Cailean Wa 07814502246 //

Employment: Freelance

2020 Producer-Director Dispatches: Coronavirus Vaccine - Is It // ITN (part of team of PDs) Safe? • Self-shoong interviews and actuality at a vaccine laboratory • One of several stories shot by PDs for a quick turnaround prime-me current affairs doc Producer Director The Truth About Amazon Channel 4 // Firecrest Films & Edit Producer • Scripng, Direcng and shoong 2 x 1-hour invesgave consumer doc for 3-part series • Self-shot during Covid with some addional crew days. Presenters: Helen Skelton & Sabrina Grant • Edit Producing 1 x 1 hour - journalisc content and regular legal review. Commissioning GFX designer. Producer Director The Bridges that Built Channel 5 // Firecrest Films & Edit Producer • Scripng and Direcng 2 x 1-hour history doc for 4-part Channel 5 during Covid • Predominantly self-shot during Covid with presenter Rob Bell. Managing. Edit Producing 1 x 1 hour - detailed historical content, mulple archive sources and moon GFX Producer Director The One Show - Covid19 VTs BBC 1 // BBC Studios & Edit Producer • Direcng (self-shoong), and Edit-Producing 7 VTs relang to Covid. Managing GFX designer • Working with restricted filming condions, enhanced RAs and strict EdPol relang to Covid Producer Director Landward BBC 2 / Scotland // BBC Studios

• Scripng topical stories for primeme series about farming and the countryside in Scotland. • Direcng a presenter, crew and also self-shoong on a range of topics - from light to sensive. DV Director Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby BBC 2 // BBC Studios

• Self-shoong in Macau, China for primeme BBC Specialist Factual doc • Working with Series Director, Producer and two presenters (Giles Coren & Monica Gale) on locaon

2019 Producer Director & The One Show - Arts and Culture VTs BBC 1 // BBC Studios Edit Producer • Direcng (self-shoong), Scripng and Edit-Producing 5-min Arts/Culture films for over 10 months • Working with talent incl. Steve McQueen, Phillip Pullman, Gary Lightbody, Grayson Perry, Cerys Mahews, Simon Reeve, O Mabuse and Max Marn Producer Director This Farming Life BBC 2 // BBC Studios • Direcng (self-shoong) contributors for primeme ob-doc in rural locaons incl. night shoots • Managing Researcher and self-shoong AP on locaon Producer Director Supershoppers Channel 4 // Firecrest Films

• Direcng crew & presenter & self-shoong across UK. Rigorous scripng process with legal review. DV Director Britain in 100 Homes More 4 // Raise The Roof

• Direcng (self-shoong) contributors and architecture stories on locaon for historical arts series DV Director Kirse’s Celebrity Stch-Up Channel 4 // Raise the Roof

• Self-shoong (with PD) mulple celebries in their homes in C4 dayme craing compeon series. DV Director Animal 999 RDF // Taster Tape

• Observaonal self-shoong on access doc in emergency animal hospital incl. night shis 2018 DV Director How the Other Half Spends BBC Scotland // Firecrest Films • Shoong with contributors incl. children in homes, shops and busy locaons for formaed FactEnt programme about personal finance incl. oen sensive topics DV Director Paramedics on Scene BBC 1 / Scotland // Firecrest Films

• Solo direcng (self-shoong) for 8 months with ambulance crews for access ob-doc about the Scosh Ambulance Service incl. Special Operaons paramedics, remote rural filming and night filming. • Required acute understanding of Ed Pol, OfCom consent rulings and access agreement DV Director Supershoppers Channel 4 // Firecrest Films

• Filming across UK & Europe • Self-shoong journalisc and human interest content with contributors, presenters and experts Assistant Producer The Greatest Horse Ever Built BBC Scotland / CBC // Watch Scotch

• Self-shoong with contributors and horses, including horse births. Managing fixed camera rig. • Science and history research and seng up shoots in USA and UK Assistant Producer Life Through My Lens BBC Three // Hungry Bear

• Self-shoong with contributors and horses, including horse births. Managing fixed camera rig • Science and history research and seng up shoots in USA and UK

2017 Assistant Producer The Truth About Obesity BBC 1 // BBC Studios • Solo ob-doc self-shoong with contributors on science doc incl. medical examinaons and surgery • 2-cam cross-shoong with crew for Presenter filming, seng up shoots in busy, complex locaons Assistant Producer The Big Crash Diet Experiment BBC 1 // BBC Studios

• Self-shoong 4 central contribs over 3 months - filming in homes, hospitals and with presenter • Developing scene ideas, science research and sourcing experts Producer Director Homes Under the Hammer BBC 1 // Lion TV • Direcng talent and self-shoong with contributors for 6 months • Scripng for talent, story development and edit scripng

2016 DV Director Hoarders SOS Channel 4 // Lion TV • Sensive self-shoong with contributors challenged by hoarding tendencies at locaons across the UK

Assistant Producer Homes Under the Hammer BBC 1 // Lion TV

• Self-shoong with contributors and seng up shoots for formaed property series - researching back stories, arranging filming locaons.

Employment: Staff

2013 - Senior Content Broadcast and online content Macmillan Media 2015 Producer • Producing, filming and eding ’Fixers’ series for ITV/STV/UTV News - topical youth factual series about oen delicate subjects. Required managing of second camera operator, GFX designer and other crew. • Producing, filming and eding online content for clients’ social media channels, websites and live events. Clients included The Irish Independent, The Scosh Government, Lankelly Chase, Tourism Ireland, NHS, Choice Housing, Nespresso, Catapult Offshore Renewable Energy • Shoots required travel across the UK, Europe and USA. • Soware: Adobe Premier, Final Cut Pro, Aer Effects, Moon, Photoshop 2011 - Content Producer Online Educational Content Twig World 2013 & Editor • Producing and Eding short video documentaries and associated content for award-winning educaonal film Producon Company and Distributor. • Developing strand and standalone video ideas working closely with educators and clients. This involved meculous organisaonal skills, academic research and working with translators. • Seng up shoots and filming on locaon across USA and UK. Filming in studio incl. working with talent • Commissioning and reviewing work from moon graphic designers, musicians and scriptwriters • Soware: Final Cut Pro, Aer Effects, Moon, Photoshop


2009 - Programme Yunnan HIV/AIDS Programme (China) Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO) 2010 Development Adviser • I worked with a local Health Department in Yunnan Province, China for 12 months on their HIV/AIDS Prevenon Programme. • My role was to work with the department to develop peer educaon and mulmedia projects to facilitate HIV/AIDS prevenon objecves for the region. • I worked with local media organisaons, local schools, youth groups and sex worker groups to deliver filmmaking, peer educaon and sexual health training

Educaon 2009 - 2010 MSc Internaonal Polics SOAS University of London 2002 - 2006 MA Polics / Film & Television University of

Other Work and Awards 2019 - 2022 Disclosure Scotland DBS Cerficate Working with children and vulnerable people

2018 First Aid Qualified Emergency First Aid at Work

2017 Sheffield Documentary Fesval 2017 A personal documentary I directed, Mefloquine, was selected for screening. Distributed by Limonero Films

2015 Centre for Invesgave Journalism Web Invesgaon Course

Tech skills Cameras: Sony FS7 // Canon C300 ii // Sony A7s // Canon 5D // DJI Ronin // GoPro rigs // sliders Soware: Avid // Adobe Premier // Final Cut Pro // Adobe Photoshop // Moon5

Tesmonial “Cailean had the role of shoong Producer and assistant Director on Amazing Hotels, supporng a very small team filming internaonally. He proved himself 100% reliable and a real asset to the producon. His calm and trustworthy nature was backed by excellent technical knowledge of cameras and shoong, great photography, strong editorial and he was loved by presenters and contributors alike. Definitely a keeper!” Dunk Barnes, Series Producer, Amazing Hotels - [email protected]

References Nicole Kleeman, Execuve Producer - Firecrest Films: Rachel Bell, Execuve Producer - BBC Studios: [email protected]