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THE W ASHINGTONS And Their Colonial Homes in West Virginia .=~:::~:::m:::-~=::JJf~=:>.- i~ir~lJ!W&.:-. j '.~~!s'.tlll:;i;*=~=:t¥-::~::=-~::;:;:;::~~::::-.·· ~ .w••ww.w.•• _· ===-----:;-:··:~- .,.,.,-,-;,,•,;-.•.- :iL .:_., @J.ti~:::ir~= ❖!·:::--:::=:::=::::?· (~.•. :•. Harewood, the home of Colonel Samuel Washington, then Berkeley County, Virginia, now Jefferson Coun ty, West Virginia. Built 1770. BY MYNNA THRUSTON Printed By JEFFERSON PUBLISHING CO. Charles Town, West Virginia DEDICATED TO C. M. W. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Harewood, Home of Colonel Samuel Washington Mordington, Home of Charles Washington Drawing-room at Harewood Prospect Hill,·Built by Richard Henry Lee Washington Cedar Lawn, Home of John Thornton Augustine Washington Blakeley House, Home of John A. Washington Claymont Court, Home of Bushrod Corbin Washington Beall Air, Home of Colonel Lewis Washington Sideview of Beall Air Traveller's Rest, Home of General Horatio Gates Lee House, Home of General Charles Lee Map out of Charles Town to these old houses. THE WASHINGTONS AND THEIR COLONIAL HOMES IN WEST VIRGINIA. BY MYNNA THRUSTON George Washington was sixteen and wanted to go to sea. His half-brother, Lawrence, with whom he wa~ staying, thought it might be a good way for him to sef~ the world. His trunk was already aboard the vessel that lay in the river beyond the lawn at Mount 'l ernon. A ·mess·age arrived from his Mother at Ferry Farm be lo·w Fredericksburg, which changed his plans. She had written to her half-brother in England, Joseph Ball, telling him of the plan for young George. His U·ncle was strongly against it. "They might treat the boy like a dog if he went to sea before the mast, better ap prentice him to a tinker." So the little trunk was brought ashore, and he settled do-\vn to his studies at Mount Vernon, supervised by his brother, Lawrence, who took great interest in them.
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