Survivor Series 2016 Level 3

For Year 5 and Year 6 students. Curriculum level 3.

What to do. For students.

1. You can work with a friend or two friends! Teams can be different each day.

2. Do the tasks and enter your answers in your maths book and show your teacher.

3. If you are right you will get the next task.

4. If you are wrong, answer the task again.

5. When you have finished each day you will get a code word.

6. At the end of the week you will have 5 code words. Put them together and this will tell you where your school’s Maths Week treasure is.

7. Good luck !

Wednesday: 2016 Making a Maze. Level 3 For Year 5 and Year 6 students Curriculum Level 3

Mazes are good fun! They are mathematical too!! Try these!!!

Start at the top and reach the bottom!

Start here and go to the centre.

This maze is the famous Hampton Court Maze in England. Start at the top and find you way to the centre.

Task Your task is to make a maze!

You will need some dotty-square paper. Choose a shape 10 dots by 10 dots. You can make this larger if you wish.

Draw an outside fence through the dots. This will become the boundary of your maze.

You will need to put two gaps into your outside fence. One gap is for the gate to enter your maze. The other gap is the gate to exit the maze.

Draw a path in light pencil from the entrance gate to the exit gate going through the centre of as many dotty-squares as you wish. The line is in blue.

Now draw in the false paths. These lines are in red. The centre of every square on your dotty- square paper should be drawn through.

If the centre of any square has two of your lines crossing then an island in your maze is created. This makes it harder to solve.

Once all of your paths are drawn put up the walls of your maze! This means draw in all the lines connecting the dots. Colour these black. Be careful not to cross any of your pencil paths.

Erase your pencil path lines and your maze is complete! Ask you friend to try solving your maze!

When you have completed your maze show your teacher. If your teacher is impressed with your maze you will receive today’s clue to finding the treasure!