References Part I

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    ISÜN DA QIERCIA E TECHOLOCIA CNPo) CBPF CENTI1D BnASILEinO DE PESQUISAS FÍSIUAS Notas de Física CBPF-MF-039/87 WEAK INTERACTION PHYSICS: FROM ITS BIRTH TO THE ELECTROWEAK MODEL J. Leite Lopes RIO DE JANCIUO 1987 NOTAS DE FÍSICA c uma pró-publ icaçao d«; trabalho original em Física NOTAS DE FlSICA is a prrprinl: of original works tin published in Physics Pedidos de cópias desta publicação devem ser envi£ dos aos autores ou ã: Requests for copies of these reports should be addressed to: Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas Area de Publicações Run Dr. Xavier Si gaud, 150 - 49 andar 22.290 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ BRASIL ISSN 0029-3865 CBPF-HF-039/87 WEAK INTERACTION PHYSICS: FROM ITS BIRTH TO THE ELECTROWEAK MODEL** by J. Leite Lopes Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas - CNPq/CBPF Rua Dr. Xavier Sigaud, 150 22290 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brasil and Centre de Recherches Nucliaires, G7037 - Strasbourg, France *L)edicatetl to Kicardo Ferreira on the occasion of his 60— birthday. This is .m improved version of a paper umlci che title Lectures on weak interactions, with a clearer proof of the unitarity of charge conjuga- tion in Hilhcrt space (pases 22 to 24), CBPF-NF-039/87 ABSTRACT . A review of the evolution of weak interaction physics frcm its beginning (Fermi-Majorana-Perrin) to the electroweak model (Glashow -Weinberg-Salam). Contributions from Brazilian physicists are spe- cially mentioned as well as the first prediction of electroweak-u- nification, of the neutral intermediate vector boson ZQ and the first approximate value of the mass of the W-bosons.
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