Database and Information Systems Institute for Computer Science University of Munich ______________________________________________________ The Relational Interval Tree: Manage Interval Data Efficiently in Your Relational Database Executive Summary & Technical Presentation June 2000 ______________________________________________________ Professor Hans-Peter Kriegel Institute for Computer Science, University of Munich Oettingenstr. 67, 80538 Munich Germany phone: ++49-89-2178-2191 (-2190) fax: ++49-89-2178-2192 e-mail:
[email protected] http: The Relational Interval Tree1: Manage Interval Data Efficiently in Your Relational Database Executive Summary Modern database applications show a growing demand for efficient and dynamic mana- gement of intervals, particularly for temporal and spatial data or for constraint handling. Common approaches require the augmentation of index structures which, however, is not supported by existing relational database systems. By design, the new Relational Interval Tree1 employs built-in indexes on an as-they-are basis and has a low implementation complexity. The relational database products you are offering already support the efficient integration of the Relational Interval Tree. There- fore, they can be easily provided with a sophisticated interval management that is dedi- cated to meet the demands of todays customers. Key Benefits • General applicability to all kinds of interval domains (e.g., temporal, spatial) • Superior performance to competing interval