In the Supreme Court of the State of Idaho James Verity
IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO JAMES VERITY and SARAHNA VERITY, husband and wife, Supreme Court Docket No. 45530-2017 Plaintiffs/Respondents, Ada County No. CVOC-20 16-6185 vs. USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Satellite Information Network, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company; KTVB, a division of King Broadcasting Company a Washington corporation; KGW, a division of Sander Operating Co. lll, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company; TAMI TREMBLAY, an individual; STEPHEN REILLY, an individual; and JO HN I JANE DOES, Defendants/Appellants. BRIEF OF AMICI CURIAE The Associated Press, The Hearst Corporation, and The Idaho Press Club Proposed additional amici: Adams Publishing Group, Advance Publications, The American Society of News Editors, BuzzFeed, The Center for Investigative Reporting, CNN, Dow Jones & Company, The E.W. Scripps Company, First Look Media, Forbes, Gray Television, The Idaho Statesman, Landmark Media Enterprises, The Medin Institute, Meredith Corporation, The National Association of Broadcasters, The News Media Alliance, The New York Times Company, POLITICO, The Reporters' Committee for Freedom of the Press, The Radio and Television Di2ital News Association, The Society for Professional Journalists, tronc, and The Wnshin2ton Post Appeal from the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of the State of Idaho, in and for the County of Ada, Honorable Melissa Moody, District Judge, Presiding Debora K. Kristensen Ronald R. Shepherd Kersti H. Kennedy SHEP LAW GROUP GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 1990 North Meridian Road 601 West Bannock Street Meridian, ID 83642 Boise, ID 83701-2720 Counsel for Respondents James Verity and Counsel for Appellants USA Today, KTVB, Sarahna Verity KGW, Tami Tremblay and Stephen Reilly Lee Levine Charles A.
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