The Monthly Voice of the Libertarian Party of for the Enlightenment of Our Members & Friends

Vol. 1 , NO. 3 October 1995

The SLC Elections: In Pursuit of Triumph by Fred George, Salt Lake County Chair few months ago or so we All the candidates help campaign paign information is posted on fourth out of four SLC District 2 had no candidates. "I'm and distribute Libertarian infor- local computer bulletin boards Council candidates with over 696 Agoing to run for mayor!" mation at the Gun and distributed on the Internet of the vote! declares Dr. Ken Larsen. Calls go Show. Volunteers distribute post- Phone calls raise contributions In pursuit of triumph, we grow forth and two more Libertarians ers throughout area locations from Libertarians willing to help chime in with a willingness to such as laundry mats, stores, car pay for thousands of candidate with every effort The threshold provide a Libertarian choice on windows, and on bulletin boards recognition cards to be distrib- we seek to cross is a challenge the ballot. at the University of Utah. Dr. uted door-to-door. which we must define the des- Larsen does several radio talk show Continues page 2 Lots of Help Over a dozen volunteers distrib- The campaign beacon shines interviews. Flyers are produced that address issues of interest to ute thousands of these cards forth. Pro-hemp forces register door-to-door the week prior to Final SLC Election Results gays and lesbians . A volunteer over 100 new voters, distribute the primary. campaign flyers and their news- pays the postage to mail cam- Mayor votes Totcd Cast K. Larsen 152 19,952 letter, Hempower Utah, with ar- paign information to hundreds We Learn from Defeat ticles about Libertariansand FIJA, in the local Hispanic community. Dr. Ken Larsen places sixth out District 2 promote Libertarian candidate Terrific Support of eight candidates for Salt Lake D. Ricks 99 1,529 name recognition to thousands at The Utah Shooting Sports Coun- City Mayor with less than 1% of the Utah State Fair and Earth cil ranks the Libertarian candi- the vote. Ron Leahy places ninth District 6 R. Leahy 36 4,835 Jam, help raise campaign contri- dates the highest1PUtah chair, out of ten SLC District 6 Coun- butions, and provide volunteers Jim Lorenz, represents one can- cil candidates with less than 196 As reported in The Salt lake Tribune. October 5, 1995. for other campaign efforts. didate at a voter meeting. Cam- of the vote. Derrick Ricks places The SLC Elections: Mein Kampf by Ken Larsen, SLC Mayoral Candidate he campaign has been fun of "hempsters" learned that the S.P. Romney. Other valued inter- My Sincere Thanks and exciting. Except for Libertarian Party and Mayor Ken views included Martin Davis, Walking the voting districts and Tthe outcome, it has been Larsen could provide the solu- Tom Barberi, Merril Cook and distributing the cards designed nearly perfect. Well, the media tion to their David Bresnahan. by Fred George was a rewarding might have been less biased, but problems with The debate at the experience. Some were polite, that was expected. The League of government. I public librarywas a some were interested, some were Women Voters might have can't remember riot. The media supportive and some were an- treated us fairly, but we knew the names of all found us entertain- tagonistic. Thanks to my son, better than to expect it. Most of participants. ing, even though Bryant, for walking with me. the betrayals and setbacks were Some have asked they doubted the Thanks to all the other district expected. For example, UDOT not to be publi- value of our truths. walkers, whose names I do not failed to provide the promised cized. Benito know. You know who you are. The ABC commit- vests and trash bags. We were Valdez Jr., Sativa Thank you, Opal. You can be tee demonstration prepared with our own and the Pride, Karen, proud of your sacrifice for liberty. was fruitful as all Saturday-before-election high- Opal, and others the media were A highlight of the campaign was way clean-up was a wonderful deserve thanks Ken Larsen, Ph.D. the Crossroads of the West Gun Beat two other candidates' there and took success. It's too bad the media from all lovers Show. The State Party sponsored total vote combined time to interview didn't respond to the excellent of liberty. the table and provided a banner press releases by Sativa Pride. me. The debate at Those who helped with the the city building sponsored by and literature. The Party also Lots of Activity adopt-a-highway project were Women Against Gun Control provided volunteers to man the The Mood For A Day booth at the valiant in the cause. That effort and the Anti-Light Rail people booth. Libertarian heroes at the fair was more than could ever was publicized the following was well-attended, except for the booth included: Bryant Larsen, have been hoped for. Hundreds Monday in a radio interview with mayor and the media. Continues page 2 71-iumph — cont'd Kampf — cont'd My Chat With God tiny. A destiny which must be de- Rob Latham, Bob Jarvis, Jim by Ken Larsen fined within each and every one Dexter, Derrick Ricks, Ron of us. We know we can do far more Leahy, Dan Brown, Andrew robably the most dis- God Speaks with far less than the opposition. Howard, Derek Baker, Bruce tinguishing character God spoke back to me with a fi- Beck, and our faithful Chair, Jim istic of us Libertarians is ery voice: "Ken,! have given you But it is clear that the electorate 13 Lorenz. If I have left any out or our willingness to tolerate and a rare gift. I have given you the is saying to us that they will misspelled any names, I forgive allow each other's personal spiri- understanding of the purity of choose otherwise until they you for condemning me. tual value systems. So, with your the Libertarian way. I have sent know us well enough to trust us Libertarian indulgence, I put fin- you to proclaim Libertarianism At the gun show, we distributed to hold office. Makes sense. Let's gers to keyboard on the subject to my people. I never guaranteed hundreds of copies of Libertar- do it. of my recent defeat as a candi- they would heed you. I cannot ian flyers. Most of the booth It is incumbent upon each of us date for mayor of Salt Lake City. force them to vote for liberty. sponsors received more than one to distribute libertarianism That would be a violation of my flyer and many were willing to throughout the grassroots land- On the evening of Thesday, Oct own membership pledge." scape. Become more involved post Ken Larsen for Mayor signs. 3, I realized I was going to re- Gun owners are beginning to see with civic groups in your neigh- ceive fewer than 1% of the pri- Then God spoke more lovingly: borhood. Let's get acquainted that the only political party 100% mary votes. On Wednesday the "Ken, my son, I am well pleased and gain the recognition and trust for gun rights is us. 4th, I learned that I had 152 with your campaign for Mayor of we need to cross that threshold! votes—about 0.7%. I was disap- Salt Lake City.! am pleased with Final Thoughts pointed and hurt. I felt anger. all the efforts of those who as- One More Chance One final thought about the How dare the voters reject me sisted you and your fellow Liber- But wait! Before all of you go mayoral campaign: The harvest when I had the only solution to tarian candidates. I am pleased charging out into your neigh- was very small, but the plant- their problems! How dare God with everything you said and did. borhoods, let me tell you of yet ing of seeds was huge. The fu- deny me this victory! You did not dilute my doctrines another Libertarian candidate ture is ours. In the October is- with the philosophies of men. Parley's Canyon Deily running for office in Salt Lake sue of Freedom Daily, Jacob G. You spoke straight and gave the I jumped into my car and drove County! Jim Dexter, LPUtah Hornberger made a statement whole Libertarian platform up Parley's Canyon. In spite of vice chair, is seeking a city about a small number of anti- whenever and wherever you the snow and mud, I hiked up council seat in the newly form- Nazi Germans during World could. lam satisfied. ing city currently known as War II. His statement applies to from the scenic overlook until I Tayl orsv ill e-Bennion . Know our Libertarian effort in the re- was alone with God among the "When I, God, spoke to Moses, I any civic groups in that area? cent Salt Lake City campaigns scrub oaks. I emptied my heart told him to have no other God's There you go! Let's do it! If you for Mayor and City Council. at God. "Please, God," I asked, "If before me. You are in violation want to help us win one, call you aren't going to give me the of that commandment when you "The story of the small number me: 359-8551, ask for Fred — chance to spread your word count the votes of others above best time, 2 p.m.-10 p.m. of Germans who resisted the among this people, take the fire my approval. Do not seek the ac- Nazi regime is told in a recent from my chest I see so many of claim of men. Satisfy me and me book—An Honourable Defeat my friends apparently happy and alone. Your calling is to preach [tin Oak lberabar (1994) by Anton Gill. Gill points peaceful under the tyranny that Libertarianism every way you out that by the end of the war, rules them. You have planted this can. How others receive you is Published 10 times a year by the most of the German resisters had fire within me that cannot be not your concern. They are in My Libertarian Party of Utah. been identified by the Gestapo quenched. I am driven to pro- hands. Your concern is how I re- Publisher and murdered. Gill points out Jim Lorenz claim liberty and give all lam to ceive you and lam pleased. Your Editor & Designer 'That this is the story of a defeat the cause. If you aren't going to Father in Heaven and your Mother Jim Dexter none will doubt. Some will dis- give me any victories, if you in Earth have not forsaken you. All submissions ore welcome. Send pute that it was an honourable aren't going to give me any vot- Can anything else matter?' neatly typewritten hard copy and/ ers, if you aren't going to give me one. It is certainly not the story Don't miss or disk (ASCII [text] format or Word of a failure. Against terrible odds the platform from which to 5]) no later than the first of the al Mormon Looks and in appalling circumstances preach, then take this burning month to: desire from my heart. Set me free at Libertarianism, The Utah Liberator a small group of people kept the starting in this issue spirit of German integrity alive, so! can graze peacefully with the P.O. Box 526025 . other sheep of the valley." on page S. Salt take City, Utah and with it the elusive spirit of 84152-6025 humanity. We should all be 801/534-8872 grateful to them for that"' them religious fanatics, gun 1-800-280-7900 long as God continues to stoke I believe there are still tyrants nuts, white separatists, tax pro- the fire in my heart, you will hear Or, if you're on-line, submit them electronically to: and there are still victims. We testers, home schoolers, funda- of Ken Larsen campaigning for don't call them Nazis and Jews. mentalists, homosexuals, drug the Libertarian cause. Submissions may be sublect to editing for We call the tyrants Republicans addicts, Cyberpom perverts, and fit, but wit otherwise be printed as and Democrats. The victims of soon. So long as! live in a soci- And may God have good reason to submitted if we have room in the issue. our day are numerous. We call ety of tyrants and victims and so continue to thank and bless us all! S 5 \ 114===g1M,MMEM IMMI‘VMMV,WW.: %MM.. sint

Dexter Runs in GULPP Makes Big Splash! Taylorsville-Bennion "Libertarianism must be fun," ciously cooked by Lorenz. Jim said LPUtah chair Jim Lorenz in Dexter and Chauna Pierce PUtah vice-chair, Jim election, I'm convinced my his inaugural address. On Satur- brought salads and rolls to round Dexter, a Bennion resi- chances will improve if I run as day, September 30, he practiced out the meal. a tax-paying homeowner who dent, has filed to run for what he preached by playing host Although the temperature in the a seat on the council of the newly will help guarantee the smallest to the first GULPP (Great Utah shade was a tad cool, two hardy incorporated City of Taylorsville- possible government than as a Libertarian Pool Party) at his souls, Scot Bergerson and D.B., Bennion. The election, which liberty-loving ideologue. The SLC condo. braved the breeze to use the pool will be held in November, pits 68 electorate does respond to ex- only to discover to their delight T-B residents against each other treme issues like legalized pros- The weather gods smiled on Lib- ertarians. Friday's dismal storm and amazement that the water for five council slots while 11 titution and drugs, which are was heated. candidates slug it out to be the outlawed at the state level anyway. was replaced by a beautiful au- city's first mayor. (The odds tumn day, bright and sunny with Following the party, six Libertar- favor the mayoral contenders.) "The important lesson of the SLC just a bare nip in the air. Liber- ians decided to make a statement campaigns is that elections are tarians came from as far away as supporting the First Amendment won from the center; very few Provo and Tooele to eat the bar- in Utah by seeing the controver- voters respond to charges of gov- becued chicken, steak, and ribs sial film Showgirls. (At least that ernment tyranny or promises of generously supplied and deli- was their excuse.) more liberty. T-B residents want safe streets, crime-free neighbor- hoods, minimal taxes, reliable services, no PhotoCop, and, above all, no Taj Mahal like Sandy's city hall. And those are the issues on which I'm basing my campaign."

Unlike the recent SLC elections, all T-B council candidates are running at-large which means Jim Dexter Dexter has to somehow contact Does not believe ideology all 10,000 homes by November will win the election 7. Volunteers and contributions Dexter says he will not run as a are more than welcome. Call Libertarian. "This is a nonparti- Dexter at 963-1028 or SL County san contest," he noted, "And chair Fred George at 539-8551 based on the results of the SLC for more information. Dear Editor: September 23,1995 I enjoyed reading Playing the Mormon Card by Ken Larsen. He correctly reviewed two beliefs of Mormonism that are similar to Libertarian views, Libs & Mooders Clean Up 1-15 However, I believe be was wrong when be said, "If Mormons are looking for the political party that best fits the doctrines and beliefs of Mormonism, we are that party." There is, I believe, a key aspect of Mormonism that means very few Mormons will become Libertarians. The Mormon Church is a highly centralized, authoritative church. Mormons . are taught to be obedient to their church leaders and to follow them with- out question, because they believe their leaders are inspired by God. I believe this acceptance of a strong, centralized authority by Mormons has a greater influence in their lives than does their belief in freedom of choice and their belief that the constitution was inspired (the two aspects of Mor- monism discussed by Ken Larsen in his article). I think this acceptance of authority biases their aftitude toward government. I think that, in general. Utah Mormons do not want a lot of government intervention in their lives, but I think they do want a government that would support their religions beliefs (for example, prohibition of gambling in Utah). If lam correct in this assessment of Utah Mormons, they are not likely to become Libertarians. Our sincerest thanks to the fol- Allen W. Leigh SL-area Libertarians aided by South Jordan volunteers from Mood-For-A- lowing volunteers for coming Day, cleaned-up the LPUtah- out early Saturday morning (8 P.S.: Please put your fax number in each issue of "The Utah Liberator." adopted stretch of Interstate 15 a.m.!) to support the cause: Lisa Allen, thank you for your well-considered letter. This is such an impor- (between 4500 South and 5400 Van Wagoner, Megan Van Wag- tant topic that we're serializing Dr. Larsen's entire 12,00)-worcl treatise, oner, Brian Bruns, Scott A Mormon Looks At Libertarianism, starting on page 5. As with most South) on Saturday, September maturing institutions, I think you'll find the differences are cultural, 30. Ken Larsen organized the Bergeson, Carol Williamson, Ben not doctrinal. The party does not have a fax number. See the mast- event as part of his campaign. Valdez Jr., and Bryant Larsen. head (pg. 2) for contact and submission information. — Tim Dexter


newsletters, etc. This is slow, de- they did,they had apolished ten non-male and non-Republici an.) tailed, tedious work but we know second sound bite to offer, non- If providing the Toastmas- what to do and are doing those rigit committal and designed not to ter's phone numbers wasn't direct things at every level to get there. offend any voter. (The exception enough,' have called 575-1905 and Second, I invite individual was SLC Mayor Corradini who will select a meeting time lean live LPU members to look about in your was forced to respond in detail with. I was a Toastmaster years communities for an opportunity to defend her pre vious business ago and remenber the fun I had to be of service at the lowest level activities. Even as a successful and many of the friends I made. I'm where you can be effective. Liber- incumbent, she came in second sure this will be true again. tarians are not usually "joiners." to another Democrat in the 'Nuff said. Most of us do not even take much open primary. However, Deedee pleasure in mass sports, such as became an incumbent with 1-3 frs-yea'ta-iy Notes From professional baseball and football as above despite being non-LDS, The Chair we would rather be left alone to our own devices. Join the LPUtah Now! Jim Lorenz This is the individualist's para- dox Unless libertarian individuals "I'm sorry, Mr. Revere, I'm just not a paigns, and, more importantly to pay Thanks to Fred George, Salt Lake get involved, on a voluntary basis, joiner." Where would we be with that the cost of publishing this newslet- County Chair for, his stalwart work kind of attitude? To restore the Ameri- ter, the new membership card, and in our community councils, service in organi7ing precinct walks and can Revolution, we must grow. Not other planned services a nd activities. clubs, such as Rotary, Kiwanis, Li- for doing the many other unglam- only do we need a larger headcount Please take this advantage of orous details of political work. We ons, Toastmasters (SW 575-1905, for greater political influence, we this opportunity to support America's Murray 269-9992,) Soroptimists, need the dues ("money is the mother's best (and only) political hope. Even if also thank Ken Larsen for his en- milk of politics") to help fund cam- you're not a "joiner." tertaining run at the SW mayoral etc., or volunteer groups such as the primary, where he came in 6th in a PTSA, Boy Scouts, Brownies, Camp- r- fire Girls, etc., we cannot, we will field of eight. Our thanks to our Salt Membership Lake City Council candidates: Ron not build credibility networks with Eberti.L. Leahy came in 6th of ten, Derrick our neighbors, nor will we learn Form Ricks 4th of four ,but with the high- how to build political consensus. est percentage of votes cast for a How does one get appointed to the various community para-gov- Yes, I Want To Be a Utah Libertarian Libertarian at 6.47% of the votes Please check one membership category, sign the Pledgec fill in pour name and cast, The Libertarian Party of Utah ernment groups? Take the initiative contact information, include payment, and mail. and find your path to your local thanks, with gratitude, the many p Introductory — For new members only. a one-year Introductory membership volunteers who donated their time government's appointed councils. entitles you to all the rights and privileges of Full membership. Does: $15. To start call a sitting member and and moneytowanis our candidates El Utah — Provides annual membership in the Libertarian Party of Utah. in this Primary season. Especially ask how they got appointed.We have Entitles you to our monthly newsletter, The Utah bhvrtrto invitation to all the people who helped with Ken's to maintain Utah ballot status dur- our social events and political functions, and voting eight. at our state party and county organization meetings/conventions. Does: $SA. trash pickup on the Libertarian sec- ing this process and for that pur- tion of the freeway pose may have to run paper candi- o Full — Provides annual membership in both the I iLati end national Liber- dates, hoping we can rely on aggre- tarian parties. In addition to all the rights and pereileges ot ttah membership. Honor was well-served, but you'll also receive the national party's monthly nevr•letter, Does: $25. victory remains a distant hope. gate vote totals to stay on the bal- Since our candidates, except for lot and in the game_ But, we cannot The Libertarian Party Pledge Derrick Ricks, who came in with win any elections playing just to I hereby certify that I do not believe in nor advm atr thr n,t 4ion 6.47% of the vote in the 2nd Dis- stay in the game. of force as a means of achieving political or su...1 toaix trict, got less than 2% of the votes Let's look at who and what cast, it could be said the LPUtab is wins local elections: Signed: X Itatc below the threshold of perceptibil- Q. Do the winners have a commu- Please type or print neatly. Thank you. ity. We are too small to be seen on nity following? Name: the local political horizon. [What did A. Yes, in every case. Address: Derrick do to do so well?1 Q. Row did the winners attract That's the bad news. The good followers and their money? City/State/Zip: news is that this low spot in our A. By some level of community Home Phone: (801) E-Mail: political profile can be fixed, and activity over a period of years. Work Phone: (801) Fax: (NW with a lot of side benefits. Q. What did the winners talk Payment: 0 Check (payable to: Libertarian Party of Utah) 0 Cash/Money order First, we have to continue to 0 Visa 0 Mastercard about on the campaign trail? build the party at the county level, Card Number: that is to increase our number of A. Issues of local appeal or con- Name on card: dues-paying members with the slow cern. Usually taxes, crime and but sure methods we know that public services. Signature: work_We want to see strong county Q. Didthey ever discuss underly- Nail to: Libertarian Party of Utah ing principles in public? P.O. Box 526025 based LPU affiliates, eventually Salt Lake City, Utah 84152-6025 publishing their own county-wide A. Not if they could help it, but if L -van=

A Mormon Looks at Libertarianism - Part 1 by Ken Larsen, Ph.D. This is the first part of a serial- Unfortunately, dear reader, I am here in America, each citizen is men accountable for their acts ization of Dr. Larsen's 12,000 not an angel. I cannot speak the responsible—responsible to God in relation to them, both in mak- word treatise on Mormonism words of God with the voice of a —for the conduct of our govern- ing laws and administering and Libertarianism. If you are trumpet to shake the earth and ment. When the government them, for the good and safety LDS, you should find significant convince you of the truth of my sins, we have sinned. When the of society. words. lam not a son of Mosiah government commits murders support for Libertarian ideals in "We believe that no government to teach you these things with and robbing, and lying, and your faith. (Any conflicts be- can exist in peace, except such laws great power and authority of deceivings, and whoredoms, and tween libertarians and Momons are framed and held inviolate as are largely cultural.) If you are God. And I am not the brother all manner of abominations of Jared, that my writings would (Mormon 8:31), we are guilty of will secure to each individual the not LDS, you should find this in- free exercise of conscience, the formation usefiil when talking to be so mighty as to overpower you such acts. Only through active as you read them. I am not even opposition can we rid our gar- right and control of property, and your LDS neighbors about the the protection of life.... Libertarian Party. a general authority, or a famous ments of this guilt. Being de- church scholar. Mywords are my ceived or ignorant will not save "We believe that all men are ii 0that I were an angel, only credentials. us. The Terrestrial World is re- bound to sustain and uphold the and could have the served for those who are deceived respective governments inwhich wish of mine heart, that To Discover the Truth in religious matters. I believe they reside, while protected in I might go forth and speak with What you are about to read rep- God will also judge those who their inherent and inalienable the trump of God, with a voice resents the truth as I see it. It is permit themselves to be deceived rights by the laws of such gov- to shake the earth, and cry re- not trivial. It may have bearing in political matters. We are ex- ernments; and that sedition and pentance unto every people! Yea, on your eternal salvation, as well pected to use our spiritual dis- rebellion are unbecoming every as your temporal well-being. I I would declare unto every soul, cernment in all matters of im- citizen thus protected, and have exercised considerable as with the voice of thunder, portance, including our political should be punished accordingly; prayer and study in preparing repentance and the plan of activities. Moroni said "And by and that all governments have a these words so that I might not redemption, that they should the power of the Holy Ghost ye right to enact such laws as in deceive you. I only hope you also repent and come unto our God, may know the truth of all their own judgments are best will exercise prayer and study as things." (Moroni 10:5) calculated to secure the public that there might not be more you ponder this message that sorrow upon all the face of the interest; at the same time, how- you might not be deceived. lam The Proper Role of Government earth." (Alma 29: 1-2) ever, holding sacred the freedom not so naive as to believe Jam so In order to avoid deception, we of conscience." (D&C 134:1-2,5) To Write With Power close to the spirit that I can write should seek to understand the Yes, dear reader, I would to God without error. I lay the responsi- proper role of government and The Origin of Rights. that I could be like Ammon and bility on you, dear reader, to sift the inspired principles embodied President Benson then explained his brothers Aaron, Omner and my words by the spirit, to accept in our Constitution. These prin- the origin of rights. He felt itwas Himni. For Alma records that the truth and to reject the false. ciples were presented in a speech very important to understand "They had waxed strong in the Let us be Latter-day Saints in the by President Ezra Taft Benson that rights come from God as knowledge of the truth; for they true meaning of the word "saint", entitled The Proper Role of Gov- part of the Divine Plan, not from government as part of the politi- were men of a sound under- i.e.: let us be people who seek to eminent. He explained that there standing and they had searched obtain and follow the prompt- are eternal principles of right and cal plan. ings of the spirit in our serious wrong for the actions of govern- the scriptures diligently, that With all the talk of separating ments, just as there are eternal they might know the word of communications. church and state, we must never principles of right and wrong for God. But this is not all; they abandon our official recognition Today is the day of deception spo- individual actions. had given themselves to much ken of in the scriptures (Mormon of the simple truths stated in the prayer, and fasting; therefore 8:31). Many are deceived and lose As sovereign citizens of America, Declaration of Independence: they had the spirit of prophecy, the blessings God would give with the right and responsibility "We hold these truths to be self- and the spirit of revelation, and them. Pray that you will not be to make political decisions, it is evident, that all men are created when they taught, they taught deceived. Pray for the power of our duty to discover these righ- equal, that they are endowed by with the power and authority the Holy Ghost, which gift you teous, eternal principles of gov- their Creator with certain un- of God." (Alma 17:2-3) have received, to bless you with ernment and to uphold them by alienable Rights, that among discernment. 11-ust no man, es- whatever means God may give And again, I would to God that I these are Life, Liberty and the pecially me, to be your teacher. us. President Benson presented, pursuit of Happiness. That to could be like the brother of Jared. Look only to the Holy Ghost for as a basis for his beliefs, these secure these rights, Govern- For Moroni tells us that the Lord instruction. As you read these verses from the Doctrine and ments are instituted among Men, made him mighty in writing, words, ask for inspiration. It is Covenants: deriving their just powers from even that the things which he your right. wrote were mighty even as the Mormon Beliefs the consent of the governed." Lord is mighty, unto the over- Our Eternal Responsibility "We believe that governments powering of man to read them. Why do I place such importance were instituted of God for the Next Issue: (Ether 12:24) on political matters? Because benefit of man; and that He holds Man Creates Government

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Talk Radio in Utah: Radioland Warning: You May Have EIB! Update by Andrew L. Howard Lowell Ponte: The day the September issue came off the o you have EIB? What is could be more ardent about Chappaquiddik incident sung by press, KCNR cancelled the EIB? Is it a disease or smaller government, but it is a Teddy Kennedy imitator to the Lowell Ponte-At-Large show, in- Dvirus? We'll if you're ad- clear he believes government, tune of The Wonderer " . . . The serting Tom Likas in an earlier dicted to it, you might think so. more often than not, is a major car spins round and round and timeslot, and replacing Ponte If you're a liberal, you think it's contributor to today's problems. round ..." with Michael Reagan, a conser- a plague! And unfortunately, al- Saviour of AM Radio Rush also pokes fun at leftists vative Republican like his dad. though it's growing rapidly and To his credit and the relief of Utah state representative (SL infects and affects millions daily, and government growth activists radio-world, Rush turned the in his Homeless Update, his NOW County) David Bresnahan, also EIB is not an ADA certified afflic- political tide for those once (rechristened NAG—National a local talk show host, has re- tion. OK. You've guessed it. EIB drowning in a liberal media sea. cently purchased a radio station is Rush Limbaugh's Excellence Association of Gals—by Rush) Almost singlehandedly, Rush and is now negotiating to put in Broadcasting network heard Update, and others. He often re- has resuscitated and invigorated Ponte back on the air. Stay tuned on KALL-910 from 10:00 a.m. to fers to the NAACP as the NAALCP, AM radio, paving the way for to The Utah Liberator for details. 1:00 p.m. Mon-Fri ("Best of "L" being for liberal. Instead of today's public political debates the Beatles singing "all my Rush" reruns on Saturdays at the Paul Harvey: If you're a Paul thereon.. Excepting the occa- lovin'," you'll hear a Clinton-like same time). The magic numbers Harvey fan, northern Utah radio sional congressman, however, voice sing, "all your money, I will to get aboard Rush's Effi network offers two choices. KCNR (1320 Rush rarely conducts guest in- are 1-800-282-2882, or fax to take from you." However, he is AM, SLC) carries his noon broad- terviews. Some might claim it's 1-212-563-9166. quick to back up his satirical cast at 1:00 p.m., Mon-Fri, and because of his ego's size. He rhetoric with facts, discussions, at 10:00 a.m. Saturdays. KSOS might joke that as "full-figured" and data. Not Quite libertarian (800 AM, Ogden) plays Paul guy there's no room in his booth Rush is not a social Libertarian. He has put together a revealing Harvey's Mon-Sat noon broad- for others. But the real reason He's not a proponent of the de- list of 51 Clinton campaign cast at 12:00 p.m. immediately is that he is simply more at ease criminalization of illicit drug promises to help us remember followed by his Rest of the Story proclaiming his own conserva- usage, repealing consensual what the mainstream media has feature (Mon-Fri) . . . when tive viewpoints. That's the for- crimes, or keeping the govern- neglected to report Have you re- KSOS' station engineers remem- mula that vaulted him into the ment out of the bedroom. How- ceived your middle class tax cut? ber to run it. lead microphone position. ever, he leans our way in other Is he right all of the time? Of areas. For example, during his As a successful, conservative jug- course not. However, Rush stays August vacation, Dr. Walter Wil- gernaut, he is seen as a major on top of the issues and gets to Be sure to read the 1964 liams, author and Libertarian, threat by the left. Not so long the heart of political matters. Civil Rights Act article on guest-hosted his show. Through page 14 of the October ago, under the Democrat-con- Rush's message and delivery are the "golden EIB microphone," trolled 103rd Congress, he was Libertarian Party NEWS. seductive to Libertarians. But if Williams grabbed the ears of mil- made the target of repeated "fair- The horrifying story of how you're tempted to join the lions of Rush listeners, proudly ness doctrine" attempts. Yet con- one bureaucrat perverted professing to be a radical of the Rushmeister's growing legion of one "well-intentioned" law. spicuously to the contrary, PBS, "dittoheads," remember that Jeffersonian ilk (read Libertar- though publicly funded and ian!). Williams also interviewed having some Libertarian virtues thereby obligated to remain po- does not a Libertarian make. the renowned economist, au- litically unbiased, continues to thor, and Libertarian Dr. Thomas Rush is an ardent conservative Liberating evade scrutiny of its leftist biases. Republican. Sowell. Now there's reach! Filling the niche in radio broad- Limmericks casting has also opened the door I rate him as having an Eco- Rush was opposed to the gun by Andrew L. Howard for his success as an author. His nomic Self-Government Score of grabbers and gun-phobes who and 80% and a Personal Self-Govern- Clinton's Reign foisted the so-called ban on as- The Way Things Ought to Be ment Score of 3096. However, if The most ethical president to date? sault weapons on us. Of Rush's the following See, I Told You So you believe in rugged individu- The proof of this I await, "35 Undeniable Truths," many are both top sellers. alism, advocate a smaller federal With special prosecutors gaining, are Libertarian in nature. One A Great Entertainer government, or just like to see Few Counsels are remaining, heralds, "There is a distinct sin- Rush is both shrewd political the Left squirm under a micro- Just ask Vincent Foster, the late. gular American culture—rug- analyst and entertaining sati- scope, you'll probably support ged individualism and self-reli- rist. Believing one can illus- Limbaugh's positions more often Our Gov't In Action ance—which made America Fearing Koresh and his men, trate absurdity by being absurd, than not And EIB may be a part great." Others include, "Compas- Fornication, arms, and mayhem, Rush's musical "updates" are of the cure for what ails us! sion is no substitute for justice," often hilariously illustrative. With no though of thanks, and "There is no such thing as a One of my favorites, The Philan- Next Issue: Reno brought in Fed tanks. New Democrat" Perhaps Rush derer,is a spoof on the Kennedy- The G-Man: G. Gordon Liddy To save the children, she gassed 'em. The SLC Elections: Vigilance at the Threshold by Fred George

Reading the Electorate been told to stop booking mis- the other. The effects of elector- electorate is listening to more Salt Lake City, Utah, 1995. A city demeanors because there is no ate disenfranchisement, split and more. A message worthy of of about 100,000. Predominantly jail space. More problems; more Democrats, Republican pres- reading again, and again. lEd. supportive of Democratic candi- government. More government; ence, a continuing Libertarian Note: If you are not familiar with dates. Of SLC's eight or so state more problems. presence and participation in the the Statement of Principles of house seats, only the very east- Salt Lake City area, and four the Libertarian Party, please see Eledability ern part of the city is represen- other mayoral candidates besides the August issue.] SLC elects its mayor at-large and ted by a Republican. Of SLC's Dr. Larsen, could have meant councilors from seven districts. Politics Within a Party four or so State Senate seats only that Ken Larsen had a reason- In 1995, the mayor and council- Our message is strong. Our oppor- that same eastern area has a Re- able window of opportunity to ors from Districts 2,4, and 6 are tunities are getting stronger. The publican senator. SLC's mayor is bring a Libertarian choice through to be chosen. These races are electorate is getting wiser. The a Democrat. the primary. nonpartisan, but party affiliation electorate desperately seeks solu- In general, the SLC electorate is generally plays a role. Derrick Ricks lives in a neighbor- tions to real problems, and finds not particularly pleased with hood affected by the Pioneer no satisfaction from government. Libertarians ran in three of the government these days, as is the Park problem. And, the Indepen- The message Libertarians bring, four races in this year. Dr. Ken case most everywhere. They feel dent Party-minded sector of the regardless of the issue, is what Larsen sought the mayor's office. the frustration of going to their electorate appeared willing to the electorate hungers for. This Derrick Ricks ran in District 2 government representatives and support the Libertarian-minded message, rooted in the State- in the southwest part of the city. seeking means to resolve prob- candidate because of significant ment ofPrinciples, far and away Ron Leahy ran in District 6, the lems in their neighborhoods. discontent with the current in- outshines any interest the elec- very eastern part of the city. They They feel the dilemma of con- cumbent. With just three oppo- torate may have in finding can- all lost. tinuing to support governing nents, Derrick Ricks also ap- didates that match what they see policies that don't work. And The current mayor, Deedee peared to have a reasonable win- in the mirror. they're beginning to get mad Corradini, has an array of "bag- dow of chance. about how government not only The old stereotypes the Demo- gage," both political and per- There was even hope that Ron publicans continue to offer can- seems to escalate; but how their sonal, that may very well leave Leahy could emerge from the problems, their concerns, seem not, nor should not, be a model the electorate looking to other pack of ten candidates as a sur- for Libertarians. For the elector- to escalate as well. Government choices. A likely reason why an- vivor of the primary. Divide ate to accept Libertarian candi- isn't providing solutions, it's only other candidate with the same 100,000 population by an as- contributing to their problems. dates, the candidates need to political party persuasion en- sumed four people per house- convey the Libertarian message. tered the race. That can only Pioneer Park is a great example. hold and you have 25,000 house- As the electorate recognizes the serve to split the support of those This park seems to be where holds. Divide that by seven dis- message and builds trust and in the electorate who may still some have chosen to conduct tricts and you have about 3,500 support in that message, what- wish to support Democratic- drug transactions, repeatedly, households per district. Divide ever image they may see about the minded candidates. persistently. The government that by ten candidates, and the candidate becomes irrelevant. initiates an aggressive effort to support of 350 households could With potential electorate discon- have brought bring Ron through Any illusion attempted by the "clean up" the park by allocat- tent, the Republican-minded ing a large amount of law en- the primary. In two previous Libertarian Party to "mirror" a sector, which is so dominant in state house races he entered, candidate as a means to attract forcement resources. Those in- most other areas in Utah, had a volved in these activities filter when little, if any, significant more electoral support may very candidate, Steve Harmsen. That campaign effort was attempted, into the neighboring business well undermine the trust of the helped divide the electorate, Ron received about 200 votes and residential areas. electorate in the Libertarian though the evidence of Demo- each time. But it was not to be. message. The electorate is not cratic predominance, combined Now the electorate is discover- Principles interested man expanding, alter- ing unwanted activities through- with previous efforts of Libertar- Whywould the electorate be con- native choices, political land- out the nooks, crannies, and al- ians in SLC, would indicate that sider Libertarians an alternative scape that offers more of the leyways where they live and a Republican-minded candidate same-o same-o, where trust has does not necessarily have any to the Democrats and Republi- work. And they're hearing the cans? That's simple. It's notwhat dissolved into a state of disen- government cry out for more, greater opportunity for winning franchisement. The Libertarian the mayor's race than a Libertarian. the nature of any particular is- more, more to be able to do more sue may bring. It's what Lthertar- Party must set the standard in of the same; as well as needing In two 1992 State House races ians from around the country, the political arena where the more, more, more to increase in Salt Lake City, the contests even throughout the world, have electorate comes to trust the mes- the availability of jail facilities. were between just a Democrat tried to educate everyone to for sage. None of the other parties are. Local law enforcement claims and a Libertarian. The Libertar- almost 25 years. Our Statement they're arresting the same people ians received 25% of the vote in of Principles says it all. And it's over and over, but they have now one race, and 17% of the vote in a message the disenfranchised Continues page 8

Threshold— cont'd of acceptability. Can Libertarians ingly encourage your support The Individual expect anything other than that and participation. Be decisive. Your $upport The individual, YOU, hold the from Libertarian campaigns? Respond appropriately. Then keys to liberty. The effectiveness You could demonstrate Liber- thank them. What simpler way Is Needed of Libertarian campaigns are tarianism to the electorate by to encourage volunteers than We need help to pay the ex- what you do as an individual, putting up a yard sign for a cam- to thank them for their efforts? penses of the campaigns. The paign. (In Taylorsville-Bennion, Salt Lake County party also whether you're the candidate or Approaching the Threshold call Jim Dexter at 963-1028.) It's welcomes your financial sup- not. Whether you provide major From the electorate, to the cam- port to help build a stronger Applied Libertarianism 101. contributions or do nothing paigns, to the Libertarian Party, county organization. Flyers, more than simply vote Libertar- Expect growing Libertarianism to you, the pursuit of life, liberty, campaigns, and other efforts ian, your actions speak volumes. cost money. Please send con- to knock at your door, ring your and happiness awaits our satis- faction. Our destination requires tributions to: Salt Lake County Libertarians expect less govern- phone, enter your mailbox, ap- Libertarian Party, P.O. Box ment will magnify the signifi- proach you via e-mail, or enter vigilance. We're arriving at the 526175, Salt Lake City, UT cance of voluntary association. your life in a variety of ways. And threshold. We can, we will, reach 84152-6175. our destiny. The free market will be the ve- the growth of effort throughout Thank you in advance for your hicle of supply and demand. Re- the spectrum of local, state, and helpl — Fred George sponsibility to he the litmus test national activities will increas-

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