Western Australian State Living Treasures 2015 Department of Culture and the Arts Gordon Stephenson House 140 William Street Perth WA 6000 Telephone: +61 8 6552 7300 Toll Free (country WA callers only): 1800 199 090 TTY users phone 133 677 then ask for 08 6552 7300 Speak and Listen users phone 1300 555 727 then ask for 08 6552 7300 Internet relay users connect to the NRS www.iprelay.com.au/call/index.aspx then ask for 08 6552 7300 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.dca.wa.gov.au About DCA The Department of Culture and the Arts (DCA) guides the delivery of culture and arts for Western Australia through the provision of policy development, coordination and support services to the Culture and Arts portfolio. DCA also supports the culture and the arts sector. This publication is current at October 2015 © Department of Culture and the Arts WA. All rights reserved. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN STATE LIVING TREASURES 2015 Western Australian State Living Treasures 2015 Faith Clayton Chrissie Parrott Stephanie Coleman Herbert Pinter Robert Drewe Nalda Searles Pippin Drysdale Lew Smith Alan Griffiths Miriam Stannage Joan London Dr Richard Walley Dr Mary McLean Dave Warner Noriko Nishimoto 1 WESTERN AUSTRALIAN STATE LIVING TREASURES 2015 About the State Living Treasures Awards The Western Australian State Living 2015 AWARD RECIPIENTS 2015 AWARDS PANEL Treasures Awards were inaugurated in 1998 to honour senior West The 2015 State Living Treasures The panel consisted of: Australian artists who have made a Award recipients were chosen from Mr Duncan Ord (Chair) – Director lifelong contribution to their art form across art forms, including visual art, General, Department of Culture and and their community.