To: Rich Eskin, MDE, Director of Science Services

From: Hala Flores, P.E., DPW, WERS Program Manager

Through: Ginger Ellis, DPW, WERS Planning Administrator

Copy: Ronald Bowen, P.E., Director Janis Markusic, WERS Program Manager

Date: 5/7/2010

Re: Methods and procedures for developing the Anne Arundel County Baseline Pollutant Loads by Sector

Anne Arundel County presented a preliminary draft tabulation of the County’s Baseline Pollutant loads by jurisdictional sectors at the April 27, 2010 Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) meeting. Subsequently and as requested at the meeting, this memorandum offers a brief documentation of the methods and procedures utilized in the development of these loads. It is understood that this draft documentation is in active development and reflects the current available data, assumptions, coefficients, and other parameters within the model. It is noted that this documentation accounts for comments and requests made in the April 27th meeting and will be updated to reflect future comments and WIP committee consensus. To conserve efforts and cost, a new model run will not be conducted until this documentation is reviewed, all data are received, and consensus is reached to rerun the model.

Water Quality Modeling (Overview of Methods)

The model used by Anne Arundel County Government to estimate the pollutant load is based on the PLOAD- EPA Simple Method, which is integrated into the EPA BASINS program. The model utilizes Arcview analysis and Excel spreadsheet calculations to estimate the edge-of-field pollutant loads from various landcovers and their associated loading rates. A delivery ratio is further applied to the loading estimates depending on its proximity to non-tidal and tidal waters. Point source loads such as septic systems and other discharge permits along with BMP load reductions are applied at the twelve major watershed aggregate level. A simplified schematic flow chart depicting the modeling steps is included in the appendix section.

In order to prepare the model input, various GIS layers are utilized and analyzed as follows:

1- The Subwatershed layer

This layer is derived from the 2-m resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) coupled with stormdrain infrastructure data. Currently, the subwatershed layer includes 363 records/drainage segments that aggregate to the twelve major Watersheds. A map and listing of the Anne Arundel County subwatersheds and major watersheds is included in an appendix attachment to this document. This layer is also available at http://gis-

2- The Landcover layer

This layer is derived from the 2007/2008 12 -inch resolution leaf-off ortho-photography using a semi-automated process that utilizes imagery detection techniques, buffering rules, and other support layers (i.e. Zoning, landfills, subdivision activity, etc.) to assign a Landcover category to a given location. An Anne Arundel County Landcover map is included in an appendix attachment to this document. Additional technical detail regarding this layer is found in the contractual project development documents, which could be reviewed at the County office upon request. This layer is also available at

3- Impervious/Pervious Coverage

This layer is derived from the 2007/2008 12-inch resolution leaf-off ortho-photography using a semi automated process that utilizes imagery detection techniques, and planimetric (building footprint, roadways, parking areas, driveways, and sidewalks) coverage. Decks, patios, and sheds were picked up as impervious surfaces when the resolution and canopy cover permitted their detection. This coverage is countywide. Impervious areas are attributed with the numeric 1 while all remaining areas are assumed to be pervious and are attributed with the numeric 0. An Anne Arundel County Impervious map is included in an appendix attachment to this document. . Additional technical detail regarding this layer is found in the contractual project development documents, which could be reviewed at the County office upon request. This layer is also available at

4- Land Ownership

This is a Countywide layer that is continuously update to reflect the dynamic nature of property information and their boundaries. This layer depicts a polygon parcel fabric of all areas except for the City of Annapolis and is derived from the Tax maps and State Tax Assessment records. County, Private, State, and Federal properties are attributed as major landowner sectors. A listing of all County, State, and Federal landowners is included in an appendix attachment to this document.

5- Urban Best Management Practices (BMPs)

This information is contained within two layers. (1) County public and private BMPs (2009 coverage) along with SHA BMPs (2005 coverage), BWI BMPs (2009 coverage for the Patapsco Non-Tidal Watershed). (2) Restoration activities by the County and it’s supported affiliates. Each BMP and restoration activity includes a structure type, drainage area, ownership, and pollutant removal efficiency information. This information is used to decrease the load on the aggregate subwatershed and watershed levels. 6- Onsite Sewage Discharge Systems (OSDS)

This is a Countywide layer of septic systems (2007 coverage). The location, served household landuse and/or water billing information, along with the proximity from non-tidal and tidal streams are used to calculate the generated total Nitrogen load from each individual system. This information is used to increase the load on the aggregate subwatershed and watershed levels. An Anne Arundel County septic map is included in an appendix attachment to this document.

Additionally, the water quality model relies on the following lookup tables to estimate and aggregate the load to the desired scale.

- The relationship between the Landcover Category and the Non-Point Source (NPS) sector as depicted in the Final Harbor Nutrient TMDL allocations, MDE 2007, is tabulated below.

Landcover and Non-Point Source (NPS) Sector lookup table

Landcover Category Non‐Point Source Category

Industrial NPS Urban Transportation NPS Urban Commercial NPS Urban Airport NPS Urban Residential 1/8‐acre NPS Urban

Residential 1/4‐acre NPS Urban Residential 1/2‐acre NPS Urban Residential 1‐acre NPS Urban Residential 2‐acre NPS Urban Residential 20‐acre NPS Urban

Residential Woods NPS Urban

Utility Other NPS Open Space Other NPS Row Crops NPS Pasture/Hay NPS Agriculture

Water Other NPS

Open Wetland Other NPS Forested Wetland Other NPS Woods Other NPS

- Public land information has been assembled from the State of Maryland Tax Assessment Consolidated Property File (CPF). The tabular property ownership information for County, State, and Federal lands were extracted from the CPF and joined with the parcel fabric GIS layer. A lookup table containing the relationship between the major government sectors (State, Federal, County, City of Annapolis, and Private) and the subset land owner entities is shown below and is utilized in assigning and aggregating the load estimates at the owner entity.

Land Owner Entiry Government Sector Acres Comment SHA State 9,334 Other State Government State 7,009 BWI State 3,697 Naval Academy Dairy? Federal ROW at Parkway, National Other Federal Government Federal 13,907 Guard? Fort Meade Federal 4,388 Smithsonian Federal 2,347 Coast Guard Yard Federal 110 County Public Works County 20,220 County Recreation and Parks County 9,972 County Board of Education County 2,864 County Community College County 221 County Housing Commission County 65 Other County Land County 0 City of Annapolis City of Annapolis 4,256 Private Private 186,866 - Event Mean Concentrations (Loading Rates) in mg/l The values were compiled from the following references:

1. Center for Watershed Protection. 2005. A User's Guide to Watershed Planning in Maryland. Ellicott City, MD. Available at: /pubs/planninguserguide/UserGuide.pdf Event Mean Concentrations (Loading Rates) in mg/l Original source of data: Maryland Department of the Environment. 1997. Landcover Codes TN TP TSS Maryland National Pollutant Discharge Industrial 2.22 0.19 77 Elimination System Municipal Transportation 2.59 0.43 99 Stormwater Monitoring. Baltimore, Commercial 2.24 0.3 77 MD. Notes: Based on 107 storm Airport 2.24 0.3 99 events; Maryland Specific Residential 1/8‐acre 2.74 0.32 48 2. Center for Watershed Protection & Residential 1/4‐acre 2.74 0.32 48 Virginia Department of Conservation Residential 1/2‐acre 2.74 0.32 48 and Recreation. 2007. Virginia Residential 1‐acre 2.74 0.32 48 Stormwater Management: Nutrient Residential 2‐acre 2.74 0.32 48 Design System. APPENDIX A: Analysis of Virginia Event Mean Residential 20‐acre 1.15 0.15 48 Concentrations (EMCs) and Land Use Residential Woods 1.55 0.19 24 Loading Rates. Ellicott City, MD. May Utility 2.59 0.43 43 2007. Available at Open Space 2.59 0.43 43 Row Crops 1.71 1 400 documents/stmwtrcwprpt.pdf Pasture/Hay 1.71 1 250 3. Pitt, R, Maestre, A., Morquecho, R., Water 1.2 0.03 0 Brown, T., Schueler, T., Cappiella, K. Open Wetlands 1.15 0.15 0 Sturm, P. and C. Swann. 2004. Forested Wetlands 1.15 0.15 0 Findings of the National Stormwater Woods 1.15 0.15 0 Quality Database (NSQD). Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL and Center for Watershed Protection, Ellicott City, MD. February 16, 2004. Available at research_report.pdf;

- Best Management Practices and their pollutant removal efficiencies. Eighty eight different BMP types are found in the Anne Arundel County urban BMP database (2009) and other BMP database resources received from other jurisdictional sectors within Anne Arundel County. These 88 BMP types are organized in eight BMP category groups. The pollutant removal efficiency for the BMP category groups was changed from the original values in the model. The original values were obtained from the following references:

1. Center for Watershed Protection. 2007a. National Pollutant Removal Performance Database. Version 3. Ellicot City, MD. September 2007. Available at

2. EPA. 1999. Preliminary Data Summary of Urban Storm Water Best Management Practices. Office of Water, Washington, DC. EPA-821-R-99-012. Available at

The updated pollutant removal efficiency values were assigned to match the Program Office Model 5.3 March 2010 version. All BMPs within specific category groups were assigned the same pollutant removal efficiency value as tabulated below. There are currently 11,387 BMP facilities accounted for in the model including 457 SHA facilities, 253 BWI, 1,231 County public facilities, and 9,446 County private facilities (Individual lots, Home Owner Associations, Commercial and Industrial Businesses, etc.). It is noted that 37% of the County BMP inventory is missing a drainage area value. BMPs with missing drainage area were assigned an area equal to the average treatment acres expected for the facility type and as tabulated below.

BMP Pollutant Removal Efficiencies Based on the Chesapeake Bay Model Pollutant Removal Efficiencies in % BMP Category Groups


Detention Dry 5 10 10 Extended Detention Dry 20 20 60

Filtration 40 60 80 Infiltration 80 85 95 Wetlands 20 45 60 Wet Ponds 20 45 60 Other/Not BMPs 0 0 0

Unknown 0 0 0

Average BMP treatment areas by facility : Values used to populate missing drainage area information

Number of Records With Available Average Area BMP Code BMP Category Group BMP Description Drainage Area Treated (Acres) Information

AS Filtration Attenuation Swale 38 0.9 BR Filtration Bioretention Facility 274 0.7 BS Detention Dry Bay Saver 1 1.0 CD Filtration Check Dam Swale 18 0.6

DP Detention Dry Detention Structure (Dry Pond) 247 5.9 DW Infiltration Dry Well 1448 0.2 ED Extended Detention Dry Extended Detention 12 13.6 EDSD Extended Detention Dry Extended Detention Structure Dry 438 9.2 EDSW Wet Ponds Extended Detention Structure Wet 380 14.4 ESDW Wet Ponds Extended Detention Structure Wet 27 15.2 EXEMPT Other Not BMPs Exempt 43 4.6 IB Infiltration Infiltration Basin 156 8.1 IT Infiltration Infiltration Trench 1131 1.1 ITCE Infiltration Infiltration Trench with Complete Exfiltration 1192 1.0 ITPE Infiltration Infiltration Trench with Partial Exfiltration 364 1.6 ITWQE Infiltration Infiltration Trench with Water Quality Exfiltration 82 1.5 LS Other Not BMPs Level Spreader 3 0.1 MP Wet Ponds Micro Pool 26 11.7 OGS Infiltration Oil Grit Separator 43 3.3 OTR Other Not BMPs Other 524 0.3 OWS Other Not BMPs Oil Water Separators (BWI) 84 1.4 PP Infiltration Porous Pavement 3 1.3 SC Detention Dry Stormceptor 2 3.2 SF Filtration Surface sand filter 240 2.0 SM Wetlands Shallow Marsh 47 3.9 SW Filtration Grass Swale 58 2.9 UGS Detention Dry Underground Storage 64 3.0 WO Wet Ponds Wet Pond 0 0.0 WP Wet Ponds Retention Structure (Wet Pond) 217 15.7 Total 7162 Records

- Pollutant load delivery ratio. This is a numeric load delivery percentage that is applied to both the septic and surface storm water loads. Stormwater and septic loads are reduced based on their proximity to non-tidal and tidal waters. Loads originating from areas within 1000 ft of the tidal waters will deliver at a rate of 80%. Loads originating from areas within 1000 ft of non-tidal streams will deliver at a rate of 50%. Loads originating from all other remaining areas will deliver at a rate of 30%. The use of these quantities was agreed upon with MDE during the development of the Anne Arundel County OSDS strategic study.

Pollutant Load Delivery Ratio for Septic and Stormwater Percentage Load Proximity Delivery Within the Critical Area (1000 ft from tidal waters) 80 1000 ft from Non‐tidal Streams 50

All other areas 30


The Anne Arundel County pollutant load model, can estimate the annual Total Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Sediment pollutant loads for any Landcover and BMP implementation scenario. Further, this information can be aggregated to the ownership sector, subwatershed, watershed, and tributary scales. An example model run and results was presented to the WIP committee members at the April 27th coordination meeting.

Further Discussion

In addition to the edge-of-field current condition pollutant load modeling, Anne Arundel County conducts comprehensive stream assessments to aid in identifying physical, biological, and infrastructure problems. These field assessments allow the County to quantify the sediment load emitting from non-tidal streams and assist in rating/prioritizing stream restoration action. Our stream field assessment results coupled with literature research indicates that suspended sediment emitting from stream bank erosional processes could exceed sediment runoff from the watershed by an order of magnitude. Hence, it is recommended that restoration efforts targeting deteriorated outfalls and streams be incorporated as an integral component of any nutrient/sediment TMDL implementation plan.

Additionally, Anne Arundel County conducts a subwatershed rating and prioritization scheme and cost/benefit analysis to guide the strategies and schedule of TMDL implementation plans.

Appendix Simplified Schematic of the Anne Arundel County modeling methods of the Edge-of Field current condition pollutant loads

For Each 12 square inch pixel Compute the current condition pollutants (TN, TP, and TSS) loading based on:

Combine Parameters using the EPA Simple Method to compute loads in (lbs/year)

Annual Rainfall Runoff Coefficient Based EMCs for TN, TP, Delivery Ratio on Imperviousness and TSS based on based on lookup empirical relationship Landcover lookup table

For Each septic system Compute the current condition TN loading based on:

Combine Parameters to calculate the load in lbs/year

Waste flow factor Septage Nitrogen Delivery Ratio based on water Concentration 40 mg/lit based on lookup billing/landuse table

Using the land ownership, subwatershed, and watershed layers

Aggregate the stormwater loads to the NPS sector, then Aggregate the septic loads to the watershed scale: the landownership scale and then to the watershed scale:

For the stormwater NPS Urban Loads, Estimate the Urban BMP (TN, TP, and TSS) removal rates based on BMP Drainage Area BMP pollutant removal efficiency based on lookup table

Reduce the stormwater NPS urban load based on the BMP pollutant removal rates

9 Recycled Paper 10 Recycled Paper 11 Recycled Paper 12 Recycled Paper 13 Recycled Paper SHEDCODE SHEDNAME WATERSHED Acres BK2 Back Creek Bodkin Creek 912 BK3 Main Creek Bodkin Creek 2,995 BK4 Chesapeake Bay Bodkin Creek 66 BK5 Bodkin Creek Bodkin Creek 190 BK6 Main Creek Bodkin Creek 0 BK7 Wharf Creek Bodkin Creek 245 BK8 Locust Cove Bodkin Creek 310 BK9 Chesapeake Bay Bodkin Creek 316 HB0 Rockhold Creek 2,121 HB1 Tracy's Creek Herring Bay 4,279 HB2 Chesapeake Bay‐1 Herring Bay 51 HB3 Chesapeake Bay‐2 Herring Bay 99 HB4 Chesapeake Bay‐2 Herring Bay 3 HB5 Chesapeake Bay‐2 Herring Bay 1 HB6 Chesapeake Bay‐3 Herring Bay 77 HB7 Chesapeake Bay‐4 Herring Bay 424 HB8 Chesapeake Bay‐5 Herring Bay 140 HB9 Chesapeake Bay‐7 Herring Bay 1,169 HBB Chesapeake Bay‐8 Herring Bay 234 HBC Chesapeake Bay‐9 Herring Bay 358 HBD Chesapeake Bay‐11 Herring Bay 237 HBE Chesapeake Bay‐10 Herring Bay 28 HBF Chesapeake Bay‐13 Herring Bay 304 HBG Chesapeake Bay‐11 Herring Bay 0 HBH Chesapeake Bay‐11 Herring Bay 0 HBI Chesapeake Bay‐12 Herring Bay 56 HBJ Chesapeake Bay‐11 Herring Bay 0 HBL Trotts Branch Herring Bay 1,429 HBM Chesapeake Bay‐14 Herring Bay 97 HBN Herring Bay Herring Bay 24 HBO Unnamed Tributaryutary Herring Bay 340 HBP Herring Bay Herring Bay 152 HBQ Unnamed Tributary Herring Bay 1,526 HBR Herring Bay Herring Bay 118 HBS Unnamed Tributary Herring Bay 352 HBT Herring Bay Herring Bay 331 HBU Red Lion Pond Herring Bay 26 HBV Chesapeake Bay‐15 Herring Bay 263 LP0 Little Patuxent Little Patuxent 494 LP1 Unnamed Tributary Little Patuxent 616 LP2 Dorsey Run Little Patuxent 7,584 LP3 Dorsey Run Little Patuxent 922 LP4 Rogue Harbor Little Patuxent 3,674 LP5 Little Patuxent Little Patuxent 1,070 LP6 Midway Branch Little Patuxent 211 LP7 Midway Branch Little Patuxent 155 LP8 Little Patuxent Little Patuxent 174 LP9 Little Patuxent Little Patuxent 373 LPA Unnamed Tributary Little Patuxent 1,056 LPB Little Patuxent Little Patuxent 317 LPC Towsers Branch Little Patuxent 4,546 LPD Little Patuxent Little Patuxent 145 LPE Unnamed Tributary Little Patuxent 676 LPF Little Patuxent Little Patuxent 4,362 LPG Crofton Golf Little Patuxent 1,602 MPC Hall Creek Lower Patuxent 3,181 MG0 Tidal Magothy River 26 MG1 Magothy Branch 2 Magothy River 574 MG2 Magothy River Tidal Magothy River 196 MG3 Magothy River Tidal Magothy River 12 MG4 Magothy River Tidal Magothy River 24 MG5 Magothy River Tidal Magothy River 72 MG6 Magothy River Tidal Magothy River 57 MG7 Magothy River Tidal Magothy River 30 MG8 Sillery Bay Magothy River 251 MG9 Magothy River Tidal Magothy River 19 MGA Unnamed Tributary Magothy River 46 MGB Magothy River Tidal Magothy River 10

14 Recycled Paper MGC Cypress Creek Magothy River 1,154 MGD Magothy River Tidal Magothy River 9 MGE Otter Pond Magothy River 222 MGF Magothy River Tidal stream Magothy River 138 MGG Magothy River Tidal Magothy River 95 MGH Dividing Creek Magothy River 891 MGI Mill Creek Magothy River 1,157 MGJ Broad Creek Magothy River 116 MGK Spriggs Pond Magothy River 126 MGL Forked Creek Magothy River 817 MGM Scheides Cove Magothy River 161 MGN Chesapeake Bay Magothy River 5 MGO Bohdal Pond Magothy River 51 MGP Magothy River Tidal stream Magothy River 114 MGQ Magothy River Tidal Magothy River 12 MGR Magothy River Tidal stream Magothy River 102 MGS Placid Lake Magothy River 120 MGT Deep Creek Magothy River 1,428 MGU Magothy River Tidal Magothy River 59 MGV Magothy River 1,229 MGW Indian Village Branch Magothy River 111 MGX Magothy River Tidal Magothy River 262 MGY Nannys Branch Magothy River 485 MGZ Podickery Creek Magothy River 237 MR0 Cornfield Creek Magothy River 482 MR1 Bailys Branch Magothy River 416 MR2 Muddy Run Magothy River 404 MR3 Magothy Branch 1 Magothy River 1,172 MR4 Brookfield Branch Magothy River 487 MR5 Beechwood Branch Magothy River 438 MR6 Cockey Creek Magothy River 1,229 MR7 Magothy Branch Magothy River 255 MR8 Waterford Lake Magothy River 62 MR9 Kinder Branch Magothy River 621 MRA Rouses Branch Magothy River 557 MRB Nannys Creek Magothy River 311 MRC Magothy River Tidal Magothy River 173 MRD Hunters Harbor Magothy River 197 MRE Gray's Creek Magothy River 789 MRF Old Man Creek Magothy River 644 MRG Blackhole Creek Magothy River 749 MRH Tar Cove Magothy River 202 MRI Cattail Creek 1 Magothy River 886 MRJ James Pond Magothy River 47 MRL Ross Cove Magothy River 167 MRM Magothy Narrows Magothy River 343 MRN Tar Hill Cove Magothy River 106 MRO Cattail Creek 2 Magothy River 1,056 MRQ Swan Cove Magothy River 101 MRR Magothy River Tidal Magothy River 88 MRS Magothy River Tidal Magothy River 59 MRT Long Cove Magothy River 46 MRU Chesapeake Bay Magothy River 147 MRV Park Creek Magothy River 34 MRY Browns Cove Magothy River 115 MRZ Magothy River Tidal Magothy River 3 MP0 Deep Creek Middle Patuxent 961 MP1 Unnamed Tributary Middle Patuxent 2,347 MP2 Rock Branch Middle Patuxent 3,818 MP3 Middle Patuxent Middle Patuxent 240 MP4 Ferry Branch Middle Patuxent 2,811 MP5 Wilson Owens Branch Middle Patuxent 3,062 MP6 Lyons Creek Middle Patuxent 6,122 MP7 Galloway Creek Middle Patuxent 1,406 MP8 Cabin Branch Middle Patuxent 3,469 MP9 Two Run Branch Middle Patuxent 1,518 MPA Pindell Branch Middle Patuxent 513 MPB House Creek Middle Patuxent 241

15 Recycled Paper Patapsco Non‐ PN1 Patapsco Mainstem Tidal 1,030 Patapsco Non‐ PN2 Holly Creek Tidal 856 Patapsco Non‐ PN3 Patapsco Mainstem Tidal 526 Patapsco Non‐ PN4 Unnamed Tributary Tidal 1,175 Patapsco Non‐ PN5 Patapsco Mainstem Tidal 574 Patapsco Non‐ PN6 Stoney Run 1 Tidal 431 Patapsco Non‐ PN7 Stoney Run 2 Tidal 1,908 Patapsco Non‐ PN8 Stoney Run 3 Tidal 1,440 Patapsco Non‐ PN9 Stoney Run 4 Tidal 2,401 Patapsco Non‐ PNA Deep Run Tidal 710 Patapsco Non‐ PNB Piney Run Tidal 2,646 Patapsco Non‐ PNC Deep Run Tidal 1,571 PT0 Stony Creek Patapsco Tidal 3,367 PT1 Unnamed Tributary Patapsco Tidal 312 PT2 Cabin Branch 2 Patapsco Tidal 370 PT3 Cabin Branch Patapsco Tidal 2,667 PT4 Swan Creek Patapsco Tidal 652 PT5 Furnace Creek Patapsco Tidal 1,856 PT6 Patapsco Tidal 1,179 PT7 Sawmill Creek 1 Patapsco Tidal 2,914 PT8 Marley Creek 1 Patapsco Tidal 2,767 PT9 Cox Creek Patapsco Tidal 544 PTA Patapsco Tidal Patapsco Tidal 181 PTB Rock Creek Patapsco Tidal 2,574 PTC Back Creek Patapsco Tidal 1,045 PTD Sawmill Creek 2 Patapsco Tidal 2,684 PTE Marley Creek 2 Patapsco Tidal 492 PTF Marley Creek 3 Patapsco Tidal 2,517 PTG Marley Creek 4 Patapsco Tidal 2,517 PTH Nabbs Creek Patapsco Tidal 688 PTI Patapsco Tidal Patapsco Tidal 242 PTJ Patapsco Tidal Patapsco Tidal 215 PTK Patapsco Tidal Patapsco Tidal 85 PTL Patapsco Tidal Patapsco Tidal 207 PTM Hines Bog Pond Patapsco Tidal 199 PTN Hines Bog Patapsco Tidal 154 PTO Leath Pond Patapsco Tidal 179 PTP Boyd Pond Patapsco Tidal 227 PTQ Patapsco Tidal Patapsco Tidal 12 RR0 Forrest Branch Rhode River 57 RR1 Bear Neck Creek Rhode River 855 RR2 Sellman Creek Rhode River 727 RR3 Muddy Creek Rhode River 5,632 RR4 Big Pond Rhode River 151 RR6 Cadle Creek Rhode River 316 RR7 Chesapeake Bay Rhode River 58 RR8 Sheephead Cove Rhode River 84 RR9 Fox Creek Rhode River 110 RRA Rhode River Tidal Rhode River 37 RRB Chesapeake Bay Rhode River 410 RRC Rhode River Tidal Rhode River 12 RRD Rhode River Tidal Rhode River 1 RRE Boathouse Creek Rhode River 170 RRF Rhode River Tidal Rhode River 42 RRG Canninghouse Cove Rhode River 122 AQC Aisquith Creek 279 ARP Arden Pond Severn River 223 BKC Back Creek Severn River 851 BRB Bear Branch Severn River 655 BRC Browns Cove Severn River 186

16 Recycled Paper BWC Brewer Creek Severn River 439 BWP Brewer Pond Severn River 401 BWS Brewer Shore Severn River 43 CB1 Chesapeake Bay Severn River 31 CB2 Blackwalnut Creek Severn River 458 CB3 Chesapeake Bay Severn River 79 CB4 Oyster Creek Severn River 107 CB5 Chesapeake Bay Severn River 46 CB6 Fishing Creek Severn River 329 CGC College Creek Severn River 732 CHC Chase Creek Severn River 447 CLC Clements Creek Severn River 766 COC Cove of Cork Severn River 109 CPO Chase Pond Severn River 86 CRC Carr Creek Severn River 399 CSB Cool Spring Branch Severn River 348 CSC Cool Spring Creek Severn River 114 CWB Chartwell Branch Severn River 824 CYB Cypress Branch Severn River 272 EVC Evergreen Creek Severn River 81 FRC Forked Creek Severn River 241 FXC Fox Creek Severn River 117 GB1 Gumbottom Branch Severn River 811 GB2 Gumbottom Branch 2 Severn River 607 HLA Heron Lake Severn River 60 HOC Hopkins Creek Severn River 481 HSP Hacketts Pt. to Sandy Pt. Severn River 543 ICB Indian Creek Branch Severn River 1,438 JGP Jonas Green Pond Severn River 58 JZ1 Jabez Branch 1 Severn River 839 JZ2 Jabez Branch 2 Severn River 1,180 JZ3 Jabez Branch 3 Severn River 783 JZ4 Jabez Branch 4 Severn River 597 LKO Lake Ogleton Severn River 493 LRB Little Round Bay Severn River 416 LUC Luce Creek Severn River 385 MAC Maynadier Creek Severn River 1,063 MC1 Mill Creek 1 Severn River 1,428 MC2 Mill Creek 2 Severn River 1,582 MEC Meredith Creek Severn River 913 MRP Martins Pond Severn River 58 PFB Pointfield Branch Severn River 104 PMP Pendennis Mount Pond Severn River 92 PSB Picture Spring Branch Severn River 1,567 RAP Ray's Pond Severn River 189 RBS Round Bay Shore Severn River 125 RGC Ringgold Cove Severn River 115 SHP Sharps Point Severn River 134 SM1 Severn Run Mainstem 1 Severn River 900 SM2 Severn Run Mainstem 2 Severn River 531 SM3 Severn Run Mainstem 3 Severn River 1,473 SM4 Severn Run Mainstem 4 Severn River 845 SPC Spa Creek Severn River 1,530 SRT Severn River Tidal Severn River 1,162 SSB Sewel Spring Branch Severn River 476 ST1 Severn Run Trib 1 Severn River 306 ST2 Severn Run Trib 2 Severn River 702 ST3 Severn Run Trib 3 Severn River 1,521 ST4 Severn Run Trib 4 Severn River 650 ST5 Severn Run Trib 5 Severn River 1,747 ST6 Severn Run Trib 6 Severn River 344 ST7 Severn Run Trib 7 Severn River 866 ST8 Severn Run Trib 8 Severn River 374 ST9 Severn Run Trib 9 Severn River 344 STC Stevens Creek Severn River 148 SVC Sullivan Cove Severn River 149 SWC Saltworks Creek Severn River 926 VTC Valentine Creek Severn River 273 WCC Woolchurch Cove Severn River 270

17 Recycled Paper WCP Winchester Pond Severn River 108 WEC Weems Creek Severn River 1,553 WH1 Whitehall Creek 1 Severn River 733 WH2 Whitehall Creek 2 Severn River 913 WH3 Whitehall Creek 3 Severn River 446 YZC Yantz Creek Severn River 200 ABC Aberdeen Creek 548 AHC Almshouse Creek South River 238 BC1 Beards Creek 1 South River 553 BC2 Beards Creek 2 South River 783 BC3 Beards Creek 3 South River 1,069 BC4 Beards Creek 4 South River 987 BC5 Beards Creek 5 South River 1,169 BD1 Broad Creek 1 South River 1,384 BD2 Broad Creek 2 South River 948 BD3 Broad Creek 3 South River 605 BD4 Broad Creek 4 South River 290 BD5 Broad Creek 5 South River 857 BR1 Bacon Ridge Branch 1 South River 1,638 BR2 Bacon Ridge Branch 2 South River 743 BR3 Bacon Ridge Branch 3 South River 1,021 BR4 Bacon Ridge Branch 4 South River 1,390 BR5 Bacon Ridge Branch 5 South River 629 BR6 Bacon Ridge Branch 6 South River 885 BRW Brewer Creek South River 406 CHR Church Creek South River 1,301 CRB Crab Creek South River 768 CTC Cherrytree Cove South River 82 DVC Duvall Creek South River 520 FC1 Flat Creek 1 South River 311 FC2 Flat Creek 2 South River 435 FC3 Flat Creek 3 South River 431 FC4 Flat Creek 4 South River 433 FC5 Flat Creek 5 South River 1,120 GC1 Glebe Creek 1 South River 1,294 GC2 Glebe Creek 2 South River 958 GNC Granville Creek South River 175 GVC Gingerville Creek South River 617 HML Hillsmere Lake South River 182 HNC Harness Creek South River 550 LAC Little Aberdeen Creek South River 138 LHC Limehouse Cove South River 26 LMH Limehouse Creek South River 89 LNP Loden Pond South River 37 MCC Maccubins Cove South River 191 NR1 1 South River 992 NR2 North River 2 South River 1,062 NR3 North River 3 South River 552 NR4 North River 4 South River 858 NR5 North River 5 South River 1,051 NR6 North River 6 South River 1,221 RAM Ramsey Lake South River 372 SEL Selby Bay South River 390 SGB Saint George Barber Marsh South River 753 SOT South River Tidal South River 258 SP1 Sheppards Cove South River 544 SP2 Sheppards Cove South River 151 SP3 Sheppards Cove South River 138 SP4 Sheppards Cove South River 74 SPL Spring Lake South River 111 SRJ South River Tidal South River 15 SU3 Chesapeake Bay South River 18 TNB Tarnans Branch South River 1,440 WAT Watergate Cove South River 33 WHC Warehouse Creek South River 353 UP1 Upper Mainstem Upper Patuxent 339 UP2 Upper Patuxent River Mainstem Upper Patuxent 854 UP3 Upper Patuxent River Mainstem Upper Patuxent 492 UP4 Upper Patuxent River Mainstem Upper Patuxent 674

18 Recycled Paper UP5 Upper Patuxent River Mainstem Upper Patuxent 384 UP6 Upper Patuxent River Mainstem Upper Patuxent 1,548 UP7 Upper Patuxent River Mainstem Upper Patuxent 2,833 UP8 Upper Patuxent River Mainstem Upper Patuxent 1,261 UP9 Ropers Branch Upper Patuxent 638 UPA Upper Patuxent River Mainstem Upper Patuxent 1,163 UPB Upper Patuxent River Mainstem Upper Patuxent 2,641 UPC Upper Patuxent River Mainstem Upper Patuxent 974 UPD King's Branch Upper Patuxent 1,728 UPE Upper Patuxent River Mainstem Upper Patuxent 813 UPF Davidsonville Branch Upper Patuxent 1,428 UPG Stocketts Run 1 Upper Patuxent 917 UPH Stocketts Run 2 Upper Patuxent 1,366 UPI Stocketts Run 3 Upper Patuxent 1,271 UPJ Stocketts Run 4 Upper Patuxent 1,090 WR0 West River 214 WR2 Cheston Creek West River 178 WR3 Scaffold Creek West River 223 WR4 Popham Creek West River 325 WR5 Lerch Creek West River 1,981 WR7 Tenthouse Creek West River 364 WR8 West River West River 39 WR9 West River West River 93 WRA Parish Creek West River 191 WRB Smith Creek West River 1,020 WRC South Creek West River 1,686 WRD West River West River 43 WRE West River West River 768 WRF Johns Creek West River 685

19 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category City of Annapolis City of Annapolis 4255.84 City of Annapolis County Old Mill High School 170.71 County Board of Education County Crofton MS/ Crofton Park/ Cardinal Fields 152.11 County Board of Education

County Chesapeake Bay HS/ Chesapeake Bay MS/ Bodkin ES 132.61 County Board of Education County Central ES/ Central MS/ South River SHS 114.62 County Board of Education County Arundel High School & Middle School 111.97 County Board of Education County Broadneck Elementary School 109.08 County Board of Education County 76.198 Acres of Annapolis Junction 79.59 County Board of Education County Annapolis Senior High School 71.81 County Board of Education County North County HS/ Hilltop ES 70.77 County Board of Education County Broadneck Senior High School 63.50 County Board of Education County Southern Senior High School 61.30 County Board of Education County Poplar Ridge Park/ Fort Smallwood ES 60.14 County Board of Education County Central Spec/ Center for Applied Technology South 58.64 County Board of Education County Cape Saint Claire Elementary School 54.96 County Board of Education County Center For Applied Technology North 54.75 County Board of Education County Old Brooklyn Park High School 41.99 County Board of Education County Severna Park High School 41.23 County Board of Education County Marley Middle School 40.06 County Board of Education County Van Bokkelen Elementary School 39.47 County Board of Education County Severna Park Middle School 39.03 County Board of Education County Lindale Middle School 37.73 County Board of Education County Annapolis Middle School 37.62 County Board of Education County Barbara Augustine Center 35.90 County Board of Education County Glen Burnie High School 35.46 County Board of Education County Magothy River & Severn Run Middle Schools 35.08 County Board of Education County Southern Middle School 33.69 County Board of Education County Northeast High School 32.56 County Board of Education County Jessup Elementary School 31.07 County Board of Education County Corkran Middle School 29.16 County Board of Education County Shady Side Elementary School 28.84 County Board of Education County George Fox Middle School 28.81 County Board of Education County Jacobsville Elementary School 26.79 County Board of Education County Arlington Echo 23.21 County Board of Education County Glen Burnie Park Elementary School 22.99 County Board of Education County Quarterfield Elementary School 22.25 County Board of Education County Point Pleasant Elementary School 20.63 County Board of Education County Waugh Chapel Elementary School 20.37 County Board of Education County Brock Bridge Elementary School 20.22 County Board of Education County Four Seasons Elementary School 20.01 County Board of Education County Shipleys Choice Elementary School 19.95 County Board of Education County Windsor Elementary School 19.71 County Board of Education County Hebron‐Harman Elementary School 19.07 County Board of Education County Sunset Elementary School 18.08 County Board of Education County Benfield Elementary School 17.83 County Board of Education County School Lot 17.59 County Board of Education County Oak Hill Elementary School 17.28 County Board of Education County Marley Elementary School 17.17 County Board of Education County Lake Shore Elementary School 17.15 County Board of Education County Deale Elementary School 17.03 County Board of Education County Lothian Elementary School 16.74 County Board of Education County Seven Oaks Elementary School 16.43 County Board of Education County Crofton Elementary School 16.23 County Board of Education County Rolling Knolls Elementary School 15.81 County Board of Education County Hillsmere Elementary School 15.69 County Board of Education County Crofton Meadows Elementary School 15.52 County Board of Education County Traceys Elementary School 15.32 County Board of Education County Cromwell Elementary School 15.20 County Board of Education County South Shore Elementary School 15.11 County Board of Education County Future School Site 15.08 County Board of Education County Glendale Elementary School 15.08 County Board of Education County Arnold Elementary School 15.08 County Board of Education County Millersville Elementary School 15.02 County Board of Education County Southgate Elementary School 15.00 County Board of Education County Anne Arundel County Board Of Education 14.95 County Board of Education County Folger Mckinsey Elementary School 14.95 County Board of Education

20 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category County Nantucket Elementary School 14.78 County Board of Education County North Glen Elementary School 14.73 County Board of Education County Ridgeway Elementary School 14.71 County Board of Education County Crofton Woods Elementary School 14.61 County Board of Education County Freetown Elementary School 13.99 County Board of Education County Maryland City Elementary School 13.97 County Board of Education County Solley Elementary School 13.81 County Board of Education County Belvedere Elementary School 13.72 County Board of Education County Oakwood Elementary School 13.66 County Board of Education County Edgewater Elementary School 13.52 County Board of Education County Woodside Elementary School 13.28 County Board of Education County Carrie Weedon Science Center 11.46 County Board of Education County Severn Elementary School 11.33 County Board of Education County Odenton Elementary School 11.28 County Board of Education County Pasadena Elementary School 10.70 County Board of Education County High Point Elementary School 9.99 County Board of Education County Riviera Beach Elementary School 9.42 County Board of Education County Chesapeake Bay Middle School 9.12 County Board of Education County Mayo Elementary School 7.28 County Board of Education County Linthicum Elementary School 7.21 County Board of Education County Belle Grove Elementary School 7.06 County Board of Education County Jones Elementary School 6.10 County Board of Education County Park Elementary School 6.00 County Board of Education County Severna Park Elementary School 5.96 County Board of Education County Pumphrey Elelmentary School 5.84 County Board of Education County Cedar Knolls Elementary School 5.83 County Board of Education County Student Service Center 5.48 County Board of Education County Davidsonville Elementary School 5.08 County Board of Education County Part of Brooklyn Park Elementary School 4.80 County Board of Education County Crofton Annex 4.49 County Board of Education County Day Care Center 4.48 County Board of Education County Richard Henry Lee Elementary School 4.08 County Board of Education County Brooklyn Elementary School 4.06 County Board of Education County Freetown Elementary School Property 3.29 County Board of Education County Ferndale Elementary School 2.20 County Board of Education County Part of Cromwell Elementary School 1.92 County Board of Education County 1 Acre of Gambrills 1.59 County Board of Education County Anne Arundel County Free School 1.40 County Board of Education County Central Elementary School 1.22 County Board of Education County Lot 6 of Galesville Estates 0.78 County Board of Education County Brooklyn Park Elementary School 0.57 County Board of Education County Broadneck SHS 0.28 County Board of Education County Whiskey Bottom Road 0.26 County Board of Education County Jessup 0.25 County Board of Education County Anne Arundel Community College 221.37 County Community College County Freetown Village 16.24 County Housing Commission County 18.2409 Acres of Meade Village 14.45 County Housing Commission County 7885 Gordon Court 10.21 County Housing Commission County 7.563 Acres of Burwood Gardens 7.53 County Housing Commission County 7900 Benesch Circle 6.27 County Housing Commission County 500 Stoney Hill Court 2.94 County Housing Commission County 1873 Robin Court 1.95 County Housing Commission County Oakleak Villas Conominiums 1.35 County Housing Commission County Oakleaf Villas open Space 0.99 County Housing Commission County 7914 Allegri Court 0.68 County Housing Commission County 7477 Baltimore‐Annapolis Blvd 0.50 County Housing Commission County 1730 Pleasantville Drive 0.42 County Housing Commission County 306 Juneberry Way 0.30 County Housing Commission County 308 Juneberry Way 0.27 County Housing Commission County 510 Hamlen Road 0.18 County Housing Commission County 1317 Chapelview Drive 0.17 County Housing Commission County 7852 Catherine Avenue 0.17 County Housing Commission County 112 West Hilltop Road 0.14 County Housing Commission County 7670 Cedar Drive 0.11 County Housing Commission County 8221 North Port Road 0.10 County Housing Commission County 1807 Loreley Road 0.09 County Housing Commission County Lot 946 of Ritchie Heights 0.07 County Housing Commission County 1807 Loreley Rd 0.05 County Housing Commission

21 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category County 1758 Carriage Lamp Court 0.03 County Housing Commission County 540 Meadowmist Way 0.02 County Housing Commission County Public ROW 13245.50 County Public Works County AACO/HNIG/SHCTR/GRNSPRNG 573.20 County Public Works County Millersville Landfill 550.64 County Public Works County Tipton Airport 403.90 County Public Works County Piney Orchard Flood Plains 213.39 County Public Works County Sudley Convenience Center 165.84 County Public Works County Tar Cove Golf Park 156.49 County Public Works County South River Colony Flood Plains 114.38 County Public Works County Anne Arundel County Wastewater Facility 109.78 County Public Works County Marley Station Mall 109.25 County Public Works County 97.33 Acres of Pine Village 95.44 County Public Works County Eagles Passages Flood Plains 85.47 County Public Works County Glen Burnie Land Fill 84.93 County Public Works County Hallmark Woods Open Space 68.94 County Public Works County Penderbrooke Flood Plains 64.58 County Public Works County Seven Oaks Flood Plains 59.69 County Public Works County Chestnut Ridge Open Space 58.64 County Public Works County 60.785 Acres of Millersville 57.65 County Public Works County 56.619 Acres of Davidsonville 56.50 County Public Works County Windmere Estates Flood Plains 50.04 County Public Works County River Creek Flood Plains 46.15 County Public Works County Cheval Trails Common Area 45.58 County Public Works County 39.4836 Acres of Glen Burnie (Arundel EXPY) 44.33 County Public Works County Rose Haven Inc Reserved Parcel 41.88 County Public Works County Wastewater Pump Station 41.10 County Public Works County 34.008 Acres of Glen Burnie 40.78 County Public Works County Camp Meade Right of Way 39.61 County Public Works County Wynnewood Flood Plains 37.84 County Public Works County Carr's Grant Flood Plains 37.27 County Public Works County 40.392 Acres of Severn 36.72 County Public Works County Arundel Mills Flood Plains 34.67 County Public Works County 37.276 Acres of Glen Burnie 33.87 County Public Works County Sandy Point Park Recreation Area 33.17 County Public Works County Patuxent Preserve Flood Plains 31.10 County Public Works County Ashby Lee Shepherd Property 30.80 County Public Works County Students Records Office 30.24 County Public Works County Piney Orchard Flood Plain/ Reserved Parcel 30.00 County Public Works County Hidden Woods II Flood Plains 28.62 County Public Works County Part of Annapolis (Pumping Station) 28.38 County Public Works County Electric Plant on Cox Creek 28.02 County Public Works County Warfield Flood Plains 27.60 County Public Works County Lothian Estates Flood Plains 25.85 County Public Works County 28.8424 Acres of South River 25.75 County Public Works County Ashley Flood Plains 24.69 County Public Works County Four Seasons Estates Flood Plains 24.21 County Public Works County Baltimore Commons Business Park Flood Plains 24.18 County Public Works County Villages of Dorchester Flood Plains 24.14 County Public Works County Lavall Flood Plains 23.76 County Public Works County Shipleys Choice Flood Plains 23.71 County Public Works County Keyes Farm Flood Plains 22.79 County Public Works County Carriage Hills Flood Plains 21.35 County Public Works County 15.99 Acres of Old South County 20.54 County Public Works County Baltimore Commons Bus Park 20.44 County Public Works County Whispering Woods Flood Plains 20.32 County Public Works County Asphalt Company 19.70 County Public Works County Foxhall Estates Flood Plains 19.65 County Public Works County Walden Flood Plains 19.48 County Public Works County Hi‐Lo 19.46 County Public Works County The Overlook Flood Plains 19.38 County Public Works County Dorsey Run Flood Plains 19.35 County Public Works County Crofton Commerce Center 19.28 County Public Works County Anne Arundel Academy 19.26 County Public Works County Aspen Park Flood Plains 19.22 County Public Works County Trevor Woods Flood Plains 19.15 County Public Works County The Courts of Four Seasons 19.09 County Public Works County Baymeadow Flood Plains 19.07 County Public Works

22 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category County Anne Arundel County Police Department 18.93 County Public Works County West County Library 18.80 County Public Works County Winding Brooke Open Space 18.21 County Public Works County Forked Creek Pumping Station 18.17 County Public Works County Russett Flood Plains 18.13 County Public Works County Old South Country Club Flood Plains 18.12 County Public Works County Saefern Flood Plains 17.90 County Public Works County Lothian Estates Open Space 17.88 County Public Works County Airport Square Tech Park Flood Plains 17.86 County Public Works County Harundale Flood Plains 17.43 County Public Works County Windsor Farm Flood Plains 17.21 County Public Works County Fairfield Estates Flood Plains 17.19 County Public Works County Fox Chapel Recreation Area 17.10 County Public Works County Broadneck Wastewater Treatment Plant 16.96 County Public Works County The Highlands Flood Plains 16.13 County Public Works County Harbor Hills Flood Plains 16.10 County Public Works County The Ridges Flood Plains 16.03 County Public Works County .5405 Acres of Holiday Mobile Estates 15.95 County Public Works County Eickelberry Woods Flood Plains 15.79 County Public Works County Sutphin Property 15.55 County Public Works County Fox Chase Flood Plains 15.09 County Public Works County Crofton Library 14.88 County Public Works County Withernsea Flood Plains 14.59 County Public Works County Seven Oaks Public Wetlands 14.45 County Public Works County Tanyard Springs Flood Plains 14.42 County Public Works County Merrywood Manor Flood Plains 14.35 County Public Works County Storm Water Management & Open Space Easement 13.97 County Public Works County Heritage Office Center 13.71 County Public Works County Howard Robson Incorporated 13.23 County Public Works County Crofton Farms Infrastructure Flood Plains 12.91 County Public Works County Greenock Flood Plains 12.75 County Public Works County Pathways Drug Treatment Center 12.75 County Public Works County Glen Burnie Flood Plains 12.72 County Public Works County Saltworks On The Severn Flood Plains 12.72 County Public Works County Herald Harbor 12.39 County Public Works County Crofton Commons Flood Plains 12.25 County Public Works County 9283 Sq Ft of Cape Saint Claire 12.20 County Public Works County Seton Woods Flood Plains 12.14 County Public Works County Village of Olde Mill Recreation Area 12.06 County Public Works County Rippling Estates Flood Plains 12.05 County Public Works County Lot 18 of East Arundel Crossing 12.03 County Public Works County Wastewater Pumping Station 12.01 County Public Works County Crofton Crest Flood Plain 11.98 County Public Works County Bay Country Flood Plains 11.89 County Public Works County Arundel Preserve Flood Plains 11.71 County Public Works County Brock Bridge Townhomes Flood Plains 11.64 County Public Works County Waterford Flood Plains 11.62 County Public Works County Hock Business Park Flood Plains 11.51 County Public Works County 10.80 Acres of Arnold 11.42 County Public Works County Swans Recreation Area 11.24 County Public Works County Baltimore Commons Bussiness Park Flood Plains 10.89 County Public Works County Saybrooke Flood Plains 10.79 County Public Works County West Annapolis Volunteer Fire Department 10.75 County Public Works County 10.94 Acres of Annapolis 10.63 County Public Works County Rainbow View Flood Plains 10.46 County Public Works County Lake Riviera Recreation Area 10.46 County Public Works County Severn Station Estates at Windswept Flood Plains 10.41 County Public Works County Bretton Woods Flood Plains 10.29 County Public Works County 9.31 Acres of Pasadena 10.27 County Public Works County Anne Arundel County Property Flood Plains 10.10 County Public Works County Steuart Station Open Space 10.08 County Public Works County Walden/Duckett Property 10.06 County Public Works County Brittingham Flood Plains 10.06 County Public Works County Lothian Woods Flood Plains 10.04 County Public Works County 1.40 Acres of Huckleberry Woods 10.03 County Public Works County 5.596 Acres of Piney Orchard 9.97 County Public Works County Canter Farms Flood Plains 9.95 County Public Works County Solley Road Parcel 9.94 County Public Works

23 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category County Annapolis Preserve II Flood Plains 9.89 County Public Works County Rutland Estates Flood Plains 9.83 County Public Works County West End Flood Plains 9.79 County Public Works County Bestgate Park 9.22 County Public Works County Brandon Woods Business Park Open Space 9.16 County Public Works County Ridgefield Recreation Area 9.11 County Public Works County Roland Hall Property Flood Plains 9.09 County Public Works County Town & Country SO II Flood Plains 8.95 County Public Works County Lot 2 of Rose of Annapolis 8.82 County Public Works County East Arundel Crossing Flood Plains 8.72 County Public Works County Hancock Pond 8.66 County Public Works County Cohansey Courts Condo Recreation Areas 8.61 County Public Works County 8.38 Acres of Churchton 8.49 County Public Works County Suburbia Flood Plains 8.28 County Public Works County Bembe Block 600‐3 8.25 County Public Works County Collinson Property Flood Plains 8.14 County Public Works County Hunters Pointe Flood Plains 7.85 County Public Works County Chesterfield Flood Plains 7.81 County Public Works County Harmans Woods Flood Plains 7.80 County Public Works County 5.538 Acres of Annapolis 7.68 County Public Works County Freetown Village Flood Plains 7.61 County Public Works County B & W Science & Ind Center 7.61 County Public Works County Severn Pines Flood Plains 7.58 County Public Works County Hardesty Estates Flood Plains 7.58 County Public Works County Academy Junction Plaza 7.43 County Public Works County Fairwood Flood Plains 7.41 County Public Works County North River Forest Flood Plains 7.39 County Public Works County Seven Oaks Flood Plains/ Green Space 7.29 County Public Works County Severn River Bike Trail 7.29 County Public Works County 16.675 Acres of Woodhaven 7.27 County Public Works County Office Park Condo 7.22 County Public Works County Spyglass Recreation Area 7.21 County Public Works County Riverdale Forest Flood Plains 7.17 County Public Works County Highlands Apartments Flood Plains 7.03 County Public Works County Rolling Hills Flood Plains 6.88 County Public Works County Campus Green Flood Plains 6.84 County Public Works County Tall Oaks Flood Plains 6.75 County Public Works County 6 Acres of Bestgate 6.69 County Public Works County Winchester Estates Flood Plains 6.64 County Public Works County Southern District Police Station 6.54 County Public Works County Aurora Hills Flood Plains 6.54 County Public Works County Severn Woods Flood Plains/ Wetlands 6.52 County Public Works County 6.092 Acres of Annapolis Junction 6.49 County Public Works County Staton Crossing Flood Plains 6.49 County Public Works County Kings Retreat Flood Plains 6.43 County Public Works County Steuart Station Flood Plains 6.40 County Public Works County Maryland City Pumping Station 6.30 County Public Works County SHA (Old Telegraph Road) Pumping Station 6.29 County Public Works County Brock Bridges Estates Flood Plains 6.23 County Public Works County Shipley's Choice Flood Plains 6.21 County Public Works County Linpro Harmans Property Flood Plains 5.96 County Public Works County Private Right Of Way 5.87 County Public Works County Ridgeway Manor 5.80 County Public Works County 5.85 Acres of Bestgate 5.78 County Public Works County Chestnut Ridge Flood Plains 5.66 County Public Works County Neil A Ridgell Property (Reserved Parcel) 5.64 County Public Works County Fourwinds Flood Plains 5.60 County Public Works County Crofton Park Flood Plains 5.54 County Public Works County Blue Ridge Farms Flood Plains 5.52 County Public Works County Olde Mill Village Flood Plains 5.49 County Public Works County Rippling Ridge 5.46 County Public Works County Riverdale Glen Flood Plains 5.45 County Public Works County Former Jacobsville Elementary School 5.45 County Public Works County 7.3459 Acres of Friendship 5.45 County Public Works County Bodkin Point Reserved Parcel 5.44 County Public Works County Conservation Area 5.43 County Public Works County Chrysalis House Inc 5.43 County Public Works County Chaneys Store 5.43 County Public Works

24 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category County Carriage Pines/ Lake Village Flood Plains 5.43 County Public Works County Eagle Hill Flood Plains 5.40 County Public Works County Shady Side Child Care and Social Services 5.39 County Public Works County Four Seasons Estates Recreation Area 5.31 County Public Works County Boulevard Park 5.31 County Public Works County 5.16 Acres of Harwood 5.28 County Public Works County 4.86 Acres of Millersville 5.27 County Public Works County Chapel Grove Flood Plains 5.27 County Public Works County Arundel Crossing West Flood Plains 5.26 County Public Works County Hillside Business Park Flood Plains 5.24 County Public Works County Harmans Woods Open Space 5.24 County Public Works County Sylvan Shores 5.22 County Public Works County 5 Acres of Davidsonville 5.19 County Public Works County Woods Landing Flood Plains 5.17 County Public Works County Waterford Storm Water Management 5.16 County Public Works County The Woods Flood Plains 5.15 County Public Works County West County Library Flood Plains 5.14 County Public Works County Beards Creek Estates Flood Plains 5.12 County Public Works County Devonshire Recreation Area 5.11 County Public Works County Patuxent Manor Flood Plains 5.10 County Public Works County Crownsville Hospital 5.07 County Public Works County Hardesty Estates Recreation Area 5.07 County Public Works County Lions Gate Flood Plains 5.05 County Public Works County 4.9344 Acres of MD RT 3 5.03 County Public Works County The Orchards at Severn Flood Plains 5.00 County Public Works County Southdown Estates Recreation Area 4.89 County Public Works County Ulmstead Cove Flood Plains 4.89 County Public Works County Idlewild Farm Flood Plains 4.87 County Public Works County Hawthorne Woods Flood Plains 4.82 County Public Works County Rolling Hills Recreation Area 4.75 County Public Works County Falcon Crest Flood Plains 4.74 County Public Works County Board of Child Care 4.73 County Public Works County Village of Olde Mill Flood Plains 4.73 County Public Works County Sames Property/Rutland Flood Plains 4.70 County Public Works County Priest Bdg Business Park Flood Plain 4.66 County Public Works County Maryland City Flood Plains 4.66 County Public Works County Rock Creek Landing Flood Plains 4.66 County Public Works County Indian Landing Estates Recreation Area 4.64 County Public Works County Cheval Trails Flood Plains 4.61 County Public Works County Crofton Village Recreation Area 4.61 County Public Works County Disney Estates Flood Plains 4.51 County Public Works County Shamrock Manor Flood Plains 4.50 County Public Works County Fox Chase Open Space 4.48 County Public Works County Rolling Knolls Recreation Area 4.44 County Public Works County Rustic Knolls Flood Plains 4.43 County Public Works County Davidsonville Gardens Flood Plains 4.38 County Public Works County Spring Meadows Condo Flood Plains 4.37 County Public Works County Sellman Subdivison Flood Plains 4.37 County Public Works County Valleywood Recreation Area 4.35 County Public Works County Carrollton Manor Flood Plains 4.34 County Public Works County Lot 1 of Rose Haven Inc 4.33 County Public Works County Martins Cove Farm Flood Plains 4.32 County Public Works County Severn Forest Flood Plains 4.29 County Public Works County Lewis H Kelly Junior Property 4.28 County Public Works County Broadneck Library 4.26 County Public Works County H & R Block 4.22 County Public Works County Airport Square Flood Plains 4.22 County Public Works County Cromwell Bus Park Area Flood Plains 4.21 County Public Works County Harmans Woods Recreation Area 4.13 County Public Works County The Provinces Flood Plains 4.12 County Public Works County Arnold Recreation Area 4.12 County Public Works County Oak Harbor Flood Plains 4.11 County Public Works County Hallmakr Woods Flood Plains 4.09 County Public Works County Greentree Flood Plains 4.08 County Public Works County Old County Estates Recreation Area 4.01 County Public Works County Webbs Corner Recreation Area 3.97 County Public Works County Harry S Truman Pkwy 3.97 County Public Works County Northern District Police Station 3.93 County Public Works

25 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category County Hunt Chapel Flood Plains 3.92 County Public Works County 4.071 Acres of Waterbury 3.88 County Public Works County Benfield Manor Flood Plains 3.87 County Public Works County 4 Acres of Pasadena 3.87 County Public Works County Bay Hills Recreation Area 3.82 County Public Works County Rutland/ Sames Property Flood Plains 3.82 County Public Works County Valleywood Flood Plains 3.81 County Public Works County Windermere Estates Flood Plains 3.77 County Public Works County Wedgewood Forest Recreation Area 3.77 County Public Works County Lake Village Flood Plains 3.76 County Public Works County Annapolis 3.72 County Public Works County Maple Ridge Flood Plains 3.66 County Public Works County Dorsey Road Wastewater Pump Station 3.66 County Public Works County Greenbriar Flood Plains 3.65 County Public Works County .48 Acres of Avalon Shores 3.65 County Public Works County Velmeade Flood Plains 3.61 County Public Works County Mil‐Bur Flood Plains 3.60 County Public Works County Riviera Beach Branch Library 3.59 County Public Works County Waverly Farm Flood Plains 3.59 County Public Works County Arden Farms Flood Plains 3.58 County Public Works County 3.357 Acres of Piney Orchard 3.56 County Public Works County Greens of Crofton Recreation Area 3.51 County Public Works County Nottingham Recreation Area 3.51 County Public Works County 3.47 Acres of Severn 3.50 County Public Works County Sillaman Estates Flood Plains 3.48 County Public Works County Betsy's Woods Flood Plains 3.48 County Public Works County Whippoorwill Estates Recreation Area 3.48 County Public Works County Point Field Landing Flood Plains 3.47 County Public Works County Farmington Village Flood Plains 3.47 County Public Works County Sandy Oaks Flood Plains 3.46 County Public Works County The Dales Flood Plains 3.45 County Public Works County Courts at Belle Pointe Flood Plains 3.44 County Public Works County Arrowhead Farm Estates Flood Plains 3.44 County Public Works County Brightleaf Recreation Area 3.42 County Public Works County Shawnee Estates Flood Plains 3.41 County Public Works County Mckinsey Woods Flood Plains 3.36 County Public Works County 2.97 Acres in Arnold 3.36 County Public Works County Villas at Severna Park Flood Plains 3.35 County Public Works County Royale Glen Flood Plains 3.35 County Public Works County Shannon Square Recreation Area 3.32 County Public Works County Heather Heights Flood Plains 3.31 County Public Works County Admirals Walk Flood Plains 3.30 County Public Works County Friendship Woods Flood Plains 3.30 County Public Works County Candle Ridge Storm Water Management Pond 3.30 County Public Works County Northridge Flood Plains 3.29 County Public Works County Marley Neck Industrial Park Streets 3.29 County Public Works County The Ridings Recreation Area 3.27 County Public Works County Turf Valley Recreation Area 3.25 County Public Works County Hallmark Woods Flood Plains 3.24 County Public Works County Shipleys Retreat Flood Plains 3.22 County Public Works County Crain West Flood Plains 3.18 County Public Works County Polyanski Property Flood Plains 3.18 County Public Works County Stradford Hall Flood Plains 3.18 County Public Works County 3.18 Acres of Odenton 3.17 County Public Works County Deale Public Library 3.15 County Public Works County Mckinsey park Flood Plains 3.14 County Public Works County Benton Terrace Flood Plains 3.11 County Public Works County 3 Acres of Pasadena 3.10 County Public Works County Chesapeake Overlook Recreation Area 3.10 County Public Works County Hunt Valley Estates Flood Plains 3.04 County Public Works County Dorsey Recreation Area 3.02 County Public Works County Razzano Property Flood Plains 3.01 County Public Works County Royale Glen Recreation Area 3.01 County Public Works County Porter Property 3.01 County Public Works County Lot 15 of West Severna Park 2.99 County Public Works County Amberley Flood Plains 2.98 County Public Works County K9 Training Facility 2.96 County Public Works County 3.201 Acres of Millersville 2.92 County Public Works

26 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category County Orchard Beach Volunteer Fire Department 2.92 County Public Works County Summerfield Flood Plains 2.92 County Public Works County Lot 43, 44, 55, 56 or 4 of Odenton 2.92 County Public Works County The Provinces Recreation Area 2.91 County Public Works County Forest Glen Flood Plains 2.91 County Public Works County Glen Square Senior Center 2.89 County Public Works County 2.71 Acres of Millersville 2.88 County Public Works County Severna Park Library 2.86 County Public Works County Parkwood Addition Recreation Area 2.83 County Public Works County 2.356 Acres of Wagner Brandon Shores 2.77 County Public Works County Woodbridge Forest Flood Plains 2.76 County Public Works County Meadow Woods‐Davidsonville Open Space 2.75 County Public Works County Spectec Flood Plains 2.68 County Public Works County Harundale Public Library 2.68 County Public Works County 2.727 Acres of Annapolis Neck 2.67 County Public Works County Lot 2 of Severna Park 2.67 County Public Works County Odenton Police Station 2.66 County Public Works County 2.681 Acres of Annapolis Junction 2.66 County Public Works County Long Point Flood Plains 2.65 County Public Works County Jester Property 2.64 County Public Works County Harting Property Flood Plains 2.64 County Public Works County Russett Pumping Station 2.62 County Public Works County Lot 10 of Gingerville Manor Estates 2.62 County Public Works County Former Pasadena Elementary School 2.61 County Public Works County Windermere Estates/ Forest Glen Recreation Area 2.61 County Public Works County Colonial Park Flood Plains 2.61 County Public Works County Monticello Flood Plains 2.60 County Public Works County Chatham Hills Flood Plains 2.60 County Public Works County Elvaton Towne Condo Flood Plains 2.59 County Public Works County Reserved Parcel for Parkway Corp Expansion 2.59 County Public Works County 3.419 Acres of Gambrills 2.58 County Public Works County Belhaven Woods Flood Plains 2.58 County Public Works County Curtis Bay Flood Plains 2.58 County Public Works County Stonegate Village Flood Plains 2.58 County Public Works County Village of Tall Pines Flood Plains 2.57 County Public Works County 2.86 Acres of Severna Park 2.56 County Public Works County Glen Burnie 2.56 County Public Works County Harbor Oaks Flood Plains 2.52 County Public Works County 2.63 Acres of Waterbury 2.51 County Public Works County Ridgeview Plaza Pumping Station 2.51 County Public Works County Country Club Manor Pumping Station 2.49 County Public Works County Crofton Walk‐In Pumping Station 2.48 County Public Works County Point‐O‐Woods Flood Plains 2.48 County Public Works County Glen Burnie Fire Station 2.48 County Public Works County Chapel Hill Flood Plains 2.47 County Public Works County Spencer Gardens Flood Plains 2.46 County Public Works County South River Colony 2.44 County Public Works County Strawberry Hills Flood Plains 2.43 County Public Works County Community Farms 2.43 County Public Works County 2.48 Acres of Glen Burnie 2.43 County Public Works County 2.361 Acres of Elvaton 2.41 County Public Works County 2.6 Acres of Crownsville 2.41 County Public Works County Kilmarnock Recreation Area 2.41 County Public Works County Brightwood Recreation Area 2.39 County Public Works County Arnold Pumping Station 2.37 County Public Works County Cedar Winds Farm Flood Plains 2.37 County Public Works County Laurel Highlands Common Area 2.35 County Public Works County Crosspointe Flood Plains 2.35 County Public Works County Scarlet Oaks Flood Plains 2.33 County Public Works County 1.467 Acres of St. Margarets 2.29 County Public Works County 2.298 Acres of Ben Oaks 2.29 County Public Works County Reserved Parcel 2.28 County Public Works County Tall Oaks Recreation Area 2.28 County Public Works County Crainmont Apartments Flood Plains 2.26 County Public Works County EPA 2.26 County Public Works County The Bluffs at Deep Creek Flood Plains 2.25 County Public Works County Nellis Corp/ Odenton Town Center 2.25 County Public Works County Ashbrook Flood Plains 2.24 County Public Works

27 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category County Country Place Recreation Area 2.24 County Public Works County Harmans‐Dorsey Fire Department 2.24 County Public Works County Woodfield Village Flood Plains 2.23 County Public Works County Bladen Flood Plains 2.23 County Public Works County Albert Landman Property Flood Plains 2.23 County Public Works County Garden View Homes Flood Plains 2.22 County Public Works County Wach LLC Arc Balt Sc Inc 2.22 County Public Works County County Fire Station 2.21 County Public Works County Indian Creek Estates Recreation Area 2.21 County Public Works County Maryland City Fire Department 2.21 County Public Works County Howard Manor Wetlands/ Flood Plains 2.20 County Public Works County Green Haven 2.20 County Public Works County Bristol Hill/ Herald Harbor Open Space 2.20 County Public Works County Villa Verdi Flood Plains 2.19 County Public Works County Parkway Corp Center Flood Plains/ Reserved Parcel 2.19 County Public Works County Twin Ridge Flood Plains 2.18 County Public Works County Odenton Flood Plains 2.17 County Public Works County Brookfield North Recreation Area 2.17 County Public Works County Park 100 Flood Plains 2.16 County Public Works County 2.13 Acres of Waterbury 2.16 County Public Works County Bountys View Flood Plains 2.14 County Public Works County Spyglass Flood Plains 2.14 County Public Works County Oakdale Recreation Area 2.13 County Public Works County Pennbrooke Flood Plains 2.12 County Public Works County Mountain Road Fire Station 2.11 County Public Works County Chestnut Ridge Recreation Area 2.10 County Public Works County Indian Creek Estates Flood Plains 2.09 County Public Works County Outing Park/ Green Haven Flood Plains 2.08 County Public Works County Daniel's Purchase Flood Plains 2.07 County Public Works County Willow Run Flood Plains 2.07 County Public Works County Cattail Manor Flood Plains 2.07 County Public Works County Maple Creek Flood Plains 2.07 County Public Works County Rustic Knolls Open Space 2.05 County Public Works County 1.313 Acres of Odenton 2.05 County Public Works County Hanover Hills Flood Plains 2.05 County Public Works County Wooded Valley Estates Recreation Area 2.05 County Public Works County Jessup Commuter Parking Lot 2.04 County Public Works County Hallmark Woods Recreation Area 2.01 County Public Works County Jones Station Fire Department 2.01 County Public Works County Harmans Woods South Flood Plains 2.01 County Public Works County Kadan Property Open Space 2.00 County Public Works County Severn Square Shopping Center 2.00 County Public Works County Oak Hill Flood Plains 1.99 County Public Works County Lochwood Recreation Area 1.99 County Public Works County Arundel Volunteer Fire Department 1.99 County Public Works County Academy Junction to County Li 1.98 County Public Works County Woodside View Recreation Area 1.98 County Public Works County North River Forest Open Space 1.96 County Public Works County Cape Anne Recreation Area 1.96 County Public Works County Glen Burnie Town Center 1.96 County Public Works County Briar Lea Recreation Area 1.96 County Public Works County Central Maryland FCA 1.96 County Public Works County Galway Bay Corporation 1.95 County Public Works County Brock Bridge Estates Open Space 1.95 County Public Works County Marley Neck Industrial Park Flood Plains 1.92 County Public Works County Woodlore Woods Flood Plains 1.91 County Public Works County Crofton Square Flood Plains/ Open Space 1.90 County Public Works County State Farm Insurance 1.90 County Public Works County 2.004 Acres of Severn 1.90 County Public Works County Shaw Commercial Center Flood Plains 1.89 County Public Works County Annapolis Commerce Park Flood Plains 1.89 County Public Works County Derby Farms Rec Area & Storm Water Management Pond 1.87 County Public Works County Russett Green Space 1.87 County Public Works County Rolling Knolls Recreation Area & Ponds 1.86 County Public Works County Rundelac Farm Open Space 1.86 County Public Works County 1.83 Acres of Millersville 1.86 County Public Works County Arundel Forest Flood Plains 1.85 County Public Works County Shipleys Choice Recreation Area 1.85 County Public Works

28 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category County 1.66 Acres of Severn 1.85 County Public Works County Winding Brooke Recreation Area 1.84 County Public Works County Selby Grove Flood Plains 1.84 County Public Works County Winding Brooke Flood Plains 1.83 County Public Works County Jessup Volunteer Fire Department 1.82 County Public Works County Hanover Right Of Way 1.80 County Public Works County Carrs Ridge Flood Plains 1.77 County Public Works County Saddle Ridge Flood Plains 1.75 County Public Works County Whispering Woods Flood Plains & Recreation Area 1.74 County Public Works County Williamstowne Flood Plains 1.73 County Public Works County Northwood Estates Flood Plains 1.71 County Public Works County Shawn Rush Property 1.71 County Public Works County Former WB & RR RW 1.71 County Public Works County Bright View Woods Recreation Area 1.70 County Public Works County Wethersfield Flood Plains 1.70 County Public Works County Harmans Woods Recreation Area & Storm Easement 1.70 County Public Works County Chapel Village Open Space 1.70 County Public Works County Marabrooke Recreation Area 1.70 County Public Works County Severna Forest Recreation Area 1.70 County Public Works County North Port Flood Plains 1.69 County Public Works County Andorick Acres Recreation Area 1.67 County Public Works County Southgate Village Recreation Area 1.67 County Public Works County Athlone hills Flood Plains 1.67 County Public Works County 1.781 Acres of Elvaton 1.66 County Public Works County Raintree Flood Plains 1.66 County Public Works County Chapman Property Flood Plains 1.66 County Public Works County Edgewood Terrace Flood Plains 1.66 County Public Works County The Peach Orchard Flood Plains 1.66 County Public Works County 1.63 Acres of Arnold 1.65 County Public Works County Mountian Road Fire Station 1.64 County Public Works County Cattail Passage Flood Plains 1.64 County Public Works County Sloop Cove Landing Flood Plains 1.63 County Public Works County 1.0918 Acres of Gotts ROW 1.62 County Public Works County Odenton Public Library 1.62 County Public Works County Lakewood Flood Plains 1.61 County Public Works County Herald Harbor Recreation Area 1.59 County Public Works County Millrace 1.59 County Public Works County Friends Choice Recreation Area 1.58 County Public Works County Meade Village Day Care Center 1.57 County Public Works County Jason's Landing Flood Plains 1.56 County Public Works County Conte Manor II Flood Plains 1.56 County Public Works County .317 Acres of Odenton 1.56 County Public Works County Twin Hills Flood Plains 1.55 County Public Works County Severn Village Recreation Area 1.55 County Public Works County Green Haven Flood Plains 1.54 County Public Works County College Manor Flood Plains 1.54 County Public Works County Severn Landing Flood Plains 1.53 County Public Works County 13110 Sq Ft of Parkway Industrial Center 1.53 County Public Works County Villa Bella Recreation Area 1.53 County Public Works County Colchester I Pumping Station 1.51 County Public Works County Crofton Square Flood Plains 1.51 County Public Works County 1.32 Acres of Annapolis 1.50 County Public Works County Glenwood 1.49 County Public Works County Stonecrest Flood Plains 1.48 County Public Works County Riviera Heights Flood Plains 1.47 County Public Works County Severndale Flood Plains 1.47 County Public Works County Jamestown On The Magothy Flood Plains 1.47 County Public Works County Marabrooke Flood Plains 1.45 County Public Works County Glen Eden Flood Plains 1.44 County Public Works County Gingerville Woods Recreation Area 1.43 County Public Works County Cross Creek at Compass Pointe 1.43 County Public Works County 1.405 Acres of Millersville 1.42 County Public Works County Point Field Landing Flood Plains/ Storm Drains 1.41 County Public Works County Burwood Village Center 1.40 County Public Works County .63 Acres of Southdown Shores 1.39 County Public Works County Harting Farm Recreation Area 1.39 County Public Works County Joseph J Hook Inc Flood Plains 1.38 County Public Works County Tanyard Springs Pumping Station 1.38 County Public Works

29 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category County Crainmont Apts & Village Square Road Bed 1.38 County Public Works County Chinquapin Crest Flood Plains 1.37 County Public Works County Chatham Hills Flood Plains 1.36 County Public Works County Whitehurst Pumping Station 1.35 County Public Works County Solley Fresh Water Pump 1.35 County Public Works County Alberta Heights Flood Plains 1.33 County Public Works County Solomons Ridge Reserved Parcel 1.32 County Public Works County Lambros Landing Estates Flood Plains 1.32 County Public Works County Cheval Trails Recreation Area 1.32 County Public Works County Harbor Valley Estates Flood Plains 1.31 County Public Works County Kingston Heights Recreation Area 1.30 County Public Works County North Shore Landing Flood Plains 1.30 County Public Works County Gartelmill Flood Plains 1.30 County Public Works County Hollyberry Woods Flood Plains 1.29 County Public Works County Sumac Fields 1.29 County Public Works County Woods of Elvaton Flood Plains 1.28 County Public Works County Big Cypress Creek Pumping Station 1.28 County Public Works County Brooklyn Park 1.27 County Public Works County Pasadena 1.26 County Public Works County Oak Hollow Recreation Area 1.25 County Public Works County Carrs Ridge Recreation Area 1.25 County Public Works County Bodkin Plains Flood Plains 1.23 County Public Works County Food Lion 1.22 County Public Works County 1 Acre of Hanover 1.22 County Public Works County Hillside Acres Recreation Area 1.20 County Public Works County Bentwillow Heights Recreation Area 1.20 County Public Works County Jeffcoat Property 1.18 County Public Works County Parole Pumping Station 1.17 County Public Works County Odenton Temple Site/ SWM Pond 1.17 County Public Works County The Villas at Rock Oak Condo 1.17 County Public Works County Kirk Property 1.16 County Public Works County Stripling Property 1.16 County Public Works County 1 Acre of Edgewater 1.16 County Public Works County Severn Landing Recreation Area 1.15 County Public Works County Cayuga Farms (New) Pumping Station 1.14 County Public Works County Capetowne Flood Plains 1.14 County Public Works County Magothy Meadows Flood Plains 1.14 County Public Works County Grande View Park Recreation Area 1.13 County Public Works County Eickelberry Woods Recreation Area 1.11 County Public Works County Augusta Acres Recreation Area 1.11 County Public Works County Winchester Farms Recreation Area 1.10 County Public Works County Hermitage Recreation Area 1.10 County Public Works County 1.89 Acres of Glenbrook 1.09 County Public Works County 1.89 Acres of Rider Sub 1.09 County Public Works County Cloverleaf Commons Flood Plains 1.08 County Public Works County Meadowoods‐Davidsonville Recreation Area 1.07 County Public Works County Lothian Estates Recreation Area 1.06 County Public Works County Ulmstead Gardens Flood Plains 1.06 County Public Works County Marley Pumping Station 1.06 County Public Works County 1.083 Acres of Glen Burnie 1.05 County Public Works County .967 Acres of Ritchie Highway 1.04 County Public Works County Sturbridge Open Space 1.04 County Public Works County Four Seasons EstatesFlood Plains 1.04 County Public Works County Bladen Storm Water Easement 1.04 County Public Works County Arundel Ridge Flood Plains 1.03 County Public Works County Woodside View Flood Plains 1.02 County Public Works County Lot 4 of Oakdale 1.01 County Public Works County Short Property Flood Plains 1.00 County Public Works County Derby Farms Recreation Area & SWM Pond 1.00 County Public Works County Lot 1 of Quarterfield Crossing 1.00 County Public Works County Meade Village 0.99 County Public Works County 1 Acre of Arundel Gardens 0.99 County Public Works County .835 Acres of Millersville 0.98 County Public Works County Revell Downs Flood Plains 0.98 County Public Works County Cayuga Farm Flood Plains 0.98 County Public Works County Bar Harbor Manor Recreation Area 0.98 County Public Works County Allwood Recreation Area 0.98 County Public Works County 2.70 Acres of Millersville 0.96 County Public Works

30 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category County Abandoned RR R/W 0.96 County Public Works County .5370 Acres of Barrington Manor 0.95 County Public Works County Priest Building Business Park Flood Plains 0.95 County Public Works County Maryland City Baptist Church 0.94 County Public Works County Alloway Flood Plains 0.94 County Public Works County Galesville Estates Recreation Area 0.93 County Public Works County Lot 16 of Harnesses Gardens 0.93 County Public Works County Rippling Estates Recreation Area 0.93 County Public Works County Arundel Gardens Recreation Area 0.92 County Public Works County Westbrooke Flood Plains 0.91 County Public Works County St. Margarets Farm Flood Plains 0.91 County Public Works County Cape St. Claire Fire Department 0.91 County Public Works County Clark Heights Flood Plains 0.90 County Public Works County Hillsmere Pumping Station 0.90 County Public Works County Hollyberry Woods Recreation Area 0.90 County Public Works County Linthicum Library 0.90 County Public Works County Rose Haven Pumping Station 0.89 County Public Works County Rutland Estates Recreation Area 0.89 County Public Works County The Woods Recreation Area 0.89 County Public Works County Pasadena Methodist Church 0.88 County Public Works County Keyes Farm Open Space 0.88 County Public Works County 1.176 Acres of Dorsey 0.88 County Public Works County Freshwater Pumping Station 0.87 County Public Works County .835 Acres of Elvaton 0.86 County Public Works County Lot 2 of Quarterfield Crossing 0.86 County Public Works County Shopping Strip 0.85 County Public Works County Golis Property 0.85 County Public Works County .824 Acres of Millersville 0.85 County Public Works County Round Bay III Pumping Station 0.84 County Public Works County Bay Hills Flood Plains 0.84 County Public Works County Tiffany Woods Recreation Area 0.84 County Public Works County Glen Burnie Industrial Park Flood Plains 0.83 County Public Works County .453 Acres of Chesapeake Centre 0.83 County Public Works County Clauss Property Flood Plains 0.83 County Public Works County Severna Park Gateway Villa Flood Plains 0.82 County Public Works County Belhaven Beach 0.82 County Public Works County .83 Acres of Pasadena 0.81 County Public Works County Oak Hollow Flood Plains 0.80 County Public Works County Parke West Flood Plains 0.78 County Public Works County Garland Storm Water Management Area 0.77 County Public Works County Coxbys Estates Recreation Area 0.76 County Public Works County .292 Acres of I‐97 0.75 County Public Works County Severndale 0.75 County Public Works County 1.002 Acres of W Pasadena Road 0.74 County Public Works County Franklin Manor Beach Recreation Area 0.74 County Public Works County Rock Creek Pumping Station 0.74 County Public Works County Parke West Recreation Area 0.74 County Public Works County Kings Ransom Open Space 0.73 County Public Works County Curtis Heights 0.73 County Public Works County Lot 58 of View Point Park 0.73 County Public Works County .7525 Acres of Crofton 0.73 County Public Works County John A Watts Property 0.73 County Public Works County Kadan Property Flood Plains 0.73 County Public Works County Quay Harbor Comm Condo Recreation Area 0.73 County Public Works County .76 Acres of Earleigh Heights 0.72 County Public Works County Old County Estates Storm Drains 0.71 County Public Works County Garland 0.70 County Public Works County Oakwood Village Condo Recreation Area 0.70 County Public Works County Pendennis Mount Storm Drains 0.70 County Public Works County Severn ROW 0.69 County Public Works County The Highlands Flood Plains/ Recreation Area 0.69 County Public Works County Fox Chase Recreation Area 0.69 County Public Works County Severn Crest Flood Plains 0.68 County Public Works County Maryland City Public Library 0.68 County Public Works County Annapolis Junction Pumping Station 0.68 County Public Works County Odenton Heights Recreation Area 0.68 County Public Works County Mayo Beach 0.67 County Public Works County Willowynd Flood Plains 0.67 County Public Works

31 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category County Patapsco Park 0.67 County Public Works County Xtramart 0.67 County Public Works County .18 Acres of Pasadena 0.67 County Public Works County Hollywood on Severn Recreation Area 0.66 County Public Works County Sun Valley Recreation Area 0.65 County Public Works County Waterbury Bike Trail 0.65 County Public Works County Morris Hill Recreation Area 0.64 County Public Works County Pathways Drug Treatment Center Flood Plains 0.63 County Public Works County Chelsea Beach Flood Plains 0.63 County Public Works County Capitol Hill Homes 0.63 County Public Works County Steuart Station Railroad Bed 0.62 County Public Works County Haskell Road Pumping Station 0.62 County Public Works County Northwood Estates Open Space/ SWM 0.62 County Public Works County Woods Church 0.61 County Public Works County Cape St. Claire Pumping Station 0.61 County Public Works County Ashburn Flood Plains 0.60 County Public Works County Wyatts Hill Flood Plains 0.60 County Public Works County Harundale Pond 0.60 County Public Works County Valley Road Pumping Station 0.60 County Public Works County Whippoorwill Estates 0.60 County Public Works County Lot 20 of Harnesses Gardens 0.60 County Public Works County Parkwood Recreation Area 0.59 County Public Works County Mallard Estates Flood Plains 0.59 County Public Works County Wilson Comm Ind Complex Flood Plains 0.59 County Public Works County Atlantis Sewage Pump 0.59 County Public Works County Charles Dijulio Property Flood Plains 0.59 County Public Works County Freetown Pumping Station 0.59 County Public Works County Severn Flood Plains 0.59 County Public Works County Kingston Heights Flood Plains 0.58 County Public Works County .59 Acres of Deale 0.58 County Public Works County North Linthicum Flood Plains 0.58 County Public Works County .515 Acres of Millersville 0.57 County Public Works County Blue Ridge Farms Recreation Area 0.57 County Public Works County Riviera Heights Storm Water Management Area 0.57 County Public Works County Rock Creek Landing Recreation Area 0.57 County Public Works County .68 Acres of Maryland City 0.57 County Public Works County Cos Grove Flood Plains 0.56 County Public Works County Chesapeake Overlook Open Space 0.56 County Public Works County Green Haven Storm Drains 0.56 County Public Works County Alloway Recreation Area 0.56 County Public Works County Brooklyn Heights 0.55 County Public Works County West Shady Side Pumping Station 0.55 County Public Works County Eagles Passages Open Space 0.55 County Public Works County Freetown Village Recreation Area 0.55 County Public Works County Glenbrook Flood Plains 0.55 County Public Works County Chartridge Flood Plains 0.54 County Public Works County .4298 Acres of Waterbury 0.53 County Public Works County Gardner Industrial Park Flood Plains 0.53 County Public Works County The Orchard Recreation Area 0.52 County Public Works County Grabowski Property Flood Plains 0.52 County Public Works County 22578 Sq Ft of Redbridge 0.52 County Public Works County Lot 10 of Kings Heights 0.52 County Public Works County Twin Oaks Recreation Area 0.51 County Public Works County Eden Brook Flood Plains 0.51 County Public Works County 7th Avenue Pumping Station 0.51 County Public Works County Cape St. Claire V Pumping Station 0.51 County Public Works County Hoy Property Flood Plains 0.50 County Public Works County The Knolls Flood Plains 0.50 County Public Works County 1 Acres of Pasadena 0.50 County Public Works County Point Pleasant Flood Plains 0.50 County Public Works County Long Point on Magothy Flood Plains 0.50 County Public Works County Linthicum Volunteer Fire Company 0.49 County Public Works County Marley Neck Pumping Station 0.49 County Public Works County Chartwell on Severn Flood Plains 0.49 County Public Works County National Business Park Pumping Station 0.49 County Public Works County Berrywood West Storm Water Management Pond 0.49 County Public Works County Lot 14 of Harnesses Gardens 0.48 County Public Works County Airport 100 Open Space 0.48 County Public Works

32 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category County .519 Acres of Odenton 0.48 County Public Works County Lot 22 of Harnesses Gardens 0.48 County Public Works County Cranberry Woods Flood Plains 0.48 County Public Works County Lot 13 of Harnesses Gardens 0.48 County Public Works County 17250 Sq Ft of Upper Magothy Beach 0.47 County Public Works County Lot 17 of Harnesses Gardens 0.47 County Public Works County Andover Estates Flood Plains 0.47 County Public Works County Lot 23 of Harnesses Gardens 0.47 County Public Works County Ridgeway Elementary School Well Site 0.47 County Public Works County Severna Forest Flood Plains 0.47 County Public Works County Bentwoods Recreation Area 0.47 County Public Works County .46 Acres of Lake Shore 0.47 County Public Works County Lot 21 of Harnesses Gardens 0.46 County Public Works County Lot 15 of Harnesses Gardens 0.46 County Public Works County Lot 15 of Champion Forest 0.46 County Public Works County Lot 18 of Harnesses Gardens 0.46 County Public Works County Lot 16 of Champion Forest 0.46 County Public Works County .488 Acres of Olde Mill Village 0.46 County Public Works County Lot 13 of Champion Forest 0.46 County Public Works County Lot 38 of Champion Forest 0.46 County Public Works County Lot 36 of Champion Forest 0.46 County Public Works County Lot 8 of Glen Burnie 0.45 County Public Works County Napora Property Open Space 0.45 County Public Works County Lot 35 of Champion Forest 0.45 County Public Works County Lot 14 of Champion Forest 0.45 County Public Works County Lot 37 of Champion Forest 0.45 County Public Works County Ulmstead Estates Flood Plains 0.45 County Public Works County Quarterfield Crossing Pumping Station 0.45 County Public Works County Lothian Recreation Area 0.44 County Public Works County Ridgeway 0.44 County Public Works County Harnesses Gardens Recreation Area 0.44 County Public Works County Trevor Woods Recreation Area 0.44 County Public Works County Boardley Lots 0.43 County Public Works County Cedar Point Road (Linstead II) Pumping Station 0.43 County Public Works County Shannon Square Flood Plains 0.43 County Public Works County Millfield Recreation Area 0.43 County Public Works County Lot 57 of Ridge Forest 0.43 County Public Works County Westholme Flood Plains 0.43 County Public Works County Baldwin Fund Property 0.43 County Public Works County Linthicum Recreation Area 0.42 County Public Works County Annapolis Roads Pumping Station 0.42 County Public Works County Coxby's Estate Recreation Area 0.42 County Public Works County .302 Acres of Severn 0.41 County Public Works County Jones Station Road Estates Flood Plains 0.41 County Public Works County Villa Toscana Flood Plains 0.41 County Public Works County Carrollton Manor I Pumping Station 0.41 County Public Works County Baymeadow 0.41 County Public Works County Schramms Crossing Pumping Station 0.40 County Public Works County Hillsmere I Pumping Station 0.40 County Public Works County Green Haven Recreation Area 0.40 County Public Works County Gerard Plaza Recreation Area 0.40 County Public Works County Shoreland Drive Pumping Station 0.39 County Public Works County Linthicum Heights 0.39 County Public Works County The Timbers Flood Plains 0.39 County Public Works County Scarlet Oaks Open Space 0.39 County Public Works County 2 Acres of Woodland 0.39 County Public Works County Woodgate Flood Plains 0.39 County Public Works County Osbourne Heights Recreation Area 0.38 County Public Works County Woodland Beach Pumping Station 0.38 County Public Works County Back Bay Beach Roads and Alleys 0.38 County Public Works County .330 Acres of Drury 0.38 County Public Works County Berrywood West Recreation Area 0.36 County Public Works County Sylvan Shores & Forest Add 0.36 County Public Works County Nancy Beier Property 0.35 County Public Works County The Courts of Four Seasons Open Space 0.35 County Public Works County Bay Ridge Widening Strip 0.35 County Public Works County Arundel on the Bay Vi Pumping Station 0.35 County Public Works County Aurora Hills Recreation Area 0.35 County Public Works

33 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category County Doris Drive Pumping Station 0.34 County Public Works County Chelsea Beach Storm Drain 0.34 County Public Works County Ferndale Farms 0.34 County Public Works County .3088 Acres of Gotts 0.34 County Public Works County Lipins Corner 0.34 County Public Works County Lombardee Beach Pumping Station 0.34 County Public Works County Country Club Estates Pumping Station 0.34 County Public Works County The Highlands Recreation Area 0.34 County Public Works County Round Bay I Pumping Station 0.33 County Public Works County Bike Trail 0.33 County Public Works County Cape Arthur III Pumping Station 0.33 County Public Works County Chartwell on the Severn Recreation Area 0.33 County Public Works County Sandalwood Flood Plains 0.33 County Public Works County Washington Crest Estates Flood Plains 0.33 County Public Works County Patuxent Glen Flood Plains 0.32 County Public Works County Herrington Harbor 0.32 County Public Works County Queens Park Flood Plains 0.32 County Public Works County Walden Open Space/ Recreation Area 0.32 County Public Works County Cape Arthur II Pumping Station 0.32 County Public Works County Carrs Ridge II (Carrs Wharf) Pumping Station 0.32 County Public Works County Martins Cove Farms Flood Plains 0.31 County Public Works County Ed Wayson Mobile Home Park Flood Plains 0.31 County Public Works County Part of Ventnor Forest 0.31 County Public Works County Lot 29 of Linthicum Heights 0.30 County Public Works County Cape St. John V Pumping Station 0.30 County Public Works County Shipleys Choice Pumping Station 0.30 County Public Works County Freetown Village Open Space 0.30 County Public Works County Manhattan Beach III Pumping Station 0.30 County Public Works County Bay Meadow Pumping Station 0.30 County Public Works County Howard Manor Right of Way Widening 0.30 County Public Works County Lot J of Woodholme 0.30 County Public Works County Twin Oaks Reserved Parcel (SWM) 0.30 County Public Works County Pasadena Flood Plains 0.29 County Public Works County Ben Oaks Pumping Station 0.29 County Public Works County Belvedere Beach Well Site 0.29 County Public Works County Part of Quarterfield 0.29 County Public Works County Carrollton Manor Road Beds 0.28 County Public Works County Franklin Manor Beach Right Of Way 0.28 County Public Works County New Cut Farms Flood Plains 0.28 County Public Works County Shannon Square 0.28 County Public Works County Valenzia Property 0.28 County Public Works County .252 Acres of Elvaton 0.28 County Public Works County Cape Anne Pumping Station 0.27 County Public Works County Lot 114 of Walden 0.27 County Public Works County Lot 2 of Odenton Acres 0.27 County Public Works County Bacontown Storm Water Management 0.27 County Public Works County Little Patuxent Pumping Station 0.27 County Public Works County .307 Acres of Crownsville 0.27 County Public Works County Holly Hill I (Ponder Cover) Pumping Station 0.26 County Public Works County Cape St. Claire VIII Pumping Station 0.26 County Public Works County 11340 Sq Ft of Glen Burnie 0.26 County Public Works County Waterview (Orchard Beach) Pumping Station 0.26 County Public Works County .2549 Acres of Edgewater 0.26 County Public Works County 14550 Sq Ft of Glen Burnie 0.26 County Public Works County .07 Acres of Ferndale Farms 0.26 County Public Works County Lot 1 of Sabrina Park 0.25 County Public Works County Arrowhead Farm Estates 0.25 County Public Works County Lot 126 of Margate 0.25 County Public Works County Ryan Woods Flood Plains 0.25 County Public Works County Lot 16 of Glen Garden 0.25 County Public Works County Capetowne Recreation Area 0.25 County Public Works County Russett Recreation Area 0.24 County Public Works County Magothy Forest Flood Plains 0.24 County Public Works County Stonehaven Pumping Station 0.24 County Public Works County Belvedere Heights Water Tower 0.23 County Public Works County Skiles Property Flood Plains 0.23 County Public Works County Norwich Acres Flood Plains 0.23 County Public Works County .09 Acres of St. Margarets 0.23 County Public Works

34 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category County Drain Line 0.23 County Public Works County Brittingham Pumping Station 0.23 County Public Works County Lot 127 of Margate 0.23 County Public Works County South River Colony Pumping Station 0.23 County Public Works County .3666 Acres of Pasadena 0.23 County Public Works County Hillsmere VII Pumping Station 0.23 County Public Works County Lot 128 of Margate 0.23 County Public Works County Sagamore Run Flood Plains 0.22 County Public Works County Riviera Beach Pumping Station 0.22 County Public Works County Lot 12 of Raynor Heights 0.22 County Public Works County Smugglers Cove Recreation Area 0.22 County Public Works County Lot 129 of Margate 0.22 County Public Works County Bay View Estates Recreation Area 0.22 County Public Works County Cape St. Claire III Pumping Station 0.21 County Public Works County Severn Pines Recreation Area 0.21 County Public Works County Old Jones Station Pumping Station 0.21 County Public Works County .28 Acres of Jacobsville 0.21 County Public Works County .230 Acres of Crownsville 0.21 County Public Works County Stoney Beach I Pumping Station 0.21 County Public Works County Lot 14 of Glenmore 0.21 County Public Works County Lot 81 of Pasadena 0.21 County Public Works County Lot 16 of Glen Gardens 0.21 County Public Works County Margate (Suburbia) Pumping Station 0.20 County Public Works County .16 Acres of Arnold 0.20 County Public Works County Wexford Flood Plains 0.20 County Public Works County Lot 164 of Ventnor 0.20 County Public Works County Bar Harbor Wharf 0.20 County Public Works County Lot 6 of Glen Gardens 0.20 County Public Works County Lot 4 of Glen Gardens 0.20 County Public Works County Lot 5 of Glen Gardens 0.20 County Public Works County Lot 2 of Glen Gardens 0.20 County Public Works County Dartmouth Pumping Station 0.20 County Public Works County Lot 3 of Glen Gardens 0.20 County Public Works County Lot 1 of Glen Gardens 0.20 County Public Works County New Cut Farms Pumping Station 0.20 County Public Works County Lot 56 of Glen Burnie 0.19 County Public Works County Law Office of Susan Demyan 0.19 County Public Works County Lot 54 of Glen Burnie 0.19 County Public Works County Stewarts Purchase Flood Plains 0.19 County Public Works County Brandon Woods Business Park Pumping Station 0.19 County Public Works County Lot 53 of Glen Burnie 0.19 County Public Works County Resthaven Pumping Station 0.19 County Public Works County Avalon Shores II ( Parish Creek) Pumping Station 0.19 County Public Works County Bar Harbor II Pumping Station 0.19 County Public Works County Patapsco Pumping Station 0.19 County Public Works County lot 38 of Glebe Heights 0.19 County Public Works County Rolling Knolls Flood Plains 0.19 County Public Works County .186 Acres of Jones Station 0.19 County Public Works County Cape St. John III Pumping Station 0.18 County Public Works County Seven Oaks Reserved Parcel & Wetlands 0.18 County Public Works County Round Bay II Pumping Station 0.18 County Public Works County Lerch Drive Pumping Station 0.18 County Public Works County School Gardens Recreation Area 0.18 County Public Works County Rippling Ridge Recreation Area 0.18 County Public Works County Lot 24 of Jenkins Manor 0.17 County Public Works County Upper Magothy Beach Storm Drain 0.17 County Public Works County Lot 4 of Herald Harbor 0.17 County Public Works County Part of Annapolis Cove 0.17 County Public Works County Freshwater Pump Station (Aquavilla) 0.17 County Public Works County The Village Flood Plains 0.17 County Public Works County Lot 400 of Sylvan Shores 0.17 County Public Works County Heritage Hill Condo Flood Plains 0.17 County Public Works County Marley Beach Park 0.17 County Public Works County Divinity Cove Pumping Station 0.17 County Public Works County Cabin Branch Pumping Station 0.17 County Public Works County Avalon Shores I Pumping Station 0.17 County Public Works County River Village at Russett Pond 0.17 County Public Works County Twin Harbors II Pumping Station 0.16 County Public Works

35 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category County Silver Sands Pumping Station 0.16 County Public Works County Harbor Valley Estates Pumping Station 0.16 County Public Works County Arundel Manor 0.16 County Public Works County Old Mill Road Pumping Station 0.15 County Public Works County .5466 Acres of Harmans 0.15 County Public Works County .2 Acres of Solley 0.15 County Public Works County Bay Ridge 0.15 County Public Works County Lot 8 of Selby on the Bay 0.15 County Public Works County .15 Acres of Arnold 0.14 County Public Works County Lot 49 of Cloverleaf Flood Plains 0.14 County Public Works County Pines on Severn 0.14 County Public Works County Pinehaven Pumping Station 0.14 County Public Works County Harris Heights Pumping Station 0.14 County Public Works County Belvedere Yacht Club Pumping Station 0.13 County Public Works County Arundel On The Bay Pumping Station 0.13 County Public Works County .075 Acres of Edgewater 0.13 County Public Works County .1273Acres of St. Margarets 0.13 County Public Works County Chestnut Hill Cove Pumping Station 0.13 County Public Works County Arundel on the Bay III Pumping Station 0.13 County Public Works County Ridgeway Pumping Station 0.12 County Public Works County Columbia Beach Pumping Station 0.12 County Public Works County Parole 0.12 County Public Works County Lot 72 of Herring Bay View 0.12 County Public Works County Lot 73 of Herring Bay View 0.12 County Public Works County Cedarhurst Pumping Station 0.11 County Public Works County Lot 264 of North Selby 0.11 County Public Works County Gravely Flood Plains 0.11 County Public Works County Lakeview (Belvedere Heights) Pumping Station 0.11 County Public Works County Lot 59A of Belhaven Beach 0.11 County Public Works County Lot 59B of Belhaven Beach 0.11 County Public Works County Anchorage I Pumping Station 0.11 County Public Works County Johnson Drive Pumping Station 0.11 County Public Works County Tyler Road Pumping Station 0.11 County Public Works County Lot 44 of Magothy Park 0.11 County Public Works County Drum Point Pumping Station 0.11 County Public Works County Chalk Point Pumping Station 0.11 County Public Works County Captain's Choice Recreation Area 0.10 County Public Works County Selby On The Bay IV Pumping Station 0.10 County Public Works County Lot 7 of Selby on the Bay 0.10 County Public Works County Snug Harbor Pumping Station 0.10 County Public Works County Green Haven II Pumping Station 0.10 County Public Works County .009 Acres of Elvaton 0.10 County Public Works County Glebe Heights II Pumping Station 0.10 County Public Works County Lot 59C of Belhaven Beach 0.10 County Public Works County Stoney Beach II Pumping Station 0.10 County Public Works County Glebe Heights I Pumping Station 0.09 County Public Works County Lot 219 of Glebe Heights 0.09 County Public Works County Cape St. John I Pumping Station 0.09 County Public Works County Lot 44,45 of Magothy Park 0.09 County Public Works County Selby On The Bay I Pumping Station 0.09 County Public Works County Valleywood Storm Drains 0.09 County Public Works County Perchi's Rotisserie Chicken 0.09 County Public Works County Tick Neck Road (Mountain Road) Pumping Station 0.09 County Public Works County Beverly Beach 0.09 County Public Works County Brittingham Open Space 0.09 County Public Works County Manhattan Beach II Pumping Station 0.09 County Public Works County Boones Trail (Linstead I) Pumping Station 0.09 County Public Works County Park Road Pumping Station 0.09 County Public Works County Westwood Manor Wetlands 0.09 County Public Works County Lot 61 of Marley Park Beach 0.08 County Public Works County Mount Pleasant Beach Pumping Station 0.08 County Public Works County Bay Drive Pumping Station 0.08 County Public Works County Deale Beach Pump Station 0.08 County Public Works County Wellham Heights Open Space 0.08 County Public Works County Owing Beach Pumping Station 0.08 County Public Works County Laurel Pumping Station Site 0.08 County Public Works County Lot 60 of Marley Park Beach 0.08 County Public Works County Lot 3 of Marley Beach Park 0.08 County Public Works

36 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category County Lot 301 of Brooklyn Park 0.08 County Public Works County Walnut Ridge Open Space 0.08 County Public Works County Lot 37 of Brooklyn Park 0.07 County Public Works County .0714 Acres of Ferndale 0.07 County Public Works County Lot 56 of Arundel Gardens 0.07 County Public Works County Mayo Beach Recreation Area 0.07 County Public Works County Lot 59 of Marley Park Beach 0.07 County Public Works County .411 Acres of Odenton 0.07 County Public Works County Elizabeth Landing Pumping Station 0.07 County Public Works County Lot 46 of Gray's Park 0.07 County Public Works County Lot 57 of Marley Park Beach 0.07 County Public Works County .108 Acres of Bay Breeze 0.07 County Public Works County Blue Ridge/ Crofton Meadows Flood Plains 0.07 County Public Works County Sandy Beach Pumping Station 0.06 County Public Works County Lot 55 of Arundel Gardens 0.06 County Public Works County Columbia Beach Pump Station 0.06 County Public Works County Lot 58 of Marley Park Beach 0.06 County Public Works County Villa Verdi Recreation Area 0.06 County Public Works County Lot 29 of Arundel Gardens 0.06 County Public Works County Bay Hills Pumping Station 0.06 County Public Works County Carrollton Manor II Pumping Station 0.06 County Public Works County Avalon Shores 0.06 County Public Works County Twin Harbors IV Pumping Station 0.06 County Public Works County Admiral Cochrane Drive Pumping Station 0.06 County Public Works County .06 Acres of Edgewater 0.06 County Public Works County Lot 55 of Marley Park Beach 0.06 County Public Works County Marley Avenue Pumping Station 0.06 County Public Works County Michaelton Manor Pumping Station 0.06 County Public Works County Lot 72 of Patapsco Park 0.06 County Public Works County Lot 106 of Patapsco Park 0.06 County Public Works County North Deale Pumping Station 0.06 County Public Works County Lakeland Pumping Station 0.06 County Public Works County Hidden Ridge Brightleaf Flood Plains 0.06 County Public Works County Lot 1110 of Upper Magothy Beach 0.06 County Public Works County Lot 911 of Upper Magothy Beach 0.06 County Public Works County Carrollton Manor Storm Drains 0.05 County Public Works County Lot 7 of Idlewild 0.05 County Public Works County Lot 4 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.05 County Public Works County Linthicum Oaks Recreation Area 0.05 County Public Works County Lot 52 of Marley Park Beach 0.05 County Public Works County Twin Harbors V Pumping Station 0.05 County Public Works County Lot 56 of Marley Park Beach 0.05 County Public Works County Lot 50 of Marley Park Beach 0.05 County Public Works County Lot 51 of Marley Park Beach 0.05 County Public Works County Lot 53 of Marley Park Beach 0.05 County Public Works County Cedar Road (West Severna Park) Pumping Station 0.05 County Public Works County Lot 7 of Severn Grove 0.05 County Public Works County Lot 35 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.05 County Public Works County Berrywood Pumping Station 0.05 County Public Works County Lot 54 of Marley Park Beach 0.05 County Public Works County Lot 7 of Fernglen Manor 0.05 County Public Works County Locksley Storm Water Management Easement 0.05 County Public Works County Lot 35 of Deale Beach 0.05 County Public Works County Bay Ridge VII Pumping Station 0.05 County Public Works County Lot 77 of Deale Beach 0.05 County Public Works County Deale Recreation Area 0.04 County Public Works County Fair Oaks Pumping Station 0.04 County Public Works County Cape St. Claire I Pumping Station 0.04 County Public Works County Manhattan Beach I Pumping Station 0.04 County Public Works County Conaways 0.04 County Public Works County Kckinsey Woods Pumping Station 0.04 County Public Works County Hillsmere VI Pumping Station 0.04 County Public Works County 1881 Sq Ft of Millersville 0.04 County Public Works County .05 Acres of Linthicum Heights 0.04 County Public Works County Krapish (Riva II) Pumping Station 0.04 County Public Works County Lot 398 of Clearwater Beach 0.04 County Public Works County Tydings Subdivision 0.04 County Public Works County Lot 3 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.04 County Public Works

37 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category County Lot 21 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.04 County Public Works County .0402 Acres of Severn 0.04 County Public Works County Carrollton Manor IV Pumping Station 0.04 County Public Works County Fiorenza Drive 0.04 County Public Works County Derby Farms Flood Plains 0.03 County Public Works County Twin Harbors I Pumping Station 0.03 County Public Works County Bay Dale Ridge Open Space 0.03 County Public Works County Lot A of Boardley Lots 0.03 County Public Works County Little Cypress Creek Pumping Station 0.03 County Public Works County Lot 397 of Clearwater Beach 0.03 County Public Works County Hillsmere II Pumping Station 0.03 County Public Works County Anchorage II Pumping Station 0.03 County Public Works County Hillsmere IV Pumping Station 0.03 County Public Works County Dedication Area/Pedestrian Path 0.03 County Public Works County Highland Beach 2 (Washington Ave) Pumping Station 0.02 County Public Works County Stoneybrooke Village Flood Plains 0.02 County Public Works County Cape St. John VI Pumping Station 0.02 County Public Works County Lot 2 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.02 County Public Works County Long Meadow Pumping Station 0.02 County Public Works County Sharon Drive (Sharonville) Pumping Station 0.02 County Public Works County Lot 36 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.02 County Public Works County Cape St. John II Pumping Station 0.02 County Public Works County Lot 396 of Clearwater Beach 0.01 County Public Works County Cape St. John VII Pumping Station 0.01 County Public Works County Arundel Hills Storm Drains 0.01 County Public Works County Brightwood Storm Drains 0.01 County Public Works County Lot 1 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.00 County Public Works County Severn Strip & Flood Plains 0.00 County Public Works County Hillsmere Estates 0.00 County Public Works County Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary 908.09 County Recreation and Parks County Annapolis City Prop/ Other Local Preserved Land 562.41 County Recreation and Parks County Rockhold Creek Farm 458.81 County Recreation and Parks County Glendening Nature Preserve 428.13 County Recreation and Parks County Magothy Greenway 383.30 County Recreation and Parks County Conservation Fund/ Other Preserved Open Space 353.82 County Recreation and Parks County Quiet Waters Park 340.50 County Recreation and Parks County Beverly Triton Beach Park 331.10 County Recreation and Parks County Oxbow Natural Area 312.14 County Recreation and Parks County Kinder Farm Park 285.99 County Recreation and Parks County Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Park 233.54 County Recreation and Parks County Downs Memorial Park 233.29 County Recreation and Parks County South River Farms Park 185.81 County Recreation and Parks County Stoney Creek Park 185.71 County Recreation and Parks County Camp Letts/ Other Presevered Open Space 182.31 County Recreation and Parks County Maryland City Park 181.73 County Recreation and Parks County Sands Road Park 181.66 County Recreation and Parks County Lake Shore Athletic Complex 169.28 County Recreation and Parks County Wooton/ Patuxent R. Greenway 135.59 County Recreation and Parks County Odenton Natural Area 131.47 County Recreation and Parks County Davidsonville Park 129.40 County Recreation and Parks County B & A Trail 110.01 County Recreation and Parks County Little Patuxent/ Patuxent R. Greenway 104.49 County Recreation and Parks County Ford/ Patuxent R. Greenway 101.69 County Recreation and Parks County Lake Waterford Park 99.22 County Recreation and Parks County Generals Highway Corridor Park 96.14 County Recreation and Parks County Bragers/ Patuxent R. Greenway 95.46 County Recreation and Parks County Broad Creek Park 92.04 County Recreation and Parks County 89.43 County Recreation and Parks County Berkshire/ Patuxent R. Greenway 83.72 County Recreation and Parks County Bacon Ridge Natural Area 80.49 County Recreation and Parks County Bell Branch Park 80.48 County Recreation and Parks County Kelly Ponds/ Patuxent R. Greenway 74.03 County Recreation and Parks County Beachwood Park 66.54 County Recreation and Parks County Smith/ Patuxent R. Greenway 64.45 County Recreation and Parks County Zarpas II/ Patuxent R. Greenway 63.51 County Recreation and Parks County Ruppert/ Patuxent R. Greenway 63.48 County Recreation and Parks County Severn Danza Park 60.34 County Recreation and Parks County Riva Area Park 59.81 County Recreation and Parks

38 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category County Jack Creek Park 56.02 County Recreation and Parks County Zarpas I/ Patuxent R. Greenway 54.76 County Recreation and Parks County Bachmans Sports Complex 53.92 County Recreation and Parks County Thomas Point Park 51.15 County Recreation and Parks County Patuxent Wetlands Park 49.12 County Recreation and Parks County Brewers Pond Natural Area 47.79 County Recreation and Parks County GORC Park 45.06 County Recreation and Parks County Provinces Park 44.61 County Recreation and Parks County Broadneck Park 43.40 County Recreation and Parks County Solleys Cove Park 41.74 County Recreation and Parks County Andover Park/ Equestrian Center 41.37 County Recreation and Parks County Solley's Cove Park 40.85 County Recreation and Parks County North Glen Park 38.75 County Recreation and Parks County West County Park 36.93 County Recreation and Parks County Sawmill Creek Park 36.08 County Recreation and Parks County Brandon Woods Park 36.08 County Recreation and Parks County Evans/ Patuxent R. Greenway 35.91 County Recreation and Parks County Southgate Old Mill Park 34.57 County Recreation and Parks County KMS Property/ Patuxent R. Greenway 32.82 County Recreation and Parks County Bachman Sports Complex 32.59 County Recreation and Parks County Priest Bridge 31.96 County Recreation and Parks County Elvaton Park 31.70 County Recreation and Parks County Meggars/ Patuxent R. Greenway 31.16 County Recreation and Parks County Loch Haven Park 30.80 County Recreation and Parks County Central Avenue Park 30.29 County Recreation and Parks County Peninsula Park 29.98 County Recreation and Parks County Homeport Farm Park 29.06 County Recreation and Parks County Cabin Branch Park 28.12 County Recreation and Parks County Queenstown Park 27.38 County Recreation and Parks County Cool Pond Park 26.60 County Recreation and Parks County Sunset Park 26.25 County Recreation and Parks County Hancocks Resolution Park 25.96 County Recreation and Parks County Tick Neck Park 25.30 County Recreation and Parks County North Arundel Aquatic Center 24.59 County Recreation and Parks County Cattail Creek Natural Area 23.66 County Recreation and Parks County Shady Cove Natural Area 22.90 County Recreation and Parks County Riverwood Park 22.84 County Recreation and Parks County Mayo Beach Park 22.81 County Recreation and Parks County Harmans Park 22.80 County Recreation and Parks County Brooklyn Heights Park 22.00 County Recreation and Parks County Piney Orchard Park 21.97 County Recreation and Parks County Waterbury Park 21.30 County Recreation and Parks County Freetown Park 21.15 County Recreation and Parks County Deale Tracys Park 20.86 County Recreation and Parks County Holt/ Patuxent R. Greenway 20.83 County Recreation and Parks County Bay Head Park 20.82 County Recreation and Parks County Jessup Dorsey Park 20.81 County Recreation and Parks County Bodkin Park 20.68 County Recreation and Parks County Randazzo Park 19.74 County Recreation and Parks County Overlook Park 19.52 County Recreation and Parks County Arnold Park 19.27 County Recreation and Parks County Cape Saint Claire Park 18.90 County Recreation and Parks County Edgewater Park 18.61 County Recreation and Parks County Kings Branch Park/ Davidsonville Elementary School 18.61 County Recreation and Parks County Meade Village Park 16.09 County Recreation and Parks County Shadyside Park 15.99 County Recreation and Parks County Jacobsville Park 15.92 County Recreation and Parks County Arundel Village Park 15.70 County Recreation and Parks County Davidsonville Family Rec Center 15.61 County Recreation and Parks County Brooklyn Park #1 14.55 County Recreation and Parks County Rock Creek Park 13.94 County Recreation and Parks County Pleasantville Park 13.83 County Recreation and Parks County Solley Park 13.43 County Recreation and Parks County Bacon Ridge Greenway 13.20 County Recreation and Parks County Riden/ Patuxent R. Greenway 13.12 County Recreation and Parks County Cypress Creek Park 12.98 County Recreation and Parks County Arundel Hills Park 12.50 County Recreation and Parks County Linthicum Park 12.18 County Recreation and Parks

39 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category County Londontown House & Gardens 11.89 County Recreation and Parks County Overlook Elementary School 11.70 County Recreation and Parks County Boradneck Park 11.59 County Recreation and Parks County Crownsville Park 11.30 County Recreation and Parks County Shipleys Choice Park 11.11 County Recreation and Parks County Twin Oaks Park 11.11 County Recreation and Parks County Sullivans Cove Natural Area 10.91 County Recreation and Parks County Londontown House & Gardens (Pumping Station) 10.45 County Recreation and Parks County Patuxent Ponds Park 9.47 County Recreation and Parks County Piney Orchard Marketplace 9.00 County Recreation and Parks County Jones/ Patuxent R. Greenway 8.89 County Recreation and Parks County Crofton Natural Area 8.72 County Recreation and Parks County Magovista Park 8.21 County Recreation and Parks County Snug Harbor Park 8.12 County Recreation and Parks County Jug Bay‐ Dorr Property 7.63 County Recreation and Parks County Towsers Branch Park 7.62 County Recreation and Parks County Bacon Ridge Greenway‐ Boehm Property 7.46 County Recreation and Parks County Old South Park 7.44 County Recreation and Parks County Sun Valley Park 7.27 County Recreation and Parks County Friendship Pond Park 7.09 County Recreation and Parks County Galesville Park 7.04 County Recreation and Parks County Arden Park 6.94 County Recreation and Parks County Cedar Hills Park 6.89 County Recreation and Parks County Glen Burnie Park 6.40 County Recreation and Parks County Jessup Park 6.14 County Recreation and Parks County Havenwood Park 5.86 County Recreation and Parks County Belvedere Park 5.86 County Recreation and Parks County Hammonds Park 5.73 County Recreation and Parks County Linthicum Walks 5.63 County Recreation and Parks County Churchton Park 5.44 County Recreation and Parks County South Shore Trail Headquarters 5.32 County Recreation and Parks County Jug Bay Park/ Krause Property 4.66 County Recreation and Parks County Bacontown Park 4.10 County Recreation and Parks County Sullivan Park 3.62 County Recreation and Parks County B & A Trail Park Headquarters 3.03 County Recreation and Parks County Forest Plaza Parole Greenspace 2.85 County Recreation and Parks County South County Recreation Center 2.80 County Recreation and Parks County Browns Woods Park 2.76 County Recreation and Parks County Highpoint Park 2.71 County Recreation and Parks County Herald Harbor Park 2.17 County Recreation and Parks County Freetown Village Recreation Area 2.04 County Recreation and Parks County Pumphrey Park 1.92 County Recreation and Parks County Capetowne Recreation Area 1.60 County Recreation and Parks County Holland Point Park 1.57 County Recreation and Parks County 1.205 Acres of Elvaton 1.39 County Recreation and Parks County Oak Hill Recreation Area 1.39 County Recreation and Parks County Riverside Park 0.99 County Recreation and Parks County Baymeadows Park Tennis Court 0.91 County Recreation and Parks County Galesville Wharf 0.86 County Recreation and Parks County Harmans Woods Recreation Area 0.77 County Recreation and Parks County Elizabeth Road Park 0.68 County Recreation and Parks County Old Riverside Play Area 0.59 County Recreation and Parks County Londontown Terrace 0.58 County Recreation and Parks County Hatton Green Park 0.44 County Recreation and Parks County Cabin Brach Park 0.42 County Recreation and Parks County Greenhaven Wharf 0.42 County Recreation and Parks County Bestgate Park 0.38 County Recreation and Parks County Wicklow Recreation Area 0.27 County Recreation and Parks County Turkey Point I 0.13 County Recreation and Parks County Shady Side Wharf 0.11 County Recreation and Parks County Carr's Wharf 0.10 County Recreation and Parks County Patapsco Park 0.06 County Recreation and Parks County Friendship Park 0.05 County Recreation and Parks County Cape St. Claire Park 0.04 County Recreation and Parks County Lot 32 of Beverley Beach 0.14 Other County Land Federal Coast Guard Yard 110.15 Coast Guard Yard Federal Fort Meade Military Reservation 4378.92 Fort Meade Federal Fort Meade Parking Lot 9.18 Fort Meade

40 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category Federal Patuxent Wildlife Refuge 8935.33 Other Federal Government Federal Public ROW 1012.88 Other Federal Government Federal Air Force Transmitter Station 920.92 Other Federal Government Federal Naval Academy Dairy Farm 851.35 Other Federal Government Federal Annapolis Naval Station 812.09 Other Federal Government Federal District Training Center 765.88 Other Federal Government Federal US Army Ordnance Depot 483.61 Other Federal Government Federal Baltimore Washington Science Center 23.56 Other Federal Government Federal Hock Business Park 20.44 Other Federal Government Federal Patuxent Enviromental Science Center 18.29 Other Federal Government Federal Fishing Creek Farm 10.52 Other Federal Government Federal Earleigh Heights Post Office 7.78 Other Federal Government Federal Annapolis Post Office 7.76 Other Federal Government Federal US Army Reserve Center 6.89 Other Federal Government Federal Airport Square Industrial Park 6.08 Other Federal Government Federal Millersville Post Office 4.86 Other Federal Government Federal Edgewater Post Office 3.38 Other Federal Government Federal 2.9615 Acres of Annapolis Junction 3.03 Other Federal Government Federal Crofton Post Office 2.63 Other Federal Government Federal Pasadena Post Office 2.39 Other Federal Government Federal National Business Park Reserved Parcel 1.90 Other Federal Government Federal Traceys Landing Post Office 1.46 Other Federal Government Federal .82679 Acres of Millersville 1.19 Other Federal Government Federal .97 Acres of Annapolis Junction 1.03 Other Federal Government Federal Brooklyn Park Post Office 0.52 Other Federal Government Federal .52 Acres of Annapolis Junction 0.50 Other Federal Government Federal .506 Acres of Annapolis Junction 0.44 Other Federal Government Federal Smithsonian Institution 2346.53 Smithsonian State BWI Airport 3049.08 BWI State 44.2929 Acres of Patapsco 50.14 BWI State 49.402 Acres of Hanover 45.86 BWI State BWI Plaza Association 32.69 BWI State Glenbrook 31.30 BWI State 27.37 Acres of Hanover 31.25 BWI State BWI Parking 25.86 BWI State 13 Acres of Hanover 19.50 BWI State 21.198 Acres of Harmans 19.48 BWI State BWi Employee Parking 19.12 BWI State Friendship Airport 13.32 BWI State 13.583 Acres of Ferndale 12.87 BWI State 12.22 Acres of Ridge Business Center 10.78 BWI State 11.148 Acres of Hanover 9.77 BWI State Homeland Park/ White Farm 9.39 BWI State 9.9183 Acres of Hanover 9.34 BWI State 7.7 Acres of Ridge Business Center 8.52 BWI State 5.299 Acres of Hanover 8.49 BWI State 12.31 Acres of Stoney Run Road 7.10 BWI State 4.915 Acres of Hanover 7.08 BWI State 9.214 Acres of Stoney Run 7.06 BWI State Homeland Park 6.95 BWI State 6.67 Acres of Hanover 6.58 BWI State 7.6196 Acres of Stoney Run 6.52 BWI State 5.9647 Acres of Friendship Airport 6.10 BWI State 5.2592 Acres of Hanover 5.94 BWI State 7.421 Acres of Harmans 5.77 BWI State 5.16 Acres of Ridge Business Center 5.55 BWI State 4.610 Acres of Friendship Airport 5.51 BWI State Lot 19 of Homeland Park 5.27 BWI State Pepco 4.92 BWI State 5 Acres of Hanover 4.85 BWI State BWI Rental Car Facility 4.67 BWI State 4.71 Acres of Hanover 4.61 BWI State Lot 23 of Homeland Park 4.57 BWI State 3.8 Acres of Stoney Run Road 4.33 BWI State Arundel Manor 3.80 BWI State .453 Acres of Hanover 3.65 BWI State 2.02 Acres of Ridge Road 3.61 BWI State 2.3075 Acres of Hanover 3.46 BWI

41 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category State 7.4596 Acres of Hanover 3.40 BWI State 2.60 Acres of Hanover 3.32 BWI State 2.643 Acres of Hanover 3.32 BWI State 3.09 Acres of Stoney Run Road 3.29 BWI State 2.394 Acres of Stoney Run 3.00 BWI State Lot 20 of Homeland Park 2.95 BWI State Reserved Parcel 2.91 BWI State 2.56 Acres of Ridge Road 2.88 BWI State 2.49 Acres of Hanover 2.78 BWI State Noise Abatement Program 2.74 BWI State 2.804 Acres of Stoney Run Road 2.71 BWI State 2.6 Acres of Hanover 2.57 BWI State Lot 24 of Homeland Park 2.53 BWI State 1 Acre of Hanover 2.52 BWI State 2.65 Acres of Stoney Run 2.43 BWI State 2.647 Acres of Hanover 2.41 BWI State 2.247 Acres of Hanover 2.37 BWI State 1.879 Acres of Stoney Run 2.36 BWI State Lot 2 of Bentwoods 2.13 BWI State Lot 15 of Homeland Park 2.12 BWI State Lot 4 of Bentwoods 2.09 BWI State Lot 17 of Homeland Park 2.06 BWI State Lot 6 of Friendship Airpark 2.05 BWI State 1.8459 Acres of BWI 2.03 BWI State 2.237 Acres of Dorsey 2.02 BWI State Lot 3 of Bentwoods 2.02 BWI State Mytych Property 1.96 BWI State 1.715 Acres of Hanover 1.92 BWI State Dowgalski Property 1.91 BWI State 1.8702 Acres of Hanover 1.91 BWI State 2 Acres of Friendsip Airpark 1.90 BWI State 2 Acres of Stoney Run 1.89 BWI State 1 Acre of Stoney Run 1.83 BWI State 1048 Acres of Hanover 1.81 BWI State 1.99 Acres of Stoney Run 1.78 BWI State 1.805 Acres of Dorsey 1.75 BWI State 2 Acres of Hanover 1.68 BWI State 1.8720 Acres of Stoney Run 1.66 BWI State 2.0298 Acres of Hanover 1.64 BWI State 1.33 Acres of Hanover 1.64 BWI State Ferndale 1.63 BWI State 1.27 Acres of Stoney Run 1.58 BWI State Lot 4 of Friendship Airpark 1.57 BWI State 1.353 Acres of Hanover 1.55 BWI State Stoney Run Rd 1.53 BWI State Lennox Park 1.52 BWI State 1.493 Acres of Hanover 1.48 BWI State 1.4 Acres of Hanover 1.47 BWI State Stoney Run Road 1.46 BWI State Cath Dowgalski Property 1.46 BWI State 1.73 Acres of Stoney Run 1.45 BWI State 1.15 Acres of Hanover 1.41 BWI State 1.352 Acres of Hanover 1.36 BWI State Lot 7 of Friendship Airpark 1.35 BWI State 1.32 Acres of Hanover 1.35 BWI State 1.334 Acres of Hanover 1.33 BWI State 1.238 Acres of Hanover 1.32 BWI State Lot 8 of Friendship Airpark 1.28 BWI State Lot 2 of Mytych Property 1.25 BWI State .948 Acres of Hanover 1.23 BWI State 1.6302 Acres of Stoney Run 1.18 BWI State 1.03 Acres of Hanover 1.16 BWI State 1.08 Acres of Hanover 1.16 BWI State 1.094 Acres of Hanover 1.09 BWI State Lot 5 of Dorsey 1.07 BWI State .828 Acres of Hanover 1.06 BWI State 1.25 Acres of Hanover 1.05 BWI State 1.698 Acres of Hanover 1.04 BWI

42 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category State 1.12 Acres of Stoney Run 1.03 BWI State Lot 5 of Bentwoods 1.02 BWI State 1 Acre of Glen Burnie 0.98 BWI State 1.02 Acres of Severn 0.96 BWI State 1.511 Acres of Glenbrook 0.95 BWI State .5 Acres of Hanover 0.91 BWI State .74 Acres of Hanover 0.89 BWI State 1.3 Acres of Hanover 0.86 BWI State .61 Acres of Hanover 0.85 BWI State 1.07 Acres of Severn 0.85 BWI State .7 Acres of Stoney Run 0.83 BWI State 7180‐7184 Ridge Road 0.79 BWI State Parkway Center II 0.79 BWI State 1.35 Acres of Hanover 0.75 BWI State .601 Acres of Ferndale 0.74 BWI State .749 Acres of Deep Creek 0.73 BWI State .8 Acres of Stoney Run 0.72 BWI State .535 Acres of Dorsey 0.71 BWI State .767 Acres of Ridge Road 0.71 BWI State .28 Acres of Hanover 0.71 BWI State .69 Acres of Hanover 0.70 BWI State .693 Acres of Hanover 0.70 BWI State .62 Acres of Hanover 0.69 BWI State .5 Acres of Stoney Run 0.69 BWI State Lot 2 of Friendship Manor 0.68 BWI State .859 Acres of Hanover 0.68 BWI State .654 Acres of Dorsey 0.67 BWI State 3950 Sq Ft of Stoney Run Road 0.66 BWI State .685 Acres of Hanover 0.63 BWI State Lot 1 of Carder Property 0.62 BWI State .48 Acres of Hanover 0.59 BWI State Plat of Carder Subdivision 0.58 BWI State Lot 5 of Carder Sub 0.57 BWI State .572 Acres of Hanover 0.57 BWI State Lot 37 of Lennox Park 0.57 BWI State .66 Acres of Hanover 0.56 BWI State .65 Acres of Hanover 0.56 BWI State .455 Acres of Hanover 0.55 BWI State .451 Acres of Mcpherson Station 0.54 BWI State .5 Acres of Mcpherson Station 0.53 BWI State .54 Acres of Hanover 0.53 BWI State .56 Acres of Hanover 0.51 BWI State .42 Acres of Dorsey Road 0.47 BWI State 20,539 Sq Ft of Hanover 0.46 BWI State Lots 55 & 56 of Lennox Park 0.46 BWI State Lot 105 of Dorsey 0.45 BWI State .387 Acres of Hanover 0.40 BWI State .449 Acres of Stoney Run 0.39 BWI State .497 Acres of Hanover 0.38 BWI State .418 Acres of Hanover 0.38 BWI State .353 Acres of Hanover 0.37 BWI State Lot 3 of Friendship Manor 0.35 BWI State Snowdentown 0.34 BWI State Lot 36 of Hanover 0.33 BWI State .336 Acres of Hanover 0.32 BWI State .39 Acres of Hanover 0.32 BWI State .246 Acres of Ridge Road 0.31 BWI State .3535 Acres of Hanover 0.29 BWI State Lot 13 of Friendship 0.28 BWI State Lot 16 of Friendship 0.28 BWI State Lot 15 of Friendship 0.28 BWI State Lot 14 of Friendship 0.28 BWI State Lot 9 of Friendship Manor 0.28 BWI State Lot 7 of Friendship Manor 0.27 BWI State Lot 11 of Friendship 0.26 BWI State Lot 6 of Friendship 0.26 BWI State lot 7 of Friendship 0.26 BWI State Lot 5 of Friendship 0.26 BWI

43 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category State Lot 8 of Friendship 0.26 BWI State Lot 4 of Friendship 0.26 BWI State Lot 10 of Friendship 0.26 BWI State Lot 9 of Friendship 0.26 BWI State Lot 4 of Friendship Manor 0.26 BWI State Lot 5 of Friendship Manor 0.26 BWI State Lot 6 ot Friendship Manor 0.26 BWI State .252 Acres of Mcpherson Station 0.25 BWI State .258 Acres of Hanover 0.25 BWI State Lot 1 of Friendship 0.24 BWI State .241 Acres of Mcpherson Station 0.24 BWI State Lot 19 of Friendship 0.24 BWI State Lot 56 of Lennox Park 0.23 BWI State Friendship 0.22 BWI State Ferndale Farms 0.05 BWI State Airport Marker 0.02 BWI State Severn Run State Park 1390.11 Other State Government State Crownsville State Hospital 1172.82 Other State Government State Patapsco State Park 809.49 Other State Government State 706.45 Other State Government State Maryland House of Correction 580.56 Other State Government State Franklin Point State Park 477.16 Other State Government State Severn Run Natural Enviroment Area 294.47 Other State Government State Properties 206.86 Other State Government State Patuxent River Natural Resource Management Area 181.66 Other State Government State Hawkins Point Marine Terminal 165.16 Other State Government State Patapsco Valley State Park 153.18 Other State Government State Patuxent River Park 147.26 Other State Government State Crownsville State Veterans Cemetary 106.85 Other State Government State Anne Arundel County Fairgrounds 73.04 Other State Government State Patuxent River NRMA 52.49 Other State Government State 100.321 Acres of Severn 50.38 Other State Government State 50.4 Acres of Clark Heights 49.94 Other State Government State Oxbow Natural Area 48.86 Other State Government State 26.6 Acres of Glen Burnie 26.22 Other State Government State 15.1 Acres of BWI 25.41 Other State Government State 36.77 Acres of Hanover 24.28 Other State Government State Park Area 23.98 Other State Government State 19.791 Acres of Crownsville 20.34 Other State Government State Westinghouse Oceanic Division 19.60 Other State Government State Jonas Green State Park 18.23 Other State Government State Severn 17.41 Other State Government State Maryladn Department of Transportation 14.29 Other State Government State 15 Acres of Annapolis 13.20 Other State Government State 12 Acres of Glen Burnie 11.37 Other State Government State Waxter Center 9.82 Other State Government State 9.839 Acres of Jessup 9.39 Other State Government State Secu Credit Union 8.97 Other State Government State 7.26 Acres of Ferndale Farms 7.36 Other State Government State Maryland Enviromental Services 6.05 Other State Government State Part of BWI 6.05 Other State Government State 4.0239 Acres of Raynor Heights 5.60 Other State Government State 4.996 Acres of Annapolis 5.29 Other State Government State Part of BWI Airport 5.25 Other State Government State Parking Lot for Building 5.12 Other State Government State Granite Construction Company 5.04 Other State Government State Long Hill Tower Site 4.87 Other State Government State 5.398 Acres of Marley Station Rd 4.84 Other State Government State 3.9301 Acres of Glen Burnie 4.73 Other State Government State Jessup 4.37 Other State Government State District Court of Maryland 3.95 Other State Government State Severn Park Area 3.90 Other State Government State 2.534 Acres of Odenton 3.03 Other State Government State Spring Meadows Condo, Building 26 2.85 Other State Government State 3.664 Acres of I‐97 2.60 Other State Government State VEIP Station 2.13 Other State Government State 1.627 Acres of Crownsville 1.84 Other State Government State 3.664 Acres of Benfield 1.45 Other State Government

44 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category State Parking Lot 1.41 Other State Government State Train Station Parking 1.29 Other State Government State Motor Vehicle Association 1.04 Other State Government State Millersville Extra Land 1.03 Other State Government State .93 Acres of Linthicum 0.95 Other State Government State 1 Acre of Pasadena 0.85 Other State Government State Amberly 0.75 Other State Government State Lot 8 of Tower Hill 0.59 Other State Government State .479 Acres of Jessup 0.57 Other State Government State .25 Acres of Brock Bridge Road 0.54 Other State Government State Lot 6 of Munson Heights 0.48 Other State Government State .5 Acres of Jessup 0.43 Other State Government State .33 Acres of Odenton 0.40 Other State Government State Lot 5 of Munson Heights 0.37 Other State Government State Lot 1 of Munson Heights 0.37 Other State Government State Lot 3 of Munson Heights 0.35 Other State Government State Lot 4 of Munson Heights 0.35 Other State Government State Lot 2 of Munson Heights 0.34 Other State Government State Lot 11 of North Beach Park 0.22 Other State Government State Lot 12 of North Beach Park 0.22 Other State Government State Lot 10 of North Beach Park 0.21 Other State Government State Lot 9 of North Beach Park 0.20 Other State Government State Lot 13 of North Beach Park 0.20 Other State Government State Lot 14 of North Beach Park 0.18 Other State Government State Patapsco Park 0.15 Other State Government State Tracys Landing 0.15 Other State Government State State 0.00 Other State Government State State Road 8272.70 SHA State 61.1 Acres of Laurel 65.32 SHA State 58 Acres of Laurel 52.31 SHA State McPherson Station 41.64 SHA State 44.195 Acres of Glen Burnie 39.80 SHA State Davidsonville 38.18 SHA State Lot 5 of Harry S Truman Parkway 35.47 SHA State 43.72 Acres of Fort Meade 34.69 SHA State 32.252 Acres of Hanover 33.47 SHA State 47.890 Acres of MD RT 32 31.39 SHA State Cromwell Bus Park Extra Land 26.04 SHA State Pasadena 24.29 SHA State 1.75 Acres of Hanover 23.97 SHA State Lot 5 of Lands of 1691 LTD PTNP 20.86 SHA State 17.9 Acres of Glen Burnie (Arundel Expressway) 20.53 SHA State Harmans Park 19.67 SHA State 2.69 Acres of Severn 19.01 SHA State .303 Acres of St. Margarets 18.34 SHA State 5.258 Acres of Harmans 15.07 SHA State Gambrills 14.20 SHA State 13.8 Acres of MD RT 32 14.20 SHA State .2293 Acres of Churchton 12.78 SHA State 14.71 Acres of Davidsonville 12.65 SHA State 2.351 Acres of MD RT 32 12.56 SHA State 16 Acres of Hanover 12.48 SHA State 10.77 Acres of Glenwood 12.15 SHA State 14.717 Acres of I‐97 12.12 SHA State Glen Burnie 12.05 SHA State 11.945 Acres of Cape St. Claire Road 11.98 SHA State District 5 Office & Annapolis Shop 9.54 SHA State 9.255 Acres of I‐97 9.18 SHA State Ridge View 8.81 SHA State 9.216 Acres of Millersville 8.70 SHA State .034 Acres of I‐97 8.66 SHA State 8.79 Acres of Pasadena 8.45 SHA State 8.1807 Acres of St. Margarets 8.43 SHA State Edgewater 7.39 SHA State 7.75 Acres of Glen Burnie 7.14 SHA State 8.363 Acres of I‐97 7.13 SHA State Lot 4 of Cloverleaf 7.08 SHA State 6.327 Acres of Elvaton 7.02 SHA

45 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category State 7.4 Acres of Revell Hwy 6.86 SHA State Lot 7 of Foxwell 6.75 SHA State 4.518 Acres of Lyons Creek 6.64 SHA State 7 Acres of Revell Hwy 6.34 SHA State 5.92 Acres of MD RT 100 6.00 SHA State 5.05 Acres of Severn 5.99 SHA State 5.6 Acres of Hanover 5.87 SHA State Parkway Inustrial Center 5.37 SHA State Lot 6 of Commons Corporate Center 5.21 SHA State .762 Acres of Revell Center 4.96 SHA State .829 Acres of Stewarts Corner 4.60 SHA State 3.572 Acres of Sunvalley 4.28 SHA State Parkway Indust Center II 4.19 SHA State Miller Property 4.08 SHA State Odenton Extra Land 3.99 SHA State Longshoremens Tract 3.89 SHA State Part of Transmission Line 3.81 SHA State Public ROW 3.80 SHA State 3.51 Acres of St. Margarets 3.75 SHA State Parkway Center II 3.50 SHA State .168 Acres of Brownshade 3.26 SHA State 3.23 Acres of MD RT 100 3.25 SHA State .492 Acres of Edgewater 3.22 SHA State 1.126 Acres of Extra Land in Millersville 2.98 SHA State Glen Burnie Bypass 2.97 SHA State .007 Acres of Lake Shore 2.92 SHA State 3.188 Acres of Defense Highway 2.90 SHA State .085 Acres of Wellsview 2.80 SHA State .003 Acres of Mountain Road 2.76 SHA State .31 Acres of I‐97 2.72 SHA State 3.768 Acres of Hanover 2.57 SHA State 2.33 Acres of Pasadena 2.46 SHA State 2.387 Acres of I‐97 2.35 SHA State 1.911 Acres of Ferndale 2.12 SHA State .966 Acres of Arundel Expressway 2.09 SHA State .0037 Acres of Fernglen Manor 2.09 SHA State Parkway Industrial Center II 2.08 SHA State Ferndale Farms 1.99 SHA State Cloverleaf WR/HSE & Bus Parking 1.97 SHA State 1.99 Acres of Wellsview 1.90 SHA State .308 Acres of Annapolis 1.88 SHA State .012 Acres of Waterworks 1.80 SHA State 125 Sq Ft of Edgewater 1.79 SHA State Parkway Industrial Center 1.65 SHA State 1.084 Acres of I‐97 1.64 SHA State Lot 2 of I‐97/ Henry Shinaberry 1.63 SHA State 1.612 Acres of Solomons Island Rd 1.61 SHA State 2.127 Acres of Hanover 1.61 SHA State 2940 Sq Ft of I‐97 1.57 SHA State .064 Acres of Wright Rd 1.57 SHA State 1.44 Acres of St. Margarets 1.56 SHA State .114 Acres of Odenton 1.55 SHA State Three Mile Oak Project 1.53 SHA State I‐68 1.52 SHA State Happy Hills Subdivision 1.50 SHA State 1.5 Acres of MD RT 100 1.47 SHA State 2 Acres of Penn Railroad 1.41 SHA State 1.498 Acres of I‐97 1.41 SHA State 1.379 Acres of Annapolis 1.40 SHA State 1.3977 Acres of Edgewater 1.39 SHA State 1.903 Acres of Severn 1.39 SHA State Ferndale Gardens Widening Strip 1.32 SHA State Lot 63 of I‐68 1.29 SHA State 1.411 Acres of MD 648 1.25 SHA State 1.659 Acres of Ritchie Hwy 1.18 SHA State 3.768 Acres of Ridge Road 1.18 SHA State Davidsonville Farmettes 1.17 SHA State Lot 20 of I‐97 1.15 SHA

46 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category State 1.514 Acres of I‐97 1.12 SHA State .017 Acres of Severn 1.12 SHA State .609 Acres of I‐97 1.09 SHA State .2 Acres of Edgewater 1.08 SHA State .8068 Acres of Severn 1.08 SHA State .646 Acres of Ferndale Farms 1.06 SHA State Lot 64 of North River Forest 1.06 SHA State Lot 3 of Oakdale 1.04 SHA State Southdown Shores Shopping Center 1.02 SHA State .482 Acres of Hanover 1.00 SHA State Lot 17 of MD RT 100 1.00 SHA State Lot 4 of Beaver Dam Hill 0.97 SHA State .697 Acres of St. Margarets 0.95 SHA State Lot 5 of Oakdale 0.95 SHA State 1425 Dorsey Road 0.94 SHA State .906 Acres of Parole 0.93 SHA State .872 Acres of Glen Burnie 0.92 SHA State Gambrills Extra Land 0.92 SHA State Lot 2 of Crystal Spring 0.91 SHA State .435 Acres of Telegraph Road 0.90 SHA State .019 Acres of Parole 0.89 SHA State .12 Acres of Gambrills 0.87 SHA State Sigma Towncenter Complex 0.87 SHA State .795 Acres of Loretta Heights 0.86 SHA State .941 Acres of I‐97 0.86 SHA State .584Acres of Laurel 0.85 SHA State .069 Acres of I‐97 0.85 SHA State Hammonds & Hollins Ferry Roads 0.85 SHA State 1.19 Acres of Arundel Expressway 0.85 SHA State Lot 6 of Oakdale 0.84 SHA State Lot 16 of Longshoremens Tract 0.83 SHA State .855 Acres of Glen Burnie 0.82 SHA State .033 Acres of Edgewater 0.81 SHA State 1.32 Acres of Jacobsville 0.78 SHA State .691 Acres of Hanover 0.77 SHA State .734 Acres of I‐97 0.75 SHA State .79 Acres of I‐68 0.74 SHA State 1.148 Acres of Severn 0.73 SHA State .751 Acres of Millersville 0.71 SHA State 13770 Sq Ft of I‐97 0.70 SHA State .069 Acres of MD RT 450 0.69 SHA State .019 Acres of Weems Creek 0.64 SHA State 1.41 Acres of Smith Station 0.63 SHA State .48 Acres of Mcpherson 0.62 SHA State Lot 2 of Munson Heights 0.62 SHA State .632 Acres of Waysons Corner 0.61 SHA State 1.256 Acres of Hanover 0.59 SHA State Glenfield 0.58 SHA State .0699 Acres of I‐97 0.57 SHA State East Park Village Recreation Area 0.56 SHA State .104 Acres of I‐68 0.56 SHA State .04 Acres of Annapolis 0.51 SHA State 3.779 Acres of Hanover 0.51 SHA State Lot 17 of Brownshade 0.50 SHA State Reserved Parcel 0.49 SHA State Lot 2, 5, 6 of Glenfield 0.49 SHA State .46 Acres of Benfield 0.48 SHA State .12 Acres of Crain Hwy 0.47 SHA State Burwood Ave 0.47 SHA State .5 Acres of Mcpherson Station 0.47 SHA State Lot 7 of Oakdale 0.47 SHA State .488 Acres of Pasadena 0.46 SHA State .610 Acres of Ferndale 0.44 SHA State Lot 42 of Centralia 0.44 SHA State .48 Acres of Benfield 0.44 SHA State Lot 4 of Fernglen Manor 0.43 SHA State 1.189 Acres of I‐97 0.43 SHA State Lot 3 of Munson Heights 0.42 SHA

47 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category State 4.123 Acres of Ridge Road 0.42 SHA State .314 Acres of Ferndale 0.42 SHA State Lot 12 of Brookfield North 0.42 SHA State James R. Sherman 0.42 SHA State Hugel Property 0.42 SHA State .68 Acres of MD RT 32 0.41 SHA State Lot 43 of Centralia 0.40 SHA State .17 Acres of Ferndale 0.40 SHA State .31 Acres of Gambrills 0.40 SHA State Lot 41 of Centralia 0.39 SHA State .354 Acres of Loretta Heights 0.39 SHA State Lot 33 of I‐97 0.39 SHA State Lot 2 of Cloverleaf 0.39 SHA State .367 Acres of Weems Creek Wellsview 0.38 SHA State .255 Acres of Longshoremens Tract 0.38 SHA State .111 Acres of I‐97 0.38 SHA State .405 Acres of I‐68 0.38 SHA State .279 Acres of I‐68 0.37 SHA State Aeronautical Radio Inc 0.36 SHA State .363 Acres of Hanover 0.36 SHA State .28 Acres of Glenwood 0.36 SHA State Lot 34 of Arundel Hills 0.35 SHA State .047 Acres of Merriweather 0.35 SHA State Lot 4 of Munson Heights 0.35 SHA State Kuczinski Property 0.35 SHA State Merriweather 0.35 SHA State Lot 6 of Munson Heights 0.34 SHA State Lot 28 of Merriweather 0.34 SHA State Lot 5 of Munson Heights 0.34 SHA State Lot 11 of Brookfield North 0.34 SHA State .14 Acres of Crownsville 0.33 SHA State Lot 3 of Glenfield 0.33 SHA State Lots 6‐11 of I‐97 0.33 SHA State Lot 74 of Rupert Manor 0.33 SHA State .277 Acres of MD RT 100 0.33 SHA State .906 Acres of Hanover 0.33 SHA State lot 106A of Parkway Industrial Center II 0.33 SHA State .346 Acres of I‐97 0.32 SHA State Lot 44 of Centralia 0.32 SHA State .309 Acres of extra land 0.32 SHA State Lot 30 of Rupert Manor 0.32 SHA State Lot 31 of Rupert Manor 0.31 SHA State Lot 4 of I‐97 0.31 SHA State J H Crandall 0.31 SHA State .356 Acres of I‐68 0.31 SHA State .57 of Ritchie Hwy 0.31 SHA State Lot 29 of Rupert Manor 0.31 SHA State .25 Acres of Edgewater 0.30 SHA State Lot 49 of Glen Burnie Park 0.30 SHA State .265 Acres of Parole 0.28 SHA State .011 Acres of Pasadena 0.27 SHA State .414 Acres of I‐97 0.27 SHA State Lot 3 of Fernglen Manor 0.27 SHA State Lots 1‐5 of I‐97 0.26 SHA State Lot 4 of Glenfield 0.26 SHA State Lot 77 of Rubert Manor 0.26 SHA State Lot 31 of Oakdale 0.26 SHA State A Serio Sub 0.26 SHA State .005 Acres of I‐97 0.26 SHA State Lot 1 of Glenfield 0.26 SHA State .205 Acres of MD RT 100 0.26 SHA State Lot 17 of Three Mile Oak 0.26 SHA State .361 Acres of I‐68 0.26 SHA State Lot 19 of Three Mile Oak 0.25 SHA State Lot 50 of Glen Burnie Park 0.24 SHA State Millersville Extra Land 0.24 SHA State Hanover 0.24 SHA State .165 Acres of Pasadena 0.24 SHA

48 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category State .0537 Acres of I‐97 0.24 SHA State Riverview Ave 0.22 SHA State .169 Acres of I‐68 0.20 SHA State .195 Acres of Loretta Heights 0.20 SHA State .31 Acres of I‐68 0.19 SHA State .184 Acres of Weems Creek 0.19 SHA State Storm Water Management Pond 0.18 SHA State Lot 8 of I‐97 0.18 SHA State East Glen Burnie 0.18 SHA State .171 Acres of I‐97 0.17 SHA State .203 Acres of I‐68 0.17 SHA State .2380 Acres of Edgewater 0.17 SHA State .134 Acres of I‐68 0.17 SHA State .0019 Acres of Parkwood 0.17 SHA State Lot 5 of Glenfield 0.17 SHA State .014 Acres of Parkwood 0.16 SHA State .077 Acres of I‐97 0.16 SHA State .01 Acres of Parkwood 0.16 SHA State Parkwood on I‐97 0.16 SHA State .22 Acres of I‐68 0.15 SHA State .284 Acres of Ferndale 0.15 SHA State .089 Acres of Hanover 0.15 SHA State 135 Sq Ft of I‐97 0.15 SHA State Defense Street 0.15 SHA State 1.21 Acres of Dorrs Corner 0.15 SHA State Parole Flood Plains 0.15 SHA State Sherman Property Flood Plains 0.13 SHA State .221 Acres of Ferdinand Heights 0.13 SHA State Lot 40 of Centralia 0.13 SHA State .082 Acres of Ferndale Farms 0.13 SHA State .7963 Acres of Millersville 0.13 SHA State .214 Acres of I‐97 0.12 SHA State .208 Acres of Ferndale Farms 0.11 SHA State .171 Acres of I‐68 0.11 SHA State Lot 139 of Parran Heights 0.11 SHA State .101 Acres of I‐97 0.10 SHA State Lot 137 of Parran Heights 0.09 SHA State .41 Acres of Harwood 0.09 SHA State Lot 33 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.09 SHA State Lot 34 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.09 SHA State Lot 108 of Parran Heights 0.09 SHA State Lot 138 of Parran Heights 0.09 SHA State .081 Acres of Severn 0.09 SHA State Lot 39 of Centralia 0.09 SHA State Lot 38 of Centralia 0.09 SHA State .04 Acres of MD RT 32 0.09 SHA State .097 Acres of I‐97 0.09 SHA State Lot 135 of Parran Heights 0.09 SHA State Lot 35 of MD RT 32 0.08 SHA State Lot 36 of MD RT 32 0.08 SHA State .120 Acres of Loretta Heights 0.08 SHA State Lot 136 of Parran Heights 0.08 SHA State Lot 34 of I‐97 0.08 SHA State Lot 6 of Glenfield 0.08 SHA State .086 Acres of Dorsey Road 0.07 SHA State Lot 37 of MD RT 32 0.07 SHA State .187 Acres of Ferdinand Heights 0.07 SHA State .156 Acres of I‐68 0.06 SHA State .183 Acres of MD RT 100 0.06 SHA State Lot 35 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 37 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 30 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State .082 Acres of Waysons Corner 0.06 SHA State .069 Acres of MD RT 648 0.06 SHA State .09 Acres of I‐68 0.06 SHA State Lot 32 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 14 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 15 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA

49 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category State Lot 39 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 45 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 16 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 17 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 46 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 18 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 19 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 44 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 20 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 21 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 22 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 13 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 23 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 47 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 43 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 24 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 31 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 25 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 26 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 27 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 42 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 40 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 41 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 48 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 28 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.06 SHA State Lot 29 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.05 SHA State Lot 49 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.05 SHA State Lot 50 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.05 SHA State Lot 51 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.05 SHA State Lot 38 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.05 SHA State Lot 36 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.05 SHA State Lot 52 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.05 SHA State Lot 53 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.05 SHA State .063 Acres of Hanover 0.05 SHA State Lot 54 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.05 SHA State Lot 12 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.05 SHA State 135 Sq Ft of Ferndale Farms 0.05 SHA State Wellham Ave 0.05 SHA State Lot 55 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.05 SHA State Lot 11 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.05 SHA State Lot 56 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.05 SHA State .0073 Acres of I‐68 0.04 SHA State .043 Acres of Extra Land 0.04 SHA State Lot 57 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.04 SHA State Lot 10 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.04 SHA State Lot 58 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.04 SHA State Glen Burnie Heights 0.03 SHA State Lot 1287 of Ferndale Farms 0.03 SHA State Lot 9 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.03 SHA State Lot 59 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.03 SHA State Lot 1288 of Ferndale Farms 0.03 SHA State .022 Acres of Hanover 0.03 SHA State Lot 109 of Parran Heights 0.03 SHA State Lot 60 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.03 SHA State Lot 8 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.03 SHA State Lot 1289 of Ferndale Farms 0.03 SHA State 840 Sq Ft of Glen Burnie 0.02 SHA State Lot 61 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.02 SHA State .039 Acres of Hanover 0.02 SHA State .011 Acres of MD RT 100 0.02 SHA State Lot 62 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.02 SHA State Lot 7 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.02 SHA State .42 Acres of Road 0.02 SHA State Lot 63 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.01 SHA State Lot 7 of Glenfield 0.01 SHA State .012 Acres of Mountain Road 0.01 SHA State Lot 64 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.01 SHA State Lot 65 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.00 SHA

50 Recycled Paper Owner Name Acres Major Category State Part of Lot 3 of Pasadena 0.00 SHA State Lot 66 of Glen Burnie Heights 0.00 SHA

51 Recycled Paper