Royal Botanic Gardens – conserving Australia’s plants for the future Royal Botanic Gardens Board Victoria Annual Report 2000/01 Contents Contact Details and Maps ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS MELBOURNE Patron, Dame Elisabeth Murdoch AC DBE Mission IFC ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM MELBOURNE Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne Charter, Values 1 Birdwood Avenue Birdwood Avenue Major Achievements 2 (Private Bag 2000) (Private Bag 2000) South Yarra Victoria South Yarra Victoria Major Challenge 4 Mission Australia 3141 Australia 3141 Chairman’s Foreword 6 Telephone +61 3 9252 2300 Telephone +61 3 9252 2303 Facsimile +61 3 9252 2442 Facsimile +61 3 9252 2413 Director’s Report 7 To advance the knowledge and Email
[email protected] Email
[email protected] Corporate Governance 8 enjoyment of plants, and to Internet site Internet site The Organisation 10 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS Donations to the Royal Botanic Gardens CRANBOURNE Melbourne of more than $2 are Generous Financial Support 14 foster their conservation, in 1000 Ballarto Road tax-deductible. The Royal Botanic Gardens is an authorised recipient insti- Corporate Plan Priorities 16 Cranbourne Victoria tution in the Federal Government’s Australia 3977 order to give people a better Cultural Gifts Program. Annual Outputs Telephone +61 3 5990 2200 Plant Sciences 18 Facsimile +61 3 5990 2250 FRIENDS OF THE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, MELBOURNE INC understanding of the essential Email
[email protected] ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS CRANBOURNE Management of Administered Assets 20 Internet site Gate Lodge Birdwood Avenue Visitor Programs 22 part that plants play in all life AUSTRALIAN RESEARCH CENTRE FOR URBAN ECOLOGY South Yarra Victoria Australia 3141 Businesses 24 Telephone +61 3 9650 6398 c/o School of Botany Facsimile +61 3 9650 7723 Volunteers, Support Groups and on earth.