr ronu. aa Wkfae Uror. bmt •"I rrutmimo, ijmimt tM- ’ aw to daw thrm^ It aWTHg 9 * allowtoj the aaM | Whose |>rirolr)w north yi'ara, aud has ctirvd uu*. Prtsl. Indiaae. called. to*ir hortca afraid of tlicai end koep ao, and it it an*wer. may nut be told. William Rasoa, .M. Bkmuyw, Patent R*dictu>r knowa to the ndud at —Cj Rune, ia Law rvnev eoaatv. po'nK - Vuuratmly, HENKY WOtlDS, Sen. II. E. CLirT****, rec'y. t;. W. L. ai.iv. >:ditor. *‘rednr Hhrtte." wteJiia two mflr* of the 4 AAn and Mwewu ** it,anlit, and that draw in warm air tbrenO their nature to koep out of danger ahon Ikoy aj>- Fonbodimeiii of all that's pure. Bu man^^jriK binodne.l, a|j||PF failfa'al • SOTi On Satunlay a public incoting wa* held, over Datip Millabp, Patent Ncc«»tiaur. dppi Ibulmnd and tear mite* tr«»m the New Alhaay aad fla- thia, fill tba prehead it, aftar thoir mannor of arriving at In tkee Vet aimthur^ r. U. UKWfatttY. - - tone ha in the hcMa. To |utft j c• yearfi. iK-Uratl/a feiactric Oil hft.HN TAYLOR. repair— After life's wPdeet dream has remedy far plee. peaches, pears, end plmnst —feaee* in good they attriliute tbo*e evila to the wortbleaa free nc- iwsted. All Letters conneettH) with tb** hn-*ine«M of the pa|*er ths reo- Kr3 Feee ter the Teaaaaaac, 'palltm^bercpall triM, tberc ia aomo canm for K,K. and if yoayou wwillIII these stetems the nver washing en* ride of ths term end eelirw C^ana Trllrnry family, bat m far Soatk aa I'll lay me with the And b another from the wralthie:«t DmintUt In the muft addrvwsed to ih*i fero^ of health ev. lowly dead, AmcU4:am Patint C 4 »nrA>T. K| flmtar creek the other fheth aewr-feillag straawu;, end «> 4ae ^ know what yoa want him to do. Wbou bo pou »mall No. Copartxiership in the Clothing Basiuess. BftfOfC inking aad mala boiidiags arv epoe a bluff aad aasarpemnd m Vehicle* to (lave* for Sunday excurtioo*, Is ssojk Ifttr tikin$. which gen- yielded at the call of death, I, IS from UK'ditim Nt». S, aud S frt»«fi large No. aud by* notmiUto^ point hegjtli. (aad im haawc be baik partly andar graaed by a little axcited,* atop him five or ten minute-; lot 3, ^I^IIE rNDEKSlHNED. having (omaed a copfiertoeraiiiu of m^ draw uu me lor tbe aniuuDt a** before. nrn onout. t’LtiTHINO are now rccelviog. at No. m Main any hUlow aMtCq r halldmgala*arib«daaatothaadmnaddarB Amt. I>«e. ' Neural- In the riomach. -trengthen. Mst;«A-S < toet.fctoaT^iont. hawill nine cnam out of ton. pall THLItSToN." rin-* sooth siile, lu'twern Fiflb and >ivth, large and the whole ..renniaation honte, 9i heed ef shert-hera Dnrham cattle, i flee IIAILIM 4. POPk. l«t. Tbat all white peraont, who are known to he fia, Kryuprlae, Eruption:*, Spralua, Buru-i, Fi'it.ur, Ac., ia L a aud M A.. I i*f -H-afNirald** Mcten'a struglhemiis Lvrdlal will efffctaally hnffs (one 4 end the ether 9 yvaie nidi, er M Darbem abora tho aaifaaa, aad throwing tba aaftb up I at tba word; whipping atd aiaabinc and awoaring manufaritired only by Pruf. l.'harire ItrOratli, ev*4%. couipMe >*U)ck t^lothiug. Shirts, Foderwtar. eure U habitual violator* of tlie law, by trading aud trafiie- Lirer Omididou, Dyiyei>da enivee (belli An*., to whk'h they luvile the altmtian of deair>r« |gi«lDg . Jaundice. Chronic nr Narr. eew* end hetfem, with several Dnrham ball ' ^*^7 make tbe matter morre. After von b«ve (For the LoniwUle Journal.] where knuwu aa the urifinal diacuVcTrr, at hia uld eatab- Debility. To againtotba faga,arby Uniag with afaba or bowAft. ith receiving ena Dfaroeraefthe Kldiier*. and heifer, esuel le any la flonthsra Indiann), aadflbor Jw ToAolxexrM. ing w alavcA from them otolen good*, Uehuicut in PLiUdetphU. in this uiarkrt. J. J. H.\KBIAi>N, and all debUttiM arlidn^ frt.iu a dfaurdered Lirer or Stoauoch. head ef eammoa eattle toearishaa ef wwrk enUie. miteh HEpo«roa^u^«*, JU,afal i telling them ardent tpiriL*, have DAYBREAK A.VTi *al«' uf 1*. IL\RBI;mN. Haortharn i | aboald h^ra a fiaar at tba aud each and every F.VIA'TIDR The thia great remedy haa b**en unpri'cedi'nted. -- - - Tba beam ammm, aad Inward Piles, Aeldltr nr Slckneo. sows, aad youimcaUlr>, ecnr toe d >»f yeeng *4riftv T iwsp tog f S I siiIi a woo* r-alfak AOWB, tftkftv blOB bV t faf III t hlUl WftV ftp Louisville, Aug. 17, 1^6^.>-l|l^fcw4 of the Stomaeb, Fatl- We n a a « ; tOf® fftCh tliom, bit or her real l-aat 4«r alone tivrr $:w>,uuu worth waa aold, aod u.aa n.a one of etUte appraiaed, by > wherever »• troll hogs, flwintk aboirt Jig ef she*^. e or la fiaar abanld ba emwaad w«b aawdaat day . While the bells arv tolUne H«“l. Pain or Swimming ia Ihe a flbc hmr. head tbM « fc, ran caa; pall oat tba toagao: aootho him a it w known i here It uaed. I*iircell. Liidd, A t'o., of „ Uiree dUinteretted peraont, property holilert of the llrad, l*aJpitatiun sf tbs Heart, FuUnsm«»r in Ihr scaadewf hsm, paaltry,4c. The term aleaeite eoaoUt eg Up In en-ry steeple, lUchmond, la^t year iMiUfihtuver i^l.Stiu worth; Wid^t atraw, and tha iea will kaap h attar If the aaly f little; aaroin bim; Ihon atop Imfore tho lialky boro*, Itamea A rtlmwh, floor Peme-tattott*. rhskfng sv everything epea e farm, wagea, bereos. i wheat connty, and that the value thiM found be paid them, of wtirtb; flnflbeadng fccii O ye de*olate iHxi|ilet Park, New V«rk. i|S.tOu th th 8. Hanee, of Kal- other atari fint; thoa take bim tene, a hetw-pewr, ikrseher, plewa, harrow, caMivaters, WILLIAM VofaMA.'*, aaunaaa Mdo ia fiaar Tht leaf ahaoM be ^ you can and Dotice given them to remove from the county tiomiy.uver 4.utai: J. D. Park, of t'mcinnaii, $1,nuu, aud A Rj-cw, Night Inward Fsvvr’t. Pain In the flmall sf roller. 4e. Lirob.r C ’•«*• A Itlky bona Halm ayabn.Hi other larye Druffi^ all over the L'nitk'tl rtlatea. g, t y. w u in twenty lUyt; and thorn who own no real etUte, ite Back. Ghmd, aw Aide, he seld ia pameU if teivg fl. *”" ******* ^“* * "to **•too • tba,to. With the moruing vapor a'imMvd Fhishn sf Dnprvn- Trrma—The term wW pw Raymond Patten, axenla. No. 74 • —,{f,to.l, ad atari* quick; bat bia pull out bofmo A Fonrth at., opuoalte Straw and Corn Stalk Cutter. *M»ii of flpiiit*. e«|Bal lie nolitird to laava witbu two day*. Frightful Itreazu*, | .* ngmr, Daspondency, payBM^als eas iaarth ia tea days aad the reetdne la All doubt arises, National Hotel. />oa*f mtafoAa tkf number. ^"taar. . tba othor aUrtc; by atnnding botoro him tbo othor my oranr Nrrroiie Di-—ae. Son...- on the Skin, ennaai paymeate with iato rvit mcnrvd hy eoteeeada»<>ite TCUHEIS WLITEP. 2d. Tliat the tamo courae lie punutd with all vi- feh IH d:lawAweuw ly MniAm and Frorer and .tgue tor ChiUa aillo aurte. too. By dm aiqiliiatMui of tbit rule you AU my dark eurmlsns; aud Ftwer). It wUl afao Ta baM aa ioa haam abova gronad got the | ck>Q*, idle, and vagrant five negroet who are living euro Diroaer. ot the Bla-lder and Womb, ito-h aa .-tenunal haiiitaally in yinlatioo of law, by tradiog with JElm. Weakoeae, Incoattaano. of Criae. .-ttraaewery. InAamma- “• r-0“ ~c . f- Even the dense It- - -~ I JTh~i.i. ..-.m.bo.M exhalation tion or Weaknero of the Womb or Hladder, Whites, ^ I tlavet, and receiving ttoleo property thoni, Ac from or • atadt sido af the board domly bath ALARMING aa aacb dBa. ap | him to tha empty magoo, and po’ll it around Kurmountetb, and overroUeth. SIGNS OF A SICKLY SUMMER. TkeTritmo MiMate ehowftf.-Thfa t'nnlial will wersr 'Hte farm aad nock wMI he shown to aay perma fiwhrtag ?V. fe ksii n]. br .aelliiig to them anient tpiriu, or by harbonng -ilols%^**"*L?I* *T5 fail to cure any of the ahure d—m.—. if toksa *er dfeaefaoto te see them hr peranne en the term. Peanwmea after flrsi »»kifaa^ TW fareii-g oAot tamtatoaida and ant, aad dll tha apaeaapace hatwaaa with char- awhile am levellavtl gronad; thon put on a little load.load, Tbe very bell that tuUetb! ^^liK Slimmer and Fall of a ill be niark*‘d in th a atave* oo thoir preiniaea. on each bottle la nermon, Engifah, will he given te salt parrbesefe. ft recorda dS4wld Iiymuun. tmum whh•iak a. fiaarm^ BO^ iai. tham. athar cam; oowm tha botaam Ij against ail penona w ho are peniiitting aervanU to in their moot ,ijtomt trooUiog vou. Vanfahea from etrimt entire rotfafectloa. Wh.i, then, will tefer weaknem hire tbmr own time, or tbemMlvea; that onr senses. malifnaut and violent forma, will prevail aaepidemica id tnde and or debility a heu JtcLemm'. tUreaytAemtau will to tha depth af at laaat a foot with aharia^, ma. ! When tba dear day commences. i^lioiia of our country that have b^n deluged by tbe late CaedieU j Committoea of Vigilance lie appointeil to have the cure you7 Uctoae iba (.owtir tlowUenaa.] oveilltminf of rivera, crecka, and bayoua, aud drenchad daat. laavm, atraw, ar soaaa other parn m aaaoae* I lawa enforced, and to rcmonaireta with all peraona by the rxvnt heavy ralna. To TUB Lapim— o yon wkh to hs hsaltliy and sTrangt Comiox Salt A( A KicitTiLlziat. But, the solemn starlight t sure aud get sums of McLean's fltrsj dote aad cavm with baarda efaaalr fitmd bdwe i —The Annual of who are Uiu* viulatiog the law. VKLLtiW FEVER, TYPIHHD Fl*r\'Kr{, BILIObS Soaatific Diaoovefy FEVER, FEVLU AND Atil'E. fONUESTl It will Hritigthsa aod inrigorato yonr ' aiii-^ - far IKid coauiaa tba foUoming 4th. Aud we wonkT fartbennore recommeud that The tip of the dry laud bnraeth. VK FEVER fiUiag. Into filtmg thatoa mamai. packumA tbatto waiiiMi «rom dvcoiupuidtion uf %*ef- w 01 make hcaltliy Come* hstek to lu with klsnes •table other alter. them . faL and rwhcmL De not ^ oommnoicalod to tbo Umdoo Yhilooopfaical 5th. And a* there i* contidorahle complaint in re- . or decompos'd In onr honthem and W mwdaal or almw i S?** a OMMusnl—Uy iL aad ynn will hs sonrinesd. • papar ^ exparimenu gard to the nale of.alolen produce and miukcting, Fi)Rf;EYTIIE Weatem Matfi'a we mav therefore eipcct the prevalence m . . . undertaken to aa- by WILLSON. ahnpla. , ; , ^ a I epidemic malarious dtaeaA*« in one or the other of the It la DftLji K>ira Tii Txjul— Every conAry marchant A hamd boom made by aatuag atada ia cartain the rwUamaie at the action siai-e*. to the citizeot of the town, we would tug- aboald not leave the of inlt in iacrcao- above- named forma; and in order tliat the poldie may pro- city until h«* ha* proeurfsl a manly of Itff'Mr. P. McLean’. tha grain il aad boarding ap aa the maidr of the I tag the fcrtility of certain landt. have »tt that no owner of ar.y tidve permit bia slave to Wm. Johnson, of the laiwer Pontla, vide UiemaelveA with the proper lueana to protect theu «ye. .-Unugtheuiust'uedUt. It mlfa ragidly. becaiiar We not italwar.rnrna kenu ftfalnet audden altacka of dia*aaeeuf any kind, A liorrol dfacuunt wOl ba mada le those kaap iea qailt well B»<>le Mr. Xorthcola'a canclu. briog any produce or marketing to town, without a brought us Y-esterday some fioe siwcimant of millet, wo made win V made dam and the •f*®* *!!L^***^; notify the p»-ople of the who hnr to *11 again. The laeult* then that the citizau of approach of thesa* maladicw. lu I. which we muet arrive at written oroor, and town pnrehaao • .vrTIit.N.— Ib-waro af or iceLra w|*W^ aaiToaadodwiiwinmiHil with —A—. aa„ it „i,. raised by bimalf. They ape nearly (even feet in Kadway*! Ready Kelief you have the preventive. \Vith dn-sa-u deolera who may mwdad amlu from try to )«lnt ^ toat apricuhoral aalt ia a moot energetic ab- ao commodity from any slave without tueb written thie Reinedy, liuwewr vi*deiit and iiialifnaut, iufectii>u< nimu yen -.me Ifitter or Ssta>i«riUa trash, length, and the beads five or aix iuches. which tltar con cbea*. *Aa ddm. aurhent of anmooit; liatb in virtue permiuioo or order from the owner of said slave; Mr. Cray- aod deathly may be the character of tbe difieaae, it cannot buy hr raylug fa fa jnal aa gm> 4 . ; of ita chloride AroiJ *005 lianu yun. teaa|K>oufiil 4?f thia men. ,\dt for HeLtan'. .StrcivtAciwiig Car- a «>*«« »«d of iu aoinbla limo-aalt, tod tbat all which it leanectfiilly auhmitted. croll, from whom Mr. .Johnson obtained bis seal, A lile-prutecUnf Remedy, . 1 ..,,.,.^ ..A i tbo dM.and ti^imtbing efae. A-awm, T.Mxqr»aa^ A fa^ ofrf Shelby drank in a little water three or four time! (ht day. will ««> It fa the only remedy that of tho Utter eapociaUy W. D. Bow'I.axii, will (•nnfy the blood mom powerfully 1 aowed one butbel of aeeil lut year and raised forty- fortify the etomacb againat Uie iofectiu«fi faiwa of tWee fe- thoroughly, and os the roiue tisM coaaty u Uftomed that he caa ahtom the apparataa I afiacU its •trragtbm the aygeni. actioe; bnt, at the tame Uine.^ agency .ToHN lioRI.NKOX. vera that yon are aa aafe from danper a» tbouch you were first premium awarded by the U. S.AC.RI j one and a half btubela from it, and kept his horse* One t a hlonfiil lokai *••• xA ttex >® he altogether Tikis. IlANsnuoruH, V breatbiiif the moat whole««me and Invlforatina atnioe- R.\I, looT. ererr ntoralag (taetiag) la a cer- he waata af Mamta, Pator A Boehaaan, af thia dtv. a permanent one; it Committee. CTLTI SoCDrrV. AND .\T ALL THE tain yrerentire , all winter upon the grass pbere under th** run. Kadway'a Ready Kelief liaa been ERF. for Cholera. Chill, aad Fcrer. Yellow ' will ooUact the ammonia, but it W. H. SCEABCE, or sulks, which be found STATE FAIRSVnt IT HAS BEEN EX- J U quettionable In the Ferer, or any lewralral dfanow. I proved, Yellow Fever of D5J, to be the beddlrin- HIBITEIL fiai aar or * whather it Price only HoBaa-TAMiati.—Taa Sew Turk Tr- h can retain foe any great length of time, Tiios. J. Tiibouf, j better for them than timothy. We can aee no rea- f^ectant In ni«e. If any of ourreadHra are ao unfortunate gl per b-ule, or MX botUssfor fiL mm J. II. Mi-LKAN. S*ile proprietor tbe « hecamm, in tha very deoompowti'ioa which ar to be afttioted any Freer. t'kiUera. Flax, or Daa- w-M. of CordlnL hunt pnbliahm am afaharata ami laliabU ,f ! happen in Romarfct were made by tevcral persoot, when the suo why millet aboald not be one of best the very enferp^either Congewfirt. lufermiYfenf, frr 7;e- Aleo, McLe-aa’s Yrilaaili (HI Linfeasut. A- -A - *" render tba aiamonU more ^g-lAberal ilucouut to f)ettien..St If. V - — tr-i aui>U, mIu are repirt was adopted. Remtly Earay a of Tianuag aad Canag Ticmna crops for stock that our farmers ran pouibly raise. wi^fca/^lU’lvay*a i;clief, aided with l(adway*a (^Principal depot on the coraer of 'Third aad Plae tohich have a direct eonnecU->n with fS. B. tendency to lilwnte am- < In motion, it wa* further ReenlaUirr. will In a few houraaireat tbe vWlence and dan- N Csimx. theownrroftbejm- rireets. SL Itoufa, Mo. Bftrwft. Aflv ikftC tkm Uw kipHwt i» MOBift from iu more tixtd What other will aff.ird ao the dbeaae, yon. I tent right fur the I Kited Stater, we are oow mannfoc- aak- [ cambtuftUuoft. It mftv, /irjutnJ, Ihat the following pernons lie, much nutrimeot feem tbe ger of and moo enre rifFor in Loufarllle by BELL. TALBOTT.A Ca, and they tnrlDg thfa crlebraU-J machine inthfarilr. Orderrioli. retain it Sprioser A Bro , and Raymond Pntten. tha ualiallia priaeipla, aad dmt the boaw ia gov- however, quite long enough for ngricult’m acre with so little lalior to COMMON D1HEASE8. A g are hereby appointed a anniuittee to carry out the the husbandman? cifefi PETER A BL'LHANAN. joly? wcowim ‘hare DIaearer meb fti* /{hctimofijrm. GotiL Sria/t.'O, JiineSl deowAwcowtm 4-4 ofwed by hamlact. which odmkt at a amecaaalaX nn- P"T^i I**"!** «« leady to foregoing resolution*, and to ascertain all infractiont »vraL Maiu rL, Loufarilfa, Jty. ^ looeive It, iU aUtc of gradual liberation gia. lieadaekea, hirtuema. Huehof mood to tho Head. mav lie f> r A’atioutd aal to toa imAllAaMaA k fa mmiA of the laws tpecified in the report of the commit- CoaveatUm of Geraraat.—We see it stated pemtohat iMalligaaoe, a ia aaid. tha moat BHiooane**. i'koiiee^ Toothackea, Croup, Whooping- LOCUST Timber wanted. O^XJTIOKT. them advanUgeout poaahle; amf to tfaii tee, viz: K. B. innlock, \V. D. Bowlaod, \Vm. tbat extensire preparations are making in New Cougka, Jii/tatnmahondf the hotrelannd Lunga. Sud- FKI'Tr, in large and <*mall tinantities, PewMea ef Ikr tforar Taaaar aadijugntiag oeaclaaion nil experimonta oo tiic rwin from fttn —la tha large scale appear 0yifcuL S.MITH’S TONIC SYRUP. appeal to bU Intel- to tend. It it described aa aa ex- man, Jat. W. Hickman, Wm. Ilantbrougb, Samuel ach. uf for it In caslj (tamful, dt bilitatiof ' •dt***- *h*' ct“ a^y be dawa eaUant dieck fica. and other , and eoteebiiuf mala- augl.*i N?;w by a phyaiual opon- to the too forcing power of gnano; and It. tVrigb*. city, to be composed of delegates from tbe vaiioas w2m W. A. RTCHARDSON, BnlUtt *L ,4 SMITH’S TONIC SYRUP" hariag USely McWiHiam*, L. John Wm. JohnsUm, dier will run riot thruugbont the length and breadth of the tim. It ia aa aadi ted fad that fromt Mr. A \ maJs its appearance In this and In some ef ths neigh- ^m Cat battle* af all p litml't experiiuenl we aee that it either Jamot In their iuo«(t violent Also UL.M and ELM TIMBER niitobk for Hub*. W. Crawford, John Morria, John Hall, SainT German emigration aocietiee tliroughout tbe Union, land, attacking formr the agt^, mid- boring citM!s, which, irom its elsae resemblanes in ths sias aakmala (ancopt MKh aa are garaUhad with horn*) peaveaU tha too rapid oremacauti* «/ the dle aged, and youthful. But againrt theae which W. A. IL j latter or K. Middleton, W. Sooct Harliiton, H. C. Ulfutt, UU. in* and «nai« and marksou the b*>ttls. label on the holtke,e«>l- T. te abject Iwing to urge the enactment uf laws for xa fangbc by feixing oach other bar tha throat. •>««( up the ammooia aa ta diet ro much pain upon tbeir virtimr, Kadway'a Ready Re- *ir of the flyrtip. drc., A I h fanned. Aa a ma- K. Oxbran, SVm. P. Smith, Walker Daniel, Joneph \VANTED— Local aud Travrling AgcolM tostigagein a may bs rsndlly taken by an fa^n- lief will In a tew momentr nmH>ve the tii«Mt 1 erce and tor- for tb*> dw that haa biaa that held liy hit I far tbe lietter protection of emigrants. The convention vv tkiu* bnyev true 'flmlth's Tosie fly run.** madai srig- tnUgtuin far nure growing crept, all experience and all tlieo- I. ll'iy, 11 Bliley, THonvg-VNgiLint/ and Icatfimafe busimw*. This U a Uonlon I/igan, B. M. Hall, tiirluf iNtinr, ami, if ured lu connoctiuo with Kadway*! hially In UUs cHy over twen^vytarsago by John ^iih. a faw_ mtoafea, ao l oing rare rliaucr* for vncrcHtic young to from J. ralaaaad, it ofton aa char- i retical conaideratiaba tbereforo ibow it is to ( men make #V» to to be the. (iaorge W. Wells, John 1 .. Clark, John P. Alien, commence on the 1 st of tetober, and be contin- ulatom, tfpevdlly a cure. and s4 nt» so tavornbly IUU per month. For paitirulari*, vurlosr ganips ar^ ad- and vidiely kn«fivn m a raaaedy anghly coarod that aa humaa artafioe can iadace xott walaaiilt; liut, when chill* him <-mpi«ied'to mix with II . H. Hancock. CHRONIC DISFoASKS. for and Fever. We beg to gi** a dsserlptisn of itin ued for three or four days. Jrem C. 11 . BRADLEY' * t't>., •" aama raaiimt anrqaal caotoat. ia manure beapa which have to <*tich way that those who wish ts purchase the original arti- ThU tho atand for" conaiderAlde < In muticn, it waa snggeated to the commitee to Thore who are ro unfortunate m to be afflicted with )ulyl 4 wIS Atkinson D**poL N. H. cle dutinguish ths K'Xdida upaa which borm taming ii period* of tiam, theory Chronic dlaeaav, Lreakinga out. running .Sorm. may between two. fconded. . would pronounce, as pinc- convene at the Court Honse, on Saturday, the 2Bth Hu- y/«iy rmd Cattle hiieeue . A fatal iUsea<x AND SuiAB Crops.— be linaDcial ediUir on* day, and a neighbor cleanred from Itr Huiuur«and the nyrU-m ren«>% ate«l af Itr and ronnleriVit*. It hears mand laachi^ the animal to Ur down at and oa^bt to receive anr bid- f their aUcutioo. 1 here i* no mayliiwl:) M. MY >;10K A CO., Lynn, Mass. tills capclon: '^flmlth's Tonic flymp or VegstoMs Fabru of his impuritU'a by lUdway*r Renovating Rerolv. nt. ThU Rem- of tbe New Orleaoa IHcaviuie aaya in that paper of aix. In tlie latter coanty tbe cattle disesM fugt." Then conics tbe caution, and edy Ir a quick cure f>«r the atmve-nameil direawr, and It ir than tha fnc rimile rrmiener *igu.vtnre. **Jne J. ffnihh. Prnprtrtor.** rf m eahdaed eoaditicn. Euglaad, the salt uted for agrk’ultural Friday: has also made its appearance, and a nninlAr of the only known Remedy that will couipb-Uilv c r^icate 5,000 AGENTS WANTED! ^ purpose* Whilst the points of dtAnvnce arv vnfltoiently marked -• r*iqa»iikf CdrttAo cows have been ariously affected. Ff^O sell four new invention*. reniier this Th^ rrop U mUroctiiia mora ftUeii*km Tbe remedy of mbf-iikn. perron** afflicted with Vrofiila, Kite, lhliir, or Af*mts have made over notks nnnearMar}' to the trade, therg are ytl aaomaM'rjako a aiet JadgateM to•• knewRH«tr ly. Mr.mr. JohnatoaJoanatoa list aov ft gS&.uuu uu oiM?- -bidter than all other siiullar accidentally) so striking . whaawlmu he hat aeversl lime* latelv alludedaliudtd thoa an r <*ther Mih^t. 1 1 ha« couiii»enoed nrririttc In a*:»&riM. (perhaps nmny points of resem , VT -’'J*— washing the mouth was resorted to with succeu. I*** ~***chahod NfficteMlv. a* there I t.:. uftnUUfp, tlmiiidi Id coo«P|u«*nrt‘ aickiieM S«‘Dd four stamps aod get pawi* I'artlcular*. qratl*. l^nc- between tha two as ts render this aantion nscastory ia a bare puaaibilitsntaAiliiUt* *•te the beaencialbewencUl elfectsegsets of salta.Ii u|ioo hiski. faiiua-'.- in bit of the recripCa Renovating Kerolvent ia ured. ^ *“* 3o not oDino fnraard m fm-lv v wm* fxxiccted Thewt^ib* nlyffl wit* KPIIKAI.M BROWN, I.owell, Ma**. for our interest* aod for the b»-neflt of tha poblia. ~ “ifix fiX total thaa waald be gaod far bin. oorretpoodeoce |•ol 4i*brd in your columns. PKLPAKK TO RIISI.ST THK PBdTlLE.SCE. In the **r haa arain cleaned off b% and lackinf will Thk Ui'LUKoL'oirs Hill Tcx.xf.l.— he Eliza- Whether or not M* me*, flemtur 4 flmlth, la thw copy- **’’*** t'f* eX natfactiy nov ,* Pf fauuliar with a viciaity at the salt work*, ar’ilc is a«ed at prtnvwi with will great number of I}h>« who dkfruni i>ertilential du* ing U*a artkiv ia the points named, using a n.i>- rnsat rapKlitr. Thip im k ft U‘ CDHtmU betbtowu Democrat has tbe following A Sonth-Dowus and Bhort-Hotna and in what may toreaw t riiher to t interesting an* aiitldeoly rtoUvd lu the uigblor they torapp^ aad ihnisriog drawiag to a considerable extent. “Second quali- ail Hvt«r Um< ruiiiitn*, arbUnt last ear ft did ant b*f{n uutU earer when leaat ex- !k‘ claimed by aBt>lher as hb tra^fe nukrk,**flmith*s Tonic ^ pect attack are unpiv)rarei torerl/t the find beingthearprutiriate * tlie uh of Sf'tdetuber. and n'dhuis but au and attack* IT -quon flyrnp,'* we tnove t« Mr. flmttb. who now away from ^*??**^ **°"* “ “ sricsona) described ty” ef tah—that i*, damsged or ilntv Ten* nnuarkabl^i particulars of tbe (>rpgreta of this work on tbe Lou- r^Tnrmtb b salt it car- v*'atht*r ihriir deadly foe. It therefore of the gri»atert HK^g^-or ilelirerr. I now olTer •ole --ilinT; tbK m erdtoary doritia the Utter part ot ortoHr mud ne«rl>* the uf b impor- (ur fltAr 4H home, to tost la the courts on hbrwtam. The mami phnsn ea«m, wUl ptasrc thocarnfal. ! riad otf for thia purpose by the wagon load. I whole of Norrmbir, brnuidit oat tbe crop po Tlie ad* isville and Nashville Ilailroad: tance to thorc who doaire to live tbrongh an attack of thi* mfnm a .pleuitid lot of thorongh-br.Hl of tbe iine^tioo we leave with tbe taadc atul the puhllr, ** _ •'ho have - have heard gaod rantn'se ve now «utrt with Is kind, whether Vhdlera. Yelioix Fever. ,Sun Stroke. Congea- South-Down 1. tMB.-i aud Sburt- rf fX where are willing tt . *“i*^.'“"** owasd a Uraieri say that tbev got two or tbat even in the event of an The whole leugth of this Aupv-ndoua work (tunnel pro- AAmMOA we te rcet without furtiMT nutter ftom **, “•* *hey are experto in bit ataa- three natbeli at barley for early frust. my tb«' 9Uth of Octnlirr, we ran make a ertip of tiona. or BroiHFcPcr, to have Kadway'r Ready K>*iict and l.o.ui-a CATTLl-:. Ad-trewi me at tb.- KolUof llarru.1* n*. YVlLflON 4 flTARBIRD, each bu.-bel of taU pot creek, to wliUfit if it sliuuld bold uff to as late a hc!guiaU»n> ready to ure at any toouicnt. The«e KemtHlier, or apfily to me at tbe Traneylrania Farm, .lefferwo may^ d 1 weowSm Agents. «“•»»», Rtony prsdataiohal an tha growiag crop, when bouom partially takt a ap; leaving Atv f.wt y-et to drift, and Oenemi from six to ten iactos ]ieri4>d aa rear, we have tak4*n when you fee! unwell or In patn—dthiT dlght or vio- tountr. Ky., on the rirer, milai ahure fa.nBvIlle. UA may a rrowUi ef fully S.4 Ai.OiW which the rontructori luipe to uccompUsh In Ax mnutlio. *M ^' •••** partie* to atteaqit hit m height. Fruan experim-.-oU cooducteil atid ui'waids. liut ib«*r ale rafruiatioos lent will inrtanUy chock and «top the progrear of the dir- •ulfwrtw P. S. 7 under uiv mre and pb keeper, l*lanU*r. E'armer, 8Mpiuart« r, and. In fact, all hav PIIIfaADKI.PIlIA. hor^U^itot. potoilde prevantivc far the ravages AU that the eon* old timbers whieh had heeu iwcvioauly used for temporary of woniit likely log charge of others, keep a rupply of Kadway'r Kea4ly Re. Bcncroical Jnatitution. N«ure wjtD tm ftcisaftl bur)sMee. Thi* trash having remained so long immereed ff her»‘hy girrn to all |M*rsons lob’re.sted In the««*tUement A aatabUahad by eperini amdaw «m ioio a to mar crop—tlie «irc>worm ia corn, RugiiiaPiri*, Re*>olveikU in tbeir hotiree. for ex- * lief, aud Aairai.T I of tlie e*tat4> of ment Jar the rHief the aick and aiatreaaed. ctofc toftOa, Bito in water caused whst iiiliien term black dump." Tlie WlLLl.tM Klt.'HAKDStrNedereasetl. gf af- plMty Iktar the aMpte—and the doubt they will do ta pakt APraoAOti 1 fXacarca q/* the fer- im— w»»nfift tliat attack caMiam aiid No wMiie harm in ci^Uin lomlities. geuerutiiin of gaoiv. in other word*. produced u uoxlotuair av4B4>N ko— tNo»f that oo the 7Ui day of xfl.*pc«inber. at my ollkx, in the Jlictad wiUi ViruUnt and Mpidamia diaaaaaa. ** ptoferahla. It the eateniUlar nntid have bueonie a eery dtffi'ivnt in- ribie and fatal character will i'Ccroil; but, with tJieae *^* U the ttrat pUee I aokma in held ralu^atioa. CaKfullj which prevented furtlier progrew Iu ebaft Nr. g uu'll tbe town of Muoffirdvi'le, Ky., 1 BliaJl sit as a nioriaJ commk all persons afBteted with flexunl Dtseaeas. 7i“* conduced re«t i«ecure. O such ns enpM up the U£t 1 ikith rt fr«at Urttain thorunghly iJeaused out and ventilatiou appointed by an 4»rtler T flPRKMATORRHFU, SEMINAL WKAKNFroSfl, IM- ebow that :.alt nipv bot ffUBAilnr uf Uik There are uo reuiedier know u to Phyi4cUnr that the pub- nivlelutlie case of ^ »*• —-cured. That I* now accimpUshed. and notliing —s-m* In Dmrr Kob»rts and wife vs. WiltUiu PUTENChro DON. RRIIEA, GLEKT. SYPHILIS, the ^ pennaneDUy aacar^ Thao be apreid u|>od Lmd to tbpexteot ofaixt<«en \\> b«mr ttimt tbr rmlub wf tbo Imoi two daym lic, af a general rule, can rrly u»K>n in the fitcceawful in-at- l>u*>befp have |w«iwd the way of the enteriirieing runtracton who have this iu ICichardaon's iMrir*, to audit amt state the accounts ol the VTrs* of 4»N AMfl.M.er flKI.F-ADC'flK, Ac. Ute a tiraad Amp and hm*kla aad of iiNtti4*Tifto bi'iwfit to the Mi^mr cmae. Ukcnt or inf ti«ins and maiarion* dioHAMCw. Kadway's pMa it aranod iae par acre, liefore h Ife^np to deatrov vecetatioo Tho)’ could uot rliarg.-. Tliey cuiitoundat.: coiupletiuc the whole work in adiiiiiiiroirator aud take proof of claioM against the cotote, The HOWARD AS.flOl.TATlON, la viewer Ihe awful jnat bach Umvi* cuu*e tnore o|*|K»rtuft«d>'. The piftut l« thriviuc lti‘arcvciiUvc« at M tba jaw bane. Uraw the atrapaa «nch; l»«t thre« baaheia per acf« ia pefhapa^ twelve month*. Too much cannot be uuhl for these gentle, which time and plac«7 those iotensta'd can attend, u&t deelnietioD of hunma life caused by flemnn) Diseasea, and l^rire ntffooaUy. atti ftr of lofociittus and malignant Fevers, meu. « beu we Consider tout they again/t are proof, and file tbidr claim* If th«*y ihink rmiier. ^ pom^, ao tifjht m to alwaat anwft aa application aa tn have prosecuted thie ex- the di*eepfk>ns praAiced upon the unfiMtunate riethns ef tbe ; ordiaarilv needed, ffxed fact*. Remedies are sold by J^^”a U-nelv.- work far nearly eleven almost K. K K- l>rugirlsUand aiigls W3* w. Comm*r. dbiiascs hana » The ^uap mouths upon their R BROWN, such by Qriacks, several vmn ago dtreeted Ihidr mmI mU "•*be bBckled, I• "an ooDtMhsts0Q»iwat»i, ina^that, aa aj^ukarea^^rw'tiitnre ioto tbiatfaie SPKKfi own rMourcee. and McrcbmDtsevrrywhere. ^ HKK OK TIIK NA)N>|JDr>K receiving from tbe tbe 1 ^ a SUU»uu KmPRKoR A!fl» (JomiAny baud* uf ConsulUag flurgeun, to a wortl^’ n.iHrtbail LJiii TTTS Ia- CH.\R TAHLe .\CT ef held m ChmdBB po^tmeW)4tlaa to —^rtmtrP.Ol riippht^^ bock.i.^aaie approachea thetkm d«..wWn. toT al d* . a. tlie connty of Hardin therefor. It lUDWAY A CO., New York city. . dimity of a nciebce, wa* Inevitable that thie tbeir nafne, to open tor tbe aae of aalt PmscK Aijiickt ATCliFJiBe Bank of a'ription of their condition, age. occupntton, h^ts of life, ^ sufiocaiw* ; tha vsios iu hi* baafi srill *wail; bia I 00 fanrd tbe line-of-battle ship Le Kretagi.e. to reward them arenrdiug to the stlpulatioDa of their roii- Ifouisville, isMied on ttie :Bst of \4>vt mber, and nam- 4e.. and. ie ewsm of sitfvme poverty, to FCKNlflH M£D- •aaa laa**•** Ihmr1 fire:fin-; hishi* knewkneaa tattertaure anA Ire-ore. I llriwa IIomao Tk. .. truct. We know tliat nut a siugle ben-d 14Bf, in the name of Thor. c. Wood, was ion or aa4 bfa-ma* Mn.a nv*. Hnmn —Tha mulv, in •emre part* of Tbe Kniprpir, in propteng tbe Wallb of cmuidaiut should now Mound City, Illinois. da- lClNK.flFKKEOFt HAKtibto itbneedlem to add that ^ Her Ma- be uttered as to the f*eneral inanagenieut nroyed to hdiig tma-roitled by mail fmm I*hiiadeh>hiB, of the r.ssp. leit weak; a to^ vartifo will anaae, aad gradaally tha ooaatry, ia the AtoorialioD commaLds the hIgbeeC MedtenI skill oT the | taking tliv |Jace of the kru-re, to a jesty tbe .1 nf pa., to and Kn, Family KngUn.l, made a we think that merit should, ut all times and tmder all cir- HE fifth rah* 4>f |»t* at public anctioo In thia growing BarbnurvUle, Kf. I b«reb»* give notice that 1 will age, and will farmsh the I*T Ifackifig meet approved modem treat- him armtad Ui* ! great extent. aad,U uur farmers wooM m.k« cxii.r- •pack, in whu'h be said: “1 am happy iu lieenable.1 rumAance*. he rewarded when it fa cniwistenl ao to do. ft city will tak4‘ p'«ace on the ilbl aud 34th of Hepteinla*r make apidicaUon to tbe Rrard of Ikrecton of the Bank of m* Dt. •W <* h» > ** la uaeala We r.sle over Uie hill yiwtorday, utMin tbe following tenu'', to wit: Ooe-f<»urtii IsmisviJle. Kentuekv-. to ieuie amiUii-r certificate ? , which to find the relative value of the tuo. they to express tl>e and It wa* with the next, rash in fi>r tho The iHreetor*. on a review at the past, teel awrid that seniinient* by wbicb 'l am actaatetl *amcstork. pi ali au K a^ a^ toattor te push him oa hia aids, would adopt tbe greatest difliculty one of the lurgeA etigiue* cuiild rrn*. hand, the balance lu LU^ equal anuiut) paymenU, bearing DtriillEKTY' WIIITR .Vdm'r of their labem In this «>here of bcoevotent eCort, have been . aule to a much greater extent t ban upon tbi* oc-mion of tbe Cjoees'a viait to CWrbourg. with two loaded aud a few empty rari. -n iuU-rert from date. auglsw*>» T. C. IteceaskNl. aboald ba ivlossed. ' Wh we cuneider WOOD, •f great benefit to tno afflicted, copeeiatty to the yenog, Now pet aad they have dona horetofure. Wa should trv to hare Tbe facts dj indeed that the exfietise etc., rrt him al>M apeak fig tbenuelyes, and prove of oIBn-ring a tiaiu like thi* ia e<|iully as The location, advantager, of MOt-ND CITY* are and they have resolved to devote ihrmsatvae with renewM t*^r toiant^ whaa, in aaaat Ihaat animal* which will cost tlw much as a lull train on a moderate grade, the generally known to the public that It is deemed unnec- least for reisiw that the bottile paasioo*. wbicb were excite by necessitr of ao MIHaES and HORS S. seal to thb very important but much despim d ranaa. instanra*, ba wiU be tnMnad. It ia only rompietiug tbe tunnel tliruugh .M uidnmgh's Hill I* doubly ceerary to say more In this notice. We would, howuver, 9 in extesae and keeping, and do tbe mb«tome of the flexnal *• arhich * bettor plan to learn .. ^ than te txiierieiKw of tbe far- iNtuntrio* of tbe desire of tbe people to rwey. Iiavin* Isen there so fns|iiently, and tak.-n some C«d. K. I>. Taylor, 4 thicago. Ills.; WoCLD call Uie attention of wi-stem^^ remain at . by the ConrouUing flnrgeon, whteh will be sent hy trouble JiV.-Yi.drt>veni to tbeir IJvery and flaJ<* fltahl«M, ** acoonnt at aert, through the I to enlighten uur—dre* upon the suhpvL There are K. Jamef, ML Vernon, Ind ; i? te second agricultur; papers. I tLioI fieace. I basre, tliercfore, (be fond hope tbat if any K Hrlhiid ef lamiag. tnnnei- uf greater lenj'th iu Virgiuia.Jiut Isoiiir; yi^\^wh»re they ar^ fuily preJ•a^‘d to afford Vmp No haete caa «S'«:taally raaiat = Balse are prefarahle to bor-os in if Ibechararterof F. Haruhardt, F.«)., St. receipt of TWO ATA.M l*ff for postage. several re*nect*; sUeiopt were inaile to res ive again tbe rancois of a the roe* ample accommodation* to stuck droveiv the through w hich they are |N>iifonited, is etmeldete T. P. Avdilotte, f> 4 .. New urlean.*, tafTHifa eCnto at bemg chc*ad. 1 Addrvw, for Report or treatment, I>r. HRORGKR. C.AL* . They are maefa m >re ea-ilv kept than horve* fiwnier |>iri.sl, such attempt would lie foiled with there is Iml oue, (tlie Blue Ridge.) whieh hue proved M. Mnudy. Pbiladelpbi^ on the noMt riwsoiiablo Wmis. It tourt u IBrl’N. r msalting flurge«>n, Howard -Vssoeintion, No. 9 be onaata^v fawn* to mind that They eat greater TIh'v hope, hy i*. Md that tha I theniarlvD* oa wild pa^dure^n ill auod harder trr.xf. fipd br yonder breakwater sibicb at Ibis muiiient Ky ordt-rof the IRrecton*. The haliaAing of fifteen MoMTuowKftv, z\i.ft.,.lnly o«i, l>vV. anil wrrm iiifi.-s of tiie fa & N. Railr-Ail; Dy«*r, pearl, A tV., Nartnille, Teiin ; ^ ktodanaa ia abooiotolv MMit. coanvr aiid inferior fare, ai>d . IlklfVRTWKLL. Fm-Meat. m-t rivp rerveA to protect tbe squadron* of both Finpires rommenciog at MuMraugira Mill, 4'. Noiirre 4'«*., and running -inth tliat E. A 4'iueinnati; Ggnmil Patm ntLis fleereury. marl 7 wewwly ^ latmratp, mh® ®hoaldshoald I wachtaoeb tioaldr.troaldr. 1lhr:rhrir lull f4 >r ahoeini; diAance, award-sl k sA ^Ta - and d*^t*iriQ»rdiicUiriDftr against the s'iolencc of te sea. heebern to Mr. W. L. lloblllzAI, who John Swaeey A (*o., C'inciuuali. is $100 REWARD. now pn raring to put it IPtard, . ^ brii r oBM i - ia not ooe^mlf aa noeb. 7*hr coat of rai^n^ a hor-e The Prince Consort, on behalf of on. Thie .will put tbe road ia By oriV r of tb«* 11 CLO.\K, ITesIdcnt. ^ Her Majesty, jl from tbe nitHcriber, *** * is good ninulug order beyond Nolin. J. MAftTiN. Secretary. 5 LAN AWAY a* MrMInn- DR.. W. B. FARRELL'S y'*y ^rTr‘; it three veer* old it varioaFly estimated at res|«a)ded to tbe toast, in doing which saiii: .. . I be T1 vUle, Wam*n ronnty, Teum*^see, •*•**»•*•*•*» JMeoa —BacM*J. ar drew ^ W. W. St4>kea, Z. M. Sherley, laOnUrme. Ky., M. M. on Samrtlav CKLKBRA TKl* ORtOt.SA a Map tight I froan *3636 la 5 of L fi ^« , aud the mule, fia- te same “Tbe Queen is roost aeotible of tbe words we S^Tbe following paragraphs we copy from tbe Rawliogii, .Mound Citv. W. W. Metcalf, Bard(di>wn, Ky., nifiht, Anglin 7th. Boil, a bright copper-entored amanaamand it iangth at time, from *20fiio to 30 and woneUmea have joat beard, which will f.irever Arr. Liod.'dey, Nachvitle, Tcnn., and E. Kennedy. Parit, ^A2*nmlaUo buy, agtnl about or :Myea:*. Hekaltout * , be dar to her. tkr “n i I Cincinnati Price-Current: (• te^po.^OODOnHW radend of tetim strep,ntraw. tW ahartor *km fi.re**A.. rerema. ire— Ky.« IHrecUir*. aug Iti'dAwtd i<*ei high, weigbri aUiut iKruniD, sIoo|m slightly li* ARABIAN lA.M.MENT, te the better, erea lew. TW Queen is doubly happy in having an opportu- * pitoi i. Cora Imring llie nine weeks walking, has thick li|.— eodini; the auh in- ESTABLISHED 1844 . by *. They are eaailv dispowst of. in 1. 4 *. at uitv by lirr prexence here to join the smooth, dreaa><« : *a ^ Emperor in Aant, the wiather throughout this and the mljnminr Htsle* Daviess County Parm for Sale. well, and u a verr likely r**ll«»w. ^" ** . "1 " haa be at- aav Uine, at good price*; prlcet rauciug fr.wii 1*1 cmiasvuriiig to draw tagetber Tlu> above r»*war«l will b«* paid for hb appreba-aelon oat ***T . •'"J! A * to a* closely as |ias*i- of Kentueky, IndUne, and llliu-d- has ls*eu a* favorable I will sell my Farm, on tlH> Ohio river, & to part hi* fote dosre Ina head goes will, it, 1311 apd ia tome os could he desired for Uie of tbe state, or tpni if raiight in Teoue.m •*, that 1 ran * , idacee, go.d. large-sized ii*e- ble tlie ties of rrieod*hi|i which exist lietween the growth of e.irn, and it ha- fa-en, miles below OwHOi^btoo, coiitainim: 47*»acre9, Kl***| /Si get him. Hy thi* name are ci»unterf»‘lts. **'**: bttosalf. Care us we hive before stated, moA ru|>i.t. IsA or A. ***** «* *«*« troad. ’ days have been unu-mully cool, iiarticularly at night, out-lK*ii«e«, Ac., 3ti6 acre* clean'd and us* ftcl**i|| THE AR.YB 1 A.N LINIMENT aad thaa redan- •. They are lit f.w aersu-e much anooer than liroiiwrity fur its basis, and Ibe blessings of bea- too ro»en«boro, Kr. YV V A^S! • ^* 4*t baiter to regard as a ifueetkio wbk*li llie lutun- can only detormiue, te aiaiigrr. If ex- ia not for at Usbl a voar Ubw. al.rfit 5 vesterday afternoon. $1,200 REWARD. THE AILVBIAN IJMMKNT teaa^y aucaly. nrezrle him as, laA year, AugiiA was n-iuarkably esoL yet Septemts-r Pann for Sale. S.^ him aith te 4 . They are ala^oto enrirely Will rare pain and wi*mkrnam in the back. exemtd from diie was as warm a< AngoA usually is. Kn there fa uo rouse jift RAN AWAY' from the sufask-riber, living in V Ur ffidl which I live, j tocoam* aotoowlut earn, irroui toe IMruit Tree l*tv«!,Zld 1 win the E'arni on in county, aud each disease* aa tliey ate lUl.U to are ea- 1 for despuir, lu-ilher w-.uld it Is- wise to speculate upon u JJ Warn‘D Ky., lundU'S west of Bsw- XI Tilt: ARABIAN LINIMENT. -'Tfejnidhvm connty, K.v., V ••f nule from '• cared. borae, Daritii ltri:i.i.Ai!T frost tn Hi-ptember because it is now ao cool, tbe tb--rniom- Th ling Gn*en. on the nieht of .'iiiuday. Ji»l> 51 The t«ing exciuhle and anspi- AMI IbiiiHFJtY 40,0110 m Beard’s Station. It i^utaloi* ?:4.H acre* -13 Willrurs <»piN:ildL- .i.v H, swellings, sprain*, aid hrulssa. f — eter ranging from fai to 7U. two ot gro meu, CHARI. Ert “ urged to a griwicr Propnig awi J/.w-y .S/.Je».'— acres of vincyani (now .4 )*ear« «?ld), 3 4X0 M *AJ y V" V '"**V inucb ami.uct iiie, Willcutr v.r*' fs-4 -t. ut * 10 1100 . The burg- g04Hl a Deif^borh«»ud as thyre Ia In Kentucky. .''Several he ahoaH , aud Uie pnci- went up to Oo ,Vg and imw we under, .nrse bwits. aod w»t, — amth, 1 will sell a r«e>d bargain. 1 bi-licve that the fruit rtejj^atre^: i-d here. Then- faa vrr>- gi-iM-ral nplniou prvyailiiig when last heard from, bam-hi-aded. havliig hist bis hat; tVUt cure sore throat, sere eyes, and hirndachgi, ** ““ were ia the safe liank liilU to tbe ainonnt of 1 100 among that enu be gathered on the place anv gmel fruit year h«' * , I , , country dealers, owing to also had whirkers under his cfalu. 1 ihiuk TamcatmfTaacktmf Himta Ije Itaam—^Tht^TheTL- himahuras - ^ Ihe bu-kward sUte of the corn it probabAo he ARABIAN — Ioto ba ope agvage *.‘liNI pleasetl to sliow it ta any THE LINIMENT bam- of twaotv^etwootv-five to Unciy vuira, or of wbicb were good. B-reidsa would pay for IL 1 wonhl be one hk»pv. The this lliere were crop, that prices will rule higluw Uu- coming seawin, though has obtaioe«l a free tauii. rnudretod apoa shouldalistold U lodlad imainto a dost Mable.nable. average or to answer anv in4(itlries by loail. IHrvct to Ih'arJ’s Sta- W'iU cure bums and scahls, wounil*, and freak TWThe ,| age of te male ia tub* tliat of tbe bon« paper*, ismaisling or deeds, mortgages, lund war- uur packers think if )>rici-s oiiefi as high as lieture (somotimv!* calh d Jo*») IsaGrge, S(|iiAre.-b«»ul- aula lost year, the tion. where we have a daily mail. ptovidad with a stow If malm are mi rants, Slid result will be even more dl-astruus. dt-red Uack boy. k«'av>* built, sprightly appearance, ARABIAN LINIMENT *t***^A“-*y F»vperlr in Iweaking, not co|iper railroail stocks, and notes of hand lm> neim on the rail road betwe**n (Nt>reV and m TUE 2MaterhaM.S^h3rj“r, a tooped atrep to tlip aW « 4*lghs about aJUiRiund*, b alMuitgf«*vi high, babtint u ovar the am- . oosu ten will Iwstu-iiiarB. la idowing to tbe amount of *tu,liuu. Station!*. aen** cleanr«i and but 4 years iu ciilU- 3 WUI cure snake Mtea aad many cataneons disaasan corn &i- nearly tbia BeanT* 7U * Of amount 4 agt*, Ims *14 i‘Xpn*««*i I'gg Flour. — A new trade hxs sprung vi*ar of a 1 0*001 4»n of ruuntvuanre. in- up at Nor- site f>»r bnildiog, * *.***?<— “* « l«*f«»l ELLEN, flaid negio LINIMENT are Iwing watrbrd for, an.l will be arntiUd if they ing columns it will be seen that lie has engaged in b dark-complect* d, ha* thick lii», la a bteasing to the aiMirted. . 1^ b ahiAit 6 f.*et a return. or : inrh. •* high, of heavy build; b a girl of t|uk*k siieech. " »«ep" tbe root* p. i«. the manufat-tnre of lieilsteads. THE ARABIAN LINIMENT graap the fa« ia Tear left hand wfaifa fa tktTZre’ ^ a 7 Oiltage We l«speak v«!ry sensible, and can spell read and a Httk*; she nas very teste, and te nm mNinabuMi.t will the. be likely 4 WUl render perfect Sw hack hia geaUr -»-w te’ttaUe Wasiii.ni.tiix, Aug. 24 .^ far lim te patronage of our citizens. Hia estab- sh *rt hair, and wear* sometime* a wig of long black atrvbht satisfhetin a in allaassa. liair. An>* person Uking said negru woman and deliver- For Horse* and CattI*. Purser Danf.irtii has lieen tried by a court martial liabment is at No. 97 Fourth street. log h**r to me, or confining her so that daa^ wfaiefa dsaire l^:ng te IS ON EXHIBITION NOW IN &\MLEL D.VY'S I get her will be aboald ba greUfiad with i-tiu. ! aa ao ami sent bumc, and Purser Nixon lieen transfer- I Stvapaltelltaws Factory on Wssliington street, hetw*.en very liberally mecirdcif. THE AR.\ 1II.VX LIXIMEMT aa mammn deep thm te rooU will not find it; they vidanoa paadUe; hear yaw weight tealv BirRMciT’s Kalustu.x. he American ladies ar* House. For siniplicity. aag4 w&« OKIE led to tbe sbaipaif-wBr Vinccuues in the place of — Second gfid Third. ii«>ar the tialt W. BTONER. WIU cure sprains, bnuses,windgans,and swelling te *hotodrrfteh.re,'.. la! ntUity, aud diirahiliiy this machine surpasses all other In- 472 3iry^rte J*T. iwaalda yoa may not Purher Daufurtn. diatinguialied, when young, fur freshneas and bril- THK ARatHlAN LINIMENT atma with year raht ^ r^izs ao g*ar v.mi will have other uatiuDS, rarely fail* to THE ARABIAN LINIMF.NT among and which ex- operation from !» b> li M. t^ F. Burnett, a*ent forsell- amiiai^fa liem li: of fiFttlfws thereon. A. ' '*"*« Will cure sweeney, frmnder. and poll evN to te harua, and after a few atewgia ••H of iiig ririits ill Kentucky, .'\rkaiis4M, MissLwtt'pi. Alabama, "MfiTOt he »ulwill laUe la neariy^ M. C. Wheeler has lieeu apiaiintrxl chief cite admiration and remark among traveler* from dare. cowa doaUe tue d givr* Uimaralt. als*> in furnMli- iiamptl Nancy, aged ah*iiit 32 years, copper colored, wcT-h- falHag aud i-BaWag aatil ram I" ••'•"k too often, tbia charming z-haracteristic becomes iuv them wilh cirriilan*. Theatcnt ii*a.v be found at the iog about 190 lbs, fret or THE ARABIAN LINIMENT baya him oa bis Col. Uieclor, Su(ieriDtendent 6 9 9 iwcH^ high, and uiurk roarare eaffi-irut to of Indian Affair* in flur«roi shop. Also thi* pro| riHor, Kavaal hta tram attaaptiag *. make »uch a soil fadeil lost from a want of that care iu preserving I nited Hotel or at ibe s|iokeu; and her tw«» children, one named ca'.barinc (aged Should beinthestorvof every Itealer. to ria by oul liar bia ?k"i!!?7 tlie .Slly (sgedabout^yraiwK ad hki ahaalWr A* ana faYre. iinmedi.t.ly, IIT'ttraad IK'pot, 47 l*ike street, it so trying changeable e«: ateo a girl, uani*^ l*at*y, aged drugjfltog, oarea bit faa aad aeek- alre haagfa If yi’.« or State right* .Thotw wishing to addiVHS the agent at a gold Imt other Indian trilies nearly half about 94 fears, copper colored, 6 feet 4 er 6 locb^ high- by lUymond 4 Patten, l-oubvllle. aarary pan af **" plow four icebra Ibis yeif, plow a million dollars in nundi. To retain its bloom and freshness unim- box4Ufl. hi. body, aad raaiii six the distance cau do m at l>*nli*vill*‘, Ky., and very likely. WM. H. 4 *AR|.Ifl|.E, s^aclfa* fa re^^ata and annuilies. Sold by J. U. W'Ud4tr 4 Co., loonisville. acttfweow aster poaaibto. t'H .voa ret tba 1 to later perioil auglj d4wlro Adm*r of Jas. bander*, ilecM, M -iftor W ho. Ui/ far •"““"Y ael paired a much than is generally the » StT" Mr. 'I ur].in, (-Bceexsor to Mr. Kamea as Minister to Cajupbelhnille. . Jiilv BUiataa. ^ Kr l«L-dd4wtf W hia rise, ..d iaaeteJylaijrrto I case, Burnett's Kalliston ia guaranteed MHVATK MFIHi'AL TKE.\TISK ON THK ;EN Vertzu*Ia, is on tbe eve of leas ing for that cocntiy, as a most STEAM 0INES FOR SALE. aparetwa.rMariag teatrepaaeaaaa dogmatical in my ads ice; PlIYSlOLOIjU AL VIEW Ok WARKIAGK. WiTdowB- liaving received hii instructions. powprful auxiliary-. Vr. KN 4 GNF, ItixSninch rtnike.eotnpVlewilh miawa. aad if hU bead Is If'Vbled I can dog- BOOTS AND SHOES. Hledtolr^ y, tealteTu ftgo pages and i^o Floe Plain and C«Yli.red Uthogratdit and O fitted up to drive i'iiruiar flaw-iuill. lapaaiM* *****“.”^i bo James lira.n killed Mr. Carter, of Mobile, at Perfect Hair lintslag. — to.4i44* cases D*ots aud SIh>w* in More A far bia to gat up. Afte ? P«* » are now utterTv A Humett'i Cocame far tW'lTice Only Ttoenty-FUe i*>‘ii/*.«A| 4 iue Engine, 7 v|«;im.h «trok«*. eomid^ with pwmvu. tWosriL Vt aneiitmi .Sjiriiigs list night with a laiwie knife, in and trati'it for fall sake. fWaUroto fivatiaa*^ atKi.cl!- one do 1x 16 dn, j«t. V J^aniaaTwarte^LrC preserving and lAaulifying tbe hair, '.and rend<-rilig l^deutfrsdof pq.dage to all |Skrt*uf the Luino.^Mh autlU dla« 44w 4 W. F^ * rsKc -I tre. 1 lie same parties were recently arres- flNODDksTcJ^ Tae do }*xJi do, nal aUriv. aad altiaetaa ** *** *“ idowing—a acralcb ovu tbe J oompieto to eraak. a well teamed daw ^i^i do 13 aaad and ^ ted iu this city and iirevcatml from fighting a duel, it dark and glossy. one x9g do, da da am W mraid to iadalge any «*l of tW ^ U uEoS. lireau u in cusloily. Thewe Engines are new and of the most approved earn- ' It softens te hair when bard and dry. COUNTRY MERCHANTS kora ia elllSarf ‘-'i-ve tbi. i. mr^ttoo, and will “'J V'nitingV'isiUi the city or going W ..Id low, aepamtelv or fitted eat wmH ptsocipal rilll-AIIRLAI’lIIA, Aug. 24 . W Ute Fasbn n •r tea an oM eat. a hit haUu c^; aad te reirndy niiut betep.- It soothes tbe irritated scalp skin. boilrrs and riggiug. Apply at ths an cBiescities forf thehtheir fallrail supplies are reiinesteittf^SHreY 4 Ft). ia ’ of President. Two conven- repaated seTeialLacs Farmer. feiicltons aiid Infertile oiies—tbeir LOCOMOTIVE BOILER. *"• !* W l«T down Irv aiaalT no: tions were oi^nised. The friends of Col. Florence IT IS THE BE.ST AND CHEAPEST obviation and removal—nervous de- ' FALL SALCS. mmiinxted him. Tbe anti-looximpton section noini- SiaYSLy bUity;lts causesand cure.by nuro- /SNR U-ton*i>a*sr PortoMsBoibw.Mw.vltlitftTfaSur “•» *wan, A Nxw Srvaw Pi/.w.— J.,». >V. HAIR DHBSSINO A* onr stock 1* very large and comrotwd Mr. Kaeke*. of v’ ^ gem atoure so simple, safe, aud af- ^ “TO E. ah oated Dr. Ncliinger. the tSecond District bo«t g'Msd* ' A. UAfaDXEK. NWYMwIy b« In Geo. failure i* tin|*omible— of the that are manufuctured.^d^BItoM f*« (LiA-tr mi4ft Cftmiliftr I L*acft*tor cooMy, F* Imp r«t.-»-4rt)y ' fet'iital, Uiat AroigMc at La—sua , inveotrJ ftiij /.V THK miR/.n. 8 offer A Poana. II. Martin wu renominated. In tbe Third District for daily juanagement -an ca- we can great a IvautagHn thig *eas»o W ci uniry wlaicb Is mitraciinc crm. ^ merchant* ia want of iw mtop teJi mare James laindy ws* renominated. In tbe Fourth IMs- Sutclilfe & Hughes agents. For sale by E. A. ^ «ay on .flpt>rtiiatorrhiea, wiili pracU- J B04>Tfl and slloy> Give ** ti3»raUe attootiea. II* call. A. * ** A |ul>li. irisi of iu meriu cxl observations 011 a «af* r and a a McBRIDE, trk t Henry M. Phillips wu rcDouiinated. Preuss, J. N. Jabine, H. Priesler, J. F. Young, aud augltf dlaw44w4 W. P>a°e,to tlWiiAimi., oo tb. llth in*t in the more siicceaffiil mode of treatinetit~pr**cnutk>iiarv hint* on flNODDY 4 CO. WIIOLFAALE aod retaltdoolsT Im IM fw te^TaaT^Jurfar^ , . e-\ ’***’ proaaace af sIm ut iil.SPATCU KllUM El’KOPK. the evil* resulUug from empirical pracUcee, t<» which is add- lfanlvan-amli;uU..r7, vwlaace, on* ihoufanl ptr-oof, with satii- other city druggists and apulhocarHis. laanufeetw-r tetrot ate W fared oa« tdl haa ed commentaries on the dis>*ase« of femal*^ from iufanrv Io 4 W a *teo^ 4. * H^aanB'tH*ro-an Mrokoaic lu-faog-ro- Vf-'l •• p**-**®* w.ng ** wruWPM .xecufadPXCCtlU'd New York, Aug. 2.'i. »d. jto . ZT\C\ alOetslItaow old ag<*—4 . Price 96 cent* |>er copy or five S. M. MYKICK ft CO., required. OivcUatrial. Oue |*uund box wdi uiake nliie eopie* for one dollar. MalhHl free of postage to any part of expaaa pound- of excellent pnre bard snap aod several gallous I 8C. »'*«»• ith. TW a labor aud coala of thin of tbe .VUantic Telegraph, and God be praiad. the fliaten, of 4 LE FACTORY, Wte Ate tete cT. Um one ij- aogll w 6 Lynn, Mass. United by addromiug Dr.LsH'krow (p«^paid), of soft ooap or one b^rl of the lat‘er. ^la Iftft CoiMUtlSfanhipi. Um k«a4 oo ob to I ^ P®r •«», while the coto tbt Albany, New York, enclosiug 96cents. re of ulomicif with [Signed SAMUEL ttUKKNKT, Printers an J all who r«t|ttir« a strong Lye wUI find the Noo. 59 aad 41 ^ I Sixth st., HE-gSir L harkts OOT—iaJwItlwotOTl-OT l-SrikOT, *•**«; whde, Bte|Mira*i*ia*rlyUira 0»i •krts-f HAfalLTOfa A tjliairman of tbe Atlantic Telegraph Co, DIED, article they ran use. it. arrwExw ^^**'-** ****** P*""' >» very diifarenl, Try OT of SLArCiMTUlMa 0*4 PACK- *n.| it at o'clock, P. Aiignst 4th, tesrsunally or by luaiL Me«iiciue «eul to any part of the the In Xi-lsoo FOBDty, Kr.. 4 M., Manufactured by Penn*ylrania Salt Mannfacturing M n-OTctfWIp cifal i ig ro IMA taito. WAsuixiiruM Aug. 25 . wd I oM -k- *»ar otAot ft— «ag>* »Z* wife Hon. fliartva UuUm. according to iliivvthtus, safely packed aud carefully MarkatmndJeXaraan^ Saa-stoT ammaimam aaa luadatad Mra IjiiLT YVIXTXBSMITU. of G. YVln- Company, Pittehiirg. pa., whoaten mannfactnrv and off*r Pt>RK IHH'fiB ErrA«Ll!DA, for map. BLE.\i KING Pt:WpF.R; and lUiLmiAii S( Ataa, ateo .to pork*—. coofml t T. — Mlow a ana i plow a large tar- Tsrtitory to undm-t te winter campaign against uuUr. Uy“ 4 »fflce open daily fr*m p A. M.to 9 P. M., and on UAiLaoAoa&d ^ai Tflg. aa thfir b«ftn«, tbeir fortuneft, ftud Uwir be. tMkcre; BLK.ti lIlNii LlQl'tYlT of aaupeiiorqnality. Oor offaOT -IN So feoto om toento too**. hrS-oas ttoSi tbe li.iliaiiA. Aod Id oiif! fftt*^ Sii^yfrom 1 uuUl ^ TIKE VIITB'» bBTBCTai He aud bit staff will leave m tbe 6 P. M. SODA AflH: They refer *to Morkr*. ferOTorlp imipfefi by llat-fatua kr*. Iuft9 Ueod.** MANGANKaF*, U ail tbe BaerchanUla LantevUla. A oto prooaaa, chia*. and a piit adyaaUg->M ibercl.y Pacific fW~unice removed from No. M Beaver ftreet to No. 91 j r! J - -V. - TL 'T aad a g*in -d in in afaiut »ix weeks, and in tbe iiieantiine all UKFINKD flODA-ASll; .SOl>.\ AVLERATUfl. tept 1 dl4'* Haffioak. Hethua. A Co. . W. B IIAfalLTOfa, glif happUy rwurted within tbe preepot ^r, and Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y'. aug^d wtf ocedrtil WM 4 SAL H4)DA; Ml'RlAylC ATlD- A. r. HAfalLTIM. THE LomsvnxE aamnim. pTFiuiratiuiis fur a tncceszful prueccutioo ’ I of WM Uiiift emrljr cut off from a life that pmmiard aiiintemipt. ofitetey "tt auU. It haa ax plows, winch tbe AyrAFOUnS; NITRIC ACID; A A. HAMILTU.N. f* ab*dUm can b. raiad Wfwfc will lit made. ed plen-^re and bappiu«M«, IcftTimr a derotod liUodMod. au NEW MaBonrr Revealed and Illuetiated, Ofatl *2 A «a* S* i ^Mta'aCOfa MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. CliJd>ROFORM; by Lssferillo. As«. I. IMA-to toA- I 7 * ,***fi^ *7 oaa larf« rirUe c>f ivtatioDa aud — ^ ^. 1 pwWad. This f”* tW gro^ w Waavar desired bj tlioa who gaida Tlie Nebraska public land sale baa lieen poetfiooed ailrtiiouatf* faUi^r. aod a uodeivigned havecompletrd Warrmnt4Nl pun* refined of SIkSk. , The their snow-whBe TABLE, DaVIRY' Eleven Seceding Maeone, tltaW«rU“sAd ** —"' (rieuda Ut lauieut her ouUmely death. Her iviatkiDi and St ****T “ order '‘‘to aactone. The engine i* of t»rntv-!i for ore year. mall arrmogcuieiits aud are oow and PORK-PACK ERV SALT, the only iKsrfecUy the 4 •T-faB Da,s»,aa » ta; 3*^ x*. pve trigia. History, aod Narnre I friendfiv however.raa eoDMiletheiokaelTi** with the cuufldeDt vVrrT^-oVfHm*^ SHOWING ef Masea- J.W.McCLUNO, v Rymiiiing Uues of <'<>ache*to the fuU<»w- Salt luade iu the 1 uileU Scale*. TV. iu Fftefts 1 isSsOTiMtai -to ^ '*"!'*‘* ^ ^ iareLtion, indmlbig Major Charles Helm, of Ky., late Consul at St. hop*; tbat Ihe cliauice a blUefiil ooe fruni eertb to htmr. ^4 r^»^y'3 O ..n the Govemmen* aad Ihe Christiaa r«>i*xxi-T Ok MW Afawfa tW from the Lebanop For *ate by all DroggteU oanriku, Kaarvosk. FJdpr John T. Johneton, Branch aud Grocer* in ihe covnlry. Rnligmo. a* pubihdied la ihe 1‘ruecediasoW Ike Taited I eighteen or twenty feet, and its Thomu, bu lieen ap(Mi>Dted Consul General at Ha- en. Blie wm liaptisod in 1945 by .."Z^ auglt deod3m4w3m fttatm .\ati-Masobie4*onvcDtloa ia Phla. ATTOBfakY AT LAWA BKOKk.fal)* BKAL BBTA *** *» aod hafi bewD a ilerob'd and pioua member of tbe C'bri>tUD hvld the of »«*eaf wl^abom six fait, tri m an ei.U.u-io4fa de- vana. Ha wu an applicant for tbe conaulibip to ^ (Snodays excepted) of funr-borse coaches to •tola* raal. . delphia; with the Lite, > Wloaratoa. tlhnrrh tdure that period. It wm 04» cro«e to her to weiu* a aketch af Abdacttoa, a^ Mar- int-r»*ert Irwin llawkim*** Hue* ftir l It STOCK OK DUY' I.'fl faia .aapOTferta, eAmtMmryU '* ^ ^ '* '» *» »•* Lnmion. her unalfrcted piety and fa?]''* 4 liOODs NOW dcr of WILLtaoh-la- TW toorusL a— the of ta'IirM, maintain cite i I yoke and Ktandiford, 4 lar;.‘e,very cotiipluteln ' Ste 2Ite!f. !rah t>rrh;tnl, Somerset, aod loexi?igton. O a«i- rtm«'iA* oataaaafa fafarta dilli. I -i*t IIh: A charge in tlie office pro- %'ery mural 4 »raanixation adorn- WILLIAM MORGAN. ** Ms-rSMt. a I firm year ‘ i?*** 1 f*'*'*’ ^ uU o re r.c:cliisii4i of Chief of Bureau, i'hrMian de^’oU«»ti, for her (hareftom such end eivitm attWr fioa laai ii ataa rel J***” I*»iiif otter Indueemevt* te ! .tatoOtatogAta-taaki I«IW VaSto a ber all Ute feuiale etcvlletiri**#* iurludluir b«'n4 *v»- .\nd a Key to all tha Itegraesaf Five Masaary, atefag a A'bi- 411 , clotliiog of Ibe drparlnieut, will be ed wUh «*« navy I® 1 ’«n»pt»ell*ville. Oreeosbnrg, 4 I'ASH aud rotia montms* ugxLraa nal if iw*t *iip« - to sauSTiTl oto hroASM hi »lilntbU, rior . Ma-rwa. AN taato w^rr btireg ehariiy, pondufiwe, which ttUed her for a Hfe of A C 4 to c)«*ar and eonvxi view of the maaaer of aonferriaa the prftirMB Of iiniir aud aiitl f*|i^ cfield, and any Ji.ldfliig concern in the t'uitcd WoAar.. a - MM the HftSt •••'•.r** 4 during the month. candidates thnw Uui*‘- a week t»» Mates. 4 fror WBirnrieC'IA. re—* a tlie DM‘T’~»f l1H*Uinjr liiftw coming Tlw !*iTryvllle anil AH «rd«r ditter* nt Di a* prart'Crd in all Is'Migee throngbontUte faOBOT-OTMtokT te4 U ph'ty. Thew* mtU4‘ charafi«*rbrtioi made hnr an affectlito* lUrrtHtek rg. Prints n i «*F MoF-r*. Pursers, .Slaniin, Harris, and Kittcn- and Brown Sheeting* luiiri heacc.>Hir>aiiieil with tlie t;l*>hi*, t.hr*'tt»«*r with the Mi'*aas wUlu*a taoa.r farOTpA «li.i . a«lsk»SS parroa*. \\> al*oe«tablbht>J money. I the a line of 4 ?oaehea three times a martdAw JAME.A 1 .4 IW 4 C 4 k Masno* fit .nhla mimi-Mwm Iherria. By oao of the Craft. rogi hcii'F. friend aod neiahlK>r. In fioev rfi« performed ail rela- w»^k Iroiu C'duinlua apoa rotata -«**k <-ak1a ta* l»aa. illlMMataktaaa and Burk?*^ ille. r«blnb. d l»v Mathew liardecr. 1 v«A UI feem. Friee /• tHin* aod dutien which devolved upon her with aocb can- hy ue—ey law.) I LEWIS a m »va. taking ma the a o'clock ^ train of Loiiitvllle and G'fl, SeCi; it*. or tbri-c C'^ueterI ter gl, evulevtti Irevirev ef poeiage. • I.KAVKHWORTH, Aug 22 . tliat nbe the recard of ail vt lUU .HEDICINKM, P% INTv4,OII.H, 4 A Carr»ta*atoa«*tall«1 that a tey ate, acate to „ uabryiTuil.^ dor. truth, and riocerlty, won Nasdiville Kailritad l«« ^ wUI arrive at Danville 4. - ayeat.< 4’iV, who knew uer, and hfi’itre her ibrnh la iinlreroallv' rrifret- and Hsin»d D\ K ATI FF,fl, H I N Do W G LAfln. GUtflS- lane di count made to yeaU C. llAGtNI1AG1N 4 barer irto slight aUhU, Per U. ('uiiipany to Ibsiuville 25 ^rg by 3 4 »f 4 o'clock 4 where yen caa I M. Express lbJ. H P. M. and Tabi »n har.1 to -tipper. AkF., LAr'l'l >wlyl4wU Iroaierilte, Ky. Wrt hU at. M.u-.. ^ WhI. Her dkwaae (l»ro|HiV) protracted and painful, | W MANI KED ToltA* 4 41,4 l4iAlt.'4. Harewarw.aawwanerarw.aae Ba; wm Thev w »lalf4ort IB •Hijtn; take Uto by tW IwidI* * ^.“*“** *o" that * sn.'.H iw»r, bulk Utob mail dates to July Slut liave been reoeiverl. ( arht;aMiph. lDville, Uret iislmrg, and t.'o- Ac. - We are o«»w daily n'cHvIng our hamr evening. pfoTi'iou of good* in oiir Hoe, to which we tnvHe ma —aa WmmmpnmmOm. WaPs to year kaai; wWn prr»fire* rev.ntfwn tiurei News uniiii|swtant. tiun aud fi»rllUide. V. theatt *n- to*, fa. Liaiiirlll*. W fint loaks at it. h. Tbe ab*»ve Hn*** are all .-toeked n-*riaa. j 1 •' with n*w Troy coaches, i U«>u of buyers vl*iiiog tlilii a»«rke4 or of tho*** whi» a»ay a»-roOTi»pM «of I***" “ «»»", r'ery RARE CHANGE FOR BOOK Mwsr».WafaOTa I fakkig. j •megfS aot -k^ feN to*k toWa ,a atU W tokaafi af It, aad, if Waald. ~l* --- 9 *4 boors. I'be army coDlmue* to lie occupied in making On the Sd ioaCant, io RiphT connty. Ind., <'Aa«A?fi>Bi^ goM teams, and cart ful drivers. BUYERS. A , W wish to send orders YVe am pn'pared b* olLw uur sti»rk H-a. IL H. fitaatoa, W oto of b. reach; bat haU *** ^ •**" (uejianitioaa fur winter. AU is quiet at Salt loike infant daoirtiter of U. T. and CawMiiiara K. Blifth, aired a For thnxish ticket*, apply at the Stage office. Halt low for cm*h or on the n ual credit to prompt j , buyers. kto voar ted 'f*. Horritaa taa-, > W " yean aud H daya lloM-ie, or at laOuWmeand Na«hville t»ennt. Tarfer, MapOTfata-K te.r gruu 1 aliow lUllroad |.ott. ! We receive P'lfiathers, Ginseng, Heoswax. KUx.fleed. Wa teak a* k aad fael K whk hi* tet te I Snrgeuu Wallr, of the army, arrived with the and •ot. ferog I fafa tkrlta nMMtto Wto atotaoiS.n^^E bia a fcwaiT 2.JZ iavllle. Ky., tieneral fltage DlHce, t'tilnloffucH Heat Free. B. C. fip . MM ** t""* of hty DauviUe, Ky., and al produce g«>nerally In exchange «.r fur dt-his due its at Haa. ato«. aad tea yam eai apaa aad abto k aa sre our old offices at all other point* TbaaaoA. KaiMMB.bta|Htaa,Kp. and giva off from it* faave* Hoa-Jototo r. WM. Dao-n*. tr. pUaa accaeioidHT laittog hia faid It wkb fafa The Board of Coamiaioaert constitnted by the RttBKRTflON 4 TIIO.MA 9 “* *“ 7 flabhatb flebool Book«. . . , Conitofe Cla-Mto U*tab>rt>s of Baakx, •* ’"f* »• >«> <‘oy a. or elglg tb„u.ard aix ITaglish bill Jnly9® dlm4w3m t.'ontractora. A la rrotr to- —doteWrni^^ i have iaaued tbeir proclamatioo declar- Hymn Book* vl varioas kinds; — haadtadpnad* par ADDER—1U.4WU lb*4>mbro Madder fur tale by partarost sf Lluu—fure, cuutaiaias sk* si-otrol ttoos*- la ram- BiBaairr - ' day. Tbo*e wb. allow cb-yer, ing tlie propositiou rejactsd by 3,512 majority. Iba *nie prince of the ILm^ of Imvld; \| '^1 liiiiakiiu NTUG4I—S fxiu Uh prime Indigo fur sale hy aiigll d4w4 R. A KOHINflON 4 C41 la Baptist IJterature U sreat varirty: MOfa ynfclnairo, caa ha -»ktaiai-J hr Mtolag roar aariag to tMag* that aav look frigiMM among wlaifa vote wu 13,<»W. No fraudulent votes were 1 align d4w4 K. A. KolHNflON 4 C4). to Wa 1 ForwUeby >j. 4 to>lra-h> ?•" • «tlti»*t*d cr.q., abouM receivrol. W. KoBKRTSON 4 C >.. ^l^itBAt'INI—94) boxes Virginia. MMSouri, aad Kamtac a. tt. KYAMS. tea. toten W tW Mda^ a I “T not A few precincla were rejected oo necoant toMyttojIteyte jaaapl*to«f dpraghfaitetec Masonic Tempi* c^ner Fonrth and JeOerwiu ito. 1 OAIcB--:220 ,(H)u Imiiortcd and Domestte 4 !igar* for sate Uvt brand*, tor aale low by rabUkker, IW Cbsatoat Mr***. Philato^hta. /'urai-. ut informalities. ffilfl lAbJkw C hy iangU d4wlj B. A. RUBlNflON 4 CO* u. A. KuilKffO.'l A V«>. JXMllWlta