Congressional Record--House. 2181
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1894. -CONGRESSIONAL RECORD--HOUSE. 2181 POSTMASTERS. Amos W. Buchanan, to be postmaster at Bryan, in the co1.inty of Brazos and State of Texas. Frank S. Harding, to be postmaster at McMinnville, in the J. B. Nichols, to be postmaster at Jonesboro, in the county of county of Yamhill and St:tte of Oregon. Craighead and State of ArkansaB. · L.A. Skelley, to be -postmasklr at Silver City, in the _county of De Witt C. Pierce, to be postmaster at Kirksville, in the Grant and Territory of New Mexico. county of Adair and State of :Missouri. Executive1wminations confirmed by the Senate Febnwry 14,1891,.. Eugene P. Moore, to be postmaster at Pierce City, in the county of Lawrence and Stat-e of Missouri. ENVOY EXTRAORDINARY AND MINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY. John W. Bennett, to be postmaster at Maysville, in the county Thomas B. Ferguson, of Maryland, to be envoy extraordinary of De Kalb and Shte of Missouri. and minister plenipotentiary of the United States to Sweden and Roy H. Chamberlain, to be postmaster at Clarlnd9., in th~ Norway. county of Page and State of Iowa. CONSULS. John F. Shannon, to be postmaster at Neosho, in the c::mnty Arthur de Cima, of California, to be consul of the United States of Newton and State of Missouri. at Mazatlan. H. N. P owell, to be p03tmaster at Thayer, in the co ..mty of John Malcom Johnstone, of South Carolina, to be consul of the Oregon and State of Missouri. United States at Pernambuco, Brazil. Delaware Kemper, of Virginia, to be consul of the United States at Amoy, China. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. CONSUL-GENERAL. Thomas R. Jernigan, of North Carolina, to be consul-general WEDNESDAY, February 14, 1894•• of the United States at Shanghai, China. The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. E.B.BAGB~ . MI~ISTER RESIDENT AND CONSUL-GENERAL. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. John Barrett, of Oregon, to be minister resident and consul general of the United States to Siam. MARINE HOSPITAL, CHICAGO, ILL. The SPEAKER laid before the House a letter from the Act· COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS. ing Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a communic ~1.tion Marion M. Hutson, of South Carolina, to be collector of cus from the Supervising Architect, recommending an appropriation toms for the district of Beaufort, in the State of South Caro for payment for work in connection with approaches to the Ma lina. rine Hospital, Chicago, Ill.; which wa.s referred to the Commit Joseph W. Clapp, of Massa{}husetts, to be collecto: of customs tee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. for the district of Nantucket, in the State of Massacnusetts. BEACON IN NEW YORK HARBOR. William R. Kenan, ofNorth Carolina, to be collector o~ cus toms for the dist.rict of Wilmington, in the State of North Car The SPEAKER laid before the House a letter from the Act olina. ing Secretary of the Treasury relative to using the statue of POSTMASTERS. Liberty Enlightening the World as a beacon; which was referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Thomas Wilkinson, to be postmaster at Blair, in the county of Washington and State of Nebraska. TWENTIETH VOLUME OF OPINIONS OF ATTORNEYS-GENERAL. Charles E. Reed, to be postmaster at Arapahoe, in the county The SPEAKER laid before the House a letter from the Act of Furnas and State of Nebraska. ing Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting an estimate of appro· Henry B. Morgan, to be postmaster at Peoria, in the county-.. priations submitted by the Attorney-General for printing the of Peoria and State of Illinois. twentieth volume of the Opinions oi the Attorneys-General; PatrickH.Kelly, to be postmasteratBraidwood, in the county which was referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and or of Will and State of Illinois. dered to be printed. Jay G. Green, to be postmaster at Stromburg, in the county CONTINGENT EXPENSES OF FOREIGN MISSIONS. of Polk and State of Nebraska. The SPEAKER laid before the House a letter from the Acting J. R. Burgess, to be postmaster at Ottumwa, in the county of Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a cqmmunication from Wapello and State of Iowa. the Secretary of State relative to the estimate of appropr-iations Allen C. Tanner, to be postmaster at Mount Vernon, in the for contingent expenses of foreign missions for the fiscal year county of Jefferson and State of Illinois. ending June 30, lt595; which was referred to the Committee on James Noonan, to be postmaster at Lemont, in the county of Foreign Affairs, and ordered to be printed. Cook and State of Illinois. William Alexander, to be postmaster at Hayward, in the county WILLIAM T. EBBS VS. THE UNITED STATES. of Sawyer and State of Wisconsin. · The SPEAKER laid before the House a communication from C. G. Barns, to be postmaster at Albion, in the county of Boone the Court of Claims, transmitting copies of the findings of fact in and State of Nebraska. thecase of William T. Ebbs, administrator of William Ebbs1 rs. D3-vid Luke, to be postmaster at Nashville, in the county of The United States; which was referred to the Committee- on Washington and State of Iowa. War Claims, and ordered to be printed. Charles E. Cook, to be postmaster at Uxbridge, in the county STEAMER GOLDSWORTHY. of Worcester and State of Massachusetts. The SPEAKER laid before the House the bill {S.14:26) to pro ClU'tis Reed, to be postm'Bster at Menasha, in the county of vide a register for the steamer Goldsworthy; which was read Winnebago and State of Wisconsin. firstand second time, and referred to the Committee on Merchant Joseph Kloeckner, to be postmaster at Oshkosh, in the county Marine and Fisheries. of Winnebago and State of Wisconsin. Mark M. Grimes, to be postmaster at West Medford, in the RESIGNATION OF RON. WILLIAM H. BRAWLEY. county of Middlesex and State of Massachusetts. The SPEAKER laid before the House the following letter: Daniel J. Dempsey, to be postmaster at Millbury, in the county HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES UNITED STATES, of Worcester and State of Massachusetts. Washington, D. C., February 12. 1834. Henry S. Lyons, to be postmaster at North Adams, in the DEAR SIR: I have the honor to inform yon that I forwarded to the goveruo!· of South Carolina my resignation as a member of the House or county of Berkshire and State of Ma-ssachusetts. Representatives from the First Congressional district in that State, to take Humphrey Martin, to be postmaster at Deckertown, in the etiect to-day. I am, very r€spectfully, etc., county of Sussex and State of New Jersey. WM. H. BRAWLEY. George T. Jones; to be postmaster at Wallingford, in the county Hon. CHARLES F. CRISP, of New Haven and State of Connecticut. , Speaker, House of Representatives. Charles H. Stacy, to be postmaster at West Newton, in the LEAVE OF ABSENCE. count:v of Middlesex and State of Massachusetts. John J. Carbine, to be postmaster at Olyphant: in the county By unanimous consent, leave of absence was granted as fol of Vwkawanna and State of Pennsylvania. lows: Casimir Burkhart, to be postmaster at New Iberia, in the To Mr. WoLVERTON, for this day, on account of important ~ounty of Iberia and State of Louisiana. businesa. William K. Vansciver, to be postmaster at Beverly, in the To l\1r. HARRIS, for two weeks, on account of important busi county of Burlington and State or New Jersev. ness. Hugh A. Pickett, to be postmaster at Camden, in the county ' PERSONAL EXPLANATION. of Ouachita and State of Arkansas. Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, I \-h,e to a question of "perso~al -. , 2182 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. FEBRUARY 14, privilege. I send to the Clerk's desk an article and ask that it HOUSE OF REPRESENT.ATI VES UNITED STATES, be read as marked. _ Washington, D. a., February 12, 1 94, DEAR MR. HUNTER: In view of the fact thn.t I was that day doing what I The Clerk read as follows: could to assist my colleague, Mr_ CUMM£NGs, with whose programme Judge LUXURY .AND NECESSITY-SIGNIFI.CANT RATE ON THE DIAMOND AND AGRI· HoLMAN's amendment interfered, I kept track of the vote on the amend CUL:rURA.L-IMPLEMENT SCHEDULE- ment raising the duty on diamonds- THE REPUBLIC BUREAU, Washington, IJ. V., February 5. You voted for it, as you sat so closely 1n front of me I -could not well be mistaken_ In the Committee of the Whole no record is made of any member's vote, but here is where the most important legislation is formulated. For in S'incerely. stance two important amendments were voted on in the Committee ot the JOHN DE WITT WARNER, Whole' while the Wilson bill was under considerati<>n- One was to increase Member Tlli1·teenth New York Distrr.ct. the duty on diamonds from 10 to 30 per cent, offered by Mr. ALDERSON <>1 _ Hon. A. J. HUNTER, West Virginia, and the other to place agricultural implements on the free Addressed. list- offered by Mr- TERRY of Arl~ansas_ FORMAN, McDANNOLD, WILLIAMS, LANE, and FITHIAN, of Illinois, voted to increase the d~ty on dia.mon:ds ~d COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS, for free agricultural implements. The most of tile lllinoi.s delegatwn, m HoUSE, OF REPRESENTATIVES, cluding BLACK and HUNTER, voted~gainst placing agricultural implements Washington, IJ. a_, February 13, 1894. on the free list and against increasing the duty on dia,monds. One is an Hon. A. .T. HUNTER, article of luxury and should be taxed; the other 1s an arti-ele of necessity House of Rep1·esentatives: to the farmer and should be on the free list- Implements made in the United I understand that the cha.rge has been that when the Alderson amend States are now sold in foreign countries for less than they are to our farmers.