Install Koha on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Software need to be installed through the command prompt: i) A server ii) Apache iii) MariaDB or MySQL iv)

V) Koha vi) Mousepad (Text-Editor)

(Note the red mark lines are the command need to be executed on the terminal)

Step1: Open the terminal by pressing (Ctrl+Alt+T) or go to Applications > Accessories > Terminal and select it for executing the below command.

#Update Ubuntu

This process will update the Linux operating system latest by downloading new packages. sudo apt update

#Install Mousepad text editor

Mousepad is a lightweight text editor, which requires opening configuration files while the installation process of Koha. sudo apt-get install mousepad

#Add Koha community repository

Add Koha software channel into Ubuntu. It will install the current (latest) version of Koha. Apply the following two commands one by one: echo deb oldstable main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/koha.list wget -O- | sudo apt-key add –

#Update the software repository sudo apt update

#Install MariaDB server sudo apt install -server

#Assign Root password for MariaDB

If password asks during the installation process, enter the password in the window. Apply following command, if the password window did not appear during the installation. sudo mysqladmin -u root password newpass [Replace ‘newpass‘]

#Install Koha

The following command will install the latest release of Koha. sudo apt install koha-common

#Server configuration

In this step, need to edit network information like domain name and port numbers. sudo mousepad /etc/koha/koha-sites.conf

Here I change the port number of Koha staff client to 8080. Find the following line in the file and make changes.

INTRAPORT = “8080”

#Koha instance creation

Apply the following commands to create Apache configuration files. sudo a2enmod rewrite sudo a2enmod cgi sudo service apache2 restart

#Create a Koha instance with the name “library” sudo koha-create --create-db library

#Add new port

We have assigned 8080 port for the Koha staff client and 80 for OPAC. Open the following file and add a new port. sudo mousepad /etc/apache2/ports.conf

#Copy-paste following line below Listen 80

Listen 8080

#Restart Apache sudo service apache2 restart

#Enable modules and sites sudo a2dissite 000-default sudo a2enmod deflate sudo a2ensite library sudo service apache2 restart

#Change Koha default master password sudo -uroot -p

[enter the MySQL Root password] use mysql;

SET PASSWORD FOR ‘koha_library’@’localhost’ = PASSWORD(‘koha123’); flush privileges; quit;

#Need to change the new password in Koha configuration file. Open the configuration file using any text editor. Use any text editor, mousepad/leafpad sudo mousepad /etc/koha/sites/library/koha-conf.xml

The file will open. Scroll to bottom part of the file and find the line for password.

You can find old password. Place your new password.

Save [Ctrl+O] and close [Ctrl+x] the file. Login Koha using new password.

#Restart Memcached sudo service memcached restart

#Clear command history

For security purpose, clear history of commands input while installing Koha. Apply following commands; sudo su history -c

#How to start Koha

Open following links, (Staff client) (Online catalogue)

Source: i) ii) iii) iv)

Thank You

Mr. Subrat Ku. Nanda Senior Library Information Assistant (SLIA) Central Library Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Mob: 8895474202 E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected]