cover 7/3/02 10:00 AM Page 1 Marine Act 1988 Vessel operating Vessel operating and zoning rules and zoning rules for Victorian waters March 2001 INTRODUCTION Boaters can enjoy a wide range of waterways in Victoria, including large and small coastal embayments, coastal waters, lakes and water storages, and rivers. There are either general or specific operating and zoning rules for all waters in the State. These rules are approved by Marine Safety Victoria under section 15 of the Marine Act 1988. This booklet details the general and local rules in place for Victorian waterways. The rules are designed to provide a safe operating environment, to cater for the wide range of boating and water activities, to separate different activities where needed on the basis of safety, and to reflect local conditions. This document is a reproduction of Notice No. 1 made under section 15 and readers should be aware that the rules are subject to change. Any queries regarding the rules should be directed to— Marine Safety Victoria Level 11 Nauru House 80 Collins Street MELBOURNE Vic 3000 Telephone: (03) 9655 3399 Fax: (03) 9655 6611 Email:
[email protected] Web: Notice No. 1 Under S. 15(2) Marine Act 1988 (as published in the Government Gazette) Marine Act 1988 Notice No. 1 Under Section 15(2) NOTICE SETTING OUT CERTAIN RULES TO BE OBSERVED BY OPERATORS OF VESSELS AND OTHER USERS OF SPECIFIED STATE WATERS Notice is hereby given that the rules set out in this notice (in addition to any other obligations in the Marine Act 1988 or in regulations made under the Marine Act 1988 or any other Act) must be observed by operators of vessels and by other users of the specified State waters described in this notice, for the purposes of section 15(2) of the Marine Act 1988.