16 July 2007 Edition 8 Date of next Issue 1 September Deadline for submission of info 16 August 07

Children’s Services Youth Work in Partnership Development Co-ordination Team, Partners and Providers Information Sharing – July 2007

Spotlight on:

Aspatria Dreamscheme

Aspatria Dreamscheme have made good use of Youth Opportunity and Youth Capital Funds. Photographs show Ian on the drums, funded through YOF; and young people in the new kitchen, funded through YCF.

Photos 1 and 2 are of young girls on lap tops in the cyber café on “girls night”.

Photo 4 is of the youth band “Brightside”. Damon, Ian, Ryan and Aaron, all young people/volunteers from Aspatria Dreamscheme and winners of the 2nd heat of Battle of the Bands.

They are looking forward to playing on the Grand Turk (Tall Ship) at Silloth and also at Silloth’s Music and Beer Festival, supported by the “Cavern Beatles”.

Congratulations to Ron Wright, Duke of Edinburgh Award Leader at Trinity School, Carlisle. Ron has been awarded the MBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours list.

Ron was awarded the MBE for his Service to Education which included his work with The Duke of Edinburgh's Award.

Battle of the Bands – Rock Against Racism

Funded by Children’s Services Youth Opportunity Fund; Neighbourhood Management Fund; Chief Constables Property Fund and Street Safe, Furness music lovers were served up a ten band treat at the Canteen Media and Arts Centre on Island as ten local bands battled for more than £1500 in prizes at the ‘Rock Against Racism’ event. This event was organised by Scott Quinn, a young person from Barrow.

500 free tickets were snapped up for the event,one of the best supported local music events of the year. Competition was fierce with a host of different music styles. Each band played fantastic music to a high standard and made an excellent impression on the judges and fans, which made it a hard task for the judges to choose the winners.

The bands that played were: Streams of Whisky (1st ), The Relics (2nd ), Frequent Passing (3rd ), Recoil, Breaking Silence, Torture TV, Irrational Behaviour, Katabasis, Black Sanitorium, Down & Out in Vegas.

Canteen co-owner Gary said: "It was a fantastic night and a great cause for the Canteen to be associated with. Live music is a very powerful medium and it’s fantastic to see so many young people enjoying it without any trouble week in week out at the Canteen. The anti-racism message got heard and hundreds of local music fans were given short blasts of what is on offer from the up and coming talents from within a burgeoning Furness live music scene."

Inspector Geoff Steele praised the work of Scott Quinn the event organiser: “Scott is 17 years old. Indeed when he started to organize this event he was just 16. His passion and energy is a great example of what can be achieved by local young people given an opportunity, and also importantly what can happen when they are listened to. I am proud of what Scott has achieved he is a credit to Cumbria Police”

Cumbria Young Farmers

Young Farmers from around the County recently converged on Castlerigg Farm, Armathwaite for the Stockman and Young Stock judge of the Year Competition.

They judged three rings of stock: - dairy cows, butchers cattle and butchers lambs in the pouring rain and completed an animal health and husbandry questionnaire supplied by Richard Knight of the Westmorland Veterinary Group. Prizes presented on the night by County President, Frank Chester were as follows: - Ian Graham Rose bowl, Stockman of the Year: - Richard Ridley, Caldbeck; Stan Davis Trophy, Young Stock judge of the Year: - Amanda Jackson, Skelton and Harrison Hetherington Trophy for the winning Club went to Skelton YFC.

The National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs has a membership of 22,000 young people, a few of whom were represented in the National Finals of the various competitions at the Royal Show.

Cumbria YFC members achieved outstanding results in these competitions. Richard Hodgson from Carlisle YFC won not only the photography exhibition but also, alongside Jonny Reed won the “Five Minutes of Fame” national final. Jonny and Richard sang their version of the Proclaimers hit “Five Hundred Miles” to rapturous applause from the Royal Show audience.

37Hhttp://www.cumbria.gov.uk/communityinformation/grants.a sp

This is a link to a new Grants Portal, a comprehensive grants database. Key features of the site are:

• a searchable grants database • a grants directory • national regional and local funding news features • local grants section (including Cumbria CC grants)

Celebrate Youth Celebration events for young people are being planned across the County. To find out more information on what is happening in your area please contact your Local Youth Work Development Co-ordinator.

Allerdale and Copeland

A fun day event in Cleator Moor is being planned with Phoenix Youth Project linking with other youth centres in Copeland.

A visual arts event in Workington, with displays in the town centre. Links with Soundwave / Mobex/ Cre8

Soundwave in Copeland running drumming workshops and will have a drumming event.

In South Lakes young people are hoping to exhibit between 1st to 7th November a montage of photographs of young people celebrating a summer of youth work and fun!

Barrow young people’s celebration day is the 31st of October - Halloween. The first meeting is going to be held on Thursday 2nd August at 11.00 at the Drop Zone. Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend, including young people if possible.

The main idea is to have a disco on the boat, but running alongside that there will be a whole range of activities available for young people, e.g skatepark, arts activities, sports etc. which will appeal to young people who don't want to go to the disco. The whole event will be linked to Local Democracy Week and Youth Work Week.

"It’s our street too “ organised by the City council is Carlisle’s contribution or version of a celebration event. Young people are involved in the planning and it's part of the National Play Day initiative which includes the Skate Jam event -so young people will be taking over the town centre and most of Bitz park - hurray another summer celebration event !

Eden’s young people are planning a series of events throughout the summer, which will be celebrating diversity and inclusion. These events are being hosted by Youth Work in Cumbria service providers and include:-

Impact Housing: A week of celebrating foods and customs from different cultures that have links with Eden Foyer, including Poland, France, Zambia – dates to be confirmed – early September

ECO – Youth Arts festival – early September

EYWP – Awards evening for young volunteers who have been undertaking diversity and inclusion training – Sept tbc

Connexions - Inclusion consultation event – involving who have engaged in the activities throughout summer - late September other providers yet to confirm their involvement

Youth Work in Cumbria Partnership Youth Work Provider Forum Meeting Dates for 2007 Allerdale Where: Contact Paul McLoughlin 01946 852732 When: Last week in July Barrow Where: Contact Helen Bunting 01229 89 4952 When: 1st Thursday in each quarter Copeland Where: Contact Paul McLoughlin 01946 852732 When Last week in July Carlisle Where: Morton Community Centre When: 2 October 5-7pm Eden Where: Friargate Conference Room Contact Kath Calvert 01768 24 2071 When: 27 September 9.30-12.30 and 7 December South Lakes Where: Windermere Youth project When: 18th September 2007 6-8pm Where: Kendal Connexions Centre When: 11th December 2007 6-8pm

Update from The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Officer The Award in Cumbrian Secondary Schools is well established with most secondary schools offering the opportunity to their pupils. This is a credit to the Award Leaders who put in a great deal of hard work.

I received a telephone call from one school recently asking for information on how to offer the Award. The school had asked their pupils what activities they would like to do and one of the responses was “The Award”.

The comments written in the Record Books by young people are a true reflection on how they feel. One young person who has just gained his Bronze, and whose goal was to improve his reading wrote “it was really boring but nevertheless it is a skill, and nobody is complaining. To prove that I have done the reading I produced some book reports”. His comment about his Physical Recreation Section was “It was very enjoyable but at the same time it was challenging. I had to put 100% effort into the sport and it was very successful”. The Award is about commitment and self-determination and this young person has shown he has both these qualities.

Over 140 young people have gained accredited outcomes since 1 April 2007. That shows commitment! Farida Allason, The Duke of Edinburgh Award Officer

Questions and Answers

Question: We have sent our invoice in, but have not received payment, why?

Answer: Invoices are paid subject to all requested documentation being received at Clint Mill. This includes up to date annual documents, such as audited accounts, insurance certificates, policy documents, monthly monitoring and quarterly reports. Payments cannot be issued if these have not been received.

To submit a question please email: [email protected]

A Funny!!!!!! The Children and Young People’s Services Awards 2007 Youth Capital Fund recipient, Ford Park Community Group- comments included in their letter of thanks: Have you thought about entering?

“Our young members are delighted There are many categories, and with the new equipment and our new toilet is to be flushed for the first time applications have to be in by 27 next week when the drain is July 2007 connected up!!”

Hurray – no more crossed legs!! For more details contact Steven Lewis on 020 8267 4042 or at [email protected]

Meet the Team – Farida Allason, Cumbria County Council Duke of Edinburgh Award Officer

“Hello, I am Farida Allason, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Officer and Cumbria Wild Country Expedition Panel Co-ordinator – I am based at Portland Square in Carlisle

Hobbies: walking, photography, reading, cinema, theatre, the arts

Greatest Achievement: Quitting smoking

First Job: When I was 14, working in a café serving drinks, food, clearing tables, cleaning, washing up. I discovered dead flies in the bottles of vinegar on the tables and have always checked the vinegar in cafes since! I discovered the said dead flies in a café in a well known supermarket recently!

Worst Job: waitress in a hotel in Keswick – I lasted one day and one night

Favourite sport: walking

Favourite Film: Terminator 2/The Departed/all Bette Davies films

Favourite Music: Queen

Favourite Food: Greek salad -must be made with kalamata olives followed by my mother's cheesecake or Greek salad -must be made with kalamata olives and Christmas pudding (not on the same plate!)

Summer Activities


Skate Park- art project at the skate park youth @ brampton Beyond Wednesday & Friday Evenings Txt or phone Ros Summer programme includes: Willat for more details: 07790801322 Wednesday 1pm-3pm ( 11-19yrs) Tues, Wed, Thurs (11-14yrs) Urban & Rural Sports activities- 23rd July- Trips & events 17th August 21st July Young Cumbria annual celebration Various sports activities – , ½ day sessions 20th August Paintballing available throughout the weeks. Costs £2-£3 23/24th August XP factor per session 2nd August – Graffiti workshops Contact Amy Egan for application form 7th August – Graffiti workshops 01228 817370 And also……….. For a registration form or further information Brampton Live 21st-22nd July please contact Fiona 016977 45023 Botcherby Healthy Living Initiative National Play Day- Trips to Plan : Flamingo Land, Go-carts, Glasgow “it’s our street too” – raising profile of young Science Museum, Mountain Biking, Mabie Farm people right to play on the street Park Various activities including traditional street games please contact Rhian/ Ian or Linsey for Planning Nights: further details on 01228 817296 & also Mondays Skate Jam- 1st August 10-6pm Boys Yr 7 + Art / Music Workshops, demonstrations, 6.30-7pm Soundwave etc 2 Botcherby Avenue Venue : City Centre/ Bitz park Petteril bank Wednesday 11th August Girls Yr 7 + 8 Graffitti Day 1-3pm 6.30-7pm 17th August 2 Botcherby Avenue Drop-in 3pm-5pm 18th August Thursday Lightwater valley trip Girls Yr 9 + 24th August 7.30-8.30pm Drop-in 3-5pm 2 Botcherby Avenue 31st August drop-in 3pm-5pm Tuesday and Thursday drop-in will be open as Friday usual Friday Club( primary age) LIVINGWELL TRUST – YOUTH WORK IN 3.15- 5pm SCHOOLS tbc Botcherby Community centre 6TH August Arts week Mon- Thurs afternoon at Morton St Aidans, & NCTC For further information contact Gordon, Daan, 13th August Sports week Amanda, Jane or Joanne 01228 5434051 For further information please Contact Lorraine 01228 599426

Longtown Youth Project can facilitate Mountain Bike training days for small groups of young people (5-8) @ 7Stanes Mountain Bike Trails in Newcastleton. For details you can e-mail [email protected].

Pitstop is a young people’s project in barrow

The Pitstop Project in Barrow has been nominated for a National Lottery ‘celebrating the difference you have made’ Award which is a national award scheme recognising the high quality and impact of projects supported by National Lottery funding. Pitstop is one of a small number of projects to have got through the next round and are now part of a public vote. If they come out in top 3 of the public vote they will go on to the next step – recognition at a national level and a trip to London to celebrate their success.

If you would like to support Pitstop you can vote for them online at www.lotterygoodcauses.org.uk or can call on 0845 386 8073.

Other Information you may find useful…………………..

Alien Invasion…

..They’re everywhere. This isn’t just a problem on the outskirts of Keswick, next time you walk past the river Greta by the pencil factory, look across the river and you’ll see masses of pink flowers along the river bank. That’s Himalayan Balsam, and it’s causing havoc with our native plants and eroding our riverbanks. We have a limited window before the plants go to seed so NOW is the time to take action! Why not join our work party.

What? Himalayan Balsam pulling work party

When? 10a.m. Wednesday 18 July

Where? Portinscale lay-by, Keswick, side of suspension bridge

What to take? Suitable footwear, sun cream, gardening gloves, packed lunch & enthusiasm!

This is your opportunity to make a difference – come and join us for a bit of a social, some exercise, some good company and most importantly to make a positive impact on your landscape. The difference you make won’t just end on the riverbank where you’ve done the work, it will have huge positive effect down-stream and will help improve the ecology of the catchment.

Volunteer Leaders – we need you! If you’re interested in setting up a volunteer group to tackle the spread of this plant, then we can provide information, advice, access and volunteer leader training. Get in touch, we need your help now!

Project Leaders: National Park Authority. To get involved in this project contact Liz or Mandy at LDNPA on Tel: 017687 79633

Community Woodlands

Family Forest Funday…coming to the woods near you!

Have you ever wondered how our woodlands are managed? What plants and animals live there and how they rely on good woodland management to survive..? Why not come and find out more at our Family Forest Funday. The day will involve a variety of activities including some conservation activities to support our precious native oakwoods.

What? Family Forest Funday

When? Sunday 29 July

Where? Whinlatter Forest

I’ll send out a ‘Newsflash’ bulletin later in the month so you can plan your day to perfection! So come and join us…

Project leader: Ingrid Lever, Bassenthwaite Reflections

For further information contact Ingrid Tel: 017687 73204, email: [email protected]

Masmill Oakwood

Let me introduce you to our programme of Woody Work Days. They’re a fantastic opportunity to get involved in woodland conservation activities, get fit, meet new people, have fun and get that warm glow inside! And to think it’s all for free!! Come on, get down and dirty with scrub clearance and get in pulling practice with the hemlock!

What? Woody Work Days

When? September 8, November 6 and December 5.

Where? Masmill Oakwood, Whinlatter Forest

More details to follow in future e-bulletins

Dry-stone Walling days – you have a fantastic opportunity to join our professional dry-stone waller and learn a new skill. We have 3 days of dry-stone walling taking place

What? Dry Stone Walling Training

When? First week October – dates TBC

Where? Masmill Oakwood, Whinlatter Forest

Once you’ve done the training, we’ve got the perfect opportunity to put your new found skills into practice. We need your help to repair and rebuild walls around Masmill Oakwood.

Volunteer Leaders…we need you!

We are looking for volunteer leaders for all our woodland activities, so if you are interested in setting up a group with some friends, or people you meet at these events, please let us know. We can provide training on what’s involved in leading volunteer work groups. These activities may be planned for later in the year, but we need to find volunteer leaders now!!

And don’t worry, I will remind you of these activities again nearer the time

Project leader: Ingrid Lever, Bassenthwaite Reflections

For further information contact Ingrid Tel: 017687 73204, email: [email protected]

Fashion from the

Do you know anybody who would like a fantastic opportunity to get involved in our next fashion from the landscape event? Whether it’s clothes, fashion accessories or jewelry, the traditional skills learnt at workshops will help those taking part create their own haute couture, alongside learning about the value and importance of our landscape!

What? Fashion from the Fells

When? 16 – 18 August

Where? TBC

We need 8 young people (aged between 15 and 25) with a passion for creativity, and enthusiasm to understand and be inspired by the landscape. You will learn traditional skills to create a masterpiece which you will model at a ‘performance’ / fashion show at the end of the training. You will be working with other young people from European to prepare outfits and develop your performance. Numbers are limited so get in touch now!

Project Leaders: Grampus Heritage & Training Ltd.

For further information contact Martin Clark Tel: 016973 21516, email: [email protected]


Specialist tutors needed!!

Do you have a passion and specialist knowledge in local wildlife, landscape or cultural history? We are looking for tutors to deliver sessions for after school clubs and family learning activities. This is a great opportunity to work with Bassenthwaite Reflections in delivering practical and fun activities to schools and families, with the aim of getting them engaged in the environment…

So if you, or anyone you know has a specialist interest or skill in any of these areas, and want to work as a tutor with local schools, contact:

Amanda Hancock Tel: 017687 74785, email: [email protected]

Study Support

Study support sessions have started with Threlkeld, Thomlinson Junior, Ireby and Borrowdale Schools. Children at the schools have been involved in all sorts of educational, environmental and fun activities. Including learning about the impact Vikings had in the catchment and using traditional skills to prepare and cook food from the viking diet! They have also visited Whinlatter and learned about the habitat and migration of Ospreys. Forest sessions have given children the opportunity to build animal shelters, taking into consideration the best types of materials to use, whilst being sensitive to endangered native species.

These sessions have been a tremendous success and there are a lot more to come!

If you want more information on any of our education activities contact:

Amanda Hancock Tel: 017687 74785, email: [email protected]

Unlocking Hidden Heritage

Our UHH project has gone from strength to strength with enthusiastic volunteers braving the weather to survey the Caermote Roman Fort at the North end of Bassenthwaite. Findings have included roman roads which run through the fort and also some remains of a few buildings, which will be investigated further.

Grampus has also been successful in extending their license to enable surveys to take place up to the end of September. So we will be organising some more dates in August - I will keep you posted!

Project Leaders: Grampus Heritage & Training Ltd

For more information on the project contact Mark or Charlotte on Tel: 016973 21516, email: [email protected]

Search for the Norse Impact…

It can be rough and tumble...

Cumberland wrestling and exploring the comparisons with Scandanavia is a study that is being developed by Grampus and their Icelandic visitors. Working to encourage the continuation of this traditional sport, Grampus is also sponsoring the Cumberland wrestling at the Plumbland sports event in July. So if you’re cruising for a bruising, then you know where to go!

Trotters has been the location for a number of successful Viking Skills days. These activities are encouraging young people to explore the Viking heritage of the area and to learn new skills like willow weaving and shingle making. They’ll have learned all the techniques for building their own house!

Project Leaders: Grampus Heritage & Training Ltd.

Lost in the Woods

If you go down in the woods today, you’ll be sure of a great surprise…

On July 24, we have 40 enthusiastic Girl Guides exploring the woods to find out how our ancestors lived and worked the land. They are then going to reconstruct a charcoal burners camp - and all in a days work!

Project Leaders: Grampus Heritage and Training Ltd

Miles Without Stiles

Access for All…

If you’ve looked at Latrigg recently, you may have noticed that work has already begun on the new path to improve access for less able people and families. Although we haven’t had ideal weather conditions, the path is going according to plan and should be finished within a few weeks!

As the only high level ‘access for all’ route in the area, this new path will allow people with limited mobility to enjoy panoramic views of the catchment and beyond.

Project Leaders: Lake District National Park Authority

Contact us..

If you want information on any of the Bassenthwaite Reflections projects, please contact us at reflections@environment- agency.gov.uk

Bassenthwaite Reflections

Working towards a sustainable environment through community involvement

Tel: 017687 74785 / 73204 www.bassenthwaite-reflections.co.uk

Carlisle Housing Association has funding available, for more information and how to apply please contact:

Tracy Andrew - 01228 882807 - East of the City to include Longtown and Brampton Helen Knowles - 01228 882811 - Botcherby Jackie Archibald - 01228 882763 - West of the City to include Belah & Stanwix & Dalston

UK Youth Free download for UK Youth magazine UK Youth Magazine is now available FREE and online. To register to receive your copy simply click the link and follow the ‘sign up’ instructions UK Youth Magazine webpage




MAXIMISING YOUNG PEOPLE’S ENGAGEMENT (PREVIOUSLY FACILITATING LEARNING THROUGH EXPERIENCE) This is a 5 day event for anyone who wants to deliver powerful learning to young people. You will be introduced to practical approaches to facilitating, with an emphasis on experiential learning. It gives you tools and techniques for engaging young people, develops your skills and understanding of reviewing, explores how to measure outcomes, and how to transfer learning into other life situations.

15 – 19 October £600 per person

DEVELOPING YOUNG PEOPLE WITH NEURO LINGUISTIC PROGAMMING This is a 2 day event that will enable you to develop powerful skills that improve the resourcefulness and effectiveness of your work with young people. The course utilises NLP methods which can be

both quick to learn and adaptable to a range of situations. You will develop skills in building rapport and maintaining authentic relationships with young people and colleagues. You will learn a range of skills to positively influence young people. You will be shown practical methods to increase your own sense of resourcefulness.

8 – 9 December £350 per person

DEVELOPING YOUNG PEOPLE WITH TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS This event will allow you to gain control of yourself and your working style. It will improve your relationships with young people through effective communication. It will also give you insight into your interactions at home and at work with colleagues, and teach you how to break out of destructive cycles of behaviour – or games.

8 – 9 September 24 – 25 November £350 per person

DEVELOPING YOUNG PEOPLE WITH EXPEDITIONS This event will enable you to explore expeditions as a medium for developing young people. The event examines the use of the metaphor of a journey and examines the developmental process of journeying by taking you on an expedition.

17 - 21 September £500 per person

ADVANCED FACILITATION This is a 3 day event for those that are already experienced in designing and facilitating learning experiences. It will enable you to deepen your understanding of your personal effectiveness, and give you increased choice, power and flexibility in your interventions. As such it is uniquely tailored to participants’ personal development as a facilitators.

12 – 14 November £450 per person

LEADING FUTURES A 5 day leadership event for 17 – 25 year olds who have, or wish to have responsibility for children, young people and peers, e.g. in school, a club, voluntary organisation or at work. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the theory and practice of leadership, through the use of the arts, multimedia and the outdoors.

8 – 12 October £500 per person Including accommodation and meals

ƒ Prices do not include accommodation and breakfast unless otherwise stated. ƒ All programmes include lunch and dinner and equipment use ƒ All programmes have a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 10 delegates ƒ All programmes offer accredited outcomes through the Open College Network

Please contact: John Bagge, Brathay, Ambleside, Cumbria, LA22 0HP, Tel 015394 39760

Free Minibus Driver Training and Subsidised Group Transport

Funding has been secured which enables Not for Profit groups within rural areas of Cumbria to benefit from driver training to MiDAS standards. If you hold a full UK car licence and drive for a Not for Profit group or would like to be a volunteer driver for your Brokerage Scheme then you could be entitled to free training.

Places are limited and will be awarded to one driver per group on a first come first served basis. If your group is eligible then you can claim £30 towards the cost of your first trip after joining the Brokerage Scheme.

To find out more please contact your local Community Transport Co-ordinator on

ALLERDALE 01900 819004 or email: [email protected]

CARLISLE & EDEN 01228 633642 or email: [email protected]

COPELAND 01946 812777 or email: [email protected]

SOUTH LAKELAND AND BARROW 01539 742637 or email: [email protected]



COST: £180 The Kepplewray Centre Broughton in Furness

If you are interested please contact the Kepplewray Centre: 01229 716936 A deposit of £50 per person is needed to book a place. Minimum age 17 – Places are limited. Closing Date for Applications: Thursday 28th June 2007.

The Archery Leader Course allows successful participants to teach Archery to beginners under Grand National Archery Society Guidelines.


Fable and Fact Young Parents Project April 2007 to March 2008

Are you a young father or mother who has something to say about being a young parent?

Do you know a young father or mother who has something to say about young parenthood and the way others view them?

The Fable and Fact Young Parents Project aims to challenge the negative perceptions of young parents that some people, including other young people, sometimes have. It is open to young fathers and young mothers between the ages of 16 and 25. We are particularly keen to make sure there is a broad racial and ethnic mix of participants, and those not in full-time education or employment are also particularly welcome.

This national project is for young fathers and young mothers in . They do not need to be currently living with their child / children to take part.

Participation in the project will take place between July 2007 and March 2008 If you are interested in hearing more about this project please return the form below or contact Becky Wyatt on [email protected] land line: 01425 67104 ext 464


Off The Rails – creating original and unusual performance with young people in the Eden District.

Off The Rails are leading 3 weeks of summer holiday projects for young people aged 8 to 18!

Summer Project One 6 - 10August Summer Project Two 13 - 17August Summer Project Three 20 -24August

You can sign up for one, two or all three! Don’t forget to tell us which ones you want to take part in on your application form! www.off-the-rails.org.uk

Click on ‘APPLICATIONS’, download and send to us via post. Gary Gardiner Tel. 01228 599 878 or email: [email protected]


North West Regional Youth Work Unit and Recording and Accreditation Network

‘I’m not a teacher, but…’ Recording and Accrediting Young People’s Informal Learning

Wednesday 26th September 2007 9.30 – 4.00 Bartle Hall, Preston

A practical information and good practice sharing event aimed at operational managers and youth workers from both the statutory and voluntary sectors in the North West

Programme will include: What is a recorded outcome? Measuring distance travelled Using electronic evidence Accrediting volunteering Ways of accrediting YOF Panels’ Work Enabling young people to articulate their learning and progress Evidencing learning – a practical exercise for all delegates

Places are limited, so we can only take 2 – 3 bookings per organisation/service Closing date for bookings is 12th September Cost: £70 North West Regional Youth Work Unit, Unit 40, Bold Business Centre, Bold Lane, Sutton, St Helens, WA9 4TX 01925 295 837

Tesco Community Awards

The Tesco Charity Trust Community Awards give one-off awards of between £1,000 and £5,000 in two rounds each year. 30th June is the cut-off for Elderly and disabilities 31st January for Children's welfare and education. http://www.tescocorporate.com/images/tesco_4pp.pdf

Victims Fund: Supporting Victims Of Hate Crime

The Government has placed £250,000 into the Victims Fund to develop support for victims of hate crime for the 2007/08 financial year.

The grant scheme is open to any organisation in England and Wales with experience and expertise in working with victims of hate crime. This includes organisations in the voluntary sector and statutory bodies such as community safety partnerships.

Hate crime is any incident, which constitutes a criminal offence, perceived by the victim or any other person as being motivated by prejudice or hate.

Projects are welcomed that tackle hate crime motivated by race, religion, homophobia, transphobia and disability. http://www.governmentfunding.org.uk/VCSLaunch.aspx?SCHEME_ID=12-S98

The Vodafone UK Foundation: Funds to work together on youth exclusion

Five million pounds is available over 3 years from Vodafone UK Foundation's Reach programme to fund charities working in collaboration helping 16-25 year olds facing exclusion from society.

The Vodafone UK Foundation has launched a call to action for charities to apply for Reach, its flagship funding programme. The foundation is inviting charities to apply for £5m funding across three years for work helping 16-25 year olds facing exclusion from society.

To be eligible, charities must apply in collaboration - either in pairs or wider groups. It is hoped that through working in collaboration and establishing this approach at the outset, the Reach programme can drive a step change to service delivery for young people. http://digbig.com/4tcar

Sport, youngsters, social issues and money

UnLtd Sport Relief Awards provide opportunities for young people to bring communities together, to help them promote understanding and solve conflict through sport and being active.

This UK wide funding programme is for 11-21 year olds, who are prepared to go the extra mile and use their passion for sport to bring respect and understanding to their communities by setting up their own projects.

Funding of £250-£5,000 is available for entrepreneurial young people who have great ideas and who want to make a difference. http://www.unltd.org.uk/sportreliefawards

Funds for young people's projects

Groups of young people can benefit from the fifth round of the Save the Children Here to Help awards scheme.

There are fifty awards of up to £1,000 for community projects benefiting the excluded and isolated or living in deprived areas. Projects must take place between September and- November 2007. http://www.helpyourselves.org.uk.

Centre for HIV & Sexual Health The Pleasure Principle – Rescheduled event 14th September 2007, Sheffield Due to flooding in Sheffield the Pleasure Principle conference due to take place in June has now been re scheduled for Friday 14th September 2007. Letters have been sent to all delegates originally booked to attend this conference for rebooking to this new date. There may be spaces available due to cancellations, so if you would like to attend this conference on this rescheduled date, new bookings will be taken on a first come first served basis. For further information email Rachel Hunt or telephone 0114 226 1900 fpa Core Competencies in Sexual Health for Youth Workers September 2007 Working with the National Youth Agency, fpa has developed a unique-university-accredited course - Core Competencies in Sexual Health for Youth Workers. This is essential training for anyone undertaking sex and relationships work (SRW). The course fully equips participants with all the skills, information and values needed to run safe, practical and informed SRW sessions with young people. The first course starts in September. For more information call 0845 122 8661 or email fpa. Flyer - Core Competencies in Sexual Health for Youth Workers(PDF)

Young People and Pornography

A national Think Tank met in April 2007 to discuss the issues of young people and pornography. A small working group has been established with representatives from Brook, the Centre for HIV and Sexual Health (CHIV), fpa and the National Youth Agency. It was felt by all that the group should gain the views of young people to further inform debate and action. If you work with groups of young people and would be happy to devote part of a session to discussing their views on these issues, then the group has a 'ready made' questionnaire that has already been successfully piloted with groups of young people. Background notes are included. Please forward completed questionnaires Liz Wilson at CHIV with a short write up of the session by the beginning of October 2007. For further information email Liz Wilson Pornography Questionnaire

Department for Children Schools and Families The Government is consulting on the processes for barring people who should not work with children and vulnerable adults as part of the next stage to introduce the toughest ever vetting and barring scheme. The system was legislated for in the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and will be introduced from autumn of 2008. The consultation period will last for 12 weeks closing on 14 September. DfES press release (Now DCSF) DCSF Consultation: Implementing the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and the Northern Ireland Order 2007

Sport and Physical Activity Training in Barrow

Expressions of interest are invited for the SPAT (Sport and Physical Activity training) Level 2 course that is expected to run as of September/October.

It will only cost £10 per learner and gives an accredited qualification (with OCN) in the delivery of physical activities to groups of people, young and old. As yet, because of uncertainty of numbers, there is not a definite venue or dates but if people could inform the Active Living For All (ALFA) Co-ordinator of their preferences it is likely to take place over 4 afternoons and will also involve a certain amount of homework (approximately 1 – 2 hours per week) as well as consolidation sessions with their group or with our holiday programme at the end of October.

The course will be of use to youth workers, volunteers, young people interested in coaching/sport leadership, anyone who may be likely to run a group/session of physical activity and many more – it will not just be about sport! Included in the curriculum will be outdoor activities, dance, traditional games, athletics etc which will be adaptable for young and older participants. There will also be information on the Health benefits of PA and risk assessments.

Warning - All those who take part in the course need to be willing and able to fully engage in the activities in order to understand how to deliver them and there will be a proportionate amount of written work, it will also be a good laugh!

Sarka-jo Cole - ALFA COORDINATOR Tel no: 01229 833004

‘DIGITAL HORIZONS’ Summer Media and Filmmaking Project Launch Day

If you live in Barrow or the Furness peninsula and are aged 13 to 19 you can join Shoreline Films for a summer of free film production and web design workshops. Young people with an interest in any aspect of the film or media industry are invited to a free introductory launch day.

From the launch day those interested in filmmaking will be invited to work in a team to produce a short film exploring young people’s aspiration and their sense of identity. The film, once completed will be submitted to major international film festivals. Also those interested in web design will be invited to work with a web designer over the Summer to develop a website to showcase the project on the internet.

The launch day will be held on Thursday 26th July from 1pm to 4pm in Barrow. To book your place, e-mail Lyndsey at [email protected]

or call 01229 839983 before Wednesday 18th July.

GOT THE PHONE FACTOR? Do you have the Phone Factor? Have you got what it takes to make movies? Then you could become one of 10 Northwest filmmakers to be offered exclusive training and £250 in production costs.

Northwest Vision + Media, which works on behalf of the TV, film, radio and digital content industries, wants to encourage a whole new generation of mobile-phone filmmakers. The Short, Sharp, Shots competition is helping to do just that.

“Lots of people take clips on their mobile and don’t even realize they’re making films. But our Short Sharp Shots competition gives them the opportunity to show off their skills, and learn new ones,” says Helen Bingham, Head of Production for Northwest Vision + Media.

Mobile phone filmmaking is all about action and an eye for a good shot. “If you’ve got a good idea, then now is the time to create a short film, documentary, or animation. Just keep it short, keep it moving and get it seen!” adds Helen.

Short Sharp Shots is a competition for Northwest 18-24 year olds. Clips of three minutes or under are needed, shot on mobiles to be screened on mobiles. The best 10 submissions will be awarded funding of £250 each, and a place on a mobile filmmaking bootcamp to help them produce their next movie.

Full submission information, access to other filmmakers and mobile filmmaking tips on how to shoot, edit and send mobile video clips, can be found at www.shortsharpshots.co.uk

For further information please contact the Northwest Vision + Media PR and Marketing Department [email protected] : 0161 244 3745 Mob: 07734 193742 or

Fee Plumley the-phone-book Limited [email protected] Tel: 07968 258630

NOMINATE TODAY! The search is now on... for the Philip Lawrence Award winners of 2007.

Click here to download the nomination form. We want to put a spotlight on the most outstanding youth projects in the UK - groups of young people aged 11-20 who have made a difference in their community.

Winning groups will receive cash awards of £1,000 to invest in sustaining and developing the award-winning activity.

Please tell as many youth workers and groups before the summer holidays start. Nominations close on Friday 14 September 2007.


Young people's outstanding contribution to society Since 1997, over 95 groups have received a Philip Lawrence Award. The scheme has supported over 1,000 young people throughout the UK who are actively initiating, developing and delivering programmes of work to enhance their lives and the lives of others. The search is now on for the 2007 Philip Lawrence Award winners.

At least 8 projects win an award every year - don't miss this opportunity to make sure young people in your community are recognised.

Transforming Lives www.camelotfoundation.org.uk

The current theme for the Transforming Lives Programme is...

Working with young people (11-25) to address and promote social cohesion that arises through the challenges of identity that they face in their lives today

The application deadline for this round of funding is Friday 3rd August 2007 at 5pm. A copy of the guidelines and an application form can be downloaded from the web page.

Some updates have been made to the guidelines.

The priority groups of young people for this round are :

• Young parents or those at particular risk of becoming young parents • Young exiles and migrants, newly arrived in the UK • Young people with mental health problems • Young disabled people

If you require any further assistance or you wish to discuss your project proposal before completing the application form, please call The Camelot Foundation office on 0207 828 6085 or email [email protected]

The Youth Work in Cumbria Partnership cannot be held liable for the quality, reliability or accuracy of the information contained herein.

YOUTH WORK in Cumbria Partnership Development and Co-ordination Team 4th Floor, Clint Mill, Cornmarket, PENRITH CA11 7HP

Chris Reeve Principal Educational (01768 24) [email protected] Officer (Youth) 2050 Pat Norris Planning & Commissioning (01768 24) [email protected] Officer 2050 Beverly Collins Acting Performance (01768 24) [email protected] Improvement Officer 2050 Graham Bassett Assistant Planning and (01768 24) [email protected] Commissioning Officer 2050 Alison Warwick Management Information & (01768 24) [email protected] Research Officer 2050 Julie Andrews Office Manager (01768 24) [email protected] 2051 Sarah Spiller IMS Administrator (01768 24) [email protected] 2052 Ann Hodgson Administrator (01768 24) [email protected] 2050 Area Education Office, 149 Harrington Road, WORKINGTON CA14 2UP

Paul McLoughlin Local Development Co- (01900 32) [email protected] ordinator 5052 Vacancy Administrator 01900 32) 5052

Children’s Services 5 Portland Square, CARLISLE, CA1 1PU

Joanne King Local Development Co- (01228 60) [email protected] ordinator 6939 Farida Allason Duke of Edinburgh Award (01228 60) [email protected] 6937 Vacancy Administrator (01228 60) 6936 Area Education Office, Union Hall, Scotch Street, WHITEHAVEN CA28 7BG

Paul McLoughlin Local Development Co- (01946 85) [email protected] ordinator 2732 Vacancy Administrator (01946 85) 2732 Education Sub Office, Friargate, PENRITH CA11 7NX

Kath Calvert Local Development Co- (01768 24) [email protected] ordinator 2071 Youth Work in Cumbria Partnership, County Offices, KENDAL LA9 4RQ

Lynn Robinson Local Development Co- 01539 77) 3487 [email protected] ordinator Patricia Baldwin Administrator (01539 77) [email protected] 3488 2nd Floor, Drop Zone Café, 36 Cornwallis Street, Barrow-in-Furness, LA14 2LG

Helen Bunting Acting Local Development (01229 89) [email protected] Co-ordinator 4952 Karen Muncaster Administrator 01229 89 4952 [email protected]

Feedback from………………………………………Youth Project/Worker – July Edition 8

Feedback to Alison Warwick: [email protected]

Did you find this useful Yes/No

If Yes which part …………………………………………………………………

Is there too much information supplied Yes/No

If Yes what would you like omitting next time……………………………………………………………..

Is there too little information Yes/No

If yes what would you like adding next time………………………………………………………………..

Would you like the contact list including with each edition? Yes/No

Would you be prepared to be included in “meet the team” Yes/No

If you have any ideas how this can be developed/improved to satisfy your needs or any other comments please detail below:






Thank you for taking the time to return this form. Alison