Chemical Modifications for Intensity Variation and Spectrum Extension of Brazilein Extract from Sappanwood (Caesalpinia Sappan L.)
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MATEC Web of Conferences 156, 01020 (2018) RSCE 2017 Chemical Modifications for Intensity Variation and Spectrum Extension of Brazilein Extract from Sappanwood (Caesalpinia sappan L.) Edia Rahayuningsih1,*, Wiratni Budhijanto1, Hana Fitria Prasasti2, and Meyta Tias Wahyuningrum2 1Bioresource Engineering Group, Chemical Engineering Department, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Grafika 2 Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2Undergraduate Study Program, Chemical Engineering Department, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Grafika 2 Yogyakarta, Indonesia Abstract. Aqueous extract of sappanwood (Caesalpinia sappan L.) was treated using acid-base and mordant additions in order to expand the intensity and spectra of the colors. The colorant molecule of sappanwood was brazilein, which gained its color characteristics through its double bonds. The results of this study confirmed three basic mechanisms which formed the fundamental for systematic optimization of natural dye applications. Acid addition induced protonation of the hydroxyl groups in the brazilein structure so that the electrons were distributed in the molecule more evenly. Therefore, the color intensity was reduced. Basic treatment created deprotonation of the hydroxyl groups and hence localized the electron on several spots. This made the color of the extract shifted to deeper tones. The addition of mordant created more significant change in color spectrum through the mechanism of chelation to form coordinated complexes. Transitional metals from group 1 and 2 did not chelate strongly so that the spectrum shift was not very obvious. However, transitional metals from group 3 had strong chelating character and consequently they could strongly bind the dye molecules to increase its intensity and shift the spectrum towards deeper colors. 1 Introduction modern era with wider uses as food colorant p indicator, and dye-sensitied solar cell [2] The plant of sappanwood or “kayu secang” in Bahasa Indonesia Caesalpinia sappan L.) is considered a common plant in tropical region, including ndonesia t is known as medicinal plant with various enefits. The claim of its pharmacological effect ranges from anti- inflammatory up to cancer cell inhiitor [1]. The heartwood of this sappanwood Fig. is known as the source of railin ig. a and railein ig. b) the (a) Brazilin (b) Brazilein oxidated form of railin), which are both the active compounds in the wood to hae the pharmaceutical Fig. 2. tructure of railin and railein as the active benefits. compounds in sappanwood extract [3] Brailein color spectra cover the range of yellow- red depending upon the p of the solution and the mordanting agents used in the dyeing process [3], ] ordant is the chemicals added in the dyeing process to bind the chromophores into the tetile fiers. Besides fixation function, ordants, which are the salts of transition metals also play important role in changing Fig. 1. Shaved heartwood of sappanwood the depth of the color and creating various shades of the same origin [5]. According to the classic Reichs-Aussch Brailin is colorless, ut railein ears natural für Lieferbedingungen (RAL) system for color color widely used in tetile dyeing practices as water- standardization, the possible colors obtainable from soluble natural dye This natural color had een detected sappanwood extract are presented in Fig. 3. Both the in ancient farics to prove its attractieness as tetile spectrum and the intensity of the colors could be created dyes. Although it has een known and used for such a from the same original extract of sappanwood by long time its popularity still een increases into the changing pH and addition of metal ions of the mordant salts [5], [6]. * Corresponding author: [email protected] © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 ( MATEC Web of Conferences 156, 01020 (2018) RSCE 2017 using high speed liuid lender. xtraction was run at its optium conditions [7], which were preiously obtained with auadest as solvent using the concentration of solid in the solent of .00 g/L, with the mixing speed of rpm, and 0 inutes of etraction at constant o temperature of C. The second step was the improvement of the etract in term of its color spectrum Fig. 3. Classic RAL ystem for color standard and intensity y chemical modification using additives Two routes were tested for the chemical modification, any studies have been published regarding the which were acid-base reaction and cation reaction. application of natural dyes for arious uses 3], 6]. Chemical modification using acid-base addition ther studies focused on the optimiation of the was conducted to check the color characteristics under etraction procedure such as the rigorous methods to different p values [8]. or acidic pH, 5 L of citric separate brailin and railein 1], 2]. till limited acid or acetic acid both at 0.1 concentration) was numbers of studies were focused on the color added into 00 L of original etract while for asic characteristics of the natural dyes This paper presented a p, mL of sodium hydroide or calciu hydroide study on the effort to epand the intensity and spectra of solution both at .1 concentration) was added into the sappanwood extract The study aimed to define the 100 L of original extract ther type of additie tested effect of p and mordant salts in a systematic way so in this study was cation addition. olutions of u-Asetat that the prospectie users could decide which procedures gSO4, l2(SO4)3 and e4 were used as the provider to follow for their particular purposes of cations. fter the process with each method, the asorbance of the modified etract was quantitatively measured using V-Vis spectrophotometer. pectrophotometer 2 Research methodologies was chosen over chromometer ecause it offered wider and more flexile measureent range coverage of 2.1 Materials spectra The data were recorded as the asorbance measured at the optium wavelength for each color The raw material of sappanwood Caesalpinia sappan L spectrum, ie. the wavelength which gave the minimum was obtained from Beringharjo Market (ogyakarta in transmittance for a particular sample canning of the form of dried thin shaved wood. itric acid and optium wavelength was conducted y measuring the acetic acid were used for acid modification while sodium asorbance of each sample at various wavelengths. hydroxide was chosen for the asic treatment ll chemicals were obtained from erck at technical grades Impurities of the chemicals were not disturbing the accuracy of the color formation ecause the solutions 3 Results and discussions were quite diluted y water. or other variations of spectra four chemicals were also tested, ie. Cu-cetate 3.1 Acid-base modifications (Cu(CH3COO)2), gSO4, eSO4, and l2(SO4)3, which were all analytical grade from igma-Aldrich. 3.1.1 Addition of acids 2.2 Experimental set up According to the Classic RAL ystem, the color of the original etract was categoried as traffic red. Both acid The eperiments were carried out in laoratory scale addition, ie. acetic acid and citric acid, shifted the color batch stirred reactor euipped with mantle heater and category into dahlia yellow. The visual comparison of condenser ig. 4). the colors is presented in ig. 5. or more objectie comparison ig 6 presents the asorbance data of the original and modified extracts. The asorbance data in ig. 6 reeals that all etracts ehiits the highest asorbance at the same waelength i.e. 4 nm indicated y ertical line on ig. 6). This fact translates into more objectie interpretation than the visual observation, that acid 1. Thermometer 3. Batch reactor 5. Motor 7. Clamp 9. Stirrer addition does not change the spectrum of the color, 2. Mantle heater 4. Condenser 6. Holder 8. Electrical source although isually the colors look different The change caused y acid addition was actually on the intensity of the colors. ig. 6 shows that the addition of acids Fig. 4. Experimental set up significantly lowered the color intensity of the original etract The eperiments were run in two steps. The first step was brailein extraction from the shaved sappanwood which was blended first with the solent 2 MATEC Web of Conferences 156, 01020 (2018) RSCE 2017 a b c a b c d Fig. 7. isual comparison of original extract (a with Fig. 5. isual comparison of original etract a with the citric acid added etract 0.06 mL b), .15 L c, and citric acid added etract (b) and acetic acid added etract 0.30 L d) of citric acid into 10 L of original extracts (c a b c d Fig. 8. isual comparison of original extract a with acetic acid added etract 0.06 mL b), .15 L c, and 0.30 L d) of acetic acid into 0 L of original extracts 3.1.2 Base addition Fig. 6. The change of color intensity by acid addition into original extract of sappanwood based on UV-Vis The addition of ases into the original etract of absorbance data sappanwood gae totally different results from the acid additions. Both ases tested in this experiment ie. Both ig. and ig. 6 show that different acids a dan aOH)2, shifted the originally traffic red of (citric acid and acetic acid) did not cause different the original etract into ruby red. ig. 9 presents a isual spectrum or different intensity. This confirms that the comparison etween the original extract and the base- change of intensity y acid addition was caused y the added etract which used aH as the base The H+ protons so that different acyl (RCO- group addition of aOH)2 led to the same color change arrangement of the acids did not matter.