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US010211400B2 (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 10 ,211 , 400 B2 Hawker et al. ( 45 ) Date of Patent: Feb . 19 , 2019 (54 ) PHOTOPATTERNED GROWTH OF (51 ) Int . Ci. ELECTRONICALLY ACTIVE BRUSH HOIL 51/ 00 ( 2006 . 01 ) POLYMERS FOR LIGHT EMITTING DIODE C09K 11 / 06 (2006 . 01) DISPLAYS (Continued ) (71 ) Applicants : The Regents of the University of ( 52 ) U .S . CI. California , Oakland , CA (US ) ; Rohm CPC . .. .. HOIL 51 /0035 (2013 . 01 ) ; C09K 11/ 06 and Haas Electronic Materials LLC , ( 2013. 01 ) ; HOIL 51/ 0043 ( 2013 .01 ) ; Marlborough , MA (US ) ; Dow Global ( Continued ) Technologies LLC , Midland , MI (US ) (58 ) Field of Classification Search CPC .. .. .. HO1L 51 /0035 ; HO1L 51 /0043 ; HOIL ( 72 ) Inventors : Craig J . Hawker , Santa Barbara , CA (58 ) Fieldof c . 51. .HOZZ /5072 ; HOLLHOIL 551 / 5088 ; HO1L 51/ 5206 ; (US ) ; Zachariah Allen Page , Goleta , CA (US ) ; Peter Trefonas, III, Medway , (Continued ) MA (US ) ; Anatoliy N . Sokolov , Midland , MI (US ) ; John Kramer , ( 56 ) References Cited Midland , MI (US ) ; David S . Laitar, U . S . PATENT DOCUMENTS Midland , MI (US ) ; Sukrit Mukhopadhyay , Midland , MI (US ) ; 6 ,423 , 465 B1 7 /2002 Hawker et al . Benjaporn Narupai, Goleta , CA (US ) ; 6 , 447 , 879 B19 / 2002 Sakurai et al . Christian Wilhelm Pester , Goleta , CA ( Continued ) (US ) OTHER PUBLICATIONS (73 ) Assignees : DOW GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES LLC , Midland , MI (US ) ; ROHM AND Choi et al. ; “ Simple Detachment Patterning of Organic Layers and HAAS ELECTRONIC MATERIALS Its Application to Organic Light- Emitting Diodes ” ; Adv. Mater. ; 17 , LLC , Marlborough , MA (US ) ; THE No . 2 ; Jan . 31 , 2005 , pp . 166 - 171 . REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY (Continued ) OF CALIFORNIA , Oakland, CA (US ) Primary Examiner — Su C Kim ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this ( 74 ) Attorney , Agent , or Firm — Cantor Colburn LLP patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U .
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