Sons of the American Revolution
OFFICIAL BULLETIN JOliN WILLIAM WIXG.\TE, Durango, Colo. (>,os>). Creat·grandoon of Abraham Walku, prh·ate Eleventh Rhode Island Continental Infantry, Colonel Hitchcock. OFFICIAL BULLETIN JENNINGS CROPPER WISE, Richmond, Va. (28333). Great•·grandson of John 0 .. Cropp.,·, Lieutenant Colonel Ele\·enth Regt. \ ' irginia Line. Colonel of Militia. CHARLES BARTON WOOD, Olympia, Wash. (27883). Great'-grandson of THE NATIONAL SOCIETY Jacob Mytinger, First Lieutenant, Captain Bartholomew Von Heer's Com 0 .. THE pany Penna. Troop of I,ight Dragoons. WILLIAM DARLING WOODBRIDGE, Parkersburg, West Va. (D. C. 268o;), Supplementals. Great-grandson of Dudley Woodbridge, Conn. minute man, SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 2 Member of Committee of Inspection; great ·grandson of Elijah Backus, Orpniz.d April30, 1889 cannon founder, )!ember of Committee of Inspection. Preaident General Elmer M. Wentworth, Des Moines, Iowa. Incorporated by Act of Congre.. June 9, 1906 WILLIAM CIIARLES WOODFORD, llartford, Conn. (27959). Great2-grandson of Abel Woodmff, private, Col. Noadiab Hooker's and other Conn. Regts. JUNE. 1916 Number I ALLEN GURNEY WOODRUFF, Millburn, N. J. (28358). Great"-grandson of Volume XI Stephen Woodruff, private Essex County 1\'ew Jersey Militia. " Publlshed at the office of the Secretary General (A. Howard Clark, Smithsonian Insti- G. BARTRAM WOODRUFF, Elizabeth, N. J. (28o8s). Great'-grandson of tution), Washington, D. C., in June, October, December, and March. Francis Barber, Major Third New Jersey Regt., Assistant Inspector under Baron Steuben. Entered as second-class matter, May 7, 1908, at the post-office at Washmgton, D. C., uhder the Act of July 16, 1894. HERBERT ARDEN WOODRUFF, Grand Rapids, ;\Iich. (27475). Great-grand son of Abel Woodruff, private, Col.
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