Chapter 20: Cardiovascular System: the Heart

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Chapter 20: Cardiovascular System: the Heart Activity Chapter 19 1) Which of the following terms identifies the anatomical region found between the lungs that extends from the sternum to the vertebral column and from the first rib to the diaphragm? a) Epicardium d) Mediastinum b) Abdominal cavity e) Thoracic cavity c) Pericardium 2) The membrane that surrounds and protects the heart is called the a) pericardium. d) mediastinum. b) pleura. e) endocardium. c) myocardium. 3) The apex of the heart is normally pointed a) at the midline. d) is different for males and females b) to the left of the midline. e) posteriorly. c) to the right of the midline. 4) Which of the following is used to reduce friction between the layers of membranes surrounding the heart? a) Synovial fluid d) Pericardial fluid b) Endocardium e) Capillary endothelium c) Pleural fluid 5) Identify the pouch-like structure that increases the total filling capacity of the atrium. a) Ventricle d) Interatrial septum b) Coronary sulcus e) Auricle. c) Fossa ovalis 6) Identify the groove found on the surface of the heart and marks the boundary between the right and left ventricles. a) Coronary sulcus d) Coronary sinus b) Anterior interventricular sulcus e) Anterior intraventricular sulcus c) Posterior interventricular sulcus 7) Identify the muscular ridges that are found on the anterior wall of the right atrium and extend into the auricles. a) Pectinate muscles d) Papillary muscles b) Trabeculae carneae e) Chordae tendinae c) Coronary sulci 8) Through which structure does blood pass from the right atrium to the right ventricle? a) Bicuspid valve d) Mitral valve b) Interventricular septum e) Ascending aorta c) Tricuspid valve 9) Contraction of the ventricles of the heart leads to blood moving directly a) into arteries. d) through an atrioventricular valve. b) into capillaries. e) through the apex. c) into veins. 10) What of the following chambers of the heart contain deoxygenated blood? a) Left atrium and left ventricle d) Right ventricle only b) Left atrium only e) Left atrium and right ventricle c) Right atrium and right ventricle 11) Which of the following blood vessel is used to distribute oxygenated blood to the myocardium? a) Coronary artery d) Vena cava b) Coronary vein e) Myocardial vein c) Coronary sinus 12) Which of the following type of muscle contains the largest number of mitochondria per cell? a) Smooth muscle d) All the muscle types contain approximately the b) Skeletal muscle same number. c) Cardiac muscle e) Mitochondria are not found in muscle cells. 13) In comparison to skeletal muscle fibers, the contractile fibers of the heart are depolarized for _____ period of time. a) a shorter b) a longer c) the same 14) What is the function of the foramen ovale during fetal life? a) Allowing blood to flow directly from the right atrium into the left atrium. b) Allowing blood to flow directly from the right ventricle into the left ventricle. c) Serves as a valve in the vena cava to regulate venous blood flow. d) Prevents back flow of blood from aorta into the left ventricle. e) Prevents back flow of blood from pulmonary trunk into the right ventricle. 15) Which of the following chambers of the heart is surrounded by the thickest layer of myocardium? a) right atrium d) left ventricle b) left atrium e) right auricle c) right ventricle 16) Which portion of the heart wall is responsible for the pumping action? a) E b) F c) G d) H e) I 17) In the diagram, where are the trabeculae carneae? a) D b) E c) F d) G e) H 18) In the diagram, where is the left auricle of the left atrium? a) C b) F c) G d) H e) I 19) In the diagram, which labeled structure prevents blood flow from the right ventricle back into the right atrium? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E 20) In the diagram, which labeled structure is the pulmonary semilunar valve? a) B b) D c) E d) A e) None of these choices 21) In the diagram, which labeled structures are atrioventricular valves? a) B only b) D only c) A and C d) B and D e) A, B, C and D 22) Which of the labeled steps in the diagram represent formation of the primitive heart tube? a) A c) C e) E b) B d) D 23) Which of the labeled steps in the diagram represent formation of the endocardial tubes? a) A c) C e) E b) B d) D 24) Which blood vessel shown in the figure carries oxygenated blood to the lower thoracic cavity and the abdominal cavity of the body? a) A d) F b) B e) H c) E 25) Which labeled structure shown in the diagram is a remnant of fetal circulation that is not directly involved in adult circulation? a) A d) D b) B e) E c) H 26) Which labeled blood vessel in the diagram is an artery carrying deoxygenated blood? a) A d) E b) B e) I c) C 27) Which labeled blood vessel shown in the diagram is the left common carotid artery? a) A d) F b) B e) H c) E 28) Which labeled structure shown in the diagram is a pouch-like extension that serves to slightly increase the capacity of an atrium? a) F c) G e) D b) E d) I 29) What labeled structure in the figure is the ligamentum arteriosum? a) A c) C e) E b) B d) D 30) What labeled structure in the figure increases the blood volume capacity of an atrium? a) B c) D e) E b) G d) F 31) Which structure in the figure is labeled B? a) left common carotid artery c) left pulmonary vein b) left subclavian artery d) mitral valve 32) Which structure in the figure is labeled A? a) left common carotid artery c) left pulmonary vein b) left subclavian artery d) mitral valve .
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